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A50866 The history of the holy vvar began anno 1095, by the Christian princes of Europe against the Turks, for the recovery of the Holy Land, and continued to the year 1294. In two books. To which is added, a particular account of the present war, managed by the emperour, King of Poland, and several other princes against the Turks. By Tho. Mills, gent. Illustrated with copper-plates. Mills, Thomas, gent. 1685 (1685) Wing M2073; ESTC R221362 83,846 225

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the contrary commend it as a Wise and Considerate Action and give us those reasons to prove it First his Wife was dead by whose Right he held his Kingdom Secondly he knew the Turks power to Invade it and his own weakness to defend it Thirdly before his resignation he had little left but the bare Title and after it he had nothing less it being so customary for all men to salute him by the name of King of Jerusalem that he was called so to his dying day Fourthly he thereby provided better for his Daughter then otherwise he could in all probability have done And Lastly because he got more after the surrender then he did before for in England he received many great presents from Henry the Third In France besides rich gifts left to himself he had the managing of 60000 Crowns left by Phillip Augustus the French King to the Templars for the carrying on the Holy War In Spain he got a rich Wife Beringaria the Daughter of the King of Castile and in Italy he tasted largely of the Popes liberality lived there in great plenty but at last Perfidiously raising Rebellion against the Emperour of Germany his Son in Law at the Instigation of the Pope he lost the General Esteem of most men and went off the stage without Applause Fredericks Nuptials with the Lady Jole was solemnized at Rome in the presence of the Pope with all the Ceremonies of Majesty imaginable and he ingaged himself by promise that he would within two years prosecute his Title in Palestine but by Discords and Jealousies between the Pope and him he was much longer before he got things in readiness to march and when he was on his way to Palestine the Plague seized on his Army at Brindisi in Italy where he likewise was shortly after Visited with a desperate fit of sickness which stayed his Journey for many Months It went against the grain with the Pope to have the Emperor so near him and therefore he Excommunicated him afresh having done it divers times before pretending his sickness was only the Cramp of Laziness and charging him with the unjust seizing on the goods of Lewis Lantgrave of Thuringia who died a little before in the Camp The Emperour protested his innocency and accused the Pope of injustice offering for the proof of it to put himself on the tryal of all Christian Princes However at last health came and Frederick departed with his Fleet for the Holy Land wherea● the Pope who was neither well full nor fasting stormed exceedingly and be libel'd him more then ever because he had forsooth departed without his Fathers Blessing or being Absolved and Reconciled to his Mother the Church But we may observe that Gods Blessing often times goes along with the Popes curses for the Fame of Fredericks Valour and his Virgin Fortune never yet stained with ill Success hastning like an Harbinger before perpared Victory to entertain him at his arrval there This Emperor Swifter then Caesar himself overcame before he came to Palestine so that Coradine being dead and his Children in their Minority the Sultan of Babylon who was then of greatest Authority among the Turks and Governed Syria offered him what he could never have expected viz. To restore him Jerusalem and all Palestine in as full and ample a manner as it was enjoyed by Baldwine the Fourth before it was Conquered by S●ladine and to release all Christian Prisoners upon condition that the Turks might be permitted in small numbers to have access to the Sepulcher they likewise having some Knowledg off and some kind of Veneration for Christ Before Frederick would ratifie any thing by Oath he sent to have the Popes approbation but hearing that he had Imprisoned his Messengers and in a most contemptuous manner torn his Letters he concluded a Truce with the Sultan for Ten years without the Popes consent and entering on Easter-day Triumphantly into Jerusalem he Crowned himself King with his own hands for the Patriarch the Master of the Templars and all the Clergy absented themselves neither was there any Mass Sung in the City so long as the Emperor staid there because he was Excommunicated And thus by the Valour and Policy of Frederick was the Holy Land recovered without blood which had been for many years before attempted without success and the affairs of Palestine brought into a good condition rendered capable of improving had not the Pope ruined all by forcing the Emperor to return sooner then he intended to supress the Rebellion which the Pope had caused John Bren to raise against him at home At his departure he appointed Reinoldus Duke of Bavaria to be his Lieutenant in Syria who wisely discharged his Office and preserved the Peace intire which was concluded with the Sultan of Babylon although the Temp●ars endeavoured to bring that Ten years Truce to an untimely end it being an insufferable thing with them to fast from Fighting which was Meat and Drink to their Turbulent Spirits Condemning him for his want of Zeal in the Holy War and giving him many a lift to heave him from his place but still he sate sure nor was he much troubled at the envy of Henry King of Cyprus who challenged the principality of Antioch as next of kin the last deceased Prince for the Duke met him and defeated him in battle and gave that Principality to Frederick base Son to the Emperor But that which kept both Turks and Christians in awe and made them the more carefull to observe the Truce was their mutual fear of the Tartars a fierce People which at this time took their first flight out of their own nest into the Neighbouring Countries they were anciently called Scythians and Inhabited the Northern parts of Asia a country never Conquered by any of the Monarchs being priviledged from their Victorious Arms by its own barrenness which was the reason why after they had made several incursions into Europe and the lesser Asia they found it so sweet that they cared not to return home They were by their multitudes and ferceness become so formidable that the Pope himself began to fear them in Italy to prevent which he sent Askelin a Frier much famed in those days and three others to Convert them to the Christian Religion who instead of instructing them the Rudiments of Christianity acquainted them with the greatness and power of the Pope who was as he told them exalted above all the Princes of Europe but Baiothnoi Chief Captain of the Tartarian Army for they were not admitted to the Great Cham himself crying quits with this Frier outvyed him in discribing his Cham whose greatness and Divinity he affirmed to exceed that of the Popes and sent him back with a blunt Letter which he concluded thus If thou wilt set upon our Land and Inheritance it behoveth that Thou Pope in thy proper Person come unto us and that Thou come to him who containeth the Face of the Whole Earth meaning their Great Cham.
while ●ccessful and won the City of Belbis or ●erlusium Notwithstanding which Au●ors from that time date the ill Success ●f the Holy War and shew us a whole ●loud of Miseries which immediately fol●wed thereupon and no wonder for God ●ldom lets Perjury go long unpunished First Whilst Almerick was absent in Egypt Noradine won divers considerable ●laces about Antioch Secondly Meller Prince of Armenia ●ho was a Christian entred into a ●eague with Noradine and kept it in●iolable to the great disadvantage of the King of Jerusalem which act of Mellers must be condemned and yet the Justice of God ought to be admired in punish●ng the Christians thereby for their ●reach of Covenant with the Saracens ●n Egypt Thirdly The Saracens finding themselves faithlesly dealt with laid at on all sides began to learn War and grew good Souldiers on a sudden and although they formerly fought with Bows only yet no● they learned of the Christians to use a● offensive and defensive Weapons it bein● usual with rude Nations to better them● selves by fighting with a skilful Enem● And Fourthly Almericks hope of co●quering Egypt was wholly frustrated b●ing after some few Victories drive● out and the whole Kingdom conquere by Saladine Nephew to Syracon wh● beat out the Caliphs brains when he pr●tended to do him reverence and there● changed the Government of Egypt fro● the Saracen Caliph to a Turkifh King A● shortly after upon the death of Noradi● the Kingdom of the Turks in Syria an● the lesser Asia was likewise bestowe● upon him whereby he became the mo●potent Monarch in the World Whilst Jerusalem was left as a po● Weather-beaten Kingdom bleak an● open to the Storms of its Enemies o● every side lying as it were between th● Lions Teeth Damascus on the North● and Egypt on the South two pote● Turkish Kingdoms united under a valian● and successful Prince which made A●merick fend for Succours into Europ● there being now but few Voluntie● flocking to this service and Souldie● were forced to be pressed with import●nity before they would consent to under●ake the Voyage But it being just with God that those who had betrayed the ●aracens whom they undertook to suc●our should want succour themselves ●hen they stood most in need of it his Embassadours were forced to return ●ithout any other supplies than pity and ●ommiseration And Lastly The King himself wea●ied with so many successive miseries ●nded his life of a Bloody Flux when he ●ad reigned about Eleven years leaving ●esides his two Children by his first Wife one Daughter named Isabel by Mary his second Wife Daughter to John Proto-Sebastus a Grecian Prince who was afterward married to Humphred the third Prince of Thorone CHAP. XVII Baldwin the Fourth succeedeth The Viciousness of the Patriarch of Jerusalem His Embassy to Henry the Second King of England The Original and Power of the Mammalukes Saladine conquered by Baldwin yet afterwards conquers Mesopotamia Baldwins death Baldwin his Son the fourth of that name succeeded his Father having had the benefit of an excellent Education under William Arch-Bishop of Tyre a very Pious Learned Man skilled in all the Oriental Tongues besides the Dutch and French his Native Languages Heraclius who was now Patriarch of Jerusalem being preferred to that Dignity for his handsomness by Queen Mary second Wife to King Almerick and Mother to Baldwin was a man of a debauched and vicious life keeping company with a Vintners Wife whom he maintained in great state like an Empress so that she was generally saluted by the name of Patriarches His ill Example infected the inferiour Clergy whose corrupt manners was a sad presage of the approaching Ruine of that Kingdom This Man was sent by King Baldwin as his Embassadour to Henry the Second King of England to crave his personal assistance in the Holy War and as an inducement thereunto to deliver him the Royal Standard of that Kingdom the Keys of our Saviours Sepulchre the Tower of David and the City of Jerusalem Henry was chosen out before any other Prince because the world justly esteemed him valiant wise rich and fortunate and which was the main that so he might thereby expiate his Murther and gather up again the innocent Blood that he had spilt in the death of Thomas Becket And that he might the more easily be drawn to undertake the Voyage the Patriarch intitled him to the Kingdom of Jerusalem because Geoffrey ●●●ntagenet his Father was Son to Fulco the Fourth King of Jerusalem But he was too wise a Prince to be so easily wheedled However he pretended he would go and got together a Mass of Money towards the defraying the Charge of his Voyage making every one as well the Clergy as the Laity pay that year the Tenth of all their Revenues both movables and immovables and when he bad filled his Purse all men expected he should perform his promise but he changed the Voyage into Palestine for a Journey into France The Patriarch while he stayed in England consecrated the Temple Church near St. Dunstans in the West and the House adjoyning belonging then to Knights Templars but since employed to a better use viz. the entertaining those Gentlemen who study and practise the English Laws In the minority of King Baldwin who was but thirteen years old Milo de Planci a Nobleman was Protector of the Kingdom whose Pride and Insolence could not be endured by the great men and therefore they got him to be stabb'd at Ptolemais and chose Raimund Count of Tripoli to suceeed him And Saladine having now seriously resolved upon the Ruine of the Kingdom of Jerusalem endeavoured to furnish himself with such Souldiers as might be most fit for that service in order whereunto he bought a great number of Slaves of the Circassians a People by the Lake of Meotis near Taurica Chersonesus who were brought up to be extream hardy and inured to War by their continual skirmishing with the neighbouring Tartars Those Slaves he trained up in Military Discipline after the Turkish manner They had most of them been Christians and were baptized in their Infancy but being taken from their Parents whilst young they were untaught Christ and instructed in the Mahometan Superstition whereby they became the more implacable Enemies to Christianity for having been once its friends They received from Saladine the name of Mammalukes and were so couragious and expert in War that his and his Successors greatness was not to be so much attributed to their own Conduct as to those Mammalukes Valour till at last perceiving their own strength they wrested the Soveraignty from the Turkish Kings and advanced one of their own number to the Regal Dignity Saladine having thus furnished himself with a new sort of Souldiers resolved to try their Valour upon the Christian and therefore invaded the Holy Land slaying and burning all before him till he came to Askelon where King Baldwin then was before which he sate down and closely besieged it And Count Raimund Protector of
habitations save only the L●tines knowing full well that if the Christians could not buy their lives chea● they would not fail to sell them dear a● fight it out to the last man Saladine flushed with this great succe● summon'd Askelon but the Governo● refusing to surrender it he concluded would not be convenient to hazard th● checking of his fortune in so long a Sieg● and therefore left it and went to Jerus●lem which he looked upon to be a pla● of less difficulty and more honour 〈◊〉 conquer and so indeed he found it f●● though they within the City valiantly defended it for about fourteen days yet a last considering that it was but playing out a desperate game which must certainly be lost in the end in regard the● Enemies were near and their Friends f●● off and unable to send them any othe● relief than vain and helpless pity they resolved to lavish out no more valour b● yield up the City upon condition th● all their lives might be redeemed 〈◊〉 man for Ten a woman for five and child for one Besent But 14000 w●● were not able to discharge their Ransom were kept as perpetual Slaves Those of the Greek Church were permitted to stay in the City but all the Latines were commanded to depart except two Frenchmen to whom Saladine gave leave to stay and allowed them maintenance to live on in Reverence to their great Age one of them having been a Soldier under Godfrey when he first took the City and the other the first Child that was born in it after it was conquered by the Christians Thus Jerusalem after it had been enjoyed by the Christians for the space of eighty eight years was by the just Judgment of God wrested from them again by the Turks and all their stately Churches turned into Stables except those of the Sepulcher and the Temple The former whereof Saladine spared for a great Sum of Money to the Chiristians which is enjoyed by them to this day by licence from the Grand Signior and innumerable Pilgrimages continually made to it by all sorts of Christians either out of Zeal or Curiosity And the other he Converted to a Mosque for the Worship of Mahomet sprinkling it all over with Rose-water as if he intended thereby to cleanse it from its Profanation by the Christians whilst he really defiled it by his unholy washing It was generally observed that the Sun as sympathizing with the Christians in their approaching Miseries suffered an Eclipse which was afterward looked upon as a sad presage of the loss of tha● City But that which was much more deplorable and threatning than the Suns Eclipse was the total Eclipse of Piety Wickedness abounding in every corner and scarce one honest Woman to be found in the whole City of Jerusalem For Heraclius the Patriarch and the whole Clergy being exceedingly debaucht the Laity imitated their bad Example When this doleful News of Jerusalem'● loss arrived in Europe it filled every Eye with Tears and swelled all Hearts with Sorrow and Anguish CHAP. XIX Conrade Valiantly defending Tyre is chosen King The Voyage of Frederick Emperor of Germany to the Holy Land The Siege of Ptolemais The Voyage of Richard King of England and Philip King of France to the Holy Land IN this sad deplorable State stood the affairs in Palestine when Conrade arrived there whose Worth and Excellence commands my Pen to attend him from his own Country thither He was Son to Boniface Marquess of Montferrat who was taken Prisoner in that Fatal Battle wherein King Guy lost himself and his Kingdom His Youth was for the most part spent in the Service of Isaaccius Angelus the Grecian Emperour who being bred in a Monastery the confining of his Body seemed to have brought him to a pent and narrow Soul and indued him with Accomplishments more becoming a Priest than a Prince For when his Rebellious Subjects affronted him to the face instead of sending an Army against them to reduce them to their obedience he only committed his cause to a company of Bald-pated Friers whom he kept in his Court to pray for his Prosperity Hoping that by their supposed Pious Tears he should be able to quench the Combustions of his Empire But this Conrade told him plainly that if ever he intended to sit upon the Imperial Throne in Peace he must make use of the Weapons of the left Hand as well as those of the right and Fight as well as Pray Which advice being taken by the Emperour he did by the help of this General quickly subdue all his Enemies But our brave Conrade found but a small reward for so great a service being only graced in consideration thereof to wear his Shoes of the Imperial Fashion And it being usual with Princes not to love the sight of those to whom they know themselves obliged and yet care not to reward Isaaccius by the perswasion of some about him who envied his Courage and Bravery spurred on Conrade who was free enough of himself to any Noble Enterprize to go into Palestine and endeavour to support the ruinous affairs of the afflicted Christians And although he was sensible of their Plot yet being weary of the Grecians baseness he suffered himself to be prevailed upon to undertake that Honourable Imployment and therefore set forward with all convenient speed for the Holy Land with a gallant Band of Gentlemen who fitted out themselves at their own charge wherewith he marched to the City of Tyre where we will leave him for the present to return again to Saladine Who having won the City and possessed himself of the greatest part of the Kingdom of Jerusalem laid close Siege to the City of Askelon which had refused to surrender when Ptolemais and the rest yielded to his victorious Arms but was now after a short Siege delivered to him upon condition that King Guy Gerard Masters of the Templars should be sett at Liberty And shortly after the Castle of Antioch was betrayed to him by the Patriarch And Antioch it self which cost the Christians 11 Months Siege was by that means lost in an instant besides several Provinces thereunto belonging Five Twenty strong Towns more which followed the like Fate with Antioch and fell into the Possession of the Turks After which he sat down likewise before Tripoli but that City being after the death of Earl Reimond delivered to the Christians by his Wife they Bravely defended it against all Saladines Force so that having once tasted of their Valour in Tripoli he had no great Stomach to make a second trial but raised his Siege and marched away to Tyre where he hoped to speed better But he found himself greatly mistaken for Conrade being a little before got thither with his Army gave him so hot a Welcome that he was glad to fly and leave all his Tents behind him which were sufficiently lined with Treasure whereby the Christians had the happiness to inrich themselves with their own Spoil Those
City were besieged themselves whilst they besieged Ptolemais It was at last proposed by Saladine that both sides should try their fortune in the field which was easily assented to by the Christians in hopes that they should thereby both obtain the victory and win the City which they concluded would not hold out long if Saladine were beaten But when they were going to ingage an imaginary fear suddenly seizing them they all turned their backs and fled So wavering are the Scales of Victory that sometimes the least mote will turn them In which confusion many would have thought themselves happy if they could have exchanged a strong Hand for a swift Foot But Geoffrey Lusignan Brother to King Guy who was left to guard the Camp seeing the Christians shamefully to run away marched out with his men to meet them and having convinced them of the causelessness of their fear and prevailed with them to return again they set upon the Turks with so much fierceness and rage that they quickly won the day though it cost them the loss of two thousand men and Gerard Master of the Templars After this victory it was vainly expected by the Christians that the City would presently be surrendred to them but the Turks still continued to defend it with much resolution though most of their houses were already burnt or beaten down and the whole City reduced to a perfect Sceleton of Walls and Towers They fought with their wits as well as with their weapons both sides employed themselves in devising strange hitherto unknown offensive defensive Engines So that Mars himself had he resided either in that Camp or City might have learnt to fight and have informed himself in feats of war from their practice But in the mean time famine raged exceedingly in the Christian Camp in regard they had no provision but what they were forced to send for as far as Italy At this time under the Walls of Ptolemais the Teutonick order of Dutch Knights who had hitherto lived as private pilgrims were honoured with a Grand Master their were dispensed with by the Bishop of Rome Most of his Forces he sent about by Spain but went himself and some few of his friends through France having his Pilgrims scrip and staff delivered him at Tours by the Arch-bishop and at Lyons he met with the other Royal pilgrim Philip the Second sirnamed Augustus King of France but parting again by consent they went several ways toward Syria King Richard in his passage through Italy went within fifteen Miles of Rome and yet never vouchsaf'd his Holiness a Visit but told Octavian Bishop of Ostia the Popes Confessor that having better objects before him he would not stir one step out of his way to see the Pope because he had lately extorted without all reason a great Sum of Money from the English Prelates And therefore passing forward at Messina in Sicily the two Kings meet again where likewise King Richard to his exceeding joy found his fleet safely arrived but having met with much difficulty and danger in their passage Richard learnt by his own experience what miseries and dangers Merchants and Mariners at Sea meet withal being always within a few inches and after within an hairs breadth of death which made him revoke the Law of Wracks which intitled the King of England to all Ship wrackt goods Tankred was at this time King of Sicily who being a Bastard born had usurped the Crown detained the Dowrie and imprisoned the person of Joan Wife to William the Late King of Sicily and Sister to K. Richard So that he was in a miserable plight at the arrival of those two mighty Monarchs and knew not what course to steer To keep them out was impossible and above his Power and to let them in was dangerous and might prove his ruin and therefore resolved how Justly or Prudently let the Reader judge to secure himself by creating a misunderstanding between those two Kings And therefore applying himself to the French King he insinuated several false Stories of the King of England permitting his Subjects likewise to do the English all the secret mischief they could for which Richard who was not ignorant of what passed between him and the French King demanded satisfaction which was denied him wherefore resolving to avenge himself he assaulted took Messina it self together with most of the chief Forts in the Island demanding satisfaction for all the wrongs done both to himself and Sister Whereupon Tankred though he was dull at first yet now being prickd with the Sword he freely bled many Thousand Ounces of Gold and finding that as the case stood hi● best Thrift was to be Prodigal he gave ou● King what conditions soever he demanded However the misunderstanding which he had procured between the two Royal Pilgrims daily increased and Richard slighting the French Kings Sister whom he had formerly promised to marry expressed more affection to Berengari● Daughter to the King of Navarr which vexed Philip to the Heart but some Princes interposing between them healed the breach for the present but the cause remaining the Malady quickly returned with worse symptoms then before King Philip thinking to be revenged on Richard by fore staling the Market of Honour and ingrossing all to himself posted many to Ptolemais whilst Richard followed after at his leisure taking Cyprus in his way where reigned Isaac Or as others call him Cursac who under Andronicus the Grecian Emperour when it was common for every Factious Nobleman to snatch a plank of that shipwrack'd and sinking Empire had seized on that Island and there Tyranniz'd as an absolute King but being so fool-hardy as to abuse our Royal Pilgrim at his Arrival there by killing divers of his Souldiers who landed in his Island and refusing to ●ermit the Sea-sick Lady Berengaria to ●ome on Shore he lost both himself and ●is new erected Kingdom at once For ●ing Richard easily conquered the whole ●land and honoured the insolent Grecian with the Magnificent Captivity of Silver Fetters Yet like a noble and generous Conquerour he set his Daughter at Liberty and gave her Princely Usage the Island ●he pawned to the Templars for ready Money and because Cyprus had been anciently accounted the Seat of Venus that it might prove so to him in the pleasant Month of May he there solemnized his Marriage with his Beloved Lady Berengaria Whilst Richard was thus detained in Cyprus the Siege of Ptolemais was carried on with abundance of fierceness and resolution by the French King who hoped to get the Renown of its Conquest before King Richards Arrival but found it so strenuously defended by the Turks within that all his strength was not sufficient to force those Walls which had now above 2 years withstood the Christians Batteries by reason of the length of the Siege the Turks and Christians were become well acquainted with each others Way of fighting so that what advantages happened to either side were meerly
casual and not the effect of Carelesness or Cowardize in the losing party But it was some help to the Christians that a certain concealed Christian within the City by Letters unsubscribed gave them constant and faithful Intelligence of all remarkable passages among the Turks within In the mean while the Plague and Famine raged in the Christian Camp and in the compass of one year had swept away above Fifty Princes and Prelates of note who together with all the rest of the common Souldiers in the opinion of those who wrote the History of that Siege went undoubtedly to Heaven Although it were before Pope Clement the sixth had commanded the Angels who durst not disobey him to convey every Soul into Paradice which should die in their Pilgrimage Among those who survived no Prince shewed more Valour and deserved greater commendation than Leopoldus Arch-Duke of Austria who fought so long in assaulting this City that his Armour was all gore Blood save only that part of it which was covered with his Belt For which reason renouncing the six Golden Larks the Ancient Arms of his Family he had assigned him by the Emperour as a Testimony of his valour a Fess Argentin a Field Gules And King Richard being now at last arrived in the Camp before Ptolemais having taken a Dromand or Saracen Ship which he mett in his way thither wherein were Fifteen Hundred Soldiers and two hundred and fifty Scorpions designed for the poysoning of Christians the Siege was carried on by him and his English Souldiers more fiercely than ever it had been before So that the Turks despairing of relief and their provisions wholly spent offered to yield up the City which the Christians would not accept of unless Saladine would promise to deliver all the Christian Prisoners which were then in his custody and restore them the Cross again which he promising to do the City was delivered and the Turkish Soldiers guarded safely out of it The Houses which were yet left standing in the City together with the Spoil and Prisoners were by the Kings of England and France divided among themselves whereupon divers great Persons who had been sharers in the pains but were hereby excluded from the gains departed in discontent and King Richards Soldiers rudely pulled down the Arch-Duke of Austria's Ensigns which he ha●● advanced in a principal Tower in tha● City and as some write threw them in to the Jakes whereat the Duke wa● highly displeased but yet wisely dissen●bled his anger and seemed to forget th●● Injury till he might remember it to hisadvantage which he afterwards did made King Richard pay severely for this affron● When the City was taken it grieve● the Christians that they could not fin● out their Faithful Intelligencer wh● had all along by his Letters acquainted them with the State of the City b● more that the Cross did no where appear being either carelesly lost or enviou●● concealed by the Turks They demanded 〈◊〉 of Saladine with the delivery of the Christian Prisoners which he refused not but demanded a longer time for the performance in regard the Cross could not be found But King Richard supposing that it was only a pretence to gain time resolved to have all things performed according to their agreement which being not done he in the heat of his Passio● commanded Seven Thousand Turkish Prisoners to be immediately cut to pieces for which rash and cruel act he suffere● much in his reputation and was looke● upon as the Murtherer of the like number of Christians whom Saladine in revenge put to the Sword whereas on the contrary the moderation of the French King was very much commended for sparing his Prisoners and reserving them to ransom so many Christians But that which most obscured the Glory of this Victory was the Christians being tent asunder with Faction and divided among themselves King Philip the Dukes of Burgundy and Austria most of the Dutch and all the Genoans and Templars fiding with King Conrade and King Richard Henry Count of Champaigne with the Hospitallers the Venetians and Pisans taking part with Guy Conrades side was very much weakned by the sudden departure of the French King who eighteen days after the taking of Ptolemais returned home pretending want of necessaries indisposition of body through the distemper of the Climate but the true cause was his not induring to hear King Richards Fame so much transcend his own together with a desire to seize on the Dominions of the Earl of Flanders who was then lately dead His own Souldiers mightily disswaded him from returning and besought him not to stop in so glorious a work wherein he had prospered so well already telling him that Saladine being already on his Knees he might peradventure be brought on his Face if this Victory were well pursued And since one of his pretences was want of necessaries King Richard generously offered him one half of his Provisions but all this would not prevail with him to stay and therefore with great importunity he obtained leave to depart having first taken an Oath not to molest the King of Englands Dominions during his stay in the Holy Land which Oath was forgot as soon as he got home And at his departure he left his instructions together with his Army to the Duke of Burgundy ordering him to move as slowly as possible in advancing that work wherein the King of England would have all the Honour which rendred this great undertaking less advantagious to the Christians in Syria than otherwise it might have been THE HOLY VVAR BOOK II. CHAP. I. Conrade slain Guy exchanges his Kingdom for the Isle of Cyprus Henry of Champaign chosen King King Richard obtains many Victories but at last makes a dishonourable Peace and in his return home is taken Prisoner in Austria SOon after the French Kings departure Conrade King of Jerusalem was cruelly murthered in the Market-place of Tyre the cause of whose Death is variously reported some falsely charging our King Richard with having procured it and others say he was killed by Humphred Prince of Thoron for marrying Isabella who had been before espoused to him But most affirm that he was stabbed by two Assassines by command of their Master the Old man of the Mountains whose only Quarrel with him was his being a Christian and that the two Murtherers being immediately taken and put to a cruel Death Gloried in the Meritoriousness of their suffering He had Reigned about five years and left on t Daughter Maria Jole on whom the Templers bestowed Princely Education But tho' Conrade was Dead his Faction still survived and those of his party affronted King Guy and strove to have him deposed telling him that the Crown was only tyed on his Head with a Womans Fillet which being now broken by the Death of Queen Sibyl who dyed together with all her Children of the Plague at the Siege of Ptolomais he had no longer any Right to the Kingdom especially being a worthless and
Damascus destroying all before him with fire and sword and carying away many rich booties till at last he was circumvented and taken prisoner by the Mammalukes who kept him in Captivity twenty six years till at length the Sultan of Egypt a Runegado German who had formerly been Enginneer to this Dukes Father set him at Liberty together with Martin his Servant thinking it but reasonable that he who had been his Partner in Misery should likewise pertake of his Happiness but they were no sooner at Liberty but they were both took again by Pirats as they were sailing into Syria which the Sultan hearing of pittied the misfortune of that distressed Prince and scorning that any should frustrate his designed courtesie set him free once more and then returning home he was welcomed with as much wonder as joy by his Subjects who supposed him to have been dead long before When he came home he found two Counterfeits who both pretended to be the Duke and challenged lodging with his Lady but upon his arrival to confute their false pretences they were both condemned to lose their lives by two contrary deaths the one being Burn'd and the other Drowned Charles King of Sicily and Jerusalem having at length made great preparations for the Holy War and strengthned his claim to the Kingdom of Jerusalem by purchasing the Title of Maria Domicella Princess of Antioch who likewise pretended to a Right he sent Roger Count of Severine as his Vice-Roy to Ptolemais where he was received with a great deal of Honour in despite of King Hugh but when his Navy and all things were said to be ready for his own departure and that he had by the way a design upon Michael Paleologus the Grecian Emperour a sudden and unexpected accident blasted all For on Easter-day as the Bell tolled to Even-Song all the Frenchmen in Sicily had their Throats Cut in a moment by the Natives the contriver of this Massacre was one Jacobus Prochyta a Doctor of Physick who thereby killed more in an hour then he cured in his Whole Life but the secresie of its contrivance vvas litle less then a Miracle that so many should knovv of it and yet none either through accident or design discover it from vvhence came the Proverb the Sicilian Vispers Charles himself was at Rome when this Tragedy was acted to see the Pope make Cardinals and when he received the news it struck him so to the Heart that he never injoyed himself after But living as without Life for about two years he died and left his Son Charles to Succeed him in the Kingdom of Naples and the Title of Jerusalem who had little remarkable in his Life but only that being offended with the Templars in Palestine for taking part with the King of Cyprus against him he siesed all the Lands and Goods they had in Naples or any other part of his dominions CHAP. X. Ptolemais Besieged and taken by the Sultan of Egypt and thereby the Holy War ended MElechsaites or as others call him Melechmessor about this time wan the strong Castle of Mergarh from the Hospitallers who kept it and banished the Carmalites out of Syria because they had changed their Habits at the appointment of Pope Honorious the Turks being generally haters of innovations And Alphir who was his next Successor understanding that the Christian Princes of Europe were at variance among themselves resolved to lay hold of that opportunity as the fitest time finally to expel the Christians out of Palestine and therefore coming out of Egypt with a great Army he besieged and won the Cities of Tripoli Sidon and Berytus and being incouraged with this Success he adventured to Besiege Tyre it self and notwithstanding its invincible strength took it in a very short time and beat it down to the ground as he did the other three Cities So that now there remained nothing of all that the Christians had won in Palestine but Ptolemais which he might easily have taken if he would have sate down before with his Army but he was unwilling to venture for fear least if he should attempt the taking all from them at once he might thereby alarum the Christian Princes to repair thither for their Relief and therefore concluded a Peace with the Venetians for five years thinking that the bitter potion would be the more easily swallowed by them if it were devided into two doses But tho' the City Ptolemais did at this time escape the Turks Victorious Arms ' yet it was notwithstanding in a most Wofull and Dismal condition for there were in it some of all Countrys and every Nation had their several Courts to deside causes in so that the great plenty of Judges occasiond a scarcity of Justice and Malefactors when they were impeached for any Crime would by appealing to a Tryal in the Court of their own Country escape the deserved Punishment it being a sufficient proof of the Criminals innocency in the Venetians or Genoans Court to say that he was a Subject of the State to which the Court belonged wherefore Personal Crimes were made National and particular faults by being espoused rendered publick offences so that outrages were every where practised and no where punished as if they had been resolved to spare Divine Vengance the pains of overtaking them by going forth to meet it Besides which there was at this time a great number of Pretenders eagerly pro secuting their several Titles to that City being no fewer then the Venetians Genoans Pisans Florentins the King of Cyprus and Sicily the Agents of the King of England and France the Princes of Tripoli and Antioch the Patriarch of Jerusalem the Master of the Templars and Hospitallers and the Popes Legate who would if he were now living think himself highly abused in not being first named All which Pretenders did at once with much Heat and Violence urge there Right to the Airy Title of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Command of that City like Bees making the greatest noise and Bwzzing when they were just ready to forsake the Hive There was within the City at this time many new Pilgrims who were lately come thither out of Europe five hundred whereof were of the Popes sending altho' he afterwards took no care for their Pay for tho' he loved to see the Golden Tide flow into his Coffers yet he could not indure to see it ebb again But the soldiers being not paid resolved according to their blunt but usual custom to pay themselves and therefore Marching out of the City Pillaged the Enemies Country contrary to the Peace made with Alphir The Turks demand satisfaction which was not only denied by those of Ptolomais but their Embassadors likewise abused Which so inraged Sultan Serapha Alphir being now dead that he gathered together all his Forces and sat down before the City with an Army of six hundred thousand men say some Historians tho' others make them not half the number and concluding that that City was so
an unfortunate man Tho' the truth is the measuring a Princes worth by his Success is a Rule often false and always uncertain and the common Consent of all Nations will plead this in his Favour that having been once a King he ought ever to remain so But to put a sinal end to this unhappy Controversie King Richard made a pleasing Motion which rellished well to the Palate of that hungry Prince offering him the Island of Cyprus in exchange for his Kingdom of Jerusalem Which motion was willingly imbraced and the exchange actually made to the Content of both parties and the Kings of England bore the Title of King of Jerusalem in their style for many years after But in this exchange Guy had really the better Bargain in regard he bought a real Possession for an Airy Title However he lived not long to injoy it for he dyed soon after his Arrival there but his Family injoyed it for some hundred years after which it fell by some Transaction to the state of Venice and was at last wrested from them by the Turks who injoy it at this day Conrade being killed and Guy having renounced his Kingdom Henry Earl of Champaign was advanced to the Kingdom of Jerusalem by the procurement of King Richard his Uncle who to corroborate his Election by some Right of Succession married Isabella the Widow of Conrade and Daughter of Almerick King of Jerusalem he was a Prince valiant enough but in regard his Reign was short and most of it spent in a Truce he had not an opportunity to express it He took more delight in the style of Prince of Tyre then he did in that of being King of Jerusalem as accounting it more honourable to be Prince of what he had then to be called King of what he injoyed not And now the Christians promising themselves abundance of Peace and Tranquility began every where to build and to beautifie their Habitations The Templers fortified Gaza and King Richard repaired and walled Ptolemais Pomphyria Joppa and Askelon But alass this short liv'd Prosperity like an Autumn Spring came too late and was gone too soon to bring forth any mature Fruit However it was now agreed on by all parties that they should march immediately towards the City of Jerusalem which Holy and Sacred place was the mark at which they all principally Aimed And having prepared all things for the putting this resolution into Practice King Richard lead the Vant Guard of English the Duke of Burgundy Commanded in the main Body over his French and James of Avergn with his Flemings and Brabanters brought up the Rear Saladine who understood by his Spies the manner of their march Serpent like bit them by the Heels for not far from Bethlehem he violently assaulted the Rear of their Army but the English and French suddenly Wheeling about charged the Turks most furiously and Emulation formerly Poyson here proved a Cordial every Christian unanimously striving not only to Conquer their Enemies but to overcome their Friends to in the Honour of the Victory And our Royal Pilgrim in this Battel was so adventrous and fought with such invincible Courage and Resolution against those Enemies of Christianity that his Valour brought his Judgment into question in regard he was more careless of himself and exposed his Person to greater danger then beseemed the prudence of a General for having received a Wound as tho' by losing his Blood he had received a new Addition to his Strength he laid about him like a Mad-man killing divers of the Infidels with his own hands The Turks withstood the Christians force for a long time and strove hard to carry away the Honour of the Day but were at last forced to give Ground and leave the Christians in the Possession of the Victory which they obtained with little or no loss to themselves save James of Avergn who dyed here in the Bed of Honour But there were more Turks slain in this Battel then there had been in any other for forty years before And had the Christian improved this Victory and marched immediately to Jerusalem they might in all Probability have surprized it whilst the Turks were Blind-folded and in a kind of a maze at this Prodigious overthrow But the opportunity was wholly lost by the backwardness of King Richard and his English Soldiers say the French Writers whilst others impute it altogether to the Envy and Emulation of the French who rather chose to have so Glorious an Action left undone then to see it performed by the English together with the Treachery of Odo Duke of Burgundy who being more grieved for the loss of his Credit than careful to preserve a good Conscience was choaked with the shame of the sin which he had swallowed and dyed for Grief that his holding Correspondence with the Turks came to be discovered But most are of the Opinion that Richard attempted not the taking of Jerusalem because like a wise Architect he intended to build his Victories so as they might stand unshaken by securing the Country all along as he went It being Sensless and Imprudent to besiege Jerusalem an In-land City whilst the Turks were still in Possession of all the Sea-Ports and other places of Strength thereabouts Sometime after this Victory he intercepted divers Camels laden with very rich Commodities those Eastern Wars containing a great deal of Treasure in a little Room And yet of all this and of all that abundance of Wealth of England Sicily and Cyprus which he brought hither he carried nothing home save only one Gold-Ring all the rest being melted away and consumed in this hot Service He spent the Winter at Askelon and intended the following Spring to have gone to Jerusalem had not bad News out of Europe altered his resolution and put him in mind of returning home William Bishop of Ely whom he had left his Vice-Roy in England used many unsufferable Insolencies towards his Subjects So hard and difficult a thing it is for one of a mean and Contemptible Birth to personate a King without going beyond his Limits and over Acting his part And that which was yet worse his Brother John Earl of Morton had conspired with the French King to invade his Dominions Which reports and the concluding of this War a Subject not likely to answer the expence and Charge of of it especially now the Venetians Genoans Pisans and Florentines were gone away with their Fleet wisely shrinking themselves out of the Collar when they found their Necks too much Galled with their hard imployment made him desire a Peace of Saladine who thereby finding that he had all the Cords in his own hands knew well enough how to play his Game and make his best of those Exigencies wherein he knew King Richard to be plunged for he had those about him who had cunning and skill enough to read in King Richards Face what grieved and perplexed his mind and knew by his Spies every thing that was worth Observation