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england_n great_a king_n richard_n 6,168 5 8.6609 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06216 The decree for tythes, to bee payde in London Anno M.D.LXXX. City of London (England). 1597 (1597) STC 16704; ESTC S109735 4,224 16

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❧ THE DEcree for Tythes to bee payde in London Anno M. D. LXXX At London ¶ Printed for Gabriell Cawood 1597. The Decree for Tithes to bee payed in London AS touching the payments of Tithes in the Citty of London and the Liberties of the same It is fully ordered and decréed by the most reuerend Father in God Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury Primate and Metropolitane of all England Thomas Lord Wriothesley and Lord Chancelour of England William Lord Saint Iohn president of the Kings Maiesties Counsell and Lorde great Maister of hys Highnes houshold Iohn Lord Russell Lord priuie seale Edward Earle of Hertford Lord great Chamberlaine of England Iohn viscount Lisle high Admirall of England Richard Lister Knight chiefe Iustice of England and Roger Cholrneley Knight chiefe Baron of his Graces Eschequer this present twenty and foure day of February Anno Domini secundum cursum computationem Ecclesié Angelicanè millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo quinto according to the statute in such case lately prouided That the Cittizens and inhabitants of the sayd Citty of London and Liberties of the same for the time beeing shall yéerely without fraud or couin for euer pay their tithes to the Parsons Vicars and Curates of the sayd Citty and their successours for the time being after the rate héereafter following that is to wit of euery tenne shillings rent by yeare of all and euerie house and houses shops warehouses sellers and stables and euery of them within the saide Citty and Liberties of the same sixtéene pence halfe penny And of euery twenty shillings rent by yeare of all and euery such house and houses shops warehouses sellers and stables and euery of them within the saide Citty and Liberties two shillings and nine pence And so aboue the rent of twenty shillings by yeare ascending from x. s̄ to x. s̄ according to the rate aforesaid Item that where any lease is or shal be made of any dwelling house or houses shops warehouses sellers or stables or of any of them by fraud or couin reseruing lesse rent then hath béen accustomed or is or that any such lease shall be made without any rent reserued vpon the same by reason of anie fine or income payd before hand or by anie other fraud or couin That then in euery such case the tenaunt or farmour tenaunts or farmours thereof shall pay for his or their tithes of the same after the rate afore said according to the quantitie of such rent or rents as the same house or houses shops warehouses sellers or stables or any of them were last letten for without fraud or couin before the making of such lease Item that euery owner or owners inheritor or inheritors of any dwelling house or houses shopps warehouses sellers or stables or anie of them within the said Citty liberties inhabiting or occupying the same himselfe or themselues shall pay after such rate of tithe as is aboue sayde after the quantity of such yearely rent as the same was last letten for without fraud or couin Item if any person or persons haue taken or héerafter shall take any mese or mansion place by lease and the taker or takers therof his or their executors or assignes doth or shall inhabits in part therof and haue or hath within viij yeares last past before this order or héereafter will or shall let out the residue of the same That then in such case the principall Farmour or Farmors or first taker or takers therof his or their executors or assignes shall pay his or their tithes after the rate aforesaid according to his or their quantity therin and that his or theyr executors assigne or assignes shall pay his or their tithes after the rate aboue sayd according to the quantity of his or their rent by yeare And that if any person or persons haue or shall take diuers mansion houses shops warehouses sellers or stables in one lease and letteth or shall let out one or more of the said houses and kéepeth or shall kéepe one or more in his or their owne hands and inhabiteth or inhabiten in the same That then the said taker or takers and his or their executors or assignes shall pay his or their tithes after the rate aboue sayd according to the quantity of the yearele rent of such mansion house or houses retayned in his or their hands And that his assigne or assignes of the residue of the sayde mansion house or houses shall pay his or their yearelie tithes after the rate aboue said according to the quantity of their yearely rents Item if such Farmour or Farmors or his or their assignes of any mansion houses warehouses shops sellers or stables hath at any time within eight yeares last past or shall héereafter let ouer all the sayd mansion house or houses contayned in his or their lease to one person or to diuers persons That then the inhabitants leases or occupiers of them and of euery of them shal pay their tithes after the rate of such rents as the said inhabitaunts leases or occupiers and their assigne or assignes béen or shal be charged withal without fraud or couin Item if anie dwelling house within eight yeares last past was or héereafter shall be conuerted into a warehouse storehouse or such like or if a warehouse storehouse or such lyke within the saide eigh● yeares was or heerafter shalb● conuerted into a dwelling house That then the occupier or occupiers thereof shall pay tithes for the same after the rate aboue declared of mansion hous● rents Item that where anie person shall demise anie Diehouse or Brewhouse with implements conuenient and necessarie for dying or brewing reseruing a rent vpon the same as well in respect of such implementes as in respect of such Diehouse or Brew-house That then the tenaunt shall pay his tithes after such rate as is aboue said the third peny abated And that euery principall house or houses with key or wharf hailing any Crane or gibet belonging to the same shall pay after like rate of their rents as is aforesaid the third penny abated And that other wharfes belonging to houses hauing no Crane or gibet shal pay for their tithes as shal be paid for mansion houses in forme aforesaid Item that where any mansion house with a shoppe stable warehouses wharf with Crane timberyard teinteryard or Garden belonging to the same or as parcell of the same is or shall be occupied together that if the same be héereafter seuered or deuided or at any time within viij yeares last past were seuered or deuided That then the farmour or farmours occupier or occupiers thereof shall pay such tithes as aboue said for such shops scable warehouse wharfe with Crane timberyard teinteryard or gardē aforesaid so seuered or deuided after the rate of their seuerall rents thervpon reserued Item that the sayde Cittizens and inhabitaunts shall paye theyr tithes quarterly that is to say at the feast of Easter the Natiuity of S. Iohn Baptist the feast of S. Michael