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A57919 Historical collections of private passages of state Weighty matters in law. Remarkable proceedings in five Parliaments. Beginning the sixteenth year of King James, anno 1618. And ending the fifth year of King Charls, anno 1629. Digested in order of time, and now published by John Rushworth of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; Rushworth, John, 1612?-1690. 1659 (1659) Wing R2316A; ESTC R219757 913,878 804

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Sword and Blade and to what place both the head and tail became Vertical together with other secrets Said That not onely all Europe to the elevation of Fifty two degrees was liable to its threatnings but England especially yea That person besides in whose fortune we are all no less imbarked then the Passenger with the Ship is in the Pilot that guideth the same the truth whereof said he a few years will manifest to all men And it was observed by Dr. Bainbridge a famous Astronomer that toward the Declination of it the Eleventh of December it past over London in the morning and so hasted more Northwards even as far as the Orcades Amidst these distractions the House of Austria made no small improvement of their interest in the King of Great Brittain who in the hot pursuit of the Spanish Match was earnest to oblige them And the Spaniards made shew that on their part nothing under Heaven was more desired then this Alliance and in their Discourses magnified the King Queen and Prince of England For the state of their Affairs did press them hard if not to close really yet at least to fain a pressing towards it For the French administred cause of discontent the Truce with the United Provinces was near expiring but above all they took to heart the Bohemian War and resolved to set the main stock upon it Wherefore the King of Spain gave commandment that his Treasure should be gathered together for the Infanta's vast portion being no less then Two Millions and gave hopes of the payment of half a Million beforehand as was desired and with himself all Dispatches seemed to pass freely But his Ministers gave not the same satisfaction and proceeded so slackly in the business that they were suspected either not to intend it at all or not so soon as was pretended Besides the wiser here observed and repined that all difficulties hazards and odious passages must rest on the English side which Spain did little value That King Iames did that to gratifie the Spaniard which rendred him disgusted by his Subjects but if Favor were granted to any Subject of his by the King of Spain it was not without design to engage him in his own Service Which resentments may be collected from a Letter written by a great Minister of State to Mr. Cottington his Majesties then Agent in Spain which for clearer satisfaction you have here at large GOod Mr. Cottington I doubt not but that before these come to your hands you will have heard of the Receipt of all your former Letters These are in answer of your last of the Eighth of October wherein you advertise of the arrival of the Conde Gondomar at Lerma and of his entertainment by that Duke It seemeth unto us here in England that he hath gone but very slowly in his journey and divers seeing how long time he hath spent in the way do make conjecture That it proceedeth from the small affection that he judgeth to be there towards the effecting of the main business saying If the Ambassador were assured that his Master did so really desire the speedy effecting thereof as is pretended he would have made more haste homeward and that it hath not been sincerely intended but meerly used by that State as an amuzement to entertain and busie his Majesty withal and for the gaining of time for their own ends And this is muttered here by very many but I hope we shall ere long receive such an account from thence of their proceedings as will give sufficient satisfaction For my own part I must confess I am yet well perswaded of their intentions for if there be either Honor Religion or Moral honesty in them the Protestations and Professions which I have so often heard them make and you likewise daily advertise hither are sufficient to perswade a man that will not judge them worse then Infidels to expect sincere dealing in the business and whensoever I shall perceive that they go about to do otherwise I must confess my self to have been deceived as I shall ever be on the like terms while I deal with inmost care but withal I shall judge them the most unworthy and persidious people of the World and the more for that his Majesty hath given them so many testimonies of his sincere intentions toward them which he daily continueth as now of late by the causing Sir Walter Rawleigh to be put to death cheifly for the giving them satisfaction whereof his Majesty commanded me to advertise you and concerning whom you shall by the next receive a Declaration shewing the Motives which induced his Majesty to recal his mercy through which he had lived these many years a condemned man In the mean time I think it ●it that to the Duke of Lerma the Confessor and the Secretary of State you do represent his Majesties real manner of proceeding with that King and State and how for the advancing of the great business he hath endeavored to satisfie them in all things letting them see how in many actions of late of that nature his Majesty hath strained upon the affections of his people and especially in this last concerning Sir Walter Rawleigh who died with a great deal of courage and constancy and at his death moved the common sort of people to much remorse who all attributed his death to the desire his Majesty had to satisfie Spain Further you may let them know how able a man Sir Walter Rawleigh was to have done his Majesty service if he should have been pleased to imploy him yet to give them content he hath not spared him when by preserving him he might have given great satisfaction to his Subjects and had at command upon all occasions as useful a man as served any Prince in Christendom and on the contrary the King of Spain is not pleased to do any thing which may be so inconvenient unto him as to lessen the affections of his people or to procure so much as murmuring or distractions amongst them And therefore it is to be expected that on his part they answer his Majesty at least with sincere and real proceeding since that is all they are put to the difficulties and hazards being indeed on his Majesties side And truly I should think it ●it that not by way of commination but as it were out of zeal to the Peace and Amity betwixt these two Crowns you did intimate to the Duke and the other Ministers how impossible you held it to have peace long continued betwixt their Majesties if in this business wherein so much hath been professed there should be found any indirectness But herein you must be cautious and temperate for as on the one side you and I well know that this stile most perswades with them so on the other side the decency and buen termine that is to be observed betwixt great Princes will hardly admit of Threats or Revenge for a Wooing Language but this I know falleth into so
discreet a hand that I little fear the handsome carriage of it And I hope that before these Letters arive with you we shall hear from you in such a stile that this advice of mine shall be of no use I pray you be very earnest with the Conde Gondomar that he will not forget to negotiate the liberty of Mr. Mole for whom I hope now my Lord Ross is dead for that which you and I know it will not be so difficult to prevail You may put him in minde how when Father Baldwills liberty was granted unto him although he could not absolutely promise Mr. Moles release yet he then faithfully protested he would use the mediation of the Duke of Lerma and of the Kings Confessor and of that King if need were and that he would try the best friends he had for the procurement of his enlargement wherein you may desire him to deal effectually for that there is great expectance that he should proceed honorably and really therein I my self likewise will use all the means I can for his relief for it is a thing which is very much desired here and would give a great deal of satisfaction As touching Osulivare it is very fit that you let them know that the report of the honor they did him hath come unto his Majesties ears and that although they will alleage that in the time of Hostility betwixt England and Spain it may be he did them many services and may then have deserved well at their hands for which they have just cause to reward him Yet since by his Majesties happy coming to these Crowns those differences have had an end and that there is a perfect League and Amity betwixt them his Majesty cannot chuse but dislike that they should bestow upon him any title or dignity which onely or properly belongeth unto him towards his own Subjects that therefore he would be glad that they would forbear to confer any such titulary Honors upon any of his Subjects without his Privity This you shall do well to insist upon so that they may understand that his Majesty is very sensible that they should endeavor to make the Irish have any kinde of dependence on that State Queen Anne died this year at Hampton Court and was thence brought to her Palace at Denmark-house in the Strand The common people who were great Admirers of Princes were of opinion that the Blazing-Star rather be-tokened the Death of that Queen then that Cruel and Bloody War which shortly after hapned in Bohemia and others parts of Germany IN the beginning of the year One thousand six hundred and n●neteen the Emperor Matthias died but immediately before his death to engage Persons of Honor in the Service of the Empire he instituted Knights of several Orders for the defence of the Catholick Religion who were bound by Oath to be faithful to the Apostolick Sea and to acknowledge the Pope their cheif Protector The Count Palatine of Rhine who in the interregnum is cheif Vicar of the Empire published his right by the Golden Bull to govern in cheif till a new Emperor be chosen and by Advice assumed the Power requiring the people to demean themselves peaceably under his Government King Ferdinand in his broken Estate propounded a Cessation of Arms and offered fair terms of peace but was not answered for the breach would not be made up The Bohemians declared that their Kingdom was Elective not Hereditary that the States-General ought to have the free Election of their King who always ought to be one of the Royal House of Bohemia That Ferdinand took the Government upon him by vertue of his Coronation in the Emperors life time and had thereby made the Kingdom a Donative The Evangelicks in the Upper Austria demanded equal Priviledges with the Catholicks and resolved to make union with the Bohemians The Protestant States of Moravia Silesia and Hungaria banish the Jesuites The Bohemians prospered in these beginnings but the Austrian party received vigor by supplies out of Hungary and Flanders and were able to stand their ground and the Emperor capitulated with the Duke of Bavaria to levy forces to his use for the expence of which service he engaged part of his Country to him The War grows to a great height and the King of England interposed in these differences and sent the Viscount Doncaster Extraordinary Ambassador to mediate a Reconciliation His constant love of Peace and his present fear of the sad issue of these Commotions and the request of the King of Spain moved him to take this part in hand It was the Spaniards policy to make him a Reconciler and by that means to place him in a state of Neutrality and so frustrate the hopes of that support which the Princes of the Union might expect from him by the Interest of the Count Palatine For which cause the King of Spain speaks out large promises That he should be the sole and grand Arbiter of this Cause of Christendom Nevertheless his Mediation was slighted by the Catholick Confederates and his Ambassador shufled out of the business And at the same time Mr. Cottington being very sensible of their unworthy dealings in the Court of Spain professed That his most useful service and best complying with his own Conscience would be to disengage the King his Master The Archbishop of Ments the Representers of the Duke of Saxony and the other Electors Brandenburgh Cullen and Tryers met at Franckford to chuse the Emperor Upon the Eighth day of August Ferdinand was chosen King of the Romans and upon the Nineteenth of September had the Imperial Crown set upon his Head Ambassadors from the Elector Palatine came to oppose Ferdinand but were denied entrance at Franckford The Bohemians disclaimed the said Election and being assembled for that purpose with the consent of their Confederates elected for their King Count Frederick Palatine of Rhine At that time Bethlem Gabor Prince of Transylvania made known to the Directors Evangelick his great sense of their condition since those troubles began desired union with them and offered to come in with an Army hoping for the Great Turks consent to peace during the time of that Service The Directors return their thanks accept the offer and Prince Bethlem immediately entred Hungary to the Emperors great vexation danger and detriment marching with an Army even to the Walls of Vienna The Count Palatine Elected King of Bohemia craved advice to his Father in Law the King of Great Brittain touching the acceptation of that Royal Dignity When this important business was debated in the Kings Council Archbishop Abbot whose infirmities would not suffer him to be present at the Consultation wrote his minde and heart to Sir Robert Nanton the Kings Secretary That God had set up this Prince his Majesties Son in Law as a Mark of Honor throughout all Christendom to propagate the Gospel and to protect the oppressed That for his own part he
under the Marquess Ansbach The Evangelicks were put to the worst by General Buquoy in several encounters and were much terrified by the Duke of Bavaria who marched with an Army of Fifteen thousand Horse and Foot and a Train of Artillery proportionable and they were weakned by a Cessation of Arms in Hungary between the Emperor and the Prince of Transylvania In Spain they make all possible preparations for this War onely the King of England will not take the Alarm abhorring War in general and distasting the Palsgraves cause as an ill president against Monarchy and fed with hopes of composing all differences by the success of the Spanish Treaty For which purpose Sir Walter Aston was then sent Ambassador into Spain and Gondomar returned into England there to abide till the long debated Match be fully effected The Articles of Religion for securing Liberty of Conscience to the Infanta and her Family were greatly inlarged by the Commissioners designed for the Treaty and were allowed by the King of England but without a dispensation from Rome the transactions between the two Kings were but Nullities And for this cause it was expected that our King should propound such conditions for the increase and great advantage of the Roman Catholick Religion that the Pope may deliberate whether they be of that nature as may perswade and merit the dispensation To this demand the King made answer in his Letter to the King of Spain That he had done as much in favor of the Catholicks as the times would bear and promised in the word of a King That no Roman Priest or other Catholick should thenceforth be condemned upon any capital Law And although he could not at present rescind the Laws inflicting onely pecuniary mulcts yet he would so mitigate them as to oblige his Catholick Subjects to him And if the Marriage took effect his Daughter in Law should finde him ready to indulge all favors which she should request for those of her Religion Herein the Spanish Council acknowledged great satisfaction given and a Paper was conceived and drawn up by a Iunto of Canonists Lawyers and Divines to perswade the Pope to act his part IN the mean while an Army of Thirty thousand was levying in Flanders under the command of Marquess Spinola The King of England sent to know the cause of so great preparations The Marquess gave answer That he received his Commission sealed up with a charge not to open it till his Army were compleated and brought together to a Rendevouz But the King had proof enough to assure him that this Army was intended for the Palatinate Yet no more then one Regiment under the Command of Sir Horatio Vere could be obtained from him though two more were promised When Spinola had his Rendevouz where he mustered Six and twenty thousand Foot and Four thousand Horse he opened his Commission which required him to make War against all those which should be confederate with the Bohemian Rebels and he communicated the same to the Ambassador of Great Brittain At the same time the English began their march as brave a Regiment as hath appeared in any age consisting most of Gentlemen under a most worthy Leader who was accompanied with the Earls of Oxford and Essex persons innobled as well by their own vertues as by their Progenitors Other Commanders in this Regiment were Sir Edward Sackvile Sir Gerard Herbert Sir Robert Knolles Captain Stafford Captain Wilmot Captain William Fairfax Sir Iohn Burlacy Cap. Burroughs Cap. Robert Knightly c. This handful of men reached the Palatinate with some difficulty by the aid and conduct of Henry Prince of Nassau The Imperial forces became exceeding numerous by large supplies from several Countreys and Provinces The States Protestant of the Upper and Lower Austria upon the approach of the Bavarian Army seeing nothing but manifest ruine renounce their Confederacy with the Bohemians and submit to the Emperor saving to themselves their Rights and Priviledges in Religion Whereupon the Bohemians and their King being but Twenty thousand strong besides an addition of Ten thousand Hungarians from Bethlem Gabor and fearing least Bavaria and Buquoy joyning their forces should fall into Bohemia thought it best to fortifie the Frontiers and to defend their Country which they conceived they might well do if the Elector of Saxony would continue in his Neutrality The Emperor sent to the said Elector to execute his Ban or Declaration of Treason against the Count Palatine and the Bohemian Rebels The Bohemians by their Ambassadors requested him if he would not own their Cause yet at least to remain Neutral The Duke of Saxony replied to King Frederick That he had often represented to him what ruine was like to follow him by taking an others Crown and for his own part being called upon by the Emperor to execute his Ban and chastise the Rebels he could not disobey that just command The Protestant Princes sent to him again and gave him notice of Spinola's advance to subdue the Palatinate but this did nothing move him He entred Lusatia with some forces and quickly reduced a part of that Province In the Palatinate Spinola having got the start of the English by means of a far shorter march had no sooner arived but he took in divers Towns and prevailed greatly over a spiritless people yet he warily declined the hazard of Battel with the Princes of the Union Neither was the Marquess Ansbach very forward to engage or to seek or take advantages The Dutch slowness was not excusable howbeit the great access of strength to the Emperors party and this slender aid from the King of Great Brittain to preserve his Childrens Patrimony must needs dishearten the German Princes and help to dissolve the Union After a while the season of the year drew them into their Winter Quarters the Princes retired into their several Countreys and the English Regiment was disposed into three principal Garisons Sir Horatio Vere commanded in Manheim Sir Gerard Herbert in Heidelborough and Captain Burroughs in Frankendale having onely power to preserve themselves within those Walls whilest the enemy ranged round about them A Letter written from the Marquess of Buckingham to Conde Gondomar discovered the bent of the Kings minde and will touching the German War That he was resolved to continue Neuter for Conscience Honor and Examples sake In regard of Conscience judging it unlawful to inthrone and dethrone Kings for Religions sake having a quarrel against the Jesuites for holding that opinion Besides he saw the World inclined to make this a War of Religion which he would never do In point of Honor for that when he sent his Ambassador into Germany to treat of Peace in the interim his Son in Law had taken the Crown upon him And for Example sake holding it a dangerous president against all Christian Princes to allow a sudden translation of Crowns by the Peoples Authority Nevertheless he could not sit still and
help of Almighty God which is never wanting unto those who in his fear shall undertake the Defence of his own Cause He may be able to do that with his sword which by a peaceable course shall not be effected After the recess of Parliament the King by Proclamation declared his Grace to his Subjects in matters of Publique Grievance And taking notice that many great affairs debated in Parliament could not be brought to perfection in so short a time And that the Commons thought it convenient to continue the same Session in course of Adjournment And withall observing that divers of those Particulars required a speedy determination and settlement for his peoples good and that they are of that condition and quality as that he needeth not the assistance of Parliament to reform the same and would have reformed them before the Parliament if the true state of his Subjects Grievances had been made known unto him He hath determined and doth declare an immediate redress therein by his own Regal authority as in the business of Informers of Miscarriages of Ministers in Chancery of the Patents for Gold and Silver-Thread for Licensing Pedlers and Petty-Chapmen for the sole Dressing of Arms for the Exportation of Lists and Shreds and for the sole making of Tobacco-pipes Cards and the like And besides the redress of these Grievances he will enlarge his grace unto other kindes for the Subjects ease And that both his own and the ears of his Privy-Council shall be open to his Peoples modest and just Complaints Moreover a second Proclamation was issued forth against Excess of Licentious speech touching State-affairs For notwithstanding the strictness of the Kings former Command the Peoples inordinate liberty of unreverend speech increased daily Wherefore the King threatned severity as well against the Concealers of such Discourses as against the boldness of Audacious Tongues and Pens On the Tenth of Iuly Iohn Williams Doctor of Divinity and Dean of Westminster was sworne Keeper of the Great Seal of England The King was plyed from Spain and Rome to enlarge his favors to Popish Recufants For reports were then brought to Rome That the Catholicks of England Scotland and Ireland were cruelly used And besides this there went a rumor that King Iames in a Speech in Parliament had declared That notwithstanding the Marriage with Spain the English Catholicks should not be one jot in better condition But the King said no more then this That if any of that party did grow insolent let his People count him unworthy to reign if he gave not extraordinary punishment Thus was the King entangled in the ways which he had chosen For it was not possible for him at once to please his People and to satisfie his Foreign Interests About the same time the Lord Digby who was sent Ambassador to the Emperor had Audience at Vienna The principal heads of his Embassie were these That the Elector Palatine and the Children of the King of Great Britain his Master might be received into the Emperors favor and restored to all their Hereditary Goods and the Prince Elector himself to the Title which he enjoyed before the troubles of Bohemia That the Ban Imperial published against him should be revoked and the execution thereof suspended which being done the King of Great Britain will undertake that the Palatine shall render due obedience to his Imperial Majesty and submit to Conditions meet and honest To these Demands he received Answer That the Emperor had a very good will to gratifie the King of Great Britain and those other Kings and Princes that had made the same request for the Palatine But he could not grant it because the Palatine to this hour useth the Counsels of many of the Electors and Princes in opposition to the Emperor And when the Emperor had agreed to a Cessation of Arms according to the desires of the King of Great Britain and had ordered the suspending of all Hostility in the Lower Palatinate at the same time the Palatine gave Commission to raise Forces and do acts of Hostility which was put in execution by Count Mansfeld and Marquis Iagerndorf to begin new troubles in Bohemia Silesia and Moravia Nevertheless the Emperor having appointed an Assembly to meet at Ratisbone will there make known the desires of the King of Great Britain who shall know what Resolution is there taken concerning the Palatine Albert Archduke of Flanders at the request of King Iames had made intercession for the Palsgrave After his decease the Archduchess his wife continued the same mediation by Letters to the Emperor And withall the Kings Ambassador further proposed these Conditions for a Cessation of Arms and a Suspension of the Ban Imperial That Mansfeld and Iagerndorf shall observe the Agreement otherwise the Prince Palatine shall revoke their Commissions and declare them his Enemies and that their Garrisons in Bohemia shall be rendred to the Emperor The Emperor answered the Archduchess That the Archduke her husband in his life-time had exceedingly recommended the Interposition of the King of Great Britain and the great prudence of that King in not approving the Actions of the Palatine Which Recommendation as to a Treaty and Cessation of Arms he shall entertain and consult thereupon with the Deputies of the Electors and Princes of the Empire The English Ambassador departed from Vienna to the Duke of Bavaria who had then entred the Upper Palatinate and had published the Emperors Declaration against Mansfeld and his Adherents and exhorted the States and Princes there to execute the same and the rather for that he had not heard of any King Elector Prince or State no not so much as the King of Great Britain that had approved the seditious Revolt of the Bohemians except some few States and Princes who for interest did countenance the same The Ambassador found the Bavarian acting hostility and committing great spoils in the Country and resolving to reject all Propositions of Peace or Cessation Nor could the Emperor agree upon any Truce without the Duke of Bavaria First in respect of his agreement neither to make War or Peace without the consent of the said Duke which happened because upon the former Truce made with the Archduke the Soldiers that were in the Lower Palatinate and wanted employment came up into the Higher Palatinate to Count Mansfeld and much infested the Duke of Bavaria Secondly in regard the Duke of Bavaria had a great part of Austria in pledge for his satisfaction Thirdly because the Emperor was barred from all other passages but through Bavaria by Bethlem Gabor Jagerndorf and Budiani And the Duke upon receipt of the Emperors Letter touching the Truce sent the Lord Digby a deriding Answer That there was no need to labor for a Truce for the Wars were at an end in that he agreed with Count Mansfeld nor did he doubt of keeping both Palatinates in peace till the Emperor and Palsgrave were agreed So the King
the zeal of our true Religion in which we have béen born and wherein by Gods grace we are resolved to die the safety of Your Majesties person who is the very life of Your people the happiness of Your Children and Posterity the honor and good of the Church and State dearer unto us then our own lives having kindled these affections truly devoted to Your Majesty And séeing out of our duty to Your Majesty we have already resolved to give at the end of this Session one intire Subsidy for the present relief of the Palatinate onely to be paid in the end of February next which cannot well be effected but by passing a Bill in a Parl●●mentary course before Christmas We most humbly beséech Your Majesty as our assured hope is that You will then also vouchsafe to give life by Your Royal Assent to such Bills as before that time shall be prepared for Your Majesties honor and the general good of Your people And that such Bills may be also accompanied as hath béen accustomed with Your Majesties Gracious Pardon which procéeding from Your own méer Grace may by Your Highness direction be drawn to that Latitude and Extent as may best sort with Your Majesties bounty and goodness And that not onely Felons and Criminal Offenders may take benefit thereof but that Your good Subjects may receive ease thereby And if it shall so stand with Your good pleasure That it may extend to the relief of the old Debts and Duties to the Crown before the First year of Your Majesties Reign to the discharge of Alienations without Licence and misusing of Liveries and Oustre le Maine before the first Summons of this Parliament and of concealed Wardships and not suing of Liveries and Oustre le Maines before the Twelfth year of Your Majesties Reign Which gratious Favor would much comfort Your good Subjects and ease them from vexation with little loss or prejudice to Your own profit And we by our daily and devout Prayers to the Almighty the Great King of Kings shall contend for a blessing upon our endeavors and for Your Majesties long and happy Reign over us and for Your Childrens Children after You for many and many Generations The House had sufficient cause to set forth the danger of true Religion and the Miseries of the Professors thereof in Foreign parts when besides the great wound made in Germany and the cruelties of the prevailing House of Austria the Protestants in France were almost ruined by Lewis the Thirteenth being besieged at once in several places as in Montauban by the King and in Rochel by Count Soysons and the Duke of Guise And for their relief the King of England prevailed nothing by sending of Sir Edward Herbert since Baron of Cherbury and after him the Viscount Doncaster Ambassador for Mediation The King having Intelligence of the former Remonstrance wrote his Letter to the Speaker To Our Trusty and Welbeloved Sir Thomas Richardson Knight Speaker of the House of COMMONS Mr Speaker WE have heard by divers Reports to our great grief That our distance from the Houses of Parliament caused by our indisposition of health hath imboldned the fiery and popular Spirits of some of the House of Commons to argue and debate publickly of the matters far above their reach and capacity tending to our high dishonor and breach of Prerogative Royal. These are therefore to command you to make known in our Name unto the House That none therein shall presume henceforth to meddle with any thing concerning our Government or deep matters of State and namely not to deal with our dearest Sons Match with the Daughter of Spain nor to touch the honor of that King or any other our Friends and Confederates And also not to meddle with any mans particulars which have their due motion in our ordinary Courts of Iustice. And whereas we hear they have sent a Message to Sir Edwin Sandis to know the reasons of his late restraint you shall in our Name resolve them That it was not for any misdemeanor of his in Parliament but to put them out of doubt of any question of that nature that may arise among them hereafter you shall resolve them in our Name That we think our self very free and able to punish any mans misdemeanors in Parliament as well during their sitting as after Which we mean not to spare hereafter upon any occasion of any mans insolent behavior there that shall be ministred unto us And if they have already touched any of these points which we have forbidden in any Petition of theirs which is to be sent unto us it is our pleasure that you shall tell them That except they reform it before it come to our hands we will not deign the hearing nor answering of it Dated at New-Market 3 Dec. 1621. Hereupon they drew up another Petition which they sent accompanied with the former Remonstrance Most Dread and Gratious Soveraign WE your most humble and loyal Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses Assembled in the Commons House of Parliament full of grief and unspeakable sorrow through the true sence of your Majesties displeasure expressed by your Letter lately sent to our Speaker and by him related and read unto us Yet comforted again with the assurance of your grace and goodness and of the sincerity of our own intentions and procéedings whereon with confidence we can relie In all humbleness beséech your most Excellent Majesty that the loyalty and dutifulness of as faithful and loving Subjects as ever served or lived under a gratious Soveraign may not undeservedly suffer by the mis-information of partial and uncertain Reports which are ever unfaithful Intelligencers But that your Majesty would in the clearness of your own Iudgment first vouchsafe to understand from our selves and not from others what our humble Declaration and Petition resolved upon by the Universal voice of the House and proposed with your gratious Favor to be presented unto your Sacred Majesty doth contain Upon what occasion we entred into consideration of those things which are therein contained with what dutiful respect to your Majesty and your service we did consider thereof and what was our true intention thereby And that when your Majesty shall thereby truly discern our dutiful affections you will in your Royal Iudgment frée us from those heavy charges wherewith some of our Members are burthened and wherein the whole House is involved And we humbly beséech your Majesty that you will not hereafter give credit to private Reports against all or any of the Members of our House whom the whole have not censured until your Majesty have béen truly informed thereof from our selves And that in the mean time and ever we may stand upright in your Majesties grace and good opinion than which no worldly consideration is or can be dearer unto us When your Majesty had Reassembled us in Parliament by your Royal Commandment sooner then we expected and did vouchsafe by the mouths
Frankendale if they be taken That within the said term of seventy days a Suspension of Arms in the Palatinate be concluded upon the Conditions last propounded by Sir Richard Weston at Bruxels and that a general Treaty shall be again set on foot upon such honorable terms as were tendered to the Emperor in November last But if these particulars be refused or delayed by the Emperor that the King of Spain shall joyn forces with the King of Great Britain for the recovery of his Childrens Honors and Patrimony And if he cannot give assistance that he will at least allow him a free and friendly passage through his Territories for the forces to be employed in that service Of these points distinctly if the Ambassador should not receive a direct assurance he was to take his leave of that King and to return into his Masters presence But the King annexed this private Instruction That in case a Rupture happened it might be managed to the best advantage Wherefore he should not instantly come away but send him secret intelligence and in publick give out the contrary Immediately upon these Demands an Order was sent from Spain to Bruxels for the relief of Manheim but it came too late for before the arival thereof the Town was yielded into the hands of Tilly But had it come in season the effect thereof might be guessed by Tilly's Reasons presented to the Arch-Dutchess against raising the siege of Manheim and the restoring of Heidelburgh to this purpose That he could not do it without the Emperors express consent and that the winning of Manheim was to be hastned to prevent the machinations of evil Neighbors who were plotting new Commotions in favor of the Count Palatine and especially to obviate the designs of Count Mansfield And lastly That the Emperor and the Catholick League having setled all Germany might give the Law to their Opposites and settle a peace upon their own terms How little the Emperor attributed to the Kings Humanity and upright dealing which he applauded in shew might be discerned by sure Advertisements of his purpose to propound in the Dyet at Ratisbone his promise of translating the Palatine Electorate to the Duke of Bavaria as a thing irrevocable Moreover the King of Spain the Fifth of November 1622. in the height of those Professions made to the English Ambassador touching the Marriage wrote on this manner to his Grand Favorite the Conde Olivares THe King my Father declared at his Death That his intent never was to marry my Sister the Infanta Donna Maria with the Prince of Wales which your Uncle Don Balthazar understood and so treated this Match ever with intention to delay it notwithstanding it is now so far advanced that considering all the aversness unto it of the Infanta it is time to seek some means to divert the Treaty which I would have you finde out and I will make it good whatsoever it be But in all other things procure the satisfaction of the King of Great Britain who hath deserved much and it shall content me so that it be not in the Match Olivares wrote a Letter deliberative the Eighth of November 1622. and propounded an Expedient to the King of Spain in these words SIR Considering in what estate we finde the Treaty of Marriage between Spain and England and knowing certainly how the Ministers did understand this business that Treated it in the time of Philip the Third that is in Heaven that their meaning was never to effect it but by enlarging the Treaties and Points of the said Marriage to make use of the Friendship of the King of Great Britain as well in matters of Germany as those of Flanders And imagining likewise that your Majesty is of the same opinion though the Demonstrations do not shew so joyning to these Suppositions that it is certain the Infanta Donna Maria is resolved to put her self into a Monastery the same day that your Majesty shall press her to this Marriage I have thought fit to represent unto your Majesty that which my good zeal hath offered me in this occasion thinking it a good time to acquaint your Majesty withal to the end you may resolve of that which you shall finde most convenient with the advice of those Ministers you shall think fit to make choice of The King of Great Britain doth finde himself at this time equally engaged in two businesses the one is this Marriage to which he is moved by the conveniencies he findes in your Majesties friendship by making an Agreement with those Catholicks that he thinks are secretly in his Kingdom and by this to assure himself of them as likewise to marry his Son to one of the House of Austria knowing that the Infanta Donna Maria is the best born Lady in the World The other business is the restitution of the Palatinate in which he is more engaged for beside that his Reputation is at stake there is added the love and interest of his Grand-children Sons of his onely Daughter So that both by the Law of Nature and Reason of State he ought to put that forward whatever inconveniencies might follow by dissembling what they suffer I do not dispute whither the King of Great Britain be governed in this business of the Palatinate by Act or Friendship I think a man might say he used both but as a thing not precisely necessary to this Discourse I omit it I hold it for a Maxim that these two Engagements in which he findes himself are inseparable for although the Marriage be made we must fail of that which in my way of understanding is most necessary the restitution of the Palatinate This being supposed Having made this Marriage in that form as it is Treated your Majesty shall finde your self together with the King of Great Britain engaged in a War against the Emperor and the Catholick League A thing which to hear will offend your godly ears or declaring your self for the Emperor and the Catholick League as certainly your Majesty will do then you will finde your self engaged in a War against the King of England and your Sister married with his Son with the which all whatsoever reasons of Conveniency that were thought upon in this Marriage do cease If your Majesty shall shew your self Neutral as it may be some will propound That first will cause very great scandal and with just reason since in matters of less opposition then of Catholicks against Hereticks the Arms of this Crown have taken the godly part against the contrary party and at this time the Frenchmen fomenting the Hollanders against your Majesty your Piety hath been such that you have sent your Arms against the Rebels of that Crown leaving all the great considerations of State onely because these men are Enemies to the Faith and the Church It will oblige your Majesty and give occasion to those of the League to make use of the King of France and of other Catholick Princes ill-affected
to this Crown for it will be a thing necessary for them to do so And those even against their own Religion will foment and assist the Hereticks for hatred to us Without doubt they will follow the other party onely to leave your Majesty with that blemish which never hath be●aln any King of these Dominions The King of England will remain offended and enraged seeing that neither interest nor helps do follow the Alliance with this Crown as likewise with Pretext of particular resentment for having suffered his Daughter and Grand-children to be ruined for respect of the said Alliance The Emperor though he be well-affected and obliged to us in making the Translation at this time as businesses now stands the Duke of Bavaria being possessed of all the Dominions although he would dispose all according to our Conveniencies it will not be in his power to do it as your Majesty and every body may judge and the Memorial that the Emperors Ambassador gave your Majesty yesterday makes it certain since in the List of the Soldiers that every one of our League is to pay he sheweth your Majesty that Bavaria for himself alone will pay more then all the rest joyned together the which doth shew his power and intention which is not to accommodate matters but to keep to himself the Superiority of all in this broken time the Emperor is now in the Dyet and the Translation is to be made in it The Proposition in this estate is by considering the means for a Conference which your Majesties Ministers will do with their Capacities Zeal and Wisdom and it is certain they will herein have enough to do For the difficulty consists to finde a way to make the present estate of affairs straight again which with lingring as it is said Both the power and time will be lost I suppose the Emperor as your Majesty knoweth by his Ambassador desires to marry his Daughter with the King of Englands Son I do not doubt but he will be likewise glad to marry his Second Daughter with the Palatines Son Then I propound that these two Marriages be made and that they be set on foot presently giving the King of England full satisfaction in all his Propositions for the more strict Union and Correspondency that he may agree to it I hold for certain that all the Conveniences that would have followed the Alliance with us will be as full in this and the Conveniencies in the great Engagement are more by this for it doth accommodate the matter of the Palatinate and Succession of his Grand-children with Honor and without drawing a Sword and wasting Treasure With this Interest the Emperor with the Conveniencies of the King of England and the Palatinate the onely means in my way of understanding to hinder those great dangers that do threaten may accommodate the business and not sever himself from the Conveniencies and Engagements of Bavaria and after I would reduce the Prince Elector that was an enemy to the obedience of the Church by breeding his Sons in the Emperors Court with Catholick Doctrine The Business is great the Difficulties greater perchance then have been in any other case I have found my self obliged to present this unto your Majesty and shall shew if you command me what I think fit for the disposing of the things and of the great Ministers which your Majesty hath I hope with the particular Notes of these things and all being helped with the good zeal of the Conde Gondomar it may be God will open a way to it a thing so much for his and your Majesties service Such Consultations had the Catholick King in his Cabinet-Council whilst he pretended so much zeal to a Closure with England Insomuch that King Iames professed to have taken great contentment in the Dispatches of the Earl of Bristol as full and satisfactory And though the Order sent to the Archduchess for the Relief of Anheim arrived too late yet he acknowledged it to be an argument of that Kings sincere intentions But the Kings hopes were still deferred and these Delays were palliated by the stop of the Dispensation till the Pope were further satisfied in the time of the Childrens education under the Mothers government and the exemption of Ecclesiastical persons from all Secular jurisdiction And the Spaniards did not spare to stretch the Kings ductile spirit For he was willing to stand obliged by a private Letter that the Children should be kept under the Mothers wing till the age of Nine years but he desired for Honors sake that no more then Seven might be exprest in the Publique Articles But this Enlargement would not satisfie He must come up to the allowance of Ten years which was the lowest of all to be expected and so he was brought at length to wave his Honor and to insure this Concession by a Publique Ratification And for the Exemption of Ecclesiasticks from the Secular power thus far he yielded That the Ecclesiastical Superior do take notice of the offence that shall be committed and according to the merit thereof either by Degradation deliver him to Secular Justice or banish him the Kingdom Bristol's importunate Negotiation procured this Answer from the King of Spain First touching the Marriage being desirous to overcome all difficulties that might hinder this union he had endeavoured to conform himself with the Resolutions given by the King of Great Britain to the Popes Propositions and had dispatched a Post to Rome that his Holiness judging what hath been here concluded and held sufficient might grant the Dispensation which he engageth to procure within three or four moneths at the farthest And in the interim that no time be lost the remaining Temporal Articles shall be treated and concluded As touching the Palatinate by his late Dispatches into Flanders due course is taken to settle all things as may be desired But until it be known what effects the same hath wrought and what the Emperor will reply no Answer can be given in writing to the Particulars contained in the Ambassadors Memorial Moreover the Popes Demands to which King Iames took exceptions being now accommodated by the King of Spain were sent into England and presently signed by the King and Prince without the change of a word King Iames having strong assurance that the Dispensation must needs be granted speedily appointed his Agent Gage who was now again at Rome to present to the Pope and certain Cardinals those Letters which lay in his hand to be delivered at a fit season The Kings Letter to the Pope gave him the stile of Most Holy Father Likewise he directed the Earl of Bristol to proceed to the Temporal Articles and to consummate the whole business But while the King had so much zeal and confidence in his Applications to Spain and Rome the Palatinate is left at random upon the Spaniards loose and general promises For Colonel Papenheim had block'd up Frankendale the onely Hold whereby the Palsgrave
Provinces because among other quarrels they gave refuge to the expulsed Palatine Nevertheless King Iames resolved to wait upon the Match with Spain as the onely means to consolidate these publique fractures in Christendom And now behold a strange Adventure and Enterprise The Prince and the Marquis of Buckingham accompanied with Cottington and Endimion Porter Post in Disguise to Spain to accelerate the Marriage The 17. of February they went privately from Court and the next day came to Dover where they imbarqued for Boloign and from thence rode Post to Paris where they made some stop The Prince shadowed under a bushy Peruque beheld the splendor of that Court and had a full view of the Princess Henrietta Maria who was afterwards his Royal Consort For besides the great privacie of the Journey they had so laid the English Ports that none should follow or give the least advertisement until they had gotten the start of Intelligencers and passed the bounds of France Howbeit they escaped narrowly and a swift Intelligence sent to the King of Spain from Don Carlos Coloma was even at their heels before they arrived at Madrid The Prince and Buckingham being in the Territories of Spain to make but little noise rode Post before their Company The 7. of March they arrived at Madrid the Royal residence and were conveyed with much secrecie into the Earl of Bristols house The next morning the Earl acquainted Gondomar with the arrival of the Marquis of Buckingham Olivares sends immediately to desire leave to visit the Marquis which was by no means permitted but in the evening the Marquis went privately accompanied with the Earl of Bristol Sir Walter Aston and Conde Gondomar and met this great Conde in a place near the Palace and after some Converse was led by a back-way into the Kings quarter and had private Audience of the King who received him with extraordinary courtesies and expressions of so great joy that might signifie he was not ignorant of the Princes arrival also Insomuch that the Conde Olivares having procured the Kings leave went back with the Marquis of Buckingham and kissed the Princes hands After this the King and State devise how to give his Highness the most honorable reception Instantly they decree That upon all occasions of meeting he shall have the precedencie of the King That he shall make his entrance into the Royal Palace in that form of State which is used by the Kings of Spain on the day of their Coronation and that one of the chief quarters in the Kings house shall be prepared for his Lodgings That an Hundred of the Guard attend him and all the Council obey him as the Kings own person The Common sort did magnifie this brave Adventure and express his Welcom by shouts and acclamations of joy and presently they marry him to the Infanta as it were by publique voice And the King to please him with a sight of his Mistress went abroad to visit a Monastery with the Queen the Infanta and his Brothers Don Carlos and the Infant-Cardinal So that his Highness had the happiness of a full View in several places The King in person gave him several Visits and forced him to take the hand and place of him Divers Grandees and prime Officers of State came to present their service and as yet none did visit him but by the Kings special order A General Pardon was published the Prisons were opened and hundreds of Offenders were set at liberty And a late Proclamation against Excess in Apparel was revoked Neither may we forget the Kings strain of Complement in the Advancement of Gondomar to whom he ascribed his great contentment and honor received by his Highness's presence That he had made the Conde whom he was pleased to term an English-man one of his Council of State to the end that his Highness might be confident of their Proceedings and privy to all their Passages The Prince on the day of Publique Entrance was attended in the morning by the Conde Gondomar and divers Councellors of State to S. Ierom's Monastery the place whence the Kings of Spain are wont to make their solemn entrance into Madrid on the day of their Coronation There the Prince was feasted and served by divers great Officers of State waiting bare-headed After dinner the King came to conduct his Highness through the Town to the Royal Palace having prepared all things for the Solemnity in the greatest magnificence and splendor The King setting the Prince on his right hand they rode in great glory under a Canopy of State supported by the Regidors of the Town who were arrayed in Cloth of Tissue The Nobility and Grandees of Spain attended by their several Liveries all very rich and costly went before And after came the Marquis of Buckingham and the Conde Olivares executing their places of Masters of the Horse After them followed the Earl of Bristol and Sir Walter Aston accompanied with divers Councellors of State and Gentlemen of the Kings Chamber And being alighted at the Palace-gate the King led the Prince to the Queens quarters where having entred her chamber he was met and received by her with great respect in manner becoming the state of great Princes three Royal seats were placed the Queen sate in the middle the Prince on her right hand and the King on the left His Highness was thence conducted by the King to the Lodgings prepared for him where after they had conversed a while the King left him After a little pause the Queen by her Major-domo gave him a further and very noble Welcom with sundry rich Presents as Perfumes and costly Wearing-Linen The King sent him two Golden Keys which would open all his Privy-lodgings and his Bed-chamber giving him to understand that he had free access unto him at all hours The Councellors of State presented themselves to let him know That by the Kings express command they were to obey his Highness as exactly as the King himself He was constantly attended and served with Grandees and Tituladoes and was entertained with many Shews and Triumphs and several daily Pastimes And one day running at the Ring in company of divers of the Nobility his Higness was the onely Person that bore the Ring away and that in presence of the Infanta his Mistress which was interpreted a good Omen at the beginning of his Atchievement In fine there wanted nothing which the wit of man could devise for the height of outward glory The Governors of the Town presented the Marquis of Buckingham with the rich Cloth of State which was borne over the King and Prince in the great Solemnity as a Fee belonging to the Place which he then executed From the Court of England many Lords and Gentlemen went after the Prince that by a splendid Train and Retinue of his own People he might appear as the Prince of England And the Marquis of Buckingham was then made a Duke by a Patent
from others but the Graces vouchsafed to them from himself and they were now confident that such potent intercessions having been made with him and all civil jealousies removed he will not onely command a real performance of what is promised but according to his own Loyal heart will enlarge the benefit Furthermore he assured the King That such difficulties as were already spent and were yet to come have been laid hold on by the Cardinals neither to frustrate nor prolong this Treaty but ou● of an opinion that otherwise they could not secure their Consciences proceed upon a just and valuable ground and satisfie the judgments of such discreet persons as may in times to come understand the Passages of this great Business So the long solicited Dispensation came from Pope Gregory the Fifteenth to the Court of Spain But whereas it was expected full and absolute it came with a Clog a Clause thrust in of purpose to retard the proceedings That whereas there were certain Articles condiscended unto by the King of England in favor of the Roman Catholicks in his Dominions Caution should be given for the performance of those Concessions The King answered That he could give no other Caution then his own and the Princes Oath exemplified under the Great Seal of England But this would not satisfie unless some Sovereign Catholick Prince would stand engaged for them Hereupon the frame of things was like to fall a sunder and a rumor went that the Prince intended to get away covertly Amidst the heats of this dispute Olivares whither in a humor or good earnest propounded three ways of accomodation The first was That Prince Charls should become Catholick The second That the Infanta should be delivered to him upon the former security without further condition The third was to binde him as fast as they could and not trust him with any thing And of these three ways he said The two former were good but the last was a bad one At length the King of Spain proffered to engage himself by Oath on the behalf of the King and Prince for the performance of the Articles Provided That he first consult with his Ghostly Fathers whither he might do it with a safe Conscience This was a fair contrivance whereby that King might not onely oblige our King and Prince but lay the ground-plot of a fair pretence of War against England if the Roman Catholicks received not satisfaction in the enjoyment of the Freedom promised Besides he would form a party in these Dominions to a Dependance upon his Protection A Iuncto of Divines were called to determine upon the Case and they go very gravely and tediously to work and protract the time almost beyond the bounds of the Princes patience but they conclude at last Affirmatively And in case the King of England fail to execute what was stipulated the King of Spain was to vindicate his Oath and right himself by the Sword Then was the Match declared publickly and the Prince had frequent access to the Infanta yet always in a publick manner and in the Kings presence Whilest these things were forging in Spain there were not wanting such as warned the King and tendred safer Counsels The Archbishop of Canterbury was bold to press him close in this serious Letter May it please Your Majesty I Have been too long silent and am afraid by my silence I have neglected the duty of the place it hath pleased God to call me unto and your Majesty to place me in But now I humbly crave leave I may discharge my Conscience towards God and my duty to your Majesty and therefore I beseech you freely to give me leave to deliver my self and then let your Majesty do with me what you please Your Majesty hath propounded a Toleration of Religion I beseech you take into your consideration what your Act is what the consequence may be By your Act you labor to set up the most Damnable and Heretical Doctrine of the Church of Rome the Whore of Babylon How hateful it will be to God and grievous to your good Subjects the Professors of the Gospel That your Majesty who hath often disputed and learnedly written against those Heresies should now shew your self a Patron of those wicked Doctrines which your Pen hath told the World and your Conscience tells your self are Superstitious Idolatrous and detestable And hereunto I adde what you have done in sending the Prince into Spain without consent of your Council the Privity and Approbation of your People And although you have a Charge and Interest in the Prince as Son of your Flesh yet have the people a greater as Son of the Kingdom upon whom next after your Majesty are their Eyes fixed and welfare depends and so tenderly is his going apprehended as believe it however his return may be safe yet the drawers of him into this Action so dangerous to himself so desperate to the Kingdom will not pass away unquestioned unpunished Besides this Toleration which you endeavor to set up by your Proclamation cannot be done without a Parliament unless your Majesty will let your Subjects see that you will take unto your self ability to throw down the Laws of your Land at your pleasure What dread consequence these things may draw afterward I beseech your Majesty to consider and above all lest by this Toleration and discountenancing of the true Profession of the Gospel wherewith God hath blessed us and this Kingdom hath so long flourished under it your Majesty do not draw upon this Kingdom in general and your self in particular Gods heavy wrath and indignation Thus in discharge of my duty towards God to your Majesty and the place of my Calling I have taken humble leave to deliver my Conscience Now Sir do what you please with me The King would not admit any Motion of drawing back but in going forward he would yield to all demands and was accordingly scrued up to the greatest height So at last the Difficulties in Rome and Spain were all surmounted and then these following Articles Stiled by the Cardinals Propositions for the right Augmentation and Weal of the Roman Catholick Religion were sworn unto by the King Prince and Privy Council I. THat the Marriage be made by Dispensation of the Pope but that to be procured by the endeavor of the King of Spain II. That the Marriage be once onely celebrated in Spain and ratified in England in form following In the Morning after the most Gratious Infanta hath ended her Devotions in the Chappel she and the most Excellent Prince Charls shall meet in the Kings Chappel or in some other Room of the Palace where it shall seem most expedient and there shall be read all the Procurations by vertue whereof the Marriage was celebrated in Spain and as well the most Excellent Prince as the most Excellent Infanta shall ratifie the said Marriage celebrated in Spain with all solemnity necessary for such an Act so
as no Ceremony or other thing intervene which shall be contrary to the Roman Catholick Apostolick Religion III. That the most Gratious Infanta shall take with her such Servants and Family as are convenient for her service which Family and all persons to her belonging shall be chosen and nominated by the Catholick King So as he nominate no Servant which is Vassal to the King of Great Britain without his will and consent IV. That as well the most Gratious Infanta as all her Servants and Family shall have free use and publick Exercise of the Roman Catholick Religion in manner and form as is beneath capitulated V. That she shall have an Oratory and Decent Chappel in her Palace where at the pleasure of the most Gratious Infanta Masses may be celebrated and in like manner she shall have in London or wheresoever she shall make her abode a Publick and Capacious Church near her Palace wherein all Duties may be solemnly celebrated and all other things necessary for the Publick Preaching of Gods Word the Celebration and Administration of all the Sacraments of the Catholick Roman Church and for burial of the Dead and Baptizing of Children That the said Oratory Chappel and Church shall be adorned with such decency as shall seem convenient to the most Gratious Infanta VI. That the Men-servants and Maid-servants of the most Gratious Infanta and their Servants Children and Descendents and all their Families of what sort soever serving her Highness may be freely and publickly Catholicks VII That the most Gratious Infanta her Servants and Family may live as Catholicks in form following That the most Gratious Infanta shall have in her Palace her Oratory and Chappel so spatious that her said Servants and Family may enter and stay therein in which there shall be an ordinary and publick door for them and another inward door by which the Infanta may have a passage into the said Chappel where she and other as abovesaid may be present at Divine Offices VIII That the Chappel Church and Oratory may be beautified with decent Ornaments of Altars and other things necessary for Divine Service which is to be celebrated in them according to the custom of the Holy Roman Church and that it shall be lawful for the said Servants and others to go to the said Chappel and Church at all hours as to them shall seem expedient X. That the care and custody of the said Chappel and Church shall be committed to such as the Lady Infanta shall appoint to whom it shall be lawful to appoint Keepers that no body may enter into them to do any undecent thing XI That to the Administration of the Sacraments and to serve in Chappel and Church aforesaid there shall be Four and twenty Priests and Assistants who shall serve weekly or monethly as to the Infanta shall seem fit and the Election of them shall belong to the Lady Infanta and the Catholick King Provided That they be none of the Vassals of the King of Great Britain and if they be his will and consent is to be first obtained XII That there be one Superior Minister or Bishop with necessary Authority upon all occasions which shall happen belonging to Religion and for want of a Bishop that his Vicar may have his Authority and Jurisdiction XIII That this Bishop or Superior Minister may Correct and Chastise all Roman Catholicks who shall offend and shall exercise upon them all Jurisdiction Ecclesiastical And moreover also the Lady Infanta shall have power to put them out of her service whensoever it shall seem expedient to her XIV That it may be lawful for the Lady Infanta and her Servants to procure from Rome Dispensations Indulgences Jubilees and all Graces as shall seem fit to their Religion and Consciences and to get and make use of any manner of Catholick Books whatsoever XV. That the Servants and Family of the Lady Infanta who shall come into England shall take the Oath of Allegiance to the King of Great Britain Provided That there be no clause therein which shall be contrary to their Consciences and the Roman Catholick Religion and if they happen to be Vassals to the King of Great Britain they shall take the same Oath that the Spaniards do XVI That the Laws which are or shall be in England against Religion shall not take hold of the said Servants and onely the foresaid Superior Ecclesiastical Catholick may proceed against Ecclesiastical persons as hath been accustomed by Catholicks And if any Secular Judge shall apprehend any Ecclesiastical person for any offence he shall forthwith cause him to be delivered to the aforesaid Superior Ecclesiastick who shall proceed against him according to the Canon Law XVII That the Laws made against Catholicks in England or in any other Kingdom of the King of Great Britain shall not extend to the Children of this Marriage and though they be Catholicks they shall not lose the right of Succession to the Kingdom and Dominions of Great Britain XVIII That the Nurses which shall give suck to the Children of the Lady Infanta whither they be of the Kingdom of Great Britain or of any other Nation whatsoever shall be chosen by the Lady Infanta as she pleaseth and shall be accounted of her Family and enjoy the priviledges thereof XIX That the Bishop Ecclesiastical and Religious persons of the Family of the Lady Infanta shall wear the Vestment and Habit of their Dignity Profession and Religion after the Custom of Rome XX. For security that the said Matrimony be not dissolved for any cause whatsoever The King and Prince are equally to pass the Word and Honor of a King and moreover that they will perform whatsoever shall be propounded by the Catholick King for further confirmation if it may be done decently and fitly XXI That the Sons and Daughters which shall be born of this Marriage shall be brought up in the company of the most Excellent Infanta at the least until the age of Ten years and shall freely enjoy the right of Successions to the Kingdoms as aforesaid XXII That whensoever any place of either Man-servant or Maid-servant which the Lady Infanta shall bring with her nominated by the Catholick King her Brother shall happen to be void whether by death or by other cause or accident all the said Servants of her Family are to be supplied by the Catholick King as aforesaid XXIII For security that whatsoever is capitulated may be fulfilled The King of Great Britain and Prince Charls are to be bound by Oath and all the Kings Council shall confirm the said Treaty under their hands Moreover the said King and Prince are to give their Faiths in the Word of a King to endeavor if possible That whatsoever is capitulated may be established by Parliament XXIV That conformable to this Treaty all these things proposed are to be allowed and approved of by the Pope t●at he may give an Apostolical Benediction and a Dispensation necessary to effect the Marriage The Oath taken
that your so vehement desire of a Catholick marriage is a certain voice of God calling you and disposing all things sweetly For it is not necessary that the Omnipotent should always thunder with the voice of his greatness because secret counsels themselves directing men into the way of Salvation are words by which the Eternal Wisdom speaks and declares the command of a Deity Wherefore we have ever endeavored to the utmost of our power that this Honorable Marriage by the blessing of God might be finished From hence you may perceive that none could have been advanced to this heighth of humane Affairs from whom you may expect more expressions of good will or fruits of bounty For your Ancestors which tamed Heretical Impieties and not onely revered but vindicated the Roman Hierarchy do recommend you a most Noble Prince to the Papal Charity For when Monsters of new Opinions broke into the Bulwarks of the Northern Ocean they bridled the endeavors of the wicked with wholesome arms and did not change the truth of God into a lye And if you as you write shall in good earnest glory more in the imitation of your Ancestors then that you are descended of Kings we easily foresee how great joy to the Church of Rome and how great felicity to the British Kingdoms these words do promise which deserve to be written in the Book of Life Such good turns O most desired Son the venerable Assembly of the Scotish Kings exacts and expects from you whose actions without doubt he condemns who revolts from their Religion The Catholick Kings of all Europe require this of you for how can their Concord be the Vow of your care as long as you dissent from them in a matter of the greatest importance that is in the veneration of holy Rites The Roman Church which England reverenced long ago as the Mistress of Truth whose belief you confess you hate not desires forthwith to open unto you the Gates of the Heavenly Kingdom and to bring you back into the possession of your Ancestors Think that now in Spain you are become a spectacle to God and Men and that you shall always be the desire and care of our Reign Take heed most Noble Prince that the Counsels of those who prefer worldly interests before heavenly do not obdure your heart Make glad the Host of Heaven which will fight in your Camps and return O most wished for Son into the embraces of the Church which desires you with the applause and favor of Men and Angels that so rejoycing in your Marriage we may sing with joy The Lord hath reigned and put on comeliness Certainly you who desire the Marriage of a Catholick Virgin ought to espouse the heavenly Bride with whose beauty Solomon the wisest of Kings boasts himself to have been enamored For this is the Wisdom by which Kings reign whose Dowry is the splendor of Glory and an eternal Principality and your Ancestors sought her in the Sanctuary of the Roman Church severed from the contagion of the World and reposing in the Wisdom of God We who write to you this Exhortation and testifie our Papal Charity desire to have your name renowned in the Histories of all Ages and that you may be recorded amongst those Princes who deserving well on Earth of the Kingdom of Heaven are become the example of Vertue to posterity and the measure of wishes We beseech the Father of Lights that this blessed hope by which he promiseth us the return of so great a Prince by the conduct of the Holy Ghost may forthwith fructifie and bring Salvation to Great Britain and joy to all the Christian World Dated at Rome at St. Peters sub annulo Piscatoris die 15 Octob. 1623. in the First year of our Reign Notwithstanding this great business of State began to look with an ill aspect by the concurrence of various Passages tending to a Rupture of the Treaty In England the Spanish Ambassadors demands grew high and peremptory yet the King to give them content directed the Lord Keeper and other Commissioners to draw up a Pardon of all Offences past with a Dispensation for those to come to be granted to all Roman Catholicks obnoxious to any Laws against Recusants and then to issue forth two General Commands under the Great Seal of England The one to all Judges and Justices of Peace and the other to all Bishops Chancellors and Commissaries not to execute any Statute against them The General Pardon was passed in as full and ample manner as themselves could desire or pen it But to that vast Prohibition to the Judges and Bishops some stop was made by the Advice of the Lord Keeper for these Reasons First Because the publishing of this General Indulgence at one push might beget a General Discontent if not a Mutiny but the instilling thereof into the peoples knowledge by little and little by the favors done to particular Catholicks might indeed loosen the Tongues of a few particular persons who might hear of their Neighbors Pardon and having vented their dislikes would afterwards cool again and so his Majesty might with more conveniency by degrees inlarge his favors Secondly Because to forbid the Judges against their Oaths and the Justices of Peace who are likewise sworn to execute the Law of the Land is a thing unpresidented in this Kingdom and would be a harsh and bitter Pill to be digested without some preparative The two Ambassadors with much ado consented That the matter should rest till the end of Six Moneths or the Infanta's arival yet they did it with a shew of discontent as if the King performed nothing The disaffection of these Ministers was supposed to be one rub in the way of this Alliance And on the other side some of the Princes followers in Spain being zealous of the Protestant Religion disliked the Match and shewed their aversness to it Sir Edmund Verney struck an English man a Sorbon Doctor a blow under the Ear for visiting and laboring to pervert one of the Princes Pages who was sick of a mortal Feaver Divers derided the Popish Ceremonies and Spanish Garb and slighted the Country and some committed irreverent actions in the Kings own Chappel Hereupon they began to disgust the English and to rail at Gondomar for informing the King and State That the Prince might be made a Catholick Moreover those many Irish that subsisted by Pensions from the Crown of Spain did no good offices and the French and Venetian Ambassadors in that Court were conceived not to be idle But there were greater things then these The Duke of Buckingham the Princes Companion and Guardian was much disrelished by the Court of Spain His French garb the height of his spirit and his over-great familiarity with the Prince were things opposite to the way and temper of that grave sober and wary people And the Council of Spain took exceptions that he should come with such a superintendent power in that great
affair among so many grave Statesmen to the prejudice of so able a Minister as the Earl of Bristol who had laid the first stone in that building Whereupon his power was called in question and found imperfect in regard it was not confirmed by the Council of England Moreover the Duke lay open to some affront which inraged him sore against the Conde Olivares and things grew to that extremity between the Duke and that Kings Ministers that they did not stick to say That they would rather put the Infanta headlong into a Well then into his hands Nevertheless in the Prince himself they observed an extraordinary well staid temper and grave comportment In the present action Buckingham and Bristol ran different ways with great animosity Bristol had the advantage in Spain yea in the Court of England he had gained a great esteem and powerful party and had wrought himself into the Kings opinion by his strenuous Negotiation and pleasing Services As concerning the Dukes demeanor the opinions in England were very different By the people in general who loathed the Match he was favored for his care of his King Prince and Country but by the Court he was much maligned and censured as the occasion of those delays by diverting and changing the ways wherein they began to treat But the King himself was very reserved either still loving the Duke or over-awed by his intimacy and power with the Prince For in all occurrences the Prince closed with him and seemed to give him a large room in his heart Now the Dukes friends at Court pressed him to return speedily and by all means with the Prince and assured him That the longer he stayed there the stronger he made his enemies and himself the weaker And Buckingham well observed that he had little obligation to Spain and had reason to seek some surer props to uphold his greatness And to draw him further off the Secretary of the Prince Palatine coming to Madrid under pretence of praying the Duke to be God-father to one of his Masters Children labored to engage him against the Marriage For the Palatine could not relie on the new overture of Marriage between his Eldest Son and the Emperors yongest Daughter it being a labyrinth out of which no Thred would guide him were the Proposals already granted For being an act of so many various parts as the Pope the Emperor the King of Spain the Duke of Bavaria and divers others it must needs be full of tedious intricacies What Money or other conditions could be offered that were like to satisfie the honor humor and huge expence of the Bavarian for quitting his conquest to an irreconcileable Neighbor What Forein Alliance is able to perswade the Emperor who hath changed all Tenures of Election into Succession and shaken the antient Freedom of the German Princes that he should revive his Enemies dead forces to the prejudice of all that he enjoys or aspires unto Would the Pope be won to suffer Heidelburgh which he accounted the most dangerous Nest of Hereticks after Geneva to return to her former strength Besides the Education of the Palsgraves Son in the Emperors Court and the Sequestration of his Country during his Sons Nonage would be required as necessary to that Conjunction By this time the King must needs be full of jealousies and the Princes patience well nigh spe●t by the Spaniards intricate proceedings for the Divines insisted stifly That the Consummation of the Marriage and the delivering of the Infanta should be deferred to the next year which seemed a rigorous Proposal Howbeit that King promised to abate the rigor and engaged himself to accomplish the Marriage at Christmas following i● the Prince would continue there so long But the resolution touching the delivering of the Infanta was unalterable The English Papists apprehending that a Rupture was like to follow were much perplexed A great Stickler Sir Toby Matthews by name did press his Catholick Majesty to give the Prince some foot of ground upon which he might be able to stand with honor in complying with that extraordinary affection which he beareth to the Infanta Moreover he protested to him That if the Catholicks of these Dominions should grow liable to persecution or affliction by the occasion of this breach through the disgust of the King and his Council or through the power which the Puritans assembled in Parliament will infallibly have with him that blood or misery may be partly required at their hands who have advised his Majesty not to accept those large Conditions which the King and Prince had condescended unto and that more then Moral security which they had offered for the performance thereof Now the Prince is thinking to leave the Court of Spain and they say he wrote to his Father a Letter of high Despair wherein was this passage You must now Sir look upon my Sister and her Children never thinking more of me and forgetting that ever you had such a Son Whereupon King Iames sent swift dispatches to hasten his return The King and Council of Spain seemed to be startled at these Resolutions and his Majesty importuned the Prince That having staid so many years for a wife he would stay some few moneths longer And if he pleased to give way that the Infanta's journey might be put off till the following Spring he would give him a Blank to write his own Conditions touching the surrender of the Palatinate But when his Highness urged Reasons for his departure they took the matter in debate afresh and consented upon Oath first given as well by his Catholick Majesty as by the Prince to accomplish the Marriage and to make the Espousals within ten days after the Ratification should come from Rome To which purpose the Prince made a Procuration to the King of Spain and Don Carlos his Brother to make the Espousals in his Name and left it in the Earl of Bristols hands Nevertheless he left in the hand of one of the Dukes Creatures a private Instrument with Instructions to be delivered to the Earl of Bristol to stay the delivery of the Proxies till further direction from him pretending That the Infanta might retire into a Cloister and defraud him of a Wife But these Instructions were to be concealed from the Earl till the Ratification came from Rome The Duke not regarding a Ceremonious Farewel at Court departed hastily a little before the Prince pretending to prepare the English Navy that lay at the Port of St. Andrew for the Princes transportation Olivares and he had but a harsh parting for he told Olivares That he was obliged to the King Queen and Infanta in an eternal tye of gratitude and that he would be an everlasting Servant to them and endeavor to do the best Offices for concluding the Match and strengthning the Amity between the Crowns But as for himself he had so far disobliged him that he could not without flattery make the least profession of
better dealing then was used to the deposed House of Saxony by Charls the Fifth an Emperor not worse then this the heir of which House being one of the worthiest Princes in Germany is now in hard conditions before the eyes of the exiled Palatine Unto the second point the exclusion of the Palsgraves person and the setling upon his Son it was thus replied That Spain had always given hope and the Earl of Bristol great assurance even when the Marriage was not so far advanced as now it is That in case of the Emperors refusal they would assist his Majesty and compel the Emperor to an intire Restitution Besides there is little ground of hope from these Treaties as they are managed and wire-drawn by the House of Austria from whom we have ever new Overtures in Winter and new Ruptures in Summer For the Emperor wanteth but two or three years leisure which he will easily gain by a Treaty of Marriage to establish in Germany the Translation of the Electorate and Palatinate without any hope of Recovery Therefore sufficient Assurances should ever precede the Treaties For the present Season did offer a very fair opportunity of recovering the Estate and Dignity The Palatines pretentions were not prejudiced by a long interposition of time the memory of the undue proceedings in the Ban and the Translation and the seisure of his Inheritance are fresh in the mindes of the Princes who by their own Interests are moved to a greater compassion As for the hope of Restitution from the Match with Spain there is little reason to put a difference between the Spaniards and the Imperialists who have with joynt consent conspired the ruine of the Palatinate with the same Forces Counsels and Designs And whilest things have been some times upon terms and always in talk of an Accommodation the Electorate is given to the Duke of Bavaria and avowed by a Congratulatory Message from the Arch-Dutchess the Upper Palatinate is setled in the Bavarians possession and a Portion allowed the Duke of Newburgh for his contentment A principal part of the Lower Palatinate is given to the Elector of Mentz by the consent of those at Bruxels and the rest is promised to be parcelled among other Princes Now for the hopes of a surer way to regain an happy settlement by the Concurrence of the King his Allies and Confederates and the whole Protestant party in Europe let these Matters be weighed in the Ballance of Common Judgment The Electors of Saxony and Brandenburgh and all the Princes save those of the Catholick League have declared That the Peace of Germany depends upon the restoring of the Palatine Besides the Levies which they made in the beginning of the last Summer though by the unfortunate accident of Duke Christian of Brunswick they were soon dismissed do testifie the same affections still remaining in them and the same Resolutions to embrace any good occasion for recovering the liberty of Germany The number of those that have this conjoyned Interest is great and mighty yea the greater part of the people both Horse and Foot which marched under the Catholick Banner were of a contrary Religion and Affection and more inclined to the ruine then preservation of the Catholick League All that is wanting is the concurrence and conduct of some great Prince that may support them against the House of Austria The King of Denmark being a Prince full of circumspection and being unwilling to enter into play alone made answer to all instances That as other Princes have their eyes on him so he hath his eyes on the King of Great Britain Wherefore although for these two or three years past Affairs on this side have gone in a continual decadence and a final ruine be now threatned unless it be withstood by some Princely resolution not of petty but of great Princes yet there is no such despondency in the good party but sufficient vigor yet remaining not onely to subsist but to rise and flourish again And one of those Kingdoms which are in his Majesties possession having wrought great effects in the affairs of Europe even when counter-ballanced by the other two doth demonstrate what may be done by the joynt forces of all three together especially when the peoples affections are raised to the enterprise Thus did the Palsgraves Counsels dissent from our Kings Proposals And there were not wanting both of the Kings Counsel at home and of his Agents in Foreign parts such as frequently warned him of the disappointment and dishonor that would follow those ways of Treating with implacable though flattering Enemies and shewed him the sure and honorable way of reestablishing his Children in their Patrimony not by their Enemies curtesie but by the united strength of the Protestant Arms in all parts of Christendom of which party the King might have made himself the Head and great Commander In the languishing and almost expiring Condition of the Spanish Treaty the United Provinces in the Netherlands appeared ready to embrace the opportunity of renewing the antient Union with England in all mutual confidence and strong assurance And the King was moved to return to those old Confederates the surest supports of his Crowns and Family For it hapned that in latter times a distrust and strangeness had grown betwixt them Bernevelt and the Arminian Faction had drawn the States to new Alliances and commonly procured Answers to be given to King Iames and his Ministers in a harsh and peremptory stile In like manner the King did not care to own them fully esteeming them an evil example for a Monarch to cherish Nevertheless he did them many good turns worthy of acknowledgment and particularly in opposing the Faction of Arminius and Vorstius and the rest of that sort who caused great distractions in the Belgick Church and State Nay he was thought to have done more then requisite in rendring the Cautionary Towns and in conniving with too much patience at the insolencies and misdemeanors of their Mariners But the Prince of Orange expressed good will to an intire friendship with England and assured the English Resident at the Hague That whensoever the King would be to those Provinces as Queen Elizabeth was in her time they would be the same to him as they had been to Queen Elizabeth But as yet they keep themselves reserved because they suspect that the Introductions and Tentatives to a Union with them have been to no other end but to indear the English Merchandize and to inhaunce its price to the King of Spain For they conclude that Spain will never Match with England but for hope or fear hope of reducing those Provinces by the Match or fear if the Match proceed not that the King will joyn with the Provinces in opposition to Spain and in either of these cases they hold the Match as made As for themselves they represent this assurance of a firm Conjunction for that instead of giving an ear to Overtures and Concessions which from day
to day were presented to them they have put themselves to the Offensive by preparing a strong Fleet which is ready to set sail to the West-Indies to the end they may at least interrupt the peaceable Annual return of the Gold and Silver of those parts by which the House of Austria do continually advance their greatness And this preparation together with their Voyages into the East-Indies will make them irreconcileable to Spain These enterprises were commended to the King as approved by all good men to be a principal means to cast down the fearful power of Spain Onely it was too vaste a design for that little Countrey but if the King were pleased thoroughly to close with them their Affections and constant interest would so binde them to him that he might absolutely dispose of them and by their forces by Sea and Land conjoyned with his own be able to give the Law to Europe And the present state of the Provinces might incite the King to this Conjunction For the last Summer if the Imperialists had joyned with the Spaniards they had undoubtedly made an irruption into the borders of that State and they are like to break in this next year except some notable Turn shall intervene and then our best Link for a Bond of Friendship is broken and those Provinces of a strong Staff will become a broken Reed Such R●presentations were made to the Court of England but the Counsels then prevailing were not propense to this Conjunction and Interest although we were then breaking with Spain and the House of Austria About the beginning of December when the Ratification came from the new Pope Bonfires were made throughout all Spain and the great Ordnance thundred out reports of joy And that King to satisfie his Oath made to the Prince of Wales prepared for the Espousals and a day was prefixed and all things appointed for the Solemnity according to the Magnificence of that Court The Infanta's Family was setled her Officers distinguished and the beginning of March was the time for her journey into England From the Princes departure she had applied herself to the learning of the English Tongue The English Ambassadors carried themselves like Subjects towards her as being their Masters Wife or Spouse Many rich presents had she prepared for her future Lord and Husband And the Earl of Bristol had provided many costly Liveries for his Attendants in the Solemnity of the Espousals But all things were instantly discomposed by the opening of the new commands from England to the Earl which were to procure an intire surrender of the Palatinate and Electorate before he move one step further towards the Contract In the Court of Spain there was great resentment of these new delays and they discerned a breach towards The Infanta gave over the study of English and was no more stiled the Princess of England but to the Demands from England the King of Spain replied That if a Treaty be set on foot and the Emperor and Duke of Bavaria will not come to Terms of Conformity he will joyn Arms with England to recover the Palatinate The Spaniards confessing the Demand just but unseasonable professed the Desponsorio's past the Infanta on her knees should have been a Suiter to the King to restore the Palatinate making it thereby her act and drawing the Obligation wholly to her These offers did not satisfie Bristol was called home and all was dashed to peeces It was an amazement to the Christian World that when the Match was brought to such perfection the motion should be rejected by that side which pursued it with so much eagerness and patience as being the master-peece of all their designs In the latter part of this long tedious act the Spaniard appeared real but in the former part their reality was questionable For our parts the business shall remain as we finde it a dark Riddle and Mystery The Earl of Bristol having demurred upon the new Instructions to prevent as he desired the embroiling of the whole Treaty was to make his Apology to the King his Master and for himself he thus pleaded That he understood the Infanta was his yong Masters wife or Spouse at least and that both the King and Prince infinitely desired the Match The powers were drawn by the intervention of both parties the King of Spain accepting them and the Prince legally delivering them and they were deposited with him in trust as the Ambassador of the King of Great Britain with a Publick Declaration how and when he was to deliver them and this was drawn into an Instrument by the Secretary of State According to this state of things he appeals to any Censure which were the more prudent honest and dutiful way whether to put a disgrace upon so great and worthy a Princess who was to be his Masters Wife and a scorn upon the King of Spain by nominating a day for the Marriage when the powers would be expired and not at all to insist upon making good the Publick Trust reposed in him by two so great Monarchs to the hazard and overthrow of so great and important a business or contrariwise to represent to his Majesty the state of things in Truth and Sincerity with his humble opinion of the wrong and disgrace to the Infanta by deferring the Marriage and of the indignity offered to the King of Spain and the danger of the whole Treaty by the detention of the Powers without the pretence of some emergent cause And after all this when his Majesty had declared his pleasure there was ready an exact obedience Wherefore in the confidence of his own innocencie he professeth as great a confidence of his Majesties accustomed grace and favor Bristol being called home acquainted the Conde Olivares with the Letters of Revocation and desired withall to have a day assigned him to take his leave of the King Olivares answered That he had much to say to him by his Majesties order and spake to this effect in the presence of Sir Walter Aston and the Conde Gondomar That the King had received large advertisements with what malice and rancor his Enemies did prosecute him and how powerful they are in England And in regard that the Envy which was drawn upon him proceeded from his earnest endeavors to accomplish the Match and that the particular fault laid to his charge was in point of delivering the Proxies deposited in his hands that his Majesty takes it to heart and judgeth himself touched in his honor if for this cause his Enemies shall prevail so far as to work his ruine or disgrace And therefore he will write to the King of Great Britain and send a particular Ambassador if it be needful to mediate for him for that he had served his Master with that exactness and fidelity which deserved not only to be assisted by all good offices but to be rewarded and published And his Majesty for the example of his own Subjects and for the encouragement
gave you thanks for your general offer by which you did engage your selves in your Lives and Estates which is more then Forty Subsidies if you had named them and more worth then a Kingdom for the strength of a King next under the protection of God stands in the hearts of his people And I must needs say in this particular it is without example that ever any Parliament for a beginning gave to a King so great a supply to be levied in so short a time This may well serve for a preparation And for my part first considering your general offer which is ten times more to me then all Subsidies and next considering that these particulars coming from you be as much as at once you are able to pay in so short a time being within a year and as much as may be well expected Therefore with as much love and as great thanks as a loving and kinde King can give to so loving and dutiful a people I thank you for your offer and do accept it I told you before that I would never have craved your Advice to reject it and so to put a scorn upon you Think me not the Man It is true I think no wise King can undertake so great a bargain but he must well be-think himself before-hand And I account it better that a King advise well before he take a Resolution then advise rashly and after repent Therefore my Lords and Gentlemen I declare unto you That as I am willing to follow your Advice in the annulling and breach of the two Treaties both of the Match and of the Palatinate so on the other part I assure my self you will make good what you have said That what you advise me unto you will assist me with your Wisdom and Council and Forces if need require I pray you have a charitable opinion of me as you are to have of a King who hath so long ruled and governed over you and I may vaunt my self thus far to have done it with Justice and Peace But as I told you before all my forbearance hath been for sparing the effusion of Christian Blood and as the most easie and probable way for recovering the Palatinate for my Children It is true I have been so long delayed and paid with generals that I dare not trust longer unto that which made me erre The Duke of Buckingham made a particular relation unto you of all that business and I am sure such an accompt was never before given in Parliament that thereby you may know what to trust to I could in this case have resolved my self but I thought it could not but be both a strength and honor to me to have the Advice of my people My Lords in the late Parliament I then declared it unto you that I was resolved without respect of Friendship or Match or whatsoever to have the Palatinate one way or other I hope you remember it God is my Judge and Saviour I never had any other end and it is pitty I should live to have any other end and for my part except by such means as God may put into my hands I may recover the Palatinate I could wish never to have been born I am old but mine onely Son is yong and I will promise for my self and him both that no means shall be unused for the recovery of it and this I dare say as old as I am if it might do good to the business I would go in mine own person and think my labor and travel well bestowed though I should end my days there For if I should spare any means possible for the recovery of it then let me not be thought worthy to Reign over you and in good faith I never resolved to live with other minde and I will say more there was never any Enemy of my Son-in-law with whom I talked on of the business or any that I ever spake with of the same which did not say and confess I had reason to have the Palatinate one way or other And when they say that it is good reason and themselves allow it it is a good spur to me to think on it My Lords and Gentlemen thus far assure your selves I will go chearfully about it to prepare all things possible for it and as you have given the means so will I employ them toward it In the next degree I hope you will think of me but that I leave to your own Counsel and Consideration But I protest to God a penny of this Money shall not be bestowed but upon this Work and by your own Committees and I assure my self you will think of me for a double Reason My Customs are likely to fall by occasion of the War and my Charges increase but undertaking the War I must go through with it one way or other though I sell my Jewels and all In the next Session you will consider how this hath been husbanded and according to that think what is next to be done and it will spur you the more to enable me for the rest whereof I spake to you before His Majesty further said I will clear you in some things for I will not deal with you in any thing but fairly and clearly as a King Though I have broken the Necks three of Parliaments one after another I hope that in this Parliament you shall be so resolved of the sincerity of my heart and of your duties and affections that this shall be a happy Parliament and make me greater and happier then any King of England ever was In my last Speech I promised you that if I accepted your offer I would follow your Advice and would not after hearken to any Treaty of Peace without first acquainting you and requiring your Advice and I likewise promised nothing should be spent of your Moneys but by your own Committees But I desire you to understand That I must have a faithful secret Counsel of War that must not be ordered by a multitude for so my designs may be discovered before hand and one penny of this Money shall not be bestowed but in sight of your own Committees But whether I shall send Twenty thousand pounds or Ten thousand pounds whether by Sea or Land East or West by Diversion or otherwise by Invasion upon the Bavarian or Emperor you must leave that to your King Assure your selves my delay hitherto was upon hope to have gotten it without a War I held it by a hair hoping to have gotten it by a Treaty but since I see no certainty that way I hope that God who hath put it into your hearts thus to advise me and into my heart to follow your Advice will so bless it that I shall clear my Reputation from obliquy and in despight of the Devil and all his Instruments shew that I never had but an honest heart And I desire that God would bless our labors for the happy Restitution of my Children and whosoever did the wrong
Temporalty with the Judges opinions 35. An Act for the Kings General Pardon Private Acts. 36. An Act for the Confirmation of Wadham-Colledge in Oxon and the Possessions thereof 37. An Act for the Naturalizing of Philip Burlemacchi 38. An Act for the Naturalizing of Giles Vandeput 39. An Act to enable William Earl of Hereford and Sir Francis Seymor Knight to sell Lands for the paiments of Debts and establishing other Lands 40. An Act for the Naturalizing of Sir Robert Anstrother Sir George Abercromy Knights and Iohn Cragge Doctor of Physick 41. An Act to confirm the Copiholders Estates of Stepney and Hackney according to a Decree in Chancery between the Lord of the Manor and the said Copiholders 42. An Act to confirm an assurance of Lands sold by Sir Thomas Beaumont Knight and his wife to Sir Thomas Cheek Knight 43. An Act to erect a Free-school and Alms-house and House of Correction in Lincolnshire 44. An Act to enable Martin Calthorp to sell Lands for preferment of younger Children and paiment of Debts 45. An Act for setling the Manor of Goodneston and other Lands of Sir Edward Ingram Knight 46. An Act to enable Dame Alice Dudley wife of Sir Robert Dudley Knight to assure the Manor of Killingworth and other Lands to Prince Charls 47. An Act to confirm an Exchange of Lands between Prince Charls and Sir Lewis Watson Knight and Baronet 48. An Act for the setling of the Lands of Anthony Vicount Montague for paiment of his Debts and raising of Portions 49. An Act to enable Sir Richard Lumley Knight to sell Lands for the paiment of his Debts and preferment of Children 50. An Act to confirm a Decree in Chancery made by the consent of the Lord of Painswick in Com. Glouc. and his Customary Tenants there 51. An Act for the Naturalization of Sir Francis Steward Knight Walter Steward James Maxwell William Car and Iames Levingston Esquires 52. An Act for the Naturalization of Iohn Young Doctor of Divinity 53. An Act for the Naturalizing of Iane Murrey Widow and William Murrey Esquire 54. An Act to make good a Conveyance of Little Munden made from Sir Peter Vanlore Knight and Sir Charls Caesar Knight unto Edmond Woodhall Esquire and his heirs 55. An Act to enable Vincent Low to sell Lands for paiment of his Debts 56. An Act to enable Toby Palyvicine to sell Lands for the paiment of Debts and preferment of Children 57. An Act for Naturalizing of Sir Robert Car Knight 58. An Act to confirm the Manor of New-Langport and Seavans and other Lands late being the Inheritance of Sir Henry James Knight in a Premunire convicted unto Martin Lumley Lord Mayor of London Alice Woodriff widow and Edward Cropley c. 59. An Act for Naturalizing of Sir Stephen Leisure 60. An Act for Naturalizing of Iames Marquis of Hamilton 61. An Act for Naturalizing of Sir William Anstrother Knight Doctor Balcanqual and Patrick Abercromy 62. An Act to confirm the Sale of Lands made by Sir Edward Heron Knight unto Bevel Moulsworth Esquire and to enable the said Sir Edward to sell other Lands for paiment of Debts and to settle other Lands upon Robert and Edward Heron. 63. An Act for the Naturalizing of Abigal Little and William Little her son 64. An Act for the etablishing of Lands upon Iohn Mohun Esquire son of Sir Rowland Mohun Knight and Baronet according to the Agreements made between them 65. An Act to enable Edward Alco●k to fell the Manor of Rampton and other Lands 66. An Act to explain a Statute made Anno 13 Eliz. for assuring of Eighty two pounds ten shillings per annum to the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield for ever out of Manors and Lands thereby assured to Edmund Fisher and his heirs 67. An Act for the establishing of Three Lectures in Divinity according to the Will of Thomas Wettenhall Esquire 68. An Act for the repairing of the River running to Colchester and paving of the Town there 69. An Act to enable Francis Clerk Knight to sell Lands for the paiment of Debts and raising of Portions 70. An Act for altering of Gavelkind-Lands being late the Lands of Thomas Potter Esquire Sir George Rivers Knight and Sir Iohn Rivers Baronet and to settle the Inheritance of them upon Sir Iohn Rivors and his heirs 71. An Act to make the Lands of Thomas Earl of Middlesex subject to the paiment of his Debts 72. An Act for the Sale of the Manor of Abbots-Hall late the Possessions of Sir Iames Pointz deceased that the Monies thereby raised may be distributed amongst his Creditors according to his Last Will. 73. An Act for the Naturalizing of Elizabeth Vere and Mary Vere the Daughters of Sir Horatio Vere Knight This Summer Four Regiments of Foot were raised for the service of the United Provinces to be imployed against the Emperor under the Command of four Noble Colonels the Earls of Oxford Essex and Southampton and the Lord Willougby The Town of Frankendal having been sequestred into the hands of the Archduchess Isabella Clara Eugenia Infanta of Spain for the term of Eighteen moneths and that time now growing to an end being to expire about the middle of October next The King commanded those Lords and others that were Commissioners in that Treaty between his Majesty and the Archduchess to assemble and deliberate what was fit to be done concerning the remanding receiving and ordering of that Town The Commissioners unanimously were of opinion That it was fit for his Majesty both in Honor and Interest to remand it and according to the Capitulation to place therein a Garrison of Fifteen hundred Foot and Two hundred Horse with sufficient Victuals for six moneths and a sufficient quantity of all Munition The Infanta having accorded in the Treaty to give them a passage through the King of Spain's Low-Countries The King approved and resolved to follow the Advice and gave Order to the Council of War to consider and discuss the manner of demanding the Town and the way and means of raising the men and conducting them thither and of maintaining and supplying the Garrison with Munition and all things necessary On the day that Frankendal was to be redelivered Spinola with his Forces marcheth out of the Town and finding none of the King of Great Britains Forces ready to enter it instantly re-enters and takes possession pulls down the King of England's Arms and sets up the King of Spain's Yet did the Noble Spaniard leave standing the Monument of two Brothers fighting and stout Enemies of theirs in opposition of whose valor the Spaniard had gained much honor but overcame them at last The Monument is standing in the Dutch Church in Frankendal upon a fair Tomb with this Inscription In beatissimam memoriam Dom. Generosi Gulielmi Fairfax Anglo-Britanni Honoratissimi Domini Thomae Fairfax de Denton in Com. Ebor. Equitis Aurati filii Cohortis Anglicani Ducis insignis Qui annis natus circiter XXVI post animi plurima edita
testimonia invictissimi unà cum Joanne fratre suo juniore in obsidione Francovalenti hic factâ eruptione arreptus ille ictu bombardae percussus occubuere Anno M.DC.XXI This Monument was erected by the Town of Frankendal in memory of those two Brothers who were Uncles to that Valiant Victorious and Self-denying General THOMAS Lord FAIRFAX late Commander in Chief of the Parliaments Armies in England In France the Marriage-Treaty was not so fair smooth and plausible in the progress as in the entrance King Iames admiring the Alliance of mighty Kings though of a Contrary Religion as also fearing the disgrace of another Breach desired the Match unmeasurably which the French well perceived and abated of their forwardness and enlarged their Demands in favor of Papists as the Spaniards had done before them and strained the King to the Concession of such Immunities as he had promised to his Parliament that he would never grant upon the mediation of Forein Princes The Cardinal Richlieu being in the infancie of his favor and appointed to the managing of the Treaty assured the Catholicks of Great Britain that the most Christian King remembring that he was born and raised up no less for the propagation of the Catholick Cause then for the enlarging of his own Dominions was resolved to obtain honorable Terms for Religion or never to conclude the Match And for his own part such was his compassion towards them that if he might work their deliverance or better their condition not only with Counsel interest and authority but with his life and blood he would gladly do it However this Treaty held fewer moneths then the years that were spent in that of Spain Indeed the Motion from England had a braver expression seeing a Wife was here considered as the only object of the Treaty whereas that of Spain was accompanied with a further expectation to wit the rendring of the Palatinate to King Iames his children In August the Match was concluded and in November the Articles were sworne unto by King Iames Prince Charls and the French King The Articles concerning Religion were not much short of those for the Spanish Match The Conclusion of the Treaty was seconded in France with many outward expressions of Joy as Bonfires and the like Whereupon the Privy-Council sent to the Lord Mayor of London requiring the like to be done here This year Count Mansfield arrived in England whose reception was splendid and honorable He was entertained in the Prince his House in S. Iames's and served in great state by some of the Kings Officers A Press went through the Kingdom for the raising of Twelve thousand Foot with two Troops of Horse to go under his Command for the Recovery of the Palatinate These Forces were intended to pass through France into Germany the French having promised as well an Addition of Strength as a free passage In the mean while there were those that secretly sollicited the King to return into the way of Spain and raised suspitions of Mansfields Enterprise saying he was the Palsgraves Scout and Spy And if the Puritans desired a Kingdom they did not wish it to the most illustrious Prince Charls his Majesties best and true Heir but to the Palatine That it was the Dukes Plot and the Parliaments Fury to begin a War with Spain but it will be the glory of his Majesties blessed Reign that after many most happy years that Motto of his Blessed be the Peace-makers might even ●o the last be verified of him in the letter and be propounded for imitation to the most illustrious Prince and that the experience of his happy Government should carry the Prince in a connatural motion to the same Counsels of Peace And at the same time the more circumspect party in the Spanish Court held it fit to continue the state of things in a possibility of an Accommodation with the King of Great Britain and Gondomar was coming again for England to procure a Peace notwithstanding the Duke of Bavaria used all diligence to combine himself with that Crown offering to depend wholly thereon so that he may be thereby protected in his new acquired Dignity But in these Motions the Elector of Saxony with many Reasons advised the Emperor to apply himself to the setling of a Peace in Germany and with much instance besought him not to destroy that antient House of the Palatinate Count Mansfield was at this time in England and the Forces raised in the several parts of the Kingdom for the recovery of the Palatinate were put under his Command and Marching to their Rendezvous at Dover committed great Spoils and Rapines in their passage through the Counties At that Rendezvous the Colonels and Captains were assigned to receive their several Regiments and Companies from the Conductors employed by those several Counties where the Men were raised A List of some of the Regiments of Foot designed for that Expedition I. EArl of Lincoln Colonel Lieut. Col. Allen. Serjeant Major Bonithon Sir Edward Fleetwood Captain Wirley Capt. Reynolds Capt. Babbington Sir Matthew Carey Capt. Barlee Capt. Cromwel II. Viscount Doncaster Colonel Sir Iames Ramsey Lieut. Colonel Alexander Hamilton Serjeant Major Capt. Archibald Duglas Capt. Zouch Capt. Iohn Duglas Capt. Pell Capt. William Duglas Capt. George Kellwood Capt. Andrew Heatly III. Lord Cromwel Colonel Lieut. Col. Dutton Serjeant Major Gibson Capt. Basset Capt. Lane Capt. Vincent Wright Capt. Ienner Capt. Vaughan Capt. Owseley Capt. Crane IV. Sir Charles Rich Colonel Lieut. Col. Hopton Serjeant Major Killegrew Sir Warham St. Leiger Sir W. Waller Capt. Burton Capt. Francis Hammond Capt. Winter Capt. Goring Capt. Fowler V. Sir Andrew Grey Colonel Lieut. Col. Boswel Serjeant Major Coburne Capt. David Murray Capt. Murray Capt. Forbois Capt. Carew Capt. Ramsey Capt. Williams Capt. Beaton VI. Sir Iohn Borrough Colonel Lieut. Col. Bret. Serjeant Major Willoughby Capt. William Lake Capt. Roberts Capt. Webb Capt. Skipwith Capt. Thomas Woodhouse Capt. George Capt. Mostian The Duke of Buckingham Lord Admiral was required to employ those Ships that were now in the Narrow Seas or in the Havens ready bound for any Voyage for the Transporting this Army from Dover Count Mansfield received his Commission from King Iames bore date the Seventh of November One thousand six hundred twenty and four and was to this effect That his Majesty at the Request of the Prince Elector Palatine and the Kings Sister his Wife doth impower Count Mansfield to raise an Army for the recovering of the Estate and Dignity of the Prince Elector and appoints that the Forces so raised should be under the Government of the said Count Mansfield for the end aforesaid And his Majesty further declares by way of Negative That he doth not intend that the said Count shall commit any spoil upon the Countreys or Dominions of any of his Majesties Friends and Allies and more particularly He doth require the said Count not to make any invasion or do any act of War
of Eloquence though never so excellent all this hath somewhat servile and holding of the Subject But your Majesties manner of Speech is indeed Prince-like flowing as from a Fountain and yet streaming and branching it self into Natures order full of Facicility and Felicity Imitating none and inimitable by any c. And there seemeth to be no little contention between the excellency of your Majesties gifts of Nature and the universality and perfection of your Learning for I am well assured of this that what I shall say is no amplification at all but a positive and measured truth which is That there hath not been since Christs time any King or Temporal Monarch which hath been so learned in all Literature and Erudition Divine and Humane For let a man seriously and diligently revolve and peruse the Succession of the Emperors of Rome of which Caesar the Dictator who lived some years before Christ and Marcus Antonius were the best learned and so descend to the Emperors of Graecia or of the West and then to the Lines of France Spain England Scotland and the rest and he shall finde this Judgment truly made For it seemeth much in a King if by the compendious extractions of other Mens Wits and Learning he can take hold of any superficial Ornaments and shews of Learning or if he countenance or prefer Learning and Learned Men. But to drink indeed of the true Fountain of Learning nay to have such a Fountain of Learning in himself in a King and in a King born is almost a miracle and the more because there is met in your Majesty a rare conjunction as well of Divine and Sacred Literature as of Prophane and Humane So as your Majesty stands invested of that Triplicity which in great veneration was ascribed to the Antient Hermes The Power and Fortune of a King the Knowledge and Illumination of a Priest and the Learning and Universality of a Philosopher This Propriety inherent and individual Attribute in your Majesty deserveth to be expressed not onely in the Fame and Admiration of the present time nor in the History or Tradition of the Ages succeeding but also in some solid Work fixed Memorial and Immortal Monument bearing a Character or Signature both of the Power of a King and the Difference and Perfection of such a King Memoria Iusti cum laudibus impiorum nomen putrescit He that hath lately writ the History of Great Britain thus expresseth himself concerning King Iames. HE was a King in understanding and was content to have his Subjects ignorant in many things as in Curing the Kings Evil which he knew a device to ingrandize the vertue of Kings when Miracles were in fashion but he let the World believe it though he smiled at it in his own Reason finding the strength of imagination a more powerful agent in the Cure then the Plaisters his Surgeons prescribed for the Sore It was a hard question whither his Wisdom and Knowledge exceeded his Choler and Fear certainly the last couple drew him with most violence because they were not acquisitious but natural if he had not had that allay his high towering and mastering Reason had been of a rare and sublimed excellency but these Earthly dregs kept it down making his Passions extend him as far as Prophaneness that I may not say Blasphemy and Policy superintendent of all his Actions which will not last long like the violence of that humor for it often makes those that know well to do ill and not be able to prevent it He had pure Notions in Conception but could bring few of them into action though they tended to his own preservation for this was one of his Apothegms which he made no timely use of Let that Prince that would beware of Conspiracies be rather jealous of such whom his extraordinary favors have advanced then of those whom his displeasure hath discontented These want means to execute their pleasures but they have means at pleasure to execute their desires Ambition to rule is more vehement then Malice to revenge Though the last part of this Aphorism he was thought to practise too soon where there were no causes for prevention and neglect too late when time was full ripe to produce the Effect Some paralleld him to Tiberius for Dissimulation yet Peace was maintained by him as in the time of Augustus and Peace begot Plenty and Plenty begot Ease and Wantonness and Ease and Wantonness begot Poetry and Poetry swelled to that bulk in his time that it begot strange monstrons Satyrs against the Kings own person that hanted both Court and Countrey which expressed would be too bitter to leave a sweet perfume behinde him And though bitter ingredients are good to imbalm and preserve dead Bodies yet these were such as might endanger to kill a living Name if Malice be not brought in with an Antidote And the Tongues at those times more fluent then my Pen made every little miscarriage being notable to discover their true operations like small Seeds hid in Earthy darkness grow up and spred into such exuberant Branches that evil report did often pearch upon them So dangerous it is for Princes by a remiss comportment to give growth to the least Error for it often proves as fruitful as Malice can make it But alass good King Here was an end of his Earthly Empire and little did he imagine that the last period to Great Britains Monarchy should not much exceed the time of his own Reign and in the true extent come short of it There is a Book said to be writ by a Knight of Kent and intituled King James Court which renders a further Character of that King we forbear to particularize any thing thereof no name being put to the Book but leave the Reader to his freedom The Bishop of Lincoln then Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England in his Sermon at King Iames Funeral speaking of Solomon and King Iames his Text being 1 Kings 11.41 42 43. hath these Expressions I Dare presume to say you never read in your lives of two Kings more fully parallel'd amongst themselves and better distinguished from all other Kings besides themselves King Solomon is said to be Unigenitus coram Matre sua the onely Son of his Mother Prov. 4.3 So was King Iames. Solomon was of Complexion white and ruddy Cant. 5.10 So was King Iames. Solomon was an Infant-King puer parvulus a little Childe 1 Chron. 22.5 So was King Iames a King at the Age of Thirteen Moneths Solomon began his Reign in the life of his Predecessor 1 Kings 1.32 So by the force and compulsion of that State did our late Soveraign King Iames. Solomon was twice crowned and anointed a King 1 Chro. 29.22 So was King Iames. Solomons Minority was rough through the quarrels of the former Soveraign so was that of King Iames. Solomon was learned above all the Princes of the East 1 Kings 4.30 So was King Iames above all Princes in the
done to Catholicks procure envy to us and thank to themselves then that some of our Countreymen Zealous of the Truth though differing from the Religion which we have suckek from our Infancy should have an honorable occasion of making their abode in the Court of Rome from whom your Holiness may be certainly informed of the state of our Affairs In this regard we recommend unto you the Bishop of Vazion who as he doth impute whatsoever increase of his condition to your Holiness alone so we are earnest Suitors that for our sake especially the honor of a Cardinals Cap may be added to his former advantages By this means the Calumnies of our Enemies will cease when such are present with you who may be able to assert the truth of our doings We do not desire any of our actions should be concealed from just Arbitrators for though we have been bred up in the truth of that Religion which we now profess yet we have always determined that there is nothing better and safer then piously and without ostentation to endeavor the promoting of those things which really belong to the glory of Gods Name and laying aside the goa●ds of Envy and applying the warmth and fomentation of Charity diligently to consider what belongeth not to the empty name of Religion but to the holy Symbol of true Piety But because we have discoursed more at large of these things with the bearer hereof a man not unlearned and indifferently well conversant in our Affairs we have thought best to be no more tedious by a long Letter Your Holiness most dutiful Son J. R. From Holy Rood 24 Sept. 1599. SUmma mandatorum Edwardi Drummond Jurisconsulti quem ad Pontificem Maximum Ducem Etruriae Ducem Sabaudiae caeterosque Principes Cardinales ablegamus Salutabis imprimis nostro nomine quàm potes officiosissimè Pontificiem Maximum caeterosque Principes Cardinales datisque nostris literis fiduciariis significabis Capere nos vehementer eum quem decet amoris benevolentiae modum cum iis conservare omnemque removere non suspicionem modo sed suspicionis levissimam quamcunque occasionem Quod quamvis in ea persistimus Religione quam à teneris hausimus annis non tamen ita esse Charitatis expertes quin de Christianis omnibus bene sentiamus modo in officio primum erga Deum Optimum Maximum deinde erga Magistratus quorum subsunt imperio permanserint Nullam nos unquam saevitiam contra quoscunque Catholicos Religionis ergo exercuisse Et quia plurimum interest nostra ut pari diligentia qua malevoli mentiuntur nos per amicos subditos veritatem possimus adstruere idcirco inniteris in hoc totis viribus ut Pontifex Maximus tam rogatu nostro quam precibus Illustrissimorum Principum quos per literas nostras ad hoc rogavimus ad hoc induci possit ut Episcopus Vazionensis in Cardinalium Collegium adsciscatur in quo si profeceris ut de eo redditi fuerimus certiores ulterius progrediemur Cavebis ne in hoc negotio ad Pontificem Maximum aut Illustrissimos Cardinales ulterius progrediaris nisi prius subsit certa spes optati eventus This Letter was conveyed by Edward Drummond the Lawyer whom the King sent to the Pope the Duke of Tuscany the Duke of Savoy and other Princes and Cardinals First You shall most respectively Salute in our Name the Pope and those other Princes and Cardinals and having delivered our Letters of Credence shall signifie That we exceedingly desire to reserve with them the measure of Love and good Will which is sitting to remove not onely all suspition but any thing that may be the cause of Suspition That although we persist in the Religion which we suck'd in from our Infancy yet we are not so void of Charity but to think well of all Christians if so be they continue in their duty first towards God and then towards the Magistrate whose Subjects they are That we never exercised any cruelty against the Catholicks for Religion sake And because it doth very much concern us that we may be able to assert the truth by our Friends and Subjects with the same diligence that slanderers lie therefore you shall endeavor to the utmost to perswade the Pope as well at our entreaty as for the desire of these most Illustrious Princes whom in our Letters we have sollicited in our behalf to make the Bishop of Vazion Cardinal wherein if you be successful as soon as we shall be certified thereof we will proceed further You must be cautelous not to proceed any further in this business either with the Pope or the most Illustrious Cardinals unless there be a certain hope of our wished event The High mighty Monarch Charles by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine France Ireland Defender of the Faith Historical Collections Primo CAROLI ON the same day when King Iames departed this life at Theobalds the Lord President of the Council and the Lord Marshal of England were immediately sent by the Body of the Council to Prince Charles who was then retired to his Chamber to give him notice of his Fathers decease and that they were all there ready to present themselves unto him if his pleasure were to admit them but he being in sadness wished them to forbear their coming till the next morning In the mean time the Privy-Counsellors assembled themselves drew up the form of a Proclamation to proclaim King Charles which was forthwith published at the Court-Gate at Theobalds which being done the King signified his pleasure that the Lord Keeper the Lord Treasurer the Lord President the Lord Chamberlain the Treasurer of the House and the Comptroller should attend him they all came and rendred up their Offices and Places to him which his Majesty presently restored to them again The Privy-Counsellors gave notice to the Lord Major of London that he and all the Aldermen should that day appear in their Robes at Ludgate whither the Lords and others would repair to proclaim King Charles Accordingly the Lords went from Theobalds to the Palace of Whitehall where the Nobility then about London were gathered together At Whitehall-Gate the King was proclaimed by sound of Trumpet all the Nobility Privy-Counsellors and Gentry being on Horse-back went thence and proclaimed the King at Charing-Cross Denmark-house Temple-Bar at the great Conduit in Fleetstreet and thence they rode up to Ludgate where the Lord Major and Aldermen were on Horse-back expecting within the Gates and the Lords and others entered and proclaimed him there and then they rode all to Cheapside-Cross where they proclaimed the King again and the Lords returning thence left order with the Lord Major to go on with the Proclamation in other parts of the City The same day King Charles removed from Theobalds and came to St Iames's in the Evening and the Corps of the deceased King remained at Theobalds
attended by all the Servants in Ordinary The day following the Privy-Counsellors to the late King with all the Lords Spiritual and Temporal then about London were in the Council Chamber at Whitehall by Eight of the Clock in the morning ready to go together and present themselves to his Majesty but there came in the mean a Commandment from the King by the Lord Conway and Sir Albertus Morton Principal Secretaries of State to the deceased King that the Lord Keeper of the Great-Seal should be sworn of his Majesties Privy-Council and that he should give the Oath to the Lord President by whom all the rest of the late Kings Council should be sworn Counsellors to his present Majesty The Lord Keeper of the great Seal the Lord President the Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury the Lord Treasurer of England the Lord Privy-Seal the Duke of Buckingham Lord Admiral of England the Earl of Pembrook Lord Chamberlain the Earl of Montgomery the Earl of Kellye the Earl of Arundel Earl Marshal of England the Lord Viscount Grandison the Lord Conwey the Lord Brook Mr Treasurer Mr Comptroller the Master of the Wards Mr Secretary Morton Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Master of the Rolls were this day sworn accordingly the Lord Keeper did take an Oath apart as Lord Keeper of the Great Seal the Lord Treasurer as Lord Treasurer of England the Lord President as Lord President of the Kings Privy-Council and the Lord Conwey and Sir Albertus Norton as principal Secretaries of State the Lords which were not of his Majesties Privy-Council repaired by themselves to St Iames's and presented themselves to the King and kissed his hand The Council sat immediately and advised of the most important and pressing matters to be offered to the King for his present service and resolved upon these particulars That a Commission be granted to authorize the Great-Seal Privy-Seal and Signet till new ones be prepared also Commissions for authorizng of Judges Justices of Peace Sheriffs and other such Officers for Government that there be a general Proclamation for continuation of Proceedings preservation of Peace and administration of Justice that Letters be prepared for the Ambassadors with foreign Princes to authorize their services to the King that special Messengers be sent unto foreign Princes that the like Proclamations to those of England be sent into Scotland that Commissions be renewed into Ireland to the Deputy and Officers there that the Mint for Coyning of money go on and all things be mannaged by the Officers as then they stood till the Kings pleasure be further known that a Parliament be summoned when the King shall appoint that the Kings pleasure be known concerning the time of his Fathers Funeral and where the Corps shall rest in the mean time as also the time of his Majesties Coronation This being done the whole Council attended the King at St Iames's where the Lord Keeper in the name of all the rest presented their humble thanks that it had pleased his Majesty to have affiance in those that had been Counsellors to his Father to receive them all to be of his Privy-Council the Lord President represented to the King the matters before mentioned which the King allowed and gave order that those of them which required speed should be put in execution and most of the powers he signed presently And first because by the death of the late King the Authorities and powers of the greatest number of Offices and places of Government did cease and fail by the failing of the Soveraign Person from whom the same were derived a Proclamation issued forth signifying his Majesties pleasure that all persons whatsoever who at the decease of the late King were invested in any Office or Place of Government Civil or Martial within the Realms of England and Ireland and namely Presidents Lieutenants Vice-Presidents Judges Justices Sheriffs Deputy Lieutenants Commissaries of Musters Justices of Peace shall continue in their several Offices till his Majesties pleasure were further known In another Proclamation of the same date the King took notice of his Fathers death and that he being his onely Son and undoubted Heir is invested and established in the Crown Imperial of this Realm and all other his Majesties Realms Dominions and Countries with all the Royalties Preeminencies Stiles Names Titles and Dignities to the same belonging and he declared That as he for his part shall by Gods grace shew himself a most benign and gracious Soveraign Lord to all his good Subjects in all their lawfull Suits and Causes so he mistrusteth not but that they on their parts will shew themselves unto him their natural Liege Lord most loving faithfull and obedient Subjects The Council resolved to move the King that his Fathers Funeral might be solemnized within five weeks and within a few dayes after the Ceremonial Nuptials in France and before the Parliament began in England These Resolves the Lord President represented unto the King who accepted of the advices and said he would follow them Moreover he summoned a Parliament to begin the seventeeth of May but by the advice of his Privy-Council Prorogued it to the one and thirtieth of May afterwards to the thirteenth of Iune and then to the eighteenth of the same moneth which Prorogations were occasioned by the Kings going to Dover to receive the Queen April 23. The Body and Herse of King Iames was brought from Theobalds to London being conducted by the Officers of the Guard of the Body all in Mourning every one having a Torch and attended by all the Lords of the Court and great numbers of other persons of quality and was placed in Denmark-House in the Hall of the deceased Queen Anne The seventh of May was the day of Burial the Body and Herse were taken from the said Hall of State and brought in great Pompe and Solemnity to Westminster where the Kings of England use to be interred The new King to shew his Piety towards his deceased Father was content to dispense with Majesty he followed in the Rear having at his right hand the Earl of Arundel at his left the Earl of Pembrook both Knights of the Garter his Train was born up by twelve Peers of the Realm So King Iames who lived in Peace and assumed the title of Peace-maker was peaceably laid in his Grave in the Abby at Westminster King Charles in his Fathers life time was linked to the Duke of Buckingham and now continued to receive him into an admired intimacy and dearness making him Partaker of all his Counsels and Cares and Chief Conductor of his Affairs an Example rare in this Nation to be the Favorite of two succeding Princes The Publick State of Religion and the steering of Church-matters had an early inspection and consultation in the Cabinet Council Bishop Laud who in King Iame's life time had delivered to the Duke a little book about Doctrinal Puritanism now also delivered to the Duke a
Schedule wherein the names of Ecclesiastical persons were written under the letters O and P O standing for Orthodox and P for Puritans for the Duke commanded that he should thus digest the names of eminent persons to be presented unto the King under that Partition King Charles in the entrance of his Reign proceeds with preparations for a War begun in his fathers time the Militia of the Kingdom through the long continued Peace was much decayed and the Musters of the Trained-bands were slight and seldom taken and few of the Commons were expert in the use of Arms wherefore the Lords Lieutenants were commanded by order of the Council to make a general Muster of the Trained Horse and Foot in their several Counties and to see to the sufficiency of the Men Horse and Arms and that all be compleat according to the best modern form and be in readiness for all occasions and especially now the affairs of Christendom stand upon such uncertain Terms and more particularly that the Maritine Towns be well manned and their men duely exercised and the King declared his will and pleasure that the Lord Lieutenants of the several Shires should have the nomination of their Deputy Lieutenants In the beginning of May Warrants were issued forth for a Leavy of Souldiers to be imployed in the service of his Majesties Brother and Sister the Prince and Princess Palatine whereof eight thousand were pointed to Rendezvous at Plymouth by the five and twenty of this Moneth and the charge of Coat and Conduct was ordered to be disbursed by the Country and the Country to be repaid out of the Kings Exchequer after the President of former times in like manner two thousand men were appointed to Rendezvous at the Port of Hull to be transported into the Netherlands for the service of the United-Provinces and two thousand were to be returned thence into England for his Majesties present service the mingling of a good proportion of old Souldiers and Officers with the new raised Companies was the ground of this exchange The remembrance of the late violence committed by Count Mansfield's Army in their passage to Dover occasioned a Proclamation to repress and prevent the like attempts of Soldiers as they now passed through the Counties to the places of their Rendezvous threatning the Offendors with the strictest proceedings against them for an Example of Terror and straitly commanding the Officers who have the charge of the Conduct for the removing of all occasions and pretences of disorders to see their Companies duely paid and provided of all necessaries and to be alwayes present with them and carefully to conduct them from place to place in like manner to prevent their Outrages when they should come to Plymouth or the parts adjoyning a Commission was sent impowering persons of trust upon any robbery fellony mutiny or other misdemeanors punishable with death by Martial Law committed by the Souldiers or other dissolute persons joyned with them to proceed to the trial and condemnation of all such Delinquents in such Summary course and order as is used in Armies in time of War according to the Law Martial and to cause Execution to be done in open view that others may take warning and be kept in due obedience The consummation of King Charles his Marriage with Henrietta Maria Daughter of France was near at hand The Treaty had proceeded far in his Fathers life time but was not in all points concluded the Articles were signed the year before by King Iames on the eleventh of May and by the French King on the Fourteenth of August On the Thirteenth of March this present year the Earls of Carlisle and Holland being then Ambassadors and Commissioners in France for this Marriage King Charls signed the Articles Besides the general there were other private Articles agreed upon in favor of the Papists of this Kingdom That the Catholicks as well Ecclesiasticks as Temporal imprisoned since the last Proclamation which followed the Breach with Spain should all be set at liberty That the English Catholicks should be no more searched after nor molested for their Religion That the Goods of the Catholicks as well Ecclesiastical as Temporal that were seised on since the forementioned Proclamation should be restored to them And on the Tenth of May as the first fruits of this promised Indulgence and favor the King granted unto Twenty Roman Priests a special Pardon of all Offences committed against the Laws then in force against Papists The Dispensation being come from Rome about the beginning of May the Espousals were made in Paris by Cardinal Richelieu The Ambassadors having first presented to the King the Contract of Marriage which was read openly by the Chancellor and his Majesty of France agreed thereunto The Duke of Chevereux likewise shewed his Procuration of power which the King of England had given him concerning the said Marriage The Archbishop of Paris pretended that it belonged to him to perform this Solemnity but the Cardinal carried it as well for the eminencie of his Dignity as for that he was chief Almoner and prime Curate of the Court. Sunday following the day appointed for these Nuptials the Bride went from the Louure about Nine in the morning to be dressed in the Archbishops house and afterwards the King Queen and Princesses and all the Court in rich Attire parted likewise from the Louure and came to the said house of the Archbishop and thence conducted the Bride to a Theatre exected on purpose before the Frontispiece of Nostre-Dame The Duke of Chevereux had Black habit lined with Cloth of Gold and beset with Diamonds The Earls of Carlisle and Holland Ambassadors were both clad in Beaten-Silver and went on each side of the Duke of Chevereux A Canopy being placed upon the Scaffold the King of France and Monsieur his Brother consigned the Queen of Great Britain their Sister into the hands of the Duke of Chevereux and the Marriage was solemnized according to the ordinary Ceremonies of that Church Which being performed they went in the same order and solemnity to Nostre-Dame the Duke of Chevereux going before the King When they came to the door of the Quire they made great Reverence to the King and Queen and then the Ambassadors retired into the Bishops house while Mass was said in the Church The Mass being ended the Duke of Chevereux and the Ambassadors came again to the door of the Quire to take their places and the same Order was observed in returning as in going And so they came from the Church into the Hall of the Archbishops house where the Feast Royal was made in as great magnificence as can be expressed The King sate under a Canopy at the middle of the Table and the Queen of Great Britain at his left hand and the Queen-Mother at his right the Duke of Chevereux sate next the Queen of England and the Earls of Carlisle and Holland next to the Duke To the intent that all
sorts of persons might partake of the Publick Joy Prisoners for Debts were set at liberty and Pardon was granted to several Criminals as an earnest of the Kings respect and love to his Sister after this new Alliance The Duke of Buckingham was sent into France to his Christian Majesty to send away the Wife to the King of Great Britain and to be her Convoy He arrived at Paris the 24. of May with the Earl of Montgomery and other English Lords and was lodged in the Palace of the Duke of Chevereux who with his Lady was to conduct the Queen into England there to render her to the King her Husband During the seven days stay which the Duke made at Park the Feastings and Rejoicings were renewed and multiplied Bonfires shining and Canons playing but none did equalize the Feast that was made by the Cardinal of Richelieu The Second of Iune was the time appointed for our Queens departure The King of France sent to the Towns in her way to render her Majesty all due honors as if it were to himself The King of England having notice that the Queen was gone from Amiens sent a Royal Navy to Boloign to transport her the Fleet saluted the Town with a hundred peece of Canon Among other great Ladies the Duchess of Buckingham was sent to kiss the Queens hands as from the King her Husband desiring her to take her own time of coming over with most conveniencie to her own person The 22. of Iune New Stile the Queen imbarqued at Boloign and within Twenty four hours arrived at Dover And as the King was preparing to receive her she sent to his Majesty to desire him not to come till the morrow because she had been somewhat indisposed at Sea She passed that night at Dover and the next day about Ten of the clock the King was there with the Flower of the Nobility and after some Complements past caused every-body to retire and they were half an hour together in the Closet Thence his Majesty conducted the Queen to Canterbury and the same evening the Marriage was there consummated Then the Queen in testimony of her respect and love to the King her Husband made it her first suit as afterwards the King made known That he would not be angry with her for her faults of Ignorance before he had first instructed her to eschew them For that she being young and coming into a strange Country both by her years and ignorance of the Customs of the Nation might commit many Errors And she desired him in such cases to use no Third person but by himself to inform her when he found she did ought amiss The King granted her request and thanked her for it desiring her to use him even as she had desired him to use her which she willingly promised The Knights and Gentlemen of Kent together with the Trained Bands were by Order of the Council commanded to attend and receive the Queen at the most convenient places as she passed in such solemn manner and equipage as beseemed the dignity of his Majesty and the quality of her person Likewise the Magistrates of the Cities and Towns were commanded to attend at her passage in such Formalities as are used in principal and extraordinary Solemnities On the Sixteenth of Iune the King and Queen came both to London Great preparations were made and intended for her Majesties reception but the Plague then increasing those Ceremonies were laid aside A Chappel at Somerset-house was built for the Queen and her Family with Conveniencies thereunto adjoining for Capuchin-Friers who were therein placed and had permission to walk abroad in their Religious habits Thence-forward greater multitudes of Seminary-Priests and Iesuites repaired into England out of Forein parts This Summer the Pestilence raged in London At the entrance of the late King there was a great Plague in the City but this was far greater and the greatest that ever was known in the Nation For which cause a great part of Trinity-Term was adjourned from the First Return to the Fourth by the advice of the Privy-Council and the Justices of the Courts at Westminster and some few days in the beginning and ending thereof were holden for the better expediting and continuing of Causes and Suits and the returning and suing out of Processes and such like business as might be done in the absence of the Parties by their Attornies On the Eighteenth day of Iune the Parliament began at Westminster The King being placed in his Royal Throne the Lords sitting in their Robes the Commons also being present his Majesty spake thus I Thank God that the Business to be treated on at this time is of such a nature that it needs no Eloquence to set it forth For I am neither able to do it neither doth it stand with my Nature to spend much time in words It is no new business being already happily begun by my Father of blessed memory who is with God therefore it needeth no Narrative I hope in God you will go on to maintain it as freely as you advised my Father to it It is true He may seem to some to have been slack to begin so just and so glorious a work but it was his wisdom that made him loth to begin a work until he might find a means to maintain it But after that he saw how much he was abused in the confidence he had with other States and was confirmed by your Advice to run the Course we are in with your Engagement to maintain it I need not press to prove how willingly he took your Advice for the Preparations that are made are better able to declare it then I to speak it The assistance of those in Germany the Fleet that is ready for action with the rest of the Preparations which I have only followed my Father in do sufficiently prove that he entred into this Action My Lords and Gentlemen I hope that you do remember that you were pleased to imploy me to advise my Father to break off those two Treaties that were on foot so that I cannot say that I came hither a free unengaged man It 's true I came into this business willingly and freely like a Young man and consequently rashly but it was by your interest your engagement So that though it were done like a Young man yet I cannot repent me of it and I think none can blame me for it knowing the love and fidelity you have borne to your King having my self likewise some little experience of your affections I pray you remember that this being my first Action and begun by your Advice and intreaty what a great Dishonor it were to you and me if this Action so begun should fail for that Assistance you are able to give me Yet knowing the constancie of your love both to me and this Business I needed not to have said this but only to shew what care and sense I have
That Images may be used for the instruction of the Ignorant and excitation of Devotion V. That in the same Homily it is plainly expressed That the attributing the defence of certain Countries to Saints is a spoiling God of his honor and that such Saints are but Dii tutelares of the Gentiles Idolators The said Richard Montague hath notwithstanding in his said Book Entituled A Treatise concerning the Invocation of Saints affirmed and maintained That Saints have not onely a Memory but a more peculiar Charge of their Friends and that it may be admitted That some Saints have a peculiar Patronage Custody Protection and Power as Angels also have over certain Persons and Countries by special deputation and that it is no impiety so to believe Whereas in the seventeenth of the said Articles it is resolved That God hath certianly Decreed by his Counsel secret to us to deliver from Curse and Damnation those whom he hath chosen in Christ out of mankinde and to bring them by Christ to everlasting Salvation wherefore they which be endued with so excellent a benefit of God be called according to Gods purpose working in due season they through Grace obey the Calling they be justified freely walk Religiously in good works and at length by Gods mercy attain to everlasting felicity He the said Richard Montague in the said Book called The Appeal doth maintain and affirm That men justified may fall away and depart from the state which once they had they may arise Again and become new men possibly but not certainly nor necessarily and the better to countenance this his opinion he hath in the same Book wilfully added falsified and charged divers words of the sixteenth of the Articles before mentioned and divers other words both in the Book of Homilies and in the Book of Common-Prayer and so misrecited and changed the said places he doth alleadge in the said Book called The Appeal endeavouring thereby to lay a most wicked and malicious scandal upon the Church of England as if he did herein differ from the Reformed Churches of England and from the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas and did consent to those pernitious Errors which are commonly called Arminianism and which the late famous Queen Elizabeth and King Iames of happy memory did so piously and diligently labour to suppress That the said Richard Montague contrary to his Duty and Allegiance hath endeavored to raise great Factions and Divisions in this Common-wealth by casting the odious and scandalous name of Puritans upon such his Majesties loving Subjects as conform themselves to the Doctrine and Ceremony of the Church of England under that name laying upon them divers false and malicious Imputations so to bring them into jealousie and displeasure with his most Excellent Majesty and into reproach and ignominy with the rest of the people to the great danger of Sedition and Disturbance in the State if it be not timely prevented That the Scope and end of the said Richard Montague in the Books before mentioned is to give encouragement to Popery and to withdraw his Majesties Subjects from the true Religion established to the Roman Superstition and consequently to be reconciled to the Sea of Rome All which he laboreth by subtile and cunning ways whereby Gods True Religion hath been much scandalized those Mischiefs introduced which the wisdom of many Laws hath endeavored to prevent the Devices and Practices of his Majesties Enemies have been furthered and advanced to the great peril and hazard of our Soveraign Lord the King and of all his Dominions and loving Subjects That the said Richard Montague hath inserted into the said Book called The Appeal divers passages dishonorable to the late King his Majesties Father of famous memory full of bitterness railing and injurious Speeches to other persons disgracefull and contemptible to many worthy Divines both of this Kingdom and of other Reformed Churches beyond the Seas impious and profane in scoffing at preaching meditating and conferring Pulpits Lectures Bible and all shew of Religion all which do aggravate his former Offences having proceeded from malicious and envenomed heat against the Peace of the Church and the sincerity of the Reformed Religion publickly professed and by Law established in this Kingdom All which Offences being to the dishonor of God and of most mischievous effect and consequence against the good of this Church and Commonwealth of England and of other his Majesties Realms and Dominions The Commons assembled in Parliament do hereby pray That the said Richard Montague may be punished according to his Demerits in such exemplary manner as may deter others from attempting so presumptuously to disturb the Peace of Church and State and that the Book aforesaid may be suppressed and Burnt Whether an Answer was made to these Articles by Mr Montague we cannot tell for upon search we can finde none About the same time his Majesty being informed that there was great liberty taken by divers of his Subjects to resort to the hearing of Masse at Durham-house in the Lodgings of a Foraign Ambassodor the Privy Council taking notice thereof and accounting it scandalous to this Church and of ill example to be suffered at any time but much more in this time of Parliament required the Bishop of Durham to apprehend such of his Majesties Subjects as should be present at the Masse and to commit them to Prison There was also a Letter sent from the Attorney-General to the Judges of the Circuits to direct their Proceedings against Recusants to this effect THat their Lordships will not omit to publish the Kings Gracious and Religious Determination to go on really and constantly in this way and that out of his bounty and goodness he hath published his Resolution under the Great Seal of England That whatsoever Revenue or Benefit shall arise hereby from Purses of Popish Recusants shall be set apart from his own Treasure and be wholly imployed for the Service of the Commonwealth and shall not be dispensed with to any of what degree soever nor diverted by any the Suits of his Servants or Subjects 2. That their Lordships will be pleased at their first coming into every County within their Circuit to command the Clerk of Assise and Clerk of the Peace to be carefull for the Indictment of Popish Recusants without respect of Persons of what Degree of Honor or Office soever and that they neither make nor suffer to be made any omission or mistaking in their Indictment or other proceedings and that the next Term within ten dayes of the beginning of the Term they give or send to him viz. the Attorney a note in writing who stand indicted of new and that they fail not to certifie the Recusants convicted into the Exchequer by that time That at their Lordships first coming into the County they call the Iustices of Peace then present and the Grand-Iury men to give their Lordships true Information of the Recusants of any Note or Name in that Country and that
into my hands not as an Attorney onely for the Prince But the King of Spain having taken the substitution of them by his Secretary of State entred in Legal form whereby that King was then become interessed in them by their occupation as well as the Prince by granting of them And becoming the Instrumentum stipulatum wherein they were both interessed they were deposited in my hands as an indifferent person trusted between the King of Spain and the Prince with a Declaration of the Trust. And now the Duke was returned out of Spain he plotted my ruine and put it in execution in this manner He concealed that the powers were to expire at Christmas and procured his Majesty to write a Letter not a direct Commandment but expressing a desire that the Desponsories should not be till one of the days in Christmas intending thereby to draw me into a Dilemma That if I proceeded in the Match this Letter should as now it is have been inforced against me as a breach of Instructions If I had not proceeded then I had broken my trust between the Prince and King of Spain overthrown the Marriage so long sought and labored it being the main scope of my Ambassage contrary to express Warrant and that upon a Letter I must needs know to be a mistake And when I had written into England to have a direct Warrant in the point the Duke then seeing that Plot would not take he dealt with divers great Lords as was well known to some of their Lordships there present to have me upon my arival in England committed to the Tower before I should ever come to speak with the King which the Spanish Ambassador here in England having gotten private notice of gave advertisement thereof to that King Who thereupon foreseeing my danger and consulting with his Council and Divines what were fit for him in Honor and Conscience to do in that Case they resolved That seeing my Sufferings grew by being an honest man and endeavoring to perform the trust reposed in me by that King as well as the Prince That King was bound both in Honor and Conscience not onely to preserve me from ruine but to make me a reparation for any loss I should sustain by occasion of the Trust Whereupon at his departure going to Court to take his leave the Conde de Olivares told me what was plotted against me in England and in respect of the danger by reason of the greatness of my Adversary p●rswaded me to stay there and in his Masters Name made an offer not in secret but in the presence of Sir Walter Aston Here he repeated those offers of Reward Honor and Preferment which we have mentioned before in order of time and at present pass it by he then proceeded and said Upon what grounds and hope came I to encounter with those dangers Not upon hope of my greatness in Court and strength of Friends there to bolster out an ill Cause no sure my strength was too weak and my adversaries too powerful But I knew my Conscience was clear and my Cause was good and trusted in God Almighty And to him now and to their Lordships judgments recommended my self and my Cause And then he delivered his Answer desiring their Lordships it might be after Recorded in Parchment that it might remain to posterity which being read by one of his Council the Lord Keeper asked him Whether he desired to say any more then he had done he answered That he had something more to say but knew not the order or whether Mr. Attorney would speak first but he being desired to speak He desired their Lordships he might put them in minde of what he conceived they had already promised which was That the Duke whom he accused in that House of far higher offences then any with which he was charged might be proceeded with as he was and that they might be upon equal Conditions And that such heads as he had delivered against the Duke being of such Matters as he met withal in his Negotiation as an Ambassador and which he had according to his duty acquainted the State withal might by their Lordships care and order be put into Legal form and prosecuted for so was the use when he had the honor to sit at the Council Table He said He conceived he had already done his part to inform and would be ready to make it good it concerning their Lordships to see it prosecuted it not being to be expected that he should solicit it or if he would he could not being under restraint And he desired likewise that the Judges might deliver their opinions Whether the matter charged against him were Treason that if it should not so be in their opinions he might not lie under so heavy a burthen He put their Lordships in minde that it was a strange manner of proceeding that upon a displeasure a Peer of the Kingdom complaining of those that had practised against him and had been the causers of his Sufferings should then and never but then be charged with Treason He told them it was not his case alone but it equally concerned them and their Posterity and it might be some others hereafter more then him now For he said he thanked God he had some experience in the World and thereby and by those things he had kept was able to make his innocency appear which perhaps would not be every mans hereafter and so many an honest heart in a good cause distracted with fears and abandoned of Friends might perish through the malice of a potent Adversary The Lords again asked him whether he had any thing more to say he answered No but desired leave onely to explain himself in two things one in his Speech now spoken and the other when he was first brought to the House That in his Speech this day was where he affirmed he had like to have been ruined in his Negotiation First For being a Puritan and now for being a Papist and both by one hand he explained it to be by the hand of the Duke of Buckingham And the other when he first came to the House saying there For Redress of former sufferings and meeting on the sudden with Treason charged upon him he spake in Passion expressing the Wrongs and Injuries done him by the Duke and told their Lordships he had used means to convey part of his Sufferings to the late King his Master who in the Dukes hearing sware he would after he had heard the Duke against him hear him also against the Duke for which his Majesty suffered much or to some such purpose Now he understandeth this Speech to reflect upon what was in Agitation in the Lower House but he said although he could not well excuse the Dukes indiscretion in that point yet he spake it not any ways to corroborate that opinion For howsoever the Duke were his enemy yet he could not think so dishonorably of him The Answer of the Earl of Bristol to
from his Majesties Son in Law whereby he putteth himself solely to his Majesties advice and pleasure for his Submission as you will perceive by the Copy of the Letter it self which I here send your Lordship wherein though there be many things impertinent yet of that point you may make good use for the accomplishment of the business wherein I have written to the Spanish Ambassador to use his Means and Credit likewise which I assure my self he will effectually do especially seeing the impediments are taken away by Count Mansfields Composition and the Conformity of his Majesties Son in Law to this Submission For the Money your Lordship hath so seasonably laid forth his Majesty will see you shall sustain no loss holding it very unconscionable you should suffer by the care of his Service which you have shewed so much to his contentment to the great joy of your Lordships faithful Servant Geo. Buckingham Having given this Accompt of his employment with the Emperor he humbly craveth leave to make it known in what sort before this his employment he endeavored to serve the Prince Palatine and his Cause which will best appear by his Majesties own Testimony upon the going of Sir Francis Nethersole to the Prince Palatine at which time his Majesty being out of his Royal and just heart desirous to do a faithful Servant right commanded Sir Francis Nethersole to let the Prince Palatine understand how good a Servant the said Earl had been unto him and how Active in his Affairs as will best appear by a Dispatch of Sir Francis Nethersole written all with his own hand to Sir George Calvert dated in Prague August 11. 1620 and sent by his late Majesty to the said Earl for his comfort being as followeth Right Honorable THat you may be the better assured that I have neither forgotten nor neglected the Commandments received from his Majesty by your Honor you will be pleased to have the patience to hear me report what I said to this King upon the delivery of my Lord Deputies Letters to his Majesty which was That the King my Master whose Iustice is so renowned over the World did use to shew it in nothing more then in vindicating his Servants from wrongfull Opinions whereof he knew noble hearts more sensible then of Injuries done to their Persons or Fortunes That out of his Royal Disposition his Majesty having found my Lord Digby mistaken by some of his own people at home by occasion of his being by him employed in the Affairs with Spain having thereupon conceived a jealousie that the same noble Lord might be also misreported hitherto his Majesties hands in that respect gave me a particular commandment to assure his Majesty he had not a more truly affectionate Servant in England And for proof thereof to let his Majesty understand That whereas the Baron of Doncaster now his Majesties Ambassador for England had since his coming hither obtained but three great Boons for his Majesties service viz. The Loan of Money from the King of Denmark the Contribution in England of the City and Countries and the sending Ambassadors to the contrary parties that my Lord Digby had been the first propounder of all those to the King my Master before his Majesties Ambassador or any other of his servants in England although his Lordship were contented that others who were but set on should carry away the thanks and prayers because his Lordship being known to be the first mover therein might possibly weaken the credit he hath in Spain and to render himself the more valuable to serve both his own Master and his Majesty in which respect I humbly prayed his Majesty to keep this to himself By which testimony it may appear as the said Earl conceiveth how he the said Earl bestowed himself before his Ambassage and in his said Ambassage with his said late Majesties approbation thereof Now he humbly craveth leave to give your Lordships accompt how he proceeded after his return from the Emperors Court Assoon as he came into England he discovered unto his Majesty and the Lords of the Councel in what great wants he had left the Forces in the Palatinate and sollicited the present sending away of money thereupon Thirty thousand pound was borrowed of Sir Peter Vanlore Sir Baptist Hicks and Sir William Cortine and presently sent unto the Palatinate besides the Ten thousand pounds which he lent for which he paid the interest out of his Purse for six moneths having also given not long before Five hundred pounds by way of benevolence to the service of the said Palatinate Now in the interim betwixt his return from the English Coasts which was in November 1621 and his going into Spain in May 1622 he first gave his Accompt as aforesaid of his Ambassage to both Houses of Parliament and moved them as effectually as was possible for the supplying of his Majesty and that the money might wholly be imployed for the Succor of the Palatinate The Parliament being dissolved he sollicited with great care and industry the setling of some Course for the supplying of the Palatinate and his Majesty was perswaded to maintain Eight thousand Foot and Sixteen hundred Horse under his own Standard and at his own purse in the Palatinate to establish a certain course for due payment of the said Army The Lord Chichester was upon the said Earls motion sent for out of Ireland and the said Earl by his Majesties command took order for his Dispatch In this estate the said Earl left his Affairs at his departure towards Spain in May 1622 nothing doubting but that all things would have effectually constantly been pursued according to the order which was setled and resolved on at his departure At his arrival at the Court of Spain he presently proceeded according to his Instructions pressing the business of the Palatinate as effectually as he could and faithfully labored and effected from time to time as far as to the point of Negotiation all particulars that were given him in charge as it will appear by his late Majesties Letters upon every particular occasion and if by the accidents of War for that Summer the Marquess of Baden the Count Mansfield and the Duke of Brunswick received each of them an overthrow the ordering of whose Affairs his Majesty so far complained of to his Son-in-law as to give order for the withdrawing of his Forces as will appear by his Majesties Letters on the third of Iune 1622 and also by his Letters unto Sir Horace Vere and the Lord of Chichester of the same date if there were not a speedy redress if by any of those accidents those businesses have miscarried the said Earl hopes he shall not be liable to the blame it having no relation to him or to his imployment having so far and so honestly with his best affections imployed his care and utmost services in the businesses as his Majesty was pleased by many several Letters upon several Actions to signifie
King so straitned in time as by the said Article is pretended will appear by the said Earls Dispatch of September 28. 1623. In which upon scruple that was then made of the Infanta's entring into Religion he wrote to the same effect Viz. That if the Dispensation should come he knew no means how to detain the Proxies above twenty or twenty four dayes So that although difficulty happened until the middest of November 1623. yet it was foreseen that it must of necessity happen whensoever the Dispensation should come and then was warning of two moneths given thereof viz. from September 24. until November 29. which was the time appointed for the Desponsories So as he most humbly submits himself unto your Lordships which of the two wayes was the safer or dutifuller for him to take whether upon inferences and conjectures to have overthrown so great a business or on the otherside first to have presented unto his Majesty the truth and sincerity as he did the true estate of his Affairs with his humble opinion therein with an intimation that if his Majesty should resolve to break the Match that for the said Earl his honest discharge of the publick Trust reposed in him when the Proxies were deposited in his hands and for his sufficient warrant in so great a cause his Majesty would be graciously pleased to give him clear and express order which he had not and in the interim whilest his Majesty might take into consideration the great inconveniences that might ensue the said inconveniences might be suspended and the business kept upon fair terms that his Majesty might have his way and choice clear and unsoiled before him And as to the evil Consequences which are pretended would have followed if the said Earl had proceeded to the consummation of the Match before he had express order and warrant to the contrary he supposeth his Majesty should speedily have seen the Marriage which he so long sought to have effected that the Prince should have had a worthy Lady whom he loved that the Portion was much greater then ever was given in money in Christendom that the King of Spain had engaged himself for restitution of the Palatinate for which the said Earl conceived a daughter of Spain and Two Millions had been no ill pawn besides many other additions of advantage to the Crown of England Whereas on the contrary side he foresaw that the Prince would be kept a year longer unmarried a thing that so highly concerneth these Kingdoms he doubteth that the recovery of the Palatinate from the Emperor and Duke of Bavaria by force would prove a great difficulty and that Christendom was like to fall into a general Combustion So that desiring that his Majesty should have obtained his ends and have had the honor and happiness not onely to have given peace plenty and increase unto his own Subjects and Crowns but to have compounded the greatest differences that had been these many years in Christendom And by his Piety and Wisdom to have prevented the shedding of so much Christian Blood as he feared would ensue if these businesses were disordered These Reasons he confesseth and the zeal unto his Majesties service made him so earnestly desire the effecting of this business and cannot but think himself an unfortunate man his Majesties affairs being so near setling to his Majesties content as he conceived they were and hoping to have been unto his Majesty not onely a faithful Servant but a successful Servant to see the whole estate of his affairs turned up-side down without any the least fault of his and yet he the onely Minister on the English and Spanish side that remained under disgrace XI To the Eleventh Article the said Earl saith That the Article is grounded upon a Petition by him preferred to this Honorable House supposed to be scandalous which your Lordships as he conceiveth according to the Customs and Priviledges of the House of Peers would have been pleased first to have adjudged so to have been either for matter appearing in it self or upon hearing the said Earl for if the matter appearing in the Petition it self be not to be excepted unto it cannot as he conceiveth by Collateral accidents be taken for a Scandal till it be examined and found false For a plain and direct Answer thereunto he saith That the said Petition is such as will not warrant any such inference as by the said Article is inforced And that he hopeth to justifie the Contents of the said Petition in such sort as shall not displease his Majesty nor deserve that expression which is used in the Charge but contrarily what he hath said or shall say therein in his defence shall in all things tend to the Honor and Service of his Majesty by reducing into his Memory divers Circumstances and laying before him the passages of divers particulars which by undue practices have been either concealed from his Majesty or mis-related to him Having thus offered to this High and Honorable Court such Proofs and Reasons as he hopeth shall in your Lordships W●sdom and Justice clearly acquit him of any capital Crime or wilful Offence if it shall appear that out of Errors of Judgment too much ferventness of zeal to his Majesties service or the ignorance of the Laws of this Realm wherewith he hath not been able to be so well acquainted as he ought by reason of Foreign Employments by the space of many years or by any other ways or means he hath faln into the danger of the Laws for any thing pardoned in the General Pardon made in the Parliament holden at Westminster Anno Vicesimo primo Regni Imp. Iacobi Angliae c. of Blessed Memory he humbly prayeth allowance of the Pardons and the benefit thereof with this Clause That he doth and will aver that he is none of the persons excepted out of the same although he is very confident he shall not need the help of any pardon having received many significations as well from his Majesties own mouth that he had never offended his Majesty as lately by several Letters from the Lord Conway that he might rest in the security he was in and sit still and should be no further questioned But he hopes your Lordships will not onely finde him so far from blame but that he hath served his late Majesty of Blessed memory and his most gratious Son the Kings Majesty that now is with that fidelity care and industry that your Lordships will take such course as you in your wisdoms shall think fit not onely for the upholding the Honor and Reputation of a Peer of this Realm after so many employments but likewise become humble and earnest Suitors to his Majesty on his behalf which he humbly prayeth That he may be restored to his Majesties most gratious Favor which above all worldly things he most desireth The Eighth of May the Commons brought up their Charge against the Duke which was delivered at a Conference of both Houses
and spun out two days time It was managed by Eight Members and Sixteen more as Assistants The Eight cheif managers were Sir Dudley Diggs Mr. Herbert Mr. Selden Mr. Glanvile Mr. Pym Mr. Sher●and Mr. Wandesford and Sir Iohn Elliot Sir Dudley Diggs by way of Prologue made this Speech My Lords THere are so many things of great importance to be said in very little time to day that I conceive it will not be unacceptable to your Lordships if setting by all Rhetorical Affectations I onely in plain Country Language humbly pray your Lordships favor to include many excuses necessary to my manifold infirmities in this one word I am Commanded by the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the Commons House to present to your Lordships their most affectionate thanks for your ready condescending to this Conference which out of confidence in your great Wisdoms and approved Justice for the service of his Majesty and the welfare of this Realm they desired upon this occasion The House of Commons by a fatal and universal Concurrence of Complaints from all the Sea-bordering parts of this Kingdom did finde a great and grievous interruption and stop of Trade and Traffick The base Pirates of Sally ignominiously infesting our Coasts taking our Ships and Goods and leading away the Subjects of this Kingdom into Barbarous captivity while to our shame and hindrance of Commerce our enemies did as it were besiege our Ports and block up our best Rivers mouths Our friends on slight pretences made Imbargoes of our Merchants Goods and every Nation upon the least occasion was ready to contemn and slights us So great was the apparent diminution of the antient Honor of this Crown and once strong Reputation of our Nation Wherewith the Commons were more troubled calling to remembrance how formerly in France in Spain in Holland and every where by Sea and Land the Valors of this Kingdom had been better valued and even in latter times within remembrance when we had no Alliance with France none in Denmark none in Germany no Friend in Italy Scotland to say no more ununited Ireland not setled in peace and much less security at home when Spain was as ambitious as it is now under a King Philip the Second they called their Wisest the House of Austria as great and potent and both strengthned with a malitious League in France of persons ill-affected when the Low-Countreys had no Being yet by constant Councils and old English ways even then that Spanish pride was cooled that greatness of the House of Austria so formidable to us now was well resisted and to the United Provinces of the Low-Countreys such a beginning growth and strength was given as gave us honor over all the Christian World The Commons therefore wondring at the Evils which they suffered debating of the Causes of them found they were many drawn like one Line to one Circumference of decay of Trade and strength of Honor and Reputation in this Kingdom which as in one Centre met in one great Man the cause of all whom I am here to name The Duke of Buckingham Here Sir Dudley Diggs made a little stop and afterwards read the Preamble to the Charge viz. The Commons Declaration and Impeachment against the Duke of Buckingham FOr the speedy Redress of great Evils and Mischeifs and of the cheif cause of these Evils and Mischeifs which this Kingdom of England now grievously suffereth and of late years hath suffered and to the honor and safety of our Soveraign Lord the King and of his Crown and Dignity and to the good and welfare of his people The Commons in this present Parliament by the Authority of our said Soveraign Lord the King assembled Do by this their Bill shew and declare against George Duke Marquess and Earl of Buckingham Earl of Coventry Viscount Villers Baron of Whaddon Great Admiral of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland and of the Principality of Wales and of the Dominions and Islands of the same of the Town of Calais and of the Marches of the same and of Normandy Gascoigne and Guienne General-Governor of the Seas and Ships of the said Kingdom Lieutenant-General Admiral Captain-General and Governor of his Majesties Royal Fleet and Army lately set forth Master of the Horse of our Soveraign Lord the King Lord Warden Chancellor and Admiral of the Cinque Ports and of the Members thereof Constable of Dover Castle Iustice in Eyre of all the Forests and Chases on this side the River Trent Constable of the Castle of Windsor Gentleman of his Majesties Bed-Chamber one of his Majesties most Honorable Privy Council in his Realms both in England Scotland and Ireland and Knight of the most Honorable Order of the Garter The Misdemeanors Misprisions Offences Crimes and other Matters comprised in the Articles following and him the said Duke do accuse and impeach of the said Misdemeanors Misprisions Offences and Crimes My Lords THis lofty Title of this Mighty Man methinks doth raise my spirits to speak with a Paulò Majora Canamus and let it not displease your Lordships if for Foundation I compare the beautiful structure and fair composition of this Monarchy wherein we live to the great work of God the World it self In which the solid Body of incorporated Earth and Sea as I conceive in regard of our Husbandry Manufactures and Commerce by Land and Sea may well resemble us the Commons And as it is incompassed with Air and Fire and Sphears Celestial of Planets and a Firmament of fixed Stars all which receive their heat light and life from one great glorious Sun even like the King our Soveraign So that Firmament of fixed Stars I take to be your Lordships those Planets the great Officers of the Kingdom that pure Element of Fire the most Religious Zealous and Pious Clergy and the Reverend Judges Magistrates and Ministers of Law and Justice the Air wherein we breathe All which encompass round with cherishing comfort this Body of the Commons who truly labor for them all and though they be the Foot stool and the lowest yet may well be said to be the setled Centre of the State Now my good Lords if that glorious Sun by his powerful Beams of Grace and Favor shall draw from the Bowels of this Earth an exhalation that shall take Fire and burn and shine out like a Star it needs not be marvelled at if the poor Commons gaze and wonder at the Comet and when they feel the effects impute all to the incorruptible matter of it But if such an imperfect mixture appear like that in the last age in the Chair of Cassiopeia among the sixed Stars themselves where Aristotle and the old Philosophers conceived there was no place for such corruption then as the Learned Mathematicians were troubled to observe the irregular motions the prodigious magnitude and the ominous prognosticks of that Meteor so the Commons when they see such a blazing Star in course so exorbitant in the Affairs of this Commonwealth cannot
but look upon it and for want of Perspectives commend the nearer examination to your Lordships who may behold it at a nearer distance Such a prodigious Comet the Commons take this Duke of Buckingham to be against whom and his irregular ways there are by learned Gentlemen legal Articles of Charge to be delivered to your Lordships which I am generally first commanded to lay open 1. The Offices of this Kingdom that are the Eyes the Ears and the Hands of this Commonwealth these have been ingrossed bought and sold and many of the greatest of them holden even in the Dukes own hands which severally gave in former ages sufficient content to greatest Favorites and were work enough for wisest Counsellors by means whereof what strange abuses what infinite neglects have followed The Seas have been unguarded Trade disturbed Merchants oppressed their Ships and even one of the Royal Navy by cunning practice delivered over into Foreign hands and contrary to our good Kings intention employed to the prejudice almost to the ruine of Friends of our own Religion 2. Next Honors those most pretious Jewels of the Crown a Treasure inestimable wherewith your Noble Ancestors my Lords were well rewarded for eminent and publick Service in the Common-wealth at home for brave exploits abroad when covered all with dust and blood they sweat in service for the honor of this Crown What back-ways what by-ways have been by this Duke found out is too well known to your Lordships whereas antiently it was the honor of England as among the Romans the way to the Temple of Honor was through the Temple of Vertue But I am commanded to press this no further then to let your Lordships know one instance may perhaps be given of some one Lord compelled to purchase Honor 3. As divers of the Dukes poor Kinred have been raised to great honors which have been and are likely to be more chargeable and burthensome to the Crown so the Lands and Revenews and the Treasuries of his Majesty have been intercepted and exhausted by this Duke and his Friends and strangely mis-employed with strange confusion of the Accounts and overthrow of the well established antient Orders of his Majesties Exchequer 4. The last of the Charges which are prepared will be an injury offered to the person of the late King of Blessed memory who is with God of which as your Lordships may have heard heretofore you shall anon have further information Now upon this occasion I am commanded by the Commons to take care of the honor of the King our Soveraign that lives long may he live to our comfort and the good of the Christian World and also of his Blessed Father who is dead on whom to the grief of the Commons and their great distaste the Lord Duke did they conceive unworthily cast some ill odor of his own foul ways whereas Servants were antiently wont to bear as in truth they ought their Masters faults and not cast their own on them undeservedly It is well known the King who is with God had the same power and the same wisdom before he knew this Duke yea and the same affections too through which as a good and gratious Master he advanced and raised some Stars of your Lordships Firmament in whose hands this exorbitancy of will this transcendency of power such placing and displacing of Officers such irregular runing into all by-courses of the Planets such sole and single managing of the great Affairs of State was never heard of And therefore onely to the Lord Duke and his procurement by mis-informations these faults complained of by the Commons are to be imputed And for our most Gratious Soveraign that lives whose name hath been used and may perhaps now be for the Dukes justification the Commons know well That among his Majesties most Royal Virtues his Piety unto his Father hath made him a pious nourisher of his Affections ever to the Lord Duke on whom out of that consideration his Majesty hath wrought a kinde of wonder making Favor Hereditary but the abuse thereof must be the Lord Dukes own And if there have been any Commands such as were or may be pretended his mis-informations have procured them whereas the Laws of England teach us That Kings cannot command ill or unlawful things when ever they speak though by their Letters Patents or their Seals If the things be evil these Letters Patents are void and whatsoever ill event succeeds the Executioners of such Commands must ever answer for them Thus my Lords in performance of my duty my weakness hath been troublesome unto your Lordships it is now high time humbly to entreat your pardon and give way to a learned Gentleman to begin a more particular charge Then were read the First Second and Third Articles viz. 1. THat whereas the great Offices expressed in the said Dukes Stile and Title heretofore have been the singular Preferments of several Persons eminent in Wisdom and Trust and fully able for the weighty Service and greatest Employments of the State whereby the said Offices were both carefully and sufficiently executed by several Persons of such Wisdom Trust and Ability And others also that were employed by the Royal Progenitors of our Soveraign Lord the King in places of less Dignity were much encouraged with the hopes of advancement And whereas divers of the said places severally of themselves and necessarily require the whole care industry and attendance of a most provident and most able person He the said Duke being yong and unexperienced hath of late years with exorbitant Ambition and for his own profit and advantage procured and ingrossed into his own hands the said several Offices both to the danger of the State the prejudice of that Service which should have been performed in them and to the great discouragement of others who by this his procuring and ingrossing of the said Offices are precluded from such hopes as their Vertues Abilities and Publick Employments might otherwise have given them II. Whereas by the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom of England if any person whatsoever give or pay any sum of Money Fee or Reward directly or indirectly for any Office or Offices which in any-wise touch or concern the Administration or Execution of Justice or the keeping of any of the Kings Majesties Towns Castles or Fortresses being used occupied or appointed for places of strength and defence the same person is immediately upon the same Fee Money or Reward given or paid to be adjudged a disabled person in the Law to all intents and purposes to have occupy or enjoy the said Office or Offices for the which he so giveth or payeth any sum of Money Fee or Reward He the said Duke did in or about the Moneth of Ianuary in the Sixteenth year of the late King Iames of Famous memory give and pay to the Right Honorable Charles then Earl of Nottingham for the Office of Great Admiral of England and Ireland and the Principality of
Wales and for the Office of General-Governor of the Seas and Ships of the said Kingdoms and for the Surrender of the said Offices then made to the said King by the said Earl of Nottingham being then Great Admiral of the said Kingdoms and Principality and General-Governor of the Seas and Ships to the intent the said Duke might obtain the said Offices to his own use the sum of Three thousand pounds of lawful Money of England and did also about the same time procure from the said King a further Reward for the Surrender of the said Office to the said Earl of an Annuity of One thousand pounds by the year for and during the life of the said Earl and by the procurement of the said Duke the said late King of Famous memory did by his Letters Patents dated the Seven and twentieth of Ianuary in the said year of his Reign under the Great Seal of England grant to the said Earl the said Annuity which he the said Earl accordingly had and enjoyed during his life and by reason of the said sum of Money so as aforesaid paid by the said Duke And of his the said Dukes procurement of the said Annuity the said Earl of Nottingham did in the same Moneth surrender unto the said late King his said Offices and his Patents of them and thereupon and by reason of the premisses the said Offices were obtained by the Duke for his life from the said King of Famous Memory by Letters Patents made to the said Duke of the same Offices under the Great Seal of England dated the Eight and twentieth day of Ianuary in the said Sixteenth year of the said late King And the said Offices of Great Admiral and Governor as aforesaid are Offices that highly touch and concern the Administration and Execution of Justice within the provision of the said Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom which notwithstanding the said Duke hath unlawfully ever since the first unlawful obtaining of the said Grant of the said Offices retained them in his hands and exercised them against the Laws and Statutes aforesaid III. The said Duke did likewise in or about the beginning of the Moneth of December in the Two and twentieth year of the said late King Iames of Famous memory give and pay unto the Right Honorable Edward late Lord Zouch Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and of the Members thereof and Constable of the Castle of Dover for the said Offices and for the Surrender of the said Offices of Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Constable of the said Castle of Dover to be made to the said late King of Famous memory the sum of One thousand pounds of lawful Money of England and then also granted an Annuity of Five hundred pounds yearly to the said Lord Zouch for the life of the said Lord Zouch to the intent that he the said Duke might thereby obtain the said Offices to his own use And for and by reason of the said sum of Money so paid by the said Duke and of the said Annuity so granted to the said Edward Lord Zouch he the said Lord Zouch the Fourth day of December in the year aforesaid did surrender his said Offices and his Letters Patents of them to the said late King And thereupon and by reason of the premisses he the said Duke obtained the said Offices for his life from the said late King by his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England dated the Sixth day of December in the said Two and twentieth year And the said Office of Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and of the Members thereof is an Office that doth highly touch and concern Administration and Execution of justice and the said Office of Constable of the Castle of Dover is an Office that highly concerneth the keeping and defence of the Town and Port and of the said Castle of Dover which is and hath ever been appointed for a most eminent place of strength and defence of this Kingdom which notwithstanding the said Duke hath unlawfully ever since this first unlawful obtaining of the said Office retained them in his hands and exercised them against the Laws and Statutes aforesaid These Three Articles were discoursed upon by Mr. Herbert and touching Plurality of Offices he observed That in that vast power of the Duke a young unexperienced man there is an unfortunate complication of Danger and Mischeif to the State as having too much ability if he be false to do harm and ruine the Kingdom and if he be faithful and never so industrious yet divided amongst so many great places whereof every one would employ the industry of an able and provident man there must needs be in him an insufficiency of performance or rather an impossibility especially considering his necessary attendance likewise upon his Court places To the Second and Third namely The buying the Office of Admiralty and Cinque-Ports both which he comprised in one he said That to set a price upon the Walls and Gates of the Kingdom is a Crime which requires rather a speedy remedy than an aggravation and is against the express Law of 5 Edw. 6. upon this foundation That the buying of such places doth necessarily introduce corrupt and insufficient Officers And in the Parliament of 12 Edw. 4. it is declared by the whole Assembly That they who buy those places these are the express words binde themselves to be Extortioners and Offenders as if they pretended it warrantable or as if they did lay an Obligation upon themselves to sell again And though the buying of such places be not against any particular Law enjoyning a penalty for them the breach whereof is a particular Offence yet as far as they subvert the good and welfare and safety of the people so far they are against the highest Law and assume the nature of the highest Offences IV. Whereas the said Duke by reason of his said Offices of Great Admiral of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland and of the Principality of Wales and of Admiral of the Cinque Ports and General Governor of the Seas and Ships of the said Kingdoms and by reason of the trust thereunto belonging ought at all times since the said Offices obtained to have safely guarded kept and preserved the said Seas and the Dominion of them and ought also whensoever there wanted either Men Ships Munition or other strength whatsoever that might conduce to the better safeguard of them to have used from time to time his utmost endeavor for the supply of such wants to the Right Honorable the Lords and others of the Privy Council and by procuring such supply from his Soveraign or otherwise He the said Duke hath ever since the dissolution of the two Treaties mentioned in the Act of Subsidies of the One and twentieth year of the late King Iames of Famous memory that is to say the space of Two years last past neglected the just performance of his said Office and Duty
and broken the said Trust therewith committed unto him And hath not according to his said Offices during the time aforesaid safely kept the said Seas insomuch that by reason of his neglect and default therein not onely the trade and strength of this Kingdom of England hath been during the said time much decayed but the same Seas also have been during the same time ignominiously infested by Pirates and Enemies to the loss both of very many Ships and Goods and of many of the Subjects of our Soveraign Lord the King and the Dominion of the said Seas being the antient and undoubted Patrimony of the Kings of England is thereby also in most eminent danger to be utterly lost V. Whereas about Michaelmas last past a Ship called the St Peter of Newhaven whereof Iohn Mallerow was Master laden with divers Goods Merchandise Monies Jewels and Commodities to the value of Forty thousand pounds or thereabouts for the proper accompt of Monsieur de Villieurs the then Governor of Newhaven and other Subjects of the French King being in perfect Amity and League with our Soveraign Lord the King was taken at Sea by some of the Ships of his Majesties late Fleet set forth under the command of the said Duke as well by direction from him the said Duke as great Admiral of England as by the Authority of the extraordinary Commission which he then had for the command of the said Fleet and was by them together with her said goods and lading brought into the Port at Plymouth as a prize among many others upon probabilities that the said Ship or Goods belonged to the Subjects of the King of Spain And that divers parcels of the said goods and lading were there taken out of the said Ship of St Peter that is to say Sixteen Barrels of Cocheneal Eight Bags of Gold Twenty three Bags of Silver two Boxes of Pearl and Emeralds a Chain of Gold Jewels Monies and Commodities to the value of Twenty thousand pounds or thereabouts and by the said Duke were delivered into the private custody of one Gabriel Marsh servant to the said Duke and that the said Ship with the residue of her goods and lading was from thence sent up into the River of Thames and there detained whereupon there was an arrest at Newhaven in the Kingdom of France on the seventh day of December last of two English Merchants Ships trading thither as was alleadged in certain Petitions exhibited by some English Merchants trading into France to the Lords and others of his Majesties most honorable Privy-Council after which that is to say on the 28 day of the said moneth his Majesty was pleased to order with the advice of his Privy-Council that the said Ship and Goods belonging to the Sucjects of the French King should be redelivered to such as should re-claim them and accordingly intimation was given unto his Majesties Advocate in the chief Court of Admiralty by the right honorable Sir Io. Cook Knight one of his Majesties principal Secretaries of State for the freeing and discharging of the said Ship and Goods in the said Court of Admiralty And afterwards that is to say on the Six and twentieth of Ianuary last it was decreed in the said Court by the Judge thereof with the consent of the said Advocate That the said Ship with whatsoever Goods so seised or taken in her Except Three hundred Mexico Hides Sixteen Sacks of Ginger one Box of gilded Beads Five Sacks of Ginger more mentioned in the said Decree should be clearly released from further detention and delivered to the Master and thereupon under Seal a Commission was in that behalf duty sent out of the said Court to Sir Allen Appesly Sir Iohn Worstenholme and others for the due execution thereof The said Duke notwithstanding the said Order Commission and Decree detained still to his own use the said Gold Silver Pearls Emeralds Jewels Monies and Commodities so taken out of the said Ship as aforesaid And for his own singular avail and covetousness on the sixth day of February last having no information of any new proof without any legal proceeding by colour of his said Office unjustly caused the said ship and goods to be again arrested and detained in publick violation and contempt of the Laws and Justice of this Land to the great disturbance of Trade and prejudice of the Merchants These were enlarged by Mr Selden who said That by nature of his Office the Duke as Admiral ought to have guarded the Seas By his Patent he is made Magnus Admirallus Angliae Hiberniae Walliae Normaniae Aquitaniae Villae Calesij Marchiarum ejusdem praefectus generalis classium Marium dictorum regnorum The Seas of England and Ireland are committed to the Admiral as a part of the Demesne and Possessions of the Crown of England not as if he should thereby have Jurisdiction onely as in case of the Admirals in France or Spain The State of Genoa Catalonia and other Maritine parts of Spain the Sea-Towns of Almain Zeland Holland Friezland Denmark Norway and divers other parts of the Empire shew That the Kings of England by reason that their said Realm hath used time out of minde to be in peaceable possession are Lords of the Seas of England and of the Islands belonging to them And though Grotius that Hollander wrote of purpose to destroy all Dominion in the East-Ocean yet he speaks nothing against the Dominion of our English Seas howsoever he hath been misapprehended but expressly elsewhere saith Meta Britanicis littora sunt oris the utmost limits of the Demesne of the Crown of England are the Shores of the neighbouring Countries the whole Sea or the Territorium maximum that intervenes being parcel of the possession of the Crown the keeping and safe-guard of these committed to the Lord Admiral by the name of the Praefectus Marium Admirallus being but the same anciently Before the use of the word Admiral came in which was under Edw. 1. the Admirals had the Titles of Custodes Maris And this Praefectura or Custodia or Office of safe-guarding the Seas binds him to all care and perpetual observance of whatsoever conduceth to that safe-guard as in Custos sigilli Custos Marchiarum Custos portium custos comitatuum agreeable to the practice of former times 1. In certifying yearly to the King and his Council the many Forces both of the Kings ships and ships of Merchants the names of the owners the number of Marriners c. That the King and his Council may always know his force by Sea 2. In shewing wants of ships c. for the safe-guarding of the Seas with the Estimates of the Supply that so they might be procured In personal attendance upon the service of guarding the Seas upon all occasions of weight In 7 H. 4. Nich. Blackborn and Rich. Cliderowe one of the Knights of Kent were made Admirals for keeping the Seas upon consideration had of it in Parliament and
in the chief Court of Admiralty in the name of the said late King and of the Lord Admiral against them for Fifteen thousand pound taken Piratically by some Captains of the said Merchants ships and pretended to be in the hands of the East India Company and thereupon the Kings Advocate in the name of Advocate for the then King and the said Lord Admiral moved and obtained one Attachment which by the Serjeant of the said Court of Admiralty was served on the said Merchants in their Court the sixteenth day of March following whereupon the said Merchants though there was no cause for their molestation by the Lord Admiral yet the next day they were urged in the said Court of Admiralty to bring in the Fifteen thousand pounds or go to prison wherefore immediately the Company of the said Merchants did again send the Deputy aforesaid and some others to make new suit unto the said Duke for the release of the said Ships and Pinaces who unjustly endeavoring to extort money from the said Merchants protested that the Ships should not go except they compounded with him and when they urged many more reasons for the release of the said Ships and Pinaces the Answer of the said Duke was That the then Parliament must first be moved The said Merchants therefore being in this perplexity and in their consultation the three and twentieth of that moneth even ready to give over that Trade yet considering that they should lose more then was demanded by unlading their ships besides their voyage they resolved to give the said Duke Ten thousand pounds for his unjust demands And he the said Duke by the undue means aforesaid and under colour of his Office and upon false pretence of Rights unjustly did exact and extort from the said Merchants the said Ten thousand pounds and received the same about the 28. of April following the discharge of those Ships which were not released by him till they the said Merchants had yielded to give him the said Duke the said Ten thousand pounds for the said Release and for the false pretence of Rights made by the said Duke as aforesaid VII Whereas the Ships of our Soveraign Lord the King and of his Kingdoms aforesaid are the principal strength and defence of the said Kingdoms and ought therefore to be always preserved and safely kept under the command and for the service of our Soveraign Lord the King no less then any the Fortresses and Castles of the said Kingdoms And whereas no Subject of this Realm ought to be dispossessed of any his Goods or Chattels without order of Justice or his own consent first duly had and obtained The said Duke being Great Admiral of England Governor-General and Keeper of the said Ships and Seas and thereof ought to have and take a special and continual care and diligence how to preserve the same The said Duke in or about the end of Iuly last in the first year of our Soveraign Lord the King did under the colour of the said Office of Great Admiral of England and by indirect and subtile means and practices procure one of the principal Ships of his Majesties Navy-Royal called the Vantguard then under the Command of Captain Iohn Pennington and six other Merchants Ships of great burden and value belonging to several Persons inhabiting in London the Natural Subjects of his Majesty to be conveyed over with all their Ordnance Munition Tackle and Apparel into the parts of the Kingdom of France to the end that being there they might the more easily be put into the hands of the French King his Ministers and Subjects and taken into their possession command and power And accordingly the said Duke by his Ministers and Agents with menaces and other ill means and practices did there without order of Justice and without the consent of the said Masters and Owners unduly compel and inforce the said Masters and Owners of the said six Merchants Ships to deliver their said Ships into the said possession command and power of the said French King his Ministers and Subjects and by reason of his compulsion and under the pretext of his power as aforesaid and by his indirect practices as aforesaid the said Ships aforesaid as well the said Ship Royal of his Majesty as the others belonging to the said Merchants were there delivered into the hands and command of the said French King his Ministers and Subjects without either sufficient security or assurance for redelivery or other necessary caution in that behalf taken or provided either by the said Duke himself or otherwise by his direction contrary to the duty of the said Offices of Great Admiral Governor-General and Keeper of the said Ships and Seas and to the faith and trust in that behalf reposed and contrary to the duty which he oweth to our Soveraign Lord the King in his place of Privy-Counsellor to the apparent weakening of the Naval strength of this Kingdom to the great loss and prejudice of the said Merchants and against the liberty of those Subjects of our Soveraign Lord the King that are under the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty VIII The said Duke contrary to the purpose of our Soveraign Lord the King and his Majesties known zeal for the maintenance and advancement of the true Religion established in the Church of England knowing that the said Ships were intended to be imployed by the said French King against those of the same Religion at Rochel and elswhere in the Kingdom of France did procure the said Ship Royal and compel as aforesaid the said six other Ships to be delivered unto the said French King his Ministers and Subjects as aforesaid to the end the said Ships might be used and imployed by the said French King in his intended War against those of the said Religion in the said Town of Rochel and elswhere within the Kingdom of France And the said Ships were and have been since so used and imployed by the said French King his Ministers and Subjects against them And this the said Duke did as aforesaid in great and most apparent prejudice of the said Religion contrary to the purpose and intention of our Soveraign Lord the King and against his duty in that behalf being a sworne Counsellor to his Majesty and to the great scandal and dishonor of this Nation And notwithstanding the delivery of the said Ships by his procurement and compulsion as aforesaid to be imployed as aforesaid the said Duke in cunning and cautelous manner to mask his ill intentions did at the Parliament held at Oxford in August last before the Committee of both Houses of Parliament intimate and declare that the said Ships were not nor should they be so used and imployed against those of the said Religion as aforesaid in contempt of our Soveraign Lord the King and in abuse of the said Houses of Parliament and in violation of that Truth which every man should profess These three Articles were aggravated by Mr. Glanvile
said Drink or Potion to his said late Majesty who thereupon at the same times within the seasons in that behalf prohibited by his Majesties Physitians as aforesaid did by the means and procurement of the said Duke drink and take divers quantities of the said Drink or Potion After which said Plaisters and Drink or Potion applied and given unto and taken and received by his said Majesty as aforesaid great distempers and divers ill symptoms appeared upon his said Majesty insomuch That the said Physitians finding his Majesty the next morning much worse in the estate of his health and holding a Consultation thereabout did by joynt consent send to the said Duke praying him not to adventure to minister to his Majesty any more Physick without their allowance and approbation And his said Majesty himself finding himself much diseased and affected with pain and sickness after his then fit when by the course of his Disease he expected intermission and ease did attribute the cause of such his trouble unto the said Plaister and Drink which the said Duke had so given and caused to be administred unto him Which said adventrous act by a person obliged in duty and thankfulness done to the Person of so great a King after so ill success of the like formerly administred contrary to such Directions as aforesaid and accompanied with so unhappy event to the great grief and discomfort of all his Majesties Subjects in general is an Offence and Misdemeanor of so high a nature as may justly be called and is by the said Commons deemed to be an act of transcendent presumption and of dangerous consequence Mr. Wandesford deputed to enlarge and aggravate upon the Thirteenth Article commended the charity and providence of that Law which makes it penal for unskilful Empyricks and all others to exercise and practice Physick upon common persons without a lawful Calling and Approbation branding them that thus transgress as Improbos Ambitiosos Temerarios Audaces homines But he that without skill and calling shall direct a Medicine which upon the same person had wrought bad effects enough to have disswaded a second adventure and then when Physitians were present Physitians selected for Learning and Art prepared by their Office and Oaths without their consent nay even contrary to their Direction and in a time unseasonable He must needs said he be guilty albeit towards a common person of a precipitate and unadvised rashness much more towards his own Soveraign And so pious are our selves to put the Subjects in minde of their duty towards their Princes Persons so Sacred that in the attempt of a Madman upon the King his want of Reason which towards any of his fellow Subjects might have quit him of Felony shall not excuse him of Treason And how wary and advised our Ancestors have been not to apply things in this kinde to the Person of a King may appear by a President 32 Hen 6. where Iohn Arundel and others the Kings Physitians and Chirurgeons thought it not safe for them to administer any thing to the Kings Person without the assent of the Privy Council first obtained and express Licence under the Great Seal of England This Medicine found his Majesty in the declination of his desease and we all wish it had left him so but his better days were shortly turned into worse and instead of health and recovery we hear by good testimony that which troubles the poor and loyal Commons of England of great distempers as Droughts Raving Fainting an intermitting Pulse strange effects to follow upon the applying of a Treacle Plaister But the truth is Testimony tells us That this Plaister had a strange smell and an invective quality striking the malignity of the disease inward which Nature otherwise might have expelled outward Adde to this the Drink twice given to his Majesty by the Duke his own hands and a third time refused and the following Complaint of that blessed Prince the Physitians telling him to please him for the time That his second impairment was from cold taken or some other ordinary cause No no said his Majesty it is that which I had from Buckingham And though there be no President said he of an act offered to the Person of a King so insolent as this yet is it true that divers persons as great as this have been questioned and condemned for less offences against the Person of their Soveraign It was an Article amongst others laid against the Duke of Somerset for carrying Edward the Sixth away in the night time out of his own head but from Hampton Court to Windsor and yet he was trusted with the Protection of his person Presidents failing us in this point the Common Law will supply us The Law judgeth a deed done in the execution of an unlawful act Man-slaughter which otherwise would but have been Chance-medley and that this act was unlawful the House of Commons do believe as belonging to the Duty and Vocation of a sworn and experimented Physitian and not the unskilfulness of a yong Lord. And so pretious are the lives of men in the Eye of the Law that though Mr. Stanford saith If a Physitian take one into his Cure and he die under his hands it is not Felony because he did it not Feloniously Yet it is Mr. Bractons opinion That if one that is no Physitian or Chirurgeon undertake a Cure and the party die under his hands this is Felony And the Law goeth further making Physitians and Chirurgeons themselves accomptable for the Death of their Patients if it appear they have transgressed the Rules of their own Art that is by undertaking a thing wherein they have no experience or having yet failed in the care and diligence Lastly He said he was commanded by the House of Commons to desire their Lordships That seeing the Duke hath made himself a President in committing that which former Ages knew not their Lordships will out of their Wisdom and Justice make him an example for the time to come The several Articles being thus enlarged and aggravated by the said respective Members Sir Iohn Elliot was appointed to make the Epilogue to the Impeachment who spake thus My Lords YOur Lordships have heard in the Labors of these two days spent in this Service a Representation from the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the Commons House of Parliament of their Apprehension of the present Evils and dangers of this Kingdom of the Causes of the same and of the Application of them to the Duke of Buckingham so clearly and fully as I presume your Lordships expect I should rather conclude then adde any thing to his charge Your Lordships have heard how his Ambition was expressed in procuring and getting into his hands the greatest Offices of strength and power of this Kingdom by what means he had attained them and how Money stood for Merit There needs no Argument to prove this but the common sense of the Miseries and Misfortunes which we suffer
they Ordered That all such Duties and Merchandizes shall be levied and paid And they advised the King That the Attorney General prepare for his Majesties Signature an Instrument which may pass under the Great Seal of England to declare his pleasure therein until by Parliament as in former times it may receive an absolute settlement Which passed the Great Seal accordingly The Forfeitures arising to the Crown by the execution of the Laws against Priests Jesuites and Popish Recusants were dedicated to the vast and growing charge of the Designs in hand And Complaint being made against Inferior Officers whose service was herein employed that they had misdemeaned themselves to the oppressing of Recusants without advantage to the King Commissioners of honorable Quality were appointed for the regulating of these proceedings yet no Liberty given to the encouragement or countenance of such dangerous persons as might infect the People or trouble the Peace of Church and State The King therefore Grants a Commission under the Great Seal directed to the most Reverend Father in God Toby Archbishop of York Sir Iohn Savile Knight Sir George Manners Sir Henry Slingsby Sir William Ellis Knights and to divers other Knights and Gentlemen and therein recites THat his Majesty hath received credible Information of the great loss and damages which the Kings Subjects living in Maritime Towns especially in the Northern parts do suffer by depredations attempts and assaults at Sea from Foreign Enemies whereby Trade from those parts are interrupted and the City of London much endamaged for want of Coals and other Commodities usually transported thither from Newcastle upon Tine For redress of which evil his Majesty doth think fit to appropriate and convert all such Debts sums of Money Rents Penalties and Forfeitures of all Recusants inhabiting in the Counties of York Durham Northumberland Cumberland Westmorland Lancaster Nottingham Derby Stafford and Chester which at any time have grown due since the Tenth year of King James and are not yet satisfied or which hereafter shall grow due by reason of any Law or Statute against Recusants to be employed for the maintenance provision arming manning victualling and furnishing of Six able Ships of War for guarding and defending the Coast of this Realm from the furthest North-East point of the Sea unto the mouth of the River of Thames his Majesty further expressing in the said Commission That his Subjects who are owners of Coal●Pits the Oast-men of Newcastle upon Tine Owners of Ships and Merchants Buyers and Sellers of Newcastle Coals have béen and are willing to contribute and pay for every Chaldron for the uses aforesaid Wherefore his Majesty upon the considerations before-mentioned doth by his said Commission give power unto the said Commissioners or any four or more of them to treat and make Composition and Agréement with the said Recusants inhabiting within the said Counties for Leases of all their Manors Lands Tenements c. within those Counties for any term of years not excéeding One and forty years and for all Forfeitures due since the Tenth year of King James for their Recusancy in not going to Church to hear Divine Service according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm under such Condition and Immunities as they or any four of them shall sée méet and convenient according to such Instructions as his Majesty hath or shall give for that purpose his Majesty rather desiring their Conversion then Destruction And such Leases his Majesty doth declare made to the said Recusants themselves or to any persons for their use shall be good and effectual any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding And by the said Commission Sir Iohn Savile was appointed Receiver of all such sums of Money as shall be paid upon these Leases and Mr. Alexander Davison of the Town of Newcastle upon Tine Merchant Adventurer was appointed to receive out of the voluntary and free-wil Contribution of the Owners Buyers and Sellers of Coals the Six pence per Chaldron of Coals In pursuance of this Commission the Recusants did make their Composition upon very easie terms as was afterwards complained of in Parliament A Proclamation was published declaring the Kings Resolution to make his Revenue certain by granting his Lands as well holden by Copy as otherwise to be holden in Fee-farm To the Nobles the King sent particularly to let them know That according to the Presidents of former times wherein the Kings and Queens of England upon such extraordinary occasions have had recourse to those Contributions which arose from the Subjects in general or to the private helps of some that were well affected he doth now expect from them such a large and chearful testimony of their Loyalty as may be acceptable to himself and exemplary to his people His Majesty demanded of the City of London the Loan of an Hundred thousand pounds But the peoples excuses were represented to the Council Table by the Magistrates of the City Immediately the Council sent a very strict command to the Lord Major and Aldermen wherein they set forth the Enemies strong preparations as ready for an Invasion and the Kings great necessities together with his gratious and moderate Proposals in the sum required and the frivolous pretences upon which they excuse themselves Wherefore they require them all excuses being set apart to enter into the business again and to manage the same as appertaineth to Magistrates so highly intrusted and in a time of such necessities and to return to his Majesty a direct and speedy Answer that he may know how far he may relie upon their Faith and Duty or in default thereof may frame his Counsels as appertaineth to a King in such extream and important occasions Moreover a peculiar charge was laid upon the several Ports and Maritime Counties to furnish and set out Ships for the present service The Privy Council expressing his Majesties care and providence to guard his own Coasts against attempts from Spain or Flanders by arming as well the Ships of his Subjects as of his own Navy made a distribution to every Port that with the Assistance and Contribution of the Counties adjoyning they prepare so many Ships as were appointed to them severally and in particular the City of London was appointed to set forth Twenty of the best Ships that lay in the River with all manner of Tackle Sea-stores and Ammunition Manned and Victualled for Three Moneths The Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace of Dorset having received the Kings Commandment for the setting forth of Ships from the Ports of Pool Weymonth and Lime with the assistance of Contribution from the Counties adjoyning presented to the Council Table an excuse in the behalf both of the Ports and County and pleaded That the Case was without President The Council gave them a check for that instead of Conformity they disputed the Case letting them know That State occasions and the defence of the Kingdom in times of extraordinary danger were not
Madam Saint George that he was resolved no longer to endure it So the King dismissed and sent back into France the Queens Retinue of French first paying all that was due for Wages or Salaries and gave the King of France an account of the action by the Lord Carlton for the preserving of their mutual Correspondency and Brotherly Affection But this Dismission was ill resented in France and Audience denied to the Lord Carlton and the matter was aggravated high at the French Court as a great violation of the Articles of the Marriage And those persons who returned into France being for the most part yonger-brothers and had parted with their Portions at home in expectation of raising their Fortunes in the service of the Queen of England did heighten the discontent This jarring with France breaks forth to a publick War and King Charles is at once engaged against Two Great and Mighty Princes It is not our purpose to relate the particulars of those private transactions which were here in England concerning the preparing of a Fleet and Army nor how the same was managed at first by an Abbot who had relation to the Duke of Orleance and had been disobliged by Cardinal Richlieu This Man was full of Revenge against the Cardinal and labored much and at last effected the dismissing of the French about the Queen his cheif end therein was to put an affront upon Richlieu and withal to heighten the differences between the Two Crowns of England and France to which purpose he remonstrated to the Duke of Buckingham the Commotions and Discontents that were in France and how hardly the Protestants there were treated notwithstanding the Edict of Peace procured by the Mediation of the King of Great Britain This Abbots Negotiation with the Duke procured the sending of Devic from the King of England to the Duke of Rhoane who was drawn to engage to raise Four thousand Foot and Two hundred Horse upon the landing of the English Army in France but not before This private transaction was also managed by Mr. Walter Montague but in another capacity The Duke of Sobiez and Monsieur St. Blanchard contributed their endeavors also to hasten the Fleet and the raising of the Army in England against the French for the relief of those of the Reformed Religion there The King declared as a ground of his War with France That the House of Austria conspiring the ruine of all those of the Reformed Religion throughout Christendom as he said plainly appeared in the affairs of Germany had such an influence upon the Council of France as to prevail with them to obstruct the landing of Count Mansfields Army contrary to promise with whom the French should have joyned forces for the relief of the Palatinate and the German Princes which failer of performance in them proved the ruine of that Army the greatest part whereof perished and was by consequence the loss of the whole Protestant Party in Germany His Majesty further declared That having by his Mediation prevailed for a Peace between the French King and his Protestant Subjects and engaged his word That the Protestants should observe the Articles of Agreement Nevertheless the King of France contrary to the said Articles blocked up their Towns Garisons and Forts and had committed many spoils upon them when they had done nothing in violation of the Edict of Peace And that the King of France had committed an example of great injustice in full Peace to seise upon One hundred and twenty English Ships with all their Merchandise and Artillery for which Reasons the King was resolved to send a powerful Army and Navy to require satisfaction The Duke of Buckingham was made Admiral of this Fleet and Commander in chief of the Land forces and had a Commission to that purpose wherein it is expressed That his Majesty hath taken into his Princely consideration the distressed estate of his dear Brother-in-law and onely Sister the Prince and Princess Elector Palatine and their Children and finding himself in Nature and Honor nearly bound unto them At their request and for their just Relief in recovering their rightful Patrimony taken from them by the Advice of his Privy Council did the last year prepare and set out to Sea a Royal Fleet for Sea-service for performance of such services as on his Brother-in-laws and Sisters behalf his Majesty had designed And for the doing of those designs and for the honor and safety of his people his Majesty hath now prepared a new Fleet which he intends with all convenient expedition to set out to be employed as well by way of Offence as of Defence as shall be most behoveful for his said Brother-in-Law his service and therefore doth by the said Commission appoint the Duke of Buckingham to be Admiral Captain-General and Governor of his said Royal Fleet with such Soldiers and Land-forces as shall be conveyed therein for the accomplishment of such execution and employment as they shall be designed unto according to such private Instructions as his Majesty shall give unto the said Duke His Majesty by the said Commission giving to the Duke power to lead and conduct the said Navy and Army and with them to fight against his said Brother-in-law and Sisters enemies or the enemies of the Crown of England and to advance to the Order of Knighthood such persons employed in the Fleet Forces and Supplies as by their Valor Desert and good Service in this Expedition shall be thought fit in his the said Dukes discretion to merit the same and as to the Office of Captain-General doth appertain On the Seven and twentieth of Iune the Duke set fail from Portsmouth in order to the Relief of the Palatinate with the Fleet consisting of One hundred fail of Ships whereof Ten were of the Kings Royal Navy having aboard about Six or seven thousand Land-soldiers and towards the latter end of Iuly he appeared with his Fleet before Rochel who once much longed for their coming but now shut their Gates at their appearance Hereupon the Duke of Sobiez went a shore with Sir William Beecher from the Duke of Buckingham Sir William Beecher being also accompanied with a Letter of Credence from his Majesty of Great Britain they were at last admitted into the Town and the Magistrates called an Assembly and there Sir William Beecher declared unto them That the Duke of Buckingham was come with a great Fleet and Army to their assistance which his Master had sent out of a fellow-feeling of their sufferings and to require from the King of France a performance of the Articles of Peace made by the King of Englands Mediation on the behalf of the Protestants in France And further declared unto them That if they do now refuse to give their assistance by joyning forces with the English he said he would and did protest before God and Man in the name of the King his Master That his said Master was
some of the Bishops that were about London and some Divines and Civilians that by a good presence Causes might be handled for the reputation of the action and willed me therewithal to imitate therein the Lord Archbishop Whitgift who invited weekly some of the Judges to dinner the rather to allure them thither This advice proceeded from the Bishop of Durham that now is which was not ill if it came from a good intention I obeyed it singly and did that which was enjoyned But whereas in those times the Commissioners were but few since that time there hath been such an inundation of all sorts of men into that Company that without proportion both Lords Spiritual and Temporal Commissioners and not Commissioners resorted thither and divers of them brought so many of their men that it was truly a burthen to me I think it may by my Officers be justified upon Oath That since I was Archbishop the thing alone hath cost me out of my private estate One thousand pounds and a half and if I did say Two thousand pounds it were not much amiss besides all the trouble of my Servants who neither directly nor indirectly gained six pence thereby in a whole year but onely travel and pains for their Masters honor and of that they had enough My Houses being like a great Hostry every Thursday in the Term and for my expences no man giving me so much as thanks Now this being the true Case if the Church and Commonwealth be well provided for in the Administration of Justice and regard be had of the Publick can any discreet man think that the removing of me from this molestation is any true punishment upon me I being one that have framed my self to Reality and not to Opinion and growing more and more in years and consequently into weakness having before surfeited so long of worldly shews whereof nothing is truly gained temporally but vexation of spirit I have had enough of these things and do not dote upon them The world I hope hath found me more stayed and reserved in my Courses Nevertheless whatsoever was expedient for this was dispatched by me while I lived at Lambeth and Croyden albeit I went not out of door Yea but you were otherwise inutile not coming to the Star-chamber nor to the Council-Table My pain or weakness by the Gout must excuse me herein When I was younger and had my health I so diligently attended at the Star-chamber that for full seven years I was not one day wanting And for the Council-Table the same reason of my Indisposition may satisfie But there are many other things that do speak for me The greatest matters there handled were for Money or more Attempts of War For the one of these we of the Clergy had done our parts already the Clergy having put themselves into Paiments of Subsidy by an Act of Parliament not only for these two last years when the Temporalty lay in a sort dry but yet there are three years behind in which our Paiments run on with weight enough unto us And no man can justly doubt but my hand was in those Grants in a principal fashion And concerning the Provisions for War I must confess mine ignorance in the Feats thereof I knew not the grounds whereupon the Controversies were entred in general I thought that before Wars were begun there should be store of Treasure That it was not good to fall out with many great Princes at once That the turning of our Forces another way must needs be some diminution from the King of Denmark who was engaged by us into the Quarrel for the Palatinate and Germany and hazarded both his Person and Dominions in the prosecution of the Question These matters I thought upon as one that had sometimes been acquainted with Councils but I kept my thoughts unto my self Again I was never sent for to the Council-Table but I went saving one time when I was so ill that I might not stir abroad Moreover I was sure that there wanted no Councellors at the Board the Number being so much increased as it was Besides I had no great encouragement to thrust my crasie Body abroad since I saw what little esteem was made of me in those things which belonged to mine own Occupation With Bishopricks and Deanries or other Church-Places I was no more acquainted then if I had dwelt at Venice and understood of them but by some Gazette The Duke of Buckingham had the managing of these things as it was generally conceived For what was he not fit to determine in Church or Commonwealth in Court or Council in Peace or War at Land or at Sea at Home or in Foreign parts Montague had put out his Arminian Book I threee times complained of it but he was held up against me and by the Duke magnified as a well-deserving man Cosens put out his Treatise which they commonly call The Seven Sacraments which in the first Edition had many strange things in it as it seemeth I knew nothing of it but as it pleased my Lord of Durham and the Bishop of Bath So the World did read We were wont in the High-Commission to repress obstinate and busie Papists In the end of King Iames his time a Letter was brought me under the Hand and Signet of the King That we must not meddle with any such matter nor exact the Twelve-pence for the Sunday of those which came not to the Church with which Forfeit we never medled And this was told us to be in contemplation of a Marriage intended with the Lady Mary the Daughter of France After the death of King Iames such another Letter was brought from King Charls and all Execution against Papists was suspended But when the Term was at Reading by open divulgation in all Courts under the Great Seal of England We and all Magistrates are set at liberty to do as it was prescribed by Law And now our Pursuvants must have their Warrants again and take all the Priests they can whereof Mr. Cross took fourteen or fifteen in a very short space Not long after all these are set free and Letters come from the King under his Royal Signet That all Warrants must be taken from our Messengers because they spoiled the Catholicks and carried themselves unorderly unto them especially the Bishops Pursuvants Whereas we had in all but two Cross my Messenger for whom I did ever offer to be answerable and Thomlinson for whom my Lord of London I think would do as much But the Caterpillers indeed were the Pursuvants used by the Secretaries men of no value and shifters in the world who had been punished and turned away by us for great misdemeanors But truth of Religion and Gods service was wont to overrule humane Policies and not to be overruled And I am certain that things best prosper where those courses are held But be it what it may be I could not tell what to make of this variation of the Compass since
Protestant League with the Princes on the other part drawing in secret o● State the countenance of France to give the more reputation of assistance to them and security to it self Spain seeing his hopes thus fruitless by these Unions and streights began first to break if he might the Amity of France and England But finding the Common danger to be a fast tie he raiseth up a party in that Kingdom of his own by which the French King was so distressed that had not the English Council assisted and relieved him Spain had there removed that next and greatest Obstacle of his Ambition His Council now tells him from these examples That the way to his great work is impossible so long as England lay a let in his way And adviseth him that the remove of that Obstacle be the first of his intents This drew on those often secret practises against the person of the Queen and his open fury in Eighty Eight against the body of the State which she perceiving following the advice of a free Council would never after admit of a Peace winning thereby the hearts of a loving people who ever found hands and money for all occasions at home and keeping sacredly all her Alliances abroad securing to her Confederates all her time freedom from fear of Spanish slavery and so ended her old and happy days in glory Spain then by the wisdom and power of that great Lady despoiled so of his means to hurt though not of his desires makes up with her Peaceful Successor of happy memory that Golden League That disarming us at home by the opinion of Security and giving them a power in our Councils by believing their Friendships and pretended Marriage gave them way to cherish amongst us a Party of their own and benefit of power abroad to lead in Jealousie and some division between us and our Confederates By which we see they have swallowed up the Fortune of your Majesties Brother's Estate with the rest of the Imperial States distressed the King of Denmark by that quarrel diverted Sweden's assistance by the Wars with the Pole and moving them now with offer of the Danish Crown And now whether from the Plot of our Fatality hath cast such a bone between France and us as hath made themselves by our quarrel of Religion a fast Confederate and us a dangerous Enemy So as now we are left no other assurance against their malice and ambition but the Netherlands where the tie of mutual safety is weakned by daily discontents bred and fed between us by some ill-affected to both our securities that from the doubtfulness of friendship as we now stand we may rather suspect from our own domestick Faction if they grow too furious they will rather follow the example of Rome in her growing that held that equal safety honorable and more easie dare regnum then subjugare provinciam considering the power they have in their hands then to give any friendly assistance to save the present condition of a State You may therefore see in what terms we stand abroad and I fear we are at home for resistance in no better state There must be to withstand a Forein Invasion a proportion both of Sea and Land-Forces For to give an Enemy an easie passage and a Port to relieve him in is no less then to hazard all at one stake And it is to be considered That no March by Land can be of that speed to make head against the landing of an Enemy Then that follows That there is no such prevention as to be Master of the Sea To this point of Necessary Defence there can be no less then Two hundred and forty thousand pounds For the Land-Forces if it were for an Offensive War the men of less livelihood were the best spared and we used formerly to make such War Purgamenta reipub if we made no further purchase by it But for the safety of a Commonwealth the wisdom of all times did never intrust the Publick Cause to any other then to such as had a portion in the Publick Adventure And that we saw in Eighty Eight when the care of the Queen and of the Council did make the body of that large Army no other then of the Trained Bands which with the Auxiliaries of the whole Realm amounted to no less then Twenty four thousand men Neither were any of these drawn from forth their Country and proper habitations before the end of May that they might be no long grievance to the Publick such Discontentments being to us a more fatal Enemy then any Forein forces The careful distributing and directing of their Sea and Land-forces being more fitting for a Council of War then a private man to advise of I pass over yet shall ever be willing and ready when I shall be called humbly to offer up such Observations as I have gathered by the former like occasion in this Realm To make up this Preparation there are requisite two things Money and Affections for they cannot be properly severed It was well and wisely said of that great and grave Councellor the Lord Burleigh in the like case to the late Queen Win hearts and you have their hands and purses And I find that of late Diffidence hath been in the one and hath unhappily prevented the other In gathering then of Money for this present need there are three things requisite Speed Assurance and Satisfaction And the way to gather as in other like cases hath been done must be by the path-way formerly called Via regia being more secure and speedy For by unknown and untrodden ways it is both rough and tedious and never succeedeth well This last way although it took place as it were by a Supply at first and received no general denial yet since it hath drawn many to consult with themselves and others in the consequence as it is now conceived a pressure on their Liberties and against Law I much fear if that now again it be offered either in the same face or by Privy-seal it will be refused wholly Neither find I that the restraint of the Recusants hath produced any other effect then a stiff resolution in themselves and others to forbear Besides although it were at the first with some assurance yet when we consider the Commissions and other forms incident to such like services as that how long it hangs in hand and the many delays that are we may easily see that such a Sum granted by the Parliament is far sooner and easier levied If any will make the succession of times to produce an inevitable necessity to enforce it if denied whether in general by Excise or Imposition or in particular on some select persons which is the custom of some Countries and so conclude it as there for the Publick State suprema lege He must look for this to be told him That seeing Necessity must conclude always to gather Money 't is less speedy or assured then that by a Parliament The sucess
it should be required of them and yet they to suffer all injuries from the hands of strange Souldiers when the meanest boy in the Island is taught to mannage Arms better then the best of them that are there billetted No but they would rather have thought it discretion upon the return of those voyages to have caused the men to repair to the place where they were pressed and to have ordered that each Parish should have set them on work for their maintenance with command to be ready upon warning to repair to the place of Rendezvous There is no place or part in England so remote from the Sea but they might have resorted to the Port assigned before the Ships could be furnished or drawn together They would have thought it more wisdom to have retired to their own Harbors and to have had their men discharged then to have continued this needless and expencefull course that is taken They would have judged it better to have supplied the Isle of Weight with Two thousand men out of the main Land when they feared any evil to the Island then to send for them out of Scotland and to keep them in continual entertainment They would have thought it more fit to have returned the barbarous Irish into the Country from whence they came then to make them a vexation to the places and parts where they remain seeing no shadow of reason can be pretended for it England wants no men and hath as good and able men as either of the other two Nations if his Majesty had occasion to use them England with small charge can raise what men his Majesty pleaseth to command and that suddenly and discharge them again without trouble or charge as quickly The wise men of England would have thought Two or three hundred thousand pounds better spared then thus wastfully consumed and disorders committed we may compute it to that sum and yet keep our selves within compass And notwithstanding the want of Money and the wayes to exact it of the Subject is all the Song now sung He that sees and complains of the evil mannaging of things is either imprisoned banished the Court or censured for a Discontent There is no Englishman but knoweth the heart of every other true heated Englishman and with one consent will all obey our Prince and to his person we owe all due reverence and we may truely say no King is more happy in Subjects for their love nor no Subjects readier to serve their King with their purses and persons nor never people was better blest with a King who is endued with all kinde of vertues and stained with no manner of vice False Informers and Misguiders of good Kings are much more perilous then if Princes themselves were evil for commonly as worms breed soonest in soft and sweet wood so are the best natures inclined to Honor and Justice soonest abused by false Flatterers The evil they commit under the Authority of good Princes is accounted as done by the Prince himself but commonly such people in the end pay for it for he that desires not to do good cannot be wise but will fall into Four thousand Follies One of the first Propositions made to the House will be for Money to support his Majesties vast expence at this time that the Enemy threatens thunder against the Kingdom Your often alarms upon such pretences may make you now too secure for true it is that the last Parliament books were published of invincible Preparations intended against us and nothing came of it But beware you be not deceived by an old saying That when one usually tells lyes he is not trusted when he speaks truth for certainly the danger is much more then by the power and greatness of another Enemy In this case you must give for your own sakes that so you may be sure to enjoy what is yours for your Soveraigns sake to maintain his greatness and state and for your Countries sake to keep it from oppression of the Enemy but withall you ought to lay down the condition of the Kingdom and to shew that your necessity cannot run paralel with your hearts and your desires that your mindes will be carried with a willingness to give but your hands will keep back your hearts for want of ability to give Themistocles demanding Tribute of the Athenians told them he brought two Gods with him that is to say Perswasion and Violence They answered that they had two other Gods in their Country both great and powerfull which were Poverty and Impossibility which hindred them from giving We may truely say that God hath so placed and seated this Isle of England that nothing but evil counsel can hurt it But true it is advice that is not warranted from wise men may prove more forcible and perilous then the power of an Enemy The Scripture telleth us that the thought perisheth that taketh not counsel A King of the Lacedemonians asked how a Kingdom might ever stand and was answered two wayes if a King take counsel of wise honest men and they speak freely and do Justice uprightly There was never Censor that judged Senator that ordered Emperor that commanded Council that executed Orator that perswaded nor any other mortal man but sometimes he committed Errors and deserved either blame or punishment for his misdoings and if he were wise desired advice what to do St Gregory saith No man can give so faithfull counsel as he who loves one more then his gifts Then who are or can be so true Councellors to our Noble King as a House of Commons that hath no relation to a Kings gift but only to his Honor flourishing estate and safety This is the time to amend evil Counsels past and to let evil Councellors see their Errors This is the time for all men to put to their helps some with their hands to fight others with their advice to counsel And for my Advice this it is That you present to his Majesty in all humbleness your willing mindes and hearts to repair and fit to Sea his Majesties Navy your selves to have power to make them able and serviceable with the advice of experienced men that you may call unto you This is a matter of great importance at this present for the safety of King Realm and Subject for the strength of the Kingdom much depends upon this Bulwark which we may well term The Walls of England His Majesty shall finde himself much eased by it Businesses shall be carried without his trouble or care Money shall not be sought for to that end but provided by you his Majesty may dispose of the rest of his Revenue at his pleasure By your frugality and husbandry his Majesty shall have occasion to judge of things past of yours in present and hereafter it will serve for a President to walk after it will stop the mouthes of Malignant tongues that inform his Majesty of the unwillingness of the Subject to give and it will make it
lege regerentur And though the Book of Litchfield speaking of the times of the Danes says then Ius sopitum erat in regno leges consuetudines sopitae sunt and prava voluntas vis violentia magis regnabant quam Judicia vel Justitia yet by the blessing of God a good King Edward commonly called St. Edward did awaken those Laws and as the old words are Excitatas reparavit reparatas decoravit decoratas confirmavit which Confirmavit shews that good King Edward did not give those Laws which William the Conqueror and all his Successors since that time have sworn unto And here my Lords by many Cases frequent in our modern Laws strongly concurring with those of the ancient Saxon Kings I might if time were not more precious demonstrate that our Laws and Customs were the same I will onely intreat your Lordships leave to tell you That as we have now even in those Saxon times they had their Court Barons and Court Leets and Sheriffs Courts by which as Tacitus says of the Germanes their Ancestors Iura reddebant per pagos vicos and I do believe as we have now they had their Parliaments where new Laws were made cum consensu Praelatorum Magnatum totius Communitatis or as another writes cum consilio Praelatorum Nobilium sapientium L●icorum I will add nothing out of Glanvile that wrote in the time of Hen. 2. or Bracton that writ in the days of Hen. 3. onely give me leave to cite that of Fortescue the learned Chancellor to Hen. 6. who writing of this Kingdom says Regnum istud moribus nationum regum temporibus eisdem quibus nunc regitur legibus consuetudinibus regebatur But my good Lords as the Poet said of Fame I may say of our Common Law Ingrediturque solo caput inter nubila condit Wherefore the cloudy part being mine I will make haste to open way for your Lordships to hear more certain Arguments and such as go on more sure grounds Be pleased then to know that it is an undoubted and fundamental Point of this so ancient Common Law of England That the Subject hath a true property in his goods and possessions which doth preserve as sacred that meum tuum that is the nurse of Industry and mother of Courage and without which there can be no Justice of which meum tuum is the proper object But the undoubted Birthright of true Subjects hath lately not a little been invaded and prejudiced by pressures the more grievous because they have been pursued by imprisonment contrary to the Franchises of this Land and when according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm redress hath been sought for in a legal way by demanding Habeas Corpus from the Judges and a discharge by trial according to the Law of the Land success hath failed that now inforceth the Commons in this present Parliament assembled to examine by Acts of Parliament Precedents and Reasons the truth of the English Subjects liberty which I shall leave to learned Gentlemen to argue NExt after Sir Dudly Diggs spake Mr. Ed Littleton of the Inner-Temple That their Lordships have heard that the Commons have taken into consideration the matter of personal Liberty and after long debate thereof they have upon a full search and clear understanding of all things pertinent to the question unanimously declared That no Freeman ought to be committed or restrained in Prison by the command of the King or Privy Councel or any other unless some cause of the commitment detainer or restraint be expressed for which by Law he ought to be committed detained or restrained And they have sent me with other of their Members to represent unto your Lordships the true grounds of their resolution and have charged me particularly leaving the reasons of Law and Precedents for others to give your Lordships satisfaction that this Liberty is established and confirmed by the whole State the King the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons by several Acts of Parliament the Authority whereof is so great that it can receive no Answer save by Interpretation or Repeal by future Statutes And these I shall minde your Lordships of are so direct in the point that they can bear no other exposition at all and sure I am they are still in force The first of them is the grand Charter of the Liberties of England first granted in the 17th year of King Iohn and renewed in the 9 t● year of Hen. 3. and since confirmed in Parliament above 30. times the words there are Chap. 29. Nullus liber homo capiatur vel imprisonetur aut disseisietur de libero tenemento suo vel liberis consuetudinibus suis aut utlagetur aut exuletur aut aliquo modo destruatar nec super eum ibimus nec eum mittemus nisi per legale judicium Parium suorum vel per legem terrae He then proceeded to open and argued learnedly upon the several Particulars in the last recited Clause of Magna Charta and further shewed That no invasion was made upon this personal Liberty till the time of King Ed. 3. which was soon resented by the Subject for in the 5. Ed. 3. Chap. 9. it is enacted That no man from henceforth shall be attached on any occasion nor fore-judged of Life or Limb nor his Lands Tenements Goods nor Chattels seised into the Kings hands against the Form of the great Charter and the Law of the Land and 25 Edw. 3. Chap. 4. it is more full and doth expound the words of the grand Charter which is thus Whereas it is contained in the grand Charter of the Franchises of England that none shall be Imprisoned nor put out of his Freehold nor free Custom unless it be by the Law of the Land it is awarded assented and established That from henceforth none shall be taken by Petition or suggestion made to our Lord the King or to his Councel unless it be by Indictment or Presentment of his good and lawful People of the the same neighborhood which such Deed shall be done in due maner or by process made by W●it original at the common Law nor that none be outed of his Franchises nor Office Freehold unless it be duly brought in Answer and fore-judged of the same by the course of the Law and that if any thing be done against the same it shall be redressed and holden for none and 28 Ed. 3. Chap. 3. it is more direct this Liberty being followed with fresh suit by the Subject where the words are not many but very full and significant That no man of what state and condition he be shall be put out of his Lands nor Tenements nor taken nor imprisoned nor disinherited nor put to death without it be brought in Answer by due process of the Law Several other Statutes were cited by him in confirmation of this point of the Liberty of the Subject The Kings Councel afterward made Objections to the said Argument
That the free Subjects of this Realm ought not to be imprisoned without cause shewed But by this Clause a Soveraign Power will be admitted and left intire to his Majesty sufficient to control the force of Law and to bring in this new and dangerous Interpretation That the free Subjects of this Realm ought not by Law to be imprisoned without cause shewed unless it be by Soveraign Power In a word this Clause if it should be admitted would take away the effect of every part of the Petition and become destructive to the whole for thence will be the Exposition touching the Billeting of Soldiers and Mariners in free mens houses against their wills and thence will be the Exposition touching the Times and Places for execution of the Law Marshal contrary to the Laws and Statutes of the Realm The scope of this Petition as I have before observed is not to amend our Case but to restore us to the same state we were in before whereas if this Clause be received in stead of mending the condition of the poor Subjects whose Liberties of late have been miserably violated by some Ministers we shall leave them worse then we found them in stead of curing their wounds we shall make them deeper We have set bounds to our desires in this great Business whereof one is not to diminish the Prerogative of the King by mounting too high and if we bound our selves on the other side with this limit not to abridge the lawful Priviledges of the Subject by descending beneath that which is meet no man we hope can blame us My Lords as there is mention made in the additional Clause of Soveraign Power so is there likewise of a trust reposed in his Majesty touching the use of Soveraign Power The word Trust is of great Latitude and large extent and therefore ought to be well and warily applied and restrained especially in the Case of a King There is a trust inseparably reposed in the Persons of the Kings of England but that trust is regulated by Law for example when Statutes are made to prohibite things not mala in se but onely mala quia prohibita under certain forfeitures and penalties to accrue to the King and to the Informers that shall sue for the breach of them The Commons must and ever will acknowledge a Regal and Soveraign Prerogative in the King touching such Statutes that it is in his Majesties absolute and undoubted Power to grant Dispensations to particular persons with the Clauses of Non obstante to do as they might have done before those Statutes wherein his Majesty conferring grace and favour upon some doth not do wrong to others but there is a difference between those Statutes and the Laws and Statutes whereon the Petition is grounded by those Statutes the Subject hath no interest in the penalties which are all the fruit such Statutes can produce until by Suit or Information commenced he become intituled to the particular forfeitures whereas the Laws and Statutes mentioned in our Petition are of another nature there shall your Lordships finde us to rely upon the good old Statute called Magna Charta which declareth and confirmeth the ancicient Common Laws of the Liberties of England There shall your Lordships also finde us also to insist upon divers other most material Statutes made in the time of King E. 4. and E. 3. and other famous Kings for explanation and ratification of the Lawful Rights and Priviledges belonging to the Subjects of this Realm Laws not inflicting Penalties upon Offenders in malis prohibitis but Laws declarative or positive conferring or confirming ipso facto an inherent Right and Interest of Liberty and Freedom in the Subjects of this Realm as their Birthrights and Inheritance descendable to their Heirs and Posterity Statutes incorporate into the Body of the Common Law over which with reverence be it spoken there is no Trust reposed in the Kings Soveraign Power or Prerogative Royal to enable him to dispense with them or to take from his Subjects that Birthright or Inheritance which they have in their Liberties by vertue of the Common Law and of these Statutes But if this Clause be added to our Petition we shall then make a dangerous overture to confound this good destination touching what Statutes the King is trusted to controll by dispensations and what not and shall give an intimation to posterity as if it were the opinion both of the Lords and Commons assembled in this Parliament that there is a Trust reposed in the King to lay aside by his Soveraign Power in some amergent cases as well of the Common Law and such Statutes as declare or ratifie the Subjects Liberty or confer Interest upon their persons as those other Penal Statutes of such nature as I have mentioned before which as we can by no means admit so we believe assuredly that it is far from the desire of our most Gracious Soveraign to affect so vast a Trust which being transmitted to a Successor of a different temper might enable him to alter the whole frame and fabrick of the Commonwealth and to dissolve that Government whereby his Kingdom hath flourished for so many years and ages under his Majesties most Royal Ancestors and predecessors Our next Reason is That we hold it contrary to all course of Parliament and absolutely repugnant to the very nature of a Petition of Right consisting of particulars as ours doth to clog it with a general Saving or Declaration to the weakning of the Right demanded and we are bold to renew with some confidence our Allegation that there can be no Precedent shewed of any such Clause in any such Petitions in times past I shall insist the longer upon this particular and labour the more carefully to clear it because your Lordships were pleased the last day to urge against us the Statutes of 25 and 28 of E. 1. as arguments to prove the contrary and seemed not to be satisfied with that which in this point we had affirmed True it is that in those Statutes there are such Savings as your Lordships have observed but I shall offer you a clear Answer to them and to all other Savings of like nature that can be found in any Statutes whatsoever First in the general and then I shall apply particular Answers to the particulars of those two Statutes whereby it will be most evident that those examples can no ways sute with the matter now in hand To this end it will be necessary that we consider duely what that question is which indeed concerneth a Petition and not an Act of Parliament This being well observed by shewing unto your Lordships the difference between a Petition for the Law and the Law ordained upon such a Petition and opening truly and perspicuously the course that was holden in framing of Statutes before 2 H. 5. different from that which ever since then hath been used and is still in use amongst us and by noting the times wherein these Statutes
meanings Touching which it was observed that most of his places are such as were intended by the Authors concerning absolute Monarchies not regulated by Laws or Contracts betwixt the King and his People and in answer to all Authorities of this kinde were alledged certain passages of a Speech from our late Soveraign King Iames to ●he Lords and Commons in Parliament 1609. In these our times we are to distinguish betwixt the state of Kings in their first original and between the state of setled Kings and Monarchs that do at this time govern in Civil Kingdoms c. Every just King in a setled Kingdom is bound to observe the paction made to his People by his Laws in framing his Government agreeable thereunto c. All Kings that are not Tyrants or perjured will be glad to bound themselves within the limits of their Laws and they that perswade them to the contrary are Vipers and Pests both against them and the Commonwealth It was secondly observed that in the 27. page of his first Sermon he cites these words out of Suarez de legibus lib. 5. cap. 17. Acceptationem populi non esse conditionem necessariam ex vi Iuris naturalis aut gentium neque ex Iure communi the Jesuit adds neque ex antiquo Jure Hispaniae which words are left our by the Doctor lest the Reader might be invited to enquire what was antiqu●m jus Hispaniae and it might have been learned from the same Author in another place of that Work that about two hundred years since this liberty was granted to the People by one of the Kings that no Tribute should be imposed without their consent And the Author adds further that after the Law introduced and confirmed by Custome the King is bound to observe it From this place he took occasion to make this short digression That the Kings of Spain being powerful and wise Princes would never have parted with such a mark of absolute Royalty if they had not found in this course more advantage then in the other and the success and prosperity of that Kingdom through the valor and industry of the Spanish Nation so much advanced since that time do manifest the wisedom of that change The third observation of fraud in perverting his Authors was this In the twentieth Page of the first Sermon he cites these words out of the same Suarez de legibus li. 5. ca. 15. fol. 300. Tributa esse maximè naturalia prae se ferre Justitiam quia exiguntur de rebus propriis This he produceth in proof of the just right of Kings to lay Tributes And no man that reads it doubts but that in Suarez opinion the Kings Interest and Propriety in the Goods of his Subjects is the ground of that Justice But the truth is that Suarez in that Chapter had distributed Tributes into divers kinds of which he calls one sort tributum reale and describes it thus Solent ita vocari pensiones quaedam quae penduntur regibus principibus exteris agris quae a principio ad sustentationem illis applicata fuerunt ipsi vero in feodum aliis ea donarunt sub certa pensione annua quae jure civili Canon appellari solet quia certa regula lege praescripta erat So that the issue is this which Suarez affirms for justification of one kinde of Tribute which is no more then a Fee farm of rent due by reservation in the grant of Kings own lands the Doctor herein worse then a Jesuit doth wrest to the justification of all kinds of Tribute exacted by Imposition upon the goods of the Subjects wherein the King had no interest or propriety at all 4. The last aggravation was drawn from his behaviour since these Sermons preached whereby he did continue still to multiply and increase his offence yea even since the sitting of the Parliament and his being questioned in Parliament upon the fourth of May last he was so bold as to publish the same doctrine in his own parish Church of St. Giles the points of which Sermons were these That the King had right to order all as to him should seem good without any mans consent That the King might require in time of necessity Aid and if the Subjects did not supply the King might justly avenge it That the Propriety of Estate and Goods was ordinarily in the Subject but extraordinarily that is in case of the Kings need the King hath right to dispose them These Assertions in that Sermon he said would be proved by very good testimony and therefore desired the Lords that it might be carefully examined because the Commons held it to be a great contempt to the Parliament for him to maintain that so publikely which was here questioned They held it a great presumption for a private Divine to debate the Right and Power of the King which is a matter of such a nature as to be handled only in this High Court and that with moderation and tenderness and so he concluded that point of aggravation In the last place he produced some such precedents as might testifie what the opinion of our Ancestors would have been if this case had fallen out in their time And herein he said he would confine himself to the reigns of the first three Edwards two of them Princes of great glory He began with the eldest Westm. 1. Ca. 33. By this Statute 3. Edw. 1. provision was made against those who should tell any false News or devise by which any discord or scandal may arise betwixt the King his People and great Men of the Kingdom 27. Edw. 3. Rot. part nu 20. It was declared by the Kings Proclamation sent into all the Counties of England That they that reported that he would not observe the Great Charter were malitious people who desired to put trouble and debate betwixt the King and his Subjects and to disturb the peace and good estate of the King the People and the Realm 5. Edw. 2. Inter novas ordinationes Henry de Beamond for giving the King ill Counsel against his Oath was put from the Councel and restrained for coming into the presence of the King under pain of confiscation and banishment 19. Edw. 2. Clause Minidors Commissions were granted to inquire upon the Statute of W. 1. touching the spreading of News whereby discord and scandal might grow betwixt the King and his People 10. Edw. 3. Clause M. 26. Proclamations went out to arrest all them who had presumed to report that the King would lay upon the Wools certain sums besides the antient and due Customes where the King calls these reports exquisita mendacia c. quae non tantum in publicam laesionem sed in nostrum cedunt damnum dedecus manifestum 12. Edw. 3. Rot. Almaniae The King writes to the Archbishop of Canterbury excusing himself for some impositions which he had ●aid professeth his great sorrow for it desires the Archbishop by Indulgences and other ways to stir up the
well-beloved Sir VVilliam Balfoure Knight and Iohn Dolbier Esquire or either of them for levying and providing certain numbers of Horses with Armes for Horse and Foot to be brought over into this Kingdome for our service viz. for the levying and transporting of one thousand Horse fifteen thousand pounds for five thousand Muskets five thousand Corslets and five thousand Pikes ten thousand five hundred pounds and for one thousand Curaseers compleat two hundred Corslets and Carbines four thousand five hundred pounds amounting in the whole to the said summe of thirty thousand pounds And this our letter shall be your sufficient warrant and discharge in this behalf Given under our Privy Seal at our Palace of Westminster the 30th of Ianuary in the third year of our Reign Iune the seventh the King came to the Lords House and the House of Commons were sent for And the Lord Keeper presented the humble Petition of both Houses and said MAy it please your most excellent Majesty the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled taking into consideration that the good intelligence between your Majesty and your people doth much depend upon your Majesties answer unto their Petition of Right formerly presented With unanimous consent do now become most humble Suitors unto your Majesty that you would be pleased to give a clear and satisfactory answer thereunto in full Parliament Whereunto the King replyed The answer I have already given you was made with so good deliberation and approved by the judgements of so many wise men that I could not have imagined but it should have given you full satisfaction But to avoid all ambiguous interpretations and to shew you there is no doublenesse in my meaning I am willing to pleasure you as well in words as in substance read your Petition and you shall have an answer that I am sure will please you The Petition was read and this answer was returned Soit droit fait come il est desire C. R. This I am sure said his Majesty is full yet no more then I granted you in my first Answer for the meaning of that was to confirm your liberties knowing according to your own Protestations that ye neither meane nor can hurt my Prerogative And I assure you my Maxime is That the Peoples Liberties strengthen the Kings Prerogative and the Kings Prerogative is to defend the Peoples Liberties You see how ready I have shewed my self to satisfie your demands so that I have done my part Wherefore if this Parliament have not a happy conclusion the sin is yours I am free from it Whereupon the Commons returned to their own House with unspeakable joy and resolved so to proceed as to expresse their thankfulnesse and now frequent mention was made of proceeding with the Bill of subsidies of sending the Bills which were ready to the Lords of perfecting the Bill of Tunnage and Poundage and Sir Iohn Strange●●ies also expressed his joy at the answer and further added Let us perfect our Remonstrance King Iames was wont to say He kn●w that by Parliaments which otherwise he could never have known After the granting of the Petition of Right the House ordered that the Grand Committees for Religion Trade Grievances and Courts of Justice to sit no longer but that the House proceed only in the consideration of Grievances of most moment And first they fell upon the Commission for Excise and sent to the Lord Keeper for the same who returned answer that he received Warrant at the Councel Table for the sealing thereof and when it was Sealed he carried it back to the Councel Table The Commission being sent it was read in the House viz. CHarles By the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To Sir Thomas Coventry Knight Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England To James Earl of Malburg Lord High Treasurer or England Henry Earl of Manchester Lord President of our Councel Edward Earl of Worcester Lord Keeper of our Privy Seal George Duke of Buckingham Lord high Admiral of England William E. of Pembrook Lord Steward of Our Houshold Philip Earl of Mountgomery Lord Chamberlain of Our Houshold Theophilus Earl of Suffolk Edward Earl of Dorset William Earl of Salisbury Thomas Earl of Exeter John Earl of Bridgwater James Earl of Carlisle Henry Earl of Holland William Earl of Denbigh George Earl of Totnes Sir George Hay Kt. Lord Chancellor of Scotland William Earl of Morton Thomas Earl of Kelley Thomas Earl of Mellers Edward Uiscount Conway one of our principal Secretaries of State Edward Uiscount Wimbleton Oliver Uiscount Grandison Henry Falkland Lord Deputy of Ireland To the Lord Bp. of Winchester Wil. Lord Bp. of Bath and Wells Fulk Lo. Brook Dudley Ash Lord Carlton Uice Chamberlain of Our Houshold Sir Thomas Edmonds Treasurer of our Houshold Sir John Savil Controler of Our Houshold Sir Robert Nanton Master of the Court of Wards Sir John Cook one of the principal Secretaries of State Sir Richard Weston Chancellour and under Treasurer of our Exchequer Julius Caesar Master of the Rolls and Sir Humphrey May Kt. Chancellour of Our Dutchy of Lancaster Greeting Whereas the pres●nt Conjuncture of the general affairs of Christendom and our own particular interest in giving assistance unto our oppressed Allies and for providing for the defence and safety of our own Dominions and People do call upon Us to neglect nothing that may conduce to those good ends And because Monies the principal sin●ws of War and one of the first and chiefest movers in all great Preparations and Actions are necessary to be provided in the first place and We are carefull the same may be raised by such ways as may best stand with the State of Our Kingdoms and Subjects and yet may answer the pressing occasions of the present times We therefore out of the experience We have had and for the trust we repose in your wisdoms fidelities and dutifull care of your service And for the experience we have of all great Causes concerning us and our State both as they have relation to Foraine parts abroad and as to our Common-wealth and People at home Ye being persons called by us to be of Our Privy Councel have thought sit amongst those great and important matters which so much concern us in the first and chiefest place to recommend this to your special care and diligence And we do hereby authorise and appoint and strictly will and require you that speedily and seriously you enter into consideration of all the best and speediest ways and means ye can for raising of Monies for the most Important occasions aforesaid UUhich without extreamest hazard to Us our Dominions and People and to our Friends and Allies can admit of no long delay the same to be done by Impositions or oth●rwise as in your wisdoms and best Iudgments ye shall find to be most convenient in a case of this inevitable necessity wherein Form ●nd
of the Church he would take away occasion by commanding all persons that had any of those Books in their hands to deliver them to the Bishop of the Diocesse or if it be in either Universities to the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor thereof who were commanded to suppresse them And if any by preaching reading or making of Books pro and contra concerning those unnecessary questions shall revive the difference he was resolved to take such order with them and those Books as they shall wish they had never thought upon those needlesse Controversies But ere this Proclamation was published the Books were for the most part vented and out of danger of seasure and the suppressing of all writing and preaching in Answer thereunto was it seems by some the thing mainly intended for the several answers made by Doctor Featly and Doctor Goad in their parallels by Master Burton Master VVard Master Yates Master VVotton as also by Francis Rows Esq in a Book called King Iames his Religion were all suppressed and divers of the Printers questioned in the high Commission Moreover Bishop Montague and Doctor Manwaring procured a Royal pardon of all Errors heretofore committed by them either in speaking writing or printing for which they might be hereafter questioned And Doctor Manwaring censured by the Lords in Parliament and perpetually disabled from future Ecclesiastical preferments in the Church of England was immediately presented to the Rectory of Stamford-Rivers in Essex and had a dispensation to hold it together with the Rectory of St. Giles in the fields The Town of Rochel was at this time straitly beleagured by the French King and the King of England had prepared a Fleet to relieve it under the Command of the Duke of Buckingham who being advanced as farre as Portsmouth on Saturday August 23. being Bartholomew Eve was suddenly slain in his own Lodgings there by one Leivtenant Felton about nine in the morning who with one blow having got a knife for the purpose struck the Duke under the left rib and up into the heart leaving the knife in his body and got away undiscovered In the fall to the ground the Duke was heard to say The villaine hath killed me Company coming presently in found him weltring in his blood and each person looking upon another marvelled who should do so horrid an act a jealousie was presently had of Monsieur Sobeez who was then there labouring for speedy relief to be sent to Rochel but he protesting his innocency Felton immediately stept out and said I am the man that did the deed let no man suffer that is innocent whereupon he was immediately apprehended sent to London and there imprisoned The King was within four miles of Portsmouth when the news was brought him of the death of the Duke he bid secure the murderer and Bishop Laud had advertisement of his death the 24th of August being then at Croiden with Bishop Neal and other Bishops consecrating Bishop Montague for Chichester Notwithstanding the death of the Duke the King pursued the design of relieving Rochel and again set out a Fleet with provision and fire-ships to put relief into the Town the Fleet went from Plymouth the beginning of September did several times attempt the Barricado but in vaine and so was enforced to give over any further attempt which the Rochellers perceiving gave themselves for lost and immediately came to a capitulation upon very mean tearmes as to themselves yet Lowes King of France was careful by Articles had they been performed that those outrages should not be committed upon the entry of the Town which the few remaining inhabitants were much afraid of and afterwards felt and so mixt mercy with his conquest yet presently after high outrages were committed and great was the persecution of the Reformed Churches which constrained them again to send to the King of England to implore aid with these expressions that what they writ was with their teares and their blood but the treaty being shortly after made between the two Crowns all things were setled in peace between the King and those of the reformed Religion Concerning the state of Rochel at the surrender we have seen a Relation to this purpose that the misery of the besieged was almost incredible having lived long upon Horse-flesh Hides and Leather Dogs and Cats hardly leaving a Horse alive still in hopes that the relief promised from England would prove effectual to them they held it so long till they were but about four thousand left alive of fifteen thousand souls most of them died with famine and when they begun to be pinched with the extremity of hunger they died so fast that they usually carried their Coffins into the Church-yard and other places and there laid themselves in and died great numbers of them being unburied when the forces of the King of France entred the Town and many corps eaten with Vermin Ravens and Birds The Fleet which thus put to sea for the Relief of Rochel was defective both in victuals which was tainted and in tackling and other materials insomuch as at the return thereof information being given to the King and Council of divers defaults and defects in the said ships victuals and provision of this and the former expedition to Rochel and in the discipline and performance of Commands and resolutions taken in that action to the great prejudice of the service it was ordered that the Earls of Denbigh Linsey and Morton and the Lord Wilmott and Master Secretary Cook should forthwith meet together and consider of the Relation made by the Earl of Linsey and inform themselves of defaults in the particulars before mentioned and make report thereof to the Board The Scots under the command of the Earl Morton and some Irish also were sent to quarter in the Isle of VVeight which Island was unacquainted with the quartering of Forreigners In Essex many robberies and outrages w●re committed by the Souldiers then returned from Sea Whereupon the Privy Councellors required the Justices of Peace in that County to choose a Provost Marshal for the apprehending of all such as wandred up and down the Country or behaved themselves dissorderly that they might be punished according to Law and to cause strong guards and watches to be kept in all passages And upon advertisement of some hostile preparations from forraign enemies the Privy Councel taking care for securing the coasts in Kent Sussex Hampshire Dorcetshire and Devonshire renued their directions to the Lords of those Counties for the careful watching of Beacons c. About the time the Fleet went last to the relief of Rochel the King being solicited by the Ambassadours of the King of Denmark and the united Provinces to send shipping to secure the Elbe and men for the defence of Lackstat resolved upon the sending of five Ships accordingly but first to dispatch the men for the relief of the Town the preservation whereof did mainly impart
the security of the River wherefore the Regiments then remaining in several of the States Garrison Towns which were reformed out of four Regiments under the Command of Sir Charles Morgan and supposed to consist of two thousand men were designed for this employment But in regard that by the capitulations at the rendring of Stoade these souldiers were first to touch in England before they could engage in War against the Emperour they were appointed to come to Harwitch and to saile thence to Luck●●a● under the command of their former General and by reason of the absence of the English Fleet upon the service of Rotchel the States and the Prince of Orange were desired to accommodate them with Ships of convoy in crossing the Seas But a while after the King considering that the six months wherein that Regiment was bound not to serve against the Emperour were near expiring and the Winter approaching which by foul weather and contrary winds might expose both men and Ships to great danger in their crossing the Seas to England and cause unnecessary charge commanded Sir Charles Morgan to forbear to touch at Harwitch but to shape his course by the nearest straightest way from Holland to Luckstat and to stay at the place of imbarquing so many days as with the time which will be taken up in their passage may accomplish the full six months Moreover these Reformed Regiments brought from Stoade being found upon their mustering fourteen hundred the King made a supply of six hundred more by borrowing six or eight men out of every Company serving in the States pay under the conduct of the Lord Vere the season of the year not permitting to rely upon new recruits from England for which he engaged his royal word to the States and the Prince of Orange that for every man they lent him he would send them two as soon as his forces return from Rochel Touching the Horse levied in Germany and intended as was said to be transported into England about the last Session of Parliament the Privy Councel now wrote to Dalbeere upon certain overtures made by the King of Sweden and the Duke of Savoy to receive them into their pay and service that he might dispose of the said Cavalry to those Princes being his Majesties friends and Allies with condition that his Majesty be no further charged with their pay transportation or entertainment in any manner whatsoever After the death of the Duke the King seemed to take none to favour so much as Dr. Laud Bishop of London to whom he sent many gracious messages and also writ unto him with his own hand the which contained much grace and favour and immediately afterwards none became so intimate with his Majesty as the said Bishop BY Orders from the Bishop there were then entred in the Docket Book several Conge D'esliers and Royal assents for Dr. May to be Bishop of Bath and Wells for Doctor Corbet to be Bishop of Oxford and for Samuel Harsenet then Bishop of Norwitch to be Arch-Bishop of York In the University of Oxford Bishop Laud bore the sway The Lord Chancellour VVilliam Earl of Pembrook commiting his power into his hands And this year he framed the Statutes for the reducing and limiting the free Election of Proctors which before as himself said were Factious and Tumultuary to the several Colledges by course The meeting of the Parliament appointed to be the 20. of Octob. was by Proclamation the first day of that moneth Prorogued to the 20. of Ianu. following VVhilst Felton remained a Prisoner at London great was the resort of people to see the man who had committed so bold a murder others came to understand what were the Motives and Inducements thereunto to which the man for the most part answered That he did acknowledge the Fact and condemned himself for the doing thereof Yet withall confessed he had long looked upon the Duke as an evil Instrument in the Common-wealth and that he was convinced thereof by the Remonstrance of Parliament VVhich considerations together with the instigation of the Evil One who is always ready to put sinfull motions into speedy Actions induced him to do that which he did He was a person of a little Stature of a stout and revengeful spirit who having once received an injury from a Gentleman he cut off a piece of his little finger and sent it with a challenge to the Gentleman to fight with him thereby to let him know that he valued not the exposing of his whole body to hazard so he might but have an opportunity to be revenged Afterwards Felton was called before the Councel where he confessed much of what is before mentioned concerning his Inducement to the Murder the Councel much pressed him to confesse who set him on work to do such a bloody act and if the Puritans had no hand therein he denyed they had and so he did to the last that no person whatsoever knew any thing of his intentions or purpose to kill the Duke that he revealed it to none living Dr. Laud Bishop of London being then at the Councel Table told him if he would not confess he must go to the rack Felton replyed if it must be so he could not tell whom he might nominate in the extremity of torture and if what he should say then must go for truth he could not tell whether his Lordship meaning the Bishop of London or which of their Lordships he might name for torture might draw unexpected things from him after this he was asked no more questions but sent back to prison The Council then fell into Debate whether by the Law of the Land they could justifie the putting him to the Rack The King being at Councel said before any such thing be done let the advice or the Judges be had therein whether it be Legal or no and afterwards his Majesty the 13. of Novemb. 4. Car. propounded the question to Sr. Tho. Richardson Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas to be propounded to all the Justices Viz. Felton now a prisoner in the Tower having confessed that he had killed the Duke of Buckingham and said he was induced to this partly for private displeasure and partly by reason of a Remonstrance in Parliament having also read some Books which he said defended that it was lawful to kill an Enemy to the Republique the question therefore is whether by the Law he might not be Racked and whether there were any Law against it for said the King if it might be done by Law he would not use his Prerogative in this Point and having put this Question to the Lord chief Justice the King commanded him to demand the resolution of all the Judges First the Justices of Serjeants Inn in Chancery Lane did meet and agree that the King may not in this case put the party to the Rack And the fourteenth of November all the Justices being assembled at Serjeants Inn in Fleetstreet
for a word and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate and turn aside the just for a thing of nought Blame not before thou have examined the truth understand first and then rebuke answer not before thou hast heard the cause neither interrupt men in the midst of their talk Doth our Law judge any man before it hear him and know what he doth King Agrippa said unto Paul Thou art permitted to speak for thy self Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of the poor in his cause thou shalt not respect persons neither take a gift for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wise and pervert the eyes of the righteous Woe to them that devise iniquity because it is in the power of their hand and they covet fields and take them by violence and houses and take them away so they oppress a man and his house even a man and his heritage Thus saith the Lord God Let it suffice you O Princes of Israel remove violence and spoyl and execute judgment and justice take away your exactions from my people saith the Lord God If thou seest the oppression of the Poor and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a Province marvel not at the matter for he that is higher then the highest regardeth and there be higher then they Per me Richard Chambers Afterwards in the Term of Trinity the 5 yeer of King Charls it is found in the great Roll of this year that there is demanded there of Richard Chambers of London Merchant 2000 l. for a certain fine imposed on him hither sent by vertue of a writ of our said Lord the King under the foot of the great Seal of England directed to the Treasurer and Barons of this Exchequer for making execution thereof to the use of the said Lord the King as is there contained and now that is to say in the Utas of the Blessed Trinity this Term comes the said Richard Chambers in his own proper person and demands Oyer of the demand aforesaid and it is read unto him and he demands Oyer also of the Writ aforesaid under the foot of the Great Seal of England hither sent and it is read unto him in these words CHarls by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To his Treasurer and Barons of his Exchequer health The extret of certain fines taxed and adjudged by Us and our said Council in our said Council in Our Court of Star-Chamber in the Term of St Michael the Term of St. Hillary and the Term of Easter last past upon Thomas Barns of the Parish of St. Clements Danes in the County of Middlesex Carpenter and others severally and dividedly as they be there severally assessed We send unto you included in these presents commanding that looking into them you do that which by Law you ought to do against them for the levying of those fines Witness our Self at Westminster the 21 of May in the yeer of Our Reign the 5 Mutas And the tenor of the Schedule to the said Writ annexed as to the said Richard Chambers followeth in these words IN the Term of Easter the fifth year of King Charles of Richard Chambers of London Merchant 2000 l. which being read heard and by him understood he complains that he is grievously vexed and inquieted by colour of the Premises and that not justly for that protesting that the said great Roll and the matter therein contained is not in Law sufficient to which he hath no need nor is bound by Law to answer yet for Plea the said Richard Chambers saith That he of the demand aforesaid in the great Roll aforesaid mentioned and every parcel thereof ought to be discharged against the said Lord the King for that he said That he from the time of the Taxation o● the aforesaid Fine and long before was a Freeman and a Merchant of this Kingdom that is to say In the Parish of the blessed Mary of the Arches in the Ward of Cheap London And that by a certain Act in the Parliament of the Lord Henry late King of England the Third held in the ninth year of his reign it was provided by Authority of the said Parliament That a Freeman shall not be amerced for a little offence but according to the manner of the said offence and for a great offence according to the greatness of the offence saving to him his Contenement or Freehold and a Merchant in the same manner saving unto him his Merchandize and a Villain of any other then the King after the same manner to be amerced saving his Wainage and none of the said Amercements to be imposed but by the Oaths of good and lawful men of the Neighbourhood And by a certain other Act in the Parliament of the Lord Edward late King of England the first held in the Third year of his reign it was and is provided That no City Burrough or Town nor any man should be amerced without reasonable cause and according to his Trespass that is to say A Freeman saving to him his Contenement A Merchant saving to him his Merchandize and A Villan saving to him his Wainage and this by their Peers And by the same Act in the Parliament of the said Lord Henry late King of England the Third held in the ninth year of his reign aforesaid it was and is provided by Authority of the said Parliament That no Freemen should be taken or imprisoned or disseized of his Freehold or Liberties or free Customs or outlaw'd or banish'd or any way destroyed And that the Lord the King should not go upon him nor deal with him but by a lawful judgement of his Peers or by the Law of the Land And by a certain Act in the Parliament of the Lord Edward late King of England the Third held in the fifth year of his reign it was and is provided by the Authority of the said Parliament That no man henceforward should be attached by reason of any Accusation nor pre-judged of Life or Member nor that his Lands Tenements Goods or Chattels should be seized into the hands of the Lord the King against the form of the great Charter and the Law of the Land And by a certain Act in the Parliament of the Lord Henry late King of England the seventh held in the third year of his reign reciting that by unlawful Maintenances given of liveries signes and tokens and retainders by Indentures Promises Oaths Writings and other Imbraceries of the Subjects of the said Lord the King false Demeanors of Sheriffs in making of Pannels and other false returns by taking of money by Jurors by great ryots and unlawful assemblies the policie and good Government of this Kingdom was almost subdued and by not punishing of the said inconveniences and by occasion of the Premises little or nothing was found by Inquisition by reason thereof the Laws of
Voyages and Land Travels by Englishmen and others By Samuel Purchas in Four Volumes Folio The History of the Parliament of England which began November the Third 1640. With a short and necessary view of some precedent years By Thomas May Esq Folio The Text of the New Testament of Jesus Christ Translated out of the Vulgar Latine by the Papists of the Traiterous Seminary of Rhemes Whereunto is added the Translation out of the Original Greek commonly used in the Church of England c. By W. Fulke D. D. and sometimes Master of Pembroke-Hall in Cambridge Folio The History of the Reformation of the Church of Scotland containing Five Books together with some Treatises conducing to the History By Iohn Knox. Folio Two Treatises In the one of which the Nature of Bodies in the other the Nature of Mans Soul is looked into In way of discovery of the Immortality of Reasonable Souls By Sir Kenelme Digby Folio Histoire de l'entre de la Reyne Mere du Roy tres Chrestien dan● les Provinces Vnies des pays has avec des Figures Histoire de l'entre de la Reyne Mere du Roy tres Chrestien dans la Grande Britaigne avec des Figures par le Sieur de la Serre Historiographe Folio Ad Serenissimum Jacob●m primum Britanniarum Monarcham Ecclesiae Scoticanae libellus supplex Authore Jacobo Melvino Quarto Polycarpi Ignatii Epistolae unà cum vetere vulgata interpretatione Latina ex trium Manuscriptorum codicum collatione integritati suae restitutae quibus praefixa est Iacobi Vsserii Archiepiscopi Armachani dissertatio Quarto Appendix Ignatiana in qua continentur 1. Ignatii Epistolae Genuinae 2. Ignatii Martyriam à Philone Agathopode aliis descriptum 3. Tiberiani Plinii Secundi Trajani imp de Constantia Martyrum illius temporis Epistolae 4. Smyrnensis Ecclesiae de Polycarpi Martyrio Epistola 5. In Ignatii Polycarpi Acta atque in Epistolas etiam Ignatio perperàm adscriptas Annotationes Iacobi Vsserii Armachani Quarto 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clementis ad Corinthios Epistola Prior. Patritius Junius ex lateris Reliquiis vetustissimi examplaris Bibliotherae Regiae eruit Quarto Purchas his Pilgrim Microcosmus or the History of Man relating the wonders of his Generation Vanities in his Degeneration necessity of his Regeneration meditated on the words of David Psal. 39.5 By Samuel Purchas Octavo Saint Augustine his Enchyridion to Laurence or the cheif and principal Heads of all Christian Religion the Second Edition Twelves Theologia Naturalis sive liber Creaturarum Specialiter de homine de Natura ejus in quantum homo de his quae sunt ei necessaria ad cognoscendum Deum seipsum omne debitum ad quod homo tenetur obligatur tam Deo quàm proximo Authore Raymundo de Sabunde Octavo Frederici Spanhemii Epistola ad Nobilisstmum Virum Davidem Buchananum super controversiis quibusdam quae in Ecclesiis Anglic●nis agitantur Octavo The Works of Edward Reynolds D. D. containing three Treatises of the Vanity of the Creature Sinfulness of Sin the Life of Christ. An Explication of Psal. C X. Meditations on the Sacrament of the Lords Supper An Explication of the Fourteenth Chapter of Hosea A Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soul Collected in Folio Divers Sermons Preached upon several occasions by Edward Reynolds D. D. Quarto A Treatise touching the Peace of the Church or an Apostolical Rule how to judge aright in differences which concern Religion Published by Authority Quarto A Treatise of Use and Custome By Mer. Causabon D. D. Quarto Deus Natura Gratia sive tractatus de Praedestinatione de meritis peccatorum Remissione sen de Justificatione denique de sanctorum invocatione reliquiarum imaginum veneratione de indulgentiis Purgatorio sub finem de Excommunicatione Accessit Paraphrastica Expositio reliquorum Articulorum confessionis Anglicae Per Fr. Franciscum Sancta Clara. Octavo Apologia Episcoporum seu Sacri Magistratus Propugnatio Multa multorum vocibus ventilantur mendacia adversus sacerdotes Dei de Diaboli ore prolata ad rumpendam Catholicae unitatis concordiam ubique jactantur Authore Francisco à Sancta Clara. Octavo King Iames much desired to match his Son Henry with a daughter of Spain After Prince Henry's death the King propounded a match with France In this interim the Spaniard gives the overture of a match Sir Digby's advice to the King in that matter Gondomar mannages the Treaty on the Spaniards part The English Navie neglected The Cautionary Towns rendred to the Hollander The Spaniard proceeds not sincerely in the Treaty Articles of Religion agreed upon between the Kings of England and Spain The people of England averse from the march The Catholicks desirous of it Gondomar contrives the death of Sir Walter Rawleigh an enemy to Spain A War begins in Germany Both parties Protestant and Catholicks grow jealous and each enter into League The Emperor Matthias Adopts his Cousin-German Ferdinand For joy of this Adoption the Catholicks keep a Jubilee and the Protestants another in memory of Luther An Assembly of the Protestants and States of Bohemia at Prague The first occasion of the troubles of Bohemia A Ryot committed by the Protestants in the Castle of Prague The Protestants put forth a Declaration The Emperor disgusted with the Declaration He publishes a Manifesto Both Parties Arm. A Comet appears at this time King Iames ingages not in these troubles flattering himself with the Spaniards seeming forwardness to effect the Match A Letter from a great Minister of State to Mr. Cottington Nov. 17. Queen Anne dieth Matthias the Emperor dies A Cessation of Arms proposed by Ferdinand is refused King Iames interposes by his Ambassador the Viscount Doncaster The Elector Palatine sends an Ambassador to oppose the Election of Ferdinand The Bohemians chuse the Palatine for their King Bethlem Gabor makes a union with the Protestants The Palatine craves the advice of King Iames touching his accepting the Crown Before answer came he had accepted it King Iames disavows the Act and ●●●ars himself of it to the King of Spain● The King of Spain testifies his resentment of Viscount Doncasters proceedings in Germany The King of Poland aids the Emperor Ferdinand publishes a Proscription against the Palatine Prince Anhalt Generalissimo of the Bohemians Marquess Ansbach commands the forces of the Princes of the Union Kings Iames will not engage in the War sends Sir Walter Aston Ambassador into Spain to negotiate the March and Gondomar returns Great immunities promised by King Iames to the Catholicks 18 Iacob 1620. A great Army levied in Flanders under the command of Spinola A Regiment under the command of Sir Horati● Vere sent from England The Protestant States of Austria renounce the confederacy of the Bohemians The Elector of Saxony assists the Emperor and executes the Ban against the Palatine Spinola prevails much in the Palatinate The Armies
Propositions from either side to give distaste and lessen the Friendship between the two Crowns The Duke returned answer that all assurance and satisfaction shall be given concerning this Alliance And after Sir Digby's arrival at the Court of Spain he protested to him solemnly that the King desired it and swore for himself that he desired nothing more Hereupon Digby debated with him That the remembrance of their former Demands was yet unpleasing in England the difference of Religion the Opinions of Divines and the Cases of Conscience were still the same insomuch that his Majesty and his Servants had just cause to cease for ever from all thoughts this way Nevertheless they did not slight nor disrelish an Alliance with Spain for many of the greatest eminency in England judge it equally valuable with any other of Christendom though it be esteemed a matter of infinite difficulty Here the subtil Spaniard might perceive our forwardness though our Ambassador seemed to speak aloof off and with reservation The debate had this result that the difficulties should be digested into certain Heads and select Persons appointed for Conference but the Intent thereof was that the Kings on either side should not be interessed nor their names therein used till by the clearing of particulars there should be great appearances that the business would take effect Now because the difference of Religion was supposed the onely difficulty of moment it was thought fit to break the matter to the Cardinal of Toledo and the Kings Confessor and one Father Frederick a learned Jesuite having the repute of a Moderate man Upon the review of these proceedings Sir Iohn Digby advised the King not to suffer his other resolutions to be interrupted by this Overture which might be set on foot as a meer device to stagger the French Treaty and to keep his Majesty from declaring himself opposite to Spain in the business of Cleves and Iuliers which still remained uncompounded nevertheless he might be pleased for a while to suspend the conclusion of the Match with France and entertain this motion and to this end he desired from him not a formal Commission to treat but onely a private Instruction for his Direction and Warrant Such remote Conferences made way for that solemn slow-paced Treaty of the many years following wherein the advantage lay on the Spaniards side who were indeed very formal and specious in it but no way vehement and vigorous if we might suppose them in any sort real But the King of England having a prevalent inclination this way when he was once drawn in and elevated with hope was so set upon it that he would grant all things possible rather then break it off and was impatient of dissembling his own eagerness The business was mainly carried on by Conde Gondomar who was exquisitely framed for it and by facetious wayes taking the King in his own humor prevailed mightily The King removes all blocks that lie in the way of this Darling Design and studies all the wayes of rendring himself acceptable to Spain The Wall of this Island the English Navy once the strongest of all Christendome now lyes at road unarmed and fit for ruine Gondomar as was the common voice bearing the King in hand that the furnishing of it would breed suspition in the King his Master and avert his minde from this alliance Moreover the Town of Flushing the Castle of Ramakins in Zealand and Brill in Holland which were held by way of caution from the united Provinces to insure their dependency upon England the King resolved to render up as being meerly cautionary and none of his Propriety He rid his hands of those places to prevent requests and Propositions from the King of Spain who claimed the propriety in them and Gondomar put hard for them being accounted the Keys of the Low Countries Such was the Kings care and contrivance to keep faith with those Confederates and not offend Spain And to render this a politick action it was urged that the advantage of those Holds was countervailed by the vast expence in keeping them Howbeit the power of the English Interest in that State was by this means cut off and taken away and the alienation between King Iames and the United Provinces which appeared in latter times and was nourished by Bernevelt the head of the Arminian Faction and a Pensioner of Spain is now increased by the discovery and observation of these late Spanish compliances But the King of Spain and his Ministers had given but slender proof of any great affection yea or of sincere intention and upright dealing in this great affair For Sir Iohn Digby received certain Articles in matter of Religion after a Consultation had with their Divines which appeared very unworthy and were utterly rejected by him Yet afterwards upon a private Conference between him and some others to whom the cause had been committed a Qualification was therein conceived though not delivered as a matter there approved And the same Speeches after his return into England proceeded between him and Gondomar and were brought to that Issue that the King thought fit to acquaint a select number of his Council therewith who having heard the report of the former proceeding delivered their opinion That they found very probable ground for him to enter into a publike Treaty with as much assurance of good success as in such a case might be expected whereupon Sir Iohn Digby by Commission under the Great Seal was authorized to treat and conclude the Marriage and because the matter of Religion was in chief debate those qualified Articles that were brought out of Spain were sent back signed with the Kings hand who added something to them by way of clearer explanation They were to this effect THat the Popes Dispensation be first obtained by the meer Act of the King of Spain That the Children of this Marriage be not constrained in matter of Religion nor their Title prejudiced in case they prove Catholikes That the Infanta's Family being Strangers may be Catholikes and shall have a decent place appointed for all Divine Service according to the use of the Church of Rome and the Ecclesiasticks and Religious persons may wear their proper Habits That the Marriage shall be celebrated in Spain by a Procurator according to the Instructions of the Council of Trent and after the Infanta's arrival in England such a solemnization shall be used as may make the Marriage valid according to the Laws of this Kingdome That she shall have a competent number of Chaplains and a Confessor being Strangers one whereof shall have power to govern the Family in Religious matters In the allowing of these Articles the King thus exprest himself Seing this Marriage is to be with a Lady of a different Religion from us it becometh us to be tender as on the one part to give them all satisfaction convenient so on the other to admit nothing that may blemish our Conscience or
Declaration But now I am come understanding the time of your Censure at hand to express my readiness to put in Execution which is the life of the Law those things which ye are to sentence For even the Law it self is a dead letter without Execution For which office God hath appointed me in these Kingdoms And though I assure my self that my former behaviour in all the course of my life hath made me well known for a just King yet in this special case I thought fit to express my own intentions out of my own mouth for punishment of things complained of The first proof whereof I have given by the diligent search I caused to be made after the person of Sir Giles Mompesson who though he were fled yet my Proclamation pursued him instantly And as I was earnest in that so will I be to see your Sentence against him put in execution Two reasons move me to be earnest in the execution of what ye are no sentence at this time First That duty I owe to God who hath made me a King and tied me to the care of Government by that Politique Marriage betwixt me and my People For I do assure you in the heart of an honest man and by the faith of a Christian King which both ye and all the world know me to be had these things been complained of to me before the Parliament I would have done the office of a just King and out of Parliament have punished them as severely and peradventure more then ye now intend to do But now that they are discovered to me in Parliament I shall be as ready in this way as I should have been in the other For I confess I am ashamed these things proving so as they are generally reported to be that it was not my good fortune to be the onely Author of the Reformation and punishment of them by some Ordinary Courts of Justice Nevertheless since these things are new discovered by Parliament which before I knew not of nor could so well have discovered otherwise in regard of that Representative Body of the Kingdom which comes from all parts of the Countrey I will be never a whit the slower to do my part for the execution For as many of you that are here have heard me often say and so I will still say so pretious unto me is the Publick Good that no private person whatsoever were he never so dear unto me shall be respected by me by many degrees as the Publick Good not onely of the whole Commonwealth but even of a particular Corporation that is a Member of it And I hope that ye my Lords will do me that right to publish to my people this my Heart and purpose The second Reason is That I intend not to derogate or infringe any of the Liberties or Priviledges of this House but rather to fortifie and strengthen them For never any King hath done so much for the Nobility of England as I have done and will ever be ready to do And whatsoever I shall say and deliver unto you as my thought yet when I have said what I think I will afterwards freely leave the Judgment wholly to your House I know you will do nothing but what the like hath been done before And I pray you be not jealous that I will abridge you of any thing that hath been used For whatsoever the Precedents in times of good Government can warrant I will allow For I acknowledge this to be the Supream Court of Justice wherein I am ever present by Representation And in this ye may be the better satisfied by my own presence coming divers times among you Neither can I give you any greater Assurance or better Pledge of this my purpose then that I have done you the honor to set my onely Son among you and hope that ye with him shall have the means to make this the happiest Parliament that ever was in England This I Profess and take comfort in That the House of Commons at this time have shewed greater love and used me with more respect in all their proceedings then ever any House of Commons have hitherto done to me or I think to any of my Predecessors As for this House of yours I have always found it respective to me and accordingly do I and ever did favor you as you well deserved And I hope it will be accounted a happiness for you that my Son doth now sit among you who when it shall please God to set him in my place will then remember that he was once a Member of your House and so be bound to maintain all your lawful Priviledges and like the better of you all the days of his life But because the World at this time talks so much of Bribes I have just cause to fear the whole Body of this House hath bribed him to be a good Instrument for you upon all occasions He doth so good Offices in all his Reports to me both for the House in general and every one of you in particular And the like I may say of one that sits there Buckingham he hath been so ready upon all occasions of good Offices both for the House in general and every Member in particular One proof thereof I hope my Lord of Arundel hath already witnessed unto you in his Report made unto you of my Answer touching the Priviledges of the Nobility how earnestly he spake unto me of that matter Now my Lords the time draws near of your Recess whither formality will leave you time for proceeding now to Sentence against all or any of the persons now in question I know not but for my part since both Houses have dealt so lovingly and freely with me in giving me a free gift Two Subsidies in a more loving manner than hath been given to any King before and so accepted by me And since I cannot yet retribute by a General Pardon which hath by Form usually been reserved to the end of a Parliament the least I can do which I can forbear no longer is to do something in present for the ease and good of my people Three Patents at this time have been complained of and thought great Grievances 1. That of the Inns and Hosteries 2. That of Ale-houses 3. That of Gold and Silver Thred My purpose is to strike them all dead and that time may not be lost I will have it done presently That concerning Ale-houses I would have to be left to the Managing of Justices of the Peace as before That of Gold and Silver Thred was most vilely executed both for wrong done to mens persons as also for abuse in the Stuff for it was a kinde of false Coyn. I have already freed the persons that were in prison I will now also damn the Patent and this may seem instead of a Pardon All these three I will have recalled by Proclamation and wish you to advise of the fittest Form to that purpose I hear also there is
highly displeased with some of the Commons House whom he called Ill-tempered spirits Sir Edward Cook Sir Robert Philips were committed to the Tower Mr. Selden Mr. Pym Mr. Mallery to other Prisons and Confinements Order was given for the sealing up the locks and doors of Sir Edward Cooks Chambers in London and in the Temple for the seising of his Papers and the Council debating about the General Pardon that should have passed this last Parliament had consulted about the ways of excluding him from that benefit either by preferring a Bill against him before the publication of the Pardon or by exempting him by name whereof they said they had presidents Likewise Sir Dudley Diggs Sir Tho. Crew Sir Nathaniel Rich and Sir Iames Perrot for punishment were sent into Ireland joined in Commission with others under the Great Seal of England for the enquiry of sundry matters concerning his Majesties service as well in the Government Ecclesiastical and Civil as in point of his Revenue and otherwise within that Kingdom Proclamations had formerly issued out against the Peoples too liberal speaking of matters above their reach Which at this time occasioned Letters from the Council to the Judges of the next Assises taking notice of licentious and undutiful speeches touching State and Government notwithstanding several Proclamations prohibiting the same which the King was resolved no longer to let pass without severest punishment and thereupon required the Judges to give this in Charge in their several Circuits and to do exemplary Justice where they find any such Offenders The King still walked in his beaten path of Sollicitations and Treaties after the constant bad success of his former Mediations For at the very time when he treated of Peace his Son in law was despoiled of his Hereditary patrimony by the Emperors commandment who after the suspension of the Ban or Proscription commanded the taking up of Arms again in the Lower Palatinate the Upper Palatinate being already subdued Which misery King Iames acknowledged to be the fruit of his own patience delays and doubtfulness Nevertheless he ceaseth not to pursue the favor of an implacable Enemy He wrote to the Emperor Ferdinand declaring his earnest endeavors to appease the Bohemian War and his ardent zeal for Peace from the beginning and expressed the Terms which he had prescribed to his Son in law As That he shall for himself and his Son renounce all pretence of Right and Claim to the Crown of Bohemia That he shall from henceforth yield all constant due devotion to the Imperial Majesty as do other obedient Princes Electors of the Empire That he shall crave pardon of the Imperial Majesty That he shall not hereafter any manner of way demean himself unfittingly toward the Imperial Majesty nor disturb his Kingdoms and Countries And that he shall upon reasonable Conditions reconcile himself to other Princes and States of the Empire and hold all good correspondence with them And he shall really do whatsoever like things shall be judged reasonable and necessary King Iames requested of the Emperor the acceptance of these Conditions as a notable testimony of his Imperial Majesties goodness and grace which he said should be by himself acknowledged in all willing service and unfeigned friendship to the Emperor himself and the most renowned House of Austria But if these his just Demands and well-willed Presentations shall not find acceptance or be slightly waved by some new tergiversation or a pretence of that long and tedious way of Consultation with the Princes of the Empire he is resolved to try his utmost power for his Childrens relief judging it a foul stain to his Honor if he shall leave them and their Partizans without counsel aid and protection The Emperor replied and confessed That in this exulcerate business so much moderation and respect of justice and equity hath shined forth in the King of Great Britain that there is not any thing that he should refuse to render thereunto reserving his Cesarean authority and the Laws of the Empire Yet that Person whom it most concerns hath given no occasion by the least sign of repentance to a condescension to this Treaty of Pacification For he is still so obstinate as by continual machinations by Iagerndorf and Mansfeld and other cruel disturbers of the publique peace to call up Hell rather then to acquiesce in better counsels and desist from the usurped Title of a Kingdom Howbeit in favor of the King of Great Britain he shall consent to a Treaty to be held at Bruxels wherein he would devolve his power upon the Illustrious Elizabetha Clara Eugenia Infanta of Spain The appointment of the Treaty at Bruxels was accepted by King Iames whither he sent his Ambassador Sir Richard Weston Chancellor of the Exchequer In the mean while misfortune and misery over-ran the Palatinate The Enemy having prevailed in several grand encounters proceeded to subdue the Country without regard to the Treaty of Peace at Bruxels Which was more easily effected the Commotions in Hungaria Bohemia Silesia Moravia being now ended in a Treaty of Peace between the Emperor and Bethleem Gabor the Emperor having made use of the Palsgrave's submission and resignation of the Crown of Bohemia to accelerate this Treaty About this time Philip the Third King of Spain departed this life and the Lord Digby was sent Extraordinary Ambassador into Spain as well to condole his death as ●o advance the Match and by all means possible to bring it to a final conclusion To which end he was accompanied with Letters from his Majesty and the Prince to that King as also a private Letter to Don Baltazar de Zuniga MOst Serene and Potent Prince Kinsman and dearly beloved Friend when we heard of the Death of your Majesties Father Philip the Third with whom we had great Amity and by our Amity managed very important Matters which he being dead could not but of necessity be interrupted It was no less grief to us then if he had been our own natural and most intimate Brother Which grief we have certified both to your Majesty by our Letters as was fitting and intimated to our people in a solemn and due manner And thus far we have satisfied our selves but in the next place we must also give Custom its due For which end we send unto your Majesty our Publick Ambassador and Messenger of this our Grief the Baron John Digby our Counsellor and Vice-Chamberlain adjoyning unto the rest of his Instructions this our wish That your Serenity may rule your Fathers Kingdoms which you have received under a most prosperous Star with his and your Ancestors Prudence and that we may really finde that love which alway passed between your Father of most happy memory and us propagated with the same candor unto you his Successor the which we also hope Given at our Pallace of Theobalds Mar. 14. 1621. Your Majesties most Loving Brother I. R. Jacobus c. Serenissimo
outward practices and no secret motions of the Conscience are adjudged by the Laws of England to be meerly Civil and Political and are excluded by the Letter from the benefit of those Writs But because the peoples mouths were open and some Preachers were too busie and the Puritan party increased the King gave directions for the regulation of the Ministry in his Letters to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury MOst Reverend Father in God Right trusty and intirely beloved Counsellor we greet you well Forasmuch as the abuses and extravagancies of Preachers in the Pulpit have been in all times suppressed in this Realm by some Act of Council or State with the Advice and Resolution of grave and learned Prelates insomuch that the very Licencing of Preachers had beginning by an Order of Star-Chamber the Eighth day of July in the Nineteenth year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth our Noble Predecessor And whereas at this present divers yong Students by reading of late Writers and ungrounded Divines do broach many times unprofitable unsound seditious and dangerous Doctrines to the scandal of the Church and disquiet of the State and present Government We upon humble Representations unto us of these Inconveniencies by your self and sundry other grave and reverend Prelates of this Church as also of our Princely care and zeal for the extirpation of Schism and Dissention growing from these Seeds and for the settling of a religious and peaceable Government both in Church and Commonwealth Do by these our special Letters straitly charge and command you to use all possible care and diligence that these Limitations and Cautions herewith sent unto you concerning Preachers be duly and strictly from henceforth put in practice and observed by the several Bishops within your Iurisdiction And to this end our pleasure is that you send them forthwith Copies of these Directions to be by them speedily sent and communicated unto every Parson Vicar Curate Lecturer and Minister in every Cathedral or Parish Church within their several Diocesses and that you earnestly require them to employ their utmost endeavors in the performance of this so important a business letting them know That we have a special eye unto their proceedings and expect a strict accompt thereof both from you and every of them And these our Letters shall be your sufficient Warrant and Discharge in that behalf Given under our Signet at our Castle of Windsor c. Directions concerning Preachers sent with the Letter I. THat no Preacher under the Degree and Calling of a Bishop or Dean of a Cathedral or Collegiat Church and they upon the Kings days and set Festivals do take occasion by the expounding of any Text of Scripture whatsoever to fall into any set discourse or common place otherwise then by opening the Coherence and Division of the Text which shall not be comprehended and warranted in Essence Substance Effect or Natural inference within some one of the Articles of Religion set forth One thousand five hundred sixty and two or in some of the Homilies set forth by Authority of the Church of England Not onely for a help for the Non-Preaching but withal for a pattern and boundary as it were for the Preaching Ministers And for their further Instructions for the performance hereof that they forthwith read over and peruse diligently the said Book of Articles and the two Books of Homilies II. That no Person Vicar Curate or Lecturer shall Preach any Sermon or Collation hereafter upon Sundays and Holidays in the afternoon in any Cathedral or Parish Church throughout the Kingdom but upon some part of the Catechism or some Text taken out of the Creed Ten Commandments or the Lords Prayer Funeral Sermons onely excepted And that those Preachers be most encouraged and approved of who spend the Afternoons Exercise in the Examination of Children in their Catechism which is the most antient and laudable custom of Teaching in the Church of England III. That no Preacher of what Title soever under the degree of a Bishop or Dean at the least do from henceforth presume to Preach in any Popular Auditory the deep points of Predestination Election Reprobation or of the Universality Efficacy Resistibility or Irresistibility of Gods Grace but leave those Themes rather to be handled by the Learned Men and that Moderately and Modestly by way of Use and Application rather then by way of Positive Doctrines being fitter for the Schools then for simple Auditories IV. That no Preacher of what Title or Denomination soever from henceforth shall presume in any Auditory within this Kingdom to declare limit or bound out by way of Positive Doctrine in any Lecture or Sermon the Power Prerogative and Jurisdiction Authority or Duty of Sovereign Princes or otherwise meddle with matters of State and the differences between Princes and the people then as they are instructed and presidented in the Homilies of Obedience and the rest of the Homilies and Articles of Religion set forth as before is mentioned by Publick Authority but rather confine themselves wholly to those two heads of Faith and good Life which are all the Subject of the Antient Sermons and Homilies V. That no Preacher of what Title or Denomination soever shall presume causelesly or without invitation from the Text to fall into bitter Invectives and undecent railing Speeches against the persons of either Papists or Puritans but modestly and gravely when they are occasioned thereunto by the Text of Scripture free both the Doctrine and the Discipline of the Church of England from the aspersions of either Adversary especially where the Auditory is suspected to be tainted with the one or the other infection VI. Lastly That the Archbishops and Bishops of the Kingdom whom his Majesty hath good cause to blame for their former remissness be more wary and choice in their Licencing of Preachers and revoke all Grants made to any Chancellor Official or Commissary to pass Licences in this kinde And that all the Lecturers throughout the Kingdom of England a new body severed from the Antient Clergy as being neither Parsons Vicars nor Curates be Licenced hence-forward in the Court of Faculties by Recommendation of the party from the Bishop of the Diocess under his Hand and Seal with a Fiat from the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury a Confirmation under the Great Seal of England And that such as do transgress any one of these Directions be suspended by the Bishop of the Diocess or in his Default by the Archbishop of the Province Ab officio beneficio for a year and a day until his Majesty by the Advice of the next Convocation shall prescribe some further punishment These Directions were warily communicated by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Bishops within his Province The King lost no time in pursuing the Match with Spain but the Dispensation from Rome which was the Key of the business had long lain in a kinde of Dead-Palsie till the new King of Spain had by a
sent from England This magnificent Entertainment and the universal Joy in Spain was grounded on the hope of the Prince's turning Catholick For the voice of the people went That he was come to be a Christian And the Conde Olivares when he gave him the first Visit did congratulate his Arrival with these expressions That the Match should be made presently and that the Kings of Spain and England should divide the World between them For that he did not question but he came thither to be of their Religion Whereunto the Prince answered That he came not thither for Religion but for a Wife But there wanted no endeavors to reconcile the Prince and by him the British Dominions to the Sea of Rome Gregory the Fifteenth then Pope exhorted the Bishop of Conchen Inquisitor-General of Spain to improve the opportunity And he sought to charm the Prince by writing a very smooth Letter to him Yea he condescended to write to Buckingham his Guide and Familiar to incline him to the Romish religion And the Pope also wrote a Letter to the Prince the tenor whereof followeth MOst Noble Prince We wish you the health and light of Gods grace Forasmuch as Great Britain hath always been fruitful in vertues and in men of great worth having filled the one and the other World with the glory of her renown She doth also very often draw the thoughts of the Holy Apostolical Chair to the consideration of her praises And indeed the Church was but then in her infancie when the King of Kings did choose her for his inheritance and so affectionately that 't is believed the Roman Eagles were hardly there before the Banner of the Cross. Besides that many of her Kings instructed in the knowledge of the true salvation have preferred the Cross before the Royal Scepter and the Discipline of Religion before Covetousness leaving examples of piety to other Nations and to the Ages yet to come So that having merited the Principalities and first places of blessedness in Heaven they have obtained on Earth the triumphant ornaments of Holiness And although now the state of the English Church is altered We see nevertheless the Court of Great Britain adorned and furnished with Moral vertues which might serve to support the charity we bear unto her and be an ornament to the name of Christianity if withall she could have for her defence and protection the Orthodox and Catholick truth Therefore by how much the more the glory of your most Noble Father and the apprehension of your Royal inclination delights us with so much more zeal we desire that the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven might be opened unto you and that you might purchase to your self the love of the Universal Church Moreover it being certain that Gregory the Great of most blessed memory hath introduced to the people of England and taught to their Kings the law of the Gospel and the respect of Apostolical authority We as inferior to him in holiness and vertue but equal in name and degree of dignity think it very reasonable that we following his blessed footsteps should endeavor the salvation of those Provinces especially at this time when you design most Noble Prince elevates us to the hope of an extraordinary advantage Therefore as you have directed your journey to Spain towards the Catholick King with desire to ally your self to the House of Austria We do commend your design and indeed do testifie openly in this present business that you are he that takes principal care of our Prelacy For seeing that you desire to take in marriage the Daughter of Spain from thence we may easily conjecture that the antient seeds of Christian piety which have so happily flourished in the hearts of the Kings of Great Britain may God prospering them revive again in your soul. And indeed it is not to be believed that the same man should love such an Alliance that hates the Catholick Religion and should take delight to oppress the Holy Chair To that purpose we have commanded that most humble prayers be made continually to the Father of lights that he would be pleased to put you as a fair Flower of Christendom and the onely Hope of Great Britain in possession of that most noble Heritage which your Ancestors purchased for you to defend the authority of the Soveraign High-Priest and to fight against the Monsters of Heresie Remember the days of old enquire of your Fathers and they will tell you the way that leads to Heaven and what way the Temporal Princes have taken to attain to the everlasting Kingdom Behold the gates of Heaven opened The most holy Kings of England who came from England to Rome accompanied with Angels did come to honor and do homage to the Lord of Lords and to the Prince of the Apostles in the Apostolical Chair their actions and their examples being as so many voices of God speaking and exhorting you to follow the course of the lives of those to whose Empire you shall one day attain Is it possible that you can suffer that the Hereticks should hold them for impious and condemn those whom the faith of the Church testifies to reign in the Heavens with Iesus Christ and have command and authority over all Principalities and Empires of the Earth Behold how they tender you the hand of this truly happy Inheritance to conduct you safe and sound to the Court of the Catholick King and who desire to bring you back again into the lap of the Roman Church beseeching with unspeakable sighs and groans the God of all mercy for your salvation and do stretch out to you the arms of the Apostolical charity to embrace you with all Christian affection even you that are her desired Son in shewing you the happy hope of the Kingdom of Heaven And indeed you cannot give a greater consolation to all the people of the Christian world then to put the Prince of the Apostles in possession of your most noble Island whose authority hath been held so long in the Kingdom of Britain for the defence of Kingdoms and for a Divine Oracle The which will easily come to pass and that without difficulty if you open your heart to the Lord that knocks upon which depends all the happiness of that Kingdom It is from this our great charity that we cherish the praises of the Royal Name and that which makes us desire that you and your Royal Father may be stiled with the names of Deliverers and Restorers of the antient and paternal Religion of Great Britain This is it we hope for trusting in the goodness of God in whose hands are the hearts of Kings and who causeth the people of the earth to receive healing to whom we will always labour with all our power to render you gracious and favorable In the interim take notice by these Letters of the care of our charity which is none other then to procure your happiness And it will never grieve us
by the King and Prince was as followeth WE Ratifying and confirming the aforesaid Treaty and all and every Capitulation contained and specified in the same do approve applaud confirm and ratifie of our certain knowledge all and every of these things in as much as they concern our Selves our Heirs or our Successors And we promise by these presents in the word of a King to kéep fulfil and observe the same and to cause them to be kept fulfilled and observed inviolably firmly well and faithfully effectually Bona fide without all exception and contradiction And we confirm the same with an Oath upon the Holy Evangelists in the presence of the Illustrious and Noble John de Mendoza Charls de Colona Ambassadors of the most Gratious Catholick ●ing residing in our Court. In Testimony and Witness of all and every the premises we have caused our Great Seal to be put to those Articles subscribed by our Hands there in the presence of the most Reverend Father in Christ George Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of all England and the Reverend Father in Christ John Bishop of Lincoln Lord Kéeper of the Great Seal of England Lionel Cranfield Cheif Treasurer of England Henry Uiscount Mandevil President of our Council Edward Earl of Worcester Kéeper of the Privy Seal Lewis Duke of Richmond and Lenox Lord Steward of our Houshold James Marquess Hamilton James Earl of Carlisle Thomas Earl of Kelly Oliver Uiscount Grandeson c. and George Calvert Knight one of our Cheif Secretaries of State and all of our Privy Council Given at our Palace of Westminster c. JACOBUS Rex After this the King did swear to certain private Articles in favor of Papists and for the advancement of the Roman Religion JAMES by the grace of God of Great Britain King Defender of the Faith c. To all to whom this present-writing shall come gréeting Inasmuch as among many other things which are contained within the Treaty of Marriage betwéen our most dear Son Charls Prince of Wales and the most renowned Lady Donna Maria Sister of the most renowned Prince and our welbeloved Brother Philip the Fourth King of Spain It is agréed That we by our Oath shall approve the Articles under-expressed to a word 1. That particular Laws made against Roman Catholicks under which other Vassals of our Realms are not comprehended and to whose observation all generally are not obliged as likewise general Laws under which all are equally comprised if so be they are such which are repugnant to the Romish religion shall not at any time hereafter by any means or chance whatsoever directly or indirectly be commanded to be put in execution against the said Roman Catholicks and we wil cause that our Council shall take the same Oath as far as it pertains to them and belongs to the execution which by the hands of them their Ministers is to be exercised 2. That no other Laws shall hereafter be made anew against the said Roman Catholicks but that there shall be a perpetual Toleration of the Roman Catholick Religion within private houses throughout all our Realms and Dominions which we will have to be understood as well of our Kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland as in England which shall be granted to them in manner and form as is capitulated decreed granted in the Article of the Treaty concerning the Marriage 3. That neither by us nor by any other interposed person whatsoever directly or indirectly privately or publikely will we treat or attempt any thing with the most renowned Lady Infanta Donna Maria which shall be repugnant to the Romish Catholick religion Neither will we by any means perswade her that she should ever renounce or relinquish the same in substance or form or that she should do any thing repugnant or contrary to those things which are contained in the Treaty of Matrimony 4. That We and the Prince of Wales will interpose our authority and will do as much as in us shall lie that the Parliament shall approve confirm and ratifie all and singular Articles in favor of the Roman Catholicks capitulated between the most renowned Kings by reason of this Marriage And that the said Parliament shall revoke and abrogate particular Laws made against the said Roman Catholicks to whose observance also the rest of our Subjects and Vassals are not obliged as likewise the general Laws under which all are equally comprehended to wit as to the Roman Catholicks if they be such as is aforesaid which are repugnant to the Roman Catholick Religion And that hereafter we will not consent that the said Parliament should ever at any time enact or write any other new Laws against Roman Catholicks MOreover I Charls Prince of Wales engage my self and promise that the most Illustrious King of Great Britain my most honored Lord and Father shall do the same both by word and writing That all those things which are contained in the foregoing Articles and concern as well the suspension as the abrogation of all Laws made against the Roman Catholicks shall within thrée years infallibly take effect and sooner if it be possible which we will have to lie upon our Conscience and Royal honor That I will intercede with the most illustrious King of G. Britain my father that the ten years of the education of the children which shall be born of this marriage with the most illustrious Lady Infanta their mother accorded in the 23 Art which term the Pope of Rome desires to have prorogued to twelve years may be lengthened to the said term And I promise fréely and of my own accord and swear That if it so happen that the entire power of disposing of this matter be d●volved to me I will also grant and approve the said term Furthermore I Prince of Wales oblige my self upon my faith to the Catholick King That as often as the most illustrious Lady Infanta shall require that I should give ear to Divines or others whom her Highness shall be pleased to employ in matter of the Roman Catholick religion I will hearken to them willingly without all difficulty and laying aside all excuse And for further caution in point of the frée exercise of the Catholick religion and the suspension of the Law above-named I Charls Prince of Wales promise and take upon me in the word of a King that the things above promised and treated concerning those matters shall take effect and be put in execution as well in the Kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland as of England The Privy-Councellors Oath was this I A.B. do swear That I will truly and fully observe as much as belongeth to me all and every of the Articles which are contained in the Treaty of Marriage betwéen the most gracious Charls Prince of Wales and the most gracious Lady Donna Maria Infanta of Spain Likewise I swear that I will neither commit to execution nor cause to be executed either by my self or by any inferior Officer serving me any
most famous Prince have polished with Learning and Arts of Prudence would assent to the Father of lights illuminating the Christian world We easily apprehend how much it would conduce to the Publick peace that being King of Scotland you should join in one Kingdom those Nations and Islands divided either by the bars of the Mountains or by the depths of the Ocean For your Majesty seems for that very reason to be made Lord of so many Provinces that they might more easily and quickly receive healing and salvation from him whom they obey Wherefore we even then besought God by continual ●rayers who gives salvation to Kings that so many blessings by his grace conferred upon you by which you are admirable in the sight of Potentates might bring safety to Britain and joy to the Church A blessed hope from above not long ago shined upon us when we understood that you were desirous of a Catholick alliance and that the ●ssue which should succeed in the inheritance and government of those Nations might be begotten of a Catholick mother We can scarcely express how much joy Gregory the Fifteenth of blessed memory our Predecessor brought us when he made us one of the Congregation of those Cardinals whom he would have to take cognisance of the English Match While we discoursed of a matter of so great importance we expressed a singular propension of mind towards your Majesty and were both tender of your praises and desirous to provide for your happiness And now being by the consent of the Apostolical Senate advanced to this station where we are to watch and ward for all earthly Monarchs we cannot sufficiently declare what a care and desire we have of Great Britain and the honor of so great a King It seems to have been a special providence of God that the first Letters which we received reigning in the seat of S. Peter were those which the most noble Charls Prince of Wales wrote to our Predecessor as a testimony of his affection to the Popes of Rome And since we now desire that this venerable Marriage should by the blessing of God be perfected we resolved to write unto you without expecting Letters first from you for Charity is the honor of the Papal Empire and although most powerful Kings do homage to us in this seat yet we account it glorious charity so perswading to descend to humble prayers so that we may gain souls to Christ. First therefore we desire you to perswade your self that there is no Prince in the Christian world from whom you can expect more evidence of fatherly affection then from the Pope who desires to embrace you a most desired Son with the arms of Apostolical charity We know with what a Letter Gregory the Fifteenth excited you to obtain so great a glory And since we have succeeded him we will not only imitate his inclinations towards you but will exceed them We hope we shall shortly have news out of England that your Majesty is favorable to the Catholick interest and that the Catholicks who live there whom the Father of mercies hath vindicated into the liberty of the sons of God being freed from the fear of punishment enjoy your Royal protection He who is rich in mercy will reward such a purpose with some signal happiness The Kingdoms of the Earth will applaud your Majesty and the Host of Heaven will wage war for you Though sinners gnash their teeth and Impiety powerful to raise sedition threaten yet Europe hopes she shall see King James triumphing in the Roman Church and increasing the example of his Ancestors by new works of Piety We do not distrust that the time of Gods good pleasure is now at hand when they who recommend to History the praises of the British Religion shall not always speak of the deeds of another Age but may be able to propose the present Government as a pattern of imitation to the Ages following Your Ancestors call upon you who have left you so powerful and so famous an inheritance who believed that the gates of the kingdom of Heaven were opened to mankind with the Popes keyes Certainly it cannot be that your Majesty should dare either to contemn or condemn the belief of so many Ages and the judgment of so many Kings who have deserved well of you Do you not see that by your Majesties opinion they are deprived of Heaven who left you a Kingdom while you contend that they erred in the worship of their Religion By this means it would be that whom the Universal Church believes to be Citizens of Heaven and to reign as Coheirs with Christ in that everlasting Country you who are descended of them should snatch them out of Heaven and thrust them into the bottomless pit of Error and the prison of hellish torments Do you not perceive your bowels yearn at the thought of so ungrateful an offence Are not such deliberations repugnant to your Royal temper which nevertheless so many Nations of Europe are forced to reprehend while it dissents from the Seat of the Apostles Let the splendor of so great glory allure your eyes which looks out of Heaven upon you and reaches you out a hand ready to reduce by your means the Kingdom of Britain into the Sanctuary of God with the conduct of Angels and acclamations of men A long time ago Christian religion lay all along in the world squalid and deformed with anguish affrighted with the threats of Tyrants But that Emperor whom we owe to Great Britain Constantine the Great the Defender of the Popes authority and the Avoucher of the Roman Faith did not only bring her out of her lurking places but called her to an Empire He is a fit pattern of imitation for your Majesty not those Kings who have transgressed and dissipated the Everlasting Covenant We call you O most wished for Son from this Watch-Tower of the World into the Society of his Glory Adde one day to your past years which all posterity may celebrate with a grateful memory Put a Mitre of Eternal Glory upon your head that in the time of your Reign we may say with the Holy Apostle I have seen a new Heaven in Britain and a new City descending from Heaven and a guard of Angels upon her Walls If that should come to pass we shall make reckoning that our Reign hath been happy to mankinde This our Sollicitude we believe will be so grateful unto you That we verily hope upon the receipt of our Letter you will forthwith increase the advantage of the Catholicks which live there Which if you shall do you will exceedingly oblige us and we shall consign to you the King of Kings debtor of so great benefit who so long as he shall preserve your Royal Family in eminent Happiness shall second the wishes of the Roman Church and bring ioy to the holy Prelates Dated at Rome at St. Peters sub annulo Piscatoris 15 Octob. 1623. The first year of our Reign Nobilissimo
friendship to him The Conde replied short That he accepted of what he had spoken The Duke departing with so little satisfaction the Spaniards concluded that he would endeavor by all means possible to hinder the Marriage But the Prince for his part had gained an universal love and was reported by all to be a truly Noble discreet and well-deserving Prince his grave comportment suited with the very genius of that Nation and he carried it from the first to the last with the greatest affability gravity and constancy and at his farewel with unparallel'd bounty and he left behinde him Gems of inestimable value for the Infanta and several Grandees His departure from Madrid being the Twelfth of September was very solemn the Queen and the Infanta were prepared in great magnificence with a Train of Grandees and Ladies to receive his farewel And among other passages this one was taken to be an Argument of the Infanta's real love to the Prince That she caused many divine duties to be performed for the safety of his return into England The King brought him on his way to the Escurial and there feasted him and at the Minute of parting declared the Obligation which the Prince had put upon him by putting himself into his hands a thing not usual with Princes and he protested That he earnestly desired a nearer Conjunction of Brotherly affection for the more intire unity betwixt them The Prince replying to him magnified the high favors which he found during his abode in his Court and presence which had begotten such an estimation of his worth that he knew not how to value it but he would leave a Mediatrix to supply his own defects if he would make him so happy as to continue him in the good opinion of her his most fair and most dear Mistress From thence he was attended with a Train of Spanish Courtiers to the English Navy where he feasted the Dons aboard his own Ship and when he was bringing them back to shore there arose a furious storm wherewith the Barge was so driven that it could neither fetch the Land nor make to the Ships again The night came on and the tempest and darkness meeting made their condition desperate till at length espying a light from a Ship near which the winds had driven them they made towards it and then with extream hazard were reimbarqued It was observed That the first words his Highness spake after he was embarqued were That it was a great weakness and folly in the Spaniard after they had used him so ill to grant him a free departure The Prince arived at Portsmouth October the Fifth and no sooner was he landed but it appeared that he was the Kingdoms darling the peoples hearts did burn to see him and unanimously praised God without any Publick Edict of Thanksgiving Publick Societies and private Families every where abounded in all expressions both of Religious and Civil rejoycing When he entred London the Bonfires which the peoples universal joy had kindled seemed to turn the City into one flame Immediately after the Princes departure from the Court of Spain a rumor was spread that the Ratification was come from Rome and that it came plenary and absolute By which means the Princes private Instructions were anticipated by the Earl of Bristol for the Iuncto pretended full Warrant to proceed and summoned the Earl of Bristol to attend them and earnestly pressed him That the Articles might speedily be ingrossed and signed Hereupon the party in whose hands the Prohibition left by the Prince lay dormant either conceiving the Ratification to be come indeed or apprehending that it was the Princes meaning to prevent the sudden concluding of matters delivered to Bristol that Letter of private Instructions the very day that the Prince arived at St. Andero In reading it the Earl was troubled exceedingly and said to the other That it must for a time be concealed lest the Spaniards coming to the knowledge of it should give order to stay the Prince It vexed Bristol that his building of so many years should at once be pulled in sunder He resolves to wave this private Order and if the Ratification came to deliver the Proxies and to support himself by his Publick Warrant under the Great Seal of England Now the Prince and Duke being jealous that Bristol would counter-work them left Sir Walter Aston joyned in Commission with him and acquainted Aston that the Princes meaning was never to Match there without the restitution of the Palatinate and the conservation of his Honor in all respects intire Immediately the Earl of Bristol sent dispatches into England laboring to satisfie the King and Prince in all things touching the Marriage And shewing that he had exactly set down the Case how a Woman betrothed may before the consummation of Marriage betake her self to a Religious life and all the sorts of Security for the preventing of such a course and that the King of Spain his Sister and all his Ministers do offer all security that may stand with decency and honor for the performance of the whole agreement And though the point of portion were a tough and knotty peece yet when by the original Papers and Consulto's of the last King the Iuncto found it to be no less then Two Millions they resolved to make it good notwithstanding they alleadged that this sum was four times as much as ever was given in Money with any Daughter of Spain Moreover he did woo the Prince by argument That as the King his Father so himself had thought this to be the fittest Match in all the World And though the Spaniards had committed many Errors yet he had already passed them by and overcome the main difficulties That by his Journey he had satisfied himself of the Infanta's person who for her birth and portion was no where to be matched and for her vertue and setled affection to his Highnesses person deserved him better then any Woman in the World That the Match was sure the Portion and Temporal Articles now setled but the delay of the Desponsorios will grieve the Princess and bring a cloud of distrust and jealousie upon the whole business The personal distastes of Ministers indiscreet and passionate carriages should not hazard that which hath been brought to the present State with so much cost and pains and patience and which being well accomplished will procure so much good to the Christian World and contrariwise so much trouble and mischeif if it should miscarry and break to peeces Now upon these Grounds and Motives he made intreaty That with all speed a Post might be sent unto him bringing Authority to deliver the Powers upon the arival of the Dispensation But the Prince and Buckingham made haste to engage the King and making a plausible Narration of their own proceedings the Spaniards delays and Bristols miscarriages drew him to alter the whole state of the Treaty Hereupon the King sends an
against the Countrey or Dominion which of right appertain and are in truth the just and lawful possession of the King of Spain or the Lady Infanta Isabella And in case any such Hostility shall be acted contrary to this his Majesties intention all such Commissions which shall be granted to that purpose by the said Count Mansfield his Majesty doth declare to be void and that all payments shall cease That on the contrary if Obedience be given hereunto the King wisheth the Count all good success for the recovery of the Palatinate and reestablishment of the Peace in Germany against the Duke of Bavaria and those that are the troublers of the Peace And for the performance hereof the King caused Count Mansfield to take an Oath That he would conform according to the Contents of the said Commission and Declaration of his Majesty which Oath was almost in Terminis of what is before expressed This Army consisting of Twelve Regiments was intended to Land in France but being ready for Transport the French notwithstanding their Promise and the Treaty of Marriage demurred yet not plainly denied their passage Nevertheless the whole Army was shipped and put over to Calice and after a tedious stay in hope yet to land and pass through the Countrey they were forced to set sail for Zealand Neither were they suffered to land there coming so unexpectedly upon the States and in a hard Season for Provision of Victuals Thus they were long pent up in the Ships and suffered the want of all Necessaries by which means a Pestilence came among them and raged extreamly so that they were thrown into the Sea by Multitudes insomuch that scarce a Third part of the men were landed the which also afterward mouldred away and the Design came to nothing The Papist formerly danted by the Breach of the Spanish Match was now again revived by the Marriage-Treaty with France And at this time upon the Death of William Titular Bishop of Calcedon most of the English Secular Priests did Petition the Pope that another Bishop might be sent over into England there to Ordain Priests give Confirmation and exercise Episcopal Jurisdiction Among others Matthew Kellison and Richard Smith were presented And though the Regulars were opposite to the Seculars in this matter yet those of the Order of St. Benedict joyned with the Seculars and Rudesin Barlo President of the English Benedictines at Doway wrote a Letter in their behalf to the Congregation at Rome named of the Propagation of the Faith Dated the Twelfth of December One thousand six hundred twenty and four In which Letter was this passage That there were above Sixty Benedictine Monks in England and that it is not to be doubted said he For that it is already seen the good success under the First Bishop That another Bishop being Constituted there would be more joyful fruits within one two years in the English Mission then hitherto hath been for Sixty years now elapsed But not long after the Episcopal party prevailing Pope Urban the Eight created Richard Smith Bishop of Calcedon and sent him into England with Episcopal Authority over the Priests within the English Dominions King Iames after he had been troubled with a Tertian Fevor four Weeks finding himself near the end of his days called unto him Charles Prince of Wales his onely Son to whom he recommended the Protection of the Church of England advised him to love his Wife but not her Religion and exhorted him to take special care of his Grand-Children the Children of the Elector Palatine by his Daughter and to employ the power he left him to reestablish them in the Estate and Dignities of their Father And lastly he recommended to him his Officers who had faithfully served him and on the Seven and twentieth of March gave up the ghost And shortly after Bishop Laud delivered to the hands of the Duke of Buckingham brief Annotations or Memorables of the Life and Death of King Iames viz. I. HE was a King almost from his Birth II. His great Clemency that he should Reign so long and so moderately that knew nothing else but to Reign III. The difficult times in Scotland during his Minority as much perplexed with Church as State Factions IV. His admirable Patience in those yonger times and his Wisdom to go by those many and great difficulties till God opened him the ways to his just Inheritance of this Crown V. His peaceable Entry into this Kingdom contrary to the fears at home and the hopes abroad not without Gods great blessing both on him and us VI. His Ability as strong in Grace as Nature to forgive some Occurrences VII The continuance of full Two and twenty years reign all in Peace without War from Foreign Enemy or Rebellion at home VIII The infinite advantage which people of all sorts might have brought to themselves and the enriching of the State if they would have used such a Government with answerable care and not made the worst use of peace IX Gods great mercy over him in many deliverances from private Conspirators and above the rest that which would have blown up his Posterity and the State by Gun-powder X. That in all this time of his Reign of England he took away the life of no one Nobleman but restored many XI That the sweetness of his nature was scarce to be paralleld by any other XII It is little less then a Miracle that so much sweetness should be found in so great a heart as besides other things sickness and death it self shewed to be in him XIII Clemency Mercy Justice and holding the State in Peace have ever been accounted the great Vertues of Kings and they were all eminent in him XIV He was not onely a preserver of Peace at home but the great Peace-maker abroad to settle Christendom against the common enemy the Turk which might have been a glorious work if others had been as true to him as he was to the common good XV. He was in private to his Servants the best Master that ever was and the most free XVI He was the justest Man that could sit between parties and as patient to hear XVII He was bountiful to the highest pitch of a King XVIII He was the greatest Patron to the Church which hath been in many Ages XIX The most Learned Prince that his Kingdom hath ever known for matters of Religion XX. His integrity and soundness in Religion to write and speak believe and do live and die one and the same and all Orthodox XXI His tender love to the King his Son our most gratious Soveraign that now is and his constant Reverence in performance of all duties to his Father the greatest Blessing and greatest Example of this and many Ages XXII The Education of his Majesty whom we now enjoy and I hope and pray we may long and in happiness enjoy to be an able King as Christendom hath any the very first day of his Reign the benefit whereof is
ours and the Honor his XXIII His sickness at the beginning more grievous then it seemed a sharp melancholy humor set on fire though ushered in by an ordinary Tertian Ague XXIV He was from the beginning of his sickness scarce out of an opinion that he should die and therefore did not suffer the great Affairs of Christendom to move him more then was fit for he thought of his end XXV His devout receiving of the Blessed Sacrament XXVI His Regal Censure of the Moderate Reformation of the Church of England and particularly for the care of retaining of Absolution the comfort of distressed Souls XXVII His continual calling for Prayers with an assured confidence in Christ. XXVIII His death as full of patience as could be found in so strong a death XXIX His Rest no question is in Abrahams Bosome and his Crown changed into a Crown of Glory Another writes thus of that King in the Book entituled the Reign of King Charles IN the stile of the Court he went for Great Britains Solomon nor is it any Excursion beyond the Precincts of Verity to say That neither Britain nor any other Kingdom whatsoever could ever since Solomons days glory in a King for recondite Learning and abstruse Knowledge so near a Match to Solomon as he And though he was an Universal Schollar yet did he make other Sciences their most proper employment but Drudges and Serviteurs to Divinity wherein he became so transcendently eminent as he notoriously foiled the greatest Clerks of the Roman See Nor did his Theological Abilities more advantage the Cause of Religion abroad then at home they keeping the new-fangled Clergy aloof and at distance as not daring to infuse into so solid a Judgment their upstart and erroneous Fancies no nor disquiet the Churches peace with Heterodox Opinions A stout Adversary he was to the Arminians and Semipelagians whom he called as Prosper before him The Enemies of Gods Grace And as slender a Friend to the Presbytery of whose Tyrannical and Antimonarchical Principles he had from his Cradle smart experience He was an excellent Speaker the Scheme of his Oratory being more stately then pedantick and the Expressions argued him both a King and a Schollar In his Apparel and Civil Garb he seemed naturally to affect a Majestick carelesness which was so Hectick so Habitual in him as even in Religious Exercises where the Extern Demeanor is a grand part of that Sacred Homage he was somewhat too incurious and irreverent He was indulgent a little to his Palate and had a smack of the Epicure in Pecuniary Dispensations to his Favorites he was excessive liberal yea though the exigence of his own wants pleaded Retension Studious he was of Peace somewhat overmuch for a King which many imputed to pusillanimity and for certain the thought of War was very terrible unto him whereof there needs no further demonstration then his management of the Cause of the Palatinate For had he had the least scintillation of Animosity or Majestick Indignation would he have so long endured his Son-in-Law exterminated from his Patrimony while the Austrian Faction to his great dishonor cajoled and kept him in delusory Chat with specious fallacies would he in those several Negotiations of Carlisle Bristol Belfast and Weston have trifled away so vast sums the Moity whereof had they been disposed in Military Levies would have Modelled an Army able when Heidelburgh Manheim and Frankendale defended themselves to have totally dissipated all the Forces of the Usurpers to have mastered the Imperious Eagle enforcing her to forego her Quarry and reestated the Palsgrave would he so shamefully have Courted the Alliance of Spain to the very great regret of his Subjects whom his Predecessors had so often baffled and whom England ever found a worse Friend then Enemy What stronger evidence can be given in of a wonderful defect of Courage As this lipothymie this faint-heartedness lost him the reputation and respects of his people so his heavy pressures upon them and undue Levies by Privy Seals and the like alienated their Affections especially considering how those Moneys were mis-employed indeed rather thrown away partly in the two dishonorable Treaties of Spain and Germany and the Consequential Entertainments and partly in Largesses upon his Minion Buckingham Between this disaffection and contempt in his people there was generated a general disposition to turbulent and boisterous Darings and Expostulations even against his Darling Prerogative And though those dismal calamities which befel his Son were doubtless ampliated by a superfetation of Causes yet was their first and main existency derivative from those seminalities Let Court-Pens extol the calmness of his Halcyonian Reign with all artifice of Rhetorick yet can they never deny but that admired Serenity had its set in a Cloud and that he left to his Successor both an empty Purse and a Crown of Thorns Sir Francis Bacon when King Iames was living gave this Character of him WHerefore representing Your Majesty many times unto my minde and beholding you not with the eye of Presumption to discover that which the Scripture tells me is inscrutable but with the observant eye of Duty and Admiration leaving aside the other parts of your Virtue and Fortune I have been touched yea and possessed with an extream wonder at these your Virtues and Faculties which the Philosophers call Intellectuals The largeness of your Capacity the faithfulness of your Memory the swiftness of your Apprehension the penetration of your Judgment and the facility and order of your Elocution And I have then thought that of all the persons living that I have known Your Majesty were the best instance to make a man of Plato's opinion That all Knowledge is but Remembrance and that the Minde of Man by Nature knoweth all things and hath but her own Native and Original Notions which by the strangeness and darkness of the Tabernacles of the Body are sequestred again revived and restored Such a Light of Nature I have observed in your Majesty and such a readiness to take flame and blaze from the least occasion presented or the least spark of anothers Knowledge delivered And as the Scripture saith of the wisest King That his heart was as the Sand of the Sea which though it be one of the largest Bodies yet it consisteth of the smallest and finest Portions So hath God given your Majesty a composition of Understanding admirable being able to compass and comprehend the greatest Matters and nevertheless to touch and apprehend the least wherein it should seem an impossibility in Nature for the same Instrument to make it self fit for great and small Works And for your gift of Speech I call to minde what Cornelius Tacitus saith of Augustus Caesar Augusto pros●uens quae Principem deceret Eloquentia fuit For if we mark it well Speech that is uttered with labor and difficulty or Speech that savoreth of the affectation of Arts and Precepts or Speech that is framed after the imitation of some pattern
lending of the Ships and received fair Answers from them both But the King sent an express and strict Order to Pennington requiring him without delay to put his former Command in Execution for the consigning of the Ship called the Vantguard with all her furniture into the hands of the Marquess D' Effiat assuring the Officers of the Ships that he would provide for their Indempnity and further commanding him to require the Seven Merchants Ships in his name to put themselves into the Service of the French King and in case of backwardness or refusal to use all means to compel them thereunto even to their sinking Upon this Pennington went back to Deep and put the Vantguard into the absolute Power and Command of the French King to be employed in his Service at pleasure and commanded the rest of the Fleet to the like Surrender At the first the Captains Masters and owners refused to yield weighed Anchor and were making away but when Pennington shot they came in again but Sir Ferdinando Gorge came away with the Ship called the Neptune The Companies unanimously declined the Service and quitted the Ships all but one Man who was a Gunner and Pennington hasted to Oxford where the Parliament was Reassembled but as was voiced was there concealed till the Parliament was dissolved On the First of August the Parliament Reassembled at Oxford whether the news of the Ships lent to the French against the besieged Rochellers did quickly flie and exasperate the spirit of that great Assembly against the Duke of Buckingham The Grievances insisted upon were the mis-spending of the Publick Treasure the neglect of guarding the Seas insomuch that the Turks had leisure to land in the Western parts and carry away the Subjects Captives The Commons appointed a Committee to consider of secret Affairs and to examine the Disbursements of the Three Subsidies and the Three Fifteens given to King Iames for the Recovery of the Palatinate and they prepared to assault the Duke Also Mr. Richard Montague was summoned to appear according to the Condition of his Bond and a Committee was appointed to proceed in the further Examination of that business Mr. Montagues Cause was recommended to the Duke by the Bishops of Rochester Oxford and St. Davids as the Cause of the Church of England They shew that some of the Opinions which offended many were no other then the resolved Doctrine of this Church and some of them are curious Points disputed in the Schools and to be left to the liberty of Learned Men to abound in their own sense it being the great fault of the Council of Trent to require a Subscription to School Opinions and the approved Moderation of the Church of England to refuse the apparent Dangers and Errors of the Church of Rome but not to be over-busie with Scholastical Niceties Moreover in the present case they alleage that in the time of Henry the Eighth when the Clergy submitted to the Kings Supremacy the Submission was so resolved That in case of any difference in the Church the King and the Bishops were to determine the Matter in a National Synod and if any other Judge in Matters of Doctrine be now allowed we depart from the Ordinance of Christ and the continual practice of the Church Herewithal they intimated That if the Church be once brought down below her self even Majesty it self with soon be impeached They say further That King Iames in his rare wisdom and judgment approved all the Opinions in this Book and that most of the contrary Opinions were debated at Lambeth and ready to be published but were suppressed by Queen Elizabeth and so continued till of late they received countenance at the Synod of Dort which was a Synod of another Nation and to us no ways binding till received by Publick Authority And they affirm boldly That they cannot conceive what use there can be of Civil Government in the Common-wealth or of External Ministry in the Church if such fatal Opinions as some are which are opposite to those delivered by Mr. Montague be publickly taught and maintained Such was the Opinion of these forenamed Bishops but others of Eminent Learning were of a different Judgment At Oxford in a late Divinity Disputation held upon this Question Whether a Regenerate Man may totally and finally fall from Grace The Opponent urging the Appeal to Caesar the Doctor of the Chair handled the Appellator very roughly saying He was a meer Grammarian a Man that studied Phrases more then Matter That he understood neither Articles nor Homilies or at least perverted both That he attributed he knew not what vertue to the sign of the Cross Dignus Cruce qui asserit and concluded with an Admonition to the Juniors That they should be wary of reading that and the like Books On the Fourth of August the Lords and Commons were commanded to attend his Majesty in Christs-Church Hall in Oxford where he spake unto them in manner following MY Lords and you of the Commons We all remember that from your Desires and Advice my Father now with God brake off those two Treaties with Spain that were then in hand Well you then foresaw that as well for regaining my dispossessed Brothers Inheritance as home defence a War was likely to succeed and that as your Councils had led my Father into it so your assistance in a Parliamentary-way to pursue it should not be wanting That aid you gave him by Advice was for succor of his Allies the guarding of Ireland and the home part supply of Munition preparing and setting forth of his Navy A Council you thought of and appointed for the War and Treasurers for issuing of the Moneys And to begin this Work of your Advice you gave Three Subsidies and as many Fifteens which with speed were levied and by direction of that Council of War in which the preparation of this Navy was not the least disbursed It pleased God at the entrance of this Preparation by your Advice begun to call my Father to his Mercy whereby I entred as well to the care of your Design as his Crown I did not then as Princes do of Custom and Formality Reassemble you but that by your further Advice and Aid I might be able to proceed in that which by your Counsels my Father was engaged in Your love to me and forwardness to further those Affairs you expressed by a Grant of Two Subsidies yet ungathered although I must assure you by my self and others upon credit taken up and aforehand disbursed and far short as yet to set forth that Navy now preparing as I have lately the estimate of those of care and who are still employed about it whose particular of all expences about this preparation shall be given you when you please to take an accompt of it His Majesty having ended his Speech commanded the Lord Conway and Sir Iohn Cook more particularly to declare the present state of Affairs which
Lordships according to the unanimous Advice of all the Iudges of England and his Majesties pleasure signified therein That the First Article propounded viz. You shall do all your pain and diligence to destroy and make to cease all manner of Heresies and Errors commonly called Lollaries within in your Bayliwick from time to time to all your power and assist and be helping to all Ordinaries and Commissioners of the Holy Church and favor and maintain them as oftentimes as you shall be required shall be left out in the Oath to be given to Sir Edward Cook and shall ever hereafter be left out in all Oaths to be given to the High Sheriffs of Counties hereafter And their Lordships do likewise Order according to the unanimous Advice of all the Iudges of England That the other thrée Articles doubted of shall stand in the said Oath to be ministred to the said Sir Edward Cook and to all other High Sheriffs as heretofore hath béen accustomed and that the Lord Keeper do give order to such Officers and Clerks in the Court of Chancery to whom it appertained to make out the Oath for the time to come according to present Order The expectation of a Parliament gave encouragement to the Bishop of Lincoln who yet retained the name of Lord Keeper notwithstanding his Sequestration several moneths before from the presence of the King the Council Table and the custody of the Seal to make an Address to his Majesty for a favorable interpretation of his actions But his carriage towards the Duke at the Parliament at Oxford was fresh in memory where the Bishop told the Duke in Christ-Church upon the Dukes rebuking him for siding against him That he was engaged with William Earl of Pembroke to labor the Redress of the Peoples Grievances and was resolved to stand upon his own Legs If that be your resolution said the Duke Look you stand fast and so they parted and shortly after that he was sequestred though the Seal was not disposed from him till the Thirtieth of October at which time it was given to Sir Thomas Coventry at Hampton-Court who was that day sworn of the Privy Council and sate there and sealed some Writs and afterwards came to the Term at Reading and sate there as Lord Keeper and heard Causes The King being pressed with his own Necessities and the Cry of the Nation against the Fruitless Voyage of Cadiz summoned a Parliament to meet in February and before the time of meeting his Majesty enjoyned the Archbishops and Bishops in both Provinces to proceed against Popish Recusants by Excommunication and other Censures of the Church and not to omit any lawful means of bringing them to Publick Justice especially he recommended to their vigilant care the unmasking and repressing of those who were not professed Papists yet disaffected to the true Religion and kept close their evil and dangerous affection and by secret means and slights did encourage and advance the growth of Popery This Command was seconded by a Proclamation requiring That all Convicted Papists should according to the Laws of this Realm remain confined to their dwelling places or within five miles thereof unless upon special Licences first obtained in Cases necessary Immediately before the Parliament Bishop Laud procured the Duke of Buckingham to sound the King concerning the Cause Books and Tenets of Mr. Richard Montague and understanding by what the Duke collected That the King had determined within himself to leave him to a Tryal in Parliament he said I seem to see a Cloud arising and threatning the Church of England God for his Mercy dissipate it About the same time the King declared his purpose to celebrate the Solemnity of his Coronation on Candlemas-day at the Palace of Westminster and required all persons who by reason of their Offices and Tenures were bound to perform any Duties at the Solemnitie to give their attendance and to be furnished in all respects answerable to an action of so high State according to their places and dignities Wherefore by a Commission under the Great Seal of England Sir Thomas Coventry Lord Keeper of the Great Seal Iames Lord Say High Treasurer of England Edward Earl of Worcester Keeper of the Privy Seal Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey Earl Marshal of England William Earl of Pembroke Lord High Chamberlain Edward Earl of Dorset and Sir Randol Crew Cheif Justice of the Common Pleas were authorised to receive and determine the Claims exhibited by any Person concerning Services to be performed at the approaching Coronation And the more to credit the Solemnity the King resolving to make certain of his Servants and other Subjects in regard of their Birth good Service and other Qualities Knights of the Bath Authorised Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey and Earl Marshal of England William Earl of Pembroke Lord Chamberlain to perform in his Majesties Name and behalf all the Rites and Ceremonies belonging thereto At the same time Writs were directed to all Sheriffs in the Realm of England and Dominions of Wales commanding them to make Proclamation That all such as had Forty pounds a year or more of Lands or Revenues in their own hands or the hands of Feoffees for their use for the space of Three years and are not yet Knights do at their perils prepare to present themselves in his Majesties Presence by the One and thirtieth of Ianuary to receive the Order of Knighthood Upon the asswaging of the great Pestilence through the Mercy and Goodness of God in withdrawing and almost removing the Scourge the King by His Royal Authority ordained a Publick and General Thanksgiving to be celebrated upon the Nine and twentieth of Ianuary being the Lords day in the Cities of London and Westminster and the places adjacent and on the Nineteenth of February in all other places of the Kingdom the manner and form whereof was prescribed by a Book composed by the Bishops according to his Majesties special Direction The Contagion ceasing the restraint enjoyned to the Citizens of London from resorting to Fairs for a time was taken off The number of those that died this year within and without the Walls of the City of London and in the Liberties and Nine out Parishes from the Sixteenth of December 24. to the Fifteenth of December 25. Was in Total Fifty four thousand two hundred sixty and five whereof of the Plague Thirty five thousand four hundred and seventeen On Candlemas-day King Charls was Crowned Bishop Laud had the cheif hand in compiling the Form of the Coronation and had the honor to perform this Solemnity instead of the late Lord Keeper Williams who through the Kings disfavor was sequestred from this Service which belonged to his place as he was Dean of Westminster Mr. Iohn Cosens as Master of the Ecclesiastical Ceremonies kneeled behinde the Bishop when the Prayers were read and directed the Quire when to answer The Ceremony in going to and all the
unfortunate mistaking of the Speeches I used to Mr. Clark I shall conclude by entreating your Lordships favor That I may understand from you as I hope for my comfort that this Letter hath given his Majesty satisfaction or if there should yet remain any scruple That I may have a clear and plain signification of the Kings pleasure which I shall obey with all Humility Your Lordships humble Servant BRISTOL The Earl of Bristol petitions the House of Lords shewing That he being a Peer of this Realm had not received a Summons to Parliament and desires their Lordships to mediate with his Majesty that he may enjoy the Liberty of a Subject and the Priviledge of his Peerage after almost two years restraint without being brought to a Tryal And if any Charge be brought in against him he prayeth that he may be tryed by Parliament The business is referred to the Committee of Priviledges and the Earl of Hartford reported from that Committee That it is necessary that their Lordships humbly beseech his Majesty that a Writ of Summons may be sent to the Earl of Bristol as also to such other Lords whose Writs are stopped except such as are made uncapable to sit in Parliament by Judgment of Parliament or some other Legal Judgment Hereupon the Duke signified to the House That upon the Earl of Bristols Petition to the King His Majesty had sent him his Writ of Summons And withal he shewed to the Lords the Copy of a Letter written from the King unto the said Earl being as followeth WE have received your Letter addressed unto us by Buckingham and cannot but wonder that you should through forgetfulness make request to us of favour as if you stood evenly capable of it when you know what you behaviour in Spain deserved of us which you are to examine by the observations we made and know you well remember how at our first coming into Spain taking upon you to be so wise as to foresee our intention to change our Religion you were so far from disswading us that you offered your advice and secresie to cocurre in it and in many other Conferences pressing to shew how convenient it was to be a Roman Catholick it being impossible in your opinion to do any great action otherwise And how much wrong disadvantage and disservice you did to the Treaty and to the Right and Interest of our dear Brother and Sister and their Children what disadvantage inconvenience and hazard you intangled us in by your Artifices putting off and delaying our return home the great estimation you made of that State and the low price you set this Kingdom at still maintaining that we under colour of friendship to Spain did what was in our power against them which you said they very well knew And last of all your approving of those Conditions that our Nephew should be brought up in the Emperors Court to which Sir Walter Ashton then said that he durst not give his consent for fear of his head you replying unto him that without some such great Action neither Marriage nor Peace could ●e had Upon the receipt of the Writ Bristol again Petitions the House of Lords and annexes to his Petition the Lord Keepers Letter and his own Answer thereto and desires to be heard in accusation of the Duke The humble Petition of Iohn Earl of Bristol Humbly shewing unto your Lordships THat he hath lately received his Writ of Parliament for which he returneth unto your Lordships most humble thanks but ioyntly with it a Letter from my Lord Keeper commanding him in his Majesties name to forbear his personal attendance and although he shall ever obey the least intimation of his Majesties pleasure yet he most humbly offereth unto your Lordships wise considerations as too high a point for him how far this may trench upon the Liberty and Safety of the Peers and the Authority of their Letters Patents to be in this sort discharged by a Letter missive of any Subject without the Kings hand And for your Lordships due information he hath annexed a Copy of the said Lord Keepers Letter and his Answer thereunto He further humbly Petitioneth your Lordships That having been for the space of two years highly wronged inpoint of his Liberty and of his Honor by many sinister aspersions which have been cast upon him without being permitted to answer for himself which hath been done by the power and industry of the Duke of Buckingham to keep him from the presence of his Majesty and the Parliament l●st he should discover many crimes concerning the said Duke He therefore most humbly beseecheth That he may be heard both in the point of his Wrong and of his Accusation of the said Duke wherein he will make it appear how infinitely the said Duke hath both abused their Majesties the State and both the Houses of Parliament And this he is most confident will not be denied since the Court of Parliament never refuseth to hear the poorest Subject seeking for redress of Wrongs nor the Accusation against any be he never so powerfull And herein he beseecheth your Lordships to mediate to his Majesty for the Suppliants coming to the House in such sort as you shall think fitting assuring his Majesty That all he shall say shall not onely tend to the Service of his Majesty and the State but highly to the Honor of his Majesties Royal Person and of his Princely vertues And your Suppliant shall ever pray for your Lordships prosperity The Lord Keeper to the Earl of Bristol March 31. 1626. My very good Lord BY his Majesties commandment I herewith send unto your Lordship your Writ of summons for the Parliament but withal signifie his Majesties pleasure herein further that howsoever he gives way to the awarding of the Writ yet his meaning is thereby not to discharge any former directions for restraint of your Lordships coming hither but that you continue under the same restriction as you did before so as your Lordships personal attendance is to be forborn and therein I doubt not but your Lordship will readily give his Majesty satisfaction And so I commend my service very heartily unto your Lordship and remain Your Lordships assured Friend and Servant THO. COVENTRY C.S. Dorset-Court March 31. 1626. His Answer to the Lord Keeper May it please your Lordship I Have received your Lordships Letter of the 31 of March and with it his Majesties Writ of Summons for the Parliament In the one his Majesty commandeth me that all excuses set aside upon my Faith and Allegiance I fail not to come to attend his Majesty And this under the Great Seal of England In the other as in a Letter missive his Majesties pleasure is intimated by your Lordship that my personal attendance should be forborn I must crave leave ingenuously to confess unto your Lordship that I want judgement rightly to direct my self in this Case as likewise that I am ignorant how far this may trench
used towards them as they expected and with so many Answers from the Earl had on their part been undertaken the said Prince our now gratious Soveraign was inforced out of his love to his Countrey to his Allies Friends and Confederates and to the peace of Christendom who all suffered by those intolerable delays in his own person to undertake his long and dangerous journey into Spain that thereby he might either speedily conclude those Treaties or perfectly discover that on the Emperors and King of Spains part there was no true and real intention to bring the same to conclusion upon any fit and honorable terms and conditions and did absolutely and speedily break them off By which journey the person of the said Prince being then Heir-Apparant to the Crown of this Realm and in his person the peace and safety of this Kingdom did undergo such apparant and such inevitable danger as at the very remembrance thereof the hearts of all good Subjects do even tremble II. Offences done and committed by the said Earl during the time of the Princes being in Spain VII THat at the Princes coming into Spain during the time aforesaid the Earl of Bristol cunningly falsly and traiterously moved and perswaded the Prince being then in the power of a foreign King of the Romish Religion to change his Religion which was done in this manner At the Princes first coming to the said Earl he asked the Prince for what he came thither the Prince at first not conceiving the Earls meaning answered You know as well as I. The Earl replied Sir Servants can never serve their Master industriously although they may do it faithfully unless they know their meanings fully Give me leave therefore to tell you what they say in the Town is the cause of your coming That you mean to change your Religion and to declare it here And yet cunningly to disguise it the Earl added further Sir I do not speak this that I will perswade you to do it or that I will promise you to follow your example though you will do it but as your faithful Servant if you will trust me with so great a secret I will endeavor to carry it the discreetest way I can The Prince being moved at this unexpected motion again said unto him I wonder what you have ever found in me that you should conceive I would be so base and unworthy as for a Wife to change my Religion The said Earl replying desired the Prince to pardon him if he had offended him it was but out of his desire to serve him Which perswasions of the said Earl was the more dangerous because the more subtile whereas it had been the duty of a faithful Servant to God and his Master if he had found the Prince staggering in his Religion to have prevented so great an error and to have perswaded against it so to have avoided the dangerous consequence thereof to the true Religion and to the State if such a thing should have hapned VIII That afterwards during the Princes being in Spain the said Earl having conference with the said Prince about the Romish Religion he endeavored falsly and traiterously to perswade the Prince to change his Religion and to become a Romish Catholick and to become obedient to the usurped Authority of the Pope of Rome And to that end and purpose the said Earl traiterously used these words unto the said Prince That the State of England never did any great thing but when they were under the obedience of the Pope of Rome and that it was impossible they could do any thing of note otherwise IX That during the time of the Princes being in Spain the Prince consulting and advising with the said Earl and others about a new offer made by the King of Spain touching the Palatinates Eldest Son to marry with the Emperors Daughter but then he must be bred up in the Emperors Courts the said Earl delivered his opinion That the Proposition was reasonable whereat when Sir Walter Aston then present falling into some passion said That he durst not for his head consent to it the Earl of Bristol replied That he saw no such great inconvenience in it for that he might be bred up in the Emperors Court in our Religion But when the extream danger and in a manner the impossibility thereof was pressed unto the said Earl he said again That without some great Action the Peace of Christendom would never be had which was so dangerous and so desperate a Counsel that one so near the Crown of England should be poysoned in his Religion and become an unfriend to our State that the consequences thereof both for the present and future times were infinitely dangerous and yet hereunto did his disaffection to our Religion the blindness in his Judgment misled by his sinister respects and the too much regard he had to the House of Austria lead him III. Offences done and committed by the said Earl after the Princes coming from Spain X. THat when the Prince had clearly found himself and his Father deluded in these Treaties and hereupon resolved to return from the Court of Spain yet because it behoved him to part fairly he left the powers of the Desponsories with the Earl of Bristol to be delivered upon the return of the Dispensation from Rome which the King of Spain insisted upon and without which as he pretended he would not conclude the Marriage The Prince foreseeing and fearing lest after the Desponsories the Infanta that should then be his Wife might be put into a Monastery wrote a Letter back to the said Earl from Segovia thereby commanding him not to make use of the said Powers until he could give him assurance that a Monastery should not rob him of his Wife which Letter the said Earl received and with speed returned an Answer thereto into England perswading against this Direction yet promising Obedience thereunto Shortly after which the Prince sent another Letter to the said Earl into Spain discharging him of his farther command But his late Majesty by the same Messenger sent him a more express direction not to dispatch the Desponsories until a full Conclusion were had of the other Treaty of the Palatinate with this of the Marriage for his Majesty said That he would not have one Daughter to laugh and leave the other Daughter weeping In which Dispatch although there were some mistaking yet in the next following the same was corrected and the Earl of Bristol tyed to the same Restriction which himself confessed in one of his Dispatches afterwards and promised to obey punctually the Kings command therein yet nevertheless contrary to his Duty and Alleagiance in another Letter sent immediately after he declared That he had set a day for the Desponsories without any Assurance or so much as treating of those things which were commanded to him as Restrictions and that so short a day that if extraordinary diligence with good success in the Journey had not concurred
MY Lords said he In this great business of Impeachment against the Duke of Buckingham I am commanded by the Commons in Parliament to bear a part of some importance The Articles allotted to my Charge are three the Sixth Seventh and Eighth which I shall open with as much brevity and perspicuity as I may The substance of several Cases concerning the same The Evidence to make them good together with such Observations as naturally arise out of the matter whereby your Lordships may the better discern wherein the Dukes faults do consist and what punishment may be answerable to such offences The Sixth Article is a distinct Charge different from the other two wherefore I will handle it with the Incidents thereof by it self The Seventh and Eighth Articles being of one nature and subject are indeed several parts of one Charge rather then several Charges and have such a connexion in themselves that with your Lordships leaves I will handle them both together without dividing them which I hold will be the shortest and fittest way to do right to the Cause and to your Lordships The Sixth Article giveth me occasion my Lords thus to enlarge my self In a Treaty the 18. of August 1604. between our late Soveraign King Iames of glorious memory and Philip the Third King of Spain It was agreed That there should be perfect Amity and Peace to endure for ever by Land Sea and Fresh-waters between these Kings their Heirs and Successors their Dominions Liege-men and Subjects then being or which should be And that either party should then after abstain from all depradations offences and spoils by Sea Land and Fresh-waters in what Dominions or Government soever of the other and should cause restitution to be made of all depradations which then after should be comitted and the damages growing by means thereof And that the said Kings shall take care that their Subjects should from thenceforth abstain from all force and wrong-doing and that they likewise should revoke all Commissions and Letters-Patents of Reprisal or Mart or otherwise containing Licence to take Prizes All which are declared by the said Treaty it self to be void and that whosoever should do any thing contrary should be punished not only criminally according to the merit of his offence but should also be compelled to make restitution and satisfaction for the losses to the parties damnified requiring the same Lastly it was concluded That between them and every of their Subjects might be free Commerce in all the Dominions by Sea Land and Fresh-waters in which before the Wars there hath been Commerce and according to the use and observance of the antient Leagues and Treaties before the Wars the Customs as they were at that present rated according to the Ordinance of the Places being paid This Treaty being setled and continuing his late Majesty King Iames by his Highness Letters-Patents bearing date the 14. of September An. 13. of his Reign did grant unto the Governors of the Merchants of London trading into the East-Indies and to their Successors in case they be justly provoked or driven thereunto in defence of their persons goods or ships by any disturbance or hinderance in their quiet Course of Trade or for recompence or recovery of the persons ships or goods of any of his Majesties Subjects that had been formerly in or neer the East-Indies or for any other just cause of their defence or recompence of losses sustained That then the Captains or principal Commanders of the said Company or any other under their government should or might attempt surprise or take the persons ships and goods of any Prince or State by whose Subjects they should sustain any wrong or loss in manner as aforesaid as by the said Letters-Patents appeareth Some years after the granting of these Letters-Patents under pretext that the said Treaty was broken there was some interruption and violence offered by the King of Spain's Subjects in the Ports of East-India to the Merchants of the East-India Company trading into those parts whereby they were much damnified and thereupon suspecting that it might be in vain to complain for redress in an ordinary course of Justice in the East-India or in default thereof to return into Spain to make complaint to that purpose where nothing was likely to be done till they had sent from thence again into the East-Indies and received an answer And after all this upon denial of Justice in Spain to come into this Kingdom for Letters of Request without which in ordinary course they should not use Reprisal and many years would be spent before they could come to have an end of these suits It is true that thereupon partly in their defence and partly for amends and partly for revenge they did by pretext of the said Letters-Patents take some goods of the Portugals in the East-Indies Subjects to the King of Spain and afterwards being commanded by the King of Persia to transport certain Forces of his in Ormus an Island situate in the Country of Persia some goods of Portugals subjects to the King of Spain were there taken by Captain Blith and Captain Wedel and others of their Company being servants and in pay under the East-India Company In Iuly 1623. Two ships called the Lyon and the Ionas being part of a Fleet belonging to the said Company returned from Ormus aforesaid out of an East-Indian Voyage and arrived in the Downs richly laden with goods and merchandise lawfully belonging to the said Company and estimated to the value of One hundred thousand pounds The Duke of Buckingham in or about October 1623. being advertised thereof well knowing the Company to be rich and apprehending in himself a probable ground how he might exact and extort some great sum of money from the said Company out of the profit of these ships and their lading by colour of his Office of Lord Admiral of England and out of his power and greatness his Office being used for a groundwork of his design therein did thereupon pretend that the lading of the said ships was for the most part with goods Pyratically taken at Sea in the parts about Ormus aforesaid and that a Tenth part or some other great share thereof did belong to him in the right of his said Office of Lord Great Admiral of England and by vertue of his Letters-Patents and Grant from his late Majesty in that behalf alleadging withall howsoever the said Company might peradventure answer the matter yet there would and might be strong opposition against them These words were used to possess them with fear and to make them stand in awe of his power when he should come afterwards particularly to press them to yield to his unjust demands Having once resolved of his ends which was to get money he thus proceeded to effect the same In the moneths of November December January and February then next following he had divers times Treaties by himself and his Agents with the the then Governor and others of the
complained of and what punishment it may deserve His fault consisteth in the unjust extorting and receiving the Ten thousand pounds from the East-India Company against their wills by colour of his Office Yet as offenders in this kinde have commonly some colour to disguise and mask their Corruptions so had he His colour was the Release of his pretended right to the Tenth part or some other share of the Goods supposed to be Piratically taken at Sea by the Captain and their Servants of the Company And though his Lordship may perhaps call his act therein a lawful Composition I must crave pardon of your Lordships to say thus That if his supposed right had been good this might peradventure have been a fair Composition The same pretence being unsound and falling away it was a meer naked Bribe and unjust extortion For if way should be given to take money by colour of Releases of pretended rights men great in power and in evil would never want means to extort upon the meaner sort at their pleasures with impunity It remains therefore that I should prove unto your Lordships onely two things First That a pretence of right by the Duke if he had none will not excuse him in this case and in the next place to shew by reason and good warrant That he had in Law no right at all to Release For the former I will relie upon the substance of two noteable presidents of Judgments in Parliament the one antient in the 10 Rich. 2. At which time the Commons preferred divers Articles unto the Lords in Parliament against Michael de la Pool Earl of Suffolk Lord Chancellor of England accusing him amongst other things by the first Article of his Charge That while he was Lord Chancellor he had refused to give Livery to the cheif Master of St. Anthonies of the profit pertaining to that Order till he had security from them with Sureties by Recognisance of Three thousand pounds for the payment of One hundred pounds per annum to the Earl and to Iohn his Son for their lives The Earl by way of Answer set forth a pretended Title in his Son to the cheif Mastership of that Order and that he took that One hundred pound per annum as a Composition for his Sons right The Commons replied shewing amongst other things That the taking of Money for that which should have been done freely was a selling of the Law and so prayed Judgment In conclusion the pretended right of his Son not being just or approved the offence remained single by it self a sale of Law and Justice as the Law termeth it and not a Composition for the Release of his Interest So the Earl for this amongst the rest was sentenced and greatly punished as by the Records appeareth The other President of like nature is more Modern in the Case of the Earl of Middlesex late Lord Treasurer of England who was charged by the Commons in Parliament and transmitted to your Lordships for taking of Five hundred pounds of the Farmers of the Great Customs as a Bribe for allowing of that Security for payment of their Rent to the late Kings Majesty which without such reward of Five hundred pounds he had formerly refused to allow of The Earl pretended for himself That he had not onely that Five hundred pound but Five hundred pounds more in all One thousand pounds of those Farmers for a Release of his Claim to Four of Two and thirty parts of that Farm But upon the proof it appearing to your Lordships That he had not any such part of that Farm as he pretended it was in the Thirteenth day of May in the Two and twentieth year of his late Majesties reign Adjudged by your Lordships in Parliament which I think is yet fresh in your Memories That the Earl for this amongst other things should undergo many grievous Censures as appeareth by the Records of your Lordships house which I have lately seen and perused And now being to prove that the said Duke had no title to any part of the Goods by him claimed against the East-India Company I shall easily make it manifest if his Lordships pretence by his own Allegation in the Admiralty were true That the Goods whereof he claims his share were Piratically taken From which Allegation as he may not now recede so is it clear by Reason and Authority That of such Goods no part or share whatsoever is due to the Lord Admiral in right of his Office or otherways 1. For that the parties from whom the same were taken ought to have restitution demanding it in due and reasonable time and it were an injury to the intercourse and Law of Nations if the contrary should be any way tolerated 2. Secondly by Law for so are the Statutes of this Kingdom and more especially in 27 Edw. 3.13 whereby it was provided That if any Merchant privy or stranger be robbed of his Goods upon the Sea and the same come afterwards into this Realm the owner shall be received to prove such Goods to be his and upon proof thereof shall have the same restored to him again Likewise 1 2 3 Edw. 6.18 in the Act of Parliament touching Sir Thomas Seymour Great Admiral of England who therein amongst divers other things is charged with this That he had taken to his own use Goods Piratically taken against the Law whereby he moved almost all Christian Princes to conceive a grudge and displeasure and by open War to seek remedy by their own hands And therefore for this amongst other things he was attainted of High Treason as appeareth by that Act wherein the Law is so declared to be as before is expressed But if it should be admitted that the Duke had a right in this case for which he might compound yet the manner of his seeking to try and recover such his right is in it self an high Offence and clearly unlawful in many respects whereof I will touch but a few As in making the most Honorable House of Parliament an Instrument to effect his private ends for his profit In proceeding to arest and stay the Ships of men not apt to flie but well able to answer and satisfie any just Suits which he might have against them though their Ships had gone on in their Voyage In prosecuting things so unseasonably and urging them so extreamly by his Advocate for bringing in of so great a sum of money upon the sudden and formally under colour of Justice and Service of the State In reducing that Company into that straight and necessity that it was as good for them to compound though the Duke had no title as to defend their own just right against him upon these disadvantages which by his power and industry he had put upon them Then he read the Seventh and Eighth Articles which he handled joyntly as being not two Charges but two sevearl parts of one and the same Charge and when he had read them he went on speaking further to
their Lordships as followeth YOur Lordships may have observed how in handling the former Articles I have in my Discourse used the method of time which I hold to be best for the discovery of the truth I shall therefore by your Lordships patience whereof now I have had some good experience use the like order in my enlargment upon these later Articles touching which that which I have to say is thus In or about the Two and twentieth year of the reign of our late dear Soveraign Lord King Iames of famous memory there being then a Treaty between our said late Soveraign and the French King for a Marriage to be had between our then most Noble Prince now our most gratious King and the French Kings Sister our now Queen and for entring into an Active War against the King of Spain and his Allies in Italy and the Valtoline Our said late Soveraign passed some promise to the French Kings Ambassador here the Marquess D' Effiat for procuring or lending some Ships to be employed by the French in that Service upon reasonable conditions but without thought or intent that they should be employed against the Rochellers or any others of our Religion in France For it was pretended by the French Kings Ministers to our King That the said Ships should be employed particularly against Genoa and not otherwise But afterwards some matter of Suspition breaking forth from those of our Religion in France that the Design for Italy was but a pretence to make the Body of an Army fall upon the Rochellers or other of our Religion in that Kingdom the King grew so cautious in his Conditions that as he would perform his promise to lend his Ships so to preserve those of our Religion he contracted or gave directions that the greater part of the Men in the same Ships should be English whereby the power of them should be ever in his hands And the Duke of Buckingham then and yet Lord Great Admiral of England well knowing all this to be true pretended he was and would be very careful and proceed with art to keep the said Ships in the hands of our King and upon our own Coasts and yet nevertheless under hand he unduly intended practised and endeavored the contrary For afterwards by his direction or procurement in or about the Two and twentieth year aforesaid a Ship of his Majesties called the Vantguard being of his Majesties Royal Navy was allotted and appointed to be made ready for the service of the French King and seven other Merchants Ships of great burthen and strength belonging to several persons Natural Subjects of our said late Soveraign Lord were by the Dukes direction impressed as for the service of his said late Majesty and willed to make themselves ready accordingly The Names and Tunage of the said Seven Merchants Ships were as followeth 1. The Great Neptune whereof Sir Ferdinando Gorge was Captain 2. The Industry of the burthen of Four hundred and fifty Tuns whereof Iames Moyer was Captain 3. The Pearl of Five and forty Tuns Anthony Tench was Captain 4. The Marigold of Three hundred Tuns Thomas Davies Captain 5. The Loyalty of Three hundred Tuns Iasper Dare Captain 6. The Peter and Iohn of Three hundred and fifty Tuns Iohn Davies Captain 7. The Gift of God of Three hundred Tuns Henry Lewen Captain Also about the same time a Contract was made by and between Sir Iohn Cooke and other the Commissioners of his Majesties Navy as on behalf of his Majesty for his said Ship the Vantguard and on behalf of the Captains Masters and Owners of the said Seven Merchants Ships but without their privity or direction for the service of the French King upon conditions to be safe and reasonable for our King this Realm and State as also for the said Captains Masters and Owners of the said seven Merchants Ships and for the Companies For Sir Iohn Cooke drew the Instructions for the Direction of the said Contract which Instructions passed and were allowed by the King and such of the Council as were made acquainted therewith and used in this business In which Instructions as Sir Iohn Cooke hath since alleaged in the House of Commons there was care taken for provision to be made that the said Ship of his Majesty called Vantguard should not serve against the City or Inhabitants of Rochel or those of the Religion in France nor take into her more men of the French then she could from time to time be well able to command and master But whether the Instructions for the Merchants Ships and the Kings said Ship were all one is not yet cleared unto the Commons howbeit it appeareth not but that the intent of our King and State was to be a like careful for both Nevertheless a Form of Articles dated the Five and twentieth day of March in the Three and twentieth year of his said late Majesties raign was prepared ingrossed and made ready to be sealed without the knowledge of the Captains Masters and Owners of the said Merchants Ships between the said Marquess D' Effiat the Ambassador on the one part and the several Owners of the said Merchants Ships respectively on the other part viz. A several Writing or Instrument for every of the said Ships respectively whereby amongst other things as by the same appeareth it was covenanted and agreed by and on the part and behalf of the owners to and with the said Marquess D' Effiat to this effect namely 1. That their said Ships respectively with a certain number of men for every of them limitted with Ordnance Munition and other necessaries should be ready for the French Kings service the Thirteenth of April then next following 2. That they should go on in that Service under a French General to be as Captain in every of the said Merchants Ships respectively of the appointment of the French King or his Ambassador 3. That they should serve the French King against any whomsoever but the King of Great Britain 4. That they should take in as many Soldiers into their said several Ships as they could stow or carry besides their Victual and Apparel 5. That they should continue six moneths or longer in the Service so that the whole time did not exceed eighteen moneths 6. That they should permit the French to have the absolute Command of their Ships for Fights and Voyages And it was amongst the said Articles besides other things Covenanted and agreed by the said Marquess D' Effiat as for and on the behalf of the French King to this effectly namely I. That there should be paid to every owner a moneths freight in hand after the rate agreed on and freight for two moneths more after the same rate within Fifteen days after the date of the Articles the computation of the moneths to begin from the 28 of March II. And that the Ships should be ready in a certain form prescribed at the end of the Service When all things were in a
the Kings pleasure they should so do without security for redelivery of their ships or satisfaction for the same to their good contentment Hereupon Pennington went on shore at Diep and there spake with D'Effiat the Ambassador and shortly after returned aboard and gave the Captains Masters and Owners an Answer resting upon the validity and urging the performance of the former Contract made and peraffetted in England Then the said Masters and Captains prepared to be gone and weighed anchor accordingly Whereupon Captain Pennington shot at them and forced them to come again to anchor as yielding themselves for fear to his mercy and disposal Upon this Captain Pennington and the Frenchmen that now commanded the Vantguard came aboard the Merchants ships and there proposed unto them a new way for their security touching their ships namely to accept the security of the Town of Diep Whereupon they all went ashore except Sir Ferdinando Gorge who with his ship the Great Neptune adventured to come away as not liking these new and unreasonable Propositions At their coming ashore they spake with Mr. Nicholas and there by his enforcement came to a new Agreement to accept the Security of the Town of Diep upon certain hard Conditions namely The said Marquis d' Effiat as Extraordinary Ambassador in England and as having power by deputation from the Duke of Chevereux and Villocleer on or about August 15. 1625 did agree and promise to the said Moyer Touchin Thomas Davies Dard John Davies Lewen as Captains and Owners of the said ships called the Industry the Pearl the Marigold the Loyalty the Peter and Iohn and the Gift of God then being in the Road of the Town of Diep That the French King should give and furnish to the said Owners they being present and accepting it in this Town this sufficient security That within fifteen dayes after the said French King should be in possession of the said ships he should give sufficient caution in London for the sum of Two hundred and thirteen thousand Livres whereat the said ships were estimated with all that appertaineth to them as Cannons and other Munitions of War viz. Fifty thousand pounds And in or about the same 15 August 1625. the Commonalty of the said Town of Diep entred security and bound the goods of their Commonalty to the said English Captains and Owners That the said French King and his Ambassadors should furnish the security within the City of London within the time and for the sum aforesaid On or about August 16. 1625. the said Marquis d' Ef●iat as well in his quality of being Ambassador as by vertue of his said Deputation did by a publick Act promise unto the said Moyer Touching c. to give and furnish to them they being present and requiring it in the Town of Diep sufficient security in the City of London within fifteen dayes after the French King should be in peaceable possession of the said ships for the sum of Two hundred and thirteen thousand Livres Turnoys whereat the said ships were valued namely for the said ship called the Industry and so a several sum for every ship which security should remain for assurance to pay to every of them the prices of their ships before specified in that Act in case they should be left in the French Kings hands with other particulars in the said Act mentioned without derogating nevertheless from the Clauses of the said Contract March 25. 1625. Albeit because the said Ambassadors had found it good now to discharge the English Mariners out of the said ships that therefore the freight agreed upon by the said former Contract should not be wholly paid but only for the space of the first six moneths yet if the French King would use them for twelve moneths longer or for any less time that then he should pay freight for the same according to a new particular rate and manner expressed in the said Articles and bound the goods of himself and the said Duke of Chevereux and Monsieur Villocleer for the performance hereof as by the said Article it self reference being thereunto had amongst other things more fully appeareth This Article being passed and recorded at Diep all the said seven Merchants ships except the Great-Neptune who was gone away in detestation of the action intended by the French were forthwith delivered into the absolute possession power and command of the French King and of his said Ambassador d' Effiat and other the Ministers and Subjects of the French King to be imployed by him in his service at his pleasure and not one of all the English Company Man or Boy other then one onely man a Gunner as it should seem would stay in any of those ships to serve against the Rochellors or those of our Religion As soon as these ships were thus delivered into the possession and power of the French the said Ambassador then moved them and dealt earnestly with them for the sale of their ships Mr Nicholas having finished the work he went for at his coming from Diep he recei-a Diamond-Ring worth Fifty pounds and a Hatband set with Sparks of Diamonds worth One hundred Marks of the Ambassador as a recompence for his pains taken in this Imployment which although Ambassadors do confer greater rewards sometimes at their parting upon persons of Mr Nicholas his quality for less service done yet was it more then so ill an office as he was imployed in could in any sort deserve The said Captain Pennington returned speedily into England and took his journey towards the City of Oxford where the Parliament was then sitting by adjournment from Westminster thither and there several Propositions were taken into debate for the good of our Religion and the supply of his Majesties occasions For the well resolving and setling whereof the true knowledg how and upon what occasions and terms the several ships were sent delivered imployed and to be imployed was very requisite Afterwards neverthertheless upon or about August 6. 1625. at a meeting and conference between both the Houses of Parliament in Christchurch-Hall after the reading there of his Majesties most gracious Answer to a Petition of the Lords and Commons formerly exhibited unto his Majesty touching our Religion and much for the good thereof the Duke of Buckingham well knowing all the passages which I have now related to your Lordships to be true did not onely cautelously conceal the same but also much boldly and untruely by colour of a Message delivered from his Majesty to both the Houses affirm unto them touching those ships to this effect That it was not alwayes fit for Kings to give accompt of their Counsels and that about five of the six Moneths were already past and yet the said ships were not imployed against Rochel willing and advising the said Lords and Commons to judge the things by the event to which he seemed to refer the matter By which cunning Speeches the Duke intended and accordingly did make the Lords and Commons
no man amongst the Thebans was to take upon him any Place of Government in the Commonwealth if that he were a Merchant unless there were ten years distance between And the reason is this Because Merchants are used to buying and selling It is their Trade and Art to to 〈◊〉 Money so that their fingers are accustomed to that which they cannot leave when they come to Places of Trust and Judicature Nay further in honor of the Merchants He is accounted the wisest Merchant that gains most so that if any such comes to Offices and Places of Trust he thinks it best to advance his profit Next to the Pagans the Popes a Generation full of Corruption yet they by their Bulls are full of Declamation against such And this is plain by a Bull of Pius Quintus who lays the Penalty of Confiscation of Goods of any that do for money acquire any Offices and condemns them by his Papal sentence to be great sinners So Gregory the Thirteenth condemns the like And now to come nearer home to come to that which will principally lead your Lordships which are the Judgments of your Ancestors in Parliament wherein it appears by the Statute of 5 H. 6. that the same Statute condemns the Seller and Receiver as well as the Buyer and Giver It further appears by the Preamble of that Statute that such offences were against the Law and they foresaw the Corruptions of those that came into those Places by those means and that it is a hinderance of sufficient and worthy men from those Places And also 2 3 E. 6. which was likewise cited in the Case of the Duke of Somerset by which he was to forfeit his Estate that one thing was for selling of Places in the Commonwealth for money And certainly with your Lordships favor it is most just and probable that they that profess themselves to be Patriots and shew by their actions that they aim at their own lucre and labor to hinder the distributing of Iustice it is most just and proper that those men should return back again to the Publick Treasury of the King and Kingdom what they have by their unsatisfied lucre gotten And so my Lords craving Pardon of you for my boldness confusion and distractions in going through this business I humbly leave my self to the judgments of your favors and charities and this Great man the Duke to your wise Censure and Justice Then was read the Eleventh and Twelfth Articles XI That he the said Duke hath within these ten years last past procured divers Titles of Honor to his Mother Brothers Kindred and Allies as the Title of Countess of Buckingham to his Mother while she was Sir Thomas Compton's wife the Title of Earl of A. to his younger Brother Christopher Villiers the Titles of Baron of M. P. Vicount F. and Earl of D. to his Sisters Husband Sir W. F. the Titles of Baron of S. and Vicount P. to Sir Iohn Villiers elder Brother unto the said Duke and divers more of the like kind to his Kindred and Allies whereby the Noble Barons of England so well deserving in themselves and in their Ancestors have been much prejudiced and the Crown disabled to reward extraordinary Vertues in future times with Honor while the small Estates of those for whom such unnecessary Advancement hath been procured ar● apparently likely to be more and more burthensom unto the King notwithstanding such Annuities Pensions and Grants of Lands annexed to the Crown of great value which the said Duke hath procured for those his Kindred to support these their Dignities XII He the said Duke 〈◊〉 contented with the great Advancement formerly received from the late King of famous memory by his procurement and practice in the Fourteenth year of the said King for the support of the many Places Honors and Dignities conferred on him did obtain a grant of divers Manors Parcel of the Revenue of the Crown and of the Duchy of Lancaster to the yearly value of One thousand six hundred ninety seven pounds two shillings halfpenny farthing of the old Rent with all Woods Timber Trees and Advowson part whereof amounting to the sum of Seven hundred forty seven pounds thirteen shillings four pence was rated at Two and thirty thousand pounds but in truth of a far greater value And likewise in the Sixteenth year of the same Kings reign did procure divers other Manors annexed to the Crown of the yearly value at the old Rent of Twelve hundred pounds or thereabouts according as in a Schedule hereunto annexed appeareth In the Warrant for passing of which Lands he by his great favour procured divers unusual Clauses to be inserted viz. that no Perquisites of Courts should be valued and that all Bailiffs Fees should be reprised in the particulars upon which those Lands were rated whereby a president hath been introduced which all those who since that time have obtained any Lands from the Crown have pursued to the damage of his late Majesty and of our Soveraign Lord the King that now is to an exceeding great value And afterwards he surrendred to his said Majesty divers Mannors and Lands parcel of those Lands formerly granted unto him to the value of Seven hundred twenty three pounds eighteen shillings and two pence half-penny per annum in consideration of which surrender he procured divers other Lands of the said late King to be sold and contracted for by his own Servants and Agents and thereupon hath obtained grants of the same to pass from his late Majesty to several persons of this Kingdom and hath caused Tallies to be stricken for the money being the consideration mentioned in those Grants in the Receipt of the Exchequer as if any such monies had really come to his Majesties Coffers whereas the Duke or some other by his appointment hath indeed received the same sums and expended them upon his own occasions And notwithstanding the great and inestimable gain by him made by the sale of Offices Honors and by other Suits by him obtained from his Majesty and for the countenancing of divers Projects and other Courses burthensom to his Majesties Realms both of England and Ireland The said Duke hath likewise by his procurement and practise received into his hands and disbursed to his own use exceeding great sums that were the monies of the late King of famous memory as appeareth also in the said Schedule hereunto annexed And the better to colour his doings in that behalf hath obtained several Privy-Seals from his late Majesty and his Majesty that now is warranting the payment of great sums to persons by his named causing it to be recited in such Privy-seals as if those sums were directed for secret Services concerning the State which were notwithstanding disposed of to his own use and other Privy-seals by him have been procured for the discharge of those Persons without accompt and by the like fraud and practice under colour of free gifts from his Majesty he hath gotten into
to convey them to the Treasury of the Navy If the truth be according to the Privy-seal they are to be added to the former Total as parcel of his own gain If according to that allegation it may prove a president of greater damage to the King then the money is worth for by this way his Majesty hath no means by matter of Record to charge the Treasurer of the Navy with these sums and may lose the benefit of the Act of Parliament 13 Eliz. whereby Accomptants Lands are made liable to the paiment of their Debts to the King and in many cases may be sold for his Majesties satisfaction The Treasurer of the Navy is a worthy man but if he should die the King loseth the benefit The fourth point of this branch is That he hath caused so great a mixture and confusion between the Kings Estate and his own that they cannot be distinguished by the Records and Entries which ought to be kept for the safety of his Majesties Treasure and indempnity of the Subject This is proved in divers instances whereof the last alleaged is one and others follow By the wisdom of the Law in the constitution of the Exchequer there be three Guards set upon the Kings Treasure and Accompts The first is a legal Impignoration whereby the Estates personal and real of the Accomptants are made liable to be sold for the discharge of their Debts which I mentioned before The second an apt Controlment over every Office by which the King relies not upon the industry and honesty of any one man but if he fail in either it may be discovered by some other sworne to take notice of it and either to correct his Errors or amend his Faults The third is a durable Evidence and Certainty not for the present time only but for perpetuity because the King can neither receive or pay but by Record All these Guards have been broken by the Duke both in the Cases next before recited and in these which follow The Custom of the Exchequer is the Law of the Kingdom for so much as concerneth the Kings Revenue Every breach of a Law by a particular offence is punishable but such an offence as this being destructive of the Law itself is of a far higher nature The fifth point of this second branch is concerning two Privy-seals of Release the one 16 the other 20 Iac. whereby this Duke is discharged of divers sums secretly received to his Majesties use but by vertue of these Releases to be converted to the support of his own Estate The proof hereof is referred to the Privy-seals themselves From which he made one observation of the subtilty he used to winde himself into the possession of the Kings money and to get that by cunning steps and degrees which peradventure he could not have obtained at once A good Master will trust a Servant with a greater sum that is out of his purse then he would bestow upon him being in his purse and yet after it is out of his hands may be drawn more easily to make a Release then at first to have made a Free gift This is a proper instance to be added to the proof of the point of mingling his own Estate with the Kings and of the same kind be other particulars mentioned in the Schedule though not expressed in the Charge as Twenty thousand pounds received in Composition for the Earl of M. his Fine which cannot be discovered whether part or all be converted to the Dukes benefit and yet it appears by a Privy-seal to be cleerly intended to the Kings own service for the Houshold and Wardrobe till by the Dukes practice it was diverted into this close and by-way Another instance in this is His endeavor to get the money which should be made of Prize-goods into his own hands And for this purpose he first labored to procure that his man Gabriel Marsh might receive it and when it was thought fit some Partner should be joined with him trial was made of divers but none of any credit would undertake the Charge with such a Consort And the Commons have reason to think there was good cause of this refusal for he is so ill an Accomptant that he confessed in their House being examined that by authority from the Duke he received divers bags of gold and silver out of the S. Peter of Newhaven which he never told When this practice of imploying his own man would take no effect then he procured a Commission from Sir William Russell who is indeed without exception an able and worthy Officer but that is not enough for the Kings security For howsoever he was to receive the money it was to be disbursed by and to the Dukes warrant and profit Which Clause hath been altered since this was questioned in Parliament and now it is to be issued from an immediate Warrant from his Majesty But as it was before it may be noted as an incroachment upon the Office of my Lord Treasurer whereby he might make a more easie way to some sinister end of his own so that upon the matter Sir William was but a safeguard of the money for the Duke himself And this I must note of some guilt in the very act of it The last point upon this whole Charge was a reduction of the value of the Land together with the mony into one totall and to that purpose he rated the Land being valued at a reasonable value at forty years purchase for although some of it was sold for thirty yet a great part was worth more then a hundred years purchase so as forty years is conceived to be an easy Medium at this rate 3035 l. amounteth to 121400 l. which being added to the total of the mony received 162995 l. both together make the sum of 284395 l. besides the Forrest of Leyfeild and besides the profit made out of the thirds of Strangers goods and the Moyetie of the profit made out of the Customes of Ireland This is a great sum in it self but much greater by many Circumstances if we look upon the time past never so much came into any private mans hands out of the publique purse if we respect the time present the King never had so much want never so many forreign occasions important and expensive the Subjects never have given greater supplies and yet those supplies unable to furnish these expences But as the Circumstances make the sum greater so there be other Circumstances which make it less if it be compared with the inestimable gain he hath made by the sale of Honors and Offices and by projects hurtfull to the State both of England and Ireland or if it be compared to his profusion it will appear but a little sum All these gifts and other ways of profit notwithstanding he confest before both Houses of Parliament that he was indebted 100000 l. If this be true how can we hope to satisfie his prodigality if false how can we hope to satisfie
see them earthed before me My Answer to the several points in Charge I shall crave leave to deliver in brief and in form of Law but as naked as truth loves to be and so I leave my self and my cause to your Lordships Justice The humble Answer and Plea of George Duke of Buckingham to the Declaration and Impeachment made against him before your Lordships by the Commons House of Parliament THe said Duke of Buckingham being accused and sought to be impeached before your Lordships of the many Misdemeanors Misprisions Offences and Crimes wherewith he is charged by the Commons House of Parliament and which are comprised in the Articles preferred against him and were aggravated by those whose service was used by that House in the delivery of them Doth finde in himself an unexpressible pressure of deep and hearty sorrow that so great and so worthy a Body should have him suspected of those things which are objected against him whereas had that Honorable House first known the very truth of those particulars whereof they had not there the means to be rightly informed he is well assured in their own true judgments they would have forborn to have charged him therewith The Charge touching Plurity of Offices To the first which concerneth Plurality of Offices which he holdeth he answereth thus That it is true that he holdeth those several Places and Offices which are enumerated in the preamble of his Charge whereof onely three are worthy the name of Offices viz. The Admiralty the Wardenship of the Cinque Ports and Mastership of the Horse the other are rather titulary and additions of Honor. For these Offices he humbly and freely acknowledgeth the bounty and goodness of his most Gratious Master who is with God who when he had cast an Eye of Favor upon him and had taken him into a more near place of service about his Royal Person was more willing to multiply his Graces and Favors upon him then the Duke was forward to ask them and for the most part as many honorable persons and his now most Excellent Majesty above all others can best testifie did prevent the very desires of the Duke in asking And all these particular places he can and doth truly affirm his late Majesty did bestow them of his own Royal motion except the Wardenship of the Cinque Ports onely and thereto also he gave his approbation and encouragement And the Duke denieth that he obtained these places either to satisfie his exorbitant ambition or his own profit or advantage as is objected against him And he hopeth he shall give good satisfaction to the contrary in his particular Answers ensuing touching the manner of his obtaining the places of the Admiralty and the Wardenship of the Cinque Ports whereunto he humbly desireth to refer himself And for the Mastership of the Horse to his Majesty he saith it is a meer domestick office of attendance upon the Kings person whereby he receiveth some profit yet but as a conveniency to render him more sit for his continual attendance and in that place the times compared he hath retrenched the Kings annual charge to a considerable value as shall be made apparent And for the number of places he holdeth he saith That if the Commonwealth doth not suffer thereby he hopeth he may without blame receive and retain that which the liberal and bountiful hand of his Master hath freely conferred upon him And it is not without many Presidents both in Antient and Modern times That one man eminent in the esteem of his Soveraign hath at one time held as great and as many Offices But when it shall be discerned That he shall falsly or corruptly execute those places or any of them or that the Publick shall suffer thereby he is so thankful for what he hath freely received that whensoever his Gratious Master shall require it without disputing with his Soveraign he will readily lay down at his Royal Feet not onely his Places and Offices but his whole Fortunes and his life to do him service But the integrity of his own Heart and Conscience being the most able and most impartial witnesses not accusing him of the least thought of disloyalty to his Soveraign or to his Country doth raise his spirits again to make his just defence before your Lordships of whose Wisdom Justice and Honor he is so well assured That he doth with confidence and yet with all humbleness submit himself and his cause to your Examinations and Judgments before whom he shall with all sincerity and clearness unfold and lay open the secrets of his own actions and of his heart and in his Answer shall not affirm the least Substantial and as near as he can the least Circumstantial point which he doth not believe he shall clearly prove before your Lordships The Charge consisteth of Thirteen several Articles whereunto the Duke saving to himself the usual benefit of not being prejudiced by any words or want of form in his Answer but that he may be admitted to make further explanation and proof as there shall be occasion and saving to him all Priviledges and Rights belonging to him as one of the Peers of the Realm doth make these several and distinct Answers following in the same order they are laid down unto him For his buying of the Admirals place the said Duke maketh this clear and true Answer That it is true that in Ianuary in the Sixteenth year of his late Majesties Raign his late Majesty did by his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England grant unto the Duke the Office of Admiralty for his life which Grant as he well knoweth it was made freely and without any Contract or Bargain with the late Lord Admiral or any other and upon the voluntary Surrender of that Noble and wel-deserving Lord so he is advised it will appear to be free from any defect in Law by reason of the Statute of 5 Edw. 6. mentioned in this Article of his Charge or for any other cause whatsoever For he saith the true manner of his obtaining this Office and of all the passages thereof which he is ready to make good by Proof was thus That Honorable Lord the late Earl of Nottingham the Lord Admiral being grown much in years and finding that he was not then so able to perform that which appertained to his place as in former times he had done to his great Honor and fearing lest his Majesties service and the Commonwealth might suffer by his defect became an humble and earnest Petitioner to his late Majesty to admit him to surrender his Office His late Majesty was at the first unwilling unto it out of his Royal Affection to his Person and true Judgment of his worth But the Earl renewed his Petitions and in some of them nominated the Duke to be his Successor without the Dukes privity or fore-thought of it And about that time a Gentleman of good place about the Navy and of long experience
Charge but he hath not a foot of Land which came from the Crown or the Kings Grant But if it were true That the Duke had procured Honors for those who are so near and so dear unto him the Law of Nature and the Kings Royal Favor he hopeth will plead for his excuse and he rather believeth he were worthy to be condemned in the opinion of all generous mindes if being in such Favor with his Master he had minded onely his own advancement and had neglected those who were nearest unto him To this Article his Answer is That he doth humbly and with all thankfulness acknowledge the bountiful hand of his late Majesty unto him for which he oweth so much to the memory of that deceased King his most Excellent Majesty that now is and their Posterity that he shall willingly render back whatsoever he hath received together with his life to do them service But for the immense sums and values which are suggested to have been given unto him he saith There are very great mistakings in the calculations which are in the Schedules in this Article mentioned unto which the Duke will apply particular Answers in another Schedule which shall express the truth of every particular as near as he can collect the same to which he referreth himself whereby it shall appear what a great disproportion there is between Conjectures and Certainties And those gifts which he hath received though he confesseth that they exceed his Merit yet they exceed not Presidents of former times But whatsoever it is he hath or hath had he utterly denieth that he obtained the same or any part thereof by any undue sollicitation or practice or did unduly obtain any Release of any sums of money he received but he having at several times and upon several occasions disposed of divers sums of the moneys of his late Majesty and of his Majesty that now is by their private directions he hath Releases thereof for his discharge which was honorable and gratious in their Majesties who granted the same for their Servants indempnity and he hopeth was not unfit for him to accept of lest in future times he or his might be charged therewith when he could not be able to give so clear an account thereof as he hopeth he shall now be well able to do To this Charge which is set forth in such an expression of words as might argue an extraordinary guiltiness in the Duke who by such infinite bonds of duty and thankfulness was obliged to be tender of the life and health of his most dread and dear Soveraign and Master he maketh this clear and true Answer That he did neither apply nor procure the Plaister or Posset-drink in the Charge termed to be a Potion unto his late Majesty nor was present when the same was first taken or applied But the truth is this That his Majesty being sick of an Ague took notice of the Dukes recovery of an Ague not long before and asked him how he had recovered and what he found did him most good The Duke gave him a particular answer thereto and that one who was the Earl of Warwicks Physician had ministred a Plaister and Posset-drink to him and the chief thing that did him good was a Vomit which he wished the King had taken in the beginning of his sickness The King was very desirous to have that Plaister and Posset-drink sent for but the Duke delayed it whereupon the King impatiently asked whether it were sent for or not and finding by the Dukes speeches he had not sent for it his late Majesty sent for Iohn Baker the Dukes servant and with his own mouth commanded him to go for it Whereupon the Duke besought his Majesty not to make use of it but by the advice of his own Physicians nor until it should be tried of Iames Palmer of his Bed-chamber who was then sick of an Ague and upon two Children in the Town Which the King said he would do And in this resolution the Duke left his Majesty and went to London and in the mean time in his absence the Plaister and Posset-drink was brought and applied by his late Majesties own command At the Dukes return his Majesty was in taking of the Posset-drink and the King then commanded the Duke to give it him which he did in the presence of some of the Kings Physicians they then no ways seeming to dislike it the same Drink being first tasted of by some of them and divers others in the Kings Bed-chamber And he thinketh this was the second time the King took it Afterwards when the King grew somewhat worse then before the Duke heard a rumor as if his Physick had done the King hurt and that the Duke had ministred that Physick to him without advice The Duke acquainted the King therewith to whom the King with much discontent answered thus They are worse then Devils that say it So far from the truth it was which now notwithstanding as it seemeth is taken up again by some and with much confidence affirmed And here the Duke humbly prayeth all your Lordships not only to consider the truth of this Answer but also to commiserate the sad thought which this Article hath revived in him This being the plain clear and evident truth of all those things which are contained and particularly expressed in his Charge the rest being in general requiring no Answer He being well assured that he hath herein affirmed nothing which he shall not make good by proof in such way as your Lordships shall direct He humbly referreth it to the judgment of your Lordships how full of danger and prejudice it is to give too ready an ear and too easie a belief unto Reports or Testimony without Oath which are not of weight enough to condemn any He humbly acknowledgeth how easie it was for him in his younger years and unexperienced to fall into thousands of errors in those ten years wherein he had the honor to serve so great and open-hearted a Soveraign and Master But the fear of Almighty God his sincerity in the true Religion established in the Church of England though accompanied with many weaknesses and imperfections which he is not ashamed humbly and heartily to confess his awfulness not willing to offend so good and gracious a Master and his love and duty to his Country have restrained him and preserved him he hopeth from running into heinous and high misdemeanors and crimes But whatsoever upon examination and mature deliberation they shall appear to be lest in any thing unwittingly within the compass of so many years he shall have offended He humbly prayeth your Lordships not only in those but as to all the said misdemeanors misprisions offences and crimes wherewith he standeth charged before your Lordships to allow unto him the benefit of the free and general Pardon granted by his late Majesty in Parliament in the 21. year of his Reign out of which he is not excepted and of the
gracious Pardon of his now Majesty granted to the said Duke and vouchsafed in like manner to all his Subjects at the time of his most happy Inauguration and Coronation Which said Pardon under the Great Seal of England granted the said Duke beareth date the 10. day of February now last past and here is shewn forth unto your Lordships on which he doth most humbly rely And yet he hopeth your Lordships in your Justice and Honor upon which with confidence he puts himself will acquit him of and from those misdemeanors offences misprisions and crimes wherewith he hath been charged And he hopeth and will daily pray that for the future he shall by Gods grace so watch over his actions both publick and private that he shall not give any just offence to any The Duke having put in this Answer earnestly moved the Lords to send to the Commons to expedite their Reply and the Commons did as earnestly desire a Copy of his Answer The next day his Majesty wrote this Letter to the Speaker TRusty and Welbeloved We greet you well Our House of Commons cannot forget how often and how earnestly we have called upon them for the speeding of that Aid which they intended us for our great and weighty affairs concerning the safety and honor of us and our Kingdoms And now the time being so far spent that unless it be presently concluded it can neither bring us Money nor Credit by the time which themselves have prefixed which is the last of this Moneth and being further deferred would be of little use we being daily advertised from all parts of the great preparations of the Enemy ready to assail us We hold it necessary by these our Letters to give them our last and final admonition and to let them know that we shall account all further delays and excuses to be express denials And therefore we will and require you to signifie unto them that we do expect that they forthwith bring in their Bill of Subsidy to be passed without delay or Condition so as it may fully pass the House by the end of the next week at the furthest Which if they do not it will force us to take other resolutions But let them know if they finish this according to our desire that we are resolved to let them sit together for the dispatch of their other affairs so long as the season will permit and after their recess to bring them together again the next Winter And if by their denial or delay any thing of ill consequence shall fall out either at home or abroad We call God and man to witness that We have done our part to prevent it by calling our People together to advise with us by opening the weight of our occasions unto them and by requiring their timely help and assistance in these Actions wherein we stand engaged by their own Councels And we will and command you that this Letter be publickly read in the House About this time there happened at three a clock in the afternoon a terrible storm of Rain and Hail in and about the City of London and with it a very great Thunder and Lightening The graves were laid open in S. Andrews Church-yard in Holborn by the sudden fall of the Wall which brought away the Earth with it whereby many Coffins and the Corps therein were exposed to open view and the ruder sort would ordinarily lift up the lids of the Coffins to see the posture of the dead Corps lying therein who had been buried of the Plague but the year before At the same instant of time there was a terrible Storm and strange Spectacle upon Thames by the turbulencie of the waters and a Mist that arose out of the same which appeared in a round Circle of a good bigness above the waters The fierceness of the Storm bent it self towards York-House the then habitation of the Duke of Buckingham beating against the stairs and wall thereof And at last this round Circle thus elevated all this while above the water dispersed it self by degrees like the smoke issuing out of a Furnace and ascended higher and higher till it quite vanished away to the great admiration of the beholders This occasioned the more discourse among the Vulgar in that Doctor Lamb appeared then upon Thames to whose Art of Conjuring they attributed that which had happened The Parliament was then sitting and this Spectacle was seen by many of the Members out of the windows of the House The Commons agreed upon this ensuing Petition to his Majesty concerning Recusants To the Kings most Excellent Majesty YOur Majesties most obedient and loyal Subjects the Commons in this present Parliament assembled do with great comfort remember the many Testimonies which your Majesty hath given of your sincerity and zeal of the true Religion established in this Kingdom and in particular your gracious Answer to both Houses of Parliament at Oxford upon their Petition concerning the Causes and Remedies of the Increase of Popery That your Majesty thought fit and would give order to remove from all Places of Authority and Government all such persons as are either Popish Recusants or according to direction of former Acts of State justly to be suspected which was then presented as a great and principal cause of that mischief But not having received so full redress herein as may conduce to the peace of this Church and safety of this Regal State They hold it their duty once more to resort to your Sacred Majesty humbly to inform you that upon examination they find the persons underwritten to be either Recusants Papists or justly suspected according to the former Acts of State who now do or since the first sitting of the Parliament did remain in places of Government and Authority and Trust in your several Counties of this your Realm of England and Dominion of Wales The Right Honorable Francis Earl of Rutland Lieutenant of the County of Lincoln Rutland Northampton Nottingham and a Commissioner of the Peace and of Oyer and Terminer in the County of York and Justice of Oyer from Trent Northwards His Lordship is presented to be a Popish Recusant and to have affronted all the Commissioners of the Peace within the North-Riding of Yorkshire by sending a Licence under his Hand and Seal unto his Tenant Thomas Fisher dwelling in his Lordships Mannor of Helmsley in the said North-Riding of the said County of York to keep an Alehouse soon after he was by an Order made at the Quarter-Sessions discharged from keeping an Alehouse because he was a Popish convict Recusant and to have procured a Popish Schoolmaster namely Roger Conyers to teach Schollers within the said Mannor of Helmsley that formerly had his Licence to teach Schollers taken from him for teaching Schollers that were the children of Popish Recusants and because he suffered these children to absent themselves from the Church whilest they were his Schollers for which the said Conyers was formerly complained of
was secured but the Party whom Toras sent did his errand and no doubt gave the King of France a perfect account of their condition in the Citadel whilst the English Gentleman was detained that he could not do the like service for the King of England in delivering to him what he had in command from the Duke The French Gentleman returns to the Leagure at S. Martins but by reason the English Gentleman was not permitted to go for England the Frenchman was not permitted to go again into the Citadel Toras again renews the Treaty pretending that if he had not Relief such a day by such an hour he would surrender And spun out the time so long that in good earnest Relief got in both of men victuals and ammunition and the same Vessels which brought the Relief carried away the sick and wounded and unserviceable men in the Citadel So the Treaty proceeded no further and the Enemy holds upon their Pike-heads Mutton Capons Turkies c. to let the English see they had no want Now we go to work with Mine and Battery And presently also comes news that the French had landed more Forces near the Meadow-Castle a place also at the first neglected though then unmanned And orders are given to draw out men leaving the Trenches unguarded to encounter the French that were landed Which was performed with some reasonable success but the Enemy got security under the Castle and thereupon the English retreated and were enforced to fight to recover their Trenches which the Enemy had now possessed and many mens lives were lost in the regaining thereof This last refreshment of the Enemy being about the middle of October caused the Duke to enter into Council and to think of a resolution for a Retreat which he communicated to Sobiez and tells him further That the season is past his Army diminished his Victuals consumed and his Council of War had judged it fitting to retire Sobiez answered the Duke That the Earl of Holland's Fleet was coming with Supplies that the Relief given was not considerable that the Retreat would draw after it the loss of Rochel and thereby make Sobiez guilty of the ruine thereof but above all it would bring an irreparable prejudice and dishonor upon his Master of Great Britain that had made an Enterprise of so little honor and profit Upon this the Duke continues the Siege and shortly after resolves to storm the Citadel and Works to which it was said the English Commanders were much averse but the French Commanders were zealous for it And so for a farewell Novemb. 6. a vain Attempt was made on all sides of the Citadel In short we lost men and honor for the Fort was unaccessible besides well manned with fresh supplies of men newly put in And having left many dead and hurt we were forced to retire This ill success with the advise given that the Troops of the other Forts did increase the French notwithstanding our Shipping pouring their Forces amain into the Island hastened the Duke to raise the Siege and to retreat to ship his men again for England Novemb. 8. early in the morning the Drums beat and the Army prepares for a March but scarce had the Rearguard come out but the Troops of the Enemy appeared equal in number for Foot and far stronger in Horse which the Enemy had during the Siege landed in the Island under the favor of the Little-Fort and the Meadow-Castle the two places so strangely omitted at the first to be possessed by the English Yet notwithstanding their strength and the advantage of falling upon an Army on a retreat which had endured much hardship and received many discouragements would not the Enemy engage in plain field when the Duke several times drew up the Army in their march and made a stand in hopes of a Battel But the wary French Commander shunned the hazard of Fight on equal terms foreseeing a greater advantage with less hazard For no sooner were the English entred into the Narrow Causey and Lane having on each hand deep ditches and Salt-pits but the Enemy observed the advantage and that the English had neglected to raise a Fort at the entry of the Causey to secure their retreat and yet worse that they had not raised a Fort at the further end thereof near the Bridge to secure the passage over it but had only raised a small Work not tenable on the further side of the Bridge whereupon the Enemy advanced with great fury on a weak Rearguard of Horse and quickly put them to a retreat who in that Narrow Causey disordered the Foot and the Enemy thereby took the advantage followed close and did much execution upon the English Those who escaped the sword were drowned in the Salt-pits and Ditches and the Crowd was so great on the Bridge the Enemy pursuing them over that many English were drowned in the River Yet in this discom●ited condition the English took courage faced about rallied their Forces made up a smart body that drew up to fight the Enemy but the French not daring to engage but upon great advantage were enforced to retreat over the Bridge The English lost several hundreds of men and many Colors and great was their dishonor The loss of the men was not so great as that they were left upon so unequal terms where the proof and valor of an Englishman could not put forth it self Novemb. 9. the Army was shipped and the Duke promiseth the Rochellers to come again to their relief and presently after set sail for England meeting with the Earl of Holland as he was setting out of Plymouth coming with a Supply And now every man passeth his censure upon this Expedition Some laying the fault upon the Duke 1 For being too slow in his march after the first landing whereby the Enemy got in provision and heartned his men 2 In being too remiss during the Siege in not preventing provisions for going into the Citadel by doubling Guards at Land and Sea when the wind stood fair 3 In omitting to take in the Little Fort from whence as it was said proceeded all the misery that afterwards followed 4 In retreating before all things were certainly prepared in order to a secure march in narrow places and passages The Duke pleaded for himself That he acted for the most part by the advice of a Council of War and if Orders were given and not observed it was not his fault That had the Earl of Holland come with a Supply of shipping men and victuals so soon as he might and ought to have done he had then without doubt so narrowly blocked up the Harbor to the Citadel by Sea that no Provision should have got into it The Earl of Holland answered for himself That when he was ready to have gone aboard the Fleet at Plymouth the Ships with Provision were not come out of Chattam and when the Provisions were shipt time was spent before he could
Friends and Allies be not sufficient then no Eloquence of Men or Angels will prevail Only let me remember you That my duty most of all and every one of yours according to his degree is to seek the maintenance of this Church and Commonwealth And certainly there never was a time in which this duty was more necessarily required then now I therefore judging a Parliament to be the antient speediest and best way in this time of Common danger to give such Supply as to secure our selves and to save our Friends from imminent ruine have called you together Every man now must do according to his conscience Wherefore if you as God forbid should not do your duties in contributing what the State at this time needs I must in discharge of my conscience use those other means which God hath put into my hands to save that which the follies of particular men may otherwise hazard to lose Take not this as a Threatening for I scorn to threaten any but my Equals but an Admonition from him that both out of nature and duty hath most care of your preservations and prosperities And though I thus speak I hope that your demeanors at this time will be such as shall not only make me approve your former Councels but lay on me such obligations as shall tie me by way of thankfulness to meet often with you For be assured that nothing can be more pleasing unto me then to keep a good Correspondence with you I will only adde one thing more and then leave my Lord Keeper to make a short Paraphrase upon the Text I have delivered you which is To remember a thing to the end we may forget it You may imagine that I came here with a doubt of success of what I desire remembring the distractions of the last Meeting But I assure you that I shall very easily and gladly forget and forgive what is past so that you will at this present time leave the former ways of distractions and follow the Councel late given you To maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace The Lord Keeper seconded his Majesty on this manner YE are here-in Parliament by his Majesties Writ and Royal command to consult and conclude of the weighty and urgent Business of this Kingdom Weighty it is and great as great as the honor safety and protection of Religion King and Country And what can be greater Urgent it is It is little pleasure to tell or think how urgent And to tell it with circumstances were a long work I will but touch the sum of it in few words The Pope and House of Austria have long affected the one a Spiritual the other a Temporal Monarchy And to effect their ends to serve each others turn the House of Austria besides the rich and vast Territories of both the Indies and in Africa joined together are become Masters of Spain and Italy and the great Country of Germany And although France be not under their subjection yet they have invironed all about it The very Bowels of the Kingdom swayed by the Popish Faction They have gotten such a part and such intercession in the Government that under pretence of Religion to root out the Protestants and our Religion they have drawn the King to their adherence so far that albeit upon his Majesties interposition by his Ambassadors and his engagement of his Royal word there was between the King and his Subjects Articles of Agreement and the Subjects were quiet whereof his Majesty interessed in that great Treaty was bound to see a true accomplishment yet against that strict Alliance that Treaty hath been broken and those of the Religion have been put to all extremity and undoubtedly will be ruined without present help So as that King is not onely diverted from assisting the Common Cause but hath been misled to engage himself in hostile acts against our King and other Princes making way thereby for the House of Austria to the ruine of his own and other Kingdoms Other Potentates that in former times did ballance and interrupt the growing greatness of the House of Austria are now removed and diverted The Turk hath made Peace with the Emperor and turned himself wholly into Wars with Asia The King of Sweden is embroiled in a War with Poland which is invented by Spanish practices to keep that King from succoring our part The King of Denmark is chased out of his Kingdom on this and on that side the Zound so as the House of Austria is on the point to command all the Sea-coasts from Dantzick to Embden and all the Rivers falling into the Sea in that great extent So as besides their power by Land they begin to threaten our Part by Sea to the subversion of all our State In the Baltique-Sea they are providing and arming all the Ships they can build or hire And have at this time their Ambassadors treating at Lubeck to draw into their service the Hans-Towns whereby taking from us and our Neighbors the Eastland-Trade by which our Shipping is supplied they expect without any blow given to make themselves Masters of that Sea In these Western parts by the Dunkirkers and by the now French and Spanish Admiral to the ruine of Fishing of infinite consequence both to us and the Low-Countries they infest all our Coast so as we pass not safely from Port to Port. And that Fleet which lately assisted the French at the Isle of Rhee is now preparing at S. Andrews with other Ships built in the Coast of Biscay to reinforce it and a great Fleet is making ready in Lisbon where besides their own they do serve themselves upon all Strangers Bottoms coming to that Coast for Trade And these great preparations are no doub● to assault us in England or Ireland as they shall find advantage and a place fit for their turn Our friends of the Netherlands besides the fear that justly troubles them lest the whole force of the Emperor may fall down upon them are distracted by their Voyages into the East which hath carried both Men and Money into another World and much weakened them at home Thus are we even ready on all sides to be swallowed up The Emperor France and Spain being in open War against us Germany overrun the King of Denmark distressed the King of Sweden diverted and the Low-Country-men disabled to give us assistance I speak not this to increase fear unworthy of English courages but to press to provision worthy the wisdom of a Parliament And for that cause his Majesty hath called you hither that by a timely provision against those great imminent dangers our selves may be strengthened at home our Friends and Allies encouraged abroad and those great causes of fear scattered and dispelled And because in all Warlike preparations Treasure bears the name and holds the semblance of the nerves and sinews And if a sinew be too short or too weak if it be either shrunk or strained the part becomes
have communicated the same to the rest of the Members of the House To this Speech Sir Dudley Diggs it being at a free Conference made Reply MY Lords it hath pleased God many ways to bless the Knights Citizens and Burgesses now assembled in Parliament with great comfort and strong hopes that this will prove as happy a Parliament as ever was in England And in their Consultations for the service of his Majesty and the safety of this Kingdom our special comforts and strong hopes have risen from the continued good respect which your Lordships so nobly from time to time have been pleased to shew unto them particularly at this present in your so honorable profession to agree with them in general and desiring to maintain and support the fundamental Laws and Liberties of England The Commons have commanded me in like sort to assure your Lordships they have been are and will be as ready to propugne the just Prerogative of his Majesty of which in all their Arguments searches of Records and Resolutions they have been most careful according to that which formerly was and now again is protested by them Another noble Argument of your honorable disposition towards them is expressed in this That you are pleased to expect no present answer from them who are as your Lordships in your great wisdoms they doubt not have considered a great Body that must advise upon all new Propositions and resolve upon them before they can give answer according to the ancient Order of their House But it is manifest in general God be thanked for it there is a great concurrence of affection to the same end in both Houses and such good Harmony that I intreat your Lordships leave to borrow a Comparison from Nature or natural Philosophy As two Lutes well strung and tuned brought together if one be played on little straws and sticks will stir upon the other though it lye still so though we have no power to reply yet these things said and propounded cannot but work in our hearts and we will faithfully report these Passages to our House from whence in due time we hope your Lordships shall receive a contentful Answer The Commons were not satisfied with these Propositions which were conceived to choak the Petition of Right then under consideration but demurred upon them Monday 28 April The Lord Keeper spake to both Houses of Parliament by the Kings command who was then present MY Lords and ye the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons ye cannot but remember the great and important Affairs concerning the safety both of the State and Religion declared at first from his Majesties own mouth to be the causes of the Assembling of this Parliament the sense whereof as it doth daily increase with his Majesty so it ought to do and his Majesty doubts not but it doth so with you since the danger increaseth every day both by effluxion of time and preparations of the Enemy Yet his Majesty doth well weigh that this expence of time hath been occasioned by the Debate which hath arisen in both Houses touching the Liberty of the Subject in which as his Majesty takes in good part the purpose and intent of the Houses so clearly and frequently professed that they would not diminish or blemish his just Prerogative so he presumes that ye will all confess it a point of extraordinary Grace and Justice in him to suffer it to rest so long in dispute without interruption but now his Majesty considering the length of time which it hath taken and fearing nothing so much as any future loss of that whereof every hour and minute is so pretious and foreseeing that the ordinary way of Debate though never so carefully husbanded in regard of the Form of both Houses necessarily takes more time then the Affairs of Christendom can permit his Majesty out of his great Princely care hath thought of this expedient to shorten the business by declaring the clearness of his own heart and intention And therefore hath commanded me to let you know That he holdeth the Statute of Magna Charta and the other Six Statutes insisted upon for the Subjects Liberty to be all in force and assures you that he will maintain all his Subjects in the just Freedom of their Persons and safety of their Estates And that he will govern according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm And that ye shall finde as much security in his Majesties Royal Word and Promise as in the strength of any Law ye can make so that hereafter ye shall never have cause to complain The conclusion is That his Majesty prayeth God who hath hitherto blessed this Kingdom and put into his heart to come to you this day to make the success thereof happy both to King and People And therefore he desires that no doubt or distrust may possess any man but that ye will all proceed unanimously to the business The Commons being returned from the Lords House Mr. Secretary Cook perswaded them to comply with the King His Majesty said he puts us in minde of the great important Affairs of the State and of his sense thereof that by effluxion of time increaseth in him and he doubts not but that it doth increase in us Ye see his Majesties moderation in the interpretation of all our actions he saith that he hopes we have the same sense he hath he is pleased to consider of the occasion of expence of time that grew from the Debates in both Houses We see how indulgent he is that however the Affairs of Christendom are great yet he omits not this nay he takes in good part our Proceedings and our Declarations that we will not Impeach the Prerogative Also his Majesty presumes that we will confess that he hath used extraordinary Grace in that he hath indured dispute so long he acknowledgeth it Justice to stand as we have done Further out of a Princely care of the Publique he is careful no more time be lost and because he sees some extraordinary course to be taken to satisfie us he observes that in the Form of Debate such length is required as the nature of the business will not indure It is to be presumed that his Government will be according to the Law We cannot but remember what his Father said He is no King but a Tyrant that governs not by Law But this Kingdom is to be governed by the Common Law and his Majesty assures us so much the Interpretation is left to the Judges and to his great Council and all is to be regulated by the Common Law I mean not Magna Charta onely for that Magna Charta was part of the Common Law and the ancient Law of this Kingdom all our difference is in the Application of this Law and how this Law with difference is derived into every Court I conceive there are two Rules the one of Brass that is rigid and will not bend and that is the Law
special Charge and Direction so soon as the said Fleet or the greatest thereof shall be reassembled and joyned together then presently with the first opportunity of wind taking into his Charge also the Ships stayed and prepared at Portsmouth and Plimouth together with such fire Ships and other Vessels as shall be provided for this expedition to return to Rotchel with all possible diligence and do his best endevor to relieve the same Letting his Lordship know that order is taken for the victualling of the Fleet by Petty warrant so long as it remaineth in Harbor for the sparing and lengthening of the Sea victuals And if it so fall out that the Earl of Denbigh do set forward on his voyage towards Rotchel before the whole Fleet shall be joyned with him we pray your Grace to give him such Direction that he may leave order that the Ships which are behind shall follow him with all speed Monday 2 Iune The King came to the Parliament and spake thus in brief to both Houses Gentlemen I Am come hither to perform my duty I think no man can think it long since I have not taken so many days in answering the Petition as ye spent weeks in framing it And I am come hither to shew you that as well in formal things as in essential I desire to give you as much content as in me lies After this the Lord Keeper spake as followeth MY Lords and ye the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons his Majesty hath commanded me to say unto you That he takes it in good part that in consideration of setling your own Liberties ye have generally professed in both Houses that ye have no intention for to lessen or diminish his Majesties Prerogative wherein as ye have cleared your own intentions so now his Majesty comes to clear his and to subscribe a firm League with his People which is ever likely to be most constant and perpetual when the Conditions are equal and known to be so These cannot be in a more happy estate then when your Liberties shall be an ornament and a strength to his Majesties Prerogative and his Prerogative a defence of your Liberties in which his Majesty doubts not but both he and you shall take a mutual comfort hereafter and for his part he is resolved to give an example in the using of his power for the preservation of your Liberties that hereafter ye shall have no cause to complain This is the sum of that which I am to say to you from his Majesty And that which further remains is That you hear read your own Petition and his Majesties gracious Answer The Petition Exhibited to his Majesty by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled concerning divers Rights and Liberties of the Subjects with the Kings Majesties Royal Answer thereunto in full Parliament To the Kings most Excellent Majesty HUmbly shew unto our Soveraign Lord the King the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled That whereas it is Declared and Enacted by a Statute made in the time of the Reign of King Edward the first commonly called Statutum de Tallagio non concedendo That no Tallage or aide shall be laid or levied by the King or his Heirs in this Realm without the good will and assent of the Archbishops Bishops Earls Barons Knights Burgesses and other the Freemen of the Commonalty of this Realm And by Authority of Parliament holden in the five and twentieth year of the Reign of King Edward the third it is Declared and Enacted That from thenceforth no person should be compelled to make any Loans to the King against his will because such Loans were against Reason and the Franchise of the Land and by other Laws of this Realm it is provided That none should be charged by any Charge or Imposition called a Benevolence nor by such like Charge by which the Statutes before mentioned and other the good Laws and Statutes of this Realm your Subjects have inherited this Freedom That they should not be compelled to contribute to any Tax Tallage Aid or other like Charge not set by common censent in Parliament Yet nevertheless of late divers Commssions directed to sundry Commissioners in several Counties with instructions have issued by means whereof your People have been in divers places assembled and required to lend certain sums of Money unto your Majesty and many of them upon their refusal so to do have had an Oath administred unto them not warrantable by the Laws or Statutes of this Realm and have been constrained to become bound to make appearance and give attendance before your Privy Councel and in other places and others of them have been therefore Imprisoned Consined and sundry other ways molested and disquieted And divers other charges have been layed and levied upon your People in several Counties by Lords Lieutenants Deputy Lieutenants Commissioners for Musters Iustices of Peace and others by command or direction from your Majesty or your Privy Councel against the Laws and free Customs of the Realm And where also by the Statute called The great Charter of the Liberties of England It is declared and enacted That no Freeman may be taken or imprisoned or be disseised of his Freeholds or Liberties or his free Customs or be Outlawed or Exiled or in any manner destroyed but by the lawful Iudgement of his Peers or by the Law of the Land And in the eight and twentieth year of the reign of King Edward the third it was declared and enacted by Authority of Parliament That no man of what Estate or condition that he be should be put out of his Land or Tenements nor taken nor imprisoned nor disherited nor put to death without being brought to answer by due process of Law Nevertheless against the tenor of the said Statutes and other the good Laws Statutes of your Realm to that end provided divers of your Subjects have of late been imprisoned without any cause shewed and when for their deliverance they were brought before your Iustices by your Majesties Writs of Habeas Corpus there to undergo and receive as the Court should order and their Keepers commanded to certifie the Causes of their detainer no cause was certified but that they were detained by your Majesties special Command signified by the Lords of your Privy Councel and yet were returned back to several Prisons without being charged with any thing to which they might make answer according to the Law And whereas of late great companies of Soldiers and Mariners have been dispersed into divers Counties of the Realm and the Inhabitants against their wills have been compelled to receive them into their houses and there to suffer them to sojourn against the Laws and Customs of this Realm and to the great grievance and vexation of the people And whereas also by Authority of Parliament in the 25 year of the reign of King Edward the third
agreed in one that he ought not by the Law to be tortured by the Rack for no such punishment is known or allowed by our Law And this in case of Treason was brought into this Kingdom in the time of Henry 6. note Fortescue for this Point in his Book de laudibus legum Angliae see the preamble of the Act 28. H. 8. for the Trial of Fellony where Treasons are done upon the Sea and Statute 14. Edw. 3. Ch. 9. of Jaylours or Keepers who by duresse make the prisoners to be approvers Since the last Session of Parliament certain Merchant who traded in Wines had been committed to the Fleet for the non-payment of an Imposition of 20. s. the Tun and were now at liberty upon their entring into bond for the payment of that Imposition Moreover the King in full Councel declared his absolute will and pleasure to have the entry of 2. s. 2. d. the hundred upon all Currens to be satisfied equally with that of 3. s. 4. d. before the landing of that Commodity it being a duty laid by Queen Elizabeth who first gave being to the Levant Company and which had been paid both in his Fathers time and his own and that their Majesties were equally possessed of the whole summe of 5. s. 6. d. the hundred by a solemn and Legal Judgement in the Exchequer and he straightly charged his Councel to examine the great abuse in this point and to make a full reparation to his Honour by inflicting punishment as well upon Officers as Merchants that for the future they may beware of committing such contempts And Divers Merchants of London having forcibly Landed and endeavoured to carry away their Goods and Merchandises from the Custom-house Key without payment of duties were summoned to the Councel-table And the Councel was informed against them that they had caused great and unlawful assemblies of people to be gathered together to the breach of the Kings Peace and Mr. Chambers was committed to prison by the Lords of the Councel for some words spoken at that time Michaelmas 4. Car. Richard Chambers being in Prison in the Marshalsie Del hostel de Roy desired an Habeas Corpus and had it which being returable upon the 16. day of October the Marshall returned that he was committed to prison the 28. day of Septemb. last by command of the Lords of the Councel The Warrant verbatim was That he was committed for insolent behaviour and words spoken at the Councel-Table which was subscribed by the Lord Keeper and twelve others of the Councel The words were as information was given though not expressed in the Return That such great Customes and Impositions were required from the Merchants in England as were in no other place and that they were more screwed up then under the Turk And because it was not mentioned what the words were so as the Court might adjudge of them the Return was held insufficient and the Warden of the Prison advised to amend his Return and he was by Rule of the Court appointed to bring his prisoner by such a day without a new Habeas Corpus and the Prisoner was advised by the Court That in the mean time he should submit to the Lords and Petition them for his enlargement The Warden of the Prison bringing the Prisoner in again in Court the 23. day of October Then Mr. Iermin for the Prisoner moved That forasmuch as it appeared by the Return that he was not committed for Treason or Felony nor doth it appear what the words were whereto he might give answer he therefore prayed he might be dismissed or bailed But the Kings Attourney moved That he might have day untill the 25. of October to consider of the Return and be enformed of the words and that in the interim the Prisoner might attend the Councel-Table and Petition But the Prisoner affirmed that he oftentimes had assayed by Petition and could not prevail although he had not done it since the beginning of October and he prayed the Justice of the Law and the inheritance of a Subject Whereupon at his importunity the Court commanded him to be bailed and he was bound in a Recognizance of four hundred pounds and four good Merchants his Sureties were bound in Recognizance of one hundred pound a piece that he should appear here in Crastino animarum and in the interim should be of the good behaviour And advertized him they might for contemptuous words cause an Indictment or Information in this Court to be drawn against him if they would The Lords of the Councel were much dissatisfied with the Bailing of Chambers Whereupon the Judges were ●ent for to the Lord Keeper at Durham House where were present besides the Lord-Keeper the Lord Treasurer Lord Privy Seal and the Chancellor of the Dutchy And the Lord Keeper then declared unto them that the said enlargement of Chambers was without due regard had to the Privy Councel in not first acquainting them therewith To this the Judges answered that to keep a fair correspondency with their Lordships they had by the Lord Chief-Justice acquainted the Lord Keeper in private therewith before they baild the party And that what they had done as to the bailing of the prisoner was according to Law and Justice and the conscience of the Judges To this it was replied that it was necessary for the preservation of the State that the power and dignity of the Councel Table should be preserved and that it could not be done without correspondency from the Courts of Justice so they parted in very fair tearms On Thursday the 27. of November Felton was removed from the Tower to the Gate-house in order to his tryal and was the same day brought by the Sheriffs of London to the Kings-bench Bar and the indictment being read he was demanded whether he were guilty of the murder therein mentioned he answered he was guilty in killing the Duke of Buc. and further said that he did deserve death for the same though he did not do it out of malice to him So the Court passed sentence of death upon him whereupon he offered that hand to be cut off that did the fact but the Court could not upon his own offer inflict that further punishment upon him neverthelesse the King sent to the Judges to intimate his desire that his hand might be cut off before execution but the Court answered that it could not be for in all murthers the Judgement was the same unlesse when the Statute of 25. E. 3. did alter the nature of the offence and upon a several indictment as it was in Queen Elizabeths time when a Felon at the Bar flung a stone at a Judge upon the Bench for which he was indicted and his sentence was to have his hand cut off which was accordingly done and they also proceeded against him upon the other indictment for Felony for which he was found guilty and afterwards hanged and Felton was afterwards hung up
they or any of them had been true as indeed they were not should or could be at that time entertained or pursued in any legal or Parliamentary way but meerly and onely to express and vent his and their own Malice and Dis-affection of your Majesty and your happy Government And your Majesty upon the said second day of March now last past having signified Your Royal pleasure unto the said Sir Iohn Finch then the Speaker of that House That the said House should then be presently adjourned until the tenth day of the said Moneth of March without any further speech or proceedings at that time and the said Speaker then delivered Your Majesties pleasure and commandment to the said House accordingly and declared unto them Your Majesties express charge and command unto him That if any should notwithstanding disobey Your Majesties command that he must forthwith leave the charge and wait upon Your Majesty unto which commandment of Your Majesty and signification of Your Royal pleasure in that behalf for a present adjournment of the House the greatest number of the Members of that House in their duty and Allegeance unto your Majesty were willing to have given a ready Obedience as the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the Lords House upon the very same day upon the like signification made unto them of your Majesties pleasure by your Lord Keeper of your Great Seal of England the Speaker of that House had done yet so it is May it please your most Excellent Majesty That the said Sir Iohn Ellyot for the satisfying of his own malice and disloyal affections to your Majesty and by the confederacy and agreement aforesaid and in a high contempt and disobedience unto your Majesties command aforesaid and with set purpose to oppose your Majesties said command did stand up and several times offered to speak Whereupon the said Speaker in obedience to your Majesties said command endeavoring to have gone out of the chair the said Denzil Holles and Benjamin Valentine being then next the Speakers chair and the one of them on the one hand and the other of them on the other hand of the Speaker where they so placed themselves of purpose on that day out of their disobedience to your Majestie and by the confederacy and agreement aforesaid violently forcibly and unlawfully and with purpose to raise a tumult in the said House kept and held the said Speaker in the said chair against his will and the said Speaker again endeavoring to leave the chair and having then gotten out of the chair they the said Denzil Holles and Benjamin Valentine laid violent hands upon the said Speaker forcibly and unlawfully and by strong hand thrust him into his chair again and then the said Sir Iohn Ellyot again stood up and used these speeches viz. We have prepared a short Declaration of our intentions which I hope shall agree with the honour of the House and the Justice of the King and with that he threw down a paper into the floor of the said House desiring it might be read and the said Denzil Holles Benj. Valentine and all other the Confederates aforesaid in disobedience and high contempt of your Majesties said command called and cryed out to have the same paper read But some others of the House spake to the contrary that it might not be read and the House thereupon by reason of the disorderly behaviour of the said Confederates was much troubled many pressing violently and tumultuously to have the said paper read and others dutifully and obediently urging the contrary to the great disquiet and discomfort of many well-affected Members of that House And the said William Corriton in this distemper demeaned himself so passionately and violently that he then and there violently forcibly and unlawfully assaulted and stroke Winterton Gent. then being a Member of the said House and divers of the Members of the said House being then desirous and endeavoring to have gone out of the said House the said Sir Miles Hobert did of his own head lock the door of the said House and kept the key thereof and imprisoned the Members of the said House being then in the said House against their wills so that none of them could go out And the said William Strode for the further expressing of his malignity and undutifulness towards your Majesty and in pursuance of the agreement and confederacy aforesaid openly moved and with much earnestness urged that the said paper or declaration might be first read to the end as he then in great contempt of your Royal Majestie said that we meaning the Members of the house may not be turned off like scattered sheep and sent home as we were last Sessions with a scorn put upon us in print meaning thereby the words which your Majesty in your own Person spake at the ending of the last Session and caused the same to be printed and the said Stroud in a very disorderly manner further moved That all those who would have the said paper read should stand up which divers of them thereupon did do accordingly and he the said Stroud amongst others did stand up and in this heat of contention and height of disobedience by the confederacy aforesaid to have the said paper read the said Sir Peter Hayman with rough and reproachful words reproved the said Speaker for being constant and resolute in his obedience to your Majesty in not putting the reading of the said paper to the Question as by all the said Confederates with many Reasons and Arguments he was urged to do and the said Sir Peter Hayman then further said That the said Speaker was made an Instrument to cut up the Liberty of the Subjects by the roots But when by no means the said Speaker would be drawn to transgress your Majesties Royal command aforesaid and lest the said paper should not be read the said Iohn Selden moved that the Clerk of the said House might read the same and when the said Sir John Ellyot found that he and his Confederates aforesaid could not procure the said paper to be read he the said Sir Iohn Ellyot to the end he might not lose that opportunity to vent and publish those malitious and seditious Resolutions which he and his Confederates had collected and prepared as aforesaid took back the said paper again and then immediately in the said house said I shall non express that by Tongue which this paper should have done and then spake these words The miserable condition we are in both in matters of Religion and Policy makes me look with a tender eye both to the Person of the King and to the Subjects and then speaking of them whom he intended to be ill Instruments in this State at whom he principally aimed he said There are amongst them some Prelates of the Church the great Bishop of Winchester and his fellows it is apparent what they have done to cast an aspersion upon the honor and piety and goodness of the King These are
called to the Councel-board at Hampton Court about some things which were complained of in reference to the Customs did then and there in an insolent manner in the presence or hearing of the Lords and others of his Majesties Privy Council then sitting in Counsel utter these undutiful seditious and false words That the Merchants are in no part of the World so skrewed and wrung as in England That in Turky they have more incouragement By which words he the said Richard Chambers as the Information setteth forth did endeavor to alienate the good affection of his Majesties Subjects from his Majesty and to bring a slander upon his just Government and therefore the Kings Attorney prayed process against him To this Mr. Chambers made answer That having a Case of silk Grogerams brought from Bristol by a Carrier to London of the value of 400. l. the same were by some inferior Officers attending on the Custome-house seized without this Defendants consent notwithstanding he offered to give security to pay such Customs as should be due by Law and that he hath been otherwise grieved and damnified by the injurious dealing of the under-Officers of the Custome-house and mentioned the particulars wherein and that being called before the Lords of the Council he confesseth that out of the great sence which he had of the injuries done him by the said inferior Officers he did utter these words That the Merchants in England were more wrung and screwed then in forreign Parts Which words were onely spoken in the presence of the Privy-Council and not spoken abroad to stir up any discord among the people and not spoken with any disloyal thought at that time of his Majesties Government but onely intending by these words to introduce his just Complaint against the wrongs and injuries he had sustained by the inferiour Officers and that as soon as he heard a hard construction was given of his words he endeavoured by petition to the Lords of the Council humbly to explain his meaning that he had not the least evil thought as to his Majesties Government yet was not permitted to be heard but presently sent away prisoner to the Marshalsea and when he was there a prisoner he did again endeavour by petition to give satisfaction to the Lords of the Council but they would not be pleased to accept of his faithful explanation which he now makes unto this honourable Court upon his Oath and doth profess from the bottom of his heart That his speeches onely aimed at the abuses of the inferiour Officers who in many things dealt most cruelly with him and other Merchants There were two of the Clerks of the Privy-Council examined as Witnesses to prove the words notwithstanding the Defendant confessed the words in his Answer as aforesaid who proved the words as laid in the Information And on the sixth of May 1629. the Cause came to be heard in the Star-Chamber and the Court were of opinion that the words spoken were a comparing of his Majesties Government with the Government of the Turks intending thereby to make the people believe that his Majesties happy Government may be tearmed Turkish Tyranny and therefore the Court fined the said Mr. Chambers in the sum of 2000 l. to his Majesties use and to stand committed to the prison of the Fleet and to make submission for his great offence both at the Council-board in Court of Star-Chamber and at the Royal Exchange There was a great difference of opinion in the Court about the Fine and because it is a remarkable Case here followeth the names of each several person who gave sentence and the Fine they concluded upon viz. Sir Francis Cottington Chancellour of the Exchequer his opinion was for 500 l. Fine to the King and to acknowledge his offence at the Council-board the Star-Chamber-Bar and Exchange Sir Tho. Richardson Lord chief Justice of the common pleas 500 l. Fine to the King and to desire the Kings favour Sir Nicholas Hide Lord chief Justice of the Kings Bench 500 l. and to desire the Kings favour Sir Iohn Cook Secretary of State 1000 l. Sir Humphry May Chancellour 1500 l. Sir Thomas Edmons 2000 l. Sir Edward Barret 2000 l. Doctor Neal Bishop of Winchester 3000 l. Doctor Laud Bishop of London 3000 l. Lord Carlton principal Secretary of State 3000 l. Lord Chancellour of Scotland 2000 l. Earl of Holland 1500 l. Earl of Doncaster 1500 l. Earl of Salisbury 1500 l. Earl of Dorset 3000 l. Earl of Suffolk 3000 l. Earl of Mountgomery Lord Chamberlain 1500 l. Earl of Arundel Lord High Marshal 3000 l. Lord Montague Lord Privy Seal 3000 l. Lord Connoway 2000 l. Lord Weston Lord Treasurer 3000 l. Lord Coventry Lord Keeper of the Great Seal 1500 l. So the fine was setled to 2000 l. And all except the two Chief Justices concurred for a submission also to be made And accordingly the copy of the submission was sent to the Warden of the Fleet from Mr. Atturny General to shew the said Richard Chambers to perform and acknowledg it and was as followeth I Richard Chambers of London Merchant do humby acknowledge that whereas upon an Information exhibited against me by the Kings Atturney General I was in Easter Term last sentenced by the Honourable Court of Star-Chamber for that in September last 1628. being convented before the Lords and others of his Majesties most Honourable Privy-Council Board upon some speeches then used concerning the Merchants of this Kingdom and his Majesties well and gracious usage of them did then and there in insolent contemptuous and seditious manner falsly and maliciously say and affirm That they meaning the Merchants are in no parts of the world so skrewed and wrung as in England and that in Turky they have more incouragement And whereas by the sentence of that Honorable Court I was adjudged among other punishments justly imposed upon me to make my humble acknowledgment and submission of this great offence at this Honorable Board before I should be delivered out of the Prison of the Fleet whereto I was then committed as by the said Decree and Sentence of that Court among other things it doth and may appear Now I the said Richard Chambers in obedience to the Sentence of the said Honorable Court do humbly confess and acknowledg the speaking of these words aforesaid for the which I was so charged and am heartily sorry for the same and do humbly beseech your Lordships all to be Honorable intercessors for me to his Majesty that he would be graciously pleased to pardon that graet error and fault so committed by me When Mr. Chambers read this draught of submission he thus subscribed the same All the abovesaid Contents and Submission I Richard Chambers do utterly abhor and detest as most unjust and false and never to death will acknowledge any part thereof Rich. Chambers Also he under-writ these Texts of Scripture to the said Submission before he returned it That make a man an offender
the Land had little effect in their execution to the increase of Murders Robberies Perjuries and Insecurities of all men living to the loss of their Lands and Goods to the great displeasure of Almighty GOD It was ordained for Reformation of the Premises by Authority of the said Parliament That the Chancellour and Treasurer of England for the time being and the Keeper of the Privy-Seal of the Lord the King or two of them calling to them one Bishop one Lord temporal of the most honourable Council of the Lord the King and two chief Justices of the Kings Bench and Common pleas for the time being or two other Justices in their absence by Bill or Information exhibited to the Chancellour for the King or any other against any person for any other ill behaviours aforesaid have Authority of calling before them by Writ or Privie-Seal such Malefactors and of examining them and others by their discretion and of punishing such as they finde defective therein according to their demerits according to the form and effect of the Statutes thereof made in the same manner and form as they might and ought to be punished if they were thereof convinced according to the due course of Law And by a certain other Act in the Parliament of the Lord Henry late King of England the eighth held in the one and twentieth year of his reign reciting the offences in the aforesaid Statute of the said late King Henry the seventh beforementioned by Authority of the said Parliament it was and is ordained and enacted That henceforward the Chancellour Treasurer of England and the President of the most honourable Privy-Council of the King attending his most honourable person for the time being and the Lord Keeper of the Privy-Seal of the Lord the King or two of them calling to them one Bishop and one temporal Lord of the most honourable Council of the Lord the King and two chief Justices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas for the time being or two Justices in their absence by any Bill or Information then after to be exhibited to the Chancellour of England the Treasurer the President of the said most honourable Council of the Lord the King or the Keeper of the Privy-Seal of the Lord the King for the time being for any misdemeanour in the aforesaid Statute of King Henry the seventh aforesaid before recited from henceforth have full power and authority of calling before them by Writ or by Privy-Seal such Malefactors of examining of them and others by their discretion and of punishing those that are found defective according to their demerits According to the form and effect of the said Statute of the aforesaid Lord King Henry the seventh and of all other Statutes thereupon made not revoked and expired in the same manner and form as they might and ought be punished if they were convicted according to the due order of the Laws of the said Lord the king And by the aforesaid Writ under the foot of the great Seal it manifesty appears that the said Fine was imposed by the Lord the king and his Council and not by the Legal Peers of the said Richard Chambers nor by the Law of the Land nor according to the manner of the pretended offence of the said Richard Chambers nor saving unto him his Merchandize nor for any offence mentioned in the said Statutes all and singular the which the said Richard Chambers is ready to verifie to the Court c. and demands judgment and that he be discharge of the said 2000 l. against the said Lord the now King and that as to the premises he may be dismissed from this Court Waterhouse With this Plea he annexed a Petition to the Lord Chief Baron and also to every one of the Barons humbly desiting the filing of the Plea with other Reasons in the manner of a motion at the Bar because he said Counsel would not move plead nor set hand to it as further appeareth The Copy of the Order upon Mr. Atturneys motion in the Exchequer the 17 Iuly 1629. after the Plea put in and order to file it Per the Lord Chief Baron TOuching the Plea put into this Court by Richard Chambers to discharge himself of a ●ine of 2000 l. set on him in the Star-Chamber Forasmuch as Sir Robert Heath Kni●●● his Majesties Atturney General informed this Court that the said Chambers in his said Plea recites divers Statutes and Magna Charta and what offences are punishable in the Star-Chamber and how the proceedings ought to be and upon the whole matter concludes That the said fine was imposed by the King and his Council and not by a Legal judgment of his Peers nor by the Laws of the Land nor according to the manner of his offence nor saving his Merchandize nor for any offence mentioned in the said Statutes Which Plea Mr. Atturny conceiving to be very frivolous and insufficient and derogatory to the honour and jurisdiction of the Court of Star-Chamber Humbly prayeth might not be allowed of nor filed It is therefore this day ordered That the said Plea shall be read on Saturday next and then upon hearing the Kings Counsel and the Counsel of the said Richard Chambers this Court will-declare their further order therein and in the mean time the said Plea is not to be filed nor delivered out In Michaelmas Term following Mr. Chambers was brought by a Habeas Corpus out of the Fleet and the Warden did return THat he was committed to the Fleet by vertue of a Decree in the Star-Chamber by reason of certain words he used at the Council Table viz. That the Merchants of England were skrewed up here in England more then in Turky And for these and other words of defamation of the Government he was censured to be committed to the Fleet and to be there imprisoned until he made his submission at the Council Table and to pay a fine of 2000. l. And now at the Bar he prayed to be delivered because this Sentence is not warranted by any Law or Statute For the Statute of 3 Henrici 7. which is the foundation of the Court of Star-Chamber doth not give them any authority to punish for words only But all the Court informed him That the Court of Star-Chamber was not erected by the Statute of 3 H. 7. but was a Court many years before and one of the most high and honourable Courts of Justice and to deliver one who was committed by the Decree of one of the Courts of Justice was not the usage of this Court and therefore he was remanded As a concurrant proof of these Proceedings concerning Mr. Chambers we shall insert here a Petition of his though out of time to the Long Parliament and afterwards renewed to the succeeding Parliament viz. To the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland The brief Remonstrance and humble Petition of Richard Chambers Merchant late Alderman and Sheriff of the City of
and Southcot Justices That offences committed in Parliament may be punished out of Parliament And 3 Ed. 3.19 it is good Law And it is usual neer the end of Parliaments to set some petty punishment upon offenders in Parliament to prevent other Courts And I have seen a Roll in this Court in 6 H. 6. where judgment was given in a writ of annuity in Ireland and afterwards the said judgment was reversed in Parliament in Ireland upon which judgment Writ of Error was brought in this Court and reversed Hide Chief Justice to the same intent No new matter hath been offered to us now by them that argue for the Defendants but the same Reasons and Authorities in substance which were objected before all the Justices of England and Barons of the Exchequer at Sergeants-Inn in Fleet-street upon an Information in the Star-Chamber for the same matter At which time after great deliberation it was resolved by all of them That an offence committed in Parliament that being ended may be punished out of Parliament And no Court more apt for that purpose then this Court in which we are and it cannot be punished in a future Parliament because it cannot take notice of matters done in a foregoing Parliament As to that that was said That an Inferiour Court cannot meddle with matters done in a Superior True it is That an Inferior Court cannot meddle with judgments of a Superior Court but if the particular members of a Superiour Court offend they are oft-times punishable in an Inferior Court As if a Judg shall commit a capital offence in this Court he may be arraigned thereof at Newgate 3 E. 3.19 and 1 Mar. which have been cited over-rule this case Therefore Whitlock accordingly 1. I say in this Case Nihil dictum quod non dictum prius 2. That all the Judges of England have resolved this very point 3. That now we are but upon the brink and skirts of the Cause for it is not now in Question if these be offences or no or if true or false but only if this Court have jurisdiction But it hath been objected That the offence is not capital therefore it is not examinable in this Court But though it be not capital yet it is criminal for it is sowing of sedition to the destruction of the Commonwealth The Question now is not between us that are Judges of this Court and the Parliament or between the King and the Parliament but between some private Members of the House of Commons and the King himself for here the King himself questions them for those offences as well he may In every Commonwealth there is one supereminent Power which is not subject to be questioned by any other and that is the King in this Commonwealth who as Bracton saith solum Deum habet ultorem But no other within the Realm hath this Priviledge It is true that that which is done in Parliament by consent of all the house shall not be questioned elsewhere but if any private Members exuunt personas judicum induunt malefacientium personas sunt seditiosi is there such Sanctimony in the place that they may not be questioned for it elsewhere The Bishop of Ross as the Case hath been put being Embassadour here practised matters against the State And it was resolved That although Legatus sit Rex in alieno solo yet when he goes out of the bounds of his Office and complots with Traytors in this Kingdom that he shall be punished as an offender here A Minister hath a great Priviledge when he is in the Pulpit but yet if in the Pulpit he utter speeches which are scandalous to the State he is punishable so in this Case when a Burgess of Parliament becomes mutinous he shall not have the Priviledge of Parliament In my opinion the Realm cannot consist without Parliaments but the behaviour of Parliament-men ought to be Parliamentary No outragious speeches were ever used against a great Minister of State in Parliament which have not been punished If a Judge of this Court utter scandalous speeches to the State he may be questioned for them before Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer because this is no judicial act of the Court. But it hath been objected That we cannot examine Acts done by a higher Power To this I put this Case When a Peer of the Realm is arraigned of Treason we are not his Judges but the high Steward and he shall be tryed by his Peers But if errour be committed in this proceeding that shall be reversed by errour in this Court for that which we do is Coram ipso Rege It hath been objected That the Parliament-Law differs from the Law by which we judge in this Court in sundry Cases And for the instance which hath been made That by the Statute none ought to be chosen Burgesse of a Town in which he doth not inhabit but that the usage of Parliament is contrary But if Information be brought upon the said Statute against such a Burgess I think that the Statute is a good warrant for us to give judgement against him And it hath been objected That there is no President in this matter But there are sundry Presidents by which it appears that the Parliament hath transmitted matters to this Court as 2 R. 2. there being a question between a great Peer and a Bishop it was transmitted to this Court being for matter of behaviour and although the Judges of this Court are but inferiour men yet the Court is higher for it appears by the 11 Eliz. Dy. That the Earl Marshal of England is an Officer of this Court and it is always admitted in Parliament That the priviledges of Parliament hold not in three Cases to wit in case of Treason secondly in case of Felony and in suit for the peace and the last is our very case Therefore c. Crook argued to the same intent but I did not well hear him he said That these offences ought to be punished in the Court or no where and all manner off offences which are against the Crown are examinable in this Court It hath been objected That by this means none will adventure to make his complaints in Parliament That is not so for he may complain in a Parliamentary course but not falsely and unlawfully as here is pretended for that which is unlawfully cannot be in a Parliamentary course It hath been objected That the Parliament is a higher Court then this is And it is true But every Member of Parliament is not a Court and if he commit offence he is punishable here Our Court is a Court of high jurisdiction it cannot take cognizance of real Pleas but if a real Plea comes by Error in this Court it shall never be transmitted But this Court may award a grand Cape and other Process usual in real Actions But of all capital and criminal causes we are originally competent Judges and by consequence of this matter But I am not
losers whereby having your Lands free and renting it out to the true value as it is most in use and not imployed as heretofore at an old Rent and small ●ines you may then rent it out for at least four or five times more mony then the old Rent comes unto So as if your Majesties ●onds be already but sixty thousand pounds per Annum by this course it will be augmented at the least two hundred thousand pounds per Annum and to buy out the Tenants estates will come to a small matter by the course to make them no losers considering the gain they have already made upon the Land And this is the rather to be done and the present course changed because it hath been a custom used meerly to cousen the King Item Whereas most Princes do receive the benefit of Salt in their own hands as a matter of great profit because they receive it at the lowest price possible and vent it at double gain yearly the same course used by your Majesty were worth at least one hundred and fifty thousand pound per Annum It is likewise in other parts that all Weights and Measures of the land either in private Houses Shops or publick Markets should be viewed to be just and sealed once a year paying to the Prince for it which in England applyed to your Majesty with order to pay six-pence for the sealing of each said Weight or Measure would yield near sixty thousand pounds per Annum Item Though all Countries pay a Gabella for transportation of Cloth and so likewise in England yet in Spain there is Impost upon the Wools which in England is so great a wealth and benefit to the Sheep-Masters as they may well pay you five pound per cent of the true value at the shearing which I conceive may be worth one hundred and forty thousand pounds per Annum Item Whereas the Lawyers Fees and gains in England be excessive to your Subjects prejudice it were better for your Majesty to make use thereof and impose on all Causes sentenced with the party to pay five pound per cent of the true value that the Cause hath gained him and for recompence thereof to limit all Lawyers Fees and gettings whereby the Subject shall save more in Fees and Charges then he giveth to your Majesty in the Gabella which I believe may be worth one year with another fifty thousand pounds Item Whereas the Innes and Victualling-houses in England are more chargeable to the Travellers then in other Countries it were good for your Majesty to lin● them to certain Ordinaries and raise besides a large Imposition as is used in Tuskany and other parts that is a prohibiting all Innes and Victualling-houses but such as shall pay it and to impose upon the chief Inns and Taverns to pay ten pounds a year to your Majesty and the worst five pound per Annum and all Ale-houses twenty shillings per Annum more or lesse as they are in custom Of all sorts there are so many in England that this Impos● may well yield one hundred thousand pounds per Annum to your Majesty Item In Tuscany and other parts there is a Gabella of all Cattle or Flesh and Horses sold in Markets paying three or four per cent of what they are sold for which by conjecture may be worth in England two hundred thousand pounds per Annum using the like Custom upon Fish and other Victualls Bread excepted and for this cause Flesh and Fish and Victualls in the Markets to be priced and sold by weight whereby the Subject saveth more in not being cousened than the Imposition impaireth them Item In Tuskany is used a Taxation of seven per cent upon all alienation of Lands to the true value As also seven per cent upon all Dowries or Marriage-monies The like if it be justly used in England were worth at least one hundred thousand pound per Annum with many other Taxations upon Meal and upon all Merchandises in all Towns as well as Port-Towns which here I omit with divers others as not so fit for England And in satisfaction of the Subject for these Taxes your Majesty may be pleased to release them of Wardships and to enjoy all their Estates at eighteen y●ers old and in the mean time their profits to be preserved for their own benefit And also in forfeitures of Estate by condemnation your Majesty may release the Subject as not to take the forfeiture of their Lands but their Goods High-Treason onely excepted and to allow the Counsell of Lawyers in case of life and death as also nor to be condemned without two Witnesses with such like benefit which importeth much more their good then all the Taxations named can prejudice them Item Some of the former Taxations used in Ireland and in Scotland as may easily be brought about by the first example thereof used in England may very well be made to increase your Revenue there more then it is by two hundred thousand pound per Annum Item All Offices in the Land great and small in your Majestie 's grant may be granted with condition to pay you a part yearly according to the value This in time may be worth as I conceive one hundred thousand pound per Annum adding also Notaries Atturneys and such like to pay some proportion yearly towards it for being allowed by your Majesty to practise and prohibiting else any to practise in such places Item To reduce your Majesties houshold to Board-wages as most other Princes do reserving some few Tables this will save your Majesty sixty thousand pounds per Annum and ease greatly the Subject besides both in Carriages and Provision which is a good reason that your Majesty in honour might do it Item I know an assured course in your Majestie 's Navy which may save at least forty thousand pounds per Annum which requiring a whole Discourse by it self I omit onely promise you to do it whensoever you command Item Whereas your Majesties Lawes do command the strict keeping of Fasting-daies you may also prohibit on those daies to eat Eggs Cheese and White-meats but onely such as are contented 〈◊〉 pay eighteen pence a yeer for the liberty to eat them and the better sort ten shillings The employment of this may be for the defence of the Land in maintaining the Navy Garrisons and such like much after the fashion of a Crusado in Spain as your Majesty knoweth being first begun there under the pretence to defend the Land against the Moors And the same used in England as aforesaid may very well yield one yeer with another one hundred thousand pounds without any disgust to any because it is at every ones choice to give it or no. Lastly I have a course upon the Catholicks and very safe for your Majesty being with their good liking as it may be wrought to yield you presently at least two hundred thousand pound
concludes ibid. And the Articles are sworn unto ib. He gives a Commission and Oath to Count Mansfield p. 158. He dies of a Fever p. 159. His Character p. 159 160 161. c. His Letter to Pope Clement p. 165 Jermyn Sir Thomas p. 629 Iesuites 22. a. 143 150. Letter concerning the Parliament p. 479 646 Iudges Opinions p. 272 465 507 696 K. KEeper Lord vide Coventry KEeper Lord vide Williams Kensington Lord sent into France in order to a Match p. 114 King Charls vide Charls King James vide James Knighthood p. 203 Knightly Captain p. 15 Knolls Sir Robert ibid. L. LAmb Dr. killed by a tumult in London Streets p. 630 Lamb Sir John p. 440 Laud Dr. p. 61 62 159 171 202 426 443 444 466 630 646 647 649 Libels cast abroad against him p. 672 Lenthal Mr. p. 700 Littleton Mr. p. 534. Ap. 28 Loan Money p. 419 422 424 426 A List of the Gentry imprisoned about Loan Money p. 432 477 London City required to lend One hundred thousand pounds p. 419. They dispute it ibid. A Letter to them about Dr Lamb p. 630. Long Mr. brought upon a Habeas Corpus p. 675. His Case in Star-chamber p. 694. Ap. 18 Lukenar Mr Christopher p. 639 M MAinheim taken p. 70 Mallory Mr. p. 55 Mansel Sir Robert sent against Algier p. 34 Mansfield Count raises an Army of Twelve thousand men p. 156. A List of some of his Regiments p. 157. Their miscarriage at Sea p. 158 Manwaring Dr. his two Sermons concerning the Loan p. 427. Mr Rous Speech against him p. 593. The Commons Declaration against him p. 601. Mr Pim's Speech thereupon p. 604. The Sentence against him p. 612. His submission p. 613. His Sermon suppressed by Proclamation p. 645 Pardoned p. 647. And advanced Mason Mr. p. 570. App. 20 44 45 Martyn Sir Henry p. 527 585 600 629 Matthew Sir Toby p. 103 May Sir Humphry p. 546 Melvyn Mr. p. 639 Michael Sir Francis sentenced p. 28 Mompeson Sir Giles imprisoned p. 24. Sentenced p. 27 28. Morgan Sir Charls p. 425 649 Morton Sir Albertus p. 169 Montague p. 177 180 181 202 213. Advanced to a Bishoprick and his Apello Caesarem called in p. 646. Pardoned p. 647 Murrey Mr. p. 441 442 N. NEal Dr. Bishop of Winchester p. 630 Netherlands appear ready to imbrace the antient union with England p. 110. Six thousand English sent thither p. 425 Nobility p. 237 Noy Mr. upon a Habeas Corpus p. 463 569 642. Concerning Tonnage and Poundage p. 666. About Customs p. 668. O. Olivares Conde his Letter conc●●ning the Match p. 71 72 84 103 113 120 P. PAlatinate A War breaks forth in Germany p. 5. The Emperor adopts Ferdinando to be King p. 6. The Evangelicks Assemble at Prague ibid. The first occasion of the troubles in Bohemia ibid. The Evangelicks o●●er violence to the Emperors Council p. 7. And put forth a Declaration ibid. The Emperor publishes a Manifesto in contradiction thereof ibid. Both parties a●● p. 8. A Blazing Star appears ibid. The Emperor Matthias dies p. 11. A Cessation of Arms proposed ibid. The Evangelicks oppose the chusing of Ferdinando to be King ibid. Bethlem Gabor joyns with the Evangelicks p. 12. The Palatine craves King James his advice ibid. Accepts the Crown before he receives an Answer ibid. King James dislikes the action p. 13. The King of Poland aids the Emperor ibid. The Palatine proscribed p. 14. King James assists the Palatine with one Regiment ibid. The Evangelicks chuse a Generalissimo ibid. King James dislikes the War ibid. An Army of thirty thousand raised under Spinola ibid. Marches towards Bohemia therewith p. 15. The Protestants discouraged upon the approach of the Army ibid. The Elector of Saxony executes the Ban against the Palatine ibid. The Battel at Prague p. 17. an Order of the King and Council to recover the Palatinate ibid. The Princes of the Union decline the Palatine p. 21 Palatine propounds a Peace ibid. Protestant Towns reconciled to the Emperor p. 23. The Emperor proceeds to execution of divers Protestants p. 34. The Emperors reply to the Lord Digbies demands p. 37. The Duke of Bavaries answer ibid. The Emperors answer to Don Balthazar p. 38 The Palatine spoiled of his Hereditary Dominions p. 55. King James offers terms on the Palatines behalf and the Emperors answer p. 56. An Order of the Council to raise moneys for the Palatinate p. 60. Heidelburgh besieged p. 66. And taken p. 69. Manhe●● taken p. 70. No good intention in the Emperor nor King of Spain as to the Palatinate p. 70 71. Frankendale blocked up p. 74. The Electorate conferred upon the Duke of Bavaria ibid. The Protestant Princes Plea for the Palatine p. 74 75. Sir Dudley Carlton concerning the Palatine p. 76. The Palatine labors to engage Prince Charls against the marriage with Spain p. 102. King James puts the Palatine in hope by a Proposal of new terms p. 108. King James demands the Town of Frankendale deposited in the Arch-Dutchess hands p. 155. A Monument erected for two Brothers Fairfaxes slain at Frankendale ibid. An Army under Count Mansfield raised for the relief of the Palatinate p. 156. A List of the Regiments for the Palatinate p. 157. The Miscarriage of the Army Pag. 158. The Parliament meets p. 20. Adjourned p. 35. Their Declaration on behalf of the Palatinate p. 36. Meet again p. 39. Their Petition and Remonstrance to the King p. 40 41 c. King offended thereat p. 43. They notwithstanding send the Petition p. 44. A second parliament meets p. 115. Sir Thomas Crew chosen Speaker p. 117. They justifie the Duke in his Narrative p. 126. And advise the King not to proceed in the two Treaties of the Marriage and the Palatinate p. 128. Give the King three Subsidies and three Fifteens p. 135. A Parliament called again p. 175. Kings Speech in Parliament ibid. The Lord Keepers Speech p. 176. Sir Thomas Crew chosen Speaker ibid. Two Subsidies granted p. 178. Parliament adjourned to Oxford ibid. Where they insist upon grievances p. 180. And again question Montague ibid. Are moved by the King to hasten Supply p. 181. Present a Petition to the King against Recusants p. 185. And fall upon grievances p. 194 195. They are dissolved p. 195. A particular of what Acts ●●●sed the First Session of this Parliament ibid. A second Parliament meets p. 206. Lord Keepers Speech p. 206 207. Sir Hennage Finch chosen Speaker p. 208. His Speech ibid. They fall upon grievances p. 211. And again fall upon Montague p. 213. A Report of the cause of Evils and Remedies p. 218. Several Messages from the King p. 219 220. Doctor Turners Queries in Parliament p. 221. His Explanation p. 222. His Letter p. 223. Causes of grievances again opened in the House p. 223 224. Three Subsidies and three Fifteens Voted p. 225. Debate concerning the Duke resumed ibid. The Kings and Lord Keepers Speech concerning him p. 225 226. A List of the
take up their Winter Quarters A Letter of the Duke of Buckinghams to Gondomar touching King Iames his bent to the German War Octob. 25. Frederick's Forces totally routed in the Battel at Prague His calamity joined with loss of Honor. An Order at the Council-Table for recovering the Palatinate The Spaniards flatter the King Private Instructions to the Spanish Ambassador into England The King calls a Parliament The Protestant Union declines in Germany The Palatine propounds a Peace to the Elector of Saxony The King puts forth a Proclamation forbidding discourse of State-affairs The Kings Speech to the Parliament * Buckingham The Lo. Digby sent Ambassador into Flanders and Mr. Gage to Rome The Palatine and his Princess go into Holland The Emperor proceeds severely with the Bohemians Imperial Protestant Towns reconcile themselves to the Emperor and intercede for the Palatine but in vain Grievances proposed in Parliament Sir Giles Mompesson imprisoned but escapes beyond Sea 19 Iac. An. 1621. The Kings Speech to the Lords Sentence given against Sir Giles Mompesson And Sir Francis Michel his Compartner in Projects Lord Chancellor Bacon accused and convicted of Bribery Sir Henry accused by the Commons Gondomar reviled and assaulted in London streets Sir Rob. Mansel sent into the Mediterranean Sea The Emperor calls in question the Authors of the Commotions in Bohemia The King intends to adjourn the Parliament The Commons take it not well The King resents it The Commons Declaration touching the Palatinate The King by Proclamation reforms the late grievances handled in Parliament Puts forth another Proclamation against Talking of State-affairs The King is sollicited from Spain to enlarge his favors towards Catholicks The chief heads of the Lord Digby's Embassie to the Emperor The Emperors Reply to those Demands The L. Digby's second Proposal to the Emperor The Emperors Answer The English Ambassador goes to the Duke of Bavaria The Emperors Letter to Don Baltazar de Zuniga The Parliament begins again Nov. 20. The Substance of the Lord Keepers Speech Lord Digby's Speech Lord Treasurer's Speech The Commons Petition and Remonstrance to the King At this time the Protestants are ill treated in France The Kings Letter to Sir Tho. Richardson The Commons send the Remonstrance accompanied with another Petition The Kings Answer to the later Petition The Lord Keepers judgment touching the Kings sharp Answer The Lo. Digby to the Peers The Commons Protestation The King takes the Protestation out of the Journal-book with his own hand In the mean time the King dissolves them Some Eminent Members of the Parliament in Prisoned Others sent for punishment into Ireland The Council write to Judges concerning such as speak of State Affairs The Palatine spoiled of his hereditary dominions The terms which King Iames desires the Emperor to accept in behalf of the Palatine The Emperors Answer to King Iames Ian. 14. 1621. King Iames to Philip the Fourth of Spain King Iames his Letter to the King of Spain Prince Charls to the King of Spain King Iames his Letter to the Lord Balthazar of Zuniga The Privy Council by the Kings command issue out an Order for raising Money for the defence of the Palatinate Archbishop Abbot not relished at Court an advantage taken against him Bishop Laud suspected to incline to Popish Tenents while he was of Oxford as appears by a notable passage The Arminians begin to be favored by the King by means of Bishop Laud. Favors shewed to Recusants by the Kings Order Iacobi 20. 1622. The Lord Keepers Letter excusing the Kings favor towards Papists The Kings Letter to the Archbishop for regulating the Clergy Directions concerning Preachers The new K. of Spain Philip the Fourth procures the Popes assent to the Match The Infanta cools in t●e Palsgraves business The pretended Obstacles of the Treaty removed Heidelburgh besieged New Conditions demanded of the King before the Pope gives a Dispensation The Kings Answer to the said Demands The King sends his Resolution to Digby in Spain now made Earl of Bristol Likewise a Letter was ●ent to ●ondomar 〈◊〉 recalle● into Spain The Answer to the Memorial presented by the Earl of Bristol to the Spanish King Bristol gives the King hope of the Match Heidelburgh taken The King provoked sends his former Resolutions with anew dispatch into Spain In the mean time Manheim is taken The Emperors Intentions to King Iames not good Nor the King of Spains witness his Letter to Conde Olivares Olivares Answer Bristols Answer from the King of Spain The Popes Demands signed by the King and Prince Frankendale block'd up by Papenheim The King writes to Bristol The Electorate conferred upon the Duke of Bavaria in the Diet at Ratisbone The Protestant Princes plead for the Palatine's restitution The Catholick Princes reply The Protestants reassume the argument The Emperor takes up the debate Sir Dudley Carlton Resident at the ●●gue sends his judgment of the matter to the Marquis of Buckingham The Prince and the Marquis of Buckingham go to Spain Buckingham visits Olivares and by him is conducted to the King Orders for the Prince's entertainment The Prince sees the Infanta Is entertained honorably by the King Makes his entrance publiquely into Madrid The King sends the Prince two Golden Keys The Grandees are commanded to attend his Highness The Marquis of Buckingham made Duke The people talk that the Prince is come to change his Religion Endeavors to make the Prince change his Religion * Quare Apostoli●is literis hortamur Catholicam Majestatem ut eum Principem redigere suaviter conetur sub Romanae Ecclesiae ditionem cui veteres Magnae Britanniae Domini coronatum caput imperii fasces Coelo plaudente submiserunt Quare te monemus ut ad Catholicum Regem religiosus Consiliarius accedas easque rationes despicias quibus insigne aliquod beneficium Britanniae Regnis Romanae Ecclesiae in praesenti rerum opportunitate comparetur Res ipsa magna atque gravissima est quare eum verbis amplificare non debemus Regnum Coelorum Britanniae Principi patefacere Regnum Britanniae sedi Apostolicae restituere incipiet qui Regii istius Adoloscentis animum Catholicae Religionis studio inflamaverit atque haeriticae impietatis odio impleverit c. The Pope's Letter to the Prince of Wales There is another Copy of the Princes Letter to the Pope published by several hands somewhat different from this Allurements to make the Prince change his Religion The Prince stedfast in his Religion Is not well dealt with in his Address to the Infanta The Dispensation is at last procured The Dispensation comes clogged Olivares proposes ways of Accommodation The King of Spain proffers to engage himself on the behalf of the King of England and the Prince His Ghostly Fathers approve his intentions The Match is declared publickly The Archbishops Letter to the King against Toleration of Popery Articles sworn to by the King Prince and Privy Council The Oath Private Articles sworne to by the King in