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A07280 The triumphs of Nassau: or, A description and representation of all the victories both by land and sea, granted by God to the noble, high, and mightie lords, the Estates generall of the vnited Netherland Prouinces Vnder the conduct and command of his excellencie, Prince Maurice of Nassau. Translated out of French by W. Shute Gent.; Nassauschen lauren-crans. English Orlers, Jan Janszn., 1570-1646.; Shute, W.; Haestens, Henrick van. aut 1613 (1613) STC 17676; ESTC S114453 320,305 400

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send them from Sluce to Sea or else through the channell of Iperlee into other Hauens of Flanders He had likewise prepared seuentie flat bottomed vessels in the little Riuer at Waten each of them beeing able to carrie thirtie horse with Bridges fit to ship them he had likewise two hundred more of these Boates though not so big readie in the Hauen of Newport He had rigd two and thirtie ships of warre at Dunkirke wanting mariners he drew diuers from Hambourg Breme and Embden He had two thousand emptie vessels readie at Grauelin which in a short space might be soon fastened together in maner of a bridge with all prouision to make bridges to choake vp hauens and to found them and neere to the Hauen of Newport hee had prepared great heapes of Fagots and other substance to make Gabions in many of his Boates were two Ouens to bake bread he had likewise great numbers of Saddles Bridles and furniture for horse with all sorts of ordnance and munition necessarie thereunto Beside he had a Campe readie not farre from Newport commaunded by Camillo the Campe-Master and thirtie Ensignes of Italians tenne of Walons eight of Scots eight of Burgonians in all fiftie sixe Ensignes euerie Ensigne an hundred men compleat Neere to Dixmuyde hee had sixtie Spanish Ensignes sixtie of Almans and seuen of reuolted English vnder the commaund of of Sir William Stanley The Earle of Westmerland and the Lord Paget English fugitiues were there likewise readie to imbarke In the suburbs of Courtray he had foure thousand horse 900 horse at Watene with the Marquesse of Guastos Cornet who was Generall of the horse Pope Sixtus the fist the better to strengthen the sayd Armie and weaken the Queene of Englands power did for his part doe all he could imploying his spirituall armes as they terme it published his Croizades and Bulls for the aduancement of this enterprise and gaue great pardons which were printed and distributed abroad He had likewise as it is reported giuen the Realme of England to the King of Spaine with this Title of Defender of the Christian faith commaunding him to surprise it on condition that if he should win it he should enioy it as a seodatarie to the See of Rome and to this end the Pope contributed a million of gold or ten ne hundred thousand ducats the one halfe in hand and the other when eyther England or some famous Hauen should bee woon And for the better furtherance thereof the Pope sent an English Doctor called Allen into the Low-countries who should haue had the managing of all Ecclesiasticall affaires He caused a declaration of the Popes to be Printed at Antuerpe confirming his predecessors sentence of excommunication deposing and degrading the Queen of England from all her titles and dignities as an vsurper which for the aduauncement of the enterprise he would haue published in England The Spanyard the better to couer and conceale his practises or else peraduenture to make the world beleeue that his designe was rather for the vnited Prouinces than for England made a solemne treatie of peace with the Queen at Bourbourg in Flanders But the Prouinces Towns and Forts neere to the Sea gaue aduertisements protested and sought all meanes to hinder and breake off this treatie of peace aduising the English rather to stand upon their Gard Yet some in England stood fast for peace or truce as most necessarie profitable for the State of their countrie as well for their traffique nauigation as to cut off the great expence of a long tedious war others by this meanes thought to diuert the fleet from them so to auoid the tempest In a word Parma hereby did lull full diuers Englishmen a sleep who were desirous of peace in the Low countries himselfe thinking on nothing lesse than peace studying how he might conquer England which he had alreadie promised to himselfe Whereupon the English the vnited prouinces were in some sort prepared for defence against the force of this fleet but not according to the greatnesse of the danger for it was giuen out that this great Armada was onely to conuey the Spanish fleet to the Indies and bring it safe home againe which was the rather belieued because the ships being so great some thought that the Spaniards would not hazard them in the narrow seas nere to England In May the French King sent a message to the Queene of England by which hee aduised her to prepare for defence for that he was truly enformed that this tempest wold light vpon her Wherupon the Queene speedily prepared a fleet of her owne ships and that of her subjects sent part thereof to Plimmouth in the West parts vnder the commaund of the Lord Admirall Charles Lord Howard of Effingham now Earle of Nottingham together with Sir Francis Drake Vice-Admirall to the number of 100 saile An other fleet lay betwixt Douer and Calais vnder the commaund of the Lord Henrie Seymer sonne to the Duke of Somerset to the number of 40 or 50 saile All England was in Armes vnder valiant and trusty Captaines And because it was reported that the Spanyards conjoyned with Parma would come vp into the Riuer of Thames a Campe was made nere Grauesend with forts on both sides the Riuer by Frederic Ienibelli an excellent Ingeneir The Queene came in person to the Campe like a second Tomyris or Pallas other Camps were likewise placed in other parts As for the vnited Prouinces of Holland Zeland c. they by a mutuall consent resolued to doe the like But because they vnderstood that the Spanish ships were too bigge to come nere their shallow shoares they were more afraid of Parma and his flat bottomed Boats notwithstanding their own incessiue broiles they made readie a fleet of ninetie vessels which they sent to gard al the Hauens of Flaunders euen from the Scheld and Lillo as farre as Grauelin and had placed strong Garrisons in all their Sea Townes And to make some opposition against the Spanish fleet they sent Captaine Cornelis Lonck of Rosendael with fiue and twentie or thirtie vessels to joyne with the Lord Henrie Seymer and to lye betwixt Calais and Antuerpe But the ships were by Tempest and Northerlie winds enforced to quit the coast of Flanders and to returne into England yet when the tempest ceased they returned with Iustinus of Nassau who was there in person with George le More Vice-Admirall of Zeland being in number fiftie fiue vessels great and small of 80 and two hundred and fiftie tunne excellently well mand with souldiers and mariners beside one thousand two hundred old choyce musquetiers drawne from all the Regiments who were resolute and skilfull in Sea fight This was dore to keepe Parmas fleet from comming forth of the Hauens which was a matter of most importance In the meane time on the nine and twentieth day of May 1588 the aforesaid mightie Nauie sayled forth of the Hauen of Lisbone vnder
printed that the Countries might seriously looke to what they were to doe To the high illustrious honorable noble learned wise and discreet Lords good freinds and neighbours the Prelats Princes Earls Lords Gentlemen and Cities of Brabant Flaunders Artois Hainalt Valenciennes Lisle Douay Orchies Namur Tournay Tournesis and Malines representing the bodie of the Netherlands vnder the Spanish or Archdukes gouernment To all of them in generall and to euery of them in particular MY Lords wee doubt not but that your Excellencies do still remember the louing remonstrances and exhortations which we haue often made vnto you wherein we intreated you maturely to consider and well weigh the determination and end of the Spaniards and their adherents enemies to the State lawes priuiledges goods and persons of the Netherlands viz. their originall and rooted determination which is so base and hurtfull as it wholy tends to the entire ruine of the Inhabitants of these Countries We know very well notwithstanding that the said determination is likewise among you held indubitable that some of your Excellencies haue beene drawne thereunto partly by your owne good natures and partly by persuasions that matters might bee redressed and amended by meanes of the Archdukes and presence of their Highnesses But because we are well assured of the Spaniards and their adherents continuance in their determination for ruine of the Netherlands and subiecting them for euer to the Spanish yoake that they might beare rule ouer the consciences bodies lawes and goods of the inhabitants thereof and that the Archduke can no way helpe it this is the reason why wee cannot bee of your opinion And not to precipitate your Excellencies nor our selues into a certaine continuall and irreparable ruine we haue found out this to be the best remedie still to continue with a constant courage in the laudable resolution taken from the beginning by the chiefe persons and members of the whole Netherlands of all estates and conditions and beeing assured of the aide and assistance of God and that of Kings Princes and Republiks with whom wee are in league as also on the equitie of our cause wee doe patiently expect good successe especially by your Excellencies directions and discreet gouernment and will voluntarily vndergoe all difficulties daungers and expences requisite for maintenance of so holie commendable honourable and necessarie resolution Nor can the base and deceitfull conueyance of the low Countries made to their Highnesses euer moue vs to any alteration we hauing in that regard after the said conueyance seriously by letters and word of mouth conferring with your commissioners requested and exhorted your Excellencies to bee carefull on your side for the managing and gouernment of affaires of State and war both within and without the Countrie wee are well assured that if it bee duely considered and not with a passionate spirit that none will iudge otherwise but that the said deceitfull conueyance doth vndoubtedly tend to the assured ruine of all the Netherlands and the inhabitants thereof Your Excellencies doe perceiue vnderstand and effectually feele what is past and may easily iudge of that which is still likely to ensue so as wee think it needlesse to writ more amply vnto you of it onely we louingly intreat exhort and earnestly request your Excellencies to remember the laudable reputation purchased by your predecessors certaine hundreds of yeares past which they haue left vnto vs as a rule which is to bee Protectors and defendors of the liberties and lawes of the Netherlands in common and of the members townes and inhabitants thereof in particular and to consider whether the contents of the said idle and vnworthie conueyance and of the treatie which ensued it doth agree with the duetie wherewith your Excellencies are tied to your houses estates posteritie and especially to your Countrie Yf so which wee by no meanes think wee will pray vnto God to enlighten your Excellencies and to giue you a better and cleerer iudgement But if your Excellencies perceiue that the said pretended conueyance made for necessitie and to auoide a greater mischiefe bee deceitfull and dishonorable and as an infamous blot to the Netherlands if likewise yee vnderstand that the Spaniards and their adherents proceedings which haue ensued thereupon and are till now growne from bad to worse both in affaires of state and war as wee know that the most of your Excellencies do are preiudicious and intollerable and so by consequence your Excellencies are not bound and tied to them as repugnant to the common good the lawes and priuiledges of the Netherlands If your Excellencies doe likewise consider that all forcible extremities all prohibitions of trade and commerce all deuises and practises to entangle the Majestie of England and the vnited prouinces doe more and more come to light and are not onely repugnant to this resolution but bring forth cleane contrarie effects That the treacherous attempts on the Townes and Castles of the French king giue great occasion to take speedie reuenge That libels and rimes wherewith they seeke to make the French King and his affaires odious to the common people and call in question the rightfull successions of the Crownes of France and England are but vain propositions only tending to incense their Majesties and that they goe about in vain to raise tumult sedition amongst the people of the Low-countries considering that whilest they are at quiet and liue vnder obedience their condition thanks be to God is an hundred times better and more safe than that of the common people vnder the king of Spaine and Archdukes and that they haue no occasion to distrust their lawfull superiors or their actions but on the contrarie the Spaniards and Archdukes subjects perceiuing that all their affaires doe daily impaire that the authoritie of the States Prelats Princes Lords Gentlemen and townes of the Prouinces both in general and particular are without any respect trodden vnder-foot that they defend themselues onely with strangers in contempt of all good Patriots and that not onely in the chiefe garrisons townes and forts but generally in all matters some few excepted they seeme to proceed formally and in apparence the which without all question they will soone leaue off if they were once absolute Lords so that the Prouinces and people should not be onely without trade wealth and nauigation but euen the third part of the Inhabitants would bee depriued of necessarie meanes to liue the chiefe cities made Doue-coats the Countrie villages ruined and the people eaten and consumed to the verie bones by souldiers who are so badly payed as mutinie in one place is no sooner quieted but two worse than it breakes forth in another so as it is to be feared that in the end all will become desperate In which regard we intreat your Excellencies effectually to embrace the necessarie remedies and so to handle the matter as their Highnesses may be persuaded to depart from the Netherlands and to procure themselues a more quiet and certaine portion
Frontiers payd nothing towards this contribution for they were very poore and behind hand so as none but these 13 Prouinces and Townes contributed namely Brabant Flaunders Artois Haynault Valenciennes Lille Douay Orchies Holland Zeland Namur Tournay Tournesis Malines and Vtrecht yet we must not thinke that the rest are excluded from conuocations and generall Assemblies The Low Countrey is in circuit 340 Flemmish Leagues or one thousand Italian or English miles There are more than two hundred walled Cities in it and one hundred and fifty Townes which haue the priuiledge and iurisdiction of Cities with aboue 600 Villages but during these long warres they haue been very much lessened and ruined And to giue satisfaction to the curious reader I will here set downe a generall number whereby he may know how many townes and villages there are in euery Prouince Namely in the foure Dutchies Townes Villages Brabant 26. 700. Luxembourg 23. 1169. Limbourg 5. 123. Guelders 24. 300. In the eight Counties Townes Villages Holland 33. 400. Zeland 10. 101. Flanders 35. 1178. Artois 12. 754. Haynault 24. 950. Namur 4. 184. Zutphen     The Marquisat     In the fiue Seigniories Townes Villages Vttrecht 5. 70. Frise. 11. 345. Ouer-Ysell 11. 101. Gronninghe 1. 145. Maliues 1. 9. In old time before the Natiuitie of Christ the Romans and Iulius Caesar comprehended this countrey vnder Gaule Belgik or Belgia a name imposed vpon it by her neighbors because the Inhabitants were hawty and bould people not induring the losse of their libertie or preiudice of their customes and priuiledges So that as Caesar writes they are the strongest and valiantest nation of the Gaules They had in those dayes sundrie names as Germans Batauians Frisons Aduatici Menapians Atrebates Neruins and Morini c. The Germans are at this day called Almans the Batauians are the Hollanders and partly those of Guelders the Frisons those of Frise the Aduatici those of Antuerp the Menapians partly those of Guelders and Cleue the Atrebates those of Arras and places neere adioyning the Neruins those of Tournay the Morini Flemings c. Concerning the scituation of the sayd countries it is for the most part champaine except the Prouinces of Luxembourgh Limbourg Namur and Haynault where the countrey is hilly and part of Brabant Flanders Guelders and Ouer-Ysell is sandie All the Prouinces are generally fruitfull and those which lye to the Southward beare some vines The higher parts of the countrey afford pleasant groues of all sorts of trees the Champayne abounds with all kind of cattell the woods are stored with birds fowle the Sea and riuers are full of fish there are braue and goodlie horses bred in Flanders Holland Zeland Friseland though the ayre be grosse and moist yet in all places the Sea side except it is good and wholesome It is a countrey which for traffique is commodiously seated for all the chiefe countries of Europe in regard of her great Riuers as the Rhyne which descendeth from the mountaines of Swisserland and diuiding it selfe into three branches runneth through Germany some part of the Netherlands emptying it selfe into the German Ocean next the Danubium it is the greatest ryuer of Europe the Meuse runnes from the mountaynes of Burgundy as farre as Langres the Scheld comes from Picardie and Vermandois Besides the Sea doth so fauour them as in two dayes two nights they may saile from home to Norway and in fiue or sixe dayes to Denmarke and from thence to Swethland Westward they may in few houres goe into England and from hence along the coast of Fraunce into Spayne and to the East and West-Indies For this cause the Low Countries especially Holland and Zeland are very rich in shipping wherein the greatest part of their power all their traffique and wealth consists so as it is almost incredible to beleeue that sometimes there are seuen or eight hundred great Ships readie to set sayle into the East besides those which goe towards the West into England France Spayne Italy the Islands and along the coast of Africk and to the East West Indies all of them being well manned and prouided Besides merchants ships there are many hundred other which in the countrie language are termed Buysen Doog-booten and Crabbens with which they goe a fishing for Herring Cod and Salmon When they goe to fish for Herrings there will be sometime seuen or eight hundred of these Buysen or Booten which euery yere make three voyages to Sea so as the wealth which the Inhabitants of this countrey get by Sea is not to be reckoned nor the Mariners numbred which liue thereby for the townes and villages abound in women and children which do nothing but weaue Nets and in great multitudes of people whose occupation is to build ships The Netherlanders are for the most part tall strong faire and cleane timbred Euery Prouince doth a little participat with her neighbours dispositions as those who dwell towards the East doe somewhat resemble the Easterlings those of the South the Almans they in the West the French Their apparell is comely but not so costly as the Germans who therein follow the curiositie and new fashions of their neighbours they are giuen to drink but not so much as the Almans nor so vsually as three or fourscore yeares agoe they are of a setled iudgement and constant in all their affaires seldome wauering either in prosperity or aduersity they are witty and industrious and apt to inuent all maner of arts to comprehend and teach them and therein surpasse all other Nations they are neuer idle but euer in action much addicted to trade of merchandise the which more than other nations they seek through the whole world they are very seruiceable to all men and not so proud and ambitious as other people But they are naturally sparing and louers of gaine which makes them willingly see other countries so as in euery place a man shall find Dutchmen The women are likewise verie seruiceable and giue themselues to all sorts of worke which in other Countries seruants will refuse to doe they likewise trade in merchandise and in al honest maner conuerse with men they detest adultery notwithstanding that they often want their husbands companies this may perhaps seeme strange to diuers Nations They soone learne and speake all maner of Tongues their antient speech is high Dutch vpon the Frontiers of France they speak Wallon a corrupted Language their Speech is rough but very rich and perfect surpassing all other Languages in antiquitie and perfection for it hath more than 2170 words monosillables as Simon Steuin of Bruges witnesseth in his booke called the Rudiments of the art of weighing where he sets them downe thereunto adding a discourse concerning the worthinesse of the Low Dutch Tongue fit to be read of all those that loue the sayd Language which is in a maner the very same that was spoken 1700 yeres agoe in
of Grutere Lord of Direxland The second was conducted by the Lord vander Delft and the Lord N. de Roules And the Lord Iohn of Egmont carried the banner with the Armes of the Marquisat of Terueer and Flushing The third by the Lord of Sprangen and the Lord Iohn of Oestrum Captaine of the Castle of Woerden And the Lord of Rosuè carried the banner with the Armes of Chalon The fourth was conducted by the Lord Floris Serclays and the Lord Peter of Roon baylie of Putte and the Lord Iasper of Poelgeest carried the banner with the Armes of Diest The fist by the Lord Iacob of Almond and the Lord N. of Raephorst and the Lord Gerard v●nder Aa bore the banner with the Armes of Vianden The sixt was led by the Lord of Wijngaerd and the Lord of Linden and the Lord Lancelot carried the banner with the armes of Catzenelbogen The seuenth was borne by Philip vander Aa and the Lord Harman of Outenhorst and the Lord Cornelius de Swete carried the banner with the armes of Nassau The eight was conducted by the Lord Iohn Baex Captain of the Castle of Heusden the Lord Dieric of Dvuenuoord baylie of the Briell and the Lord of Marquet carried the banner with the armes of Orange All these Lords were clad in blacke with long Clokes downe to the foot Next followed the Lord of Mansardt bearing the Cornet the Lord of Rihouen the Guidon and the Lord of Naeltwijck the banner in euerie of which was the Princes Embleme After them followed foure Scutcheons of the Princes foure Signiories viz. Nassau Stolbourg Hessen and Conningstein borne by the Barons of Peterschen and Deure the Lord Wencelij of Botselaer and Iohn of Assendelst Lord of Cralingen The lord Iohn of Egmond lord of Kenensbourg followed bearing his armes with his crest and colors After him followed the Lord Daniell of Botselaer Lord of Mervve bearing the Helme the Lord Duits Captaine of the Gard bearing the sword and the Lord Wolfart of Brederode with the Coat-armor Next the Lord of Brecht and the Sr. of Malderè led the mourning Horse trapped with black Veluet down to the ground The Earle of Ouerstein followed carrying a drawne sword and the Baron of Creange a Coronet of Gold these were attended by three Stewards or masters of houshold to witt the Lords vander Aa Audenfort and Viry with white staues in their hands after them followed twelue men carrying the Beere wherein was the Princes bodie hung with the Princes armes On each side of the bodie went the Lord Iohn of Burgondie Lord of Froymont the Lord Walraue Lord of Brederode the Lord of Merode and the Signior de Soeterwoude After the bodie and Heraulds of Armes followed Prince Maurice of Nassau sonne to the Prince in a mourning robe the trayne whereof was borne by the Lord of Sonsfelt his Tutor On his right hand went the Elector Truxses of Cologne on the left Count Hohenlo After them followed Count William of Nassau Count Philip of Nassau and the Earle of Solms each of them going alone They were followed by my Lords the generall States the Councell of State the States of Holland the Presidents and Councellors of the great Councell and of the prouinciall Councell of Holland with their Secretaries Next them the Pretor Burgomasters and all the Magistrats of Delft after them followed ministers the Princes Captaines and Officers confusedly attended by multitudes of people These funerals were solemnised with incredible sorrow of the whole towne of Delft There was nothing seen heard that day ouer the whole citie but sighs teares and lamentations for the death of this good and vertuous Prince the people beseeching God to preserue and defend these Countries from greater daungers and difficulties which by this Princes death seemed to threaten them At what time Prince Maurice of Nassau receiued the gouernment of these Countries MY Lords the States of Holland Zeland Friseland and Vtrecht well weighing the good faithful seruice which my Lord the Prince of Orange had done to these Countries both by his counsell and actions in no sort sparing his owne person but had alwayes beene present at sundrie daungers and difficulties the better to effect his designes considering besides that the sayd Prince had not onely spent all his substance in those bloudie wars but all his brethrens wealth and not alone lost his owne life therein but also three of his brethren viz. Counts Lodwicke Adolph and Henrie gaue the gouernment of these countries with the Admiraltie of the sea to his sonne Prince Maurice of Nassau in recompence and acknowledgement of all his merits appointing Philip Earle of Hohenlo for his Lieutenant So as in the yeare 1584 my Lord Prince Maurice of Nassau of the age of seuenteene yeares succeeded my Lord his father in the gouernement a Prince whom God ha●h made an instrument to reuenge his fathers cruell death vpon the bloudie Spaniards and their adherents and to let the world see that it is he alone who with the father lie eye of mercie beholding these wretched and oppressed Prouinces hath freed and set them at libertie and that it is he which derideth all our enemies enterprises and determinations who thought that when this illustrious and valiant Prince was dead they should easily subdue these poore afflicted countries being then as they supposed without a Head and with their bloudie hands ruine it But their hope was vaine for from this goodlie tree which was cut downe God hath raised a plant which as a man may say is sprouted vp to heauen so as the accessaries to this murther haue by experience seene the contrarie of their vaine imaginations For the whole world knowes and I hope to shew it in this description what victorious blessings God hath giuen and granted to these countries by meanes of this Gedeon Before the Earle of Leycesters arriuall whom the Queene of England sent to be Gouernour my Lords the generall States gaue an instruction to his Excellencie Maurice of Nassau concerning the gouernement of Captaine-Generall and Admirall of Holland Zeland and Frizeland but on condition to carie all respect to the Gouernour Generall whom the Queene of England should send which hauing accepted he honourably discharged In anno 1586 vnder the commaund of the sayd Gouernour he went accompanied by Sir Philip Sidney Gouernour of Flessigue with two or three thousand men into Flanders to Ter-Neusen as well to diuert the Prince of Parma from the siege of Nuys as because la Motte did sore oppresse the towne of Ostend hauing made a sort in S. Katherines churchyard vsing meanes by secret intelligence to make himselfe master thereof which by corrupting and drawing diuers by money to his partie he had almost effected But his Excellencie made another attempt vpon the towne of Axel in this maner The taking of the towne of Axel in Flaunders THe sixteenth of Iulie anno 1586 his Excellencie and Sir Philip Sidney with their souldiers and prouisions did
some fortie or fiftie followers went aboord Drake and the rest were carried to Plimmouth where they remayned a yeare and halfe till they had payed their ransome or were exchanged for others Valdez comming into Drakes presence kissed his hands told him that they had all resolued to die if they had not bin so happie to fall into his hands whom hee knew to bee noble and curteous and famous for dealing well with his vanquished enemie so as he doubted vvhether his enemies had more cause to loue him for his valour or feare him for his fortunate exploits which had alreadie attained to the highest degree Sir Francis Drake did curteously imbrace him and caused him to eat at his owne Table and sleepe in his owne Cabbin where Valdez reported vnto him their strength how that the four Gallies were dispersed that they had thought to haue entred the hauen of Plimmouth without feare of the English Nauie which they supposed durst not haue made resistance and so haue become masters at sea They likewise admired the valor of the English who durst with so few small vessels approch their inuincible Nauie get the wind of it with other such like discourses Valdez and his followers were afterward carried into England he was a man much respected in his countrie kinsman to the same Valdez who in an 1573 had besieged Leyden in Holland In his ship some of the kings treasure was amounting to the summe of 55000 Ducats in siluer which was all pillaged The same day the Vice-Admirall Oquendo his ship was fired where was great store of powder and munition all the vpper deck was burnt with all the men of whom few were saued It was taken and carried into England with many men in her halfe burnt and yet all the powder which was in hold was saued which was a matter to be admired In the meane time the English Lord Admiral in his ship called the Arke had that night so far followed the Spanyards as in the morning he found himselfe in a manner alone in the middest of his enemies so as it was foure a clocke after noone ere all his fleet came vp to him Some say that D. Hugo de Moncada Generall of the foure Galleasses did at the same time with great earnestnesse intreat the Duke of Medina to giue him leaue to boord the Lord Admirall which the Duke would in no sort permit being loth to passe the bounds of his Commission Tewsday the second of August the fleet being before Portland the wind turned to the North so as the Spanyards had a prosperous gale but the English did againe get the wind of them their ships being lighter and of better saile By this meanes the Spaniards then seemed more to incline to fight than before to speake truth that dayes fight was most fierce and bloudie In the middest of the fight the English Admirall cried out aloud to Captaine George Semmer saying ô George what dost thou wilt thou now forsake me or wilt thou deceiue my opinion of thy valour which words did so inflame him as hee assayled the enemie so furiously as that day he woon greatest commendation But the English hauing with all sorts of ordnance sought with them from morning yet ceased not the Spanyards did againe inclose themselues in order of battaile whereby their enemies perceyued that they onely sought meanes to defend themselues and to goe to their appointed place nere to Dunkirke there to joȳne with the Duke of Parma who vnder protection of those great vessels might execute his designe with more safety In this fight a great Venetian Argozey perished The English fleet in the meane time did dayly encrease grew strong by ships and men that came to it forth of all hauens seeking to win honour and to doe good seruice to their Countrie among whom were diuers noble men and others of great note as the Earles of Oxford Cumberland Northumberland of Knights Sir Thomas Cecill William Hatton Walter Raleigh Horacio Palauicino Gentlemen Henrie Brooke Robert Carie Charles Blunt Ambrose Willoughbie Henrie Nowell Thomas Gerard Robert Dudley Edward Darcy Arthur Gorges Thomas Wood William Haruey many other noble gentlemen so as they were in number some hundred saile being come nere to Douer they were increased to an 120 which for the most part were too small to boord the Spanyards except some twentie two of the Queenes great ships The mariners and souldiers amounted to the number of eleuen thousand men The third of August the Sea being calme and without wind the fight was onely betwixt the English the Galleasses which were rowed with oares therin had the vauntage but it did them small good The English were busied in making Chain shot wherwith to cut a sunder their oates tackings they likewise sent a shoare for more powder which they extreamely wanted hauing at the beginning spent much in vayne of which they afterwards complained The same day a Councell was held wherein was resolued That the English fleet should be diuided into foure squadrons the one vnder my Lord Admirals conduct the other vnder Sir Frauncis Drakes the third vnder Hawkins the fourth vnder Captaine Frobiser The Spanish ships in sayling kept a close order of 3 or 4 ships in ranke not farre one from another and the greater vessels enclosed them The fourth of August the fleet beeing come before the Isle of Wight the English Lord Admirall did fiercely assaile the Spaniards with his best ships as the Lyon wherein was the Lord Thomas Howard now Earle of Suffolke the Elizabeth Ionas wherein were the Lord Sheffield and Sir Robert Southwell the Lord Admirals sonne in law the Beare and Victorie commaunded by Iohn Hawkins and the Gallion Leycester by Captaine George Fenner All these made vp directly towards the Spanish Admirall who with the greatest part of his ships lay in the middest of the fleet where a fierce fight was begun for beeing within 3 or 400 paces nere to one another they gaue each other their broad sides and discharged all their ordnance at last the Spaniards got the wind and once againe joyned themselues together In the meane time Martin Frobiser Captaine of the Triumph with some few others had brauely performed a daungerous fight with the Spanyards the Admirall came to reskew him and found that he had valiantly behaued himselfe and made a discreet retreat without any great losse So as the next day being the fist of August the Admiral knighted him and diuers others Saturday the 6 of August towards night the Spanyards came to an anker before Calais it seemed they resolued to stay there to joyne with the Duke of Parmas forces The next day being the seuenth of August the moone was at full so that at twelue a clocke it was full sea at Calais and at eleuen at Dunkirke The English likewise ankored within Canon shot of them whether the Lord Henrie Seymer brought his fleet of
twentie vessels Whilest the fleet lay there the Duke of Medina sent aduertizement to Parma diuers Gentlemen went on shore to refresh thēselues among others the Prince of Ascoli a braue young Lord who as some say was base sonne to King Philip who went to land in a happie houre because the ship wherein he came from Spaine did within a while after perish in Ireland with all her men The Duke of Parma hauing intelligence that the fleet lay vpon the coast of England made great hast to make one in person in that enterprise resigning the gouernement generall of the Countrie to old Count Mansfelt Himselfe went on Pilgrimage into Haynault to our Ladie of Halles and from thence returned towards Bruges where hee arriued on the seuenth of August The next day riding towards Dunkirke where his ship tarried for him he heard the report of the Canon betwixt the two fleets and the same night comming to Dixmuyde he had intelligence of the successe On Tewsday the ninth of August about noone he came to Dunkirke euen when the fleet was alreadie past none of his Ships daring to goe forth to giue them the least hope of aide because they were afraid of the thirtie fiue Hollanders that lay in gard vnder the conduct of the Admirall Iustine of Nassau which were excellently prouided of good mariners and beside the ordinarie souldiers with 1200 braue musquetiers and lay only there to keepe Parmas fleet from issuing out of the Hauen which was a matter of greatest importance As for the great ships they feared them not because the Sea was too shallow in those parts Beside all Parmas forces were not readie nor imbarked onely 700 reuolted English vnder Sir William Stanleys commaund were shipt and thought to get the aduantage by landing first in England His other souldiers were male content and vnwilling especially the mariners who were few in number the prouision likewise of Beere Bread and victuals was not yet readie nor imbarked The mariners were so afraid of the Hollanders as they ran away dayly fearing least the soldiers would enforce them to doe that which they knew could not be done Then they wanted Gallies from Spaine which might haue beaten the Hollanders from the coasts of Flaunders The Spanish fleet lying thus at anker before Calice the better to consult with the Duke of Parma concerning their enterprise they concluded to execute their designe on Friday the twelfth of August the night being darke The Admiral of England with the chief of his Councell determined to enforce them to weigh anker and to be gone or else to burne their fleet whereupon they appointed eight of their vnseruiceablest vessels to bee filled with wild fire and other combustious matter charging the ordnance in them vp to the mouth with small shot nayles and stone which on Sunday the seuenth of August in the afternoone they sent with the wind and tyde after that the men that were in them had forsaken and fired them directly vpon the Spanish fleet which fire did in the night so terrifie them supposing them to be some of those internall ships full of powder and wild fire with the Ingeueer Frederic Ionibelli had made vse of some three yeares before at Antuerpe against the Prince of Parmas bridge ouer the Scheld as crying out The fire of Antuerpe the fire of Antuerpe they presently cut their cables and in confusion did put to Sea In this amazement the Captaine of the great Galleasse fell soule of the cables of another ship and lost her tudder and beeing not able to saile without it was carried by the force of the Sea vpon the sands just before Calice whether it was pursued by certayne English Pinnaces which plaid vpon her vvith their ordnance but durst not boord her which the Lord Admirall perceiuing sent his great Pionace with two hundred souldiers vnder the commaund of Captaine Preston who all of them together boorded the Galleasse where the Generall D. Hugo de Moncada made braue defence for a while hoping of some succour from land but at last he was shot in the head and slaine and diuers other Spaniards with him part of whom leapt into the Sea thinking to escape by swimming who were all drowned The visitor Generall D. Antonio de Manriques with some others escaped and carried the first newes home into Spaine This great Galleasse wherein vvere three hundred slaues and foure hundred souldiers was for three houres pillaged wherein fiftie thousand Duckets of the Kings vvere found The English would at last haue burnt her but Gor●●n the Gouernour of Calice would not permit it as a matter tending to the hurt and prejudice of his Towne and Hauen and with his canon plaid vpon the English The same day being the eight of August as the Spanish fleet sell againe into order it was again fiercely assailed by the English right ouer against Graueling where they voluntarily lost their aduauntage of the wind chosing rather to let the wind driue them before Dunkirke than to open themselues or change their order resoluing onely on defence Though the English had gallant tall ships yet but 22 or 23 of them were comparable to the Spanish which were ninetie But the English had the aduantage by being lighter better of saile so as they came oftentimes within a pikes length of them and discharged their whole tyre of ordnance vpon them and then their smal shot continuing it the whole day till their powder and shot began to faile and then they held it no discretion to boord the Spaniards who still kept themselues together in close order the English beeing satisfied with chasing them from before Calice and Dunkirke and keeping them from joyning with the Duke of Parma The Spaniards the same day receiued much hurt losing many men and had diuers of their ships shot through They likewise with their ordnance plaid fiercely vpon the English but did them no great hurt for they lost few men and neuer a Shippe or man of note and in all that time and in the whole journey they lost but an hundred men and yet Sir Frauncis Drakes ship had beene shot aboue fourtie times and his Cabbin twice shot through And towards the end of the fight a Gentlemans bed whereupon hee rested himselfe beeing weatie was taken from vnder him by a great shot And as the Earle of Northumberland and Sir Charles Blunt afterwards Lord Mountioy and Master Henrie Nowell sat at meate a demie Culuerins shot flew through the cabbin and ouerthrew 2 men The like accidents happened in other ships which wold be tedious to recite yet it appears that God did wonderfully assist the English For as the Lord Admirall wrote to the Queene there was no likelihood that the English in mans judgement and according to the apparance of the circumstances should haue dared to approch the Spaniards but that God had an admirable hand therein vnto whom they willingly ascribed all the honour of their
likewise taken in Scotland that small aide should be giuen them there and that Norway could yeeld them but bad assistance they tooke certaine fisher boats in Scotland and carried away the men to serue them for pilots and fearing to want water they threw all their horse and mules into the Sea so sayling with a faire wind they passed on betwixt the Orcades the farthest part of Scotland landing in no place bent their course Northward to the height of 62 degrees still keeping 80 leagues from land There the Duke of Medina the Generall gaue commaundement that euerie ship should direct her course towards Biscay and himselfe with twentie or fiue and twentie of the best ships prouided with all necessaries sayled more to Sea ward and so arriued in Spaine but the others to the number of fortie saile or more with the Vice-Admirall bent their course towards Ireland hoping there to take in water and to refresh themselues But the God of Armies who abateth the pride of great ones raiseth vp the humble and hath all authoritie ouer his creatures who commaundeth the Seas windes and tempests caused the Sea to swell and a terrible tempest to arise on the first of September from the South-West which dispersed them for the most part into sundrie places of Ireland where many of them perished and among others the Gallion of Michaell of Oquendo one of the great Galleasses two great Venetian Argozies the Ratta and the Balanrara with diuers others to the number of 38 saile and all their men Some of them with a Westerlie wind came againe into the English Seas some others into England and other some were taken by the Rochellers One great Galleasse the tempest carried into Fraunce to Newhauen where they found ships full of women who had followed the fleet There remained two likewise in Norwey but the men escaped To conclude of one hundred foure and thirtie saile that came from Spaine some three and fiftie of all sorts returned home to wit of foure Galleasses and as many Gallies there returned of each one of ninetie one great Gallions eight and fiftie were lost and thirtie three returned of Pinnaces seuenteene were lost and eighteene returned So that in all fourescore and one Galleasses Gallies and other Ships great and small perished Two of those Gallions that returned home lying in the Hauen were by casualtie set on fire and burnt and others since then met with the like mischiefe Of 30000 men that were in the fleet the greatest part of them were slaine or drowned and most of those that returned home died by reason of the miseries they had indured The Duke of Medina Sydonia being a braue Lord and well experienced vpon whom they had imposed that burthen much against his will laid the fault vpon his Pilots and on want of the Duke of Parmas forces which were not readie He was suffered to goe home to his own house but not to come to Court where it was thought he had much to doe to purge him selfe from the calumnious accusation of his enemies Many other noble men died soone after as D. Iuan Martines de Ricaldo D. Diego de Valdez Michel Oquendo D. Alonso de Lieua D. Diego de Maldonado D. Francisco Bouadillo D. Georgio Manriques all of the Councell of warre Diuers were drowned as among other Thomas Perenot of Granuell of Cauteroy nephew to Cardinall Granuell D. Diego Pimentel Campe-master and Colonell of thirtie two Ensignes remayned prisoner in Zeland with diuers others taken in the same ship D. Pedro Valdez a man much respected in his Countrie was prisoner in England with D. Vasco de Sylua and D. Alonzo de Sayas Many Gentlemen were drowned in Ireland and many slaine by the Irish. Sir Richard Bingham Gouernour of Conach had receiued two hundred of them to mercie but vnderstanding that a troope of 800 of them were landed and in armes he thought it fit for his owne better safety to kill the 200 of whom some escaping carried tidings to the 800 who were likewise going to craue mercie as they sayd but thereby despairing they returned and made readie an old decayed vessell in which they put to Sea where they were all drowned and many Gentlemen with them Yet D. Alonso de Luson Colonel of thirtie two ensignes of the Tertios of Naples with D. Rodrigo de Lasso and two noble men of the house of Corduba were from thence sent into England who were deliuered to Sir Horace Paluicin by them to set the Lord Odet of Teligin at libertie who had beene taken nere to Antuepe and lay in prison in the Castle of Tournay In a word therere was no noble house in Spain which in this fleet lost not either a son brother or kinsman There were aboue 1200 souldiers and mariners prisoners in sundrie places in England with 30 Gentlemen and commaunders whom the Queene released for meane ransome Those ships which escaped from the English and Hollanders and from the Irish rockes and tempests of the Ocean being few in number did after much labour miserie and daunger returne into Spaine leauing behind them as hath beene alreadie sayd so many ships of sundrie sorts so many Lords of note Gentlemen braue souldiers good mariners and others such store of ordnance and warlike munition money plate jewels and other wealth which if it should be seuerally reckoned would amount to an incredible summe of money But by how much this fleet was great strong and potent by so much more likewise was the victorie great and greater occasions haue these two countries to be thankefull to that great and inuincible God to honor and serue him all the dayes of their life for preseruing and defending them from so great daunger In this regard the Queene of England and my Lords the States of the vnited Prouinces did whilest the fleet houered vpon their coasts appoint sundrie dayes of prayer and fasting beseeching God to turne away so great imminent danger from them and their countrie and not to looke vpon their sinnes which had deserued such a punishment but to aide and assist them for the glorie of his name and for or Iesus Christs sa ke seeing it was his owne cause which the Pope and King of Spaine sought to exterminat And because these praiers were made to Gods glorie and in praise of his inuincible power he therefore heard them and graunted their requests And a good while after the fleet was gone namely vpon the 19 of Nouember the Queene in England and my Lords the States in the Low-countries appointed a solemne day for thanksgiuing which was spent in preaching praying and hearing the word of God The Queene of England for so great a deliuerance made a Christian triumph in the citie of London and went with all the Lords and officers of her Kingdome in solemne manner vpon a triumphant Charriot from her Palace to the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paule where the Spanish ensignes and banners were hung vp The
citizens of London in their liueries stood on both sides the street as she passed along Her maiestie and Lords gaue thankes vnto God and were present at a publike Sermon made in the Church-yard tending onely to thansgiuing and so with great acclamations of people that besought God to graunt her a long and prosperous life to his honour and ruyne of her enemies shee returned in the same manner as she came In this manner did this magnificent great and mightie Armada termed the inuincible and such an one as in many hundred of yeares the like had not beene seene vpon the Ocean vanish into aire to their great confusion which sent it forth in an̄ 1588. Whereupon the Queene of England was congratulated by all Princes her friends and neighbours and many millions of verses composed in her honour The Prince of Parma in 1588 besiegeth Berghen-op-Zoom And rayseth his siege and departeth the same yeare BErghen-op-Zoom is a Towne in the Duchie of Brabant the first and chiefest of the 17 Prouinces in the Low-countries In time past it was but a Seignorie but in anno 1533 the Emperour Charles the fist honoured it with the title of Marquisat It is the first Towne which yee leaue vpon the left hand as yee goe from Roomerswaell and Tholen which are townes of Zeland towards Antuerpe It hath beene a Merchant Towne not onely in our predecessors dayes but there are yet some liuing that haue so knowne it in their time whether Spanyards Frenchmen Almans English and Scots came to traffique It is seated in the middest of the mightie Nertherland Prouinces viz. of Brabant Flaunders Holland and Zeland It i● not the least part of the first for it is within sixe houres journey of Antuerpe the chiefe Merchant Citie of the Prouince The three other are opposit to it viz. Flaunders towards the South Holland towards the North and Zeland towards the West It hath also a verie good Hauen which diuides the South Countrie from that of the North for so are both the countries named scituate on each side of the Hauen which lieth but 535 foot from the towne where it turneth towards the West and diuiding it selfe into two armes it openeth it selfe runneth into the towne One of the Armes towards the South serueth certaine water mils and salt pits which now are within the town that towards the North makes the towns Hauen Berghen is in circuit 10175 foot beside the Bulwarks There is a verie high earthen rampier dikes round about it it is likewise in some places fortified with palisadoes in other parts which hedges wals on top of the rampiers there are also diuers new bulwarks made for the towns defēce And though it be now miserably dissigured by the breaking downe of many faire and goodlie houses yet it hath at this day aboue 1000 that are inhabited diuers others ruined by war are daily new built to be made haibtable there are faire and large streets in it 3 faire market places the great market fish market and corne market there is likewise a goodlie Church in it The Marquis his court is a great ornament to it The rich Cloyster of Nuns is cōuerted to an Hospital for the hōspital without the towne together with other buildings were ruined in time of war After that all Brabant Berghen-op-Zoom excepted by the duke of Parmas conduct was reduced vnder the Spanish gouernement the troopes of his Excellencie and my Lords the States made diuers incursions into the countrie especially then when the Duke of Parma had assembled all his forces at Dunkirke there waiting for the Spanish fleet Those of Brabant Flaunders and other prouinces vnder the kings obedience seeing and vnderstanding the defeat of the Spanish Armada and feeling to the quicke the spoyle which the souldiers of Berghen daily made protested against the Duke of Parma and made complaint that all the townes of Brabant obeyed the King Berghen-op-Zoom excepted which was a verie nest of theeties and receptacle of raskals from whence forces were daily sent to surprise poore trauellers and merchants that brought prouision that the same mischiefe did likewise often light vpon their Burghers who were vndone by imprisonment and great ransomes yet this might in some sort be tollerated prouided they might liue securely in their Townes but Be●ingh in the Countrie of Liege Viluord and Geldernack in Brabant could witnesse the contrarie hauing beene taken and sackt That by reason of Berghen all the Villages were vnder contribution and those that refused to pay it were burnt their houses ransackt cattell carried away and themselues made prisoners Yet if the Duke of Parma would bring his victorious Campe before Berghen wherewith hee had woon so many Townes the enemies joy conceiued by the retreat of the Spanish fleet vvould bee soone conuerted to sorrow And Berghen once taken a way would then lie open to surprise the Islands of Zeland one after an other at least Berghen and the Isle of Terthole might bee taken both at once These vvere the Barbanders complaints It is not to be doubted but that the Duke of Parma vvas much grieued at the flight of the Spanish fleet and for that he could not swallow England which he had alreadie deuoured in conceipt as appeares by the preparation which he caried with him to Dunkirke seruing rather to be carried away in triumph into England than by force to surprise so mightie a kingdome He was likewise badly beloued in the court of Spaine for not assisting the fleet in necessitie Now that he might in some sort wipe off this staine which blotted his reputation he enterprised to reduce the towne of Berghen vnder his commaund From that time diuers reports thereof were currant not onely in the Low-countries but also in England whereof her Majestie aduertised my Lords the States by letters dated at Greenwich the seuen and twentieth of August 1588. At the beginning of September when there was no more hope of the fleets returne and that the Duke of Parma was come backe from Flaunders into Brabant all men held it for certaine that some attempt would be made vpon Berghen Certaine horsemen of Bacx his companie sent forth for discouerie brought backe with them two prisoners who confidently reported that there was nothing more certaine than that Berghen should be besieged One of the prisoners was a Gentleman and an officer belonging to the ordnance and the other was master of the munition when our men tooke them nere to Eckeren castle and askt them whether they were going they answered that they went to the kings camp that lay before Berghen Being brought to the towne they assured vs that all things were in readinesse to besiege vs that before they were taken the armie was on the march and that they verily thought to haue found it before the town and wondered to find the contrarie they likewise affirmed that there were 36000 men horse and foot in Parmas campe The 9 of the said moneth of August the
seuen thousand one hundred and thirtie foot The Drossart Burgomasters and the two preachers namely Iacob Baselis the elder and Iacob Baselis the yonger did so farre preuaile with the Burghers by remembring them of their duetie due to their country as they voluntarily offered their labor for ending of the work euerie man promising to be readie at the sound of the drumme The afternoone Sermon ended for it was vpon Sunday the drumme began to sound The Burgomaster Sudland with certain of the Magistrats Iacob Baselis the younger with the elders of the Church euerie man a shouel in his hand did in the euening meet at the place where the fort was to be built and were in a maner followed by all the Burghers A cornet of horse was sent forth to defend them from the enemie if he should haue come downe from Burghvliet But because the plot of the worke was not yet made and those which should haue made it different in opinion nothing was done that night The Italians that lay in campe nere to S. Geertrudes seeing so many men assembled vpon the Southland causie right ouer against them went forth to see what it meaned they set Sentinels euerie where and were all of them vp in armes The next day being the ●7 of October they diligently began the worke The eighteenth of October our men made an other sallie on Steenberghens side but the enemie kept himselfe within his trenches and would not come forth whereupon they returned to the towne On the twentieth of October at night the enemie cunningly thought to haue surprized the North Fort the manner whereof I will set downe at large We haue heretofore mentioned how that our horsemen some two or three dayes before the siege had taken two Spaniards prisoners These were committed to the keeping of an English victualler called Redhead of whom Grimston ensigne to Baskervile bought his prouision by this meanes both of them fell acquainted with the prisoners who did at last earnestly solicit them to doe some notable seruice to the king of Spaine This did they discouer to the Lord Willoughby and craued his aduice how they should proceed with the Spanish prisoners Willoughby injoyned them to treat with them about yeelding vp the North Fort to the Duke of Parma After sundrie conferences and consultations with the prisoners they did in the end agree to deliuer vp the Fort which was an easie matter for the ensigne to do who was oftentimes captaine of the watch of the Fort when Baskerviles companie had the gard of it This thus concluded the ensigne and victualler feigned themselues fugitiues and caried the prisoners letters to the Duke of Parma vnto whom they had many times written about that businesse On the 20 of October when it was darke they went to the duke who to this end did the same night lodge at the low Northgeest telling him that all things were in readinesse for the surrender of the Fort It is reported that he stood in some doubt of them and that therefore he made sundrie demands concerning the fort as who commaunded in it how many souldiers it had and by what meanes they would deliuer it vnto him That he did beside take their oath that they should deale faithfully with him therein causing them to receiue the Sacrament of the Altar as the Papists terme it Being assured of their loyaltie he gaue to each of them a chaine of gold promising them a good summe of money the deed being once done Then hee made choyce of a certaine number of his best souldiers to goe and receiue the Fort in his name and caused Grimstons and the victuallers hands to be bound behind them with match and gaue two ponyards to two souldiers commaunding them to kill them if they perceiued the least suspition by the way The Lord Willoughby in the meane time manned the Fort with valiant soldiers and on each side of the causies placed certain numbers of musketiers in the gate whereat the enemie was to enter he caused an yron port-cullis to be hung vp by roopes which cut the port-cullis would fall downe and stop the passage All these things being in readinesse Willoughby with great deuotion attends the enemies comming At last they came forward passing at a low water the drowned North-land and found the gate open according to promise There stood one likewise at the gate who in the Spanish tongue welcomed them When some fiftie of the chiefe were entred the Lord Willoughby with his owne hand did cut the cords and so stopt vp the passage that no more could enter Those within the Fort charged the enemies most of whom were slaine and the rest taken prisoners Grimston and the victualler perceiuing hoset● at kept them to be amazed escaped Those abroad finding themselues thus deluded did by force plucke vp the pallizadoes and gaue a fierce assault but all in vaine for they could not reach the highest pallizado those within the sort saluted them with harquebuze shot The enemie being thus beguiled threw away their armes fled those that were in ambush on the causie did with great noice break forth charged the flying enemie making great slaughter among them In the meane time the tide came in so as diuers of the enemies thinking to escape fell into the dikes of Northland and were drowned Three hundred of them were slayne and as many wounded as was afterwards knowne by certaine prisoners The chiefe prisoners were D. Iuan de Mendoza a man of good yeares who afterwards died in the Hospitall of his wounds and another D. Iuan de Mendoza a yong man Gregorio Vites Christofero de Porres Godefredo Gordone Tristano Lignicable and Alonzo Idiaques all Dons as the Spanyard termes them and men of noble houses The next day no ensignes were seen wauing in both the camps which was a signe that the enemie lamented the losse of his men the two Spanish prisoners by sentence of the Councell of war were hanged for that being prisoners they had sollicited the ensigne victualler to commit treason Much good ensued to vs hereby For by this meanes we were wholly freed frō feare of treacherie because the enemie being thus deceiued wold neuer giue credit to any other though they meant neuer so faithfully and yet Grimston and the victualler were condemned by all men for renouncing their Religion and for perjurie so as their owne Nation did greatly tax them And it is credibly reported that a certaine great man of England did in this maner recommended them to her Majestie vnto whom they went to craue recompence for their seruice Madame quoth he there are diuers forcible reasons why these men should be honourably rewarded for if those who onely expose their bodies doe deserue what doe they which haue aduentured both bodie and soule Those of the towne had true intelligence that the remainder of the Spanish fleet perished on the Scottish and Irish coast so as verie few of
he that carries it should aduaunce it as high as he could and although the enemie was not far from them vpon S. Gertrudes mount yet the lord Willoughbie wold not return ere he had from aboue wel viewed and considered the depth of that way where he found no markes or signes of any Mine The ninth of Nouember the Earle of Northumberland and generall Norris came from England with a gallant traine of gentlemen At their arriuall all the ordnance great and small was discharged and the great Bell was rung The Earle came to see the Low-countries and Berghen-op-Zoom Generall Norris was by her Majestie sent to my Lords the States to procure some aid for D. Antonio King of Portugal for the Queene prepared a mightie fleet to re-establish D. Antonio in his kingdome from whence he had beene expulsed by the Spaniards Vchtenbroeck with fiue or sixe horse galoped forth of the gates towards the Sautwech before the enemies campe and there tooke two horsemen prisoners and a victualler with a waggon laden with beere who in despite of the enemie and before his face they brought to the Towne And to giue some delight to the Earle the English did the next day determine to make a sallie the footmen sallied vpon the enemies campe by the Mine at the powder gate for in hast they had made a Bridge ouer the Dike These at Holweghen did skirmish with the Italians that lay vpon Saint Gertrudes mount the horse sallied at Wouwe gate Parker stayed vpon Wijngaert hill and Poolie in the plaine towards Bourghvliet The brethren Bacx were not there for they had no warning of the sallie The Almans which were encamped on the Rabergh came downe into the plaine at the foot of the hill and made a stand not farre from Wijngaerts hill many retired behind the hedges and bushes others allured our men to come forward Captaine Veer with some thirtie souldiers driues away the Almans from their place of aduauntage Parker assailes and pursues them as farre as the Rabergh and suffereth few of them to escape A young Gentleman Captaine of a foot companie beeing on horsebacke and charging together with Parker was taken prisoner being carried by the furie of his horse into the middest of the enemies campe and was afterwards exchanged for D. Iuan de Mendoza both of them being almost of one age All prisoners that were taken did constantly affirme that the Duke of Parma determined to raise the siege On the eleuenth of Nouember a generall sallie was made on Steenberghens side by all the horse and foot some few excepted who here and there garded the gates and the Rampiers Generall Balfort with sixe hundred choyce souldiers both Dutch Scotch came thither at the same time from Tholen Captain Veer conducted the free booters that were to begin the skirmish Captaine Marcelis Bacx with his harquebuziers marched directly towards the enemies camp Balfort embattailed his troops on the highway of Steenberghen Those of the towne stood in the plaine on the right hand of that highway towards the West The Lanciers went somewhat on the one side towards the Sand-Wegh The footmen which went before with captaine Veer shot furiously vpon the enemies who shewed himselfe open aboue from their fortifications Certaine of the enemies horse made a braue sallie and were as brauely saluted with small shot and forthwith enforced to returne to their campe with losse of some of their horse In this manner was the time spent the enemie still continuing himselfe in his trenches which were too strong for vs to breake into Our men returned into the Towne thinking they had woon honour enough in that for two houres space they had dared the enemie to fight and in a manner halfe assayled their Campe. Of Captaine Veers souldiers foure were slayne and 12 hurt with the enemies shot On the twelfth of Nouember the enemie did set fire on the North part of the campe he likewise burnt the castle of Halteren and the next day about tenne of the clocke before noone they depart from Riselberg and Northgeest where they stood a long time in battaile till their lodgings were burnt and their baggage carried away to the Southward In their march nothing was seen but their ensigns tops by reason of the said hils But comming nere the Ball on the high way called Habergue which leads into Berghen wood there they discouered themselues openly There were they grieuously tormented by the canon from the rampier of the woodden gate It was delightfull to behold how their battaile was broken at euerie shot our canon made so as at last they were enforced to breake their order and to diuide themselues All the night following nothing was heard but the noice of drummes and trumpets to fauour the retreat of the wagoners which brought away the baggage Before day breake the campe towards the South was likewise seene all on fire the enemie retired towards Calmthoudt placing sentinels on diuers hils to giue them intelligence if the townesmen sallied forth So soone as it was day the Lord Willoughbie went forth at Wouwe gate with one and twentie ensigne on foot and all the cauallerie taking two falconets along with him The enemies sentinels seeing this doe presently retire our men doe speedily seaze on the enemies trenches and campe the fanterie makes a stand on the Raberg the cauallerie galops after the enemie and fell in vpon the rereward mocking scoffing them to prouoke them to fight But al this being in vain they returned for it was enough for them to haue reproched the base retreat of so great a Kings campe which was no better than a manifest flight some straungers that were found in the campe were slain two or three women excepted whose liues were saued The Lord Willoughbie assembled all the horse and foot companies captaine Marcellis Bacx excepted who was absent pursuing the enemie with part of the cauallerie whom he sent to seeke intending to honour him among the rest for his valour But being not found and the intended ceremonie not to be delayed because he would performe it in the enemies view the Lord Generall turned towards Veer Knollis Parker and Poolie his countriemen and likewise towards captaine Paule Bacx a Dutchman speaking thus vnto them Seeing it is an auntient and laudable vse that those who haue behaued themselues valiantly in the warres should receiue some acknowledgement of their valour and for that mine owne eyes are witnesse of your prowesse whereof I take the enemie to witnesse who hath often to his great losse made triall what souldiers you are Our illustrious Ladie the Queenes Maiestie of England whose Lieutenant Generall I am and whose commaundement I will now performe doth honour each of you with the order of knighthood and touching all of them gently with his sword vpon their shoulders he sayd Receiue from her Maiestie this remembrance of her good will and affection which all of you by your valour haue deserued
anno 1566 had presented the supplication He had continually borne armes for the countrie and was now master of the ordnance he was verie much lamented The towne of Ootmaersen was battered with the canon and enforced to yeeld on composition on the thirtieth of Iulie like the towne of Steenwijck That done his Excellencie did in August besiege Coevoerden those within it burnt the houses nere adjoyning perceiuing that Prince Maurice with his trenches made his approch hap taken away the sluces from them and drawne the water forth of the dikes taken the Counter-scarp of the Castle broken down the bridge Count Frederick of Berghen hauing prouided all places round about did with a strong garrison enter into it himselfe it was a strong towne and famous for the situation thereof it was artificially fortified on such foundations as the Lord of Senoy had formerly begun to lay Prince Maurice his souldiers being vpon the Counter-scarp did for their defence make a gallerie in the dikes vnder couert whereof they might easily come to the rampier to digge and Myne without daunger of the enemies canon which they soone effected by the helpe of a Cauallier they made they did also beat down a Rauelin with much to do sundrie Mynes were made in the rampiers which still sunke the besieged made counter-mynes which by taking aire were vnprofitable yet our men did not giue ouer myning fired some of them whereupon an assault was giuen so as they got vpon the rampiers where by meanes of the Cauallier they fortified themselues tooke from the besieged all meanes of defence as they had done at Steenwijck They within the towne began to be discouraged hoping still for succor they likewise wanted water and other necessaries The Councell of State of the vnited Prouinces hauing intelligence that the Duke of Parma made preparations to enter Frizeland leuied a regiment of supplies vnder the commaund of Colonel Stolberg who passed Muster nere to a place called Heerenberg in the presence of Count Hohenlo For Count Philip of Nassau was sent into Fraunce with three thousand men and the Queene of England had likewise called away her forces to send them into Fraunce and were alreadie departed from the armie and gone as farre as Swoll but vpon intelligence of the Duke of Parmas comming they were countermaunded Count Philip in the meane time and his troopes returned opportunely from Fraunce who were sent to Garrison in Holland to be refreshed And the old Garrisons were presently sent to the armie and other some to Grauenweert the better to anoy and stop Parmas passage The armie was but weake and by reason of the bad waies the campe could not be well prouided of victuall and munition Verdugo gouernour of Frizeland for the Spaniards had earnestly solicited the duke of Parma for men and money which in great abundance was at the same time sent from Italie thereupon Parma graunted that the regiments of Count Charles of Mansfelt Mondragon Gonzaga the two regiments of Arenberg and Barlaymont with certaine horse and ordnance should march to his ayd with these he crossed the Rhyne making a Fort on the other side of the riuer and so marched towards Groll and from thence to Oldenzeel where they arriued on the third of September Verdugo hauing assembled all the forces in the countrie nere adjoyning and vnderstanding the want and extreamitie of those of Coeverden marched towards Herderberg where he thought to haue encamped but changing his mind on a sodaine he went to the Dorp of Vlsen and from thence to Imlichen in the countie of Benthem not farre from Coeverden in a place commodious for victuals Prince Maurice hauing intelligence thereof sent three hundred horse to view and skirmish with them but he could not draw them forth of their aduauntage he tooke a certaine boore whom hee suspected to carrie letters to the enemie wherein he was not deceiued for the boore fea●ing to be hanged deliuered them vnto him wherein Verdugo acquainted those of Coevoerden how hee intended the next day to come and relieue them through Count Hohenlo and the horsemens quarter For he was enformed of the scite and estate of his Excellencies campe by a gentleman whose name was Iohn Steenwijck who had told him that it was an hard matter to approch the towne whereupon he made choyce of this morish place as least garded and suspected Prince Maurice strengthened this place with men and ordnance which was planted on the high way through which the enemie was to passe and standing thus secretly on his gard Verdugo came on with all his forces wearing white shirts vpon their armour and on the seuenth of September at night they gaue in vpon the trenches in their seuerall places crying victorie victorie But his Excellencie Count Hohenlo and Count William of Nassaw with their troopes did beat them back and in their retreat the canon played vpon them many were slaine vpon the place many men and horse stucke fast in the mud 136 were the next day found dead in the place and two and fiftie horse many were carried away hurt Two and fortie wagons full of dead and hurt men were conducted by foure cornets of horse towards Oldenzeell In a word three hundred men were slayne On his Excellencies part onely three were slaine and sixe hurt and Count William of Nassau was hurt in the bellie but not dangerously Verdugo thus put to rout did the next day make great prouision of fagots to make a way through the Marshes and the countrie wayes beeing many and verie narrow he made shew as if hee would haue intrenched the passages and by that meanes cut off victuals from his Excellencies camp But at last those of Coevoerden perceiuing their succour to faile began to parley and in the meane time Verdugo did againe shew himselfe in battaile and came to view his Excellencies trenches and fortifications who came from receiuing and welcoming the English to his Campe. These two Armies hauing thus viewed one another Verdugo discharged two canon Those of Coevoerden aunswered him with two more which done he marched towards Velt-huyse in the countie of Benthem Those of Coevoerden being thus forsaken and continually battered to the great losse of their souldiers our men by meanes of their myne being lodged on their rampiers and curtaines resolued to compound His Excellencie was likewise willing to grant them any reasonable conditions in regard Verdugo lay not farre off and might haue attempted somewhat to his prejudice as also because the countrie and wayes were verie bad and vnfit for bringing of victuals to the campe and on the 12 of September graunted them this accord following The commissioners were Evert de Ens Christophero de Vasques and Alonzo de Marteny Captaines of the Cauallerie Prince Maurice in fauour of Count Frederick of Berghen his louing cousen doth by these Presents permit and suffer him together with the Captaines officers and souldiers of the garrison of Coevoerden to depart with their ensignes armes
Infanta lay at Newport if she heard not the repot of the Canon shee was male-content and commaunded her Gunners to shoot continually The besieged were not much indebted to the enemy but in the first 20 moneths discharged 100000 shot 18000 of the enemies were slaine the first twentie moneths as well by the ordnance and extreame cold which they endured the first two winters as by sallies sicknesse and miserie And in the towne sixe or seuen thousand died though the number was not well knowne for sicke and wounded men were sent away the like did the enemie who sent his to the next townes and hospitals Notwithstanding all these batteries and that many in the town died of the plague and through want yet the besieged were visited by their freinds kinsfolks wiues and children which came forth of Holland and Zealand and went thither as to a festiuall Some Captaines brought their wiues and children thither Gentlemen and great Lords came thither from Fraunce and England to see the fortifications All the three yeares that the siege continued the besieged kept the fift of Iuly holieday beating their caudrons in steed of bels discharging all their ordnance and that day a solemne sermon was made wherein thankes was giuen to God for preseruing them so long a time from their enemies entreating him still to do the like Sundrie sallies and assaults were made store of fire-works were throwne into the enemies Campe and plat-formes which were made of sagots Among others a certaine Ingeneer called Pompey the Romain inuented sundrie meanes to choake the gullet but all his labour was to no purpose The besieged had made an halfe moone on the farther side of the Gullet to defend the going in and out of the boats and to keepe them safe in the towne dikes and the better to skale the said stalfe moone this Pompey had framed a bridge for assault mounted on foure great brasen wheels like to a Chariot on which this bridge was to bee drawne it bended in the middest and rested on a great mast one hundred and fiftie foot long whereon this bridge might bee drawne vp and let downe It was made of Cables and small cords twined together on small masts The fore part was drawne vp along the mast like a drawe bridge which being brought neere to the town they would haue let fall ouerthwart the dikes vpon the Rampires this bridge was drawne by forty horses With this bridge which they termed the luy-wagon or idle wagon they thought to haue assaulted the halfe moon beyond the gullet The besieged perceiuing it to come forwards did with their Canon shot break one of the wheels before it could be mended had erected masts vpon the counterscarp of the halfe moone that when their bridge should bee let fall it might rest vpon the said masts this being perceiued by the enemy he gaue ouer his inuention In Iune 1603 D. Rodrigo Lasso came from Spaine and brought newes that Marquis Ambrose Spinola brother to Ieronimo Spinola that was slaine in the Gallies before Sluce had after his brothers death couenanted with the king of Spaine to take vp great sums of money for his Majesties seruice on certain assurance and conditions viz. to haue the chiefe authoritie and soueraigne commaund at the siege of Ostend with ample power from the Archduke and not to bee enuied of the other commaunders in the armie of-what nation soeuer The said Marquis beeing come into the low Countries with this commission vndertooke the charge and presenly reformed many matters deposing sundrie officers placing others in their steds carefully prouiding monie and setting diuers skilful Ingeneers on work by whose help he hoped to take the towne for the besieged had long since lost all their fortifications and workes abroad The Marquis presently caused mynes to bee made and assaults to be giuen The Sea and high tides caused by a North-east wind which blew on the first day of March did great harme spoiling and carying away the mines trenches and conterscarps The besieged though they dayly receiued supplies of men and other necessaries yet the sixe last moneths they were mightily annoyed by the continuall batteries and sustained great losse for after Collonell Huchtenbroeck the Lord of Gystels the Gouernour beeing slaine in March who was a braue and valiant gentleman and much lamented Colonell Loon succeeded him who within a while after was likewise slaine and after him many other Captaines which had the chiefe commaund next Colonel Berendrecht whom Colonell Vtenhove succeeded and left the towne beeing hurt At last when the towne had been a long time without Gouernour the Lord of Marquet was sent thither on the tenth of Iune 1604 hee was the last Gouernour there Dauid of Orleance the Ingeneer was shot in the towne and went his way into Holland to bee healed But master Rafe Dexter the Englisman a valiant and skilfull person taried there still This change of gouernours hindred the prosperous successe of many matters their good Decrees being not well obserued some of which we will here set downe It was decreed for preuenting controuersies betwixt victuallers That no wares or victuals should be sold till they had first continued foure and twentie houres in the Market place All souldiers were likewise forbidden to play at Dice or Cardes on paine of eight daies imprisonment and fasting with bread and water No officer might come vpon the gard being drunke on payne of loosing his place and armes because that many souldiers went to the enemie the townesmen offered fiftie crownes to him that could bring in such an one either aliue or dead The enemies in regard diuers of their men came to our side caused their horsemen to keepe continuall gard yet it was to no purpose at all In Aprill May and Iune Marquis Spinola vsed all speedie meanes to take the Towne that he might goe and relieue Sluce sparing neither men nor money Among others Captaine Catrice was slaine he was a man of great experience in martiall affaires diuers other commaunders Colonels and Captaines were likewise slayne they also tooke the Porcuspine and approached daily by assaults and Mynes The twelfth of Iune Spinola blew vp a Myne neere to the Polder Bulwarke which buried many of his men aliue thereupon he gaue an assault wherein certaine hundreds of his men were slayne and some fortie or fiftie of the besieged The sixteenth of Iune the besieged made a fierce sallie vpon the Pioners draue them away Diuers other assaults Mynes and sallies were made that Summer by meanes whereof they came at last euen to the Dikes they likewise stopt vp the old hauen with Fagots In August they vndermyned the Sand hill and approached the other Bulwarkes by means of their platformes from whence they shot fiercely In the end Spinola resolued in September to assault the chiefe Bulwarke the Sand hill and finding the Spaniards and Italians vnwilling to march in regard of the daunger they had before beene in he resolued to make vse of