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A39993 Forresta de Windsor, in Com. Surrey the meers, meets, limits, and bounds of the Forrest of Windsor, in the county of Surrey, as the same are found, set out, limited and bounded by inquisition : taken by vertue of His Majesties Commission in pursuance of one act made in the Parliament ... in the sixteenth year of the reign of our soveraign Lord King Charles, intituled An act for the certainty of forrests and of the meers, meets, limits, and bounds of forrests as the same now remaine upon the record in His Majesties high court of chancery. England and Wales. Act for the certainty of forrests. 1646 (1646) Wing F1588B; ESTC R37855 7,969 18

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King by the Letters Pattents of our said Soveraign Lord the King under the great Seale of England bearing date at Westminster the Fourteenth day of September last past to them and other the Commissioners of Our said Lord the King and to five or more of them directed and to this Inquisition annexed to inquire and finde out by the Inquisition of good and lawfull men upon their oaths and by the oaths of Witnesses to be produced at the said Inquisition and by all other lawfull means all and singular the Endings Meets Bounds and Limits of the Forrest of Our said Lord the King of Windsor within the Bayliffwick of Surrey and which were vulgarly known to be the Endings Meets Bounds and Limits of the said Forrest in the 20. Yeere of the Raign of Our Lord King Iames late King of England c. beloved Father to Our now King according to a certain Act in this present Parliament of Our said Lord the now King at Westminster in the County of Middlesex assembled and enacted and provided Intituled An Act for the certainty of Forrests and of the Meets Meers Limits and Bounds of the Forrest and to this Commission annexed And to all and singular other things to be done and fulfilled in and about the aforesaid Inquisition to be taken and returned and the same to be made and fulfilled according to the Tenour of the Act aforesaid and according to the Commission aforesaid doth appeare The aforesaid Richard Onslowe Knight and Nicholas Stoughton Esq being Verderers of the aforesaid Forrest and in the presence of William Hannington Henry Fen Tutcher Robinson Rowland Rapley George Rapley Fraencis Nevill Thomas Green Gentlemen William Curtis and Thomas Chuter Forresters of the said Forrest as also of George Clifton John Atfield Henry Ede William Crosse Iohn Wheatley William Lambert Iohn Bartholmew and Henry Field Regardors of the aforesaid Forrest the said Commission assisting and attending the rest of the Officers of the said Forrest to this formerly summoned according to the forme and effect of the aforesaid Act but the execution not at all assisting or attending By the oath of Iohn Down of Cobham Gentleman Christopher Creswell of Cranley Gentleman Thomas West of Stoke Gentleman Lyonell Rawlins of Woking Gentleman Henry Bickerstaffe of Walton Gent. Thomas Childe of Waybridge Gent. William Harris of the same Iohn Warner of Chertsey Richard Rovk of the same Richard Mountain of Egham Gent. Willivm Kirkham of the same Philip Street of Wonershe Iohn Walter of Shalford Iohn Diddlesford of Hascombe William Clifton of Worplesden Iohn Hammond of Binscombe Iohn Harte of Puttenham Thomas Avenell of the same and George Billingburst of the same good and lawfull men of the aforesaid County which said Iurors upon the Holy Evangelist being impanelled and sworn to inquire and find out according to the forme and effect of the Commission and Act aforesaid divers Witnesses of good worth at the taking of the said Inquisition before the Commissioners aforesaid in due forme of Law being sworne upon the Holy Evangelist and other evidences produced to the Jury aforesaid say upon their oath aforesaid that the Parke of Guildford in the County aforesaid with Pales and Rayles included is the Forrest of Our now Lord the King of Windsor within the Bayliffwicke of Surrey And they doe further say upon their oath aforesaid that the Endings Meetes Bounds and Limits of the aforesaid Forrest of VVindsor within the aforesaid Bayliffwicke of Surrey which were commonly known and reputed to be the Endings Meets Bounds and Limits of the aforesaid Forrest in the County aforesaid in the aforesaid Twentieth Yeere of Our Lord King James were the Pales and Rayles of the aforesaid Parke as now it is included And that the whole County of Surrey except the Parke of Guildford in the aforesaid Twentieth Yeere of King Iames was and now is out of the Forrest of VVindsor aforesaid and so was commonly known and reputed to be out of the Forrest aforesaid in the aforesaid Twentieth Yeer of Our Lord King Iames In witnesse of which the Commissioners aforesaid as also the Jury aforesaid to this Inquisition have put to their Seals the Day and Yeer first above written c. It agrees with the Record and examined by Edmond Hoskins FINIS
FORRESTA de WJNDSOR IN COM. SVRREY The Meers Meets Limits and Bounds of the Forrest of WINDSOR in the County of Surrey as the same are found set out limited and bounded by Inquisition Taken by vertue of His Majesties Commission in pursuance of one Act made in the Parliament begun at Westminster in the sixteenth year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord King Charles INTITULED An Act for the certainty of Forrests and of the Meers Meets Limits and Bounds of Forrests as the same now remaine upon the Record in His Majesties high Court of Chancery LONDON Printed for Matthew Walbancke 1646. ANNO XVII Caroli Regis An Act for the certainty of Forrests and of the Meers Meets Limits and Bounds of the Forrests WHereas by Act of Parliament made in the first yeere of the reign of the late King Edward the third it is ordained that the old perambulation of the Forrest in the time of King Edward the first should bee thenceforth houlden in like forme as it was then ridden and bounded and in such places where it was not bounded the King would that it should be bounded by good men and lawfull And whereas for many ages past certaine meets meers limits and bounds of the forrests haue been commonly knowne and observed in the severall Counties wherein the said forrests lye And whereas of late diuers presentments haue been made and some iudgements given whereby the meets meers limits and bounds of some of the said forrests haue been variously extended or pretended to extend beyond some of the said meets meers limits and bounds so commonly knowne and formerly observed to the great grievance and vexation of many persons hauing lands adioyning to the said méets méers limits and bounds so commonly knowne and formerly obserued And whereas of late time some endeavours or pretences haue been to set on foote forrests in some parts of this Realme the dominion of Wales where in truth none have been nor ought to be or at least haue not been used of long time for remedy thereof may it please your most excellent Maiesty that it be declared by authority of Parliament And be it declared and enacted by the Kings most excellent Maiesty and the Lords and Commons of this present Parliament assembled by the authority of the same that from henceforth the meets méers limits and bounds of all and euery the forrests respectiuely shall be to all intents and purposes taken adiudged deemed to extend no further respectively then the meets meers limits and bounds which in seuerall Counties respectiuely wherein the said forrests do lie were commonly knowne reputed used or taken to the meets meers limits and bounds of the said forrests respectiuely in the twentieth yeare of our late Soveraign Lord King IAMES and not beyond in any wise any preambulation or preambulations presentments extents surveys iudgements records decrees or other matter or thing whatsoeuer to the contrary notwithstanding And that all and euery the presentments since the said twentieth yeare made and all and euery other presentment and presentments and all and euery iudgement and award upon or by reason or pretext of any such presentment or presentments and all and euery preambulation and preambulations surueys extents and other act and acts at any time heretofore had or made by which the meets meers limits or bounds of the said forrests or any of them are or are pretended to be further extended then as aforesaid And also all and every presentment of person or persons at any Iustice seat Swainemote or Court of Attachments for so by reason or by colour of any act or acts whatsoever done or committed in any place without or beyond the said meets meers limits or bounds respectively so commonly knowne reputed used or taken as aforesaid and all or euery fine or fines and amercement or amercements shall from henceforth be adiudged deemed taken to be utterly void in no force or effect any law statute record or pretence whatsoeuer to the contrary notwithstanding And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that no place or places within this Realme of England or dominion of Wales where no such Iustice seat Swainemote or Court of Attachment haue been held or where no Verderers haue been chosen or regard made within the space of sixty yeares next before the first yeare of his Maiesties raigne that now is shall be at any time hereafter adiudged deemed or taken to be forrest or within the bounds or meets of the forrests But she same shall bee from henceforth for euer hereafter disafforrested and freed and exempted from the forests lawes any Iustice seat Swainmote or Court of Attachment held or kept within or for any such place or places at any time or times since the beginning of His Maiesties said raigne or any presentment enquiry act or thing heretofore made or hereafter to be made or done to the contrary notwithstanding Provided also and bee it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that for the better putting into certainety all and euery the meets meers bounds and limits of all and euery the forrests as aforesaid the lord Chancelour or Lord keeper of the great Seale of England for the time being shall by vertue of this act upon request of any of the Peeres of the Kingdome or of the Knights and Burgesses of the Parliament or any of them grant severall Commissions under the great Seale of England to Commissioners to be nominated respectively by the said Peers Knights and Burgesses or any of them to enquire of and finds out by Inquests of good and lawfull men upon oath and by the oathes of witnesses to be produced at the said Inquests and by all other meanes all and every the meers meets bounds limits respectively of the forrests respectively in the said twentieth year of the reigne of our late Soveraigne Lord King IAMES And to returne the Inquests so taken into the Court of Chauncery And that all and every the Sheriffes and Bailiffes of and in every County wherein any such Inquests shall be so to be taken and all and every the Verderers Forresters Rangers and other officers of the forrests respectively where any such officers be shall be assistant and attendant to the execution of the said Commissions according as by the vertue of the said Commissions respectiuely they shall be commanded And where no such officers are or where such officers be if they or any of them shall refuse or neglect such assistance and attendance as aforesaid Then the said Commissioners shall and may proceed without them in the execution of the said Commissions And be it fuxther enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the forrests whereof the meets meers limits and bounds shall be so returned and certified by vertue of any of she said Commissions as aforesaid from thenceforth shall not extend nor be extended nor be deemed adiudged or taken to extend any further in any then the meets meers limits and bounds that shall be
alia faciend per implend in circa jurisdictionem predict capiend retornand ejusdem faciend Que juxta tenorem Actus predict faciend sint per implend assign pro ut per Commissionem predict plenius liquet predictis Richardo Onslowe Militi Nicholao Stoughton Armigero existen viridariis Forrestae predict in presentia Willielmi Hannington Henrici Fen Tutcher Robinson Rolandi Rapley Georgii Rapley Francisci Nevill Thomae Green Gen. Willielmi Curtis Thomae Charter Forrestariorum ejusdem Forrestae nec non Georgii Clifton Johannis Atfield Henrici Ede Willielmi Crosse Johannis Wheatley VVillielmi Lambert Johannis Bartholmew Henrici Field Regardatorum ejusdem Forrestae eandem Commissionem assisten attenden reliquis Officiariis ejusdem Forrestae ad hoc prius premonitis secundum formam effectum Actus predicti sed executionem minime assisten sive attenden per sacramentum Johannis Down de Cobham Gen. Christopheri Creswell de Cranley Gen. Thomae VVest de Stoke Gen. Lionelis Rawlins de VVorking Gen Henrici Bickerstaffe de VValton Gen. Thomae Child de VVaybridge Gen. VVillielmi Harris de eadem Johannis VVarner de Chertsey Richardi Roke de eadem Richardi Mountaine de Egham Gen. VVillielmi Kirkham de eadem Philippi Street de VVcversh Johannis VValton de Shalford Johannis Diddlesford de Hascomb VVillielmi Clifton de VVorplesden Johannis Hammond de Binscomb Iohannis Hart de Puttenham Thomae Avenel de eadem Georgii Billinghurst de eadem proborum legalium hominum Comitatu predict Qui quidem juratores super sancta Dei Evangelia jurat onerat ad inquirend inveniend secundum formam effectum Commissionis Actus predict diversis testibus fide dignis ad captionem hujus Inquisitionem coram Commissionar predict debito modo super sancta Dei Evangelia jurat aliis in evidentiis juratoribus predict product dicunt super sacramentum suum predict quod Parcus de Guldeford in Comitatu predict palis repagulis inclusus est Forresta Domini Regis nunc de VVindsor infra Ballivat de Surr. Et ulterius dicunt super sacramentum suum predict quod termini metae bundae limites predicti Forrestae de VVindsor infra predict Balliva● de Surr. qui fuerunt vulgarit cogin reputat fuisse termini metae bundae limites predict Forrestae in Comitatu predict in predicto Anno vicesimo dicti Domini Regis Iacobi fuerunt palae pagulae Anglice the Pales and Railes Parci predict pro ut modo includit Et quod totus Com. Surr. preter predict Parcum de Guldeford in predicto Anno vicesimo dicti nuper Regis Iacobi fuit modo est extra Forrestam de VVindsor predict sic vulgarit cognit et reputat fuit fore extra Forrestam predict in predicto Anno vicesimo dicti nuper Regis Iacobi In cujus rei testimonium tam Commissionar predict quam Iur. predict hinc Inquisitionem sigille sua apposuerunt die Anno et loco primo supra dictis c. Convenit cum Recordo ext per EDMUND HOSKINS CHARLES by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To Our faithfull and beloved Arthur Manwayring Knight Richard Onslow Knight Robert Parkhurst Kt. Nich. Stoughton Esquire Iohn Denham Esq Woolley Lee Esq James Zouch Esq Benjamin Tichborn Esq Iohn Hammond Esq Arthur Squib Esq Matthew Carleton Esq and Richard Bearblock Gentleman greeting Know ye that We of your fidelity and provident insight being fully confident of at the request of Our faithfull and beloved Henry Lord Mowbray and Matrevers and of you the aforesaid Richard Onslow and Robert Parkehurst As also of Our faithfull and beloved Edward Bagshaw Iohn White Robert Goodwyn and Iohn Goodwyn Esquires Burgesses in this instant Parliament of Ours now assembled We have assigned you the aforesaid Arthur Manwayring Richard Onslow Robert Parkehurst Nicholas Stoughton Iohn Denhan Woolley Lee Iames Zouch Benjamin Tichborn Iohn Hammond Arthur Squib Matthew Carleton and Richard Bearblock ten nine eight seven six five or more of you Our Commissioners to inquire and find out by inquisition of good and lawfull men upon their oath and by the oath of Witnesses to be produced at the said Inquisition and by all other lawfull means all and singular the endings of the Meets Bounds and Limits of Our Forrest of Windsor within the Bayliffwick of Surrey and which were vulgarly known to be the endings of the Meets Bounds and Limits of the said Forrest in the Twentieth Yeare of King Iames late King of England c. our beloved Father according to the Tenour of a certain Act in this Our present Parliament at Westminster in the County of Middlesex now assembled enacted and provided Intituled An Act for the certainty of Forrests and of Meets Meers Limits and Bounds of the Forrests to these presents annexed And to all and singular other things to be done and fulfilled in and about the aforesaid Inquisition to be taken and returned and the same to be made and fulfilled according to the Tenour of the Act aforesaid And therefore We doe command you and every of you that to all and singular of the Premises you do diligently attend We doe also command Our Sheriffes of Surrey that at certain dayes and places which to this purpose you ten nine eight seaven six five or more of you shall appoint and to him made known that he doe make to come before five or more of you such and so many good and lawfull men of the same County by which the truth of the things may the better be known and the Inquisition aforesaid the better made as is aforesaid We also command Our Sheriffes and Bayliffes in Our said County of Surrey and all and every Our Verderers Forresters Rangers and other Officers of Our said Forrest that they be assisting and attending at this Commission of Ours In like manner We do also command that the said Inquisition distinctly and fairely in forme aforesaid made together with all and every your proceedings of the premises under the Seales of five or more of you and the Seales of those by whose oaths the same Inquisition shall bee made to Us into Our Chancery distinctly and fairly without delay you send together with this Our Commission In witnesse of which We have caused these Our Letters to be made Pattents Witnesse Our Selfe at Westminster this 14. Day of September in the Seventeenth Yeere of Our Raigne WILLIS Sur. ss AN Inquisition Indenture taken at Guildford in the County of Surrey the Seventh day of Ianuary in the Seventeenth Yeere of the Raign of Our Soveraign Lord CHARLES by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. Before Richard Onslowe Knight Robert Parkehurst Knight Nicholas Stoughton Esquire Iohn Denham Esquire Woolley Lee Esquire Iames Zouch Esquire Iohn Hammond Esquire and Matthew Carleton Esquire Commissioners of Our said Soveraign Lord the