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A68475 Essays vvritten in French by Michael Lord of Montaigne, Knight of the Order of S. Michael, gentleman of the French Kings chamber: done into English, according to the last French edition, by Iohn Florio reader of the Italian tongue vnto the Soueraigne Maiestie of Anna, Queene of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c. And one of the gentlemen of hir royall priuie chamber; Essais. English Montaigne, Michel de, 1533-1592.; Florio, John, 1553?-1625.; Hole, William, d. 1624, engraver. 1613 (1613) STC 18042; ESTC S111840 1,002,565 644

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sorte our ancient French leaving the high Countries of Germanie came to possesse Gaule whence they displaced the first Inhabitants Thus grew that infinite confluence of people which afterward vnder Brennus and others over-ranne Italie Thus the Gothes and Vandalles as also the Nations which possesse Greece left their naturall countries to go where they might have more elbow-roome And hardly shall we see two or three corners in the worlde that have not felt the effect of such a remooving alteration The Romanes by such meanes erected their Colonies for perceiving their Cittie to growe over-populous they were wont to discharge it of vnnecessarie people which they sent to inhabite and manure the Countries they had subdued They have also sometimes maintained warre wi●h some of their enemies not onely thereby to keepe their men in breath lest Idlenesse the mother of Corruption should cause them some worse inconvenience Et patimur longae pacis mala saevior armis Luxuria incumbit We suffer of long peace the soking harmes On vs lies luxury more fierce then armes But also to let the Common-wealth bloud and somewhat to allay the over vehement heat of their youth to lop the sprigs and thin the branches of this over-spreading tree too much abounding in ranknesse and gaillardise To this purpose they maintained a good while war with the Carthaginians In the treaty of Bretigny Edward the third King of England would by no meanes comprehend in that generall peace the controversie of the Dutchie of Britany to the end he might have some way to disburthen himselfe of his men of war and that the multitude of English-men which he had emploied about the warres of France should not returne into England It was one of the reasons induced Philip our King to consent that his sonne Iohn should be sent to warre beyond the seas that so he might carry with him a great number of yong hot-blouds which were amongst his trained military men There are divers now adaies which will speake thus wishing this violent and burning emotion we see and feele amongst vs might be derived to some neighbour war fearing lest those offending humours which at this instant are predominant in our bodie if they be not diverted elsewhere will still maintaine our fever in force and in the end cause our vtter destruction And in truth a forraine warre is nothing so dangerous a dis●ase as a civill But I will not beleeve that God would favour so vnjust an enterprise to offend and quarrell with others for our commodity Nil mihi tam valdè placeat Rhammusia virgo Quòd temerè invitis suscipiatur heris That fortune likes me not which is constrained By Lords vnwilling rashly entertained Notwithstanding the weaknesse of our condition doth often vrge vs to this necessity to vse bad meanes to a good end Lycurgus the most vertuous and perfect Law-giver that ever was devised this most vnjust fashion to instruct his people vnto temperance by force to make the Helotes which were their servants to be drunke that seeing them so lost and buried in wine the Spartanes might abhor the excesse of that vice Those were also more to be blamed who anciently allowed that criminall offendors what death soever they were condemned vnto should by Phisitians all alive be torne in pieces that so they might naturally see our inward parts and thereby establish a more assured certainty in their arte For if a man must needes erre or debauch himselfe it is more excusable if he doe it for his soules health then for his bodies good As the Romans trained vp and instructed their people to valour and contempt of dangers and death by the outragious spectacles of Gladiators and deadly fighting Fencers who in presence of them all combated mangled sliced and killed one another Quid vesani aliud sibi vult ars impia luds Quid mortes iuvenum quid sanguine pasta voluptas What else meanes that mad arte of impious fense Those yong-mens deaths that blood-fed pleasing sense which custome continued even vntill the time of Theodosius the Emperour Arripe delatam tua dux in tempora famam Quódque patris superest successor laudis habeto Nullus in vrbe cadat cuius sit poena voluptas Iam solis contenta feris infamis arena Nulla cruentatis homicidia ludat in armis The fame defer'd to your times entertaine Enherite praise which doth from Sire remaine Let none die to give pleasure by his paine Be shamefull Theaters with beastes content Not in goar'd armes mans slaughter represent Surely it was a wonderfull example and of exceeding benefit for the peoples institution to see dayly one or two hundred yea sometimes a thousand brace of men armed one against another in their presence to cut and hacke one another in pieces with so great constancy of courage that they were never seene to vtter one word of faintnesse or commiseration never to turne their backe nor so much as to shew a motion of demissenesse to avoide their adversaries blowes but rather to extend their neckes to their swords and present themselves vnto their strokes It hath hapned to diverse of them who through many hurts being wounded to death have sent to aske the people whether they were satisfied with their duty before they would lie downe in the place They must not onely fight and die constantly but jocondly in such sort as they were cursed and bitterly scolded at if in receiving their death they were any way seene to strive yea maidnes encited them to it consurgit adictus Et quoties victor ferrum iugulo inserit illa Delicias ait esse suas pectúsque iacentis Virgo modesta iubet converso pollice rumpi The modest maide when wounds are giv'n vpriseth When victors sword the vanquisht throate surpriseth She saith it is hir sport and doth command T'embrue the conquer'd breast by signe of hand The first Romans disposed thus of their criminals But afterward they did so with their innocent servants yea of their free-men which were sold to that purpose yea of Senators and Roman Knights and women also Nunc caput in mortem vendunt fumus arenae Atque hostem sibi quisque parat cùm bella quiescunt They sell mens lives to death and Stages sight When wars doe cease they finde with whom to fight Hos inter fremitus novósque lusus Stat sexus rudis insciúsque ferri Et pugnas capit improbus viriles Amidst these tumults these strange sporting sights That Sex doth sit which knowes not how sword bites And entertaines vnmov'd those manly fights Which I should deeme very strange and incredible if we were not dayly accustomed to see in our wars many thousands of forraine nations for a very small some of mony to engage both their blood and life in quarrels wherein they are nothing interessed The foure and twentieth Chapter Of the Roman greatnesse I Will but speake a word of this infinite argument and slightly glance at it to shew
IOANNES FLORIVS AVGVSTAE ANNAE ANGL SCOT FRANC ET HIB REGINAE PRAELECTOR LING ITALICAE CHI SI CONTENTA GODE AET 58. A.D. 1611 In virtute suâ contentus nobilis arte Italus ore Anglus pectore vterque opere Floret adhuc et adhuc florebit floreat vltra FLORIVS hâc specie floridus optat amans Gul Hole sculp Tam foelix vtinam ESSAYES WRITTEN IN French By MICHAEL Lord of Montaigne Knight of the Order of S. Michael Gentleman of the French Kings Chamber DONE INTO ENGLISH according to the last French edition by IOHN FLORIO Reader of the Jtalian tongue vnto the Soueraigne Maiestie of ANNA Queene of England Scotland France and Ireland c. And one of the Gentlemen of hir Royall Priuie chamber LONDON Printed by MELCH BRADVVOOD for EDVVARD BLOVNT and WILLIAM BARRET TO THE MOST ROYAL AND RENOVMED MAIESTIE of the High-borne Princesse ANNA of DENMARKE by the Grace of God QVEENE of England Scotland France and Ireland c. Imperiall and Incomparable Maiestie SEeing with me all of me is in your Royall possession and whatsoeuer pieces of mine haue heeretofore vnder other starres passed the publike view come now of right to be vnder the predomination of a Power that both contain's all their perfections and hath influences of a more sublime nature I could not but also take in this part wherof time had worn-out the edition which the world hath long since had of mine and lay it at your Sacred feet as a memoriall of my deuoted dutie and to shew that where I am I must be all I am and can not stand dispersed in my obseruance being wholly and therein happy Your sacred MAIESTIES most humble and loyall seruant IOHN FLORIO ALL' AVGVSTA MAESTA DI ANNA Seren. ma REGINA d' Inghilterra di Scotia di Francia d' Irlanda c. C He si può dir di VOI somma REGINA Che non sia detto delle più lodate Di Magnanimità Virtù Beltate Incomparabile Sopra-diuina Anzi che stile tanto si raffina Che non sia vinto dalla Maestate L' Altezza la Chiarezza la Bontate Alla qual ' ogni cuor di-cuor s' inchina La qual di tutti honori'l specchio mostra La qual ' il pregio Sour a tutte tiene ANNA l' anello della Gioia nostra La nostra sicurtà la nostra spene VIEN DALL ' ECCELSO LA GRANDEZZA vostra Dalla GRANDEZZA vostra'l nostro bene Il Candido TO THE READER ENough if not too much hath been sayd of this Translation If the faults found euen by my selfe in the first impression be now by the Printer corrected as he was directed the worke is much amended If not know that through mine attendance on hir Maiestie I could not intend-it and blame not Neptune for thy second shipwracke Let me conclude with this worthie mans daughter of alliance Que t'en semble donc lecteur Still resolute IOHN FLORIO To my deare brother and friend M. IOHN FLORIO one of the Gentlemen of hir Maiesties most Royall Priuie Chamber BOoks like superfluous humors bred with ease So stuffe the world as it becomes opprest With taking more than it can well digest And now are turnd to be a great disease For by this ouer charging we confound The appetite of skill they had before There be'ng no end of words nor any bound Set to conceit the Ocean without shore As if man laboured with himselfe to be As infinite in writing as intents And draw his manifold vncertaintie In any shape that passion represents That these innumerable images And figures of opinion and discourse Draw'n out in leaves may be the witnesses Of our defects much rather than our force And this proud frame of our presumption This Babel of our skill this Towre of wit Seemes only checkt with the confusion Of our mistakings that dissolueth it And well may make vs of our knowledge doubt Seeing what vncertainties wee build vpon To be as weake within booke as without Or els that truth hath other shapes then one But yet although wee labor with this store And with the presse of writings seeme opprest And have to many bookes yet want wee more Feeling great dearth and scarsenesse of the bell Which cast in choiser shapes haue bin produc'd To giue the best proportions to the minde Of our confusion and haue introduc'd The likeliest images frailtie can finde And wherein most the skill-desiring soule Takes her delight the best of all delight And where her motions evenest come to rowle About this doubtfull center of the right Which to discouer this great Potentate This Prince Montaigne if he be not more Hath more aduentur'd of his owne estate Then euer man did of himselfe before And hath made such bolde sallies out vpon Custome the mightie tyrant of the earth In whose Seraglio of subiection Wee all seeme bred-vp from our tender birth As I admire his powres and out of loue Here at his gate do stand and glad I stand So neere to him whom I do so much loue T'applaude his happie setling in our land And safe transpassage by his studious care Who both of him and vs doth merit much Having as sumptuously as he is rare Plac'd him in the best lodging of our speach And made him now as free as if borne here And as well ours as theirs who may be proud That he is theirs though he be euery where To haue the franchise of his worth allow'd It be'ing the proportion of a happie Pen Not to b'invassal'd to one Monarchie But dwell with all the better world of men Whose spirits all are of one communitie Whom neither Ocean Desarts Rockes nor Sands Can keepe from th'intertraffique of the minde But that it vents her treasure in all lands And doth a most secure commercement finde Wrap Excellencie vp neuer so much In Hierogliphicques Ciphers Caracters And let her speake neuer so strange a speach Her Genius yet finds apt discipherers And neuer was she borne to dye obscure But guided by the starres of her owne grace Makes her owne fortune and is ever sure In mans best hold to hold the strongest place And let the Critick say the worst he can He cannot say but that Montaigne yet Yeeldes most rich pieces and extracts of man Though in a troubled frame confus'dly set Which yet h 'is blest that he hath euer seene And therefore as a guest in gratefulnesse For the great good the house yeelds him within Might spare to taxe th'vnapt conuayances But this breath hurts not for both worke and frame Whilst England English speakes is of that store And that choyse stuffe as that without the same The richest librarie can be but poore And they vnblest who letters doe professe And have him not whose owne fate beates their want With more sound blowes then Alcibiades Did his Pedante that did Homer want By SAM DANIEL one of the Gentlemen extraordinarie of her Maiesties most royall priuie Chamber Concerning the honor of bookes SInce Honor
enemies foolish oversight as we do of their cowardise And verily warre hath naturally many reasonable priviledges to the prejudice of reason And here failes the rule Neminem id agere vt ex alterins praedetur inscitia That no man should indeuour to pray vpon another mans ignorance But I wonder of the scope that Xenophon allowes them both by his discourse and by diverse exploits of his perfect Emperour an Author of wonderfull consequence in such things as a great Captaine and a Philosopher and one of Socrates chiefest Disciples nor do I altogether yeeld vnto the measure of his dispensation The Lord of Aubigny besieging Capua after he had given it a furious batterie the Lord Fabritius Colonna Captaine of the towne having from vnder a bas●ion or skonce begunne to parlie and his men growing negligent and carelesse in their offices and guarde our men did suddenly take the advantage offered them entered the towne over-ranne it and put all to the sworde But to come to later examples yea in our memorie the Lord Iulio Romero at Yvoy having committed this oversight to issue out of his holde to parlie with the Constable of France at his returne found the Towne taken and himselfe jack-out-of-doores But that wee may not passe vnrevenged the Marques of Pescara beleagering Genova where Duke Octavian Fregoso commanded vnder our protection and an accord between them having so long been treated and earnestly solicited that it was held as ratified and vpon the point of conclusion the Spaniards being entred the Towne and seeing themselves the stronger tooke their opportunitie and vsed it as a full and compleate victorie and since at Lygny in Barroe where the Earle of Brienne commanded the Emperour having besieged him in person and Bartholemy Lieutenant to the saide Earle being come foorth of his hold to parlie was no sooner out whilest they were disputing but the Towne was surprised and he excluded They say Fu il vincer sempre mai laudabil cosa Vincasi per fortuna ô per ingegno To be victorious evermore was glorious Be we by fortune or by wit victorious But the Philosopher Chrysippus would not have beene of that opinion nor I neither for he was woont to say That those who runne for the masterie may well employ all their strength to make speede but it is not lawfull for them to lay handes on their adversaries to stay him or to crosse legges to make him trip or fall And more generously answered Alexander the great at what time Polypercon perswaded him to vse the benefit of the advantage which the darkenesse of the night afforded him to charge Darius No no said hee it fittes not mee to hunt after night-stolne victories Malo me fortunae poeniteat quàm victoriae pudeat I had rather repent me of my fortune than be ashamed of my victorie Atque idem fugientem haud est dignatus Orodem Sternere nec ●actacaecum dare cuspide vulnus Obuius aduersóque occurrit séque viro vir Contulit haud fur to meliôr sed fortibus armis He deign'd not to strike downe Orodes flying Or with his throwne-launce blindely-wound him running But man to man afront himselfe applying Met him as more esteem'd for strength then cunning The seuenth Chapter That our intention iudgeth our actions THE common saying is that Death acquits vs of all our bondes I know some that have taken it in another sence Henry the seventh King of England made a composition with Philip sonne to Maximilian the Emperour or to give him a more honorable title father to the Emperour Charles the fift that the said Philip should deliver into his hands the Duke of Suffolke his mortall enemie who was fled out of England and saved himselfe in the Low countries alwaies provided the King should attempt nothing against the Dukes life which promise notwithstanding being neere his end he expresly by will and testament commanded his succeeding-sonne that immediately after his decease he should cause him to be put to death In the late tragedie which the Duke of Alva presented vs withall at Brussels on the Earles of Horne and Egmond were many remarkeable things and woorthie to be noted and amongst others that the said Count Egmond vpon whose faithfull word and assurance the Earle of Horne was come in yeelded himselfe to the Duke of Alva required verie instantly to be first put to death to the end his death might acquit and free him of the word and bond which he ought and was engaged for to the saide Earle of Horne It seemeth that death hath no whit discharged the former of his worde giuen and that the second without dying was quit of it We cannot be tied beyond our strength and meanes The reason is because the effects and executions are not any way in our power and except our will nothing is truely in our power on it onely are all the rules of mans dutie grounded and established by necessitie And therefore Count Egmond deeming his minde and will indebted to his promise howbeit the power to effect it lay not in his hands was no doubt cleerely absolved of his debt and dutie although he had survived the Count Horne But the King of England failing of his word by his intention cannot be excused though hee delaide the execution of his disloyaltie vntill after his death No more then Herodotus his Mason who during his naturall life having faithfully kept the secret of his Master the King of Aegypts treasure when he died discovered the same vnto his children I have in my daies seene many convicted by their owne conscience for detaining other mens goods yet by their last will and testament to dispose themselves after their decease to make satisfaction This is nothing to the purpose Neither to take time for a matter so vrgent nor with so small interest or shew of feeling to goe about to establish an injurie They are indebted somewhat more And by how much more they pay incommodiously and chargeably so much the more just and meritorious is their satisfaction Penitence ought to charge yet doe they worse who reserve the revealing of some heinous conceit or affection towards their neighbour to their last will and affection having whilest they lived ever kept it secret And seeme to have little regard of their owne honour by provoking the partie offended against their owne memory and lesse of their conscience since they could never for the respect of death cancell their ill-grudging affection and in extending life beyond theirs Oh wicked and vngodly judges which referre the judgement of a cause to such time as they have no more knowledge of causes I will as neere as I can prevent that my death reveale or vtter any thing my life hath not first publikely spoken The eight Chapter Of Idlenesse AS we see some idle-fallow grounds if they be fat and fertile to bring foorth store sundrie roots of wilde and vnprofitable weedes and that to keepe them in vrewe must subject