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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16466 The breuiarie of health vvherin doth folow, remedies, for all maner of sicknesses & diseases, the which may be in man or woman. Expressing the obscure termes of Greke, Araby, Latin, Barbary, and English, concerning phisick and chirurgerie. Compyled by Andrew Boord, Doctor of phisicke: an English-man. Boorde, Andrew, 1490?-1549. 1587 (1587) STC 3377; ESTC S120760 193,922 314

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was but that I do write is but to true that more pitie as god knoweth Do not you think the many in this coūtrey be possessed of the deuil be mad although they be not stark mad who is blynder thē he that wil not sée who is madder thē he that doth go abut to kil his owne soule he that wil not labour to kepe the cōmandemēts of god but daly wil breke thē doth kill his soule who is he that loueth god his neighbour as he ought to do but who is he that now a dayes doth kepe their holy daies where be they that doth vse any words but swering lying or flaūdering is the one end of their tale In al the world there is no region nor coūtry the doth vse more swearing thē is vsed in Englād for a child the scarse cā speke a boy a gyrle a wenche now a dayes will swere as great othes as an olde knaue an olde drab it was vsed that whē swering did come vp first that he that did swere shuld haue a philip giue that knaue or drab a philip with a club that they do stagger at it then they children would beware after that of swering which is a dānable sin that vēgeāce of god doth oft hang ouer them if they do not amend take repētance they shal be dampned to hell wher they shall be mad for euermore world without ende Wherfore I doe counsayle al such euill disposed persons of what degrée so euer they be of amend these faultes whyles they haue leysure time and space and doe penance for els there is no remedy but eternall punishmēt A remedy Would to god that the king our soueraigne Lord with his most honorable councel would sée a reformacion for this sweating for Heresies for the which sinnes we haue had great punishmēt as by dere price of corne other vitailes for no man can remedy these sinnes but god our king for ther be a perilous number of thē in Englande if they were diligētly sought out I do speke of heretikes as for swerers a man nede not to seke for them for in the kings court lords courts in Cities borows and in townes and in euery house in maner ther is abhominable swering no man doth go about to redres it but doth take swering as for no sin which is a damnable sin they the which doth vse it be possessed of the deuill and no man can helpe them but God our kinge For Demoniacus loke in the Chapter named Mania The 12. Chapter doth shew of inuoluntary pyssynge DIampnes is the greke worde the Latins doth vse the sayde worde In English it is named a passion of the bladder of which inuoluntarely doth passe or issueth out of the vrine of some menne that they can not kepe theyr water neither waking nor sléeping and some men hauing this passion in their slepe shall thinke and dreme that they doe make water against a wall a trée or hedge or such like and so dremyng they do make water in their bedde The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of great debilitie and weknes of the bladder or els thorow great frigiditie or coldnes of the bladder or els of to muche drinkyng slouthfulnes A remedie For a remedy looke in the Chapter named Mictus in the fyrst booke named the Breuiary of health The 13. Chapter doth shew of the emunctory places EMunctoria is the latin word In Englishe it is named the Emūctory or clensing places of mans body Héere is to be marked that man hath thrée principal members that heart the brayne and the lyuer and euery one of these principall members hath emunctorye places to clense themselues as the hartes emunctory places be vnder the arme holes there where the haires doth grow The braine hath many emunctory places to purge himselfe as the eyes the eares the nose the mouth the haires and the pore of the head The lyuer hath emunctory places as the bladder the foundement and the flankes or the share The 14. Chapter doth shew of the passion of the Lyuer Epatica passio be the latin words In English it is named the passion of the Lyuer and whosoeuer hath this passion doth féele paine in the right syde The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a colericke humour or els of mixt humours or of menstruous humours A remedy First purge coller and vse easy purgacions and beware of euery thinge that doph hurt the liuer as hotte wynes spices and Aqua vite and vse colde things as Sanders Southistel Endiue Dandelion Cicory and Liuerwort Letyce and such like The 15. Chapter doth shew of a mans wesand EPigloton is the gréeke worde In English it is named the flappe of the wesand or the throte bell that which doth deuide the two cundites the one is the wesand the which winde doth passe in and out● and the other is named Isophagon thorow the which meate and drinke doth goe into the stomake as it doth appeare in the Chapter named Oysponagos in the Breuiary of health The .16 Chapter doth shew of excoriacion Excoriacio is the latin worde In English it is named excoriacion or taking away the skin in any place of mans body In latin it is named Malum Mule The cause of excoriacion Excoriacion doth come two wayes either voluntary or els inuoluntary if it be voluntary then the skin is taken of by some knife or some other instrument and if it be inuoluntary either it doth come by chafyng or els by galling that is to say either by going or riding A remedy Take of Rose leaues of Plantaine leaues of Malowes of Myrtilles of eche two handfuls séeth this in water put to it a little secke wash the place thrée nightes to bedward if you can not get this rub the place with a talow candle The 17. Chapter doth shew of eructuacions or belching ERuctuacio is the latin worde In englishe it is mined eructuacion or belching The cause of this impediment This impedimēt doth come of great ventositie in the botome of the stomake other while it doth come of gréedy eating A remedy In this matter vse Diatriumpiperion dronken with wine Yerapigra in this matter is good and so be dregges and Losanges made to breake winde The .18 Chapter doth shew of spitting of bloud thorow a cough EPima is the gréeke worde In latin it is named Sputum saniosum exiens cum tussi In English it is named spitting of bloud with a cough for this matter looke in the chapter named Emoptoica passio in the first booke named the Breuiary of health The 19. Chapter doth shew of the kindes of Fluxes FLuxus ventris be the latin wordes In English it is named the Flyxe and there be thrée kindes named in latin Lienteria Diarthea and Dissinteria In english it is named the Lyentery the Diarchy the Dissentery The Lientery egesteth or doth auoyd the
In English it is named the newke which is the mary of the strynge in the backe bone and it is much like to the braine of a mans head in coullor and in it may be great debillitie and weakenes it may be burst or cut a sunder by some stripe brose or fall whē the back is broken a sunder if the newke be broken it can neuer be made whole the backe may be set agayne in ioynt how be it there shall neuer remayne a curuitie and crokednes A remedy to comfort the newke All restoratiue thinges doth comfort the newke and so doth swete wines as Muscadell Basterde Aligant and the vsage of clary is good to eate sodden or fryed with the yolkes of egges and euery thing that is restoratiue is good The 48. Chapter doth shew of a sinewe that is spronge N. Vreticus is the Barbarous worde In Gréeke it is named Nureticos And some latenist doth name it Neruicus In English it is named sinowe spronge as I doe take it now The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a strayne or a fall A remedy For this matter the oyle of Netes fote is good and so is the oyle of Turpentine and such like For Napta looke in the Chapter named Bocium in the fyrst booke named the Breuiary of health For Nebula looke in the Chapter named Albugo in the Breuiary of health The 49. Chapter doth shew of Yaning or gaping OScedo or Ossitacio be the latin wordes In greke it is named Chasma In Englishe it is named yeaning or gaping The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of vnlustines or els for lacke of sléepe or els it doth come before a feuer or an ague A remedie The chiefest remedy that I do know is to sléepe inough or els excercise the boby with walking or labouring for this matter looke in the Chapter named Ossitacio in the first booke named the Breuiary of health I haue read De Ostocopo but it is long agone that I haue forgotten what it is And when I did make this booke I was there that I had no Auctours nor doctours to helpe me but onely by practise For Papule looke in the Chapter named Clauus The 50. Chapter doth shew of a mans brest PEctus is the latin word In gréeke it is named Itor In English it is named a brest the which in a mā may haue diuers diseases as straines of the brest shortnes of the wind or some Apostumacion or such like disease The cause of these impediments These impedimentes doth come of euill dyet or of surfeting or els taking great colde vppon an heate and it may come of superabundance of euill humours A remedie First vse easye purgacions and anoynte the brest with the oyle of swéete Almons or els take of the oyle of swéete Almons of Hennes grece of fresh butter of eche of them an vnce of the mary of a Calues legge or legges halfe an vnce of waxe halfe an vnce compound all this together ouer a softe fier and anoynt the brest diuers times and vse Locsanum de pino to eate morning noone and at night The 51. Chapter doth shew of the precipitacion or falling downe of the Matrix or the Moder PRecipitacio matricis be the latin wordes In gréeke it is named Propetia mitras In English it is named the falling downe of the Matrix The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doeth come diuers waies as by euyll ordering of a woman when she is deliuered or may come by great striuing or by a fall or a broose or such like matter A remedy If it do come of euill ordering of a woman whan that shée is deliuered it must come of an vnexpert Mi●wife In my time as well here in England as in other regions of ould antiquitie euery Midwife should be presented with honest women of great grauitie to the bishop and that they should testify for her that they do present should be a sad woman wise and discrete hauing experience and worthy to haue the office of a Midwife Then the Bishop with the councell of a docter of phisicke ought to examine her and to instructe her in that thing that she is ignorant thus prooued and amitted is a laudable thing for and this were vsed in England there should not halfe so many women miscary nor so many children perished in euery place in England as there bée The Bishop ought to looke on this matter If the falling downe of the Matrix come any other waies as is rehersed doe as it is specified in the falling out of ones foundament For this matter loke in the Chapter named Anus in the first booke named the Breuiary of health also in the Chapter named Matrix in the first booke c. The 25. Chapter doth shew of a sore ronning ouer the face PEtigo is the latin word In English it is named a sore a scabbe or a skurfe that doth run ●●●r all the face The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of a menstruous humour ingendred in the generacion of the pacient or els of some blast of winde corrupted or els of superabundance of reume A remedie First purge the head and after that anoynt the face with creame and the oyle of bitter Almons The .53 Chapter doth shew of a gogle eye PEtus is the latin word In English it is named gogle eyed For this matter looke in the Chapter named Strabositas in the fyrst booke named the Breuiary of health The .54 Chapter doth shew of a disease in the Lunges PVlmonia is the Latin worde In english it is named a eollection of superfluites of a vyle and a corrupt matter the which doth ingender some Apostumacion And there be two kyndes the one is engendred in the lunges and is named pulmonia or Pipulmonia and some doeth name it Peripneumonia the other doth cleaue to the ribbes and is named Pluritis or Periplumonia or Plurea or Plurisis or Pluris or Pluresia all is one thing saue that some wordes be Barbarous wordes For these diseases looke in the Chapters named Peripneumonia and Pluritis in the first booke named the Breuiary of health The 55. Chapter doth shew of the pulses of a man PVlce is the lattin word In greke it is named Sphigmos In English it is named pulses And there be .xii. pulses the which doth take there originall of the vital spirites thrée of the which principall doth long to the heart the one is vnder the left pappe the other two doth lye in the wrestes directly against thommes The braine hath a respect to .vii. pulses .iiii. be principal thrée be minors the .iiii. principall pullses doth lye thus two in the temples and one going vnder a bone named the right furcle the other doth lye in the corner of the right side of the nose And there be thrée minor pulses the one doth lye in the corner of the left syde of the nose and the other two doth