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A60307 The History of the Turks describing the rise and ruin of their first empire in Persia, the original of their second : containing the lives and reigns of their several kings and emperors from Ottoman its first first founder to this present year, 1683, being a succinct series of history, of all their wars (forreign and domestick) policies, customs, religion and manners, with what else is worthy of note in that great empire. I. S. 1683 (1683) Wing S39; ESTC R31795 386,077 658

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Turkish General to betray Emir Hamzes the Prince into his hands whose death so unfortunately happening caused great miseries to befall the Persian State Christendom having thus long been Exempted from the fury of the Turks who had their hands full of the Persian war now as it were destiny so ordering they having time to breath by reason of the divisions in Persia turned their restless Arms upon Hungaria which storm the Christians perceiving to hang black over their heads resolved to provide against it and therefore to show the Tyrant that they dreaded not his utmost indignation seized on the Castle of Coppan in Hungary not far from the Lake of Ballaton over which being hard frozen they passed undiscovered to requite which the Turks drawing five thousand horse out of several Garrisons entered the Christian Territories and destroying seventeen Villages returned laden with great spoils and many miserable Captives whereof George Count Serine Son to the renowned Count of that name slain at Ziget having knowledge raised such Forces as the time would give leave which exceeded not two thousand and laying the wayes by which the Turks must pass encountred them ere they could recover any strong hold and put most of them to the sword recovering all the booty and Captives amongst those that were made prisoners the Sanzack of Quinque Ecclesiae son to Haly Bass slain in the Battle of Lepanto the Bassa of Ziget Sanzack of Koppan and divers others Sinan Beg Sanzack of Mohaz endeavouring to escape and his horse sticking fast was shot through the head of the Turks horses were taken fifteen hundred and of the Turks five hundred besides three thousand slain This bad beginning so discouraged Amurath that in a rage he caused the Bassa of Buda to be strangled for that he had began the hostilities in Hungary and by that means violated the League between him and the Emperor at what time a great fire happened at Constantinople which consumed seven Temples twenty five great Inns and fifteen thousand houses with their warehouses and shops kindled as was supposed by the Janizaries a little before in a tumult for want of their pay due since their last Persian Expedition which was the rather believed for that it being their duty to endeavour the extinguishing any fire that should happen in the Imperial City They not only refused to put their hands thereto themselves but hindred such as attempted it These things hapning in Anno 1587 and 1588 the year following to prevent tumults which are usual where the souldiers are unimployed in the wars the new Bassa of Buda with Amuraths good liking having drawn to him a strong power invaded the upper Hungary but being encountered by Claudius Russel General of the Christians in those parts he received a great overthrow three thousand of his Turks being slain and drowned in the River Seago upon which the General pursuing his good fortune broke into the Turks Territories and took from them the Castles of Blavestine Gestes and several Forts in the upper Hungary upon which Sinan Bassa of Buda was called home and Ferat the late General against the Persians appointed Bassa in his stead Amurath having not a little been terrified with the great preparations of King Phillip of Spain in 1588 wherewith he invaded England and now understanding that he had received a fearfull overthrow with the loss of thirteen thousand of his Marriners and Souldiers and most of his ships and Gallies he sent a Letter to Queen Elizabeth to congratulate her happy victory and to intreat her not upon any terms to make peace with the Spaniard in which Letter he stiles her the most honourable Matron of the Christian Religion Mirror of Chastity adorned with the brightness of Soveraingty and power amongst the most chief women of the people which serve Jesus Mistris of great Kingdoms reputed of Greatest Majesty and Praise amongst the Nazarites Elizabeth Queen of England Anno 1590 the Tartars having broken into the confines of Polonia and taken a rich booty were driven out by the Cossacks who making of them great slaughter recovered all which Amurath taking in evil part as done to his confederates but indeed seeking occasion to war upon the Christians that had not the Queen of Englands mediation prevented it he had turned his Arms upon Polonia yet impatient of Peace he called his Bassas to consult what war was most expedient to be taken in hand amongst whom there were eight sundry opinions whereof the first was that the wars against the Persians should be renewed the second for the Invasion of the Kingdoms of Fess and Morocco the third was for a war to be taken in hand against the King of Spain The fourth for the besieging of Malta The fifth to war upon the Venetians The sixth to invade Italy the seventh to war upon Sigismund King of Poland The eighth and last to invade the Territories of Rodolphus the Emperor all which being patiently heard by Amurath with the sundry reasons of the Bassas at length the eighth opinion was confirmed and the Tyrant resolved once more to turn his Forces towards the West Whereupon he caused great preparations to be made resolving if possible to annex the remaining part of Hungary and Austria to his other Territories having by this time and for this purpose concluded a war with the Persian King wherefore he commanded his Garrisons on the Frontiers as they saw occasion to molest the Christian Frontiers with fire and sword which they letted not to do prone enough of themselves to act any great wickedness nor was it long e'r they surprized Willitz the Metropolis of Croatia and committed therein many outrages and their Army still increasing they upon an unexpected advantage inclosed 6000 Foot and 500 Horse of the Christians who had taken the Mountaines Woods and Straight passages and so hardly beset them that few of them escaped those that were slain the Turks cut off their heads and therewith loaded six Waggons Upon this Alarum the Christians drew forth their Armies and to put a stop to the Infidels who by reason of the unexpected breach of the League had seized upon many Castles and Strong holds in that security unprovided of such necessaries as would have rendered them impregnable and least A●●rath should alledge that those Hostilities were committed without his knowledge the Emperour sent to him by his Ambassadors to understand the reasons that induced him to break the League but being able to get no satisfactory answer he thought it high time to stand upon his guard and caused all his power joyned with Forces of the German Princes to march directly into Hungary under the Command of Rupertus Eggenber his General who approaching the Enemy consulted with his chief Commanders what was best to be done who were all of opinion that to give speedy Battle was most convenient thereby to prevent the Enemies for joyning the other Forces coming to their Aid so that upon a sign given the whole Army in number
received his fatal overthrow he had a second conflict with the Turk whom he put to flight with great slaughter and took the City of Philomela and put the Inhabitants to the sword for executing his Messangers he sent to treat with them about delivering it peaceably and then entring ●●●●enia the less he took the City of Melitene and subdued all the Territories round about and there gave the Turks an other fearful overthrow which Army was no sooner vanquished but another not inferiour to ●● appeared under the heading of Saphadine Saladin the Sultan's Son which with an undaunted bravery he charged and put to rout with incredible slaughter but the joy of Victory was soon turned into Mourning for the good Emperor zealous for the Christian Cause following h●●d upon the flyers his Horse floundered in the River 〈◊〉 and threw him out of the Saddle with his right foot hanging in the Stirrup after which manner e'r he could be relieved he was drag'd through the River and hitting by the way on certain Stumps so bruised that when he was taken up he was heard to say no more then Lord receive my Soul e'r he gave up the Ghost in the seventieth year of his Age and of his Reign 38. Anno 1190. Whereupon his Body was carried to the City of Tire and there in the Cathedral with all Solemnity interred This Heroick Emperor being dead his Son Frederick Duke of Suevia then in the Army was saluted Emperor and General by the consent of the great Commanders but now the Country being purposely destroyed before them pale Famine began to stare them in the face yet on they marched and charging Dodequin Saladius General sent to oppose their Passage gave him a great overthrow and had all the Cities rendred as they passed till they came to Ptolomais where the power of the Christians in Syria were incamped headed by Guy late King of Jerusalem who for a great Sum had obtained his Liberty Upon the Arrival of Frederick the Christians gave a fierce Assault to the City on all Parts and had taken it by Storm had not Saladine the Egyptian Sultan who lay hovering aloof with his Army fallen upon their Camp and thereby in the hottest of the Assault obliged them to draw off to defend the same and having forced him to retire with the loss of a few men they returned again to the Siege expecting the Arrival of Richard the First King of England and Philip the Second King of France who were upon their way with great Forces but they wintering in the Isle of Sicilia the French King out of Envy to the Glory of the English and an old grudge having been formerly about King Richard's refusing the French King's Sister and marrying the Daughter of the King or Navar the French King not long after returned home and withdrew his Army to the frustrating the whole design of recovering Jerusalem yet at present he dissembled the matter and loosing first from the Port of Mesina arrived at Ptolomais where the Christians lay still incomped after whom King Richard shortly followed but sayling by Cyprus his Fleet was dispersed by a Storm and two of his Ships falling on ground on that Coast the Islanders spoyled them and when the rest of the Fleet put in there they rudely withstood their landing which so inraged King Richard that he landing by force seised the Island and took the King thereof Prisoner and sent him bound in Chains of Silver to Syria The King having secured the Island to his use disanchored and sailed to Ptolomais where he was joyfully received of the Christian Princes upon whose Arrival the City after a hot Assault and a great breach in the Wall was surrendred upon condition the Garrison might depart with safety for which they were likewise to pay a great Ransom to deliver they Holy Cross they had in possession and a certain number of them to remain as Hostages that the Saladine should deliver such Christian Prisoners as he had in his power whereupon the Germans of Austria entered first the 〈◊〉 and advanced the Standard of their Duke upon the W●ll as if by their only valour the City had 〈…〉 which so offended King Richard that he 〈◊〉 the Standard to be thrown down and trampled on which indignity the Duke resented so heinously that 〈◊〉 great hindrance of the Wars in Syria he retu●●● 〈…〉 his Forces into Austria as likewise did the 〈◊〉 France with the greatest part of his Army under 〈◊〉 he did it for want of health in so hot a Clime 〈…〉 out of secret Envy to King Richard Sal●●● 〈◊〉 of the lessning of the Christian Army and that there still remained amongst them discontent refused to pay the money for the Ransom of the Hostages or deliver up the Christian Prisoners but threatned that if any Extremity was used by the King towards them he would behead all the Christian Prisoners the which notwithstanding the Hostages were not hurt he most barbarously performed in return whereof the King commanded 2500 of the Hostages to be executed in the sight of the Infidels Camp and resolved to give him battel which he perceiving raised his Camp and departed along the Sea Coast ruining the strong Towns to prevent their falling into the hands of the Christians who leaving Ptolomais strongly fortified followed close at his heels resolving to besiege Jerusalem which he perceiving and taking such advantage as the time and place would afford faced about So that both Armies meeting about Noon a dreadful conflict began which continued with great slaughter especially on the part of the Turks till Evening at what time the Victory fell to the Christians who had the Execution of the Infidels for seven miles but Winter coming on they disposed of the Army till Spring in the Towns that Saladine had ruinated repairing and fortifying them stronger than before but when Spring came upon must'ring the Army they were found greatly decreased by diseases and absenting and at the same time the King found the Duke of Burgundia under whose command the French King had left part of his Army still to cross his purpose as desirous to return home having received such Orders privately from the King his Master who was contrary to his Oath taken at his departure warring upon the Normans then King Richard's Subjects and that others were of the like mind found himself altogether too weak to besiege Jerusalem and hearing how the French King had incited his younger Brother John to take upon him the Government of the Kingdom of England fearing lest while he was warring abroad he might loose his Kingdom at home he resolved to make such conditions with the Sultantain as might be best for the advantage of the Christians in Syria and so imbarque for England which the crafty Infidel understanding and finding his power daily to decay would hearken to no other Proposals than that the Christians should surrender all the Towns they had taken Ptolomais excepted and in consideration
and so marching against the Enemy a dreadful Fight began the Turks charging with great Courage putting the Right-wing to flight and disordering their main Battalion So that Victory began to declare her self in favour of them when one of the Sultans chief Commanders out of some former grudge fell with the Squadron of Persian Horse under his Command to the Enemy and by that means turned the Scale of War so that the Turks who even now were Conquerors fled for their Lives nor durst the Sultan stay in his own Country but fled to Constantinople where of the Emperor he was kindly received and aided with what Force he could spare under the leading of an experienced Captain for which kindness he gave the Emperor the City of Laodicea Not long after this was Palelogus received into Favour and restored to his Dignity upon his solemnly swearing to be true and Loyal to him and his Sons which had not long been done ●'r the Emperor fell sick and dyed Reigning only three years and in his stend was Crowned his Son John a Child of six years old who was by the Emperors last Will bequeathed to the Tutorage of Arsenius the Patriarch and George Muz●la the letter of which being of mean Birth having raised for his Vertues and good parts by the departed Emperor which caused him to be greatly envyed by the Courtiers whereupon he assembling together desired to be rid of his Charge but every one seeming unwilling to undertake it he still continued with much Integrity but several having conspired against him of which Paleologus was Chief they during the Obsequies of the defunct Emperor slew him and several that they supposed Favoured him even at the Altar and in a short time Paleologus usurped the Empire not in the least regarding his former Oath About this time Mango the great Cham of Tartary stirred thereto by Amonius the Armenian King of whom he had received the Christian Religion Sent his Brother Haalon with a powerful Army against the Turks and Sarazens in Syria and the Land of Palestine who in the space of six Months over-run all Persia with the Countries adjoyning and came at length into Syria and took the great City Babylon at that time commanded by the Caliph putting all the Inhabitants to the Sword inriching his Soldiers with the spoil and passing from thence through Mesopotamia took the City of Rhoais and there being supplyed with fifty two Horse and Foot entering Syria he rased Aleppo and other strong Towns and soon after won Damasco when as the Sultan with his Wife and Children came and fell before him desiring him to spare his Country but in vain for he wasted all before him but being about to pass on to Jerusalem News was brought him of his Brothers death upon which he returned home yet at his departure for the good Will he bore the Christians he left his Son Abiga with 20000 Horse to aid them in Wars but Abiga hearing of his Fathers Troubles about his Establishment in the Empire departed with 10000 of the 20000 leaving the rest under the Command of Guirboca a valiant Captain who by some affronts put upon him by the Christians became their mortal Enemy yet letted not give battle to the Sultans Army of ten times to the number and not being aided by the Christians was overthrown wherein himself fighting couragiously with greater part of his small Army were slain and thereupon Antioch and most of the Towns holden by the Christians were taken by the Sultan Bandocador By this time the Tartars warring in the lesser Asia had driven Jathanites out of all his Dominions whereupon he fled to the Greek Emperor for aid or Refuge but ingrateful as he was not regarding the Kindness he had received at his Hands when he fled from Theodorus the Emperor he committed him Prisoner at large to the City of Aenus in Thrace appointing several to watch him so narrowly that he should not escape When Paleologus had Reigned at Nice two years he sent Alexus Stregopulus against the Despot of Epirus who raised Tumults in the West this man in his passage with a small Army by the Treachery of the Greeks dwelling in Constantinople found means to surprize that City and again annex it to the Greek Empire After it had been in the hands of the Latines fifty eight years for which service Alexus triumphed in Purple Robes wearing a Crown of Gold commanded that for one year following his Name next to his should be mentioned in all publick Prayer Psalms and Hymns But now the Son of Theodorius whose Right this Emperor had usurped coming to years of Discretion it bred much jealousie in him that lest any discontented Person espousing his Quarrel should pluck the Crown from off his Head and place it where it ought to rest Whereupon to render him unfit for Government he like a barbarous Wretch deprived him of his sight which his Aunt Queen of Bulgaria no sooner understood but with many Arguments stirred up her Husband to make War upon the Usurper and at the same time being solicited by the Sultan Jathanites to deliver him from his Confinement he with a great Power of Scythians his own Subjects entered the Empire wasting all before him with Fire and Sword hoping to surprize the Emperor in his return from his Expedition against the Despot of Servia but failing of him he turned to Aenus and took thence the Sultan the Citizens gladly delivering him to save their Lives and contenting himself with the spoil of Thracia he passed over Ister and returned into his own Country Jathanites the Sultan being set at Liberty by the King of Bulgaria for Grief of his great loss dyed not leaving any Dominions to his Children Yet not long after Gazan the great Cham of Tartary as his Vassals two of his Kinsmen of the Zelzuccian Family viz. Mesot and Rei-Cubades they in acknowledgment thereof paying him a yearly Tribute placed them in part of his Dominions and thus fell the Turkish Empire in the lesser Asia being Rent in pieces by the Tartars who afterward seized upon a great part of the Greek Empire they and the Fugitive Turks together possessing themselves of the Countries from Pontus and Galatia unto the Lyeian and Carian Seas and the River Eurymedon Anno 1270. King Lewis of France aided by Henry the Third of England and divers others resolved upon a second Expedition into the Holy-Land the years Truce being exspired he set out from the Haven of Marseilles with a great Fleet of Ships and coming before Carthage he found in the Port a great number of the Enemies Ships which he seized and after some light Skirmishes with those that kept the shoar Landed his Men and laid close Siege to the City which after many desperate though unsuccessful Sallies of the besieged sarrendered upon Condition to depart Carthage being won the King laid Siege to Tums to relieve which the King of Fez with a great Army of the Moors came down but
was quickly forced to retire with 10000 less then he brought but this Siege continuing long a mortal Pestilence happen'd in the Army the Kings youngest Son dyed and in the end himself with many of his prime Nobility which greatly incouraged the Moors but their joy lasted not long for soon after came thither Prince Edward Hemy the Third King of Englands eldest Son with sixteen Ships fraught with Valiant English Soldiers as also the King of Ci●ilia Navar and Arragon with great Forces upon which the Morish King making many large o●●ers for Peace it was granted in the Name of all the Princes on Condition that he should pay a yearly Trib●●e of 40000 Crowns to the King of Scicily and to suffer the Christian Religion freely to be Exercised throughout his Dominions in all its particulars which Articles being concluded on and ratified though contrary to the mind of Prince Edward they weighed Anchor and stood for the Isle of Scicily intending there to Winter and the next Spring to pass into Syria But coming into the Bay the Princes were no sooner got on shoar but a terrible Storm arose that most of the Fleet were broken to pieces only of Prince Edward's Fleet not one Ship perished in this wrack a great part of the Mariners and Soldiers were drowned and the Plague still raging amongst them in such sort that the French Queen the King of Navar and divers others of great Rank dyed which so discourag'd Philip the French King that he returned into France without Attempting any thing further and with him all the rest Prince Edward his English excepted returned into their Respective Countries but the Prince kept on his way till he arrived at Ptolomais and was received by the Christians with great joy where having rested himself for a while and inquired into the nature of the Country he with 6 or 7000 of his English took Nazareth and upon his return overthrew a great Army of Sarazens that supposed to have intrapped him and at another time overthrew them with great Slaughter near Cakhow a Village about 40 Miles from P●olomais And so succesfull was he in all his undertakings that the Infidels extreamly dreaded him Insomuch that the Admiral of Joppa feigned himself to be converted to the Christian Religion sent one of his Servants to commune with the Prince about diverse Matters who being admitted in Private and seeming as if he would draw a letter out of his Bosom with an Impoisoned knife supposed to have Stabbed the Prince into the Belly but he being aware received the Wound on his Arm and with his foot Struck the Villain down and then wresting from him the knife Stabbed him during which buffle the Guards entered and cut him in Pieces as he lay on the Ground This Villain the Sultan sent to excuse Swearing by Mahomet it was not done with his privity nor consent but however such was the nature of the poison that it was not cured without great difficulty The Prince having a long time in vain expected the coming of the other Christian Princes thought good to return which accordingly he did having first concluded a Peace with the Sultan and shortly after his return his Father Henry dying he was Crowned King of England c. Anno 1273 〈◊〉 having been advanc'd by the Pope to the 〈…〉 upon promise to pass into the 〈…〉 himself for so tedious a Voyage sent his Son Henry Prince of M●●●l●burg who a●●●●ing at 〈◊〉 with a great Power wasted the Territories of Damasco with fire and Sword taking many Towns but at length being intercepted by the Mamalu●●s he was taken Prisoner and a great part of his Army slain in which state he with one Servant remained 26 years no Ransom being accepted for his deliverance at which time a Runagado German coming to the Sultan set him at Liberty and sent him who upon his return was not known to his nearest Relations who supposed him long before silent in his Grave and indeed he lived not long after his return The Princes of the West growing weary of these tedious expeditions the Infidels thereby encouraged under the leading of Alphix or Elpis their Sultan rased Tripolis Sidon and Berythus putting most of the Inhabitants to the Sword the Christians having now nothing left but the strong City Ptolomais and yet they were at variance amongst themselves some for the Government of the City and some for the title of King of Jerusalem During the contest Sultan Araphius sent his Son to besiege Ptolomais who in vain assaulting it many times made large offers if he might have it delivered but they as little prevailed whereupon his Father being dead and himself chosen Sultan he drew down before it 15000 Horse and Foot assaulting it on every side filling up the ditches with his Multitude but the Christians from the Wall and by sallying killed so many of the Infidels that they were forced to retire to their trenches yet in the Skirmish Peter Grand Master of the Templars being Shot with a Poison Arrow died within three days and with him all the courage of the besieged for from that time such as could make their escape by Sea departed so that the City being in the end left destitute of Defendants was by the Sultan taken and rased all such as were found therein being put to the Sword so that the Christians were utterly rooted out of Syria this being the last City which had remained in the hands of the Christians for upwards of 100 years and was lost Anno 1291 just 192 years after the winning of Jerusalem by Duke Godfry And now the Christian Princes despairing to recover what they had lost Cassanes the Tartarian Prince moved thereto by his Wife and her Father the King of Armenia undertook the Enterprize and with a powerfull Army entered Syria wasting all before him when not far from the Mountain Amanus he met with Melsenoser the Sultan of Egypt's Lievtenant and put him to flight with the loss of 40000 of his Souldiers and drave him quite out of Syria sending Molais one of his Captains to pursue him over the desart Sands to the Confines of Egypt then taking in all the Cities as he passed and in the City of Hama lighting upon the Sultans treasure he divided it amongst his Souldiers and having fortified Jerusalem and Damasco he purposed in the Spring to have passed into Egypt and to have destroyed the Country but in the mean time receiving news that great tumults were risen in Persia his new acquired Empire he with part of his Army departed to allay them leaving Capcapus Governour of Damasco and his great Captain Molais of Jerusalem with order to send Embassadors to the Princes of the West but they being Imbroyled amongst themselves nothing could be obtained so that no aids coming from the Tartar nor King of Armenia the Towns were as easily recovered by the Egyptian Sultan as they had been taken from him by the Tartarian Cham. And thus taking my leave
is to Iay them upon their Belly on a Table and to beat their Buttocks the Calves of their Legs and Soles of their Feet with a flat staff giving them ere they cease 100 or 200 blows yet the Servants confessed nothing whereupon they caught a Weaver being a Turk whose Shop was near the Ambassadors house whom they tortured in the like manner but he as the others had done could reveal nothing against the Ambassador who for all that was obliged to pay 30000 Sultanies for his own release and his Servants These and such like insolencies together with the Imprisonment of young Osman and his Brethren made the Grand Vizar who was then on the Confines of Persia to haste to Constantinople with his Army at whose approach Osman was taken out of Prison and Proclaimed Emperour so suddain are the changes of fortune in great as well as little affairs and the proud Sultan Mustapha inforced for fear of the inraged Souldiers to betake himself again to his Cell or rather Prison where for a while I shall leave him and relate what happened during the Reign of Osman CHAP. XX. The Life and Actions of Osman the First of that Name Tenth Emperour of the Turks THE Uncle after he had proudly Tyrannized for the space of two Months being deposed the Nephew was advanced to his Fathers Throne being not full Thirteen years of Age wherefore he was wholly governed by the Vizar Bassa as was also the whole Ottoman Empire when the first thing of moment that happened was the complaint of the French King by two Gentlemen sent for that purpose by whom he demanded reparation of the new Emperour for the indignity he had sustained by the Imprisonment of his Ambassador and the evil treating of his Servants letting him understand that he could not send any other Ambassador to his Court to condole the Death of Sultan Achmat his Father nor congratulate his coming to the Empire till he had received satisfaction from him becoming his dignity and the wrongs he had received in his Ambassador The Grand Vizar and Mufti hearing this Embassie and considering what had passed advertised the young Emperour to send an Ambassador to the most Christian King to Confirm the League and to testifie both by Words and Letters how much he was dissatisfied for his discontent whereupon Vri Chiaus was sent with ample instructins and so great an acknowledgment of the wrong done to the Baron of Mole that the French King rested satisfied and calling the said Ambassador home he sent the Earl of Sezi to succeed him as Ambassador at Constantinople The War continuing between the Turks and Persians about this time a great Battle was fought between them wherein the Turks prevailing put the Persians to flight with the lost of Ten Thousand of them and thereupon the Bassa General of the Turkish Army prosecuting his victory entered into the heart of Persia wasting with Fire and Sword all that stood in his way but at length having through daily skirmishes with the Enemy and Diseases arising from want and evil Diet lost a third part of his Army he accepted of the Sophies proposals of Peace which were that he would yearly pay the Tribute of Silks and at present relieve his Army with all things necessary This Peace concluded by the Bassa was allowed on by the Emperour and Ratified at Constantinople whereupon Two Hundred Cammels laden with Silks were for many years after sent to the Emperour according to Agreement Anno 1618. A fearful Comet was seen over the City of Constantinople in form like a Turkish Scimiter placed near unto the Zenith under the Horizon of a fiery colour appearing very terrible for the space of eight nights which made many conjecture it the forerunner of great bloodshed Vri Chiaus returning out of France after he had dispatched his affairs at that Court came into England where he was received and conducted to the Court and had Audience of King James his Speech being as followeth The Most True Incomprehensible and Most High God increase and multiply your Majesties years in all happiness Amen O Thou Lord of the World THE most invincible most mighty and most happy Sultan Osman Chan of the Othoman Empire Monarch sendeth to your excellent Majesty a hundred thousand Salutations and Greetings evermore praying the most High God for your Majesties happyness sendeth to your Highness with all possible Honour and Renown this his Imperial and most Noble Letter and with all hopeth that the Sacred bond of Peace which hath been hitherto inviolably on your Majesties part kept and observed your Majesty will be pleased still on your part with daily increases of more and more Friendship earnestly to continue therein And his Imperial Majesty on his behalf is also resolved in like manner evermore punctually to keep and continue the same Also the most Mighty Emperours Tutor and his chief Visier Bassa hath addressed to the dust of your Noble Feet this his most Honourable Letter with a Thousand commendations praying everlastingly the Mighty God for Your Majesties long Lise and Happyness Also Your Majesties Ambassador at Constantinople your slave Paul Pindar bowing his forehead to the dust of your Majesties Feet and most humbly kissing your Highnesses blessed Feet hath directed unto your Majesty this his submissive Letter This Speech ended and the Emperours Letter delivered with such other as the Chiaus brought he was by the Kings command in great splendor conducted to his Lodging where after five or six days stay he came again to Whitchall and made his conjue of leave upon his departure in these words as near as they can be Translated out of the Turkish Language Most happy Emperour as I have with my own hands howing my self to the dust of your Princely feet presented unto your Excellent Majesty the most mighty and high Sultan Osman my Lord and Master his Imperial Letter so likewise I beseech your Majesty that you will be pleased in conformity thereof to vouchsafe your Princely answer by your noble Letter and to deliver the same into the hands of me your slave and be ever partaker of all blessedness and happiness After he had made this Oration and received the Kings Letters he was conducted to Dover by several of the Nobility where imbarking in one of His Majesties Ships he sailed to Constantinople Anno 1619 great trouble arose in Bohemia upon the Emperours sending an Army into that Country to suppress the Protestant Religion there flourishing so that the Protestants tired with the cruelties of the popish Souldiers sent to Bethlem Gabor Prince of Transilvania to acquaint him with the state of their affairs who after he had obtained leave of the Grand Signeour came with an Army of Eighteen Thousand men into Hungary and took many Towns spoiling the Countrey as he went nor so contented but he entered Austria Stiria and Carinthia subdued all before him without opposition but fearing if the Bohemians should be subdued the storm would sall upon him
Turk Serniswar the Imperials not so much as vouchsafing to relieve it which so afflicted the Noble Mind of the Count Serini that growing Melancholly to divert himself he often used Hunting when one day Chasing a Bore whom he wounded in several places the furious Beast turned upon him and with his Tusk struck him on the Knee which made him fall to the ground when before he could recover himself with a second stroke he was mortally wounded in the head and soon after dyed in the Armes of one of his Pages This was the end of this valiant Captain whom his Enemies could never subdue to the great grief of all worthy Christians and the joy of the Turks whose Mortal Enemy he was a man in dangers most couragious in War valiant and patient in labour in peace courteous and moderate in his pleasure and in fine he was accomplished with all those vertues that renders a man compleat After the death of this Count the Peace between the Empires was concluded when as the Grand Seigniour being at leasure plotted the destruction of his Brothers but at the perswasion of the Muphti altered his Resolution About this time the Grand Visier indeavoured to depose the Tartar Han and place his Son in his stead but the young Tartar though barbarous would not consent thereto but sent his Father secret notice what was intended against him which so inraged the Tartar that he used his utmost indeavour at the Ottoman Court to overthrow the Visier and promote another to that Office in order to which he dealt with the Bassa of Buda promising him his utmost interest at the Port to make him great Visier by which though contrary to his wish he destroyed him for the Visier having notice of what had passed obtained a private Commission from the Grand Seigniour by which he Summoned the Bassa to appear before him when immediately without any process proof or accusation caused his Head to be stricken off Anno Dom. 1665. The Genoese sent the Marquess Durazzo as their Envoy Extraordinary to the Ottoman Court where by gifts and other means he so effectually wrote with the Grand Visier that a peace insued between the Grand Seigniour and that Republick the which was the rather accorded to that the War against Candia might be the better carryed on on which the Turks seemed absolutely bent in order to the Equiping of Gallies and other things necessary the Grand Seigniour came from Adrinople to Constantinople but before his arrival great part of the Seraglio was burnt to the ground fired by some of the women to prevent the discovery of their stealing divers Jewels that garnished the Royal Cradle and upon his arrival he desired of the Earl of Winchelsea Fifteen Sail of English Men of War with the consent of His Majesty of Great Brittain but the Earl excused it saying that though his Majesty of England did always entertain a good affection and zealous disposition towards the affairs of the Ottoman Port yet at present the Wars with Holland and ill understanding with France made his occasions for his own Shipping more urgent then usual and the time most unseasonable to press his Majesty in that particular whereupon the Grand Visier gave order for the building Sixty Gallies against the Spring at what time a great Fleet was in a readyness several English French and Dutch Merchant Men who were at that time found in the prots of Aleppo Smyrna and Alexandria being pressed for the service These proceedings greatly alarumed the Venetians insomuch that they delayed nothing that was requisite for the defence of their important City of Candia the which who ever holds commands the rest of the Island whereupon the Marquess Ghiron Franciseo Villa a brave Souldier was entertained as General of Foot and a Sallary of twelve thousand Crowns per Annum alowed him with a large Commission not to be subject to any command but that of the Captain Generals who with a great train arriving at Venice made an Oration to the people wherein he incouraged them to the utmost to fight against the enemies of their Country and Religion with wearyness and chearfully to provide all necessaries for so honourable a War whereupon they fitted their Fleet with all things necessary and strengthened their Forts both with Horse and Foot drawn out of their Garrisons on the Terra Firma being assisted with Men and Money from other Princes and States The Pope gave them permissions to levy four thousand men out of his Countries the Emperor likewise notwithstanding the peace furnished them with considerable Forces to which were additions made from other parts of Germany and indeed from many of the Christian Princes who were grieved to see an Infidel incroach yet farther into Europe but above all the French King contributed largely though at the same time he sent Mounsier d' Vently his Ambassador to the Port who as the former received many affronts during his residence there The Captain of the Ship that brought him thither likewise was ordered by the Grand Seignior to be Executed for too rudely pressing into his presence which Sentence had been put in Execution had not the Bostangi Bassa interceeded for him yet he nevertheless was imprisoned and put in chains nor could the Ambassador without a great Sum procure his Liberty nor at his Audiences had of the Grand Seignior and Grand Visi●r was he received with such respect as became his Character yet he made the best on it boasting to the other Christians Ministers of the ample satisfaction he had received both for his own affronts and the affronts put upon his Predecessors Whilst these things passed the Marquess d' Villa passed into Dalmatia to take a view of the Forts and strong places on that side as fearing whilst the Turks gave out for Candia they might suddenly turn their Forces upon that Frontier Territory of the Venetians but having given such necessary orders as he thought requisite and being certified from Count Lisle the Emperors Ambassador at Constantinople that the Grand Visier early in the Spring would with a puissant Army land on the Island he set over with such Forces as he had to joyn those already there About the beginning of the Year 1666. great troubles had like to have risen in the Ottoman Empire occasioned by one Sabatai Seni a Jew born at Smyrna who impiously pretending himself to be the Messia drew after him a multitude of that unhappy nation declaring that he came to restore them to their temporal Kingdom and to gather the scattered tribes filling their heads with prophesies dreams and false delusions that they every where credited him and laying aside all business prepared for their march to Jerusalem once more to possess the Land of Promise and raise a Glorious Monarchy above what ever their Ancestors could pretend too and to that purpose made themselves Garments according to the Levitical Ordinance several of them affirming that they had seen Elias and that he had expresly
night gave a general assault with all their Forces to the Bastions of Panigra Sabionera and St. Andrea together with the great Fort of St. Demetrius but the besieged were armed with all caution and vigilence against surprize and with that conduct and valour that they gave the Enemy three gallant repulses with much slaughter and confusion but yet this success was diminished by the loss of the Count de Maur an experienced Venetian Captain who after proofs of an invincible courage lost his Life in defence of the Christian cause but not long after the Marquess Cornaro and the Barron Spar arriving with a recruit of three thousand men as if they intended to requite the Turks last assault made so resolute and successful a sally that they killed about two thousand Turks amongst whom were divers Commanders of note About this time whilst the Grand Signeour was at Larissa news came of the near approach of the Excelle●●ssimo Abuisse de Molino Ambassador from the Venetian Republique with Propositions of Peace but the haughty Turks before they would admit him to a nearer approach then a days journey would first be resolved whether or no he brought with him the Keys of Candia to which it was replyed by the Interpreter that he was not capable of giving them satisfaction in that particular being but a menial Servant to whom the secrets of State and resolutions of great men were not committed his office being only to render faithfully the words and sense of his Master and not to enter into the private thoughts and Cabinet of their Councils To which the Chimacam proudly and barbarously replyed That he should go tell his Master that unless he brought the Keys of Candia his head should pay for it and that he presumed not in person to approach nearer unto the Court So the Ambassador remained at a distance till he received orders to pass over into Candia there to treat with the Visier who weary of the tedious siege willingly gave him Audience hoping that he came to treat about a surrender of the City which in any case he desired as fearing notwithstanding his bravadoes he should be forced to raise his siege without success but he only offered Suda and a considerable summe of money which not redounding to the glory of the Visier by reason that might have been had ere the War began he would come to no agreement for the Ambassador insisted that Candia being maintained by the Armes of Forreign Princes it could not without their consent be surrendered but that all the rest of the Island should be the reward of their blood and labour and although the Visier afterwards proposed in lieu thereof the Venetians should have free Licence to rebuild Paleo Castro yet the final answer of the Ambassador was that Candia was capable of no conditions but what were imposed on it by force of Armes About this time the French King by reason of the many indignities put on him in the person of his Embassador recalled him without daigning to send another to negotiate his affairs at the Port which greatly amused the Turks as judging he intended to revenge the affronts received at Constantinople upon the Ottoman Forces before Candia as indeed in some measure he did and might have been the preserver of that important Bulwark of Christenaom to this day had not the Caprice of such as commanded his Forces sent there obstructed it About this time likewise the Earl of ●inchelsea Ambassdor for his Majesty of Great Brittain having had his Audience of the Grand Seignior at Salonica returned into England and was succeeded by Sir Daniel Harvy Anno 1669 The Turks finding a great cheat through their Empire by light and false Moneys introduced by the French Dutch and Italians for in Turky the Money of all Nations in currant to a certain value they complained to the Cadies or chief Judges who with the consent of the Grand Seignior called it into the Mint allowing no more for it than it was in true value to the infinite loss both of Turks and Strangers and soon after the Grand Seignior being greatly fearful that the people growing weary of his Government might place one of his Brothers in the Throne to secure any danger that way sent an Officer to the Queen-Mother under whose Tuition they were to demand their heads and bring them to him at Larissa but she upon sight of his mandate abhorring the Fact secretly gave notice thereof to the Janizaries to whom she had sworn the protection of the Young Princes which unexpected News blew up such a flame as had like to have turned all into confusion and wrote worse effects than any the Grand Seignior had before causelesly imagined but in the end with large promises and larger Donations the Tempest was alayed Spring approaching the Turkish Army which for the most part had layn immured all Winter twixt the Walls of earth crept forth as Worms out of the ground and again began to run their Trenches towards the Walls of Candia before which Mountains and confused heaps of rubbish and Mold lay which had been thrown up by the Mines and Frencellos which so loosned the nerves and pores of the Earth that all about it seemed hollow insomuch that light appeared often out of one Mine into another which gave either side frequent opertunities of stealing ponder out of each others Mines the Turks like Moles working still underground so that the strongest City in the World was rather reduced to extremity by such as knew no use of any thing but of the Spade and Mattock rather than by force of Armes for many were of opinion that all the Forces of the Ottoman Empire could not otherwise have taken it by this means being so near advanced that their Granadoes could easily be slung into the City they did great mischief wounding and killing many of the Prime Commanders and beating down houses in abundance when amongst the rest a Cannon shot fell into a Magazine of Fireworks and striking upon a Granado shell that was filled with powder fired that firing about a hundred more containing thirty barrels of powder which beat down most of the adjacent houses and did great hurt to the Garison and on the 28th of May the Turks sprung 5 Mines in the mouth of the breach they had made on the Fort of St. Andrea and pressed hard to carry it now weak and almost turned into a heap of rubbish which caused the Captain General the Marquess of Montburn and all the chief Officers to take up their quarters on that side The City of Candia thus in danger the Princes of Christendom were not slow in relieving it but above the rest Pope Clement the 9th Expressed his zeal for the defence of this place not only sending succours himself but inciting and stirring up others to do the like and mostly the present French King who was best able to send a strong power who was not wanting to comply for the defence of