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A06134 The consent of time disciphering the errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads, the vncertaine computation of the Romanes in their penteterydes and building of Rome, of the Persians in their accompt of Cyrus, and of the vanities of the Gentiles in fables of antiquities, disagreeing with the Hebrewes, and with the sacred histories in consent of time. VVherein is also set downe the beginning, continuance, succession, and ouerthrowes of kings, kingdomes, states, and gouernments. By Lodovvik Lloid Esquire. Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1590 (1590) STC 16619; ESTC S108762 565,858 746

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the Saracens who was within 5. yeeres after restored to his kingdome and Sanctius slaine of his owne seruants This Alphonsus as both Blondus and Aemylius affirme plagued the Saracens tooke Toletum their chiefe Citie and restored to the people the Christian faith The kingdome of Bohemia began in the 9. yeere of Alphonsus gouernment at what time Henry the fourth reigned Emperour of Germany and Lodouicus Crassus gouerned Fraunce Alphonsus the 7. succeeded and reigned king foure yeeres Sanctius the 3. one yeere and Ferdinandus the 2. gouerned 17. yeeres Alphonsus the 8. surnamed the good reigned 50. yeeres in whose time Rogerius king of Sicilia warred vpon the emperor of Greece and tooke certeine cities at that time gaue some ouerthrowe to the Saracens but hee was spoyled by the Venetians in his returne at that time After al this succeeded Alphonsus the 9. which reigned 28. yeres Some writers omit this Polidorus calleth this Alphōsus the 8. This time Illomaniolinus king of the Saracens spoyled Spaine with fire and sword vntil the coast of Fraunce and possessed diuers Cities but all the kings of Spaine ioyned their force together and agreed with one consent to giue battel in the which the Saracens were ouerthrowen and infinite numbers slaine but Illomamolinus tooke Granata at that time Ferdinandus the 3. who succeeded Alphōsus I omit Henry the first that reigned 3. yeeres being a yong boy who playing among children brake his necke by chaunce at Palentia Then Ferdinandus finding that the Saracens were sore weakened and had lost many strong cities hee leauied an armie gaue sundry battels and forced those Saracens to flie out of the Isle Maiorica and gote their chiefe Citie and holde which was called Valentia and after obteyned many Townes and Cities of the Saracens for at this very time by Ferdinandus Spaine was almost euery where set at libertie frō the Saracens After that Ferdinandus had reigned 28. yeeres he died 1250. After whō succeeded Alphonsus the 10. of that name king Legio and Castile and reigned 23. yeeres All this time Spaine was possessed by the Saracēs who were called kings of Spaine other kings that reigned in some places of Spaine as in Castile Asturia Legio were as kings of litle prouinces and in respect of the Saracens were of small force Notwithstanding the Saracens were so beset on euery side by sundry Christian princes and so often discomfited and vanquished in many battels that now they are constrained to call their force together for Iacobus king of Arragon through the aide of other princes had obteined and got the Isles called Baleares This time reigned in Castile Sanctius the 4. who after he had reigned king of Castile and Legio 11. yeres he died After him succeeded Ferdinandus the 4. which reigned 15. yeeres who plagued the Saracens destroyed them in many places burning spoiling their holds and fortes After him folowed Alphonsus the 11. of that name who subdued conquered them at his wil he so plagued them that he tooke their only cities Alcala Bencay which is called the kings pallace slue many of the Saracens in the region of Granata where 200000. Saracens camped either to recouer their great losses which of late they had susteined or els to lose their liues together Alphōsus gaue them such a meeting that he slue of the horsemē thirtie thousand and fiftie thousand footemen the rest of the Saracens skattered fled frō the slaughter to saue thēselues but the rest cōtinued not long after Spaine nowe began to recouer her former libertie to florish which had bin so long kept vnder infidels during the time of 38. seueral kings After Alphōsus had reigned 40. yeres with happy cōquests he died Petrus the first succeeded reigned king of Castile 19. yeres whose cruelty was such that his owne brother Henry was cōstrained to flee to the king of Arragon by whose helpe he vanquished his brother the king possessed the kingdom of Castile at what time the king went with his three sōnes ouer into Aquitania frō whence he came with an army gaue battell to his brother recouered his kingdome againe Henry being thus vanquished he renued his force and cōmenced warre with Petrus in the which Petrus was slaine Henry the 2. time restored to the kingdom of Castile Ritius at large speaketh of this warre Now in Fraunce reigned Charles surnamed the wise and Charles the 4. the sonne of Iohn king of Bohemia which had bene emperor in Germany Betweene England Fraunce were great wars at this time for a litle before Edward the 3. had gotten victory by sea ouer the Frenchmen at Clusa whē the Frenchmen lost 400. ships and 30000. souldiers Henry the 2. succeeded reigned 10. yeres Ritius saith 8. some say 6. this sent aide to Charles king of Fraūce against the Englishmen betweene whō whot warres sharpe terrible battels cōtinued Then did Iohn the first succeed king in Castile reigned 11. yeres warre grew betweene this Iohn king of Castile and the king of Portingal 1378. Then succeded Iohn the 2. which reigned 47. yeres yet Functius placeth Henry 3. king of Castile after Iohn the first which reigned 16. yeres of whō reade Polidor how he established his kingdom for I may not be longin dilating histories but briefly passe ouer the names of the kings that reigned in Spaine of their wars first with the Carthagineās then with the Romās then with the Vādales the last the most dangerous wars they had with the Saracens and after the Saracens the ciuill warres they had to bring Spaine to a monarchie Nowe after Iohn the 2. had raigned 47. yeres he died during which time Sigismundus king of Hungaria was created Emperor of Germanie and Charles the seuenth raigned king of Fraunce which Fraunce at that instant was most miserably wasted and spoyled by Henrie the fift king of England who also was crowned king of Fraunce in the chiefe citie of Paris where he kept his Christmas Neither Paul Aemilius nor Arnoldus Ferronus make mention of this warre neither Tilius in his Chronicles of the kings of Fraunce seemeth to make any great matter of it but that the Frenchmen through discord ciuil dissention were ouerthrowen in a battell by Henrie the fift but they coulde speake more of Martellus for his victories against the Saracens of Faramundus of Charles the great whose greatnesse was neuer such as to be crowned king in Englande as Henrie the fift was in Paris but they want no writers to set foorth their glorie The decay of the Empire made them to flourish by meanes of the Popes who euer ayded them in any great actions and at last the Popes brought France to Rome After this succeeded in Spaine Henrie the fourth who raigned 23. yeres this time died Fla. Blondus a learned Chronographer
the first king borne of those that were called Galli for hitherunto the lineal sucession of Francus endured 36 After him his sonne Robert raigned 34. yeeres In the beginning of whose time the kingdome of Hungarie beganne 37 Henry the sonne of Robert succeeded and raigned after his father 30. yeeres 38 Philippe the first of that name and sonne to Henry raigned 49. yeeres In whose time beganne the kingdome of Bohemia In the time of this Philippe the first two most famous men and worthie Captaines tooke their voyages the one named Godfrey of Bullen with an armie from Fraunce into the holy Land which was Ierusalem so called after Christs time on earth this warre is called bellum Sacrum the sacred warres against the Saracens Reade Tilius Chronicles of the French kings where you shall finde a Catalogue of the nobles peeres and gentlemen of France and of diuers other countreys that went on that voyage with Godfrey of Bullen to Hierusalem the other Captaine came to England William the bastarde of Normandie afterward called William Conquerour of whom our English chronicles can testifie But I wil briefly passe ouer the kings 39 Lewes sirnamed Crassus raigned 28. yeeres 40 Lewes sirnamed Iunior 43. yeeres 41 Philippus Augustus sirnamed Deodatus 43. yeeres In whose time the Iewes were banished out of Fraunce 42 Lewes the eight of that name 4. yeeres 43 Lewes the ninth sirnamed Holy 43. yeeres 44 Philip the 3. sirnamed Audax son to Lewes 9. 15. yeres 45 Philippus the 4. sirnamed Pulcher the faire and sonne to Philip the thirde raigned 28. yeeres In this kings raigne began the kingdome of Ottoman the Turke 46 Lewes the 10. sirnamed Vtinus king both of Fraunce and of Nauarre raigned almost 2. yeeres 47 Philip the 5. sirnamed Longus raigned 5. yeeres 48 Carolus Pulcher king of Fraunce and Nauarre 7. yeeres Now after this Philip the first of the house of Valois began in the 1328. yeere of our Sauiour whose line hath continued euen frō this Philip of Valois the first king of that house vntill Frances Valois last king of Fraunce and the last of that stocke which continued 263. yeres whose names successiuely are here set downe in Tilius Chronicles as followeth 49 Philip of Valots the first king of that name 22. yeres 50 Whose eldest sonne named Iohn was the first Dolphine of Fraunce which to this day doeth continue Hee raigned after his father king of Fraunce 14. yeeres 51 Carolus the 5. sirnamed the wise raigned 18. yeeres Whose brother named also Philip was made duke of Burgūdy About this time Iohn Wicleue opened much falshoode yet vnknown of Papistrie both disputing writing against it 52 Carolus the sixt sirnamed Bene amatus raigned 42. yeeres this ordeined first the 3. Floure deluce This time raigned in England Richard the second 53 Charles the seuenth raigned 38. yeeres This king commenced warre against England at what time Henry the 5. raigned who subdued all Fraunce and was crowned king in Paris 54 Lewes the eleuenth raigned 23. yeeres 55 Carolus the eight raigned 14. yeeres 56 Lewes the 12. raigned 17. yeres in France being the 1500. yeere of our Sauiour Christ Reade of this king Arnoldus Ferronus all his thirde booke which hee onely wrote of this Lewes the 12. At what time raigned in England Henry the 7. Thus farre briefly Iranne ouer the state of France omitting many thinges willingly and wittingly which I particularly touch in the historie of Spaine for I tooke not in hand to write at large or to set foorth great volumes of superfluous histories but onely as I saide before to note the antiquities and first beginning of kingdomes and to marke the errours of prophane histories in many things dissenting from Moses from Daniel and from the Propheticall writings who opened all Chronicles for they coulde not agree in the chiefest pointes of all true Chronicles neither the Romanes in the building of Rome from whence they ground their histories neither the Greekes by their Olympiads neither the Persians of Cyrus time neither Spaine in their accompt of A. E R. A neither the Arabians of their Hegyra In fine vnpossible it is to finde the trueth of Antiquities in prophane writers without conferring of the same with the Sacred histories of the Prophets who reueiled the trueth of time by their Iubilees A BRIEFE FOR BRITAINE SEeing that I haue written of other countreys I can not tell how to answere my countreymen well if I should not also somewhat speake of the Britains though in trueth many haue sufficiently written of the comming of Brutus vnto this land of his kingdome and succession of kings and continuance which though of some denied which do now as they then did in the time of Halicarnassaeus who after he had trauailed his histories from Sempronius Fabius Pictor and from M. Cato and proued euidently the comming of Aeneas into Italy of his kingdome and posteritie in Alba longa vntill Romulus being 17. discents after him yet some gens inuidiosa Traianis as Halicarnassaeus calleth them seemed not to allow the historie though they knewe it themselues also read it by so many proued because they would be named antiquaries and the credite of the histories should come from them Such was Polidor Virgil in his history of Britaine such was Berosus in the historie of Hetruria being two strangers and such was Manethon to write of Spaine So there were among the Iewes Talmudists who among other matters which they wrote for they were the onely men among the Iewes would also by this credit that they had amōg the people write what they listed that they became thereby very fabulous in their histories So among the Egyptians their superstitious priestes filled their bookes with lies and so of diuers other countreis men wrote rather fables then histories of their coūtreys But these are reiected from sound approued authors tanquam Mithici for in reading of histories I find nothing so readie as errors in antiquities of countreys and in original of nations And surely it is not to be wondered at concerning the antiquities of time euen from the beginning of the world and the late beginning of writers from Cyrus time or rather Alexanders time for in the first age from Adam to the flood no trueth is had nor knowen but onely by Moses in the Genesis and 1650. yeeres frō the flood vnto the time of the Olympiads men wandered in no true accompt of time nor of histories excepting that which is written in the bookes of Moses and the Prophets nothing seemed sound nor certaine but cōiectures and fained fables as in the historie of the Chaldeans Assyrians Aegyptians and diuers other nations many things are written which is named Mythycum very licentiously and to liberally and after the time of the Olympiads how vntrue prophane historians wrote vntil Daniels time who seeth it not Since which time a briefe of al true
reuenge vpon Philip. Comparison betwene Philip and Alexander iustin lib 9. Melanct. lib. 2. Olympias dreame Philippes dreame Leonidas Alexanders gouernour Bucephalus Bucephalus tamed by Alexander Plutar. in vita Alex. Curtius lib. 9. Diodor. lib. 16. The incōstancie of the Grecians Diod. lib. 17. Thebes destroyed Alexanders voyage to Asia Darius opinon of himselfe The first victorie at the riuer Granicus Ruffin de orig Maced Q Curt. lib. 3. Darius caused a muster at Babylon Darius armie Plutar. in vita Alexand. The second victorie of Alexander in Cilicia Melanct. lib. 2. Tyre besieged and taken Tyre by Agenor builded Q. Curt. lib. 4. D●…rius 3 preparation against Alexander Gaza besieged Diod. lib. 17. Alexandri●… builded 420. yeeres after the building of Rome The thirde battel of Alexander at Arbela iustin lib. 11. Curtius lib. 5. Plutarch in Alexand. Darius slaine by Bessus The punishment of Bessus Plut. in Alex. Melanct. lib. 2 Chron. Diod. lib. 17. Curtius lib. 7. Alexander determined to imi●…ate in his victories Hercules The hautie minde of Alexander Alexander pa●…em non patitur Diod. lib. 17. Roxana The first feast Q. Curt. lib. 7. 8. Melanct. lib. 2. Q. Cur. lib. 8. The 2. feast Odio qui sibi non sapit Plutarch in Alexand. Diuers opinions of Alexanders death Curtius Melanct. 2. Chron. The kingdom of Alexander compared to a Cyclope Buchol in Chro. Alexander died 280. before Caesar was slaine Liui. lib. 9. Contentions betweene Alex captaines Perdicca Meleager Iustine lib. 13. Ru ffi de origi Maced Alex. posterities slaine Funct cōment lib. 3. Iustine lib. 23. Ambition among the kings after Alex. Curtius lib. 10. Arideus the first king elected after Alex in Maced Alex. left no heire but the sword Daniel cap. 11. Cassander Ptolome Seleucus Antigonus Curtius lib. 13. Iustine lib. 13. Leosthenes Arideus Iustine lib. 14. Diod. lib. 19. The crueltie of Cassander Melanct. lib. 2. Chron. Demetrius Cassanders treacherie and murther Pyrrhus Funct lib. 3. Comment Diod. lib. 17. Iustine lib. 15. The praise of Lysimachus Curtius lib. 8. Demetrius armie Funct lib. 3. Coment Plutarch in Demetr Demetrius left two of his name behind Lysimachus Diod. lib. 17. and 18. All meanes made for king domes Polib lib. 2. The destruction of many kings within fewe yeres Antigonus the first the base sōne of Philip. Funct lib. 3. Comment Ptolome Ceran Iust. lib. 24. Tyrannie rewarded with tyrannie Sosthenes Diod. lib. 18. Demetrius Alci●…neus brought Pyrrhus head to Antigonus Instine lib. 25. Plutarch in Pirrho Hanibals words of Pyrrhus Antigonus Ouerthrowen by Pyrrhus sonne Alex. Fun. lib. 3. Co●…t Alex. againe was ouerthrowen by Demet. Antigo. his brother Demetrius Iustine lib. 26. Demet. slaine for adulterie There is Metasthenes and Megasthenes Plini lib. 33. Cap. 1. Philip king of Macedonia Plut in Aemil. Diuers Demet. Plut in Demet. T. F●…minius Liui. lib. 31. Philip refused to meete Flami in battell Philip fledde The Cities of Greece yeelded to Tit. Philip at the battell of Scotusa lost 8000. Hanibals perswasions to Antiochus Plutarch in Tito Libertie proclaimed by Titus to the Greekes Ruffi de Mace Tit. Flami triumphed ouer king Philip●… sonne at Rome Liui. lib. 2. Decad. 4. Secret enuie betweene Philips two sōnes Demetrius poysoned Philip died Of Antigonus the first the 2. and the 3. Perseus the last king of Macedonia Iustine lib. 41. The rich state of Perseus after Philip his father Perseus Perseus 1. victorie against Pu. Lucius Perseus 2. victorie against Hostilius Paulus Aemilius chosen Consul Liui. lib. 5. The battel at Pydne Plutarch in Aemilio Mar. Catces sword lost and found in the battel The magnanimitic and great courage of the Romanes Aemilius heauinesse Perseus image throwen down at Delphos The miserie of Perseus Diod. lib. 31. Liuie lib. 4. 5. 82. Cities sold by Paulus Aemilius All kings are by God established Daniel 7. 8. Daniel a sound warrant for the histories of three monarchies Seruius Galba Mar. Seruilius Perseus ouerthrowen the fourth of September The names of the kings of Macedonia after Alexander No king lest after Alexander Daniel cap. 11. Seleucus Diod. lib. 19. Laodices dreame Iustin. lib. 15. Ambition is dangerous Seleucus slaine Melanct. chron 2. The cry oftrue Chronicles vpon the Olympiads Functius Melanct●… 2. Chron. The praise of Philadelphus Antiochus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the third king of Syria Functius lib. 3. Comment The tyrannie of Laodices The cause of the Syrian warres Daniel 11. Sedition and great mutinie in Egypt Diod. lib. 18. Peace betwene Seleucus and Ptolomey Brennus Eumenes ouerthrew Antiochus Seleucus Ceraunos the 5. king of Asia and Syria Antiochus the great the sixt king of Syria Ieseph lib. 7. cap. 27. Hannibal fled to Antioch Nabis the tyrant Hanibals name Iustin. lib. 31. Hanibal hated the Romanes Melanct. chron 2. Antiochus desireth peace of the Romanes Ioseph lib. 7. cap. 27. de bel Iudaic. Eutrop. lib. 4. Scipio Asiaticus Ioseph lib. 12. cap. 3. Melanct. lib. 2. Chron. 3. Triumphes at Rome Polib lib. 4. Liuius lib. 3. Antiocus is slaine Seleucus Philopater the seuenth king of Syria Heliodorus punishment Antiochus Epiphanes Antiochus Epiphanes the 8. king of Syria Ioseph lib. 1. cap. 1. de be●…ud Melanct. lib. 2. Chron. Machab. 2. cap. 5. Cleopatra maried to Epiphanes Philometor Cleopatras sonne by Ptolomey Epiphanes Functius lib. 3. Comment Popilius was sent to Antioch Iustin. 34. Popilius words to Antiochus Tit. Liuius lib. 5. Decad. 5. The tyrannie of Antiochus Machab. 2. cap. 5. Daniel cap. 8. Ioseph lib. de antiquit 12. cap. 13. Antihchus Eupator Demetrius Soter the 9. king Ioseph lib. 13. cap. 4. Esai cap. 19. Alcimus sent by Demetrius to Ierusalem Melanct. lib. 2. Chron. Alex. otherwayes Prompalus Demet. slaine by Alex. otherwayes Prompalus Iustine lib. 35. Apollonius Demet generall slaine Funct lib. 3. Coment Ioseph lib. 13. Cap. 8. Alex. head sent from Arabia to Egypt Ptolo. dyed Demetrius Nicanor Demet. taken prisoner Ionathas the high priest slaine Antiochus Soter The king of Parthia ouerthrowen Antiochus against the Parthians Iustine lib. 38. Funct lib 3. Comment Egypt too much trusted by the Syrians Alexander Zebenna Funct lib. 3. Coment Iustine lib. 39. Zebenna enioyed Syria Gryphus ouerthrew Zebenna Zebenna slaine Cleopatra by her owne drinke poysoned Brethren and cousin germaines Ioseph lib. 13 antiq cap. 21. Antiochus Griphus slaine Dioni Halicr lib. 2. Ioseph lib. 13. cap. 8. Esseni were as the Scribes among the Iewes Mysipsa Antiochus slaine Nothing in Syria but blood Silla and Marius two great enemies of Rome Demet. ouerthrowen by Alex. king of Iudea Demetrius taken by the Parthians The kings of Syria brought to extremitie Tygranes reigned 18 yeeres king of Syria Melanct. lib. 2. Pompe the great brought Syria to be a prouince of Rome Iu. Caesar came to England Diodo lib. 2. The kings of Aram which is Syria are more in sacred histories then prophane Iudg. cap. 3. Genesis 48. The true warrant of all antiquities is in
time the Hunnes people from Scythia made seuen seuerall iournies from Scythia to Pannonia and at last seated themselues whose chiefe captaine was named Arpat of this reade more in Ritius and in Bonfinus Now in Arabia reigned Muhamat the 18. Amiras at what time gouerned in Constantinople Constantine surnamed Copronimos as Emperor and Aistulphus reigned king of Lumbardie was at that time the thirtie one king in number the which had reigned kings in Lumbardie This Lumbardie is a pleasant fertil countrie called of some the Paradice of all Eorope which reacheth from the Alpes to the riuer of Rubicon But to Arabia againe where nowe reigned Habdallias the ninetenth Amiras of the Saracens this reigned twentie one yeeres and gathered an armie of eightie thousand inuaded Cappadocia vnder captaine Salimie who was appointed Generall ouer the Saracens This Amiras vexed the Christians sore the Arabians waxed so mightie at home and abroade that almost no place was free from the Arabians they had warres this time with the Armenians and with the Turkes who yet had not erected their Empire vp but were such scattering infidels and like in all maner of life and liuing to these Saracens and to the Scythians which dispearsed them selues ouer all the whole worlde as Caterpillers to destroy and spoyle all Nations and Countries one succeeding the other Mady succeeded Habdallias this was the twentie Amiras who reigned nine yeeres in the which time hee prepared an armie for warres against Asia but hee was then intercepted and returned into Arabia without any thing done howe be it Aaron his sonne inuaded Armenia and Ithuma entred Asia and was slaine with all his armie by the Romanes Againe Aaron the sonne of Mady entred into Asia and gote diuers victories and constreined Eirene with her sonne Constantine the Emperour to seeke peace and to pay tribute vnto the Arabians After Mady succeeded his sonne Moses and reigned Amiras one yeere after whom folowed Aaron the brother of Moses he reigned twentie three yeeres during which time the Arabians inuaded Cyprus subdued Cappadocia tooke two notable Fortes and strong Castles Amachan in Armenia and Sebasan this time florished in Fraunce Charles the great to whom this Amiras sent many rich presents withal a mighty huge Elephant This Arabian prince had such great victories that Nicephorus the Emperour had much adooe to escape from his hand in Crason which is a Towne in Phrygia besides the Arabians had spoiled Sardinia and destroyed Corsica and also the Saracens that were nowe dispersed into al Countries specially into Spaine where they gouerned as kings and in Fraunce where likewise they bare such great sway and soueraigntie that Charles the great was well contented for the time to conclude a peace with Abumalach king of the Saracens Well to finish shortly his great exploites of long histories I passe to the 23. Amiras Muhamad the sonne of this Aaron the twentie three Amiras of the Arabians in whose time great ciuill warres began in many Countries that hee had much a dooe to keepe his owne Countrie from ciuill inuasion for fiue yeeres After him succeeded in Arabia Habdallias the third of that name and the twentie foure Amiras this reigned 17. yeres During this time the Saracens gaue two great ouerthrowes to the Greciās at what time they tooke the Isle of Creete spoiled Palestina possessed many Regions diuers countries wasted much the countrie betweene Vtica and Carthage so that the Arabians waxed the only nation in strength force in all the East kingdomes for by this time Africa which was ful of the Saracens was forced to yeeld to them aswel as Spaine for still came from Arabia supplies to euery Countrie and place where the Saracens had planted them selues aswell in Europe and Africke as they did in Asia for nowe Abderana king ouer the Saracens in Africa was not contented to liue quietly ouer his people in Africa neither Abumalach nor yet Aigolandus with whom Charles the great had long and terrible warres could be satisfied with any one kingdome of the world vntill at length God so strengthened the Christians that they were sore afrighted and amazed by the meanes of these infidels that they ioyned together their power and force and were by Gods prouidence after 800. yeeres deliuered from the tyrannie of these cruell Saracens Now reigned king in Fraunce Lewes surnamed The holie sonne to Charles the great who succeeded his father both in the kingdom of Fraunce in the Empire of Rome which was taken away into Constantinople vntill the time of Charles the great at what time Leo the 3. of that name and the 30. Pope of Rome renued the Empire and was called Imperium Romanorum nouum Nowe in Arabia reigned Muhamat the twentie fiue Amiras for fourtie yeeres during which time the Saracens rushed into Italie spoyled and destroyed the countrie with sword and fire at what time they came to the suburbes of Rome and did great harme spared no place but as Blondus affirmeth Ferro flamma totam deuastarunt Italiam this time the Danes inuaded England in the time of Edelbertus who valiantly resisted the Danes and constreined them with great losse and slaughter to retire reade more in Polidore of this After this time the Saracens began in many places to bee slacke and specially in the most part of Europe though in Spaine they continued vntill the great Ferdinandus time but for that the Saracens are sufficiently spoken of in the historie of Spaine I will therefore here no further proceede therein onely laying downe so many as reigned kings in Arabia called by the name of Amiras from Mahumet the first prophet and prince vntill Muhamat the twentie fiue Amiras which continued 253. yeeres these names followe in this sort as you see set here downe Mahomet reigned nine yeeres the first Amiras of the Saracens Ebubezer 2. Amiras three yeeres Haumar 3. Amiras twelue yeeres Hoaman 4. Amiras tenne yeeres Muhamias 5. Amiras 24. yeeres Gizud 6. Amiras three yeeres Habdalla 7. Amiras one yeere Maruan 8. Amiras one yeere Habemelech his sonne twentietwo yeres Vliud nine yeeres Zulzimim three yeeres Haumar the 2. of that name two yeeres Gizud the 2. foure yeeres Euelid his sonne eighteene yeeres Gizud the 3. one yeere And his sonne Eices after him reigned one yeere Maruan the second sixe yeeres Abubalas fiue yeeres Haldalla twentie one yeeres Mady nine yeeres Moses the sonne of Mady reigned after his father one yeere Aaron the younger sonne of Mady reigned after his brother Moses twentie three yeeres Muhamad the sonne of Aaron reigned fiue yeeres Habdalla the 3. reigned 17. yeeres Muhamat the 25. Amiras reigned fourtie yeeres Thus farre I thought good to write the beginning of Mahomets kingdome and his successours in Arabia and of the Saracens spread from Arabia vnto Africke and vnto Europe and nowe a litle of the Turkes historie and that briefely OF THE GREAT TURCKE
at Rome 1463. when Lewys the 11. raigned king of Fraunce Ferdinandus surnamed the great succeeded king of Spaine and raigned 41. yeres In this kings time the whole kingdom of Spaine was deuided betweene Ferdinandus and Alphonsus king of Portingal and Iohn king of Tarracon Nauarre Sicilia and of the yle Maiorica and of al that parte of Spaine when he died hee gaue to this Ferdinandus Alphonsus sonne who for his often great victories against the Saracens and many other good successes in other warres was thereby named Ferdinandus the great and also surnamed the Catholike for he had gotten the kingdome of Granata by the sword and excluded all infidels and Saracens thence and in their roome planted religion and placed Christians This was the first time that all Spaine was gouerned by two kinges the one in Portingall the other in Spayne for vntill Ferdinandus and Alphonsus time Spaine was as you heard by the Saracens possessed before the Saracens by the Gothes before the Gothes by the Vandales before the Vandales by the Romanes before the Romanes by the Carthagineans so long to so many kingdoms was Spaine subiect for of all nations in the world they were onely the longest in slauery and bondage vnder strange forraine kings They were from Hispanus time the 9. king of Spaine after Tubal after whose name the countrie was first called Hispaine 2200. yeeres past Spaine continued that name vnder bondage for the space of 2100. yeeres which was from Hispanus vnto the time of Ferdinandus and Alphonsus king of Portingal who first began to be acquainted with the Indians This Alphonsus king of Portingal dyed of a fall which he had from his horse afterward his brother named Emanuel succeeded who made great preparation to saile to India About this time dyed Philip Archduke of Austria father to Charles the fift at Bruggis in Spaine and Frederike the third Archduke of Austria was elected Emperour of Germany After Ferdinandus the great had reigned 41. yeres succeeded Charles Archduke of Austria to be king in Spaine who also was elected Emperour of Germany for he was crowned king of Spaine and of Sicile the seuenth day of Februarie 1518. and reigned 43. yeeres Vnder this king Charles the fift the Spaniards gote many victories in diuers countries they tamed the Affricanes and subdued Holand Flanders and places in Germanie they were skant knowen for all their vauntes and bragges before Charles the fifts time then they beganne to trauaile countries and to finde prayes and spoyles so that nowe a world cannot conteyne them forgetting that they were vassales and subiects first to the Affricanes then to the Carthagineans next to the Romanes after to the Gothes and last of all to the Saracēs who possessed well nigh al Spaine for many yeres they are so glorious of their enterprises so proude of their victories But as we reade one kingdome to rise by the ruine of another as the Assyrians began to florish by the decay of the Chaldeans the Persians by the fall of the Assyrians the Macedonians by the Persians the Romanes by the Macedonians and now Germany by the ruine of Rome euen so ma●…y a man speak of Spaine By the late decay of Naples Hierusalem Sicile and other countreies Spaine beginneth to flourish being wel aided thereunto by the Indians they which were as dead men bond slaues and subiects in the worlde neither knowne nor heard of for the space of 2000. and odde yeeres became so sudenly great and mighty that they thinke wel of no nation but them selues by their furie and wicked rage It seemeth that they should not long endure vnlesse God raised them for scourges and plagues for the punishment of sinne to punish other as they were before punished of the Saracenes and infidels But consider the time howe after 600. yeeres the pope the Romane bishop and Mahomet the prophet of the Saracenes began at one time the one in Arabia the other in Rome This priest in Rome and this false prophet in Arabia brought all the world welnigh to commitidolatry and to liue in awe and feare of them and now of late the Turkes and the Spaniards reuiue the memorie of the tyranny of the Saracenes the one mainteining the idolatry of the Pope the other defending the wickednes of Mahomet Thus much I write of Spaine during the time of their long bondage vnder so many nations as you hearde I haue put downe the names and the numbers of their first kings which were 24. at their first comming into Spaine and then of their seueral gouernment vnder particular magistrates then of their subiection vnder the Carthagenians after vnder the Romanes then vnder the Gothes and last vnder the Saracens so long the Saracens gouerned as kings in Spaine as 40. seuerall kings of Spaine liued and gouerned as mean and simple kings in few places of Spaine as in Astura Legio and Castile But now from the time of this Ferdinandus which raigned king in Spaine 41. yeeres their chiefe credite renowme appeared but specially vnder Charles the fift who gouerned the kingdome of Spaine 43. yeeres the Empire of Germanie for 39. yeeres with great glory fame After whom succeeded in the Empire his brother Ferdinandus to whom he resigned the empire aliue at Frankford after went with both his sisters Mary and Leonora into Spaine where he died in a Monasterie vpon the 20. of September where succeeded him his sōne Philp that now liueth of whose large territories great possessions mynes treasures of India bookes are full and set onely foorth for that purpose so that I neede not to speake thereof OF THE BEGINNING and the originall of the Nation which was called Galgreekes or Gallograecians of their inuasions spoile and slaughter in many Countries of Asia and of their ouerthrow by Cn. Manlius who with great pompe triumphed ouer them at Rome GAllograeci a French nation mingled with the Grecians as both Iosephus Zonaras agree This people dwelled sometime in Galatia being from the beginning Frenchmen and by the reasō they were in so many places skattered after they were driuen frō Rome by Camillus and after that Brennus their chiefe captaine died that at one time all Asia was full of Frenchmen by the name of Galli Iustine saith that no king of the East Countrie would take battell in hand without a French armie Againe if any king were by force driuen out of his kingdome they fled no where for aide but to Brennus captaine of the Gaules These people bearing such sway in diuers places of Asia that the king of Bythinia hauing occasion to craue some ayde for the defence of his kingdome who hauing wonne the victorie the king diuided the kingdome of Bythinia betweene him and the Frenchmen and therefore the Bythinians and the Frenchmen for that they dwelled in one Countrie being two seuerall nations were