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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11529 A true discription and breefe discourse, of a most lamentable voiage, made latelie to Tripolie in Barbarie, in a ship named the Iesus vvherin is not onely shevved the great miserie, that then happened the aucthor hereof and his whole companie, aswell the marchants as the marriners in that voiage, according to the curssed custome of those barbarous and cruell tyrants, in their terrible vsage of Christian captiues: but also, the great vnfaithfulnesse of those heathnish infidels, in not regarding their promise. Together, with the most wonderfull iudgement of God, vpon the king of Tripolie and his sonne, and a great number of his people, being all the tormentors of those English captiues. Set foorth by Thomas Saunders, one of those captiues there at the same time. 1587 (1587) STC 21778; ESTC S101651 18,804 26

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and touching the ship and goods the king said that he had sold hir but would make restitution of the value and as much of the goods as came vnto his hands and so the King arose went to dinner and commanded a Iew to go with maister Barton and the other commissioners to shewe them their lodging which was a house prouided and appointed them by the said king And bicause I had the Italian and Spanish toongs by which their most trafike in that countrie is Maister Barton made me his Cater to buie his victuals for him and his companie and deliuered me money néedfull for the same Thus were we set at libertie the xxviii day of Aprill 1585. The plagues and punishments that happened to the king and his people Now to returne to the kings plagues and punishments which Almightie God at his will and pleasure sendeth vpon men in the sight of the world and likewise of the plagues that befell his children and others aforesaid First when we were made bondmen being the second day of May 1584 the king had 300 captiues and before the moneth was expired there died of them of the plague 150 150 captiues died of the plague in one moneth Nine of the companie of the Iesus died of the pl●gue The king lost 150 Camels taken by the wilde Moores A captiue of Malta ran awaie with a Brigandine and xii captiues more The kings fairest M●re di●● vnder him which he made to be burried in hir skinne shooes all whereas there were xxvi men of our companie of whom two were hanged and one died the same day that we were made bondslaues that present moneth there died nine more of our companie of the plague other two were forced to turne Turkes as before is rehearsed on the fourth day of Iune next following the king lost 150 Cammels which were taken from him by the wild Moores on the xxviii day of the said moneth of Iune one Geffrey Maltees a Runnagado of Malta ran awaie to his countrie and stole a Brigandine which the king had builded for to take christians withall carried with him twelue christians more which were the kings captiues Afterward about the tenth day of Iulye next following the king rode foorth vpon the greatest fairest Mare that might be séene as white as any Swan he had not ridden fortie paces from his house but on a sudden the same Mare fell downe vnder him starke dead I with six more was commanded to burie hir skin shooes and all which we did And about thrée moneths after our deliuerie M. Barton with all the residue of his companie departed from Tripolie to Oezant in a vessell called a Settea of one Marcus Segoorus who dwelt in Oezāt after our ariuall at Oezāt we remained xv daies there aboord our vessell before we could haue Platego that is leaue to come a shore bicause the plague was in that place from whence we came about thrée daies after we came a shore Two Englishmen shipped to Constantinople with M. Barton N●ne of the Englishmen shipped to England The Soldiors of Tripolie kill the king The kings sonne goeth to Constantinople with his fathers captiues who skirmish in the Galley with him and his Turkes in which conflict two Englishmen were slaine thether came another Settea of Massilins bound for Constantinople Then did M. Barton and his companie with two more of our companie ship themselues as passengers in the same Settea and went to Constantinople But the other nine of vs that remained in Oezāt about three moneths after shipt our selues in a Ship of the said Mareus Segoorus which came to Oezant and was bound for England In which three moneths the Souldiors of Tripolie killed the said King And then the kings sonne according to the custome there went to Constantinople to surrender vp all his fathers treasure goods Captiues and Concubines vnto the Great Turke and tooke with him our said Pursser Richard Burges Iames Smith and also the other two Englishmen which he the said kings sonne had inforced to become Turkes as is aforesaid And they the said Englishmen finding now some opportunitie concluded with the Christian captiues which were going with them vnto Constantinople being in number about one hundred and fiftie to kill the kings sonne and all the Turks which were aboord of the Galley and priuilie the said Englishmen conueyed vnto the said Christian captiues weapons for that purpose And when they came into the maine sea towa●ds Constantinople vpon the faithfull promise of the said Christian captiues these foure Englishmen lept suddenlie into the Croossia that is into the midst of the Galley where the Cannon lieth and with their swords drawne did fight against all the foresaid Turkes and for wante of helpe of the said Christian captiues who falslie brake the●●●emises the said M. Blonkets boy was killed and the sa●● I●mes Smith our Pursser Richard Burges and the other Englishman were taken bound into chaines to be han●●●●● there arriuall into Constantinoples and as the Lords w●● 〈◊〉 about two daies after passing through the gulfe of V 〈…〉 an Iland called Saffalonea they met with two of the doke of Venis his Galleis Two Galleis of Venice tooke the king of Tripolie hi● Galley and killed the kings sonne and all the Turkes in it released all the Christians being in number 150. which tooke that Gallie kild the kings sonne his mother all the Turks that were there in nūber ●50 and they saued the Christian captiues would haue killed the two Englishmen bicause they were circumcised become Turkes had not the other Christian captiues excused them saieng that they were enforsed to be Turks by the kings sonne shewed the Venecians also how they did enterprise at sea to fight against all the Turks that their two fellowes were slaine in that fight Thē the Venecians saued them they with all the residue of the said captiues had their libertie which were in number 150 or thereabouts the said Gallie all the Turkes treasure was confiscated to the vse of the duke of Venice frō thence our two Englishmen trauelled homeward by land in this meane time we had one more of our cōpanie which died in Oezante afterward the other eight shipped thēselues at Oezante in a ship of the said Marcus Segorius which was bound for Englād before we departed thence there ariued the Assenciō the George Bonauenture of London into Saffalonea in a harbor ther called Arrogostoria whose marchants agréed with the marchants of our ship so loded all the marchandize of our ship into the said ships of Londō who tooke vs eight also in as passengers so we came home within two moneths after our ariuall at Londō our said pursser Richard Burges his fellow came home also for the which we are bound to praise almightie God during our life and as dutie bindeth vs to praie for the preseruation of our most gratious Quéene for the great care hir Maiestie had ouer vs hir poore subiects in séeking procuring of our deliuerance aforesaid also for hir honorable priuie councell I especiallie for the prosperitie good estate of the house of the late deceased the Right honorable the erle of Bedford whose honor I must confesse most diligentlie at the sute of my father now departed trauelled herein for that which Arest continuallie bounden to his whose soule I doubt not but is alreadie in the heauens in ioy with the Almightie vnto which place he vouchsafe to bring vs all that for our sins suffered most vile and shamefull death vpon the crosse there to liue perpetuallie world without end Amen Thom Sanders FINIS