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A02833 An aduertiseme[nt] to the subjects of Scotland of the fearfull dangers threatned to Christian states; and namely, to Great Britane, by the ambition of Spayne: with a contemplation, of the truest meanes, to oppose it. Also, diverse other treatises, touching the present estate of the kingdome of Scotland; verie necessarie to bee knowne, and considered, in this tyme: called, The first blast of the trumpet. Written by Peter Hay, of Naughton, in North-Britane. Hay, Peter, gentleman of North-Britaine. 1627 (1627) STC 12971; ESTC S118431 133,365 164

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Dominions The second thing to bee observed by the former Discourse is the prowde Designe and large Extent of the Spanish Ambition when this King of whom I treat Philip the second durst together and at once adventure to set him-selfe a-worke for the purchase of Portugall France the Netherlands England and Scotland who should doubt or call it in question that by length of Tyme they intende not to subjugate the whole Estates of Christendome Wee finde it written by them-selues that when hee was about the taking in of Portugall being demanded by one of his greatest Favourites what was the reason why hee did neglect his thinges of East India and suffer Friezland and so manie good Townes to bee invaded and possessed of Heretickes his Enemies and all to maintaine the League and Civill Warres in France Where-vnto hee aunswered That those might bee forgotten for a tyme because the setling of Portugall did import no lesse to him than the securitie of his whole Empyre which once done hee would easilie make all those his Neighbours to become his Homagers and Tributaries yea it was the common Theame of Discourse amongst his Captaines and Souldiours both in Italie Flanders and France or where ever they were That since Portugall was now theirs that France and England could not escape them And more which is a publicke Testimonie the Wryters of the Spanish Storie affirme thus farre That if it had not beene that the saide King Philip had resolved before anie thing to brydle Portugall hee should haue before then sufficientlie daunted France and haue put strong Armies in England Farther the Extent of this Ambition of Spayne is clearlie seene by their Authoritie vsurped over the Consistorie of Rome where they haue made them-selues perpetuall Dictators which is one of the surest Fundaments of the encrease of their Grandour now-a-dayes that Consistorie being as the Alembicke where-in are fyned all the Counsels Projects and Designes of Christendome and the Pope arrogating to him power at his pleasure to excommunicate and consequentlie depose Christian Princes and to transferre the Succession of their Crowns where-of onlie the Riches must belong to that Catholicke King as of England and Yreland to Philip the second by Pius Quintus who did excommunicate Queene Elizabeth of ●England and of Navarre to his Predecessours by the same Title of beeing Heyre and Successour to excommunicate Princes keeping still in their owne hand the raygnes of the Papall Election and invading of their Patrimonies as that of Sicilie and being in effect Popes them-selues governing at their will the Church Rents thorow-out their Kingdomes exacting a verie great part vniversallie of all for their owne vse The third point of Observation vpon the preceeding Discourse is the Iusidiation and Latent Attempts of this Ambition by godlesse Perfidies and Treacherie where no Fayth is kept nor Conscience nor Religion nor Humanitie nor Vere●unditie where Neighbour-Princes cannot brooke their lyues by reason of the excessiue Rewards and Honours promitted to trayterous Executioners of Claudestine Murthers What shall I say of Enemie Princes no I say of what-so-ever persons publicke or private suspected Enemies to their prowde Tyrannie sparing neither Papist nor Protestant Pope nor Cardinall Bishop nor Priest nor nearest Kinsfolkes nor their most faithfull Counsellers or most fortunate Generals if they but once vpon the lightest Occasion become jealous of them no not their owne Children when their blood may bring the smallest accession vnto the strength of that diabolicke Ambition they doe murther poyson embotch and bewitch at their pleasure So that this same Philip of whom I speake hee caused to bee made away in his tyme as Wryters haue observed more than 200 nominablie recorded in diverse Histories whereof I will remember but seaven of the most abominable Paricidies I will call them all so ever heard of and yet best knowne King Henrie the third of France a Christian Prince of equall qualitie with him-selfe to whome hee was bound by that Fraternitie and by the vnion of one Fayth besydes some degrees of Blood yet it is well knowne that hee did contryue the death of this King as truelie as hee did plot the League against him Pope Sextus the fift whome hee professed to bee Head of the Church and his holie Father because that Pope fearing the Spanish Tyrannie if his Conquest of France had proved good hee did favour the said Henrie the third in his last Distresses Philip made him away by Poyson a thing so well vnderstood that they haue it for a common speach yet at Rome which I haue heard with mine eares That if a Pope doe enter without the approbation of Spaine hee will goe the way of Sextus the fift Hee did betray to the Eyes of the World Don Sebestian King of Portugall his Cousin Alexander Farnesse Duke of Parma his Kins-man and Generall in Flanders that valiant and renowned Captaine who had done him so great Services immediatelie after the misfortune of his Armada set out for England 1588. which hee did impute to the slownesse of the saide Duke hee fell into a lingering Disease and died by Poyson ministred from Philip the World doeth know it Don Bartholomew Carenzae Arch-Bishop of Toledo who had beene the Preceptor and Father of his owne Youth-head as Seneca to Nero because hee would not publicklie maintaine his Title to the Crowne of Portugall hee also did dispatch him His Brother Don Iohn de Austria whose great and ambitious spirit hee began to suspect hee was stricken with the Plague of Pestilence immediatelie after the receit of a Letter from Spaine whilst there was no Post in the Countreyes about and where-of hee died But aboue all that most deplorable and nefarious Paricidie publicklie committed avowed by himselfe authorised by the Church the murthering of Prince Charles his owne eldest Sonne Hee did price the life of Don Antonio at 100000 Crownes and of Elizabeth Queene of England and of the late Prince of Orange at as-much a-piece Hee was not ashamed to receiue certaine Townes from the King of Moroco vpon Bargaine to betray as hee did Don Sebestian King of Portugall his Cosin nor to render vnto those Infidels Arzilla which his Predecessours had noblie conquered vpon condition they should not furnish in preste to Don Antonio 200000 Crownes as they had promised to doe at the Intercession of the saide Queene of England These are not mine Assertions but taken and collected from Spanish Wryters Of all the fore-sayde Perpetrations the killing of his Sonne Prince Charles being in it selfe most fearfull and execrable of the whole it is also most clearlie verified not onlie by the Histories of Neighbour-Countreyes as by the French recordes of Majerne of Matthew of Paris of Thuanus but so stood to by the Church of Rome that into that deede they doe place the Triumph and Glorie of the Pietie of the saide King advancing his Fayth aboue that of Abraham who did onelie offer to sacrifice his Sonne and comparing
into Africke they did sende Hanniball with strong Forces into Italie to keepe them at home where-of sayeth the same Scipio in the same place and to the same purpose Sed quid veteribus externisque exemplis opus est majus praesentiusque ●llum esse exemplum quant Hanniball potest From the same ground yet the Romanes by sending of Scipio to make VVarre in Africke made Hanniball constrainedlie to bee called out of Italie Quasi eodem telo saepius retorto sayeth one as by a naturall necessarie and ordinarie meane for keeping of anie State peaceable and free from Enemie-Invasion namelie of the weaker from the more mightie For even in lyke manner when the great Persian Monarchs did often afflict the weake and dismembered Estates of Greece gaping at length after the conquest of all Agesilaus King of Lacedemon pitying his Countreys Calamit●e and to divert those mightie Kinges from Greece he did put him-selfe with a maine Armie into the midst of Persia where hee did so daunt the pryde of Xerxes that it behooved him to practise the same Policie for Liberation of his Kingdomes from Forraigne Powers hee sent 10000 great pieces of Golde bearing the Image of an Archer on the one side the current Stampe then of his Coyne to corrupt as it did the Orators of Athens and Thebes and concitate the People to make Warre to Lacedemon in absence of their King and Countreyes Forces where-vpon the Ephorie were compelled to recall Agesilaus who in his returning saide that 10000 Persian Arcbers had chased him out of Asia Againe of the lyke practise to this of Xerxes with Athens and Thebes for mooving and keeping of Warres in Enemie-Countreyes that wee may remaine within our selues free from their Invasion wee reade in the Histories of Scotland that the renowned Prince Charles Magne having an holie and Christian Resolution to prosecure as hee did Warres against the Barbarians and finding the English begun in their prosperitie to crosse the Seas and to molest the Borders of his Kingdome of France hee sent Ambassadours to Aebains King of Scotland to negotiate with him a perpetuall League in these Termes that when-so-ever the English should molest either of their Countreyes the other should moue Warre to England and so constraine them to call home their Armies Which after great Controversies of Opinions amongst the Scottish Nobilitie and frequent Orations of the French Ambassadours was finallie concluded and stood to by their Successours in all tyme following with often mutuall Advantages against their Common Enemie For late Examples I haue alreadie tolde you how King Philip made Warres in France and intended against England and that to the ende they should retire their Forces from Portugall Hanniball did ever affirme namelie to King Antiochus that it was impossible to vanquish the Romanes but at home in Italie as the same Livius doeth testifie Now I thinke yee will come to the Hypothesis and put mee to prooue that the Spanyard is that mightie Enemie who intendeth to trouble this Kingdome That hee is mightie a great deale aboue that which wee would wish I haue alreadie showed and that hee is our Enemie not onelie by actions intended or projected but diverslie alreadie attempted these are the Circumstances which doe qualifie it First he is Enemie to all Christian States by the vniversalitie of his Ambition Ergo also to vs Secondlie his Grandsire Philip the second did once obtaine a matrimoniall right to the Crowne of England by his marriage with Queene Marie Thirdlie a Papall right by excommunication of Queene Elizabeth Fourthlie hee did set foorth a great Armada to haue reconquered it as is before rehearsed Fyftlie hee hath ever since and as I thinke doeth yet maintaine with-in it a claudestine Traffique of Iesuites and Seminarie Priests to alienate the Hearts of Subjects from their naturall King or to keepe them vmbragious and suspended in myndes vntill his better occasion And I doe thinke that besides Ambition puissing him there-vnto there bee no Neighbour-States that hee so much feareth by reason of their strong and skilfull Navigation as yee will heare heere-after more particularlie But this King that nowe is in Spayne hath proceeded farther hee hath reft and taken away the whole estate of the Palatine who is Brother-in-law to His Majestie our Soveraigne and by that deede hath made this Warre to bee defensiue to vs Non enim nobis solum nati c. Wee are not onelie borne to our selues but our Prince our Parents our Children our Friendes Common-wealth and Religion everie of these haue their owne part and interesse in vs and all these together doe concurre to move vs to so just a Warre so far that if that Prince Palatine were not linked to vs by so near Allyance and by communion of one Fayth yet Tum tua res agitur paries dum proximus ardet the propulsion of a fearfull Enemie approaching nearer to our Coastes and seeking to do mineire over all is sufficient enough to make all the braue Heartes of Christendome to boyle Besides these hee hath put vpon vs intollerable Indignities in a verie high degree hee hath made vs by false and persidious Promises to bee as indifferent beholders of his conquest of the Pal●tinate yea more to facilitate his engresse there-to hee hath made vs to seeke Peace perhaps to haue beene accepted vpon disadvantagious Conditions and hath refused the same And hee who refuseth Peace by necessarie consequence doeth intende Warre The marriage of our King hath beene agitated by him and illuded and hee who doeth containe so neare friendship of Neighbours appearinglie intendeth to bee their Superiour And so hee hath left vs no hope of Peace but in Armes therefore wee may conclude with that Captaine of the Volsques of whom I spake before Iustum est Bellum quibus est necessarium pia Arma quibus nulla nis● 〈◊〉 Armi● relinquitur spes Their Warre is just whose Warre is necessarie and their Armes bolie to whom there is no hope relinquished but in Armes Since then I holde it granted that of necessitie there must bee Warres it followeth to consider the Forces to bee employed there-to and those must either bee properlie our owne or of conjoyned Confederates Wee are bred into and doe inhabite a Northerne Region naturallie generatiue of great Multitudes of more bellicole kynde and of more robust Bodies than those of the Southerne Climates And al-be-it wee haue for the first face but small opinion of our vulgar sort because an hard condition of living hath some-what dejected their Hearts during these late vnfruitfull Yeares yet there bee manie strong Persons of Men amongst them who pressed for the Milice and once made acquainted there-with and being fred from the Povertie and Basenesse of their carriage they will more gladlie follow the Warres than the Plough Wee haue numbers of braue Gentle-men wanting vertuous Employments and for the most part necessarie Meanes Wee reade in our Countrey Annals how our auncient
Kings did lose in Battels yea and frequent Battels ten or twentie or thirtie thousand Men when Scotland was not so populous What should wee then doubt nor wee bee able now to make great numbers and that is alwyse easilie tryed by Rolles of Weapon-showes if they bee diligentlie noted and so what doe wee lacke of Warre but Armour Discipline and Mayntaynance And certainlie it is strange that in this great appearance of Warres the two or three yeares by-gone no order hath bene given to bring able men vnder Discipline Wee heare and haue read that even in Spaine when the Countrey-Youthes of vulgar kinde are in-rolled for the Milice and brought to Cities for Discipline they doe looke as most vile and abject Slaues if one haue Sockes hee wanteth Shooes and manie doe want both if another haue Breaches hee wanteth the Doublet pitifull Bodies and our of countenance but when they bee exercised during two Moneths and once put into Apparell then they are seene of most haughtie Carriage and to walke as Captaines in the Streets Why then are wee not to expect the lyke of our People if lyke paines were taken and if in everie Shyre 〈◊〉 Men expert in the Souldierie were set a-worke to in-roll and bring vnder Capt●ines and Discipline those who were most fitting for the Warres no doubt but our basest Clownes should grow both to civill conversation and cowrage There hath never beene yet anie great State carelesse of the Militarie Seminaries not in times of most solemne and sworne Peace As for Allyance Leagues or Confederacio in Warres they are indeede not onelie necessarie but as I haue saide before even naturall to bee for the safetie of smaller States or Princes from the tyrannie and violence of the mightier But with-all they haue beene often-times subject to one of two great Inconveniences either to Pryde for Preferment or Prioritie of place during Warres where-thorow what dangers did ensue in that famous Confederacie for the Battell of Lepanto because of emulation betwixt Don Iohn de Austria and Vinieri the Admirall of Venice the Storie doeth beare it at length and al-be-it it pleased GOD in His mercie to favour the present action yet the rememberance of that Contestation did debrash all farther prosecution of that glorious and holie Enterpryse and vtterlie dissolue that Christian Vnion Neyther is it a new thing al-though I bring this late Example for it The Romanes in their beginnings being confederate with the Latines in a League offensiue and defensiue the Latines did challange Paritie of Governement Si societas aequa●io juris est sayeth Livius cur non omnia aequantur cur non alter ab Latinis Consul datur vbi pars vivium ibi imperij pars Tum consul Rom audi Iupiter baec scelera perigrinos Consules c. If societie bee an equalitie of things Why are not all things made equall to vs and why should not one of the two Consuls bee a Latine Where-vnto the Romanes did answere by attesting Iupiter that it was an impious demande to haue a stranger Consullover them Or againe Leagues are subject to fraudfull desertion of some of the Sociation in time of greatest Danger Wherof the World is full of daylie experience I will remember that of Lodowicke Duke of Milan who vpon malice against the Aragones of Naples did procure King Charles the eight of France pretending some Title to Naples to bring a great Armie into Italie joyned with him a Confederacie of divers of his Friends in Italie But seeing the said King to passe thorow so fortunatelie and to behaue him-selfe as a Conquerour in manie of their Townes and to enter peaceablie in Naples without that anie Teeth were showed against him as the King returned from Naples home-ward the same Duke did negoti●te a League of the greatest Potētates against him who did constrayne him to fight a Battell at Forum Novum vnder the Apennine where hee did hardlie escape with his lyfe although hee over-threwe them I haue tolde you alreadie how Philip the second of Spayne did desert Don Sebastian of Portugall and betray him by a League but of all Examples for this Purpose that is most remarkable of the Confederacie drawne by Charles of Burgundie with the whole Princes of France agaynst Lewis the eleventh where-vnto they were so bended and willing that they did call it Bellum pro Rep. A Warre vnder-gone for the Common-wealth Which Confederacie that subtill King did dissolue as Clowds dispersed with the Wind before they could grow to Raine where-vpon sayeth the Wryter of the Historie De Comines That hee holdeth one partie stronger for him-selfe who doeth command absolutelie over 10000 than are ten Confederates against him al-be-it everie of them doeth command over 6000. To come to our Purpose There are as manie Christian Princes and States true Enemies to the Spanyard as are able to devoure him in two or three Yeares if it were possible to contract amongst them a Confederacie or League of Salt that is to say which might endure without Corruption of Fraude or Emulation And therefore heere must I say that all the Actions belonging to a King are of light importance compared to this to maturelie deliberate both of his owne Forces and of the trustinesse of Confederates before hee doe enterpryze VVare Alwyse when wee take but a single view of our Associates against Spayne wee should thinke it strange why they may not stand vnited beeing al-readie conjoyned by Vi●initie of Neighbour-hood by Consanguinitie Affinitie communion of one Cause against a Common Enemie communion of one Fayth connected I say everie one of them by diverse of these Bandes our Soveraigne the King of Great Britane the French King his Brother-in-law the King of Denmarke his Vncle the Princes of Germanie all knit to the Prince Palatine eyther in Blood in Religion or participation of one Feare of the House of Austria the Duke of Savoy who lyeth nearest to the Thunders and Threats of Spayne having a great part of his Territories circumscribed by them the Venetians who beholde his Garrisons daylie vpon their Frontiers gaping for some good oportunitie of Assault Holland and her Estates who haue beene so long protected and as it were fostered in the Bosome of the Crowne of England now who would not conjecture that this Tygers VVhelpe might bee surelie impailed amidst those mightie Hunters and that it were easie for them to bring him to his latter sweate I scorne heere to call in question what invincible Armies they might assemble by Sea and Land sufficient to robbe him of all that hee hath for it is thought that if after the taking in of Portugall England France Holland and other Confederates had then put into it amongst them all but 30000 Men with sufficient Shipping and Munition they had beene bastant to recover it and King Philip had beene forced to forbeare from the farther troubling of France or Holland And yet to treat this Point of so
great Consequence with Candor and Sinceritie I finde that Men of great experience for Warre doe holde opinion contrarie to this beeing of the mynde of King Francis the first who saide that longsome VVarres and small Armies served rather to exercise Men in the Artes Militarie than to daunt the Enemie and that without grosse Armies and quicke dispatch it was not possible to compasse great Enterpryses saying with-all that the Maintainance of small Armies and longsome VVarres was much more chargeable than the other They tell vs that the Empyre of the Turke beginneth to decline for his Pretermission of two thinges which his Predecessours did obserue and follow One that hee goeth not in person to bee over his Armies as they did another that they are not so numerous and grosse as they had them and that light exploits and often leading of small Armies to and froe doeth but teach the Milice to his Enemies and spoyle his owne Countreyes thorow vvhich his Souldiours so frequentlie doe passe Where-of they giue vs this Example Amurat the third kept vnder the commandement of his Bussaes a lingering VVarre of more than twelue Yeares employing not verie great Armies against the Persian vvhere-by al-be-it hee conquered great partes of his Countreyes yet vvere his Losses knowne to bee greater because hee spended the Flowre of his Forces of young Souldiours and lustie Horses 200000 Horses and more than 500000 Men from the beginning to the ende and made desolate the Countreyes that hee tooke in so farre that Osman Bassa alone besides what vvas done by others did cast to the ground and burne 100000 Houses besides that the Persians their Enemies during that great length of tyme did become more skilfull Warriours than themselues The Spanish Warres against Holland Zealand and Friezland haue vvrought the same Effects Agesilaus King of Lacedemonia in his longsome Warres against the Thebaus having one day received a dangerous Blow in his Person was tolde by one of his Friends that hee deserved vvell to haue it because hee had taught his Enemies to bee good Souldiours I confesse indeede that in this point of teaching the Arte Militarie to Enemies vvee can lose nothing beeing rather to learne from them but whether the employing of small or grosie Armies against them shall bee most hurtfull to them before vvee say to that wee must consider vvhat parts of his Dominions doe lye most open for our Invasion and most easilie and profitablie brooked for I take it also as granted that as there must bee Warres so they must bee with-out our Countrey and into that of the Enemie Never an actiue Prince was knowne to looke on vntill the Enemie should bee seene with-in his Bowels There be thousands of Examples of Ignorants who by so doing haue cast away their Kingdome from them-selues Antiochus Persius Iuba Ptolome the last of Aegypt Darius some of the French Kings as King Iohn taken vvith-in his owne Countreyes by Edward the Blacke Prince of England And for this cause Philip of France called the Conquerer vnderstanding that the Emperour Otho the second and the King of England were to assault his Kingdome hee fortified sundrie strong places and led his Armie without the Frontiers vvhere hee did combate and defeat them Wee reade in our Scottish Histories how frequentlie Armies haue bene convoyed beyond our Marches to find the Enemie before he should enter amongst vs. So long as a Countrey is free from open Hostilitie as long it doeth not feele extreame Calamitie sayeth Scipi● Afric for putting of Armies into Africke Plus animi est inferenti periculum quam propulsanti ad hoc major ignotarum rerum est terror c. The Assaulters of anie Countrey must haue greater cowrage than the Defendants who having mo● things and more deare in perill their Houses their Rit●●es VVyues and Children are more taken with feare besides being with-in the Enemies Countrey yee doe discover all his weaknesses whylst your strength and possibilities the more they bee vnknowne to him they doe the more encrease his terrour But to speake of places in generall most proper for this VVarre there is none more honourable than the Palatinate al-be-it most difficill to come vnto by reason of remotenesse from the Sea without the restitution where-of there can remaine no credite with the parties and Princes of the League I heard a Scottish Captaine of good experience in those Countreyes latelie say to mee that it was impossible to recover the Palatinate but by Sea Advantages over the Spanyard because it was so farre remooved from Friends and I did aske him how the late Prince of Parma did leade 10000 Men to Paris in the Teeth of a mightie King amidst his Armies hee answered mee that those were carried as in Trenches and the way was easie without impediment of Mountaines or Rivers Againe I demanded how did the Christian Kings ancientlie of England Scotland and France convoy their Armies to the holie VVarres of Hierusalem and most part over Land or how Alexander the Great an Armie of with-in 40000 from Macedon to the Easterne Occean and did subjugate all the Nations by the way or how Iulius Caesar a smaller by the one halfe from the occident of France to Pharsalia in Greece or Hanniball from Carthage by the way of Spaine and France thorow so manie alpestiere and precipitious Mountaines even to Naples and brooked Italie fifteene Yeares Although themselues were excellent and incomparable Captaines and of extravagant Fortunes yet their Souldiours appearinglie haue beene but such Men as doe yet liue in the VVorld the difference and ods of Tymes excepted for softnesse and Delicacie in some and contemplation and loue of Letters in others haue so daunted and as it were emasculate the cowrage of Men who now are that none is able to endure that austeritie and hardnesse of living with Hanniball him-selfe let bee his Souldiours The next Fielde fitting for this VVarre is that which were most easie to come vnto and likelie to bring the Businesse to a short and prosperous Ende and this is the Countrey of VVest Flanders if this fatall Iealousie of Neighbour-Princes which hath beene so manie tymes contrarious to the best Designes and Enterpryses of Christendome did not heere with-stand that is to say if the French King did not call to mynde how that was the Port where-at ancientlie the English did so often enter to trouble his Predecessours It is a wonderfull thing if Kings so nearelie allyed and so nearelie touched by one Common Danger cannot bee assured from mutuall Iealousies in the meane tyme Nulla fides regni sociis Therefore leaving that to the Event which GOD shall grant I will speake of putting Armies into Spayne by Sea wherevnto it may bee yee will object the small Successes now of a second Navigation of the English to Portugall and that His Majestie had better kept his Navie at home Careat successibus opto quisquis ab eventu facta not and a putet
I answere to you that Counsels and Designes are not to bee weighed from the Event that was so good a purpose as in my judgement will not yet be left But yee will say Wee haue wakened the sleeping Dog and made spoyle of our best Occasion I confesse that is more considerable than anie losse and yet who doubteth for the Dog but hee was a-wake before Diabolus non dormit How can he sleepe that lyeth in Ambush for all the World As touching the credite of the Enterpryse it is so farre from bringing vnder question the Reputation of our Soveraigne that by the contrarie both that and his personall going to Spaine are things where-of wee should rejoyce as being infallible Arguments of his Royall Magnanimitie and Preambles of much greater things King Philip of Macedon being brought for the first time to see the noble Horse Bucephalus commanded his best Horse-man to ryde him which when hee could not doe by reason of his fiercenesse the King did set another to him and the third who in lyke manner did not suffice vntill at length Alexander his Sonne being but a young Stripling did adventure him-selfe to it and did performe it which when his Father behelde shedding Te●res for joy hee apprehended there-by the greatnesse of his Spirit saying that Greece was too small for him Where such Sparkles breake foorth before the Fyre of a young Prince his cowrage bee well kindled it is like enough once to spreade manie Flames abroad Yea I will say farther that the successe of that Businesse went better than if it had beene to our Wishes for that it is not good that Fortune should bee too indulgent to the beginninges of a young King or should lay the Reignes vpon his Necke but rather that he runne his first Cariers with a borne head to the ende that hee may learne the wayes of true Wisdome and Fore-sightfulnesse in Matters of greater Consequence The ancient Theologues amongst the Gentiles did never introduce their Goddesse Fortune in the Counsell of the Gods There is nothing that doeth more rectifie the judgement to Action than Experience where-of one Tricke in our Youthhead is more worth to vs than twentie in our Age. Besides that wee are certainlie but ignorant to thinke that great things can bee gone about or compassed but by adventuring somethings also of the lyke kynde but lest wee bee anie way discowraged by those two fruitlesse Voyages of the English to Portugall wee may reade in the Stories how that Nation ancientlie hath beene no lesse victorious in Spaine than in France al-be-it not so often because they were olde and long Inheriters and Inhabiters of diverse parts of France Edmund called De Langley Duke of Yorke and Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Langcaster both Sonnes of Edward the third King of England having obtained diverse glorious Victories against the Castilians in favours of the Kinges of Portugall sought to bee ejected by the saide Castilians not-the-lesse where-of they did at length marrie the two Daughters of Peter King of Castile who dying without other Children the saide Iohn of Gaunt who was married to the eldest did stile him-selfe King of Castile and passe from Gascoigne then being vnder the English Dominion into Castile with 8000 Footmen 2000 Horse where he did quickly make himselfe Master almost of the whole Countrey but partlie by Famine then in Castile and secondlie because of new Troubles betwixt the English and French then in Gascoigne and thirdlie by reason of hote Broyles in England which was likelie to cut him from succourse of his Friends hee did transact with most honourable and advantagious conditions even at his owne option that his onelie Daughter and Chylde should marrie the eldest Sonne of the Castilian King that him-selfe should haue the present Possession and profites of foure chiefe Townes of Castile with sixtie hundreth thousand Frankes in Argent Content to defray his Charges and fourtie thousand Franks of yearlie Rent What then shall wee thinke but the English who are the naturall Off-spring of those generose Stockes haue also braue Mindes and aboundance of Cowrage to invade by way of just and necessarie VVarre their olde and sworne Enemies of Castile if they were once set on edge after this long Intervale of Peace Haue they not all the whyle bene exclayming agaynst the dayes of Peace And was it not much for a pacificke King to contayne them Did they not yearne after the Spanyard as Hounds long kept vp after Hares And may we not hope that Armies which bee not verie grosse well disciplined vvell armed and vvell mayntayned can doe great thinges in Portugall being of so easie accesse and recept when wee reade of Scanderbeg or of the late Prince of Transylvania or in our owne Annals of VVilliam VVallace what Miracles were done by small numbers against worlds of Men It is the LORD who stirreth vp the Heart to persecute Pryde and punish Tyrants it is Hee who doeth deliver into the Hands of Israel their mightie Enemies 2000 Men that Charles the eight of France gaue to his Cosin Henrie Earle of Richmond were sufficient for him to passe into England and giue Battell to Richard the third the Tyrant and to slay him The Kingdome of Spaine was once alreadie as I haue related taken from Roderico a licentious Prince by 12000 Moores But to returne to the particular Navarre or Portugall shall bee the first Revolters from Spayne when-so-ever the tyme shall come where-in GOD hath appoynted to dissipate that Empyre there shall the Stone bee first moved which rolling along shall bruise and breake the Hornes there-of Portugall must bee the chiefe Port of our Hopes in Spayne The World holdeth that His Majestie of Great Britane and the Hollanders his protected Confederates haue more Shipping than will command the whole Occean let bee to get footing in Portugall or to stop the Trafficke of the West Indees And if wee would make a likelie Conjecture what they are able to doe in Portugall let vs but call to mynde what great Conquests were made by the Portugals them-selues with no great numbers of Ships as is showne in the former part of this Discourse There bee manie yet alyue who know that when those few of England and Holland did last invade and tooke the Towne of Cales King Philip did presentlie sende for his Galleyes of Naples and Sicilia and would haue borrowed from Genua and Malta hee called his Forces out of Britanie and had beene compelled to call Home all that hee had anie where if the English had remayned longer It is greatlie to bee marveled why the Ritches of the VVest Indees should not before now haue allured both English Flemmings and others who are powerfull by Sea those beeing the Treasures that doe fortifie and assure the Spanish Tyrannie The Romanes and Carthagenians when they began to flowrish and to haue mutuall Iealousies fore-seeing that Sicilia beeing a Store-House of fyne Cornes and People was
everie Man doeth fill his own Spheare and everie Man's estate is a Kingdome to him-selfe Perseus that mightie King having beside him infinite Treasures and refusing to bestow some of them to Gentius a Neighbour-prince and others who offered to combate the Romanes in Italie he suffered them to over-throw him-selfe in his owne Countrey Darius cōmitted the lyke Errour with Alexander and Stephanus King of Bosna the lyke with Mabomet the second as I haue remembered before wee may prayse GOD that wee haue not such avaricious Kings What is it that good and naturall Subjects will not doe for the safetie of the Sacred Persons of their Kings Let bee of their Kingdomes vvhere-in wee haue our Portion and common Interesse with them We may reade in the Histories of France what domage that Countrey did sustaine for the liberation of their King Iohn taken by Edward the Blacke Prince of England at the Battell of Poiteou and of King Francis the first taken at the Battell of Pavie and in our owne Histories what our Predecessours did for the redemption of King David Bruce led Captiue in England and there detained eleven yeares Liberatus sayeth the Historie undecimo ex qu● captus est anno numeratis quingentis millibus Mercarum Sterlingarum in presenti moneta Hee was redeemed vpon payment of fiue hundreth thousand Marks Sterling in argent contant A thing most admirable the scarcitie of Moneyes in those dayes considered If a Physition should cōmand vs in time of a dangerous Sicknesse to take a little Blood for preservation of the whole Bodie wee should bee glad to obey him why not by the like reason when our King who cureth and careth for the Bodie of the Common-wealth doeth command vs to bestow some of our Goods for safetie of our whole Estate ought wee not to obey if wee were versed in the French Annals to know what innumerable spoile of Goods was there before the Spanyards could bee pyked out of the Nests which they did build vpon their Coasts and with-in their Bowels wee would bee content to spende to our Shirt as it is saide before they should plant their Tents amongst vs. I haue alreadie told you how they are of Melancholious and fixed Mindes not easilie raysed or remooved where once they are set downe where-of wee see the present experience into the Palatinate To take and then to giue backe againe is not the way of their Designe to vniversall Empyre over their Neighbours If anie would object that the Palatinate is detayned for Reparation of the Wrongs and Injuries done in Bohemia hee hath little skill in the Effaires of the VVorld for why these might haue bene long since composed or redressed but it is done to facilitate their Conquest in Germanie to enclose the Nether-Landes from Succourse of their Friendes there and to open a Gate into England by length of Tyme vvhen they shall finde the Occasion fitting So that if the Kings of Great Britane and France together with their Confederates of Germanie the Netber-Lands doe not joyne their Forces to banish them tymouslie from the Palatinate as the Romanes did the Carthagenians from Sicilia vvhich I did note in the beginning here-of doubtlesse they vvill bee vpon their owne Neckes at the length There vvas a great Intervale of Tyme betwixt the first and second Warres of the Romanes against the Carthagenians and yet the last did come to passe and there-with the vtter over-throw of the Carthagenian State And here I must recount a thing vvhich I haue often called to mynde since His Majesties comming from Spayne and that the Treatie of his Marriage did there expyre how I my selfe the yeare of their Pacification vvith Holland beeing in the Towne of Brussels in familiar discourse touching our late Soveraigne his cōming to the Crowne of England vvith a Scottish Gentle-man of a fine Wit Experience In-sight in the Spanish Designes and vvho had beene long tyme a Coronell and Counsellor of Warre amongst them Coronell Semple hee sayd to me That al-be-it King Iames vvas an aged wise Prince vvho had providently practized his peaceable Entrie to England that yet he vvas much beholden to that Tyme so fortunate as it vvas for him vvhen Spayne being so broken vvith longsome VVarres had al-most begged their Peace frō Holland And how-so-ever sayd he your King may be free of vs during his lyfe yet if ye shall surviue him ye shall see no more Peace betwixt England and Spayne adding vvith-all this Speach Laus non solum hominum est sed etiam temporum Where-vnto I did answere that by these it seemed that the Spanyard intended to conquer England Then he rehearsed to me the manie notable Injuries done to them by the English Nation by their prowde and fascuous ejection of King Philip before the death of Marie by their fostering of their Rebels in Flanders by their protection of Don Antonio King of Portugall and ayding of him vvith Sea Armies but namelie by their ordinarie Sea Rapines and insolent Navigation vvithout the controlling and coercing vvhere-of Spayne could not be in so good Case as vvas hoped for to be in progresse of Tyme And in the ende hee did subjoyne thus farre If your Catholicke Noble-men of Scotland with whom my selfe sayd he did negotiate from Spayne had bene wyse and constant your Countrey might haue bene long before now in a twentie-folde more happie Condition vnder the Dominion of Spayne than ever it can be vnder the Crowne of England the Yoake of whose Servitude and Tyrannie shall questionlesse become intollerable to you so soone as that King shall be gone who doeth so well know you for why by reason of their Vicinitie and nearnesse vnto you they shall be ever preassing to draw great Rents from you into England which cannot fayle to impoverish your Countrey where-as by the contrarie the Spanyard should not only spend it amongst your selues but should also yearlie send in great summes of Money to you according as he doeth here in Flanders in his other Provinces This Storie did I after my returning to London relate to His Majestie who is nowe with GOD and who having heard it did answere me That Semple was an olde Traytor and dangerous companie for his Subjects which went beyond the Seas Thus the Spanyardes know not when the Fish will swimme but they doe keepe their Tydes diligentlie and haue their Nets hung in all Mens Waters so that if anie of vs would thinke that the present Quarrell against Spayne is more sibbe to the King our Soveraigne than to vs by reason of the Palatinate it were absurd ignorance also For first granting it vvere so yet there can bee no Separation betwixt the Head and the Members whome GOD and Nature haue knit together there is none can loose Next agayne it is well knowne that our late King of blessed memorie could haue gotten to marrie his onlie Daughter greater and the greatest of Christian Princes if it
had not beene to prevent the falling of our Crowns Succession into the person of some Papisticall Prince to the dangering of the Libertie Evangelicall and Vnitie of this Kingdome of Great Britane of both which the LORD hath made Him-selfe the Instrument to establish them Our latest Histories doe record that Scotland England and Ireland haue alreadie beene almost devoured by Forraigne Ambition by way of Marriages with Papall Kings as of Queene Marie the Grand-mother of our present King with the Dolphin of France of Marie Queene of England to Philip the second King of Spayne vvhere-of vvhat Blood-sheeding Cruell Warres and Persecution of the Professors of the Gospell did follow even to publicke Martyrdome the Stories doe mention at length vvhich moved our Proto Reformator Iohn Knoxe to publish that Treatise agaynst the Regiment or Reignes of Women If so be that the onlie Daughter of Great Britane and of that King capable of the greatest Marriage in Christendome vvas couched in so narrow Bounds out of the holie Projects of her Father to assure the Peace and Liberties of this Kingdome to vs our Successours then can anie Quarrell in the World be so deare to vs more pricke our Consciences and Honour nor the Restitution of her Estate although the Spanyard were resolved to march his Ambition there and come no farther Having treated thus farre concerning VVarre or the necessitie of Warre with Spaine I come now to speake of things that may breede into vs Distraction of Myndes or Coldnesse of Affection towards this Businesse And first because it is most easilie answered vnto I vvill remember how it did sticke in manie Mens Teeth and could not at the first bee digested that vvee did not know no not the Lords of our Counsell vvhat vvas the Course of His Majesties Navie that a publicke Fast and Praying vvas enjoyned for the successe of vvee know not what and that this Fast vvas not limitated but during the King's vvill contrarie the Custome of the Scottish Church and diverse from anie Example to bee found in Scripture The last of these two being a Question Theologicall and impertinent to this Discourse I will not touch But for the first I say and it is approved in all Ages that nothing doeth more advance great Enterpryses than Secrecie so farre that Secrecie is the verie Soule of the Actions of Kings and their Secrets once published are but lyke vented Wyne which can no more be drunken And most actiue Princer haue brought to passe amongst puissant Enemies most noteable Exploits onlie by meanes of Secrecie as wee doe finde speciallie in the lyues of Iulius Caesar Charles the fift Emperour Lewis the eleventh of France whose cover Plots secret Friendes Voyages Dyets and Dayes of Battell were kept in their Breasts vnto the time of present Execution which kinde of doing was the chiefest thing that made them so redoubted and feared of all their Enemies as the Spanyard even to this day delighteth to holde his Neighbours in perpetuall feare by this secrecie of Counsels and Courses Withall I doe confesse that such doing requireth a solide wisdome in Princes and that other-wise it vvere verie dangerous in the meane time it is sure that wee who bee private Subjects are not to craue a Compt of their Counsels no more than the Members of the Bodie doe question for that which they are commanded to doe by the intellectuall Reason that lodgeth in the Head The next Point shall bee to consider of our Doubts and Feares Domesticke as I did terme them in the beginning and first touching the Reformation or Innovation of Counsell and Session intended by His Majestie It is certaine that Princes both may and ought to reforme and if they please innovate where there is neede there being no meanes in this corruptible World to keepe things in due temper but after long progresse of Time and growing of Abuses to reduce them to their first Institution Plato holdeth that an the length GOD shall reforme the Worke of the whole World and reduce it to the first Puritie and that other-wise it is not able to endure and stand I know not how that accordeth with Sainct Iohn Apoc. who sayeth That wee shall see new Heavens and a new Earth And a great Politicke saide That if some late reformed Franciscan Friers and the late Order of the austere Caputchines bad not risen to maintaine some credite to the Pope's Church that it had beene before now disgustfull even to all the World by reason of his obstinate denyall to reforme his Church against the nature of thinges But to the Purpose● There is indeede no small importance in the Auncietie of Senators long experienced in the Mysteries of a State and with the Humours and Conditions of a People● and these are onelie they who can bee called Olde Counsellers And diverse of the wisest Emperours sayde it was more dangerous to haue an olde King and a young Counsell nor a young King and an olde Counsell Where of wee see the good experience in the Spanish Government where the death of a King doeth no more interrupt the Course and prosperitie of that Empyre than it were of anie private person The verie Name it selfe of a Senator doeth signifie Agednesse as a Senectute The Greekes called the Senate 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to show that both Greekes and Latines did choose aged Men to their Counsellers yea suppose they could haue found numbers of young Men Wyse Graue and of good Experience yet they would not haue them to bee Senators because that were said they to turne their Senate into a Iuvenat Solon and Lycurgus did prohibite by a Law the comming of anie vpon the Senate with-in the age of 40 although they were never so sufficient But to leaue them the Scripture telleth vs which is a Warrand infallibl● that in the setling of the Iewish Governamēt GOD commanded to choose 70 not of the best nor the most learned nor of greatest experience but sayeth the text Of the most Aged to whom Hee gaue the Spirit of Wisdome in aboundance Yet whilst it is so even good Politickes of the latter Tymes and consequentlie of greater Experience will holde the Opinion that it is expedient for the Common-wealth to change and innovate Magistrates and for it they doe bring this Reason They tell vs that the ende of good Governament is Vertue and the scope of everie prudent Prince should bee to render his Subjects Vertuous and therefore the Rewards of Vertue which are publicke Offices of the State ought to bee patent to everie vertuous Mynde and the Hopes of them set before it as the Marke where-at it must aime which cannot bee if Offices of State be lyfe-rentallie established in the Persons of a Few who whilst they and onlie they doe enjoy the publicke Honours and Emoluments it doeth beget an Heart-burning and Envy into other good Spirits who finde themselues neglected and so doeth breede
States of Germanie against Charles the fift 33. Cardinall Baronio against Philip the second ibidem Why the Nobilitie of Spaine doe hate their King 34. A Weaknesse supposed in Spayne for want of Armes and why it is so 36. Their naturall Pryde a Weaknesse ibid. Description of the Spanish nature 37. Spayne to bee opposed by making Warre with-in their owne Dominions 38. Plantation of Nova Scotia 39. When a Kingdome is perfect and naturallie compacted in it selfe then to bee slow to Warres 41. The definition of a just Warre and our Warres against Spayne proved to bee just 42. Emulation of the Romanes and Carthagenians for vniversall Empyre 43. Agesilaus being but a poore King did invade the Persian Empyre ibidem First confederacie of the Scots with the French sought by Charles Mayne 44. How the Spaniard is proved to bee our enemie ibid. How Scotland is furnished of Men for Warre 46. Nature of leagues with examples auncient and moderne 47. Confederates against Spayne 48. Whether small or grosse Armies to bee sent to Enemie-Countreyes shewed by contemplation of the Turkish Warres 49. The Palati●●te the most honourable seat for Warres against Spayne 51. King Alexander Hannibell and Iulius Caesar did leade their Armies to more remote Countreyes ibid. Going of His Majestie in person to Spaine 52. The English auncientlie victorious in Spai●e 53. The VVest Indees in the possession of a great Monarch proved to bee an infallible meanes of vniversall Empyre by length of tyme 55. Money the Nerue of Warre and greatest Monarches and States much distressed for want thereof 56. The hudge Moneyes gotten by Charles the fift in Peru 57. The naturall humours of the French Nation ibid. Speculation of Neighbour Calamities during our Peace in this Age going and of our Predecessours troubles many Ages by-gone 58. More of Money and of Men in Scotland now than in the dayes of our Antecessours and the proofe thereof 61. A wicked People doe make a wicked King 63. A Bridge of Golde to bee made for Enemies to passe out vpon ibid. Great Ransome payed by our Predecessors for King David Bruce 64. The Palatinate detained to make a Way for the conquest of Germanie and England 65. A remarkable Conference of Coronell Semple with the Author of this Treatise ibid. Iohn Knoxe against the Regiment of Women 67 The going of His Majesties Navie to Portugall and what a great point is Secrecie in great Enterpryses and the Examples thereof ibid. The Reformation or Innovation of Magistrates and the Commodities or Inconvenients following thereon 68. Plato holdeth That after the current of that great Yeare GOD shall reforme the whole worke of Nature and reduce it to the first puritie ibid. Vtilitie of the Censor amongst the Romanes 70. Commission for Grievances ibid. Great Men not to beare Offices where they dwell 76. Two of one Familie not to bee of one Session of Iudges 77. Reformation of Advocates most necessarie of anie thing with the Examples of Kings and States Enemies to the Trade of Advocation 78. Lewis the eleventh of France did revo●ke and annull Heritable Shyre●●ships 81. Abuses of late erected Lordships of Church Land●s necessarie to bee reformed 82. If the Domaine of Regall Crownes or of Republickes bee allienable 83. Noble Men are the Shadowes and Reflects of Kings 84. Why the Lyues of Kinges are so precious 85. The last Convention of the Estates of Scotland and His Majesties Revocation 86. The first Donation of the Crown Lands and division of them in Baronies ibid. Ritches did spoyle the Pietie of the Church 89. Before the separation of the Church of Rome made by Luther the hundreth part of Christian People did possesse more than the tenth part of the Revenewes 90. The number of Ecclesiasticall Prelasies Benefices Churches Curies of France ibid. The nature of Tenthes 91. The first Dedication of Tenthes in Scotland 94. Puritanes foolishlie opposed to the Pope's Church in good things 96. Mysterie of Number 98. The Vnitie doeth represent GOD 99. The Number 7 is proper to the Creation Induration and finall Glorification of the World 100. The Novenarie doeth comprehende the whole Species of Nature Man excepted 101. Ten is the Quotient or fulnesse of Nature 102. Man was the first Tenth ibid. CHRIST was the second and perfect Tenth 103 Two sort of Puritanes opponents to Episcopall Rents and Governament discordant amongst themselues 106. Persecution of Iulian worse than of Dio●l●sian 107. Plantation of our Northerne Yles and Hielards a most Royall and most necessarie Policie 108. Battell of Hare-law 109. Abuses and Oppressions by way of Tenthes to bee reformed 110. Discourse of the Nature and Course of Moneyes 112. What Benefite or Inconvenient vpon the heighting of Money 113. What Order to bee taken with Moneys kept vp in the Hands of Merchands 117. Decay of our Shipping how to bee restored 118. Prodigall Persons ancientlie interdicted and punished by Lawes 119. Against the vse of Silver Plate and guilding 120. Ferdinandus Magn●s of Spayne Charles the ninth of France and manie great Princes did sell their Silver Plate or reduce it in Coyne 121. Prescription for Dyet and Apparell practised by great States in time of publicke Distresses 122. Speach to the King's Majestie 123. Wisdome of Augustus in making away of his Enemies 124. Who are Enemies to His Majesties Person or to his Governament ibid. Vigilance necessarie over the admission of Bishops and Ministers in the Church 126. Honour done by Augustus to the Romane Senate ibid. Condition of Senaters chosen by Augustus 127. Great Affection of King Darius to an olde faythfull Counseller 128. Mechanicke Vertues and Diligence of Augustus 129. Watchfulnesse of the Parsian Monarches over their Finances ibid. Supplication in Favours of the Subjects of Scotland 132. The admirable Magnanimitie of Alexander the Great whilst he wanted Moneys 133. Finis Tabulae Death of our late Soveraigne His late Majesties death followed with great feares of his Subjects Causes of our feares what these be The King of Spay●e and the Pope troublers of Christian Princes Ambition of Spaine different from that of the Romanes Different from that of their Predecessours The origine and Antiquitie of the present house of Spayne Notable punishment of Lust in Princes Pelagius Pelagius honoured of the World Ferdinandus Magnus Ferdinando Santo Charles the fift Emperour Contrapoyse of Christian 〈◊〉 warranded in Na●ure Hieron King of Syras Philip the second King of Spaine his first action his Marriage in England Spanish Inquisition his second action His third action the betraying of the King of Portugall his Cosin His fourth action was to plot the holie Le●gue in France against Don Antonio Philip did also practise the Protestants of France Elizabeth Queene of England The Voyage of the English Navie to Portugall vnder Queene Elizabeth Antonio Pe●es wrongeth the English in in his relation of that Voyage Too strict limitation of Generals in VVarre hurtfull The Patience and Wisdome of Fabius Maximus The first thing to bee observed of the former
to haue the more high and noble Mynde who doeth it than hee who refuseth by as farre as Hope is more heroicke than Despare Rome was not builded in one day and manie glorious works haue beene founded vpon doubtfull and difficill beginnings although manie of vs doe holde it an ydle Project yet vnderstanding Men haue seene and contemplate the Countrey who intende to returne and remaine there-in certaine it is more ydle and more vnreverend with-all to thinke that GOD hath placed a Region vnder a degree so temperate which hee will not suffer to bee peopled by tyme. Al-be-it Men haue often builded Houses and never dwelt into them much lesse haue plenished them it is not so with GOD whose endes are infallible For my part I doe holde that that insearchable Wisdome hath framed no part of this whole Globe which is not capable of Man and sufficient for the mayntaynance of his Lyfe But as touching the nature and condition of Warre such are the Distresses that come by Warres that even the best Fortunes of the Victors doe seldome contrapoyse them In pace causas merita spectari ubi bellum ingruat innocentes ac impios juxta cadere sayeth one What Warre was there ever in the World which was not damnable for desolation of Cities exterminion of noble Houses spoyle of poore People rape of Women violation of Churches and of Holie Things And happie is that Warriour whose Sword hath not beene defiled with Christian Blood Augustus that mightie Emperour did abhorre Warre and adore Peace his Successour Tiberius did arrogate to him as the greatest of all his Glories when hee had pacified anie Tumult rather by practising than by Warre The Emperour Adrian did compare Peace to Argent Content and his Forces were most strong and when hee could quyer his bordering Nations vvith peaceable wayes jactabat palam sayeth Aurelius Victor plus se ocio adeptum quam armis caeteros hee bragged openlie that hee had done more in Peace and Quietnesse then his Neighbours had by Armes I know farther that when GOD hath brought a State to a sort of Maturitie and Perfection that it is as compacted and limited naturallie as presentlie is this Monarchie of GREAT BRITANE consolidate with-in it selfe and confyned with-in the Occean that then it is good to feare the instabilitie of thinges And seeing what-so-ever thing is vnder the Moone yea the Moone it selfe is subject to ordinarie changes It must bee an heroicke and more than an humane yea a divine worke the mayntayning of great Kingdomes to great length of tyme and this is not done but by a prudent warinesse and moderation when States are once come to a maturitie for reasonable greatnesse or for Antiquitie as this Kingdome I say againe of Great Britane It is written of Scipio that when hee had ruinated Carthage and destroyed Numantia the two Competitors and Emulators of Rome then hee did not so much wish the farther increase as the continuation of the Romane State So farre that beeing himselfe Censor a whyle there-after and making the Lustrum at the pubilcke Sacrifice the Master of their religious Ceremonies according to their forme hee prayed for the daylie growing of their Empyre Scipio did correct and change the Style of that Invocation Satis inquit bonae ac magnae sunt res Romanae itáque Deos precor vt eas perpetuo incolumes servent ac protinus in publicis tabulis ad hunc modum carmen emendari voluit sayth the Historie Hee would haue the Gods to be invocated only for the continuation of the Empyre because it was alreadie great enough and hee would haue that Phrase of Prayer to remaine there-after in the Bookes publicke of their Priests In which case I say it were madnesse for vs of this Yle to cry for VVarres out of Pryde or for extention of Empyre The mightiest Kings of England as I haue before touched did finde their Forraigue Ambition but troublesome and fruitlesse that after the possession of manie Ages they were contented to quy●e the things that they and their Predecessours had lawfullie justlie and long brooked in France But now it is one thing to wish VVarre and another thing to embrace tymouslie a most necessarie and inevitable VVarre Omne bellum necessarium est justum said that Captaine of the Volsques in Livius when the Romanes had determined to conquer his Countrey And no Man can deny it that VVarre which is necessarie is just because wee defyne necessarie that which can bee no other-wyse The Volsques behooved to quyte their Countreyes Libertie or fight with the Romanes Againe that VVarre which is mooved to procure Peace and is defensiue it is a just VVarre GOD and Nature doe warrand that So I say for ought I see wee are to embrace a VVarre most just in all these three Respectes and I show it by this Argument To doe that which may stop the comming against our Countrey a mightie Enemie whose designe to conquer vs is hereditarie to him it is both necessarie defensiue and tendeth to purchase Peace But to make VVarre to such an Enemie within some part of his owne Dominions is to impeach and stop his comming Ergo the mooving of VVarre against him is just defensiue and tendeth to procure Peace The Major of this Syllogisme is so cleare that it needeth no probation the light of Reason doeth show it The Minor is verified by the ordinarie experience of all Ages gone and Histories bee full of Examples of the same where-of I will alleadge for Brevities cause but three or foure of the most famous and most frequentlie cited by everie Man vpon this kynde of Theame The noble Yland of Sicilia seated betwixt Rome and Carthage the two mightie Emulators for the Empyre of the VVorld was long stryven for and often-times assaulted by them both as a thing that would downe-swey the Ballance of their Emulation and draw after it vniversalitie of Dominion Amongst others Agathocles King there-of beeing hardlie besiedged with-in his Towne of Syracuse by the Carthagenians hee did closelie convoy him-selfe foorth and went with an Armie into Africke by meanes where-of they were forced to lift the Siedge and turne home for defence of their owne Countrey Which exploit Scipio Afri● did object in these Termes to Fabius Maxintus who went about in the Senate to hinder the sending of an Armie with Scipio against Carthage during Hanniball his beeing in Italie Car ergo Agathoc●e●● Sy●● regem 〈◊〉 Sicilia punico bello vexaretur transgressum in hanc eandem Africam avertisse eo bell●●n vnde venerat non rofers There-after the Romanes perceiving that Amilcar the Father of Hanniball was likelie to adjoyne Sicile to Carthage therefore to prevent that a conquering People should not spreade over their Armes to Italie they resolved to make VVarre with them in Sicil●a it selfe From the same ground the Carthag●nian● after the fulling of Sicile into the handes of the Romanes fearing lyke-wyse their comming
are Cormorants and wicked Dionysians they doe yearne after the Prey and would there-by to their vtter confusion purchase a Fielde of Blood they consume their Goods with Sacrilegious Impudence Boldnesse in Courtlie Braverie Herein any Man may see how the one sort of them doe vrge vs with the Church Policie which say they was vnder the Apostles Presbyterian but they would haue the Livings of our latter tymes The other sort concurre with them in Policie but vpon Condition That for Mayntaynance they will embrace the Apostolicke Povertie to the ende that they may enjoye the Church Patrimonie themselues Therefore may it not be justlie sayd to the Laycie Factious That they oght eyther to denude themselues of Ecclesiasticke Goods or provide themselues of other Teachers than such as daylie condemn thē to their Fact that they shold not be so shamelesse as to vtter one worde agaynst the present Governament of the Church or the Repetitiō of Tythes to the Church vntill they haue done eyther the one or the other lest otherwyse they bee despysed as Men vvho make some little show of Religion but haue none at all Now if anie Man doe hold sincerelie that Tythes are not due to GOD I am sure that he will yet grant that a Competent Portion vnder some other Number must be for the Worship of GOD and Works of Pietie And if the Retention of Tythes be Sacriledge there is a fearful Curse pronounced against it Malach. 3. A Curse of the Devourer Because sayth the LORD yee haue robbed my Tythes and left no Meat in my Store-house And is this the only Meat of Priests that is robbed heere No but this is also the Store-house of the People Non ex solo pane vivit homo sayeth the Spirit of GOD Man doeth not onely liue vpon Bread but on everie Word that doeth proceed from the Mouth of GOD. There must be into the House of GOD store of the Bread of Lyfe of that Heavenlie Manna which feedeth our Soules and this cannot be without sufficient Provision of Temporall Bread to the Preachers of the Word Labia Sacerdotis custod●●n● legam DEI in pectore ejus conduntur or acula divina Certaynlie the Pover●ie of the Church doeth make a scarce vnlearned Ministerie Amongst the Persecutions of the Christian Religion recorded in Histories there are two most remarkable one vnder Dio●lesian another vnder Iulian called the Apostate The first of them did slay the Priests not the lesse wherof the Christian Fayth did so greatlie flowrish as it was thence forth sayd Sanguis Marty●● 〈◊〉 Ecclesiae The Blood of the Martyrs was the Semmarie of the Church But the second did supplant Religion in a more pitthie and pernicious sort albeit it was not bloodie he robbed the Church Revenewes where-thorow both Preaching and Christian Schooles did decay Occidere Presbyteros parum erat To slay the Priests it was a small thing which Dioclesian did compared with the insidious Opposition of Iulian Ipse enim occidit Presbyterium He cutted the Throat of the Presbyt●riall Possession Wherethorow great Ignorance did shortlie after ensue for as Theodore● wryteth Who would go to spend their Youth in the Studie of Theologie to haue no Mayntaynance in their Age And here vpon this faire Occasion I must remember the Neglect of that moste Royall and Necessarie Policie of Plantation of a Sufficient Ministerie Schooles of Learning and Burgall Societies in our Northerne Yles and Hie-Landes of Scotland for Exterminion of Berbaritie and Incorporation of that People to the Bodie of this Kingdome vvho for the present haue no Markes to bee Natiue Members there-of neyther by their Manners their Habite nor their Language the three speciall Evidences of Naturall Vnion For as for RELIGION that doeth moste vnite of anie thing I thinke they know none The Necessitie and Mayne Importance of this Policie is verie soone seene For in the Assurednesse and Strength of Borders doeth chiefelie consist the Suretie of a great State Agayne everie one knoweth howe there is not a better Meanes to reduce a People naturallie fierce and rebellions to Obedience than by infusing into the Heartes of them the Loue of Knowledge and of Civill Carriage vvhere-of vvee haue a most proper Example and most pertinent heere of the Romanes vvho by that kynde of Artes did goe about to breake and addouce the Bellicose Cowrage of our owne Predecessours in BRITANE as wee reade of AGRICOLA vvho vvas Generall heere of the Romane Legions vnder the Emperour DOMITIAN sayeth Taci●us I am vero Principum filios liberalibus artibus erudire ingenia BRITANNORUM studiis GALLORUM anteferre ut qui modo lingaam Roman abnuebaent eloquentiam concupiscerent ●ude etiam h●bitus nostri honor frequens tog● pa●latimque discessum ad delinimenta ● vitiorum porticus balnea conviviorum elegantiam idqu● apud imperit●s huma●itas vocabatur cum pars servitutis esset The luchantment in some of the Romane Schooles then made the Britans 〈◊〉 despyse piece and piece their owne Manners and roughnesse of their owne Language and brought them to Admiration of the Romane Tongue and loue of their Apparrell and at length to Softnesse and Delicacie of Lyfe by which thinges they did for the tyme greatlie effeminate their Myndes That our Yles and Hie-Landes haue nowe great neede to bee tamed by the lyke Artes beeing a Dangerous Rebellious and Vncivill People it is verie easilie proved for our Scottish Historie is full of it That those Yles and Northerne partes haue not onelie beene Portes and Receptacles of Forraigne Armies invading our Countrey and a Sanctuarie for Domesticke Rebelles but the Lordes of the Yles haue manie tymes threatned the Crowne of SCOTLAND and haue foughten Bloodie and Desperate Battels for it VVe reade in our Historie that our King Findocus after hee had bene afflicted with the mightie Rebellions of Donaldus vvho styled himselfe King of the Yles hee was in ende murdered by his Insidi●tion and the King succeeding to him called also Donaldus vvas slayne by the same Man in open Battell after the vvhich he did vsurpe the Crowne of SCOTLAND and exercised most bloodie Tyrannies for the Extinction of the greatest part of the Nobilitie Againe vnder King Eth●inus another Donaldus of the Yles did so boldlie revolt that hee came vvith displayed Banners to the Countrie of GALLOWAY and all-to-gether spoyled it The thirde Donaldus of the Yles in the tyme of KING IAMES the first his beeing in ENGLAND hee did oppresse and subdue our vvhole Northerne partes yea even to the Honourable Citie of ABERDENE vvhich hee intended to destroy if he had not bene diverted and drawne to that famous Battell of HAR●-LAW vvhere so manie Barones Knights Honourable Gentle-Men and Burgesses of best sort did lose their Lyues These serue for sufficient Documents to after-comming Princes for there is nought that hath beene vvhich may not come to passe agayne Tyme it selfe beeing but a Circulation of the same things These Examples did
extende it selfe to the glorie of GOD the encrease of their owne Dominions and their immortall Fame This Globe of the World lyeth abroad by 360 degrees in Longitude and as manie in Latitude The English haue made Navigation to within 77 toward the North and the Portugals and Castilians to within 56 toward the South so there doe rest 228 to discover and what a fairer Field or richer Spoyles can bee wished for Christian Ambition or Avarice than this Yet what shall I say of this Emulation of neare and Neighbour-Princes It seemeth to bee fatall in effect and what is fatall is necessarie for fatall wee call Quasi fatum sive dictum a DEO A thing pronounced by GOD to bee For if wee shall take a view of His whole Works wee shall see nothing but a temperament and contrapoysing of naturall Extremities in such equalitie of Ballance that none bee able to excrease to the over-throw of the other The Heavens are placed into that Equilibrie that everie side is jumpe with the other and may not over-shoot it The contrarie motions of the Heavens doe not confound nor impede one an-other The coldnesse of Saturne and the heate of Mars doe not eate vp one another because Iupiter commeth betweene as the Axiltree of their Contrapoyse by the serenitie of his temperature So is it in the Elements the Fyre and Water are kept from desperate conflicts by the Ballance kept by the Ayre attempered to both So it is amongst Beastes where-of those that bee of fierce and savage kindes least vsefull vnto Man as Lyons GOD hath made them more barren Those agayne of the weaker sort which be more necessary and serviceable for Man He hath made more broodie and foecund to the end the Stronger should not be able to destroy that which is more infirme but the multitude of weake ones should bee sufficient to contrapoyse the paucitie of the mightier There is no Beast which is not afrayd of the Lyon trembleth at his presence yet some-thing hath he to contrapoyse his awfulnesse for he may not abide himself the crying of the Cocke but is astonied there-by So the Bellicose Elephant whom all the terrors of Battell cannot make afrayde he may not endure the cry of a Swyne but presentlie fleeth as is said in Eccles Intuere opera omnia Altissimi videbis semper unum contra aliud Doe contemplate all the workes of the most High you shall find aye one against another Even amongst the intellectuall Creatures the good Angels agaynst the bad GOD this way showing the Height and Deepnesse of His vnsearchable Wisedome by lodging and ruling of so manie contrarie things peaceablie within this one House of the Vniverse Shall wee not thinke then but the LORD who hath so moderated and brydled everie extreame contrarietie who hath placed Mountaines and steepe Shores to keepe in the raging Sea that shee rise not over her Marches and ordinarie Bankes but hee hath like-wise in the governament of the World by severall great Kingdomes and Monarchies appointed and allowed the same Contrapoyse that no Prince become so mightie as to devour his Neighbour that no Pryde or Insolencie doe excrease without Limitation certaynlie I thinke it hath a Warrand in Nature and Reason telleth vs That as it is lawfull to with-stand Force by Force it is also lawfull to provide if we can that no Case come that may constrayne vs to doe so or that may put vs to the employing of Force or Violence So that it seemeth lawfull to Princes or States to impede so farre as they can suspected Neighbour Grandour lest it become at length to master them Hieronimus King of Syracuse beeing demaunded as Polibius wryteth why in the meane-tyme of his beeing Confederate and Friende of Rome hee did ayde and supplie the Carthagenians against them Hee aunswered That it was to the ende hee might brooke the friendship still of the Romanes whome if hee shoulde suffer to over-throw the Carthagenians then of his Friends they should become his Masters Or will a wyse King within his owne Dominion permit a particular States-Man to carrie away the whole sway of Governament by too much of Authoritie no but he will contrapoyse him with a Colledge of a contrarie Disposition to keepe him in order Hence is it that the LORD GOD in all Ages hath suffered one Nation to combate with an-other one King to beate an-other and one man to holde in the Hornes of an-other that nothing should shoot out aboue that just proportion which doeth corresponde to the communion of Nature yea if wee should come to consider and weigh the particular Fabricke of everie one man's Bodie if the like equilibrie of Contra-Ballance did not attemper our contrarie Humours of Complexion certainlie our Constitution were not able to subsist but either the Choller shall burne vp the Flegme or the Flegme extinguish the Choller if the interjection of these median Humours of Sanguinean and Melancholicke did not impede that Conflict And hence are all the Leagues of Mutuall Defences amongst weaker States contracted against the more mightie Having thus shortlie shewed how the Ambition of Castile and Portugall was vertuous and laudable vnto the death of Charles the fift I come now to Philip his Sonne and Successour who did spot the Glorie of his noble Predecessours by turning his Thoughts to the Conquest of Christian People Hee it was who did complot and conduct all the Tragedies which thence-foorth haue beene acted in Christendome This King finding him-selfe debouted of his designe to the Crowne of England by the death of Marie Queene thereof who was his Wyfe returning into Spaine his first Practise was for excluding the Light of the Gospell which then began to breake foorth over all to strengthen against Christians that fearfull Inquisition which his Antecessours had erected against the Infidels Iewes and Moores where-of this farre may bee affirmed that if Satan him-selfe had beene King of Spaine hee could not haue brought from the bottomlesse Pit a more horrible Plague more cruell more Barbarous and beyonde all Humanitie the wicked Invention where-of no Words can suffice to expresse in sort that it doeth rather resemble Hell it selfe than that wee can finde anie Example ever heard of the like vpon the face of this Earth where innocent Men yea Good and holie Men after being straitlie incarcerate diverse Yeares spoiled of their Lands and Goods afflicted with Famine rent with Tortures and in ende falselie and vnjustlie condemned to the number of 800 in one Yeare vnder that King were brought to publicke Spectacles to bee burnt with Buckels and Bullets in their Mouthes to stop all Apologeticall speaches and againe and againe casten in the Fyre and taken out of the Fyre It is hard that anie Christian should thinke of it without Trembling and Teares the farther Discourse where-of were but vnpleasant heere al-be-it most necessarie for Demonstration of that hatefull Tyrannie and who so is curious to
him to GOD Him-selfe witnessed by Hieronimus Catena wryting vpon the life of Popius Quintus the which Pope by a publicke Panegyricke did celebrate the praises of the sayde Philip for that fact saying E cosa multo notabile stupenda ch' el re facesse sacrificio d'ella carne sua del suo sangue à DIO dicendo che ' non come Abrahamo ma come DIO stesso Propter salutem Ecclesiae non pepercit vnico filio That is to say It is a thing most notable and admirable that this King did sacrifice vnto GOD his owne Flesh and his owne Blood for nought like vnto Abraham but like vnto GOD Himselfe for the safetie of the Church hee would not spare his onlie begotten Sonne Farther it is affirmed by the English Wryters namelie Sir Francis Hastings in his Watch-Word to Queene Elizabeth against the Spanish Insidiation that the same Philip did by his Agents the Count of Fuentes then Generall in the Low-Countreyes and Secretarie Ibarra induce Doctor Lopez a Iewish Physician at London for fiftie thousand Crownes to poyson Queene Elizabeth which he him-selfe vpon his triall did confesse and two others Manoel Lois and Stephen Ferraires did depone and all three suffered Death for it as the processe criminall led against them and yet extant will verifie What shall I say vpon this fearfull kinde of Policie Ah for pitie Quid non mortalia pectora cogit reg●andi dira libido What is that so odious which the loue of domination will not perswade the ambitious heart to perpetrate The publicke crueltie of the Inquisition on the one part and the covert Crueltie of Ambushes practised by the King and his Iesuites on the other part seeme to bee a chiefe Misterie of this Ambition as two Arch-pillars which doe for the time sustent the great Spheare of their Empyre and the wicked Source where-fra haue flowed so manie Chastels Clements Ravillacks Babingtons Fauxes Garnets c. as haue beene Actors of the wofull Assassinates Sorceries Pests Powder Treasons Poysons c. that haue surprysed the liues of so manie anointed Kings and others of lawfull Authoritie and doe still lye in waite for the like Executions against those who are present or to come heere-after And heere is a Case to bee lamented eternallie that those Parricidies committed now in Spayne after the manner of the Mahumetane Superstition not as Crymes to bee repented but as Religious Traditions and Deeds of great Merite when the life of one Man or a few Men if it were of our Brethren or Children are taken and sacrificed for preservation of the publicke Tranquillitie both of Church and State chiefelie in great and Monarchicall Kingdomes where Religion doeth shoot out with a growing and flowrishing Empyre Alace is not this the Fyre of Moloch and the sacrificing of our Children to those bloodie and savage Gods This is a Fascination and stupiditie of the Mynde in the highest Degree And heere it is where that powerfull Circe of Superstition hath transformed those Kings reallie into Beastes that wittinglie and willinglie they haue cast off both Sence and as it were Shape of Humanitie that the greatest Vlysses of the World is not able by anie Oratorie to reclaime them In the meane-time it is a Case that doeth admonish Neighbour-Princes to bee of constant Pietie and Devotion towards GOD and their Domesticke Servants to bee vigilant and studious for the avoyding of that kinde of claudestine Dangers And O what great cause wee haue to render thankes to the MOST HIGH for that that our late Soveraigne of blessed memorie did escape the Insidiation and bloodie Knyfe of such Butchers hee who was the most conspicuous Marke whereat they did shoot and of whom their curious casters of Horos●ops and malignant Astrologues did so often prognosticate that his ende should not bee peaceable Fourthlie wee are to weigh the Strength and Soliditie of this great and growing Empyre to see if wee can explore should not furnish in preste to Don Antonio 200000 Crownes as they had promised to doe at the Intercession of the saide Queene of England These are not mine Assertions but taken and collected from Spanish Wryters Of all the fore-sayde Perpetrations the killing of his Sonne Prince Charles being in it selfe most fearfull and execrable of the whole it is also most clearlie verified not onlie by the Histories of Neighbour-Countreyes as by the French recordes of Majerne of Matthew of Paris of Thuanus but so stood to by the Church of Rome that into that deede they doe place the Triumph and Glorie of the Pietie of the saide King advancing his Fayth aboue that of Abraham who did onelie offer to sacrifice his Sonne and comparing him to GOD Him-selfe witnessed by Hieronimus Catena wryting vpon the life of Popius Quintus the which Pope by a publicke Panegyricke did celebrate the praises of the sayde Philip for that fact saying E cosa multo notabile stupenda ch' el re facesse sacrificio d'ella carne sua del suo sangue à DIO dicendo che ' non come Abrahamo m● come DIO stesso Propter salutem Ecclesiae non pepercit vnico filio That is to say It is a thing most notable and admirable that this King did sacrifice vnto GOD his owne Flesh and his owne Blood for nought like vnto Abraham but like vnto GOD Himselfe for the safetie of the Church hee would not spare his onlie begotten Sonne Farther it is affirmed by the English Wryters namelie Sir Francis Hastings in his Watch-Word to Queene Elizabeth against the Spanish Insidiation that the same Philip did by his Agents the Count of Fuentes then Generall in the Low-Countreyes and Secretarie Ibarra induce Doctor Lopez a Iewish Physician at London for fiftie thousand Crownes to poyson Queene Elizabeth which he him-selfe vpon his triall did confesse and two others Manoel Lois and Stephen Ferraires did depone and all three suffered Death for it as the processe criminall led against them and yet extant will verifie What shall I say vpon this fearfull kinde of Policie Ah for pitie Quid non mortalia pectora cogit regnandi dira libido What is that so odious which the loue of domination will not perswade the ambitious heart to perpetrate The publicke crueltie of the Inquisition on the one part and the covert Crueltie of Ambushes practised by the King and his Iesuites on the other part seeme to bee a chiefe Misterie of this Ambition as two Arch-pillars which doe for the time sustent the great Spheare of their Empyre and the wicked Source where-fra haue flowed so manie Chastels Clements Ravillacks Babingtons Fauxes Garnets c. as haue beene Actors of the wofull Assassinates Sorceries Pests Powder Treasons Poysons c. that haue surprysed the liues of so manie anointed Kings and others of lawfull Authoritie and doe still lye in waite for the like Executions against those who are present or to come heere-after And heere is a Case
to bee lamented eternallie that those Parricidies committed now in Spayne after the manner of the Mahumetane Superstition not as Crymes to bee repented but as Religious Traditions and Deeds of great Merite when the life of one Man or a few Men if it were of our Brethren or Children are taken and sacrificed for preservation of the publicke Tranquillitie both of Church and State chiefelie in great and Monarchicall Kingdomes where Religion doeth shoot out with a growing and flowrishing Empyre Alace is not this the Fyre of Moloch and the sacrificing of our Children to those bloodie and savage Gods This is a Fascination and stupiditie of the Mynde in the highest Degree And heere it is where that powerfull Circe of Superstition hath transformed those Kings reallie into Beastes that wittinglie and willinglie they haue cast off both Sence and as it were Shape of Humanitie that the greatest Vlysses of the World is not able by anie Oratorie to reclaime them In the meane-time it is a Case that doeth admonish Neighbour-Princes to bee of constant Pietie and Devotion towards GOD and their Domesticke Servants to bee vigilant and studious for the avoyding of that kinde of claudestine Dangers And O what great cause wee haue to render thankes to the MOST HIGH for that that our late Soveraigne of blessed memorie did escape the Insidiation and bloodie Knyfe of such Butchers hee who was the most conspicuous Marke whereat they did shoot and of whom their curious casters of Horos●ops and malignant Astrologues did so often prognosticate that his ende should not bee peaceable Fourthlle wee are to weigh the Strength and Soliditie of this great and growing Empyre to see if wee can explore and finde out anie Weaknesse Breach or Advantage to bee gained since they are our Capitall and mightie Enemies of whom it is not likelie that long wee shall bee fred Al-be-it it be true that it is not so much governed by the Sword as by Graue and Sage Councell which is never a whit diverted from their Plots and Purposes by the death of anie King where-in standeth no Question a chiefe point of the Firmnesse and Perpetuitie thereof Yet it cannot bee denyed that for aboundance of Money for militarie Discipline and for great numbers of good Souldiours which three bee as the Nerves Veines and grosse Bodie of the Warres they too farre exceede their Neighbours Alwayes for the first I say that the light of Reason sheweth mee that the greater Fortitude doeth aye consist in the greater Vnion Vis vnita fortior There is no perfect Strength but in GOD because there is nothing meerelie and simplie Vnike but GOD The Strength of Nature dependeth from her Compaction Vnion and Sympathie of her well-conjoyned Members This made Augustus to abandone and neglect the Longinque Provinces beyond Caucasus and Taurus and here in Great Britane by mayntaynance where-of they did receiue greater domage than could bee countervalued by anie Benefit to bee had there-fra in time of Peace saying that as there were two Defaultes that made the naturall Bodie imperfect that which was too small and vnder a proportion naturall and againe that which was aboue too big superstuous and vnwealdie called by the Physitions Plethera and Endeiat Even so it was in the Civill Bodie of the State and there-fore did hee recommend to his Successor the Limitation of the Empyre vnited and consolidated within the Marches of Euphrates Danubius and the Westerne Occean forbearing to haue more care of the most remote and disjoynted Provinces which did not other but teach the Discipline militare to barbarous Nations who were ignorant of it Where-vpon sayeth Tacitus Longa oblivio Britanniae etiam in pace consilium id Augustus vocavit maxime Tiberius Henrie King of Castile who died Anno 1217 without Children having two Sisters of whom the elder had beene married to Lewes the eight of France the youngest to Alphonsus King of Leon in Spaine The Castilians by publicke Parliament did declare the youngest to the Crowne of Castile albeit against their Law yet convenient in the nature of things sayde they seeing Castile and Leon were Cosines and easilie did incorporate they had one Language and Manners nothing different where-as France was naturallie divided from them by the Mounts Pirenees of diverse Languages and discrepant Manners thinges difficill to bee vnited vnder one King Of Examples of this kynde the Histories bee full of Princes and States who stryving to possesse thinges farre removed and dis-joyned from them and disconvenient in Nature albeit their Titles to them were just yet after manie yeares enjoying of thē with much Warre Trouble they haue bene in end forced to quite them being things altogether improfitable a● the English of Aquitane and Guyen the French of Naples the Venetians of Pisa and some Territories of Genua the Germane Emperour of some Cities in Italie of all which they haue nothing this day but the Burials of their Predecessours in which respect to returne to the purpose I may say of the Spanyard that it is not all Gold that glistereth his great Empyre is patched of things dismembred discommodious and disconvenient in Nature hee hath Navarre divided by the Pirenees in part and naturallie incorporate to the mightie Kingdome of France hee hath Milan divided by the Alpes Naples by both those and by the Apemmie too and both but members of the bodie of Italie Flaunders separated by interjection of France and Switzerland the Indees by the great Occean that if wee shall consider all the mightiest Monarkes wee shall finde none so weake and obnoxious in that behalfe so farre that it is more easie for France England Holland and Denmarke to put into Spaine 50000 Souldiours than for Spaine it selfe to transport thither from their owne Provinces 20000. Againe Kings are set aboue their People as the Sunne aboue the Earth and Seas who draweth vp the Moistures where-with hee doeth partlie feed his owne Flames and partlie converteth them in Raines to refresh the Seas and nowrish the Earth yet it is thought that hee beholdeth his Provinces often-times as Clowds without Raine hee draweth nothing from them but glorious and airie Titles of Ambition yea hee must goe search the Bellie of the Earth vnder another Hemispheare to sucke the Vapours that must entertaine them for if it were not by his Treasures of the Indees it is judged that hee were not able to brooke them The yeare of their last Pacification with Holland I did heare into Brusels by some of his entire Counsellours that since the first entrie of those VVarres hee had spended of his proper Fiances aboue the Rents of Flaunders 60 Millions I did heare about that same tyme at Naples and Milan by those of good intelligence in his Affaires that his whole Revenewes there were morgadged and that hee was greatlie indebted aboue and that hee was often-tymes so scarced of Moneyes that at Antwerpe Genu● and other Bankes hee did pay more than
opportune and commodious for great Navies the People manie and malicious against their Conquerers and having their Sores yet open and quicke To come to their other Subjects wee heare that the Arragonees haue their Myndes in like sort wounded with the remembrance of the late Conquest made of them and to speake generallie of all the Nobilitie of Spayne yea even of those of Castile it selfe It hath beene ever so that as Thieues haue beene studious to provide Backe-Doores so great Noble-men vnder Kings in all Ages haue wished that some adjacent Prince might bee in Tearmes of Emulation with their Master to whose protection they might haue recourse in Case at anie time they should happen to fall vnder their Masters wrath by their Ambitious and insolent carriage things familiar eneugh to potent Subjects in everie Countrey Now Spaine being as it is at this day conjoyned vnder one Crowne in manner of an Yland where-fra the Princes and Lords there-of cannot easilie with-draw them-selues in such a Case they are by that meanes brought vnder greater Feare Slaverie and Subjection When there were severall Kingdomes in Navarre Arrogone and Portugall the Castilian Nobles vpon anie distraction or variance with their King did finde easie retract and protection with some of these Neighbour-Princes perhaps with more Honour and Preferments than at home by reason of Neighbour Iealousies and Contention the examples where-of are most frequent in anie Historie as in our owne wee finde that before the vnion of Great Britane it was more easie and secure for Scottish Noble-men to offende their Princes and leape out from their obedience having so neare a Sanctuarie in the Hospitalitie and Armes of England by reason of Neighbour Distractions than it is now when their nearest refuge should bee Spaine or Flanders And as ancientlie that advantage did often a-wake the Pryde of our great Men and giue way to Rebellion against their Kings So the solide Incorporation that now is hath put a Brydle into the Teeth of that kinde of Ambition that no stirre can bee heere to trouble a King vnlesse it were by generall revolt of the whole Countrey or receiving of Forraigne Armes with-in our Bowels and joyning with them And as the supposed prowde and tyrannous Governament of Spaine is thought to enstrange the Hearts of their Nobilitie from their King and to make them more practizable to rebellions if they should see the occasion faire so there is no doubt but dure and rigorous Governament should even in this Kingdome or anie other else produce the like Consequences Al-wayes the Nobilitie of Spaine at this day doeth want this Sanctuarie of Refuge that the skurviest Marshall is able to arrest the greatest of them and now with much griefe they doe resent the effectes of that which was prognosticated vnto them when King Charles the fift began to extende the Wings of his Domination for the which cause they did show them-selues notablie displeased with the conjunction of Portugall as Don Francisco de Ivara a noble man of Castile being Ambassadour at Paris during the League Anno 1579 hearing by a French Gentle-man newlie come from Africke that the Moores were in feare having intelligence that King Philip did put together great Forces for to conquer them vnder pretext to revenge the slaughter of Don Sebastian King of Portugall for so did Philip make the World belieue when hee did conveane his Armies against Portugall But the saide Francis did answere this Gentle-man saying It is well that the Moores bee in feare but it is better that your Master the King of France vnderstand the intention of that Armie to bee against Portugall which if hee doe conquere your Master and the Pope and all the Princes of Europe may lay compt by length of time to bee his Tributaries Which speach doeth well enough demonstrate the aversnesse of the Spanish Nobilitie from the fearfull Greatnesse of his Empyre The State Ecclesiasticke indeede doeth more affect him yet I haue tolde you that hee doeth skumme the Fat of their P●t but of this Weaknesse which wee gather of discontented humours of their Nobilitie there is no advantage to bee gayned by secret Practises because of the terrour of the Inquisition His Iesuites and perfidious Ambassadours get libertie with other Princes to traffique to traytor at their pleasure whereof wee haue late experiences to our owne Coastes but none dare adventure that kynde of doing in Spayne Al-wayes out of those it may bee surelie enough presumed of the Nobilitie namelie of their late Conquests of Spaine that when they should see a puissant Enemie amongst them the Fyre of their indignation should breake foorth so much more violentlie by how much it hath bene long masterfullie suppressed amongst the Ashes of their Servitude sayeth Scip. African in that Oration to the Senate for sending of Forces in Africke during Hanniballes being in Italie Non speraverat Hanniball fore ut tot populi in Italia ad se deficerent post Cannensem dedem quanto minus quicquam in Africa firmum a● stabile sit Carthaginensibus infidis sotiis gravibus dominis Hanniball did not looke for so great revolting of People with-in Italie from the honest and generous Romanes after his victorie at Cannas how much lesse can things bee firme and sure in Africke to the Carthagenians a Nation treacherous and vntrustie to their Associates and tyrannous to their Subjects which Saying howe properlie it may bee applyed to the present Purpose anie man doeth see it Next it is thought that there bee small store of Armes in Spaine the numbers of Cities and People considered partlie because they goe for the furnishing of his Warres abroade and partlie because it is not thought expedient by his Counsell that Multitudes but latelie conquered whose Myndes are yet suspected should bee armed at their pleasure remembering well vvhat had almoste befallen KING PHILIP the third if the Moores called N●vos Christianos vvho then had a neare Designe agaynst him had not beene suddenlie disarmed and cast foorth of the Countrey Moreover the prowde and tyrannous nature of the Spanyard is no small point of Weaknesse for why the LORD GOD doeth humble the Prowde and punish the Oppressour Tolluntur in altum ut lapsum graviora cad●nt I doe not onelie speake of that dominant and Monarchicall Pryde mayntayned by so manie Cruelties Perfidies and Impieties bore-saide but vniversallie of the verie vulgar pryde chiefelie of the Castilians Even as the fumes of strong Wyne doe inebtiate and make gidd●e the Braines of Man transporting them from the centre of their place so doeth Pryde blynde and confuse the Vnderstanding and as seldome Prudence doeth accompanie Youth-head Even so is Wisdome rarelie conjoyned with too much Prosperitie Neither shall it bee out of purpose to speake a few wordes of the Spanish Nature in generall They are extreamelie melancholious which everie ●ot of their carriage doeth verifie their graue Apparell their sober Dyet their Dauncing their Musicke
that there is not amongst them all so manie Ordinance or Sea-Munition of Gunnes as I haue seene in my time to bee in one of your Shippes by the which doing the poore Ma●iners are now in this Dangerous Time brought to this Desperate Case that they dare not adventure to Sea partlie for want of Employment and partlie for want of Munition and Equipage Merch. I did follow the Trafficke so long as I could gaine anie thing for my Paines now there is nought to be had for why His Majesties Imposts are so great that by three Voyages to Bourdeaux I haue found that in name of Impost His Majestie hath gotten all my whole Stocke Commiss That is an Ambiguous Speach for I thinke yee would say that His Majestie hath gottē as much as your Stocke so that your Gaine is not so great as it was wont to bee when at one Voyage yee did double or triple your Stocke And I aske you If that bee not a most Laudable Vertue whē sitting in your House at Home ye cā by employing of 3 Voyages Avance to His Majesties Coffers the Aequivalent of your Stocke when yee can mayntayne the Means of their Living to numbers vvho serue in your Ships keepe your Stocke vvith reasonable Gayne although it vvere but small rather than to roust your Moneys in your Cabinet How vvould ye liue in Holland vvhere there is not a Loafe of Bread nor a Pot of Biere vvhich doeth not pay more of Impost than it is vvorth before it come to anie Man's Table and yet none doeth complayne or finde Harme by it But contrarie that Common Intercourse of Money vvith the Dexteritie vvhere-by they rule it hath bene the onlie thing to sustayne their Longsome Warres And is not Money appoynted for such Vses Merch. Our Condition is not alyke to theirs their Traffique is great and questuous they doe cōmand the Seas we haue no such doing here Commiss What if His Majestie and His Counsell should make a Law not so much respecting the Importance of His Impostes as for the Common-wealth Standing of Maritine Towns that everie rich Burgesse inhabiting the same should employ at least the two part of his State to the Sea Trade doe yee not thinke it were a Princelie Policie for the Conservation of them Good of the whole Countrey Merch. But who thē should buy the Gentle-man's Land vvhen he is not able to brooke his Estate Commiss His Creditors behoved to accept them in Payment and it should teach vs to liue more frugallie in tymes comming vvhen wee should see such Difficultie to turne Lands into Money Alwayes because we must haue your Silver to come foorth to serue this Tyme I vvill insist farther with you to aske why ye doe not bestow it vpon Lands and Annuall Rents since yee haue with-drawne it from the Sea Trade that the Countrey may haue the Necessarie Vse there-of Merch. Landes are not so readie at hand as they haue beene some years by-gone almost all who needed haue sold that Market is nearlie past besides that the Tyme is dangerous great appearance of Warres and of a Broken State Commiss Then it were rather to vent your Money for eight or seaven of the hundreth to trustie Debtors who could assure you against all your Fears Merc. Before wee doe that wee will keepe it in our Coffers a Man may vse his owne proper Goods after his owne Mynde if it vvere to consume them by Ryot and Drunkennesse Commiss That is a bad and Intollerable Speach as if wee Countrey Gentle-men should say It is lawfull for vs to vse our Landes as wee please and to cast barren and vnlaboured the best part that wee may plague you Burgall People with Scarsitie and Famine Howsoever it is neglected heere yet in the most Politicke States which haue beene that Libertie was not permitted to Men to doe as they would even with their owne Goods or Lands Wee reade in the Lawes of the 12 Tables amongst the Romanes this Caveat That hee who was a Prodigall Debosher should bee intradicted as a Foole Situ ●ona patria avita●que vel tua nimia nequitia disperdere liberos●que tuos ad egestatem perducere volueris tunc hoc commercio tibi interdicendum est And by the Lawes of Solon and of the Areopagits such Persones called Patrimoniorum de Coctores Devourers of their Patrimonies were with Infamie debarred from Honourable Assemblies accused as Criminall Persons cast into Prison and derobbed of farther Commerce amongst Men. And heere I must tell you it had bene happie that such Lawes had beene amongst vs in this Countrey these thirtie yeares by-gone where-in manie vertuous Men vndergoing Cautionriēs for their Profused and Prodigall Friendes haue bene naufraged by you Merchands who will not persue the Principall Debtor nor comprize his Lands but doe still attake you to the Cautioner Now to the Purpose if the Common-wealth should bee dearer to vs than our Children because shee doeth nowrish vs both then if Lawes may interdict vs for the sake of our Children much more it must bee so for the sake of our Mother the Common-wealth from the Safetie where-of doth depend the Vniversall Good of all her Members So that when Question is of the Weale of the State neither must yee bee so absolute Master of your Moneyes nor I of my Lands as ye doe imagine Alwayes I suppose that I know certaine Meanes where-by your Silver may bee exposed to Publicke Trafficke without your Losse or Discontentment but because it toucheth a secret of Policie I will forbeare anie Mention of it heere and take mee to propone another thing for Increase of Money where-of it being common to others as well as to you I will speake in Common and make an ende of my Conference with you Merchands in particular Amongst other thinges that haue made so great Scarcitie of Coyne amongst vs there is one which with great Reason ought and with great Advantage may bee reformed and this is the Aboundance of Silver Plate Chaines Girdles Bracelets and such as haue crept into Scotland since our Vnion with England It is acknowledged in Histories that the pryde of Emperours in guilding with Golde spacious Pallaces Temples and Towne-Houses was the first thing that did scarce the Golde and haught the Pryce there-of as that large Fabricke builded in Rome by Nero all beguilded where-in there were diverse Galleries of 1000 spaces and as the Capitoll to the beguilding where-of Vespasian did employ seaven Millions and two hundreth thousand Crownes of finest Golde And the Temple Pant●eon which wee see yet extant beguilded by Agrippa for saving the Copper and Brasse from Roust There-after they became so Prodigall to beguilde also the Yron and Silver that it should not bee subject to Roust Wee reade in the French Histories that so great hath beene the Prodigalitie of that Nation for the vse of Clinkarts Lace and Cloath of Golde and Silver that Lawes haue beene set downe to bring