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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23576 This is the cronycle of all the kyng[es] names that haue ben in Englande, and how many yeres they reygned and how many saynt[es] & martyrs haue ben i[n] this lande, and shewith the hole su[m]me, from the makyng of the worlde tyll the co[m]mynge of Brute, ye whiche is iiii.M.lxxvii. yeres and fro[m] the co[m]mynge of Brute to the Incarnation of Christe is M.C.xxii yeres, & from the Incarnacion to the xxiiii yere of Kynge Henry the vi is M.CCCC.xlvi yeres. 1518 (1518) STC 9983.3; ESTC S2614 4,863 16

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Edwyn his thirde brother .iiii. yeres ¶ Edgar his sone .xvii. yer ¶ Saynt Edwarde the martyr his son̄ .xii. yeres ¶ Swyn̄ that was kynge of Denmarke .xv. yer ¶ Eldrede saynt Edwardes Brother ix yere ¶ Edmunde Irensyd Kno wt Swyn̄son̄ .xx. yer ¶ Harolde harefote knowte son xiii yer ¶ Hardeknowte his brother .xvi. yeres ¶ Saynte Edwarde the confessour Eldred sonne reygned .xxiii. yeres ¶ Harolde / that was Godwyn sonne Erle of westsex reygned .i. yere ¶ Here endeth the cronycle of the kyngꝭ that reygned before the conquest ¶ The cronycle of all the kynges names that haue reygned in Englande syth the conquest of Wyllyam Conquerour ¶ This myghty Wyllyam Duke of Normandye As bokes olde make mension By iuste title and by his chiualrye Made kynge by conquest of Brutes Albion Put out Harolde / and toke possession Bare his crowne full .xxi. yere Buryed at Cane thus sayth the cronycolere Nexte hym in ordre by succession Wyllyam Rufus his sōne crowned kynge Whiche to godwarde had no deuocyon Distroyed churche of newe and olde buyldynge To make a forest plesaunt for huntynge xiiii yere bare his crowne in dede Buryed at Wynchester the cronycle ye may rede His brother next / called the fyrste Henry Was at London crowned / as I fynde Whose brother Robert / duke of Normandye Gaue hym war● the cronycle maketh mynde Rcconcyled all rancour set behynde Full .xxxvi. yere by recorde of wryttynge He reygned and buryed at Redynge His cosyn Stephen / whan Henry the fyrst was deed Towarde Englande / gan to crosse his sayle The Archebysshop set vpon his heed A ryche crowne beynge of his counsayle xix yere with sorowe and great trauayle Bare his crowne and had neuer rest At Feuersham lyeth buryed in a cheste Henry the seconde sonne of the empres Was next crowned a full comely knyght As bokes olde playnly do expresse Thys sayd Henry by frowarde force and myght Slewe saynt Thomas for the churches ryght xxxv yere he reygned as it is made mynde At Founteuerarde lyth buryed as I fynde Rycharde his sonne next by succession Fyrste of the name stronge / harde / and notable Was crowned kynge / called cure de lyon With Sarasyns heed is serued at his table Slayne at Talus / by deth lamentable He reygned fully the space of .ix. yere His hert kuryed at Rone at the hygh autere Next kynge Rycharde reygned his brother Iohn After soone entred into Fraunce Lost all Angie and Normandye anon This lande enterdyted by his gouernaunce And as it is put in rememberaunce xviii yere kynge of this Regyon Lyeth at Worcester / dyed of poyson Henry the .iii. his sone of .ix. yere of age Was at Gloucestre crowned as I rede Longe warr he had with his baronage Greatly delyted in almesdede lvi yere he reygned here in dede Buryed at Westmynster by recorde of wryttynge Day of saynt Edmunde made martyr and kynge Edwarde the firste with the shankes longe Was after crowned that was so good a knyght Wanne Scotlande / maugre the Scottes stronge And all Walys dispyte of all theyr myght Duryd his lyfe maynteyned trewth and ryght xxxv yere he was here kynge Lyth at Westmynster / this is treuth no lesynge Edwarde his sōne called Carnaruane Succyde after to make his alyaunce As the cronycle wel reherse cane Weddyd the daughter of the kynge of Fraunce On Thomas Lancaster by deth he toke vengeaūce xix yere here / he helde his regalye Buryed at Glocestre / as bokes specifye The thyrde Edwarde / borne at wynsore Whyche in knyghthod had so great a pris Enherytour of Fraunce withouten more Bare in his armys quartly .iii. flowerdelys And he gate Calys by his prudent deuyce Reygned in Englande .li. yere Lyth at Westmynster thus sayth the cronycolere Sōne of prynce Edwarde / Rychard the secoūde In whose tyme was peas great plente Wedded quyne Anne of Ceume as it is founde Isabell after of Fraunce / who lyst se xxii yere he reygned here parde At Langley buryed / fyrste so stode the case After to Westmynster his body caryed was Henry the .iiii. next crowned in certeyne A famous knyght / and of great semblenesse From his exyle whan he came whome agayne Trauayled after with warr and great sykenesse xiiii yere he reygned in southnesse Lyth at Caūterbury in that holy place God of his mercy do his soule grace The .v. Henry of knyghthod lodsterr Wyse and ryght manly playnly to termyne Ryght fortunate proued in peas and warr Greatly expert in marcyal displyne Able to stande amonge the worthys nyne Reygned .x. yere / who so lyst haue regarde Lyth at Westmynster nat farr frō saynt Edwarde Henry the syxte / as I fynde by wryttynge Reygned iustly .xxxviii. yere Whyche was ryght holy and vertuous of lyuynge And after hym as it doth appere Reygned Edwarde the fourth xxii yere And one moneth neyther lasse nor more And both those kyngeslye at Wynsore After this .iiii. Edwarde as it is accōpted Reygned Edwarde the .v. of that name The whiche Edwarde was neuer crowned Who redeth the cronycle shall se the same And atter hym myn accōpte for to frame Rycharde the thirde / reygned in certayne Two yere .ii. monethes the cronycle sayth playn After whome reygned / that most noble kynge Henry the seuenth .xxiii. yere And .viii. monethes by record of wryttynge Whome his enemies drad both farr nere With whom all christen pryncis / as it doth appere In his actis were glad to make bandꝭ of peas And for to lyue in quiete / reste / and eas Whiche prudent prynce / of April the .xxi. day Departed this worlde by deuyne ordynaūce For whom many one sayd / alas and welway With lamentable teres and woful semblaūce Blamed Athropos for all theyr greuaunce And specially the comons sorowed for theyr kynge But nothynge auayled theyr lachrymable wepyng Moche was the dolour of great and smalle Hys deth ryght greuous to vs euerychone For in his tyme we were drede ouer all yet vs to recōfort / and to be our champyon He lefte behynd hym the myghty Sypton Hys only sōne / the eyght kynge Henry Of great hardy corage / Ector the worthy Whyche myghty prynce shortly to determyne The .xxii. day of April / began to rayne Anno domini M.D. and nyne Ouer England / sumtyme named Brytayne The .xxiiii. day of Iune after / in certayne With all the nobles of spiritual tēporalte Crowned he was / with tryūp he and solēpnyte And here wyll I leue hym as a conquerour Saylynge forth a prynce inuictissimus Within the shyp / of hygh and great honour Whiche grace gydeth from all thynges perillous With .iiii. quarter maisters most famous Called Iustice / Prudence / and Temperaūce And stronge Force / all them doth auaunce ¶ Finis ¶ Thus endeth the cronycle of al the kynges names / that haue reygned in Englande sith the comynge of Wyllyā Conquerour how longe they reygned Imprinted by Rychard Pynson / Prynter vnto the kynges noble grace ⸪ Cum priuilegio