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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B08002 A commemoration of the inestimable graces and benefites of God, infused through the bryght lyght of the knowledge of his holy word, in our most dradde soueraigne lorde Henry the eyght, by the grace of God kyng of Englande and of Fraunce, defender of the the fayth, lorde of Irelande, and in erth the supreme heed next and immediate vnder Christe of the Churche of Englande, with hartye prayse and thankes gyuyng vnto God for the same, / composed uppon the glad prophecy and ioyefull psalme of Benedictus dominus deus Israel. &c.. Pylbarough, John. 1540 (1540) STC 20521; ESTC S94811 17,194 36

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A COMMEMORATION OF THE INESTIMABLE GRACES AND BENEFITES OF GOD INFVSED THROVGH THE bryght lyght of the knowlege of his holy word in our moste dradde soueraygne lorde HENRY the eyght by the grace of god kyng of ENGLANDE and of FRAVNCE defender of the fayth lorde of Irelande and in erth the supreme heed next and immediate vnder CHRISTE of the Churche of Englande with hartye prayse and thankes gyuyng vn to GOD for the same composed vppon the glad prophecy and ioyefull psalme of Benedictus dominus deus Israel c. ANNO. M. D. XL. TO THE RYGHT HONORABLE THOMAS LORDE CRVMVVEL knyght of the noble order of the Garther lorde keper of the priuy seale of our most souerayn lord the kyng and also vicegerent of the spiritualtie your humble and faythfull seruaunt Iohn Pylbarough desyreth long helth and prosperous per seuerance in honour CONSIDERYNGE often tymes in my selfe my syngular good lorde the inestimable graces and benefytes with the whiche god of his infinite goodnes hath moste largely indewed our moste souerayne lorde the kynges mooste noble maiestie wherof his grace hath abundantly imparted also vnto vs his mooste humble and louynge subiectes by the illustration of goddis moste holy worde and vnto what consolation ioye and comforet from oure longe peynefully suffered thraldome dreadefulle darkenes and daungers of our bodies soules and all that we had besydes forth we be nowe most blessedly delyuered and comme throughe the same I haue thought and yet assuredly do thynke there is no faythfull or true englyshe hart that can reteyne and kepe to hym selfe the memoriall therof and not ernestly and with al diligence indeuour and apply hym selfe by all suche meanes and ways as his wytte power and counnynge whiche god hath gyuen hym wylle serue hym to vtter and set forthe the same bothe to the condigne laude and prayse of god therfore and vnto the perpetuall renowne and gloriouse fame of our sayde moste soueraygne lorde as the very minister in and by whome GOD hathe thus wonderfully wrought in vs and as in whom as Paul saith our reioysynge myght abounde and increase by Philipp 1. Iesu Christe by reason of his returne home agayne to his right and iuste title of godly ministration and power ouer vs wherof he and his moste noble progenytours haue ben vniustely by vsurpacion longe depriued Wherevpon for my part in discharge of my conscience and duetie towardes god his maiestie in this behalfe I haue applyed my best wyll accordynge to my Matth. 25. litell and not vnknowen to all men moste least gyfte whiche I haue thankefully notwithstandynge receyued of god amongest other to bestowe and employe to his vse to compyle this lyttell treatyse vpon the ioyfull psalme Benedictus dominus deus Israel c. the glad prophecye and Luc. 1. praysegyuynge vnto god by zachary whiche by interpretation is asmoch to say as remembring god of and for the vniuersall spirituall visitation and redemption of mankynde by Christis becommynge incarnate and commendation of his chosen mynister thervnto Iohn Baptiste wherof and of whose conception also he was inopinable at the tyme of the reuelation therof by reason of the very old ages of him and his wife to th entēt the same which I wold to god were as effectuously shewed and set forth by me herin as I haue bothe hartily and faythfully pourposed and ment it myght be an occasion and example for vs bothe to laude and prayse god of and for our specyal visytation and redemption through the lyght of goddis most holy worde wherof we were also inopinable and faythelesse at the fyrste pronouncynge thereof by reason that the same was longe hydde from vs and mannes traditions and inuentions crepte betwene And also to commende worthely our sayd most souerayne lorde goddes holy minister therof in perpetuall memory and from generation of vs into generation leste we whiche as adoptiue Israelytes by faythe do presently enioye so hyghe and godly benefytes by god and his sayde mynyster the kynges maiestie shulde be accompted any lesse thankefull therfore then was zacharie who being satisfied with only hope thanked and praised God and his holy mynyster Iohn Baptiste for the merites of Christes incarnation then to come Whyche Treatise moste temeraryously I haue dedycate vnto you whom I haue always estemed lyke the ryght vertuous and faythfull Saphan vnto his moste godly prynce Iosias a gracious fauourer of all honest and holy purposes and my very syngular good lorde Trustynge that although bothe for the grosse handlynge of so fyne a matter and also the rude and inornate style and phrase therof it be nothynge worthy suche preferrement in dede yet neuer the lesse your accustomed benignite wyl vouchsafe to reform the same wherin it may seme vnto you conuenient also accept and make it worthye agreinge to my good wyl intended therin And for my parte I shall not onely most hartly prayse and thanke god therfore but also accordinge to my bounden duetie owe vnto your good lordeshyppe my harty prayer and humble seruyce whyle I lyue GOD SAVE THE KYNGE ¶ Benedictus dominus deus Israel quia uisitauit fecit Redemptionem plebis sue FOR AS MOCHE AS in the Scryptures of the olde Testament and the newe it is no rare thyng that dyuerse persons ben named some before their birthes some when they haue cōtinued with one name haue had the same chāged accordinge for suche occasions or qualities as haue rysen or ben in them or for some synguler merytes gyuen vnto them whereof to make an hole rehersall it were no lesse to my capacytie impossyble than to your readyng tedious I am and dare be bolde without offence to any person for the godly occasion and vertuous qualities whiche nowe ben apparant in vs moste christian englyshe people to repute and ascribe worthyly to vs the name of Israelites For lyke as Iacob Genes 25. whiche is as moche to say as a supplanter was an apte name for hym accordyng to his qualitie than bycause he had supplanted his brother Esau Gene. 27. both of his byrthright and fathers blessing wherfore Esau sayd of hym he may wel be called Iacob for he hath twyse vndermynded me and Esaus name was chaunged into Edom as who shuld say redde by cause he hadde solde the saide byrthright for a meace of redde meate as lyke apte a name was after for the same Iacob Genes 32. Israell whiche is interpreted a man seinge the lorde by cause he had sene god and his wonderfull Genes 28. Psal 113. Exod. 12. Exod. 13. heauenly syghtes Whiche Israell and his generation god chase to hym a peculiar people in them extended his holynesse strength and saued theym in Egypte from the greuous plague through the bloudde of the lambe And for them Christ sayd also I came not but to cure Matt. 15. the shepe of the house of Israel that were perished Euen so bycause we now se the lord god by his