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england_n grace_n ireland_n lord_n 3,218 5 3.2488 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22828 Statutes and ordynances for the warre England and Wales. Sovereign (1509-1547 : Henry VIII); Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547.; England and Wales. Army.; England. Sovereign (1485-1509 : Henry VII). 1544 (1544) STC 9334; ESTC S121367 12,998 24

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Statutes and ordynances for the warre ❧ LONDINI Anno. M.D.XLIIII F 〈…〉 tion of 〈…〉 moste necessarie 〈…〉 as of peace being the kinges 〈…〉 most dreade soueraine lorde HENRY 〈◊〉 eight by the grace of god king of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defender of the faithe and of the churche of England and also of Irelāde in erthe the supreme heade prouoked by the manyfolde iniuries commytted by the frenche king bothe in his confederation with the Turke and by his priuate displesures and wronges done to his highnes against the cōmon weale of Christendome to inuade the realme of Fraunce this sommer in his moste royall persone his maiestie myndinge due ordre to be obserued and kepte emonges all sortes of men of his highnes moste royall and puissaunt army as well capitaines souldiours as others in suche wise as apperteyneth both towardes god and the worlde hath deuised and commaunded to be sette furthe certayne ordynaunces and statutes for the warre as hereafter ensueth not doubtynge but all his maiesties moste louynge and obedient subiectes for the discharge of theyr moste bounden dueties towardes his highnes woll imbrace and obey the same accordyngly 〈…〉 or condition 〈…〉 obeisant vnto the said Henry 〈◊〉 generall vpon peyne of drawing hanging and quarteryng or other punishementes at the discretion of the lieutenant And ouer that euery man aforesayd the sayd lieutenant onely except be obeysant vnto the marshall of the armye for the tyme being vpon suche paynes as shall be lymytted by the lieutenant And also that euery of them obey and duly kepe all suche proclamations ordinaunces and statutes as now be and hereafter shal be on the behalf of our said soueraine lorde made and proclaymed vppon the peynes within the sayd proclamations ordynances statutes or any of them comprehended ¶ ALSO that no man be so hardy For holy churche irreuerently to touche eyther the holy sacramente of goddis bodye or the boxe or the vessell whiche the same is in vpon peyne to be drawen and hanged therfore And also that no man be so hardy to burne or cut any images Also that no maner man without sufficient auctoritie or commandement take of any place person towne or countrey hauyng saufgarde of the sayd lieutenant any maner goodes or vitayles withoute the agrement and wyll of the wardeynes of the same places or persons vpon peyne to be imprysoned and his lyfe at the sayd lieutenantes wyll ¶ ALSO that no man presume to go before the batayl For herbigage but that euery man kepe hym selfe in due order vnder the baner or penon of his lorde mayster or capitayne excepte herbigers the names of whom shall be delyuered and taken to the marshall by theyr sayd lordes maysters or capytaynes vpon the peyne that he that so offendeth shal be put from his horse and harneys bothe to be commytted vnto the warde of the marshall vnto the tyme the offendour hath made his fyne with the sayd marshall and founde suertie 〈…〉 ●ger take any 〈…〉 the marshall of the lodginges or his 〈…〉 hauyng his auctoritie And that noo sou● 〈…〉 lodgyng without it be delyuered by his lordes 〈◊〉 ●nes herbiger vpon peyne of imprisonement and to 〈◊〉 fyne at the kynges pleasure And that after the tyme that the herbage or lodgyng is appoynted and delyuered that no man be so hardy hym selfe to dislodge ne to disaray for any thyng that may fall without commaundement of hym that is auctorysed thervnto vpon peyne of horse and harneys to be put in arrest of the marshal tyl the tyme he hath made fyne with hym and theyr bodyes to be at the kynges pleasure For m●sters ¶ ALSO whan it shal please the kinges maiesty his lieutenant or lieutenantes to commaunde musters to be taken of his hoste it is ordeyned that noo capitayne presume or attempt to haue or to shewe other men in his musters than those that be with hym selfe retayned and attendant in and for the same voiage without fraude gyle or dissimulation vpon payne to be holden false and reproued and his body to be imprisoned and punyshed at the kinges pleasure And if any person be twyse or two tymes therof conuicted and founde faultie than to dye for it And that in lykewise no man come ne appere in or at any muster vnder any capytaine except he be as afore is sayd retayned with hym for that voyage vpon peyne of imprisonement at the kinges wylle ¶ ALSO the commissioners whan they shall take the musters shall cause the capytaynes or pety capitaynes with their retinues to be sworne that they shall be good and true to the kyng our soueraigne lorde And that they shall to theyr powers kepe his cries and ordinaunces and serue hym truely against all his ennemies no person reserued Also they shall sweare whether that the horse and harneys 〈…〉 the companye 〈…〉 diligently enquyre and see that 〈…〉 ●ynge vnto the musters haue all his har● 〈◊〉 as apperteineth for him without any gyle 〈◊〉 especiall at the fyrst muster that euery archer haue his bow and arrowes hole that is to witte in arrowes .xxx. or .xxviii. headed and hole in a shefe at the lest And for the more suretie in this case the sayd commissioners to cause euery souldiour to sweare that his harneys bowe and arrowes be his owne or his maysters or capitaines And also that no man that one 's mustred and was admytted for an archer alter or chaunge hym selfe into any other condition without the kynges speciall licence vpon peyn of imprisonment at the kynges pleasure ¶ ALSO it is ordeined that euery capitaine petycapitaine That the capitaynes make payment to theyr souldiours of theyr ●ges and all other hauing vnder them retynue of any souldiour or souldiours at the kynges wages shall pay to their retinue of souldiour or souldiours the wages rateably as is allowed vnto them by the kyng our soueraigne lord or the treasourer of his warres without diminisshyng or defalkyng any parte therof duryng the tyme that they shall receyue wages for them This paiment to be made vnto the said retinues by their capytaines or petycapitaines of souldiour or souldiours within .vi. daies next and immediately after that the said capitaines petycaptaines or other shall haue receyued their wages of the kyng or of the treasourer of the warres or of their lordes and maisters vpon the penaltie that he whiche offendeth therin shall forfayte to the kyng all his goodes and cattalles and his body to pryson at the kynges plesure except he be resonably letted in that behalfe wherof he shall within the same .vi. dayes duely certifye the sayd treasourer of the warres And also it shal be lefull for euery man fyndyng hym greued in this behalfe to complaine him vnto the treasourer of the warres 〈…〉 so departeth to be arrested 〈…〉 the marshall and his life to be at the kinge● 〈◊〉 also to lose all his profit and gayne of that day● 〈◊〉 to his lord or maister the thyrdes of his profyt And