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A41223 An exact abridgement of the general history of the world from the creation to the year 1685 / by the accurate pen of a learned historian. Ferrar, Richard. 1698 (1698) Wing F808H; ESTC R37805 167,803 349

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Emperor Henry died at Liege in a most lamentable condition to which his Son Henry the Fifth had reduc'd him Henry the Fifth Emperor having before compelled him to resign the Empire From Christ 1106. Philip King of France died also after he had lived long in Luxury with Bertrade Kings of France whom he still retained notwithstanding two Excommunications and was at last reconciled to the Pope who gave him leave to enjoy her as his lawful Wife From Christ 1108. Pope Paschal in a Council held at Troy The Council of Tr●y in Champagne renewed all his Predecessor had order in that of Clermont against the A Quarrel between the Pope Emperor prētended Investitures by the Emperors Henry the Fifth had dissembled with the Pope in order to settle himself more firmly in the Empire But when he found himself powerful enough to assert his Right he pass'd into Italy made himself Master of Rome and concluded a Treaty with Paschal very advantagious to the Emperors From Christ 1110. But after Henry was returned to Germany the Pope retracted tho' he had swore to the Treaty and upon it received the Sacrament with the Emperor From Christ 1112. Henry was not then in a condition to shew his Resentment for that high Affront by reason of great Disturbances the Pope Troubles in Germany had fomented in Germany which caused much Blood to be shed in the five Years these Troubles lasted The Emperor at length having surmounted them all went a second time into Italy to disannul the Deed of Gift made The Death of the Countess Matilda by the Countess Matilda which she bequeathed to the See of Rome after her Death From Christ 1117. At Constantinople the Old Emperor Alexus had resigned the Empire to his Son Calo John being very much troubled at Calo John Emperor of the East the ill Success he had for opposing the Croisaders having repented he had invited them at length he died with very great Grief From Christ 1118. Henry passed a third time into Italy to reduce Gelasius the Second who had succeeded Paschal upon the point of the Investitures The new Pope fled into France In the interim the Emperor plac'd in the Popes See of Rome Maurice Bourdin Archbishop of Bracara in Portugal under the Name of Gregory the Eigth Gelasius dying in France the Cardinals who had followed him chose in his place Guy Archbishop of Vienna under the Name of Calixtus the Second He was Brother to the Count of Burgundy and Cousin to the Emperor This Pope held a Council at Rheims in The Council at Rheims which was renewed and confirmed all that had been Decreed in that of Clermont upon the matter of the Investitures and marrying of Priests Calixtus returned into Italy with an Army he Conquer'd and took in Battel the Anti-Pope Bourdin and had also that Popes good fortune to settle Affairs in Germany in such a manner that the Emperor Henry in an Assembly of the Empire held at Wormes renounced the Right of Investitures From Christ 1122. Calixtus being dead there was a great Division in the Election between Celestinus and Honorius the Second but the last carryed it those of his Faction being the greatest Persons in Rome After the Death of the Emperor Henry the Fifth his Sisters Son Frederick Duke of Swabia with Conrade disputed the Empire against Lothaire the second Duke Lothaire the second Emperor of Saxe but the latter prevailed at last From Christ 1125. William Rufus Son to the Conqueror Kings of England had given his Daughter Adelais to Stephen Count of Boulogue who in her Right was King of England Stephen and his Queen Adelais dying without Issue Robert the Second Son of the Conqueror had his Eyes put out by his younger Brother Henry who assumed the Crown of England Under this King and Lewis le Gros King The first War between the French and the English Kings of Arrgon of France the Son and Successor to Philip began the first War between the French and English Alphonso King of Arragon having been killed by the Moores his Brother Ramire was taken out of a Monastery and made King in his place At that time lived one John of Estampes who had been a Soldier under Charlemaine He was called Johannes de Temporibus because John D' Estampes very Aged Amideus Count of Savoy of his extraordinary long Life Amedeus Count of Maurienna received the Title of Count of Savoy from the Emperor Hugh de Paganis first instituted the Military Order of the of the Knights Templars The Order of the Knight Templars in the City of Jerusalem From Christ 1127. Honorius the Second being dead this Year Innocent the Second was put in his place while this new Pope made War P 〈…〉 with Roger Prince of Apulia of Calabria and Sicily The Romans in his absence chose an Antipope called Anacletus so that Innocent was forc'd to fly into France where he was acknowledged lawful Pope The Council of Estampes St. Bernard in the Council of Estampes by the means of St. Bernard who also afterwards persuaded Victor the Fourth to resign the Chair to Innocent who for that purpose was brought back into Italy by the Emperor Lothair so that Schism ceased From Christ 1132. To Lewis the Sixth Sur-named Le Gross succeeded his Eldest Son Lewis the Seventh called Le Jeusne besides whom he had Kings of France Robert Count of Dreux Peter Lord of Courtnay and Philip Arch-Deacon of Paris who resigned the Bishoprick to Peter Lombard the famous Doctor and Author of the Book of Sentences where Divinity is treated of by Questions which Method Learned M●n was introduc'd by John Rosselin and Peter Abeillard two Natives of Bretagne Some time before Robert Abbot of Molesme had instituted the Order of Cisteaux The Order of Cisteux which took its Name from the Principal Abbey of that Order which became more Illustrious by St. Bernard Abbot of Clerveaux From Christ 1130. Baldwin of Flanders Successor to Godfrey in the Kingdom of Jerusalem being Kings of Jerusalem dead the Daughter of Baldwin who had marryed Foulques of Anjou gave the Kingdom to her Husband Lothaire being dead Conrad the Third Conrade the Third Emperor Duke of Swabia was chose Emperor in his place Pope Innocent the Second having been taken in the War he made against Roger was set at liberty by that Prince on condition that Roger should have the Title of Apulia and Sicily which he and his Successors were to hold paying Fealty to the See of Rome From Christ 1143. To Innocent the Second succeeded Caelestin and Lucius both named Seconds Then Eugenius the Third a Disciple and 〈◊〉 Monk of the Order of St. Bernard The Romans not willing to acknowledge him for their Temporal Soveraign no more than his three Predecessors had done He went into France where he held a Council A Council at Chartres
the Empire among A Schism in the Empire themselves one part for King Lewis Duke of Bavaria the other for Frederick Duke of Austria Son to the Emperor Albert. The Pope declared himself against Lewis who opposing the Pope favoured the Cordeliers whom the Pope persecuted He writ against them and they against him particularly William Okam an Englishman and very learned and of that Order protected by the Emperor Lewis From Christ 1322. In France a Posthumus Son of Lewis named Kings of France John having not lived above six Weeks Philip the Fifth called Le Long Brother to Lewis succeeded him against the Designs of some who would have maintained the pretended Right of Jean Daughter to the deceased King by the same Right of the Salick Law Charles the Fourth called Le Bel succeeded his Brother Philip and to Charles Philip the Sixth called of Valois Cousin German to the three last Kings maugre the Pretensions of Edward the Third King of England who said he had more Right because he was Son to Izabella Daughter to Philip le Bel. The Emperor had set up an Anti-pope Anti-pope a Cordelier under the Name of Nicholas the Fifth in opposition to Pope John But the Popes unfortunate Nicholas being fallen into the Hands of John was shut up in a Prison where he died miserably Not very long after Pope John being dead they put in his place Bennet the Twelfth a Gascoign From Christ 1334. At Constantinople Michael Paleologus had Emperors of Constantinople for his Successor his Son Andronicus and to this a Grandson of the same Name Who dying left his Sons very young under the Tuition of John Cantacusenes This John behaved himself so well in his Trust and with so great Authority that he acquired the Title of Emperor From Christ 1338. To Bennet the Twelfth succeeded Clement Popes the Sixth of Lymousin From Christ 1342. The War which lasted for some time between the English and the French proved fatal to the latter in this Year King Philip having lost the Battle near Cressy in Picardy The Battle of Cressy against King Edward who took Calais after a Year's Siege From Christ 1346. Lewis of Bavaria was called Emperor for some time part of the Princes of Germany did not acknowledge him He being dead they all at last unanimously Charles the Fourth Emperor agreed in the Election of Charles the Fourth of the House of Luxemburg King of Bohomia From Christ 1347. A dreadful Plague broke out in Cathaia A great Plague and spread it self in Persia Mesopotamia Syria and in Asia Minor Europe was infested with it even to the most Western parts and caused very strange Desolations through all places Clement the Sixth died He reduc'd the Popes Jubilee of a Hundred to Fifty Years Innocent the Sixth his Countryman succeeded him Christ From 1352. The People of Constantinople compelled Emperors of the East John Cantacusenes to resign the Empire to John Paleologus Son to Andronicus the Second From Christ 1354. John King of France who succeeded his The Battle of Poitiers Father Philip lost the Battle at Poitiers and there became Prisoner to Edward Prince of Wales Son to Edward King of England From Christ 1556. Charles Son to King John governed the Kingdom with great Prudence during his Father's Imprisonment Then followed Affair● betwe●n France England the Treaty of Brittany in consequence of which King John returned to France upon his Parole but having not that Interest to oblige the Nobility of his Kingdom to consent to the Demands of the English he went over into England according to his Parole and most suitable to that just ●e ●rue Maxim fo● France● Maxim he often repeated That if Truth and Faith were banish'd from the Dwellings of the rest of Mankind yet they ought to be found in the Hearts and Tongues of Princes He died in England He had instituted or re-establish'd the Order of the Star much about the Time The Order of the St●● and ●●e Garter that King Edward instituted that of the Garter John left four Sons Charles the Fifth called the Wise was his Successor He was the first who had the Title of Dauphine The first Dauphine of France according to the Treaty made with Humbert Dauphine of Vienna by which he resigned up his Dominions to King John The other Sons of this King were Lewis The Second House of Anjou Duke of Anjou chief of the Second Royal House of that Name Philip called the Hardy Duke of Burgundy The Second House of Burgundy a Stock also of the Second Royal House of that Name and John Duke of Berry who left no Branch The Dutchy of Brittany had been disputed A Quarrel for the Dutchy of Brittany a long time between Charles of Blois who pretended to it by Jane his Wife Daughter of Guy Brother to Duke John the Third who died without Children and John Earl of Montford who boasted to have the most Right as he was the nearest Male. The Battle of Auray that Charles lost The Battle of Auray where he was killed upon the place decided the Difference in favour of John who entred into the full and quiet possession of the Dutchy and had the Surname of Conquerour and Victorious The French and the English had taken Parties in this long War the first for Charles near Kinsman to King Philip the Sixth and the second for John These two Nations were also concerned The Civil War in Castile in a Difference between Don Pedro called the Cruel and Don Henry his Bastard Brother about the Kingdom of Castile At last after various Successes on both sides the War was decided by a Battle where Don Pedro was defeated and killed by Don Henry So that this Henry being assisted by the French under the Command of the brave and famous Betrand of Guesclin Bertrand of Gueslin a Gentleman of Brittany remained King of Castile From Christ 1369. This great and fortunate Captain Bertrand had brought for this Expedition Troops of disbanded Soldiers who passing through the County forc'd Pope Urban Popes the Fifth to pay a Ransome Which made him resolve to return to Rome that he might not any more be exposed to the like Affronts but after he had made a Journey there he returned into France where he died From Christ 371. David Bruce King of the Scots dying Robert Stuart King of Scots without Children Robert Stuart is acknowledged King of the Scots in right of his Wife Sister to King David By the Council of St. Bridget of Swede and of St. Catherine of Sienna according to the Revelations they pretended from Heaven Gregory the Eleventh Successor to Urban the Fifth returned to Rome where The Pope returned to Rome after fourteen Months he died repenting to have believed those Revelations against the Light of his own Understanding From Christ 1377. The Cardinals compell'd by the Romans
short time For Frediganda caused him to be killed by Landry de la Tour her Gallant to prevent Landry de la Tour. the Effects of the Kings just displeasure who had discovered the Intreagues of Fredigunda and Landry Chilperic had put to death Meroveus and Clovis whom he had by his Wife Audery so Clotaire the second whom he had by Fredegunda Fredegunda succeeded him On the other side Gontrian King of Orleans dying without Children let by his last Testament his Dominions to his other Nephew Childebart King of Austrasia who by what was left him becoming very powerful made a resolution to revenge the death of his Father on Fredegunda but he was overcome in Battle by her who was there present holding in her Arms the Young Clotaire Childebert being deeply perplex'd and asham'd to have been overcome by a Woman fell sick and died leaving two Sons Theodobert King of Austrasia and Thierry King of Burgundia both of them under Brunehault the care of Bruneh●ult their Grandmother the Widow of Sigebert King of Austrasia So all the French Monarky being Govern'd by two Women one as wicked as the other it was not long before they fell out Fredegunda was the more Fortunate for she had always great Success in War against Brunehault so that she left her Son Clotaire in quiet Possession of the Kingdoms of Paris and Soissons This Woman though she was guilty of many Crimes yet died a natural Death Aigulphus King of the Lombards had made Peace with the Exark in Italy the Emperor Mauritius also concluded a Peace with Cosroes the Son Successor and Murtherer of his Father Hormisdas and in France Brunehauld lost her credit with her two Grandsons The three Kings lived in great Amity so that there was a A General Peace General Peace at the end of this Century From Christ 600. The learned Men who lived at that The Learned Men. Jornandes time were Jornandes a Gothish Bishop who Writ the History of the Wars between his Nation and the Romans Agathyas Agathyas a Grecian Writ the History of Justin and of Justinian with the Exploits of Bellisarius and Narses Count Marcellinus composed the Annals Marcellinus from the death of Valens to the 20th Year of Justinian Evagrius the Ecclesiastical Evagrius History from the time where Zozomenus ended to the 12th year of Mauritius Gregory Gregory of Tours Bishop of Tours the History of the French from the beginning of their Monarky to the end of this Age. The Seventh Age. THe Sclavonians a people of Scythia The Sclavonians past the Danube and and possest several Provinces of the Empire from whence they were expelled by an Army which the Emperor Mauritius sent against them but this victorious Army having Mutined proclaim'd Phocas Emperor one Phocas Emperor of their chief Leaders This Rebel marched presently to Constantinople and made himself Master of it where he seized on The Death of Mauritius the Emperor Mauritius and cut off his Head From Christ 603. After he had done the same to his Children before their Fathers Eyes which he endured with a Resignation and Patience most like a Christian He was ● Prince worthy of high esteem for his great Qualitys had he not dishonour'd them by his extream Avarice of which he gave a most cruel Example upon an occasion where he suffered a great number of Prisoners taken by the Sclavonians to be slaughtered rather then he would ransome them at a Crown a head the Sclavonians offering to release them for that price Gregory Bishop of Rome called the Great Gregory the Great Bishop of Rome Successor to Pelagius the second died Among his Works there are somethings very curious others tainted with Superstition which began to be introduc'd into the Church It is also markt of him that he refused to explain the Maximes of Christianity he is likewise much blamed for the flattering ways he used to Phocas who was rather look'd on as a Tyrant then a lawful Emperor From Christ 604. The Native Britans had been Christians for three or four Centurys but the English The affairs of England Saxons who had been Masters of that Island for a Hundred and Fifty Years were Pagans They had divided their Conquests into several Monarkys Ethelbert King Ethelbert turn●d Christian King of Mercia which was the greatest of those Kingdoms by the perswasion of Birtha his Wife a French Princess was very willing to embrace Christianity upon which Gregory sent him Augustin the Augustin the Monk sent into England Monk with some others who Baptized him and introduced as much as they could possibly the Ceremonies of Rome into that Church which the Ancient Brittish Bishops fiercly opposed From Christ 605. Sabinianus Bishop of Rome and Successor Bishop● of Rome to Gregory was remarkable for nothing but for his hatred he exprest against the Memory of his Predecessor and for his most sordid Avarice There was a Years interval between his Death and the Election of Boniface the Third and ten Months from the Death of that Boniface and the choosing of Boniface the Fourth From Christ 607. In the time of Gregory John called the Younger Bishop of Constantinople had assumed The Title of universal Bishop the Title of Universal Bishop Gregory had reprehended him for it in very sharp Terms alledging that this haughty Title could not be usurp'd by any one but the Forerunner of Antichrist In the mean time the two Bonifaces who succeeded Gregory address'd themselves to Phocas to obtain that Title to which he complied on Condition that they should acknowledge him lawful Emperor So that the Roman Pontificate may be said to have obtain'd the Title of Head of the Church not from St. Peter but from the Emperor Phocas The Tyrannick Government of this Usurper Phocas killed provok'd at last the Grandees of the Empire to kill him The Conspirators set up in his place Heraclius one of the Heraclius chiefest among them From Christ 610. Theodebert King of Austrasia scandaliz'd at the most dissolute Life of his Grandmother Kings of the French Brunehauld banish'd her his Court She being retired to the Court of her other Grandson Thierry King of Burgundy perswaded him that Theodebert was not the Son of Childebert which made a War between the two Brothers where Theodebert was killed Not long after Brunehauld disgusted by Thierry poyson'd him and set up for King one of his Bastards But The Death of Brunehault the Nobility of the two Kingdoms of Austrasia and Burgundy not being able longer to suffer this most wicked Woman delivered her up to Clotaire who punish'd her as her most heinous Crimes deserved So all the Royal Members of the French Monarchy were re-united under one Chief Clotair the Second From Christ 614. John the Exarch was slain by the People enraged against him for laying too The affairs of Italy heavy Taxes on them Eleutherius
returned thither drove out Adalgize and recovered all he had taken From Christ 776. Charlemain made his first Expedition against His first War against the Saxons the Saxons which was attended with his usual good Success In an Assembly held by him at Paderburn he was importun'd to pass into Spain Against the Saracens in Spain against the Saracens by Adala one of their Kings who was at Difference with the other Kings of that Country From Christ 777. Charlemain went thither where he conquered all the Country that lies along the Pyreneans from one Sea to the other containing Navarre Arragon and Catalonia yet he received a Check in his return at the Pass of Roncevaux in the Pyreneans where he lost among others his Nephew Orlando killed the famous Orlando The Saxons having been often beaten Vindikind Duke of the Saxons and as often reduc'd at last submitted themselves embracing Christianity with their brave Duke Vindikind The Emperor Leo the Fourth died in The Death of Leo IV. high Esteem with those who were against Worshipping of Images and on the contrary as much condemned by those who favoured it His Son and Successor Constantine the Sixth called Porphyrogenitus being not above Constantine VI. Irene his Mother Nine Years old was left under the Tutelage of his Mother Irene From Christ 780. She called together a Council at Nice The Second Council at Nice for Images to establish the Worship of Images which was done by a Concert between the Eastern Bishops of Irene's Party and the Legates of Pope Adrian From Christ 787. Charlemain caused a Council to be assembled The Council at Franckfort against Images at Franckfort on the Main where he was present with Three hundred Bishops from all parts of the West who condemned the Worship of Images Nor did Pope Adrian whose Legates were there oppose this Condemnation From Christ 794. This Pope died having sate in the Papal Popes Chair Twenty four Years In all which time he managed himself so dextrously between the two great Powers of Christendom that he was equally esteemed by both tho' their Interests and Sentiments were very different especially in what related to Images Pope Leo III. his Successor demanded and obtained of Charlemain to be confirmed in his Election From Christ 796. Constantine being grown up a Man Irene Irene ' s Cruelty to her Son his Mother finding she could no longer support her Authority in the Government in a Rage put out her Son's Eyes Heaven was so highly incens'd at this horrid Cruelty that for Seventeen Days Constantinople was deprived of the Light of the Sun From Christ 797. Pope Leo having been put in Prison by his Predecessor's Kindred who accused him of many Crimes the Commissaries of Charlemain releas'd him He then came into France to justifie himself before Charlemain The King sent him back to Rome where he also went himself in the last Year of this Century to be fully informed of that Affair The Pope clear'd himself by his Oath which the King made him take This being done the Romans proclaimed Charlemain Emperor King Charlemain Emperor the Pope with the chief of the City payed him Homage on their Knees From Christ 800. The Ninth Age. THE Senate and People of Constantinople wearied with the ill Government of a very perverse unnatural Woman Irene expelled Nicephorus Emperor The Treaty between him and Charlemain expelled Irene and plac'd on the Imperial Throne Nicephorus one of the chief Officers of the Court. Charlemain treated with Nicephorus about the Rights and Laws of the Empire The two Emperors agreed to divide the Titles and Priviledges of their Empires so that Charles and his Successors should have the Western Parts as Nicephorus and his Successors the Eastern From Christ 803. The Seven following Years were peaceable in the West on the contrary in the East the Caliph Aaron waged War so successfully A disadvantageous Peace with the Caliph th 〈…〉 e forc'd Nicephorus to demand a Peace disgraceful to him and the Empire For by the Articles he was obliged to pay a Tribute to the Caliph and particularly for his Head and for the Head Nicephorus killed Michael Curopalatus Emperor and made himself a Monk of his Son Stauratius From Christ 810. Nicephorus was killed in a Battle against the Bulgarians his Son Stauratius being dangerously wounded fled to Constantinople But he was there compelled to resign the Empire to Michael Curopalatus who enjoyed it but two Years for in an extream Fit of Melancholly occasioned by his being overcome by the Bulgarians he turned Monk and Leo the Fifth an Armenian Leo V Emperor made Emperor of the East in his place From Christ 813. The Emperor Charlemain died in the The Death of Charlemain Seventy Second Year of his Age and the Forty Eighth of his Reign in France and the Fourteenth of his Emperialship A Prince endued with all the greatest Qualities could be desir'd in a Monarch except his Incontinence He was greatly learn'd he had for his Tutor the famous The University of Paris founded Grimbaud founded Oxford and Cambridge Kings of England Alcuin an English-man who 't is said was the first Founder of the University of Paris as also that Grimbaud his Disciple went over into England and laid the Foundations of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge From Christ 814. England was become one sole Monarchy under King Egbart Edgar his Successor reigned at that time It was he who sent for Grimbaud upo●●●e Occasion before-mentioned Of three lawful Sons that Charlemain The Three Sons of Charlemain had Charles the eldest died without Issue Pepin who died before his Father had left his Son Bernard to succeed him in the Kingdom of Italy Louis the Debonair Emperor and King of France Louis Sur-named The Debonair enjoyed all the rest with the Title of Emperor and King of France Pope Leo the Third had for his Successor Popes Stephen the Fourth who did not wait to be confirmed by Louis but came presently into France and Crowned Louis at Rheims This Pope died and had Pascall for his Successor From Christ 817. Bernard King of Italy attempted to dethrone his Uncle Lewis but this young Prince being abondoned by all his adherents came and threw himself at his Unkles feet but this Louis so Debonair and Clement to all others was not at all so to his Nephew for he most cruelly caused his Eyes to be put out of which he soon after died From Christ 818. The Death of Bernard King of Italy Michael Balbus Emperor At Constantinople Michael Balbus a great person in the Court but of obfcure Parentage convicted of Treason for which he was condemned to dye found means to escape out of Prison and to kill the Emperor Leo and to set himself on his Throne Pascall died he had acquitted himself Popes by his Oath of the Accusation made against him to have put to death
Fourth sole Emperor of the West by the death of Philip Otho the Fourth remaining sole Emperor From Christ 1208. From the precedent Age Peter Valdo of Lyons abandoning his Wealth had preached against the Corruption of the Clergy chiefly against that of Rome they called his Disciples Vaudois the poor Beggars of The Vaudois Lyms they held the Doctrine of Berengarius in what relates to the Eucharist as also Peter de Brus and Henry his Companion who were followed by an infinite number of Disciples at the beginning of this Age and were called Albegois because The Albegois their Doctrine had been first of all received in the Diocess of Albi from whence it was spread all over Languedoc From Christ 1209. The Pope excommunicated them and publish'd a Croyzade against them Five hundred thousand Croyzaders under the The Croyzaders oppose them Simon Grant of Montfort command of Simon Count of Monfort made a horrible Slaughter of those poor People Peter King of Arragon there lost his Life with the Army he had brought to their Assistance in favour of his Cousin Raymond Berenger Count of Tholouze who had embrac'd their Doctrine From Christ 1213. Pope Innocent had Crowned the Emperor Otho at Rome but the old Quarrel about the Investitures being revived between them the Pope raised up Enemies in all Parts against Otho and abetted the Party Frederic the Second against Otho of young Frederic Son of the Emperor Henry the Sixth against Otho Philip the Second called Augustus King A War between Otho and Philip King of France of France entered into that Party against Otho because that Emperor was Allyed to John King of England an Enemy to Philip which occasioned the War between Otho and Philip in which was fought the Battel of Bovines in Flanders where Otho The Battel of Bovines being overcome sav'd himself by Flight leaving to Philip among other Prisoners Ferrand Brother to Sanchez King of P●rtugal Son-in-law to Baldwin Emperor of Constantinople The Pope quarrelled with King John of A Quarrel between the Pope and the King of England England upon the occasion of the Election of an Archbishop of Canterbury the King having named one contrary to the pretension of the Pope who said the Nomination belonged to him whereupon the Pope excommunicated King John and interdicted all his Kingdom and gave it to the King of France the King laid the Storm by humbling himself to the Pope and declared himself his Vassal with an obligation to pay him a Thousand Marks every year besides the Peter-pence The Barons of England incensed at this Treaty so dishonourable to the Nation abandoned King John and having call'd over Lewis the Son of Philip King of France Lewis the Son of Philip. King of France crowned King of England Henry III King of England they acknowledged him for their King and Crowned him at Westminster but their Anger was appeased by the Death of King John So they sent back Lewis and restored the Crown to Henry the Third Son to King John who had the Surname of Sans Terre because he died divested of his Kingdom Innocent held a Council at Latran where was concerted the greatest Number of Bishops The Council of Latran had been seen What related to the Eucharist they there determined Transubstantiation as a Point of Faith and Transubstantiation that they should keep the Host in their Box and to carry it with Solemnity to the Sick with ringing a little Bell. Then followed the Necessity of Auricular Confession There they establish'd the Sovereignty Auricular Confession The Sovereignty of the Pope of the Pope above all Degrees of Persons over Emperors Kings and other Powers to deprive them of their Dominions and to dispose of them as the Pope shall think best From Christ 1215. After this manner had he used King John of England and yet with better Effect against Raymond Count of ●●olouze whose Dominions he had really transferred to Simon Count of Montfort because Raymond had favoured the Albigenses Honorius the Third Successor to Innocent approved of the four Orders of Mendicants The four Orders of Mendicants that is to fay the Preachers or Dominicans the Franciscans the Augustines and the Carmelites .. From Christ 1216. Otho being dead Frederic the Second remained Frederick the Second Emperor of the East sole Emperor in the West Raymond Count of Tholouze re-establish'd himself in his Dominions after the Raymond Count of Tholouze recovers his Dominions Emperors of Constantinople Death of Simon de Montford who was killed at the Siege of Tholouze From Christ 1218. To Baldwin Emperor of Constantinople succeeded Henry his Brother and to him succeeded his Son-in-Law Peter de Courtnay Count of Auxerre who going to take possession of that Empire was stopt in Thessaly by Alexis-Comnenes notwithstanding the safe Conduct he had given him Peter was killed at the end of three or four Years Imprisonment by the Command of this perfidious Grecian Prince From Christ 1222. During the time of Peter's Imprisonment Jolante his Wife governed at Constantinople like a brave and wise Heroin Philip Count of Nemours their eldest Son refused the Empire and resigned it to his younger Brother Robert Philip the Second King of France call'd Kings of France Augustus for his very great Qualities died He was also called the Conqueror having taken away from the English the greatest part of what they possess'd in France Lewis the Eighth his Son and Successor had took away from the English Rochel and Avignon from the Albigenses From Christ 1226. He Reigned but three Years Lewis the Ninth his eldest Son succeeded him Of the three younger Sons Robert had the County of Artois Alphonso Poictou and Charles that of Arjou The two last taken from the English From Christ 1227. To Honorias the Third succeeded Gregory Popes A Quarrel between Gregory and Frederick the Ninth who fell out with the Emperor Frederick the Second because he had taken away from one of the Pope's Nephews all that the Emperor Philip had bestowed on him in Italy In the mean time Frederick having married Jole the Daughter of John de Bregna King of Jerusalem past into the Levant and regained Jerusalem after he had made an honourable Truce with the Sultan for ten Years while the Pope took Naples in his Absence But the Emperor at his Return retook it without any great trouble From Christ 1230. In the eleven following Years Italy and Germany were in continual Troubles occasioned by the Quarrel between the Emperor and the Pope The Emperor being Excommunicated The Issue of the Quarrel his Son Henry revolted against him upon which his Father overcame him in a great Battle and past into Italy where he reduc'd to his Obedience those Cities the Pope had made to revolt He besieged Rome and had like to have taken it yet he took several Cardinals flying from thence Pope Gregory died of extream Grief for his ill
Christ 1417. Of the three deposed Popes John and Gregory submitted to the Sentence of the Council Bennet persisted even 'till Death tho' he had but two Cardinals with him whom he commanded when he was dying to elect a Successor which they did naming a Chanoine of Barcellona who took the Name of Clement the Eighth But at length he deposed himself and was in exchange made Arch-Bishop of Majorca From Christ 1422. In France King Charles had before lost a The Battle ● Agincourt Battle near Agincourt in Piccardy Henry the Fifth who won it became very powerful in France the more because there hapned very great Troubles by a madness King Charles fell into upon the Death of his Brother Lewis Duke of Orleans whom his Cousin John Duke of Burgundy had caused to be Assassinated at Paris By the Death of the same John kill'd at Montereau in Brye by the Servants of Charles Dauphin in the presence of that Prince Lastly by the hatred of Queen Izabella of Bavaria against her Son the Dauphin which grew so violent that she joined in a Faction with Philip Duke of Burgundy whose Interests prevailed with the States General to deprive the Dauphin of his Right to the Succession of the Crown and to acknowledge for the Heir of King Charles Henry King of England his Son-in-Law who married Katharine his Daughter The famous Captain John Zisca a Bohemian John Zisca a famous Captain died after he had vindicated the Liberty and the Evangelick Religion of his Country-men against Wens●laus and Sigismond Kings of that Country o'er whom he gained many Battels even after he had lost both his Eyes in that War From Christ 1425. It was resolved in the Council of Constance that another should be held seven years after Pope Martin was averse to Popes it but about the end of his Papacy being importuned to call one he summoned it at Pi●a But the Pope so ordered Affairs in that manner that this Council had no effect A little before his Death he appointed another at Basle and his The Council of Basle Successor Eugenius the Fourth sent his Legats to cause it to be opened From Christ 1431. After several years of great Confusion in France King Charles the Seventh re-establish'd himself by forcing out the English so that there remained in their Possession nothing but the City of Calais This great Revolution was begun and advanc'd by a certain young Wench called the Maid of Orleans who pretended The Maid of Orleans she was inspired from Heaven to employ her self to reinthrone King Charles The Emperor Sigismond being dead his Albert the second Emperor Son-in-Law Albert the Second succeeded him in the Empire and in the Kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia From Christ 1438. The Pope Eugenius fell out with the Council of Basle and signified to them That it should be removed to Ferrara In effect a Council was called there where The Council of Ferrara he was in Person with John Paleologus Emperor of Constantinople who had brought with him many Grecian Bishops then they went from thence to Florence where the Greeks made an Agreement with the Latins on many Articles of Belief in which till that time they had differed In the mean time the Council of Basle not at all fearing the Fulminations of Eugenius A●●hism proceeded legally against him deposed him and elected in his place Amideus Duke of Savoy under the Name of Foelix th● Fifth Antipope Foelix the Fifth This Prince had resigned his Dukedom to his Son Duke Lewis and was retired to the delitious Hermitage of Repaille on the Lake of Geneva At last Peace being made between the French and the English Lewis the Dauphin to discharge the Kingdom of the Soldiers who ruined it brought a great Army out of the Empire Four thousand A remarkable Action of the Switzers Switzers were so bold to oppose his Paslage they sold their Lives at a dear rate but they were all kill'd but one who being return'd to his Canton lost his Head as a base Deserter From Christ 1444. The young Ladislaus King of Hungary broke very rashly the Peace he had swore to the Turks It was believed that the Misfortune of the Battel of Varne was a The Battel of Varn● just punishment for the breaking his Oath He was there overcome and killed by Amurat the Second Sultan of the Turks Nicolaus the Fifth Successor to Eugenius the Fourth saw an end of the Schism by the free Resignation of Faelix who remained Cardinal and Legat of his own Country and the adjacent Places The Council of Basle having no more power broke up so that Nicolaus was acknowledged Pope without any Dispute From Christ 1449. Mahomet the Second of that Name Emperor Mahomet the Second takes Constantinople of the Turks took Constantinople from Constantin the Eleventh Paleologus the last Christian Emperor of that City It was taken by Assault and the Confusion was so very great that Constantin endeavouring to save himself was stifled at a Gate of the City by the multitude of flying People From Christ 1453. Alphonso Borgia a Spaniard under the Popes Name of Calixtus the Third succeeded Pope Nicholas the Fifth From Christ 1455. He acted nothing remarkable Pius the Second his Successor made himself more Eminent for his great Learning and extraordinary Zeal against the Turks His Name was Aeneas Silvius Picolomini a Citizen of Sienna From Christ 1458. Since Henry the Third King of England Affairs of England three Edwards had Reigned successively from Father to Son Edward the Third had Edward Prince of Wales who died before his Father leaving his Son Richard the Second who Reigned after the Death of his Grandfather Richard was Dethroned by Henry the Fourth Son of Henry Duke of Lancaster youngest Son to Edward the Third Lyonel Duke of Clarence being the next to Edward Prince of Wales Lyonel had a Daughter who was marryed to the Duke of York From Henry the Fourth came Henry the Fifth who had been received in France to succeed Charles the Sixth in right of his Wife Catharine The Quarrel between the House of York and Lancaster Daughter to Charles From that Marriage came Henry the Sixth who was Crowned being a Child King of France in the Church of St. Denis Not long after Edward the Fourth Duke of York descended from Lyonel Duke of Clarence second Son to Edward the Third dethroned and put to death Henry the Sixth and set up himself in his place From Christ 1460. Charles the Seventh King of France suffered himself to die of Hunger for fear of being poysoned having Conquered his Affairs of France Kingdom from the English He might have been called Fortunate if he had had another Father another Mother and another Son This Son was Lewis the Eleventh who succeeded his Father whom he had very ill treated From Christ 1461. After the Death of Tamberlain who had conquered the
Persians Hussan Cassan possess'd himself of that Kingdom he succeeded Sophys Kings of Persia the Hermit Sophy from whence came the Sophyes who have Reigned in Persia to this time From Christ 1463. Pius the Second died No private Person ever laboured more than Aeneas Silvius to restrain the Authority of the Popes within the limits of their antient Popes Cannons yet no Pope ever took more pains to extend the Papal Power beyond all bounds He obtained of Lewis the Eleventh to abolish the pragmatick Sanction which were Rules extracted from The pragmatick Sanction what had been resolved in the Council of Constance and Basle to curb the exorbitant Authority of the Popes These Rules had been received in France where they were in form and force as Laws The Emperor Albert the Second died leaving his Empress big with Child She Kings of Hungary and Bohemia was delivered of a Son called Ladislaus who succeeded his Father in the Kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia Frederic the Third Cousin to Albert and Frederic the Third Emperor of the same House of Austria was Successor to the Empire The young King Ladislaus dying before he was marryed the Hungarians chose for their King Mathias Corvin Son Mathias Corvin King of Hungary of John Huniades a great Captain who had made himself famous in the War against the Turks The Bohemians for their part chose for George Polebrac King of Bohemia their King George Polebrac one of the Grandees of their Country This King being of the Evangelick Faith protected those of that Religion in his Kingdom Paul the Second called Barbaro Avenetian succeeded Pius the Second Then to Popes Paul succeeded a Cordelier named Riara who was stiled Sixtus the Fourth Charles the last Duke of Burgundy had Charles the last Duke of Burgundy defeated by the Switzers continually waged War with Lewis King of France He had conquered Lorraine of Rayner who had Right to the Kingdom of Naples and was Duke of Anjou He endeavoured to subject the Switzars which Design proved fatal to him for they overcame him twice in their Country where he went to attack them at Granzona and at Morat and the third time near to Nancy which he Besieged making War against Rayner King of Naples and Duke of Lorraine Charles having been His Death killed in this last Battel From Christ 1477. Mary Daughter and Heiress married to Maximillian of Austria His Daughter and Heiress Maria marryed Maximilian Son to Frederic the Third Emperor By this Marriage she brought to the House of Austria the Sovereignty of the seventeen Provinces in the Low-Countries with the County of Burgundy the Dutchy having been reunited to the Crown of France by King Lewis the Eleventh There was another Heiress who had The Right of the Kingdom of Cyprus brought the Right of the Kingdom of Cyprus to the House of Savoy She was Charlotta the only Daughter to John the Second of Lusignan King of Cyprus By marrying Lewis Duke of Savoy who having In the House of Savoy no Children she bequeath'd her Kingdom by Testament But James her Bastard-Brother having took possession of Cyprus Catharina Cornaro his Widdow To the Venetians transferr'd to the Venetians the Right she pretended to that Kingdom of which the Venetians put themselves into a present Possession The House of the Medices having for sometime swayed the Government of Florence several Conspirators of other A Conspiracy against the Medices great Families of that City supported by the Pope set upon the two Brothers Julian and Laurence in a Church at the time of Mass where Julian was killed Laurence having saved Himself did stir up the People against the Conspirators some of them were hanged up in the heat Among others Salviati Archbishop of Pisa From Christ 1478. The Pope employ'd his Arms Spiritual and Temporal against the Florentines but they maintained the War with Forces the King of France sent them under the Command of Philip de Comines whose Name is Philip Comines famous for his curious and judicious Memoirs After the Death of Edward the Fourth King of England his Son Edward the Fifth tho' a Child was presently after Affairs of England kill'd with Richard his Brother by Richard their Uncle who usurpd ' the Crown From Christ 1483. Lewis the Eleventh King of France died a Prince who had Reigned with Of France more absolute Power than any of his Predecessors for which reason some write that he invested the Kings with more Regal Authority others that he had exalted them beyond all sense and reason His great Qualities were attended with as many ill ones as Cruelty Injustice and Hypocrisy and about the end of his Reign he fell into very great imbecility by his fear of Death His only Son Charles the Eighth very young succeeded him John Cibo a Genouese under the Name Popes of Innocent the Eighth succeeded Sixtus the Fourth Henry the Seventh made himself King of England having overcome and killed in Battel Richard the Third Henry was of Affairs of England the House of Lancaster by his Mothers side He united the two Houses York and Lancaster who were Enemies by marrying Mary of York Daughter to Edward the Fourth and Sister to Edward the Fifth From Christ 1485. Ferdinand King of Arragon and his Granada taken from the Saracens Wife Izabella Queen of Castille took Granada from Boadilla the last King of the Saracens in Spain From Christ 1492. A little while after Christopher Colombus Christopher Columbus a Genouese found out the new World with great Success and infinite Advantage to Ferdinand and Izabella From Christ 1494. King Charles went into Italy where all Charles the Eighth in Italy the Cities received him as Conqueror so he entered Rome where Alexander the Sixth Successor to Innocent the Eighth either could not or durst not oppose him from thence he march'd to the Kingdom of Naples and made himself Master of it with incredible facility His Design was to carry on the War even to Constantinople to which end he had delivered from the hands of the Pope Zizim Brother to Bajazet the Second to make use of him against Bajazet but the Design miscarried by the Death of Zizim but chiefly by the League the Pope the Venetians and Lodowike Sforza Duke of Millan made against the King to fight him as he came back The Battel was fought The Battel of Fornova near Fornova a Village near to Piacenza where the King wholly routed them tho' they were six times more in number than those of his Army but the French lost the Kingdom of Naples in as short a time as they had Conquered it that there remained to them nothing more than a filthy The Neopolitan Disease Disease which cannot modestly be named Two Years after Charles being dead Lewis Duke of Orleans first Prince of the Blood succeeded him The new King broke off his Marriage with
Rome some few paces from the Breach The Pope being made a Prisoner in the The Pope made a Prisoner escap'd Castle of St. Angelo was kept there for six Months from whence he escap'd and was reconciled to the Emperor Who gave his Natural Daughter in Marriage to The Medices are Sovereigns of Florence Andrea Doria a Genouese the chief of the House of the Medices of which was the Pope So the Medices became Sovereigns of Tuscany Andrea Doria behaved himself better towards Genoa his Country For having abandoned the King of France's Service in which he had been a long time engaged offered himself to the Emperor upon Condition that the Liberty of his Country should be preserved From Christ 1530. The Peace made between the Emperor A Peace between the Emperor and the King The Siege of Vienna raised and the King of France forced Solyman to raise the Siege of Vienna The Separation of England from the Church of Rome occasioned by the Divorce of Henry the Eighth and his Queen Catherine of Arragon John Calvin was called to Geneva to John Calvin at Geneva make a Reformation of Religion From Christ 153● The Emperor Charles the Fifth passed Charles V. in Barbary over into Barbary took Tunis and there re-establish'd Mul●y Hassan who had been deposed by the famous Corsair Barbarossa In his Return from that Expedition the Emperor lost a great part of his Ships and Galleys in a Storm He was also as unfortunate in an Enterprize He came t● Provence and retired with great loss of his Soldiers against France He came into Provence without acting any thing there he was constrained to retire with the loss of the greatest part of his vast Army A Peace being made he past through A Peace with France France in order to quell the Rebellion of Gaunt From Christ 1541. But having not perform'd what he promis'd A War broke out again to the King of France when he past through his Country the War broke out again between them From Christ 1543. Then followed the Battle of Cerisolles The Battle of Cerisolles won by the French under the Conduct of the Duke D'Anguien Francis of Bourbon over the Imperialists Then a Peace was concluded between A Peace the two Potentates each of them being at the Head of a powerful Army upon the Frontiers of the Low Countries From Christ 1545. Edward the Sixth succeeded his Father Kings of England Henry the Eighth King of England Francis King of France died also and his Kings of France Son Henry succeeded him To Clement the Seventh succeeded Paul Popes the Third who appointed a Council to assemble at Mantua then at Vicenza and at last at Trent without having effected The Council of Trent any considerable Bus'ness This Pope gave the Dutchy of Parma and Plaizance to Lodowick Farnese one of his Sons From Christ 1549. The Cardinal d' Monte under the Name of Julius the Third succeeded Paul the Third The Emperor had weakned the Protestant The Battle at the pass of the Elb. Princes of Germany by defeating their Army at the passage of the Elb. Then they had recourse to King Henry A War between the Emperor and the King Metz Toul and Verdun taken by the King who in his March to Germany seized on Metz Toul and Verdun The Emperor having afterwards besieged Metz was forc'd to raise the Siege by the wise and couragious Defence of the Duke of Guize From Christ 1553. The young King Edward of England being dead his Sister Mary was acknowledg'd The Siege of Metz raised Affairs of England Queen After that she beheaded her Cousin the Lady Jane Grey with her Husband the Lord Dudley From Christ 1554. The Emperor Charles resigned his Hereditary Of the Empire and of Spain Dominions to his Son Philip and Ferdinand King of the Romans younger Brother to Charles was acknowledg'd Emperor Julius the Third died and Twenty one Popes Days after his Successor Marcellus Paul the Fourth of the House of Caraffa in the Kingdom of Naples was chose Pope From Christ 1557. The War being inflamed between the The Battle of St. Quintin Kings of France and Spain Philip in Person won the Battle of St. Quintin of the French where the Constable and many other Lords of Quality were made Prisoners The Duke of Guize in some manner The taking of Calais repaired this Loss in taking of Calais upon which Mary Queen of England died with Grief She had succeeded her Brother Affairs of England Edward the Sixth and having married her near Kinsman Philip King of Spain she was engaged in this War From Christ 1558. Elizabeth Daughter to Henry the Eighth by Anne of Bullen succeeded her Sister Queen Mary A Peace was made between Henry and A Peace between France Spain Philip by the Marriage of Elizabeth with Philip and that of Margaret Sister to Henry with the Duke of Savoy In a Turnament held at Paris in Honour of these Nuptials the King Tilting against the Count of Montgomery was wounded in the Eye by a Splinter of the Count's Lance of which he died in a few Days He had put to Death a great Number of Hugonets among others he condemned Ann du Bourg a Counsellor of the Parliament The Death of Bourg of Paris and swore that he would see him executed but his unexpected Death prevented him Yet some Days after Du Bourg suffered Death with great Resolution in the Presence of the young King the Queen-Mother and all the Court. Paul the Fourth had for his Successor Popes Pius the Fourth of the House of the Medices or of the Med●qui●s of Mil●ai● The Conspiracy of Amboise was then The Conspiracy of Amboise made against the Duke of Guize and the Cardinal of Lorrain to take away the King from their Custody by the Grandees of the Kingdom who professed the Reformed Religion pretending that those two Princes kept the King as Prisoner From Christ 1560. In an Assembly held at Fountainbleau it was there resolved to call a National Council to prevent which the Pope again declared for that of Trent begun by Paul the The Council of Trent Third continued by Julius the Third and broke off under both Popes In the mean time the States of France assembled Affairs of France at Orleans where the Prince of Conde was made Prisoner and had been put to Death but for the sudden Death of the young King Francis the Second Charles the Ninth his Brother being yet a Child succeeded him under the Tuition and Regency of his Mother Catherine de Medices From Christ 1561. The Conference held at Poissy between The Conference at Poissy the Doctors of both Religions had no good effect The Affairs of France being much embroil'd on the Account of Religion the Guizes being Masters of the King's Person the Queen-Mother writ to the Prince of Conde to come
Wound being return'd to his Government of the HB Death Low Countries he soon after died From Christ 1592. King Henry the Fourth having made Profession of the Roman Catholick Religion was received into Paris and in like manner Henry IV. a Roman Catholick was acknowledg'd by all the Kingdom From Christ 1593. John Chastel a Scholar of the Jesuites John Chastel wounded K. Henry The Jesuits banish'd The Pope absolves the King of France wounded the King in the Mouth whereupon the Jesuites were banish'd France From Christ 1594. The King received Absolution of the Pope and so was acknowledg'd for King by all the Princes and States of Christendom From Christ 1595. He declared a War against Spain which A War between France Spain proved very unfortunate to France The Spaniards surprized Calais Cambray and Amiens King Henry re-took the last Cambray remained in the Hands of the Spaniards Calais was restored by the Peace which The Edict of Nants was treated and concluded at Vervins by the Ministers of the two Kings and the Pope's Legates From Christ 1598. The King made an Edict called that of Nants because he signed it in that City The Edict of Nants to revive the Union between his Subjects that were divided by their diversity of Religions King Philip the Second died of the lowsie Kings of Spain Disease He had put to Death his Son Don Carlos upon Suspicion that he favoured the poor Protestants of the Low Countries who had thrown off their Allegiance to King Philip because he designed to introduce the Inquisition Nor were they any longer able to endure the barbarous Cruelties of the Duke D' Alva Philip the Third succeeded his Father From Christ 1600. THE Seventeenth Age. HENRY the Fourth King of France The Marriage of Henry with Maria de Medices being Divorc'd from Margaret Sister to the three last Kings marryed Mary de Medices Neice to the great Duke of Tuscany In the first year of this Age she was brought to bed of a Dauphin who was since called Lewis the Thirteenth From Christ 1601. King Henry and the Duke of Savoy were The Affairs of France and Savoy entered into a War for the Marquisate of Saluces A Peace was made upon conditions with an exchange of Bresse and some other Lands given up to the King for the Marquisate The Mareschal Duke of Biron convicted The Death of Byron of Treason was beheaded From Christ 1602. Charles Emanuel Duke of Savoy attempted to take Geneva by scaling of it The scaling of Geneva which Design concluded to his Disgrace Elizabeth Queen of England being dead in the Seventy one year of her Age The Death of Queen Elizabeth having Reigned forty five Years most couragiously asserted the Protestant Religion which her Brother Edward the Sixth had reformed She was as highly qualified for War as for Peace She deserved the favour of Fortune by her great Care and wise Conduct in Governing The English received for their King James K. of England James the Sixth King of Scotland the first King of that Name in England From Christ 1603. The Arch-Duke Albert and Clara Eugenia Ostend taken at length took Ostend after more than three years Siege Paul the Fifth of the Borghese Family Popes succeeded Clement the Eighth From Christ 1605. At London was discovered the Powder The Gunpowder Treason at London A Quarrel between the Pope and the Venetians Plot to blow up King James and his Parliament From Christ 1606. The Quarrel between the Pope and the Venetians was chiefly made up by the Mediation of King Henry A Truce for many years between the Arch-Dukes and the United Provinces of A peace with States of Holland the Low Countries From Christ 1609. King Henry the Fourth preparing to make a great War was killed by Ravaillac The Death of Henry IV. Lewis the Thirteenth his Son about the Age of nine or ten years succeeded him under the Regency of his Mother Lewis the Thirteenth King Maria de Medices From Christ 1610. Count Maurice assisted by the French in Count Maurice took Juliers July Besieged the City of Juliers and in September following took it by Surrender Philip the Third King of Spain made Philip King of Spain takes Alrach himself Master of Alrach a strong Castle built by the Moors upon the streight of Gibralter He commanded all the Moors to depart Spain within three days under pain of Death having confiscated all their Estates but what Money and Goods they could carry along with them And that year Nine hundred thousand was expelled and in the following years not a few Certain Ministers in Holland offered to Remonstrant Ministers and contra Remonstrants the States a Remonstrance wherein they declared their opinion concerning Predestination for which reason they were called Remonstrants and their Opposites contra Remonstrants The Muscovite endeavouring to raise The Muscovite beaten by the Po●es The Muscovites burn Vilna the Siege of Smolensko is beaten by the Polanders The Muscovites in revenge burn Vilna where 4700 Houses were laid in Ashes The Sophy of Persia having defeated the Turks near Babylon sends an Ambassador to The Sophy of Persia makes a League with the Emperor The Arch-Duke of Austria made King of Bohemia the Emperor Rudolphus and confirms a League between them Mathias Arch-Duke of Austria and King of Hungary was made King of Bohemia A Conference between six Remonstrants at the Hague before the States General yet they could not agree about the Points in Controversy The King of Denmark declares War against Su●den Besieges C●lmar on the 2d of May and takes it on the 29th putting The King of Denmark declares War against the Sw●de all to the Sword but those who escap'd into the Castle Smolensko was taken by the Poles two years after the Muscovites not only recovered that place but several other Cities of Lithuania Prince Henry created Prince of Wales Prince Henry created prince of Wales From Christ 1610. Christiem Elector of Saxony died of an Apoplexy and his Brother John George succeeded him The Elector of Saxony's death The King of Sweden's death Charles King of Sweden sinks under the loss of Colmar and died his Son Gustavus succeeded him From Christ 1611. Mathias King of Hungary and Bohemia Mathias married to Anna Arch-Dutchess of Austria marryed with Anna Arch-Dutchess of Austria Margaret Queen of Spain Wife to Philip the Third died in the 27th year of her Age. The Queen of Spains death Frederic the Fifth Count Palatine of the Rhyne married with Elizabeth Daughter to James the First King of England Frederic the Fifth married with the princess Elizabeth John George the Son of John George Duke of Saxony was born Rudolphus the Emperor having Reigned almost 35 years and having lived 59 The Emperor Rodolphus death Mathias King of Hungary Emperor died after whose death Mathias King of
King of France closely besieged Rochelle● The King of France besieged Rechel and stopt up the Arbour and made a great Mount of vast Stones in the Sea to hinder Relief from coming to the City Frederic Henry Prince of Orange General for the Hollanders compelled Groll to surrender The prince of Orange takes Groll The Imperialists pursuing the Danish Army possest themselves of the greatest part of Holsatia and Jutland From Christ 1626. Rochelle prest by Famine was compell'd Rochelle surrendred to the French to surrender to the King of France after above 12 thousand Men had been starv'd to death all the Walls and places of Defence being demolisht The King of Sweden granted free Liberty The K. of Sweden admits the protestants Liberty to the German Exiles who fled for Religion or were compell'd from their Calamities of War to live with all Security and the free Exercise of their Religion in his Kingdom The Death of Sir Francis Bacon Sir Francis Bacon Viscount of St. Albans died The King of Denmark possest himself of the Island of Usdom the Fortress of Phinmund and Wolgast but was beaten out again by the Imperialists under the Duke of Fredland The Cham of Tartary being expelled his The Cham of Tartary recovered his Kingdom Kindom by his Brother assisted by the Turks to revenge his loss by the help of the Cossaks defeated his Brother in Battle and recover'd his Kingdom The Admiral of the Dutch Fleet met with The Dutch Admiral took the Spanish West India Fleet. Prince of Orange takes Boisleduc the Spanish West India Fleet and took it to the value of three hundred Tuns of Gold From Christ 1628. The Prince of Orange having taken before Boisleduc at the beginning of May took it by surrender in September following A Peace concluded at Lubeck between A Peace between the Emperor and the Danes the Emperor and the King of Denmark upon equal Conditions The Duke of Buckingham basely murdered by Felton a discontented Officer The Duke of Buckingham kill'd Rochelle surrendered and called Borgo Maria. The King of Sweden relieved Stralsond Rochelle surrendred disengaged himself from his Polish troubles made sure of the Daae and prepared for a War with the Emperor From Christ 1629. Gustuvus Adolphus enter'd Pomerania Gustavus took Stetin made himself Master of Stetin and several other Places and fill'd all Germany with the terrour of his Arms. The Duke of Savoy deny'd the French to The Duke of Savoy denied the French passage thro his territory Magdeburg taken by Tilly. pass thro his Country upon which Cardinal Richelieu made himself Master of Pignerol and of the Marquisate of Saluc●s A Peace concluded with France Magdeburg stormed by Tilly the Imperial General plunder'd and burnt so that of so great a City very few Houses were left standing entire Gustavus Adolphus having made a League Gustavus his great Success in Germany with the Elector of Saxony in September vanquisht the Imperialists in a great Battle From that time all things succeeded with him to his desire so that he made himself Master of several Cities and Provinces of the German Empire King Charles the First his second Son Charles the Second born born at whose Birth a Remarkable Star appear'd at Noon-day From Christ 1630. The King of England made a Peace with England made a peace with Spain Troubles in France Spain which was proclaim'd The Court of France in great confusion while the Queen Mother went about to shut up the King her Eldest Son in a Monastery and to set up her Youngest Son in his Room for which the King having his Liberty the Queen made her escape to Antwerp and the Duke of Orleans flies into Burgundy and Lorain throwing all the Blame upon Richelieu The Princess Mary born eldest Daughter The Princess Mary born to King Charles the First The famous School at Amsterdam erected in which the first Professors were John Vossius and Jasper Barlaeus Maestrick after a Siege of two months Maestrick taken by the prince of Orange and two weeks surrendred to the Prince of Orange A great Battel at Lutzen was fought between the Swedes and the Imperialists Battel of Lutzen where Gustavus was killed where the Swedes got the Victory but the King Gustavus was there killed To whom Christina his Daughter an Infant succeeded In the mean time during her Minority Christina his Daughter succeeded the Nobles of the Kingdom took upon them the Administration of Affairs Sigismund the Third King of Poland Death of the K. of Poland died to whom succeeded his eldest Son Uladislaus the Fourth The King of France made himself Master of Nancy the Metropolis of Lorrain From Christ 1632. Death of the Governess of the Low Countries Izabella Clara Eugenia Daughter to Philip the Third King of Spain and Governess of the Low Countries departed this Life Frederic the Elector Palatin who reigned Death of the Elector Palatin K. Charles I. crowned in Scotland James D. of York born but a short time King of Bohemia died at Mayence King Charles the First crowned in Scotland The Third Son of King Charles the First born Octeb●r the Thirteenth and baptized James afterwards created Duke The Dispute began of England's Right to the Soveraignty of the British Seas and defended by the learned Selden against Hugo Grotius The Prince of Orange besieged and took 〈◊〉 of Orange took Rhynebergh Rhynebergh From Christ 1633. Wallestin Duke of Fridland and General of the Imperial Army stabb'd at Egra by the Emperor's command being discovered to have a Design to join with the Wallestein killed at Egra Swedes and to have made himself Master of the Kingdom of Bohemia Ferdinand the Cardinal Brother to the Ferdinand Governour of the Netherlands King of Spain took upon him the Government of the Low Countries The Cardinal Infanta joins with the King of Hungary and fights the Battel of Swedes beaten by Cardinal Infanta of Norlinghen where the Swedes were utterly defeated From Christ 1634. The King of France declared War against the King of Spain because he detained The Fr●nch declared War agst Spain in Prison the Elector of Treves whom he had taken into his Protection The Fortress of Skinken Skonce which Skinken Skonce taken by the Spaniards retaken by the P. of Orange is as it were the Key of Holland taken by the Spaniards but in a little time after besieged by the Prince of Orange was took about the beginning of the following Spring This year and the next a dreadful Pestilence raged in Holland and in the Neighbouring The plague in Holland places which swept away a world of people The Imperialists with Eighty thousand The Imperialists invade France Men under the Duke of Lorrain and other Imperial Commanders threaten to invade France and to encamp about Masieres and Rambervillers but being opposed by the French in conjunction
Leage and Covenant taken by the The solemn L●ague and Covenant by the Parliament Parliament The City of Glocester besieged by the King and the Siege raised by the Earl of Essex After which hapned the first Newberry Fight where were slain on the The Civil War of England King's side the Earls of Carnarvan and Sunderland with the Lord Faulkland The Queen of England delivered at Oxford of the Lady Catharine who died soon after The Scots came into England to assist the Parliament From Christ 1643. The Emperor's Ambassadors as also the Ambassadors from Spain France Swedeland Holland and others met at Munster in Westphalia to treat of Peace Urban the Eighth departed this life in the 77th year of his Age after he had held Popes the Pontificate 21 years In whose place was elected Baptista Pamphilio in his 70th year who gave himself the Name of Innocent the Tenth The French after a long fatigous Siege The French took Graveling took Graveling Christina Queen of Sweden took the Government of the Kingdom into her The Queen of Sweden Reigned own hands The Queen began her Journey from Oxford to the West took her leave of the King of Abbington The Queen brought to bed of the Princess The Princess Henrietta born Henrietta at Exeter Marston-Moor Fight between the King and Parliament where Cromwell first made himself known After which happened Civil War of England the second Fight at Newberry both unsuccessful to the King Arch-Bishop Laud Beheaded Archbishop Laud beheaded The Queen arrived at Brest in Britany Sir Thomas Fairfax made General by the Parliament and received his Commission Civil War from the House of Commons The Treaty at Uxbridge for a Reconciliation between the King and Parliament broke up without effect From Christ 1644. The Emperor sinding his Forces very much diminishing raise a newd Army and The Imperialistt beaten by the Swedes Ordered publick Supplications to the Virgin Mary whose Image he had redeemed out of the hands of the Swedes But notwithstanding all this meeting Fortstenson the Swedish General near Janowitz in Bohemia he suffered so great an overthrow that Vienna seemed to be in great Danger In the mean time General Wrangel as The Swedish General defeated the Danish General terribly oppressed the Danes and deprived them of several Towns after he had utterly defeated Buckwald the Danish General Besides these Successes the Swedes assisted by the French at Allersheim obtained another great Victory over the Imperialists and drove the Bavarians beyond the Rhyne In this year was fought the fatal Battel Civil War of England of Naseby near Leicester After which Fairfax carried all before him for the Parliament From Christ 1645. In the Low Countries the French took Mardyke Winnoxberg Courtray Dunkirk with other places but not long after lost all again King Charles the First left Oxford in Disguise and went to the Scotish Army who carried him to Newcastle and there upon the payment of two hundred thousand pounds delivered his Majesty up to the Parliament who ordered the King to be brought under Custody to Holmby-House The Great Seal of England broken and defaced Prince of Orange aged 63 years died The Death of the P. of Orange of a Feaver to whom his Son William succeeded as well in his Principality as in his Dignity according to the Conceffion of the States made in the year 1631. From Christ 1646. Leopold Arch Duke of Austria made Governour of Flanders Leopold William Arch-Duke of Austria made Governour of the Low Countries by the King of Spain The Neopolitan Populacy headed by Thomaso Masinello a poor Fisherman made a great Insurrection in that City but were The Death of Mazinello quelled at length and their Leader killed in a Monastery Fairfax marched with his Army thro' the City of London and soon after the Forts and Outworks were slighted The Parliament voted no further Addresses to be made to the King King Charles escap'd from Hampton-Court into the Isle of Wight but was kept Prisoner by Collonel Hammond in Carisbrook-Castle From Christ 1647. A Peace concluded between the Emperor on one side and the Kings of France and Sweden on the other also between the King of Spain and the States of Holland Lewis the Son of Frederic the Palatin was restored to the lower Palatin and made the eighth Elector of the Empire The upper Palatinate continued in the possession of the Duke of Bavaria Christian the Fifth King of Denmark departed K. Charles a prisoner in the Isle of Wight this Life to whom his Son Frederic the Fifth before that Bishop of Breme succeeded Uladislaus King of Poland died to The Death of the K. of Denmark whom his Brother Cazimir succeeded whose Reign was extreamly shaken by the The Death of the K. of Poland Philip IV. married Maria Anna of Spain Seditions of the Cossacks On the other side Philip the Fourth of Spain married with Maria Anna of Austria The Treaty between King Charles the First and the long Parliament broke off and the King brought Prisoner to St. James's sentenced to death by that bold The Death of King Charles the First D. Hamilton the E. of Holland and Lord Capel beheaded Traytor Bradsh●w and most barbarously Murthered before his own Pallace King Charles the Second began his Reign from that day Duke Hamilton the Earl of Holland and the Lord Capel beheaded in the Palace-Yard before Westminster-Hall The Kingly Office voted unnecessary and troublesom King Charles the Second proclaimed in K. Charles proclaim'd in Scotland Civil War in France Scotland From Christ 1648. A great Discord arising between the King of France and the Parliament of Paris by reason of Cardinal Mazarine's Government Paris besieged by the King but in a little time after these Troubles were compos'd tho but for a short time and Paris sustain'd the loss of a second siege The Venetians burnt the Turks Fleet. The Venetians beat the Turks in a Sea fight In the Port of Foggia seventy two Gallies eighteen Men of War sixty Ships of Burthen and six thousand Men with a Basha slain The Christians losing but ninety Men killed and forty wounded Cromwell made General of the Parliament's Army marched into Scotland From Christ 1649. Towards the end of July William Prince of Orange attempted to make himself Master of Amsterdam by Surprise but fail'd of Success Not long after he died of the The death of the Pr. of Orange Small-pox and his Son William Henry was born eight days after his Decease Descartes the Founder of a new kind of Descartes death Philosophy died at Stockholm in Swedland The Princes of Conde and Conti with The princes of Conti c. made prisoners the Duke of Longueville committed to the Castle of Bois de Vincennes by the Queen Mother and Cardinal Mazarin The Spaniards sold the Dutchy of Pontremoly Pontremoli sold to the Duke of
Parliament dissolved and another called at Westminster From Christ 1659. A peace between Sweden and Poland and with the Danes A Peace was solemnly concluded between the Swedes and the Polcnians And at the same time a Peace was made between the Danes and the Swedes In France after the Pyrenean Peace was made the Royal Bride Maria Teresa Daughter to the King of Spain was received in in very great State The New Parliament met and voted the K. Charles the II. arriv●● in England Return of King Charles the Second He was accordingly Proclaimed and landed in England and made his publick Entry thro London General Monk created Duke of Albemarle and made Knight of the Garter The Princess of Orange came into England 〈◊〉 de●●h of th● Pr●● Orange And Duke of Gloucester but died soon after Henry Duke of Gloucester died Cardinal Mazarin removed by Death This year was concluded the famous Peace of Oliva between the Emperor the Swedes the Polanders and the Elector of Brandenburg From Christ 1660. The Dolphin of France was born upon Th● Dolphin of France b●rn K. Charles II. crown'd Q 〈…〉 of Bohemia came to England All Saints Day and Christned Lewis The Magnificent Cavalcade of King Charles the Second from the Tower of London to his Palace at Whitehall the next day after he was Crowned at Westminster Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia came into England The Marquess of Argile beheaded at Edinburg Argile beheaded James Duke of Ormond made Lord Leiftenant of Ireland The Queen of Bohemia died From Christ Qu. of Boh●mia 〈…〉 1661. Dun 〈…〉 sold to the Fren●● King for five ●unki●k ● ● mi●●ions of Ficrius The Duke of Crequi the French Embaisador affronted at Rome by the Corsi for which the King of France demanded Satisfaction and had it King Charles the Second and Donna Catharina Charles II. married to the Infanta of Portugal Infanta of Portugal married at Portsmouth The Emperor celebrated his Nuptials with Margaretta of Spain The Emperor married to Margaretta of Spain The Vaudois most cruelly persecuted for their Religion in Savoy relieved by the Hollanders The French made themselves Masters of The French took Gigery Gigery upon the coast of Africk but were beaten again by the Barbarians The Turks destroy'd Hungary and Moravia Newhausel surrendred to the Turks and after a long Siege took Newhausel by surrender From Christ 1663. Count Serini destroy'd the Bridge of Essek but in the midst of his Victory a Peace on a sudden was concluded with the Turks which very much incens'd the Hungarians From Christ 1664. The Edict against the Jansenists by the Parliament of Paris confirmed by the King But the Infallibility of the Pope and his Authority over Councels the Sorbonists would not allow Philip the Fourth King of Spain died The death of the King of Spain and his Son an Infant of four years old succeeded him by the Name of Charles the Second upon which the King of France lay'd claim to the Spanish Netherlands which occasioned a bloody War The King of England upon refusal of Satisfaction demanded for several Injuries declared War against the Dutch A Sea fight between the English and the The K. of England declared a War against the Dutch Dutch where the Dutch lost several Men of War and Admiral Opdam with his Ship was blown up where six thousand of the Dutch were kill'd and two thousand brought prisoners to Colchester A great Plague in London of which A plague in London there died seventy thousand five hundred upon which the Court and the Parliament removed to Oxford and the Terms were kept there The Arabs with a great Insurrection took Mecca at which time a false Prophet coming from Smirna deluded the Jews with a vain Expectation of their Messias but being put in prison he turned Mahumetan From Christ 1665. Alphonso King of Portugal married Mary The King of Portugals Marriage with the Dutchess of Aumale Francis Dutchess of Aumale of the House Savoy This year on the second of September began the great Fire of London which burnt in the space of four days the greatest part of that City A terrible Engagement between the The Fire of London Dutch and the English under the Command of Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albemarle which prov'd doubtful for 3 days but at last the Dutch were chased by the English However not long after the same Admirals obtain'd undoubted Victory against all the Dutch Fleet which they pursued into their Harbours The Parliament made an Act for the Rebuilding of London which was past by the King From Christ 1666. The King of France invaded Flanders Flanders invaded by the French because the Spaniard deny'd him his Claim of Succession by right of Devolution as they called it and the Spaniard not being prepared for War lost many Cities A War declared against the King of Denmark A Peace concluded at Breda between the English and Dutch whereby the differences betwixt the French and English were likewise terminated Pope Alexander the Seventh died and Popes Julio Rospigliosi having taken the Name of Clement the Ninth succeeded A Peace concluded between Spain and Portugal by the Mediation of the Earl of Sandwich the King of England's Extraordinary Embassador From Christ 1667. The French made themselves Masters of The French took Burgundy The Dauphin of France Baptized all Burgundy The Dauphin of France was solemnly Baptized by the Name of Lewis of All Saints The Pope begged of the French King that the Obeliske set up in Disgrace against the Corsi who affronted the French Embassador in the year 1664. might be taken down A Peace was concluded by which Burgundy was to be restored to the Spaniards but the French were left in possession of what they had in the Spanish Netherlands Mareshal Turene who had formerly been Mareschall Turene turned Papist a Patron to the Hugonots in France turned Papist in his old Age. Peter Brother to King Alphonso with the Pope's Dispensation married his Brother's Wife his Brother still living And Governing the Kingdom took upon him the Title of Regent A triple Leagu● between the English Swedes and Dutch Cazimir King of Poland resigned up his Crown Canea taken by the Turks A triple League between the English Swedes and Dutch to inforce the observance of the Pyrenean and Aix la Chapelle Treaties John Casimir King of Poland resign'd his Crown and went into France where he lived a Retired Life From Christ 1671. Canea in the Island of Cadia which the the Venetians with a great loss of Men and Money for three years bravely defended surrendered at last upon Articles to the Turks The Venetians still retaining in the same Island Sucla Spyndlonga Carabuza with the lesser Islands of Tyna and Cerygo not far from thence At Rome died Pope Clement the Ninth Pope● death In Sicily Mount Etna shook with an Earthquake and cast forth flames
and streams of Sulphur Henrietta Maria Queen Mother of England The death of the Queen Mother of England and Daughter to Henry the IV. died at Columbe near Paris Alphonso the Deposed King of Portugal was convey'd to the Island Tercera In Poland Michael Wisnowisky an Illustrious Winowisky 〈…〉 King of Poland Prince of the Kingdom was chosen King The Prince of Tuscany came to London The Prince of Tuscany arrived at London The prince of Denmark came to England The Duke of Albemarle ' s death visited Oxford and Cambridge and departed for Holland Prince George arrived in England The Duke of Albemarle died The Counts of Serini Nadast Frangipany and others were accused for conspiring against the Emperor for which they were imprisoned and beheaded The Duke of Crequi by the King of Three German Counts beheaded The French took Lorrain France his Command no War having been proclaim'd took the Dutchy of Lorain and reduced it to a French Province The pretence was that the Duke of Lorain contrary to the Pyrenean Articles had bred up Souldiers The Triple League between the King of The death of the Dutchess of Orleans England Sweden and Holland concluded in the year 1668. this year broken by the King of England About which time the Dutchess of Orleans struck up the Dover Treaty with France and a little while after she died at St. Clou in France Frederick the Third King of Denmark The death of the K. of Denmark departed this Life to whom succeeded Christian the Fifth In Russia the notorious Rebel Stephen Razin occasioned great Troubles and took the City of Astracan Popes In Italy Cardinal A●nilio Altieri was made Pope and assumed the Name of Clement the Tenth The Duke of Florence died leaving his The death of the Duke of Florence Son Cozmo to succeed him who had travelled thro' many Countries in Europe The Prince of Orange arrived at White-Hall T●●● of Orange arrived at London From Christ 1670. Charles the Second King of England sent the Order of the Garter to John George the Second Elector of Saxony Ann Dutchess of York died and was The death of the Dutchess of York interred in Henry the Seventh's Chappel Collonel Blood in the habit of a Parson made an attempt to carry away the Crown out of the Tower of London Sir Robert Holmes the English Admiral fell upon the Dutch Smirna Fleet. The Pope acknowledged the King of Portugal a free Prince and honoured him with a Nuntio From Christ 1671. The King of England declared War against Holland A terrible Engagement between the English and Dutch Fleets at Southwold-Bay where the English being surprized by De Ruyter after a sharp Dispute the Dutch Fleet gave way and retreated where was unfortunately lost the Earl of Sandwich Vice-Admiral of England The King of France invaded Holland and in the space of one Month took three Provinces Amsterdam being in very great danger Two Brothers Ruart van Putten and The death of De Wit and his Brother Pensionary De Witt killed by the multitude The Prince of Orange restored to the Dignities of his Ancestors was declared The prince of Orange made Capt. General of the States Armies Captain General of the States Armies The King of England stop'd all Payments of Money out of his Exchequer John Cazimir King of Poland having The Exchequer shut up The death of Cazimir K. of P lan● left his Kingdom lived a retired life in France where he died Charles Duke of Richmond died at Elsynore in Denmark where he was his Majesty's extraordinary Ambassador From Christ 1672. The death 〈◊〉 ● of 〈…〉 mond The Emperor made a League with the Spaniard Hollander and other Princes against the King of France and sent away The Emperor ● clared War against France Mastrick taken by the French The death of the K. of Poland the French Ambassador from Vienna The King of France took Mastriek and after that subdued ten Cities in Alsatia King Michael died in Poland but the next day the Poles under the Conduct of John Sobiesky gave the Turks a great overthrow who by that Victory gained so much the favour of the Polish Nobility that they chose him King the year ensuing The Spaniards declared War against the French and the French against the Spaniards The King of France finding so many Enemies confederated against him did quit his Conquests in Holland A first second and third Engagement between the Dutch and the English Fleets under the command of Prince Rupert In the last of which Sir Edward Spragg was lost in the second the English forced the Dutch to shelter themselves among their Flatts and Shoals The Dutchess of Modena arrived in England and was married to the Duke of York A Peace concluded between the King A peace between England and Holland of England and the States General From Christ 1670. The French Ambassador commanded to depart Ratisbone because the French were declared publick Enemies of the Empire The Battel of Sensheim in the lower Palatinate T●● Battle of Sensheim between the Saxons joined with the Imperialists against the French where Mareschal Turenne got the better of them The Battel of Seneff where the Prince The Battel of Seneffe of Orange remained Master of the Field Messina in Sicily revolted from the Spaniards Messina submitted to France and submitted to the K. of France who sent the Count de Vivonne for their The Danes made a League with the Spaniard and Hollander Governour The King of Denmark made a League with the Emperor the Spaniard and the Hollander while the Swedes inclined to the French and by the instigation of the French Ambassador fell into Brandenburgh which enforced the Elector to observe the Sobietsky King of Poland Peace made with France John Sobyetzsky elected K. of Poland with great applause of the Nobility and People King Charles having been pleased to accept The Freedom of London presented to K. Charles of the Freedom of the City of London the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen humbly presented his Majesty with the Copy of the Freedom in a Box of Massy Gold set with Diamonds From Christ 1674. The death of Mareschal Turenne Mareschal Tarenne killed by a Canon-shot and the French forced to retire out of Alsatia The Duke of Crequy defeated by the Confederates under the command of the Duke of Zell did fly to Treves and defended Treves taken the Town for a short time but at length the City was taken by the Victors and the D. of Crequy made a Prisoner Nimmegen appointed the place of Treaty Nimmegen the place of Treaty for a Peace between the Potentates at variance where Charles II. King of England interposed as Mediator From Christ 1675. A Marriage solemnized at St. James's The prince of Orange married to Lady Mary between the P. of Orange and the Lady Mary Stetin in Pomerania after a
long Siege surrendred upon honourabe terms to the Elector of Brandenburgh Stetin taken by the Elector of Brandenburgh G●●nt sarr●ndred to the French The City of Ghent surrendred to the King of France Phillipsburgh besieged by the Imperialists was taken by composition Admiral De Ruyter engaging with th● French in the Mediterranean received his deaths Wound and died in the Bed of Honour The denth of Admiral de Ruyter in the seventy year of his Age. The Danes in conjunction with the Hollanders did beat the Swedish Fleet consisting of 40 Men of War and then landing in Schonen took several Towns from the Swedes But in the midst of their Victories near Helmstade were defeated by the Swedes with a great loss And after that they lost a second Battel to the Swedes near the City of Lunden where after a bloody Fight above 9000 Men were killed on both sides A Battel between the Prince of Orange Cambray and St. Omers taken by the French and the Duke of Orleans at Mount Cassel After which Cambray and St. Omers were taken by the French Cardinal Benedict Odescalchi was chose Pope in the room of Clement X. who died Popes in the 87th year of his Age. He assumed the name of Innocent XI And it was said that Donna Olimpia a cunning Woman and powerful in the Court of Rome prepared the way for him to that Dignity From Christ 1676. The Swedes did again defeat the Danes in a terrible Conflict near Landscroone On the other side the Danes overcame the Swedes in a Sea-Fight and took several of their Men of War A Peace concluded at N●meghen between Luxemburgh quitted the Siege of Mons. the French and the Dutch The Prince of Orange forced the Duke of Luxemburgh to quit the Siege of Mons. Dr. Oats made the first discovery of the Popish Plot upon which Sir Edmundsbury The death of St. Edmundsbury Godfrey Coleman hang'd Messina submitted to the Spaniard The peace between France Spain Godfrey was murthered and one Coleman who called himself the Duke of York's Secretary was executed at Tyburne as were afterwards several others Messina in Sicily wearyed with the French Government submitted it self to the Spanish Monarchy From Christ 1678. The Peace between France and Spain concluded at Nimeghen proclaimed in both Kingdoms A most grievous Persecution of the Hugonet's in France The King of Spain married the Daughter The K. of Spain married the D. of Orleans Daughter of the Duke of Orleans which displeased the Emperor A great disorder in England by reason of several Persons who did second Dr. Oats in the further discovery of the Popish The D. of York sent into Flanders and after into Scotland Plot while the lower House of Parliament used all their endeavours to disinherit the Duke of York for being a Papist Upon which the Duke was sent out of the way first into Flanders then into Scotland From Christ 1679. The Elector Palatin built a new Church at Fredericksberg which was dedicated to Concord and consecrated by a Lutheran Doctor with whom were joined a Roman Catholick Priest and a Calvinist Minister The King of France by sundry Acts of Hostility committed in Alsatia the Palatinate and in the Bishoprick of Treves disturbed the Peace concluded but the year before The Duke of Mantua sold the strong Casal ●old to the French Lord Stafford beheaded Town of Casal to the French The Lord Stafford being found guilty of High Treason by his Peers was Beheaded upon Tower-Hill Charles Count Palatine of the Rhyne and Prince Elector was created Knight of the Garter and installed at Windsor The Parliament sate at Oxford but was on a sudden dissolved The death of Don John of Austria Don John of Austria departed this life From Christ 1680. A Diet held at Francfort on the Mayne where the Articles of the Treaty at Nimegen in Controversy were argued with the King of France who made slight of that Treaty and had offered several Injuries to the Princes bordering upon the Rhyne for contrary to his Faith given he seized Strasburgh took by the French on Strasburgh and caused the Cathedral to be consecrated a-new by the Bishop of Furstemberg for the use of the Roman Catholicks The Hugonots by reason of their being The Hugonots came 〈◊〉 England so cruelly persecuted did fly out of France into England and Holland The Hungarians were promis'd their freedom with the restitution of their Liberties by the Emperor But the free Exercise of their Religion being denied them by the persuasions of the Jesuites those promises came to nothing The Pope was angry with the King of France for assuming the Collation of Ecclesiastical Benefices upon which the Gallican Clergy being assembled gave their Opinions for the King A Peace between the Emperor of Morocco A peace between the Emperor of Morocco and the King of England and the King of England for four years An Ambassador from Muscovy arrived in England And in the same year also came another Embassy from the King of F●z and Morocco and a Peace was concluded with the M●●rs The death of Thomas Thynne 〈◊〉 Count Conningsmark caused Thomas Thynn Esq to be basely murthered Conningsmark was acquitted but his Accomplices were Hang'd From Christ 1681. In the Diet of Francfort the Affair of the Reunions unjustly challeng'd by the King of France began to be disputed with the French Ambassadors but because the French Ambassadors refused to treat with the Germans in the Latin Tongue according to custom but persisted to give in their Memorials in the French Language the Diet broke up reinfecta The King of Denmark Elector of Brandenburg and the Bishops of Cologne and Munster en●er into a mutual League which many interpreted to be done in favour of the King of France The King of France ordered the Walls of the City King of France took the City of Orange The Gallican Decree against the Pope of Orange to be pull'd down and took the Principality from the lawful possessor the Prince of Orange The Gal●●an Clergy assembl'd at Paris decree in opposition to the Court of Rome that the Pope had no power to absolve Subjects from their Oath of Fidelity to their Sovereign that a universal Council was above the Pope that the Popes Authority was limited by the Canons of the Church and that the Pope was not infallible The Great Duke of Muscovy being removed by The Death of the great Duke of Muscovy Count Teckley submitted to the Turks Four Bantam Ambassadors poyson after many Tumults and Slaughters his two Sons agreed to divide the Empire between ●em Count Teckly did put himself under the protection of the Turks and possessed himself of Cass●via 〈◊〉 and the Fort of Villeck Four Bantam Ambassadors arrived at London and two of them Knighted by King Charles The Morocco Ambassador entertain'd at Oxford Prince Rupert Prince Palatine of the Rhine died of a Fever and Plurify in the sixty third year of his Age. From Christ 1682. 〈◊〉 besieged by the T●rks and the Siege raised The death of prince Rupert Vienna besie●ed by the Turks by the King of Poland in conjunction with the Duke of Lorrain At the same time the King of Poland and the Duke of Lorrain pursued the flying ●nemy and defeated them on a bloody Battel near Ba●can after which follow'd the surrender of Gra● Because the Spania●d rejected the Demand● of the French the King of France fell upon Oudenard and Oudenard and Dixmude took by the French P. George of Denmark married to the Lady Ann. Dixmude and took them Prince George of Denmark arrived at Whitehall and was marryed to the Lady Ann the younger Daughter of the Duke of York Judgment given against the ancient Charter of the City of London in the King's Bench Court From Christ 1683. The Emperor King of Poland and the Republic of Venice enter into a League against the Turks A Truce for twenty years between the Emperor the States of the Empire and the King of France consented to by the Emperor provided it should be no way prejudicial to the Treaties of Westphalia and Nimeghen A Truce also concluded for the same Term between the States General and the French King contrary to the Advice of the Spaniard Swede and others The French Bomb the flourishing City of Genoa The French Bomb Genoa The Tyde ran strong against all that had stood up for the ancient Liberties of England and all the Corporations Cities and Towns in the Kingdom were forced to surrender their Charters and accept of new ones from the Court. The death of King Charles II. Charles II. died at Whitehall as it was said of an Apoplexy and the same day James Duke of York was proclaimed King in his room FINIS
and set him at liberty This was the true Cause of the first taking up of Arms by those of the Reformed Religion in France From Christ 1562. The Siege of Roan followed which held out for them Anthony of Bourbon who was The Death of Anthony King of Navar. The Battle of Dreux King of Navar by the Right of his Wife Jane d'Albert was there killed Soon after a Battle was fought near Dreux between the two Armies of both Parties The King's Army commanded by the Constable of Momor●ncy and that of the Hugonets by Lewis Prince of Conde who was there taken Prisoner as was likewise the Constable tho' at the last the King 's proved victorious Not long before some Conditions had been agreed on advantageous enough to the Hugonets which were granted by a Decree called the Edict of January and were again confirmed this Year by a Peace made after the Death of the Duke of The Duke of Guize killed by Poltrot Guize killed by Poltrot a Hugonet Gentleman while the Duke besieged Orleans From Christ 1563. Pius the Fourth put an end to the Council Popes of Trent This Pope being dead this Year Pius the Fifth a Dominican succeeded him From Christ 1564. Maximilian the Second succeeded in the Empire to his Father Ferdinand the First From Christ 1565. Solyman the Second had taken Rhodes from the Knights-Hospitallers yet he could not drive them out of Malta his Commanders having been forc'd to raise the Siege of that Island This Sultan died at the The Death of Solyman Siege of Sigeth in Hungary From Christ 1566. The Peace being broke in France the The Battle at St. Denis Battle followed at St. Denis near Paris where the Constable of Momorency was wounded and died From Christ 1567. The Prince of Conde who commanded the contrary Party acquired much Honour on that occasion From Christ 1568. A little while after the Peace being again The Battle of Jarna ●here the Prince of Conde was kill'd broke there was a Battle fought near Jarna in Xaintonge The Prince of Conde who was there taken Prisoner was killed in cold Blood by a Captain of the Duke of Anjou's Guards From Christ 1569. The Admiral De Coligni by the Prince's Death became chief of the Hugonet Party besieged Poitiers raised the Siege and lost the Battle near to Monconture against the The Battle of Monconture Duke of Anjou From Christ 1570. Selim took the Isle of Cyprus which obliged the Pope to make a League between the King of Spain and the Venetians against the Turks Then followed the Battle of Lepanto in which the Turkish Fleet was routed by the The Battle of Lepanto Christians commanded by Don John of Austria Natural Son to the Emperor Charles the Fifth From Christ 1571. The principal Persons of the Religion were invited to Paris under pretence of Celebrating the Nuptials of Henry King of The M●ssacre of Paris Navar with Margaret Sister to the King Jane Queen of Navar Mother to the Bridegroom was there poisoned and the Admiral wounded and afterwards killed with a great Number of the Nobility and above Ten thousand Persons in the very City of Paris on St. Bartholomew's Day From Christ 1572. The Duke of Anjou having after that The Siege of Rochel raised The Duke of Anjou King of Poland besieged Rochel was forc'd to retire without taking it to go and receive the Polonian Embassadors who came to bring him the News of his being elected King of that Country From Christ 1573. While he was there his Brother Charles The Death of Charle IX the Ninth died stifled with the Blood that issued from all parts of his Body Amurath the Third succeeded his Father Emperors of the Turks and Germany and Rodolphus the Second succeeded his Father Maximilian the Second From Christ 1576. King Henry the Third being returned Henry III King of France from Poland was compelled by the States assembled at Blois to become chief of the League that the Catholicks had made against the Hugonets From Christ 1577. Philip the Second King of Spain seized Philip II. seizes Portugal The Death of Sebastian King of Portugal on Portugal after the Death of their King Don Sebastian supposed to be killed in Africk where he went to make War in favour of a Moorish King who disputed the Kingdoms of Fez and Morocco with another Henry the Third of France instituted The Order of the Holy Ghost the Order of the Holy Ghost From Christ 1582. Pope Gregory the Thirteenth reformed The Kalendar reform'd The Death of the Duke of Alenson the Kalendar The Duke of Alenson Brother to the King of France died deprived of the Government of the Low Countries to which he had been invited by those People but he lost his Interest by his ill Conduct From Christ 1584. Sixtus the Fifth a Cordelier of low Birth but of great Courage Excommunicated A B●ll against the King of Navar Prence of Conde Henry King of Navar with his Cousin Henry Prince of Conde having declared them to be fallen from the Right of Succession to the Crown of France From Christ 1585. Mary Stuart Queen of Scots after a The Death of the Queen of Scots long Imprisonment was Beheaded by the Sentence of Judges appointed by Q. Elizabeth From Christ 1587. The Spanish Fleet called The Invincible The Spanish Armada Armada was three Years preparing with great Labour and Cost It consisted of One hundred and thirty Sail with Twenty thousand Soldiers on Board set out by Philip the Second to invade England was part of it destroyed by Sir Francis Drake's Fireships and the other part lost and dispers'd in a great Storm So that amazing Terrour of Europe vanished From Christ 1588. France being in a very great Consusion the King at length made an Agreement with the King of Navar to oppose the League But having both together The Death of Henry III. besieged Paris the King was stabb'd in his Bed-Chamber at St. Clou by James Clement a Jacobine Fryar From Christ 1589. Henry the Fourth King of Navar the Henry IV. King of France The Combat of Arques and the Battle of Yuri next Prince of the Blood succeeded him with very much difficulty at his first coming to the Crown But he soon gave great Reputation and Vigour to his Affairs by the Combat of Arques and the Battle of Yuri which he won From Christ 1590. To Sixtus the Fifth succeeded Urban the Popes Seventh Gregory the Fourteenth and Innocent the Ninth who all held the See of Rome no longer than a Year After them came Clement the Eighth a Florentine From Christ 1591. The Duke of Pa●●a had made the King The Duke of Parma not long before to raise the Siege of Paris he forc'd him again to raise that of Orleans But the Duke was wounded passing the River of Sein at Caudebec and was never well cured of his
Storm all manner of Cruelties upon the Inhabitants the Library which wa● stored with most choice and excellent B 〈…〉 s was removed part of them to Munick and part to Rome A Peace concluded in France with the Protestants at Montpellier but not lasting Christian Duke of Brunswick invaded The Duke of Brunswick took Westphalia Westphalia and carried away a vast Treasure out of the Cathedral of Paderburne with the image of St. Liberius their Patron all of massy Silver Osman the Son of Ac 〈…〉 et Emperor Osman strangled and Mustapha Emperor of the Turks was strangled and Mustapha advanced in his room whom Osman before had imprisoned From Christ 1622. Maximillian Duke of Bavaria was created Elector of the Empire in the room of the Palatine Frederic and the Dignity granted to his Heirs Frederic with his Heirs being removed from that Title for making War against the Emperor King James entered into a War for King James made Wa● with the Emperor about the Palatinate the recovery of the Palatinate Frankendale having been a long time besieged surrendred to the Spaniards Spinola who a little before had taken Breda from the Hollanders was forced to rise from before Bergen ap Zome upon Mansfeild's march to its Relief Gregory the Fifteenth died and Urban the Eighth a Florentine elected to succeed Popes Charles the Son of James the First Charles I. takes a Voyage into Spain thro' France King of Great Britain Prince of Wales travel 〈…〉 hro ' France into Spain and arriving safe at Madrid on the 17th of March and staying there till the 9th of September returned to London on the 16th of October From Christ 1622. Peace between his Holiness and the A peace between the Pope and the King of Spain King of Spain upon condition of Restoring the Valtolin to his Holiness Christian Duke of Brunswick defeated by Tilly and several great Persons taken prisoners Mustapha Emperor of the Turks who Mustapha resigned up the Empire of the Turks Amurath made Emperor was the last year in the room of his Nephew Osman freely Abdicated the Empire and Resign'd it to Amurath the Brother of Osman a Youth of 16 years of Age. Others say that having Reign'd a Year after the Death of Osman he was shut up in Prison 1623. Armandus Plessy Richelieu first Bishop of Cardinal de Richelieu his Administration Lusson then made a Cardinal obtained the Supream Administration of France under Lewis the XIII who gave up all things to his Management In which Office some things he did Honourably for his Reputation other things tyrannically and cruelly The Jesuits with other Popish Orders The Jesuits banisht England who upon the Marriage of Charles the First with Henrietta Maria the French King's Sister crowded into England within a short time after are commanded to depart the Kingdom On the other side the Protestant Ministers The Protestant Mininisters and their Religion proscribed by the ●mperor are proscribed out of Austria Bohemia and Moravia by the Emperor's Edict and all the Exercise of the Reformed Religion forbidden within his Territories The Tartars designing an Irruption into Poland with fourty thousand Men were The Tartars over-thrown by the Poles stoutly repulsed and received a very great Overthrow Marc Antonio de Dominis Archbishop of The Archb. of Spalato chang'd his Religion Spalato came into England and pretended to change his Religion was kindly entertain'd by King James the First But he not thinking the Preferment the King gave him sufficient return'd this Year to Rome where he made his Recantation but notwithstanding that he was clapt up in the the Castle of St. Angelo where he died this Year and his Body being burnt for his Apostacy his Ashes were thrown into the River Tibers A terrible Battle was fought between The Turks beaten by the Tartars the Turks and the Tartars where the Turks were overthrown with an extraordinary slaughter Urban the Eighth with the usual Procession The Year of Jubilee opened the Sacred Gate in St. Peter's Church and began the Year of Jubilee 1624. James the First King of Great Britain The Death of King James the First departed this Life the 66. year of his Age to whom succeeded Charles the First his Son Maurice Prince of Orange Governour The Death of Maurice prince of Orange of the United Provinces died in the 58. year of his Age to whom succeeded in the Government his Brother Frederic Henry by the Election of the States A great Plague in London whereof died A gr 〈…〉 plag●● in London thirty thousand four hundred and seventeen Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden came The King of Sweden took Riga with a Fleet to Riga and made himself Master of several Cities of Livonia possess'd by the Polanders Breda which Prince Maurice had won by a Stratagem from the Spaniards is by them again recovered A War between the Emperor and the Breda retaken by the Spaniards King of Denmark with various Success A Confederacy between the King of England Sweden and Denmark with the A War between the Emperour and the K. of Denmark States General of the United Provinces for fifteen years to carry on the War against the King of Spain against whom also the King of England declared War by Sea and Land A Confeder against Spain Charles the 1. Married Charles the First of England married to Henrietta Maria Daughter to Henry the Fourth King of France The Bores in Austria took up Arms in order The Bores in Austria take up Arms. to recover the free Exercise of their Religion taken from them And made themselves Master of some Places by force of Arms But the next year were subdued and severely punisht The Persians gave a total defeat to the The Persians defeated by the Turks The Danes beaten by the Imperialists Turks near Babylon so that very few escapt The King of Denmark defeated in a great Battle by the Imperialists wherein all his Foot was cut off and lost the greatest part of his Cavalry The King of Sweden made an Expedition The K. of Sweden ' s Expedition into Prussia into Prussia and landing at Pillaw made himself Master of Braunsberg Traunsburg Marienberg and reduc'd all the neighbouring Country under his Subjection From Christ 1625. The Emperor by an Edict commanded The Emperor banisht all the Protestants out of Germany all the Inhabitants of the Kingdom of Bohemia not excepting any Degree that refused to embrace the Catholick Religion to depart the Kingdom in a certain time A most terrible Earthquake shook all An Earthquake at Apulia Apulia and swallowed up whole Towns Villages Castles Woods together with about twenty thousand People The English called by the Rochellers to assist The English assist the Rochellers them landed in the Isle of Ree under the Command of the Duke of Buckingham who was expell'd from thence with a great Slaughter The
with Saxon Weymar are forced to return without acting any thing considerable A Battel between the Turks and the Persians The Persians beaten by the Turks wherein Ninety thousand of the Turks and Twenty thousand of the Persians fell yet the Turks being more numerous became Victors The Princess Elizabeth born second The princess Elizabeth born Daughter to King Charles the First From Christ 1635. A Peace renewed between the Emperor The Elector of Saxony d●s●rted the Swedes and the Elector of Saxony at Prague so the Elector deserted the Swedes and the rest of the Confederate Princes About this time the Tartars who harassed The Tartats Conq●●re● Chyna the Chyneses with continual Wars entering into Chyna with numerous Forces within the space of twenty years quite subdued those people and became their Masters The Imperialists received a great overthrow The Imperialists routed by th● Swedes near Wistock in Germany being routed from their Camp with the loss of all their Baggage and Canon by General Bannier General of the Swedes In Transilvania Stephen the Brother and Peter the Son of Bethlem Gabor endeavoured to make themselves Masters of that Principality with the Assistance of the Turks but were defeated by Ragotsky assisted by the Emperor Ferdinand King of Hungary elected Ferdinand K. of the Romans Breda took by the prince of Orange from the Spaniards King of the Romans From Christ 1636. The Prince of Orange after a Siege of about three months recovers Breda from the Spaniards The Liturgy first read at Edinburgh occasioned a great Tumult Bernard Duke of Saxon Weymar having a long time besieged Brisac a strong City upon the Rhyne compelled it at length to surrender for want of Provision yet the Duke of Lorrain and Lamboy both attempted to relieve it From Christ 1637. The Count Pallatin assisted by the English raised Forces and possess'd himself of Meppen in Westphalia but was defeated by Count Hatfieild and his Brother Prince Rupert taken Prisoner Maria de Medicis Queen Mother arrived Queen Mother of France arrived in England in England The French besieged St. Omers but all in vain But the Duke of Longeville defeated the Duke of Lorrain in Burgundy and at the same time the Prince of Conde was repulsed from the Siege of Fontatabie A Sea-Fight in the Downes between the Dutch and the Spaniards where Trump the A Sea Fight between the Dutch the Spaniard Dutch Admiral tho' inferior in number to the Enemy did beat the Spanish Fleet of which he burnt one part and took others so that very few returned back into Spain Ferdinand the Second Emperor died of a The Death of Ferdinand II. Dropsy in whose room not long after was elected his Son Ferdinand the Third General Bannier defeated the Imperialists The Swedish General d●feated the Imperialists Another Sea Fight between the Dutch and the Spaniard near Kemnitz in Saxony and persued Furstemberg into Bohemia Another Sea-Fight between the Dutch and the Spaniards side wherein of 50 Sail on the Spaniards side not twenty escap'd The King of England Armed against the Scots by Sea and Land and sent over for the Lord Deputy of Ireland The Turks take Babylon after they had cut off 40 thousand of the Persian Horse From Christ 1639. Amūrath the Emperor of the Turks The death of Amurath Ibrahim succeeded Civil Dissentions in Scotland The Imp●rialists defeated died in the 23d year of his Age to whom Ibrahim the First his Brother succeeded Civil Dissentions first began in Scotland occasioned by the Scots refusing to admit the Liturgy of England General Bannier obtained a great Victory over the Imperialists near Homburg in Hassia A terrible Earthquake felt over all the An Earthquake in Flanders Low Countries and parts adjoining A Parliament began in England and dissolved and several of the Members imprisoned Charles the First his fourth Son born Henry Duke of Glocester born baptized Henry and created Duke of Glocester King Charles sets up his Standard at York 〈…〉 in England The long Parliament began in November The Earl of Stafford impeach'd of High-Treason The Earl of Stafford's and Arch-Bishop Laud ' s ●mp●ach●n of High-Treason Ferdinand Cardinal Infanta died and the Arch-Bishop Laud impeach'd of High-Treason after which the Bishops Votes in Parliament taken away From Christ 1640. Ferdinand the Cardinal Infanta of Spain and Governour of the Low Countries died at Brussels The Duke of Soissons assisted by the Imperialists and relying on the Friendship of the Duke of Bouillon who was then possess'd of S●dan threatned to break into France The King bends all his Forces The Duke of Soissons kill●d against them so that after a dubious Fight wherein Soissons was slain the Attemp● was given over Princess Mary 〈…〉 the P. of Orange The Princess Mary Daughter to Charles the First was married to William of Nassaw Prince of Orange at Whitehall The Earl of Strafford beheaded and the The Earl of Stafford beheaded Irish Rebellion broke out where were twenty thousand Persons barbarously murdered The Irish Rebellion broke out K. Charles l●ft London and went to York King Charles the First left the City of London and went to York From Christ 1641. Maria de Medicis Queen Dowager of Henry the Fourth King of France and Mother of Lewis the Thirteenth died at The death of Maria de Medicis Queen Dowager of France Collogn in great poverty Not long after Cardinal Richlieu died at Paris in the sixty sixth year of his Age. Saxon Waymer and Eberstein gave Lamboy Lamboy defeated by Saxon Weymar and Eberstein Tortenson did beat the Imperialists and took Lipseich the Imperial General a total Defeat Tortenson the Swedish General gave the Imperialists another Defeat near Leipsich and after that took Leipsich by surrender The French prosper in Catalonia defeated the Spaniards and took Cosibre but are beaten by the Spaniards near Cotelet in Picardy and lost La Basse on the confines of Artois Sir John Hotham denied King Charles the First his Entrance into Hull The Earl Civil Wars in England of Essex made General of the Parliaments Forces while the King did set up his Standard at Nottingham Edge-Hill Fight where the Earl of Lindsey the King's General was slain The Queen of England left Holland and Landed at Burlington in Yorkshire From Christ 1642. Lewis the Thirteenth King of France The Death of Lewis XIII K. of France departed this Life leaving Lewis the Fourteenth to succeed him an Infant of five years of Age. During whose Minority Ann of Austria is appointed Queen Regent while Cardinal Julio Mazarini an Italian obtained the same power at Court which Richlieu had before The Prince of Conde won the famous The Battel of Rocroy A War between the Duke of Parma and the Pope Battel of Rocroy A War between the Duke of Parma and the Pope who was beaten by the Florentines Cheapside-Cross demolish'd and the solemn
Florence to the Duke of Florence for a hundred thousand Crowns From Christ 1650. The Earl of Montross defeated took prisoner and brought to Edingburgh and The Earl of Montross beheaded there beheaded The Scots routed by Cromwell at Dunbar Charles the Second Crowned at Skone in Scotland The Pope ordained a Jubilee The Pope's Jubilee Ferd. the III. married the princess Elionora Popes Ferdinand the Third Emperor of Germany married the Princess Elionora of the House of Mantua at Newstadt From Christ 1651. Innocent the Third endeavouring to break the Peace concluded at Osnabrug because there was too much Liberty granted to the Protestants died in the Attempt Maximillian Elector of Bavaria departed The death of the Elector of Bavaria Conde c. set at Liberty Cardinal Mazarin le● France this Life in the 88 year of his Age. In France by the Decree of the Parliament of Paris the three Princes of the Blood Conde Conti with the Duke of Longueville were set at liberty and Cardinal Mazarin within fifteen days to depart the Kingdom In the mean time Lewis the XIV entring on the fourteenth year of his Age was declar'd Major An Assembly of the States of Holland at the Hague did consult about confirming their Union and preserving their Form of Government for the future the Prince of Orange being dead Charles the Second marched into England Charles the II. enter'd Engl. with an Army with an Army of Scots and came as far as Worcester and was there defeated by Cromwell But made his Escape and in a short time after got safe into France The King of Poland did overthrow the The King of Poland defeated the Tartars Cossacks and Tartars in a great Battle that continued for three days There were killed twenty thousand and amongst them a Greek Patriarch sent on purpose from Constantinople to animate the Cossacks in that Battle Troubles in France by reason of Cardinal Mazarin's Return into the Kingdom But Mazarin having the young King and Mazarin recalled to France the Queen Mother on his side prevailed From Christ 1652. A fight in the Downes between the Sea Fight between the English Dutch English and the Dutch Another great fight also between the Dutch and the English neare to the Isle of Wight and Portland where the Dutch were beaten In a most solemn Assembly at Ratisbone Terdin the Fourth Crowned King of the Romons C●omwell m●de Prot 〈…〉 Ferdinand the Fourth Son of Ferdinand the Third was Chosen and Crowned King of the Romans The Speaker and most of the Members of Parliament surrendered up the Power to Cromwell who took upon him the Title of Protector The D●k● o● Lorrain ●ad● pri 〈…〉 Th. K. of Fr●●ce Cr●●ned Charles Duke of Lorraine was kept a prisoner in the Castle of Antwerp L●wis the XIV King of France entering upon the seventeenth year of his Age was most solemnly Crowned at Rheims In Sweden Queen Christina resign'd up Qu. Christina resiged up her Crown her Kingdom to Charles Gustavus her Nephew who enter'd Upsalia and was there Crowned The Queen after this changed her Religion She turned Papist left her Country and spent the remainder of her days at Rome The Great Duke of Muscovy invaded The Duke of Muscovy took Smolensko Poland and took the City of Smolensko But the King of Poland having got a considerable Army of Cossacks took that City from the Russians and drove them out of his Kingdom From Christ 1654. Peace concluded with the Hollanders A peace with Holland and Pen ' s Expedition to the West Indies and a Fleet under the Command of Sir William Penn sent by Cromwell to the West Indies Don Pantaleon Sa Brother to the Portugal Embassador beheaded on Towerhill In Sweden the Chancellor Oxensterne a The death of the Chancel of Sweden Popes Person of great Wisdom and famous for his Administration died aged 71. years At Rome in the place of Innocent the X. Fabius Chigi by the College of Cardinals was chose Pope under the Name of Alexander the VII The Duke of Savoy being incensed by The persecution in Piedmont the Jesuits against those of Piedmont by reason of their dissenting from the Romish Religion spared neither Sex nor Age but slaughtered seven thousand of them The English Fleet took the Island of Jamaica The Engl. took Jemaica from the Spaniards The Learned Dr. Usher Archbishop of The death of Doctor Usher of Gassendus Cracovia taken by Swedes Armach and Primate of Ireland died As also Peter Gassendus a famous Philosopher at Paris From Christ 1655. A great Battle was fought between the the Polanders and the Swedes where the Swedes being Victors took Cracovia and Thorne John IV. King of Portugal died and left The death of the K. of Portugal his Kingdom not well settled to his Eldest Son an Infant A terrible Pestilence raged in Holland Aplaguo in Holland and in the Neighbouring Provinces which swept away thousands of People At Dresden John George the famous Elector The death of the Elector of Saxony of Saxony Prince of the Empire died and left his Eldest Son his Successor John George Sindercomb one of Cromwell's Life-guard being sentenced to die for plotting his Death poyson'd himself in the Tower of of London From Christ 1656. Ragotsky Prince of Transilvania fell into Poland by an Agreement made with the King of Sweden but was beaten back by the Polish Generals The French King made a League with A League between the French Cromwell Mardike delivered up to the English Cromwell upon which Mardike having been taken by the French was surrendred up to the English The Danes declared War against Sweden upon which the King of Sweden left Poland to oppose the Danes The King of Sweden having marched Copenhagen besieged by the Swedes his Army over the Ice possest himself of the Island of Fuenen and besieged Copenhagen The Emperor Ferdinand the III. died in The death of the Emperor the 48th year of his Age after he had reigned about eighteen years From Christ 1657. Dunkirk taken by the English The Great Usurper Cromwell died of a The death of Cromwell Malignant Feaver at Whitehall His Son Richard was proclaimed Protector From Christ 1658. The Dutch in the East Indies beat the Portugals and turned them out of Ceylon The Pyrenean Peace was concluded And The Marriage of Lewis the XIV Civil War in England the King of Spain's Eldest Daughter was married to Lewis the XIV King of France Richard Cromwell's Party deserting him he consented to dissolve his Parliament after which he himself was lay'd aside Lambert advanced with his Forces against Sir George Booth and routed him He turn'd out the Rump Parliament but General Monk signified his Dislike of the Army's Proceedings and advanced out of Scotland into England and declared for a Free Parliament The Secluded Members were restored and Long