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A26024 The institution, laws & ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter collected and digested into one body by Elias Ashmole ... Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692.; Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677.; Sherwin, William, fl. 1670-1710. 1672 (1672) Wing A3983; ESTC R16288 1,216,627 828

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an Altar to be therein erected and dedicated to that Virgin He further granted to those Nuns and their Successors 20 l. per annum out of the Issues of the Town and County of Berwick until Lands to that value should be conferred upon them to the end that annually on the Eve and day of St. Margaret for ever they should commemorate the goodness of God for his so prosperous success On the Morrow after this great Victory the King had the Town and Castle of Berwick surrendred to him and on the 19. of Iune in the following year did Edward Baliol King of Scots make Homage and Fealty to him at Newcastle as to his Superior and Chief Lord of the Realm of Scotland who then granted to the King and annexed to the Crown of England for ever the Counties next adjoining to England namely Berwick Roxbourgh Peples and Dunfres the Towns of Hadington and Gedworth with the Castle and Fortress of Silkirke Etherick and Gedworth By the assistance which King Edward afforded to Edward Baliol he gained the most part of Scotland nevertheless divers Castles refused to surrender which occasioned the King to make another expedition thither and about Allballontide he arrived at Newcastle upon Tyne and thence marched into Scotland towards the end of November and at Christmass entred Ethrick Forest but the Scots were fled whereupon having prosecuted his design as far as he thought good he returned into England The next year he raised new Forces and himself from Carlisle and Edward King of Scots from Berwick both entred Scotland on the 12. of Iuly burning and wasting the Country on both sides beyond the Scottish Sea This Expedition brought the Earl of Atholl and divers of the Scotch Nobility to a Submission upon which the King came back into the Northern parts where he wintered and kept his Christmass at Newcastle About Twelfth-tide he was provided to pass again into Scotland when Ambassadors from the Pope and King of France found him at Berwick ready to enter that Kingdom and by their earnest sollicitation about Candlemas obtained of both Kings a Truce till Midlent following but no Peace ensuing Edward King of Scotland and divers of the English Nobility at Whitsontide entred Scotland again and finding St. Iohns Town slighted by the Scots they fortified it Shortly after this King Edward followed them thither and thence passed with his Army unto Elgen in Murrey and Innerness In his return he took Aberdeen and burnt divers Towns and destroyed the Country About which time the Earl of Cornwal entred Scotland also and destroyed the Western parts and met the King his Brother at St. Iohns Town where the King stayed not long but marched to Striveling built the Fortress called the Pile and returned home About the Feast of St. Luke he marcht again with a fresh Army into Scotland and repaired Bothuill-Castle and returned into England before Christmas leaving Edward King of Scots at St. Iohns Town setled in the Government of that Kingdom The Affairs of Scotland being thus quieted for some years gave King Edward the leisure to look towards France which Kingdom afterwards became the Scene of all his Martial Glory For Robert d' Artois Earl of Beaumont in France being discontented at the Sentence wherein Philip King of France had given the Earldom of Artois from him to Maud Countess of Burgundy let fall some dangerous words and they being laid hold on forced him to fly into England where he was kindly received by King Edward who after he had been here sometime afforded him the use of the Castles of Guilford Wallingford and Somerton whensoever he pleased to retire thither for his recreation and afterwards assigned him 800 l. per annum for his support the one moiety to be received out of the Revenues of certain Priories Alien seised into the Kings hands and the other moiety out of his Exchequer Soon after his coming over he advised the King to set on foot his claim to the Crown of France● whereto the King was willing enough to hearken and to be perswaded by him but the Affair being of so great concern his Council advised him to take the opinion of his Father-in-Law the Earl of Henault before he attempted any thing therein Hereupon a Comet with long and terrible streams ushering in this grand Affair he employed thither with all privacy Henry Burghersh Bishop of Lincolne with two Banerets and two Doctors to gain him to his party with all other persons of note as they should find inclinable to assist the King who laying before the Earl King Edward's pretensions to the Crown of France he not only approved of his design but advised the King to contract other Alliances and gain to his party some of his neighbouring Princes thereabouts The PORTRAICTVRES of King EDWARD the 3. with the first 2● KNIGHTS COMPANIOS in the HABIT of the ORDER and SVRCOATS of their ARMES In April following a like Commission was issued to Henry Bishop of Lincolne William Earl of Salisbury and William Earl of Huntingdon and they immediately dispatcht into Flanders where they found business so well prepared by the Commissioners before named that by the 24. of May ensuing they had fully engaged divers of the Nobility and others in Henault Geldres and the Marquisate of Iuliers to appear in the Kings assistance against the French and withall setled the proportion of Men and Arms each of them were to furnish the King with in that Service together with the stipends and wages to be paid them in lieu thereof This done the said Bishop went to Gaunt and there won so much upon the humour of Iaques Dartuell that he gained him also to the Kings party Within a few days after Renaut the Second Earl of Guildres and Zuitphen who had married Leonora the Kings Sister and William Marquess of Iuliers Husband to Ioane Sister to Queen Philippa entred into the Association and next Rupert Count Palatine of the Rhyne Duke of Bavaria signed an Agreement at Frankeford whereby he obliged himself to assist the King for the recovery and maintenance of his Inheritance against all persons whatsoever except Lewis the Emperor his Uncle which several Contracts made by the foresaid Ambassadors with these Princes were confirmed by the King under the Great Seal of England the 26. of August following Between this Emperor and the King and their Heirs past also an Union and Confederacy which obliged them to use all their power particularly against Philip de Valois who carried himself as King of France and his Successors in that Kingdom for the recovery and defence of their Honors Inheritances and Possessions The 13. of Iuly was Iohn Duke of Loraine Brabant and Lemburgh retained for the King and with the assent of the Emperor was the Confederation made with Lewis his eldest Son there stiled Marquess of Brandenburgh Count Palatine of the Rhyne Duke of Bavaria
4. E. 2. That the Banerets wages by the day was four shillings the Knights two shillings and the Esquires one shilling Next unto the Knights Banerets we shall speak of Knights of the Bath which is a degree that hath the Investiture and Title of a Knight with an additional denomination derived from part of the Ceremony of his Creation It is the most received opinion that our King Henry the Fourth first instituted these Knights and true it is according to Sir Iohn Froisard He at his Coronation to adde to the lustre and magnificence of it created six and forty of them making an especial choice of such as he favoured either out of an inward affection or consideration of their service or deserts And as he designed them to attend him in the Ceremonies of his Coronation then at hand so did he retain them neerer unto his person thereby seeming to honor them with a more familiar consociation than he vouchsafed to the Knights Batchelors But if the Ceremonies and circumstances of their Creation be well considered it will appear that this King did not institute but rather restore the ancient manner of making Knights and consequently that the Knights of the Bath are in truth no other than Knights Batchelors that is to say such as are created with those Ceremonies wherewith Knights Batchelors were formerly created by Ecclesiasticks but some of them having been for a long time laid aside with us were then brought again into use and made peculiar to the Degree of Knights of the Bath and since continued to them upon some solemn and great occasion At the first view this Degree looks like a peculiar and distinct Order of Knighthood and may perhaps by some be thought more fit to be spoken of in the third Chapter rather than here But it cannot properly and justly be so accounted if we consider that they have not either Statutes or Laws assigned them nor are they in case of vacancy supplied which are the essentials of distinct Orders nor do they wear their Robes beyond the time of that occasion upon which they were created as chiefly the Coronation of Kings and Queens of England or otherwise the Creation of a Prince of Wales Duke of York and the like whereto also is to be considered that their Number hath been uncertain and always at the pleasure of the King Andrew Favin will have these Knights to be otherwise called Knights of the Crown because saith he to distinguish them from Esquires they wear upon their left shoulders an Escutcheon of Black Silk with three Crowns of Gold embroidered thereon But this is a great mistake for it is not found that such or indeed any other Badge was at any time after that manner used by them save only a Silk Lace but the Jewel worn to be known by is made of Gold containing three Crowns with this Motto Tria juncta in una and hanging down under the left arm at a Carnation Ribbon worn cross the body This leads us to the consideration of another Degree among us here in England namely Baronets who seem to be allied to Knighthood by having granted to them the addition of Sir to be set before their Names but this Title gives not the Dignity of Knighthood nor can any of them be properly stiled Knights until they be actually knighted It is a Degree but of a late erection to wit in the ninth year of King Iames and the grant thereof made only by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England a Copy of one of which is transcribed into the Titles of Honor. This Honor is made hereditary to them and the Heirs males of their bodies lawfully begotten for ever and by a subsequent Decree of the said King precedence is granted to them before all Banerets except such as should be made by the King his Heirs and Successors under his or their Standard displaid in an Army royal in open War and the King personally present and next unto and immediately after the younger Sons of Viscounts and Barons The ground for erecting this Degree as appears by the Instructions given to the Commissioners appointed to treat about this affair was partly Martial for though themselves were not enjoined personal service in the Wars yet the motive of this Honor was a certain contribution from each Baronet to maintain thirty Foot Soldiers for three years in Ireland after the rate of eight pence a day for the defence of that Kingdom and chiefly to secure the Plantation in the Province of Vlster Their Qualifications were that at least they should be descended from a Grandfather on the Fathers side that bore Arms and had a Revenue of one thousand pounds per annum of Lands of inheritance in possession or Lands of old Rents as good as one thousand pounds a year of improved Lands or at least two parts of three to the said value in possession and the other third part in reversion expectant upon one life only held in Jointure The year after the first Patent past King Iames was pleased to adde some new Priviledges and Ornaments to this Degree namely to Knight those Baronets already made that were no Knights as also such as should be afterwards created and the Heirs males of their bodies when they attained the age of one and twenty years that the Baronets and their Descendants might bear either in Canton or in an Inescutcheon the Arms of Vlster and further to have place in the Armies of the King and his Heirs and Successors in the gross neer about the Royal Standard for defence of the same Since the Institution of Baronets in England there have been made divers in Ireland after the like form And the Knights of Nova Scotia in the West-Indies were ordained in imitation of Baronets in England by the said King Iames anno Dom. 1622. and upon a like design to wit the planting of that Country by Scotch Colonies and the Degree made likewise hereditary These later have the priviledge to wear an Orange-tawny Ribbon as a Badge of Honor to distinguish them from other Knights and it appears by a Letter from Henry Earl of Holland dated the 29. of Iune 1627. and directed to the Officers of Arms that there was some intention to move his then Majesty to declare his pleasure that all Baronets and Knights Batchelors might wear in Ribbons of several colours some Badge or Iewel to distinguish the one from the other and both from persons of inferiour quality in such sort as did the Knights of the Baeth to which end he desired their opinion touching the fitness and conveniency thereof Which Officers from precedents of the differences and marks set upon Robes belonging to several Degrees of Nobility and Honor and from the Ensigns and Ornaments of Knighthood used for distinctions sake both at home and abroad being esteemed as peculiar marks of Soveraignty in the Giver and eminent tokens of Honor in
their Dominion and Power this their Valor and Courage as may be properly instanced in Geysa King of Hungary who waging War with the Austrians was by the Bishops when he came into the field Armis accinctus girded with Arms that is Knighted and in like manner Leopold Marquess of Austria Ottacher Duke of Stiria and Frederick Duke of Austria and Stiria so also Godfrey Duke of Brabant with Henry his Son solemnly received the Order of Knighthood before his Expedition to Hierusalem So Peter King of Aragon was girt with the Military Girdle from Pope Innocent the Third anno Domini 1204. the Emperor Henry the Third was made Knight by the Bishop of Breme and our William Rufus by Lanfranke Arch-Bishop of Canterbury But to proceed yet a little farther in Examples of this nature Kings themselves have been Knighted not only by inferiour Princes but sometimes by their own Subjects as Lewis the Eleventh of France at his Coronation by Philip le bon Duke of Burgundy Francis the First immediately after the memorable Fight at Marignan neer Millan by Peter Baiarde Of our own Nation King Edward the Third by Henry Earl of Lancaster King Henry the Sixth by his Uncle Iohn Duke of Bedford King Henry the Seventh by the Earl of Arundel and lastly King Edward the Sixth by Edward Seymour Earl of Hertford afterwards created Duke of Somerset And though it is commonly said That all the Sons of the French King are Knights assoon as they receive their Baptism nevertheless Sir Henry Spelman from Goropus seems to contradict this opinion by informing us that they were not judged worthy of the Kingdom unless they had been first solemnly admitted into the Knightly Order And we elsewhere find that the Royal Heirs of Aragon were suspended from the Crown of that Kingdom until they had received the Honor of Knighthood To this purpose the usage and fashion of the time shortly after the Norman Conquest is considerable when our young Princes were sent over to neighbouring Kings that from them they might receive this Honor Thus was our Henry the Second sent to David King of Scots and Knighted by him in Carlisle and Edward the First at the Age of fifteen years to Alphonsus the Eleventh King of Castile for the same Dignity In like manner did Foreign Princes repair hither to receive the Honor from our Kings as Malcolne King of Scotland and Alexander Son of William King of Scotland Knighted by our King Iohn anno Domini 1212. So was Alexander the Third by our King Henry the Third on Christmas day at York anno 1252. and Magnus King of the Isle of Man by the same King All which sufficiently demonstrate the great Renown of Knighthood and the honor and esteem which was ever had for that Order The estimation of Knighthood may be yet further manifest from divers expressions in that part of an Edict transcribed by Mr. Selden out of Goldastus which Conrade King of the Romans sent to those of Palermo to give them notice he had received the Order of Knighthood which he did after this manner That although he ought not to want the Ensigns and Tokens of Military Honor considering the nobleness of his Birth and greatness of his Dignity he at that time swaying two Scepters yet because he had not as then received the Military Girdle established by venerable Antiquity he did chuse to adorn himself therewith in that Month of August wherein the said Edict passed to the end that from thence the ●lower of his victorious years might put on the Ensigns of greater valor and the excellency of this new Militia renew the lustre of original Nobility What peculiar respects Knights have had paid them in our own Nation Mr. Selden hath collected from our legal proceedings and set down in his Titles of Honor pag. 783 784 785 and 786. In the close of this Chapter we think fit to insert a few memorials of that additional favour in augmentation of the Knightly Honor which some of our Kings have pleas'd to afford those Strangers on whom they have conferr'd the Dignity of Knighthood and to make it more known and publick given Declarations thereof under the Great Seal of England where the person so honored made sute for the same whereby they have declared and attested that willingly and of their own accord they have given and conferr'd on them the Degree Honor and Title of a Knight as due to their Virtues and Merits to the end that those persons should be esteemed and ranked in the place and number of Knights aswell among their own Subjects as in their own Countries and also by all persons elsewhere no less than themselves should esteem any other honorable and worthy men adorned with the like Honor from other Kings and Princes The first that we have met with in this kind was given by King Henry the Eighth to Sir Gregory de Caalis born of a Noble Family in Rome on whom in consideration of his Virtues and Merits the King had bestowed the Honor of Knighthood as may be collected from a Warrant directed to the Cardinal Arch-Bishop of York his Chancellor to make out Letters Patents under the Great Seal as well of the said Order of Knighthood as of the Grant of an annual Pension of two hundred Crowns of Gold per Annum during his life for the better and more honorable maintenance of that Dignity His late Majesty of ever blessed memory King Charles the First having Knighted Sir Iames Cats Doctor of Law Syndick of Dort and Ambassador extraordinary to his said Majesty from the States General of the Vnited Provinces was also pleas'd 26º Ian. 1627. to give him a Declaration thereof under the Great Seal of England to notifie his being such not only with us here but in his own Country and elsewhere And sometimes there hath past in these Letters Testimonial a kind of Ennoblement to their Posterity where that hath been before wanting to the Family which the King in regard of the Knights great Virtue and Merits hath thereby rais'd into that Degree Title and Dignity of Gentleman as may be seen by those Letters Patents granted to Sir Lewis Van Alteren eldest Son to Simon Van Alteren Lord of Iaer●velt and Councellor in the Court of Admiralty of Amsterdam dated the twenty ninth of Ianuary anno 4. Car. 1. The like Letters Patents of Declaration of Knighthood and Ennoblement of Posterity were shortly after viz. 26. Feb. following given to Sir Peter Pau Son of Sir Adrian Pau Lord of Hemsted and then extraordinary Ambassador from the aforesaid States General But in some others this declarative Clause of having bestowed the Dignity of Knighthood hath been much more contracted then in the Precedent before remembred and the testimony of donation only and that briefly express'd as in those Letters Patents made forth to
Lord he hath at this day the Title of Prince of Maltae and Goza and had that of Illustrious first given him by Ferdinand the Second Emperor of Germany Among sundry great priviledges wherewith he is invested he hath power to Seal in Lead as doth the Pope and Duke of Venice He acknowledges the Pope for his Head and the King of Spain for his Patron Under this Great Master there are many of the Knights in several Kingdoms and Provinces called Priors some of whom have also the addition of Great With us in England he was stiled Prior Hospitalis Sancti Iohannis Ierusalem in Anglia and by that Title was he summoned to the Parliament as a Baron of this Kingdom At length he became ranked the first Baron and had place and precedency accordingly above all the Barons of Parliament There is a Memorandum of making his Oath of Fealty to the King which I find thus recorded Memorandum quod Frater Johannes de Radyngton Prior Hospitalis Sancti Iohannis Ierusalem in Anglia vicesimo tertio die Septembris anno praesenti apud Mansum Fratrum Praedicatorum London fecit fidelitatem suam Domino Regi debitam coram Consilio dicti Domini Regis ibidem tunc existente sub hac forma Jeo sera foial foie loialtie portera a nostre Seigneur le Roi Richard a ses heirs Rois D'engleterre de vie de membre de terrien honour a vivre morir contre toutz gentz diligiament seray entendant as busoignes nostre Seigneur le Roy solonc mon sen poair le conseil nostre Seigneur le Roy celera a lui a ses maundementz en quantque a moy attient sera obeisant si Dieu moi eide ses Seintz Protestando quod hoc non cederet in praejudicium Hospitalis praedicti temporibus futuris This Order grew in time to such greatness in Possessions and Lands that in the Reign of King Henry the Third they had in Christendom no fewer than nineteen thousand Mannors When Saladine had taken Ierusalem after it had been possest eighty nine years by the Christians these Knights retreated to the City of Acres called Ptolomais and that being also taken they seised upon the Island of Rhodes and gained the chief City there 18. Calend. Sept. in the year of our Lord 1308. which Pope n Clement the Fifth confirmed to them and thereupon they began to be called Knights of Rhodes At Rhodes they remained 214. years even until anno 1522. when Solyman the Great took the Island by force and made his publick entry thereinto on Christmas-day after which they betook themselves to the Island of Malta which with Tripoli and Goza were granted to them in Fee by the Emperor Charles the Fifth the 23. of March anno 1530. under the tender of one Falcon to the Viceroy of Sicily upon the 25. day of April yearly and on condition to acknowledge the King of Spain and Sicily for their Protectors This Donation was confirmed by Pope Clement the Seventh on the 9. of May in the same year In which Isle they yet continue the Bulwark and Fortress of Europe chiefly to shelter Sicily and guard the Coasts of Italy and from this settlement of theirs in this place they have been ever since called Knights of Malta The Order of Knights Templars 3. About the years 1117. 1118. 1119. or 1120. this Order took beginning Baldwin the Second then reigning in Ierusalem and Gelasius the Second possessing the Roman Chair when nine Gentlemen urged by zealous devotion passed the Seas to the Holy Land the chief of which though the rest are forgotten were Hugo de Paganes and Godfrey de Saint Omer two Knights of Noble Extraction The King because these Knights at first had no habitation assigned to them part of his own Palace neer the South-gate adjoining to the Temple of Solomon in Ierusalem and gave them leave to build a small House of residence within the inclosure thereof and hereupon they became called Brothers of the Militia of the Temple or more ordinarily in one word Knights Templars And as they began to increase in number which they did not till after nine years from their Institution so their first undertaking and profession to which they were enjoined by the Patriarch of Ierusalem was chiefly to guard the most dangerous High-ways about Ierusalem whereupon they became safe conductors to Pilgrims and Travellers who came to visit the holy places in that City both in coming thither and returning thence against the violence and robberies of the Saracens which charitable service made them acceptable to all and for which they obtained of the Patriarch and Bishops remission of their sins But they were yet so poor that for the first nine years they liv'd upon the Alms of others and wore such Clothes as good men for Charities sake bestowed on them They also rode two on one Horse in memory of which primitive poverty there was engraved on the Seal of their Order the Figure of two of their Knights riding upon one Horse which is exactly represented in Math. Paris At the Council held at Troyes in Champaigne anno 1127. they had certain Rules assigned to them drawn up by St. Bernard Abbot of Clairuaux a French Gentleman Lord of Fontaines a Village and Castle distant about half a mile from Dion by the appointment of Pope Honorius the Second and Stephen Patriarch of Ierusalem in the presence of which Patriarch they made their Vows of Obedience Poverty and Chastity and to live under the rule of Canons Regular of St. Augustine They were also enjoined to wear a White Habit to which but not till the time of Eugenius the Third they assumed the Red Cross and of the same form that the Knights Hospitallers of St. Iohn of Ierusalem wore though Favin saith it was a Patriarchal Cross and sewed it ●n the left shoulder of their Mantles to distinguish them from the Knights of other Orders in the Holy Land And thus as by their ●hite Habit their innocency was notified so by the Red Cross their resolution to spend their blood in defence of the Christian Faith These Knights with those other of the Holy Sepul●hre Hospitallers and Teu●onicks were the principal Columns which supported the Kingdom of Ierusalem for a long time and therefore their valiant encounters with the Infidels and forwardness to sacrifice their lives for the honor of God and defence of the Holy Land ought to be had in everlasting remembrance But when Riches increast and their Revenues were augmented they grew proud and withdrew themselves from the obedience of the Patriarch of Ierusalem to join with the Pope So that at last upon Friday after the Feast-day of St. Denys in the year of our Lord 1307. all the
yearly collected and put into their hands for that use and purpose in manner following They send their Agents yearly abroad chiefly to Algiers and Fess to return them an account of the age quality and number of those who are in Captivity and upon consideration had thereof order them to contract for their redemption the general course being to ransom the religious persons first next the Laiety and among them the young and such as appear most likely to do service before others Few dye in Spain who bequeath not some Legacy to this Order which greatly encreafeth its Revenue and here though she was no Benefactress to this Order nor left her Legacy to be disposed of by that Fraternity most deservedly may be recorded of our Nation the illustrious Lady Alice Dutchess Dudley created into that Dignity by his late Majesty of ever blessed memory King Charles the First by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England bearing date at Oxford the 23. of May in the twentieth year of his Reign who dyed the 22. day of Ianuary in the year of our Lord 1668 9. being the 90. year of her age and bequeathed by her last Will and Testament one hundred pounds per annum for ever to be imployed for redemption of Captives of the English Nation Knights of the Rosary in Toledo 27. Roderick Arch-Bishop of Toledo in Spain seeing the Country sore oppressed by the Moors called the Nobless of the City together and propounded the great necessity of their appearance and assistance in its defence and extirpation of the Moors whereto they being unanimously inclined he gave beginning to this Order of the Rosary into which entred many of the Nobless This Order had Statutes which chiefly obliged them to the defence of the Catholick Religion to fight against the Moors and to say continually a Rosary of our blessed Lady Our Author finds not that it had been approved by any of the Popes but conceives the Arch-Bishop being Metropolitan of Spain was of sufficient power to give it approbation besides he framed the Statutes for the Knights and prescribed to them the Rule of living to wit that of St. Dominick The Ensign of this Order was the Figure of our Lady of the Rosary upon a Cross Flory quarterly Argent and Sable Knights of St. Mary the Glorious in Italy 28. The Author of this Institution was Bartolemeo de Vincenza of the Order of Friers Preachers or Dominicans afterwards made Bishop of that City a man that did much both in word and example and the end he chiefly design'd was to procure peace to the Cities of Italy then much disquieted by Civil Wars among the Princes thereof This Order received Institution anno Dom. 1233. a year famous and renowned in that Age for very great piety and therefore called generalis devotionis Annus It was approved and confirmed by Pope Vrban the Fourth anno 1262. and the Rule of St. Dominick prescribed to the Knights who are obliged to take into their care and protection Widows and Orphans and use their endeavour to beget concord among such as are at variance The Habit is a White Tunick or Cassock and a Mantle of Russet Colour but there is some difference among those that mention the Badge Sansovin and Maurolico say they wore before their breasts a purple Cross patee bordered with Gold Gothofridus saith it is a purple Cross patee with two Stars in chief but Marquez gives it an Octogonal Cross like that of Malta and four Stars to wit one at every side thereof The manner of giving the Habit and making Profession is with the Ceremony used by the Knights of Malta The Knights profess Obedience to their Great Master and conjugal Chastity but are forbid to wear Spurs or Bridles of Gold They are commonly called Cavaleri de Madona and reside at Bolonia Modena and other Cities of Italy and because they have no Monasteries but dwell in their own Houses together with their Wives and Children at ease and in plenty they were called Fratres Gaudentes or Hilares The Order of Knights of St. James in Portugal 29. We have not met with any who make mention of this Order as distinct from that of St. Iames in Galicia save only I. Mich. Marquez but such as rather take it to have been sometime a member thereof and that the Knights of St. Iames in Galicia who had anciently Commanderies in Portugal were only exempted from obedience and subjection to their Great Master and not received upon the account of a new Institution for so much doth Andrew Favin affirm but Ios. Micheli from Portugal Writers reports the contrary and gives this further account of the Order to wit That the troubles the Moors gave daily to Portugal and the great zeal of their Kings seeing their Subjects so exceedingly opprest by them was such that they endeavoured by all means to cut off those mischiefs and to secure and quiet the Consines of their Kingdom Among whom King Don Denys the Sixth moved with a like tender regard towards his People did in the year of our Lord 1310. institute this Order of St. Iames under whose protection he became victorious in divers Battels against the Moors and at length quieted his Kingdom by the assistance of these Knights And it was not long after the Institution e're this Order flourished through the favour of those Priviledges bestowed on it by the Founder It received approbation first from Pope Nicholas the Fourth after from Pope Celestine the Fifth and again from other of his Successors The Knights profess conjugal Chastity Hospitality and Obedience and none are admitted before they make proof of their Gentility by blood The Ensign of this Order is a Red Sword formed like that of St. Iames in Galicia the Habit White only the difference between them lies in a little Twist of Gold which these of Portugal draw about their Sword At the Town of Alcasar de Sul was the principal Convent of this Order first seated afterward removed to Palmela where it yet continues and whiles Portugal remained under the Crown of Spain and the Administration of this Order under that King it was no less illustrious than whilst their own Kings governed The Statutes are much the same with those of St. Iames in Galicia so also is the manner of giving the Habit Benediction and Profession The Order of our Lady and of St. George of Montesa in Valentia 30. This Order did succeed into the Lands and Possessions of the Knights Templars in Valentia as the Knights Hospitalars did into those of the Templars in France Italy and other places For after the Templars were dissolved Iames the Second King of Aragon and Valentia refused to grant their Revenues lying in his Kingdom to the Order of St. Iohn of Ierusalem as other Princes had done nevertheless within few years sent an Embassy
is called Turris de London both which are so termed in a Charter of Peace between King Stephen and Duke Henry afterwards King of England by the Title of Henry the Second and this word Mota is here used for what the French call Mote or Motte being the same with Collis or Colliculus and Meta in Latin viz. a little Hill Within this Castle was King Edward the Third born whence commonly called Edward of Windesor and received his Baptism in the old Chappel The native affection he bore to this place was exceeding great insomuch as he constituted it the Head and Seat of that most noble Order of the Garter whereof himself became the most renowned Founder in honor to which he there also founded the Colledge of the Chappel of St. George and much enlarged and beautified the Castle To this work he appointed several Surveyors whom he assigned to press Hewers of Stone Carpenters and such other Artificers as were thought useful and necessary so also to provide Stone Timber and other materials and Carriages for them among these Surveyors we find remembred Iohn Peyntour Richard de Rochell William de Hurle William de Herland Robert de Bernham and some others And to the end this great undertaking might be honestly and substantially performed the King assigned Iohn Brocas Oliver de Burdeux and Thomas de Foxle jointly and severally with all care and diligence at least together once a Month to survey the Workmen and their works and to encourage such as did their duty competently well but to compel others that were idle and slothful He afterwards commissionated Iohn de Alkeshull and Walter Palmer to provide Stone Timber Lead Iron and all other necessaries for the work and to imprest Carriages for their conveyance to Windesor William de Wyckham who attained to the Dignity of Bishop of Winchester and was the second Prelate of the Garter had a Supervisor's or Surveyor's place granted to him by Letters Patents bearing Teste at Westminster the thirtieth of October anno 30. E. 3. He had like powers given him with those Surveyors first above-named and a grant of the same Fee as had been formerly allowed to Robert de Bernham viz. One shilling a day while he stayed at Windesor in his employment two shillings a day when he went elsewhere about that affair and three shillings a week for his Clerk which like allowances had been first of all made to Richard de Rochell Afterwards he had bestowed upon him the chief custody and surveyorship of this Castle of the Mannors of Old and New Windesor and of several other Castles Mannors and Houses enumerated in his Letters Patents with power to appoint and dispose of all Workmen buy necessaries for Reparation provide Carpenters Masons and other Artificers Stone Timber c. and in those Mannors to hold Leets and other Courts Pleas of Trespass and Misdemeanors to enquire of the Kings liberties rights and all things appertaining thereunto It may be presumed that about the thirty fourth year of this Kings Reign the most considerable enlargement of the Castle was made seeing there were then great store of the best Diggers and Hewers of Stone imprest in London and out of divers Counties in England by virtue of Writs directed to several Sheriffs dated the 14. of April in that year with command to send them to Windesor by the Sunday next after the Feast of St. George at the furthest there to be employed at the Kings Wages so long as was necessary viz. London 40 Essex and Hertford 40 Wilts 40 Leycest and Worcest 40 Cambridge and Huntingd. 40 Kent 40 Gloucester 40 Somerset and Devon 40 Northampton 40 Herewith the Sheriffs were commanded to take sufficient security of these Workmen not to depart from Windesor without the License of William de Wyckham who was appointed to return the same Securities into the Court of Chancery and all this under the penalty of one hundred pounds to each respective Sheriff And because divers of these Workmen for gain and advantage had afterwards clandestinely lest Windesor and were entertained by other persons upon greater Wages to the Kings great damage and manifest retarding of his Work Writs were therefore directed to the Sheriffs of London with command to make Proclamation to inhibit any person whether Clerk or Layman under forfeiture of all they had forfeitable for employing or retaining any of them as also to arrest such as had so run away and commit them to Newgate and from time to time to return their names into the Chancery But a great number of them dying of the great Pestilence other Writs issued 30. of March anno 36. E. 3. to the Sheriffs of several Counties not of the former number That under the penalty of two hundred pounds apiece they should send to Windesor able and skilful Masons and Diggers of Stone to be there on Sunday the Utas of Easter at furthest to be employed in the Works namely to the Sheriffs of York 60 Derby 24 Salop. 60 Hereford 50 Nottingham 24 Lancaster 24 Devon 60 It was the thirty seventh year of this King or e're the Buildings were ready for Glasing and then Henry de Stamerne and Iohn Brampton were employed to buy Glass in all places of the Kingdom where it was to be sold to press four and twenty Glasiers and convey them to London to work there at the Kings Wages and twelve Glasiers for Windesor to be employed in like manner within the Castle In this year also the work went effectually on as may be guess'd from the great store of Workmen prest for this service as also Carriages for Stone and Timber much of the Stone being digg'd out of the Quarries of Wellesford Helwell and Careby and the next year not only in these but in the Quarries of Heseleberg and Demelby and the following year out of the Quarry of Melton From hence to the forty third year of this Kings Reign we find Artificers were yearly prest and the buildings of the Castle seriously pursued but after we meet with nothing in that kind mentioned to be done until the eight and fortieth year and thence not any thing during his Reign So that it s to be presumed this famous piece for magnificence and strength was for the greatest part finished in his said forty third year that is to say the Kings Palace the great Hall of St. George the Lodgings on the East and South side of the upper Baily or Ward the Keep or Tower in the middle Ward the Chappel of St. George the Houses for the Custos and Canons in the lower Ward together with the whole circumference of the Walls and their several Towers and Gates as now they stand In succeeding times some other additions were made to the buildings within the Castle in particular King Henry the Seventh added that stately Fabrick adjoining to the Kings Lodgings in the
Patent past under the Great Seal of England with consent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament anno 8. H. 6. William Mugg is there said to be the first and so hath been since accounted But it seems the Catalogue of Custos's and Deans took commencement at the Institution of the Colledge by Papal not Kingly authority and though William Mugg in like manner as Iohn de la Chambre had been constituted Custos above three years before yet being then again nominated by the King to receive Institution from the Bishop of Winchester upon his ordaining the Colledge he came to be accounted the first Custos as being so under that Institution and consequently Iohn de la Chambre not taken notice of By this Title of Custos were those that succeeded De la Chambre and Mugg presented by the King till the last year of King Henry the Fourth when Thomas Kingston was the first of them presented by the name of Dean and his Successor Iohn Arundell observing that divers of the Lands and Endowments of the Colledge were sometimes granted thereunto by the name of Custos at other times of Dean and Custos or lastly of Dean only and doubting that this variation and diversity of names might beget some damage to the Colledge especially being both beside and against the form of the Foundation wherein the Title of Custos was only used he applied himself by Petition to the Parliament before mentioned whereupon the King being pleased to provide for the security of the Colledge in this particular did with consent of the Lords and Commons by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England grant and declare That the said Iohn should be Custos sive Decanus for his life and enjoy all rights thereunto belonging and for the future he and every other Custos of the Chappel for the time being should be called Custodes sive Decani viz. Wardens or Deans of the free Chappel of St. George within the Castle of Windesor and that the Custos or Dean and Canons thereof and their Successors by the Name of Custos or Dean and Canons of the said free Chappel should have and hold to them and their Successors for ever all Lands Tenements Rents Possessions c. ●s also all manner of Liberties Franchises Immunities c. granted to the Colledge at any time before So that here was instituted a kind of new Incorporation of this Chappel by the Title of Custos or Dean and Canons only and the whole State of the Colledge together with its possessions strengthened and constituted in a manner De novo at least this was a great step to the compleat incorporating them by King Edward the Fourth when through the interest of Richard Beauchamp Bishop of Salisbury then also Dean of Windesor ●●d Chancellor of the most noble Order of the Garter there was obtained from King Edward the Fourth Letters Patent bearing Teste at Windesor the 6. of December in the 19. year of his Reign for incorporating the Custos or Dean and Canons and their Successors by the name of Dean and Canons of the free Chappel of St. George within the Castle of Windesor and that thenceforward they should be one Body Corporate in thing and name and have a perpetual Succession Furthermore that they and their Successors should by the same Name be persons capable in Law to purchase receive and take Lands Tenements Rents Reversions Services Liberties Franchises and Priviledges or other Possessions whatsoever to be held and possest in Fee and Perpetuity As also to have a Common Seal for the Affairs and Causes of them and their Successors And that they and their Successors by the name of Dean and Canons c. might plead and be impleaded pursue all manner of Causes and Actions real and mixt challenge all Franchises and Liberties and answer and be answered before any Judges spiritual or temporal But for the avoiding all further doubts which might be taken for any occasion or cause touching the Dean and Canons of this Chappel in their Corporation Capacity or Possessions and for the more surety of them in all their tempora● Endowments the Letters Patent of Incorporation were within three years after past into an Act of Parliament which yet remains in force Thus much for his Title of Custos and Decanus we shall next touch upon his Authority and Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction for as he is constituted both by the Bull of Pope Clement the Sixth and the Institution of the Colledge thereupon President over the rest of the Colledge to govern direct and order them their Goods and Estates so is he to exercise all manner of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction over them with a reservation of power of Appeal to the Chancellor of England Visitor of that Colledge Moreover where any of them live inordinately or unpeaceably he with the advice of the Chapter in cases where no particular penalty is appointed to be inflicted hath power to reprehend or correct at discretion And in case where discord ariseth among any of them shall within eight days reconcile the parties or do justice Lastly he hath power after the third time of admonition to expel from the Colledge all sowers of Discord Back-biters and Whisperers that are below the Degree of a Canon And to the end there may be no defect in Government at any time during his non-residence it is provided by the Statutes of the Colledge That when he hath occasion to be absent from thence above eight days or more he shall before his departure constitute one of the Canon-Residents whom he please for his Deputy who during his absence having the Title of Lieutenant shall in all things exercise and execute his Office for we are to note that the said Statutes allow him sixty days for non-residence the Royal Visitation held anno 1552. enlarged that time to one hundred and ten days and the Lord Chancellor Hyde gave him liberty of six weeks absence to attend the affairs of his Deanry of Wolverhampton But in the vacancy of the Custos whatever power or authority belongs unto him the same is then devolv'd upon the Chapter of the Colledge which Chapter ought within two days after the vacancy known to elect one of the Resident-Canons under the Title of President to govern the Colledge and direct all affairs relating thereunto until there be provided another Custos Leaving the Custos thus setled under the Title of Decanus which later he is only known by at this day we are now to speak of the Canons whose number by the Letters Patent of Foundation were appointed to be four and twenty including the Custos but upon Institution of the Colledge by the Bishop of Winchester there was then ordained as hath been noted one Custos twelve Secular-Canons and thirteen Priests or Vicars in all twenty six being the very number before ordained by the Statutes of Institution of the Order of the
enjoin'd And besides the like complaint being made for the Dean's disposing of Donations and other Liberalities of the Knights-Companions so that the Alms-Knights had no part thereof towards their sustentation this Chancellor also appointed an equal distribution of them among the Alms-Knights and Canons until the King and his Council should otherwise determine These and other differences between the Dean and Canons and Alms-Knights grew at length so wide that they could not be reconciled insomuch as in the Act of Parliament anno 22. E. 4. for the Incorporation of the Custos and Canons by the name of Dean and Canons the Alms-Knights were not only omitted but this Clause inserted That the Dean and Canons and their Successors should for evermore be utterly quit and discharged from all manner of Exhibition or Charge of or for any of the said Knights And this was obtained upon pretence That the King had greatly increased the number of the Ministers of the Chappel so that the Revenue was not sufficient to maintain both them and the Alms-Knights as also that the King had otherwise provided for the Alms-Knights But we elsewhere find some other cause and this afterwards alledged by the Dean and Canons in their Answer to the Knights Petition for Repeal of the said Act to wit That William Omerey and Iohn Kendall Alms-Knights laboured much before this Act pass'd to be incorporate by themselves to get Lands setled on them to be exempt from the obedience and rule of the Dean and Canons and governed by Ordinances made among themselves In the second place this Act being thus obtained and the Alms-Knights divided from the Body of the Colledge as also struck off from the benefit of the Quotidians Portions and Fees assigned by the Foundation of King Edward the Third how they next subsisted doth not fully enough appear but so soon as King Henry the Seventh came to the Crown they petitioned the King and Parliament for repeal of the Act anno 22. E. 4. affirming it was gained without their knowledge or being called thereunto to which Petition the Dean and Canons answered and the Alms-Knights replied but it seems all they could alledge did not induce the Parliament to repeal the Act but on the contrary the Dean and Canons some years after obtained an Exemplification thereof under the Great Seal dated 4. Feb. anno 18. H. 7. And it is clear from King Henry the Eigth's Letter to the Colledge which takes notice of their discharge from any exhibition to the Alms-Knights by virtue of the said Act That what the Colledge did in that kind after this Act past was meerly upon courtesie and not obliged thereunto for He thanks them for granting a Pension of twenty Marks to Peter Narbone whom He had recommended to an Alms-Knights place and promiseth they should be no further burthened with Alms-Knights but that he would setle Lands upon them for their maintenance and free the Colledge from the said Pension Besides when Mr. Narbone had the Pension granted him it was by an Indenture made between Nicholas West then Dean of Windesor and the Canons on the one part and the said Peter on the other dated 18. Iuly anno 3. H. 8. wherein he covenanted that when the King should setle any Lands on the Colledge for sustentation of such Knights then the grant of the Pension should be void and of none effect In the interval between the disunion of the Colledge and Alms-Knights by the foresaid Act to their establishment by Queen Elizabeth their Habit and Badge continued the same and was so confirm'd by King Henry the Eighth's Statutes But it may be collected from his last Will that there was then an intention to draw the Garter about the Scutcheon of St. George's Arms but it took no effect We observe also that in this interval several persons who had been of considerable quality and worth became Alms-Knights some of them were nevertheless great objects of Charity among whom was Sir Robert Champlayne Knight a valiant Soldier and one whose martial services abroad rendred him an honor to our Nation It seems he had taken part in the Civil Wars here with King Henry the Sixth against King Edward the Fourth shortly after whose coming to the Crown he left England and travelled into Hungary having with him an Equipage of three Servants and four Horses where in the assistance of Matthias Corvinus King of Hungary against the Turk he behaved himself bravely and like a valiant Knight But prosperous Fortune not attending him at all times he received many wounds and at length was taken Prisoner lost all and forced to pay 1500 Ducates for his Ransom For the justification of all which he obtained several authentick Testimonies under the Great Seals of Matthias King of Hungary Ieronimus Archbishop of Crete Legate de Latere in Hungary Frederick the Third Emperor of Germany Renat King of Sicily Father to Queen Margaret Wife of our King Henry the Sixth Frederick Count Palatine of the Rhyne Charles Duke of Burgundy and lastly a Declaration thereof from our King Edward the Fourth under his Privy Seal dated the third of April in the nineteenth year of his Reign And being reduced to a low condition by his great losses and the charge of his Ransom he was through the favour of King Henry the Seventh admitted an Alms-Knight here But some others made their retreat hither and obtained admittance into this Fraternity probably out of devotion rather than cause of poverty and among these were Thomas Hulme sometime Clarenceux King of Arms Lodowick Carly the Kings Physician Iohn Mewtes Secretary of the French Tongue and Bartholomew Westby made second Baron of the Exchequer 2. Iune anno 1. H. 8. It is manifest by the Will of King Henry the Eighth as also by an Indenture Tripartite between King Edward the Sixth of the first part the Executors of his Father of the second part and the Dean and Canons of Windesor of the third part dated the fourth of August anno 1. E. 6. that he intended a re-establishment of half the ancient number of Alms-Knights viz. Thirteen to which end he appointed that as soon as might be after his death if not done in his life time there should be a Revenue of 600 l. per annum in Mannors Lands and Spiritual Promotions above all charges setled upon the Dean and Canons and their Successors for ever upon the Conditions following that is to say That the Dean and Canons should for ever find two Priests to say Mass at the Altar neer his Tomb to keep yearly four solemn Obits for him and at every Obit to distribute ten pounds in Alms as also to pay twelve pence a day to each of those thirteen Alms-Knights and they to have once in a year a long Gown of White Cloth and a Mantle of Red Cloth besides five Marks annually to such one among them as should be
of Martial Feats and other Publick Exercises there to be held proper to the place and occasion According to which Invitation there came over at the appointed time sundry Knights and other brave Martialisis out of desire to signalize their valour and what made the Solemnity more glorious King Edward's Queen attended with three hundred of the fairest Ladies adorned with all imaginable gallantry were there likewise present SECT IV. Of the Patrons of the Order KIng Edward the Third upon his Instituting this Princely Colledge of a select number of Knights did according to the custom and opinion of that Age make choice of several Patrons to this his most noble Order under whose protection Himself and all the Knights-Companions together with the Affairs of the Order might be defended conserved and governed The first and chiefest Patron that he elected for this end was the holy Trinity which though indeed it be the Creator and Governor of all things yet nevertheless was in a more especial manner invocated to the aid and assistance of this Order Nor was it in those times accounted any derogation to God or his divine worship but rather on the contrary a great addition thereunto that what he is alone the giver of should be desired and implored by their means through whom he is well pleased to be sought unto Upon which consideration this religious and pious King being singularly affected to the blessed Virgin Mary though she was accounted the general Mediatrix and Protectress to all men and upon all occasions yet did he more peculiarly intitle her to the Patronage of this most noble Order And no less was King Edward the Fourth in a special manner devoted towards the same blessed Virgin insomuch as he thought it necessary that some additional Ceremonies within the Order should be observed by Himself and the Knights-Companions to her peculiar honor and thereupon Ordained That on her five Solemnities the Knights-Companions should annually as was wont and accustomed at the yearly Feast of St. George wear the peculiar Habit of the Order as long as Divine Service was celebrating unless they had sufficient cause of excuse bearing on the right shoulder of their Robes a golden figure of the Virgin Mary and further that they should go in the same manner and Habit upon all the Sundays throughout the year and lastly that on the same days for ever they should say five Pater Nosters with as many Ave Maria's Thirdly Saint George of Cappadocia a most choice Champion of Christ and famous Martyr was also chosen one of the Patrons to this Order and that not so much because in his life he was a Candidate of the Christian Faith a real Professor and a sincere Defendor thereof or for that he was an armed Soldier or Knight of Christ but much more because in those Wars which were waged by Christians against the Infidels he by several appearances shewed his presence as a most certain encourager and assistant to the Christians the relations of some of which Visions may be seen at large elsewhere There is no need we should in this Work engage at all in asserting the History of Saint George against those who will neither allow him either a place in Heaven or a being in the Church since that is both learnedly and judiciously maintained to our hand out of the venerable Records of Antiquity and Church-History by the elaborate endeavours of the late reverend Divine Dr. Peter Heylin in a particular Tract The like pains we are eased of in avouching and assuring him to be the special Patron Protector Defendor and Advocate of this Realm of England and manifesting in what veneration he hath been held abroad especially among the Eastern Churches by the Pen of our most learned Selden To whose testimonies we shall only add that this Title of Patron to our Nation is given to St. George by the Founder of this most noble Order in a Patent granted to the Deans and Canons of the Chappels of St. Stephen at Westminster and St. George at Windesor which dischargeth them from payment of Tenths for the Churches appropriate to those Chappels that were or should be given by the Clergie to Him and his Successors As also by King Henry the Eighth in the Preamble of his Statutes Nay further that he was likewise called our Nations Patron in relation to the Spiritual Militia of this Kingdom And though in general he is stiled the Principal Patron of the Affairs of Christendom and a Tutelar Guardian of military men yet among all Christians the English did the best and in England the Founder of this most noble Order in making particular choice of such a Captain and Patron under whose conduct to fight to wit a Captain so approved and tryed by such high testimonies as he had given In particular relation to whom the Knights-Companions had bestowed on them the title of Equites Georgiani St. George's Knights and the Order it self came to be stiled Ordo divi Sancti Georgii the Order of St. George It is worthy of observation that du Chesne a French Writer acknowledges it was by the special Invocation of St. George that King Edward the Third gained the battel of Crescy which afterward calling to mind he founded saith he to his honor a Chappel within the Castle of Windesor But if we may go higher and credit our Harding it seems King Arthur paid St. George particular honors for he advanced his Picture in one of his Banners and this was about 200 years after his Martyrdom and very early for a Country so remote from Capadocia to have him in so great estimation Lastly The Founder added to these a fourth Patron whose Name himself bore namely Saint Edward the Confessor sometime King of England and his Predecessor by which choice the Patronage of the Order belongs also to him And we find he was wont to be invocated by this noble Founder as well as Saint George at such time as he found himself in any great streight of which a memorable instance is recorded by Thomas Walsingham who reports that at a Skirmish neer Calice anno Dom. 1349. King Edward in great heat of anger and grief drew out his Sword and most passionately cried out Ha Saint Edward Ha Saint George which his Soldiers hearing ran presently unto him and rushing violently upon the Enemy put many of them to the Sword But in further declaration of electing all these for Patrons to the Order we find them ranked together in the Preamble of the Charter of Foundation of Windesor Colledge granted by King Edward the Third though in the Preamble to his Statutes of the Order and to King Henry the Fifth's Statutes Saint Edward the Confessor is omitted nevertheless in the Preamble to Henry the Eighth's Statutes he is there remembred with the rest SECT V. The Honor and Reputation thereof BEfore we leave this Chapter we
and for Bilson by a like Warrant an 41. of the same Queen About the 12. year of King Charles the First the Prelate and Chancellor petitioned the Soveraign to restore them their ancient right and estimation in relation to their Robes and Badges of Honor upon their outward Garments whereupon it was Ordered in a Chapter held the 18. of April an 13. Car. 1. being the Feast-day celebrated by prorogation for the year 1636. among many other things relating to the Honor of this most Noble Order That the Knights-Commissioners newly established by that Chapter should consider of the Robes to be worn by the Prelate and Chancellor and certifie the Soveraign the ancient Colour and Form But we have not met with any thing further done in relation thereunto during that Soveraign's Reign nor until after the happy Restauration of the present Soveraign and then by Warrant under the Signet of the Order dated Feb. 19. an 13. Car. 2. the Prelate had assigned him for his Livery of the Order one Robe of Purple Velvet containing 18 yards and 10 yards of White Taffaty for lining as also a Scutcheon of St. George within a Garter wrought with Letters and Purls of Damask Gold and Pearls having Laces Buttons and Tassels of Purple Silk and Venice Gold but what inducements the Soveraign had for changing the Colour from Murrey to Purple we have not heard An Account being thus given of the Prelates Robe it follows that we note at what times he is enjoined to wear it concerning which it is set down in express Text That he should be obliged to wear it yearly on the Vigil and day of St. George wheresoever he is at his Liberty whether it be in Parliament or any other solemn occasion or Festival whatsoever The Honors conferr'd on this Officer are That his Place in all Proceedings and Ceremonies of the Order is on the right hand of the Chancellor That he may marshal his Arms within the ennobled Garter and accordingly hath it been customary for the Prelate to surround them impaled with those of the See of Winchester with this Noble Ensign He hath allowed him convenient Lodgings within the Castle of Windesor and these are in a Tower situate on the North side of the Castle in the middle Ward called Winchester-Tower And as often as he shall come thither or to any other place at the Soveraign's command either to celebrate the Solemnity of St. George or do any act or thing belonging to the Order he ought to have allowed him of the Court-Livery for himself and Servants according to the rate that Earls resident in Court are used to have Lastly at a Chapter held the 27. of April anno 2. Car. 1. this Officer so also the Chancellor had the Priviledge granted to wear upon the left part of his Cloak Coat and Riding Cassock at all times when he should not wear his Robe and in all Places and Assemblies a Scutcheon of the Arms of St. George but not enriched with Pearls or Stones That the wearing thereof might be an open testimony to the World of the honor he held from this most Noble Order But not long after there was some restraint put upon this Act though I do not find it repealed SECT II. The Institution of the Chancellor's Office his Oath Robe Badge and Pension AT the Institution of this most Noble Order The Common Seal was ordained to remain in the custody of whomsoever the Soveraign should please nevertheless such person is expresly appointed to be one of the Knights-Companions Among them in after times Sir Iohn Robertsack to whom its custody was commited by Decree in Chapter an 1. H. 6. is stiled Custos Sigilli Ordinis and within a few lines in the Book and Page now cited the same Chapter still sitting there is mention made also of the Chancellor where though the reference be not to Sir Iohn Robertsack by express Name yet in all likelihood is intended to him the Seal of the Order being at his Nomination delivered into his keeping And though in the course of the Annals there recorded this Title is given to Sir Iohn Robertsack preceding the entry of the Decree which constituted him Keeper of the seal yet is it probable his nomination past one of the first things in the Chapter after which the Register might justly afford him that Title though not as yet drawn up into an Order That work being commonly done after the Chapters were broke up But King Edward the Fourth finding it necessary to settle the Office of Chancellor of the Garter in a person distinct from the Knights-Companions and subservient to them Ordered in a Chapter held at his Palace of Westminster the 4. of November in the 16. year of his Reign That the Seal of the Order should be delivered to Richard Beauchamp then Bishop of Salisbury to keep during pleasure and he to be called Chancellor of this most Noble Order Not long after this King by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England bearing Teste at Westminster the 10. day of October in the 15. year of his Reign declared That though among the Officers of the Order of the Garter the Office of Chancellor was not appointed by the Founder's Statutes yet was it nevertheless very lawful and necessary And therefore did Ordain that for the advancement and good of the Order in those Affairs there should be constituted an Officer named Chancellor And forasmuch as this Office was great and of great charge and required an able and dextrous person it was his further pleasure that none should be admitted thereinto unless he were of Ecclesiastical Dignity that is to say a Bishop Moreover considering the Chappel of St. George in the Castle of Windesor was founded and established within the Diocess of Salisbury and having regard to the prudence and diligence of Richard Beauchamp then Bishop of that Diocess who out of meer love towards the Order gave himself the leisure daily to attend the advancement and progress of that goodly Work wherewith the King was then in hand in the Castle of Windesor for enlarging the Chappel there He did therefore likewise Ordain and Establish the said Bishop for the term of his life Chancellor of the Order and did further Will and Ordain that after his decease his Successors Bishops of Salisbury should always have and hold the said Office of Chancellor Nevertheless in this Patent there is a Proviso that the Kings Concession should be put in execution by the advice of the Knights-Compaenions and without prejudice of the Bishop of Winchester in those things which touching the Order ought by the Statutes of Institution to belong unto him This Office being thus conferred upon Richard Beauchamp personally for term of life and perpetually to the succeeding Bishops of the See of Salisbury divers of his Successors some of whom are remembred in the Black
upon this occasion was as followeth My Lord IT hath pleased the Lords Knights-Commissioners for the Garter to meet upon Thursday last the first day of this Month where in the first place I presented your Lordships Petition to his Majesty and read the Order of Reference upon it made in Chapter and offered unto their consideration the authentick Vouchers to every part sent me by your Lordship and urged your Claim as far as if it had been my own both by succession of Bishops of Salisbury in the Office of Chancellor until Henry the Eighth and of the first Grant made under the Broad Seal and of continual renewing thereof in all the Charters of Bishops since to your Lordship and all other arguments which either my wit could present or to which by sincerity and your trust I was obliged But could not induce their Lordships to view them nor to make any report upon the cause all the answer I obtained was that it was not proper for me to be the Advocate nor for them to hear where I could not be furnished with a reply on your part if they found cause to except against any part of the title and so they would not judge you by any prejudice But commanded me to signifie to your Lordship that whensoever your occasions should bring you to London or the Court that they would hear you and from you only receive the information And that when your Lordship should call upon them they would give you such an answer as the justice of your cause should merit I am sorry to write your Lordship so weak effects but I desire you to believe that I have proceeded with all faith and integrity and that I could do no more Of this proceeding I acquainted his Grace my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury who did think it fit that I should signifie to you how the business stood that you might be the better prepared against your coming to London where I shall be ready to do you all service in my power and until then will keep your Papers safe for your use Vnless his Majesty to whom I purpose to render an account of the business make a new Order for more expedition which I believe will not be done before your coming or the next Chapter In hope and desire to be of more use to your Lordship when you shall make your own Claim or in any other of your commands I shall ever rest Your Lordships most humble servant Tho. Rowe St. Martins-Lane 6. Feb. 1637. After which we find not that the Knights-Commissioners met either upon this or any other Affair relating to the Order before the Feast of St. George begun to be held at Windesor the 20. of May an 14. Car. 1. and to that being added the Ceremonies of the present Soveraign's Installation the Bishop of Salisbury thought it not convenient to interrupt any part of that great Solemnity with the consideration of this Affair and the Scotch War shortly after breaking forth and troubles growing high at home the further prosecution was laid aside and not revived until the 19. of November an 21. Car. 2. when Seth Ward now Lord Bishop of Salisbury took encouragement upon the former grounds and the Soveraign's favour to set on foot this Claim by a Petition presented in Chapter then held at Whitehall where after a full debate and consideration had of the justness of his Claim he obtained the following Decree for re-establishment of this Office on the Bishop of that See upon the first vacancy At a Chapter of the most Noble Order of the Garter held by his Majesty Soveraign and the most noble Companions hereafter named in the Red Chamber next the Bed-Chamber in Whitehall the nineteenth of November 1669. Present His Majesty Soveraign His Royal Highness the Duke of York Duke of Ormond Earl of Oxford Earl of Manchester Prince Rupert Earl of Bristol Earl of Sandwich Duke of Monmouth Officers Prelate the Bishop of Winchester Officers Register Garter Usher The Soveraign then declared That the reason of calling this Chapter was to consider of the pretensions of Dr. Seth Ward Bishop of Salisbury exhibited in a Petition concerning the Title and Claim of himself and his Successors unto the Office of Chancellor of the most Noble Order of the Garter when the same should become void the Bishop grounding the equity of his Claim upon a Charter first granted by King Edward the Fourth in the 15. year of his Reign unto Richard Beauchamp Bishop of Salisbury and his Successors for ever which Charter hath been since confirmed under the Great Seal of England by other Kings and Queens and particularly by King Charles the First of ever blessed memory hereupon the Bishop being called in and commanded to produce his proofs to make good that his pretension accordingly the Bishop humbly offered an authentique Copy of the original Charter of the said King Edward the Fourth renewed and confirmed by the said King Charles the First in the fourth year of his Reign The which being read and duly considered together with the Objections to the contrary particularly that the possession and execution of the said Office of Chancellor had been for above an hundred years commited unto Laymen notwithstanding which the Soveraign and Companions being fully satisfied with the justness of the Claim of the said Bishop grounded upon the aforesaid Charters and likewise considering that the returning of the said Office to the first Institution would be for the honor and dignity of the said most Noble Order the Soveraign thereupon with the unanimous consent of the most Noble Companions then present did Declare and Ordain That the Bishop of Sarum and his Successors for ever shall have and execute the Office of Chancellor of the said most Noble Order and receive and enjoy all Rights Priviledges and Advantages thereunto belonging immediately upon the first vacancy of the said Office Proceed we next to the Oath the Chancellor takes at his admission which we find to be the same with the Prelate's and in the like humble posture that is upon the Knee and usually administred by the Register of the Order When Sir Iames Palmer was to be admitted Chancellor 17. Ian. an 20. Car. 1. the Register moved the Soveraign That in regard his Majesty had made choice of him for that Office in place of Sir Thomas Rowe deceased and though he had long executed the same in his absence and taken the Oath as Deputy Chancellor yet being now elected Chancellor ought to take the Oath in the quality he was in The Soveraign and Knights-Companions present thought it fit to be done and thereupon the Register gave him the Oath after which being saluted by the Knights-Companions and joy given him of his new Office he went on with the business of the Chapter It is clear from the Precedent of the Soveraign's Livery of the Garter that the Chancellor's Robe was at first the same with the Prelates both
it should not be granted To this Mr. Thaine drew up his Answer which being taken into consideration by the Soveraign in a Chapter held at Whitehall the 20. of February an 13. Car. 2. as also the Decree in Chapter before specified which fixed the Office to one of the Gentlemen-Vshers daily-waiters The Soveraign and Knights-Companions adjudged and declared the said Thaine's Answer not satisfactory as to the right by him pretended to the said Office and thereupon confirmed the foresaid Decree and further Ordered That Iohn Ayton Esquire one of the Petitioners should be forthwith sworn Gentleman-Vsher of the Black Rod to execute the place upon all occasions hereafter which was done by the Register of the Order in the presence of the Soveraign and Knights-Companions the Chapter sitting The Oath as we find it given to this Officer in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth was Truly and faithfully to observe and keep all the points of the Statutes of the Order as to him belonged and appertained He hath the like Habit with the Register and Garter before described But his Ensign and Badge are somewhat different from Garter's for first it was Ordained That he or his Deputy should carry a Black Rod whence he hath his ordinary Title before the Soveraign or his Deputy at the Feast of St. George within the Castle of Windesor and at other Solemnities and Chapters of the Order On the top of which there ought to be set a Lion of England This Rod serves instead of a Mace and hath the same authority to apprehend such persons as shall be found Delinquents and have offended against the Statutes and Ordinances of this most Noble Order And if at the command of the Soveraign and Knights-Companions he should apprehend any one of the Order as guilty of some Crime for which he is to be expell'd from the Order it is to be done by touching them with this Black Rod in consideration whereof his Fee is 5 l. There is also assigned him a Gold Badge to be openly worn in a Gold Chain or Ribband before his Breast composed of one of the Knots in the Collar of the Garter which tye the Roses together and encompassed with the ennobled Garter being alike on both sides which honor is conferr'd on him and his Successors by Decree in Chapter held the 24. of April an 8. Eliz. 'T is as ancient as King Henry the Fifth's Reign that we find a House in Windesor Castle granted to this Officer by Letters Patent together with his Office during life and the like provision is made for him by the Constitutions of his Office It is scituate on the South side of the Castle in the middle Ward The said Constitutions give him Baron-service at Court and Livery thereto appertaining and besides these the keeping of the said Castle and the two Parks adjacent King Charles the Firs● having taken into his hands the Little Park of Windesor by the resignation of Sir William Hewyd who had it by Grant under the Great Seal of England and bestowed it upon the foresaid Iames Maxwell then Vsher of the Order He also thought fit with the advice and consent of the Knights-Companions at a Chapter held in the With-drawing Chamber at Whitehall 5. November 1629. to Order and Decree That as the Custody of the said Little Park was conferr'd on Mr. Maxwell in right of his Office pursuant to the institution so the same should for ever after be annexed thereto and not be disposed of but under the Great Seal of the Order and that only to the Vsher of the Order for the time being Lastly this Officer had anciently a Fee of 12 d. per diem allowed him which we find continued down in the Letters Patent whereby this Office was granted beside which the Constitutions of his Office allow him an annual Pension of 30 l. heretofore paid him out of the Soveraign's Exchequer but by King Charles the First assigned him out of the 1200 l. per annum setled upon the Order touching which we shall Discourse in the next Section SECT VI The payment of the Officers Pensions upon the new Establishment KIng Iames sometimes Soveraign of this most Noble Order well considering its Institution Nature and Constitution and that it was in the nature of a distin●t Soveraignty govern'd by Laws Statutes and Assemblies of its own and Himself as Soveraign in matters and things immediately relating thereto had sole and absolute power of altering changing adding or explaining And finding that the annual Pensions paid to the Officers of the Order as those to the Alms-Knights and some other its Expences had been anciently made payable out of his Receipt of the Exchequer either upon and by virtue of the Great Seals of England or otherwise by Privy Seals and conceiving it incongruous that the Officers should longer receive or challenge their Pensions by virtue of any other Seal than that of the Order and in some kind derogatory to the Dignity of the Order it self to permit other Seals longer to work within or upon the same He thereupon with twelve Knights-Companions in a Chapter held at Whitehall the 2● of May in the 20. year of his Reign Ordered That all things concerning the Order should thereafter be passed under the Seal of the Order only and in particul●r That the Grants of Poor-Knights Places after their being signed by the Soveraign should be passed under the Seal of the Order only and none other And whereas at the Feast of St. George the following year the Chancellor had received from the Dean of Windesor a Note in writing of the Pensions given to the Poor-Knights and by whom and in what manner the same had been given it was also Ordered That he should take advice of the Soveraign's Attorney General how by virtue of the Seal of the Order the said Pensions might be paid and received His Majesties further pleasure being That all Grants and Payments concerning the Order should afterwards pass under the Seal of the Order only and by virtue threof As to the Alms-Knights Patents this Decree took effect but in the other generals referring to the Order how far it was pursued we know not for in some of them we find it not observed But in a Chapter held at Windesor on the 22. of April in the 10. year of the Reign of his late Majesty of ever blessed memory debate was had about setting a part from the profits of his Revenue to the peculiar use of the Order the annual sum of 1000 l. to be assigned out of the Receipt of his Exchequer and employed particularly in discharge of Expences towards the Feasts of the Order Legations to Foreign Princes payment of the Officers Pensions and all other Titles by which any thing should at any time be disbursed for the necessity or reputation of the said most Noble Order Afterwards at
obtaining a Ring one of the Symbols of the Equestrian Order with them Whence have been wisely found out those three Degrees of Gentility Beginning Encrease and full Ripeness for Gentility hath its beginning in the Grandfather its encrease in the Father and full ripeness in the Son and therefore in the constitution of Gentility the Father and Grandfather bringing renown and reputation to the Son by same and estimation of life and actions are at least required to make it perfect and compleat because it cannot naturally and congruously grow to ripeness in the Son unless it hath formerly encreased in the Father and long before begun from the Grandfather As to this particular there is a memorable instance in that of the Lord William Pagit devested of the Garter about five years after his ●lection upon pretence of his not being a Gentleman of Blood by either Father or Mother But it is also observable in the Blue Book that this severity towards him proceeded not altogether from defect in point of Extraction but most from the prevalence and practice of Iohn Dudley Duke of Northumberland by whose means he was most unjustly and undeservedly put out of the Order haply grudging the great honor he had formerly done the said Lord when being Earl Marshal of England his good advice and character of him procured from King Edward the Sixth a new Grant of those Arms under the Great Seal of England which he had sometime before received from Garter Principal King of Arms. But admit the defect of Blood and Arms for three descents were the true cause of his deprivation of the Garter yet what follows is mis-related by Sir Io. Howard as also by Iohn Stow to wit that the George and Garter were forthwith bestowed upon the Earl of Warwick eldest Son to the Duke of Northumberland who out of curtesie was so called as a commonly Dukes Sons in the life time of their Fathers are entituled of some Earldom whereof their Fathers have the honor but more truly had he said they were bestowed upon Sir Andrew Dudley Brother to the said Duke For although we find the said Earl of Warwick put in the Scruteny entred among the Annals of the Order of Edward the Sixth's Reign and taken at a Chapter held on St. George's day an 6. Ed. 6. the Lord Pagit being degraded in a Chapter held on the Eve of the said Feast yet was not the Earl Elected at that or any other time nor was any other person then chosen who had the honor to be inserted into that Scruteny except the Earl of Westmerland and the said Sir Andrew Dudley But to return the Ensigns of this most Noble Order were not with more disgrace taken from than with honor restored to the Lord Pagit assoon as Queen Mary came to the Crown and that by as great and absolute authority as did deprive him of them namely by Decree in Chapter holden at St. Iames's the 27. of September an 1. Mar. so that this Honor might be said to have been rather wrongfully suspended than justly lost For in confirmation of this Lords restauration he had the Garter forthwith buckled on his Leg again by two of the Knights-Companions present and the Collar of the Order put about his shoulders with the George depending thereat And a command then also given Garter to take care that his Atchievements should be again publickly set up over his Stall at Windesor being the same he before possest viz. the 9. on the Soveraign's side In this case of the Lord Pagit we observe that the very Records of the Order brand his degradation of injustice upon the foresaid pretence as if it were inferable thence that when Honor is conferr'd upon the score of Virtue and great Endownments the consideration of these supplies the defect and obscurity of Extraction Whence it came that the then Soveraign whose prerogative it was to declare and interpret the Statutes being at that time present in Chapter thought fit to qualifie the Law and gave him this honorable commendation That he had highly deserved of the Nation by his Prudence and Counsel And though the Exemplar entred in the Black Book hath the qualification of Virtue and good Report inserted only into it yet we observe the same in effect and practice considered in foregoing times with great circumspection by the Soveraigns and their Lieutenants before Election and that the Magnanimity Fortitude Prudence Generosity Fame Reputation and other Virtues and Merits whether innate or acquired of the Person proposed to Election have been by their prudent Inquisition looked into deliberately weighed and brought to the Rule for tryal as to their fitness and capacity of the honor of this most Noble Order These and such like Qualities we see King Henry the Fifth took into his consideration at an Election in the 9. year of his Reign and for which he preferr'd before others then Nominated and presented unto him Iohn Earl Marshal William Earl of Suffolk Iohn Lord Clifford Sir Lewis Robertsack and Sir Heer tanke Clux In like manner did Humfrey Duke of Gloucester Deputy to King Henry the Sixth in the second year of his Reign weigh and examine diligently with himself the Fortitude and Prudence with other the illustrious Actions and deserts of Iohn Lord Talbot before his Election and thereunto gave an approbation worthy his own judgment and not less than that noble Candidates virtue merited It is further remembred in the Annals of this Order that for these and such like noble and heroick Qualifications persons in after times were likewise preferr'd in Election before others And particularly we observe it taken notice of an 28. H. 8. upon the Election of Sir Nicholas Carew That he was a very fit person upon the eminency of his Extraction and Fame and the many worthy and noble Actions he had performed so as that all present did without any delay unanimously approve of his Election Of like nature those Commendations given to Henry Earl of Cumberland upon his Election wherein also particular services are taken notice of viz. the many famous and loyal Atchievements performed by him both at several other times and then more especially when the tumult of Rebellion began to break forth in those Borders where he had his habitation The second Point is That unless he be a Knight he is not qualified for Election or as one of the Exemplers express it unless girded with the unstained Girdle of Knighthood and the same in terms do the other Bodies of Statutes declare Whence we may again mind the Reader of the singular regard and jealousie the Law of the Order hath of this particular Qualification above the rest And lest chance or inadvertency might let slip a Person not Knighted into the Scruteny besides the two former cautions given touching Nomination yet is it also here in another Article a third
Highness having placed himself under the State Garter should take the Cushion upon his Arms on which were to be laid all the particular Ornaments above mentioned and being assisted with the Knights and a passage left for him to make his three obeysances he should proceed up towards the Duke and lay the Cushion with the Ornaments on a Stool set neer his Highness for that purpose That he should signifie to his Highness in few words the cause of his coming and then deliver into his hand the Soveraign's Letter That his Highness having received it should break it open and deliver it back to Garter to read which he having done should return it to his Highness That after this he should proceed to the Investiture of his Highness with the Ensigns of the Order Which having finished briefly to represent unto his Highness in a Speech somewhat of the quality and splendor of the Order And lastly to kiss his Highness hand and attend what he should please to say and so depart According to these proposals and in the same order were all things performed and the Speeches then made to his Highness by Sir Edw. Walker and first that signifying the cause of his coming was as follows May it pl●●se your Royal Highness HIs sacred Majesty the King your Royal Brother Soveraign of the most Noble ancient and renowned Order of Saint George called the Garter hath commanded me Garter Principal King of Arms and Officer of the most Noble Order humbly to attend your Highness and from his Majesty to deliver unto your Highness the Ensigns of that most Noble Order together with Letters of Dispensation for the present investing your Highness in all the honorary Ornaments and accidents thereof And because the Reasons inducing his Majesty to Elect your Highness into this most Noble Society and Fellowship of the Order are best exprest in his Majesties gracious Letters I do humbly present them unto your Highness that they may be read and then I shall proceed in full obedience to his Majesties Commands to Invest your Highness with the Garter and George therewith sent Having spoken this he proceeded to the Investiture which being finished he thus continued his Speech Now that your Highness is by his Majesties Royal Election and Dispensation for the present Invested and made a Companion of this most Noble and famous Order I shall humbly presume according to the obligation of my Office succinctly to represent unto you Highness somewhat of the antiquity and reason of the Institution what qualifications are requisite to all persons Elected and how in all ages since the Institution this Order hath been highly valued and esteemed All which I believe your Highness having lived from your Cradle under the power and barbarous restraint of the most unparallel'd Rebels and Traytors usurping in England hath not yet known And first for the Antiquity and Institution of this most Noble Order your Highness most glorious and victorious Ancestor King Edward the Third for the honor and encouragement of Martial Actions and to oblige unto him by the neerest tyes of Royal favour and society such persons of eminent birth as by valiant and noble acts had highly merited of him Instituted this Order and Elected into the Fellowship thereof with himself the Soveraign the number of 25. other renowned Knights by giving them the Garter with this most significant and generous Motto HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE assigning them likewise a peculiar and stately habit ordaining them yearly to attend him on the Feast of St. George at his Castle of Windesore the seat of the Foundation where be regally entertained them and framing Statutes which themselves and their Successors were obliged to observe for the honor of the Soveraign and the Order By which Statutes in the second place the proper qualifications are fully declared which are principally that every person elected into this most Noble Order be a Knight without reproach a Gentleman of Blood and Arms of three descents by Father and Mother a man of courage a lover of Iustice and of unblemish'd fame and honor who likewise at his Installation is by Oath obliged to defend and sustain the honor quarrels rights and dominions of the Soveraign and to endeavour the augmentation of the Order And if any one elected into this most Noble Society shall be either convict of Heresie Treason Cowardise in flying from the Kings Banner or Standard in the field or that by prodigality he hath wilfully wasted his Patrimony he may if the Soveraign and Companions please be degraded and deprived of the Order as unworthy thereof Lastly The Institution of this most Noble Order hath been so inviolably observed as that the Soveraign and Companions have never augmented their number and but very rarely dispensed with any of the qualifications whereby the dignity and splendor of the Order hath been entirely preserved And so great a value and high esteem hath been set upon this most Noble Order as the greatest and most powerful Monarchs of Europe have accounted it an honor to be Companions thereof amongst whom the Emperor Sigismund in the Reign of King Henry the Fifth and that most potent and glorious Emperor Charles the Fifth in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth came personally into England to receive it And although the number of the Companions from the first Institution now full 303 years is with your Highness but 444 persons yet of them there have been 8 Emperors and 52 Kings and Princes of Foreign Countrys besides other most illustrious and eminent persons some of them Strangers the rest Subjects to the Kings of England Soveraigns of the most Noble Order Thus Sir I have represented unto your Highness the noble ends for which this Order was Instituted the qaulifications required and the care in preserving the dignity and honor thereof I shall now presume to add that as your Highness most Royal extraction is equal to any Prince of Europe so your most towardly and generous inclination gives great assuran●e that you will encourage magnanimity and honorable enterprises appear equal to the most renowned Princes that have been Companions of this most Noble Order And as your Highness bears the Title of the Duke of Gloucester so that you will inherit the great and heroick virtues of that excellent Prin●e your Predecessor Humphry Plantagenet Protector of the Realm and Person of his Nephew King Henry the Sixth who by his great wisdom bounty and justice obtained the title and appellation of the good Duke I shall conclude with my humble and real Prayers for long life honor and all prosperity to your Royal Highness the most high mighty and excellent Prince Henry Duke of Gloucester Knight and Companion of the most Noble Order of the Garter SECT VI. Allowances and Rewards given to Garter for his service in this Employment THE Soveraign of this most Noble Order bears the charges of Garter whensoever and as often as he is sent to any Elect
the King of Great Britain having entered his Dominions in hostile manner surprised the Isle of Ree slain his People and endeavoured to relieve Rochell which he held Rebels to him all which by the wisdom of the Lord Ambassador Carleton was so discreetly answered and so far prevailed that a day was appointed for the reception of the Order which was to be done on the Sunday following in the Afternoon and was performed as followeth The Prince of Orange his Regiment of Shot and Pikes the English Regiment and some Dutch Companies having placed themselves in two Battalions on either side of the great Court of the Princes Palace we proceeded between them First went a number of Collonels and Captains English Scots and Dutch after whom followed the chief Officers of his Excellency's Household then my self bearing on a Purple Velvet Cushen the Robes of the Order the great Collar and the Garter and a lesser Iewel of the George fastned to a Blue Ribband with King Charles his Commission under the Great Seal of England The Prince went between the Lord Ambassador and the Palsgrave who that day wore the whole Habit of the Order of the Garter We were conducted up the great Stairs through the old Hall of the Palace and so brought to the Council Chamber of the States General who were all placed on either side of a long Table the whole length of the Room The Estate of the Table was bolden in the midst thereof where four Chairs were placed the Prince of Orange and the Ambassador took the two middlemost Chairs the Palsgrave on the right hand and my self on the left The French Ambassador and the Venetian sate at the upper end of the board The Earl of Coningburg President of the Council of the States the Treasurer and Admiral of Holland sate opposite to the Prince and all other of the States on either side in their degrees Silence being made the Ambassador Carleton stood up and began his Harangue or Oration signifying that by the Example of the great love and amity long time continued between the Queen's Majesty of England Elizabeth of famous memory and Prince Maurice with the States General of the United Provinces King James her successor intending no less good welfare and prosperity to his Excellency and the States then and still being had presented him with the Noble Order of the Garter as to his intimate Friend Confederate and Ally which he princely accepted acknowledged and used during his life And that now the high and mighty Prince King Charles his son understanding of the right noble and valorous disposition of his Excellency Henry Prince of Orange and having a like desire as his Father had to continue the same amity and friendship inviolably between them had made especial choice of him the said Prince to be a Companion and Consrere of the said most Noble Order which he was there by Commission to present his Excellency withall The Oration ended the Ambassador presented his Majesty's Commission under the Great Seal of England during the reading whereof by one of the Secretaries of the States The whole Table of the States stood up their heads uncovered only the French Ambassador excepted who sate covered Then Garter after Reverence made with an audible voice pronounced in French the Stile of the King of Great Britain as is accustomed and after it the Stile of Henry Prince of Orange which done by a signal made at one of the Windows the Trumpets sounded the Drums strook up and a thousand Musket shot were discharged in Volley Then stood up at the Table a French Orator who began his Harangue in the praise of the Noble Order of the Garter relating as he said he was informed how many Emperors Kings and Princes had been thereof applauding the worthy Election and choice of both the famous Princes of Orange Prince Maurice lately deceased and Prince Henry then Governing only be excepted against the patronage of Saint George who was he said but a Legendary Saint and not Canonical nor approved by general Councils and in effect but a moral Allegory For every Christian man that for his Faith would fight and defend the Church yea and for the same suffer Martyrdom he should conquer the Dragon that is the Devil and be as much holy reputed as St. George But the Order to be stiled of the Garter was more significant because it carried with it a bond or tie of Fellowship as a Symbol of Amity and Friendship between Princes being Companions of the said Order So concluding his Harangue with a Prayer for the Soveraign's prosperity King Charles and the whole Fellowship of the said most Noble Order of the Garter he ended Then the Lord Ambassador Carleton with his Excellency the Prince of Orange the Prince Palatine and my self standing up the Ambassador took the great Collar with the George and assisted by the Palatine put it over the head of his Excellency and fastned it on his shoulder for at that time he refused to wear the Robes of the Order because he said his Brother Grave Maurice had not done it but laying up his leg on my Chair the Ambassador and I put on the Garter Which done by another signal six and thirty Canons reported and so way being made we returned that way as we came the Trumpets sounding and the Drums beating until his Excellency was entred into his Court. That day or night we had no Feast for avoiding Precedency and Place between the Ambassador drinking of Healths and other complements which might have occassioned question or difference on either party That night Bonfires of pitched Barels were made through the Town as is accustomed to be done in all their Triumphs The next day following being Monday I was invited by a Messenger to dine with his Excellency where in his great Chamber the Table ready furnished with meat without Ceremony of other service or attendants but his own Pages being half a dozen in number his Excellency sate down not at the end of the Board but at the right hand thereof and Count Lodowick of Nassaw his Vncle on the left hand side I was placed on the Princes side at a convenient distance from him by his Marshal Collonel Boage a Scottish man sate right against me next to Count Lodowick and these were all the Guests at the Table during Dinner his Excellency asked me sundry questions namely whether Queen Elizabeth did wear the Garter of the Order about her leg as the Knights did I answered I thought not for it was not proper for her Sex so apparently to shew her leg Then he demanded whether the Institution of the Order was from the fall of a Blue Garter from the Ladies leg with whom the King danced I told him it was so holden by tradition but the truth was otherwise as it is recorded in the old Register Book of the Order that King Edward the Third returning home after his conquest of France to remunerate those Knights that had
was born at 40 minutes after five in the morning of the said day the 6. Degree of the Sign Scorpio Ascending and the 18. Degree of Leo Culminating The places of the Planets as there posited followeth gr ♄ in 5 ♑ ♃ in 27 ♉ ♂ in 21 ♍ ☉ in 28 ♍ ♀ 18 ♍ ☿ in 8 ♍ ● in 8 ♉ ♁ in 26 ♉ The Thursday after his birth he was Christned in the Chappel then of St. Edward in Windesor Castle by A. Priest Cardinal by the Title of Sancta Prisca and his Godfathers were Richard Bishop of Poictiers Iohn Bishop of Bath and Wells William Bishop of Worcester Lewis Earl of Eureux the Queens Brother Iohn de Britannia Earl of Richmond Aymer de Valence Earl of Penbroke and Hugh le Despenser Within a few days after the King his Father granted him the County of Chester except the Mannors of Mekklesfield and Shotwyke to hold to him and his Heirs Kings of England for ever And likewise the County of Flint and Cantred of Englefield with the Castles of Flint and Rothelan to hold as before except the Mannor of Overton the Lands of Mailor Seysnoke and the Castle and Mannor of Holt after which he was thus stiled by the King Edwardus Comes Cestriae filius noster Charissimus So pleasing to his Father 〈◊〉 the birth of this Prince that the 16. of December following he gave to Iohn Launge Valet to the Queen and to Isabel his Wife and the longer liver of them for bringing to him so desirable News 24 l. per annum to be paid out of the Farm of London But leaving his Infancy we will now proceed to his youth and the occurrences that attended his riper years King Edward his Father having been often summoned to the Court of France to do homage for the Dukedom of Aquitaine and other his Lands held in that Kingdom and still delaying till the French King had seized thereon it was at length concluded that he should give to this Prince that Dukedom who then should do the Homage and enjoy the Lands Hereupon preparation was made for his passing into France and a little before at Langedon Abbey near Dover the King on the 2. of September in the 19. year of his Reign first gave to him his Heirs and Successors Kings of England jure haereditario imperpetuum the Counties of Ponthieu and Monstroile and on the 10. of the same month at Dover granted to him the Dukedom of Aquitaine and all the Lands he had or ought to hold in the Kingdom of France Habendum as before two days after this new Duke took shipping at Dover thence passed into France and made his Homage in which Journey it was likewise thought fit that the Queen should accompany him in regard her Lands in that Kingdom had also been seized on Shortly after his return into England he was unanimously chosen Custos of the Kingdom in his Fathers absence then fled into Wales with Hugh le Despencer the Son Robert-Baldock and others by divers of the Bishops Nobility Barons and Knights de assensu totius Comitatûs dicti Regni ibidem existentis and at Martley the Great Seal sent from the King was delivered to him Not long after his Father ressigned his Crown upon which great preparations were made for this young Prince's Coronation which was solemnly performed at Westminster by William Archbishop of Canterbury on Sunday after the Conversion of St. Paul being the 1. of Feb. an 1327. His first Martial Attempt but unsuccessful for more then what appertains to his Wars we shall not here discourse off was the raising an Army to march against the Scots For Robert Bruce King of Scotland having sent him a defiance about Easter next following his Coronation shortly after invaded England notwithstanding the Truce between the said King Robert and King Edward the Second was yet on foot and an agreement for further Treaty of Peace to be held in the Marches on Sunday next before Ascension day then next comming The Kings Army was appointed to Rendevouz at Newcastle upon Tyne on Munday next before the Ascension of our Lord though Sir Iohn Froissard saith it was at York upon Ascension day whence about three weeks after Trinity Sunday he marched towards the Enemy but the Scots having exceedingly wasted the Northern parts and declined to fight slipt from him at Stanhop Park in the Bishoprick of Durham and withdrew towards their own Country nor could the King engage them though he endeavoured it for 24. days together I confess the first Actions of Princes are looked upon by all Eyes and not seldom with many Observators taken as the Radix whence to calculate their future either Successes or Miscarriages If at these undertakings a full Age entitle them to the sole management of Affairs we are inclined to think a judicious Eye may partly discern the strength of their Fortune But while they reside within Tutorage and their designs are carried on under the conduct of others the Event of things will manifest a dependency upon the strength or weakness of the Genius of those persons who are the chief managers of their Concerns And this was fully made good in this Prince whose Martial undertakings were very unsuccessful specially while the Government of the Kingdom was committed to others and sometimes afterwards when he was tyed up and hampered by his Allies in Flanders but he no sooner arrived at full Age but his Affairs shewed themselves as if disposed by his own Genius and the first remarkable experiment was verified even upon the Scots themselves from whom before he had received some affronts and indignities For having sent Ambassadors to the Custos and chief Nobility of Scotland He demanded the Homage of David Brus their King and these were probably Ralph Lord Basset of Drayton and William de Denum for it appears they were employed thither the 14. of Decemb. an 6 E. 3. touching the Affairs of the King and Kingdom and the doing of Homage denyed He forthwith raised an Army in assistance of Iohn Balioll Son of Iohn Balioll sometime King of Scotland against David Brus the then King which being appointed to meet at Newcastle upon Tine on Trinity Sunday an 7 E. 3. King Edward entred Scotland and wasted the Country as far as Scone for six months together Insomuch that the Scots were forced to fly to their Fastnesses in the Forest of Gedworth where they abode for many years and as the King returned he encountred an Army of theirs at Hallidown Hill which he defeated and killed about 32000. common Souldiers 7. Earls 90. Knights and Bannerets and 400. Esquires In memory of this great Victory hapning on the Eve of St. Margaret the Virgin being the 13. of Iuly he repaired the Church and Convent of Nuns near the place where the Battel was fought upon that occasion destroyed and burnt and caused
into England P. Priest Cardinal of St. Praxid and B. Deacon Cardinal of St. Mary in Aquiro to use their best endeavours to compose the differences now growing high between the two Kings Upon whose mediation with King Edward though Peace could not be obtained yet that things relating to Peace might the better be effected a Truce was agreed on to the Morrow after Candlemas day an 12. E. 3. and thence prorogued to the first of March and lastly a further enlargement of it to Midsummer following in case the King of France should consent to it and give Security that it should be observed but he it seems refusing the King was advised to revoke this later cessation which he did the 6. of May and to take a Journey into Flanders personally to confer with his Allies in pursuance of his design against France and thereupon he took shipping at the Port of Orewell the 16. of Iuly and went to Antwerp But before he went upon the Cardinals further importunity a Commission issued to I. Archbishop of Canterbury R. Bishop of Durham R. de Vfford Earl of Suffolk Sir Geoffry le Scrop Knight and Mr. Iohn Vfford Archdeacon of Ely with power to treat and agree touching all things in difference between them in reference to a full and final Peace And by another Commission bearing the same date the Duke of Brabant Earl of Hanow and Gueldres the Marquess of Iuliers and Sir William Dunort Lord of Oustrehout Knight are added to them These Commissions were double and of two several Stiles in the one the King calls Philip de Valoys Consanguineus noster Franciae only and in the other Excellentissimus Princeps Dominus Philippus Rex Franciae illustris Consanguineus noster charissimus At Antwerp the confederate Princes gave the King a meeting and here he expresly revoked all the powers he had given the forementioned Commissioners to treat with Philip de Valois as King of France At length it was resolved that the Duke of Iuliers should be sent Ambassador from the King to the Emperor which Embassy obtained a promise to the King of the Vicar-generalship of the Empire whereupon about the beginning of September he took a Journey to Colen where the Emperor publickly defied the King of France and constituted King Edward his Vicar-General who at his return into Flanders entred upon the execution of that Office In the 13. year of this Kings Reign at the instance of the foresaid Cardinals Iohn Archbishop of Canterbury Richard Bishop of Durham Henry Bishop of Lincolne the Earls of Derby Salisbury and Suffolk and some others were impowered to treat with Philip de Valois or his Deputies upon the Dignities Honors Lands and Rights belonging to King Edward and all other controversies whatsoever The Deputies on the other part were the Archbishop of Rouen the Bishops of Langres and Beauvais and the place for treaty Arras but nothing of Peace being thereby effected the King prepared effectually for War having some time before made an alliance with Albert and Otho Dukes of Austria Stiria and Karinthia and received Homage as King of France from Reiginald Duke of Gueldres and Earl of Zutphen for which he afterwards granted him 1000 l. sterling per Annum for his life He likewise made alliances with other Princes who were to furnish him with men to be imployed in his intended expedition into France as also with Lewis the Emperour after which he sent a Letter from Antwerp to the Pope asserting his claim to the Crown of France which is to be seen in Walsingham's History of England All things for War being now in readiness the King with the assistance of his Allies first besieged Cambray an Imperial City and then in the hands of the French but it being too well fortified and provided to be suddenly taken he raised his Siege and passed into France first sending his defiance to Philip de Valois then at Paris by the Bishop of Lincoln Sir Walter Many was the first who after the defiance made entred France with 40. Horse burnt Mortaigne took the Castle of Thyne garrisoned it and returned to the King at Mechlin The King having passed the River Skell entred France upon St. Matthews Day and burnt the Country before him And not long after at the request of the Duke of Brabant to admit of a Treaty of Peace the King at Markoyne grants the said Duke power in his name to give safe conduct to such persons as he should think fit to meet at any place within two or three Leagues from his Camp to treat of Peace the same to continue till Friday following and all that day but nothing was effected The Saturday before St. Lukes Day the King with his Army passed the River Oyze and marching forward till he came between Vyronfoss and Flamengery the two Armies drew near each other where the Day of Battel was agreed on to be the Friday after But in the interim a Letter of advice was brought to the French King from Robert King of Sicily a famous Astrologer to disswade him from fighting since he had by his Science found that if he fought with the King of England he should be vanquished and loose the day This Letter so prevailed with the King of France that though he had the greater power and that both Armies stood ranged for Battel yet was there not a blow struck on the appointed Day The Munday following intelligence was brought to the King that the French were dispersed and returning homewards whereupon he withdrew his Army and marched back into Brabant At his return to Antwerp he issued out another Commission to Iohn Archbishop of Canterbury R. Bishop of Durham H. Bishop of Lincoln W. Earl of Salisbury Sir Bartholomew Burghersh and Sir Geoffry le Scrop Knights and Iohn de Offord Archdeacon of Ely to treat of Peace with Philip de Valois or with Commissioners from him and a month after this Commission was renued upon adding Robert de Vfford Earl of Suffolk to the before-named Commissioners Here also the King was advised to ingage the Flemmings to his further Assistance who were willing enough for by the means of Iaques D'artuell he had gained a great influence upon them but considering they stood ingaged in the Pope's Chamber in two Millions of Florens not to make War against the King of France they proposed that the King would quarter the Arms of France with those of England and call himself King of France as he ought of right to do and then they would take him to be the rightful King of France and receive from him a discharge of that Obligation and afford him their assistance To this proposal the King agreed and solemnly assumed both the Arms of the Kingdom and Title of King of France He also caused his Great Seal to be changed and brought it with him at his return to
England landing at Orewell the 21. of Febr. at 9. a Clock in the Morning and the first of March delivered it to Sir Iohn de St. Paul in a Chamber called the Cage Chamber at Westminster The old Great Seal was then delivered up to him by the said Sir Iohn which he gave to William de Kildesby to be kept in his Wardrobe But that the New Seal might be made more publick he caused Impressions thereof and of his Privy Seal to be made and sent to all the Sheriffs in England to be published in the several Counties in regard he intended at the meeting of the Parliament on the Wednesday next after Midlent Sunday to acquaint them with the cause wherefore he had added to his Stile the title of King of France That day being come he under his New Great Seal as King of France vacated all Papal Processes made at the instance of the French King against the Inhabitants of Flanders and granted to the Earl of Flanders his Heirs and Successors for ever the Towns of Lysle Doway Bethune and Orchies with the County of Artois and City of Tournay and to their Inhabitants divers Priviledges And by another Instrument of the same date under the said Seal with the consent of the Parliament he granted that the staple of Wools should be setled at Bruges A little before his return into England he wrote a Letter from Gaunt which bore Teste the 8. of Febr. in the first year of his Reign over France and 14. over England to the Prelates Peers and Commons of France thereby signifying that Charles late King of France his Mothers Brother being dead that Kingdom was fallen to him by manifest Law and that Philip de Valois Son to the Uncle of the said King had by force intruded into it in his Minority and yet detained it Lest therefore he should seem to neglect his own right he thought good to own the Title of France and take on him the defence and Government thereof and having offered the said Philip divers friendly conditions of Peace to which he refused all condiscention he was therefore necessitated to defend himself and recover his right by force of Arms and therefore all such Subjects as would submit to him as true King of France by Easter then next ensuing should be received into his grace and protection Having dispatcht his Affairs with the Parliament which had given him a great Supply to go on with this War and wherein an Act passed that he might with the assent of his Allies condescend to any reasonable terms of Peace And having created the Marquess of Iuliers Earl of Cambridge and given him 1000 l. per annum until he were provided for of so much Land of Inheritance He got in readiness an Army to go beyond Sea and prepared his Navy to transport it and on the 22. of Iune horâ diei quasi primâ set sail from Orewell The French King had laid 120. great Ships beside Genoeses Normans and Picards Manned with 40000. Men to intercept his passage But after a fierce and bloody fight on Midsummer Eve the King got the Victory before Sluce destroying most of the Enemy and taking the greatest part of their Fleet and on Midsummer day landed at Sluce and went forthwith to Gaunt Of this Signal Victory an account by Letter was sent from the King to the Bishops and Prelates by the Earl of Arundel and Sir William Trussell Not long after the King held a Council with his Allies at Villenort where it was resolved that the King should besiege Tournay before which he brought 120000. Men. Thence he sent a Letter sealed with his Great Seal to Philip de Valois signifying that he had fairly requested him to render him his lawful right to the Crown of France but perceiving he meant to persist in detaining it without returning him any answer He was therefore entred Flanders as Soveraign Lord thereof to pass through that Country for recovery of his Inheritance so detained yet to avoid the effusion of Christian blood and determine the right he challenged him to fight body to body or else 100. chosen Souldiers on each side or if both were refused then to pitch upon a day for both Armies to fight neer Tournay But the French King returned no answer to this Letter The Siege continued eleven weeks wanting three days in which time by the mediation and effectual endeavour of Iane de Valois the French Kings Sister a Treaty was set on foot Iohn King of Bohemia Adolph Bishop of Leige Reynel Duke of Loraine Am Earl of Savoy and Iohn Earl of Arminiack being Commissioners for the French King the Dukes of Brabant and Gueldres the Marquess of Iuliers and Iohn of Henault Lord Beaumont for King Edward who on the 25. of September agreed upon a Truce between both Kings to endure till Midsummer following of which publication was made in England the 6. of October and thus both Armies retired But this was much against the Kings Will though not against those of his Allies who were very desirous to return home The Siege being raised the King went to Gaunt and thence returned into England where he arrived at the Tower Wharf on the Feast of St. Andrew about Midnight At this Treaty before Tournay it was among other things agreed that another Treaty should be held at Arras within that year whither both Kings and the Pope should send Commissioners but that meeting produced only another year to be added to the Truce The Kings Commissioners were the Bishops of Lincolne and Durham the Earl of Warwick Sir Robert d' Artois Sir Iohn Henault and Sir Henry of Flanders This year produced some other Overtures for the amicable composure of all Controversies and concluding a Peace between the two Kings to which purpose a Commission issued to R. Bishop of Durham Hugh Earl of Gloucester William Fitz Warren Nicholas de Flisco and William Trussell Another Commission issued to Iohn Duke of Brabant Reignold Duke of Gueldres and Zuthphen William Marquess of Iuliers and Earl of Cambridge and William Earl of Hanaw and Iohn de Hanaw Lord Beaumont to treat and agree with Philip de Valois upon a Truce to the Feast of the decollation of St. Iohn Baptist then coming on which it seems became so far hopeful as to produce a prorogation till the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and thence till Midsummer in the following year Another Commission was made forth to William Earl of Huntingdon Bernard Dominus de le Brett Bartolomew de Burglersh Iohn de Offord Archdeacon of Ely and Michael de Flisco to treat with the 〈◊〉 Philip de Valois aswell touching the Kingdom and Crown of France as divers other questions and controversies between them and to compose the differences by a full Peace or otherwise a Truce and one of these Commissions was
to treat by the advice of Iohn Duke of Brabant and other the Kings Allies in ●landers While the King lay at the Siege of Tournay the Scots excited by the French King invaded England and passing by Berwick marched into Northumberland and thence to D●●●●m foraging the Country still as they went and after returned home 〈◊〉 this incursion they recovered all the Castles formerly lost except those of Ede●●urgh Strivling and Roxborough the first of which within a short time after was taken by stratagem But in the Truce made at Tournay the Scotch were by a particular Article included and so all hostility ceased during that Truce yet after the expiration thereof and some new provocations given the King he rai●ed an Army to enter Scotland but being engaged in the War with France could not go with it himself and therefore constituted Edward King of Scotland his Captain and Lieutenant of his Army and in another Commission of the same date gave him power nevertheless to treat with the Scots and to admit them to Peace and pardon their offences In these Commissions the King stiles him Magnisicus Princeps Edwardus Rex Scotiae fidelis consanguineus noster char●simus The following year he was again constituted the King's Captain and Commander in chief of the Army designed against Scotland for defence of the Kingdom of England and destruction of his Scotch Enemies and further commissionated to raise men in all the Counties beyond Trent aswell within Liberties as without for that Expedition Upon which preparation a Truce was made for one year before the ending of which the Truce concluded at Vannes in Britagne between the King and his Adversary of France took commencement being to hold from Michaelm●s 17. E. 3. for three years And in the mean time the Bishop of Durham and others were appointed by the King to treat and conclude with the Scots touching the manner form and conditions appointed by the said Truce and the mutual commerce of the Subjects of both Kingdoms as also to reform and punish the breakers of the Truce The Truce made with the French at Tournay and enlarged at Arras gave the King time to see his Allies in Flanders aimed chiefly at the accomplishment of their own designs by his hands rather than the advancement of his interest in France by their assistance and the two fruitless Expeditions in attempting to enter that Kingdom through Flanders shewed they would do little for him besides he now judged it a more easie and advantagious passage thither through Britagne which he hoped to gain by laying hold of the occasion offered him to protect and assist Iohn Earl of Montsort Duke of Britagne whose Title to that Dukedom and the occasion of the War between him and Charles de Bloys are set down at large by Sir Iohn Froissard This Iohn Montfort being taken Prisoner at Nants by Charles de Bloys whom the French King had assisted with an Army to enter Britagne was sent to Paris and there died in Prison his Widow Ioane of Flanders being of a manlike courage nevertheless maintained the War and to gain further ai● and supplies from King Edward proposed by Sir Emere de Clisson a Nobleman of Britagne to marry her Son to one of his Daughters which taking effect the King s●nt Sir Walter Many in November with 3000 Archers into Britagne who though they wandred 40 days at Sea by distress of weather yet came timely to her assistance The King in the 16. year of his Reign raised a great Army and by Proclamation made appointed his Souldiers in all Counties of England except Yorkshire Northumberland Cumberland and Westmerland to be in readiness by Midsummer following to go along with him and after directed his Letters to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishops for publick Prayers to be made and the divine goodness sought to for a blessing upon his Armies which now he designed both against France and Scotland The 4. of October following he took shipping at Sandwich in a Ship called the George and sailing towards France met with the French Fleet where after a fierce Encounter they were separated by Tempest at length he landed neer Vannes in Britagne and laid Siege thereto and here leaving the Lord Stafford he marched to Remes and Nantes laying Siege to both Towns as also to Dynan and took it after which he returned to Vannes and then drew off his Forces from Nantes thither and there the Bishop Cardinals of Penestrina and Tusculan sent from Pope Clement the Sixth obtained of him 19. Ian. 1343. a Truce for 3 years which the King gave way to in hope of an honorable Peace This done the King returned into England and set forth a Proclamation to give publick notice of this Truce But the Truce expiring the War was again renewed between Charles de Bloys and the Countess of Montfort to whose assistance the King s●nt Sir Thomas Dagworth from the Siege of Calais with a supply of men and the English having Rochedaren surrendred to them Charles de Bloys laid Siege to it to relief of which the Countess sent Sir Thomas Dangorne and Sir Iohn Artwell who 20. Iune 1347. took Charles de Bloys with the Britagne and Norman Lords that were on his part Prisoners and raised the Siege which Charles was sent into England where he remained in custody a long time The 24. of February an 17. E. 3. the King summoned a Parliament to be held die Lunae proximò post Quindena Paschae wherein Sir Bartholomew Burghersh present at the making of the Truce neer Vannes declared that the King consented thereto provided it might be honorable and advantageous for his Allies and was content to have the Peace made before the Pope as before a Friend but not as a Judge otherwise he would pursue his Quarrel And that as the King did not undertake this War without the assent of Parliament so without it he would conclude no Peace and therefore it rested whether it were best for the King to take this Offer and send Ambassadors to the Pope instructed for this Affair before Midsummer or not Hereupon both Lords and Commons answered That it was good to pursue the Peace and to send Ambassadors as was proposed Those who were first sent to the Popes Court upon this Affair were Hugh le Despenser Lord of Glamorgan Ralph Lord Stafford William de Norwich Dean of Lincoln Sir William Trussel and Andrew de Offord a Civilian The Authority given them was to Treat in presence of the Pope not as a Judge but private Person and Friend to both parties with the Agents of his Cosin the Lord Philip de Valois upon the Kings Right to the Crown of France as also upon whatsoever Dominions Dignities Honors Lands Possessions Places and Rights appertained to him concerning which any controversy had
of Chartain and of Drouais And then all the County of Montsort to be surrendred to King Edward within a Month after Or otherwise Hostages In Berry and Bourbonoys The Fortresses of Brisansoys of St. Torete le Priague also Chabries Espunell Beamein Briance Masbres the Abbey of Diverlaks Thos Bruyll Ameron Vierson Mausey Bourseront the Roche Tnay Blotueres Villers Montempny Beauuoirs Beau Ien Voderon In Tourrayne Lisle Bouchart the Roche of Fowsey Piry Milieres Roulet Piergu Veres de Desrubay the Pleyssers Dinone Langere Osem Palnau and all other Fortresses in the party of Auvergne of Bourbonoys d' Amascon of Lyon of Berry and of Touraine And within a Month after the French King was to deliver up the Country of Angoulesmois or Hostages In Normandy Anjou and Mayne The Fortresses de Donefront in Passais Neuim Mirebel upon the Loyre the Toures de Villers Saintwast the Brois Demaine Conde upon Noire and another Fortress thereby called Messe Tynchebray Annillers the new Boure the Ferte freswel the Roche Doryvall the Morle Racul the Tower of St. Christopher Villerais Husron Honnesfleth Trisenay the Vicount of Plessoys Buret la Rouche dire le Port Ioulein la Flesche Willie Viez Passavant Roussailes And within one Month the French King was to surrender Santes and the County of Santoigne or Hostages And all the Fortresses in Pierregort Coursin and Agenoys For the surrender of all which the King made forth Commissions to several persons bearing date as aforesaid at Calais The two Kings then also made a League for them their Heirs and Successors of perpetual friendship and alliance to become faithful friends to assist each other against all persons whatsoever except the Pope and the Emperor and moreover made a solemn Renunciation to all Wars against each other their Heirs and Successors Realms and Subjects to both which League and Renunciation their eldest and other Sons signed and divers of the Nobility on both sides were sworn A Proclamation then also issued from King Edward directed to Thomas Holland Earl of Kent and all other Captains of Towns c. held for the King in France to give notice to all places within their Command of this Peace and final accord made as aforesaid All things relating to this Peace being thus concluded and the French Hostages arrived at Calais King Edward entertained King Iohn at a great Supper in the Castle where the Kings Sons the Duke of Lancaster and other of the chief Nobility of England served the Kings bare-headed and when Supper was ended both Kings took leave of each other The next morning King Iohn and his Attendants went a foot on pilgrimage to our Lady of Bouloigne the Prince of Wales and his Brothers accompanied him thither where in the Church of our Lady they all made their Offerings and thence went to the Abby and having taken leave of King Iohn they returned to Calais the next day Soon after King Edward the Prince and French Hostages took shipping for England where they arrived on the Eve of the Feast of All-Saints The Peace thus setled endured all the life of King Iohn who took all possible care to have it entirely preserved and himself ever after kept good correspondence with King Edward to whom he gave all evidence of affection and love insomuch that about the end of the year 1363. he came into England only upon a visit to King Edward After his landing he rode first to Eltham and there dined with the King 24. Ian. 37. E. 3. and thence that afternoon to the Savoy in the Strand where he lodged and was entertained with all possible kindness but about the beginning of March following he fell sick and dyed the 8. of April an 38. E. 3. for whose death the King appointed solemn obsequies in divers places and conducted his Body out of England with a Royal magnificence About these times the Reputation of the King grew so great that several foreign Kings and Princes came hither to his Court either to visit him or congratulate his Victories or to obtain his assistance and relief and these were the foresaid King Iohn Peter King of Cyprus and David King of Scots an 37. E. 3. as also Wuldemer King of Denmark and Albert Duke of Bavaria his Letters of safe Conduct being dated the 6. of Dec. and to continue in force till Mid-summer after But Charles King Iohns Son and Successor who had sworn to and sealed the Treaty at Chartres was soon perswaded to violate the Peace though with great artifice he dissembled his intentions for some time For though he readily gave ear to the Complaints of some of the discontented Nobility of Gascoigne who quitting their Homage to the Prince fled to Paris and complained to him as their Supreme Lord of the Fouage imposed on that Country by the Prince pretending that King Iohn had not power to release them of their Homage to the Crown of France or deliver over their Country to the King of England Yet he forbore laying hold on this occasion at least for one year after their complaint But then all of a sudden King Edward not suspecting any fraud but thinking himself sufficiently secured by the Treaty of Peace made at Britagne the French King sent him a defiance and by the time it was thought to be delivered Guy Earl of St. Paul one of the French Hostages who had slipt out of the Kingdom without taking leave as had also the Duke of Anjou and some others of them and Sir Hugh de Castilion entred Ponthieu with an Army and were received into Abeville afterwards took St. Valery and Crotoy and immediately all Ponthieu revolted Hereupon the King assembled a Parliament at Westminster and about the end of May the Lords and Commons declared That whereas the French King had broke the foresaid Peace in not delivering the Countries nor paying the monies agreed on there and had usurped the Resort and Superiority which ought to appertain to the King of England and his Heirs in the Lands surrendred to him by the foresaid agreement by summoning the Prince and some of the Nobility of the Kings Allies to answer certain Appeals at Paris and surprised and taken divers Castles c. in Ponthieu and Gascoigne and was setting forth a Fleet to invade England contrary to his Oath and the form of the Peace therefore with their whole consent it was agreed That the King should resume the name of King of England and France as he had done before the Peace and for the future so call himself in his Letters and under his Seals Hereupon on Monday being St. Barnaby's day there were several new Seals provided in one of which was inscribed Edwardus Rex Angliae Franciae c. and in another Edwardus Rex Franciae Angliae c. Shortly after he sent an Army under the Command of the Earls of Cambridge and Penbroke into Aquitain who landing
brought to King Iohn he resolved to fight him for now the Prince with about 8000. Men had entred the Country of Berry as far as Issoudun Bourges Vierzon and Remorentin which two last Towns and their Castles the Prince took by Assault and passing into Anjou and Touraine having wasted all the Country where he past intended to return for Bourdeaux But after this long and wearisom Voyage drawing near to Poicters he was informed that the French Army was not far from him and here the Cardinal of Poicters used means to have brought both sides to some composition but the French being high in their demands his endeavours took no effect The Prince thereupon fitted himself for fight and the Battels joining in the Fields of Beaumont and Malperteus after some space they broke the Van of the French Army when the main Body led by the Duke of Normandy coming on and finding the other routed fell into disorder also This incouraged the Prince to fall in upon the Rear led by the King at whose approach the main Body of the French Army left the Field as their Leader himself did with Charles Lewis and Iohn the Kings Sons the Earls of Poicters and Tourayne King Iohn behaved himself very valiantly and maintained the fight for some time but was at length taken Prisoner by Sir Denys Morbeck a Knight of Arthois to whom the Prince gave afterwards 2000. Nobles to support his Estate whilst the chace continued to the Gates of Poictiers and a compleat Victory obtained the particulars whereof are related by Froissard The French Kings Army consisted of 60000. fighting men whereof there were above 3000. Knights The Prince had but 8000. whereof 3000. were Archers though Froissard in one place saith 6000. in another 4000. The names of some of the Prisoners of Note and those that were slain are mentioned by Knighton in a word the Flower of France fell here and so many Noblemen were there slain or made Prisoners that there were but few left to manage the Affairs of France the Souldiers had twice as many Prisoners as themselves were in number nay divers of them 4. or 5. Prisoners a piece all which they put to ransom in the Field upon promise to return before Christmas with their Ransoms to Bourdeaux The spoil was exceeding rich so were also the Arms they took and whatsoever the Booty was it remained to him that took it The Prince bought of the Gascoigners for ready money those of the French Nobility whom they had taken And of these namely Philip Son to King Iohn the Earl of Sanceir and the Lord Craon he sold to the King afterwards for 20000 l. This Battel was sought the 19. day of September an Dom. 1356. it beginning in the Morning and ending at Noon but it was night e're they returned from the Chase. When it was ended the Prince who saith Froissard was therein couragious and cruel as a Lyon and took great delight in the Fight and Chase commanded his Standard to be pitched on a high Bush as a signal to the dispersed Forces to retire to him thither and then sent out the Earl of Warwick and Sir Reynold Cobham to make enquiry after the French King who in a short time brought him Prisoner to the Prince The Prince entertained this Noble Prisoner at a Supper at which himself with all respect served him nor could be prevailed upon to sit down at the Table The next day the Prince dislodged his Army and marched through Poicton Santonge and at Blaye passed the River Garronne and so to Bordeaux where in one part of the Abby of St. Andrew he lodged his Royal Prisoner and in the other himself and upon the News of this great Victory and Success the King appointed publick thanks to be given to God throughout England In April following the Prince took shipping for England and brought along with him the French King and divers other Prisoners of quality the 5. of May he arrived at Plymouth for whose reception there Iohn Dabernoun Sheriff of Devonshire was commanded to make provision of Victuals and Carriages and Horses and attend him in all parts through that County The 24. of May the Prince in a stately Cavalcade rode through London his Royal Prisoner by his side on a White Courser and himself on a Black Hobby and so proceeded to Westminster Hall where he presented King Iohn to his Father and from whence King Iohn was conducted to his Lodging but within a short time the Savoy was furnished for his entertainment After some few years the King an 33. E. 3. preparing for another Expedition into France this Prince went along with him so also his three Brethren and commanded the Rear of that Army which making its way through the Bowels of France at Bretigny neer Chartres a Peace was concluded in which this Prince and some other of the Kings Council on the Kings part having treated with the French Lords on the part of the Dauphin of Viennois Governor of France brought all controversies touching that Realm to a happy composure The King desirous to proceed to the effect and accomplishment of that Treaty gave him another Commission with authority to treat further upon any thing that concerned or was comprised therein either in general or special to demand and receive the Hostages Money Castles Cities and Fortresses and what ever else was to be delivered to the King by virtue thereof with a general Clause to add and supply the power granted if any solemn or substantial thing should be omitted through much business or otherwise or were expedient or advantagious as to the premises After the confirmation of this Peace and King Edward in possession of a considerable part of the Territories both of his own inheritance or invested in him by the said Peace which he was to enjoy without resort or Soveraignty to the Crown of France The Nobility of these Provinces desiring to be governed by a Prince of their own rather than by the Kings Lieutenants as before they addressed themselves to the King to confer the Government thereof on this Prince and send him thither where he had so great Possessions and Revenues to maintain his State and Dignity Hereupon the King Created him Prince of Guyenne and gave him Guyenne and Gascoigne by the name of a Principality during his life and also granted to him those other Countries Towns and Castles near adjoyning delivered into the Kings possession by vertue of the foresaid Treaty together with the Government of them also retaining nevertheless the Resort and Soveraignty over all thereby given and granted to himself This done he forthwith prepared for his Voyage thither taking along with him his Lady the Princess with whom being arrived at Rochel they were both joyfully received Thence he went to Poicters whither the Barons and Knights of Poictou and
Santonge repaired doing him Fealty and Homage then he departed for Bordeaux thither the Nobility and Knights of Gascoigne came to wait on him after which he setled English Officers in all places of his Principality and there kept his Court with great state and magnificence Immediately after the Election of Pope Vrban the Fifth Peter of Lusignan King of Cyprus and Ierusalem came to Avignon and there engaged Iohn King of France in a Crusade he thence went to the Emperor at Prague and afterwards into Flanders and England whence after he had been nobly entertained he returned to King Iohn then at Amiens and thinking he had not yet seen any thing till he had seen the Prince of Wales took a Journey to Poicters and so to Augoulesme where the Prince held a Royal Justs of 40 Knights and as many Esquires in honor of the birth of his Son Edward and here the King of Cyprus was received with great honor and nobly feasted while he stayed Not long after this Noble Prince was induced to re-establish Don Peter King of Castile who had made a personal application to him in so great distress being driven out of his Kingdom by his Bastard Brother Henry with the assistance of some part of the late disbanded Army called the late Comers or Companions under the command of Sir Bertrand de Guesclin and some English and Bretagn Forces that went along with them commanded by Sir Eustace Dabrichecourt and other Knights Hereupon the Prince first sent his Letters to remand them back and after which strengthened his undertaking he received aid from the King his Father commanded by Iohn of Gaunt his Brother Iames Son of Ferdinand King of Mojorca whom the King of Aragon had imprisoned at Barcelona and there put to death made also address to the Prince for assistance in the recovery of his Realm which the Prince promised after his return out of Spain whither he was then engaged and towards which he began his Voyage the Sunday after Epiphany an Dom. 1366. Upon his entry into Castile with 30000 Horse and Foot Don Henry prepared to give him Battel with 86000 the Armies joined between Navarr and Naveret on Saturday the 3. of April an 40. E. 3. and here the Prince got a Victory which re-established Don Pedro in his Kingdom thereupon Don Pedro went to Sevill and promised to return the Prince money to pay his Army but after four Months stay and expectation the Prince was constrained to return into Aquitane without any so forgetful was Don Pedro of the courtesies he had received from him This Victory got the Prince great renown throughout the Empire and the repute of being the valiantest Prince in that Age even worthy to govern all the World but in this Voyage he contracted a sickness he never recovered which his Physicians and Surgeons judged to be an incurable Dropsie others that he was poysoned In an Instrument dated about this time to wit 8. October 1366. whereby he granted to his Brother Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster the Village and Castellaine of Roche sur Ion to him and his Heirs males I find him thus stiled Edward ainsne filz du Roy de France d' Engleterre Prince d' Aquitaine de Gales Duke de Cornwall Conte de Cestre Seigneur de Biscaie de Castre de Dordiales but after he had resigned the Principality of Aquitaine his Titles were these only Edwardus Regis Angliae Franciae primogenitus Princeps Walliae Dux Cornubiae Comes Cestriae 6. Feb. 49. E. 3. so an 47. E. 3. vide Lib. Miscell R. Glover Somerset p. 111. Some time after his return into Aquitaine the discontented Gascoigners and French taking occasion to rebel upon raising a Subsidy called Fouage for 5 years consented to by most of his Subjects viz. the Poictouins and they of Xanctonge Limosin Rouergue and Rochell but other parts of Guine refused entred in a hostile manner the Princes Territories whereupon Sir Hugh Caurel coming out of Aragon to the Prince was made Captain of the Companions whom he had sent for out of Normandy and ordered to march with them into the Country of the Earl of Armaignac and the Lord d' Albret two of the great Ring-Leaders of the Rebellion new begun to wast those parts He also had sent before a body Commanded by Sir Iohn Chandos to Montauban and a third under the Command of the Earl of Cambridge and Penbroke into Perigort and which took Bourdeilles after 11. Weeks Siege After this the Prince receiving Intelligence that two Armies under the conduct of the Dukes of Anjou and Berry were design'd to enter Aquitaine and besiege him in Angoulesme resolved his Enemies should not find him there and therefore summond in the Nobility and appointed a Rendevouz at Cognac leaving his Princess at Angoulesme but taking his young Son Richard with him The King of England having upon this great rupture of the Peace concluded at Bretigny resumed his Name and Title to the Crown of France sent forthwith to the Prince to give him notice that the Parliament at Westminster had Ordained that all his Subjects of what Nation or condition soever should maintain his Interest against his Enemies in the Realm of France to recover and conquer the same And likewise directed his Letters to the Nobility of Gascoigne desiring their assistance herein The year following he sent over Iohn Duke of Lancaster his third Son to the assistance of this Prince and gave him Commission to receive into favour and wholly pardon such of his Cities Castles Towns and Inhabitants aswell in Aquitaine as other parts of France as should return to his Obedience and to do and exercise all powers given in his said Commission with the consent of the Prince if present and in his absence what the King could do in his assistance if personally there And that care might be taken in Civil Affairs the King having reserved to himself the Soveraignty and resort in those Territories sent a blank Commission for the Prince to insert the names of such as he should think fit to appoint for Judges or Delegate to hear all Causes as well Criminal as Civil upon Appeals from the Princes Courts The Duke of Lancaster shortly after arrived at Bordeaux and came to the Prince at Cognac but the Duke of Anjou thought better to withdraw his Forces into Garrisons than to fall into action The Duke of Berry took Limoges which the Prince retaking put the Inhabitants to the Sword and burnt the Town But the Prince's disease growing daily upon him he was advised by his Physicians and Chirurgeons to return into England for the recovery of his health which caused him to assemble the Nobility of Aquitaine Gascoigne Poictou and Santonge at Bordeux to whom he communicated his intentions and withal that he would leave the Duke of
speed Immediately after his arrival in Gascoigne he took the Field and laid Siege to Bosyll which surrendred to him The Castle of Rochemyllone being well fortified he took by assault and slew all but those that fled into the Church the next day he laid Siege to the Town of Mountsegur and battered it with great Engines for 15 days together and at length it was yielded to him upon Composition After this the strong Castle of Aguillon was yielded up to him and then he laid Siege to Reole which surrendred on mercy but the Castle stood out 11 weeks and then also surrendred After his taking of Reole he marched to Mountpesance Castle which he took by Storm and then he sat down before Mauleon and took it by the stratagem of an Ambush He took also the Ville Franche in Agenois with its Castle by assault after which he marched through the Country and took many other Towns and Castles with little difficulty At the end of three days Siege Myremont yielded to him and some of his Forces took Thomynes on the River Garonne and the strong Castle Damasan Last of all Augoulesme yielded to him after a Months Siege and thence he retired to his Winter Quarter at Bordeaux This Winter the Duke of Normandy entred Gascoigne with 100000 men and shortly after Christmas took the Field in this Expedition he regained several places from the English and sat down before Aiguillon but after the Battel at Cressy being sent for back by the French King he was constrained to raise his Siege Shortly after the retreat of the Duke of Normandy this Earl the King having sent to the Prior of the Order of the Friers Preachers in London to offer up Prayers that God would please to protect and defend him and give his Forces Victory over his Enemies with 1200 men at Arms 2000 Archers and 3000 Foot passed the River Garonne towards Xantonge and took Myrabel by Storm as also the Town and Castle of Alaay and Sargeres and Benon He likewise took Mortagne on the Sea side in Poictou by assault and burnt Lusignen and took the Town and Castle of Taillebourge at length he lay Siege to St. Iean d' Angely which surrendred to him upon Conditions after which he took Maxinent by assault and won the Town of Monstrevil Bonnin he thence marched to Poicters and that he took by Assault where 700 of the Inhabitants were slain and some Churches spoiled and more had been but that this pious Earl commanded the contrary on pain of death Nevertheless they plundred the Town and left it desolate and here the Soldiers got so great Wealth that nothing was of value but Gold Silver and Feathers for the Troops From hence he returned to St. Iean d' Angely and thence to Bordeaux and in this Expedition he gained so great esteem that he was reported to be the Noblest Prince that ever rode on Horseback Having behaved himself so gallantly and faithfully in prosecuting and recovering of the King 's right in these parts the first of Febr. an 21. E. 3. the King sent for him back to be near unto himself for the future upon all occasions and to direct and assist in his Martial and other Affairs whereupon he returned into England and because King Edward understood that the French King was making great preparations to draw down to Calais about Whitsontide he enjoyned him speedily to repair to his assistance in reference to whose passage Command was sent to Io. de Montgomery Admiral of the Fleet Westward to provide Ships in readiness at Sandwich and Dover for the Transportation of the Army he had raised with all speed and immediately upon his coming thither and consideration had of his victorious Successes and good Services done the King in the Dukedom of Aquitain and parts adjoining the King granted to him and his Heir Males by Charter the Castle Town and Place of Brageriac in Diocess Petragoriensis with the whole Castellany and all Iurisdiction high and low Royal Authority absolute and mixt as also the Coinage of Money there To which he afterward added a grant of the Examination of the Assay with both the Criminal and Civil punishment of all Offenders for coyning Money And because this Town and Castle stood upon the Frontiers of the Enemy the King granted that during the War there should remain in that Garrison 100 men of Arms and 200 Foot at the King's pay subject nevertheless to the Command of the Steward of Gascoigne to be drawn out upon occasion by him leaving sufficient strength to defend the same This Earl having taken divers Prisoners at the Town of St. Iohn d' Angely and reduced it to the obedience of the King he therefore granted to him all the Lands Tenements Vines and other Goods of those Prisoners until their Ransoms were fully paid And a little after granted unto him and his Heirs for ever the Houses Lands c. of Bernard Barram Burgess of that Town to hold by the Service of rendring to the King and his Heirs one Rose annually at Midsummer Moreover on the 10. of November following he had further granted the Castle of Horston with the appurtenances in the County of Derby and 40 l. per an out of the Farm of the Town of Derby to him and his Heirs Males then the same to revert to the King and his Heirs All these Grants were made to him upon the account of his good and grateful services formerly performed Upon the French King 's coming towards Calais in Iuly before with design to relieve it the King appointed him to keep Newland bridge for by securing that passage the French could not pass on that side unless through the Marches which were not to be attempted without danger His order in keeping this place was much commended by the four French Commissioners who passed by it when they came from their King to King Edward to demand a place to fight in At this time the Pope having sent two Cardinals to the King they obtained his condescention to treat with King Philip whose Commissioners were the Dukes of Burgoigne and Burbone the Lord Lewis de Savoy and the Lord Iohn of Henalt otherwise called Lord Beaumont and on King Edwards part were the Noble Earls of Derby and Northampton the Lords Cobham and Mannie but three days being spent without coming to any conclusion the Treaty broke up and the Cardinal Mediators departed He was after made choice of by the King and Ralph Earl of Eu and Guynes Constable of France by the French King to agree upon a Truce in hopes of a Peace to hold for 6. Weeks throughout Picardy Normandy Artois Boulogne and Flanders to commence the 13. of the same September The 25. day of September following he was constituted the Kings Lieutenant as well in the parts of Flanders and Calais as
At that time Tho. Douvedale was the Dukes Lieutenant in that Dukedom to whom command was given dated the 5. of August preceding to deliver up all things in his custody there and belonging to the King to such as the King had appointed to receive them in like manner as they were formerly delivered up to the Earl by Sir Thomas Holland late Captain there In the Expedition made by the King into France in the 33. year of his Reign this Duke was sent before to Calais with 400 Spears and 2000 Archers where being arrived he took with him those Lords of the Empire and other Commanders who there waited the Kings coming to Calais and marched to St. Omars Cambray and other places wasting all the Country as he passed until he heard of the arrival of the King and then returned to Calais This Voyage with the King into France was the last Martial Employment this Great Duke undertook and as he had manifested to the World the wisdom and valour of a great Commander and succeeded happily in Martial Affairs so was he no Enemy to Peace but as ready to lay hold of it on fair and honorable terms as he was forward to draw his Sword in defence of the Kings honor and right And this was most evident at the Treaty of Bretagne neer Chartres where though the King was very unwilling to accept of a Peace upon terms offered by the French yet moved by the perswasive Arguments of this worthy Duke he condescended thereunto It was also upon his motion both to the King and King Iohn of France that the Truce made at Rennes between Charles de Bloys and the Earl of Montfort which was to expire the first of May was enlarged to Midsummer following in hopes of a final Peace to be by that time made between them He married Isabel Daughter of Henry Lord Beaumont Cousin-german to Queen Isabel Wife to King Edward the Second and by her had two Daughters and Heirs Mand his eldest Daughter was Wife first to Ralph Son of Ralph Earl of Stafford and next to William Duke of Bavaria Earl of Henault Holand and Zeland Lord of Frisland stiled also Earl of Leicester and Blanch the youngest to Iohn of Gaunt created Duke of Lancaster an 36. E. 3. His Will was made in his Castle at Leicester the 15. of March 1360. in which he is stiled Duke of Lancaster Earl of Derby Lincolne and Leicester Steward of England Lord of Bergerac and Beaufort and by which he appoints his Body to be interred in the Collegiate Church of our Lady at Leicester where his Father was buried He dyed within few days after viz. on Tuesday next before Easter an 35. E. 3. and was buried at Leicester according to the appointment of his Will 4. Thomas Beauchamp Earl of Warwick THis noble Earl was eldest Son to Guy Earl of Warwick and Alice Sister and Heir of Robert Toney He was born in Warwick Castle and had to his Godfathers Thomas Earl of Lancaster Henry his Brother and Thomas de Warington Prior of Kenilworth On New-years day in the second year of King Edward the Third he was made Knight though then within age and the 20. of February following having made his Homage had Livery of his Fathers Lands In the fifth year of the same King the Government of the Isles of Gernsey Sark and Aureney was conferred on him About two years after he attended King Edward the Third in that famous and successful Expedition against the Scots and in Christmas Holy-days an 8. E. 3. he and the Earl of Oxford were sent with Edward King of Scots to secure Carlisle and defend the West Marches of England who with some Forces raised in Lancashire Westmerland and Cumberland entred Scotland about Twelvetide wasted Gallaway and returned to Carlisle He attended the King again into Scotland an 9. E. 3. when King Edward by Carlisle and Edward King of Scots from Berwick entred again that Kingdom after which he was one of those Noblemen to whose trust the King committed the Guardianship of the Marches The following year he and other of the Nobility of England entred Scotland about Whitsontide and passed as far as St. Iohns Town which they fortified and in this Kingdom he remained all the year About the beginning of Sept. an 11. E. 3. he again entred Scotland with an Army by Berwick whilst the Lords Wake and Clifford entred by Carlisle and within two days both their Forces united whereupon they wasted Tividale Moseteidale and Nidesdale whilst Anthony Lord Lucy wasted Gallaway but not being able to prosecute their Voyage by reason of the great Rains they returned within twelve days to Carlisle and so much to the satisfaction of the King did he behave himself in this Expedition that the 19. of March following he made Letters obligatory to him for 500 Marks as a gift to be paid him at Michaelmas following When the King undertook his first Expedition into France an 13. E. 3. by the way of Flanders he likewise attended him thither and had Command of a Wing in the field pitch'd between Vyronsos and Flamengery in which among others were the Earl of Penbroke the Lords Berkley and Moulton He went over with the King into Flanders when by the way that memorable Naval fight hapned before Sluce where the King obtained a signal Victory against the French and was one of the Commissioners nominated at the Treaty agreed on at the Siege of Tournay to be sent to Arras in order to a further Treaty where after 15 days debate nothing was agreed on but the Surrender of the County of Poictou seized on by the French King the preceding year and a prolongation of the Truce for two years An. 16. E. 3. he was one of the Commissioners nominated to treat with the Kings Allies in Brabant and Flanders about his designed Expedition into France in which he after attended the King with 80 men at Arms 1 Banneret 18 Knights 60 Esquires and 100 Archers on Horse-back for whose passage a Writ issued to Iohn de Montgomery Admiral of the Fleet Westward to provide Ships At Nantes in Bretagne to which the King had laid Siege he behaved himself so gallantly upon a Sally made by the Town that they were forced to retreat with great loss Not long after his return into England he marcht into Scotland with Henry of Lancaster Earl of Derby to raise the Siege laid against Louhmaban Castle whereof the Earl of Northampton was Governor and when he came back was imployed with the said Earl of Derby and some others to the Pope to treat about King Edwards right to the Crown of France which produced nothing but an enlargement of the Truce The following year he was constituted Marshall of England during pleasure In that great Expedition
first designed for Gascoigne an 20. E. 3. he was made Admiral of the Fleet but the King altering his course upon the advice of Sir Godfry de Harecourt took into his own Ship the Admirals Colours and sailed towards Normandy Where landing at Hoges this Earl made the first attempt with one Esquire and six Archers against 100 Normans whereof 60 were slain upon the place and by this valiant action made way for the Kings Army to land Upon this he was constituted one of the Marshals of the Kings Army and Sir Godfry de Harecourt the other And upon the Kings advance to Cressy he was one of the Commanders under the Prince of Wales who led the Van of his Army in that famous battel He attended the King at the Siege of Calais with 3 Bannerets 61 Knights 160 Esquires 154 Archers on Horseback and upon its surrender he with the Earl of Stafford and Sir Walter Manny had the Keys of the Town delivered them by the King and were appointed to take possession of it for him And for his great services in this Voyage into France the King gave him 1366 l. 11. s. 8 d. and after assigned him 1000 Marks per annum for life out of the Customs of London Lynn and St. Botolphs and these partly in recompence for his great services and partly for wages due for attendance on his person with 100 men at Arms according to certain Indentures of Covenants made betwixt them He was also in that Naval fight against the Spanish Fleet near Winchelsey quarto Calendas Septembris an 24. E. 3. where the English took 26 of their best Ships the rest fled or were sunk King Edward having received intelligence that the French King threatned an Invasion this Earl was constituted Admiral of the Sea from the River Thames Westward and Philip de Witton made his Lieutenant The same year he was constituted one of the Commissioners assigned for the Arraying all able men as well Knights and Esquires as others within the Counties of Warwick Leicester and Worcester for defence of the Realm The Prince being constituted the King's Lieutenant in Aquitaine he attended him thither and there staid with him that year and the year after And that the Town of Vattes in Bretagne might be made defensible he had command to take care of the fortifying it and to furnish the Magazin with stores In the Battel at Poictiers the French King and his eldest Son encountred the Battel of the English Marshals led by the Earls of Warwick and Suffolk And after the Victory the Prince sent this Earl and Sir Reignold Cobham to discover what was become of the French King who after some time espied a Company of Souldiers together and riding towards them found the French King on foot in great danger between the English and Gascoigners for they had taken him from Sir Denis Morbeck to whom the King first yielded himself and in token thereof had given him his right Gauntlet there being above 10 Knights and Esquires among them who challenged him for their Prisoner but this Earl entring the throng commanded the Souldiers to fall back and brought King Iohn to the Prince In this Battel the Earl himself took William de Melleun Archbishop of Seinz Prisoner for whose Ransom he after received 8000 l. and therein behaved himself most valiantly and got great renown having fought so long that his hand was galled with the management of his Sword and Poleax This Earl was in the Gascoigne War an 31. E. 3. he also attended the King in his Expedition into France an 33. E. 3. And after the Peace was agreed upon at Bretigny near Chartres and the King returned to England he gave this Earl the Command of all the Forces he left behind him in Guyenne or any other place on that side the Sea An. 36. E. 3. he marched in the Retinue of Iohn Duke of Bretagne The following year he attended the Prince of Wales into Gascoigne and had an allowance of 452 l. in recompence of his expences and loss sustained by stay of himself and Men at Arms at Southampton After he had been a while in Gascoigne he began his Travels into other Countries having a Train of 300 Horse consisting of Knights Esquires Archers and Servants In this Journey he spent 3 years having made great proof of his Valour in the East Countries against the Pagans and in his return for England brought along with him the King of Lituania's Son to whom being christened in London this Earl was Godfather and named him Thomas His Commission for Marshal of England was renewed to him an 40. E. 3. and the following year he and the Bishop of Durham and some others were impowered to supervise the Marches of Scotland and to treat with David de Bruys about the rupture of the Truce formerly made at Berwick and several injuries done by the Scots He married Katherine one of the Daughters of Roger Mortimer Earl of March who dyed some few weeks before him He had by her these Children Guy his eldest Son who died in France Thomas who succeeded him in his Earldom Reynburn William Lord Bergaveny and Roger. His Daughters were Maud the Wife of Roger Lord Clifford Philippa of Hugh Earl of Stafford Alice of Iohn Beauchamp of Hach Ioane of Ralph Lord Basset of Drayton Isabel of Iohn Lord Strange of Blackmere Margaret of Guy de Montfort Agnes of Cokesey Iulian and Katherine This noble Earls last action was in the Isle of Caux an 43. E. 3. for passing over to Calais in assistance of the Duke of Lancaster as is mentioned the French having intelligence of his coming presently withdrew in great confusion from Chalke-hill where they had pitcht their Tents and upon his arrival understanding that the English had only faced the French and not fought them he could not forbear to condemn their slackness and out of a high sence and indignation thereof said I will go on and fight before the English bread which we have eaten be digested and forthwith past into the Isle of Caux in Normandy which he entred with Fire and Sword but returning to Calais he fell sick of the Pestilence then vulgarly called the Third Mortality and died on the 13. of November His Body was brought over into England and interred in the middle of the Choire of the Collegiate Church at Warwick the Sculp of whose Monument is to be seen in the Antiquities of Warwickshire 5 Piers Capitow de la Bouch. We are yet to seek who this person was notwithstanding there hath wanted no pains in the search That his name was Peter is most evident from the Inscription under his Plate yet remaining in Windesor Chappel in these very Syllables Le Capitow de la Bouch Monsieur Piers But whether Peter de Greilly
Bartholomew Burghersh le fitz So also an 23. E. 3. Two years after the Duke of Lancaster being made Admiral he went to Sea in the Fleet Afterwards he went with the Prince of Wales into Gascoigne and an 32. E. 3. into Bretagne These were the Expeditions this noble Knight made which sufficiently denote his being continually employed abroad in the Kings service He died 28. of Iune an 49. E. 3. leaving Edward Pavely his Son and Heir SECT IV. A Catalogue of their Successors with Scutcheons of their Arms. KNights elected in the following part of the Reign of King Edward the Third as the Stalls became void 27. Richard of Bordeaux afterwards King of England of that name the Second 28. Lyonel of Antwerp Earl of Vlster and Duke of Clarence 29. Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster after created Duke of Aquitaine 30. Edmund of Langley Earl of Cambridge after Duke of York 31. Iohn de Montford Duke of Bretagne and Earl of Richmond 32. Humfry Bohun Earl of Hereford and Constable of England 33. William Bohun Earl of Northampton 34. Iohn Hastings Earl of Penbroke 35. Thomas Beauchamp Earl of Warwick 36. Richard Fitz Alan Earl of Arundel and Surrey 37. Robert Vfford Earl of Suffolk 38. Hugh Stafford Earl of Stafford 39. Ingleram de Coucy Earl of Bedford 40. Guiscard d' Angolesme Earl of Huntingdon 41. Edward Spencer Lord Spencer 42. William Latimer Lord Latimer 43. Reynold Cobham Lord Cobham of Sterborough 44. Iohn Nevil Lord Nevil of Raby 45. Ralph Basset Lord Basset of Drayton 46. Sir Walter Manny Bannert 47. Sir William Fitz Waren Knight 48. Sir Thomas Vfford Knight 49. Sir Thomas Felton Knight 50. Sir Franc Van Hall Knight 51. Sir Fulk Fitz Waren Knight 52. Sir Allan Boxhull Knight 53. Sir Richard Pemburge Knight 54. Sir Thomas Vtreight Knight 55. Sir Thomas Banester Knight 56. Sir Richard de la Vache Knight 57. Sir Guy de Bryan Knight Knights Elected in the Reign of King Richard the Second 58. Thomas of Woodstock Earl of Buckingham after Duke of Gloucester 59. Henry of Lancaster Earl of Derby afterward King of England of that Name the Fourth 60. William Duke of Gelderland 61. William of Bavaris Earl of Ostrevant after Earl of Holland Henault and Zeland 62. Thomas Holland Earl of Kent after Duke of Surrey 63. Iohn Holland Earl of Huntingdon after Duke of Exceter 64. Thomas Mowbray Earl of Nottingham after Duke of Norfolk 65. Edward Earl of Rutland after Duke of Albemarle 66. Michael de la Poole Earl of Suffolk 67. William Scrope Lord Scrope after Earl of Wiltshire and Lord Treasurer of England 68. William Beauchamp Lord Bergaveny 69. Iohn Beaumont Lord Beaumont 70. William Willoughby Lord Willoughby 71. Richard Grey Lord Grey 72. Sir Nicholas Sarnesfield Knight 73. Sir Philip de la Vache Knight 74. Sir Robert Knolls Knight 75. Sir Simon Burley Knight 76. Sir Iohn de Evereux Banneret 77. Sir ●ryan Stapleton Knight 78. Sir Richard Burley Knight 79. Sir Peter Courtney Knight 80. Sir Iohn Burley Knight 81. Sir Iohn Bourchier Knight 82. Sir Thomas Granston Knight 83. Sir Lewis Clifford Knight 84. Sir Robert Dunstavill Knight 85. Sir Robert de Namur Knight Knights Elected in the Reign of King Henry the Fourth 86. Henry Prince of Wales after King of England of that Name the Fifth 87. Thomas of Lancaster Earl of Albemarle and Duke of Clarence 88. Iohn Earl of Kendal and Duke of Bedford after Regent of France 89. Humfry Earl of Penbroke and Duke of Gloucester 90. Thomas Beauford Earl of Dorset and after Duke of Exceter 91. Robert Count Palatine Duke of Bavaria after Emperor of Germany 92. Iohn Beauford Earl of Somerset and Marquess of Dorset 93. Thomas Fitz Alan Earl of Arundel 94. Edmund Stafford Earl of Stafford 95. Edmund Holland Earl of Kent 96. Ralph Nevil Earl of Westmerland 97. Gilbert Roos Lord Roos 98. Gilbert Talbot Lord Talbot 99. Iohn Lovell Lord Lovell 100. Hugh Burnell Lord Burnell 101. Thomas Morley Lord Morley 102. Edward Charleton Lord Powis 103. Sir Iohn Cornwall Knight after Lord Fanhope 104. Sir William Arundel Knight 105. Sir Iohn Stanly Knight 106. Sir Robert de Vmfrevill Knight 107. Sir Thomas Rampston Knight 108. Sir Thomas Erpingham Knight 109. Sir Iohn Sulbie Knight 110. Sir Sandich de Trane Knight Hitherto we have ranked the Knights of this most Noble Order as they are placed in other Catalogues and according to their greatest Dignities because the certain years of their Elections cannot be found but these that follow are marshalled in an exact series of their Elections Knights Elected in the Reign of King Henry the Fifth 111. Sir Iohn Dabrichcourt Knight 112. Richard Vere Earl of Oxford 113. Thomas Camoys Lord Camoys 114. Sir Symon Felbryge Knight 115. Sir William Harington Knight 116. Iohn Holland Earl of Huntingdon 117. Sigismund Emperor of Germany 118. Duke of Briga 119. Sir Iohn Blount Knight 120. Sir Iohn Robessart Knight 121. Sir William Philip Knight after Lord Bardolf 122. Iohn King of Portugal 123. Ericus King of Denmark 124. Richard ●●auchamp Earl of Warwick after Lieutenant General and Govenor in France and Normandy 125. Thomas Montacute Earl of Salisbury 126. Robert Willoughby Lord Willoughby 127. Henry Fitz-Hugh Lord Fitz-Hugh 128. Sir Iohn Grey Knight Earl of Tankervile 129. Hugh Stafford Lord Bourchier 130. Iohn Mowbray Lord Mowbray Earl Marshal 131. William de la Poole Earl of Suffolk after Marquess and Duke of Suffolk 132. Iohn Clifford Lord Clifford 133. Sir Lewis Robessart Knight after Lord Bourchier 134. Sir Heer Tank Clux Knight 135. Sir Walter Hungerford Knight after Lord Hungerford and Lord Treasurer of England 136. Philip Duke of Burgundy Knights Elected in the Reign of King Henry the Sixth 137. Iohn Talbot Lord Talbot after Earl of Shrewsbury 138. Thomas Scales Lord Scales 139. Sir Iohn Fastolf Knight 140. Peter Duke of Conimbero third Son of Iohn the First King of Portugal 141. Humfrey Stafford Earl of Stafford after Created Duke of Buckingham 142. Sir Iohn Ratclyff Knight 143. Iohn Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundell 144. Richard Duke of York the Kings Lieutenant in France and Normandy 145. Edward King of Portugall 146. Edmund Beaufort Earl of Moriton after Earl of Dorset and Duke of Somerset 147. Sir Iohn Grey Knight 148. Richard Nevil Earl of Salisbury after Lord Chancellor of England 149. William Nevil Lord Fauconbridge after Earl of Kent 150. Albert Emperor of Germany 151. Iohn Beaufort Earl of Somerset after Duke of Somerset and Earl of Kendall 152. Ralph Butler Lord Sudeley after Lord Treasurer of England 153. Henry Duke of Viseo fourth Son of Iohn the First King of Portugal 154. Iohn Beaumont Viscount Beaumont after High Constable of England 155. Gaston de Foix Earl of Longevile and Benanges Captan de Buch. 156. Iohn de Foix Earl of Kendall 157. Iohn Beauchamp Lord Beauchamp of Powik and after Lord Treasurer of England 158. Alphonsus the Fifth King of Portugal
Adolphus King of Sweden did excel all others bestowed by former Soveraigns for richness and glory each Letter of the Motto being composed of Diamonds A particular Inventory whereof taken the 24. day of May anno 14. Car. 1. when delivered by the Soveraign's Command to the custody of the Dean and Chapter of Windesor to be preserved there in memory of that famous King we here exhibit it being the transcript of that Counterpart signed by Doctor Christopher Wren then Dean of Windesor and seven Canons of that Colledge upon the receipt thereof Vnder the Letters of the Garter Small Diamonds on the lower side 52 Item on the upper side of the Garter of Small Diamonds 52 In the Letter H Diamonds small 10 In the Letter O Diamonds small 12 In the Letter N Diamonds small 11 In the Letter I Diamonds small 4 The first stop Diamond 1 In the Letter S Diamonds small 11 In the Letter O Diamonds small 12 In the Letter I 4 In the Letter T Diamonds 10 The Stop 1 In the Letter Q Diamonds 13 In the Letter V 9 In the Letter I 4 The Stop 1 207 In the Letter M Diamonds small 11 In the Letter A Diamonds small 10 In the Letter L Diamonds small 6 The Stop 1 The Letter Y Diamonds 6 The Stop 1 The Letter P 10 The Letter E 9 The Letter N 11 The Letter S 11 The Letter E 9 85 In the first Button Diamonds 6 In the second 6 In the third 6 In the fourth 6 In the Star of longer Diamonds 7 Small Diamonds 31 In the Chapes border Diamonds of a bigger size 32 In the Cross four faucet long Diamonds and four three square faucet Diamonds 8 One large Diamond long and fauce● encompassed with seven square Diamonds and faucet 8 In the Buckle one faucet table Diamond in the end and twenty seven in the compass and tongue 28 In the Hinge of the Buckle one soul square Diamond and eleven other faucet and square Diamonds 12 88 Total of the Number 411 This rich Garter being for greater security buried in St. George's Chappel at the beginning of the late War was discovered by Cornelius Holland and fetch'd thence by Iohn Hunt Treasurer to the Trustees for sale of the late Kings Goods and sold by them to Thomas Beauchamp their then Clerk The Garter which his said late Majesty wore upon his Leg at the time of his Martyrdom had the Letters of the Motto composed likewise of Diamonds which took up the number of 412. It came into the hands of Captain Preston one of the late Usurper's Captains of Horse from whom the said Trustees re-received it and sold to Mr. Iohn Ireton sometimes Lord Mayor of London for 205 l. But since the happy Restauration of the present Soveraign Mr. Ireton was summoned before the Commissioners impowered by a Commission under the Great Seal of England to enquire after the Crowns Plate Iewels c. of the said late Soveraign which had been concealed or imbezeled and being charged with the buying the foresaid Royal Garter and not denying it Composition was offered him according to the direction of the Commission as in all other like cases where any thing could not be had in kind but he refusing the offer the Kings Attorney General proceeded against him in an Action of Trover and Conversion in the Court of Kings-Bench which coming to trial in Trinity Term 〈…〉 upon a full hearing a Verdict was given for the King against the said Iohn Ireton for 205 l. and 10 l. Costs of Suits The Motto of the now Soveraign's Royal Garter is set with Diamonds upon Blue Velvet and the borders wrought with fine Gold Wire the Diamonds which frame the Letters of the Motto are Rose Diamonds much of a bigness but those which make the Stops table Diamonds and the number which set each Letter are as followeth In the Letter H small rose Diamonds 10 In the Letter O 12 In the Letter N 11 In the Letter I 4 The first stop Diamond 1 In the Letter S 9 In the Letter O 11 In the Letter I 4 In the Letter T 8 The Stop 1 In the Letter Q 12 In the Letter V 9 In the Letter I 4 The Stop 1 In the Letter M 13 In the Letter A 10 In the Letter L 6 The Stop 1 In the Letter Y 8 The Stop 1 In the Letter P 9 In the Letter E 9 In the Letter N 12 In the Letter S 8 In the Letter E 9 In each of the four Ilot holes six little Diamonds 24 In the Buckle two very large Diamonds four somewhat lese three less than they and four small Diamonds 13 In the Tab three very large Diamonds six a little lesser one somewhat less four smaller Diamonds two less than they and fourteen small Diamonds 30 Total 250 The Hinge of the Buckle is pure Gold and thereon the Soveraign's Picture to the breast curiously cut in flat-stich crowned with a Laurel and vested in the Military Habit worn by the first Roman Emperors The Tab or Pendant is also Gold and on the back side thereof engraved a Saint George on Horseback encountring the Dragon The order of placing the Diamonds on the Buckle Tab and about the Ilot holes may be seen in the Draught which with the rest of the Noble Ornaments that make up the whole Habit and Ensigns of the Order exactly taken from the particulars themselves is placed at the beginning of this Chapter This Noble Ensign the Garter was at the Foundation of the Order appointed to be worn on the left Leg a little beneath the Knee and so hath the usage in all time since continued And its apparent that the manner of placing this Garter on the left Leg of the Knights-Companions Sepulchral Portraictures was very early brought into use seeing in that Alablaster Figure of Sir William Fitz Waren who died a Knight-Companion of this Noble Order in the five and thirtieth year of the Founder's Reign lying with his Lady on a raised Monument in the North side of the Chancel of Wantage Church in Berkshire and yet to be seen with his Surcote of Arms upon the breast the resemblance of his Garter but without any Motto is carved upon its left Leg. In like manner is the Garter represented on the left Leg of the Alablaster Portraicture of Sir Richard Pembridge elected Knight of this most Noble Order in the Founder's Reign and in the room of Sir Thomas Vfford whose Monument is erected in the South side of the Cathedral Church of Hereford below the Pulpit and encompassed with a Rail of Iron Spikes The next Monument in time whereon we have seen the Garter so represented is that made for Sir Simon Burley beheaded anno 1388. and raised in the North wall siding the Quire of St. Paul's Cathedral London almost over against the Monument of Iohn a Graunt Duke of Lancaster Thence forward the usage became more frequent and then the Motto
Book though the names of special Officers are seldom set down in Chapter Acts were by virtue of this Grant continued therein and executed the Office nor doth it appear by the Records of the Order that any other person had been invested therein besides the Bishops of Salisbury until an 7. E. 6. that Sir William Cecil then Principal Secretary of State was made Chancellor concerning which more by and by If recourse be had to the Constitutions peculiarly relating to the Officers of the Order it will appear That this Office is very noble and honorable of great trust and care requiring a person of much Honor and Reputation to exercise and manage it In which regard it is therein provided that no man should be advanced to this Dignity unless he be a Prelate of the Church viz. Archbishop or Bishop or of some other such like eminent preferment therein Or if a Lay-man then to be a Knight of known Extraction expert learned and of untainted Reputation By this Clause a Lay-man no less than a Clergy-man was made capable of this Office nevertheless it amounted not to a devesting the Bishop then living or excluding any of his Successors unless it had pleased the Soveraign after making that Constitution to have passed by the Bishop of Salisbury and bestowed it elsewhere which he did not for Edmund Audeley the then Bishop some time after the establishing these Constitutions and his immediate Successor Cardinal Campeius till he went to Rome if not more of them enjoined and executed the same But upon Reformation of the Order by King Edw●rd the Sixth his Statutes wholly leave out the Ecclesiasticks and appoint that the Chancellors Office should be executed by a Knight qualified as before And thereupon Sir William Cecil was constituted Chan●ellor whose Patent bears date the 12. of April anno 7. E. 6. And here first entred a secular person though he enjoyed the Office but a while for the 27. of Sept●m●er following Sir William Petres was admitted thereinto since which time until now the Chancellorship hath continued in the execution of persons of that rank and quality Notwithstanding which in a Charter granted to the Bishop of Salisbury the first of Dec an 4. Eliz. confirming the Charters of Queen Mary King Henry the Eighth and King Henry the Seventh as also in another by the late Soveraign King Charles the First 6. Mar. an reg sui 4. the forementioned Letters Patent made to Bishop Beauchamp by King ●dward the Fourth are therein recited totidem verbis and confirmed as a tacite Reservation of the right and title of the Bishop of Salisbury whensoever the favour of the Soveraign should grow propitious to that See It doth not appear that any of the Bishops of Salisbury after the Reign of King Edward the Sixth concerned themselves for recovering the Execution of this Office to their See until the sixth year of King Iames that Henry Cotton then Bishop upon the death of Sir Edward Dyer sometime Chancellor set forth by Petition to the then Soveraign That this Office belonged to him and his Successors Bishops of Salisbury and therefore humbly prayed Restitution thereof to the Church of Salisbury But before the Soveraign would determine any thing hereupon he was pleased to call the two Chief Justices and Chief Baron to advise with who were of opinion saith the Blue Book That this Office w●s not compleatly or sufficiently annexed to the Bishoprick of Salisbury by King Edward the Fourth But Sir Edward Cooke one of those Judges Reports the point upon which it was void to be the incertainty of the Grant for that a new Office was erected and not defined what Iurisdiction or Authority the Officer should have And yet we find elsewhere this third reason given That the Grant was in the Soveraign's disposition because the Patent was granted without Fee With one or more of these opinions the Soveraign's judgment being swayed He forthwith nominated Sir Iohn Herbert one of his Privy Council to the Chancellorship and so this Affair slept until anno 12. Car. 1. When Iohn Davenant Bishop of Salisbury Sir Francis Crane Chancellor being lately dead with all due humiliation remonstrated to the Soveraign That the Office of Chancellor was perpetually annexed to his See by the foresaid Letters of King Edward the Fourth and though in following times it had been bestowed upon Lay-men yet he humbly desired his right might be restored Whereupon at a Chapter of the Order held in the Chapterhouse within the Castle of Windesor the 5. of December in the year aforesaid the Soveraign proposed to the Knights-Companions present That though he had of his especial Grace made Election of Sir Thomas Rowe Knight for his Chancellor at that time yet having understood a Claim made by the Bishoprick of Salisbury that the place was annexed to that See He commanded the Lords-Companions of the Order to take the pretence of right into their considerations To which proposition of his Majesty the Lords humbly answered That they thought it was not their part to search for the Title of any but that if the Bishop of Salisbury did produce his Evidence and the proofs thereof he might present it in Chapter to his Majesty to be considered Upon this encouragement the Bishop prepared a Petition which was present●d and read in Chapter held at the Feast of St. George celebrated at Windesor the 18. of April ensuing and here inserted To the King 's most Excellent Majesty Soveraign of the most Noble Order of the Garter The humble Petition of John Bishop of Sarum your Majesties Chaplain in Ordinary Sheweth THat whereas your Majesties most noble Progenitor King Edward the Fourth did by Letters Patent erect and establish one Office of Chancellor of the most Noble Order of the Garter and did then also grant a Charter unto Richard Beauchamp Bishop of Salisbury and his Successors for ever that they should execute that Office in consideration that the Chappel of St. George in your Majesties Castle of Windesor was within the Diocess of Sarum and for other considerations in the said Charter specified Which Office was enjoyed by the said Richard Beauchamp and divers of his Successors in the See of Sarum according to the Charter which Charter hath also been confirmed under the great Seal of England by some other Kings and Queens since the Reign of King Edward the Fourth And was lastly most graciously confirmed by your Royal Majesty in the fourth year of your happy Reign But to the great prejudice and dishonour of the See of Sarum the use and exercise of the said Office hath been for many years discontinued from the Bishops of your Majesties said Church May it therefore please your most Excellent Majesty out of your accustomed goodness to the Church graciously to consider of your Petitioners Claim and Charter and if your Majesty shall so think fit to vouchsafe your Petitioner a hearing or
to refer the examination thereof to some others That thereupon such course may be taken for the restoring and preserving of the right of the said Church herein either for the present or future time as your Majesty in your Princely wisdom shall find agreeable to honor and justice And the Petitioner according to his duty shall pray for your Majesties long happy and glorious Reign To the substance of this Petition it was objected 1. That the Great Seals of England did not work within or upon the Statutes and Rules of the Order of the Garter 2. That no Grant could prescribe or limit the present Soveraign it being a Fundamental Law within the Order Suprema Lex was Supremi voluntas 3. That it did not appear by the Records of the Order that the place of Chancellor was any otherwise conferred upon Richard Beauchamp Bishop of Salisbury than quam diu Regiae celcitudini complaceret So as the free disposition thereof did remain with the Soveraign To the first It was answered by way of exception as to the Grant of Offices forasmuch as the power of the Great Seal of England was anciently took into and became legal within the Order in like Cases and not any Patent for an Office from the Institution of the Order unto that time had past under the Seal of the Order but under the Great Seal of England and in particular the Office of Chancellor as was manifest enough from their Enrolments For besides the first Grant made by King Edward the Fourth when the Office came afterwards into the hands of Lay-men from the Patent granted to Sir William Cecil to that made to Sir Thomas Rowe all past under the said Great Seal which had not been done if any legal defect had been therein To the second it being so as was objected it thence appeared that the Soveraign was as much at liberty to restore this Office to the See of Salisbury as continue it to secular Dignities To the third What was alledged out of the Records of the Order related only to the time of delivering the Seals to Bishop Beauchamp but when afterwards the Office was erected by Letters Patent it was then granted to him during life Something was replied from the Judges opinions given in this case an Iac. Regis 6. but the Soveraign thought it was not then well considered to permit the Chapter Acts of this Order which hath Statutes and Rules of its own and wholly independent from other Laws to receive construction and determination from the Measures and Rules of our Common-Law and therefore notwithstanding what had been objected against the Bishops Claim the Soveraign was pleased justly to pronounce That he ought to be heard and to that purpose gave the Chancellor order to signifie unto him that he should prepare and set down in writing a brief of the Vouchers and Proofs of his Pretentions in verification of his Petition and send them to the Chancellor to be delivered to the Knights-Commissioners appointed for the Affairs of the Order to consider of them and present them at the next Chapter to the Soveraign who would therein take such Order as was conformable to his most impartial and untainted Justice The 4. of October after in a Chapter held at Windesor during the Feast of St. George the Chancellor represented the said Bishop's Petition with the Vouchers to his Pretensions which the Bishop exhibited no otherwise than as Inducements and humble Motives for restoring the ancient right of the Church of Salisbury and perpetually re-uniting the Chancellorship of the Order to that See if it should seem agreeable to his Will Wisdom and Justice But the Knights-Commissioners having not to that time met the business was again referr'd to them to be considered prepared and abreviated for the Soveraign's consideration and final judgment All which the Chancellor by Letter thus signified to the Bishop Right Reverend and my very good Lord I M●y have justly incurred the censure of your Lordship either of want of manners or prevarication that I have not given you an account of the trust you pleased to repose in me and that I so willingly undertook both out of true respect I bear to your Lordship and duty and service to the Church whose cause you solicite but I hope your goodness will acquit me of any of these crimes and be pleased to take my just excuse that I deferred only to give you a more certain answer than yet I am able ●● left a longer delay might endanger the good opinion which I desire to preserve with ●ou you may be pleased to know that at the last Chapter of the Order held in October at Windesor I represented your Lordships Petition and all the several Vouchers and verifications of your demand and pretension but his Majesty having not leisure at that time to enter into a full debate did refer it to the Knights-Commissioners standing for the Order both to consider and to deliver their opinions and to make report to him at the next Feast reserving to Himself the final judgment Of this I have made a Record and registred it in the Acts of the Order for continuance of your Claim I have since solicited the Knights-Commissioners often to meet upon it and other occasions of the Order but hic labor hoc opus I cannot procure them till after the Term when I beseech you to believe that I will be a faithful Remembrancer and Advocate of your cause and that as soon as I can get any resolution I will thereof render you an account and if they will do nothing therein I will again bring it to his Majesty In this business I cannot omit to let you know the care of his Grace my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury in your behalf who doth often call upon me and if you please to take notice thereof to him and to desire him to move his Majesty to command some of the Knights to meet and to hear it it will procure both a quick and effectual dispatch and there shall be of my part no manner of omission to testifie to your Lordship both my reverence to your person and desire to deserve of you the name of Your Lordships most humble servant Tho. Rowe St. Martyns-Lane 29 Nov. 1637. Nor was this worthy Chancellor unmindful of his promise for the next time the Knights-Commissioners sat which was the first of February following at Whitehall He to their considerations presented the foresaid Petition Claim and Vouchers to be heard by them according to the former Order But it was their opinion That unless the Bishop were himself present it would be labour lost and that they could not conclude in the cause without hearing his own Reply And therefore they entred not into the debate but Ordered the Chancellor to write a Letter to his Lordship that whensoever he came up to London he should be heard personally and his reasons considered and to the Soveraign represented The Letter
Noble Order of the Garter the Register of our said Order is to have his person and estate secured from violence and injury to the end he or his Ministers may securely live under our perpetual protection and safeguard and as often as he shall be molested for himself or for any thing that belongs unto him he is to receive our protection and the assistance of the Companions of our said Order according to equity and right These are therefore to will and command all men of what condition soever they be not to trouble or molest Doctor Christopher Wren Dean of Windesor and Register of our most Noble Order of the Garter or any of his Ministers whomsoever or any thing that belongs to him whatsoever but to suffer his Person servants and Estate to be in quiet security and peace without any injury or violence to be offered by any unto him or his as they and every of them will answer the contrary at their peril Given at our Court at Oxford under the Signet of our Order the 12. day of December in the 19. year of our Reign This Officer by the Constitutions of his Office hath a Pension of 50 l. per annum allowed him or proportionable in Fees Offices or other Profits And an 1. 2. Phil. Mar. the like Pension was granted to Owen Oglethorp Dean of Windesor out of the Exchequer until some Ecclesiastical Preferment of like value should be conferr'd on him by the Soveraign The same was confirmed to Doctor Maxey by Decree in Chapter 23. April an Iac. Reg. 16. and afterwards to Doctor Beaumont by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England in the 20. of the said King for which there is a most grateful acknowledgment entred among the Annals But there needed to assignment of Lodgings at Windesor to this Officer as there was to the rest considering both the Canons and Dean were provided of Houses belonging to their Ecclesiastical Dignities within the Colledge at the Institution of the Order SECT IV. Garter ' s Institution Oath Mantle Ensign Badge Priviledges and Pension KIng Henry the Fifth Soveraign of this most Noble Order seriously contemplating its honor upon good and mature deliberation and with advice and consent of all the Knights-Companions Ordained and Instituted this Officer and for the Dignity of the Order was pleased he should be the Principal Officer within the Office of Arms and chief of all the Servants of Arms. The services enjoined him relating to the Order were in time preceding performed by Windesor Herald at Arms an Officer created with that Title by King Edward the Third much about the time of his Instituting the Order and an annual Pension of 20 Marks granted him out of the Exchequer by Letters Patent for life which received confirmation from King Richard the Second But as to the nature of his employment comprehended under this later part of his Title and thus annext to the Office of Garter we have here no direct occasion to discourse off nothing therein properly relating to the service he is to performed within this Order Nevertheless where any are desirous to be informed of it some part of his Priviledges Employments and Duty are to be found in the Constitutions of his Office others in the Constitutions made by the Duke of Norfolk Earl Marshal of England an 10. Eliz. and lastly by the Lords Comissioners constituted for the Office of Earl Marshal dated the 22. of November an 20. Car. 2. Sir William Brugges was the person first created Garter and called in the Institution of his Office Iartier Roy d' Armes des Anglois but else where his Title is found to run thus Willelmus Brugges alias dictus Gartier Rex Armorum This Sir William became a great Benefactor to St. George's Church at Stamford and in the Windows of the Chancel caused to be represented King Edward the Third with his 25 first Knights-Companions kneeling habited in their Mantles and Surcoats of Arms which upon my journey thither an 1664. I found so broken and defaced that no tolerable Draught of them could be taken fit to exhibit to the Readers satisfaction Iohn Smert the immediate Successor to Sir Will. Brugges had this Office given him by Letters Patent under this Title Iohannes Smert Rex Armorum de Garteria and Iohn Wrythe was stiled Principalis Heraldus Officiarius in●liti Ordinis Garterii Armorumque Rex Anglicorum But Sir Gilbert Dethick leaving out Heraldus joined Principalis with Rex and so it hath continued since Principalis Rex Armorum Anglicorum Principal King of English Arms. In the Constitutions of his Office he is called Garterus Rex Armorum Angliae whom the Soveraign and Knights-Companions thereby Ordained to be a Gentleman of Blood and Arms of untainted reputation and born within the Kingdom of England Besides as King Henry the Fifth did before so doth King Henry the Eighth here declare That he should be chief of all the Officers of Arms attending upon the Crown of England The substance of his Oath administred by the Register at his admission whilst he humbly kneeleth at the Soveraign's feet in the Chapter-house is 1. To yield obedience to the Soveraign and Knights-Companions 2. To keep silence and not disclose the secrets of the Order 3. To make signification of the death of each Knight-Companion 4. To execute all things faithfully committed to his care 5. To enquire diligently after all the Noble Acts of the Knights-Companions and certifie them to the Register 6. To be faithful in the exercise of his Office And we find it observed that an Oath consisting of these particulars was administred to Garter at a Chapter held at Greenwich an 28. H. 8. which is to be understood of Sir Christopher Barker admitted Garter that very year We find no allowance given to this Officer for his Habit in the Precedent of the Garter for Liveries nor among the Books in the Soveraign's Great Wardrobe whence it may be presumed he had no particular Habit assign'd him at first but was distinguished from the rest of the Officers of the Order by his Coat only embroidered with the Soveraign's Arms like as the Provincial Kings then wore But after the Constitutions of the Officers were established there was appointed him a Habit in all things like to the Registers saving that the Ground whereon the Lions and Flowers de Lis were embroidered was wholly Red and this to be worn only at the Publick Solemnities of the Order the fashion and embroidery of which appears in the Plate exhibited at the beginning of this Chapter Queen Mary caus'd it to be made of Crimson Sattin and so it continued till shortly after the present Soveraign's return when the Colour was altered to Scarlet This Officer is appointed to bear a White Rod or Scepter at every Feast of St. George the Soveraign
of April an 15. Car. 2. Sir Edward Walker now Garter represented to the Soveraign and Knights-Companions by Petition That the annual Pensions of the Installed Knights then in arrear for one year amounted to 94 l. 13 s. 04 d. according to the proportions last above decreed whereof the Soveraign's part he being to pay for all Stranger-Knights was at that time 32 l. 13 s. 4 d. And therefore humbly prayed that his Majesty would please to grant him and his Successors to receive in lieu not only of the said Pensions from Himself and Knights-Companions both Strangers and Subjects but for quitting his right and just pretence to his annual Pension of 50 l. to his allowances for preparing Scutcheons and removal of Atchievements 100 l. per annum out of the yearly Revenue setled and assigned to the use of the Order This Petition the Soveraign was pleased to refer to a Committee of the Knights-Companions namely the Duke of Albemarle the Earls of Lindsey Manchester Sandwich and Strafford who being attended by Garter and consideration had upon the Proposals contained in the Petition they humbly offered their opinions to the Soveraign to grant him the said 100 l. per annum in lieu of what he offered to quit and thereby he should not only gratifie him by preserving the interest of his Office in a more certain way than it was but be freed from those small payments for Strangers and other yearly Charges the Petitioner pretended unto as also exempt the Knights Subjects from the payment of their annual Pensions Shortly after the Chancellor Register and Garter attended the Soveraign with the Report which he approving of ordered the Chancellor to pay unto Garter and his Successors the said annual sum of 100 l. which he accordingly performed and for testimony thereof signed the ensuing Declaration I Henry de Vic Knight Chancellor of the most Noble Order of the Garter do certifie and declare That upon certain Proposals made by Sir Edward Walker Knight Garter Principal King of Arms to the Lords Commissioners for the Affairs of the said Order It was certified by a Writing under their said Lordships hands dated the 26. May 1663. That in lieu of all Fees and Salaries in the said Proposals contained the said Sir Edward and his Successors Garters and Principal Kings of Arms shall be paid by me and my Successors in the said Office of Chancellor of the Garter the sum of one hundred pounds by ●he year out of the Revenue of the Order with which Writing having attended the Soveraign his Majesty was pleased to conform unto it and to direct in his Commission unto me under the Seal of the Order to pay and issue the said one hundred pounds accordingly to the said Sir Edward Walker Garter In witness whereof I have set my Hand and Seal to this present Certificate this 5. August 1664. De Vic. Canc. Touching the Duty of this Officer in general it is to perform or cause to be done what business soever relating to this Order the Soveraign or Prelate or Chancellor shall enjoyn him to do but his duty in particular is dispersedly set down in the following Discourse under such heads to which it properly relates SECT V. Institution of the Black Rod's Office his Oath Habit Ensign Badge Priviledges and Pension THis Officer was instituted by the Founder of this most Noble Order but whether so soon as the Institution of the Order doth not yet appear Howbeit within a few years after viz. the 13. of April in the 35. year of his Reign he granted to William Whitehorse Esq for life Officium Hostiarii Capellae Regis infra Castrum de Windesore with a Fee of twelve pence a day out of his Exchequer An. 3. H. 4. This Office is called Officium Virgarii comitiv● de la Garter infra Castrum Regis de Windesore and under that title was then granted to Thomas Sye with the Fees and Profits thereunto belonging In the Patent granted to his Successor Iohn Athilbrigg an 1. H. 5. we observe it called Officium Virgarii sive Ostiarii c. Afterwards it hath this Title Officium Virgae-baiuli coram Rege ad Festum Sancti Georgii infra Castrum Regis de Windesore And ever since it hath past in Patents by the name of Virgae-baiulus Virgarius or Nigri-virgifer But in the Constitutions of his Office he hath given to him the title of Hostiarius and these qualifications put upon him That he be a Gentleman of Blood and Arms born within the Soveraign's Dominions and if he be not a Knight at his entrance upon the Office he ought then to be Knighted As Garter was declared the Principal Officer of Arms so was the Black Rod for the honor of the Order appointed the Chief Vsher in the Kingdom And as he is so and frequently called Gentleman Vsher of the Black Rod so we shall wave as we did in the account of Garter's Office all things appertaining to his Imployments other than what directly relate to this most Noble Order In a Chapter held at Whitehall the 13. of February an 6. Car. 1. it was Decreed That the Office of Black Rod should from thenceforth successively as soon as the same should become void Iames Maxwell Esquire then enjoying the Office be annext to some one of the Gentlemen Ushers daily-waiters whom the Soveraign should appoint This was obtained upon the Petition of the Gentlemen Vshers daily-waiters seconded by the Lord Chamberlain the Earl Marshal and divers others of the Knights-Companions as appears from another Petition of theirs presented to the Soveraign in Chapter held at Oxford the 17. of Ian. an 20. Car. 1. But it seems some years after this Decree past viz. an 1642. the Lord Lenerick Secretary for Scotland had on Mr. Maxwell's behalf obtained the Soveraign's hand to a Warrant for passing Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England for two lives his own and Mr. Thayne's and the longest liver of them whereby the Soveraign's intention signified in the foresaid Decree to the Gentlemen-Vshers was frustrate of which they complaining in this last mentioned Chapter the Soveraign and Knights-Companions then present in regard this later Grant was not only repugnant to the preceding Decree and the Great Seal surreptitiously gained but ought to have pass'd the Seals of the Order to be made authentical according to a Decree made an 20. Car. 1. Ordered That Peter Newton Esquire should be presently sworn into this Office Which was then done in the presence of the Soveraign and Knights-Companions Nevertheless shortly after the present Soveraign's happy return viz. 14. Ian. 1660. the said Peter Newton being deceased the Gentlemen-Vsher● daily-waiters petitioned the Soveraign in Chapter for the void place which being read the Soveraign and Knights-Companions Ordered That the Petition should be shewed to Mr. Thaine and he to be heard in the next Chapter what cause he could alledge why
a Chapter held the 18. of April an 13. Car. 1. the Soveraign tatified his Royal Assignation and increased his gracious bounty to the sum of 1200 l. per annum setling it for the uses aforesaid in a Perpetuity for ever and making it payable out of the Customs in the Port of London but to be received by the Chancellor of the Order for the time being as Treasurer of this Money of which he should be obliged to render an ac●ount to the Soveraign and Knights-Companions yearly at St. George's Feast And in pursuance of this Ratification was pleased to give his Attorney General directions to draw up a Book for his Royal Signature to warrant its passing under the Great Seal of England The further care of which Affair being committed to Sir Thomas Rowe then Chancellor he readily undertook it and on the first of February following at a meeting of the Knights-Commissioners impowered to consider of matters touching the honor of the Order gave them an account that the same was dispatch The Letters Patent bearing Teste at Westminster the 23. day of Ianuary preceding He then also presented their Lordships with a List of the ordinary Fees and Charges of the Order upon consideration of which it was thought fit That there should issue out a standing Commission to the Chancellor under the Great Seal of the Order to warrant the yearly Payments and he to be discharged according as the said Patent had provided Hereupon a Commission was drawn up which past the said Great Seal the 3. of May an 14. Car. 1. whereby the Soveraign declared his will and pleasure and impowered the Chancellor to pay out of the said annual Revenue of 1200 l. all and every the yearly and ordinary Fees Pensions Sallaries and other Payments usually paid to any the Officers of the Order Alms-Knights or others who do their yearly duty and service any way unto the Order appertaining either by Charter Grant or Assignation under the Seal or Signet of the Order or by any other lawful way whatsoever and in particular   l. s. d.   To Himself as Chancellor 100 0 0 per annum To Register of the Order 50 0 0 per annum To Garter Principal King of Arms. 50 0 0 per annum To Vsher of the Black-Rod 30 0 0 per annum To Thirteen Alms-Knights 237 5 0 per annum Total 467 5 0   All which yearly Pensions are thereby appointed to be quarterly paid that is to say at the four usual Feasts in the year As also any other annual and usual charge to any other inferiour Officer or Servant for their service or attendance And all these upon account thereof to be made and given and Acquittances to be produced for the receipt to be presented to the Soveraign or so many of the Knights-Companions as he should depute in Chapter to take liquid and allow the disbursments under their hands in writing for the Chancellor's discharge By virtue of the foresaid Letters Patent Sir Thomas Rowe and in his absence beyond Sea Sir Iames Palmer Deputy Chancellor received out of the Soveraign's Receipts of Subsidies Customs and Imposts the 1200 l. per annum out of which they paid the annual Pensions above mentioned under the notion of certain and ordinary charges as also such as came within the compass of uncertain and extraordinary Expences some of which as we can collect from the Accounts of the said Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor they falling within the disbursments of their time were such as these Mantles when the Soveraign pleased to bestow them on the Knights-Companions Plate for the Altar in St. George's Chappel at Windesor Embroidery of the Purse for holding the Seals Removal of Atchievements and Plates against Installations Scutcheons set up at St. George's Feast Privy Seals and Fees disburst for receiving the 1200 l. per annum Fees for Installation of Forreign Princes and Stranger-Knights Parchment used in Dispensations and Prorogations Blue Wax for the Seals of the Order By all which may be guest what other particulars ought to be accounted Extraordinary Charges towards the discharge whereof this annual sum was to be employed as far as it would go to ease the Expences of the Great Wardrobe formerly charged with Provisions of the Order both for Forreign Embassies and Expences at home And when Sir Thomas Rowe was sent Ambassador to Ferdinand the Third Emperor of Germany he paid over to the said Sir Iames Palmer upon the Soveraign's Warrant dated the 4. of May an 14. Car. 1. the sum of 600 l. then resting in his hands of the said annual Receipts which he adding to the growing Income disbursed in ordinary and extraordinary Expences In reference to the manner of the Chancellor's passing his Account as is directed by the said Commission we find it thus done by Sir Iames Palmer he humbly moved the Soveraign in a Chapter held the 10. of October an 15. Car. 1. That it would please him and the Knights-Companions to view the disbursments made for the Expences of the Order which thereupon being examined by the Knights in the Soveraign's presence the same were found agreeable to the directions of the Commission and the Payments justified by the Acquittance of every Officer to whom any Fee was due no payment having been made but the Soveraign's hand was first had to authorize the same All which being seen and allowed the Account wherein his disbursments exceeded his Receipts 37 l. 13. s. 10 d. was esteemed just and allowed by the subscription of the present Soveraign then Prince the Earls of Penbroke and Montgomery Salisbury Holland Berkshire Duke Hamilton and the Earl of Northumberland SECT VII The Execution of these Offices by Deputies THough all the Officers of the Order are strictly obliged personally to attend the duties of their several Places yet in case of sickness absence out of the Kingdom or other lawful or emergent cause the Soveraign hath pleased to dispence with their attendance and appointed other to officiate in their stead who on such occasions wear the Robe of that Officer for whom they serve So also in case of Vacancy The absence of the Prelate from the Grand Feast celebrated at Windesor an 31. H. 6. is noted in the Black Book to have been upon just cause and the Bishop of Bangor was appointed to celebrate Divine Service in his stead who the next morning celebrated Mass pro defunctis The following year his place in these Religious Duties was supplied by the Bishop of Salisbury as also an 36. 37. H. 6. And at all times of the Prelates absence since the Soveraign hath appointed which of the Bishops should officiate for him The Office of Chancellor hath been executed by Deputy also to this may first be referred a passage in the Black Book where Doctor Taylor hath the Title of Vice-Chancellor Of later times when Sir Thomas Rowe was employed upon the
learned Selden and is to be so taken here and not as a distinct Title of a lower Degree because also we observe the Banerets ranked in all Scrutenies before King Henry the Eighth established his Statutes except one with the Knights-Batchelors not with Barons Besides this something further may be said concerning the Title of the third and lowest rank in this Classis for in the Statutes of Institution they are called Milites Bachalauri in those of King Henry the Fifth Batchelers and elsewhere Bachalauri and Bachalauri Equites which in common acceptation are all the same with Milites though thus rendred to express and manifest their difference from Knights Banerets who are of a higher Degree of Honor. And here we have an occasion given to note That there is no place in a Scruteny for any under the degree of Knights Batchellors And though three of the Nine named are appointed to be Barons and three other Earls or of a higher Degree yet must these six be such as have received the Order of Knighthood else ought not their names be either given or taken in Nomination for the Text is plain That each of the Knights assembled at the Election shall name nine Knights Thus his late Majesty of blessed memory in the sixth year of his Reign intending to chuse Iames Marquess Hamilton into the Society of this Order conferr'd the honor of Knighthood upon him immediately before his Nomination and the Annals in that place give this Remarque upon the Action and the reason for it Because by the Statutes it is provided That none should be Elected into the Order that have not been dignified with the title of Knight Yet it seems the Ceremony of Knighting the person designed for Election was not so strictly and duly observed as it ought but that sometimes this branch of the Statute was either not taken notice of or else confounded with the second Article throughout the several Bodies of the Statutes which prohibits the Choice or ●lection of any person into the Society of which we shall speak by and by as this doth the Proposal or Nomination and thereupon perhaps it was conceived that although the Nomination Election and sometimes delivery of the Ensigns of the Order were first dispatcht and past yet it was well enough if the honor of Knighthood were conferr'd afterward As it was in the case of William Earl of Derby and Thomas Cecil Lord Burleigh anno 43. Eliz. where the Register notes that as soon as their Election was past and they brought into the Chapter the Earl of Derby who it seems had not been Knighted before was dubbed Knight with a drawn Sword according to Custom after which they had the Garter and George put on by the Soveraign her self In like manner Vlrick Duke of Holstein and Henry Earl of Northampton immediately after their Election being the last day of St. George's Feast an 3. Iac. and before they received the Ensigns of the Order had the dignity of Knighthood conferr'd on them by the Soveraign So also in the case of the Earl of Suffolk an 3. Car. 1. which the Red Book of the Order taking notice of saith that as soon as it was understood that the Earl had not received the Order of Knighthood before the Soveraign immediately drawing his Sword Knighted him which was not done till after his Election and Investiture with both the George and Garter Thus also did the Ceremony of Knighthood succeed the ●lection of his sacred Majesty the present Soveraign the 21. of May an 14. Car. 1. For after he had been Elected and the Ensigns of the Order placed upon him and that the two senior Knights the Earls of Penbroke and Montgomery and of Arundel and Surrey were intreated by the rest of the Knights-Companions to present his Highness to the Soveraign in the name of all the rest to be initiated into the Title and Dignity of a Knight-Batchelor he was conducted by the said Earls his Supporters into the Presence Chamber in Windesor Castle where before the Chair of State he most solemnly received the Order of Knighthood from the Soveraign his late Majesty of blessed memory To honor which Knighthood and the memory thereof four of the chief Nobility then present were also Knighted namely the Earls of ●ssex Saint Albans and Elgin and Viscount Grandison the first of them being conducted from the great Chamber to the Soveraign's State between two Batchellor Knights Sir Frederick Hamilton and Sir Robert Huniwood the second by Sir Roger Palmer Knight of the Bath and Sir Henry Mildmay the third by Sir Iohn Meldram and Sir William Withrington and the fourth by Sir Iohn Harpur and Sir Iohn Lucas Afterwards the Law in this point began again to be more rightly understood and by that time his Royal Highness the Duke of York came to be Elected which was on the 20. of April an 18. Car. 1. being the last day of the Feast of Saint George then celebrated at the City of York the Soveraign appointed and accordingly conferr'd the honor of Knighthood upon him the day before which he received upon his knees being first conducted into the Pres●●e Chamber between two of the Nobility who were also Knights namely the Marquess of Hertford and Viscount Grandison In honor and memorial whereof there were also four Noblemen Knighted at that time the Earl of Carnarvan supported by Sir William Killegrew and young Sir Arthur Ingram the Lord George d' Aubigne sapported by Sir William Howard and Sir Peter Wyche the Lord Iohn Stewart by Sir Peter Killegrew and Sir Capell Bedell and the Lord Bernard Stewart by Sir Edward Savage and Sir He●ry ●lount And thus Prince Edward Count Palatine of the Rhine and George Duke of ●uckingham being designed by the present Soveraign to be admitted into this most Noble Order were both first Knighted at Saint Germans in France an Dom. 1649. and afterwards had the Ensigns of the Order sent unto them by the hands of Sir Edward Walker Garter who in right of his Office invested them therewith Nevertheless in the case of his Highness Prince Kupert who had the honor to be Elected with his Royal Highness the Duke of York an 18. Car. 1. His want of Knighthood became no impediment thereunto being then a Prince in another Country viz. Count Palatine of the Rhine and Duke of Bavaria and might therefore justly claim the priviledge to come within the rule of Foreign Princes mentioned a little lower But herein also the Soveraign to come as neer to the intention and observance of the Statute as he could where there was a possibility to do it and the honor also would be well accepted by the Prince thought it requisite by Commission under the great Seal of England to impower Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey and George Lord Goring late Earl of Norwich both being then in Holland
at the Entrance of the Antichamber his Lordship was received by the Duke Joyeuse accompanied with the Gentlemen of the Kings Chamber Ordinary who made two ranks from that Chamber door to the door of the Chamber Royal into the said Chamber Royal. First entred all the Gentlemen the Queen's Majesty's Servants the Lords that had received and accompanied the said Earl and Lords and the said Duke de Joyeuse accompanied the said Earl of Derby unto the Bars that stood about the haultp●ce or mounting floor in the said Chamber where the King stood at his Beds fe●t accompanied with the said Barriers on his right hand with the Cardinals of Bourbon Vandosme and Joyeuse and on the left hand with the Lords the Princes of Conty the Comte de Soissons and D. Montpensier Princes of the Blood the Dukes of Nevers Delboeufe de la Joinuille de Retz Monsieur le Chancellour● Sier de Villequier du Bouchage de la Valette d'Antragues de la Chappelle aux Urfius Chavigny la Vivone Comte de Mauleurier Clermont Denitragues de l'Archant and other Knights of the Holy Ghost and Councellors of the ●states in great number The said Earl with the Lord Ambassador Ordinary of England only entred the said halt-space within the Barriers unto his Majesty of whom they were received with great curtesie and as amiable countenance as could be and the Earl delivered the Queen's Majesty's Letters unto the King with great reveren●e and then making rehearsal of that he had in charge to say the said Ambassador presented unto the King the Lord Sands and Windsore and other the English Knights and Gentlemen which all one after another mounted upon the halt-pace kissed their hands and did reverence unto the King Then the Earl took his leave and was conducted by all the Lords and Captains unto the place where they had first received him After he went to salute the Queen Mother and at the entrance into her Chamber he was received by Monsieur de Lansac Knight of the Holy Ghost and Knight of Honor unto the said Queen whom he found accompanied with her Neece the Princes of Loraine standing at her Beds head the Princes of Conde and the Dutchess of Nevers standing at the Beds feet the Dutchess of Duzez and of Retz and other Ladies and Gentlewomen in gre●t number from thence his Lordship was conveyed to the Queen Regents Chamber and at the entrance whereof he was received by the Comte de Fiesque Knight of the Holy Ghost and her Knight of Honor finding her accompanied with the Dutchess of Montpensier and Joyeuse who stood at her Beds feet the Lady of Royden her Lady of Honor and other Ladies and Gentlewomen in great number and then returned to the a●oresaid Hostell de Longueville On Monday the 15 of February the King by Mou●eur de Mothefelon told the Lord Ambassador his mind touching the receipt of the Order that he intended to receive it on Thursday following in the Afternoon at the Augustine Friars which was done accordingly the 18 day of February an 27. Eliz. About two of the Clock in the Afternoon the Earl and Leiger Ambassador and all the other Gentlemen of their Train in Coaches were conducted from the house of Longueville where the Earl of Derby was lodged unto the house of Monsieur de Mantuliet Provost of Paris where the Earl did put on his Robes of the Garter and Clarenceux then representing the place of Garter did put on his Mantle and made ready the Kings Robes The King also with a great number of his Nobility came from the Louvre to the same house of Mantuliet for whom there was provided two Chambers in the inner Chamber over the Chimney was set up a cloth of Estate and on the left hand thereof a board covered with a rich Carpet against the end of which board the King did stand in a short Gown of rich Taffata having on either hand of him some sixteen of the greatest of his Nobility the rest abode in the outward Chamber for so was the Kings pleasure that there might be the more room and freer access for the Earl and the English Noblemen and Gentlemen all things being put in good order the King sent the Earl word by Monsieur Lamothe Fluelon and Monsieur de Rhoades Master of the Ceremonies that he stayed for him Whereupon thirty of the English Gentlemen accompanied with as many French Gentlemen proceeded two and two together up the Stairs before the Earl towards the King then marched Somerset Herald in his rich Coat of Arms bearing on his Arms the Kings Kittle Mantle and Hood after him went Clarenceux in a Robe of Crimson Sattin having on his arms a fair large Cushen of Purple Velvet and thereon the Collar of the Order of the Garter and the little Chain with the George After Clarenceux went the Earl in his Robes and the Ambassador Resident And being thus come before the King Somerset after due reverence laid the Robe he bare upon the Table that the King leaned unto so also did Clarenceux the Cushen with the Iewels thereon The Earl also being entred and having made his due reverence Clarenceux delivered him his Commission who giving the same reverently to the King he forthwith gave it to his secretary Pinart to be read according to the form Though at that time it was not read at all That done Clarenceux delivered unto the Ambassador the Garter who gave it unto the King who also kissing the same kneeling did put it about the Kings left leg the Ambassador pronouncing these words following Ad laudem atque honorem Omnipotentis Dei c. That being done Clarenceux killing the Kirtle of Crimson Velvet gave it to the Ambassador who also delivered it to the Earl and he to the King putting the same on with a Crimson Velvet Girdle whereunto was put a gilt Rapier which Girdle and Rapier was formerly provided by a Gentleman of the Kings Chamber at the doing whereof the Ambassador pronounced these words following Capito Vestem hanc purpuream c. The Kirtle being put on Clarenceux delivered the Mantle of Purple Velvet and the Hood of Crimson Velvet which the Earl put upon the King also with the assistance of the Ambassador that pronounced these words following Accipe Clamidem hanc Coelici coloris c. Lastly Clarenceux kissing the Collar of Gold gave the same also to be put about the Kings neck which was done by the Earl the Ambassador using these words following Torquem hunc in Collo deferes c. After the King was thus invested with all the Habilements of the Order as aforesaid the Earl delivered unto him first the Book of Statutes of the said Order fairly bound in Crimson Velvet and Gold Lace which Book the King gave to the Duke of Joyeuse to carry after him to the Church and lastly the small Chain with the George which was by the Earl delivered to the King which also was delivered by
Order namely the Great Collar of the Order with the Image of St. George in a riding posture hanging at it also the Garter wrought with Gold and P●ecious Stones He carried moreover the Book of the Statutes of the Order Next after Garter came jointly together the Lord Ambassador Spencer richly glistering with Gold and Precious Stones and with him the illustrious Duke of Wirtemberg himself so personable and withall so magnificently attired that he attracted the admiration of all upon him some thinking his Habit to be Turkish some Hungaric some Imperial others Electoral others Pontifical The Train of his Mantle was held and carried after by Count Lodowick Leostein The last part of the Procession consisted of the grand Councellors and Senators of Wirtemberg as namely the Lord Eberard Lord of Limpurg hereditary Cup-bearer of the sacred Roman Empire Great Master of the Court of Wirtemberg James Reenhard Doctor of Law Assistant at the Imperial Chamber and Chancellor besides many other Councellors and Noblemen Thus nobly and magnificently attended the Duke entred into the Church where in the midst of the Body thereof he and the Lord Ambassador Spencer walking upon Red Cloth spread for that purpose they first made obeysance according as the manner is in England to the Soveraign's Royal Stall all the rest of the Company doing the like as they past by then the Lord Ambassador went to his own Stall placed at the right hand next after the Soveraign's and seated himself therein Garter also placed himself in his and lastly the Duke possessed his Stall on the left hand As soon as they were seated thus in the Church a loud volley was discharged by 300 Musketiers The concourse of People at this Solemnity was very great but to repress the Croud from rushing in with too much violence there were placed at the entrance both of the Church and the Castle on the one side a row of Musketiers and on the other a row of Halberdiers The Soveraign's Ambassadors and the Duke being thus seated each in their Stalls the Peers and Nobles that attended took their places also the English Nobles and Gentlemen on the right hand of the Lord Ambassador Spencer those of Wirtemberg on the left hand of their Duke and in the first place on the foremost Seats covered with red Cloth sate the Dukes five Sons vested in ducal habits Then began a threefold sacred Musick first the Organ played to certain Anthems next the Children of the School sung certain Psalms in Dutch lastly the principal Musitians of the Court sung in Consort and during the Musick the Investiture of the Duke went forward For the Lord Ambassador Spencer and Garter rising from their Seats went upon the red Woollen Cloth towards the Duke and making a low obeysance to him with great honor and respect they addressed their speech to him in a certain form of words commonly used upon that occasion and presented unto him the Ensigns and Ornaments of the Order First they delivered into his hands the Book of the Statutes which he again delivered unto his chief Secretary the Lord John Stattler who stood ready at the Duke's side according to his place to receive it and who thereupon delivered to the Ambassadors from the Duke an Oath to keep and observe faithfully all the Statutes and Articles of the Order After that the Garter was tied upon his Highness left leg a little beneath the Knee Then they put the Collar about his neck All these things being performed the Lord Ambassador Spencer and Garter congratulated the Duke with much respect and a while held discourse with him and then after a low obeysance made to the Soveraign's Stall they returned towards their several Seats Then the Musick ceasing that most eminent Divine John Magirus Councellor to the new invested Duke and President of Studtguardt made a most learned and elegant Sermon wherein he discourst of the friendship and discord of Princes and shewed how excellent a thing the mutual concord amity and benevolence of Princes was how much it was to be esteemed by their Subjects and what great benefits and conveniences arose from thence Sermon ended the Musick was again renewed which consisted of the Voices of two Youths clad in White Garments with Wings like Angels and standing oppo●ite one to another so after a Tenor an Altus and a Base was sung the Organ and other instrumental Musick together with vocal went together in 〈◊〉 After according to the Custom at the Anniversary Feast of George●t ●t Windesor the new invested Duke rising from his seat and thrice as he passed by making Reverence to the Soveraign's Stall went upon the Red Cloth Garter going b●●ore immediately to the Altar his Train being held up by Count Leostene and his Sword carried after him by his Esquire of honor where when he was come the Reverend Divine Faelix Bidembachin Chaplain to his Highness set a gilt Bason upon the middle of the Altar into which the Duke put 50 Duckets which he took out of a little red silk Purse giving charge to his said Chaplain to distribute them to the Poor which done he betook himself again to his Stall saluting the Soveraign's in passing by as before The Solemnities in the Church being finished this illustrious company returned to the great Hall in the Castle in the same order and pomp as they proceeded thence the Trumpets sounding and the Guns going off After several congratulations from the Lord Ambassador Spencer and Garter and many other noble Personages to the new invested Duke in the said Hall they parted and went to their several Chambers till Dinner was ready Dinner time being come the Duke and Lord Ambassador Spencer with all their Train went into the great Hall to Dine where the preparation and order of the Feast was after the manner of St. George's Feas● in England the Soveraign's Table was served with all manner of varieties as if he had been there present himself the Carver and Sewers and all other Officers attending and serving on the Knee Also Water was presented by three that carried the Bason Ewer and Towel with the same obeysance as is used in England to the Soveraign being present Water also was presented to the Duke after the custom of Wirtemberg the like to the Lord Ambassador Spencer and Garter to the Dutchess and the Duke's Children Then each ones proper place was assigned by certain Officers appointed for that purpose At the four ends of the Soveraign's Table were placed Tasters he that was at the North side received the Dishes from the Sewers and delivered them to him that stood opposite on the South side who standing on the right side of the Soveraign's Chair tasted of the meat cut off it and put it upon a Plate that was laid as for the Soveraign and after a while changed the Plate giving it to him that stood at the West Side and did the
like with the rest of the Viands The fourth Taster stood at the East side of the Table and his Office was to taste and administer the Soveraign's Wine reaching it over to the Southern Taster that stood by the Soveraign's Chair in like manner as the meat was served Likewise the Duke the Lord Ambassador Spencer and Garter had their se●eral Tables as hath been said before and sate under their several Canopies and at another Table sate the Dutchess and her ten Children After exceeding plenty state and variety of Dishes there were served all manner of Curiosities in Paste as the Figures and shapes of several kinds of Beasts and Birds as also the Statutes of Hercules Minerva Mercury and other famous persons All Dinner time and a pretty while after the English and the Wirtemberg Musick sitting opposite to one another these on the Dukes side the other at the Soveraign's and Lord Ambassadors side sung and plaid alternately to one another After Dinner certain Balls were danced in a long Gallery of the Castle towards the Paradise of Studtguardt This Festivity lasted that night and the next day and afterwards the English Guests were conducted to see some of the principal places of the Dukedom as Waltebuch the Vniversity of Tubing c. where they were entertained with Comedies Musick and other delights and at their return to Studtguardt were presented with very magnificent gifts and being to return for England were accompanied by the Duke as far as Asperg where with great demonstration and expressions of amity and affection on both sides solemn leave was taken A Relation of the order observed when Maurice Prince of Orange was Invested an II. Iac. R. On the 4. of February an 1613. the Citizens of the Hague met in Arms together with the Troops of Prince Maurice of Prince Henry his Brother and the Earl of Chastilion the Citizens kept Guard in the outermost Court where also several pieces of Ordinance were placed and the three aforementioned Troops in the innermost Court. From the Palace to the Shambles were Pitch Barels placed as also at the Soveraign's Ambassadors Lodgings At 3 a Clock in the Afternoon the States of the United Provinces assembled in the usual place where other person of great quality were admitted as Spectators The first that came thither was Refuge the French Kings Ambassador who took his Seat at the upper end of the Table not long after came Prince Maurice conducted by the Soveraign's Ambassador and those deputed by the States before them went 12 Trumpets sounding and after several Noblemen and Persons of Honor two and two the Guards attending on each side After these went Garter Principal King of Arms vested with his Coat of Arms embroidered with the Arms of England Scotland France and Ireland and carrying in his hand a Purse of Green Silk wherein were the Garter and George next him went Prince Maurice and after him his Brother Henry the Prince of Portugal and others of his kindred as the Earls of Nassau and Lippia then several of the Nobility and many others of great quality Then Prince Maurice taking his place where these Solemnities were performed sat at the upper end of the Table at the left hand of the French Kings Ambassador but Sir Ralph Winwood the Soveraign's Ambassador took his place in the middle over against the President of the States and began a short Oration in French to this effect My Lords from those things which I have in the Convention declared by the command of the King my Master you have sufficiently understood his purpose of conferring the Order of the Garter upon Prince Maurice as also the causes wherewith he thought himself moved to do it and whereas it hath been decreed by the common suffrages of the Knights-Campanions of the Order that he should be joined in Companionship with the Elector Palatine it seemed good to the Soveraign to command me to present him with the Ensigns of this Order and hath confirmed this his command by the testimony of his Commission under the Great Seal of England which Commission I here deliver unto you and pray it may be read Hereupon he delivered the Commission to the President from whose hand the Secretary then taking it read it aloud which having finished the Soveraign's Ambassador continued his discourse Both the honor of this Order and ancient Custom require that it be sent out of England to Stranger Princes by persons of honor peculiarly deputed to this Employment and who are themselves Knights-Companions of the Order or at least deserve to be so but because that the Ceremonies there used seem not so well to agree with the Discipline of your Church and that the conditions thereof are not altogether consistent with the state of your Common-wealth it hath pleased the Soveraign of the Order for the avoiding all scandal to confer this Order without any pomp or external magnificence We have therefore made choice of this place in compliance with your pleasure as the most commodious for the performance of our duty in that we might present it in the presence of your Lordships who as being the Supream Lords of this State will not think much to be Eye-witnesses of that honor which the King of Great Britain your best Friend and Allie offers to the chief General of your Armies and Governour of your Provinces as also to your whole State in general whereof each of you are a part Nor could his Majesty have given greater testimonies either of his affection towards the happy State of your Common-wealth or of the joy which he hath conceived for that he sees your Affairs after so many troubles and storms brought to a Haven of rest and quiet or likewise of his most entire good will wishing that that League of Friendship which is contracted between his Kingdoms and your Provinces may be perpetual and inviolable Now therefore desiring first your good leave we shall convert our Address to Prince Maurice At this instant Garter King of Arms opened the Silk Purse and took out the Garter set with rich Diamonds and laid it on the Table and then the Ambassador addrest himself to Prince Maurice in the following manner To you my Lord we offer in the name of the King my Master the Order of the Garter which we may say without boasting or flattery is the most ancient and most illustrious Order of all Europe which in all times hath been kept inviolable without any spot or blemish wherewith all the greatest Emperors and Monarchs suing to be graced and adorned have esteemed the greatest part of their felicity that they could obtain it his Majesty judgeth the greatness of your Family which he acknowledgeth to be most illustrious worthy of this Honor your piety also and zeal to promote the Reformed Religion likewise your warlike virtues which the God of Hosts hath blest with so many Victories but especially those high merits whereby you have obliged these
or Stone-Gallery do twelve Gentlemen of the Privy-Chamber attend with a rich Canopy of Cloth of Gold who when the Soveraign approacheth receive him under it and bear it over his head until he arriv● at the Choire Door of St. George's Chappel and this Canopy is carried over the Soveraign only in the Morning of the Feast Day not in the Afternoon nor on the Eve nor the Day after the Feast The Processional way to the Chappel is the same they traversed on the Eve if the Soveraign and Knights-Companions march to the Chapter-House first for anciently it was the Custom to hold a Chapter in the Morning of the Feast Day either before Mattins and sometimes when Mattins was finished before the Grand Procession set ●orward This course received interruption in Queen Elizabeths time during which no Chapter was held in the Morning but in the 26. 31. 38. years of her Reign and then only for admitting of some of the Officers of the Order But the time of holding this Chapter was restored by King Charls the First who several times held it before the first Service began as in the 5. 14. 15. Years of his Reign But if no Chapter be at this time held then as soon as the Proceeding comes near to the Chappel instead of entring the passage between the East end of the Chappel and King Henry the Eighth's Tomb-House as it doth on the Eve because the Soveraign goes first to the Chapter-House it proceedeth straight on to the South Door of the Chappel and thence into the Choire Yet the present Soveraign An. 15. of his Reign appointed the whole Proceeding to pass by the said South Door along the Southside of the Chappel and then to enter in at the West Door which was then and since so observed When the Alms-Knights are come to the West Door of the Choire they enter and pass up above the steps to the Altar in the very same manner and Order as is at large described and mentioned to be observed upon the entry of the Proceeding into the Choire on the Eve of the Feast Then do the Prebends take their Seats and The Officers of Arms pass to the Haut Pas's of the Altar After this the Knights-Companions proceed and stand before their Stalls The Officers of the Order before their Forms and The Soveraign ascends his Royal Seat as also The Knights-Companions their Stalls Then the Prelate conducted by the Serjeant of the Vestry goes up to the Altar The Officers of Arms descend into the Choire and lastly The Alms-Knights retire to their Seats All which being done the Prelate begins the Morning Service wherein he proceeds according to the order prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer save only that the first Lesson being made proper to the Festival is taken out of the 44 Chapter of Ecclesiasticus This solemn Proceeding to the Chappel in the Morning of the Feast day is and hath been most usually performed on Foot nevertheless sometimes heretofore the Soveraign and Knights-Companions have proceeded on Horseback to enlarge the state and gallantry of the show For it is remembred that an 16. E. 4. the Feast of St. George being then celebrated at Windesor the Soveraign and Knights-Companions rode to the Chappel on Horseback to hear Mass that morning and with them also rode the Queen the Lady Elizabeth the King's Daughter and the Dutchess of Suffolk the King's Sister the Lady Marchioness Mountague the Marchioness Dorset and divers other Ladies in Gowns embroidered with Garters concerning which Habit we have already spoken So also an 3. H. 7. on the Morning of the Feast-day did the Soveraign and Knights-Companions proceed on Horseback to Matins with equal splendor or rather more glorious than on the Eve to the first Vespers For the Knights-Companions were vested in Surcoats of White Cloth embroidered with Garters the Livery of the new year the Kings Courser was trapped with a Trapper of St. George of white Cloth of Gold and the Lord Berners bare the King's Sword his Courser being trapped with St. Edward's Arms. This Proceeding was augmented by the presence of the Queen and the Kings Mother attended with a splendid Train of Ladies and others that waited on them themselves being attired in the Livery of the Order and their Horses most richly accoutred with Foot-Cloths Trappings and all other Furniture correspondant in like State as on the Eve Again in the 20 year of the same Soveraign who then held the Feast of St. George at Baynards Castle in London he proceeded on Horseback to St. Paul's Church in like order as on the Evening before where he heard Matins And King Henry the Eighth at the Feast held at Windesor in the 11. year of his Reign rode with the Knights-Companions about eight a Clock in the morning down to the Colledge to hear Mattins in like manner as on the Eve and alighted at the South door of the Chappel The like did King Philip an 1. 2. Ph. Mar. And Queen Elizabeth in the sixth year of her Reign proceeded also on Horseback to the Morning Service in her whole Habit of the Order Lastly an 6. Eliz. the Soveraign in the whole Habit of the Order the French Ambassador riding neer her and all the Knights-Companions with the Officers of the Order and Officers of Arms proceeded on Horseback to the Chappel on the Morning of the Feast-day And in like manner did the Soveraign's Lieutenant at the same Feast ride to the first and second Vespers and to the Morning Service the day after the Feast It was a Custom begun by Queen Elizabeth and used when she celebrated the Feast of St. George either at Whitehall or Greenwich for the Soveraign's Lieutenant and the Knights-Companions in full Robes attended with the Officers of the Order and of Arms to meet in the Presence-Chamber about 9 a Clock in the Morning of the Feast day and thence to proceed as they did the Evening before through the Guard-Chamber down into the Great Hall and thence into the Chappel where they took their Stalls as on the Eve after which Morning Prayer according to the order established in the Church of England was begun and continued so far as the Letany and this was called the first Service which done they all descended from their Stalls in the accustomed order and proceeded back to the Presence in the same manner and by the same way as they went to the Chappel and there waited the coming of the Soveraign before whom they proceeded a second time to the Choire where the Letany and Grand Procession begun called the second Service at which the Soveraign was usually present but never at the first Service And the first memorial that we have met with of this double proceeding to the Chappel in the Morning of the Feast-day is recorded in
and Arch-Chamberlain to the Emperor With these the King retained for his intended Expedition into France several other Noblemen of those Countries as namely Adolph Earl of Monte who having made Fealty and Homage to the King he in reward thereof setled on him a Pension for life of 1200 Florens of Gold per annum out of his Exchequer Everhard eldest Son to Thideric Earl of Lymborg Adolph Earl of Marlia Robert de Touburgh Lord of Warnich Theodorick Earl of Lossen and Heuseberg and Lord of Blatikenburgh and Theodorick de Montjoy Lord of Valkenborgh besides divers valiant Knights and Commanders of eminent note But Philip de Valois was so alarm'd at the report of these Alliances that he used all endeavours to interrupt the foresaid Ambassadors in their passage home both by placing a Garrison in the Isle of Cogaunt and setting out several men of War to Sea Of which the King having intelligene directed his Writ to Iohn de Ros Admiral of the Fleet from the River of Thames Northward to fit up a Convoy of 40 stout Ships well mann'd to be at Dort in Holland on Monday after Midsommer-day to secure their return where they lay ready for their coming And whereas these Ambassadors in making these Alliances and Retainers upon the Kings account had obliged themselves to pay sundry great sums of money the King indempulfied them their Heirs and Executors of all those sums and other things whereto they were so engaged This great Affair of strengthening the King with Alliances and Friends in Germany and Flanders was again set on foot and to that purpose another Commission was issued to the said Bishop of Lincoln and Earl of Salisbury to whom was added Robert de Vfford Earl of Suffolk and Iohn Darcy Steward of the Kings Houshould with power to any three of them to treat thereupon with Lewis the Emperor Another Commission of the same date was made out to them and to Richard de Winkele Iohn de Offord Paul de Monteflorum Iohn de Montgomery and Iohn Wauwyn impowering them to treat with and retain all persons aswell Nobles as others for the Kings Service And as the King did endeavour by these means to gain assistance for the recovery of his right to the Crown of France so did he not neglect all methods of Peace among which he thought fit to constitute the foresaid Bishop of Lincolne the Earls of Salisbury and Suffolk and Iohn Darcy his Agents to treat cum magnifico Principe Domino Philippo Rege Franciae illustri or his Deputies touching his right to the said Crown to wit whether it ought to remain to him or King Edward And by another Commission they were impowered to treat upon all Controversies and Demands whatsoever relating to the Dukedom of Aquitaine or other parts beyond Sea and also of a happy and perpetual peace The same day he constituted Iohn Duke of Brabant and Loraine his Lieutenant Captain and Vicar General in the Kingdom of France where it is worthy note that the King in this Commission challenging the Crown of France as devolved to him by right of succession and consequently become his lawful Inheritance did assume the Title of that Kingdom and stiled himself Edwardus Dei gratiâ Rex Angliae Franciae Dominus Hiberniae Dux Aquitaniae And by another Commission bearing even date made of these Officiary Dignities to the said Duke he put France in the first place thus Edwardus Dei gratiâ Rex Franciae Angliae c. but it was not long e're he voluntarily laid this Title of France aside nor did he solemnly assume it again till the 14. year of his Reign over England By several other Commissions of the same date wherein the Titles of England and France were so transposed did the King constitute into the same Dignities William Marquess of Iuliers William Earl of Henault his Father-in-Law and William Bohun Earl of Northampton and by another then dated and directed to the Archbishops Bishops Dukes Marquesses Earls Barons and all other persons in the Kingdom of France having therein the Titles of England and France transposed as before they are commanded to receive the said Duke as if it were the King in his own person as also the Marquesses and Earls And further the said Marquesses and the Earls were by other Commissions severally constituted the Kings special Ambassadors to make known his said Title to all whom it should concern to challenge and prosecute his right to require every unjust detainor to render to the King whatsoever he so withheld from him to displace and punish such as they should think meet and lastly to do and execute all other things which should be most necessary for the recovery and preservation of his right The King of France had in the beginning of this year sent Forces into Gascoigne and seised upon many of the Kings Castles and Fortresses upon notice hereof the King gave command to arrest 20 Ships in the Port of Southampton and thereabouts and to press men to be ready at Portsmouth to set forward for Gascoigne on Whitson-Eve following for he had raised a great Army to send thither It may not here be forgotten what is recorded of Reymond Cornely Lord of Abertha a Gascoigner who made an offer to the King of France to fight in defence of Edward's right to those Countries for which he sent him very great and particular thanks But withall made several applications by his Ambassadors to the Court of France for restitution of what had been seized on and prevention of a War His Offers were these 1. To marry his eldest Son the Duke of Cornwall to the King of France's Daughter without Dowry 2. The marriage of his Sister the Countess of Geldres to his Son with a great sum of money 3. The marriage of his Brother the Earl of Cornwall with any of the Blood Royal. 4. To make restitution for any dammage he tendered him as much money as he could in reason demand 5. He also proferr'd to take a Voyage to the Holy Land with the King of France if he would restore his Lands to him 6. To go the Voyage if he would restore but half or some of those Lands 7. To take the Voyage with him if he would make restitution after his return or lastly 8. To take the Voyage singly himself so that at his return he would restore him his right These Overtures with many others which the King or his Council could think off were offered to the King of France in order to a Peace with this general proposal beside That if any one could think of any other way tending thereunto he would be ready to accept thereof But all in vain for on the contrary King Philip excited and maintained the Scots against him and his Navy also did great mischiefs at Sea Whereupon the Pope perceiving that the War was likely to proceed sent
Viscount Benanges mentioned in the following Pedigree be the same person is some question For first in all those Records where he is remembred the Title of Capitow de la Bouch is not given him Secondly we cannot trace him beyond the 22. year of the Reign of King Edward the Third and the Order of the Garter was not Instituted till the following year Thirdly Iohn his Son is called Capitan de Bou●h an 5. E. 3. and so till he died And if he should prove the perso● as some do take him to be it is a strange mistake committed in the Engravement of the Plate which seems to be as ancient as any of the rest set up in the Chappel at Windesor Of this Iohn Capitan de Buch there are many things noted by Sir Iohn Froissard relating to both his taking King Edward's side against the French and his valiant actions in those Wars But in regard we doubt of his being one of the first Knights-Companions of the Garter we have thought fit for the present to wave the Historical account of him and intreat the Reader in lieu of it to content himself with that of some part of the descent whereby he may guess at the greatness yet unsuccessfulness of our pains in endeavouring to ascertain the person Iohannes de Greilly dominus Benanges Senescallus totius Aquitaniae Rot. Vasc. 6. 7. E. 1. m. 9. Claramonda filia haeres Galliardi de Mota domini de Laudirons Rot. Vasc. 6. 7. E. 1. m. 9. Petrus de Greilly miles Rot. Vasc. 14. E. 3. m. 2. Katherina de Greilly Domina Locorum St Blasii de Laudiron Rot. Vasc. 14. E. 3. m. 2. Petrus de Greilly Vicecom Benangiarum Castellionis Rot. Vasc. 14. E. 3. m. 2. 16. E. 3. m. 13. 22. E. 3. m. 25. Assalita soror haeres Petri de Burdegal Rot. Vasc. 5. E. 3. m. 24. Petrus de Burdegal dominus de Puypaulini Iohannes de Greilly ac Capitaneus de Buch. Rot. Vasc. 5. E. 3. m. 24.14 E. 3. m. 2.16 E. 3. m. 13. 29. E. 3. m. 6. Blanch de Loup Archambaud de Greilly Capitalis de Bogio ac Vicecomes Benangiarum Castillionis ac dominus de Podiopaulini Castri novi in Medulco Rot. Vasc. 7. R. 2. m. 10. 6. Ralph Earl of Stafford THis Noble Earl was Son unto Edmund Lord Stafford first summoned to Parliament an 27. E. 1. and Margaret Daughter to Ralph Lord Basset of Draiton His Father dyed an 2. E. 2. and and an 17. E. 2. being of full age he did his Homage and had Livery of his Fathers Lands The first military imployment that he undertook was an 1. E. 3. being summoned to be at Newcastle upon Tine on Monday next before Ascension day to go against the Scots The 12. of February an 10. E. 3. the King sent his Writ directed to him Philip Chetwynde and Philip Somervill to raise in Staffordshire Lichfield excepted 60 Hobelars and 200 Archers and to bring them to Berwick upon Tweed before the following Octaves of Easter In his absence it seems there was some attempts made to seize upon his Lady and carry her away but making his complaint to the King he received her under his protection and directed his Writ to the Sheriff to protect her so long as her Lord remained in his service I find this noble Lord was an 15. E. 3. Steward of the Kings House and one of those who went over into Bretagne an 16. E. 3. with Robert d' Artous to the assistance of the Countess of Montfort He behaved himself bravely in the Sea-fight near the Isle of Gernsey with the French and Genoeses who endeavoured to interrupt their passage thither but after they had been a while engaged a violent storm parted the two Navies and the English landed safely the first Town taken by them being Vannes and that by assault Soon after this Town was re-taken by Sir Henry de Leon and the Lord Clisson but the latter end of the Summer King Edward landed with an Army and laid a new Siege to it and perceiving the Country was much wasted he left the Earl of Arundel with this Lord before it and went to Rennes It hapned that one day upon an assault this Lord ventured so far that he was got between the City Gate and the Bars and there taken Prisoner but at another side of the Town Sir Henry de Leon and the Lord Clisson were both taken Prisoners by the English and so he was afterwards exchanged for the Lord Clisson In this Expedition he had Wages allowed him for 50 men at Arms viz. himself two Bannerets 16 Knights 31 Esquires and 50 Archers on Horseback An. 17. E. 3. was a year of much action for first this Earl with the Earl of Lancaster and other Noblemen went into Scotland to raise the Siege laid by the Scots to the Castle of Louhmaban and being returned was joined in Commission with Hugh le Despenser Lord of Glamorgan William de Norwich Dean of Lincolne Sir William Trussell and Andrew de Offord to treat in the Pope's presence with the Agents of Philip de Valois concerning the Kings right to the Crown of France but we suppose he went not on that Embassy for the 19. of August there was another Commission for that Affair made out to Henry of Lancaster Earl of Derby and others wherein he and Sir William Trussell were omitted and they the first of Iuly preceding with Philip de Weston Canon of York and Iohn Wawayn were sent to treat with the Noblemen Burgomasters c. in Flanders about the setlement of the Staple of Wool there and touching the Coyning of Gold and Silver such as might be current both in England and Flanders and whatsoever by any 3 or 2 of them should be agreed on this Ralph Earl of Stafford being one the King promised to ratifie They had another Commission wherein power was granted them to treat with the Princes Nobles and People of Almaine upon Alliances between the King and them and to gain their assistance for him The following year he went in the Expedition int● Gascoigne with the Earl of Derby and commanded the Party that assaulted Bergerac by Water who behaved themselves so valiantly that through their Valour the Town was forced to surrender to the Earl He was very active in this Gascoigne War and almost in continual Service and in sealing the Walls of Mountpesat Castle Richard Pennenort an English Gentleman that bare his Banner was slain For his Great Services in this War after his return into England he was made Seneschal of Gascoigne and had the Kings Letter sent to the Prelates and Nobility of that Country to obey and submit to his Authority while he continued in that Office Within a few days after the King directed his Writ
159. Albro Vasques d' Almada Earl of Averence in Normandy 160. Thomas Hoo Lord Hoo. 161. Sir Francis Surien Knight 162. Alphonsus King of Aragon 163. Casimire the Fourth King of Poland 164. William Duke of Brunswick 165. Richard Widvile Lord Rivers after Created Earl Rivers 166. Iohn Mowbray Duke of Norfolk 167. Henry Bourchier Viscount Bourchier after Lord Treasurer of England and Earl of Essex 168. Sir Philip Wentworth Knight 169. Sir Edward Hall Knight 170. Frederick the Third Emperor of Germany 171. Iohn Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury 172. Lionell Wells Lord Wells 173. Thomas Stanley Lord Stanley 174. Edward Prince of Wales 175. Iaspar Earl of Penbroke after Duke of Bedford 176. Iames Butler Earl of Wiltshire 177. Iohn Sutton Lord Dudley 178. Iohn Bourchier Lord Berners 179. Richard Nevil Earl of Warwick 180. William Bonvill Lord Bonvill 181. Iohn Wenlock Lord Wenlock 182. Sir Thomas Kyriell Knight Knights Elected in the Reign of King Edward the Fourth 183. George Duke of Clarence 184. Sir William Chamberlayne Knight 185. Iohn Typtoft Earl of Worcester after High Constable of England 186. Iohn Nevel Lord Montague after Earl of Northumberland and Marquess Montague 187. William Herbert Lord Herbert after Earl of Penbroke 188. William Hastings Lord Hastings 189. Iohn Scrope Lord Scrope 190. Sir Iohn Astley Knight 191. Ferdinand King of Naples Son of Alphonsus King of Aragon 192. Francis Sfortia Duke of Milan 193. Iames Douglas Earl of Douglas 194. Galeard Lord Duras 195. Sir Robert Harcourt Knight 196. Anthony Widvile Lord Scales and Nucelles after Earl Rivers 197. Richard Duke of Gloucester after King of England of that name the Third 198. Lord Mountgryson of Apulia 199. Iohn Mowbray Duke of Norfolk 200. Iohn de la Poole Duke of Suffolk 201. William Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundell 202. Iohn Stafford Earl of Wiltshire 203. Iohn Howard Lord Howard after Duke of Norfolk 204. Walter Ferrars Lord Ferrars of Chartley. 205. Walter Blount Lord Mountjoy 206. Charles Duke of Burgundy 207. Henry Stafford Duke of Buckingham after Constable of England 208. Thomas Fitz-Alan Lord Matrevers after Earl of Arundel 209. Sir William Parr 210. Frederick Duke of Vrbin 211. Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland 212. Edward Prince of Wales 213. Richard Duke of York second Son to King Edward the Fourth 214. Thomas Grey Earl of Huntingdon and Marquess Dorset 215. Sir Thomas Montgomery Knight 216. Ferdinand King of Castile 217. Hercules Duke of Ferara 218. Iohn King of Portugal Son to Alphonsus the Fifth Knights Elected in the Reign of King Richard the Third 219. Sir Iohn Coniers Knight 220. Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey after Lord Treasurer of England and Duke of Norfolk 221. Francis Viscount Lovell 222. Sir Richard Ratcliff Knight 223. Sir Thomas Burgh Knight after Lord Burgh 224. Thomas Stanley Lord Stanley after Earl of Derby 225. Sir Richard Tunstall Knight Knights Elected in the Reign of King Henry the Seventh 226. Iohn Vere Earl of Oxford 227. Sir Giles d' Aubeny Knight after Lord d' Aubeny 228. Thomas Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel 229. George Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury 230. Iohn Wells Viscount Wells 231. George Stanley Lord Strange 232. Sir Edward Wydevile Knight Banneret 233. Iohn Dynham Lord Dynham Lord Treasurer of England 234. Maximilian the First Emperor of Germany 235. Sir Iohn Savage Knight 236. Sir William Stanley Knight Lord Chamberlain 237. Sir Iohn Cheney Knight Baneret 238. Alphonsus Duke of Calabria 239. Arthur Prince of Wales 240. Thomas Grey Marquess Dorset 241. Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland 242. Henry Bourchier Earl of Essex 243. Sir Charles Somerset Knight Baneret after Earl of Worcester 244. Robert Willoughby Lord Brook 245. Sir Edward Poynings Knight 246. Sir Gilbert Talbot Knight Baneret 247. Sir Richard Poole Knight 248. Edward Stafford Duke of Buckingham 249. Henry Duke of York second Son to King Henry the Seventh after King of England of that name the Eighth 250. Edward Courtney Earl of Devonshire 251. Sir Richard Guildford Knight Baneret 252. Sir Edmund de la Poole Earl of Suffolke 253. Sir Thomas Lovel Knight Baneret 254. Sir Reginald Bray Knight Baneret 255. Iohn King of Denmark 256. Guido Vbaldo Duke of Vrbin 257. Gerald Fitz Gerald Earl of Kildare 258. Henry Stafford Lord Stafford after Earl of Wiltshire 259. Richard Grey Earl of Kent 260. Sir Rys ap Thomas Knight Baneret 261. Philip King of Castile 262. Sir Thomas Brandon Knight Baneret 263. Charles Arch-Duke of Austria Prince of Spaines after Emperor of Germany Knights Elected in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth 264. Thomas Darcy Lord Darcy 265. Edward Sutton Lord Dudley 266. Emanuel King of Portugal 267. Thomas Howard Lord Howard eldest Son to Thomas Duke of Norfolk 268. Thomas West Lord la Ware 269. Sir Henry Marney Knight after Lord Marney 270. George Nevil Lord Abergaveny 271. Sir Edward Howard Knight second Son to Thomas Duke of Norfolk 272. Sir Charles Brandon after Duke of Suffolk 273. Iulian de Medices Brother to Pope Leo the Tenth 274. Edward Stanley Lord Mounteagle 275. Thomas Dacres Lord Dacres of Gyllesland 276. Sir William Sandes Knight after Lord Sandes 277. Henry Courtney Earl of Devonshire and after Marquess of Exceter 278. Ferdinand Prince and Infant of Spain Arch-Duke of Austria after Emperor of Germany 279. Sir Richard Wingfield Knight 280. Sir Thomas Bullen Knight after Viscount Rochford and Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond 281. Walter d'Euereux Lord Ferrars of Chartley after Viscount Hereford 282. Arthur Plantaginet Viscount Lisle 283. Robert Radcliff Viscount Fitz Walter after Earl of Sussex 284. William Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel 285. Thomas Mannors Lord Roos after Earl of Rutland 286. Henry Fitz Roy after Earl of Nottingham and Duke of Richmond and Somerset 287. Ralph Nevil Earl of Westmerland 288. William Blount Lord Montjoy 289. Sir William Fitz Williams Knight after Earl of Southampton 290. Sir Henry Guildford Knight 291. Francis the French King 292. Iohn Vere Earl of Oxford 293. Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland 294. Anne Duke of Montmorency 295. Philip Chabot Earl of Newblanche 296. Iames the Fifth King of Scotland 297. Sir Nicholas Carew Knight 298. Henry Clifford Earl of Cumberland 299. Thomas Cromwell Lord Cromwell after Earl of Essex 300. Iohn Russell Lord Russell after Earl of Bedford 301. Sir Thomas Cheney Knight 302. Sir William Kingston Knight 303. Thomas Audley Lord Audley of Walden Lord Chancellor of England 304. Sir Anthony Browne Knight 305. Edward Seymour Earl of Hertford after Duke of Somerset 306. Henry Howard Earl of Surrey 307. Sir Iohn Gage Knight 308. Sir Anthony Wingfield Knight 309. Iohn Sutton Viscount Lisle after Earl of Warwick and Duke of Northumberland 310. William Paulet Lord St. Iohn of Basing after Earl of Wiltshire and Marquess of Winchester 311. William Parr Lord Parr of Kendall after Earl of Essex and Marquess of Northampton 312. Sir Iohn Wallop Knight 313. Henry Fitz-Alen Earl of Arundell 314. Sir Anthony St. Leger Knight 315. Francis Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury 316.
we are pleased and content to accept your reasonable excuse in this behalf And by these presents do pardon you for your absence from the said Feast at this present any Statute of our said Order to the contrary notwithstanding Yeoven under our Signet of our Order at our Palace of Westminster the day of April 1575. in the 17. year of our Reign To our right trusty and right well-beloved Cousin Henry Earl of Huntington President of our Council in the City of York Knight and Companion of our most Noble Order of the Garter NUM CLXVI Another Ex Lib. Collect. W. le N. Cl. f. 54. Charles R. RIght trusty and right well-beloved Cousin We greet you well Forasmuch as you by reason of your indisposition of health cannot be present to attend our person on the days by prorogation for this year appointed for celebrating the Feast of our most Noble Order of the Garter that is to say the 26.27 and 28. days of this moneth of April We let you understand that We are pleased to excuse your absence and by these presents do pardon remit and dispence with any fault you may incur thereby And do give you license to be absent at those days from the said Feast for this year any Article or Statute of our said Order to the contrary notwithstanding Given under the Seal of our said Order at our Palace of Westminster the 23. day of April in the second year of the Reign of Great Britain c. To our right trusty and right well-beloved Cousin Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey Earl Marshal of England and Knight and Companion of our most Noble Order of the Garter NUM CLXVII Another Inter Praesident Tho. Rowe Eq. Aur. nuper hujus Ordinis Cancellar Charles R. RIght trusty and right well-beloved Cousin We greet you well Whereas we have for divers causes prorogued the celebration of the Feast of St. George for this present year to the 17.18 and 19. days of April next following whereof according to the Customs and Rules of our most Noble Order of the Garter you have had notice and summons for your attendance upon those days from our Chancellor notwithstanding we are pleased to excuse your absence and by these presents do dispence therewith and pardon and remit any default you may thereby inincur and do give you license to be absent at those days from the said Feast for this pr●sent year observing in your own House the Solemnities appointed by the Canons of the Order any Statute or Article thereof to the contrary notwithstanding Given under the Signet of our Order at our Palace of Westminster the 24. day of February in the 12. year of our Reign NUM CLXVIII A Warrant for a Privy Seal to pay Garter for Scutcheons used on Saint George's day Ex Autogr. pen. Iohan. Vincent gen TRusty and well-beloved We greet you well and will and command you that under our Privy Seal being in your Custody ye cause our Letters to be made forth unto the Treasurer and Chamberlains of our Exchequer in form following We will and command you that unto our trusty and well-beloved Servant Garter Principal King of Arms ye pay or cause to be paid in ready money upon the sight hereof without delay the sum of 6 l. 1 s. 8 d. for 23 Scutcheons by him provided for the Knights of our Order on Saint George's day last in the first and second years of our Reign whereof 4. for Princes at 6 s. 8 d. the piece and the rest at 5 s. the piece and also that ye content and pay more unto the said Garter the sum of 6 l. 11 s. 8 d. for 25. Scutcheons by him provided and set up at our Mannor of St. James in the second and third years of our Reign for the furniture of the Stalls in our said Chappel at the rate aforesaid and these our Letters shall be your sufficient Warrant and discharge NUM CLXIX A Privy Seal to pay Garter 7 l. per annum for Scutcheons of Arms set up on St. George's Eve Collect. W. le N. Cl. ELizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To the Treasurer and Chamberlains of our Exchequer greeting We will and command you forthwith upon the sight hereof of such our Treasure as remaineth in your Custody you content and pay or cause to be contented and paid to our trusty and well-beloved Servant Sir Gilbert Dethick Knight alias Garter principal King of Arms the sum of 21 l. for Scutcheons of Arms of the Knights of our Order set up in our Chappel within our Palace of Westminster as wel on St. George's Even in the year of our Lord God 1579. as on St. George's Even in the year of our Lord God 1580. and also on St. George's Even last past and also henceforth during his life to allow him yearly 7 l. to be paid on St. George's day accordingly And these our Letters shall be your sufficient Warrant and discharge in that behalf Given under our Privy Seal at our Mannor of Greenwich the 7. day of July in the 23. year of our Reign NUM CLXX Another Ex Autogr. penes Wil. Knight CHARLES by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To the Treasurer and Under-Treasurer of our Exchequer for the time being and that hereafter shall be Greeting Whereas our late dear Father King James of happy memory deceased by Warrant under his Privy Seal bearing date the second day of July in the sixth year of his Reign of England c. did give order for the payment unto William Seagar alias Garter Knight now principal King of Arms and to any other principal King of Arms for the time being upon every Saint George Even of the sum of seven pounds for Escotcheons of Arms of the Knights of the Order of the Garter to be set up in the Chappel at Whitehall or any other place where the said Feast should happen to be solemnized on every St. George's Even and Day as by the said Warrant more at large appeareth We minding the continuance of the said yearly allowance do hereby will and command you to cause payment to be made out of such our Treasure as now is or hereafter shall be in the receipt of our said Exchequer of the said yearly allowance of seven pounds unto the said Sir William Seager alias Garter Knight now our principal King of Arms and to any other our principal King of Arms for the time being upon every St. George's Even for the Scutchions of Arms of the Knights of our Order of the Garter to be by him or them set up in our Chappel at Whitehall or any other place where the said Feast shall happen to be solemnized every St. George's Even and day And to continue the payment thereof yearly until you shall receive other directions from us to the contrary The first payment thereof to begin
heretofore applied to Women and sometimes used to express Madams or Ladies though now these Titles are not known Don Raymond last Earl of Barcellona who by an intermarriage with Petronilla only Daughter and Heir of King Ramiro the Monk united that Principality to the Kingdom of Aragon having in the year 1149. gained the City of Tortosa from the Moors they on the 31. of December following laid a new Siege to that place for the recovery of it out of the Earls hands The Inhabitants being at length reduced to great streights desired relief of the Earl but he being not in a condition to give them any they entertained some thoughts of making a surrender Which the Women hearing of to prevent the disaster threatning their City themselves and Children put on mens Clothes and by a resolute sally forced the Moors to raise the Siege The Earl finding himself obliged by the gallantry of the action thought ●it to make his acknowledgments thereof by granting them several Priviledges and Immunities and to perpetuate the memory of so signal an attempt Instituted an Order somewhat like a Military Order into which were admitted only those brave Women deriving the honor to their Descendants and assigned them for a Badge a thing like a Fryars Capouche sharp at the top after the form of a Torch and of a crimson colour to be worn upon their Head-clothes He also ordained that at all publick meetings the Women should have precedence of the Men That they should be exempted from all Taxes and that all the Apparel and Jewels though of never so great value left by their dead Husbands should be their own These Women saith our Author having thus acquired this Honor by their personal Valour carried themselves after the manner of Military Knights of those days We may also not unfitly bring in here a word or two of a more general Ornament of Honor not long since made peculiar to this fair Sex to wit that of the Cordon which some will have to be an Order or somewhat equivalent thereto under that Title The Institution of it is attributed to Anne of Britane Wife to Charles the Eighth of France who instead of the Military Belt or Collar bestowed a Cordon or Lace on several Ladies admonishing them to live chastly and devoutly always mindful of the Cords and Bonds of our Saviour Iesus Christ and to engage them to a greater esteem thereof she surrounded her Escocheon of Arms with the like Cordon From which Example it is since drawn into use that the Arms of unmarried Ladies and Gentlewomen usually represented on Escocheons made after the form of a Lozenge are adorned with such a Cordon But if we look back into ancient times we may see when Women among the Romans were first thought worthy of enjoying respect and peculiar favours and in particular out of a great honor to the Mother of Marcus Coriolanus the liberty of wearing the Segmenta aurea or bordures of Gold and Purple on their Garments the latter of which the Romans raised to an high esteem was first permitted to the Roman Matrons since she had so extraordinarily deserved of that Common-wealth by diverting the fury of her Son and drawing off his Army from before the City whose ruine he had threatned upon a just resentment of the Citizens ingratitude towards him in memorial of which preservation was there also a Temple erected and dedicated to the Female Fortune On this occasion also other accessions of honor and respect were decreed to this Sex namely to have place in passing on the way and the permission of wearing golden Ear-rings To all which the Romans willingly condescended for her sake whose powerful perswasions and rhetorical tears had gain'd them so great a deliverance CHAP. IV. OF THE Castle Chappel AND Colledge OF Windesor SECT I. Of the Castle of Windesor ALthough we intend hereafter God assisting to make publick a complete History of the Antiquities of the Castle Chappel Colledge and Town of Windesor by it self towards which we have already made some progress nevertheless we are obliged to give a brief Account of such of them here as bear a particular relation to our chief design unfolded in the succeeding Chapters and more especially for that the Chappel of St. George is situate in this stately Castle made highly illustrious by those many pompous Solemnities of the most noble Order of the Garter exhibited within its Walls To begin then with the Place it 's ancient name Wyn●le●ho●a seems to claim no greater antiquity than of the Saxon times and as our Learned Cambden conjectures received this denomination from the winding of the shore thereabouts as did Wandsworth in Surrey anciently written Windlesworth and probably for the same reason The first authentick notice we have of it for we rely not upon the reports of Geofry of Monmouth or his Followers is from that Instrument of Donation which King Edward the Confessor made thereof among other Lands to the Monastery of St. Peters at Westminster wherein it is declared that this King for the hope of eternal reward the remission of all his sins the sins of his Father Mother and all his Ancestors to the praise of Almighty God granted as an endowment and perpetual inheritance to the use of the Monks there that served God Wyndleshore situate within yet at the East point of the County of Berks with all its appurtenances But it continued not long in their possession for King William the Conqueror the first year of his Reign being greatly enamoured of the pleasant situation of the place and for that it seemed exceeding profitable and commodions because situate so near the Thames the Wood fit for Game and many other particulars lying there meet and necessary for Kings yea a place very convenient for his reception invited Eadwin the then Abbot and Monks to accept in exchange for it Wokendune in Ceaford Hundred in the County of Essex a Mansion called Ferings with all its Members and Hamlets in Lexedene Hundred in the same County together with fourteen Sokemen and their Lands and one Freeholder in Thurestaple Hundred who held one yard Land belonging to the said Mansion with three Houses in Coleceastra and hereupon was it again returned to the Crown where it hath ever since remained The King being thus possest of Windesor forthwith built a Castle upon the Hill which we find by Domesday Book contained half a Hide of Land and that half Hide is there noted to be parcel of the Manner of Clure This Castle King Henry the First re-edified and beautified with many goodly buildings and to entertain himself with the pleasure thereof did in the tenth year of his reign summon all his Nobility thither where he held his Whitsontide with great state and magnificence Shortly after we find this Castle called Mota de Windesor the Fortress of Windesor as the Tower of London