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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19586 A mittimus to the iubile at Rome: or, The rates of the Popes custome-house Sent to the Pope, as a New-yeeres-gift from England, this yeere of iubile, 1625. And faithfully published out of the old Latine copie, with obseruations vpon the Romish text, by William Crashavv, Batchelor of Diuinity, and pastor at White-Chappell.; Taxa cancellariae apostolicae. English Catholic Church. Cancellaria Apostolica.; Crashaw, William, 1572-1626. aut 1625 (1625) STC 6023; ESTC S121001 73,722 136

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priuiledge of the Popes owne that is saith Rebuffus hee hath a power to send men to hell more then any other and himelfe with them Now for the reall practice of this enormous abuse he that reades the Canon Law and liues of the Popes and Cardinals can tell that Pope Leo was made a Cardinall at 14. yeeres old and many Cardinals and some Popes at the same age or younger and Rebuffus cites the whole Bull granted to one in his time Reb. Prax. benef lib. 1. See the whole Bull in the end of the Booke as a President for them that should seeke the like wherein Pope Iulius grants to a Noble mans sonne who therfore you know was well able to pay soundly for it one Benefice before he was 15. yeeres old and leaue to take another so soone as hee should bee twenty See good Reader what a Clergie the Romish Church affoords and maruell not if they bee such feeders and their sheepe so starued as they be and as we reade it bitterly complained of in some of their own bookes for if it be true in ciuil gouernment Eccles 10.16 Wo be to thee O Land where thy King is a child then much more may we say in the spirituall gouernment of the Church Wo to that Church where their Clergie are children and where boyes of 15 14 nay 10. yea 7. yeeres may for money be made capable of holy Orders and of the best Benefices in the Land CHAP. VIII LICENCES The Romish Text. A Licence to eate flesh butter egges and white meates in Lent and other fasting dayes or prohibited times is rated at 7. Grosses English Obseruations WHo knowes not that knowes what Popery is how highly the Popish Fasts are magnified their vertue and merit extolled and how it 's held a mortall sinne to breake those Fasts in the least degree and what horrible Heretickes we must be because wee hold not with them heerein And is now all this turned into smoke And is it all no more but a matter of 7. Grosses Parturiunt Montes How is the world abused with their Gulleries How is the supposed glory of the Carthusians for men and women the Order of Saint Clare eclipsed Wee silly fooles simply beleeued they meant as they spake and performed as they professed namely that they neuer tasted flesh But now we see our errour for seeing ten shillings and sixepence will procure them a Licence wee dare say many of them will not want it Againe the worlds eares are filled with their lewd and lowd noyses against vs of our carnality loosenesse and licentiousnesse in this kind But if Bookes and Trauellours say true more meales are fasted in England in a yeere then in the Iesuites Colledges in two And I beleeue they who try doe finde that a Licence heere to eate flesh for one yeere is not so easily had as at Rome for ones whole life if they pay the new Rates in the Exchequer CHAP. IX Licences for the Laity and first for Kings and Princes The Romish Text. A Licence or Faculty that a King or a Queene shal enioy such Indulgences as if they went to Rome will cost 200. Gross A Licence for a Queene to adopt a Child is rated at 4000. Gross That a King or a Prince may exact Contributions of the Clergie will cost 50. Gross If the Contribution arise to 100000. Florens then for the first 1000. 5. Gross And for euery other Floren 1. Gross That a King vpon Christmas day morning may cause a naked sword to bee borne before him as it is before the Pope 150. Gross That hee who preacheth before a King may giue an Indulgence to all that heare him 12. Grosses That a Noble-man may goe into a Monastery with a certaine number of followers 12. Grosses That hee may receiue the Sacraments or be buried in a Church interdicted 30. Grosses English Obseruations COnsidering the Romish State stands more by policy than by holinesse it would be a wonder to the wise how they durst thus encroach vpon the places and prerogatiues of Kings were it not that the Holy Ghost hath preuented it by telling vs that shee should make the Kings of the Earth drunke Reuel 18.3 and infatuated with her fornications But seeing shee is blinded and so shall be to her destruction for my part I much more wonder and hold it a deeper and more secret iudgement of God that some of the great Kings of the Earth should lye so long in their Lethargie and in this spirituall drunken slumber and doe not rather rowze vp themselues as ours of England haue done before them and say to themselues WHere are wee What doe wee Where haue wee beene What hath bewitched and blinded vs so long What makes vs sit still and suffer our selues to bee of their number of whom it is said Reuel 17.17 The Kings of the earth haue giuen their Kingdome to the Beast which wee would neuer haue done had not wee beene turned and transformed into beasts by the poysoned Cup of her abominatiōs Let vs at last see our selues know our owne and for feare and shame challenge and re-assume to our selues that Kingdome and power which God hath giuen vs and wee most basely haue giuen from vs to this Beast or at least suffered him closely and by degrees to vsurpe vpon vs and steale it away lest God who gaue it vs be iustly angry with vs for so little esteeming and so basely bestowing that power which hee so bountifully bestowed on vs and holding vs vnworthy as well of that wee haue as that wee gaue vp to the Beast of Rome doe iustly take it all from vs and hauing confounded vs together with him doe iustly giue it to such of his friends as will vse it to his glory and not bestow it vpon his enemies Thus me-thinkes I should heare the Kings of France and Spaine and some other Princes of Europe speake to themselues especially when they reade the seuenteenth eighteenth and nineteenth Chapters of the Reuelation Or if hee will not let them looke vpon the Scriptures yet when they reade that royall and friendly warning giuen them by the great KING of our Great-Brittaine in his learned and Princely Premonition At least when they doe but looke vpon this booke of the Popes which hee purposely wrote for their sakes and to ensnare them and prey vpon them as well as others How can they reade it but wonder at themselues that they should sit still and suffer such base bondage to be layd vpon their neckes For what a shame is it that a King shuld not cause a naked sword to be borne before him at his pleasure but hee must aske the Popes leaue pay for it also what his Popeship shall set downe Or that a childelesse King or Queene should not adopt one to themselues as they the Princes of their Bloud and States of their Kingdome shall thinke good without paying to the Pope so great a matter for the licence As
Lawes and Canons to the contrary not only to enter all holy Orders and to take a Benefice with Cure But which those that be borne in holy Wedlocke cannot haue by their Law to enioy two nay three Benefices Heere I appeale to all indifferent Readers of what Religion soeuer if in this poynt the Romish Church transgresse not all bounds of modestie and moderation yea to all euen reasonable Papists themselues if herein they bee not ashamed of their Mother who is more indulgent and fauourable to the Bastards then her owne Lawes bee to true Children who without a speciall Dispensation cannot enioy two liuings with Cure CHAP. III. Dispensations in Cases Matrimoniall or matters of Marriage As first for Marriage within forbidden DEGREES The Romish Text. A Dispensation for one to marry in the 4. Degree of Consanguinity comes to 17. Grosses And in the third degree to 27. Grosses But he must alwaies in this case compound with the Datary that is with one of the high Officers of the Apostolicall Chamber or at least with the Keeper of the Popes priuie Purse which generally comes to 4. Duc. 1. Gr. A Dispensation for the second degree of Affinity comes to 7. Du. 5. Gr But another Booke of Rates called the Rates of the Chancerie saith that it will cost ordinarily 60. Grosses And that moreouer there must bee a Composition with the Datary which riseth oft-times to 300. Grosses and sometimes to 4. 5. and 600. according to the quality of the persons English Obseruations SEe what a pleasing Religion is this of Rome Neerenesse of bloud or Kindred shall not hinder any deuout Romish Catholique from hauing her to his Wife whom hee desires For what though the Law of God bee plaine and peremptory no man no not Moses shall come neere to any that is neere of Kin to him The Pope that is they say Gods Deputy is a more indulgent Father to his deuout Children and giues thē leaue to come almost as neere as they will or can euen to the second Degree And left they should be discouraged fearing so great fauours would cost them too deare he here tels thē fairely friendly what they must pay for such Dispensation And if it fall out that some vnhappily leape beyond these limits euen to the first degree or to the very stock it selfe and lye with his Sister or the very Mother that bare him howsoeuer he will not ordinarily grant him a Dispensation to doe so yet he will louingly measure him by himselfe and kindly giue him an absolution for it when it is done at very easie rates What more respect what greater fauour can the best deseruing Catholiques craue at the hands of their holy Father Iudge good Reader is it any wonder if so many of the great and delicate ones of the World affect that Religion And if any of them which alas many doe not make any scruple of conscience in that the Law of God commands them not to come neere the Kindred of their flesh The Iesuites haue an Answer ready Did not God say they dispense with his owne Law when he bade Abraham kill his Sonne And did not Christ dispense with the morall Law when he changed the Sabboth from the Saturday to the Sunday And is not say they the holy Father of Rome the Vicar of Christ nay the Vicar of God vpon earth Away therefore with this nicenesse of Conscience and trouble not your selues so much to know what God in the Scriptures in the Law or Ghospell commands or forbids as what the Pope who is now in the roome of God and Christ commands forbids or allows for that you may safely securely rest vpon Heere is Catholique Councell indeed and no maruell if such Councellers be so well fee'd and followed as they are And I appeale to all that know them indeed if this bee not in the plaine truth the Doctrine they teach and the Counsell they giue to all such of their disciples as they dare trust I will not charge them with the very words but with the matter and dare say that they do daily instill it into such as be Idonei auditores Iesuiticae Philosophiae For Nouices I know they haue another learning who are not yet capable of their mysteries and secrets of State not sensible of what beseemes the Maiestie of their Monarchie Such wise workmen are they they haue alwayes at hand both their milke for Babes and their meat for men CHAP. IIII. DISPENSATIONS The Romish Text. Also the holy Penitentiary Apostolicall hath power to dispense in the Court of Conscience for one to marry in the first degree of Affinity but then the Dispensation will cost 9. Du. 6. Gr. And a Dispensation to marry her with whom one hath speciall Kindred will cost 60. Grosses And let Proctors and Sollicitors obserue that these fauors and Dispensations in matters Matrimoniall vse not to bee granted to the poorer sort because they want wherewith to pay for them English Obseruations LOe heere the power the Pope takes to himselfe euen to dispence in the first degree of Affinity that is to marry euen his Fathers or his Brothers Wife See you Kings what a Soueraigntie the Pope hath you are all but shadowes to him And see you foolish Heretickes of England what a braue freedome it is to be a Romish Catholique you are all but slaues to them For they may marry as they list And what though the Law of God be so strait laced as expressely to forbid these copulations Mar. 6.18 and Iohn Baptist was so strict a Puritan that he told Herod that hee might not haue his Brothers wife no matter as long as the Popes transcendent power can thus reach beyond both Law and Gospell By vertue of this his power he gaue leaue to Henry of England to marry his Brothers Wife nay to Philip of Spaine to marry his Sisters Daughter And if their owne Bookes say true as in this case we haue no cause to suspect them * Reperitur tamen Martin V. vt refert Archiep dispensasse cum eo qui cum sua Gerinana contraxerat consummauerat habito consilio cum peritis Theologis et Canonistis propter mala scandala alias inde ventura licet aliqui dicerent cum hoc non posse Syluest in verbo Papa Bar. Fumus in verbo dispensat Angelus de Clauasio in verbo Papa in Anton. Notwithstanding it is foūd that Pope Martin the V. as Antonius the Archbishop of Florence writeth dispenced with him who had contracted and consummated taking iust counsell with learned Diuines and Canon Lawyers for the auoyding of certaine inconueniences and scandals which otherwise would haue followed thereupon Though they affirmed that the Pope could not doe it one of them namely Martin the V. gaue leaue to a man to marry his owne Sister for auoyding of certaine great inconueniences Now verily if that be a cause sufficient then be sure this passion is so powerfull especially in great Ones who