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A13172 A true relation of Englands happinesse, vnder the raigne of Queene Elizabeth and the miserable estate of papists, vnder the Popes tyrany / by M.S. Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1629 (1629) STC 23467; ESTC S528 281,903 400

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seruile and wretched 〈◊〉 of the English nation vnder the raigne of Queene Mary and generally of all people liuing vnder the Popes lawes and religion HAuing at full discoursed concerning matters Ecclesiasticall it followeth now that I speake of matters teuching the state politike beginning first with our owne nation vnder the vnhappie raigne of Quéene Marie sometime Quéene of England and then touching other Princes and States that are subiect to the thraldome of the Pope and his Babylonish religion First then it is apparent that she brought her selfe and her people into danger by reason of her match with king Philip and no question but she had brought this kingdome into subiection if not into seruile bondage if God had not crossed the deseignes of man and dealt mercifully with vs both taking away the Quéene in the strength of her age and preuenting the wicked counsels of bloudie traitours and persecutours who as Iohn Hales saith meant to haue brought this land vnder strangers and altering the State before y e Spaniards had taken any firme footing in England How great danger this land stood in those that then liued may well remember and we cannot chuse but acknowledge if we looke backe and consider the working of Quéen Marie of the popish prelates and of the Spaniards The Quéene sought by all meanes to put the kingdome into the hands of king Philip. The popish prelates sought to suppresse religion which could not be without the oppression of our libertie The Spaniards ruled insolently and went about to make themselues strong aduancing those which were of their faction and thrusting backe all that were studious of their countries libertie The bulwarkes or blocusses that were made for defence of the land against strangers they suffered to fall they brought in strangers they put the commaund of the kingdome into the hands of such as were best affectioned to themselues and least carefull of their countries libertie What would haue ensued of this it is an 〈◊〉 matter to coniecture by the deportment of Spaniards in other countries that are subiect to their gouernment In the Indiaes they rule not like men but rather like barbarous tyrants and sauage beasts Contemning all iustice saith Bartholomaeus à casas writing of the cruel vsage of the Spaniards towards the Indians they delight to see streames of mans bloud which they haue shed and seeke with infinite slaughter to depriue those great countries of the naturall inhabitants thereof In short space they killed diuers hundred thousands onely in one Iland called Hispaniola the women they abused the treasure and commodities of the countrie they spoiled The people of Naples were in the time of Charles the fift who otherwise was a good prince so vexed and oppressed by the Spaniards as an Ambassadour of the people of Siena said to Henry the French king that for release of their extreame bondage they seemed desirous to liue vnder the Turke Vt Turcarum imperia ad tantarum miseriarum refugium exoptare videantur He saith further that the Spaniards laid so many grieuous tributes vpon the people that diuers auncient townes were thereby deformed and left desolate The Dutchie of Milan also by the Spanish tyrannie as those that haue trauelled that countrie do know is brought to great pouertie The tares and customes are grieuous the oppressions wrought by the souldiers many the lawes vnsupportable Neither doth it auaile them to complaine For that remedie they haue often tried but all in vaine But no people was euer more oppressed then the Flemmings Brabansons Hollanders and other nations of the Low countries Their liberties they haue disanulled their lawes they haue litle regarded their townes they haue spoiled their countrie they haue almost wasted By the fundamentall lawes of the countrie they might neither place strange gouernours ouer them nor bring in 〈◊〉 forces among them But the Spaniards haue done both By the lawes the king of Spaine could neither impose taxes vpon the subiect without the consent of the States nor condemne any man but by the lawes of the countrie But he hath both done the one and the other The Duke of Alua without the consent of the States or order required the hundreth part of that which euery man was worth and the tenth of all things bought and sold in the countrie The noble 〈◊〉 of Egmont and Horne and diuers Noble men of the countrie that had done him great seruice he caused to be done to shameful death The prince of Oranges eldest sonne contrarie to the lawes of the Uniuersitie of Louain and countrie he caused to be caried prisoner into Spaine Finally contrarie to the lawes of the countrie he altered the ecclesiasticall State making new Bishops and erecting new offices of inquisition in diuers places of the countrie And this the king did hauing sworne to obserue the lawes and priuiledges of the countrie I will not here recount the murthers rapes robberies 〈◊〉 spoiles and wrongs which the Spanish souldiers and officers haue committed For that would require a great volume and it would be said that these are the calamities of warres and wrongs of priuate persons Yet if Spaniards bring warres and calamities with them and sée not these wrongs redressed it sheweth how much their tyrannicall gouernement is to be auoided and detested But that is made apparant by the lawes and procéedings which are publikely auowed The Portingals may be an example to all nations sufficient to make the Spanish gouernement odious For although they be neare neighbors and agrée with the Spaniards in Religion language lawes and humors yet haue they not found any more fauour at their hands then other nations Their Nobilitie is almost ouerthrowne the Merchant decayed the Commons spoyled The exactions are intolerable and yet farre more tolerable then the wrongs offered by 〈◊〉 from whom neither the husband can kéepe his wife nor the father his daughter nor the citizen or countriman any thing he hath Adde hereunto the violence that is offered to mens persons and the iniuries of words that they dayly sustaine and then you will confesse that the Portingals liue in great misery and bondage In England also the Spaniards albeit but few began to play their partes offering violence to diuers mens persons and attempting the chastitie both of matrons and virgins In the parliament which is the foundation of the libertie of our nation they attempted the ouerthrow of our libertie not onely by 〈◊〉 king Philip with the Quéene but also leauing out the Quéenes title of supreme authoritie in the summons and taking away the frée electiō of the Commons in chusing their Burgesses and thrusting out Bishop Watson Alexander Nowell and diuers Burgesses out of the parliament Nay such is the rigor of the Spanish gouernement that the Spaniards themselues cannot well like it The priuiledges of Aragon the last king abrogated vpon pretense of disorder in the fact of Antony Perez Escouedoes sonnes could neuer haue iustice for the death of their
called vpon by vs fulfilling that in England which he promised to the kéepers of his lawe by Moises Benedictus eris saith Moises ingrediens egrediens Thou shalt be blessed in thy comming in and going out And againe Emittet Dominus benedictionem super cellaria tua super omnia opera manuum tuarum benedicetque tibi in terra quam acceperis That is the Lord shall send his blessings vpon thy store houses and vpon all the workes of thy hands and shall blesse thee in the land which thou shalt possesse First by her happie entrance we were deliuered from the yoke of the Spaniards and from subiection to forraine nations A blessing very great and which is promised to the obseruers of Gods holy lawes The Lord saith Moyses shall appoint thee for the head and not for the taile and thou shalt be aboue and not vnder if so be thou wilt hearken to the commandements of the Lord thy God which I command thee this day That is God shall make thée commaund others and not to be commaunded by others Libertie is a gift litle estéemed because frée men know not the miseries of people subiect to forraine Lords But if men would consider the difference of men frée and subiect to strangers and tyrants they would preferre nothing before it Pro libertate saith Tully vitae periculo decertandum est For libertie we are to contend albeit we should hazard our liues And again It a 〈◊〉 est recuperatio libertatis vt ne mors quidem sit in libertate repetenda fugienda So excellent is the recouerle of libertie that we are not to doubt to lose our liues for the regaining thereof Contrariwise it is an indignitie not to be suffered by any Englishman honorably minded y e Spaniards should raigne ouer vs. The Spanish gouernment is very rigorous in Spaine but in Flanders Millan Naples and the Indiaes the same is most tyrannicall and insolerable Seing then that by the happie entrance of Quéene Elizabeth the Spaniards lost their footing in England which they had alreadie deuoured in their imagination and both perfidious Marans and the Popes bougerly Italians were turned out to séeke new countries wherein to practise their fraud and crueltie why do we not continually renew our thankesgiuing for so great deliuerance Her Maiestie was alwaies desirous of peace and neuer made warres against any but being prouoked and forced thereunto for the defence of her estate and people Yet neuer did she take armes in hand but she returned with victorie The French entring into Scotland and by that meanes intending to trouble England were forced to surrender Lieth and with scorne to returne from whence they came Upon which great securitie ensued to both the countries When the Nobilitie and people of Fraunce were oppressed by the Popes faction that meant after they had 〈◊〉 their purpose there to 〈◊〉 vs in England as in diuers Treatises they haue declared by her armes and mediation the Christians there obtained good conditions of peace if the aduersaries 〈◊〉 had not broken them Both with forces in New-hauen and by other meanes she was alwaies willing to succour that distressed people By her support for the most part the states of the lowe countries being in danger to be depriued of their libertie priuiledges and lawes and to be tyrannized by the Spaniards haue long subsisted and maintained themselues against most cruell enemies Anno Dom. 1588. that fléete of Spaniards which proudly they called the inuincible Armada by her shippes through Gods fauour was chased dispersed and vanquished and all the bragges of Spaniards and their assistants brought to nothing Not long after when she saw that to resist the enemies malice it was necessaire for her to follow the warres she sent some forces to sea which albeit not great nor competently prouided yet did they possesse the harbor of Coronna take the base towne and defeat all the forces that were gathered against them at the bridge of Burgos The same also entred Portugal and had possessed it if there had bene good correspondence Sir Francis Drake with no great forces took S. Iago S. Domingo S. Augustine and Carthagena and laid a plot to take a great part of the Indiaes from the Spaniard but that he defended himselfe with bribes better then with shippes or armes corrupting some that alwaies ouerthrew most traiterously all attempts against him At Caliz her Maiesties souldiers burnt the kings fléete tooke the towne and had entred farther into the countrie had not the Spaniard some as good friends in our armie as the Quéene Not long since the English together with the States souldiers ouerthrew the Cardinals armie betwéene Newport and Ostend to the vtter ouerthrow of the Cardinall and the Spaniards in that countrie if the victorie had bene pursued And now albeit coldly pursued yet hath it so broken his forces that he hath lien idlely euer since before Ostend hoping rather by treatie then by force to preuaile In Ireland the Lord Gray ouerthrew the Earle of Desmond and cut the Italians and Spaniards that kept the fort at Smerwike in 〈◊〉 About y e time also died Sanders the Popes Legate and other traitors stirred vp to rebellion by the Pope and his agents Neither could D. Iuan d'Aquila kéepe his footing in Kinsale albeit he had with him many good souldiers and great aduantages Diuers times hath the Pope troubled her both in England and Ireland stirring vp first the Earles of Westmerland and Northumberland and then certaine rebels in Norfolke and afterward procuring diuers seditious fellowes in Ireland in hope of his blessing to rebel But his blessings haue bene turned into cursings and all his trecherous deuises haue come to nothing Finally we find Gods promise to his people by Moyses Deut. 28. verified in her For where he sayth That God would make all his peoples enemies to fall down before them we sée that all the Quéenes enemies fel before her and that the more they maligned her the more God aduanced her Such reputation she wan both with Christians and with Infidels that al men had great respect vnto her except such as maliciously oppugned her The King of Poland and the Transiluanian haue receiued fauour of the Turk for her sake and her friends great comfort in all their distresses Before the Quéenes time the Pope claimed a great part in the gouernement of England challenging power to make Ecclesiastical lawes to send hither Legates to ordaine and appoint Bishops in diuers cases to dispose of Ecclesiasticall liuings and those that possessed them He did also leuie tenths and first fruites and by procurations licences and Bispensations drew great sumines of money out of the realme In some cases he tooke vpon him to iudge the king and to dispose of the crown of England Hereof it followeth first that the Kings of this land for some ages before King Henry the eight were but halfe Kings neither medling with the externall gouernement of
the Church nor being authorized to rule their Cleargie or to dispose of their liuings Secondly that they held that poore halfe of their kingdome which remained at the Popes pleasure and no further as appeared by the insolent dealing of the Pope with King Henry the second and King Iohn out of whose hands the Pope had almost wrested the scepter of their royall authoritie But her Maiestie abolishing the 〈◊〉 power of the Pope fréed her selfe and her successors from his tyrannie and restored that power and iurisdiction to the Crown that was by his craft and fraudulent dealing long vsurped She found that it belonged to godly kings to make lawes for religion to rule their subiects to dispose of the affaires and goods of the Church according to right So did Constantine the great and other godly Emperors So did Charles the great and Lewes kings of France So did Alfred and S. Edward Kings of England as the lawes of the Code and Nouell constitutions the constitutions of Charles and Lewes and of the auncient Kings of England declare Neither before Pope Heldebrand or rather that firebrand of hell did any Pope take vpon him to giue out lawes or decretals for the gouernement either of the whole Church or the Churches of other kingdoms For this matter therfore Quéene Elizabeths name deserueth to be had in perpetuall remembrance for that she fréed her selfe and her subiects from the Popes wicked lawes and vsurpations and restored the auncient priuiledges and dignities to the Crowne The which had bene much in a man but in a woman was much more glorious With her also peace which by the practises of the Spaniards had bene exiled to our losse and shame returned again into this land For finding this land at variance with France and forsaken of Spaine she 〈◊〉 meanes to compound with France and begā to settle matters at home According to the Prophets admonition she sought peace and followed it And such successe hath it pleased God to giue her that although the Pope by diuers practises hath sought to raise discord and rebellion within England yet maugre his head we haue enioyed peace this 〈◊〉 and fortie yeares to the great contentment of her subiects and the wonderment of the world For who wondreth not that France and Flanders and other our neighbor countries being in a flame and the Pope desiring nothing more then to set our country on fire that the moderation of a woman should maintaine her State in peace when great Kings could not kéepe their state from being consumed with warres 〈◊〉 great this benefite is both the commodities of peace and the miseries of warres may teach vs. Et nomen pacis dulce est saith Tully ipsa res salutaris The name of peace is sweete and the thing it selfe safe and commodious Neither doth a people more desire any thing then peace as he saith in another place and in peace not onely those to whom nature hath giuen sence but also houses and fields seeme to reioyce Quid est tam populare ac pax qua non modo ij quibus natura sensum dedit sed etiam tecta atque 〈◊〉 videntur Contrariwise warres worke destruction of men cities countries and as Tully saith haue vncertaine euents and nothing is more execrable then ciuill warres Tully 〈◊〉 him vnworthy to liue among men that delighteth in ciuill discord and warre By meanes of long peace this land is also growne to great wealth The country is better cultiuated trade is much increased all arts and occupations growne to greater 〈◊〉 then in time past Noblemen and Gentlemen haue doubled their reuenues Yeomen and Merchants aspire to the degrée of Gentlemen and diuers men of occupation do exceed men of their sort in former times Whosoeuer compareth the common people of England with men of their qualitie in Spaine Portugal and Italy must néedes confesse that in wealth and meanes our country men do farre excéed them Finally neuer was England so populous and strong in men as in our late Quéenes dayes Spaine and most places of Italy séeme desolate in comparison That these are great blessings it cannot be denied For God promiseth increase of substance and men to his people as a blessing Deut. 28. Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body saith Moyses to the people of God and the fruite of thy land the fruite of thy cattell the flockes of kine and sheepe And the multiplication of Abrahams posteritie Gen. 17. and in diuers other places was accounted to him as a great blessing Wherefore as oft as we looke backe to former times we cannot choose but call to mind those graces which we haue long enioyed by Quéene Elizabeths meanes and be thankfull vnto God for them If any be either vnmindfull or vnthankfull if he be English I doubt not but he will proue a traitor to his Prince and country if a stranger then he will shew himselfe an enemie In the the first ranke I place Robert Parsons in the second certaine malicious Italian and Spanish Friers But their discourses wherein they would denigrate her glorie are so fond and 〈◊〉 that they do rather illustrate the same To shew that her Maiestie had no power in forreine countries Parsons alleageth that since Calice was lost we had not one foot of our owne beyond the seas As if none could haue power or credite in forreine parts but such as haue cities and dominions of their owne beyond the seas or as if it were not a signe of great power that her forces by sea and land haue alwayes bene able to 〈◊〉 the ambitious aspires of the Spaniard and the cruel rage of Antichrist and that her authoritie hath swayed much in forreine parts both with friends and enemies Againe that the English haue lost their footing beyond the seas and were shamefully driuen out of Calice which was reputed the key of the kingdome of France and a doore whereby the Kings of England were wont to enter into that kingdome it was not our fault but of that vnfortunate woman Quéene Mary that lost all and had no good successe in any thing and of her butcherly Clergy that were murthering of Christs lambes at home while forreine enemies oppugned the state abroad and would suffer no succor to be sent ouer in time He talketh also very idly of large Prouinces possessed by the English liuing vnder popish religion and of the losse we haue sustained by chaunge of our old mightie and honorable allies as he calleth them For the relikes of those large Prouinces were lost not by Queene Elizabeth but by that vnhappie woman Quéene Mary and her bloudy and butcherly priests Moreouer if King Philip fell at variance with vs the same was not the Quéenes fault that kept good correspondence with him albeit he betrayed her to the French at her first comming to the crowne and succored the rebels of the North anno 1569. and conspired with that louzie Frier Pius the fift to
vpon his throne 〈◊〉 him as we reade 1. King 3. Was not then this 〈◊〉 Queene iustly punished with barrennesse for inaking so many childlesse Without cause she fell at variance with the French entring into her husbands quarrell But she spent her labour and treasure in vaine left the 〈◊〉 in debt and lost all she did aduenture for At the sea she was most 〈◊〉 losing a goodly shippe called The great Harrie by 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 no successe in any thing And so it appeareth that she liued and died 〈◊〉 leauing 〈◊〉 memorie behind her but of cruell persecution of Spanish slauerie and of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and losse to our nation Neither doth any accompt otherwise of her then as of a woman vnhappie in her mariage cruell in persecuting Gods Saints vngratefull to those that were her best friends vnkind to her subiects 〈◊〉 in all her enterprises The like successe had those kings of England that were most forward in the Popes seruice Before king Henry the seconds time the Popes agents had litle to do in England He was the first that gaue them grace But see his reward The Pope maintained Becket and other his rebellious subiects against him and forced him to most disgracefull and base conditions of agréement Furthermore the Popes agents in his time found such fauour that vntill the raigne of king Henry the eight this Land could neuer be ridde of them 〈◊〉 Richard the first for the Popes pleasure crossed him selfe for the holy land and went thither with great forces of men and royall prouisions But nothing he gained beside a vaine name of a valiant man On the other side his losses and disgraces were excéeding great For first he lost most of his 〈◊〉 then he lost the best part of his men Thirdly he lost diuers good townes in France where his enemies tooke aduantage of his absence Fourthly he was taken prisoner in his returne Fiftly he impouerished himselfe and his countrie in leauying money for his ransome And lastly was vnnobly slaine before a litle castle in France by a base fellow So litle did the Popes pardons and blessings auaile him Neuer did any king of England more for the Pope then king Iohn For he resigned his Crowne into his Legates hands 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 also as much as in him lay to make his kingdome tributarie to the Pope Let vs then 〈◊〉 what fruite he reaped of his deuotion to the Pope First he liued in continuall iarre with his 〈◊〉 Secondly he lost Normandie and 〈◊〉 townes of great moment to the French Thirdly in his 〈◊〉 the French made warre 〈◊〉 him in England and 〈◊〉 him 〈◊〉 at his owne doores Fourthly he suffered his kingdome to be pillaged by the Pope Finally he died of poyson ministred to him by a Monke of Swinsted Abbey as Caxtons Chronicle reporteth King Henry the third was flatly 〈◊〉 by Innocent the fourth and deluded with a promise of the kingdome of Naples for his sonne Edmond But for this vaine title he payed full deare not onely suffering the Pope to spoile his countrie but also paying himselfe great summes to the Pope King Henry the eight for the deliuerance of Clement the seuenth spent 〈◊〉 treasure vainely And that was the successe of all the kings of England that did seruice to the Pope Generally all those that liue vnder the Popes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 most miserably being neither secured for their 〈◊〉 nor liues nor liberties either from their neighbour princes or from the Pope First they serue two kings wheresoeuer they liue that is their King or Duke and the Pope If they offend the Pope they are 〈◊〉 heretickes and are deemed worthie of death yea albeit the controuersie be no matter of Religion Lewis of Bauier and his followers were reputed 〈◊〉 he for taking on him the 〈◊〉 without the Popes allowance these for yeelding obedience to their lawfull prince The like censure was 〈◊〉 against all that followed the Emperour Henry the fourth and Fredericke the second If they offend their Princes either in word or 〈◊〉 the penaltie is death Poggio sheweth that a rich man being accused of treason answered that he had not offended but if his goods had offended he would not consent with them And thus by renouncing that which he 〈◊〉 he escaped The lawes are very rigorous both of Pope and popish 〈◊〉 the executions 〈◊〉 cruell and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 speaking of the times of Alexander the sixt saith that there was neuer more outrages committed by 〈◊〉 and cut throates that the people of Rome had neuer lesse freedome that there was a great number of priuie promoters and that euery euill word was punished with death But this is common to all Italian princes Murthers and spoiles are litle regarded euery word nay euery thought against them if it be knowne is 〈◊〉 most 〈◊〉 The Spanish inquisitors in 〈◊〉 passe most sauage beastes Upon euery light surmise they procéed against most innocent persons and some they racke some they samish some they burne some they cut 〈◊〉 The very Papistes themselues could neuer endure it nor would suffer it but by force The Venetians will none of it The Neapolitans refusing the same yéeld this reason quia per simplicem alicuius maleuoli accusationem nullis requisitis probationibus nullisque defensionibus acceptis posset quisque in carceres detrudi vita honore facultatibus priuari Because by the single accusation of one malitious fellow neither proofes being sought nor exceptions receiued any man might be thrust into prison and depriued of his honors goods and life Are they not then miserable that liue vnder the danger of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The people of the Low countries do affirme that 〈◊〉 Inquisition was the originall ground of the troubles and tumults of the Low countries and that the Cardinal Granuelle endeuouring to bring in the same was the ruine of his countrie At the first the 〈◊〉 was 〈◊〉 principally against Turkes and Moores Who then doth not detest the Spaniards and Italians that practising the same against Christians do plainly declare that they hold them to be no better then Turkes and Moores The common forme also of inquisition against Christians is very cruell odious and intolerable considering first that the Romanists take all for heretikes that 〈◊〉 them for their villanies superstitions and heresies and next for that they neither obserue forme nor order of 〈◊〉 nor respect young nor old men aliue nor dead oftentimes 〈◊〉 mens bodies most cruelly and spoiling their goods most gréedily and punishing any that dissent from the synagogue of Rome in matter of the Sacraments as if they had conspired the destruction of their prince and countrie By this cruel procéeding in the raigne of Charles the 〈◊〉 the bloudie popish tormentors in the low countries put to death fiftie thousands as the Histories of the Low countries 〈◊〉 In England like sauage wolues they spoiled the flocke during the raigne of Queene Marie How many haue bene executed in Spaine Italie France and
reason others say contrarie The Scotists lib. 1. sent dist 5. inuey against Henricus de Gandauo for his opinion about the eternall generation of the Sonne of God Aegidius holdeth that the son of God hath power to beget another son which displeaseth Thomas and Bonauenture and is very strange doctrine Thomas Aquinas part 1. q. 32. art 4. saith that Doctors may hold contrary opinions Circa notiones in diuinis He teacheth also that the holy Ghost doth more principally proceed from the Father then from the Sonne which others mislike If then they agrée not about the doctrine of the holy Trinitie it is not like that in matters wherein they haue libertie to dissent they will better agrée Scotus holdeth that the soule and an Angell do not differ as two diuers kinds Others teach contrary Some Doctors hold that Angels consist of forme onely others hold contrary They dissent also about the sin of our first parents Pighius in the doctrine of original sin dissenteth from his fellowes Innocentius in c. maiores de bapt eius effect misliketh the opinion of the master of the Sentences that held it to be pronitas ad peccandum that is a pronenesse to sinne The Thomists to this day could neuer be reconciled to the Scotists about the conception of our Ladie these denying she was conceiued in sin the others affirming it Gropper in his exposition of the Créed confesseth that among the Papists there are two diuers opinions about Christs descending into hell Bellarmine in his bookes of controuersies doth not more violently run vpon vs then vpon his owne consorts In euery article almost he bringeth contrary expositions of Scriptures and contrary opinions In the sacrament of the Lords supper which is a pledge of loue there are infinite contradictions among them as I haue shewed in my bookes de Missa against Bellarmine The like contentions I haue shewed in my Treatises de Indulgentijs de Purgatorio and shall haue occasion more at large to speake of them hereafter We are therefore to thanke God that the doctrine of faith in the Church of England is setled and that refusing all nouelties we agrée therein with the auncient catholike Church We acknowledge one Lord one faith one baptisme one head of the Church one canon of Scriptures with the auncient fathers The rules of all auncient and lawfull generall Councels concerning the faith we admit We haue one vniforme order for publike prayers administration of Sacraments and Gods seruice Neither do we onely agrée among our selues but also with the reformed Churches of France and Germany and other nations especially in matters of faith and saluation And as for ceremonies and rites it cannot be denied but that all Churches therein haue their libertie as the diuersities of auncient Churches and testimonies of Fathers do teach vs. Most vaine therefore and contumelious is that discourse of N. D. in his Warne-word 1. encontr ca. 4 5 6. where he talketh of the difference of soft and rigide Lutherans among themselues of them from Anabaptists and from Zwinglians of all from the followers of Seruetus and Valentine Gentilis For neither do we acknowledge the names of Lutherans Caluinians or Zuinglians but onely call our selues Christians nor haue we to do with the Arians or Anabaptists or Seruetus or Gentilis or any heretikes Nay by our Doctors these fellowes haue bene diligently confuted and by our gouernors the principall of them haue bene punished But these may Parsons reply haue bin among vs. Admit it 〈◊〉 so yet do not our aduersaries take themselues to be guiltie of Arianisme and Anabaptisme because there are diuers guiltie of Arianisme and Anabaptisme among them We say further that the Churches of Germany France and England agree albeit priuate men hold priuate opinions Finally where we talk of the Church of England what a ridiculous sot was this to bring an instance of the Churches of Germany or Suizzerland nay not of the Churches but of priuat persons and that in matters not very substantiall if we admit their owne interpretations Hauing therefore talked his pleasure of Lutherans and Zuinglians he descendeth to speak of rigid and soft Caluinists as he calleth them in England He calleth them also Protestants and Puritanes But neither do we admit these names of faction nor is he able to shew that publikely any Christian is tolerated to 〈◊〉 either in matters of faith or rites from the Church of England But if any there be that mislike our rites yet is not that contention about matters of faith nor can the disorder of priuate persons hinder the publike vnion of the Church Finally I do not know any man now but he is reasonably well satisfied concerning matters of discipline albeit the same be with the great griefe of Papists who go about to stirre vp the coles of contention as much as they can that heretofore haue bene couered CHAP. II. Of the restoring of Christian Religion and the reduction of the Church of England to the true faith TRue faith in time of Poperie was a great stranger in England most men being ignorant of all points of christian Religion the rest holding diuers erronious points and heresies Their ignorance we shall proue by diuers testimonies hereafter Their errors and heresies are very apparent and at large proued in my late challenge That which the Apostle calleth the doctrine of diuels 1. Tim. 4. that they imbrace for doctrine of faith For they forbid their Priests Monkes Friers and Nuns to marrie and commaund the Benedictines and their Charterhouse Monkes at all times to abstaine from flesh They also forbid men to eate flesh vpon all fasting dayes fridayes and saterdayes and in Lent dissoluing the commandements of God by their owne traditions The Manicheyes abstained from egges as Saint Augustine sheweth lib. de haeres cap. 46. Nec 〈◊〉 saltem sumunt quasi ipsacùm franguntur expirent nec oporteat vllis corporibus mortuis vesci So likewise did Papists at certain times they cal such as allow y e mariage of priests sectatores libidinum praeceptores vitiorum that is followers of lusts and teachers of vices albeit the Apostle affirmeth mariage 〈◊〉 be honorable in all sorts of men They dissolue such mariages albeit Christ teach that man is not to separate them whom God hath ioyned together Their Fastes they place in eating of fish and not in abstinence from all sustenance as the auncient Fathers by their doctrine and practise taught Some count it as mortall sinne to eate flesh on fridayes as to kill a man and that a Priest doth sinne lesse in committing fornication then in matching himselfe in honest mariage and yet they confesse that fornication is against the law of God and not the mariages of priests They tolerated common whores as did Simon Magus and other heretickes and now in Rome the Pope notwithstanding his pretended holinesse receiueth a tribute from them They do also sell Masses imposition of hands
the Syrian language In his Epistle to Heliodorus he saith that the languages and writings of all nations do sound foorth Christ his passion and resurrection Nunc passionem Christi resurrectionem eius cunctarum gentium voces literae sonant And againe in his Epistle to Marcella Vox quidem dissona sed vna religio tot penè psallentium chori quot gentium diuersitates The tongue is diuers but one religion there be so many quires of singers as there be diuersities of nations S. Ambrose writing vpon the first Epistle to the Corinthians chap. 14. speaking of Iewes conuerted to Christ Hi ex Hebraeis erant saith he qui aliquando Syria lingua plerunque Hebraea in tractatibus oblationibus vtebantur These were Iewes which in their Sermons and oblations vsed sometime the Syrian tongue and oftentimes the Hebrew Theodoret lib. 4. cap. 29. saith Ephrem made Hymnes and Psalmes in the Syrian tongue And Sozomen saith they were sung in Churches Chrysostome in 2. 〈◊〉 Corinth homil 18. saith that in celebration of the eucharist all ought to be common because the whole people and not the priest alone giueth thankes Et cum spiritu tuo nihil aliud est saith he quàm ea quae sunt eucharistiae communia sunt omnia neque enim ille solus gratias agit sed populus omnis Saint Augustine expos 2. in psal 18. saith we ought to vnderstand what we say or sing that like men and not like parrots or ousels we may sing It appeareth by Iustinians 123. nouel constitution and by Isidore Ecclesiast offic lib. 1. ca. 10. and by the ninth chapter of S. Augustine de catechisand rudib that the people in time past did vnderstand Church seruice In Britaine the Romaine musicke was not in vse before the time of Iames the Deacon of Yorke about the yeare of the Lord 640. Bede lib. 1. hist. Anglic. cap. 1. signifieth that the knowledge of diuine mysteries was made common to diuers nations inhabiting Britanie by meditation of scriptures Auentinus 〈◊〉 Boior li. 4. saith The priests of Liburnia are iguorant of the Latine tongue and in their mother tongue offer the sacrifice of the Eucharist Adhuc saith he ignari sunt Romanae linguae sacrificia patrio more nempe Slauorum procurant The Aethiopian canon of the Masse which they call vniuersall is in the Aethiopian language as the translation witnesseth that is published in Biblioth patr tom 6. a Bignio edit Sigismundus Baro in his commentaries of the Muscouiticall affaires telleth vs how that nation doth celebrate Masse in their mother tongue Totum sacrum seu missa sayth he gentili ac vernacula lingua apud illos peragi solet The aduersaries themselues also testifie for vs. Thomas Aquinas in 1. Cor. 14. speaking of the vse of strange languages in the Church sayth it was accounted madnesse in the primitiue Church because Christians were not then instructed in Ecclesiasticall rites Ideò erat insania in Primitiua Ecclesia quia erant rudes in ritu Ecclesiastico In Primitiua Ecclesia saith Lyra in 1. Cor. 14. benedictiones cetera communia fiebant in vulgari that is in the primitiue church blessings and other common oraysons were made in vulgar tongues Iohn Billet in his summe de diuin offic in prolog confesseth that in the Primitiue Church Christians were forbidden to speake with tongues vnlesse there were some by to interprete He saith also that it profiteth vs nothing to heare vnlesse we vnderstand lamenting that in his time there were so few that vnderstood either what they heard or what they read And thus much to refel Robert Parsons his notorious impudencie that would néeds affirme that it cannot be shewed out of any author of antiquitie that any Catholike country had publike seruice in vulgar tongues His eight argument is deduced from the vse of the Hebrew Greeke and Latine tongues in Asia Africke and the Westerne countries But vnlesse he can shew that these tongues were not vnderstood of those people that had their publike seruice in them all this maketh for vs and not for him For we do not deny the vse of these tongues to those that vnderstand them but onely thinke it madnesse to vse them where they are not vnderstood In Asia the Greeke tongue was common to most nations Therfore the seruice was in Greeke and not in Latine albeit Parsons suppose Latine to be a sanctified tongue In Africke and diuerse Westerne countries Latine was a common language in time past and therefore they had their liturgies in Latine and not in Greeke It appeareth by S. Augustine retract lib. 1. c. 20 that diuers vnderstood Latine better then the Punike tong and Cicero pro Archia sayth that the Greeke tongue was a common language in his time Although therefore the publicke seruice of the Church was in Greeke and Latine when those tongues were best vnderstood yet it followeth not that the same should be still vsed when no man of the vulgar sort vnderstandeth them or that the Catholicke Church did generally or euer practise this or that S. Augustine lib 4. cont Donatist cap. 24. doth intend to speake for the vse of vnknowne languages as Fryer Robert vnlearnedly and blockishly pretendeth Finally he alleageth that euery man lightly vnderstandeth somewhat of the Latine But lightly he telleth vs a loud lie as experience may teach euery man that is not obstinate Beside that if it be profitable for some men to vnderstand some few words then reason will inferre that it were far more profitable if the publike seruice were in a tongue that might of all the hearers be vnderstood It is therefore a great blessing that we may heare God speaking vnto vs in scriptures in our owne mother tongue and praise and honor him with heart and voyce in the publike congregation If then Robert Parsons meane to confirme his owne opinion and to ouerthrow our cause he must bring better arguments answer these testimonies and not fight with his owne shadow or cauill with some words or allegations that are not materiall CHAP. VII Of the great deliuerance of Christians out of the bloudie hands of wooluish Papistes wrought by Queene Elizabeth No man can wel esteeme what fauor God hath done the Church of England by deliuering the same from the cruell persecution of the bloudie and mercilesse Papists but such as either themselues suffered or else knew the sufferings and vexations of their brethren in Queene Maries time Neither do any so well apprehend Gods mercie in deliuering them from the dangers of the sea as those that haue either passed great stormes or escaped after shipwracke séeing their fellowes swallowed in the sea But those that liued in the dayes of Quéene Mary and escaped the crueltie of those times or else by report know the desperate resolution of the wooluish persecutors both well know the fauor of God to the Church and English nation and can not choose but shew them selues thankefull for the
Scriptures or that beleeue not that Christians can performe the lawe perfectly and are iustified before God by the workes of the law or that hold not the doctrine of the 〈◊〉 Church concerning their seuen Sacraments or that do not worship Images or that receiue not their doctrine of indulgences and purgatorie and all the herestes and abhominations of the Pope or that submit not themselues to his tyrannie or that refuse to pay his annates or taxes or whatsoeuer he and his suppostes require Nay they excommunicate the subiects that rebell not against their lawfull Kings After that Pius the fifth that wicked and cruell hypocrite had commanded that neither the Lords nor people of England should obey 〈◊〉 Elizabeths commandements or lawes it followeth Qui secus egerint eos anathematis sententia innodamus That is Those which shall do otherwise we pronounce accursed or anathema Neither did the Pope onely in time past thunder out 〈◊〉 curses but also gaue 〈◊〉 to euery base companion and for euery small trifling cause 〈◊〉 inflict most grieuous censures Petrus de Alliaco speaking of the Pope and his excommunications complaineth that he gaue leaue to his Collectors to thunder out excommunications to the offence of many and that other Prelates for debts and light causes did cruelly excommunicate poore men Saepè saith he per suos Collectores in multorum scandalum fulminauit aly Praelatileuiter pro leuibus causis vt pro debitis huiusmodi pauperes excommunicatione crudeliter percutiunt The Germaines complaine that many Christians were excommunicated at Rome for prophane causes and for gaine to the trouble of diuers mens consciences Romae say they caeterisque in locis per Archiepiscopos ac Episcopos aut saltem eorum ecclesiasticos iudices multi Christianorum ob causas prophanas ob pecuniae denique ac turpis quaestus amorem excommunicantur multorumque sedeorum in fide infirmorum conscientiae per hoc aggrauantur in desperationem pertrahuntur Scotus in 4. sent dist 19. complaineth that the Church did too often strike with this sword and Petrus de Alliaeco saith that by this abuse the sword of the Church was in his time growne into great contempt Of late time the Popes of Rome haue excommunicated Emperours and kings if they would not depart with their townes countries and crownes and yéeld to their legats what they demaunded How intolerable this abuse was we may perceiue if we consider the heauinesse of this censure being rightly inflicted by the true Church Our Sauicur sheweth that the partie excommunicate is to be holden for a heathen man and a Publican Tertullian Apolo 39. doth call it the highest fore-iudgement of the future iudgement Summum futuri 〈◊〉 praeiudicium Cyprian doth esteeme them as killed with the spirituall sword Superbi contumaces saith he spirituali gladio necantur dum de Ecclesia eijciuntur Commonly excommunication is called Anathema and Chrysostome homil 70. ad populum Antioch calleth it the bond of the Church We are therefore no lesse to be thankfull for our deliuerance from the Popes vniust lawes then the auncient Christians for their exemption from the yoke of the Pharisies and from humane traditions from which by the preaching of the Gospell they were freed Neither may we think it a simple fauour that we are made to vnderstand that the crackes of the Popes thundring 〈◊〉 are no more to be feared then the ratling of Salmoneus that impious fellow that with certaine engines went about to counterfeit the noise of thunder We knew alwaies that a man vniustly excommunicated and by a Judge vnlawfull was no way preiudiced Origen in Leuit. 〈◊〉 48. speaking of a person excommunicate saith that he is not hurt at all being by wrongfull iudgement expelled out of the congregation Nihil laeditur in eo quod non recto iudicio ab hominibus videtur expulsus And the aduersaries confesse that excommunication pronounced vniustly and by him that is not our Iudge bindeth not C. nullus 9. q. 2. and C. nullus primus 9. q. 3. and C. sententia 11. q. 3. But few vnderstood the iniustice and nullitie of the Popes lawes and that he neither was nor is a competent iudge vntill such time as by true preaching of the Gospell which by Queene Elizabeth was restored vnto vs the man of sinne beganne to be reuealed CHAP. X. Of our deliuerance from heresie schisme superstition and Idolatrie These things therefore considered it cannot be denied but that her Maiesties godly 〈◊〉 brought great profite to the Church of England Yet if we please to looke backe to the heresies of the Papists and to remember how they liued in heresie schisine superstition and idolatry we shall the rather praise God for that great deliuerance of his Church which he wrought by the meanes of our late Quéene For heresie and false doctrine is the 〈◊〉 and canker of the Church The Apostle Paul If an Angel from heauen should teach vs any other Gospel or doctrine beside that whith himselfe had taught the Galathians doth pronounce him accursed S. Iohn in his second Epistle forbiddeth vs to receiue into our houses or to salute such as bring not his doctrine Heresie schisme and idolatrie are reckoned among the workes of the flesh the workers whereof shall not inherit the kingdome of God Flie saith Ignatius those that cause heresie and schisme as the principall cause of mischiefe Quod maius potest esse delictū saith Cyprian lib. 2. Epist. 11. aut quae macula deformior quàm aduersus Christum stetisse quàm Ecclesiam eius quàm ille sanguine suo parauit dissipasse What offence can be greater or what blot more vgly then to haue stood against Christ then to haue scattered his church which he hath purchased with his blood Those which do perseuere in discord of schisme saith S. Augustine lib. 1. de bapt contra Donatist c. 15. do pertaine to the lot of Ismael Superstition is the corruption of true Religion and although coloured with a shew of wisedom yet is condemned by the Apostle Col. 2. Lactantius speaking of the superstition of the Gentiles doth call it An incurable madnesse Dementiam incurabilem and afterward vanitic Iustine in ser. exhort ad Gentes sayth that idolatry is not only iniurious vnto God but also voide of reason Principale crimen generis humani saith Tertullian summus seculireatus tota causa iudicij idololatria That is Idolatrie is the principall crime of mankind the chiefe guiltines of the world and the whole cause of iudgement No maruell then if Iohn the Apostle exhort all men To keepe themselues from idols this sinne being direct against the honor of God and nothing else but spirituall fornication Let vs therfore see whether the Papists may not be touched with the aforesaid crimes of teaching hereticall and false doctrine and of long continuance in schisme superstition and idolatry That the Papists teach
England and Ireland burning so bright by the solicitation of Paul the third Pius the fifth Gregorie thirtéenth and fourteenth and this Clement that now possesseth the throne of Antichrist do so plainely declare them to be firebrands of warre and trouble Well therefore said Petrarke that in Rome all those mischiefes were hatched that are now spread through the world and neuer shall Christian Princes haue loyall subiects as long as seditious Masse-priests are suffered to lurk within their kingdomes In countries subiect to y t Pope they count it a little fault to murder mē now frō thence are come certaine assassins which for hire and by perswasions are induced to kill men There also impoysonments are most common The Popes themselues vse to drinke of poysoned cups and that by the iust iudgement of God séeing by the cup of their poysoned doctrine according to the prophecy Apoc. 17. they haue empoysoned many Christian nations To conclude this large discourse there is no state of men vnder the Popes iurisdiction but it is growne to great dissolution and corruption of manners and may be conuinced of diuers sinnes and abominations by infinite witnesses and confessions if we would stand vpon it but I will content my selfe with two or three Breidenbach in the historie of his peregrination speaketh generally and sayth Recessit lex à sacerdotibus c. that is the law is departed from priests iustice from princes counsell from elders good dealing from the people loue from parents reuerence from subiects charitie from prelates religion from Monkes honestie from yong men discipline from clerkes learning from masters study from schollers equitie from Iudges concord from citizens feare from seruants good fellowship from husbandmen truth from merchants valor from Noblemen chastitie from virgins humility from widowes loue from maried folks patience from poore men O time ô manners And Walter Mapes that liued in the time of Henry the second King of England Virtutes cunctae saith he en iacent defunctae All vertues lie now dead Charitie is no where to be found And againe In truth I find that the whole Cleargy doth studie wickednesse and impietie enuie raigneth truth is exiled The prelates are Lucifers heires They being now aduanced tread downe others blinde guides they are and blinded with idolatrie of earthly things Robert Bishop of Aquila in his Sermons of which Sixtus Senensis maketh mention in the third booke of his Biblioth sanct speaketh thus to his countrie of Italie O Italia plange ô Italia time ô Italia caue ne propter obstinationem tuam in te desaeuiat ira Dei c. Tu in dies 〈◊〉 efficeris in peccatis malitia perseuerando Fiunt iam 〈◊〉 vsur ae publicae omnia foedata sunt spurcissimis vitijs carnis ignominiosae Sodomiae superbia pomparum iam occupauit omnes ciuitates terras 〈◊〉 Dei periuria mendacia iniustitiae violentiae oppressiones pauperum similia superabundant O Italie saith he lament ô Italie feare ô Italie beware lest for thy obstinacie the wrath of God waxe not cruell against thee c. Thou euery day art more and more hardened perseuering in thy sinnes and maliciousnesse Euery where men set vp bankes of vsurie all things are defiled with most foule vices of the flesh and most shamefull sodomie Pride in pompous shewes haue now filled cities and countries blasphemies against God periuries lies iniustice violence orpression of the poore and such like vices do superabound I would further insist vpon this argument but that I referre diuers matters ouer to the second booke where I shall haue occasion more particularly to examine the good workes of Papists But the Church of England neither alloweth publike shewes nor bankes of vsurie nor dispenseth with oathes of subiects to Princes or alloweth periurie nor shall Robert Parsons find such filthines and abhominations among the professors of our religion as are commonly practised by y t Popes Cardinals Masse-priests Monkes Friars and Nuns and their followers All corruptions in doctrine concerning good workes are reformed and diuers abuses concerning manners among the Papists taken away The which séeing it procéeded wholly of that reformation of religion which Quéen Elizabeth of pious memorie wrought by her regall authoritie among vs we are most gratefully to accept that worke and by exercises of 〈◊〉 and charity to indeuour to shew our selues not vnworthie either of our profession or of so great a blessing Against this discourse Robert Parsons talketh very scornfully and saith first that the experience of the whole world will deny that good workes are fruites of our religion But if he had bene well aduised he would haue forborne to talke of experience For whosoeuer hath liued among those that are of our religion and among Papists also must néedes say that the liues of Romanists are abhominable offending in whosedome Sodomie periurie vsurie and all impieties and discharge vs deterring and abhorring those vices and punishing them seuerely Beside that if he meant to winne credit he would not talke of the whole world being not able to name one honest man that will iustifie that which he talketh Secondly he saith our best friends renounce our workes And then alleageth an Epistle of Erasmus mentioned by Surius a Postil of Luther and a testimonie out of Aurifaber But first Erasmus is none of our best friends being in most points an 〈◊〉 and a professed Masse-priest And if he were our friend yet haue we no reason to beléeue Surius a malicious enemie and a base Monke hired to speake lyes Secondly it is a ridiculous foolerie where we dispute of the fruites of the Gospell in England in Queene Elizabeths dayes to bring testimonies of Luther and Aurifaber that were dead before her time and speake of some of their countrie people Thirdly they speake not of the whole 〈◊〉 Church in Germanie but rather of some that albeit they disliked Poperie yet did not sincerely embrace the truth Finally neither Luther nor Aurifaber doth charge his countrie people with such faults as raigne among Papists He must therfore seek some witnesses that speake more to purpose and leaue his owne treasons filthinesse periurie lying gluttonie and drunkennesse before he talke of good workes Finally he pratleth much concerning the merit of workes But if he had bene vsed according to his merits then had the crowes long ere this eaten his carion flesh He 〈◊〉 also that we should giue a caueat to auoide hypocriticall oftentation albeit any man shold do good works But this caueat concerneth him but a litle whose workes are most wicked and odious his writings being nothing but either lying and rayling libels or fond and trifling discourses of points of Poperie and his practises tending all to murdering empoysoning sedition warre and 〈◊〉 CHAP. XII Of temporall benefites enioyed by Queene Elizabeths most happie gouernment BEside great successe in affaires of the Church God hath also blessed the people of England in ciuil matters in regard that his name is truly
vaine opposition of enemies and traitors may perswade vs that it is so For not onely their 〈◊〉 do 〈◊〉 that both the Church and State was well ordered for otherwise they would haue bene better pleased but also their vaine ianglings and contradictions they being not able to obiect any thing which soundeth not to her Maiesties honour and high commendations confirme the same CHAP. XIII Parsons his cursed talke of cursings of England by chaunge of Religion and gouernment under Queene Elizabeth examined THe Prophet Dauid speaking of the foolish and wicked men of his time saith that their throate is an open sepulchre and afterward that their mouth is full of cursing and bitternesse The which we sée verified in the Pope and his impious sect For their throates are wide as the 〈◊〉 and swallow the wealth of Europe They also degorge out of them all the wickednesse and villanie they can deuise against the godly Pius Quintus and 〈◊〉 Quintus accurse the Quéene Robert Parsons following their 〈◊〉 raileth vpon her in diuers libels In his Warn-word that is a complement of his foolery he sayth We receiued no blessings by her but rather cursings Here therefore we are to answer the barking of this cursed hel-hound and of his accursed companions In the first encounter of his Wardword p. 4. he 〈◊〉 We are deuided from the general body of catholickes in Christendome But this should haue bene proued if he would haue any man to giue him credit For we alleage that the Papists from whom we are deuided are no Catholikes beleeuing the new doctrines of the late conuenticles of Lateran Constance Florence Trent other Friers priests which neither were receiued of all men nor in all times nor in all places which is the true propertie of Catholicke doctrine Next we offer to proue that we are true Catholikes séeing the doctrine of our faith is Apostolicall and vniuersally approued of all true Christians and for the most part confessed by the Papists vntil of late time If then this be a principall curse to be deuided from Catholickes then doth the same fall on Parsons his own head and vpon his trecherous consorts and not vpon vs. Secondly he saith that we of England are deuided from Lutherans Zuinglians and Caluinists abroad and from Puritanes Brownists and other like good fellowes at home But this common Iergon of Papists is already answered For neither do we acknowledge the names of Lutherans Zuinglians and Caluinists nor cau he shew that the Church of England is deuided from the Churches of France Germanie or Suizzerland or that one Church oppugneth another If any priuate man do maintaine priuat opinions in 〈◊〉 as diuers Germaines French and English do or else if there be any difference among vs concerning ceremonies and 〈◊〉 that doth no more make a schisme in our church 〈◊〉 the diuers rites of Spanish French and Italians and diuers opinions in al points of religion betwéen old and new Romish Doctors maketh a schisine in the Romish Church For generally we all agree in substance of faith in rites ceremonies refer euery Church to their libertie In England publikely there is more vniformitie in doctrine prayers ceremonies then in the Romish Church albeit some priuat men whom Parsons vseth to call Puritanes dissent in some points As among the Papists there are diuers that allow not all which they hold commonly But saith he in his Warne-word Encont 1. c. 15. the French Germaines and Scottish do not agrée with the English in the rule of faith as is proued in the foure fiue and sixe and sequent chapters But if he had found any differences he would not haue spared to set them down In the chapters mentioned he sheweth not that we differ in any article of faith or substantiall point of religion but rather in rites ceremonies and some diuers interpretations of some words of Scripture Thirdly he would make his reader beléeue that we haue no certaintie in religion and that as he foole-wisely imagineth because we haue no certaine rule whereby to direct our consciences And this he handleth both in his Wardword 1. Encontr and Warnw. 1. enc c. 15. 16. and other places skipping like an ape vp an downe without rule order or reason But while he talketh of the rule of faith he is direct contrary to himselfe For in his Wardw. p. 6. he sayth that the vniuersal Church was the direct rule and squire which we ought to follow and in the Warnw. Enc. 1. c. 15. nu 10. he teacheth that it is the summe and corpes of Christian doctrine deliuered at the beginning by the miracles and preachings of the Apostles Where I omit to tell Robert Parsons that it is absurd to make the same thing to be a rule and a squire the rule being direct and the squire being square It is also ridiculous though I do not tell him of it to say that Christs doctrine was deliuered by miracles for it was deliuered by writing and preaching and confirmed by miracles But I cannot for beare to tell him that there is great 〈◊〉 betwéene the Catholike Church and the Catholike doctrine How then can these two make one rule Next he taketh exception to my words where I say that the Church of England hath a certaine rule to follow in matters of faith as if she canon of scriptures and those conclusions which are to be drawne out of them were no certaine rule or else as if traditions that are no where certainly described or set downe were a more certaine and authenticall rule then scriptures and necessary deductions out of them Fourthly he giueth out that we despaire of all certaine rule or meane to trie the truth which is a most desperate and impudent kind of dealing For directly I told him before and now I tell him againe that our rule is most certaine being nothing else but the canonicall Scriptures and the conclusions necessary drawne out of them Nay this rule may in part be confirmed by Parsons his owne confession For if the corps of Christian doctrine preached by the Apostles be the rule of faith as he saith VVarnw 1. encont c. 15. where are we to find it but in holy Scriptures He holdeth percase that it is to be found in the Popes bosome But if he say so in schooles he shal not want a greater plaudit then he had when hauing ended his comicall dealings in Bayliol colledge he was rung and hissed out of the house For who knoweth not that scabs and villany are rather to be found in the Popes bosome then any corpes of 〈◊〉 doctrine for that is very rife with them With the corpes of Apostolicall doctrine the Italian atheisticall Popes are litle acquainted We tel him further y e for trial of any point of doctrine we are not to run to the Popes sea which is as much able to resolue vs as his close stoole but to the word of God reuealed in Scriptures and if
doth require at their hands yet should they be very ignorant For a man may beléeue as the Church beléeueth and yet know nothing nor be able to answer to any point of faith Thomas Aquinas 2. 2. q. 2. art 6. compareth Gods people to asses and their teachers to oxen holding that it is sufficient for them in matters of faith to adhere to their superiors because it is said Iob 1. Quòd boues arabant asinae pascebantur 〈◊〉 eos Whereby it appeareth he requireth no great knowledge at lay mens hands but would haue them beléeue as their teachers do without further enquiring He fetcheth his proofe out of Gregorie But whence soeuer he draweth it he vseth Gods people very rudely that compareth them to asses and oxen Yet thus much I am content to yéeld that the Masse-priests and their followers are like oxen and asses firmely linked together by the Popes cow-heards and muleters for the diuell their maisters seruice The same man 2. 2. q. 2. art 5. teacheth that lay men are to beléeue all the articles of the Creed and no more explicitè The which is no point of deep learning yet his scholer Siluester in sum in verb. fides 6. will not allow so much saying that it is not necessarie for a lay man to beleeue all the articles of the faith but as much as is sufficient to direct vs to the last end Nec tamen necesse est cuilibet saith he explicitè credere omnes articulos fidei sed quantum sufficit ad dirigendum in vltimum finem The author of Summa Rosella saith that it is sufficient for simple people and percase for lay men comming to yeares and discretion to beleeue that God is a rewarder of all good and a punisher of all euill And that other articles are to be beléeued implicitè that is beléeuing all to be true which the catholike Church teacheth Simplicibus fortè omnibus laicis discernentibus adultis sufficit credere Deum esse praemiatorem bonorum omnium omnium malorum punitorem alios autem articulos sufficit credere implicitè credendo scil verum quicquid Ecclesia catholica docet But beside that this is an argument to proue the aduersaries allowance of the peoples extreme ignorance it is false and blasphemous to say that any man may be saued without notice or beléeuing in Christ as the author of Summa Rosella his words imply Loth the Pope is that the people should know too much and therefore he forbiddeth Scriptures to be either translated or read in vulgar tongues without licence In publike Liturgies it is not the fashion of Papists to suffer the 〈◊〉 to heare Scriptures read in vulgar tongues The Papists also that vnderstand not Latine pray with their lippes but not with their vnderstanding and spirit For the Popes pleasure is that the publike Liturgie of the Church shall not be read in vulgar tongues whereupon the people must needes grow dull and ignorant Iohn Billet in prolog lib. de diuin offic complaineth of this abuse Quid nostris tēporibus est agendū saith he speaking of reading of Latin seruice vbi nullus vel rarus reperitur legens vel audiēs qui 〈◊〉 videns vel agens qui animaduertat iam videtur impletum quod à Prophet a dicitur Et erit saccrdos quasi de populo vnus He saith that there are few or none that reade or heare that do vnderstand or marke what is read or heard and that the saying of the Prophet is fulfilled That the priest shall be like one of the people Costerus saith That God and the Saints vnderstand all languages and therefore that it is sufficient if the people pray in Latine Which as it is blasphemous making Saints present in all places so it is an argument that he requireth litle vnderstanding in the people Hosius commendeth the Coliars faith that could not tell one article of his beléefe but onely answered that he beleeued as the Church beleeueth which is an argument first of the commendation of ignorance among the Papists next of Hosius his blasphemie that would haue a man saued beléeuing as doth the Catholike church albeit he beléeued or knew nothing of Christ Iesus Séeing then the Papists require so litle knowledge in the people and will not suffer them either to pray or-to haue Scriptures read publikely in vulgar tongues and preach so seldome and so leudly is it likely that they should prooue great clearkes Furthermore the Priests in England were commaunded to teach the people the worship of the crosse of images of reliques and how farre the same reacheth as appeareth by B. Arundels prouinciall constitution beginning 〈◊〉 de haereticis They were also taught what manner of men were S. Austin of Canterburie S. Bernac S. Dunstane and such good fellowes And were wont to heare many good tales of the miracles of S. Audrey and S. Cuthburge and other she Saints But all this tended litle to instruction in faith or reformation in manners Finally in stead of true doctrine they were taught the traditions of men concerning worship of Saints crosses images reliques fasting on Saints Uigils pilgrimages indulgences purgatorie and such like Petrus de Alliac lib. de reform Ecclesiae wisheth That Apocryphall Scriptures and new hymnes and prayers and other voluntarie nouelties should not be read in churches Quòd in huinsmodi festis Scripturae Apocryphae aut hymninoui vel orationes seu aliae voluntariae nouitates non legerentur but he preuailed not Nay further they do not onely teach false doctrines and Apocryphall nouelties but also most wickedly rehearsing the commaundements they haue left out the second commaundement that concerneth worship of images albeit S. Augustine quaest ex vet test 7. do set it downe for a distinct commandement from the first Being then taught very litle truth and much falshood it must néeds follow that the Papists were in time past very ignorant and that Iohn Billet in prolog de diuin off plainely confesseth Experience also teacheth the same and manifestly sheweth that they scarce vnderstood any article of the Créed A certaine Italian being asked not many yeares since by his confessor in Rome whether he beleeued the holy Trinitie answered yea Being further demaunded what the Trinitie was VVhat said he but our Lord God and our Lady and you our masters the priests and Friers They are so brutish that they verily beléeue that images walke and talke and haue life Certaine parishioners of a village not farre from Florence coming to the citie to bespeake a Crucifixe the caruer séeing the simplicitie of the men asked them whether they would haue one aliue or dead The parties after some deliberation answered they wold haue a crucifixe aliue For said they if the parish like him not we will kill him and so ridde our hands of him Most of them beléeue the lyes and fables that Priests tell them out of their legends And those are the best part of
father Murders and violences are rarely punished The taxes customes and payments are so grieuous that notwithstanding all the riches that commeth from the 〈◊〉 nothing can be deuised more bare poore and miserable then the common sort of Spaniards The imposition vpon fish wine oile and silkes which are the principal cōmodities of the country is great and other customes are not easie In the market the tenth 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 commonly for all commodities bought and sold. Wherefore if we respect nothing else but the yoke of the Spanish gouernement we may account our nation in very miserable termes in 〈◊〉 Maries dayes Yet was not that all the mischiefe she brought with her For beside the yoke of Spaniards she put vpon her subiects the yoke of the Popes tyrannie and of his Italians relinquishing the first fruits and tenths of Ecclesiastical liuings to the Pope and making her people subiect to all his extortions and pillages which not onely to this nation but also to all Christians hath alwayes bene very grieuous Matthew Paris speaking onely of one Popes Legate and his rauinous pillages sayth excepting church treasure there remained not so much mony behind as he had caried with him out of England Nec remansit eadem 〈◊〉 vt veraciter dicebatur in Anglia tantum 〈◊〉 exceptis sanctorum vasis ornamentis Ecclesiarum quantum à regno extorserat Anglicano The same man beside all this as the same author testifieth 〈◊〉 thrée hundred benefices at his own and the Popes pleasure Underegnum quasi vinea exposita omni transeunti quam exterminauit aper de sylua miserabiliter languit desolatum Whereupō it fel out saith he that the kingdom did miserably languish being laid desolate made like a vineyard exposed to euery one that passeth by and which the bore of the wood did roote out He that shall reade that storie shall find strange inuentions to extort money from the people and vnderstand that great summes of mony were transported out of England by the Popes agents and countrimen Bonner in his preface before Stephen Gardiners booke De vera obedientia sayth that the Popes prey in England was so great that it amounted to as much almost as the reuenues of the Crowne The English nation complained to the Pope in the synod at Lyon in the dayes of king Henry the third of diuers enormous pillages and exactions made by him and his officers but could find no remedy The Emperour as Mathew Paris testifieth found fault with the King of England for that he suffered his countrey to be impouerished so shamefully by the Pope Imperator reprehendit regem Angliae saith Mathew Paris quod permitteret terram suam tam impudenter per Papam depauperari If we account the tenths first fruites rents comming of dispensations about Ecclesiassicall benefices for mariages and vowes money for licences to 〈◊〉 flesh and white meates to keepe concubines to erect new societies and orders of Friers money for indulgences and pardons canonizations of saints erecting of Churches for rescripts of iustice for absolution from othes for sale of Masses and such like Babylonish merchandize we shall find that the summe doth farre excéed Bonners accompt So iniurious was the Pope in extorting and so patient was this land in bearing all burdens that worthily it deserued to be called the Popes asse Nay such corruption was entred into the Romish church that no act of religion could be executed without paying somewhat At christening they paid a chrisme cloth at 〈◊〉 a herse cloth Neither could any be maried or 〈◊〉 or absolued but some what was paid At Candlemasse they offered candles at another day bread and because bread would not downe without drinke they offered also good ale in some places By these meanes the priests of Baal liued vpon the poore mans labour and got the husbandmans cow the artificers instruments and what euery man had from the owners and pressed the very marrow out of the common peoples bones To all these pillages from which king Henry the eight of famous memorie and his sonne king Edward had fréed vs Quéene Mary did make her people subiect She also put her people vnder the bloodie hands of the butcherly Romish inquisitors Bonner Gardiner Storie and their fellowes which contrary to iustice and all good forme of proceeding caused 〈◊〉 or fiue hundred to be put to most cruell death in a short space and were the occasion of the death of many hundreds more that either for want or by diseases died being 〈◊〉 to leaue their houses and to shift for themselues Some also died in prison before they came to their triall Whosoeuer would not forsake the truth was driuen to forsake his countrey kinred friends and to flie into strange countries for succor So we 〈◊〉 murder tortures banishments bands and persecution of Gods saints were the monuments of her raigne Therefore it pleased God to afflict this countrey with a great penury and dearth the like was not heard of for many yeares before nor since 〈◊〉 histories say that 〈◊〉 was for foure markes the quarter and mault for 44. shillings which considering y t rate of things is twise or thrise so much as that summe amounteth vnto now Hereupon it came to passe that the people were constrained to make bread of acornes that had refused the bread of Gods word and that many died for extreme want and penury and yet was not the country halfe so populous as now Finally to her perpetuall dishonor and the fhame of all Papists she lost Calice Ghines whatsoeuer by the kings of England was left her in France King Edward the third that most victorious prince 〈◊〉 Calice and she like a most disastrous Quéene 〈◊〉 it neither did any thing prosper that 〈◊〉 tooke in hand In the beginning of her raigne she was driuen to 〈◊〉 into Suffolke disguised and had by all likelihood lost both her life crowne and hope if the professors of the Gospell of Norfolke and Suffolke had not resorted vnto her and defended her against those that pursued her for the which she promised them liberally but performed nothing They deliuered her from danger and she eontrary to her promise deliuered them vp to the bloudy executioners to be pursued with fire and fagot She maried with a stranger to the great dislike of all true hearted Englishmen But well was she 〈◊〉 For her husband neuer did well like her and in the end he went from her and did in a manner forsake her Great hope she had to leaue vs a king of her owne body to raigne after her but her expectation was turned into a mockerie and all the Masses said and prayers deuised and offerings to Saints relikes for her safe deliuerie tooke no effect The saying of the Prophet Psal. 〈◊〉 was fulfilled in her She 〈◊〉 griefe and brought foorth iniquitie Concepit dolorem peperit iniquitatem Salomon for that he was a iust Prince had a sonne giuen him to sit
forraine histories when histories report that king Iohn of England was poysoned by a Monke of Swinsted Abbey for that he was supposed to be aduerse to the popish faction We may also remember that of late the French king Henry the third was most shamefully murthered by a Dominican Friar called Iames Clement set on by the popish Leaguers and perswaded thereto by the Iebusites of Paris The Pope also that then was did highly commend the mans zeale in a solemne oration made in the consistorie of Cardinals vpon the first intelligence of this fact Neither do I thinke that any of the popish faction will condemne the man although his déed was most execrable Iohn Iauregui a desperate Spaniard anno 1582. discharged a pistole vpon the prince of Orenge with a full purpose to kill him His master perswaded him vnto it but nothing did worke more with him then his confessors incouragement who vnderstanding his resolution did not only confirme him in his purpose but also giue him absolution and minister the Sacrament vnto him For that is the fashion of these helhounds to giue the Sacrament to such wicked assassins to confirme them in their wicked purpsses That which Iauregui attempted Balthasar Gerard did afterward performe most trecherously and villanously And so by the hand of a base rascall a noble prince was murthered and a lyon trecherously slaine by a curre The attempt was grounded partly vpon the old king of Spains promises and partly vpon the encouragements giuen him by one D. Geryon a Minorite of Tornay and a Iebusite of Trier to whom he confessed himselfe and which promised that he should be a martyr if he died in the execution of that enterprise Diuers desperate assassins likewise haue attempted to murther that valiant and noble prince Maurice which hath so long maintained his countries libertie against the tyrannie of the Spaniards Michael Reinichon a Masse priest and curate of a village called Bossier was executed for that attempt He was apprehended first vpon suspition but afterward he went about to hang himselfe his owne conscience accusing him But being stopped of his course he did afterward confcsse his malicious purpose his abettors Peter du Four confessed that he was set on to kill prince Maurice by the promises of Duke Ernest who speaking to him in Italian vttered these words Facete quel che m'auete promesso amassate quel tyranno that is performe your promise made to me and kill that tyrant He confessed also that by vertue of a Masse which he heard in a certaine chappell at Brussels he was made beléeue that he should go inuisible Peter Panne voluntarily confessed that certaine Iebusites perswaded him to kill the Count Maurice and that by their meanes he was furnished with a knife for the purpose He persisted in his confession at his execution and so was done to death A matter so plaine and manifest that Coster and Parsons denying it do rather confound themselues then conuince the mans confession For suppose the poore man was mistaken in some names which might well be 〈◊〉 that the Iebusites do vse to change their names yet it is absurd to thinke that any would confesse a matter against himselfe and set it downe with so many circumstances if there neuer had bene any such matter Peter Barriere was executed not many yeares since at Melun for that he was conuinced by diuers witnesses and afterward confessed that he came to the court of France with a full resolution to kill the French King Henry the 4. He confessed also that he was animated thereto by a Carmelite a Iacobin a Capuchin and a Iebusite at Lyon and that he had conferred with the Curate of S. Andrew at Paris who told him that he should for this fact be translated into paradife and obtaine great glorie He talked also with the Rector of the colledge of Iebusites where he receiued the sacrament and with another preaching Iebusite who as he sayd assured him that his resolution viz. for killing the king was most holy and meritorious Wherefore being conuinced by diuers witnesses and presumptions and by his owne confession wherein he persisted vnto the death he was by an ordinary course of iustice condemned and executed The Iebusites and their followers I confesse say that he was a light headed fellow But his answers and the whole proceeding against hun which is particularly set downe by a Papist in the Iebusites Catechisme lib. 3. cap. 6. doth declare the quite contrary and proue manifestly that he came to the place with a ful resolution to do that wiched act being encouraged thereunto by the Iebusites and other pillers of the 〈◊〉 Church that without such execrable murthers cannot stand The same also proueth that he answered in all that cause like a man well aduised Iohn Chastel wounded the French King Henry the fourth with a knife and purposed to haue cut his throte After the act being examined he confessed that he had learned by philosophy which he had studied in the colledge of Iebusites at Paris that it was lawful for to kil the King and that he hath often heard the Iebusites say that it was lawfull to kill the King being out of the Church In the end persisting in his confessiō he was put to death His 〈◊〉 also which taught him this philosophie was banished the Realme of France Finally the parliament of Paris considering the sequele of this damnable doctrine pronounced the Iebusites to be enemies of the king and kingdome and banished them out of France and caused a piller to be erected in the place where Chastels fathers house did stand testifying that the Iebusites are a pernicious sect and enemies to kings Gladly would the Iebusits put away this disgrace but it is engrauē in stone and their instances and answers are such as rather further blot them then reléeue them Crighton accused one Robert Bruis before the Count de Fuentes for that he had not murdred a certaine Noble man of Scotland nor would disburse fiftéene hundred crownes to thrée that at his solicitation had vndertaken that murder Such is the violent humor of the Iebusites and so are they transporsed in their passions and rage to kill princes But nothing I suppose doth better discouer the execrable intentions of the wicked Iebusites and Masse-priests against Kings then their trecherous practises at diuers times attempted against Quéene Elizabeth Pius Quintus dealt with the King of Spaine by force to ouerthrow her and stirred vp her subiects secretly to rebell against her Sixtus Quintus an 1588. 〈◊〉 not off to solicite the Spanish king against her vntill the Spaniards were ouerthrowne at the sea and had their land forces scattered But when warres and open force wrought no good effect they and their fellowes and adherents set murderers and empoysoners on worke Anno 1584. William Parry vndertooke to kill her the which resolution so well pleased Pope Gregorie the 13. that Cardinall Como in the
he made a Iesuite and a priest Are such bastardly and infamous Parsons 〈◊〉 persons to be made priests and is this the perfection of the Iebusiticall order which they brag off While he continued in Bailiol colledge one Stancliffe his fellow burser did charge him with forgery Beside that diuers other articles were put vp against him and twentie nine or thirtie came before the master and fellowes as Bagshaw saith to demaund iustice against him Christopher Bagshaw his fellow priest testifieth that being burser he disfurnished the colledge library of many auncient bookes and rare manuscripts A true man he is as it seemeth being conuinced both of forgery filchery and periury But because he was sworne to be true a true thiefe to the colledge For these and other misdemeanors he had the fauour to resigne being first lawfully expelled as saith Bagshaw in his apologie against Parsons slanders and with such fauour he departed that no man seemed desirous he should remaine in the colledge any longer I thinke he may remember that he was rung with belles out of the house which was either a signe of triumph or else of his dismall departure out of the world At the same time he made a submission with many teares as saith Bagshaw and promised that he would euer after carry himselfe in a good sort but if he forgot his oth made first it was no maruell if he forgot his promise made after Hauing receiued this disgrace not long after he fled like a fugitiue out of his countrey and became a Iebusite For note that periured fugitiues make prime Iebusites So that was verified in him that is commonly found true in others Quod desperatio facit monachum For desperatly hee cast himselfe away into a monkish order although not long before he had deepely protested that he would neuer become a papist What religion was in him it may appeare for that suddenly he tooke on him a religion which he had a litle before forsworne Beside that being in England he alwaies professed the same religion that we doe and in priuate communication with his friends seemed desirous to learne some good course of study of diuinitie Being burser hee bought many bookes written by learned men of our side and placed them in the library of Bailioll colledge in Oxford What is then to be collected of all his demeanour and actions but that disgrace and 〈◊〉 and no other reason made him a papist a friar and an apostata Departing out of the countrey hee went not away empty handed For he carried away diuers summes of money which he had receiued of his schollers friends without rendring accompt Promising also to make a match betwixt one of his schollers and a gentlewoman his mothers neighbour he tooke money of both the parties friends albeit neither of the parties knew any such matter nor their friends had talked together A very prety tricke to be plaid for his first prize of cosinage The seculer priests charge him with mispending the almes that is bestowed on the english Seminaries vpon his intelligencers spies in postage and vpon his priuat pleasures After his departure out of England the man cosined the Prince of Parma the Spanish king and others offering like a montebanke the crowne of England to sale to any that would buy it A thing certes of good price if he could haue made his sale good He may remember that Marforio in Rome touched him in a certaine ticket for this grosse 〈◊〉 But great wonder it is that the Pope hath not trussed him ere this finding all his promises of intelligences treasons and packes in England to be nothing else but méere cosinage mockery and knauery to 〈◊〉 himselfe to be made Cardinall And this both himselfe and his brother and friends did so greedily looke for that on a time being aduised to weare a péece of scarlet before his stomacke and giuing order that a péece might be brought from the marchant his witlesse brother thinking the time of his aduancement had bene come caused as much scarlet to be brought to him as would make him a Cardinals robes But with great confusion and blushing like as if his face had bene died scarlet Parsons conueyed the man and his scarlet out by a posterne gate But the scorne and blemish still stucke to him Of his vertuous life in Spaine and in the colledge at Rome we neede not to stand much seeing the markes of his honesty appeare in y e pustules of his face but especially in his scabbed legs The which mysteries of Iebusites least they should be reuealed they haue a graunt of the Pope to haue Physitions of their owne company While the stirres continued betweene the Iesuits and the English schollers in Rome one Harward gaue out that he could name seuen Sodomites in that colledge But may Parsons friends answere That is no nouelty among the fiery Ignatians that forsweare mariage For seeing they refuse honourable mariage it is Gods iust vengeance vpon them that they should fall into these filthie abominable disorders Euery one of the masse-priests according to the formulary of Rome doth say and confesse quòd peccaui in Sodomia that is I haue sinned in Sodomy The man naturally is a coward yet when he passeth through strange countreyes he goeth disguised and calleth 〈◊〉 Captaine Cowbucke But albeit he be no souldier nor worthy of that profession yet should he haue come anno 1588. with the Spanish forces against his countrey And so many hath he suborned to kill the Queene and to stirre rebellion in England and Ireland that he hath caused more blood to be shed then the greatest souldier of our time His impudency in lying and great cunning in iugling may be conuinced by his bold assertions and denials against all truth and by his shifting and cogging in all his writings which giue plaine euidence that the man when he fled from his countrey left honesty shame and conscience behind him if euer he had any as by diuers arguments in the treatise ensuing shall god willing be verified In the meane while see what his fellow traitors say of him He that set foorth the reply to Parsons libell doth testifie that he will affirme or deny any thing and saith that he hath a brasen forehead and prayeth that God would send him more shame more honesty and more truth Speaking of his cunuing conueiance he saith he will neuer leaue his iugling trickes and againe that like a Gipsey he playeth at fast and loose His life vnto the rest of his consorts is so scandalous that the martrized Nuodlitelist with admirati ō doth thus exclaime quodl 8. art 5. pa. 238. ô monster of mankind fitter for hell then middle earth and afterward thou giuest occasion for diuers to thinke thou art not a mere man but some fairies brat or begotten by some incubus or aerish spirit vpon the body of a base woman and quodl 6. art 7. and discouery pa. 70. Blackewell
the Quodlibetist being a goodly martyr in the Calendar of traitors telleth him he sheweth himselfe both witlesse and shamelesse to speake against honorable mariage and such as are knowne to be descended of worshipfull parentage Furthermore he giueth vs occasion to detest the filthie masse-priests monkes and Iebusites that abiuring lawfull marriage burne in vnlawfull lustes and are knowne to be adulterers fornicators sodomites and most beastly and swinish fellowes He shameth not also to affirme that I was forced to retire out of Ireland for certaine iniurious speeches against the Earle of Ormond and the Irish nation But what if the Earle of Ormond and the Irish nation will cleare me Is not he a busie fellow to meddle with their matters without fée Againe what if I came away with the leaue and liking both of the generall and others Wil it not appeare that he lieth like a shamelesse fellow without leaue or liking of any but himself who like 〈◊〉 monky liketh best his own deformities But he may 〈◊〉 both if he list to informe himselfe either by English or Irish that knew those matters how they passed As for those whom he stileth witnesses Omni exceptione maiores they neuer receiued any greater disgrace then in medling with me and haue since declared themselues to be men rather to be lamented for their folly then credited for their dignitie But nothing is more ridiculous then that Robert Parsons should find fault with my intemperancy of spéech séeing I do but answer his intemperate and exorbitant inuectiues that in scurrility and rayling are superlatiue But if he will néeds find fault let him bring reason least his writing séeme to want both wit and reason His last charge against me in his answer to my Epistle concerneth discontentment and complaints against the State But it is like the rest that is fond false and friuolous For neither is it likely that I should be discontent with y e present state or grieued with any ordinary charge when both in most honorable actions and in my publike writings I haue to the vttermost of my power defended the State and haue willingly put my self to extraordinary charge in all seruices for my countrey This resolution also is both in my selfe and others not onely to spend our goods but our liues also in defence of our country and of the truth against all malignant 〈◊〉 of sedition and miserable slaues of Antichrist that shall dare to assayle the Realme Finally if in any thing I haue shewed discontent it is in that I haue séene such notorious trechery as is discouered in Parsons and his leud consorts to escape vnpunished and sometimes vncontrolled Not content to accuse vs the ranging fellow runneth out in diuers places and rayleth with a wide and filthy mouth against the late noble Earle of Essex whose calamity all that knew him do much lamēt and whose blood I doubt not but God will require at all the hands of some of his consorts that sought to spill it as he hath already begun to reuenge it in some principal persons that eagerly followed the matter against him Well let us sée notwithstanding what this Blackesmiths dog hath to say against that noble lord First saith he the Earle of Essex was pitifully seduced by the puritanes But euery one that is not ignorant of the true causes of his discontentment knoweth well that his pretence was not for religion but rather for other causes It is also well knowne that sir Christopher Blunt and the popish faction was the cause of his ruine For vnderstanding his discontentment they set him forward with hope and promise of assistance in priuate quarels not doubting but either to trouble the state by his means or els to bring him into a snare whom they knew to be firme for religion It may be also that his enemies by their cunning drew him into this dangerous action by practise of traiterous companions that were about him Howsoeuer it was much it is to be lamented that refusing a pension offered him by the King of Spaine he could not also discouer this traine layed for him by the Popes agents And I cannot but much disdaine that so bastardly and base a swaine as this paltry Parsons is should insult ouer so noble and magnanimous an Earle a dog ouer a Lyon a bauling curre ouer a most famous and worthy man of warre He telleth vs further that he was stout against peace with forraine princes and that he had wrought such a troubled water vnder hand that if his streame had not bene turned against him he might chance to haue inhooked the greatest fish in England But this deuise of a great fish is nothing but a vaine surmise of a great conger-headed companion For neither did he nor could he pretend any title to the crowne And as for his stoutnesse against peace with Spaine it procéeded from the loue of his country and was occasioned vpon iust grounds for that he saw no sincere dealing on the behalfe of the Spaniard but rather a surceasing of hostility that in the meane while Masse-priests and Iebusites and their adherents might worke treason It may be also that he meant to shew the weaknesse of the Spaniard the power of the English nation which the Spaniards heretofore too much despised Neither he certes nor any man else misliketh an honorable profitable safe and durable peace Fol. 8. a. he doth againe talke vainely and telleth vs of the Essexian assault and sayth it may be presumed that it would haue abbreuiated the Queenes dayes especially in the intention of the puritanes But he is an absurd fellow to obiect that which his greatest enemies sought to proue and of which he cleared himself sufficiently at the barre And most shamelesse he sheweth himself to impute that to men of our profession which like a leud Laiolian he calleth puritanes which was continually desired of Papists and much feared of all that truly professed religion Againe fol. 13. he mentioneth the Earle of Essex his attempt and golden purposes and sayth that my Lord and young king Essex plotted her Maiesties ouerthrow vnder pretence of meeting at a puritane sermon But if all plotters of her Maiesties ouerthrow had bin rewarded according to their desert then had the crowes long ere this fed on Parsons his quarters the most notorious arch-plotter of treason that this age hath affoorded Likewise he and his consorts haue made many attempts against the State and in the destruction of their Quéen and country they hoped to haue a new world and therin placed their golden time As for the good Earle his purposes howsoeuer they were drawne to his destruction and disorderly managed yet could no man proue that he 〈◊〉 harme to the Quéene Séeing therefore this Patch obiecteth to the Earle an imaginatiō of that which the traiterous consorts of Parsons haue long desired I will here bestow on him a crowne of fox tayles and make him the King of al renegate traitors and
quoteth Durand lib. 4. in sent dist 2. for dist 20. A litle after he cauilleth with me for saying that the Pope hath power to absolue and pardon men that haue liued most filthily and abhominably and sayth that absolution belongeth to the sacrament of penance and not to indulgences But therein the asse bewrayeth his owne grosse ignorance For as some Papists say indulgence is absolution others say it is absolutio solutio as Bellarmine disputeth lib. 1. de indulg ca. 5. and might haue taught the same to Parsons if he would haue looked on him The Pope therefore may do wel to lash this asse and to graunt him no pardon that knoweth not the grounds and first principles of his owne foole or as some call it school diuinitie Nay he remembreth not the common formes of pardons Gregory the 13. anno 1578. granting a pardon to those cutthrotes that came with D. Iuan d'Austria into the Low countries for to such are his indulgences granted giueth them indulgence and remission or absolution from their sins after confession and communion Confessione communione peracta sayth Gregory impetretis omnium peccatorum vestrorum indulgentiam O holy Pope that granteth pardons to such cutthrotes O patch Parsons that knoweth not the forme of his holy fathers blessings Wherefore as the Apostle sayth of the idolatrous Gentiles that when they professed themselues wise they became fooles so we may say of the idolatrous hereticke Parsons that while he professed himselfe a teacher of others he hath shewed himself an ignorant 〈◊〉 Likewise as the heretikes called Gnostici professed themselues great clerks Imperitiae suae nomen scientiae vendicantes that is challenging to their ignorance the name and title of knowledge as Hierome sayth in Isaiae c. 44. So the illuminate Iebusites professe arts and learning and Parsons is as arrogant as the best of them But if he looke downe vpon these so many and so grosse errors committed within one of his volumes whatsoeuer he thinketh of himselfe I hope hereafter he will not contemne others CHAP. VI. Parsons his singular patcheries and fooleries THis is but a base argument may some suppose to discourse of patcheries and fooleries But how can we do withall hauing to deale against a 〈◊〉 and base fellow who vrgeth vs to make a register of his 〈◊〉 Stultitia gaudium stulto that is Foolishnesse causeth a foole to reioyce sayth Salomon Prouerb 15. But séeing this Patch would néedes make a scorne of religion and the professors thereof it was necessary to lay his notorious fooleries open First then he sheweth himselfe a notorious sot to sée curiously into others and not at all to looke into his owne faults Est proprium stultitiae sayth Tully aliorum vitia cernere suorum obliuisci But for men to accuse innocents when them selues are guiltie is not onely simplicitie but also madnes and impudency Cùm protuis erubescere debueras innocentes Catholicos accusas that is when thou shouldest blush in regard of thine owne fellowes thou accusest innocent Catholikes sayth Optatus to Parmenian lib. 2. In the Epistle to the reader he chargeth sir Francis Hastings with writing a most bitter and bloody pamphlet who onely stirreth vp his countrimen to defend themselues and their country against forreine traitors and home-borne traitors and yet himselfe published and as is said holpe to write that bloudy Exhortation to the Nobility and people of England and Ireland whereby Allen and he endeuour to perswade all Papists to take armes against their Prince and countrey and to ioyne with forreine enemies And this is the end of his own and his consorts writings and practises for the most part Neither can any write more moderately then Sir Francis or more immodestly and doggedly then himselfe Likewise he is not ashamed in diuers places to accuse me of malignity intemperate writing and bitternesse And yet himselfe like a gull casteth out nothing but gall and bitter reproches He chargeth vs both with flattery lying falshood and diuers other faults which are most rife in him and not any way to be forced vpon vs. Most singular folly it is also for any writer to vtter things that either make against himself or at least nothing for him Quae nihil attingunt adrem nec sunt vsui ea saepe profert aduerso tempore sayth Plautus of a certain foolish fellow But this is a common fault of Parsons and committed in his discourses In his Wardword he 〈◊〉 to scrape a litle fauour of the late Quéene of the Lords of her Councell and of his countrimen And yet like a sot euery where he endeuoreth to disgrace her Maiesties procéedings an̄d commendeth forreine enemies and traitors and that not without great reproch to the whole State and to the English nation In the Warneword his purpose is to speake of the church and state of England and yet is he still running out into by-matters of France Germany and other countries Nothing can be deuised more odious then the tyranny exactions and pillages of the Pope and his adherents and yet is Robert Parsons still braying out the canonists asinine commendations of the Popes kingdome Fooles haue their confidence in their tongues Stultis thesaurus in lingua situs est sayth Plautus So doth Parsous rely on his libels pamphlets and discourses and hopeth to pay vs all our debt with euill language But come to trie his words in the ballance they are as light as feathers In his Epistle to the Reader A Spanish inuasion saith he was then sayd to be vpon the seas for England But if he had not bene a puppy or at least such a one as could not speake English he would haue sayd that a fléete was sayd to be on the seas with forces to inuade England 〈◊〉 he might as wel say that an inuasion was marching on the land as floting on the sea But his mind was so much vpon inuasions that he forgot both the loue and the language of his countrey In the same place he saith he wrote a Ward-word to a Watch-word Whereby a plaine Englishman would suppose that he meant to send this Ward-word as a letter to a gentleman called a VVatch-word Forasmuch as to a Watch-word in good English doth not signifie against a Ward-word Againe we Englishmen thinke strange to heare these strange words VVarne-word and Ward-word in our tongue and wonder that there should be an opposition betwixt watching and warding that are commonly ioyned together But this forging Friar forgeth new words as fast as his putatiue father was went to forge horseshooe nayles Talking of his braue bookes which if they were all bound together were not worth a léeke he nameth his Epistle of Persecution which seemeth to be some new cut and deuise contrary to all formes of former Epistles But speaking English we no more call letters of that argument Epistles of Persecution then we call discourses of Parsons his ribaldry and bastardy Epistles of ribaldry and
But experience teacheth vs that where they can do it they do it literally It were therefore good to beware of the woodden daggers of these woodden fellowes Fol. 110. b. he affirmeth that by indulgences are distributed the treasures of the Church A matter of méere 〈◊〉 of which may be said the saurus carbones that is our treasures proue coles For poore people hoping to receiue a treasure receiue méere cole dust and yet for that trash wast great treasures Iosephus Angles signifieth that the Pope now and then receiueth an hundred millions of duckets for an indulgence which is no small matter for such small wares In the same place he telleth vs of the Popes doctrine of indulgences which is nothing else but a fardle of foolery as in my discourse against Bellarmine I haue shewed at large This Patch if he had remembred himselfe would haue proued somewhat and not haue told vs a tale of the Popes tub full of mustie indulgences more nastie then an old mustard pot 2. encontr c. 15. fol. 117. I shall alleage sayth he most authenticall testimonies to wit foure bookes for the negatiue written and printed at Lyon presently vpon the fact it selfe intituled De iusta Henricitertij abdicatione But this allegatiō seruēth vs better then him and is a most authenticall testimony of Parsons foolery and of the Popes trechery For what is more repugnant to law conscience and reason thē to beléeue a notorious rebel and traitor declaiming against his liege soueraigne most trecherously and wickedly murdred by a louzie frier And what is more intollerable then that the Popes of Rome and their adherents being aduanced by Christian princes should now be praised for deposing of princes and cutting their throtes This authenticall testimony therfore might well haue bin spared wherein Parsons a traitor produceth his fellow traitor for a witnesse in discharge of his owne and his fellowes treasons and villanies Fol. 123. he talketh most foolishly of penance repeating what he hath sayd before in his Wardword But whatsoeuer he bableth of penance and satisfaction and passing through a néedles eye yet if a man can gaine a plenary indulgence which for mony is easie to be had then al penance inioyned and satisfaction ceaseth and God is plainely mocked If he had bene wise therefore he would haue for borne to talke of penance the doctrine whereof by the Papists is wholly corrupted and ouerthrowne Finally albeit he talketh much of law and of Catholike Religion yet he sheweth himself to be like those of whō the Apostle speaketh which would be doctors of the law and yet vnderstand not what they speake nor wherof they affirme And like old heretikes which as Hilary lib. 8. de Trinit saith although they lie foolishly yet they defend their lies farre more foolishly Cum stultè mentiantur sayth he stultiùs tamen in mendacij sui defensione sapiunt Compare their doings with Parsons his foolish Warneword and you shall sée he farre passeth them all in foolery CHAP. VII Containing diuers false allegations and falsifications of Fathers and others committed by Parsons THere are diuers kinds of falsifications as we may learne by the Romane lawes ff adl Corn. de falsis by the cannon law de crimine falsi and by those Doctors that haue written Commentaries and glosses vpon these titles But to know the diuersitie and nature of them we shall not néed curiously to looke either into the lawes or commentaries of learned lawyers séeing Robert Parsons in his Warn-word which like a warning péece may serue all true men to beware of his falshood and trechery doth furnish vs with particular instances and examples of most sorts of them First he maketh no conscience either to curtal his aduersaries words or to adde somewhat vnto them of which they neuer had so much as a thought Fol. 6. he sayth that Sir Francis obiecteth vnto him the seeking of the ruine of the church and common wealth by his exhortation to peace and mitigation in religion whereas the Knight obiecteth no such matter nor hath any such words He doth also séeme to charge him as enemy of peace whereas the honorable Knight neuer misliked peace or any motion tending thereto but rather discouered the false practises of Papists that anno 1588. talked of peace when their fléete was at the sea to cut our throtes being vnprouided and 1598. made an ouerture of a treaty when the Adelantado had great forces readie at the Groyne and other ports of Spaine to come for England Where Sir Francis prayeth for the prolonging of her Maiesties dayes to the holding out stil of the Popes vsurped authoritie Parsons in his VVarneword doth so expound him as if he prayed that her life might hold out still And this to the intent he might runne vpon the Earle of Essex barking like a Linkers curre at a dead Lyon In my Preface I say that obstinate recusants for the most part are secretly reconciled to the Pope and in time past adhered to her maiessies enemies But Parsons to make the matter more hainous turneth obstinate recusants into recusant Catholikes and falsly lcaueth out these words for the most part As if I had called them Catholikes which I neuer thought or as if I knew not that there is great difference betwéene the factious reconciled papists and those that of simplicitie and ignorance fauour papisticall hereste and superstition Againe where I say that extraordinary fauour or rather remisnesse of lawes and iustice towards disloyall Papists hath caused diuers rebellions both in England and Ireland and made them bold to attempt against her Maiesties life and gouernement and giuen some of them courage to conspire with forreine enemies c. and that by suffering of malcontents to practise the sinewes of gouernement haue bene dissolued and that many thinke that against persons that are so 〈◊〉 disposed and so firmely linked to forreine enemies good iustice is most necessary Robert Parsons iumbleth many words together and cutteth off that which I sayd of conspiring with forreine enemies and the attempting against her Maiesty knowing that many of his friends are the Spanish kings pensioners and haue diuersly attempted against her Maiestie Further he cutteth out these words many do thinke and by a strange metamorphosis changeth disloyal papists into catholike recusants making me to say that too much extraordinary fauour and remisnesse towards Catholikes hath caused diuers rebellions both in England and Ireland and that it hath dissolued the sinewes of gouernment and that it is more profitable to execute lawes then to pardon offenders as if I had spoken generally against all papists not singled those that conspire with publike enemies and attempt against the State and as if I had misliked all remisnesse pardon towards all papists If Parsons body were so māgled as he hath mangled and transformed my words we should not long be troubled with his wranglements In this sort he dealeth continually with vs. And so he 〈◊〉 also
more then to aduance their owne fauourers and to disgrace their aduersaries This is also a great part of the argument of their lying legends to set out the prayses of Monkes Friars and such like superstitious Papists Likewise without cause doth he accuse vs for lying M. Foxe vnderstanding his error concerning the execution of Marbecke did correct the same Yet when he said Marbecke was burned at Windsor he lied not speaking that which was to him reported and like to be true considering that the partie was condemned Neither doeth M. Foxe set downe Wickleffe or others in the Calendar to the intent to make them martyrs for that passed his reach but to declare the time of their death or sufferings Parsons doth further threaten to shew out of M. Foxe and others of our writers infinite doctrinall lies But he threatneth alwayes more then he can performe In his second encounter ch 2. where he giueth out these brags himselfe lyeth notoriously For most false it is that either the rebels in king Richard the second his dayes or else the friars whom Thomas Walsingham called lyars were Wickleffes schollers albeit this shamelesse frier affirmeth both For Ball a Masse-priest was a principall ring-leader of the rebels and the friers were murtherers sodomites and traitors as the rebels said of them Let vs sayd the rebels destroy these murtherers and burne these sodomites and hang vp these traitors of the King and Realme And this they sayd of the friars But Wickleffe alwayes 〈◊〉 and spoke both against such abominations and such rebellions It is a common tricke also of Papists to proue their doctrine with lies fables To proue transsubstantiation they make a 〈◊〉 to speake these words Benè de me scripsisti Thoma Thou hast written wel of me Thomas when shal I be able to requite you for your paines To proue the real presence they make tales of bloud appearing in the sacrament and sometimes they say Christ appeared like a litle child which are toyes to mock children withall To proue purgatory they tel vs tales of S. Patrickes purgatorie of soules complaining and crying for more masses of apparitions of Angels diuels and soules The same lies they abuse also to proue prayer for the dead For the iustification of their doctrine concerning the worship of saints and their images they tell lies of images mouing talking working walking and of wonderfull apparitions and miracles done by them Our Ladies image is said to speake to Hiaciullyus Goodrike saw a boy come out of a crucifixes mouth as Mathew Paris relateth Finally the Popes and their agents without lies and notorious forgeries cannot maintaine their cause as by infinite lies of Bellarmine Baronius Parsons yea and of the Popes themselues I haue iustified Doeth 〈◊〉 not then appeare that in lying they haue set vp their rest And will not the world see the abominations of popery that cannot be maintained but by lying forgery and force God graunt that truth may once appeare and open the eyes of all Christians that they may sée that which now lieth hidden and come to the perfect knowledge of truth AN ADVERTISEMENT TO THE READER CONCERNING FOVRE OTHER INFAMOVS Libels lately diuulged and sent into England by Parsons Kellison and Walpoole BEfore the former answer could be finished and published there came to my hands foure other bookes all penned by our malicious aduersaries and sent ouer frō Rome and other places into England to disturne simple people from the loue of the truth of which I haue thought good most Christian Reader here at the end of this work briefly to aduertise thée I hope also that the same aduertisement wil serue for present satisfactiō to those which percase expect a spéedie answer to such hastie calumniations and most wicked libels The first is set out vnder the name of T. F. aliâs Thomas Fitzherbert a man euill reported of by his owne consorts and therefore no maruell if hatefull to all men wel affected to their prince and countrey Long he hath bene a spie and pensioner of the king of Spaine But now perceiuing belike that the trade is become odious groweth out of request he is turned Masse priest and set to sing for the soules of his friends after thrée farthings a Masse And least he might forget his old art of spiery he is now set to spy for his holy father if by any good aduenture he can sée Christs true body lurking vnder the accidents of the Masse-cake his bloud by a necessary concomitance as they say being not farre off This fellow as a Masse-priest was thought a fit person to speake for the Masse and as a spie and renegate English mā to speake shame of his country and to defend traitors And yet the poore man is as fit to dispute of the massing religion and popish subtilties as an asse to play an antheme vpon a pairs of organs The true author of the booke as his stile declareth and the dealers in the edition must néeds witnes is Robert Parsons an old hackster in 〈◊〉 quarels and a great dealer in matter of conuersion of England and one that vseth at his pleasure to borrow other mens names now calling himselfe Captaine Cowbucke now Dolman now Iohn Houlet now N. D. or Noddy now T. F. or Tom Fop now Robert Parsons Under the name of Dolman he set out his traitorous seditious booke of succession in disgrace of the Kings title Under the name of Iohn Houlet he published certaine idle reasons of refusall himselfe neuer refusing to attempt any mischiefe against the State Under the title of N. D. he set out his VVardword and VVarneword stigmatizing his manship with the perpetual note of a Noddy implied by those two letters N. D. And this course he tooke in T. F. his Apologie The second is entitled A treatise of three conuersions of England and was set out by Robert Parsons also vnder the old stampe of N. D. whose signification euery child now knoweth to be Noddy But why he should write of the conuersion of his countrey to religion we can sée no reason séeing we haue knowne him alwaies more studious of the subuersion then of the conuersion of England and his consorts the Masse priests do testifie that he is a Machiauelian packing fellow voyd of religion and honesty The turnings of the Masse or turning of iackets had bene a more fit subiect for him to handle seeing he turneth skippeth so oft about the altar like an ape dauncing about a maypole and hath turned his coate so often from English to Romish from Scottish to Spanish from all to French that some of his friends feare vnlesse he turne Cardinall that he will turne Turke The third is called A Suruey of the new religion and was deuised by a renegued fugitiue Englishman who hath surueyed diuers other countries and yet neuer found any settlement in his braine or habitation Like Caine he hath bin long a vagrant fugitiue fellow Vagus profugus
sentence he meaneth that he may kill the King He sayth also that the people haue power to depose the prince He doth further vnderstand the Pope to be euery Kings lawfull Iudge Is it then to be 〈◊〉 if the Masse-priests and their followers grounding themselues vpon these resolutions attempt against princes persons Iohn Ghineard one of the sect of the Iebusites did publikely acknowledge in the parliament of Paris anno 1594. that he had written these words The cruell Nero that is Henry the third was slaine by one Clement and the counterfet Monke by the hand of a true Monke Againe the heroicall act done by Iames Clement as a grace of Gods holy spirit and called by that name by our diuines the Iebusites was iustly commended by Bourgoin late prior of the Iacobins a confessor and martyr Talking of the king now raigning he wrote that he would haue him shut into a cloister and deposed But if he cannot be deposed without warre then sayth he let warre be made against him And if there be no meanes to preuaile by warres let him otherwise be killed I would therfore haue indifferent men to iudge whether this be not spiritual doctrine Our owne country Masse-priests also do not differ from their fellows in this point One of them setting downe certaine resolutions for the instruction and consolation of the English as he saith asketh this question Whether a Catholicke like he should say a trayterous papist is not bound by vertue of the Bull of Pius Quintus to take armes against Elizabeth and to depose her imprison her and kill her if occasion should serue and if he haue hope to obtaine victorie To this he answereth Ex 〈◊〉 Bullae 〈◊〉 eum non teneri ad ea quae proponuntur nisi omnia it a compar at a essent 〈◊〉 certa parataque spes esset victoriae quo 〈◊〉 propter bonum 〈◊〉 fidei religion is 〈◊〉 tenerentur qui aliquid possent praestare That is by force of the Bull we do not thinke that he is bound to do those things that are proposed vnlesse all things were so ordered that the hope of victorie were certaine and readie in which case for the common good of the faith and religion those should be bound that are able to do any thing So it appeareth that nothing held the Papists from laying violent hands vpon the Queene our most gracious soueraigne Ladie but that they had not all things readie nor were in hope of certaine victorie And this no doubt is the resolution they haue against all princes that resist either the Pope or their cacolike religion The tenth question is this An stante Bulla in virtute c. Whether the Bull of Pius Quintus standing in force a priuate man might not kill Elizabeth our 〈◊〉 Quéene and the reason is because she is a tyrant and had no iust title to the Crowne and whether the Pope cannot dispence that this may be done so it were likely that by her death catholike they should say popish religion should be restored To this question answer is made As touching this matter if any by her death could certainely deliuer the realme from oppression without all doubt it should be lawfull for him to kill her but as matters do now stand it is best not to speake of that matter Hereby we may plainely sée that this generation doth continually talk of killing Christian kings and desire nothing more then to murther thē and to destroy them that they may make way for the Pope These questions are found in the acts of the councell of Yorke and were found in a search for Dauid Ingleby a Masse-priest and no doubt were allowed and brought into England either by him or by some of his consorts According to this damnable doctrine the Popes and their 〈◊〉 haue from time to time endeuoured partly by cut throates and assassins and partly by diabolicall practisers and 〈◊〉 to destroy princes that stopped the course of their ambition Beno the Cardinall saith that Gregorie the seuenth watching the Emperor that was wont to pray much in the church of S. Marie hired a fellow to place great stones vpon the beames or vault of the church right ouer the place where he prayed which being throwne downe might kill the Emperour The words are these Imperator solitus erat frequenter ire ad orationem ad Ecclesiam S. Mariae quae est in monte Auentino Hidelbrandus autem cùm per exploratores omnia eius opera solicitè inquireret locum in quo frequentiùs Imperator velstans velprostratus orabat notari fecit quendam promissa 〈◊〉 ad hoc induxit vt supratrabes Ecclesiae occultè lapides magnos 〈◊〉 ita aptaret vt de alto super caput Imperatoris demitteret ipsum contereret About the same time also he sought saith Beno to destroy the Emperour by secrettraitors but God preserued him And then there were some that thought Hildebrand to be conscious and the setter of the treason because a litle before the treason like a false Prophet he presumed to foretell the kings death The words of Beno are these Eisdem diebus parauit Imperatorem perdere per occultos proditores Deus autem eum custodiuit Et eodem tempore fuerunt 〈◊〉 qui existimauerunt ipsum Hildebrandum conscium extitisse ordinatorem proditionis quia eisdem diebus paulò ante proditionem de morte regis falsò prophetata praesumpsit Neither are we to doubt but they will empoyson princes if they can séeing Popes as Beno and diuers authenticall authors testifie vse to empoyson one another Innocent the fourth by Peter de vinea a speciall fauorite of Fridericke the 2 caused poyson to be offered vnto him Ecclesiae inimici dixerunt saith Mat. Paris speaking of Pope Innocent quod ad hoc facinus cor Petri eneruando muneribus pollicitis maximis inclinar at The enemies of the Church or of the Pope rather say that with great rewards and promises the Pope had induced Peter de vineis to vndertake this foule fact And afterward absorduit Domini Papae fama per hoc non mediocriter That is The fame of the Pope by this fact was not a litle stayned Furthermore saith Matth. Paris the Emperour returned into Apulia hauing drunke poyson as it is sayd Redijt in Apuliam vt dicitur potionatus Henrie of Lucemburge the Emperour was poysoned by a Dominican Friar that being hired by the contrarie faction conueyed poyson into the Sacrament 〈◊〉 religiosus saith Vrspergensis porrexit Imperatori intoxicatam Eucharistiam A certaine Friar gaue poyson to the Emperour in the Eucharist The same is also testified by Baptista Ignatius supplementum Cronicorum Textorin officina cap. veneno extincti and diuers others Auentinus sayth the Friar was moued thereto by Clement the fifth That it was so the great execution done by the Emperors souldiers vpon diuers conuents of the Dominican Friars doth declare But what néede we séeke