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england_n grace_n ireland_n lord_n 3,218 5 3.2488 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A74017 Anno tertio Henrici Octavi The kynge our soueraygne lorde Henry the eyght ...; Laws, etc. England. 1563 (1563) STC 9362.1; ESTC S121528 14,385 16

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ANNO QVARTO HENRICI VIII THe Kynge our soueraygne lorde Henrye the viij after the conquest by the grace of God king of England and of Fraunce and lorde of Irelande at his parlyamente holden at Westminster the iiij day of Nouember in the fourh yere of his most noble reygne after the prorogation to the honour of God and holye churche and for the common weale profite of this his realme by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporall the commons in thys presence parliament assembled by aucthoritye of the same hath doo to be ordeined made enacted certaine statutes and ordynaunces in maner and fourme folowing THE TABLE AN acte concerninge makinge of bulwarkes on the sea-side Cap. i. An act concerning punishment for murther Cap. ii An act concerning iuryes in London Cap. iij. An act of proclamacions to be made before exigents be awarded in forrayne countyes Cap. iiii An act repelling penaltyes for geuinge of wages to labourers and artificers Cap. v. An act concerning customers comptrollers for sealyng of cloth of gold siluer and al other maner of silkes and corses Cap. vi An act concerning peuterers and true weightes beames Cap. vii An act concerning Richard Strode Cap. viii FINIS TABVLAE HENRICI OCTAVI An act concerning making of Bulwarkes on the sea syde Cap. i. PRayen the commons in this presente parliament assembled that for as muche as the lande of Britayne and also the hauen of Brest lyeth streight agaynst the South sea costes of the county of Cornewal and that the Frenchmen our auncient ennemies and Britaynes enemyes by reason of their fishyng vpon the sea costes know as well euery hauen and creeke wythin the sayd countie as euery lāding place in as large maner as anye subiecte of our soueraine lorde the kinges doth And that the sayde countye is lxx myle in length and the substaunce thereof righte little more than vi mile in breade from the south sea to the north sea by reason wherof they also know that great multitude of people cannot shortly resorte to put them of at their landing and that in diuers and many of the sayd landinge places nother pile blockhouse ne bulwarke is made to greue or annoye them at theyr landing which consideracions vnto our said enemies greate audacitie comforte and courage geeueth to arriue and lande in the same parties to the great annoyaunce of our sayd souereigne lord his subiectes there and to the vtter vndoing of diuers and many of them vnlesse a remedy be the sooner prouided Therefore be it enacted by the king our soueraigne lord his lords spyrituall and temporall the commons in this present parliament assembled and by auctority of the same that the Iustices of the peace and sheriffe of the sayd county do ryde and view all the sayde South coste from Plymmouth westward to the lands end And that done incōtinent to appoint wythin themselues suche boroughes townes and paryshes as they shall thincke reasonable to make bulwarkes brayes walles ditches all other fortifications for the same cause in maner forme and fashion as shall bee thoughte by theyr discretion in euery of the sayd landing places betweene this and the fyrst day of March next now comming And farther be it enacted by the sayde auctoritie that euery Mayre and constable of the sayde countie by the sayd Iustices of peace or sheriffe appointed do commaunde all thinhabitauntes within the precincte of theyr office to be at the sea side wyth such instrumentes as they haue or can get for the making of the sayde bulwarkes and other the premisses in such lāding places as shal be assigned by the sayd Iustices of the peace or Sheriffe And that the said maire or constables do commit to warde all such wilfull personnes as wyll not obey come nor sende any other person to the sea syde● to make the said bulwarkes and other the premisses at the day and time by the sayde Maire or constables to bee appointed and there to remaine withoute bayle or mainprise by the space of tenne dayes or lesse at the discretion of the sayde Mayre or Constables And if any of the sayde Mayres or Constables do not their duetie as is aforesayd that than the Iusticees of the peace nexte adioyning do committe to warde the same Mayre or Constable so offending there to remayne wythoute bayle or maynepryse by the space of a moneth or els at the discretion of the Iustice of peace And also be it enacted by the said auctority that good and substanciall bulwarkes braies walles ditches and all other fortifications in euery lāding places in maner fourme fashion as is aforesaide as wel frō Plimmouth aforesayd by the sea costes Estward as in al other parts within the realme of England be made there as the Iustices of the peace Sheriffe within that shyre where any such landing places be shal thincke nedeful And that euery Iustice of peace Mayre and constable within euery shyre where any suche landinge places bee haue lyke and as good auctority by this present acte to commaund the inhabitantes of euery borough towne and parish adioyninge to the sea syde or els where after the discretions of the Iustices of peace to make the sayd bulwarkes other the premisses and also commit to warde all such wilfull persons as will not obey in like maner as the Iustices of the peace Maires constables of the said countie of Cornewall may do by any of the actes aforesayd And ouer this be it enacted by the sayde auctority that it be lawfull for euery of the kynges subiectes within this realme of Englande by the aduise and assignement of the sayde Iustices of the peace or sheriffe to make all maner of bulwarkes and other the premisses in euery mans grounde of what estate or degree he be of and also to digge and to delue as wel for earth stones and turfes as to cut and to hew heth in any mans grounde for the makynge of any suche bulwarkes and other the premisses as ofte and as many times as neede shal requyre and the sayd erth stones turfes and heth to take and occupie and cary awaye oute of the saide grounde to any other mans ground for the making of any such bulwarkes and other the premisses in whose ground so euer the sayde earth stones turfes and heth happen to bee wythout any interruption or let of any person or persons being lord or lords of any such ground or hauinge any other interest in the same And without any maner of payment to be demaūded for any of the premisses or any maner of action by any maner or person or persōs at any time hereafter to be attempted or in any wyse mainteyned against any of the kinges subiectes for any such matter or cause And this acte to endure to the next parliament An act for punishment of murther Cap. ii WHere as robberies murders felonies daily encrease more and more and bene committed and done in more heynous open and