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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00458 The hatefull hypocrisie, and rebellion of the Romishe prelacie. By Lewys Euans Evans, Lewis, fl. 1574. 1570 (1570) STC 10591; ESTC S101772 29,285 82

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of the greate troubles and persecution whiche the people of Christe shall suffer declarethe the end and the estate wherin they shall be His woordes be these Ecclesia post eosdem dies quibus de primitur tamē circa finem mundi grandi praedicationis virtute roborabitur The church after those dayes wherin she is persecuted shall yet at length aboute the end of the worlde bee strengthened with the greate power of preching what playner words can be then these to touche this oure tyme let papists nodde let enemies deuise let men practise let the people muse and yet maugre all the malice of Satan The trueth is greate and preuayleth As for the note of heresye wherewith the aduersaries daylye accuse vs for myne own parte with s. Paule I say This I confesse vnto the that after that waye whiche they call heresye so worship I the God of my fathers beleuing all thinges which are writen in the lawe the prophetes and haue hoape towardes God that the same resurrectiō of the dead whiche they them selues looke for also shal be both of juste vniust therfore stu die I to haue alway a cleere cōscience towarde God and towarde man also From this beliefe let vs praye that wee maye neuer starte and let vs put awaye all worldly respectes for if we be banished Domini est terra the earthe is the Lordes if we bee sawen a sunder we haue Esaye to our guyde if wee be throwen into the seas let Jonas be our example yf we be cast into the Lyons denne then let Daniel comme to our remēbrance if wee be stoaned to death let Steuē be thought vpon if we loase all our Goods let vs then call this to our minde naked we camme into this worlde and naked we shall goe hence to bee briefe if wee bee spytted at buffeted mocked scourged wounded reuyled put to deth then let Christ be our Captayne he went before let vs take his crosse and followe him whiche thinge if wee doe vnfaynedly then in this world we shall haue quiete consciences in the world to cōme wee shall lyue withe Christe vnto whom with the father and the holye Ghost be all honour glorye prayse and dominion now and euerlastinglye Amen ¶ A vewe of certaine rebellions and of their endes IN the yeare of our lorde god 1088. one Odo bushop of Bayon the Earle of Northhumberlande and others rebelled againste w. Rufus Kinge of Englande but they were discomfited In the yeare 1380. one John wall a priest was the auctor of a rebellion this spreade very farre so that the Kinge Richarde the seconde was in greate daunger but the rebelles came to confusion In the yere 1466. a rebellion began wher in the king Edward the fourth was banisshed that by his own subiectes but in the ende God restored him vnto his kingdome and all hisenemies were discomfited In the yeare of our lord 1486. a rebellion was begonne wherin King Henrie the seauenth stoode in great distresse but at length the rebelles were executed In this time also one sir Simond a wielie prieste was the authour of a ●ommocion but in th ende he was taken and hys enterprise came to naught In the yeare 1496 a rebellion beganne in Cornewall and they rebelles did so preuaile that they came to blacke heathe and there ●aue a fielde but God ouerthrew them an● gaue vnto the king the victorie In the yeare 1535. an insurrexion began at Lynconshice by the meanes of Abbattes and priestes but they prospered not In the yeare 1540. a new rebellion began in yorkeshire sturred vp by certaine priestes and gentlemen but theyr ende was according vnto their treason As for the time of late memorie howe rebelles haue spedde therein wee can well ynoughe remember therefore for feare of the lyke ende and to auoyde the plague of God Submitte your selues vnto all ordinaunce of manne for the Lordes sake Whether it bee vnto the Kynge as vnto the chiefe heade or elles vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of hym And when the chiefe shepeharde shall appeare you shall receaue an incorruptible crowne of glory Otherwyse in this world a myserable death remayneth for you and in the worlde to come deathe euerlasting In praef In orat De obe sermo de Trin. ●eda ●x br●u 〈◊〉 Cāturburye Shulbrede ●ermoū desaye Cichester Gal. 3. Lactā lib. 2. de orig err pupillaoculi quiut par cap. 18. Wil. suꝑ Ray. h●s Ibidem secundū Wil. De v● ▪ lup lib. 〈◊〉 Mat 7. Rom. 1. Psal 81. Rom. 1. 〈◊〉 ●eg 18 Eccl. 3. G●● 1. 2. Cor. 6 Offic. 1. In exēp ad Rust. monachū Eccl 19. Bernard sup mat ad Eus. Ierem 5. Lib. 6. Cap. 24. Greg. lib 8. moral mat 23. Esay 9. viualdus in oꝑe regali ad pauli Ad gaudentium Ad Nepotianū De prae ▪ dem li. 4 Ludoui viualdus Esay 5● Ad mercellam Idem Gregr. Maur. Hier 50. Idem 2. De claus animam Lib. 2. Ibidem Gal. 5. ezec. 34. Hom. suꝑ dignus operari us An obiectio An aun swere De cla animae lib. 1. ●…aldus 〈◊〉 ●eme mat 11. 2 cor 11. viualdus lib. de opere monachorū Hierom. Of ped lers thei be came priests ad rust monachū Barnard In chronica ad Heli. Monac Lib. 2. mandeu lib. ca. 7. Platina Obenh Hieron Mari. In mora Hom. 4. sup missus est Ibidem ad pauli Serm Domi. Anto. part 2. ad ●ure in exāp in pol● Ibidem Ibidē in epistola de clau ▪ anima Lib. 1. De an lib. 1. opus regal Ibidem 〈◊〉 nepo Ibidem viualdus id eusto●ium Ad Oce●… Lud Viualduus Ad damasum 〈◊〉 7. 2. ti●… 〈◊〉 Alfou● dé castr● cōtra h●res lib. 〈◊〉 concil W●… ●aucler cōs basil Fol. 3. Fol. 4. Fol. ●odē Fol. codē Fol. 12. Ibidem Fol. 39. Fol. 51. Fol. 53. Fol. 75. lib 1. aduers haeres val Fol. 83. Fol. 101. Fol. 103. Serm. 7. de aduē Domi. Suꝑ psa cōtr aurentiū Frācisc petrach August Joach Abba● Hieron ad allga 9. 11. S Albert. ●nagnus L Cornel. bitonti Antoni Nich. Lyra. Alexan. de Hales augu in Joan. Hier. 23 2. the. 2. In gloss cōcil latronum hostiens panormi Cornel. Biton Zarabel Cardin. Lib 5. Bern. epist. 12● Prima 2. the. 2. Chris in Matth hom 34. Aug de ciuit dei cap 18. in praef 3. the. 2. Idem In malach cap 2. ezchil cap. 44. in Mat Greg In Job 3. esd. 4. acte 24. 2. peit 〈◊〉 Idem 5. ¶ IGNATIVS IN epistola ad Heronem Euerye one that sayeth otherwyse then is set furth althoughe he seme to bee worthye of credite althoughe he fast althoughe he kepe his virginitie althoughe he worke wonders althoughe he Prophesie yet take him to bee a Wolfe amonge the floacke of shiepe sekinge to destroye them If there be anye faulte in the Printing the gentle Reader will beare with mee for mine absence at the correcttinge of somme leafes may excuse it LVCRECIA-ROMANA ¶ Imprinted at London in Paules Churchyarde at the signe of the Lucrece by Thomas Purfoote