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A14273 The honourable prentice: or, This taylor is a man Shewed in the life and death of Sir John Hawekwood, sometime prentice of London: interlaced with the famous history of the noble Fitzwalter, Lord of Woodham in Essex, and of the poisoning of his faire daughter: Also of the merry customes of Dunmow, where any one may freely haue a gammon of bacon, that repents not mariage in a yeere and a day. Whereunto is annexed the most lamentable murther of Robert Hall at the high altar in Westminster Abbey. Vallans, William. 1615 (1615) STC 24588; ESTC S101782 18,713 40

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Hugh Cauerley of Cheshire Croker of Oxfordshire Shandoys c. Besides Iohn Hawkewood neuer to be forgotten who after the end of these warres in France tooke with him his companies both horse and foot which were at his commaund And in Italy acted wonders was most highly esteemed and honoured of whose aduentures and worthy deedes the Histories of Italys make large report who at last there died and in Pauia as I remember hath a most worthy monument erected for him of these captaines Hawkewood amongst the Italians was called Io. Acuth These captaines as also many others according to the vse of conquerors had giuen vnto them lands offices and preferments as keeping of Eastles Cities Townes and countries which in the behalfe and right of King Edward they with great and stout resolution held and maintained in despight of all the French or any powre they could make who being wearied and outworne with the terror of these warres their estate still waxing worse and worse solicited the Pope and all the Princes of Christendome to be a meanes vnto King Edward of their peace which was at last graunted and the English forces abated and withdrawne But the chiefest could not so easily be with drawne from such places as with their swords they had conquered nor from those honors and preferments which with expence of their blood were in reward of their valour and seruice giuen vnto them vntill occasion presented a fit meanes of pollicy wherein the French excéed the English as Comineus witnesseth as in field or battaile the English excéed the French It happened at the same very time that Peter the lawfull King of Castile or Spaine was expulsed his kingdome by his bastard brother Henry and in the yéere 1380. came to Burdeaux to the blacke Prince crauing aid and succor against his vsurping brother This matter was furthered by the French who were most desirous of his absence well knowing that the English Captaines and souldiers would follow him as the Flowre of Chiualry and the honor and glory of his time The Prince accepted of Peters request and forthwith obtained licence of his Father to transport or rather lead his Army into Spaine where in a maine battaile fought at Nazers Henry the Fastard was defeated ouercome his Army dispersed and 6000 slaine and 200. taken prisoners amongst which the Earle of Deue and Bertrand Clakyn were most remarkeable and men of speciall note By this means King Peter was restored whose daughter and heire Iohn of Gaunt third son of King Edward and brother to the blacke Prince married and in her right intituled and called himselfe King of Castile Leon and Aragon which now is call●● Spaine of which matter the Chronicles make large report and therefore néedlesse to be repeated and new written but to our purpose Amongst these prisonors the Earle of Dene being as I said the most remarkeable and of chiefest note albeit he was challenged by sundry men whereof some were of the Nobility yet this iust and wise Prince who neuer vsed to suffer vertue and valour vnrewarded nor would not for either fauour or feare doe a meane and priuate souldier any wrong adiudged the said Earle to be the lawfull prisoner of two valiant Esquires Souldiers and men of worth and reputation named Robert Hall and Iohn Shakerley and thereof they obtained his Charter against all others that pretended claime or interest in him The Earle not willing to go with them into England made request to be ransomed which was graūced vnto him and the sum agréed vpon which he affirmed hee was not able presently to pay For that those warres had so impouerished both himself and his countrey and people that all their mony goods were wasted and consumed notwithstanding hée would giue vnto them his eldest sonne and heire as a pledge and hostage of the performance of such paiment as hée promised and they were contented to accept of So remained he still in Spaine and the youth who as I can gather was not then aboue 8. or nine yéeres of age came with these two Esquires into England and in short space he learned the ready pronouncing of the English tongue or language and likewise prospered in all vertue and good quallities that he was so well beloued of his said Gaurdians or masters as if he had béene their owne child Hée on the other part behaued himselfe houestly louingly and most kindly towards them with such faith and fidelity in their manifold trobles which for his cause they sustained as was most admirable and hereafter shall be declared His vnkind Father neither regard ng his promis his oath nor his bonds nor hauing any care or father-like affection to his ingaged sonne neuer sent the ran some nor any part thereof but most vnnaturally left him in their hands at the will of his two masters where I will leaue him and returne to King Edward The black Prince the comfort of his Father and ioy of England shortly after this departed this life The good King his Father not able to sustaine the burthen of so great sorrow liued not long after but left the son of Prince Edward his Nephew to succeed him in his Kingdomes and Crownes by the name of King Richard the second In which space King Peter of Spaine was also slaine by his brother and the bastard Henry again repossessed the Crown and dignity Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Earle of Darby c. after the death of King Peter called himselfe in right of Beatrix his wife King of Castile Leon Aragon and obtained licence of the King to transport an Army at his owne proper charge into Spain for the recouery of his Kingdome And for that purpose made great and long prouision And knowing well that the Earle of D●ane was in the hands of Hall and Shakerley solicited them to haue him but they vtterly refused to part with him without ready payment of the money for his ransome whereupon he be sought the King to deale with them on his behalf The king pretending y● his purpose was to make a marriage betweene the said Earle and his sister a gallant Lady and rich widow late wife to Peter Cortney But this deuise nor nothing else prouailed to obtaine the Dukes purpose so that they were both cōmitted to the Tower of London from whence I know not by what meanes they escaped and after for their further safety they betooke themselues to the Sanctuary at Westminster enrolled themselues and their goods in the protection and priuiledge of that place which was at that time so strong and so reuerend as it was not thought that any man how cruell or tirannous so euer durst once infringe violate or breake it The Duke hauing staid so long in making prouision for his iorney that diuers of his chiefest Followers grew weary of their charges and expences and knowing that the matter of this Earle bred his discontent and was a speciall let and hinderance to his further proceedings determined
to set aside all religion and conscience and make hreach of the sanctuary he wholy soeuer and take from them their prisoner or bring them back to the Tower whereupon fifty or sixty chosen men were armed and secretly placed to break into the Abbay at seruice time and if no perswasions could preuaile then with violence to set vpon them The chiefest of these were Raph de Ferres the Lord Latimer Alan Buxhull and others who at that time of Masse gat into the Church and by craft drew Shakerley foorth of the libertyes of the Sanctuary by a posterne or small doore leading to the Ducens bridge through the old Pailace But as for Hall when they saw they could not intreat nor perswade him they began to bend their weapons toward him but hee hauing a short sword drew it and valiantly defended their assaults coursing about the Abbey yet found no rescue or helpe but acompany of Monkes and Priests naked as it were and vnarmed who cryed to God for vengeance of this horrible sacriliedge I haue béen shewed a great notch which remains in a marble piller reported to bee made with a blow which one of them strook at him and yet mist him Also the stones where he was first deadly wounded retaine yet as is said his blood whether it be so or bée the naturall colour of the stone let Philosophers dispute hee feeling himselfe so wounded ra● vp to the high Altar where the 〈◊〉 Priests stood amazed at this deathfull accident Due of the Lay bretheren a seruant of the house ●●●osing himselfe for rescue was slaine as also Hall himselfe The murderers made away and fled This being performed and they nothing the néerer for their purpose of the Earle of Deane it followed that the Church was suspended the diuine seruices ceased the Quiristers Chorists bells and Organs became mute the Church dores were dammed and 〈◊〉 vp with thornes and bushes at least sixty 〈◊〉 as I haue read And the Authors and doers thereof cursed with Bell Booke and Candle for they were all well knowne this was not onely don in London but in euery Cathedrall Church and parish Church throughout all England ānd Wales This seuere censure of the Church this curse or ban was denounced ueyther did the Duke himselfe escape it although he faine would haue excused it as neither knowing of it nor consenting to it but hee preuayled not and was also punished by this heauy curse This continued for the space of certaine wéekes in which time the King so wrought with the Duke that hee fell to composition with Shakerley who for the some of fiue hundred markes of present money and a hundred markes by the yéere was cont●nted to ●art with his prisoner Also that the Duke at his owne charges should build a Chantrey and find fiue priests foreuer to sing for the soule of Robert Hall The money being paid and security put in for performance of the rest the Church the Bells and Church ornaments were new hallowed the seruices againe restored But that which was most to be admirev was that when the prisoner or Earle was demaunded he deliuered his Page who they all knew in all his troubles had most faithfully serued him and his companion All sorts of people wondring at the great fidelity of this straunger who albeit hee well knew that hee was sought for his preferment that his Father was dead yet detesting the vnkindnesse of his father and friends chose rather to be pertaker of his masters troubles than to falsifie the faith oath and promis which he had made vnto them A most rare and memorable example Hall lyeth buried in the Abbey at Westminster not far from Cha●sers Tombe vnder a faire monument of a flat Marble stone with his image of brasse in his armour and about the same certaine verses in Lattin which though much defaced with treading and neere worne out may be found in a booke called the Remaines of a greater Worke. set foorth by Mr. Camden al. Clareceaulx King at Armes The Duke of Lancaster with a great Powre went into Spaine where after sundry victories and variable fortunes a great sicknesse attached his people by meanes whereof his successe was not answerable to his expectation nor the height of his minde whereby he yéelded to a composition with Henry the King and receiued of him eight Charriots laden with Gold and Siluer and a yeerely tribute of a thousand Markes with these conditions he departed out of Spaine and returned into England dyed and lyeth buryed in Paules with his wife and Daughter of King Peter whose stile and titles of Honour and Dignity were written and set vppe by it at the cost and charges of one master Robert Hare late one of the Councell to Queene Mary and late Treasurer and writer of the Erchequer Rolles FINIS 〈◊〉 mat 〈◊〉 Mi●●raiton 〈◊〉 ●ers 〈◊〉 ●●tten Vide Io. St●w in Sutuay of London
reward thereof erected a stately Tombe and Monument with the image of a man on horsebacke as great as a mighty pillar for a Monument and testimony of his prowes in warre and his fidelity to them and their state A great part of his riches and wealth was conuerted into England where also his executors or otherwise his friends at Hunningham Syble where he was borne erected for him a tombe or Monument arched ouer and engraued the likenes of Hawkes in a wood flying This was done in the Parish Church by Robert Rokeden Senior and Robert Rokeden Iunior Iohn Cooe and to the memory of so worthy a man they builded and founded a Chauntry whith with the rest is dissolued Hée was by some called Gyouanno Agutho by some Acutho for that the Italians could not well pronounce his name in English I haue read him called in English Sir Iohn Sharpe Sir Iohn Acton and Sir Iohn Hawkewood which was indéed his name The Chronicles of Italy doe make often and honorable mention of him and our Histories doe also re member him amongst which I haue thought good to set downe the words of Thomas of Walsingham in Lattin as I find them as also of Paulus Iouius and others Thomas Walsingham Per idem tempus Papa fouebat Guerram contra dominos mediolanenses quia ipsi tirannice iniuste ●erras redditus castella de patrimonio beati Petri longo tempore detinebant Pro papa vero militabat dominus de Spencer qui laudabiliter se gessit ibidem post mortem ducis Clarentiae cum quo peruenit ad partes illas Eodem tempore Floriut miles ille egregius famosus Iohannes Hawkewood Anglicus natione habens secum albam illam comitiuam pertactam superius qui nunc contra papam nunc contra dominos mediolanenses bella gerebat cuius pars quocunque vertebat semper vincebat Multa itaque facta egregia ibidem operatus est cum suis Imo mirabilia Inauditasi quis vellet singula eius gesta enarrare Paulus Iouius Anglorum egressus patrijs Acuthus ab oris Italiae primum climata laetus adit Militiae fuerat quascunque edoctus artes Ausonia exeruit non semel ipse plagas Vt donaretur Statuae defunctus equestri Debita nam virtus praemia semper habet Nicholaus Machiavell Quo vero ab externis insidijs munitiores essent Ioannem Aguthu●● Anglum belli ducem celeberrimum quod antea papa aliisque Italis egregie operam suam nauasset ad stipendia sera vocarunt Iulius Feroldus Hawkewood Anglorum decus decus addite genti Italicae Italico praesidiumque solo Vt tumuli quondam Florentia sic simulacrì Virtutem Iouius donat Honore tuam His Picture may be seene in the Booke of Paulus Iouius de Eulogiis The Preface or Introduction IT hath euer beene held a most commendable thing to recount the Acts of auncient Nobility but much more laudable to recouer them from the deuouring iawes of all-eating time which commonly doth swallow the best actions and aduentures of elder ages and retaines onely the memory of such exploits and aduentures as the later age namely what their Grandfathers haue by hand deliuered and by tradition left to posterity The auncient Brittaines or the Welshmen had their Barths or Bardi as also their Druydes the last attentiue on their religion and sacrifices the first wholly busied and respectiue about the recording and repeating or rather singing the aduentures of their Auncestors deliuering from one to another as it were an exact Chronicle of the most notable aduentures of their Nobilitie and haue not onely amongst them but the like amongst the Galles and Cimbrians from whom the best learned suppose the Brittaines doe proceed beene had in reuerend estimation and credit but as concerning the ensuing historie which I purpose to write we need no tradition to helpe vs since there yet remaines large and ample records both Chronicles and histories printed and written manuscripts which beare testimonie of that which is hereafter deliuered Records in the Towne and seuerall Stories and Registers belonging to such houses as were by them builded or such as they haue new founded And these remaine in the hands and priuat custody of particular men but what I shall here deliuer I haue found both in old written histories in common Chronicles as also out of Records remaining as I said in the Towre of London being the aduentures of Robert Fitzwalter who liued in the daies of King Iohn and suffred the variable changes of his fortunes as by that which followeth shall appeare Whatsoeuer error I shall commit shall not be of purpose but for want of sufficient instructions which whosoeuer can or will take paines to correct and amend I will hold my selfe exceedingly well pleased and be content that first I haue aduentured to entreat of them So read and vse them at your pleasure W. V. The famous history of Robert Fitz-walter Of Robert Fitz-walter his Auncestors THat this Family of Fitzwalters hath of long time beene of honourable reputation and account need not many proofes the same not contradicted but by a general consent known to discend from Gislebert or Gilbert Lord of Clare and Tonbridge and also from Waltheof Earle of Northumberland which liued in William the Conquerors time and Iudith Countesse of Huntington who was neece to the Conqueror It is not amisse to note that our English nation vsed no Surnames till after the conquest but tooke names either of the Christian name of their parents or of the place where they were borne or of some other accident as their trade occupation or of some quality of body or mind wherewith they were endowed The first of this family of Fitzwalters that descended from the house of Clare was Robert Fitz Richard being indeed one of the younger sonnes of Richard Fitz-Gilbert Lord of Clare This Robert had a son called Walter surnamed after his fathers Christian name Fitz-Robert and he had a sonne called Robert Fitz walter being the sonne of Walter after whom this name of Fitz-walter was setled in this family whereof I entreat This Robert liued in the time of King Iohn and died Anno 1● 34. 19. H 3 and that Robert who is mentioned in this Booke was his grandchild and liued long after in the time of K. Edw. 1. Walter Fitz-walter father of this Robert was first married to Matild or Maud de Beecham and secondly to Mauld de ●ucy mother to Robert of whom I entreat whose father died An. Dom. 1198. and was buried at Dunmow where he founded a priory leauing Robert his sonne to succe●d him called Robert Fitz-walter Lord of Woodham a Towne in Essex of which name there are also two other Townes namely Woodham Ferrers and Woodham Mortimer as also this Woodham Walters whereof the Fitz walters were Lords Of his marriage and of his faire daughter Mauld or Matild I Wishingly omit his bringing vp which could not bée but according to the estate of his
nobility and birth but his forwardnes and readines to conceiue and learne whatsoeuer was taught him ercéeded the common sort of his equals but chiefly hée excelled in exercise of Armes wherein he wholly delighted and ouer went the rest of his familiars and such as were brought vp with him When he came to mans estate he betooke himselfe to marriage and by his wife who liued not long with him who also may séeme not to haue liued with him so contentedly as was to bée required hée had one onely daughter whom he loued most entirely and caused her to be brought vp in vertue and learning wherein shée prospered to the great contentment and ioy of her Father and comfort of her mother who notwithstanding shortly after died and left her sole gouernor of her Fathers house which was great consisting of many people seruingmen and houshold seruants all which shée gouerned and vnder her father ruled with such discréet and modest behauiour as was of all people wondred at in respect of her tender age and youth besides shée was of such excellent and surpassing beauty as allured the eyes of all sorts of people to gaze and wonder at it nature hauing wrought in her mind an example of all womanhood and in her body and countenance a patterne and moddell of all perfection which being knowne at the Court as also throughout the land shée was commanded to attend the Court amongst Ladies of her regard and equall estimation being at Court and daily attendant on the Queene The King himselfe I meane King Iohn still respecting and gazing at her exquisite carriage and the perfection of her bewty fell so farre from himselfe and that which became his person and estate that he bent all his ende●ors to sollicite her of loue which shee as fully resolute most constantly denied The repulsed King left not so his vnlawfull sute for all her deniall but practised to procure her father to be a meanes for his vnlawfull and vngodly request a matter so farre from Kingly dignity a thing so dishonorable for him to attempt or vndergoe as that for it he euer after how euer for the time he bare faire weather persecuted and hated the King most deadly and it seemed to him being a man of high courage and resolution so prophane and so hainous a request as was from his very soule to be abhorred and detested nature not brooking the father to become a Pandor to his child but such was the loue or rather lust of this lasciuious King that the poore virgine not other wise able to auoid his importunate cute besough her father that shee might be professed a Nun or votary at Dunmow whereunto her father consented trusting that her absence would alay and asswage his lust and cause him to leaue his vnhallowed sute but it preuailed not but as a Lyon bereft of his pray grew more curaged then before appointing a messenger which he procured and hired of purpose whose arrand was either to perswade her to consent to the Kings request or by poison to take away her life in the end when nothing could perswade her he according to his direction poisoned her I haue read that it was secretly done with a poatched egge the sault being poisoned which was for her sauce Others say with a cup of poison which he enforced her to drinke but howsoeuer great mischiefe befell after this lamentable Tragedy which wel neere had ouerthrowne the Kingdome and Country This was about the yeere of our Lord 1213. Of the Barrons warre and the banishment of this Robert Fitz-walter FOr this occasion and many other grieuances the Barrons together with this Robert arose and made warre against the King driuing him to such extremity that he was forced to deliuer the City to the Barons and the Towre of London to the Archbishop of Canterbury on certaine conditions whereof I haue seene the coppie of a Charter or deed remaining in the Towre of London to this purpose The agreement betweene King Iohn of the one part and Robert Fitz-walter Marshall for the armie of God and the Church of England Richard Earle of Clare Geffrey Earle of Essex and Glocester Roger Bygot Earle of N●rfolke and Suffolke Sa●r Earle of Winchester Robert Earle of Oxford Henry Earle of Hereford and the Barrons vnderwritten that is to say William Marshall the younger Eustace de vescie William de Mowbray Iohn Fitz-roberts Roger de Mountbegon William de Lannauaile and other Earles and Barrons with those aboue wr●tten together with the fréemen of the whole kingdome that they aforesaid shall hold the Citty of London of the Kings deliuerance sauing to the King in the meane time all farmes rents and his cléere debts vntill the ascention of the Uirgin Marie which shall be in the 17. yéere of his raigne and the Lord of Canterbury shall likewise hold of the Kings deliuerance the towre of London vnto the foresaid terme sauing to the City of London their liberties and the customes and to euery man his right in the custody or kéeping of the Towre of London and if so bée that some things named in that Graunt bee performed by the King or that they be not hindred to be by him performed within the said terme that then the said City shall be deliuered to the King within the said terme sauing the liberty and customes of the said Citty and if they be not performed but hindered by the King Then the said Barrons to hold the said Citty and the Lord Archbishop the Towre vntill they be performed And in the meane time all men on either side to receiue the Lands Castles and Townes which they had the beginning of the warre betwéene the King and the Barons c. Hereby appeareth that the people of England had great affiance in the wisdome and valour of this Robert for they chose him for their chiefe commander and Generall of their Hoste by the name of Marshall The King after this agréement found meanes to banish Robert and diuers others of the Barons whereof some fled into Scotland some into France Thither also fled Robert Fitz-walter The king considering what dammage his owne subiects and people might doe vnto him in France prepared an Army and sailed ouer and met the French king where each armie being prepared and articles of peace and truce proposed they agréed vpon a truce for fiue yéeres Whilst both the hosts lay still about this composition There was an English knight which made offer to Iust with any knight of the French host which challenge Robert Fitz-walter obtained to answere on behalfe of the French So he ferryed ouer on horsebarke to the English Host there being a small Riuer betwixt them and in fight of both kings and armies Robert ouer threw and vnhorsed the English challenger or champion whereat king Iohn was wroth and swore by Gods tooth which was his vsuall oath that he were a king indeed that had such a knight Some of Roberrs friends enformed him and said