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A12940 A counterblast to M. Hornes vayne blaste against M. Fekenham Wherein is set forthe: a ful reply to M. Hornes Answer, and to euery part therof made, against the declaration of my L. Abbat of Westminster, M. Fekenham, touching, the Othe of the Supremacy. By perusing vvhereof shall appeare, besides the holy Scriptures, as it vvere a chronicle of the continual practise of Christes Churche in al ages and countries, fro[m] the time of Constantin the Great, vntil our daies: prouing the popes and bishops supremacy in ecclesiastical causes: and disprouing the princes supremacy in the same causes. By Thomas Stapleton student in diuinitie. Stapleton, Thomas, 1535-1598.; Horne, Robert, 1519?-1580. Answeare made by Rob. Bishoppe of Wynchester, to a booke entituled, The declaration of suche scruples, and staies of conscience, touchinge the Othe of the Supremacy, as M. John Fekenham, by wrytinge did deliver unto the L. Bishop of Winchester.; Harpsfield, Nicholas, 1519-1575. 1567 (1567) STC 23231; ESTC S117788 838,389 1,136

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defence if any would charge me so chiefly for these two causes First for that many things in this booke pertaine to certaine priuat doinges betwixt M. Feckenham and M. Horne of the which I had no skil Secōdely for that a number of such priuate matters touching the state of the Realme occurred as to them without farder aduise I could not throughly shape any answer Howbeit afterward it so happened that by suche as I haue good cause to credit there came to my knowledge such Instructions as well for the one as for the other that I was the better willing to employ some study and paines in this behalfe Not for that I thinke my self better able thē other but for that I would not it should seme that there lacked any good wil in me either to satisfie the honest desire of my frēdes or to helpe and relieue suche as by such kinde of bookes are already pitefully inueigled and deceiued or to stay other yet standing that this booke be not at any time for lacke of good aduertisement a stombling stocke vnto them I haue therefore by such helpes as is aboue saied added my poore labour thereto and with some diligence in the reste shaped to the whole booke a whole and a full Reply Wherein I rather feare I haue saied to much then to litle But I thought good in a matter of suche Importance to be rather tedious to make al perfitte then shorte and compendious to leaue ought vnperfecte Before then that thou shalt enter good Reader into the Replie it selfe it shal be well to take some aduertisement with a certaine vewe by a shorte and summary comprehension of the whole matter Whereby bothe to the Cōtrouersy in hande thou shalt come better instructed and what in the whole worke is to be looked for thou shalt be aduertised M. Hornes Answer as he calleth it resteth in two partes In the first and chiefest he plaieth the Opponent laying forthe out of the holy Scriptures bothe olde and newe out of Councelles bothe Generall and Nationall out of Histories and Chronicles of all Countres running his race from Constantine the greate downe to Maximilian greate grādfather to the Emperour that nowe liueth taking by the way the kinges of Fraūce of Spaine and of our owne Countre of England since the Conqueste all that euer he could find by his own study and helpe of his frends partly for proufe of the like gouuernement of Princes in Ecclesiastical causes as the Othe attributeth nowe to the Crowne of Englande partly also for disproufe of the Popes Supremacy which the Othe also principally intendeth to exclude In the second and later parte he plaieth the defendant taking vpon him to answer and to satisfie certaine of M. Feckenhams Argumentes and scruples of conscience whereby he is moued not to take the Othe Howe wel he hath plaied bothe his partes the perusal of this Reply wil declare The doings of eche part vpon what occasion they rose thou shalt vnderstād in our Answer to M. Hornes Preface For the more lightsome and clere Intelligence of the whole that is and shall be saied to and fro I haue diuided the whole Processe into foure bookes keping the same order and course that Maister Hornes Aunswere did leade me vnto To the first parte of the Aunswere wherein he layeth forthe his proufes for defence of the Othe I Replie in three Bookes Comprising in the firste booke his Obiections out of Holy Scripture In the Second his Obiections out of the first six hundred yeres In the third his Obiections out of the later 900. yeares vntil our owne dayes Eche booke I haue diuided into seuerall Chapters as occasion serued In the seconde and third bookes where we enter the course of tymes I haue noted at the toppe of eache page in one side the yeare of the Lorde on the other side the name of the Pope Prince or Councell or other Principal matter in that place debated to th entent Gentle Reader that at the first sight euen by turning of a leafe thou mightest knowe both where thou arte and what is a doing both the Age and tyme which exceedingly lighteneth the matter and also the Pope Prince or Councel of that tyme. In these three bookes what I haue particularly done yf thou lyst shortly to see at the ende of the thirde booke thou shalt find a briefe Recapitulation of the whole To the second part of M. Hornes Answer I haue replied in the fourth Booke By perusing wherof it shal wel appeare both what strong and inuincible Argumentes M. Fekenham right lernedly proposed as most iuste causes of his sayed Refusall and also what seely shifts and miserable escapes M. Horne hath deuised to maintayn that obstinatly which he ons conceyued erroniously Especially this thou shalt find in such places of the fourth book where thou seest ouer the Head of the leaues in this letter The Othe The Othe Now good Reader as thou tendrest thy own Saluatiō and hopest to be a saued soule in the ioyful and euerlasting blisse of Heauē so cōsider and weigh wel with thy selfe the importance of this matter in hand First Religiō without Authority is no Religion For no true Religion saith S. Augustine can by any meanes be receiued without some weighty force of authority Then if this Religiō whereby thou hopest to be saued haue no Authority to ground it self vpon what hope of Saluation remayning in this Religiō canst thou cōceyue If it haue any Authority it hath the Authority of the Prince by whose Supreme Gouernement it is enacted erected and forced vpō thee Other Authoritye it hath none If then that Supreme Gouernement be not dewe to the Laye Prince but to the Spiritual Magistrate and to one chiefe Magistrate among the whole Spiritualty thou seest thy Religiō is but a bare name of Religion and no Religion in dede Again if this Supreme Gouernmēt be not rightly attributed to the Laye Magistrate in what state are they which by booke othe do sweare that it ought so to be yea and that in their Consciēce they are so persuaded Is not Periury and especially a wilful Continuance in the same a most horrible and dānable crime in the sight of God And doth not Gods vengeaunce watche ouer them which slepe in Periury I wil be a Quicke witnesse to Periured persons saith God by the Prophet Malachie Nowe if that Supreme Gouernement may dewly and rightly appertayne to our Liege Soueraigne or be any Principall parte of a Princes Royall power as Maister Horne stoutelye but fondely auoucheth or of his dutifull seruice to God which neuer Prince in the Realme of England before the dayes of king Hēry the .8 vsed or claimed which neuer Emperour Kinge or Prince whatsoeuer without the Realme of Englande yet to this present howre had or attempted to haue which the chiefe Masters of the Religion nowe Authorised in Englande doe mislike reproue and condemne namely Martin Luther Iohn Caluin Philip Melanchthon and the
Marcians oration .ij. or .iij. woordes that make moste againste you You pare awaye from the sentence that your selfe reherseth out of the fourthe Romaine councel the tayle of it immediatly following your own words that is Totam causam Dei iudicio reseruantes quite ouerthrowing your newe supremacy In like maner from the narration of the ambassadry of Pope Iohn you conceale the necessary circumstances of the same as you doe frō many otber narrations the which being truely set in doe vtterly destroye al your vntrue assertions After this sorte to these woordes of Iustinian the Emperour these things vve haue determined you choppe in of your owne by sentence and withal choppe awaye that which immediatly followeth sanctorū Patrum Canones sequuti In this maner whereas throughout your booke one of your great matters to proue Emperours and Kinges supreme heades of the Churche is the inuesturing of bishops which yet neuerthelesse is but an impertinent matter you tell vs stil of this inuesturing and make a great busie nedelesse sturre about it but that the said Emperor or Kīg as for example Charlemaine Otho the first and other receyued that priuilege from the See of Rome and againe that other Emperours and Kinges as for example themperour Henry the .5 in Germany and in England King Henry the first yelded afterwarde and gaue ouer the said inuesturing which things appere aswel by other Authors as by your owne that your selfe alleageth you passe them ouer with great silence For yf you had tolde these and such like stories of the inuesturing of Bisshops truely and fully then had your newe supremacy bene quite distroyed For the saied cause whereas you telle vs that Philip the Frenche kinge swore the Pope to certaine conditions you altogether dissemble what those conditions were For the same cause you leaue out of your Author Io. Anth. Delphinus in the midle of the sentēce a line or two Least that yf you had sincerely sette in those woordes they would haue ouerthrowen your fonde folishe and heretical paradoxe that the Authoritye to excommunicate appertayneth neither to Bishop nor Priest Wel to sette a side least we be to tediouse all other places of like corruption which plentifuly abunde euery where in your aunswere we will only touche of a greate number two or thre apperteining to our own domesticall stories You will proue to vs that King Henry the first was supreme head of the Churche of Englanda nd why trowe you Forsoth because the spiritual condescended in a Councel at London that the Kings officiers should punish Priestes for whoredome Is not this I praye you an importante and a mighty argumente to proue the Kings supremacye by which rather directly proueth the cleargies supremacye of whome the Kinge had this authoritye And yet such are your accustomable arguments as may sone appere to the reader But this is not the thinge we nowe seeke for but to knowe what kinde of whoredome it was that the Priests should be punisshed for Lo this though you alleage 7. marginal authors durste you not ones touche For yf you had you had withall proued your own whoredome ād such as is much worse then was theirs Againe you labour to proue by Browghton a temporal Lawier that by the Lawe of the realme the King was then taken for supreme head of the Church for that all are vnder the King and the Kinge is vnder God only but you most shamefully dissemble that the said Browghton speaketh but of the Kings authority in temporal things and that in the place by your self alleaged he saith that as Emperours and Kings are the chiefe rulers for temporal things so for spiritual things the Pope is the chief ruler and vnder him Archbisshops Bisshops and other But of al other Lyes this that we shal nowe shewe is one most Capitayne and notable Of al stories by you most miserably and wretchedly pinched pared and dismembred the storie of our first and noble Christiā King Lucius is most shamefully contaminated depraued and deformed The consent of al stories as wel Domesticall as externall yea as wel of Catholikes as of heretikes as farre as I can yet by diligente searche possibly finde is that the saied Kinge Lucius was ch●istened by the helpe aduice and instruction of Pope Eleutherius But you M. Horne beare such a spitefull and malitiouse hart to the Pope and to the See of Rome that contrarye to the narration of all other yea of your owne dere brother Bale the cheife antiquarye of Englishe Protestantes you auouche that he and his subiectes were baptized and that he reformed the Heathnishe religion and did other thinges that you reherse out of Polidore vvithout any Authoritie knovvledge or consent of the Pope And yet beside all other your owne authour Polidorus sayeth that he was christened and the prophane worshippinge of the false Gods was banyshed and other thinges done by the admonition helpe and aduice of the said Pope Eleutherius Ambassadours And therefore you rehersing Polidorus woordes of the saide Kinge Lucius moste falsly and lewdely doe cutte awaye from Polidorus his sentence by your selfe recyted all that euer Polidorus writeth of Pope Eleutherius and his Legats I truste Maister Horne that when any indifferente Reader hath well considered these and suche other like partes that euery where you playe in this your Aunswere and withall the cancred and maliciouse harte that you beare to the Apostolicall See of Rome which most euidently bursteth out in the handling of the foresayde story of Lucius he shall fynde good cause to take yowe as you are false and maliciouse and not to trust the reporte of such a partial writer yea of such an euident falsary But it is no newes for a man of your coate to be partial in Popes matters or to cal the Pope himself the childe of perdition or to terme his lawful doings Horrible practises as you doe But to auouche him to be a more periculous enemy to Christ then the Turke and that Popery is much more idolatrous then Turkery I thinke you are the first English protestant that euer wrote so Turkishly Such Turkish trechery might better haue bene borne in the lauishing language of your hotte spurred Ministers in pulpit then in the aduised writing of a prelate of the Garter in printe With the like discretiō you cal blessed S. Augustin of whome we Englishmen first receyued our Christendome in contempt and derision the Popes Apostle maligning in him the name of the Apostle of Englande and calling him beside together with the blessed Apostle of Germany and Martyr Bonifacius blinde guides and blinde bussardes But who so bolde as blinde bayarde or who can see lesse in other men then such as can see nothing in themselues And what doe you els herein but like a furious Aiax thinking to deface the Pope fall a whipping and rayling at his shepe such shepe I say as Christ committed to Peter whose successour
behoueth vs al with al our harte to pray let them be feruente in the godly zeale of religion but they may not be heads of the Churche in no case for this Supremacy doth not appertayne to them These are no Papistes I trowe Maister Horne but youre owne deare brethern of Magdeburge in their newe storie ecclesiastical by the which they would haue al the worlde directed yea in that story whereof one parcel Illiricus and his fellowes haue dedicated to the Quenes Maiesty that beare the worlde hand they are the true and zelouse schollers of Luther In case ye thinke their testimony not to haue weight enowgh then herkē to your and their Apostle Luther who writeth that it is not the office of Kings and princes to cōfirme no not the true doctrine but to be subiecte and serue the same Perhaps ye wil refuse and reiecte bothe the Magdeburgenses and Luther to as your mortal enemies yow being a sacramentarye and such as take yow and your fellowes for stark heretiks A hard and a straunge case that now Luther cā take no place amōge a nōber of the euāgelical brethern What say yow then to Andreas Modreuiu● Surely one of the best lerned of al your sect How lyke yow then him that saieth there ought to be some one to be taken for the chiefe and Supreame head in the whole Churche in al causes ecclesiastical Wel I suppose you wil challenge him to as a Lutherane Yf it muste neades be so I trust M. Caluin your greatest Apostle shal beare some sway with yow I know ye are not ignorante that he calleth those blasphemers that did call kinge Henry the eight Supreme heade of the Churche of Englande and handleth the kinge hī selfe with such vilany and with so spitefull woords as he neuer handled the Pope more spitefully and al for this title of Supremacy which is the key of this your noble booke Can ye now blame the Catholikes M. Horne yf they deny this supremacy which the heads of your owne religion aswel Lutherans as Zwingliās doe deny and refuse O what a straunge kinde of religion is this in Englande that not onely the Catholikes but the very patriarches of the new euangelical brotherhod doe reiecte and condemne Perchaunce ye wil saye Wel for al this there is no Englishe man of this opinion Mary that were wonderfull that if as we be sequestred and as it were shut vp from other countres by the great Ocean sea that doth enuyrō vs so we should be shut vp from the doctrine as wel of the Catholiks as also the Protestants of other cōtreis and that with vs the Lutherans and Zwingliās should finde no frendes to accompany them in this as wel as in other points But contente your self M. Horne and thinke you if ye do not alredy that either your self or many other of your brethern like the quenes supremacy neuer a deale in hart what so euer ye pretēd and dissemble in words Think ye that Caluin is so slenderly frended in Englād his bookes being in such high price and estimatiō there No no it is not so to be thought The cōtrary is to wel knowē especially the thing being not only opēly preached by one of your most feruēt brethren there in England euen since the Queenes maiesties reigne but also before openly and sharply writen against by your brethren of Geneua Especially one Anthonie Gilbie Whose wordes I wil as wel for my discharge in this matter somewhat at large recite as also to shew his iudgement of the whole Religion as well vnder King Henrie as King Edward and so consequently of the said Religion vnder our gracious Quene Elizabeth nowe vsed and reuiued that all the worlde may see that to be true that I said of the Supremacie as also that the feruent brethren be not yet come to any fixe or stable Religion and that they take this to be but simple as yet ād vnperfit In the time saith he of King Henrie the eight when by Tindall Frith Bilney and other his faithfull seruauntes God called England to dresse his vineyarde many promised ful faire whome I coulde name but what fruite followed Nothing but bitter grapes yea bryers and brambles the wormewood of auarice the gall of crueltie the poyson of filthie fornication flowing from head to fote the contempt of God and open defence of the cake Idole by open proclamation to be read in the Churches in steede of Gods Scriptures Thus was there no reformation but a deformation in the time of the Tyrant and lecherouse monster The bore I graunt was busie wrooting and digging in the earth and all his pigges that followed him but they sought onely for the pleasant fruites that they winded with their long snoutes and for their owne bellies sake they wrooted vp many weeds but they turned the ground so mingling good and badde togeather sweet and sower medecine and poyson they made I saye suche confusion of Religion and Lawes that no good thing could growe but by great miracle vnder suche Gardeners And no maruaile if it be rightlye considered For this Bore raged against God against the Diuell against Christe and against Antichriste as the some that he caste out againste Luther the racing out of the name of the Pope And yet allowing his lawes and his murder of many Christian souldiars and of many Papists doe declare and euidentlie testifie vnto vs especially the burning of Barnes Ierome and Garrette their faithfull preachers of the truthe and hanging the same daye for maintenaunce of the Pope Poel Abel and Fetherstone dothe clearelie painte his beastlines that he cared for no Religion This monsterous bore for all this must needes be called the Heade of the Churche in paine of treason displacing Christe our onely head who ought alone to haue this title Wherefore in this pointe O Englande ye were no better then the Romishe Antichriste who by the same title maketh him selfe a God and sitteth in mens consciences banisheth the woorde of God as did your King Henrie whome ye so magnifie For in his beste time nothing was hearde but the Kings Booke the Kings Procedings the Kings Homilies in the Churches where Gods woorde onelie should haue ben preached So made you your King a God beleuing nothing but that he allowed I will not for shame name how he turned to his wonte I will not write your other wickednesse of those times your murders without measure adulteries and incestes of your King and his Lordes and Commones c. Loe Maister Horne howe well your Protestante fellowe of the beste race euen from Geneua lyketh this Supremacie by plaine woordes saiynge that this title whiche you so stoutlye in all this your booke auouche displaceth Christe who owghte and that onely to enioye it And whereas ye moste vntruely saye heere that we make the Pope our God in earth Maister Gilbie saieth that you make your Prince a God in attributing to her this wrong title
to the Kinges .413 iudgement and Thomas by the Kinges commaundement was faine to come to Lanfrank to be sacred And aftervvard vvhen there grevve greater contention betvvixt these tvvayne about Churche matters the Bisshop of Rome remitted the matter to be determined before the Kinge and the Bisshops of Englande and so at VVindesour before Kinge VVilliam and the Cleargy the cause was treated Also an other cause vvas moued before the King of the misorder of Thurstan whome the King had made Abbot of Glastonbury by whose iudgement the Abbot was chaunged and tourned to his owne Abbay in Normandye but the Monkes .414 scattered aboute by the Kings hest After this the King bestowed many Bisshoprikes on his Chaplaines as London Norvviche Chester Couentry c. And ruled both temporalty and the spiritualty at his owne wil saithe Polychronicon He tooke noman fro the Pope in his lād he meaneth that the Kinge vvoulde suffer no Legate to enter into the lande from the Pope but he came and pleased him he suffred no Coūcel made in his own coūtrey without his own leaue Also he woulde nothing suffer in such a councel but as he woulde assent So .415 that in geuing or translating of spiritual promocions in geuing his assent to Councels and suffring nothing to passe vvithout his consent in hearing and determining Ecclesiasticall causes in restreining the Popes liberty vvithout his speciall licence and in ruling the spiritualty at his ovvn vvil King VVilliā shevveth plain that he .416 tooke him self for the supreame gouernour vvithin this Realm in al maner of causes so vvel Ecclesiastical as Temporall The .19 Chapter Of England before the Conqueste Of William the Conquerour Rufus his Sonne and Henry the first Kinges of Englande Stapleton GOod readers I do most hartely beseche you euen as ye tender either the truth or the saluation of your sowles to haue a good and a speciall regarde to M. Hornes narration nowe following For now at the length is M. Horn come frō his long and vnfruitfull wandering in Spaine Fraunce Italie Germany and other countries to our own natiue contrey Now where as the late doings in our Countre are suche as we haue sequestred our selues frō the common and vsuall obedience that all other contries concerning authority in matters ecclesiasticall euer gaue with a singular and peerlesse preeminence to the see of Rome and do yet sequester the more pittie our selues daylie more and more makinge none accompte of other good princes doings and presidents in this behalf and pretending partly in the acts of parliament partly in the newe englishe bokes and daylie sermons that this is no newe or straunge example in England to exclude the Pope from all maner spiritual iurisdiction to be exercised and practised there by hym yt behoued our protestants especiallie M. Horne in thys his boke that what so euer his proufes were for other countries yet for some conuenient prouf of the olde practise concerning his newe primacie in Englande to haue wrowght his matters so substancially that at least wise for our owne Countre he shulde haue browght forth good aūcient and autentique matter And wil ye nowe see the wise and euen dealinge of these protestant prelats Where they pynne vp all our proufes wythin vj. hundred yeares after Christ and what so euer we bring after theyr Iewell telleth vs ful merelie we come to late M. Horne in this matter of Supreamacie most weightie to the poore catholiks the deniyng thereof being more greauously punished by lawes then anie other matter nowe lying in controuersie betwene the catholyks and protestantes in Englande M. Horne I say for thys his owne country which as approued Chroniclers reporte and as him self after alleageth did first of al the Romā prouinces publiquely embrace Christes relligion for one thousand yeares standeth mute And belike thinking that William Conquerour had conquered aswell all the olde catholyke fayth in Englande as the Lande and people fansieth a duble conqueste one vppon the goods and bodies the other vppon the sowles and faythe of the Englishe men But what shall I nowe say to this noble and worthie Champion shall I dryue hym a litle backe with M. Iewels peremptory challenge and tel him that he commeth to late by almoste fyue hundred yeares Or shall I deale more freely and liberally with him then M. Iewell doth whith vs and bydde hym take the beste helpe he can for hym self Verely M. Horne had nede I did so And yet all will be to lytle for his purpose aswell for that after the conquest he hath no sufficient prouf for his pretensed supremacy as for that what prouf so euer he bringeth yt must yelde and geue place to the first thousand yeares whiche beare ful testimonie for the Popes primacie laufully practised in our realme before the conquest It were now a matter for to fyll a large volume withal to runne a longe by these thowsand yeares and to shewe what prouf we haue for the popes primacy before the conquest My answere woulde waxe to bigge and to prolixe yf I shoulde so doe But I will onelie putte the good reader in remembraunce of a matter or two I muste therefore pluck M. Horne backe from Williams conquest and desire him to remember an other and a better and more aunciente conqueste with al in Britannie then Williams was yea aboute ix hundred yeares before when this Ilelande of Britanie was firste delyuered from the tyrannicall yoke and miserable bondage of dyuelish idolatrie But by whom M. Horne Suerlie by pope Eleutherius to whome kinge Lucius sente letters desiringe hym that by his commaundement he mighte be christened Fugatius and Damiànus whose holy reliques are thought to be now in Wales and whose holy remembraunce churches there dedicated to God in their name doe to this day kepe and preserue as it were fresh and immortall sent to England by the sayed Eleutherius did most godly and wonderfully worke thys great conqueste If I should nowe aske M. Horne what Lucius meant to send so farre for instructours and teachers of the Christian fayth namely Fraunce beyng at hande where about thys tyme the Christian Churches were adorned wyth many learned Bishoppes and Martyrs though he woulde perchaunce seeke manie a pretye shyfte to shyfte awaye thys demaunde yet should he neuer make any good and sufficiente aunsweare vntyll he confessed the Popes primacye to be the verie cause to send so farre of The which the blessed Martyr of God and great learned Bishoppe of Lyons in Fraunce Ireneus writyng in the tyme of our firste Apostle Eleutherius doth confesse writyng That all Churches muste agree wyth the Churche of Rome for that the sayed Churche hath the greater principalitie and for that the traditions of the Apostles haue euer bene kept there In case nowe the pope had nothing to doe in matters ecclesiasticall within this Ileland in the tyme of the olde Britaines why did pope Celestinus appoint
come as Barons so for matters ecclesiasticall he appointeth specialle the conuocation Truthe yt is that before the conqueste and in William Conquerours tyme to as appeareth by old recordes writen as it semeth abowt the cōquest the proctours of the clergye sate in the Lower howse And the sayde recordes do shewe that the Parliament properly standeth and consisteth in .3 degrees that is of the proctours of the clergye of the knightes of the sheere and of the Burgeses and Citizens For they represent the people and comminaltie of the realme As for the noble men bishoppes and oth●r be there for their owne persons and not for other yf we shal beleue the said auncient records Nowe though these many yeres for matters politike the cōuocation haue had nothing to doe yet as of● as any paiemēt is to be made it taketh no place by vertue of Parliamēt against the Clergy onles the Clergie do cōsent Yf this be true in mony maters and if in aūciēt time the Clergy had to do in ciuil maters also the which prerogatiue belik they left volūtarely that they might the better attend their owne spirituall vocatiō what an accōpt ought of all good reason to be made of the late parliament wherein mere Laie men haue turned vpsidowne the state of the Catholique faythe againste the full mindes of the Clergie I leaue it to euery wiseman well to consider But as I beganne to saye If Polidore meaneth not the Parliamente to be a Councell of Spirituall matters to what purpose or with what great wisedome haue ye alleaged him or that he calleth the making of Bisshops ād Abbats holy rites lawes of religiō and church ceremonies seing that the King gaue ouer the electing of bishoppes and seing that your Authour doth shew that Anselme rebuked the King therefore Nowe to those matters of Englande M. Horne addeth a greate Vntruthe of the Kyng of Hungarie tellyng vs out of Martinus that the Kynge of Hungarie vntill this time which is the yeare of grace 1110. and from thence euen til our daies maketh ād inuestureth according to his pleasure bisshops c. Thys I say is a great and flat vntruth For Martinus here saieth plainly the cōtrary thus At this time the King of Hūgary saieth Martinus writing many aduertisements to the Pope by his letters gaue ouer the inuesturing of Bishops and of other prelats which vntil that time the kinges of Hungary were wonte to make These are the true wordes of Martinus in this place Now what passing impudency is this of M Hornes That which his Author telleth for the Popes primacy this man wresteth it to the Princes And therefore whereas Martinus telleth only that vntill that time kinges of Hungary inuested the Bishops and addeth farder that at the same time the kinge of Hungary gaue ouer the same into the Popes handes M. Horne bothe lewdely concealeth that and also of his owne most impudentlye and shamelessely addeth and from thence euen til our dayes which Martinus not only auoucheth not but telleth also plainely the contrarye to witte that at that time the king gaue ouer al such matters Farder to make the matter soūd more princely you make Martinus say that the kinge of Hungary inuested Bishops according to his pleasure Which wordes according to his pleasure are not in Martinus at al but it is a poynt of your descant vpō his playne and a fitte of your owne volūtary at your pleasure In dede this soūded pleasauntly in M. Hornes eares that by this exāmple he might also goe for a Bishop made at the Princes pleasure and to be remoued againe at her highnes pleasure But you hearde before by the forme of Paschalis his graunte made to Henry the .4 that though the Prince haue the inuesturing and confirming of Bishoppes graunted him yet it was neuer so graūted to Princes that their ōly pleasure suffised to make a man a true Bishop For first whom the Prince inuested and confirmed he shoulde be liberè praeter violentiam simoniam electus chosen freely without violence or simony on the Princes part Which great faultes both the Emperours of Germanie and the kinges of oure land such as had the inuesturing of Bishops in their owne handes namely Henrie the .4 Emperoure and William Rufus of England most grieuouslie and daily committed Secondarelye though he were inuested and confirmed of the Prince yet post inuestituram Canonicè Consecrationem accipiant ab episcopo ad quem pertinuerint after the inuesturing let them saith Paschalis be consecrated of the Bisshop to whom they belong So likewise Leo .8 in his graūt made to Otho the .1 geuing to the Emperour the inuesturing of Bishops addeth Et consecrationem vnde debent and to be consecrated where they ought to be Which words vnde debent where they ought you for the nonse lefte out in your alleaging of this graunt made to Otho to th entent that your inuesturing of the Prince being without any cōsecration at al of your Metropolitane him self poore man being no Bishop neither might seme to be good and sufficient and to haue example of antiquitie For that purpose also ye make Martinus here to say that the king of Hungarie made Bishops according to his pleasure But you see nowe it is not the Princes only pleasure that maketh a Bisshop but there must be both free election without eyther forcing the Clergy to a choise or forcing the chosen to filthie bribery and also there must follow a due consecratiō which in you and al your fellowes doe lacke And therefore are in deede by the waye to conclude it no true Bisshoppes neither by the lawe of the Churche as you see neyther yet by the lawes of the Realme for wante of due Consecration expressely required by an Act of Parliamēt renewed in this Queenes dayes in Suffragane Bisshoppes much more in you M. Horne The .120 Diuision pag. 74. b. And he●e sithen I am entred into the noting of the practises of other Coūtries in this behalfe I might not onely note the doings about .421 this time of Frederike King of Cicill and Iames the King of Spaine his brother in reformation of Relligion in their dominions as appeareth in their Epistles vvritē by Arnoldus de noua Villa but also make a digressiō to the state of other parts in Christēdō as of the churches of Grece of Armenia of Moscouia c. that acknovvledged not any but .422 only their Princes to be their supreme gouernours in al things next to Christ as especially also to note that most auncient part of Christēdom southvvard in Aethiopia conteining .62 kingdomes vnder the ruling of him vvhō vve misname Presbyter Ioannes as vvho say he vver a Priest and head Bisshop ouer those christian Realmes hauing such a povver vvith them as the Popes 423 vsurpatiō hath chalēged here in Europe to be an head or vniuersal Priest ād king If vve may beleue Sabellicus vvho saith that
holie belief of the eternall deitie in this they re owne wickednes offende three together that is God they re neighbour and them selues God I saye whiles they do not knowe the faythe that they shoulde haue in God nor his counsayle They deceyue theire neighbours whiles vnder the pretēce of spirituall and ghostly feadinge they feade them with pleasaunt wicked heresie But they are most cruell to them selues whiles beside the losse of theire sowles as men making no accompte of lyfe but rashelye seeking death take a pleasure to bring theyr bodies to most payneful death the which they might by true knowledge and by a sownde and strong faythe auoyde and whiche is a most greauouse thing to be spoken they that remayne a lyue be nothing afrayde by they re example We can not staye and refrayne our selues but that we must plucke owte our sworde and take worthie vengeance vppon suche being enemies to God to them selues and to other persequuting them so muche the more earnestly by how muche the more they are iudged to spread abrode and to practise their wycked superstition nighe to Rome which is the head of all Churches Thus farre Friderike the Emperour Let nowe Mayster Foxe take this as a fytte ād worthie condemnation of al his stinking martyrs And take you this also Mayster Horne and digeste yt well and then tel me at your good leasure when ye are better aduised what ye haue wōne by this your supreame head or by what colour ye can make hym Supreame Head that confesseth the Church of Rome to be the Head of al Churches who also fealt the practise of the Popes Supreamacy aswel by excommunicatiō as by depryuation frō his empire that followed the sayde excommunicatiō the electours proceding to a new election at the Popes commaundemente As for Frideryke hym self for matters spirituall he acknowledged the Popes Supreamacy as ye haue heard and as yt appeareth in Petrus de vinea his Chaūceler that wrote his epistles though he thowght the Pope did but vsurpe vppon certaine possessions which Friderike notwithstāding his former othe made to the contrarie did afterwarde challenge The matter of S. Peters patrimony I will not medle withall as not greatly necessarye for our purpose the which when the Church of Rome lacked yet did not the Pope lacke his Supreamacie neither should lacke the sayde Supreamacie thowghe he should lacke the sayde patrimony hereafter or though his Bishoppricke were not indewed with one foote of land For it is no worldly power or temporal preeminence that hath sett vp the Popes primacy or that the Popes primacy consisteth in but it is a Supreme Authorytie ouer all Christes flocke such as to his predecessour S. Peter Christ him selfe gaue here on the earthe such as by generall Councels is confirmed and acknowledged and such as the continuall practise from age to age without intermission dothe inuincibly cōuince And for this Supreme gouernment ouer Christes flocke in Spiritual matters neither this Friderike neither any other Christian Emperour whatsoeuer except it were Constantius the Arrian euer striued or contended for with the Bishoppes of Rome To conclude therefore this onlye for this time I saye that your dealing with this Emperour Mayster Horne is to intolerable thus to misuse your readers and not to be ashamed so confidently to alleage this Emperour for the confirmation of your newe supreamacie Now thinck yow that Auentinus a man of our age and as farre as I can iudge a Lutheran and most certaynelie verie muche affectionated to thēperours against the Popes is of suche credite that because he sayeth yt therefore we muste belieue him that this Friderike was an other Charles the greate and moste profitable for the Christian common wealthe Howbeit let this also passe For the praise or dispraise of this Emperoure to oure principall matter which is whether the Quene be supreame head and Iudge of al causes ecclesiastical is but impertinent And therfore we shall now procede to the residue M. Horne The .127 Diuision pag. 79. a. In whiche time Henrie the .3 king of Englande held a solemne Councell in the whiche bothe by the sentence of the King and of the Princes not a fewe priuilegies were .435 taken awaie from the order of Priesthode at vvhat time the Popes Legate required a .436 tribute of all the Glergie but it was .437 denyed him Robert Grosthead vvhome yee call Saint Robert wrote vnto the Pope a sharpe Epistle because he grieued the Church of England with taskes and paiementes against reason of whiche when he sawe no redresse he with other Prelates of the lād cōplained vnto the King of the wast of the goodes and patrimonie of the Churche by the Popes neare kinsemen and other alient Bisshops whom the king auoided out of the Realme To vvhome also the Emperour Frederike vvrote that it vvas a shame for him to suffer any longer his Realme to be oppressed vvith the Popes tyrannie The .25 Chapter Of King Henrie the third Stapleton KING Henry the .3 toke away many priuileges from the order of Priesthode the clergie denied a tribute to the Popes Legate Roberte grostheade writeth sharply against the Popes exactions Frederike the Emperour writeth to the King that he shoulde not suffer his Realme to be oppressed with the Popes tyrrannie Ergo M. Fekēham must take an othe that the Quene is Supreme Head Yf these and such like arguments conclude Maister Horne then may you be bolde to blowe your Horne and triumphantly to reioyce like a Conquerour But nowe what if the matter of your argumentation be as yll or worse then the forme of yt Ye ought to proue that in this kings dayes the lyke regimente was for matters Ecclesiasticall as is nowe and that the kinge toke vppon him all supreamacy Ecclesiasticall The contrarie whereof is so euidente by all our Chroniclers and by the authours your selfe alleage and otherwise in this shorte declaration of king Henry the .3 ye do so friuolously trifle and excedingly lie as ye haue done and will doe in the reste that I muste beside all other matters by me before rehersed cōcerning the Donatists saye of you as S. Augustine sayd of them He sayd of the Donatistes that in theyr reasoning with the catholykes before Marcellinus Nimium patienter pertulit homines per inania vagantes tam multa superflua dicentes ad eadem toties conficta redeuntes vt gesta tātis voluminibus onerata pene omnes pigeret euoluere c. He suffred with ouer much patience those felowes wandring about trifles and so full of superfluous talke and returning so ofte to the selfe same matters fayned and forged that the Acts of that cōferēce were so lodē with such huge volumes that it would wery any mā to reade thē ouer ād by the reading to know how the matter was debated Yea their extraordinary vagaries were so thick ād so many that Marcellinus was fayn as Frāciscus
whome he went about to poyson By reason of which outrages he was as I said denounced enemy to the Church of Rome by Alexander the .4 and shortly after Charles Kinge Lewys his brother was made King of Sicilie by Clemens the .4 paying to the Pope a tribute and holding of him by faithe and homage Such Supreme heads were your Conradus Conradinus and Manfredus As for Charles who only by the Popes Authority came to that dignity as I haue said it is not true that he as you say had all or most of the doing in the election or making of diuerse Popes For the Cardinalls only had the whole doing Truth it is that a strief and contention rising amonge the Cardinals for the election and many of them being enclined to serue Charles expectation they elected those which he best liked of But what can all this make to proue the Prince Supreme Gouernour in al ecclesiastical causes yea or in any ecclesiastical cause at al Prīces euē now adaies find some like fauour sometimes at the electiō of Popes But thīk you therfore thei are takē of their subiects for Supreme Gouernours c You may be ashamed M. Horne that your reasons be no better M. Horne The .130 Diuision pag. 79. b. Edvvard the first King of Englande about this time made the Statute of Northampton So that after that time no man should geue neither sel nor bequeath neither chaūge neither bye title assign lāds tenemēts neither rētes to no mā of Religiō without the Kīgs leaue which acte sence that tyme hath bē more straightly enacted and deuised with many additiōs thereunto augmēted or annexed The which Law saith Polidore he made .442 bicause he was Religionis studiosissimꝰ c. most studiouse of Religion and most sharpe enemie to the insolency of the Priests The .27 Chapter Of King Edward the first of Englande Stapleton LEaue ones Maister Horne to proue that wherein no man doth stande with you and proue vs that either Kinge Edwarde by this facte was the Supreame Head of the Churche or that the Popes Primacie was not aswel acknowledged in Englād in those dayes as it hath ben in our dayes None of your marginal Authours auouch any such thinge Neither shall ye euer be able to proue it Your authours and many other haue plentiful matter to the contrarye especially the Chronicle of Iohannes Londonensis which semeth to haue liued aboute that tyme and seemeth amonge all other to haue writen of him verie exactlye Lette vs see then whether Kinge Edwarde tooke him selfe or the Pope for the Supreame Head of the Churche This King after his Fathers death returning from the holie Lande in his iourney visited Pope Gregorie the tenthe and obteyned of him an excommunication against one Guido de monte forti for a slawghter he had committed Two yeares after was the famouse Councell holden at Lions at the which was present the Emperour Michael Paleologus of whome we haue somewhat spoken And trowe ye Maister Horne that at suche tyme as the Grecians which had longe renounced the Popes authority returned to their olde obedience againe that the realm of Englande withdrewe it selfe from the olde and accustomable obedience Or trowe ye that the true and worthye Bisshops of England refused that Councell as ye and your fellowes counterfeite and parliament bisshops only haue of late refused the Councel of Trente No no. Our authour sheweth by a verse commonly then vsed that it was frequented of all sorte And the additions to Newburgensis which endeth his storie as the said Iohn doth with this King saith that plures episcopi cōuenerunt de vniuersis terris de Anglia ibidem aderant archiepiscopi Cantuar. Ebor. et caeteri episcopi Angliae ferè vniuersi there came thither manye bisshops from al quarters and from Englād the Archbisshops of Canterburie and Yorke and in a maner all the other bisshops of the realme In this Kinges tyme the Pope did infringe and annichilate the election of the Kings Chauncelour being Bisshop of Bathe and Welles chosen by the monks and placed in the Archebisshoprike of Caunterbury Iohn Pecham In this Kings tyme the yere of our Lorde .1294 the prior of Caunterburie was cited to Rome and in the yeare .1298 appeale was made to the Pope for a controuersie towching the election of a newe Bisshop of Elie. Thre yeres after the bisshop of Chester was constrayned to appeare personally at Rome and to answere to certayne crymes wherewith he was charged Wythin two yeares after was there an other appeale after the death of the Bisshoppe of London towching the election of the newe Bisshoppe Yea the authority of the Pope was in highe estimation not onely for spirituall but euen for temporal matters also The Kinges mother professed her selfe a religiouse woman whose dowrie notwithstandinge was reserued vnto her and confirmed by the Pope For the greate and weightye matters and affaires standing in controuersie and contention betwene this King Edward and the Frenche Kinge the Pope was made arbiter and vmpier who made an agreament and an arbitrimente which being sente vnder his seale was reade in open parliamente at Westmynster and was well liked of all The Kinge and the nobility sendeth in the yeare of our Lorde 1300. letters to the Pope sealed with an hundred seales declaring the right of the crowne of England vpon Scotlād and they desire the Pope to defende their right and that he would not geue a light eare to the false suggestiōs of the Scots There are extant at this day the letters of Iohn Baliole and other Scots agnising the said superiority sent to this Kinge Edwarde In the foresaide yeare .1300 the Kinge confirmed the great Charter and the Charter of the Forest and the Archebisshoppe of Caunterburie with the other Bisshoppes pronounced a solemne curse vpon al suche as would breake the sayd liberties This Kinge was encombred with diuerse and longe warres aswell with Fraunce as Scotlande and therefore was fayne to charge the clergy and laity with many payments But in as much as Pope Bonifacius consideringe the wonderfull and intolerable exactions daylie layed vppon the clergy of they re princes had ordeyned in the councell at Lions that from thence forth the clergy shuld pay no tribute or taxe without the knowledge and consente of the see of Rome Robert Archbishop of Canterbury being demaunded a tribute for him self and his clergie stode in the matter not without his great busines and trouble And at the length vpon appellation the matter came to the Popes hearing The kinge had afterwarde by the Popes consente dyuerse payments of the clergy Many other thinges could I lay forth for the popes primacy practised at this tyme in Englande And is nowe M. Horn one onely Acte of Parliament made against Mortmaine of such force with yow that it is able to plucke frō the Pope his triple Crowne and set yt vppon the kynges head Yf
if it were so that king Philip deposed a Bishop for heresie yet shuld you M. Horne of al mē take smallest reliefe therby For yf Philip your supreme head were now lyuing and you vnder his dominiō he might also depriue you and your fellowes for heresie being as I haue before shewed very Paterās And now you that make so litle of Generall coūcels ād stay your self and your religiō vpō the iudgmēts of lay princes haue heard your cōdēnation not only frō the notable General Coūcel at Liōs but frō your new Charles the Emperour Frederike and from your faire King Phillip This this Good Reader is the very handie woorke of God that these men should be cast in their owne turne and geue sentence against them selues And as hotte as ernest and as wilie as they are in the first enterprise of their matters yet in the pursuit of their vngratious purpose to cause them to declare to all the worlde their small circumspection prouidence and lesse faith and honesty Many other things might be here brought for furder aunsweare to M. Horne as that he saieth that this King by the Councell of Aegidius the Romaine Diuine went about the reformation as M. Horne calleth it of matters Ecclesiastical and that Paulus Aemilius should be his Authour therein which is a double vntruth For neither is it true that Aegidius was any counsailer or aider to refourme the Churche or rather defourme it after the order of M. Hornes Relligion nor Aemilius saith it Againe Sabellicus is eyther twise placed in M. Hornes Margent wrōg or he alleageth Sabellicus altogether wrōgfully But this may goe for a small ouersight M. Horne The .132 Diuision pag. 80. b. About the time of this Councel at Vienna the famous scholman Durandus setteth forth a booke vvherin as he reckeneth vppe diuerse great enormities in Churche matters so for the reformation of them he alvvaies ioyneth the King and secular Princes and the Prelates and to this purpose citeth the fourme of the auncient Councelles and many times enueigheth against and complaineth vppon the vsurped .430 authority of the Romaine Bishop vvarning men to bevvare hovv they yeelde vnto him and prescribeth a rule for the Princes and the Prelats to refourme all these enormities not by custome vvere it neuer so auncient but by the vvord of God Stapleton Answere me M. Horne directly and precisely whether Durandus in any worke of his taketh the laye prince for the head of the Church If ye saye he doth not to what purpose doe ye alleage him Yf ye say he doth then his bokes shal sone conuince you And what boke is it I praye you that ye speake of Why do ye not name yt Whie doe you tel vs of a boke no man can tel what The boke there is intituled de modo concilij celebrādi which he made at the commaundemente of the foresayde Clemente Wherein thowghe he spake many thinges for the reformation of the cowrte of Rome yet that aswell in that boke as in all his other he taketh the Pope for the supreame head of the whole Churche is so notoriouse that a man maye iudge all your care is to saye something againste the Pope without any care howe or what ye saye And that ye fare much like a madde dogge that runneth foorth and snatcheth at all that euer commeth nigh him And to geue you one place for all M. Horne that you maye no longer stagger in thys matter behold what thys famouse Scholeman as you call him Durandus saieth of the Popes primacie Illius ●raelatus Papa c. The prelate of the whole Church is called Papa that is to say the father of Fathers vniuersal because he beareth the principal rule ouer the whole Church Apostolicall because he occupieth the roome of the Prince of the Apostles chief Bishoppe because he is the Head of al Bishops c. Lo M. Horne what a ioly Authour you haue alleaged against M. Fekēham Verely such an aduersary were worth at al tymes not only the hearing but also the hyring But alas what tole is ther so weak that you poore soules in such a desperat cause will refuse to strike withal You must say somwhat It stādeth vpō your honors and whē al is said it were for your honesties better vnsaid M. Horne The .133 Diuision pag. ●0 b. About this time also the Emperour Henry the .7 came into Italy vvith great povver to reduce the Empyre to the olde estate and glorie of the auncient Emperours in 431. this behalfe And on the day of his coronation at Rome according to the maner of other Romaine Emperours he set forth a Lawe or newe authentique of the most high Trinity and the Catholique faith Stapleton What matter is this M. Horne to enforce M. Fekēham to denie the popes primacy Wil you neuer leaue your trifling and friuolous dealing If ye wil say any thing to your purpose ye must shewe that he toke not the pope but him selfe onely and his successours for supreame heades of the Church and that in al things and causes which ye shal neuer be able to doe while ye liue neither in this nor in any other Emperour King or prince what so euer M. Horne The .134 Diuision pag 80. b. Nexte to Henry .7 vvas Levves .4 Emperour vvho had no lesse but rather greater conflictes vvith the Popes in his time .432 about the reformatiō of abuses thā any had before hī the Pope novv claiming for an 433 Ecclesiastical matter the confirming of the Emperour as before the Emperours vvere vvonte to confirme the Popes About vvhiche question the Emperour sent and called many learned Clerkes in .434 Diuinitie in the Ciuil and Canō Lavve from Italy Fraunce Germany Paris and Bononia vvhich al ansvvered that the 435 Popes attēpts were erroneous and derogating from the simplicity of the Christian religion VVherevppon the Emperour vvilled them to search out the matter diligently and to dispute vppon it and to gather into bookes their mindes therein vvhich diuerse did as Marsilius Patauinus Ockam Dante 's Petrarche c. By vvhom vvhen the Emperour vnderstoode the Popes vsurpation he came to Rome called a Councell and .436 deposed the Pope and placed an other in his roome In vvhich Councel the Romaines desired to haue their olde order in the Popes election ratified by the Emperour to be renevved This Emperour called also a very great Councell at Frankeforth where besides the Spirituall and Secular princes of Germanie the King of .437 Englande and the King of Beame were present where by the greater and sounder parte the Popes aforesaid vsurpation was abolished VVhich sentence the Emperoure confirmed and published vvriting thereof that his authoritie dependeth not of the pope but of God immediatly and that it is a vaine thing that is wonte to be sayed the pope hath no superiour .438 The Actes of this .439 Coūcell against the Popes processe vvere ratified by
others part of whom your brethern of Basil haue patched vp togeather in a greate volume as they laboure al to proue the Emperour aboue the Pope in temporal iurisdiction and gouernemēt wherin yet they erred as we haue said so none of thē al doe labour to proue the Emperour supreme gouernour in spirituall and ecclesiastical causes as you the first founders of this heresy do say and sweare to but do leaue that to the Bishoppes yea and some of them to the Pope to And therefore al were it true that they wrote in the fauoure of Lewys the .4 then Emperour yet were you neuer the nerer of your purpose by one iote This is M. Horne your owne proper and singular heresy of England to make the Prince supreme gouernour in causes ecclesiastical You only are Laicocephali that is such as make the lay Magistrates your heads in spirituall matters Ye adde then more force to your matter by a great coūcel kepte at Franckford wherat the king of Beame and of Englande also were presente of which wyth other things is set forth by a special ād a latin letter as the precise words of Marius or of the additiō adioyned to Vrspergensis But neither they nor anye other of your marginall authours speake of the king of Englād And when ye haue al don ād who so euer was there yt was but a schismatical conuenticle and yet muche better then your late conuocations Yf the articles of your sayde conuocations had comme to theire handes no dowbte they had bene condemned for a greate parte of them for most blasphemous heresies Wel The Emperour saith say you that his authority depēdeth not of the Pope but of God immediatly and that it is a vayne thinge that is wonte to be sayde the Pope hath no superiour yf ye could proue this Emperour an Euangelist or this Coūcel a lawfull Generall Councel we would geue some eare to you And yf themperours authority depende so immediatly of God shewe vs goddes commaundement geuē rather to the Germans then to the Frenche or English mē to chose an Emperour Most of the other princes Christiā in Europa holde by succession and not by electiō And yf ye cā shew vs any other cause of the diuersity but the Popes only ordinance then shal ye quite your self lyke a clerke Yf ye cā not shewe other cause then shal ye neuer be able to shewe vs good cause why the Pope should not clayme the cōfirmation Yet is yt sayeth M. Horne a vayne thing to say the Pope hath no superiour but yt is more vainelye and fondlye done of you M. Horn to the descrying of your false dealing and to the destruction of your Primacy to bring foorth this saying For your sayd councel recogniseth the Pope as superiour in all causes ecclesiastical And where yt sayeth yt hath a superiour why do ye not tel vs as your authours do who is his superiour Is it the Emperour wene you or any temporal Prince as ye wold make your vnlearned reader belieue No no. Your councel meante and so both your authours plainely declare that it was the generall councell to the which themperour had appealed Where you adde the Actes of this Councell were ratified by the Emperours letters patents and do bring in thervpon as the Emperours letters against the Popes processes you beguile your Reader and belie your Author Nauclerus For those letters patents this Emperour gaue forth not as ratifiyng the Actes of that Councel as you say but De concilio quorundā fratrū Minorum sub sigillo suo vpō the aduise of certaine Minorits vnder his owne seale And againe vocata solenni curia At the keping of a solemne Courte Of the Acts of that Councel Nauclere speaketh not in this place neither reporteth these leters pattēts to haue proceded therof Thus of Princes Courtes ye make great Councels and of the aduise of certaī Friers you frame to your Reader the cōsent of many bishoppes By suche pelting shiftes a barren cause must be relieued But now are ye yet againe in hand with an other Councel at Frankford by this Emperour and with certaine heresies that Pope Clement laid to this Emperours charge It would make a wise man to wonder to consider to what end ād purpose this stuffe is here so thrust in Neither cause can I as yet coniecture any vnlesse I shoulde impute it to Maistres folie or to dame heresie or to both or to the speciall ordinaunce of God that suffreth this man for the malice he beareth to the Catholike Church to wexe so blind that he speaketh he wotteth not what and seeth not whē he speaketh moste against him selfe nor the matter that he would gladly defend For beside as many lies as be almoste lines as that he telleth of an heresie first laid to the Emperours charge which was not the first as ye shal vnderstand anon Item that the Pope sayed he was an heretike because he said Christ ād his Apostles were poore wherin he doth excedingly lie vpon pope Clement Item that th'Emperour set forth lawes Ecclesiasticall concerning mariages and deuorcemēts which his Authours say not nor is otherwise true beside all this he declareth his Emperour to be a very heretike and him selfe also or at the least to be but a very foolish fond man I wil therfore for the better vnderstāding of the mater first rehearse you his authors wordes and then adde to it some further declaratiō mete for the purpose The first heresy saith Nauclerus was that the Emperour affirmed that the Decree made by Pope Iohn the .22 touching the pouerty of Christ ād his Apostles was heretical swearing that he beleued the contrarie He auouched moreouer that it appertained to the Emperour to make or depose Popes Furthermore being cited to answere in a cause of heresie and being accursed for his cōtumacy he hath cōtinued almost these tēne yeres in the said curse He retained also in his cōpany one Iohn of Landenio an Archeheretik He maketh bisshops he breaketh the interdict and doth expel thē out of their benefices that wil not breake it He seuereth matrimonies cōtracted in the face of the Church and ioyneth persons together in the degrees forbiddē He meaneth perchaunce sayeth Nauclere that he maried his sonne Lewys to the Coūtes of Tyroles her husbād Iohn the king of Beames son yet liuing saying that he was impotēt ād furder shee was maried to this Lewys being within the degrees prohibited Clemēt addeth beside that he hath set vp an Idole in the Churche and an Antipope and hath de facto deposed the Pope These are Nauclere M. Horn his authors precise words the which I pray thee good reader to conferre with M. Hornes glose and then shal ye see the mans honesty and fidelity in reporting his Authors This Emperor then was not accōpted an heretik because he said Christ ād his Apostles wer poore neither is this cōdemned for heresie by the foresaid Iohn the .22 but to say Christ and
400. b. 407. b. 468. a. b M. Ievvels Regester 214. a. A Copie of M. Ievvels Rhetorike 142. b 192. b. 246. b. 399. b. M. Ievvel ouerthrovven by his ovvne Charles 240. b. M. Ievvels hipocrisie 407. a. 515. a. The Iesuites 533. a. b. Ignatius for the bisshops Superioritie 525. a. b. Image breakers condemned 223. a. 234. b. 260. b. Inuesturing of bisshops hovve it came to Princes handes and hovve it vvas taken from them 254. a. b. Geuen vp by Henrie the .5 282. b. Graunted by the Pope 389. b. 325. a. Geuen ouer in Hungarie 300. b. Iohn the Pope a Martir 167. b. Iohn the .22 Pope 336. a. b. King Iohn 312. seq Iosaphat 50. 51. Iosias 53. a. Iosue 45. b. Isacius themperour Heraclius his Lieutenant 196. a. Isidorus against the Princes Supreme Gouernement 365. seq Iustinus the elder 166. 167. Iustinian the first 169. and .14 leaues after Iustinian the second 201. a. b. K. S. Peters keyes 226. a. sequentib 242. a. Miracles done by keyes 226. a. VVhat the keyes vvere that vvere sent to Charles Martell 227. a. Knokes against the lineal succession of Princes 25. ● L. LAnfrancus of Caunterburie 295. a ▪ Laie men in reformation of Ecclesiasticall matters maye not b● present 131. b. 153. a. VVhie thei are present in Councelles 150. a. 255. b. In vvhat order thei sitte in Councelles 237. b. 238. a. Gods lavves and the Churche lavves 486. b. 487. a. Legates see Pope Leo the Great 133. Proufes for the Popes primacie out of Leo. 134. b. 135. 136. Leo the .3 Pope 240.241.242 Leo the .9 Pope 274 a. Levvys the first Emperour 249. Levvys the fourth Emperour 333.334 seq S. Levvys of Fraunce 324. a. b. Liberius no Arrian 112. a. A complainte for defacing of Libraries 292. a. Licinius the tyran 297. a. Lotharius Emperour 283. a. King Lucius of Britannie 397. seq Hovve king Lucius vvas Gods vicar 400. b. Luther condemneth the Princes Supremacie in Ecclesiastical causes 22 a. 508. Lutherans and Caluinistes at mutuall dissension 432.433.434 M. The Madgeburgenses denie Princes to be heads of the Church 22. a. Manfredus 325 a. Marsilius Patauinu● an heretike 334. a. b. Martian the Emperour 140. b. 147. a. 251. b. 152. b. Martyrdome vvithout any cause of faithe 308. a. Maximilian the first 362. Hovve Christ and hovve the Priest is a Mediatour 522. a. b. Melanchthon vvil not haue Princes to iudge of doctrine 72. b. Sir Thomas Mores Opinion of the Popes Primacie 38. a. Mortal sinne 536 a. The statute of Mortmaine 327. a. b. Moyses vvas a Priest ▪ 43. b. N. The Nicene Councel 101. sequentib Called by Siluester 491. b. 492. a. Nicolaus the first Pope 257. Nilus of Thessalonica 384. a. b. M. Novvell put to his shiftes by M. Dorman 45. b. Maister Novvels boyishe Rhetorike 46. a. M. Novvels maner of reasoning reproued of M. Horne 402. b. Maister Novvels vvitte commended 481. Maister Novvels vnsauery solution 507. a. O. OEcumenius for the Sacrifice 407. Orders and decrees made by S. Paule beside the vvritē gospel 485. b. 486. a. 488. b. Origine cursed 170. a. b. The Othe 423. and seuen leaues folovving The Othe contrarie to an Article of our Crede 423. b. 24. a. sequent 427. The Othe againe 451.452 and manie leaues follovving Item fol. 509 ▪ and .510 Otho the first 268. sequent Otho the fourthe 311. a. b. Oxforde made an vniuersitie 292. b. P. PApiste Historians 203. a. b. The order of the Parlement aboute the Conqueste 299. b. Pastours 409. a. b. 417. a. Paterani 318. b. 319. b. Pelagius no english Monke 528. b. Penaunce enioined to Theodosius 498. a. b. Peterpence paied in Englande 293. a. Petrus de Corbario 336. b. 337. a. Petrus Cunerius 341. b. 342. a. Petrus Bertrandus 342. a. et b. Petrus de Aliaco 353. a. Philip le beau the Frenche Kinge 329. sequent Philip de Valois 341. sequent Philip the first Christian Emperour 39● b. sequent Phocas 194.195 Pilgrimage in Charlemaines time 236. b. Pilgrimage to S. Thomas of Caunterbury 309. a. Praier for the dead and to Saintes in Constantines time 87. a ▪ Praier for the dead in Charlemaines time 236. b. Priestes haue Authoritie to expounde the Scripture 41. a. Priesthood aboue a kingdome 73. b. 74. a. Of the vvorde Priest and Priesthood 405. seq 472. a b. Princes Supreme Gouernement in Ecclesiasticall causes condemned of all sortes of Protestants out of England 21. b. 22. a. b. 208. a. Hovve Princes do gouerne in cases of the first Table 71. b. 72. a. Euill successe of Princes intermedlinge in causes ecclesiastical 171. Hovve Princes do strenghthen the Lavves of the Churche 176. b. 179. b. Priuileges graunted to Poules Church in London 322. a. The vneuen dealing of Protestantes 4. a. Protestants cōfounded about the matter of succession 8. a. Protestants like to Arrians 188. a. VVhy Protestantes can not see the Truth 247. b. The Protestants Church compared to the schismaticall temple of Samaria 430. b. 431. a. Polidore foulie falsified by M. Horne 350. a. b. Pope The Popes Primacie instituted by God 38. a. 320. a. Acknovvleadged by the late Grecians 76. b. Confessed by the Emperour Valentinian 81. a ▪ By Theodosius the first 115. b. 120. b. By the seconde Generall Councell 121. a. By S. Hierom. 125. a. Proued out of the third General Councel 129.130 Proued out of the fourth General Coūcel a. Proued out of Synodus Romana by M. Horne Authorised 158.159.162 Confessed by Iustinus the Elder 166. By Iustinian the Emperour 175.176 Proued by the Councell of Braccara in Spaine 185 a. By the sixt Generall Councell 209. a. By the seuenth Generall Councell 223. b. By the booke of Carolus that Caluin and Maister Ievvell alleageth 240. b. By the true Charles 241. a. By the eight Generall Councell 259. a. By Basilius the Emperour of Grece 259. b. By Otho the first 268. a. b. 273. a. By hughe Capet the Frenche Kinge 272. a. By Frederike Barbarossa 286. b. Agnised in Britannie before the Saxons 291. a. b. 397. a. b. In England before the conquest 292. 293. By VVilliam Conquerour 294.306 b. By Lanfrancus 295. By the Armenians 303. b. 304. a. By the Aethyopians 304. b. 305. a. By Kinge Steuen 306 a. By Kinge Henry the .2 306.309 a. By Frederike the seconde 319. b. Practised in Englande in king Henrie the third his time 321. b. In Fraunce by S. Levvys 324. b. In Englāde by kinge Edvvard the first 326. a. b. By Philip the French Kinge 330 a. b. By Durādus M. Hornes Author 331. b. By Kinge Edvvarde the thirde 344. b. 345. a. By Charles the .4 Emperour 346. b. 347. a. b. By Kinge Richard the secōde 350.351 a. By Petrus de Aliaco M. Hornes Author 353. a. By Sigismunde the Emperour
A COVNTERBLAST TO M. HORNES VAYNE BLASTE AGAINST M. Fekenham Wherein is set forthe A ful Reply to M. Hornes Answer and to euery part therof made against the Declaration of my L. Abbat of Westminster M. Fekenham touching The Othe of the Supremacy By perusing vvhereof shall appeare besides the holy Scriptures as it vvere a Chronicle of the Continual Practise of Christes Churche in al ages and Countries frō the time of Constantin the Great vntil our daies Prouing the Popes and Bisshops Supremacy in Ecclesiastical causes and Disprouing the Princes Supremacy in the same Causes By Thomas Stapleton Student in Diuinitie Athanas. in Epist. ad solita vitā agentes pag. 459. When was it heard from the creation of the worlde that the Iudgement of the Churche should take his authoritie from the Emperour Or when was that taken for any iudgement Ambr. lib. 5. epist. 32. In good sooth if we call to minde either the whole course of Holy Scripture or the practise of the auncient times passed who is it that can deny but that in matter of faith in matter I saie of faith Bisshops are wont to iudge ouer Christian Emperours not Emperours ouer Bisshops LOVANII Apud Joannem Foulerum An. 1567. Cum Priuil REgiae Maiestatis Gratia Speciali Concessum est Thomae Stapletono Anglo librum inscriptum A Counterblaste to M. Hornes Vaine Blaste c. per aliquem Typographorum admissorum tutò liberè imprimendum curare publicè distrahere nullo prohibente Datum Bruxellis .27 Maij Anno. 1567. Subsig Pratz TO M. ROBERT HORNE THOMAS STAPLETON VVISHETH Grace from God and true repentance of al Heresies IF the natural wisedome and foresight M. Horne described of our Sauiour in the Gospel by a parable had bene in you at what tyme you first set penne to paper to treate of the Othe of Supremacy you would not I suppose so rashly haue attempted an enterprise of such importance The Parable saith VVho is it amonge you that minding to build a Castle sitteth not doune first and reckoneth vvith him self the charges requisit thereunto to see if he be able to bring it to passe lest that hauing layed the foundation and then not able to make an ende al that see him begin to laugh him to scorne saying beholde this man beganne to builde but he hath not bene able to make an ende The matter you haue taken in hande to proue is of such and so greate importaunce as no matter more nowe in Controuersie It is the Castle of your profession The keye of your doctrine The principal forte of all your Religion It is the piller of your Authority The fountaine of your Iurisdiction The Ankerholde of all your proceedinges Without the right of this Supreme Gouernement by you here defended your cause is betrayed your doctrine dissolueth your whole Religion goeth to wracke The wante of this Right shaketh your Authoritye stoppeth your Iurisdiction and is the vtter shipwracke of all your Procedings Againe it toucheth you say the prerogatiue of the Prince It is the only matter which Catholikes stand in by parliamēt enacted by booke Othe required vpō greate penalty refused Other matters in cōtrouersy whatsoeuer are not so pressed Thirdly you haue takē vpon you to persuade so great a matter first to a right lerned and reuerēt Father in priuat cōferēce and next to al the realme of Englād by publishing this your Answer as you cal it The weightier the matter is and the more confidently you haue taken it vpō you the more is it looked for and reason would that you did it substantially lernedly ād truly and before you had entred to so great a worke to haue made your reckoning how you might bring it to perfection But now what haue you don Haue you not so wrought that all your faire building being cleane ouerthrowen mē beginne as the Ghospell saieth to laughe you to scorne saying Beholde this man beganne a great matter but beinge not able to finishe it he is fayne to breake of You will say These be but woordes of course and a certain triumphe before the Victory Haue I not groūded this work of myne vpō the foundatiō of holy Scriptures Haue I not posted it vp with the mighty stronge pillers of the most learned Fathers Haue I not furnished it with a ioyly variety of Stories deducted from al the most Christian Emperours Kinges and Princes of more then these .xij. hundred yeares Haue I not fensed it with inuicible rampars of most holy Councels both general and national And last of al haue I not remoued all such scruples and stayes of conscience as though it were brambles and briers out of the waye to make the passage to so fayre a Forte pleasant easy and commodious You haue in dede M. Horne in owtwarde shewe and countenance sette a gay gloriouse and glistering face vppon the matter A face I say of holy Scriptures of Fathers of the Canon the Ciuill and the lawe of the Realme of manye Emperours Kinges and Princes for proufe of a continuall practise of the like Supremacye nowe by Othe to the Q. Highnes attributed in the auncient Churches of England Fraunce Germany Spayne Italy Grece Armenia Moscouia Aethyopia But all is but a Face in dede and a naked shewe without Substāce of Truth and matter It is like to the Aples and grapes and other fruits of the countrey of Sodome and Gomorre which growing to a full rypenes and quantitye in sight seeme to the eye very faire and pleasant but when a man cometh to plucke of them and to tast he shal finde them vnnaturall and pestilente and to smoder and smoke away and to resolue into ashes Such is the effect of your whole booke It beareth a countenance of truth of reason of learning But coming to the trial and examination of it I finde a pestilent ranke of most shamefull Vntruths an vnsauery and vaine kinde of reasoning and last of al the whole to resolue into grosse Ignorance For proufe hereof I wil shortly lay forth an abridgement of your whole demeanour And wherewith shal I better begin thē with the begīning and foundatiō of al sciēces and that is with grāmer it self Whereof I neuer heard or read in any man bearing the vocation that you pretēde either more grosse ignorance or which is more likely and much worse more shameful and malicious corruptiō You English Conuenit which is it is mete and conuenient into it ought which is the English of oportet not of conuenit You English Recensendam to be examined and confirmed where it signifieth ōly to be read or rehersed Item where your Author hath Priuilegia irrogare that is To geue priuileges you translate it quyte contrarye To take avvaye Priuileges Againe in the same Author pro quauis causa which is for euery cause you trāslate it for any cause as if it were pro qualibet or quacūque causa Al which foule shiftes of howe much importaunce they were I referre
damnationem quia primam fidem irritam fecerunt Incurring damnation because they haue broken their first promise Againe in the first yeare of our gratious Queene the Acte of Parliament for making and consecrating of Bisshoppes made the .28 of kinge Henrye was reuiued And yet the Bisshoppes were ordered not accordinge to the acte but according to an acte made in kinge Edwarde his dayes and repelled by Quene Marye and not reuiued the sayde first yeare And yf they will say that that defecte is nowe supplied let them yet remember that they are but parliament and no Churche Bisshoppes and so no Catholike Bisshoppes as being ordered in such manner and fasshion as no Catholike Church euer vsed But thys is most to be considered and to be lamented of all thinges that wheras no Acte of Parliament can geue anye sufficient warrant to discharge a man from the Catholike faythe and wheras yt was aswel in king Hēries dayes by Acte of Parliament as euer before through out all Churches of Christendome sithens we were christened taken for playne and open heresie to denie the reall presence of Christes bodye in the Sacramente of the aulter for maynteining of the which heresie there is no acte of Parliamēt God be thancked neither of king Edwardes tyme nor in the tyme of our graciouse soueraygne Ladie and Quene that nowe is yet doe these men teache and preache and by writing defend and maynteine the saied greate and abhominable heresie with many other for the which they can shewe no warrante of anye temporall or spirituall lawe that euer hath bene made in Englande All this haue I spoken to shewe it is most true that I haue saied that there will neuer be redresse of errour and heresie or any staie where men are once gone from the vnitie of the See Apostolike which is the welspring and fountaine of all vnitie in the Catholike faith And touching this question of the Supremacie that we haue in hand if we wel consider it we shall find that we doe not agree either with the other Protestantes or with our selues For in this pointe that we make the Prince the supreme head of the Churche we neither agree with Luther him selfe or his scholers which denie this primacie nor with Caluin and his scholers the Sacramentaries Caluin saieth They were blasphemers that called King Henrie head of the Church One of his scholers Iacobus Acontius in a booke dedicated to the Queenes Mai. blameth openly the ciuil magistrate that maketh him selfe the Iudge of controuersies or by the aduise of other commaundeth this doctrine to be published that to be suppressed Nowe some of Caluins scholers and our owne countriemen haue taken forth such a lesson that they haue auouched in their bookes printed and publisshed to the world that a woman can neither be head of the Church nor of any Realme at all Againe manie of the Protestants though they will not the Pope should haue the chiefe gouernement because they like not his true doctrine yet they thinke it meete and conuenient that there be some one person ecclesiasticall that maie haue this supreme gouernement for matters of the Church It is also to be considered that the wordes of the Othe nowe tendered for the mainteining of the Princes Supremacie are other then they were in King Henries or King Edwardes daies with a certaine addition of greatest importance and such as to a ciuil Prince specially to the person of a woman can in no wise be with any conuenient sense applied I meane of these wordes Supreme Gouernour aswell in all spirituall or ecclesiasticall thinges or causes as temporall Such large and ample wordes were in neither of the foresaied Kings times put into the Othe And yet had they bene more tolerable in their persons for that men be capable of spiritual gouernmēt frō the which a woman is expresly by nature and by scripture excluded then they are nowe These wordes are such I saie as can not with any colourable pretext be excused Neither is it inough to saie as the Iniunctions doe that the Quenes Maiestie entendeth not to take more vpon her then King Henrie her father or King Edward her brother did what so euer that were more or lesse but it must be also considered what she or her Successours may take vpon her or them by the largenes of these wordes for an Iniunction can not limit an Acte of Parliament and whether there be any either Scripture or other good doctrine ecclesiastical sufficient to satisfie their consciences that refuse especially this Othe Which doth not only as it did before exclude the Apostolical See and all Generall Councelles also as though not in plaine wordes yet in effect in excluding the ecclesiastical Authoritie of al foren persons and Prelates but doth further adioyne the foresaied newe addition lesse probable and lesse tolerable then was any other parte of the former Othe And therefore certaine Protestants of some name and reputation being tendred this Othe by commission haue refused it Yea and how well trow you is this supreme Gouuernement liked of those Ministers which withstand the Quenes iniunctions touching the order of semely Apparell c Thus ye perceyue that as we are gone from the constante and setled doctrine of the Church touching this primacy so we agree not no not among our selues either in other pointes or in thys very Article of the Supremacy Neither shal we euer fynd anie cause of good and sufficiente contentation or constancye in doctrine vntill we returne thither from whence we first departed that is to the See Apostolike Which of al other people our Nation hath euer most reuerenced and honoured and ought of al other most so to doe As from whence both the Britaines and Saxons receiued first the Christian faith This returne God of his mercie graunt vs when it shall be his blessed pleasure Amen In Louaine the last of September An. 1567. Thomas Stapleton ¶ An Aduertisement to the Lerned Reader TOuching certain Authors alleaged in this Reply about matters of our own Countre it is to be vnderstanded that of certayne writen Copies not yet printed which we haue vsed as of Henricus Huntingtonensis and Gulielmus Neubrigensis or Noueoburgensis or Neoburgensis many thinges are in the said Copies which seme not to be writen of thē but of Some others As in the Copie of Henricus Huntingtonensis certayne thinges are founde which seme not to be writen of him but to haue bene gathered out of his workes and to haue bene writen by some other whom we coniecture to be Simeon Dunelmensis Also in the Copie of our Neubrigensis many thinges are added both at the beginning and at the ende which seme not to haue ben writen by Neubrigensis him self but by some other And that which is added at the beginning was writen as we vnderstand nowe of one Alphredus Beuerlacensis who liued vnder king Steuen The additions which do followe who wrote we yet knowe not except it were Roger Houeden This I
you tell all for the Emperour as though the Pope had don nothing O wilful malice and malicious wilfulnesse M. Horne is not content to be blinde him selfe He wil also make his readers blīd And because he loueth not the truth or the truth loueth not him therfore he would his Reader should learne the falshood and be as false as him self is But againe what impudency is this to bring Carolomanus doinges by the which euen in your own narration the holy Chrisme the masse and other orders of the Churche that ye haue abolisshed are confirmed and your whordome with M. Madge is punished by derogation penance and otherwise euen by your own supreme head Corolomanus Which did not degrade any priest actually him self or caused any to be degraded by his supreame authoritye as ye seame by a false sense to inferre but caused them by the ordinary meanes and according to the rules and canons to be degraded Who also made him selfe no Churche lawes as M. Horn here vntruly noteth but did al by the authority of Pope Zacharias who as I haue said and as in Nauclere it appeareth gaue Commission to Bonifacius the Bisshop to kepe a Synod in the Dominion of this Carolomanus in which Synode all these Churche lawes were made All which euidently proueth the Popes Primacy at that tyme not the Princes M. Horne The .95 Diuision pag. 58. a. About this tyme vvas one Bonifacius not Pope but as they call him the great Apostle of the Germanies the like for all the vvorld to our Apostle here in Englande Augustinus Anglorum Apostolus Either of them .299 might be called the Popes Apostles vvhose greate champions they vvere And euen suche Ecclesiasticall matters as our Apostle treateth of hath this Apostle in his Epistles to the Pope as this He asketh his holines when fatte bakon should be eaten The Pope answereth when it is wel smoke dried or resty and then soddē Likewise he asketh whether we shall eate Dawes Crowes Hares and wilde Horses The Pope biddeth him to beware of them in any wise Also he asketh him howe if Horses haue the falling sicknesse what we shall doe to them The Pope aunswereth hurle them into a ditche He asketh what we shall doe with Beastes bitten with a madde dogge the Pope biddeth him kepe them close or hurle them into a pitte He asketh if one Nonne may washe an others feete as men may the Pope answereth yea on Goddes name Also he asketh howe many Crosses and where aboutes .300 in his bodye a man shoulde make them These and a greate manye suche like are the Popes and his Apostles Ecclesiasticall matters But leauing these trifles note that in those Ecclesiasticall matters vvhich he did to anye purpose the laye Princes hadde the entermedling as appeareth .301 by the Pope Zacharias Epistle to this Boniface It is no marueile thoughe this Kinge Charoloman as also Charles the greate and other noble Princes after their tyme established by their authority in Synodes manye superstitions and .302 idolatrous obseruaunces as of Masses Chrysmes and such like abuses beinge moued vvith the zeale that all Princes ought to haue but vvanting the pure knovvledge that good and faithfull Bisshoppes should haue instructed them vvithal seinge suche .303 blind bussardes as this Boniface had the teaching of them vvho like blinde guides ledde them in the bottomles pitte of all superstitions and false religion The .9 Chapter Of S. Boniface the Apostle of Germany and of S. Augustin our Apostle Stapleton HEre is interlaced a lying slaunderouse patche al from the principal matter against our apostle S. Augustyn and S. Boniface an English man and a blessed Martyr slayne in Phrisia by the infidels commonly called the Apostle of Germanye But what a Ghospel is this that can not come in credite but by most slaunderouse vilany and that against S. Augustin whome we may thank and S. Gregory that sent him that we are Christē mē S. Gregory cōmendeth him for learned and vertuous and setteth forth the miracles wonderfully wrought by him in our Countre And think you now M. Horn that you with al your lewde lying rayling or M. Iewel either can stayne and blemishe that blessed mās memory No no ye rather amplifie ād auaunce his glorious renown and proue your selues most wretched and detestable lyers as I haue sufficiētly of late declared in my Return vpō M. Iewels Reply They nede not M. Horn your cōmendatiō which in such a person as ye are were rather their discōmendatiō For the ill mans discōmendation is to a good man a very commendation as contrary wise to be commended of an il man is no true prayse but rather a a disgracyng and a dispraise Therefore where ye cal these blessed mē ād other bishops of this tyme blīd bussards ād say that in Charles the great ād other Princes then lacked pure knowledge ye declare your self what ye are a very blinde hob abowt the howse neither able to kepe your self frō lying nor yet frō cōtradictiō For M. Horne I would to God either your self or a great sort of your fellowes Protestāt bisshops had beside his vertue the learning of Charles the great being well sene aswel in the Greke as the Latin tōge And see nowe how well your tale hangeth together For the very leafe before Gregorye the .3 was passinglye well learned both in diuine and prophane learning and no lesse godlye And the fowrth leafe after your selfe bringe forthe Alcuinus an Englishman of greate learninge as ye saye that saieth as ye write that God incomparably honored and exalted Charles the great aboue his auncetours with wisedome to gouerne and teache his subiectes with a godlye carefulnes Which wisedome stode as your selfe declare in ordering matters Ecclesiasticall And Pope Zacharias that ye here speake of was well also sene in the Greeke tonge Into the which he trāslated out of Latin S. Gregories Dialoges And now what a blinde bussarde are you that pleade vpon this Zacharias epistles to Bonifacius to proue this Charlemains supremacye wherein the Popes primacy is euidently and openly declared as I haue before shewed yf ye were of this ignorant or what an impudent and a maliciouse person are you yf ye wittinglye and willingly alleage that for you which is most strong against you For this Councel that ye grounde your selfe vpon was called in dede by Pipyn and Caroloman but according as the Pope had geuen them Commission in his letters And this Bonifacius was the Popes Legate there For concealing wherof you left out Qui est missus S. Petri Who is the Popes legat And the Princes were but ayders and assisters vnto him And Boniface proceding very well and canonically deposed the false the adulterouse and the schismaticall priestes Which so yrketh M. Horne at the very heart remēbring that if him selfe were wel and canonically handeled he should beare a muche lower saile then to beare either any
that yt is moste vntrue ād for the which as ye lay forthe no prouf so shal ye neuer be able to proue yt And yet if ye coulde proue yt ye shoulde dooe none other thinge then that whiche yee doe so solemnlye in the rest of youre booke to proue that which being proued doth yet nothing relieue your cause And thinke you M. Horne that we are so bare and naked from many good proufes but that we may and canne roundlie and redely disproue your fond foolish lye Yea and by that booke by the which your Apostle Caluin and your great Iewell of Englande will though not to their great worship defeate the Second Generall Councell of Nice The Churche of Rome saith he is preferred before all other Apostolicall Sees not by the Decrees of Synodes but by the authoritie of our Lord him selfe saying thou art Peter and so forth And saith farder that he doth most desire to obey the holsom exhortatiōs of Pope Adriā and that Italy Frāce and Germanie doe in al things follow the See of Peter And now wot ye what M. Horne Forsoth this his answere proueth M. Iewell as wel in the Apologie or who so euer be the Author as in his Replie to M. D. Harding to haue ouerthrowen not the Nicene Councell wherein this Adrians Legates bare the chiefe sway as they did also in the Councell at Frankfoorde as I haue shewed but hys owne peeuish and fantastical imagination that this Charles should at Frankford disalow the said Nicene Synode But I trow ye be as wery and as much ashamed ere this time of this counterfeit Charles booke wherein by the foolish and fond handling of the iconomache the cause of the Catholike Church is cōfirmed as your fellowes wil be shortly of this your boke that I doubt not to all that be not sinistrallie affectioned shal serue rather for the confirmation then abrogation of the Popes Primacie And because as I say I suppose ye wil your selues shortly disclaime this peuish booke I wil send you to Carolus him selfe in his Ecclesiastical decrees collected by Abbat Ansegisus whome ye authorise in the nexte leafe Where ye shall fynde this playne decree Neque praesul summus a quoquam iudicabitur No man shall iudge the pope whiche was also decreed in the tyme of the great Cōstantyne and pope Syluester yea before that tyme the lyke was sayd in a councel of Marcelline pope and Martyre as I haue otherwhere shewed Nowe then thowghe there was no cause whie Charles shoulde be greaued with this that the whole Clergie and people wel lyked and for the which there wer old aunciēt presidents yet to goe forth and to smothe this tale withal and to shewe why Charles should quietlie beare this grief which was sone born being none at al he addeth an other lie whereof we haue alredie somwhat spoken And that is because the Pope promised him longe before to make him Emperour Yea good M. Horn sone sayd of yowe but not so sone proued For neither your authour Platina sayth so nor any other that I haue hitherto read Phy on your wretched dealīg ād wretched cause that ye maintayne that cā not be vpholdē but with the defacing ād dishonorīg not only of the clergie but of this worthy ād as your self cal him this Noble Prīce Charles withal I would fayne procede to the next matter but that your other vntruthes must or I go be also discouered as that yow say without any prouf yea against good prouf to be layd to the cōtrary that this pope Leo for his streight dealings was hateful to the Romās which your authors Sabellicus and Platina say not but the quite contrary For Platina among his other manifold and notable vertues telleth that he was a man of myld nature so that he loued all men hated no man slowe to wrathe ready to take mercie and pitie of other And Sabellicus of this very matter sayeth thus Coniuratorum odium in Pontificem inde ortum ferunt quòd illi liberius viuere assueti ferre nequiuissent grauem Pontificis Censuram It is saied the hatred of such as cōspired against him spronge hereof that they accustomed to liue more licentiously coulde not abyde the Graue Rebukes and Censures of the pope Nowe further M. Horne being not able to denie but that aswell Carolus as all other gaue ouer for any iudgmēt they wold or could geue agaīst Leo he falleth to quarellīg with Leo for that for the which he owght to haue cōmēded him The matter standing thus and no mā stepping forth lawfully to proue any thing agaīst Leo this good man thowghe no man did or coulde force him to yt yet knowing his owne innocency toke an open othe vppon the holy ghospel that he was gyltlesse from suche matters as were obiected against him And here M. Horne beinge pleasantly disposed sayeth as owte of Platina Leo did earnestlye desire that kynde of iudgmente and addeth by his owne lying liberalyte that Platina mente that Leo was desirouse to geue sentence in his owne cause Wheras Platina meante that Leo was desirouse vppon the assured truste of his owne integritye that the matter might haue bene iudged and so worthie of commendation that he woulde submitte his cause to iudgemente where he neaded not as Symachus and Sixtus did before And so are Platina his wordes qui id iudicium maximè expetebat to be vnderstanded And perchaunce in some copies id is not sene Nauclerus which seameth here as in many other places to followe Platina and to reherse his wordes and whom M. Horne doth here also alleage saith qui iudicium maximè expetebat Whiche did moste ernestly desire to be iudged Whiche iudgement not proceedynge he did as muche as laye in him that is to purge him selfe by his othe Nowe where Sabellicus speaketh of this purgation in the commendation of Leo saying that a mans owne reporte much auayleth made in dewe ceason M. Horn addeth this his pretie glose for wante of good neyghbours Yet I pray yowe good M. Horne take not the matter so greuously against Pope Leo But remember that Leo being pope did more then a protestant Prelate whom ye knowe ful wel of late did being perchaunce more then a suspition that a wrong cocke had troden Cockerelles hen And yet the sayd prelat was not put to his purgation and much lesse him selfe offred to sweare for his owne honesty I medle not with the iustifying of the matter one way or other Some men say that strypes may cause yong striplinges to saye Tonge thoue lyest but not truelie to the eye Eie thowe lyest whiche can not lie in that whiche is hys obiecte But let this goe I saye yt for none other cause but onely that ye haue not M. Horne so greate cause to take the matter so hotte against Leo. And now to make vp this matter gentle reader of Leo this Leo also sendeth Saint Peters keyes yea
blindnes ād superstitiō ād that heretiks only do se or the vnlerned ōly haue the pure worship of God But so it is That tyme cōdēneth this tyme. That Religiō cōdēneth yours And therefore you must nedes either cal thē blind or cōfesse your self blīd which you cā not possibly do because you are blīd in dede And why Forsoth because euer whē you looke vp toward the former ages you put vpō your eies a paire of spotted spectacles so that al that you se through those spectacles semeth also spotted fowle ād euil fauored vnto you And these spectacles are The cōtempt of the Church traditiōs A pride of your own knowledge in Gods word A lothsomnes of austere ād hard life to beare your own crosse with Christ. A preiudicat opiniō of preferrīg Caluin Melāchtō ād Luther before al the Catholik ād lerned fathers for so you cal thē of that age With such like If you wuld ones put of these foule spotted spectacles M. Horn thē wuld you neuer cal the time of Catholik ād lerned fathers a time of blindnes ād superstitiō but then would you se clerly your own blindnes and superstition Which with al my hart I pray God you may ones doe ere your dye M. Horne The .102 Diuision pag. 63. a. Although herein Lodouicꝰ Charles his son vvere somvvhat inferior to his father Yet notvvithstādīg he .327 reserued these Ecclesiastical causes to hīself ād vvith no lesse care be ordred the same although in some thīgs being a very mild Prīce he vvīked ād bare ouer much vvith the .328 ambitiō of the Popes Shortly after vvhā as the forsaid Leo vvas departed vvas Stephē next elected Pope ād vvithout the cōfirmatiō of thēperour tooke the Papacy vpō hī Al the histories agree that he came shortly after into Fraūce to thēperor but vvherfore most of thē leaue vncertain Platina thinketh to auoid the hursey burley in the City that vvas after the death of Leo. Sabellicus thīketh thēperors coronatiō to be the cause Nauclerus saith he wēt in his own person vnto thēperor Lodouik .329 about or for the Church matters vvhich 330 proueth that thēperour had chief authority in ordering the Church busines But our English Chronicles as some vvriters affirme do plainly declare that his cōming into Fraūce vvas to make an excuse of his vnlaufull consecration against the decrees made to Charles by his predecessours Adriā and Leo fearing therefore the sequele of the matter he first sent his Legats before hī to be a preparatiue to his purgatiō and aftervvards came hīself to craue his pardō And the rather to please thēperor brought a most beautiful crovvn of gold for hī and another for the Empresse 331 vvherof folovved as Naucle saith Oīa quae petiit à pio Imperatore obtinuit he obteined whatsoeuer he asked of the godly emperor Novv vvhē Stephē had dispatched al his matters he retourned home and shortly after an other ecclesiastical cause happened for vvithin a vvhile the bishop of Reatina died and there vvas an other chosen And whē the sea of Reatina saith Nauclerꝰ was void the Pope would not cōsecrat the elect Bishop onles he had first licēce therto of themperor The circūstances of this story make the matter more plaine The erle Guido had vvritē vnto Pope Stephē to cōsecrat that bishop vvhō the Clergy and the people had elect but the Pope durst not enterprice the matter till he vvere certified of thēperors pleasure and therupō vvriteth agaī vnto Th erle the tenor vvhereof folovveth after Gratianus report I haue red your letters wherī you require me to cōsecrat the newly elect Bisshop of Reatin chosen by the cōsent of the Clergy ād people least the Church should be long destitute of a propre pastour I am sory for the death of the other but I haue deferred the consecratiō of this for that he brought not with him themperors licence vt mos est as the maner is I haue not satisfied your mind herein leste that the Emperour should be displeased at my doing Therefore I require you for otherwise I ought not to medle to purchase the Emperours licēce directed vnto me by his letters vt prisca consuetudo dictat as the auncient custome doth wil and then I will accomplishe your desier I praie you take not this my doing in euil parte VVherof it is manifeste inough saith Nauclerus that of the Emperours at that time the Bishops had their inuestitures although Anto doth glosse otherwise saying that perhaps this electe Bisshoppe was belonging to the Court who ought not to be ordered Not only the textes of many decrees in this distinction doth confirme this to be true but also Gratian him self and the glossars do in manie places affirme that this was the auncient custome and cōstitution in the Churche that the election● of the Bishoppes of Rome and of other Bishops also should be presented to the Emperours and Princes before they might be consecrated The .11 Chapter ▪ Of Lewys the first of Steuē .1 Paschalis .1 Eugenius .1 and Gregory the .4 Popes of Rome Stapleton LVdouicus sonne to Charles the great confirmed the popes election and had the inuestitures of bishops Be yt so M. Horn if ye wil what then Haue you forgotten that al that Authoryty was geuē to his father Charles the great by Adrian the pope and that he helde that onely of the Popes gifte Agayne many hundred yeares together ere this tyme Fraunce Italie Spayne England and many other contreis were vnder thempiere of Rome Would ye therfore inferre your argument frō that tyme to our tyme and make those countries nowe subiect to the Empire bicause they were then Yf ye doe litle thank shal ye haue for your labour And truely the argument holdeth aswel in the one as in the other And when al is done your cause of supremacie standeth as yt did before Yet is the fyne and clerkly handlyng of the matter by M. Horne to be withall considered who like a wanton spanell running from hys game at riot hunteth to fynde the cause why Pope Stephen whome the stories call an Angelicall and a blessed man came to this Emperour into Fraūce He telleth three causes out of three certaine and knowē Authours ād then telleth vs that Nauclerus sayeth he came for Churche matters and so ful hādsomly concludeth thereby that the Emperour had the chiefe Authoritie therein which is as good an argument as if a man would proue the woman to whome Kyng Saule came and consulted with for certaine his affaires to haue bene aboue the King Your Authour Nauclerus doth specifie what these causes were that is to intreate themperour for his enemies and for the Romans that had done suche iniurie to Pope Leo of whom ye haue spoken and to pardon other that were in diuerse prisons in Fraūce for the great owtragiouse offences done against the Churche The good Emperour satisfied hys desire ād so he returned to
God wrought by him as wel before as after his death set foorth by the best Historiographers of that time especially of Henry Hūtington Williā of Malmesbury and one Edmerus Who hath made .ij. special Treatises the one cōcerning Anselmus doings with this king and king Hēry the other cōcerning his priuat life The which I would wish the gētle Reader to read to know the better the worthines of this man and withal the state of the cōtrouersy betwixt hī and the two kings Williā Rufus and Hēry Which in effect cōcerning William Rufus rested in that the said William would not at the admonitiō of this good man as wel leaue of other faults as also the inuesturing of Bishops the pilling of the spiritualty ād tēporalty and the selling of bisshopriks which was bought and solde as plainly as other marchandize as M. Hornes Author Fabian beside others dothe declare The beginning of the Kings displeasure against Bishop Anselme rose principally for that he woulde not according to his expectation geue him in the way of thanks a thousand pounds for making hī Archebishop of Caūterbury And yet as naught as this king was he neuer denyed the Pope to be Supreme Heade or Iudge of the Church no nor the paiment of the tribut called Rome shot but for a time pretending he knew not who was the true Pope the church of Rome thē being troubled with schisme and he seeming for the time to fauour rather the false then the true Pope which was Vrbane Whom this notwithstanding he acknowledged for the true Pope ād receiued Walter the Popes legat that brought the Palle for Anselme and receiued Anselme also into his friendship Henry of Huntington writeth that the king him selfe sent for the Palle the which being brought to Caūterburie and set vpon the Aulter was for the honor of S. Peter kissed of al men most humblie kneeling We haue now shewed how and after what fasshiō the king forbod the tribut to be paid to Rome the which I marueile why ye tell it rather out of Polichronicō then Fabian which saith it as well as the residue ye alleage But not for any of his good dedes For describing the death of this Williā he telleth that the day whē he died he held in his hands the three Bisshopriks of Caūterbury of Winchester ād of Salisbury and diuers Abbeies of the which he let some to farme Also he restrained the mony that of old time was paid to Rome called Rome shot Al which is told of Fabiā and the other Chroniclers to shew what a couetous man he was and iniurious to the Church not to shewe any practise of due and laufull Authoritie thereby Yet this serueth notwithstanding M. Hornes purpose very wel What M. Horne Wil you haue our Princes now like to William Rufus and his Father the Conquerour to taxe and pille both the Spiritualty and Temporalty of their realme as they out of measure did For so both Polichronicon and Fabian report which you conceal that notwithstanding the staie of this tribute to Rome yet did this William pill and shaue his people with tribute and misuse them with diuers other disorders Or as Fabian saith He pilled the Spiritualtie and Temporalty with vnreasonable taskes and tributs Such a one you bring foorth as a worthy example of your new Supremacie and yet can ye not fasten it vppon him neyther But much lesse shal ye fasten it vpon king Henry folowing who though he were for a time displeased with Anselme for that he would neyther consecrate those Bishops nor communicate with them whom the King had inuestured and because the Pope had so commaunded the matter yet stāding in controuersie did not flie as ye write but at the Kings desire went to Rome to see if he could mollifie the Pope And afterwarde the king was perfitly reconciled to him and the King made an ordinaunce and a decree that from that time foreward nor Bishop nor Abbat should be inuestured by the king or any other laie man by the pastorall staffe and the ring This writeth Henrie Archedeacon of Huntington a writer then liuing The like also Edmerius Anselmes cōpanion in his exile writeth And that the king was very gladde that he had made peace and accorde with Anselme And had great hope that he should the soner subdue Normandie Euen as it chaunced for he had a notable victorie and toke prisoners his brother Robert and other Princes that assisted Robert The whiche thing he certified Anselme of by his letters sent to him into Englande and all men of those daies imputed his victorie to the agreamente made with Anselme Tel me nowe in good faith M. Horne who was the Supreme Heade the king that yelded to the Pope for inuesturīg or the Pope that would neuer yelde to him nor the Emperour Henrie the .4 neither in this matter but did excommunicate the Emperour and king Henry was faine to forsake him and his doings though he were him selfe a mighty Prince and the Emperours Father in law by Maude the Empresse his daughter I now also perceiue that a Horne wil not lightly blush for if it could ye would neuer for shame haue tolde your Reader of these Priestes that were punnished for whoredome for sauing of your own and Maistres Madges poore honestie And yet your whoredome infinitely excedeth theirs For they were punished for keping company with their concubines or their wiues whome they had laufully maried before they were ordered But you after Priesthod doe marie which neuer was allowed but euer condemned as wel in the Greke Churche as in the Latine And now decke your margent as thicke as ye will with Fabiā Simeon Dunelmens Rogerus Houedenus Henricus Huntingtonꝰ Matheus Parisiēs Matheus Westmonasteriēs and Polidorus ād blow out as it were out of your own horne your own dishonesty and shame as long as ye will and see what supreamacy ye shal buyld vpon such a fickle and filthy foundation Verely your owne authours doe witnesse that this king kept a great Councel at London where among al other Decrees saieth Fabian one was that priestes should forgoe their wiues And if the popes Legate was taken as ye write in whoredome who yet as Mattheus Westmonast writeth was no priest but a correctour of priests and thereby excused his fault what doth that relieue your cause or wherein doth it saue your honestie For the king did not punish these fornicatours but by the clergies consent Wherein they were by thier rashe graunte ouerseen and circumuented For the King tooke a greate masse of money of the parsons that were faultye and so dismissed them Ye tell vs nowe out of Polidore that the parliament is in dede a Councel of the clergie and the Layetie If ye meane an Ecclesiasticall councell then Polydore neither saieth it nor meaneth yt For as he maketh the parliamente an assemble for politike matters to the which the prelates also
the Pope to purge him selfe of the sayd murther Wheruppō certayn Legats were sent to him before whom vpō his othe he sayd that he neither cōmaunded nor willed that the Archbisshop should be slayne and added that he was neuer so sory for the death of his owne father or mother Yet did he not denie but by vnaduised words he gaue the murtherers an occasion of theyr fowle enterprise Wherfor he submitted him self to the Legats to enioyne him penaunce as they should thinke good Then was yt among other thinges enioyned him that he should breake and reuoke the foresayde statutes and ordinances for the which al this troble rose al the which cōditions the king by his othe promised to obserue This done the kings son also promised on his part to see these couenants kept But yet see the iuste iudgement of God As this king rebelled againste his spirituall father S. Thomas and his spirituall mother the Churche so did his sonne and heire with his two other sonnes Richard and Iohn rebell againste him confederating them selues with other the kinges subiects and with the Frenche and Scottishe kinges The king was browghte to this distresse that he wyste not in the world what to saye or what to doe and being destitute of mans helpe ranne to Gods helpe and to the helpe of his blessed martyr S. Thomas at whose greater miracles done at Canterbury all the worlde did wonder Wherefore forsakinge Normandy where he was in more saftie sayled into Englande and commynge towarde Canterbury before he entred the city puttinge of al his princely appparell lyke a newe kinge Dauid beinge presequuted of his Absolon for hys synnes as Dauid wente out of the citie barefoted so this newe Dauid beinge barefoted and all hys body naked sauinge that he was couered withe a poore and a vile cote vppon the bare beinge nowe hym selfe fearefull and tremblyng whom before so many nations feared and trembled with muche sighinge and gronynge wente to the Martyrs tombe where he continued all that daye and the nighte followinge watchfull and fastinge where he commended hym selfe to the blessed martyrs prayers Neither was he deceyued of his good deuotion and expectation as we shall anon declare Before the sayde tombe he toke discipline with a rodde of euerie monke and for his loue and deuotion to the martyr he renounced the foresayd yll statutes and customes for euer and onely sayd he woulde kepe suche as were reasonable and good Gulielmus Neuburgensis whome M. Foxe bringeth in to deface and disgrace this blessed martyr yf yt might be and yet not daring to tell either of other thinges writen by other or that I shall nowe tell yowe out of the sayde Neuburgensis sayeth that the sayd nighte there was avoyce that sayde to a good and a blessed monke at Canterbury beinge a sleape haue ye not sene sayeth the voyce the kings great and wonderfull humilitie Be thou assured that shortlye th ende of his affayres shall declare howe well God lyketh the same My authour sayth that he heard this from the mowthe of a reuerende Abbate who beinge the same tyme in Kente hearde yt from a credible and a faythfull reporter The nexte morninge the kinge heard masse before the tombe of the martyr and so departed The very same daye yea the very same howre that the king heard masse there vndoubtedly by the miraculous workinge of God the scottishe king without battayle scattered from the rest of his Army and after few strokes geuen was taken prisoner and afterwarde by litle and litle all his enimies aswell beyond as by hither the seas were quieted and pacified All the which prosperouse fortune the kinge did ascribe to God and to his gloriouse martyr S. Thomas to whome most certaynly it was to be ascribed Let M. Foxe nowe and his fellowes to rayle at this blessed mā as lōg as they will Let hī scrape hī out of his kalēder ād put in for hī heretiks theeues ād traytors ād let hī nowe if he can for very shame cal this man a traytour and cause his name to be abolisshed out of the Church boks as yt hath bene of late yeares Let them tosse and turmoyle as longe and as buselie as they will They shall but shewe theire extreme wyckednes and madnes blasphemously to cal him traytour whom the king him self to whō the offence was don if any were don worshipped as Gods holy martyr they shal but stryue against the streame or rather against God him selfe that hath geuen throwgh out al the world such a glorious testimony for him and for the cōfirmatiō of the catholike doctrine of his Church namely for the popes supreamacie Which answere I will also to serue against M. Horn cōcerning al his allegations here touching the doings of the king with this blessed Martyr M. Horn. The .122 Diuision pag. 78. b. In Germany succeded vnto Frederike Henry and next vnto him Philip both of them .428 inuesturing Bishops and suffering no Legates frō Rome to come into Apulia nor Sicilia according to the aforesaid composition The .22 Chapter Of Henry the .6 Philip and Otho the .4 Emperours Stapleton THat Henry and his brother Philip did inuesture bisshops yt is not likely and the matter woulde be better proued then by your bare worde Namelie seinge that Henrie the .5 made a full conclusion with Calixtus the second as we haue before shewed that the clergie should haue the election of they re bisshops By the which agreament the contention that had continued about a fiftie yeares for that matter was pacified And wheras ye refer your self to the aforesayd cōposition that they woulde suffer no Legats to come into Apulia and Sicilia the pope is muche bounde to you for therby ye proue his supremacy As from whom that Composition by way of dispensatiō proceded as your self before auouched and as in Nauclerus it wel appeareth M. Horne The .123 Diuision pag. 78. b. Next to vvhame succeded Otto surnamed of the Clergie the defendour of Iustice ▪ for vvher as the maner of Princes vvas saith Abbas Vrspurgens cheerfully and readily to geue benefices or Churches to those that did first aske them he woulde not so doe but he gaue all the benefices that fel as wel Ecclesiastical as Secular to those with whome he was acquainted c. This Emperour came into Italy claymed and .429 recouered al the right of the Empire that the Pope 430. vsurped vnder the name of S. Peters Patrimonie and called a .431 Synode at Norinberge about this matter ād touching the .432 Popes authority Stapleton Ye haue not as I said wonne so much creditte being so often taken in open lies that we may truste you vpon your worde Tell vs therefore I pray you what chronicler calleth this Otho the defendour of iustice and then tel vs by what good logike your for wil followe For methinke yt is but a selie slender for to say he was defendour of
as your aūcetours the old heretikes were wōt to do in alleging of scripture ād the Fathers that is in chopping and paring of what it pleaseth you and as ye are cutte of your selues from the Churche so dismembre you also your authours allegations euen as S. Cyprian many yeres sythēce hath described and painted you fotrh Firste then is there any one of al your authors that as ye moste wyckedly doe goeth abowt by this story either to make this king Supreame Heade of the frenche Church or to deface and disanul the Popes Primacie No truely Onlesse perchaunce yt be the authour that added to Vrspergēsis I meane your owne deare brother Gaspar Hedio his addition aswell agreeing for matters of fayth with hys firste authour Vrspergensis as the legges and loynes of an horse wil agree with the head shoulders and vpper part of a mans bodie Yea beside his heresy he is to yong to be alleaged for authour authentical To be shorte the dealing of this kinge proueth nothing the lyke regiment that nowe is in our realme which is your peculiar matter and the only matter M. Fekēham resteth vppon and so for al your great sturre with burning the Popes Bulles and commaūding the Popes Legates to auoyd the realme ye goe fayre and farre frō the matter For where you say he wold suffer none of his clergy to goe to the Popes councels that was but of one only Councell called against him self Item where you say He caused the Popes bulles to be burned first not he but Familiares Regis the Kings frendes and courtiars did it and yet it was but one bulle neither and that of the kingss owne excommunication Againe where you saie he commaunded the Popes Legates to auoide the realme It was but one Legate about that one matter that he so commaunded With these many vntruthes by the Arte of Multiplication you entre your plea. Touching the matter it selfe the Kings grudge was but a priuate and a personall grudge and enmitie against Bonifacius no lasting or perpetual renuntiation of the whole Papal authoritie as it is euident by the discourse of al your owne Authors And therefore Bonifacius being dead who accursed the King and interdited the Realme bothe he and the Realme were released from curse and interdiction by Benedictus successour to this Bonifacius Yea Bonifacius yet liuing this King most plainly agnised the authoritie of the See of Rome appealing from this Bonifacius ▪ whom he toke not for the right Pope but an vsurper and an intruder to the See Apostolical vacant as he thought and to the next successour Ye heare Maister Horne notwithstanding the greate enmitie betwene the King and Pope Bonifacius that he appealeth to the See of Rome being as he thought vacant and that he is as I haue said ▪ absolued from the sentence of excommunication by Bonifacius his successour whiche altogether ye omitte But yet ye tell vs of Pope Clement the fift made as ye say pope by this King But here you ouerreache your Authour and water him with your olde lying glose Nauclerus neither saieth nor could truely saye that the king made him pope but saith he was made Pope by his intercessiō Neither your Authour Antoninus saieth it Ye saye he swore this pope to certaine condicions Why doe ye not name thē M. Horne Forsoth because in the naming of thē the fourme state and condition of this your new primacy in your faire Phillip woulde be full ilfauoredly acrased and defourmed Among other there were these three Prima est vt me perfectè reconcilies Ecclesiae sacrosanctae relaxando veniā dando de adiutorio dato in captura Bonifacij Papae Secundum est vt censuras excommunicationis amoueas contra me meos sequ●ces prolatas Tertium est quòd mihi concedas omnes decimas regni per quinquennium in reparationem expensarum multarum in bello inito contra Flandrenses First that ye will perfectly reconcile me to the Churche and release and forgeue me for that by my meanes Pope Boniface was taken prisoner Secondly that you wil reuoke the sentence of excommunication geuen against mee and my confederates Thirdly that you will graunte me for fiue yeres the tenth of al my realme to relieue me for the great charges and expences defraied in my warres against the Flemmings These conditions the king required the Pope to assure him of by Othe Then would M. Horne faine haue Pope Boniface taken for an heretique and saieth that King Phillip would haue had it so declared by the Councell holden at Vienna But the matter was taken vp M. Horne saith and to satisfie the King it was declared that Pope Bonifacius doings should not be preiudiciall to him and his heires And why haue ye M. Horne either wilily omitted the matters for the which the pope was cōditionated withal or haue so fondly told vs against your self of this Councell at Vienna Why but to cōfirme the popes primacy ād to declare your selfe also a lyer in saying the matter was taken vp c. For the Coūcel assembled of .300 Bishops beside other prelats would in no wise agree to the kings request but declared the cōtrary to wit that Bonifacius was a catholike and an vndoubted Bishop as your owne authours Antoninus and Nauclerus specifie Yea Nauclere addeth Quo rex cogebatur contentus esse With the which determination of the Councel the kinge was constrayned to be contented At the coronation of the foresayde Clement were presente not only this Philip the Frenche king but the king of Arragone and as some write the kinge of Englande also Yet hath M. Horn one other prouf ▪ to proue Philip head of the Churche for that he deposed a Bishop for heresye and for that he claymed the inuestiture of Bishoppes As for the inuestitures let them goe for this time we haue sayd inough I suppose of that matter And as for deposing of a Bishope he deposed him not but vnder pretence of heresy saieth Nauclere he depriued him of all his temporaltyes and of his Bishopricke But why doe ye not M. Horne recite the whole sentēce of your authors Antoninus and Nauclerus For as for Blondus writing nothing of this mater that is of of the deposing of any Bishop or of the claimīg of the inuestitures for the which you seeme to alleage him ye doe but blindly allege and may blot hī out again sauing that ye may truly put in that in the Councel which king Philip called in Fraūce he appealed as I haue told you to th'Apostolik See of Rome But why do ye not as I sayd shew the whole ād entiere sentēce of your authours fully to adorne your primacy withal whiche is that he toke a certayne Bishoppe laying to hys charge that he was a Paterā heretik spoyling hym of his Bishopryke and of al his goods ād that he spoyled also and robbed the Bishopprykes beinge vacante and that he would haue had the inuestitures of the Bishoppes Now
repell all euill customes contrarie to the lawe of God and the lawe of man in their subiectes by the Councell of Diuines and other wise men Also lette them see that they pul vppe by the rootes and destroy more diligently then they haue done Magicall Artes and other superstitions condemned by the lawe of God and all errours and heresies contrarie to the Faith Item that they watche and care earnestly for the exalting of the Faith and the honour of Goddes seruice and the refourming of the Churche that they labour and trauaile diligently for the reformation of althose things which are mentioned afore or here folowing or anye other thinges profitable caet VVhen this booke vvas thus compiled it was offered vppe to the Councel saith Orthvviuus that the most Christian Emperour Sigismunde had called togeather not so much for the agreemente of the Churche as for hope of a generall reformation of their manners hoping verelye that the Prelates woulde put to their helping handes but the Romaine craft beguiling the Germaine simplicitie the new made pope featly flouted the vvell meaning Emperoure saying that he vvoulde thinke on this matter at laisure caet Thus vvas Sigismunde the Emperour misused vvhiche othervvise might seeme to haue bene borne to haue restored Christianitie to the vvorlde againe The frustrating of this refourmation vvas on the other side no lesse grieuouse vnto the Frenche Kinge that bothe before the time of the Councell and in the Councell vvhile had greatly trauailed in taking avvay the Popes ex●ctions and other Ecclesiasticall abuses vvhervvith his Realme vvas vvonderfully oppressed as appeareth in the Oration that the Frenche Kings Embassadours made in this Councell vvritten by Nicol. de Clemangijs and set forth in Othvvynus Gratius fardell of notable things After this Councell vvas an other holden at Basil vvhither came the Princes of Spaine Fraunce Hungary and Germany vvhiche dooinges of the Princes made pope Eugenius so to feare that he .461 thought to translat the Coūcel to Bononia But the Emperour and other princes and the prelates whiche vvere at Basill not onlye not obeyed him but tvvise or thrise admonished him to come thither This ●●pe vvas in this Coūcel .462 deposed in the .34 sessiō Of this Coūcel the Emperour Sigismōde vvas the chiefe and protector and in his absence appointed the Duke of Bauaria in his roome He caused the Bohemes to come to this Councell And whan he hearde of those matters in Religion which were generally agreed vppon he allowed them and commaunded them to be obserued The .35 Chapter Of Sigismund and Friderike the .3 Emperours Stapleton MAister Horne for goddes sake remember your self and what ye haue taken in hande to proue to M. Fekenhā that is that the Quene of Englāde owght to be supreame head of the Churche of Englande and not the Pope Remēber I pray you how weighty this is to M. Fekenham as for the which beside this his longe imprisonment he standeth in daunger of losse of lyfe also Goe ones rowndly to your matter and bringe him some fytte and cōuenient proufe to perswade him withal Ye rūne on a thre leaues following with the doinges of the Emperours Sigismonde Friderike and Maximilian and then at length after all your busie rufle and greate turmoyle againste the Pope ye come to kinge Henry the .8 and to our owne dayes Nowe howe litle the doinges of these Emperours proue their supreamacie in all causes ecclesiastical euerie childe may see And to beginne with Sigismond we heare of you that in the tyme of the great and mayne schisme he called a councell at Constantia where three Popes were deposed and that thē Martine the .5 was ●he●st●r by the Emperors meanes chosen We heare of a booke of reformatiō offred to themperour for the abuses of some matters ecclesiastical But in al that boke there is not one word either against the Catholike faythe or for M. Hornes heresies Onely he reherseth vp certayne abuses which he woulde haue amended And as for our matter nowe in hande he sayth expressely that the Church of Rome beareth the Principalyte or chief rule in Christes Church deriued principally from Gods ordinaunce and secondarely from the Coūcels What doth this relieue you M. Horne We heare farder that themperour and other princes would not suffer the pope to trāslate the Councell of Basile to an other place and finally that the pope Eugenius was deposed in the foresayd Councell at Basile But what serueth all this for your purpose Yea what shameles impudencie is this for yow thus to vaunte your selfe vppō the doings of these two councels that cōdemne your great Apostle Wiccliffe for an horrible heretyke and so consequently al your Geneuical doctrine now practised in England And ye must remember that not themperour but the Councel deposed these popes that is the bishops You doe fynde theire sentence definityue in the .34 Session of the Councel of Basill by your selfe alleaged But for the sentēce definitiue of themperour for theis depositions or any matter of religion ye shall not fynd Ergo the bisshops were the heads and not themperour And so are ye nothing the nearer for the deposition of Eugenius Who yet this depositiō notwithstanding continued pope still as M. Iewell him selfe witnesseth against you M. Horne and the duke of Sauoye of whome ye make mention in your nexte argumēt elected in Eugenius his place by the sayde councell was fayne to renounce his papacy as your selfe confesse And notwithstanding so many and so great princes that ye name withstode the translation of yt yet was the councell of Basill translated to Ferraria first and thē to Florence where the greke Emperour and the Grecians were reconciled to the vnity of the Church and among other things acknowledged the Popes Primacy So that ye haue nowe lost all your goodly schismaticall argumentes that ye haue in this your book brought out of Nilus and otherwise for the Grecians rebellion against the sayd primacy But what doe you tell vs here of Theodorike Nyem and of his greate and large proufes that the reformation of the Church belonged to the Emperours In dede proue he would such a matter But as for him bothe his maner of writing is so course and his proufs so weake that you were ashamed to bring any one of thē into the face of the opē Court And in very dede it is but a great vntruth of yours so to reporte of him Namely out of that booke and Chapter which you alleage For ther he bringeth neither good reason nor any parte of the word of God both which you auouche him to bring and that at large but only one sentence of a decree and the exāple of king Theodorike in the matter of pope Symachus which matter as I haue before proued maketh expressely for the popes primacy Such a discrete writer you haue picked out to help forward so badde a matter But to let this mā passe I will nowe
hath plainelye condemned the prophane maner of determinyng causes Ecclesiasticall nowe vsed by mere laye men at the warrant of suche as yowe are But for the Popes Primacye none more clere then this Charlemaine bothe in his doinges as in the cause of Pope Leo the .3 and in his sayinges as in the booke so much by you and your fellowes alleaged and in the decrees it appeareth Lewys the first sonne to this Charlemayne practised no parte of your Supremacye but the Popes at that tyme hadde as full vse thereof as any Popes before or fithens the confirmation of the Pope before elected and chosen notwithstandinge of the which matter in that place I haue aunswered you sufficientlye There also you haue Maister Horne out of the Notable Epistle of Nicolaus .1 to Michael the Emperour and by the practise of the .8 Generall Councell at large declared vnto you both the Popes Primacye in all Spirituall matters and the Emperour or Princes subiection in the same by the Confession of the Emperour himselfe Basilius of Constantinople present in that Councel Arnulphus his example hathe nothinge holpen yowe The bedroll of certaine euill Popes by yow browght in onelye declareth your malice to Gods Vicares and furdereth nothinge your badde cause Your surmise adioyned of the cause of the calamities at that tyme hathe argued your greate folye and ignorance of the stories except we shall say that malice made you blinde Otho the first shewed such obediēce to the See of Rome yea to the naughty Pope Iohn the .12 that he is no fit exāple for the like gouernement in Princes as you maintayne but for the like obedience to the See Apostolike as Catholike Princes and Emperours haue alwaies shewed you coulde not haue brought a more notable or excellent example ād that proued out of the Authours by your selfe alleaged Hugh Capet the Frenche King and Otho the .3 Emperour haue euen in the matters by your selfe treated bene proued obediēt and subiect to the See Apostolike without any colour of the like gouernement as you would fasten vpon them Your great matter of Henry the .4 and Pope Hildebrād hath concluded flatte against you with a great number of your lewde vntruthes in that behalfe discouered and confuted The Popes Primacy in no matter more abundantly and clerely proued The matter of inuesturing bishops your chief matter to proue the Princes Supremacy in al Ecclesiasticall causes in Henry .5 Lotharius and Conradus Emperours hath proued your purpose no deale at al namely Henry .5 resigning vp all such pretensed right to pope Calixtus the .2 But in al these matters how beastly you haue belyed the stories I haue I trust sufficiently declared Frederike Barbarossa speaketh no woorde for your barbarous paradoxe he obeyed no lesse then other Emperors the See of Rome yea and at the last submitted himselfe to the Pope whō before he persecuted not as true Pope but as he thought an intruded Pope He neuer made question whether he ought to obeye the See Apostolike or no but only he doubted who was the true elected Pope and tooke parte with the worste side The question nowe in our dayes is farre vnlike And so are your proufes M. Horne farre and extreme wide from the purpose in hande Nowe for matters of our owne Countre and for Ecclesiasticall gouernement practised therin you are so ouertaken as in no Countre more It hath well appered by that I haue at large sayd and proued that longe and many yeres before the Conqueste at which time you onely beginne your course as well in Brytannie before the Saxons coming as in England after of thē it was so called the Popes Primacy was clerely confessed and practised euen as it is at this day amonge the Catholikes euery where As for the gouernement of William the Conquerour of William Rufus his sonne and of kinge Henry the first it hath bene proued so farre vnlike to that which you pretende of right to appertayne to the Crowne of Englande yea to all princes whatsoeuer that the Popes Supreme gouernement in spirituall matters is by their examples yea euen by the testimony of your owne Authours so expressely proued and so strongely established that a man may well wonder what wytte honestie or discretion you had ones to touche the remembraunce of them for proufe of so badde a cause Your patched adiuncte of the kinges of Hungary hath appeared a greate vntruth on your part and nothing for your purpose except lies can proue your purpose That which foloweth of the Armenians and of the Aethyopians proueth also moste euidently the Popes Supremacy in those Countries but proueth no whit your singular paradoxicall primacy Verely so singular that in no one parte of the vniuersall worlde it can be founde The doinges of King Stephen and kinge Henry the .2 haue proued the popes Supremacy in our Coūtre but that kinde of Supremacy as you imagine they make no proufe of in the worlde The Martyrdome of S. Thomas by the way also is defended against your ād M. Foxes lewed lying about that matter Henry the .6 Philip and Otho the .4 Emperors of Rome haue bene no fitte examples for the like gouernement now in England and your sely argumentes in that behalfe haue bene to to childish and feble Your proufes of kinge Richard the firste and of kinge Iohn haue appeared mere ridiculous Onely by occasion therof the lewed lying of M. Foxe hath bene partly discouered touchinge kinge Iohn Your matters of Fraunce about that time haue proued the popes primacy not the Princes By the discourse of Friderike the .2 his doinges as your principall cause hath taken a great foyle so a mayne number of other your heresies by your own Authours and your owne Supreme head condemned haue geuē a great cracke to al your Religion beside The time of kinge Henry the .3 condemneth alltogether the primacy in your booke defended and pronounceth clerely for the Popes Supremacy by sundry and open practises as Appeales to Rome depositions of prelates by the pope makinge of Ecclesiasticall lawes by his Legate and such other And for your parte in that place you haue vttered your greate ignorance euen in the latin tongue At that time also S. Lewys the Frenche kinge agnised no lesse the popes primacy in Fraunce and therefore can be no fitte example of such Supreme gouernement as by Othe M. Feckenham is required to sweare vnto The like also appeareth by the state of Apulia and Sicilia in those dayes As for kinge Edwarde the firste kinge of England the Popes primacy in his time was so well agnised in the realm of England that euen in temporal matters his Authorytie tooke place Your fonde surmise of the Statute of Mortemayne hath exemplified your lewde lying and encreased the number of your maniefolde vntruthes It hath not exemplified your pretended primacy neither any thinge furdered you for proufe of your matter Philip le
and of al other protestāt prelats without the realm of Englād no lesse then the Catholike bishopes in Germany or any other where And so stād you post alone in matters of religiō not to be informed instructed or corrected in any doubtefull matter or peril of schisme As though you had a warrāt frō the holy Ghost neither to faile in the faith nor at any time to haue Prīces that may fayle For al this you annex ād vnite to the Crown of Englād for euer Seuēthly ād last in excludīg ād renoūcing euery forain Prelat ād al power Authority ād Iurisdictiō of euery forain Prelat you exclude ād renoūce the whol body of the Church without the realm which cōsisteth most ꝓperly ād most effectually of the bishops ād prelats the heads therof And as in tēporal Iurisdictiō the othe bindeth al the subiects of the Realm of Englād to obey the only kings and Quenes of that Realm which we doe graūt also most gladly so that if al princes in the worlde woulde ioyne together ād cōclude a kind of regimēt appoint lawes ād enact statutes for the better ordering ād directing of the cōmon wealth the subiects of Englād by vertue of this othe are boūd to renoūce al such power except our own prīce would allow thē and cōdescēd thervnto which thing is reasonable enough for al coūtries nede not to be gouerned in external maters after one sort nor at al times a like the state therof beīg chāgeable ād mutable euē so in spiritual or Ecclesiastical Iurisdictiō the othe so expressely renounceth al power ād Autority of forain prelats that if al prelats ād bishops of the world beside wolde mete together or otherwise agre ī one truth order or law ecclesiastical which hath oftē ben don and may alwaies be done in general Coūcels the subiects of Englād are boūd vnder pain of periury ād of a praemunire to renoūce al such orders lawes ād decrees or cōcluded Truthes which is shortly to say to renounce and forsweare al obediēce to the General Councels that is the whole corps of Christendome represented therin except it shal please the prīce ād prelats of our Coūtre to agre to the same Which is to make our prīce ād our prelats either as superiours to al other prīces ād Coūtries or at the lest as alienats ād strāgers frō the whole body of Christendō beside as though we had a proper Christ a proper Ghospell ād looked for a proper heauē in the which other christened Natiōs should find no place And what is this els but by booke Othe flatly to renoūce the Catholik Church ād the cōmuniō of Saints both which in our Crede we professe to beleue These be M. Horn the horrible absurdities that doth necessarily folow of this part of the Othe And wheras M. Horn sayth it were ouer much detestable if M. Fecknam were moued to sweare but against one article of our Crede M. Horn muste nedes confesse this othe to be ouer muche detestable whereby not onely M. Fekenham but many other are moued and forced to sweare againste an especiall article of our Crede to wit Against our obedience to the Catholyke Churche The effecte of the Othe and the sence of that Article being cleane contrary one to the other The which that it may to the vnlerned Reader more plainely appeare in this Table following I haue opened the whole contrariety THE TABLE The Article of our Crede I beleue the Catholike Churche Hereof ariseth this proposition as M. Fekenham by a similitude setteth it forth and M. Horn alloweth it fol. 100. b. All Englishmen being Christians ought to admitte and receyue professe and obey the Authority of the Catholike Church that is of the bishops of all Christendome of whome the greatest part are forayne prelats to our Realme in matters of faith and doctrine touching the same The contrary hereof is No Englishmen though Christians may admitte professe or obey any Authority of any forain prelat without the Realme of England The tenour of one parte of the Othe as M. Horne reporteth it pag. 99. b. All true subiectes ought and muste renounce and forsake all forraine iurisdictions povvers superiority preeminences and Authorities of euery forayn prince and prelat state or potentat The equiualent of this part of the Othe is No true subiect of England though Christian ought or may admitte and receyue any forraine Authority power or Iurisdiction of any forayne prelat Thus then the equiualent proposition of the Othe matcheth iumpe with the contrary of the Article and stādeth cleane opposite to the equiualent of the Article Thus. The equiualēt proposition of the Article of our Crede is   The equiualent of the Othe is Al Englishmen being Christiās ought to admit and receiue the autority of forain prelats the most part of Christēdome being to vs foraine in matters of faith and Doctrine touching the same by them authorised Contrary No Englishmen thoughe Christians ought or may admitte and receyue any forayne Authoritye of any forayne prelat Subalterne CONTRADICTORY CONTRADICTORY Subalterne Some Englishmen being Christiās ought to admitte and receyue the Authoritye of forayne prelats c. Subcontrary Some Englishmen being Christiās ought not to receiue and admit but to renounce and forsake al forayne authority of al forayn prelats c. By this it appeareth that the equiualent of the Othe is cleane contrary to the plaine sence of the Article of Our Crede sette forthe by M. Fekenham in the similitude of the members and the body and in the same similitude cōfessed of M. Horne for good By this also it appereth that a true subiect taking the Othe meaning as he sweareth which if he doe not he forsweareth himselfe and a true Christian professing his Crede can not possibly stande together but are direct contrarye one to the other The one professīg obediēce to the body of the Church cōsistīg for the most and chiefest parte of forayne Bisshoppes as euery member must obey the whole body the other renoūcing flatly all Authoritye of all forayne prelates as in dede no member of that Catholike body but as a schismaticall parte cutte of from the whole Then will it to our greate confusion of vs be verified which S. Augustine saieth Turpis omnis pars est suo vniuerso non congruens Filthye and shamefull is that parte which agreeth not with his whole And which is not only shamefull but most pernicious and daungerous of all what place shall then all General Councelles haue with vs Quorumest in Ecclesia saluberrima Authoritas whose Authority in the Church is most holesome saieth S. Augustin Verilye the Christen inhabitants of our Countre more then a thousande yeres paste had learned an other lesson For whereas the Pelagian heretikes hadde infected the Brittaynes with their pestiferous heresie the Brittaynes them selues being as venerable Bede recordeth neither willing to receaue their lewde doctrine neither able to refute theire wyly and wicked persuasions
deuised this holsome Councell to seke for ayde of the Bisshoppes of Frāce against their spirituall enemies wherevpō two learned bisshops of France Germanus and Lupus were sent into Brittanie to redresse and represse those heresies If those Catholike Brittanies had taken such an othe as M. Horn here doth iustifie they should I trow haue incurred periurie or treason to seke redresse in matters of religion at the handes of those foraine Bisshoppes Likewise when Melitus the first Bisshoppe of London trauailed out of Englande to Rome to counsell Pope Boniface of matters touching the direction of the Englishe Churche when also the Clergy of Scotlande being troubled with the Pelagian heresie and schismaticall obseruation of Easter sent to Rome for redresse Maister Horne must be driuen to say either that those Bisshoppes committed periurie and treason against their Princes or els that in those dayes no such othe was tendred nor no such regiment practised on Princes partes as this othe commaundeth Farder if it be necessarie reasonable or requisite that all true subiestes must renounce the Iurisdiction and Authoritye of euery forain prelate Howe farre was S. Augustine ouersene which so often tymes so earnestlye and so expressely chargeth the Donatistes with the Authoritie power and iurisdiction of forain prelates beyond the seas out of Afrike He saieth of them touching the accusation of Cecilianus their Bisshoppe Quem primò vtique apud collegas transmarinos conuincere debuerant They ought first of all to haue conuinced him before his fellowe Bisshops beyond the seas He saith farder that in case Cecilian hadde bene gyltye they ought not therefore to separate themselues from the Churches beyonde the seas of Ephesus of Smirna of Laodicea and of other Countreis He saith the whole Churche of Christ is but one bodye And they that separate them selues from that bodye vt eorum cōmunio non sit cū toto quacūque diffunditur sed in aliqua parte separata inueniatur manifestum est eos non esse in Ecclesia Catholica so that they cōmunicate not with the whole body whersoeuer it be spred abroad but be foūd to be separated in some parte therof it is manifest that they be not in the Catholike Churche I say nowe M. Horne yf by vertue of this othe euerye true subiect must renounce euery foraine prelate then did S. Augustine much wronge to the Donatistes to require them to conuince their aduersarie before the Bisshops beyond the seas which doth import an Authority of al those forain bishops ouer the Africans alone thē was he to blame to charge them with separatiō frō forain prelates of Ephesus Smirna and Laodicea and other Countreis Last of all then was he farre wyde to pronounce them for mē cleane out of the Catholike Churche which seuered them selues from the society of any part thereof Then also might the Donatist had he learned so far furth his lesson as you haue both easied him self of much trauell out of Afrike into Italy and Fraunce and also might sone haue stopped S. Augustines mouth saying What haue we to doe with forain prelates beyond the seas what nede we care for their Authority iurisdiction society and communion We are true subiectes of Afrik We renounce al foraine power Iurisdiction and Authoritye And truely I see no cause but with as good reason and conscience al subiects of all realmes may and ought to renounce by othe the power and Authoritie of al forain prelats or bishops out of their land and Countre as we of Englād must ād ought so to do out of ours Which if it be ones graunted enacted and agreed vpō in al other realmes as it is in oures what ende wil there be of schismes and dissension in the Church What hope of vnytie can be cōceyued Or howe can euer vnytie be long maintayned What communion what society what felowshippe can there be amonge Christen people What Authorytie shall general Councels haue which consiste in maner altogether in forayn prelates and bishops if this othe be accompted good In the first second third fourth fyft sixt seuenth and eigth general Coūcell of Christendom we reade not of any one Braityne or English bishop to haue ben present there In the 6. general Councels pope Agatho cōfessed that Theodorus the Archbishop of Caunterbury was called thither and long looked for But for his great charge at home in those beginnings of the English Church he came not Wilfrid of Yorke was at Rome but not at Constantinople where that general Coūcel was holden What thē shal our Church of England renounce the Authoryte of al those general Councels as the Authorytie of foraine prelats by vertu of this Othe What can be more detestable or abhomynable But they which conceyued and endyted firste this thirde parte of the Othe of renouncing all Authoryte of euery forain prelat had they not trow you M. Horn a directe ey to general Councels and did they not by that clause closely disburden and discharge the whole realme of al obedience to general Coūcelles namely to the general Coūcel of Trent that thē was assembled And if they intended not so much see you not then howe vnaduisedly howe daungerously and to howe great a preiudice that part of the Othe was conceyued and endyted Aga●ne yf so much was not intended howe cometh it to passe that in the iniunctions where the Othe is drawen as much as may be to a gentle exposition this part is not so interpreted as it might not seme to exclude the Authority of general Councels then the which there is in the Churche no higher or more Supreme Authoritye excepte the Pope him selfe that is the vndoubted Heade thereof By this that hath ben said appereth M. Horne how falsly and slaunderously you charge M. Fekenhā with thre seueral lies l●wde shameful ād mōstrous For first it is no lewde lie but a foule and lewde heresy of yours that you haue erected a new faith a new Religion and a new vse of Sacraments not only to al the Church throughout the worlde before your daies but also frō your felow protestāts the Lutherās the Osiādrins ād the Anabaptists If you take this for a slaūder clere your self of your horrible heresies ād schisms in the table of Staphylus It is no shameful lie but a shameful and worse then a detestable case that by this corporall othe you haue forced many a soule to renoūce and refuse in effect though not in plain words the deuil hīself would not be so bolde at lest at the beginning these two Articles or points of our faith I beleue the Catholik Church and I beleue the Cōmunion of Saints It is no mōstrous lie but a most monstrous and pytiful case that you by othe renoūcing the power and Authority of euery forain prelat in plaine Englishe haue made the Catholik Church which cōsisteth of al forain prelats and bisshops out of England not of English bisshops onely in plaine Englishe a mere foraine
a special licēce Neither do the .574 expresse vvords of the statut geue to the prince al manner of iurisdictiōs in such absolute vvise as you report in any wise and any spiritual iurisdictiō within the realme For these termes all maner in any wise and any spiritual iurisdiction vvhich you enforce so much are not found in the gift or restitutition of spiritual iurisdictiō made by the acte vnto the Prince but in that part vvhere the Acte geueth aftervvard povver and authority to the Prince to execute the Iurisdictiō novv vnited and annexed to the Croune by mete delegats to be assigned named ▪ ād authorised by cōmissiō or letters patents vnder the great Seale of england If ye vvil hereof infer that bycause the princes haue by vertue of the acte full povver and authority to name assigne and authorise any person vvhom they shal thinke mete to exercise vse occupy and exequute vnder thē al maner of iurisdictions priuileges and preheminences in any vvise touching or concerning any spiritual or ecclesiastical iurisdictiō vvithin theyr dominions or countries Therfore al maner iurisdictiō is in the prince to be exercised vsed occupied and executed by them for othervvise you vvil say the princes cannot geue ād cōmit to others that vvhich they haue not receiued and is not in thē selues Your argument is easely ansvvered in fevv vvords it is a foule .575 Sophisticatiō à secundū quid ad simpliciter These vvords of the act al maner in any wise are .576 restrained and boūded vvithin the limites of the gift vvhere you of purpose to beguile the simple vvithal do let thē runne at large and set them forth as mère and simple vniuersalles vvithout any limites at al. The Acte geueth or restoreth to the prince iurisdictions priuileges superiorities and preheminencies spirituall and ecclesiastical but it .577 addeth this limitation suche as by any spirituall or ecclesiastical povver or authority hath heretofore ben or may laufully be exercised or vsed And for that these vvords as by any spiritual or ecclesiastical power or authority hath heretofore ben or laufully be exercised and vsed may be maliciously stretched by avvrāgling Papist and might seme to som that haue good meaning also to geue ouer large a scope the mater or obiect vvherin or vvhere about those spiritual or ecclesiastical iurisdictiōs priuileges superiorities and preheminēces are exercised vsed and doe consist is limited ād added in these .578 expresse vvords for the visitation of the ecclesiastical state and persōs and for reformatiō order and correction of the same and of al maner errors heresies schismes abuses offences contēptes and enormities vvhich vvords of limitatiō in the gift as they geue not to the prince the exercise of that iurisdiction that cōsisteth and vvorketh in the invvarde and secrete court of cōscience by the preaching of the vvord and ministration of the Sacramentes vvhich belōgeth only and alone to the Bishops neither do they authorise the prince to vse that iurisdiction that belongeth properly to the vvhole church euē so do they geue rightly vnto the prince to exercise al maner iurisdictions priuileges superiorities and preeminences in any vvise touching and cōcerning any spiritual or ecclesiastical iurisdictiō .579 cōteined vnder the second kind of cohibitiue iurisdictiō for that may the Prince laufully exercise and vse and doth not belōg vnto the Bisshops othervvise then by .580 cōmission and authority of positiue Lavves This limitatiō of iurisdiction set forth by expresse vvords in the Act you knovv right vvel ye vvere also at sundrie times put in mind thereof and you vvere vvel assured that your alleaging the vvords of the Act so darkly cōfusedly and .581 vntruly could neuer further your cause amōgest the vvise and yet vvould you nedes publissh them in this sort to the people vvherby at the least to make both the Prince and the lavv odious vnto the simple subiects The Bisshops haue by the expres vvord of God cōmission of spiritual gouernmet ouer their flock that is to fede the flock of Christ cōmitted to their charge vvith Gods holy vvord as I haue declared before ●hey haue cōmission to absolue the faithfully penitēt and to retaine or bind the impenitēt that is to .582 declare and assure both the one and the other by the vvord of the Ghospel of Gods iudgemēt tovvard thē VVhat vvil ye infer herof VVil ye cōclude therfore they haue al maner of Spiritual gouernmēt o●●urisdictiō ouer thē Yōg Logiciās knovv this is an yl cōsequēt that cōcludeth vpō one or diuers particulars affirmatiuely an vniuersall Thus .583 ye argue Bisshops by the expres vvord of God haue cōmission to preach to their cures to remit or retein sinnes Ergo they haue cōmission by the expres vvord of God to Sōmon Coūcels or Synods general or prouincial to visit that is iudicially sitting in iudgemēt to enquire of mēs maners and forinsically to punissh or correct and to decide the cōtrouersies amōgst the people touching contracts of matrimony vvhordom tythes sclaunders c. And to ordeine Decrees Lavves Ceremonies Rites c. If this conclusion follovv consequently vpon your antecedent thē doth it ouerthrovv the doctrin of your Romissh diuinity vvhich graūteth not to the Bisshops īmediatly from God this povver vvithout a special commission from the Pope in vvhom only as the Papists say is fulnes of iurisdictiō and povver But if this conclusion follovv not consequētly vpō the ātecedēt as a mā more thē half blind may plainly see it doth not thē haue ye concluded 584 nothīg at al by Christes diuinity that may further the matter ye haue taken in hande to proue You falsly reporte the scriptures in this that you saie the Bisshops haue cōmission by the expres vvord of God to geue vnto their flockes and cures the holy Ghoste by imposition of their handes For the place vvhich ●e quote for that purpose expresseth no such commission neither .585 any other place of the holy scriptures The Bishoppes haue so daungerous a cure and chardge ouer the soules committed vnto them that God vvill require the bloud of those that perishe thorough their negligence at their handes and therfore hath geuen them sufficient commission for the discharge of their cures It vvere therefore an horrible absurdity if they might not exercise any Iurisdiction ouer them if they might not visit refourme order and correct them by that commissiō vvithout a further commission from the Q. highnes But doo yee not perceiue vvhich the most simple may see vvhereof also yee often vvere admonished by me your vvarbling sleight and Sophisticall quarellinge in equiuocation of vvordes and termes As there are tvvo .586 sortes of Iurisdictiō vvhereof the one not Cohibitiue properly belongeth to the Bishoppe vvhich he may and ought to exercise ouer his flocke vvithout any other commission than of Christ so to visit refourme order and correct are of tvvo sortes the one
serue the parish Churches your selfe For a greate parte yea and a notable number of your ministers can not reade Latin And therfore M. Nowell beinge in his last booke against M. Dorman in the same vayne that you here are M. Horn and sett in a pelting chafe with an inuincible place out of S. Ambrose ruffling in his lusty rhetorike against poore Sir Iohns as you do here durst not yet to cal thē Sir Iohn lacke latins but ful prouidently called thē Sir Iohn lacke lerning Bicause forsothe he sawe full wel that his felowe Ministres were Sir Iohn lacke latins as well as poore priestes Mary yet perhaps in his conceyt they lacked not lerninge bicause they can reade in the English bible Therefore he thought it the surest to call ignorant priestes Sir Iohn lacke lerninge not Sir Iohn lacke latins This point of wisedome you may M. Horne lerne hereafter of M. Nowel to saue the honesty of your Sir Iohn lacke latins swarming nowe as thicke in England as euer they did before Yea such preachers fyll the most parte of your pulpittes and the eares and hearts of the people with much heresie and setteth them at a lewde licentiouse liberty to speake what they will and do what they liste And here it commeth to my mind that was credibly tolde me touching one of theis your ministring preachers that not many yeares sythens came to a parish within the Diocesse of Winchester to preach And being demaunded his Licence did exhibite it but beinge required before the people to reade yt could not whervppon the people fell into such a lawghter that our preacher had no great luste to shewe his cunning there but full slily shronke away from them and stole away with his clerkly sermon that he thought to haue made there And wherein I pray you resteth a greate parte of your newe clergy but in butchers Cookes Catchpoules and Coblers Diers and Dawbers fellons carrying their marke in theire hande in steade of a shauen crowne fissher men gunners harpers Innekepers Merchauntes and Mariners Netmakers potters potycaries and porters of Belinsgate pynners pedlers ruffling ruffins sadlers sheermen and shepherds tanners tilers tinckers trumpeters weauers whery men caet Demaunde of theis fresh clerks M. Horn at your next visitation whether it must be read corpus meum or corpus meus And see whether any of them can resolue his felowes better then the priest you speake of did that being him self doutful vsed as you say his Pater noster in stede of the words of consecration Wil they not trowe you make answer as a Minister in M. Iewels dyocese did who in a visitatiō being apposed for trial of his latin tōgue what case was Decen●er answered that he thanked God highly that he had neuer learned that Romish ād Papisticall latin tongue But what Latin shal a mā loke for at such mēs hands yea or what honesty either To describe the dissolut and naughty viciouse lyfe of your ministers would fill vp a booke of a good quātity ād the hearers eares with to much lothsomnes I coulde here rippe vppe a number of detestable partes and some of them playde in your pretensed Diocese especially of William Webbe the trumpetour and minister of Otterborne nighe to Winchester who hauing a Ghospelling yokemate of his owne tawghte a yonge mayden in the Churche to singe the holy Geneuical psalmes and as he corrupted her sowle with wicked heresy so he defyled her body with suche lewde lechery that he was faine to flee the parish for shame And yet as I here say he is become at London an holy minister againe I wil forbeare to lade your honest eares good reader with any moe such dishonest and sluttish stories wherof we haue the more pity to much plenty Theis ād such like are the wicked king Hieroboams ministers the which falling from the true Church of Hierusalem into idolatry as you and your fellowes are fallen into heresy which is also in scripture called idolatrie made the lowest of the people and such as were not of the tribe of Leuie peculiarlie and onelye by God appointed his priests Was not I beseache yow M. Horne the disorder of theis and other both in theire lyuinge and preaching suche that the Quenes Maiesty of her graciouse goodnes caused a number of Licences geuen them to preach to be called in againe For all that ye haue so ofte visited get yow out ones agayne in visitation M. Horne and amend your owne people and your owne selfe principallie accordinge to the rules of the holy scripture and then call your visitation a scripturely visitation and the other among the Catholyks nothing but a forinsecall and a canonicall visitation Suerly yt is a meruelouse Ghospell that ye haue of late broched which besides moste detestable heresies importeth such a breach and dissolution of all honest and vertuouse lyuing that your owne Apostle Luther was fayne to call vppon the Duke of Saxony to make visitation vppon visitation for reformation And fayne to crye out that his newe Ghospellinge children were worse then euer they were vnder the pope yea tenne tymes worse then the Sodomites Therefore talke as holily as ye will of your scripturely visitations the truthe ys they are as dyrecte contrary to scripture as darcknes ys to lighte and they are the very nurseries of all heresyes and licentiouse lyuing And shortly but withall truely to conclude how scripturely they are I say ye cā no better iustify your visitations and other your doings by scripture thē the deuil him self could iustifie his allegation bringing forth scripture not to the poore simple and vnlettered people as you doe but to Christ him self willing him to cast him self down frō the pinacle of the tēple with scriptum est enim for it is writen sayth the deuill And what is the scope of all your doynges and preachinges to the people but mitte te deorsum Cast thy self headlong downe from the highe towre of the lyghtsome catholyke fayth into the lowe darke Dongeon of all deuelishe heresie From the highe mounte of a vertuouse and an austere lyfe in to the lowe vale of all licentiouse and dissolute behauiour What is all your preaching but downe downe downe with holy bread holy water with all the holy ceremonies in baptisme and in the other sacramentes with fastinge with nighte prayer with all prayer to be made for owre fathers or frendes sowles or to the blessed Virgin Mary and to all other Hallowes with al Aulters with masse yea and with the blessed body of Christ in the Sacramente which hath bene moste vilanously defiled not onely by blasphemous bokes and sermons but most wickedly taken from the aulter and moste horribly yea and that in our most famouse Vniuersity conculced with the wicked feete of one of your Ghospellinge preachers And by what warrant ye may sette forth in your so scripturely visitations this your hereticall doctrine against the reall
exercuerunt Vtinam potius liceat perpetua obliuione eorum memoriam obruere I will not reaken vp the vnhappy combats that haue exercised the Church in our time about the sense of these words I would rather they might ones vtterly be forgotten And by and by he reiecteth the opinion of Carolostadius calling it insul●um cōmentum a doltish deuise I say then of Caluin the bemoning of the matter betrayeth his meaning It is not his maner perdy to bemone the Papistes Protestants then nedes must they be whome Caluin there calleth blasphemous But here note good Reader what shiftes these fellowes haue when they are pressed to see the truthe M. Nowell laieth al the fault to false reporters and as Caluin pitied him and his felowes for inconsiderat zele so he pitieth Caluin againe for incōsiderat beleuing of false reporters But what a foolish pitie this was on M. Nowells part and how vnsauerly he soluteth this obiection I leaue it to M. Dorman who will I doubt not sufficiently discouer his exceding foly herein Thus then M. Nowell But what shifte hath M. Horne Forsothe full wilely and closely he stealeth cleane away from the matter it self framing to M. Feckenham an argumente whiche the basest Logicioner of a hundred woulde be ashamed lo vtter And thus with folie on the one side and crafte on the other side willfulnes ouercometh heresie contineweth and the obiection is vnanswered Yet to presse it a litle more for such as haue eies and shut thē not against the light you shal vnderstād that Iohn Caluin was offended not only with his brethern of Englād but also with those of Germany yea and of his own neighbors about him for attributing to Princes the spirituall gouernemēt which M. Horn auoucheth to be the principall parte of the Princes royall power In the booke and leafe before noted he saith Sed interea sunt homines inconsiderati qui faciūt illos nimis spirituales Et hoc vitium passim regnat in Germania In his etiam regionibus nimium grassatur Et nunc sentimus quales fructus nascantur ex illa radice quòd scilicet principes et quicunque potiuntur imperio putent se ita spirituales esse vt nullum sit amplius Ecclesiasticum Regimen Et hoc sacrilegium apud eos grassatur quia non possunt metiri suum officium certis legitimis finibus sed non putant posse se regnare nisi aboleāt omnem Ecclesiae authoritatē sint summi iudices tam in doctrina quàm in toto spirituali regimine But in the meane while there are vnaduised persons which doe make thē he meaneth Lay Princes to spirituall And this ouersight rayneth most in Germany In these Countres also it procedeth ouermuch And nowe we feele what fruytes springe vp of that roote verely that Princes and al such as do beare rule think thē selues nowe so spirituall that there is no more any Ecclesiastical gouernemēt And this sacrilege taketh place among thē bicause they can not measure their office within certayn and lawful boundes But are persuaded that their kingdome is nothinge except they abolish all Authority of the Church and become them selues the Supreme Iudges as wel in doctrine as in al kinde of Spirituall gouernement Hitherto Iohn Caluin If M. Feckenham or any Catholike subiecte of England had said or writē so much you would haue charged him M. Horn with an vnkind meaning to the Prince ād to the State yea and say that he bereueth and spolyeth the Prince of the principall part of her royall power But now that Caluin saith it a man by you not onely estemed but authorised also so farre as is aboue sayd what saye you to it M. Horne or what can you possybly deuise to say He calleth yt plaine sacrilege that princes can not measure and limit their power but that they must become the supreme Iudges in all Ecclesiasticall gouernement And doe not you M. Horne defend that princes not onely may but oughte also to be the Supreme Gouernours in all Ecclesiasticall causes All I say nay you say your selfe without exception For if say you ye excepte or take away any thinge yt ys not all You thē M. Horn that auouch so sternly that the Prince must haue al supreme gouernement in matters Ecclesiasticall answer to your Maister to your Apostle and to your Idoll Iohn Caluin of Geneua and satisfie his complaynte complayning and lamenting that Princes wil be the Supreme Iudges as well in doctrine as in all kinde of Spirituall gouernement Answer to the zelous Lutherans and the famous lyers of Magdeburge who in their preface vpon the 7. Century complaine also ful bitterly that the lay Magistrats wil be heads of the Church wil determine dostrine and appoynte to the Ministers of God what they shall preache and teache and what forme of Religion they shall folowe And is not all your preaching and teaching and the whole forme and maner of all your Religion nowe in England enacted established and set vp by acte of parliament by the lay magistrats only the Ministers of God all the bishops and the inferiour clergy in the Conuocation howse vtterly but in vayne reclayming against it Speake speake Maister Morne Is not all that you doe in matters of Religion obtruded to Priestes and Ministers by force of the temporall Lawe Aunswere then to Caluines complaynte Aunswere to your bretherne of Germanie Yea aunswere to Philippe Melanchthon the piller and ankerhold of the ciuill Lutherans who saith also that in the Interim made in Germany Potestas politica extrametas egressa est The Ciuil power passed her boundes and addeth Non sunt confundendae functiones The functions of both Magistrats are not to be cōfounded Yea answer to Luther him selfe the great grādsir of al your pedegree He saith plainly Non est Regum aut Principum etiam veram doctrinam confirmare sed ei subijci seruire It belongeth not to Kings or Princes so much as to confirme the true doctrine but to be subiecte and to obeye it See you not here howe farre Luther is frō geuing the supreme gouernemēt in al Ecclesiastical causes to Princes Answere then to these M. Horne These are no Papistes They are your own dere brethern Or yf they are not defye them that we way knowe of what secte and company you are What wil you in matters of Religiō stand post alone Wil you so rent and teare a sonder the whole Coate of Christ the vnity of his dere spouse the Church that you alone of England contrary not only to al the Catholik Church but also contrary to the chief M. of Geneua Iohn Caluin contrary to the Chief Maisters of the Zelous Lutherans Illiricus and his felowes contrrary to the Chief M. of the Ciuil Lutherans Philip Melanchton yea and contrary to the father of thē al Martin Luther briefly cōtrary to al sortes and sectes of Protestants you wil alone you only I say