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A92757 Scrinia sacra; secrets of empire, in letters of illustrious persons. A supplement of the Cabala. In which business of the same quality and grandeur is contained: with many famous passages of the late reigns of K. Henry 8. Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and K. Charls.; Cábala. Part 2. Bedell, Gabriel, d. 1668.; Collins, Thomas, fl. 1650-1682. 1654 (1654) Wing S2110; Thomason E228_2; ESTC R8769 210,018 264

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which it was not in me to let and amplifie and practise occasions to represent to her Majesty a necessity to bring me to the one can and will do the like to stop me from the other You say my errors were my prejudice and therefore I can mend my self It is true but they that know that I can mend my self and that if I ever recover the Queen that I will never lose her again will never suffer me to obtain interest in her favour and you say the Queen never forsook utterly where she hath inwardly favoured but know not whether the hour-glass of time hath altered her but sure I am the false glasse of others informations must alter her when I want access to plead mine own cause I know I ought doubly infinitely to be her Majesties both jure creationis for I am her creature and jure redemptionis for I know she hath saved me from overthrow But for her first love and for her last protection and all her great benefits I can but pray for her Majesty my endevour is now to make my prayers for her and my self better heard For thanks be to God that they which can make her Majesty believe I counterfeit with her cannot make God believe that I counterfeit with him and they that can let me from coming near to her cannot let me from drawing nearer to him as I hope I do daily For your brother I hold him an honest Gentleman and wish him all good much rather for your sake your self I know hath suffered more for me and with me then any friend that I have But I can but lament freely as you see I do and advise you not to do that I do which is to despair You know Letters what hurt they have done me and therefore make sure of this and yet I could not as having no other pledge of my love but communicate openly with you for the ease of my heart and yours Your loving friend R. ESSEX Lord Mountjoy to the Earle of Essex MOst noble Lord the Queen is now removing towards a Progress wherein after I have somwhat waited upon her I shall have a desire to write to your Lordship of some things more at large which I will do as safely as I can your Lordships vertue and your clear conscience must be your own brazen wall for we that are not of the Councell do see no hope to keep long together this State from assured ruine I pray God the Queen may with all prosperity out-live their negligence and your care to be a just Judge if not a rewarder thereof In the mean time you owe unto her and your own vertue extraordinary patience Your Lordships mind I do protest cannot labour more in the storm wherein you are then mine doth in this dangerous and miserable calm For it is some comfort to perish doing somewhat and yet my Lord why should we despair since there is a Providence that looks beyond and concludes contrary to the practices of the world which Providence hath shewed us ways how rugged soever they be which will bring unto true happiness and though we lose these mortall Barkes we sail in yet he will assuredly save the passengers Noble Lord in respect of that great Haven contemn these tempests and shipwracks at sea Your Lordships servant Mr. Bushel doth fear to have you impute his slow dispatch unto any want of his diligence and hath shewed his fear in exceeding sorrow that it could not be sooner and with as much care by all his best means to effect it I much thank your Lordship for your favour to Sir Charls Blunt of whom if he be not thankfull I shall not onely be deceived but also revenged I will pray continually for your Lordships prosperity and that it shall be impossible to make me otherwise then Your Lordships most honest and faithfull servant MOUNTJOY Sir Robert Cecil after Earl of Salisbury to the Lord Burleigh his Father from France Febr. 26. 1597. MY duty humbly remembred to your Lordship Having lately made dispatches from Diep and having made little way in France by reason of Sir Thomas Wilks indisposition your Lordship can expect little from me especially having joyned with my associates in a letter to your Lordship Nevertheless because love and duty will find easily occasion to express themselves I am bold to yeild your Lordship some more trouble by my private Letter I have met here with the primier President of Roan a man of great credit and reputation one that untill meer necessity did force him kept much hold here for this King he afterward retired and kept the Parliament at Caen he is learned grave of good person good discourse well affectionate to England his name is Claude Grollart he is now next the Duke Monpencier the stay of all those quarters insomuch that when the King will be merry with him he calls him one of the petty Dukes in Normandy he did visit me with great respect and fell into familiar discourse with me of your Lordship whom he had known in England many years since and hath had correspondency with your Lordship by letters in Mr. Secretary Walsinghams time And being talking thereof he desired me to tell your Lordship by occasion that when these troubles were like to grow by the League you writ him a letter of advice to stick fast to the King and not to be doubtfull though he saw difficulties for you did hold it for a true Oracle That the Kings on earth are like the Sun and that such as do seek to usurp are like falling Starres For the Sun although it be ecclipsed and obfuscated with mists and clouds at length they are dispersed where the other are but figures of stars in the eyes view and prove no more but exhalations which suddenly dissolve and fall to the earth where they are consumed Because I have little else to fill my paper I presume to trouble your Lordship thus far to whom I think it cannot be offensive to hear that for your sake I am by many the better used and that by your own wisdom you are by men of place and gravity both honored and remembred The marriage of the Duke of Tremouille to the Count Maurice his sister hath drawn the Duke of Bovillon towards Britany where I am informed by this President that he meaneth to stay and to attend the King to whom he will clear himself if he take any knowledge of any jealousie and the rather because he is there well fortified in a Countrey full of those that are of the religion It shall behove me being there to cary my self tenderly towards him The Kings prosperity in Britany hath already made his Catholikes begin to quarrel with the Accord which hath been made at the Assembly For the persons that were appointed to frame the Articles into an Edict have varied upon some principall points onely to trifle out the time thereby to discover whether the King may need their
of the match and my instructions under your Majesties hands were to insist upon the restoring the Prince Palatine but not to annex it to the treaty of the match as that therby the match should be hazarded for that your Majesty seemed confident that here it would never grow to a perfect conclusion without a setled resolution to give your Majesty satisfaction in the business of the Palatinate The same course I observed in the carriage of the business by his Highness and my Lord Duke at their being here who though they insisted on the business of the Palatinate yet they held it fit to treat of them distinctly and that the marriage should proceed as a good pawn for the other Since their departure my Lord Ambassador Sir Walter Ashton and my self have been pressed to have this Kings resolution in writing concerning the Palatinate and the dispatches which your Majesty will receive herewith concerning that business were writ before the receit of your Majesties Letters and doubtless it is now a great part of their care that that business may be well entred before the Infanta's coming into England And his Highness will well often remember that the Conde dé Olivarez often protested a necessity of having this business compounded and setled before the marriage saying otherwise they might give a Daughter and a War within three moneths after if this ground and subject of quarrell should still be left on foot The same language he hath ever held with Sir Walter Ashton and my self and that it was a firm peace and amity as much as an allyance which they sought with his Majesty So that it is not to be doubted but that this King concluding the match resolveth to imploy his uttermost power for your satisfaction in the restitution of the Prince Palatine The question now will be whether the business of the Prince Palatine having relation to many great Princes that are interessed therein living at distance and being indeed for the condition and nature of the business it self impossible to be ended but by a formall treaty which of necessity will require great length whether the conclusion of the match shall any way depend upon the issue of this business which I conceive to be far from your Majesties intention for so the Prince might be long kept unbestowed by any aversness of those which might have particular interest in the Princes remaining unmarried or dislike with his matching with Spain But that which I understand to be your Majesties aim is onely to have the conclusion of this match accompanied with a strong engagement as can be procured from this King for the joyning with your Majesty not onely in all good Offices for the entire restitution of the Palatinate but otherwise if need require of his Majesties assistance herein These days past I have laboured with all earnestness and procured this Kings publique answer which I am told is resolved of and I shall within these few days have it to send to your Majesty as also a private Proposition which will be put into your hands and shall not fail further to pursue your Majesties present directions of procuring this Kings Declaration in what sort your Maiesty may rely upon this Kings assistance in case the Emperour or the Duke of Bavaria hinder the entire restitution of the Prince Palatine Bu I conceive if it be your intention that I should first here procure this Kings peremptory answer in the whole business and how he will be assistant unto your Maiesty in case of the Emperours or the Duke of Bavaria's aversness And that I should send it to your Maiesty and receive again your answer before I deliver the Powers for the Deposorios the match would thereby if not be hazarded yet I conceive the Infanta's going at Spring would be rendred altogether impossible For if upon the arrival of the Approbation I cannot refuse them but upon some grounds if I alleadge your Majesties desire of having the Deposories deferred untill Christmass they know as well as my self that his Highness Proxy is then out of date besides the infringing of the Capitulations and they will judge it is a great scorn put upon this King who ever since the Princes granting of the powers hath called himself the Infanta's Desposado and to that effect the Prince hath writ unto him in some of his Letters Besides it will be held here a point of great dishonour unto the Infanta if the powers called for by her friends should be detained by the Prince his part and whosover else may have deserved it she certainly hath not deserved disrespect nor discomfort Further upon my refusal to deliver the powers all preparations which now go on cheerfully and apace will be stayed and there will enter in so much distrust and so many troubles and jealousies that if the main business run not hazard by them at least much time will be spent to cleer them I must therefore in discharge of my duty tell your Majesty that all your Majesties businesses here are in a fair way the Match and all that is capitulated therein they profess punctually to perform In the business of the Palatinate I continue my earnest and faithful endeavours and they protest they infinitely desire and will to the utmost of their powers endeavour to procure your Majesties satisfaction The Prince is like to have a most worthy and vertuous Lady and who much loveth him and all things else depending upon this match are in good and hopefull way This is now the present estate of your Majesties affairs as it appeareth unto me and to Sir Walter Ashton with whom I have communicated this Dispatch as I do all things else concerning your Majesties service And I must cleerly let your Majesty understand that I conceive by the retaining of the powers when this King shall call for them and offering to defer the Deposories untill Christmass that your Majesties business will run a hazard what by the distaste and disgust that will be raised here and what by the art and industry of those which are enemies to the match whereof every Court hath plenty in Christendom That therefore which I presume with all humility is That you would he pleased to give me order with all possible speed that when the busines shall come cleered from Rome and that the powers of the marriage shall be demanded of me in the behalf of this King that I may deliver them and no ways seek to interrupt or suspend the Deposorios but assist and help to a perfect conclusion of the match And for the business of the Palatinate I continue my earnest and faithfull endeavours to engage this King as far as shall be possible both for the doing of all good offices for the Palatines entire restitution herein I will not fail as likewise fo this Kings declaration of assisance in case the Emperor or Duke of Bavaria shall oppose the said restitution to use all possible means and I conceive the dispatch of
temperately governed for all immoderate successe extinguisheth merit and seareth up distaste and envy the assured fore-runner of whole changes of peril But I am at the last point first some good spirit leading my pen to presage to your Lordships success wherein it is true I am not without my Oracle and Divinations none of them superstitious and yet not all naturall For first looking into the course of Gods providence in things now depending and calling into consideration how great things God hath done by her Majesty and for her collect he hath disposed of this great dissection in Ireland whereby to give an urgent occasion to the reduction of that whole kingdom as upon the rebellion of Desmond there ensued the reduction of that Province Next your Lordship goeth against three of the unluckiest vices of all other Disloyalty Ingratitude Insosolence which three offences in all examples have seldome their doom adjourned to the world to come Lastly he that shall have had the honor to know your Lordship inwardly as I have had shall find bona extra whereby he may better ground a divination of good then upon the diffection of a Sacrifice But that part I leave for it is fit for others to be confident upon you you to be confident upon the cause the goodnesse justice whereof is such as can hardly be matched in any example it being no ambitious war of Foreigns but a recovery of subjects and that after lenity of conditions often tried and a recovery of them not onely to obedience but to humanity and policy from more then Indian Barbarism There is yet another kind of divination familiar in matters of State being that which Demosthenes so often relieth upon in his time where he saith That which for the time past is worst of all is for the time to come the best which is that things go ill not by accident but by error wherein if your Lordship have been a waking Censor but must look for no other now but Medice cura teipsum And although your Lordship shal not be the blessed Physician that cometh to the declination of the disease yet you imbrace that condition which many Noble Spirits have accepted for advantage which is that you go upon the greater perill of your fortune and the less of your reputation and so the honor countervaileth the adventure of which honor your Lordship is in no small possession when that her Majesty known to be one of the most judicious Princes in discerning of spirits that ever governed hath made choyce of you meerly out of her Royall judgement her affection inclining rather to continue your attendance into whose hands trust to put the commandement conduct of so great forces the gathering in the fruit of so great charge the execution of so many Councels the redeeming of the defaults of so many former Governors and the clearing of the glory of so many happy years reign onely in this part excepted Nay further how far forth the perill of that State is interlaced with the perill of England and therefore how great the honor is to keep and defend the approaches of this kingdom I hear many discourse and indeed there is a great difference whether the Tortoise gather her selfe into her shell hurt or unhurt And if any man be of opinion that the nature of an enemy doth extenuate the honour of a service being but a Rebell and a Savage I differ from him for I see the justest Triumphs that the Romans in their greatest greatness did obtain and that whereof the Emperours in their stiles took additions and denominations were of such an enemy that is people barbarous and not reduced to civility magnifying a kind of lawless liberty prodigall of life hardned in body fortified in woods and bogs placing both justice and felicity in the sharpness to their swords Such were the Germans and antient Britains and divers others Upon which kind of people whether the victory be a Conquest or a Reconquest upon a rebellion or revolt it made no difference that ever I could find in honour And therefore it is not the inriching predatory war that hath the preheminence in honour else should it be more honour to bring in a Carrock of rich burthen then one of the twelve Spanish Apostles But then this nature of people doth yield a higher point of honour considering in truth and substance then any war can yield which should be atchieved against a civil enemy if the end may be Pacique imponere morem To replant and refound the policie of that Nation to which nothing is wanting but a just and civil Government Which design as it doth descend to you from your noble Father who lost his life in that action though he paid tribute to nature and not to fortune so I hope your Lordship shall be as fatal a Captain to this war as Africanus was to the war of Carthage after that both his Uncle and his Father had lost their lives in Spain in the same war Now although it be true that these things which I have writ being but representations unto your Lordship of the honour and apparance of success of the enterprise be not much to the purpose of my direction yet it is that which is best to me being no man of war and ignorant in the particulars of Estate for a man may by the eye set up the white right in the midst of the But though he be no Archer Therefore I will only add this wish according to the English phrase which termeth a wel-willing advice a wish That your Lordship in this whole action looking forward set down this Position That merit is worthier then fame and looking back hither would remember this text That obedience is better then sacrifice For designing to fame and glory may make your Lordship in the adventure of your person to be valiant as a private Souldier rather then as a Generall it may make you in your commandments rather to be gracious then disciplinary it may make you press action in the respect of the great expectation conceived rather hastily then seasonably and safely it may make you seek rather to atchieve the war by force then by intermixture of practice it may make you if God shall send you prosperous beginnings rather seek the fruition of that honour then the perfection of the work in hand And for your proceeding like a good Protestant upon warrant and not upon good intention your Lordship knoweth in your wisdom that as it is most fit for you to desire convenient liberty of instruction so it is no less fit for you to observe the due limits of them remembring that the exceeding of them may not only procure in case of adverse accident a dangerous disadvow but also in case of prosperous success be subject to interpretation as if all were not referred to the right end Thus I have presumed to write these few lines to your Lordship in methodo ignorantiae which
Your assured loving Friend THO. EGERTON C.S. Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to King James Most gracious Soveraign I Find through my great age accompanied with griefs and infirmities my sense and conceipt is become dull and heavy my memory decayed my judgment weak my hearing imperfect my voice and speech failing and faltering and in all the powers faculties of my mind body great debility Wherefore conscientia imbecilitatis my humble suit to your most sacred Majesty is to be discharged of this great Place wherein I have long served and to have some comfortable Testimony under your Royal hand that I leave it at this humble suit with your gracious favour So shall I with comfort number and spend the few dayes I have to live in meditation and prayers to Almighty God to preserve your Majesty and all yours in all heavenly and earthly felicity and happiness This suit I intended some years past ex dictamine rationis conscientiae Love and fear stayed it now Necessity constrains me to it I am utterly unable to sustain the burthen of this great service for I am come to St. Pauls desire Cupio dissolvi esse Christo Wherefore I most humbly beseech your Majesty most favourably to grant it Your Majesties most humble and loyal poor Subject and Servant THO. ELLESMERE Canc. Again to the same King Most gracious Soveraign YOur royal favour hath placed and continued me many years in the highest place of ordinary Justice in this your Kingdom and hath most graciously borne with my many but unwilling errors and defects accepting in stead of sufficiencie my zeal and fidelity which never failed This doth encourage and stir in me an earnest desire to serve still But when I remember St. Pauls rule Let him that hath an office wait on his office and do consider withall my great age and many infirmities I am dejected and do utterly faint For I see and feel sensibly that I am not able to perform those duties as I ought and the place requires and thereupon I do seriously examine my self what excuse or answer I shall make to the King of Kings and Judge of all Judges when he shall call me to accompt and then my conscience shall accuse me that I have presumed so long to undergo and weild so mighty and great a charge and burthen and I behold a great Cloud of witnesses ready to give evidence against me 1. Reason telleth me and by experience I find Senectus est tarda obliviosa insanabilis morbus 2. I heard the precepts and councel of many reverend sage and learned men Senectuti debitur otium solve senectutem mature c. 3. I read in former Laws that old men were made temeriti rudè donati And one severe Law that saith Sexagenarius de ponte whereupon they are called Depontanei And Plato lib. 6. de legibus speaking of a great Magistrate which was Praefectus legibus servandis determineth thus Minor annis 50 non admittatur nec major annis 70 permittatur in eo perseverare And to this Law respecting both mine office and my years I cannot but yeeld But leaving foreign Laws the Stat. anno 13. E. 1. speaketh plainly Homines excedentes aetatem 70 annorum non ponantur in Assissis Juratis So as it appeareth that men of that age are by that Law discharged of greater painfull and carefull especially Judiciall Offices 4. Besides I find many examples of men of great wisdom knowledge and judgment meet and worthy to be followed of which leaving all other I will remember that of William Warham Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor of England who after long service was upon his humble suit discharged or the office of Chancellor of England in respect of his great age Seeing then such a cloud of witnesses against me which in my private Soliloquies and Meditations are daily and continually represented to my view and mine own conscience more then a thousand witnesses concurring with me Pardon me my most gracious Soveraign to conclude with good Barzillai Quot s●nt dies annorum vitae meae quare servus tuus sit oneri domino nostro Regi obsecro ut revertar servus tuus moriar c. So I most humbly beseech your sacred Majesty graciously to regard the great age infirmity and impotency of your most devoted obedient loyall and faithfull servant Let me not be as Domitius after was Maluit deficere quam desinere But with your Princely favour give me leave to retire myself from the careful service of this great office and from the troubles of this world and to spend the small remnant of this my life in meditation arid prayer I wil never cease to make my humble supplications to Almighty God to bless prosper your Majesty the Queen the Prince all your Royal issue with all heavenly and earthly felicity which is the last and best service your poor aged weak and decayed servant can do for you THO. ELLESMERE Canc. Sir Francis Norris to King James Most gracious Soveraign THe advantage which mine adversary hath taken in first presenting his complaint freely and uncontrolled would have afflicted me greatly had I not known that your Majesty hath given to your Judges Injunction Auditne alteram partem That I entered into discourse with the Lord Willoughby in Church or Church-yard may make it manifest that I had no disposition at all to quarrell The rest of the world is wide enough for men fo affected They that prophane such places trust more to the place the ntheir own worth That I was improvidently in such a place by him surprized muffled in my own Cloak and treacherously buffeted shewed that I suspected no such assault as was there made upon me and where I was so disgracefully and ignobly assaulted by the Lord Willoughby and he in no sort by me yet wel I hope to satisfie every indifferent judgement much more the supream Judge that I had nothing in my intention either towards the Master or the Man It is true most gracious Soveraign that after the Lord Willoughby's dishonorable indignity by me expelled I seeing an unknown face coming fiercely with his sword upon me for my life in defence whereof God himself the law of Nature and Nations doth warrant us to contend I was forced to have forgone it at a Ruffins command or by resisting to yeild it up to your Majesty to whom I have vowed it whensoever you shall command it to your service This I presume to write to a King in whom rests the spirit of honor and by that spirit I hope your Majesty will judge that he which will run from his own defence being injuriously assaulted will also run from the defence of his Soveraign Master I also presume in all humility to address my self to a Prince indued with the spirit of Justice joyned to the divine vertue of compassion by both which I nothing doubt your Majesty will judge when you shall be truly informed of the
preceding and succeeding wrongs offered me that I am and will be Your Majesties most humble and loyall subject FR NORRIS A Patent for the Admiralty of Ireland RIght trusty and welbeloved Cousin and Councellor We greet you well Whereas we are graciously pleased as well for the increase of our Navy and Navigators as also for the better enabling and enriching of our subjects in our Realm of Scotland to give way and liecnce unto our loving subjects of Scotland and so many of them as may make a full able and compleat company for Traffick and Merchandizing into the East Indies to erect and set up among themselves a Company to be called The East Indian Company of Scotland making their first Magazin Storehouse for the said Company in some parts of our Realm of Ireland But for that our Ports and Seas upon the Coasts of our said Realm of Ireland have of late and still are likely without our speciall aid and assistance to be much troubled and annoyed with Pirats and other Sea-Robbers to the great discouragement of our loving Subjects and Merchants passing that way We for the avoyding of those inconveniences and for the better heartning of the said Company in their intended voyage and traffick have for reasons to us best known resolved notwithstanding any other imployments of our Ships there by our Letters Patents under our great Seal of England and at the humble request and Petition of our loving Subjects of the said Company to nominate and appoint A. B. our trusty servant to be imployed in those Seas and Coasts of Ireland as fully and amply as our servant Sir F.H. is now for our narrow Seas And to the end he may with more courage and less prejudice to our said servant Sir F. H. by his diligence and industry in the said imployment free those Seas from the said annoyances our pleasure is That you by your Deed Poll do give unto our said Servant such and the like power and authority for the Irish Seas and Chanell of St. George as the said Sir F. H. hath for the Narrow Seas So always as the power and authority of the said A. B. may begin where the power and authority of the said Sir F. H. doth end that is to say from our Island of Scilie in our Realm of England unto and alongst the Coast of Ireland and the Chanell of St. George So not doubting of your speedy effecting of what is here required for the furtherance of so good a work We bid you heartily farewell From our Court at c. A Commission to divers Lords c. for the delivery of Ulushing Brill c. May 14. Jac. 14. IAMES by the grace of God King of England c. To the right Reverend Father in God our right trusty and welbeloved Councellor George Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and to our right trusty and welbeloved Councellor Tho. Ellesmere Lord Chancellor of England and to our right trusty and welbeloved Cousins and Councellors Tho. Earl of Suffolk Lord Treasurer of England Edward Earl of Worcester Lord Keeper of our Privy-Seal Lodowick Duke of Lennox Lord Steward of our houshold Charls Earl of Nottingham Lord Admiral of England William Earl of Pembroke Lord Chamberlain of our houshold Tho. Earl of Exeter John Earl of Mar and Alexander Earl of Dumfermlin and to our right trusty and right welbeloved Councellors Tho. Viscount Fenton Tho. Bishop of Winton Edward Lord Zouch Lord Warden of our Cinque-Ports William Lord Knowls Treasurer of our houshold John Lord Stanhop and Tho. Lord Bannings and to our right trusty and welbeloved Councellors Sir John Digby Knight our Vice-Chamberlain Sir John Herbert Knight one of our principal Secretaries of State Sir Fulk Grevil Knight Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of our Exchequer Sir Tho. Parry Knight Chancellor of our Dutchy of Lancaster Sir Edward Coke Knight Chief Justice of our Bench and Sir Julius Cesar Knight Master of our Rolls greeting Whereas the States-Generall of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries have divers times sollicited us by their resident Ambassador Sir Noel Caron Knight that we would be pleased to render into their hands the Towns of Flushing in Zeland with the Castle of Ramakins and of Bril in Holland with the Forts and sconces thereunto belonging which we hold by way of caution untill such sums of money as they owe unto us be reimbursed upon such reasonable conditions as should be agreed on between us and them for the reimbursing and repayments of the said monies And whereas we have recommended the consideration of this so mighty and important an affair to the judgment and discretion of you the Lords of our Privy-Councel and have received from you after long and mature deliberation and examination of the circumstances an advice That as the present condition of our State now standeth and as the nature of those Towns is meer cautionary wherein we can challenge no interest of propriety it would be much better for our service upon fair and advantagious conditions to render them then longer to hold them at so heavy a charge Now forasmuch as in our Princely wisdom we have resolved to yield up our said Towns with the said Castle and Sconces belonging unto them upon such conditions as shall be most for our advantage as well in point of honour as of profit Know ye therefore that we have assigned and appointed you the said Archbishop L. Treasurer L. Privy-Seal L. Steward L. Admiral L. Chamberlain E. of Exeter E. of Mar E. of Dunfermlin Vicount Fintons L. Bishop of Winton L. Zouch L. Knowls L. Stanhop L. Banning Sir John Digby Sir John Herbert Sir Ralph Winwood Sir Tho. Lake Sir Fulk Grevil Sir Tho. Parry Sir Edw. Coke Sir Julius Cesar our Commissioners and do by these presents give full power authority unto you or the more part of you for us and in our name to treat and conclude with the said Sir Noel Caron Knight Ambassador from the States of the United Provinces being likewise for that purpose sufficiently authorized from the said States his superiors touching the rendition and yielding up of the said Town of Flushing with the Castle of Ramakins in Zeland and of the Town of Bril in Holland with the Forts and Sconces thereto belonging and of the Artillery and Munition formerly delivered by the States with the same which are now remaining in them or any of them and have not been spent and consumed And for the delivery of them into the hands of the said States on such terms as by you shall be thought fit for our most honour and profit and for the manner thereof to give instructions to our said several Governours of the said Garrisons according to such your conclusion And this our Commission or the enrollment or exemplification thereof shall be unto you and every of you a sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalf In witness c. Witness our self at Westminster the 31 day of May in the 14 year of our
Reign c. and of Scotland the 49. A Commission to Viscount Lisle Governour to deliver them up 22 May 14. Jac. IAMES by the grace of God c. To our right trusty and welbebeloved Cozen Robert Lord Viscount Lisle Lord Chamberlain to our dear Consort the Queen and our Governour of our Town of Vlushing and of the Castle of Ramakins greeting Whereas we by Our Letters Patents sealed with Our great Seal of England bearing date at Westminster the 22. day of April in the fifth year of Out reign of England France and Ireland of Scotland the 36. for the consideration therein expressed did make ordain and constitute you the said Viscount Lisle by the name of Sir Robert Sydney Knight for Us to be the Governour and Captain of the said Town of Vlushing and of the Castle of Ramakins in the Low-Countries and of all the Garrisons and Souldiers that then were or hereafter should be there placed for Our service and guard of the said Town and Castle to have hold exercise and occupy the Office of the said Governor and Captain of the said Town and Castle by your self or your sufficient Deputie or Deputies to be allowed by Us during Our pleasure giving unto you full power and authority by your said Letters Patents to take the Oath and Oaths of all Captains Souldiers then serving or that hereafter should serve in the same Town and Castle as in like causes was requisite with divers other powers therein mentioned as by Our said Letters Patents at large appeareth And whereas the States generall of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries have divers and sundry times for many years together sollicited Us by their Resident Ambassador Sir Noel Caron Knight that We would be pleased to render into their hands the said Town of Vlushing in Zealand with the said Castle of Ramakins and the Town of Brill in Holland with the Forts Sconces thereunto belonging which We hold by way of Caution until such sums of mony as they owe unto Us be reimbursed upon such reasonable conditions as should be agreed upon between Us them for the reimbursing and repaiment of the said monies And whereas thereupon We recommended the consideration of this so weighty and important an affair to the judgement and discretion of the Lords of the Privy Councell and have received from them after long and mature deliberation and examination of Circumstances an advice that as the present condition of Our State now standeth and as the nature of those towns is lying onely Cautionary wherein we can challenge no interest of propriety it should be much better for our service upon fair and advantangious conditions to render them then longer to hold them at so heavy a charge Now forasmuch as in Our Princely Wisdom We have resolved to yeild up Our said Towns with the said Castle and Sconces belonging unto them upon such conditions as shall be most fit for Our advantage as well in point of honor as of profit And to that end by Our Commission under Our great Seal of England have assigned and appointed the Lords and others of Our Privy Councell Our Commissioners and thereby give full power and authority unto them or the more part of them for Us and in Our name to treat and conclude with the said Sir Noell Caron Knight Ambassador from the States of the United Provinces being likewise for that purpose sufficiently authorized from the said States his superiors touching the rendition and yeilding up of the said Town of Vlushing with the Castle of Ramakins in Zealand and of the said town of Brill in Holland with the Forts and Sconces thereunto belonging and of the Artillery or Munition formerly delivered by the said States with the same Towns and Castles and Forts and which are now remaining in them or any of them and have not been spent or consumed And for the delivery of the said Towns Castle Forts Artillery and Munition into the hands of the said States upon such terms as by the said Lords and other of our Privy Councell or the more part of them shall be thought fit for our most honor and profit and for the manner thereof to give instructions to our several Governors of our said Garrisons according to such their conclusion which conclusion according to our said Commission is already made and perfected We do therefore hereby give power and authority unto and do charge and command you the said Lord Lisle for us and in our name to render and yield up into the hands of the said States of the United Provinces or to such persons as shall be lawfully deputed by them the aforesaid Town of Vlushing and Castle of Ramakins whereof now you have charge by vertue of our Letters-Patents aforesaid together with the Artillery and Munition now remaining in them or any of them heretofore delivered by the said States with the said Town and Castle and as yet not spent or consumed observing and performing in all points such instructions as you shall receive under the hands of the said Lords and others of our Privy-Councel or the more part of them concerning the rendring up and delivery of the said Town And we do further give you full power and authority and by these presents do charge and command you for us and in our name to discharge and set free all the subordinate Officers Captains and souldiers under your charge of that oath and trust which heretofore they have taken for the keeping and preserving of that Town and Castle to our use and service and for that purpose to make such Declaration Proclamation and other signification of our Royal pleasure commandment and ordinance in that behalf as in your wisdom you shall think fit and these our Letters-Patents or the inrollment or exemplification thereof shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in that behalf In witness c. Witness our self at Westminster the 22 day of May in the 14 year of our reign of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the 49. Countess of Nottingham to the Danish Ambassador SIR I Am very sorry this occasion should have been offered me by the King your Master which makes me troublesom to you for the present It is reported to me by men of honour the great wrong the King of the Danes hath done me when I was not by to answer for my self For if I had been present I would have letten him know how much I scorn to receive that wrong at his hands I need not to urge the particular of it for the King himself knows it best I protest to you Sir I did think as honorably of the King your Master as I did of my own Prince but now I perswade my self there is as much baseness in him as can be in any man For although he be a Prince by birth it seems not to me that there harbours any Princely thought in his breast for either in Prince or Subject it is the basest that
after I having not in all this time stirred out of my house under colour of being ill disposed though the truth was indeed to inform my self of some particulars which concerned your Majesties service before I would speak with the Duke He being as I have since understood something troubled that in all this time I made no means to come unto him one morning by nine of the clock very privately came to my house without advertising of his coming as the custom is here untill the Coach stayed at my gate and then he sent in a Gentleman to me telling me that the Duke was there to speak with me When I had conducted the Duke into a room where we were private he fell into th' aforesaid matter and in the manner as I shall here set down unto your Majesty without making any other pretence or intent of his coming or without using in the space of an houre any speech touching any other business After some few questions of your Majesty and the Queen he began to ask many things of the Prince as of his age his stature his health his inclination to what sports he was chiefly given And then suddenly as it were with a passionate expression of affection he desired God to bless him and to make him the means by which your Majesties might be conjoyned in a neerer alliance and your Kingdoms in a perpetual amity saying unto me that he was out of doubt of my good inclination to this business both by what had formerly passed between our selves as likewise by my proceedings in England whereof he had been fully informed by the Spanish Ambassador And therefore he would in few words deal with me with much cleerness and freeness assuring himself he should receive the like measure from me and thereupon entred into a solemn protestation how much this King desired the Match and for himself he solemnly swore there was no one thing in the world he more desired to see before he dyed then the effecting thereof But my Lord Ambassador said he you must deal as justly with me to let me understand whether you conceive the like desire to be in the King of England and his Ministers and then I shall proceed to speak further unto you I answered the Duke That I ever esteemed more the reputation of a man of truth and integrity then of skill and subtilty which I did hope he did well perceive by what I was to say for that I was much more desirous fairly to go off from this business then easily to go into it And therefore if he would have me speak my conscience I neither conceived that either in your Majesty or any of your Ministers there was any kind of inclination thereunto for that they having formerly given so resolute and distastefull an answer your Majesty had just cause never again to cast so much as your thoughts this way And though it might be alleadged that the fitness of the Prince his years and other civil regards might cause new resolutions yet the difference of Religion were still the same and the same were the truths and opinions of Divines in matter of conscience and therefore it would not but be a thing of great difficulty to perswade your Majesty and your Ministers that a Match should be hearkened unto much less desired from hence but upon the same terms the very thought and remembrance whereof is yet unpleasing in England So that to deal plainly with him I neither found in your Majesty or in the Councel any kind of thought or imagination of any possibility of having any such motion again revived But this I found not to grow from any particular dislike or want of affection in your Majesty to Spain or that many of the greatest or the principallest person in England judged not the neerness and alliance of Spain equally valuable with any other of Christendom but that out of a distastefulness of the former answer given from hence all expectation of any business of this nature was absolutely extinguished and therefore again to revive it there would need more then ordinary endeavours or ordinary assurances But in case that they might be given I know that this Match would neither want well-willers nor assistants and for my own part I would freely make profession that no man more desired it then my self nor would more willingly imploy his endeavours for the furthering thereof when by the descending to particulars I should see both in regard of the conditions and the assurances of sincere proceeding the motion worthy and fit by a discreet and good servant to be offered to his Master neither then should I be wholly out of hope of good success though I would not but esteem it a business of infinite difficulty The Duke replied That any discourse that I thought fit herein should be condescended unto for that all time was lost that was spent in generalities And therefore if I so liked he would move this King that one or two besides himself might be appointed to have conference with me for that if he should only retain it in his hands by reason of his many occupations it would have a slower progress then he wished but if I would by way of conference digest the difficulties into heads and particulars he would as often as he might be present at our meeting But for his own part he said he apprehended few but what would arise out of the difference of Religion I told the Duke that I very well approved of the descending into particulars neither should I refuse conference with any herein whom the King would appoint to speak with me But if his meaning were that these persons should be nominated or joyned by way of Commission I thought fit to let him understand that I neither had any time nor did at present speak of this business either by order or direction no nor so much as by your Majesties privity but as a Minister that desired to lay hold of all occasions for the increasing of further love neerness betwixt his Master and the Prince to whom he is imployed I should be glad to the uttermost of my power to advance and further this cause as that which I apprehended to be the greatest which the world now affordeth for the firm uniting of your Majesties and your estates The Duke told me that the King would make no scruple to declare his good inclination and desire to have this Match proceeded in and that for the accommodating of the difficulties he had already used divers diligences with the Pope as likewise with the greatest Divines of this Kingdom whereof he named some unto me whom he said he found very well inclined to the Match he told me also he would be glad they might speak with me to the end I might truly understand of them all kind of scruples that could be alleadged I answered I desired nothing more and that I could not but approve of those courses he prescribed as the most
onely without but against reason that the Commous in their severall and particulars should be made relievers or suppliers of his Majesties wants who neither know his wants nor the sums that may be this way raised to supply the same Secondly it is against reason that the particular and severall Commons distracted should oppose their judgment and discretion to the judgement and discretion of the wisdom of their Land assembled in Parliament who have there denied any such aid It argueth in us want of love and due respect of our Soveraign Lord and King which ought to be in every of us towards each other which is to stay every one which we see falling and reduce the current What prosperity can there be expected to befall either our King or Nation when the King shall haply of ignorance or 'tis I hope out of forgetfulnesse or headinesse commit so great a sin against his God as is the violating of his great and solemn oath taken at his coronation for the maintaining of his Lawes Liberties and Customes of this Noble Realm his Subjects some for fear some in pride some to please others shall joyn hands to forward so unhappy an achievement can he any way more highly offend the Divine Majesty whom he then invocated as also can he then give unto another Hen. 4. If such an one should rise up which God forbid a greater advantage let these Articles put up against R. 2. be looked on it will appear that the breach of the Laws infringing the Liberties failing in this his oath were the main blemishes wherewith he could distain and spot the honor of that good and gentle Prince who indeed was rather by others abused then of himselfe mischievously any way disposed Secondly as very irreligiously and uncharitably we help forward the Kings Majesty in that grievous sin of perjury so into what an hellish danger we plunge our selves even so many of us as contribute is to be learned out of the severall curses and sentences of excommunination given out against all such givers and namely the two following viz. the great curse given out the 36. H. 3. against all breakers of the Liberties and customes of the Realm of England with their Abettors Councellors and Executioners wherein by the sentence of Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury and the chief part of all the Bishops of this Land are ipso facto excommunicated And that of 24. Ed. I. denounced immediatly upon the Acts made against such Benevolence free Grants and Impositions had and taken without common assent which because it is not so large as that former I will set down as our Books deliver the same IN the Name of the Father Son and holy Ghost Amen Whereas our Soveraign Lord the King to the honour of God and of the Holy Church and for the common profit of the Realm hath granted for him and his heirs forever these Articles above written Robert Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of all England admonished all his Province once twice and thrice because that shortness will not suffer so much delay as to give knowledge to all the people of England of these presents in writing We therefore enjoyn all persons of what estate soever they be that they and every of them as much as in them is shal uphold and maintain those Articles granted by our Soveraign Lord the King in all points and all those that in any point do resist or break those Ordinances or in any manner hereafter procure counsel or in any ways assent to resist or break those Ordinances or go about it by word or deed openly or privatly by any maner of pretence or colour We therefore the said Archbishop by our authority in this Writing expressed do excommunicate and accurse and from the body of our Lord Jesus Christ and from all the company of Heaven and from all the Sacraments of the holy Church do sequester and exclude Sir hearing that to morrow the Justices will be here about this busie work of Benevolence wherein you have both sent unto and talked with me and thinking that it may be you would deliver up the names of the not-givers Forasmuch as I think I shal scarcely be at home to make my further answer if I should be called for I pray yon both hereby to understand my mind your self and if cause so require to let the Justices perceive as much So leaving others to their own consciences whereby in that last and dreadfull day they shal stand or fall before him who will reward every man according to his deeds I commend you to the grace of the Almighty and rest Your loving Neighbour and Friend OLIVER St. JOHN The Justices of Peace in the County of Devon to the Lords of the Councell THe Letters from his sacred Majesty unto the Justices of Peace in this County together with your Lordships have been opened and read according to the directions in your Lordships Letter to our high Sheriff expressed and the weighty business therein contained hath been maturely and speedily debated according to our most bounden duties to his excellent Majesty and the many concurring necessities which press the expedition of such a service and in those respects we can do no less then give your Lordships a timely knowledge of the vote and opinion of us all which was this day almost in the same words delivered by every of us That the sum enjoyned to be levied by the first of March is not to be so suddenly raised out of this County by any means much less by way of perswasion and hereof we had lately a certain experience in the business of the loans which notwithstanding the fear apprehended by the presence of the Pursivant hath come at least 6000. l. short of the expected sum and without him we suppose would have been much less and we are confident that nothing but extremities which had need also be back't by Law will raise his Majesty a sufficient quantity of treasure for his occasions For our selves at the time of the proposition of the forementioned Loans we did according to his Majesties proclamation and instruction then sent us engage our faithfull promise to our Countreymen that if they willingly yeilded to his Majesties necessities at this time we would never more be Instruments in the levy of aids of that kind his Majesties intentions so clearly manifested not to make that a president was the cause of that engagement and we conceive it cannot be for his honor or service for us to be the means of such a breach That his Majesties affairs and of his Allies do all want an instant supply of Royall provisions his provident and Princely Letter hath fully taught us but we have much more cause to wish then hope that these parts so lately and so many ways impoverished can yeild it Your Lordships may vouchsafe to remember how much this County hath been charged since the beginning of the war though sometimes refreshed with payment which we acknowledge
aspersions of either adversary especially when the Auditory is suspected with the one or the other infection 6. Lastly That the Archbishop and Bishops of this Kingdom whom his Majesty hath good cause to blame for their form●●●●●●●ss he more wary and choise in the licensing of Preachers and 〈◊〉 gr●●● made to any Chancellor Official or Commissary to pass Licences in this kind And that all the Lecturers throughout the Kingdom a new body and severed from the antient Clergie of England as being neither Parsons Vicars nor Curates be licensed henceforward in the Court of Faculties only upon recommendations of the party from the Bishop of the Diocess under his hand and seal with a Fiat from the Archbishop of Canterbury and a confirmation under the great seal of England and that such as transgress any of these Directions be suspended by the Lord Bishop of that Diocess or in his default by the Lord Archbishop of that Province ab officio beneficio for a year and a day untill his Majesty by the advice of the next Convocation shall prescribe some further punishment By this you see his Majesties Princely care that men should preach Christ crucified obedience to the higher powers and honest and Christian conversation of life but in a regular form and not that every young man should take unto himself an exorbitant liberty to teach what he listeth to the offence of his Majesty and to the disturbance and disquiet of the Church and Commonwealth I can give unto your Lordship no better directions for the performance hereof then are prescribed to you in his Majesties Letter and the Schedule hereunto annexed Wherefore I pray you be very carefull since it is the Princely pleasure of his Majesty to require an exact account both of you and of me for the same Thus not doubting but by your Register or otherwise you will cause these Instructions to be communicated to your Clergy I leave you to the Almighty and remain your Lordships loving brother George Cant. Croydon Aug. 15. 1622. King James Instructions to the Archbishop of Canterbury concerning Orders to be observed by Bishops in their Diocesses 1622. 1. THat the Lords the Bishops be commanded to their severall Sees excepting those that are in necessary attendance at Court 2. That none of them reside upon his land or lease that he hath purchased nor on his Commendum if he hold any but in one of his Episcopall Houses if he have any and that he waste not the woods where any are left 3. That they give their charge in their Trienniall Visitations and at other convenient times both by themselves and the Archdeacons and that the Declaration for setling all questions in difference be strictly observed by all parties 4. That there be a speciall care taken by them all that the Ordinations be solemn and not of unworthy persons 5. That they take great care concerning the Lecturers in their severall Diocess for whom we give these special Directions following First That in all Parishes the after-noon Sermons may be turned into Catechising by Question and Answer when and wheresoever there is no great cause apparent to break this ancient and profitable order Secondly that every Bishop ordain in his Diocess that every Lecturer do read Divine Service according to the Liturgy printed by authority in his Surplice and Hood before the Lecture Thirdly That where a Lecture is set up in a Market Town it may be read by a company of grave and Orthodox Divines neer adjoyning and in the same Diocess and that they preach in Gowns not in Cloaks as too many use to do Fourthly That if a Corporation do maintain a single Lecturer he be not suffered to preach till he professe his willingnesse to take upon him a living with cure of souls within that Incorporation and that he actually take such Benefice or Cure so soon as it shall be fairly procured for him Fifthly That the Bishops do countenance and encourage the grave Orthodox Divines of their Clergy and that they use means by some of the Clergy or others that they may have knowledge how both Lecturers and Preachers within their Diocess do behave themselves in their Sermons that so they may take order for any abuse accordingly Sixthly That the Bishops suffer none under Noblemen or men qualified by Law to have any private Chaplain in his house Seventhly That they take speciall care that Divine Service be diligently frequented as well for Prayers and Catechismes as for Sermons and take particular note of all such as absent themselves as Recusants or others Eighthly That every Bishop that by our grace and favour and good opinion of his service shall be nominated by us to another Bishoprick shall from that day of nomination not presume to make any Lease for three lives or one and twenty years or concurrent Lease or any way renew any estate or cut any Wood or Timber but meerly receive his Rents due and to quit the place For we think it an hatefull thing that any man leaving the Bishoprick should almost undo his Successor And if any man shall presume to break this Order We will refuse him Our Royall assent and keep him at the place he hath so abused Ninthly and lastly We command you to give us an account every year the second of January of the performance of these our commands Subscribed at Dorchester I. R. Bishop of Winchester to his Archdeacon to the same effect SAlutem in Christo I have received Letters from the most Reverend Father in God the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury the tenor whereof foloweth Right reverend Father in God my very good Lord and brother I have received from the Kings most excellent Majesty a Letter the tenor whereof here ensueth Most reverend Father in God right trusty and right entirely beloved Councellor we greet you well For as much as the abuses and extravagancies of Preachers in the Pulpit have been c. According to the tenor of these Letters you are to see that these limitations and cautions herewith sent unto you be duly and strictly from henceforth observed and put in practice and that several Copies of those Directions be speedily communicated to every one of those whom they shall concern and that you may imploy your uttermost endeavors in the performance of so important a business considering that his Majesty will have a special eye over you and me and expect a strict accompt at both our hands whereof praying you to have all possible care I commend your endeavours therein to the blessing of God From Farnham Aug. 15. 1622. Your very loving friend Lan. Winton The Bishop of Lincoln L. Keeper to the Bishop of London concerning Preaching and Catechising My very good Lord I Doubt not before this time you have received from me the directions of his most excellent Majesty concerning Preaching and Preachers which are so graciously set down that no godly or discreet man can otherwise then acknowledge that they do much
for that respect discontinue my writing to you and because no private businesse occurreth I will be bold to advise a line or two concerning the publick affairs of Italy Cassal is still made good against the Spanyard not by the Duke of Mantua for he poor Prince was long since bankrupt but by the succours of France and this Seignory the former contributing monthly 40000 Dollers the latter 20000 not only to maintaine the Cassaleschi but also to enable the Duke to stand fast against all other the Spanyards attempts mean while we hear say boldly that a league offensive and defensive against the Spanyards in Italy is concluded betweene the French and the Venetians and that the French King hath already sent out two Armies one under the Duke of Guise by sea who they say is landed at Nizza the other under the Marquess de Coeure who is marching hitherward through the Valtoline and though I doubt something these proceedings of the French yet I am sure the Seignior doth daily give out new Commissions for the levying of Souldiers in that number that now every one demands what strange enterprize this State hath in hand and all jump in this that it is against the Spanyard The Pope is still adverse to the Spanyard and inclines strongly to the good of Italy animating this State to meete the French with a declaration and the French to conclude a peace on any honorable terms with us that they may the more safely follow their present designs which is to suppresse the Spanyards in Italy his Catholick Majesty hath lost a great deale of credit in these parts by the losse of his Silver Fleete and that he is in extreme want of mony is collected here from the present state of some of his publick Ministers Ognat his ordinary Embassadour at Rome being lately recalled in stead of going home into Spaine hath retyred himselfe privately to Monte Pincio being in such premunire that he is not able to accommodate himselfe with necessaries for his journy And Mounterei who is to succeed him is arrived as far Sienna but being foundred in his purse is able to get no farther meane while living there in an Inne Moreover the Merchants in Rome are advised by their correspondents in Spaine to be wary in letting either of them have monies this is from a good hand in Rome Sir Kenelm Digby hath lately been at Delos where he hath laden great store of Marble he is said to be in very good plight and Condition I trouble you no more Venice 5. January 1629. Stilo novo Your faithful servant C. H. The Lords of the Council of England to the Lords of the Councel in Ireland 31 Jan. 1629. BY your Letter dated the ninth of January we understand how the seditious riot moved by the Friars and their adherents at Dublin hath by your good order and resolution been happly supprest and we doubt not but by this occasion you will consider how much it concerneth the good Government of that Kingdome to present in time the first growing of such evils for where such people be permitted to swarm they wil soon grow licentious and endure no government but their own which cannot otherwise be restored then by a due and seasonable execution of the Law and of such directions as from time to time have been sent from his Majesty and this Board Now it redoundeth much to the honour of his Majesty that the world shall take notice of the ability and good service of his Ministers there which in person he hath been pleased openly in Councel and in most gracious manner to approve and commend whereby you may be sufficiently encouraged to go on with like resolution and moderation til the work be solely done as well in City as in other places of your Kingdome the carriage whereof we must leave to your good discretions whose particular knowledge of the present state of things can guide you better when and where to carry a soft or harder hand only this we hold necessary to put you in mind that you continue in that good agreement amongst your selves for this and other services which your Letters do expresse and for which we commend you much that the good servants of the King and state may find encouragement equally from you all and the ill affected may find no support or countenance from any nor any other connivances used but by general advice for avoiding of further evils shall be allowed and such Magistrates and Officers if any shal be discovered that openly or underhand favour such disorders or do not their duties in suppressing them and committing the offenders you shall doe well to take all fit and safe advantages by the punishment or displacing of a few to make the rest more cautious This we write not as misliking the faire course you have taken but to expresse the concurrency of our Judgments with yours and to assure you of our assistance in all such occasions wherein for your further proceedings we have advised And his Majesty requireth you accordingly to take order first that the house wherein Seminary Friars appeared in their habits and wherein the Reverend Arch-Bishop and the Maior of Dublin received the first affront be spedily demolished and be the mark of terror to the resisters of Authority and that the rest of the houses erected or imployed there or elsewhere to the use of suspicious societies be converted to houses of correction and to set the people on work or to other publick uses for the advancement of Justice good Arts or Trades and further that you use all fit meanes to discover the Founders Benefactors and Maintainers of such Societies and Colledges and certifie their names and that you find out the Lands Leases or Revenues applyed to their uses and dispose thereof according to the Law and that you certifie also the places and institutions of all such Monasteries Priories Nunneries and other Religious houses and the names of all such persons as have put themselves to be brothers and sisters therein especially such as are of note to the end such evil plants be not permitted to take root any where in that Kingdome which we require you take care of For the supply of Munition which you have reason to desire we have taken effectuall order that you shall receive it with all convenient speed And so c. Lord Keeper Lord Treasurer Lord President Lord Privy Seale L. high Chamberlain Earl of Suffolk Earl of Dorset Earl of Salisbury Earl of Kelly Lord Viscount Dorchester Lord Newbergh Mr. Vice Chamberlaine Mr. Secretary Cooke Sir William Alexander The Lord Faulkland's Petition to the King MOst humbly shewing that I had a Sonne until I lost him in your Highnesse displeasure where I cannot seeke him because I have not will to find him there Men say there is a wilde young man now prisoner in the Fleete for measuring his actions by his own private sense But now that for the same your Majesties hand
Indeavours to appease the Bohemian tumults 113 Offers Conditions to the Emperour on the behalfe of the Palatine 114. his Propositions to the Palatine 143 144. acknowledged Protectour of the Germane Protestants 149. his directions concerning Preachers 183. makes Romano Martyrs 199 Janin President of the Parliament of Paris 195 Infantasque Duke 98 Inquisition of Spaine 97 Instructions to Sir John Perot Deputy of Ireland 15 16 By King Charles for the Vniversity of Cambridg 227 Ireland in what condition in Sir John Perots time 16 17 18 In the beginning of King Charles 235 236 237 238 239 Irish delight in change 17. barbarous 46. murder theft c. legall with them 51. renegadoes in Spaine 100 101 Isabella Clara Eugenia Infanta of Spain 127 128 Isabella Infanta of Savoy 243 Isidore Spanish Saint 125 126 Italians dangerous to France 195 196 Justinian made Lawes concerning the Clergy 5 K Kings no man above them 6. like the Sun 36. of France and Spaine 198 L Lady of Antiochia 125 Lawes of England most jealous for the safety of her Kings 85 Leicester Earle out of favour turns religious 31 Lecturers dangerous 186 Lerma Duke in the life of Phil. the third moves the Spanish Match 117 c. 121 Lincoln Bishop Lord Keeper 190 Lisle Viscount after Earle of Leicester governour of Vlushing c. 93 Loanes denyed the King 182 London sometime the chamber of her Kings 81 Louis the thirteenth in his minority 123 c. enters Rochel 203. see Urbane Pope Louvre of France the prison of her King 194 Low Countries 149 Luenza Don John 126 M Mac Frogh Phelim 237 Magick 75 Magog a renegado Irishman guilty of thirteen murders 101 Manchester Earle 225 Manheim besieged 127 Mansfield Count 116 131 Maried men seven yeares older the first day 71 Mantua Duke 204 234. defended by the French and Venetians 239 Maria Donna Infanta of Spaine 126 133 134. deserved well of the Prince of Wales 140 Gives over learning English 151 Match with France 117 118. with Spaine 117 118 119 120 121 122 123. never intended by the Spaniards 133 Mathews Sir Toby 67 May Sir Humphrey 226 Merchants in Spaine see Spaniards Merit is worthier them fame 47 Monmorencie Duke 195 Monpensier Duke 36 Montauban in rebellion 204 Monteri Spanish Embassadour 210 Mountjoye Lord after Earle of Devon 35 36 Munster in Ireland marked for the Spanish invasions 17 N Nevers Duke see Mantua Duke Newburgh Duke 147 Norfolk Duke sues to the Queen for his life 11 Norris Sir Thomas 17. Sir John 42. Sir Francis 89 Northumberland Earl 58 59 Nottingham Countess 95 O Oath of Supremacy why urged 39 Odonnel 44 Ognate Spanish Embassadour at Rome 240 Oleron Iland 203 Olivarez Conde 130 131 139 Contrives to compose the Palatine differences without the Match 135 Order submitting the Town of Cambridge to the Vniversity 223 See Charles King Ordination of Priests c. how to be 187 Ormond Earl 42 44 45 Ossuna Duke 125 126 P Palatinate a motive of the Spanish match 129 134. Without which the Kings of England will do nothing 136 138 141 143 151. Dismembred 147 Parliaments tumultuous 229 230 Pastrana Duke 142 Patent for the Admiralty of Ireland 90 Perez Don Antonio Secretary to Philip the Second of Spain 100 Perrot Sir John Deputy of Ireland 13. His care of that Kingdome 17 Philip the Second of Spain transplants whole Families of the Portugese 51 Philip the Third of Spain upon his death-bed 125 c. Philips Sir Robert 155. Francis his brother ibid. Physick modern 75 Pius Quintus his Excommunication of the Queen because of the Rebellion in the North 39 Polander defeats the Turks 198 Pope not more holy then S. Peter 8 Tyranny of Popes 29 Powder plot 67 Pretence of conscience 38 Preachers Licences to preach 183 Directions for preaching 184 Presbytery as mischievous to private men as to Princes 41. See Puritans Priesthood how to be honoured 4 5 Princes to be obeyed and by whom ibid. by Christs Law 7. Supreme Heads 5. Driven out must not give their Vsurpers too long time to establish themselves 147 Privy Seal for transporting of Horse 217 Puritans in the time of Queen Elizabeth 40. Would bring Democracie into the Church promise impossible wonders of the Discipline 41. Fiery Rebellious contemn the Magistrate ibid. Feared not without cause by King James 193 Q Quadrivials 75 R Ranelagh in Ireland 237 Rawleigh Sir Walter 85 86 Ree Iland 203 Rich Baronness sister to Essex writes to the dishonour of the Queen and advantage of the Earl 32 Richardson Chief Justice of the Bench 228 Richer forced by Richlieu recants his opinions against the Papal Supremacy over Kings 196 Richlieu Cardinal greatly solicitous for the English Romane Catholicks 197 Rochel 200. in what condition at the surrender 202 203. Fifteen thousand dye of the famine ibid. Rohan Dutchess in Rochel during the siege 202. Duke 204 206 208 210 Romish Priests seduce the subjects from their obidience their practices against the Queens sacred person 39 40 Roman Catholick●● sue to King James at his entrance for toleration 82 83. great lovers of him the only good subjects witness the Mine then plotted 82 their Religion upon their own words 83 84 Russel Sir William 237 Ruthuen after Lord Ruthuen unhandsomely used by the Earl of Northumberland 106 107 S St. John Oliver against Taxes contrary to Magna Charta c. would not have Oathes violated in which the divine Majesty is invocated fearful of the Arch-Bishops Excommunication 160 Saxonie Elector 114 Scandal what 97 Scriptures how to be expounded 2 3 Seminaries blossom 39 in Ireland seditious appear in their habits 240 241 Serita Don John 125 Sin immortal to respect any of the English Church 101 Southampton Earl 58 Spaniards designe upon Ireland 17 spoil base Bologne 37. lose their Apostles 47. wrong and oppress the English Merchants 97 98 99 102 103. suits in Spain immortal ibid. give pensions to the Irish renegadoes 100 101. unreasonable in the businesse of the Match 127 137 146. swear and damn themselves yet never intended it 132 c. their unworthy sleights to make K James jealous of the Prince and others 152 153. oppose the rights and succession of the Duke of Nevers to Mantua and Montferrat 234 lose their silver Fleet poor 240 Spencer Edmund see Fairy Queen his worth and Learning 45 252 Spinola Marquess 198 199 Spiritualia how to be taken 5 6 Stanley Sir William 18 Superstition worse then Atheisme 160 Supreme Head the Kings Title 1 2 c. 39 T Tilly Count 131 Toirax Governor of the Fort in the I le of Ree 201 Toledo Cardinal 123 Toleration of Religion in Ireland necessary 52 Treason of the Papists in the clouds 40 cannot beget f●ir passions 86 Treaty with Tyrone 43 44. of Bruxels 127 128 Trimouille Duke 37 Turks against the Pander 198 Tyrone 43 44 101 V Valette Cardinal 197 Venetians side with the Mantouan 239 240 Villeroye Secretary of France 195 Urban the Eight encourages Louis the Thirteenth to fall upon the Hugonots 211 212. against the Spaniards 240 Usurpers exhalations 37 W Wallop Sir Henry has ill Offices done him to the Queen 19 Walsingham Sir Francis his reasons why the Queene sometimes restrains and punishes the Puritans 38 Warham Archbishop of Canterbury 98 Warrants of the Queen to the Lords of Ireland at the going over of Sir John Perot 14 15 Weston Sir Ridhard Chancellour of the Exchequer after L. Treasurer and Earl of Portland 128 Wilks Sir Thomas 36 37 Willoughby Lord 90 Winchester Bishop 189 Words are to be construed to make truth 8 Y Yelverton Sir Henry censured in the Starchamber 107 108 109 Ynoiosa Marquesse 152. his base carriage to King James 153 Z. Zunige Don Balthazar 109 112 c. 130 FINIS