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A43596 The generall history of vvomen containing the lives of the most holy and prophane, the most famous and infamous in all ages, exactly described not only from poeticall fictions, but from the most ancient, modern, and admired historians, to our times / by T.H., Gent. Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641. 1657 (1657) Wing H1784; ESTC R10166 531,736 702

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chast life Infinite to this purpose are remembred by Fulgosius Marullus Albertus Cranzius c. as of Maria Desegnies Margarita Aegypta Cecilia Virgo K●n●gunda Augusta wife to Henry of that name the first Emperor 〈◊〉 espoused to Julianus Anti●chenus Stamberga the Niece of clo●ovius married to Arnulphus a noble Frenchman 〈◊〉 and others without number which is somewhat difficult 〈…〉 wedded bended boarded lien and lived together yet went as pure Virgins to their graves as they came first to their ●●adles Of these I may say as Ovid 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 Sh' abhorr'd the nuptiall bed and held it sin With modest blushes did the tender skin Of her fair cheek then to her father growes And her white arms about his neck she throwes And saith Deer Sir this one thing grant your child That I may live from lustfull man exil'd A voteresse 〈◊〉 Diana this desired And from her father had what she required I will produce one history or two at the most from our modern Histories and so cease further to speak of our married Virgins It is reported in the Legend That after Editha the daughter of Earl Godwin was married to King Edward otherwise called St Edward they mutually vowed betwixt themselves perpetual chastity and therein persevered to the end of their lives There continued in them saith the Legend a Conjugall love without any conjugall act and favourable embraces without any deflowring of Virginity for Edward was beloved but not corrupted and Editha had favour but was not touched she delighted him with love but did not tempt him with lust she pleased him with discourse and sweet society yet provoked him to no libidinous desire It is moreover in that Treatise recorded That they used to call marriage a shipwreck of Maidenhead comparing it to the fiery furnace of the Chaldaeans to the Mantle that Joseph left in the h●nd of a strumpet the wife of Potiphar to the lascivious outrage of the two wicked Elders who would have oppressed and vitiated Susanna the wife of Ioachim and lastly to the enticements of drunken Holo●ernes towards faire Judith one of the deliverers of her people And so much for the Legend But Richardus Davisiensis saith That being awed by Earle Godwin ●nd for the feare of hazarding his life and Kingdome Edward was compelled by threats and menaces to the 〈◊〉 of Editha Moreover Polidore 〈◊〉 That for the ha●e he bore her father who had not long before most tr●iterously slain his brother Alphred he caused himselfe to be divorced from her seizing her goods and dower to his own use and pleasure Ranulphus and one that 〈◊〉 himselfe Anonymos as willing to conceal his name say That she was disrobed of all her Queen-like honours and confined into the Abbey of Warnwel with only one maid to attend her and so committed to the strict custody of the Abb●sse William of Mal●sbury and Marianus Scotus have left remembred That he neither dismissed her his bed nor carnally knew her but whether it was done in hatred to her Kindred or purpose of chastity they are not able to determine Robert Fabian confesseth as much in his Chronicle Part. 6. cap. 210. Howsoever the effects of that abstemious life were not only prejudiciall but brought lamentable effects upon this distracted Kingdome namely Innovation and Conquest for Edward dying without issue England was invaded and opprest by the Normans and the people brought to that miserie that happy was that subject that could say I am no Englishman And in this agree Matthew Paris Capgrave Fabian and Polydore As I hold it not necessary for married folk to tie themselves to this strict kind of abstinence so I hold it not convenient for any such as have to themselves and in their souls taken upon them the strict life of Virginity to be compelled to an enforced marriage as may appea●●y this discourse following recorded by Gulielm ●●●sburien Simeon Danelmens Matthew Paris Roger Hoved●● Capgrave c. Henry the first of that name King of England and crowned in the year of Grace 1101 was by the instigation of Anselm once a Monk of Normandy but after by William Ru●us constituted Archbishop of Canterbury married unto Maud daughter to Malcolm the Scottish King she having taken a Vow and being a profest Nun in the Abbey of Winchester Much ado had the King her father the Queen her mother her Confessor Abbesse or the Bishop to alienate her from her setled resolution or perswade her to marriage but being as it were violently compelled thereunto she cursed the fruit that should succeed from her body which after as Polydore affirms turned to the great misfortune and misery of her children for afterwards two of her sons William and Richard were drowned by Sea Besides her daughter Maud who was afterwards Empresse proved an untortunate Mother and amongst many other things in bringing forth Henry the second who caused Thomas Becket to the slain it thus hapned All forreign wars being past and civill combustions being pacified in the year of our Lord 1120 Henry the first with great joy and triumph left Normandy and came into England But within few daies following this great mirth and jollity turned into a most heavy and fearfull sorrow for William and Richard his two sons with Mary his daughter Otwell their 〈◊〉 and Guardian Richard Earl of Chester with the Countesse his wife the Kings Neece many Chaplains Chamberlains Butlers and Servitors for so they are tearmed in the story the Archdeacon of Hereford the Princes play-fellowes Sir Geffrey Rydell Sir Robert Maldvyle Sir William Bygot with other Lords Knights Gentlemen great Heirs Ladies and Gentlewomen to the number of an hundred and forty besides Yeomen and Mariners which were about fifty all these saving one man which some say was a Butcher were all drowned together and not one of their bodies ever after found Many attribute this great Judgement to the heavy curse of Queen Maud others censure of it diversly Howsoever in this King as Polydore saith ended the Descent and Line of the Normans Of this Anselm before spoken of there are divers Epistles yet extant to many women in those daies reputed of great Temperance and Chastity as To Sister Frodelina Sister Ermengarda Sister Athelytes Sister Eulalia Sister Mabily and Sister Basyle To Maud Abbesse of Cane in Normandy and Maud the Abbesse of Walton here in England He writ a Treatise about the same time called Planctus amissae Virginitatis i. e. A bewailing of lost Virginity So far John Bale And so much shall serve for Chast wives in this kind being loth to tire the patience of the Reader Of Women Wantons DIon the Historiographer in Tiberio saith that Livia the wife of Augustus Caesar beholding men naked said to the rest about her That to continent and chast matrons such objects differed nothing from statues or images for the modest heart with immodest sights ought not to be corrupted The unchast eie more drawes
her Let me alone the tenement is mine own and I may lie where I list so long as I pay rent for the house Some few nights after comming home in the like tune and sitting asleep in a chair before the chimnie his wife being gone to bed presently the man fals into the fire the maid cries out to her Mistresse O mistresse my Master is falne and lies in the fire even in the midst of all the fi●e she lay still and turning her on the other side said so long as he paies rent for the house he may lie where he please But to more serious businesse for I have done sporting Of English Viragoes And of Joan de Pucil OF Guendoline the wife of King Locrine and daughter to Corinaeus Cuke of Cornwall I shall take more occasion to speak more at large in the discourse of the beautifull Estreld Elphleda was sister to King Edward before the conquest sirnam'd the fourth she was wife to Etheldredus Duke of Mercia who assisted her husband in the restoring of the City of Chester after it had been destroied and demolished by the Danes encompassing it with new wals he was Generall to the King in all his expeditions against the Danes in the last battell that he fought against them at a place called Toten Hall in Stafforshire he gave them a mighty overthrow but a greater at Wooddensfield where were slain two Kings two Earls and of the souldiers many thousands which were of the Danes of Nothumberland In this battel were the King and Elphleda both present Soon after this victory Etheldredus died and she governed many years after him in all Mercia or middle England except the two Cities of London and Oxford which the King her brother reserved to himselfe She builded many Cities and Towns and repaired others as Thatarn Brimsbury the B●idge upon S●vern Tamworth Liechfield Stafford Warwick Shrewsbury Watrisbury Edisbury in the Forrest besides Chester which is since utterly defaeced and destroied Also she built a Cily and a Castle in the North part of Mercia which then was called Runcofan and after Runcorn Thus far Ranulphus William de regib with others give her this noble Character This Lady having once assaid the throwes of childbirth would never after be drawn to have any carnall society with her husband alledging that it was not sitting or seemly for a woman of her degree being a Princesse a Kings daughter and a Kings sister to 〈◊〉 selfe to such wanton embraces whereof should 〈◊〉 so great pain and sorrow She tamed the Welchmen and in many conflict chased the Danes after whose death the King took the province of Mercia intirely into his own hand 〈◊〉 her daughter Elswina whom he led with him into West-Saxon Henricus lib. 5. hath left this Epitaph as a memoriall over her Tomb Oh Elphlede mighty both in strength and mind The dread of men and victoresse of thy kind Nature hath done as much as nature can To make thee maid but goodnesse makes the man Yet pity thou shouldst change ought save thy name Thou art so good a woman and thy same In that growes greater and more worthy when Thy seminine valour much out shineth men G●eat Caesars acts thy noble deeds excell So sleep in peace Virago maid farewell Muc● to this purpose hath Trevisa expressed these verses in old English Maud the daughter of Henry the fourth Emperour of that name after the death of her husband she bore the title of Maud the Empresse her father in his life time swore all the nobility to her succession but he being dead many fell from their oaths of Alleagiance adhering to Stephen Earl of Bullein who by the sisters side was Nephew to the deceased King He notwithstanding he had before sworn to her homage caused himselfe to be crowned at London upon St Stephens day by William Archbishop of Canturbury one that had before past his Oath of Alleapiance to the Empress Much combustion there was in England in those daies betwixt Maud and Stephen and many battel 's fought in which the successe was doubtfull the victory sometimes inclining to the one and again to the other the circumstances rather would become a large Chronicle then a short tractate I will therefore come to that which sorts best with my present purpose This Lady took the King in battell and kept him prisoner at Bristoll from Candlemas day to Holyrood day in harvest for which victory the people came against her with procession which was approved by the Popes legate From Bristol she came to Winchester thence to Wilton to Oxford to Reding and St Albans all the people acknowledging her their Queen and soveraign excepting the Kentish men only she came thence to London to settle the estate of the Land whither came King Stephen for her husbands delivery upon condition that Stephen should surrender the Kingdome up entirely into her hands and betake himselfe ever after to a sequestred and religious life But to this motion the Empresse would by no means assent the Citizens likewise intreated her that they might use the favourable lawes of S Edward and not those strict and severe Statutes and Ordinances devised and established by King Henry her father neither to this would the bold spirited Lady agree For which the people began to withdraw their affections from her and purposed to have surprized her of which she having notice left all her houshold provision and furniture and secretly conveied her selfe to Oxford where she attended her forces who were by this time dispersed and divided But taking with her her Uncle David King of the Scots she came before Winchester laying a strong siege to the Bishops Tower which was defended by the brother of King Stephen But now observe another another female warrior The wife of the imprisoned King being denied his freedome now takes both spirit and arms and associated with one William Iperus came with such a thundring terror to raise the siege that the hardy Empresse to give way to her pre●ent ●ury was from strength forced to s●e to stratagem for finding her powers too weak to withstand the incensed Queen she counterseited her selfe dead and as a Corse caused her body to be conveied to the City of Glocester and by this means escaped But Robert her brother was there taken prisoner and committed to safe custody Then the Queen emploied her selfe on the one part for the release of her husband and the Empresse on the other for the enfranchisement of her brother at length after long debating of the businesse it was determined by the mediators on both sides that Stephen should be restored to the Kingdome and Duke Robert to his Lordship and Earldome and both as they had disturbed the peace of the Land so now to establish it To this the Earl would not assent so that all that year there was nothing but spoile man-slaughter direptions and all manner of violence robbing of the rich and oppressing of
the poor The King upon Holy-Rood day was released and besieged the Empresse in the City of Oxford from Michelmas day to mid winter where being oppressed with famine she took the advantage of the Frost and Snow and attiring her selfe all in white escaped over the Fens and came to the Castle of Wallingford And so much shall suffice to expresse the magnanimity and warlike dispositions of two noble and heroick English Ladies A French Lady comes now in my way of whom I wil give you a short character In the minority of Henry the sixt when France which was once in his entire possession was there governed by our English Regents the famous Duke of Bedsord and others Charls the Dolphin stiled after by the name of Charls the seventh being a Lord without land yet at that time maintaining what hostility he was able whilst the English forraged through France at their will and commanded in all places at their own pleasure the French in utter despaire of shaking oft the English yoke there arose in those desperate times one Joane Are the daughter of James Are and his wife Isabel born in D●mprin This James was by profession a Shepherd and none of the richest Joane whom the French afterwards called Joane de Pucil whilst she was a young maid and kept her fathers sheep would report to divers That our blessed Lady S. Agnes and S. Katharine had appear'd unto her and told her that by her means France should regain her pristine liberty and cast off the yoke of English servitude This comming to the eare of one Peter Bradicourt an eminent Captain then belonging to Charls the Dolphin he used means that she should be sent to have conference with his master who sojourned then in Chynon in his lowest of dejection and despair of hope supply or comfort In her journie thither she came to a Town called Faire-bois where taking up her Inne a place which she had never before seen she desired a souldier to goe to a secret by-corner where was a heap of old iron and from thence to bring her a sword The souldier went according to her direction and searching the place amidst a great quantity of old tongs shovels hand irons and broken horse shooes found a faire bright sword with five Flower-Deluces upon either side engraven This sword with which she after committed many slaughters upon the English she girt to her and so proceeded to Chynon to give the Dolphin meeting Being there arrived Charls concealed himself amongst many others whilst he was brought into a faire long gallery where he had appointed another to take his place and to assume his person she looking upon him gave him neither respect nor reverence but sought out Charls among all the other in that assembly and pickt him from amongst the rest to whom making a low obeisance she told him that to him only was her businesse The Dolphin at this was amazed the rather because she had never before seen him and was somewhat comforted by reason that she shewed chear and alacrity in her countenance they had together long and private conference and shortly after she had an army given him to be disposed and directed by her She then bespake her selfe armor Cap a Pe bearing a white Ensign displaid before her in which was pourtraied the picture of the Saviour of the world with a Flower-de-luce in his hand and so marched to O●leance Her first exploit was fortunately to raise the siege and ●elieve the Town From thence she passed to Reams took the City and caused the Dolphin there to proclaim himselfe King and take upon him the Crown of France She after took Jargueux a strong Town and in it the Earl of 〈◊〉 with many other brave English Gentlemen She ●ought the great battell of Pathay with good successe in which were taken prisoners the Lord Talbot the scourge and terror of the French Nation the Lord Scales the Lord Hungerford with many others both of name and quality she took in Benveele Mehun Trois and divers other Towns of great import and consequence at length in a ca●●●ado or skirmish she was taken prisoner by Sir John of Entenburch a Burgonian Captain and sent to Roan The French Chronicles affirm that the morning before she was surprized she took the Sacrament and comming from Church told to divers that were about her that she was betraid her life sold and should shortly after be delivered up unto a violent death For Sir John gave a great sum of monie to betray her The English comming to invest themselves before Mondidier Joan was advised to issue out by Fla●y and skirmish with them who was no sooner out but he shut the gates upon her being taken she was sent to Peter Bishop of Bevoise who condemned her to the fire for a forceres●e which judgement was accordingly executed upon her in Roan in the Market place Twenty six years after Charls the King for a great sum of monie procured an annihilation of the first sentence from the Pope in which she was proclaimed a Vi●ago inspired with divine instinct in memory of whose vertuous life and unjust death he caused a faire crosse to be erected just in the place where her body was burned I return again to the English F●b●an and Harding speak of Emma sister to the Norman Duke called Richard who for her extraordinary beauty was called The flower of Normandy she was married to E●hel●ed King of England By 〈◊〉 heroick spirit and masculine instigation the King seat to all parts of the Kingdome secret and strict commissions That upon a day and hour assigned all these Danes which had usurped in the Land and used great cruelty should be slaughtered which at her behest and the Kings command was accordingly performed which though it after proved ominous and was the cause of much misery and mischiefe yet it shewed in her a noble and notable resolution O● Queen Margaret the wi●e of Henry the sixt her courage resolution and magnanimity to speak at large would ask a Volume rather then a compendious discourse to which I am strictly tied And therefore whosoever is desirous to be further instructed in the successe of those many battels fought against the house of York in which she was personally present I refer them to our English Chronicles that are not sparing in commending her more then woma●ish spirit to everlasting memory With her therefore I conclude my female Martialists And now me thinks I am come where I would be and that is amongst you faire ones Of faire Women IT is reported of a King that for many yeers had no issue and desirous to have an heire of his own blood and begetting to succeed in the throne upon his earnest supplication to the divine powers he was blessed with a faire son both of beauty and hope And now being possessed of what he so much desired his second care was to see him so educated that he might have as much comfort
a presumptuous security They shew it to the chiefe Commanders of Naxos who uniting themselves give the affrightned and unweaponed Miletians a sudden and unexpected a●laule and having slaughter'd many possesse themselves of the Castle But by Polycritas intercessive intreaties surprised Diognetus scapes with life And for this noble exploit of hers the glad Citizens running to meet her with shouts and acclamations every one bearing in his hand a Garland to receive her with those wreaths of honour Polycrita was so far extafi'd that her sudden joy ashe●ed a sudden death for as she stood amased at the gate she instantly tell down exanimated in which gate she was buried and her sepulchre called The Tomb of Envy because it is supposed that Fortune grew so envious of her merits that thus she robb'd her of her life that so she might 〈…〉 of her deserved honours And thus much speaks the history of the Naxians Aristotle affirms Polycrita was no captive but only that Diognetus having seen her he grew so far enamoured of her that to enjoy her he p●o●e●ed her any thing that was in his power to give She promises to yield to his desire if he will grant her the fruition of one boon which when he had confirmed to her by oath she demanded Delium to be surrendered up for the Castle was so called Diognetus being so much inchanted with her beauty and ●oreover bound by the religion of his vow delivered up to her and the Citizens the Castle Delium Of Queens and other Ladies for divers vertues memorable VVE read of other women for divers noble actions Illustrious Dominica the wife of the Emperor Valens when the Goths had threatned the utter subversion of Constantinople by her wisedome and discretion mediated with the enemy and was the sole means of the safety both of the people and City S●x Aurelius reports of Pompeia Plantina when her husband Julian the Emperor had with intollerable exactions oppressed the people insomuch that their discontents were ready to break out into rebellion this vertuous Princesse so far temporised with the Emperour that by her means they were released from all exactions and tributes Diaconus makes mention of Placidia the sister and wife of Honorius who in the yeare 412. when Ataulphus King of the Goths presented himselfe with an invincible army before the wals of Rome threatning utterly to subvert the City and after rebuild it again and instead of Rome to call it Gothia so wrought with the barbarous King by perswasions and promises that she turned his pride to pity and his immanity to mercy so that he departed thence without any assault made against the City or the least spoile do●e unto the Countrie Vollateranus speaks of Inguldis the sister of Childebert who being married to Hermagellus son to Lemigildus King of the Goths perswaded her husband then an infidell to be a true and constant professor of the Christian faith The like we read of Cleotilda Q of France who did the like good work upon her husband Clodoneus the son of Childerick Nor hath our own Nation been barren of good examples since Helena the mother of Constantine may in that kind claim equality if not preced●●cy before any As Rome afforded a Volumnia mo●her to Martius Corinlanus so England yeelded as eminent a Lady in all points the mother to Brennus and Belinus The first wh●n her son had worthily deserved of his Country even to the attaining of all military honours and as an addition to the rest for his 〈◊〉 service against the City of Coriolorus had the denomination of Coriolanus bestowed upon him by the publick suffrage of the Senate yet notwithstanding for all his merits and unmatchable exploits by which he purchased to himselfe the honour to be called Pater Patriae yet after by the ingratefull multitude who were ever emulous of any mans deserved greatnesse he was not only degraded from all his titles of dignity but had the doom of everlasting banishment denounced against him in revenge of which ingratitude having raised an army and invaded the Towns of the Roman Empire ready to invest himselfe before the quaking and affrighted City when they had first sent to him to make their attonement their Priests who by reason of their sacred offices were held in much reverence next their Augurers and South-sayers then the Aeditiae which were the Keepers of their Temples and last their Prophets but none of these prevailing as their last refuge the Roman matrons presented themselves before Volumnia the mother of Martius humbly intreating her to make intercession betwixt her sons rage and the imminent calamity This reverend Lady mov'd with their tears and acclamations accompanied with Virgilia the wife of Coriolanus and many other Noble matrons and damosels having before promised to plead in their behalfs as far as a miserable mother could claim interest in an injured son repaired to his Tent and casting themselves down at his feet humbly besought him of compassion the rear exprest in their faces and the sorrow in their habits cast upon the enemy a sudden reverence and silence when Volumnia with such feeling accents and moving Oratory mixed with tears besought the peace of the City that they made a reverent impression in the heart of Coriolanus who supporting his mother and advancing his wife from the earth brake out into this extasie Vicistis you have overcome me Thus by these excellent women all combustions of war were appeased a threatned misery prevented and a generall and safe peace setled in the commonweale Of no lesse remark was the wife of Mulmutius Dunwallo the son to Cloten Duke of Cornwall who as Fabian remembers of him having in great peace and tranquillity governed the Kingdom for the space of forty years and was after buried in a place by him before erected called the Temple of peace leaving the land equally divided betwixt his two sons Belinus and Berennus to Belinus the elder was allotted England Wales and Cornwall unto Brennus all the North parts beyond Humber who being a young man and desirous of honour not content with the Principality appointed him commenced against Belinus a fearfull war But as the two brothers were ready to joine battell the mother presented her selfe betwixt the armies exposing her bodie to their opposite weapons shewing the breasts that gave them suck and with noble admonitions and motherly perswasions so mollified the hearts of the incensed Princes that all civill and seditious war laid aside they entered a friendly and brotherly league which was so established in the reverend vertues of the mother that it was never after violated in all their life times after With what condign honours is Queen Marcias memory worthy to be celebrated who being the wife to Guinthetinus King of Britain the son of Gurgunscius was in those daies of that excellent learning and knowledge that she devised many profitable and wholsome lawes to the benefit of the Common-wealth which
they proposed unto us honest rules and examples among which this was one That every man should have inspection into his own and guide himselfe by that compasse I verily beleeve she is matchlesse above all other women and deservedly to merit that character you have given her but withall I beseech you that you will not perswade me to any thing which is not lawfull At these words the King seemed to be displeased and repli'd Be confident O Gyg●s and neither distrust me in so perswading thee nor my wife who is altogether ignorant of what I intend since from neither of us any damage or detriment no not so much as the least displeasure can arise for first I have devised that she shall not know nor once suspect that thou hast beheld her for I will order it that thou shalt be secretly conveied into the chamber and unseen behold every passage of her making unready and comming to bed Now when thou hast freely surveied her in every part and lineament and spiest her back towards thee convey thy selfe out of the room only in this be carefull that at thy removing she cast no eie upon thee This done the next morning give me thy free and true censure Gyges that could by no means avoid his importunity was prepared against the time The King according to his accustomed hour conveys himselfe into his chamb●● and so to bed the Queen soon after entring ●●poils her selfe of all her 〈◊〉 and ornaments even to her 〈◊〉 all which Gyges was spectator of who no soner spied her back 〈◊〉 to go towards bed but Gyges slips from the place where he was hid which was not so cu●●ingly done ●ut he 〈◊〉 espied by the Queen she demanding the reason of it from her husband and ne certifying the truth but 〈◊〉 what modesty he could excusing it she neither seemed to be angry nor a ●rogether well pleased but in her silence meditated revenge for amongst the Lydians and almost all those barborous nations it is held great incivility and immodesty to behold a man much more a woman naked The next morning by such servants as she best trusted she caused Gyges to be sent for who misdoubting nothing that had past as one that had many times free accesse unto her instantly came she causing her servants to withdraw themselves thus bespake him Two waies are proposed thee O Gyges and one of them instantly and without least premeditation to make choise of Either thou must kill Candaules and that done be possessed of me and with me the Crown of Lydia or instantly die for thy doom is already determined of because thou shalt know that in all things it is not convenient to obey the King or search into that which thou oughtest not to know There is now a necessity that either he that counselled thee to this must perish or thou that obeiedst him against all Law or Justice to behold me against reason or modesty naked Gyges at these words was first wondrously amazed but after recollecting himselfe entreated her not to compell him to so hard an exigent as to the choice of either But finding that necessity that he must be forced to one or the other to kill the King or to be slain by others he rather made choice to survive and let the other perish and thus answered her Since generous Lady you urge me to an enterprize so much opposite to my milder nature and disposition propose some safe course how this may de done Even saith she in the selfe-same place where he devised this mischiefe against himselfe namely his bed-chamber where to thee I was first discovered Therefore providing all things necessary for so determinate a purpose and the night comming on Gyges who knew no evasion but to kill his master or die himselfe awaited his best advantage and having notice when Candaules was asleep followed the Queen into her chamber and with a Ponyard by her provided for the purpose stabbed him to the heart by which he attained both the Queen and Kingdome Of this history Archilochus Parius makes mention in his Iambicks who lived about the same time affirming that Gyges was by the Oracle of Delphos confirmed in the Kingdome after the faction of the Heraclides had opposed his soveraignty Rowan and Estrilda ROwan was a maid of wonderfull beauty and pleasantnesse daughter to Hengest a Captain of the Saxons Of this Lady Vortiger then King grew so enamoured that for her sake he was divorced from his wife by whom he had three sons for which deed the greatest part of the Brittains forsook him therefore he by the instigation of Rowan still caused more and more Saxons to be sent for under pretence to keep the Land in subjection But the Brittains considering the daily repair of the Saxons came to the King and told him the danger that might ensue entreating him whilst it was yet time and to prevent a future miserie to expell them the Land But all in vain for Vortiger was so besotted in the beauty of his fair wife by whose counsell he was altogether swaied that he would in no wife listen to the counsell of his subjects Wherefore they with one united consent deprived him of his Crown and dignity making Vortimerus his eldest son King in his stead Who was no sooner Crowned but with all expedition he raised an army and pursued the Saxons and in four main battels besides conflicts and skirmishes became victorious over them The Saxons and their insolencies thus supprest and the King now governing the Land in peace after he had reigned seven years was by this Rowan in revenge of the disgrace done to her King deposed and her Countrimen disgraced most trecherously poisoned Locrin the eldest son of Brute chased the Huns which invaded the realm of England and so hotly pursued the●● that many of them with their King were drowned in a river which parteth England and Scotland and after the name of the King of the Huns who there perished the river is to this day called Humber This King Locrin had to wife Guendoline a daughter of Corineus Duke of Cornwall by whom he had a son called Madan He kept also a Paramour called the beautifull Lady Estrilda by whom he had a daughter called Sabrina Locrine after the death of Corineus of whom he stood in awe divorced himselfe from his lawfull wife and took to his embraces his fair concubine moved with this injury Guendoline retired her self into Cornwall where she gathered a great power fought with her husband slew him in battell and after caused him to be buried in Troy-novant That done she caused the fair Estrilda with her daughter Sabrina to be drowned in a river that which parts England and Wales which still bears the name of the young Virgin and is called Severn These her designs accomplished for so much as Madan her young son was but in his pupillage and not of capacity or age to govern the Land by the