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A69677 Brutum fulmen, or, The bull of Pope Pius V concerning the damnation, excommunication, and deposition of Q. Elizabeth as also the absolution of her subjects from their oath of allegiance, with a peremptory injunction, upon pain of an anathema, never to obey any of her laws or commands : with some observations and animadversions upon it / by Thomas Lord Bishop of Lincoln ; whereunto is annexed the bull of Pope Paul the Third, containing the damnation, excommunication, &c. of King Henry the Eighth. Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691.; Catholic Church. Pope (1566-1572 : Pius V). Regnans in excelsis. English & Latin.; Catholic Church. Pope (1534-1549 : Paul III). Ejus qui immobilis permanens. English & Latin. 1681 (1681) Wing B826; ESTC R12681 274,115 334

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prove it 4. Pope Hildebrand or Gregory VII deposeth the Emperor Henry IV. by the Authority given by God as he says of binding and loosing both in Heaven and Earth And then he absolves his Subjects from their Oath of Fidelity and then prohibits them to obey him This Bull is dated at Rome Anno Domini 1075. and five years after he ●xcommunicates and Deposes him again 1080. And implores the Assistance of Peter and Paul in this his Excommunication and Deposition of the Emperor that the World may know that as they have power to bind and loose in Heaven so they have power on Earth to give and take away Empires Kingdoms Principalities Dukedoms Earldoms and according as they shall deserve and he is Judge of that the possessions of all men This power he says Peter had and so he and the Bishops of Rome have it too and that from God as Vicars of Christ and Peter ' s Successors And so by this most Erroneous and Impious Doctrine the Popes have a Power which neither Peter nor any nor all the Apostles ever had to dispose of all mens Temporal Estates in the World whether they be Supream or Subjects 5. After this Pope Gregory IX Excommunicates the Emperor Friderick II. Absolves his Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance lays an Interdict on all his Cities Castles and Villages Excommunicates all that favour him or any way assist or obey him commands the German Bishops upon pain of Excommunication solemnly to publish this Excommunication with all their Impious Solemnities ringing of Bells lighting and then extinguishing Candles c. 6. After this Pope Innocent IV. in the like form Excommunicates and Deposes the said Frederick The Lemma or Title prefix'd to the Bull is thus The Damnation and Excommunication of Frederick II. c. And least this might be thought a rash and inconsiderate Act of the Pope he himself tells us That he did diligently deliberate about it with his Brethren the Cardinals he means and the Sacred Council the General Council of Lions I know that Matthew Paris says that he publish'd that Excommunication in that Council not without the Horror and Amazement of all who heard it But Platina tells us That it was done by the general and concurrent consent of the Council And Innocent himself expresly says That it was done Friderick Excommunicate by the Council it self and therefore the Major part must concur and if it was not so that Pope was not only fallible but actually false And it is a considerable Observation which Matthew Paris has and therefore I shall not omit it when he tells us That some did positively affirm and he believed it that Innocent IV. did above all things earnestly desire to ruin the Emperor Friderick whom he called the great Dragon that he being trampled upon the King of France England and other Christian Kings whom he call'd diminutive Kings and little Serpents affrighted with the sad Fate of Friderick might more easily be kept under and they and their Prelates spoiled of their Goods and by him plundered So that although he and other Popes did pretend as appears by their Bulls that they deposed Kings for the Extirpation of Heresie the Preservation of the Catholick Faith and Christian Religion yet 't is evident to any intelligent and impartial Judge of their Actions that it was their prodigious ambition and covetousness their inordinate and erroneous desire of Dominion of Rule and Riches which made them usurp and exercise a power to depose Kings and Emperors which St. Peter from whom they pretend to have it never had nor pretended to 7. Pope Paul III. Excommunicates Curses Deposes and Damns Henry VIII of England and all who adhere to him favour or obey him absolves his Subjects from all Oaths of Allegiance commands them all under pain of Excommunication not to obey him or any Magistrate or Officer under him nor to acknowledge the King or any of his Judges or Officers to be their Superiors And further with a strange Impiety and Impudence he declares King Henry and his Complices and Favourers and their Children and Descendents to be Infamous incapable to be Witnesses make Wills or be Heirs to any Incapable to do any legal Act and that in any Cause of Debt or any other Cause Civil or Criminal none should be bound to answer them and yet they bound to answer every body And to omit the rest for I shall at the end of these Observations set down the whole Bull he commands the Ecclesiasticks Secular and Regular to quit the Kingdom and not to return till the Persons Excommunicate deprived cursed and damn'd the King and all his Loyal Subjects he means be absolved from their Censures This Bull though fram'd and ready to be publish'd yet the Execution of it was suspended for three years and then actually published in the Year 1538. which was the fifth year of Pope Paul III. as appears by the Date of it in the aforesaid Bullary And when it was published as it was in itself highly Impious so to Hen. VIII and his Loyal Subjects it was ridiculous and all the Effect it had was that it increased their hate and contempt of the Antichristian pride and folly of its Author It appeared what indeed it was Brutum fulmen and that King had too great a courage and understanding to be frighted with an Ignis fatuus Papal Squibs and Wild-fire which could neither warm or burn him 8. Lastly as the Popes preceeding Pius V. so those who followed approved and so far as they were able put in practise that execrable Doctrine of Deposing Kings Pope Gregory XIII did immediately succeed Pius V. and renues and confirms his Bull for deposing Queen Elizabeth and absolving her Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance as is testified not only by Cambden but by the Romish Priests themselves the Seculars who seem'd most moderate and in prosecution of that damnatory Sentence the said Pope Gregory did constitute Fitz-Gerald an Irish Rebel against the Queen General of all the Irish Rebels that so he and they by Fire and Sword might Execute the Sentence of those two Popes deposing that Queen This is expresly testify'd by Fitz-Gerald himself in an Edict publish'd by him after he was General declaring the Justice of that Irish War which he says was undertaken for the Catholick Faith and restoring it in Ireland To Gregory XIII Sixtus Quintus immediately succeeds and confirms the damnatory Sentences of his two Predecessors and as he who well knew tells us Excommunicates and deposes the Queen Absolves her Subjects from their Oaths of Fidelity and published a Croisado as against Turks and Insidels indeed as afterwards evidently appear'd against England and Queen Elizabeth and gave what he Never had ●o give plenary Indulgence to all who should assist in that War Nor is this all Cardinal Allen writ a Traiterous
Expence of Money the Pope and his Party designed and earnestly desired and indeavour'd to Execute 3. When all this would not do and the Pope and his Party plainly saw that they could not cut off the Queen by Pistol Poyson or private Assassinations horrendum majus machinantur scelus they design by Fire and Sword by open War utterly to destroy that good Queen and all her Heretical that is Loyal Subjects And to this end besides Plenary Indulgence and Pardon of all sins here and the Kingdom of Heaven hereafter Pius the Fifth promises and immediately gives two whole Kingdoms England and Ireland to Philip the Second King of Spain as is notoriously known and confess'd by their own Popish Writers His Successors Gregory the Thirteenth and Sixtus the Fifth renue and confirm the Excommunication of Elizabeth and the donation of her Kingdoms and accordingly not with Gods but with the Popes Approbation and Blessing in that memorable year 1588. the vainly supposed Invincible Armado was sent to destroy the damn'd Hereticks the Queen and her Loyal Subjects and take Possession of her Kingdoms which the Pope had given him The Pretences the Pope had to give those Kingdoms for they were but miserable Pretences void of all Reason and Justice were Two 1. King John's Donation and Resignation of his Crown to Pope Innocent the Third about the year 1213. when that King and the whole Nation groaned under many Miseries and Papal Oppressions Which Act of King John was invalid and absolutely Null he having no just Power to give away his Kingdom And even then declared to be Null not only by the English Barons and Nation but by the King of France and his Nobility as Matthew Paris tells us 2. Nor is it only Matthew Paris who says that the Kings of England and Ireland are since King John's time Tribuiaries to the Pope as they pretend but their Historians Canonists and the Popes themselves So Matthew Westminster Henry Knighton Cardinal Tuscus c. The Cardinal tells us That the Pope is the Supream Judge of All. That he can Depose the Emperor Kings Dukes and All who Acknowledge No Superior and that the Kings of England and Sicilie are Tributaries to the Church of Rome And he who denies this Papal Power is No Christian And for Ireland Pope John the Two and twentieth in a Bull to our King Edward the Second tells him That his Predecessor Adrian the Fourth Gave the Kingdom of Ireland to Henry the Second King of England upon certain Conditions which Conditions our King had not kept And this ridiculous Bull we have in Matthew Paris ad Ann. 1156. pag. 95. where he tells us That all the Islands in the World which are Christian belong to Peter and so to the Pope See Archbishop Vsher of the Religion profess'd by the Ancient Irish pag. 51. 92. 93. 94. c. And upon these and such like ridiculous Pretenses the Pope required Edward the Third to do him Homage for the Kingdoms of England and Ireland and the Arrears of One thousand Marks per Annum All the Popes pretences were in a full Popish Parliament declared vain and evidently null as appears by my Lord Cooke and the Record before mention'd Besides 't is certain that John was an Usurper and had only Possession of the Crown but no just Right and Title to it For Elinor Daughter to Jeffery his Elder Brother was living and was the true Heir of the Crown so that King John's Resignation of the Crown to the Pope was absolutely null it being impossible he should give a Just Title to another who had none himself His second Pretence was that the Queen being an Excommunicate and Deposed Heretick as he was pleased to miscall her her Kingdom was forfeited to him by the Canon of their great Lateran Council Wherein 't is declared That such obstinate Persons as they call the Queen when they stood Excommunicate and would not give Satisfaction the Pope was to absolve their Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance and give their Lands and Kingdoms to Catholicks who by that Canon were bound to Exterminate or Extirpate all Hereticks Upon the aforesaid Sandy Foundations the Popes successively since King John's time build their Right to the Crown of England and believe or at least say and would have others believe that the Imperial or Royal Power of England and Ireland is in them and our Kings only Beneficiarij Feudatarij as the Civil Law calls them Feudataries to the Pope of whom as their Supream Lord they hold their Kingdoms Whence it was that Pope Innocent the Third in his Letter to Philip King of France calls the King of England his Vassal And his Successor Pope Innocent the Fourth with a Prodigious Antichristian Pride and Impiety calls our King Henry the Third was then King His Vassal and which is more his Slave What says he Is not the King of England our Vassal Nay that I may say more our Slave These are his words and expressions of such prodigious Pride as is absolutely Inconsistent with that great and exemplary Humility which our blessed Saviour practis'd in his own Person and Commanded all even Peter and his Apostles to imitate But yet congruous enough and consistent with the Hypocrisie of him who would be call'd Servus Servorum Dei the Servant of all Gods Servants and yet as the Man of Sin mention'd by the Apostle Exalts himself above all that is called God and with Pope Innocent the Fourth in the place now cited calls Kings his Slaves and Vassals 'T is true we believe and know that the Pope indeed had no Power to performe those aforesaid Promises and so in making them was to all intelligent sober and pious Persons not only impious but ridiculous yet to those of his Popish Party who having strong delusion to believe a Lye were perswaded he had Power to make good his Promises that he was Christs Vicar Supream Head and Monarch of the Church that he had the Power of the Keys and so could shut and open keep out and let into Heaven whom he pleased that he could by this Power Depose Kings and was Infallible and never Err'd for these Erroneous and Impious Positions are approved and received at Rome I say such Promises made by such a Person were very great And to such deluded Persons who were perswaded of the truth and reality of them prevailing Incouragements to make them desperately indeavour to Assassinate and Murder Queen Elizabeth Forty or Fifty thousand Duckets promised was great and intic●ing Wages for doing such a Work and actually prevail'd with many to endeavour it But when what the Pope promised Philip King of Spain two whole Kingdoms here and the Kingdom of Heaven hereafter are promised for destroying the Hereticks the Queen and her Loyal Subjects this was such an offer as could not be refused by
Faith and for our amendment suffered to be punished with so great Afflictions might be preserved uncorrupt But the number of the ungodly hath gotten such power there is now no place left in the whole World which they have not assayed to corrupt with their most wicked Doctrines Amongst others Elizabeth the pretended Queen of England a Slave of Wickedness lending thereunto her helping hand with whom as in a Sanctuary the most pernicious of all men have found a Refuge This very Woman having seized on the Kingdom and monstrously usurping the place of Supream Head of the Church in all England and the chief Authority and Jurisdiction thereof hath again brought back the said Kingdom into miserable destruction which was then newly reduced to the most Catholick Faith and good Fruits Sect. 2. For having by strong hand inhibited the exercise of the true Religion which Mary lawful Queen of famous memory had by the help of this See restored after it had been formerly overthrown by Henry the Eighth a Revolter therefrom and following and embracing the Errors of Hereticks she hath removed the Royal Council consisting of the English Nobility and filled it with obscure men being Hereticks oppressed the Embracers of the Catholick Faith placed impious Preachers Ministers of Iniquity abolished the Sacrifice of the Mass Prayers Fastings choice of Meats unmarried Life and the Catholick Rites and Ceremonies Commanded Books to be read in the whole Realm containing manifest Heresie and impious Mysteries and Institutions by her self entertained and observed according to the Prescript of Calvin to be likewise observed by her Subjects presumed to throw Bishops Parsons of Churches and other Catholick Priests out of their Churches and Benefices and to bestow them and other Church Livings upon Hereticks and to determine of Church Causes prohibited the Prelates Clergy People to acknowledge the Church of Rome or obey the Precepts and Canonical Sanctions thereof compelled most of them to condescend to her wicked Laws and to abjure the Authority and Obedience of the Bishop of Rome and to acknowledge her to besole Lady in Temporal and Spiritual matters and this by Oath imposed Penalties and Punishments upon those which obeyed not and exacted them of those which persevered in the Unity of the Faith and their Obedience aforesaid cast the Catholick Prelates and Rectors of Churches in Prison where many of them being spent with long languishing and sorrow miserably ended their lives All which things seeing they are manifest and notorious to all Nations and by the gravest Testimony of very many so substantially proved that there is no place at all left for Excuse Defence or Evasion Sect. 3. We seeing that impieties and wicked actions are multiplied one upon another moreover that the persecution of the faithful affliction for Religion groweth every day heavier heavier through the instigation and means of the said Elizabeth because we understand her Mind to be so hardned and indurate that she hath not only contemned the godly Requests and Admonitions of Catholick Princes concerning her healing and conversion but also hath not so much as permitted the Nuncios of this See to cross the Seas into England are strained of necessity to betake our selves to the Weapons of Justice against her not being able to mitigate our sorrow that we are drawn to take punishment upon one to whose Ancestors the whole State of Christendom hath been so much bounden Being therefore supported with his Authority whose pleasure it was to place Us though unable for so great a burthen in this Supream Throne of Justice we do out of the fulness of our Apostolick power declare the aforesaid Elizabeth being an Heretick and a favourer of Hereticks and her Adherents in the matters aforesaid to have incurred the sentence of Anathema and to be cut off from the Unity of the Body of Christ. Sect. 4. And moreover we do declare Her to be deprived of her pretended Title to the Kingdom aforesaid of all Dominion Dignity and Priviledge whatsoever Sect. 5. And also the Nobility Subjects and People of the said Kingdom and all others which have in any sort sworn unto her to be forever absolved from any such Oath and all manner of Duty of Dominion Allegiance and Obedience As we also do by Authority of these presents absolve them and do deprive the same Elizabeth of her pretended Title to the Kingdom and all other things abovesaid And we do Command and Interdict all and every the Noblemen Subjects people and others aforesaid that they presume not to obey her or her Monitions Mandates and Laws And those which shall do the contrary We do innodate with the like Sentence of Anathema Sect. 6. And because it were a matter of too much difficulty to convey these presents to all places wheresoever it shall be needful our will is that the Copies thereof under a publick Notaries hand and sealed with the Seal of an Ecclesiastical Prelate or of his Court shall carry altogether the same credit with all people Judicial and Extrajudicial as these presents should do if they were exhibited or shewed Given at Rome at St. Peters in the Year of the Incarnation of our Lord 1570. the Fifth of the Calends of May and of our Popedom the Fifth year Damnatio Excommunicatio Elizabethae Reginae Angliae eique Adhaerentium cum aliarum poenarum Adjectione Pius Episcopus Servus Servorum Dei ad perpetuam Rei memoriam REgrans in Excelsis cui data est Omnis in Coelo in Terra Potestas unam Sanctam Catholicam Apostolicam Ecclesiam extra quam nulla est salus soli in terris videlicet Apostolorum Principi Petro Petrique Successori Romano Pontifici in Potestatis plenitudine tradidit Gubernandam Hunc unum super omnes Gentes omnia Regna Principem constituit qui evellat destruat dissipet disperdat plantet aedisicet ut fidelem populum mutuae Charitatis nexu constrictum in unitate Spiritus contineat salvumque incolumem suo exhibeat salvatori Sect. 1. Quo quidem in munere obeundo Nos ad praedictae Ecclesiae gubernacula Dei Benignitate vocati nullum laborem intermittimus omni operà contendentes ut ipsa Vnitas Catholica Religio quam illius Auctor ad probandam suorum fidem correctionem nostram tantis procellis conslictari permisit integra conservetur Sed Impiorum numerus tantum potentia invaluit ut nullus jam in Orbe locus sit relictus quem illi pessimis doctrinis corrumpere non tentârint adnitente inter caeteros flagitiorum servâ Elizabeth praetensâ Angliae Reginâ ad quam veluti ad asylum omnium infestissimi profugium invenerunt Haec eadem Regno occupato supremi Ecclesiae capitis locum in omni Angliâ ejusque praecipuam Auctoritatem atque Jurisdictionem monstruose sibi usurpans regnum ipsum jam tum ad Fidem Catholicam bonam frugem reductum rursus in exitium miserum revocavit Sect. 2.
and Seditious Book to Exhort all the English and Irish Papists to joyn with the Spanish Forces against their Queen and Country under the Prince of Parma and Pope Sixtus V. sends Allen with that Book and his own Bull into the Low-Countries and there a great number of those Books and Bulls were printed at Antverpe to be sent into England Were it necessary many things now might be said pertinent to this purpose but I suppose the Instances already given will be sufficient to convince Intelligent and Imp●●tial Persons That Pope Pius V. was neither the first nor last who usurped this Extravagant Power to Depose Princes seeing several of his Predecessors and Successors for above 600. years have owned approved and as they had opportunity put that Power in practise This in General premis'd I come now to consider the Bull of Pius V. wherein he damns and deposeth Queen Elizabeth wherein two things occur very considerable 1. The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Title prefix'd to the Bull. 2. The Particulars contain'd in it For the first the Title prefix'd to the Bull is thus The Damnation of Elizabeth c. where though Damnation may seem a very hard word as indeed it is in the sense they use it as shall by and by appear yet it is not unusual but occurs in other Bulls of the like nature So we find it in the Bull of Pope Innocent IV. wherein he Excommunicates the Emperor Friderick II. For the Lemma or Title of that Bull is thus The Damnation Deposition of Friderick II. So in the Bull of Pope Paul III. Excommunicating Henry VIII the Title prefix'd to it is The Damnation of Henry VIII and his Favourers c. So that Pius V. Damning Queen Elizabeth was not singular though Impious he had some of his Predecessors Forms to follow I say his Predecessors for I do not find that any Bishops in the World save those of Rome ever used such Unchristian and indeed Anti-christian Forms of Excommunicating and Damning Kings and Emperors And it is observable and well known to those who diligently read and consider the Papal Bulls now extant of which there is a vast number that the Popes of later Ages when they go about to justifie some extravagant Act of their unsurped Power they usually cite the Bulls and Constitutions of their Predecessors who had done the like not for matter of fact barely but to prove a Right that because their Predecessors had done so formerly therefore they who succeeded in the same Power might do it too Now although to Argue thus à Facto ad Jus be evidently inconsequent and irrational no better than this Peter de facto deny'd and forswore his Master Ergo His Successors de jure may do so to Yet if their Principles were true as I suppose they may think them such Arguing would be more concluding For Pope Leo. X. expresly affirms and publickly declares in one of their General Councils that it is more clear than light it self That None of his Predecessors Popes of Rome Did ever Err in any of their Canons or Constitutions Now if this were true as it is evidently false and his Asserting it an Argument not only of his Fallibility but of his great Error and Folly That none of his Predecessors ever Err'd then they might with more Security follow them for certainly it can be no great fault or danger to follow an unerring Guide Especially if it be true which they tell us For 1. In their Laws and Canons approved by their Supream Authority and retained in publick use in their Church we are told That all their Papal Sanctions are so to be received as if the Divine Voice of Peter himself had Confirmed them This as Gratian there tells us was Pope Agatho ' s Sentence is Received into the Body of their Canon Law Revised Corrected and Purged from all things Contrary to Catholick Verity So Gregory XIII says and confirms it Whence it evidently follows that in Pope Gregory's Judgment This Sentence of Agatho is not repugnant to Catholick Verity And in the same place it is farther declared for Law Pope Stephen I. is cited as Author of that Sentence That Whatever the Church of Rome does Ordain or Constitute it is without all Contradiction perpetually to be Observed 2. Though this be beyond all truth and reason highly erroneous yet the Jesuits of late have gone much higher and in their Claromont Colledge at Paris publickly maintain'd these two Positions 1. That our Blessed Saviour left Peter and his Successors the same Infallibility he himself had so oft as they spoke è Cathedra 2. That even out of a General Council He is the Infallible Judge in Controversies of Faith both in Questions of Right and Fact This as to the main of it though Erroneous and Impious is maintain'd by others as well as Jesuits F. Gregory de Rives a Capuchin Priest tells us and his Book is approved by the General and several others of his Order and by Father D. Roquet a Dominican and Doctor of Divinity c. That as the Authority of Christ our blessed Saviour if he were now on Earth were greater than all Councils so by the Same Reason the Authority of the Pope who is Christ's Vicar is greater than all Councils too That the Priviledge of Infallibility was given to the Pope not to Councils and then Concludes That the Church of Rome he means the Pope is Judge of Controversies and all her Desinitions and Determinations are De Fide Thus De Rives And three or four years before him Lud. Bail a Parisian Doctor and Propenitentiary expresly affirms That the Word of God is threefold 1. His written Word in Scripture 2. His unwritten Word in the Traditions of the Church 3. The Word Declared or Explain'd when doubtful passages in Scripture or Tradition are explain'd and their meaning determin'd by the Pope whether in or out of Councils and this he says is the most approved way in which men acquiesce and think they need look no further And hence he Infers That seeing this is so we ought not to be affraid to follow the Pope's Guidance in Doctrines of Faith and Manners but acquiesce in his Judgment and submit all our writings to be Corrected by him I neither will nor need Cite any more Authorities to prove the aforesaid Particulars That Their Popes may Damn and Depose Kings and Emperors especially if they be Hereticks and think they have as Christ's Vicars a just Prerogative and Power to do it Sure I am that these Positions though Erroneous and Impious are generally maintain'd by the Jesuits Canonists Schoolmen and their Followers which are very many receiv'd into the Body of their Canon Law of their best and as they themselves say their most Correct Editions and approved and when they had opportunity practis'd by their Supream Powers their Popes and General Councils I
All Others who were bound to her by Any Oath whatsoever So that if any French-man Dutch or Spaniard any Pagan Jew or Turk had sworn to pay her Ten thousand pounds really and by the Law of God and Man due to her he absolves them from their Oaths and so if they had not more Honesty and Conscience then he she must loose her Money The Pope in the mean time being more kind to Turks and Pagans then to a far better Christian then himself Queen Elizabeth 2. He absolves them from all such Oaths For ever So that if the Queen had turned Papist none of her Subjects if the Popes Absolution had been valid were by an Oath unless they took a new one bound to Obey her as their Sovereign 4. Nor does he only Absolve all the afore mention'd Subjects and all others from all Oaths made to the Queen but also severely interdicts and prohibits them all to Obey any of her Laws or Commands That is he forbids them to do that to which by the Indispensable Law of God and Nature they were absolutely bound 5. And if any of the Persons mention'd in the aforesaid Particulars did otherwise and obey'd any of her Laws or Commands he pronounces the same Excommunication and Anathema against them So that 1. If any French Spanish or Italian Papists lived in England in Queen Elizabeths days after the Bull and Excommunication was publish'd as many did and do either as Merchants or Travellers and obey'd the Laws of England as of necessity they must and ought to conform to the Civil Laws of the Country where they live all these by this wild Bull did stand Excommunicate Nor had they any way to Escape it but either by Leaving the Kingdom and all their Trade and Interest in it to their great loss and possibly the ruin of some Or by staying here and disobeying the Queens Laws which never was nor would be permitted to undergo all the Severity and Penalties of those Laws 2. But which is yet much more strange suppose any Jews Turks or Pagans in England in the Queens time he Excommunicates all those if they obey the Queen But surely this Rash and Impious Sentence was not pronounc'd è Cathedrâ for which is no good Sign of his Infallibility he does in this undertake a thing beyond all the Power he did or could pretend to an absolute Impossibility For Excommunication being a Selusion and Depriving a man of Ecclesiastical Communion a turning out of the Christian Church it was absolutely Impossible that either Peter or the Pope his pretended Successor should deprive those of a Communion they never had or turn them out of a Church in which they never were 6. He Excommunicates all Papists as well as Protestants if they obey'd any of the Queens Laws or Commands So that their Case was this If they obey'd the Queen their Sovereign to whom they ought a natural and sworn Allegiance the Pope Curses and Damns them and if they did not obey her as St. Paul assures us God himself would Condemn them Certainly all pious and considering Persons will think this an easie choice and that it is better rather to Obey God then Men and believe St. Paul rather then the Pope and yet such is the Power of Error and strong Delusion that the generality of the Papists I do not say all choose to obey the Pope as shall appear evidently anon by their many open Rebellions and continual Plots and Conspiracies to disquiet the Government and their Indeavors by Pistol or Poyson to Assassinate and take away the Queens Life 2. That all Papists who gave any Obedience to the Queens Commands or Laws were Excommunicate as well as Protestants is evident by this That the Popish Party petion'd Pope Gregory the Thirteenth Ann. 1580. Elizabeth 13. That he would declare that the Bull of Pius the Fifth should always bind the Queen and all Hereticks but not the Roman Catholicks As Things then stood but hereafter only when That Bull might be put in Execution They were willing to Obey the Pope and Disobey their Queen when they had an Opportunity They Petition the Pope to give them leave to do what God by Divine Law Natural and Positive had Commanded them to do that is to obey their Lawful Sovereign and that they will Obey no longer then till they have a Power and Ability with Security to themselves and Estates to Disobey 7. It is a certain Rule of Law and Justice that before any Judge can Legally Condemn any Two things are necessary to preceed 1. Cognitio Causae a Convenient Knowledge of the Cause What Accusation the Actor or Plaintiff brings what Answer and Defence the Reus or Defendant makes 2. That the Proofs and Evidence be such as may be a just ground for a Damnatory Sentence If either of these be wanting either the Judge or Sentence or both are unjust Qui aliquid Statuit parte inaudita alterâ Aequum licet Statuerit haud aequus fuit And hence it was that a Pagan Judge could truly say It is not the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to Dye before he which is Accused have the Accuser face to face and have Lycence to answer for himself Such was the Justice of Pagan Rome But as Christian or I fear Antichristian Rome the Case is alter'd Pius the Fifth the pretended Vicar of Christ our blessed Saviour Anathematizes and Damns many hundred Thousands even Two whole Kingdoms at once Causâ indictâ inauditâ An Action so prodigiously Impious as hath no ground or pretence for it in Nature or Scripture or any Precedent amongst Pagans or Christians for a Thousand years after Christ till Hildebrand one of the worst in the Papal Catalogue to the Scandal of Christianity and fatal Disturbance of Christendom unhappily Introduc'd it and his Successors since have with like Antichristian Pride and Tyranny impiously practis'd it 8. Seeing it appears by this Bull of Pope Pius the Fifth as by many more such published by his Predecessors and Successors that the Bishops of Rome Usurp and Exercise such a vast Extravagant Power to Excommunicate Kings and Emperors to Depose and Deprive them of all their Dominions Honour and Dignity to Absolve their Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance and Fidelity To Inhibit and Interdict them against the Laws of God and Man to give any Obedience to their Lawful Sovereigns and if they do to Anathematize and Curse them for so doing and lastly to Excommunicate whole Kingdoms at once Causa indicta inauditâ if they do their Duty and give any Obedience to their Prince when they forbid them c. I say for this and many other Reasons I believe the Bishop of Rome has the fairest Plea of any in the World to be than Man of Sin and the great Antichrist spoken of in the Gospel It is neither my intention or business now fully to dispute that Question