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A14916 Ancient funerall monuments within the vnited monarchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the islands adiacent with the dissolued monasteries therein contained: their founders, and what eminent persons haue beene in the same interred. As also the death and buriall of certaine of the bloud royall; the nobilitie and gentrie of these kingdomes entombed in forraine nations. A worke reuiuing the dead memory of the royall progenie, the nobilitie, gentrie, and communaltie, of these his Maiesties dominions. Intermixed and illustrated with variety of historicall obseruations, annotations, and briefe notes, extracted out of approued authors ... Whereunto is prefixed a discourse of funerall monuments ... Composed by the studie and trauels of Iohn Weeuer. Weever, John, 1576-1632.; Cecil, Thomas, fl. 1630, engraver. 1631 (1631) STC 25223; ESTC S118104 831,351 907

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should be deemed reputed accepted or taken to be Heresie It was also enacted that no manner of appeales should be had prouoked or made out of this Realme or any the Kings dominions to the Bishop of Rome or to the See of Rome in any causes or matters happening to be in contention and hauing their commensement and beginning in any of the Courts within this Realme or within any the Kings dominions of what nature condition or qualitie soeuer they were Vpon this followed another Act restraining the payment of Annates or first-fruits to the Bishop of Rome and of the electing and consecrating of Bishops within this Realme Another Act was made concerning the exoneration of the Kings Subiects from exactions and impositions theretofore paied to the See of Rome and for hauing licences and dispensations within this Realme without suing further for the same in which the Commons assembled complaine to his Maiestie that the subiects of this Realme and other his dominions were greatly decaied and impouerished by intollerable exactions of great summes of money claimed and taken by the Bishop of Rome and the See of Rome as well in pensions censes Peter-pense procurations fruits sutes for prouisions and expeditions of Bulls for Archbishoprickes and Bishopricks and for delegacies of rescripts in causes of contentions and appeales iurisdictions legatiue and also for dispensations licences faculties grants relaxations Writs called Perinde valere rehabitations abolitions and other infinite sorts of Bulls breeues and instruments of sundrie natures names and kindes in great numbers ouer long and tedious here particularly to be inserted It was affirmed in this Parliament that there had been paied to the Pope of Rome onely for Bulls by our English Bishops and other of the kingdome since the fourth of Henry the seuenth to that time threescore thousand pound sterling The next yeare following in a Parliament begun at Westminster the third of Nouember the Pope with all his authoritie was cleane banished this Realme and order taken that he should no more bee called Pope but Bishop of Rome and the King to be taken and reputed as supreme head in earth of the Church of England called Anglicana Ecclesia And that hee their Soueraigne Lord his heires and successours kings of this Realme should haue full power and authoritie from time to time to visit represse redresse reforme order correct restraine and amend all such e●rours heresies abuses offences contempts and enormities whatsoeuer they were which by any manner spirituall authoritie or iurisdiction ought or might lawfully bee reformed repressed ordered redressed corrected restrained or amended most to the pleasure of Almighty God the increase of vertue in Christs religion and for the conseruation of peace vnitie and tranquilitie of this Realme any vsage custome forraine lawes forraine authority prescription or any thing or things to the contrary thereof notwithstanding In this Parliament also were granted to the King and his heires the first-fruits and tenths of all spirituall dignities and promotions His stile of supremacie was further ratified and declared to bee set downe in this forme and manner following in the Latine tongue by these words Henricus octauus Dei gratia Angliae Franciae Hiberniae Rex Fidei defensor in terra Ecclesiae Anglicanae Hibernicae supremum caput In the English tongue by these Henry the eight by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland defendour of the faith and of the Church of England and also of Ireland in earth the supreme head Which stile was enacted to bee vnited and annexed for euer to the imperiall Crowne of this his Highnesse Realme of England Vpon the first expulsion of the Popes authoritie and King Henries vndertaking of the Supremacie the Priests both religious and secular did openly in their Pulpits so farre extoll the Popes iurisdiction and authority that they preferred his lawes before the kings yea and before the holy precepts of God Almighty Whereupon the King sent his mandatory letters to certaine of his Nobilitie and others in especiall office thinking thereby to restraine their seditious false doctrine and exorbitancie And here let me tell you that amongst many letters of important affaires which I found in certaine Chandlers shops of our Parish allotted to light Tobacco pipes and wrap vp peniworths of their commodities all which I gaue to Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronet the onely repairer of ruined antiquirie whom I knew the contents therof shewing some passages of former times would preserue them for better vses I happened vpon certaine letters following tending to the same purpose of which I haue already spoken Henry R. By the King RIght trusty and right welbiloued Cousin we grete you well And wher it is commen to our knowlaige that sundry persons aswell religious as seculer Priests and curats in their peroches and d●ue●se places within this our Realme do dailly asmoche as in them is set fo●the and extolle the iurisdiction and auctoritie of the Bishop of Rome ortherwyse called Pope sowing their sediciouse pestylent and false doctryne praying for him in the Pulpit and makyng hym a God to the greate deceyte illudyng and seducyng of our subgietts bryngyng them into errors sedicyon and euyll opynyons more preferryng the power lawes and Iurisdictyon of the said Bishop of Rome then the most holly lawes and precepts of almighty God We therfore myndyng not only to prouide for an vnitie and quietnes to be had and contynued among our said subgietts but also greatly cou●tyng and desyryng them to be brought to a perfectyon and knawlege of the mere veritie and truth and no longer to be seduced nor blynded with any suche superstitiouse and false doctryne of any erthly vsurper of godds lawes will therfore and commaund you that wher and whensoeuer ye shall fynde apperceyve know or heretell of any such sedicious personnes that in suche wise do spreade teche and preache or otherwise set forth any su●he opynyons and perniciouse doctryne to the exaltatyon of the power of the bishop of Rome bryngyng therby our subgietts into error gruge and murmuracyon that ye indelaydly doo apprehend and take them or cause them to be apprehended and taken and so commytted to Ward ther to remayne without bayle or mayneprise vntill vpon your aduertisement therof vnto vs or our Councell ye shall know our further pleasure in that behalfe Ye uen vndre our Signet at our Manor of Grenwich the xvii day of Aprill This letter was thus endorsed To our right trusty and welbiloued cousin and Counsellor Th erle of Sussex In Iune or Iuly following these maiesticall commanding Epistles were seconded and made more strong by an Act of Parliament called An Act extinguishing the authoritie of the Bishop of Rome Of which I hold it not amisse to set downe so much as principally tends to the purpose To begin then at the beginning For as much as notwithstanding the good and wholesome lawes ordinances and statutes heretofore made enacted
houses lands and tenements Ann. Reg. 35. as by his patents may appeare in effect as followeth Edward by the grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland and of Aquitaine to all by these presents c. Although the Priory of Montacute in the County of Somerset by reason of the warres betweene vs and France with all the lands tenements fees aduowsons together with the goods and cattels belonging to the same hath beene of late taken into our hands and by vs farmed and rented forth as appeareth by diuers patents Now therefore since peace is betwixt vs and the noble Prince our most deare brother the king of France we for the honour of God and holy Church restore to the said Prior the Priory with all the lands tenements fees aduowsons and whatsoeuer else belonging to the same to hold the same in as free manner as they held it before And withall forgiue and release all arrerages of Rents which might bee due vnto vs by reason of any former grants In witnesse c. the sixth of February the 35. yeare of our raigne The like letters of restitution all the rest of the houses of Aliens had through England all which were cleane suppressed and vtterly dissolued by king Henry the fifth and their lands giuen by him and his sonne Henry the sixth to Colledges of learned men and to other Monasteries Greenwich This Parish Church is consecrated to the honour of Saint Aelphege sometime Archbishop of Canterbury who suffered martyrdome much-what about the same place where it now standeth Which Aelp●ege bo●ne of great parentage brought vp in good learning preferred first to the Bishopricke of Winchester then to this of Canterbury a man admired for his strict manner of life and holy exhortations by both which hee con●uerted many vnto Christ was cruelly put to death by the Danish Pagans with many exquisite torments in the yeare of our Lord a thousand and twelue Of which in William Malmesbury Camden and the Catalogue of Bishops you may reade more at large It was long before these bloudy executioners would suffer his bodie to bee committed to the earth after the manner of Christian decencie yet at length that fauour was obtained and his body here first buried from whence within a short time after his reliques were remoued to Saint Pauls London and from thence at the commandement of king Knute to Canterbury He was canonized and the 19. day of Aprill allowed for celebration of his memory Some write that like another Stephen he was stoned to death that like him he prayed for his enemies and that Turkill generall of those Danes was conuerted to the faith at the sight of his constant martyrdome Here sometime stood an house of obseruant Friers which came hither about the latter end of the raigne of King Edward the fourth at whose hands they obtained a Chantrie with a little Chappell of the holy Crosse a place yet extant in the Towne and king Henry the seuenth builded for them an house adioyning to the Pallace which is there yet to be seene Here in this Towne was another Monastery of Friers Minorites and Aliens founded by King Edward the third and the foresaid Iohn Norbury which as Lewsham did belonged to the Abbot of Gaunt in Flaunders vntill such time as King Henry the fifth seising into his hands by occasion of warre all the lands of the Priors Aliens as I haue touched before bestowed this together with the Mannor of Lewsham and many other lands also vpon the Priory of Chartrehouse Monkes of Shene which hee had then newly erected to which it remayned vntill the time of the raigne of king Henry the eight who annexed it to the Crowne Depeford Orate pro anima ..... Weuer ..... Mercatoris et Maioris Stapul ville Calcis qui ob ..... Februar ... et pro .... Ioanne vx eius qui ob .... Martin the fifth Bishop of Rome granted by this Bull to these Staple Merchants in this Weeuers Maioralty at their earnest request an itinerarie or portable Aulter which they were to take with them to what place soeuer they trauelled to make any time of aboad and withall gaue them licence to elect a Priest to say Masse administer the Sacraments to heare their confessions to enioyne them penance and to giue them absolution as the cause should require The forme of which I hold it not much amisse here to set downe as I found it in an old Manuscript without name or date in the Earle of Exceters Librarie Martinus Episcopus Seruus Seruorum Dei dilectis filijs Maiori et eius locum tenenti ac Constabulario ceterisque Principalibus Societatis Mercatorum lanarum Stapule Anglie Salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem Sincere deuotionis affectus quem ad nos et Romanam geritis Ecclesiam non indigne meretur vt petitionibus vestris illis presertim quos ex deuotionis feruore prodire conspicimus quantum cum Deo possumus fauorabiliter animamus Hinc est quod nos vestris deuotis supplicationibus inclinati vt liceat vobis et posteris vestris Maiori et eius locum tenenti ac Constabulario nec non Principalibus societatis Mercatorum lanarum Stapule Anglie ac vestrum ac eorundem posterorum cuilibet habere Altare portatile cum debita reuerentia et honore Super quo in villa Calestie seu alibi etiam in transmarinis seu cismarinis partibus vbi pro tempore vos vel aliquem vestrum esse vel declinare et huiusmodi Stapulum lanarum teneri contigerit in locis ad hoc congru●ntibus et honestis positis per proprium vel alium Sacerdotem ydoneum Missas et alia diuina officia sine iuris alieni preiudicio in vestra et ipsorum ac aliorum Mercatorum dicte Societatis ibidem pro tempore presentium Nec non vestrorum et eorundem Posterorum ac Mercatorum familiarium presentia facere celebrari vobis et predictis posteris tenore presentium indulgemus Nulli ergo omnino homini liceat hanc paginam nostre concessionis infringere vel ei ausu temerario contraire Si quis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit indignationem omnipotentis Dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum eius se nouerit incursurum Dat. Mant. 3. Non. Nouemb. Pontificatus nostri Ann. primo By another Bull dated the same yeare and his Apostolicall authoritie he giues them free election of their Confessour the Priest The words are Aliquem ydoneum et discretum presbyterum eligere confessorem indulgemus qui quotiens vobis fuerit oportunum confessionibus vestris diligenter auditis pro commissis debitam vobis absolutionem impendat et iniungat penitentiam salutarem nisi forsan talia fuerint c. propter que sedes Apostolica c. Nulli ergo omnino hominum c. Dat. c. In English We fauourably yeeld to your deuout and pious supplications and we giue
Abbey of Rufford I finde these verses following of the constant sufferings of certaine virgine martyrs Quid de virginibus dignum loquere aspice fidem Fides ob veram sert mala multa sidem Huic ardens lectus solidum subuertere fidem Nec mors ipsa potest cui Deus ardor inest Tecla fer as Agathes Ergastula vulnera vicit Margarita truces virgo Lucia duces Balnea Cecilie feruentia nil nocuere Agneti nocuit flamma furorque nichil Nil etas nil mundus eis nil obfuit hostis Cuncta domant superant infima summa tenent His ornamentis fulget Domus Omnipotentis But I will conclude this Chapter with the words of Camden speaking of the Monasticall life and profession The profession of this Monasticall life saith he began when Pagan Tyrants enraged against Christians pursued them with bloudy persecutions For then good deuout men that they might serue God in more safety and security withdrew themselues into the vast wildernesses of Egypt and not as the Painims are wont with open mouth to giue it out for to enwrap themselues willingly in more miseries because they would not be in miserie Where they scattered themselues among mountaines and desarts liuing in caues and little cells here and there in holy meditations At first solitary and alone whereupon in Greeke they were called Monachi that is Monkes but after they thought it better as the sociable nature of mankinde required to meete together at certaine times to serue God and at length they began to cohabite and liue together for mutuall comfort rather then like wilde beasts to walke vp and downe in the desarts Their profession was to pray and by the labour of their owne hands to get liuing for themselues and maintenance for the poore and withall they vowed pouerty obedience and chastitie Athanasius first brought this kinde of Monkes consisting of lay-men into the West-Church Whereunto after that Saint Austen in Afrike Saint Martin in France and Congell one of the Colledge of Bangor in Britaine and Ireland had adioyned the function of regular Clergie It is incredible how farre and wide they spread how many and how great Coenobies were built for them so called of their communion of life as also Monasteries for that they kept still a certaine shew of solitarie liuing and in those dayes none were more sacred and holy then they and accordingly they were reputed considering how by their prayers to God by their example doctrine labour and industrie they did exceeding much good not onely to themselues but also to all mankinde But as the world grew worse and worse so those their holy manners as one said rebus cessere secundis that is Gaue backward in time of prosperitie But of the pietie of religious professours in the Primitiue times of the sanctitie of British and Saxon Kings of their Queenes and issue royall as also of other persons of exemplarie zeale and holy conuersation I doe speake hereafter in particular as I come to the places of their interments CHAP. XII Of the fall or backsliding as well of religious persons as of lay-people from the foresaid zealous ardour of pietie THis heate of deuotion which I haue spoken of continued not long in this Island For as the Clergie and other religious orders grew rich in faire buildings proud furniture and ample reuenues so they daily increased in all kindes of disorders which was no sooner perceiued but put in practise by the Laitie our kings declined from their former sanctitie and which the worst was after their examples many others especially of the Nobilitie did follow their licentious traces Examples of Princes being alwayes of greater force then other lawes to induce the people to good or to euill Nam haec conditio Principum vt quicquid faciant praecipere videantur To proue as much as I haue spoken In the yeare of Grace 747 Cuthbert Archbishop of Canterbury by the counsell of Boniface Bishop of Mentz called a Conuocation at Cliffe beside Rochester to reforme the manifold enormities wherewith the Church of England at that time was ouergrowne Our kings forsaking the companie of their owne wiues in those dayes delighted altogether in harlots which were for the most part Nunnes The rest of the Nobilitie following their example trode also the same trace The Bishops likewise and other of the Clergie that should haue beene a meanes of the reforming these faults in others were themselues no lesse faultie spending their times either in contentions and brables or else in luxurie and voluptuousnesse hauing no care of study and seldome or neuer preaching Whereby it came to passe that the whole land was ouerwhelmed with a most darke and palpable mist of ignorance and polluted with all kinde of wickednesse and impietie in all sorts of people In which Conuocation after long consultation with those his Bishops or Suffraganes and the rest of the Clergie which were holden in greatest esteeme for their learning in number thirtie for the reformation of these horrible abuses endeauouring thereby like a good Pastour to turne away the wrath of God which seemed to hang ouer this land and to threaten those plagues which not long after fell vpon it when the Danes inuaded the same Edgar surnamed the peaceable King of England in the yeare 969. called together his Bishops and other of his Clergie to whom hee made this or the like Oration as followeth Forsomuch as our Lord hath magnified his mercy to worke with vs it is meete most reuerend Fathers that with worthy workes we answer his innumerable benefits for neither by our owne sword possesse we the earth and our owne armes hath not saued vs but his right hand and his holy arme for that he hath beene pleased with vs. Meete therefore it is that we submit both our selues and our soules to him that hath put all things vnder our feet and that we diligently labour that they whom he hath made subiect vnto vs may bee made subiect vnto his lawes And truly it is my part to rule the Laitie with the law of equitie to doe iust iudgement betwixt man and his neighbours to punish Church-robbers to represse rebels to deliuer the weake from the hands of his stronger the poore and needie from them that spoile them And it also belongeth to my care to haue consideration to the health quietnesse or peace of the Ministers of the Church the flocke of Monkes the companies of Virgines and to prouide the things needfull for them The examining of whose manners belongeth vnto you if they liue chastly if they behaue themselues honestly towards them which bee abroad if in diuine seruice they bee carefull if in teaching the people diligent if in feeding sober if moderate in apparell if in iudgement they be discreet If you had cured these things by prudent scrutinie by your licence I speake O reuerend Fathers such horrible and abhominable things of the Clerkes had not come to our eares I omit
Supreme heed of this Englyshe Churche We yowr Gracys pore and most vnworthy Subiects Francys Priour of yowr Graces Monastery of Saint Andrew the Apostle within yowr Graces Towne of Northampton and the hoole Couent of the same being steryd by the gryffe of owr conscience vnto greate contricion for the manifolde negligence enormytes and abuses of long tyme by vs and other owr predecessours vndre the pretence and shadow of perfyght Religion vsyd and comytted to the greuous displeasure of Almyghty God the craftye decepcion and subtell seduccion of the pure and symple myndys of the good Christian people of this yowr noble Reame knowlegen owr selffes to haue greuously offendyd God and yowr Highnesse owr Soueraign Lord and Founder Aswell in corrupting the conscience of yowr good Christian subiects with vayne superstitious and other vnprofitable ceremonyes the very means and playn induccions to the abominable synne of Idolatry as in omyttyng the execucion of suche deuowte and due observaunces and charitable acts as we were boun●den to do by the promises and avowe made by vs and our predecessors vnto Almighty God and to yowr graces most noble progeni●ors orygynall Founders of yowr saide Monastery For the which obseruances and dedys of charyte only yowr saide Monastery was indowed with son●ry possessions Iewels ornaments and other goods moueable and vnmoueable by yowr graces saide noble progenitors The revenues of which possessions we the saide Priour and Couent voluntaryly onely by owr pr●pre conscience compellyd do recognyce neither by vs nor owr predecessors to haue ben emploied accordyng to the origynall intent of the Founders of yowr saide Monastery that is to saie in the pure observaunce of Chrysts Religion accordyng to the devowte rule and doctryne of holy Saint Benedict in vertuose exercyse and study accordyng to owr professyon and avowe ne yett in the charytable sustayning comforting and releiving of the pore people by the kepyng of good and necessary hospitality But as well we as others owr predecessors callyd religiouse persones within yowr said Monastery taking on vs the habite or owtewarde vesture of the saide rule onely to the intent to lead owr liffes in an ydell quyetnes and not in vertuose exercyse in a stately estymacion and not in obedient humylyte haue vndre the shadowe or color of the saide Rule and habite vaynly detestably and also vngodly employed yea rather deuowred the yerely reuenues yssuing and comyng of the saide possessions in contynuall ingurgitacions and farcyngs of owr carayne bodyes and of others the support●res of owr voluptuose and carnall appetyte with other vayne and vngodly expensys to the manyfest subvertion of deuocion and clennes of lyvyng and to the most notable slaunder of Chrysts holy Euangely which in the forme of owr professyon we dyd ostentate and openly advaunte to kepe most exactly withdrawing therby from the symple and pure myndys of yowr graces subiects the onely truth and comfort which they oughte to haue by the true faith of Christe And also the devyne honor and glory onely due to the glorious Maiestye of God Almyghty steryng them with all persuasions ingynes and polyce to dedd Images and counterfett reliques for owr dampnable lucre Which our most horryble abhominacions and execrable persuacions of yowr graces people to detestable errours and our long coueryd Ipocrysie cloked with fayned sanctite We revolving dayly and continually ponderyng in owr sorowfull harts and therby perseyuing the botomlas gulf of euerlastyng fyre redy to devowre vs if persysting in this state of lyvyng we shulde departe from this vncertayn and transytory liffe constrayned by the intollerable anguysh of owr conscience callyd as we trust by the grace of God who wolde haue no man to perysh in synne with harts most contrite and repentante prostrate at the noble feet of yowr most roiall Maiestye most lamentably doo craue of yowr highnes of yowr habundant mercy to grant vnto vs most greuous agaynst God and yowr highnes yowr most gracious perdon for owr saide sondry offences omyssyons and negligences comytted as before by vs is confessyd agaynst yowr hyghnes and yowr most noble progenitors And where yowr hyghnes being supreme hedd immediately next aftre Christe of his Church in this yowr Roialme of England so consequently generall and only reformator of all religious persones there haue full authority to correcte or dyssolue at your graces pleasure and libertye all Couents and Relygious companyes abusyng the Rewles of their profession And moreouer to yowr highnes being owr soueraygn Lord and vndoubted founder of yowr saide Monastery by dissolucion whereof apperteyneth onely the oryginall title and propre inherytance as well of all other goods moueable and vnmoueable to the saide Monastery in any wyse apperteyning or belonging to be dissposed and imployed as to yowr graces most excellent wysdome shall seme expedyent and necessary All which possessyons and goods yowr highnes for our saide offences abuses omyssyons and neglygences being to all men obedyent and by vs playnly confessed now hath and of long tyme past hath hadd iust and lafull cawse to resume into yowr graces hands and possessyon at yowr graces pleasure The resumption wherof yowr highnes neverthelesse licke a most naturall lovyng Prince and clement gouernor ouer vs yowr graces po●e and for owr offences most vnworthy subiects hath of long season differred and yet doth in hope and trust of owr voluntary reconciliacion and amendment by yowr graces manyfolde lovyng and gentyll admonyshments shewyd vnto vs by dyuerse and sondry meanys We therfor consyderyng with owr selffes your graces exceedyng goodnes and mercy extended at all tymes vnto vs most miserable trespassers against God and yowr hyghnes For a perfight declaracion of yowr vnfeyned contricion and repentance felyng owr selffes very weeke and vnable to obserue and performe owr aforesaid avowes and promyses made by vs and owr predecessors to God and yowr graces noble progenitors and to imploy the possessyons of yowr saide Monastery accordyng to the fyrst will and intent of the oryginall Founders And to the intent that yowr highnes yowr noble heires and successors with the true Christian people of this yowr graces Roialme of England be not from hensforth estsones abused with such feyned deuocion and deyllysh persuasions vndre the pretext and habyte of Relygion by vs or any other which shulde happen to bear the name of Relygyous within yowr saide Monastery And moreouer that the saide possessyons and goods shulde be no lenger restreyned from a bettyr or more necessary employment Most humble beseechen yowr highnes owr most gracyous soueraign Lord and Founder that it might licke yowr Maiesty for the discharging and exoncrating vs of the most greuous bourden of owr payned consciens to the immynent parell and danger of owr dampnacion that we shuld be in if by persisting in the state that we now rest in we shulde be the lett of a more godly and necessarie imployment graciously to accept owr free gifts withought coercion persuasion or procurement of any creature liuing other then
and from that remoued to the title of Saint Rusine all which his Ecclesiasticall preferments were comprehended in this one verse composed by his cosin Thomas Kempe Bishop of London Bis Primas ter Praesul erat bis Cardine functus And to adde to all these honours he was twice Lord Chancellour of England He continued not here aboue a yeare and a halfe but died a very old man March 22. 1453. hee conuerted the Parish-Church of Wye into a Colledge of secular Priests Of which hereafter In a little history of the Archbishops of Yorke written in rythmicall numbers I finde these in his commendations Tunc Iohannes nobilis Kemp vociferatus Prius in Londonijs Presul installatus Et erectus Pontifex Metropolitanus Presul Archipresulem confirmat Romanus Mandans sibi pallium Martinus erectus Sagax Cancellarius Regis est effectus Cardinalis Presbiter digne sublimatur Sub Balbine Titulo sic laus cumulatur In Suthwell manerium fecit preciosum Multis artificibus valde sumptuosum Annis multis prospere curam sui gregis Rexit per iusticiam per normam legis Tandem vsque Cantiam Presul est translatus Illic Archiepiscopus est inthronizatus Apud Lambeth obijt labor iam finitur Et in Cantuaria corpus sepelitur Licet prohibuerit Abbas rigorose Iacet ibi condita gleba gloriose I finde little of any great worke or deede of charitie this Bishop performed besides his Manor of Suthwell here onely mentioned with all these his pennisome preferments but the reason is giuen in the Catalogue of Bishops that he died very rich and that in his life time he aduanced many of his kindred to great wealth and some to the dignitie of knighthood whose posteritie continued yet in this County of great worship and reputation euen to this day That he might die very rich I doe not denie but for the aduancement of his kindred to the honour of knighthood was no other title then his grandfather Sir Iohn Kempe and his Vncle Sir Roger enioyed his owne father Thomas being a younger brother to the said Sir Roger. Here lieth buried as by an inscription vpon a marble doth appeare Thomas Bourchier commonly called Bowser second sonne of William Bourchier Earle of Ewe in Normandie and brother to Henry Bourchier Earle of Ewe and Essex He was brought vp in Oxford 〈…〉 preferred to the Deanrie of Saint Martins then to the Bishop●●●●● o● Worcester from whence he was translated to Ely and 〈…〉 in this chaire of Canterbury wherein he sate 32. yeares and 〈…〉 the time of his first consecration 51. yeares I finde not 〈…〉 Englishman continued so long a Bishop or that any Archbishop 〈◊〉 before or after him in eight hundred yeares enioyed that place so long And to adde more honour to his Grace and money to his purse he was about two yeares Lord Chancelour of England and Cardinall tt S. Ciriaci in Thermis ●●t all this time for all these great and eminent promotions he left nothing behinde him to continue his memorie but an old rotten chest in the congregation house at Cambridge called Billingsworth and Bowser into which for the vse of the Vniuersitie Billingsworth before him had put in one hundred pounds and he forsooth imitating that munificent example put in one hundred and twenty pounds He died March 30. 1486. as appeared by 〈…〉 ption vpon his Monument Hic iacet reuerendissimus pater Dominus D. Thomas 〈…〉 quo●dam sacrosancte Romane Ecclesie S. Ciriaci in Thermi 〈…〉 chiepiscopus huius Ecclesie qui obijt 30. die Marty 1486. 〈…〉 propitietur altissimus Here lieth buried vnder a marble stone in a sumptuous Chappell vnder the Quier of his owne building Iohn Morton borne to the good of all England at Beere at Saint Andrews Milborn saith Camde● in Dorsetshire brought vp in Oxford where he proceeded Doctor of the Ciuill and Canon Law he was first Parson of Saint Dunstans in London and Prebendarie of Saint Decumanes in Wales then Bishop of Ely Master of the Rolles Lord Chancellour of England Cardinall of Saint Anastatia and Archbishop of this Metropolitan See A man so well deseruing both of the Church and common-wealth that all honours and offices were too little which were conferred vpon him of a piercing naturall wit he was very well learned and honorable in behauiour lacking no wise wayes to winne loue and fauour by whose deepe wisedome and pollicie the two houses of Yorke and Lancaster whose titles for a long time had mightily disquieted the whole kingdome were happily vnited but our English Chronicles are so full and copious in this Bishops commendation as that I know not where to begin with him nor how to take my leaue of him Whilest he was Bishop of Ely which was about eight yeares hee bestowed great cost vpon his house at Hatfield in Hertfordshire now the mansion place of that right honourable Lord and one of the priuie Councell William Cecill Earle of Salisbury and at Wisbich Castle in Cambridgeshire a house belonging to that See all the bricke-building was done at his charges And in the time of his Primacie in this Church he bestowed great summes in repairing and augmenting his houses at Knoll Maydstone Alington Parke Charing Ford Lambith and Canterbury He bequeathed by his last Will in a manner all that hee had either vnto good vses or to such of his seruants as he had yet beene able to do nothing for He gaue to the King a Portuis to the Queene a 〈◊〉 to the ●●dy Margaret his God daughter afterwards married to 〈…〉 King of Scotland a cup of gold and tourry p●unds in 〈…〉 Church of Ely his Myter and Crolle vnto his 〈◊〉 and 〈…〉 giue nothing as hauing sufficie●tly pref●rre● them in his 〈…〉 which family Robert Bishop of Worcester and many 〈…〉 of very good note and qualitie in Dorsetshire and 〈…〉 His Ex●ecutors he bound by oath to maintaine sufficiently 〈…〉 at Oxford and ten at Cambridge for the space of twenty 〈…〉 decease And it is not to be forgotten that the yeare before he died 〈◊〉 great charges he procured Anselme one of his predeces●ours to be 〈◊〉 nized a Saint This good man died at his Manour of 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 of October 1500. hauing enioyed this Archbishopricke 〈◊〉 en● yeares in all quietnesse I finde no memoriall of him vpon his 〈…〉 please you then to let these lines following serue for an Eulogium or Epitaph Iohannes Morton postquam Cantuariensem Prouinciam 13. Ann. rexisset obijt D●lubrum ipse sumptuosum vinus in Ecclesii in subterraneo crypto ex trux●t in quo humatus est Vir fuit prudens facundus atque grauis qualem Hen. 7. vitae socium morumque quasi magistrum plerumque penes se habuit Tulit sub Richardo Tyranno vitae discrimina exilium atque carceres à tri●bus regibus Hen 6. Edwardo 4. Hen. 7. probata intege●●mi prudentissiani que p●tris fides nunquam in dubium
seruiens Abbati et Conuentui de Lesnes qui obiit primo die mensis Ianuarij 1425. Cuius anime Lesnes Abbey In the yeare of our Lord 1178. the third of the Ides of Iune Richard Lucie a Councellour of State and chiefe Iustice of the Realme began the foundation of an Abbey at Lesnes or Westwood neare vnto this Towne of E●●th The extent of whose yearely reuenue as it was prized by the Commissioners at the suppression amounted to one hundred eighty sixe pounds and nine shillings When this his goodly fabricke was in all parts finished he presently forsooke and surrendred into the kings hands all both his offices and honours And betooke himselfe to the habite and profession of a Canon Regular in this house of his owne foundation where within a short while after euen in the same yeare to wit the fourteenth of Iuly 1479. he exchanged his Conuentuall blacke coole for a glorious bright heauenly crowne And here in the Quire of his Church hee was sumptuously entombed vpon whose Monument this Epitaph was engrauen Rapitur in tenebras Richardus lux Luciorum Iusticie pacis dilector vrbis honorum Christe sibi requies tecum sit sede piorum Iulia tunc orbi lux bis septena nitebat Mille annos C. nouem et septuaginta mouebat Now giue me leaue to go a little further with him and his heires as I finde the words in the Collection of Englands Protectours by Francis Thinne Lancaster Herald Sir Richard Lucie knight chiefe Iustice of England saith he was Protectour of England in the twelfth yeare of the raigne of king Henry the second in the absence of the king when hee was in Normandie and in the parts beyond the Seas Which Lucie in the thirteenth yeare of the same King did valiantly resist and politikely driue backe the Earle of Bolloigne inuading this kingdome He built the Abbey of Leosnes or Westwood in the Parish of Erith in Kent and not in Southfleet as some haue written in the yeare of Christ 1178. and the Castle of Chipping Augre in Essex He had issue Godfrey Bishop of Winchester and three daughters who after the death of Godfrey their brother were his heires Maude the eldest daughter was married to Robert the first called Fitzwater Aueline the second daughter was married to Richard Riuers of Stanford Riuers in Essex Rose the third daughter was married to Richard de Warren the naturall sonne of king Iohn as appeareth by a deed belonging to my selfe who had the Rectory of Leosnes beginning thus Rosa de Douer quondam vxor venerabilis viri Richardi filij Regis de Chillam And king Iohn by his Charter grants to another Rose her grandfathers lands in these words Rex reddidit Roesie de Douerita totam terram suam cum pertenenc qua eam contingit de heredit Richardi de Lucy avi sui tenend sibi hered c. Cart. 24. Reg. Iohannis numero 37. in Archi. Turris London The foresaid Godfrey de Lucy was consecrated Bishop of Winchester the first of Nouember 1189. And died Ann. 1204 hauing gouerned that See fifteene yeares He purchased of king Richard the first the Mannors of Wergraue and Menes which in times past had belonged to his Bishopricke he was a great Benefactour to this Religious house of Leosnes founded by his father wherein according to his will hee was enterred To whose memory this Epitaph was engrauen vpon his Tombe Lux mea lux Christi si terre ventre quiesco Attamen in celo sanctorum luce lucesco Presul de Winton fueram quondam Cathedratus Multum resplendens alto sanguine natus Nunc id sum quod eris puluis rota non retinenda Voluitur inuigila prudens nec differ agenda M. C. bis quatuorque annos his insuper addas Carnis vincla dies soluit secunda Decembris Vos qui transitis ancillam poscite Christi Sit Dominus mitis pulso purgamine tristi Wolwich Orate pro anima Iohannis Colin et Mathilde vxoris eius qui Iohannes obiit 27. Ianuar ..... Mathilda 25. Octob. 1397. Hic tacet Dominus Will. Prene quondam Rector huius Ecclesie viz. tempore Regis Edwardi quarti et postea Rector Ecclesie de Lymming qui fieri fecit istam Capellam et Campanile huius Ecclesie et in uita sua multa alia bona .... ob I. die Decemb. 1464. Willelmus Prene me fecit in honorem sancte Trinitatis Eltham Pray for the sowl of Dame Margerie Roper late wyff of Iohn Roper Suier daughter and one of the heires of Iohn Tattersall Suier who dyed 2. Februar 1518 Roper a name of eminent respect in this County honoured with the title of Baron Roper of Tenham by our Soueraigne Lord Iames late King of England giuen to Iohn Lord Roper now liuing Pray for the sowl of Iohn Morton sonne and heire of Margaret Morton of Asheby de la Zouch in the County of Leicester late wife to Tho. Squier who dyed 23. Aug. Prier pur l'alme Thomas Pierle qi morust le primer iour de Iuyl l'an de Grace Mil. ccc.lxix ..... Here lyeth Iohn Pasley yeoman Porter to king Henry the eighth and Agnes his wife which Iohn dyed .... 1509. Hen. 8.1 West Peckham Iohn Culpeper one of the Iustices of the Common Pleas in the raigne of king Henry the fourth founded here a Preceptorie or free-Schoole which he endowed with threescore and three pounds sixe shillings eight pence of yearely allowance Bromley In the Church wall lyeth the pourtraiture as I learne by tradition of Richard Wendouer Bishop of Rochester and Parson of this Towne He was consecrated 1238. and dyed 1250. yet it is said that his body was buried in Westminster by the kings speciall commandement for that he was accounted a very holy and vertuous man which I cannot much contradict Icy gist Mestre Water de Henche Qi fut Persone de Bromleghe 1360. Lewsham Hic iacet Georgius Hatecliffe Ar. Thesaurarius Domini Regis in Hibernia ac vnus clericorum compoti Hospitii regis obiit 1. Aug. 1514. Iohn Norbury founded a Priory in this Towne of Lewsham which hee replenished with blacke Monkes Aliens belonging to the Abbey of Gaunt in Flanders and thereupon called Aliens because they were Celles to some Monastery or other beyond the Seas The first foundation of these houses I do not finde but in the raigne of king Edward the third they were encreased to the number of one hundred and ten in England besides them in Ireland Aquitane and Normandy The goods of all which Priories the said king Ann. Reg. 12. because of his warres with France caused to be confiscated to his owne vse letting out their houses to farme with all their lands and tenements for the space of three and twenty yeares At the end of which Terme Peace being concluded betweene the two Nations he restored to the Priors Aliens their
who inuaded his Territories in his absence whilst he was prosecuting the warres in Ireland and returned from that battell a triumphant Conqu●rour Vnder another Monument lieth the body of Gilbert Marshall Earle of Penbroke and Marshall of England Lord of Longevile in Normandy Leinster in Ireland and of Chepstow Strighull and Caerwent in Wales This Potent Peere of the Realme saith Mathew Paris in Ann. 1241. proclaimed a Turnament in scorne of the kings authoritie whereby such disports were forbidden to be holden at Hertford in the County of Hertford to which place when many both of the Nobilitie and Gentrie were assembled it happened that himselfe running by the flinging of his horse was cast out of his sadle and the horse gaue him such a blow on the breast that he died the same day being the fifth of the Kalends of Iuly 1241. as aforesaid His bowels were interred in the Abbey Church in the Towne of Hertford with the bowels of one Sir Robert de Say knight a gallant gentleman slaine in the same exercise These kinde of Iusts or Turnaments were brought in with king Stephen and practised in many places of England in such an outragious manner and with such slaughter of Gentlemen that to suppresse such an heathenish disport it was decreed by Parliament that whosoeuer therein were slaine should want Christian buriall and their heires be disinherited Hic requiescit ..... R ... Ep .... Quondam Visitator generalis ordinis Milicie Templi in Anglia in Francia in Italia .... This was a fragment of a funeral● Inscription insculped vpon one of these crosse-legged Monuments as I found it amongst other Collections by one studious in Antiquities in Sir Robert Cottons voluminous Librarie which he proues by the pedegree of the said Lord Rosses to haue beene made to the memory of one Robert Rosse a Templer who died about the yeare 1245. and gaue to the Templars his Mannor of Ribston William Plantaginet the fifth sonne of king Henry the third lieth here interred who died in his childhood about the yeare 1256. En Iacobus templo Bayle requiescit in isto Qui fuerat gratus medio Templo sociatus Cui Deus esto pius eius miserando reatus Vitam mutauit in mensis fine secundi M. C. quater que dato Lxx quater annumerato Cui sit solamen Christus dic protinus Amen Robertus iacet hic Thorne quem Bristollia quondam Pretoris merito legit ad officium Huic etinim semper magne Respublica cure Charior cunctis Patria duitijs Ferre inopi auxilium tristes componere lites Dulce huic consilio quosque iuuare fuit Qui pius exaudis miserorum vota precesque Christe huic in celis des regione locum Orate pro anima Richardi Wye socij comititiui interioris Templi ob 9. Mar. 1519. Cuius anime Domine secundum delictum meum noli me iudicare Deprecor maiestatem tuam vt tu deleas iniquitatem meam Ecce quid eris Hic iacet Willelmus Langham quondam custos huius Templi qui obijt ......... 1437. Tu prope qui transis nec dicis aueto resiste Auribus et corde hec mea dicta tene Sum quod eris quod es ipse fui derisor amare Mortis dum licuit pace manente frui Sed veniente nece postquam sum raptus amicis Atque meis famulis orba ...... domus Me contexit humo deplorauit que iacentem Inque meos cineres vltima dona dedit Vnde mei vultus corrosit terra nitorem Queque fuit forme ......... Ergo Deum pro me cum pura mente precare Vt mihi perpetua pace frui tribuat Et quicunque rogat pro me comportet in vnum Vt mecum meneat in regione Poli. William Burgh iadis Clerk de Chancelleri Gist icy Dieu de s'alme eyt mercy Amen Saint Clement Danes So called because Harold surnamed Harefoot for his swift footmanship king of England of the Danish line and other Danes were here buried This Harold was the base sonne of king Canut by his concubine Alice of Woluerhampton in Staffordshire a Shoomakers daughter His body was first buried at Westminster but afterwards Hardicanut the lawfull sonne of Canut being king commanded his body to bee digged out of the earth and to be throwne into the Thames where it was by a Fisherman taken vp and buried in this Churchyard He died at Oxford 1040. hauing raigned three yeares and eight moneths Hic iacet .... Iohannes Arundell .... Episcopus Exon. qui ob die mens Maij 15 ... 1503. This maymed Inscription would tell vs thus much that Iohn Arundell descended of the ancient and most worshipfull house of the Arundels of Lanherne in Cornwall Bishop of Exceter lieth here vnder interred who died March 15. 1503. Hic iacet corpus venerabilis .... Io ..... Booth Legum Bacalaureus Episcopus Exon ..... ob primo April 1478. This Bishop gouerned his Church wondrous well and builded as some suppose the Bishops See in the Quire but being weary of the great troubles which were in his countrey betweene king Edward the fourth and the Earle of Warwicke he remoued from thence to his house of Horsleigh in Hampshire where he died Orate pro anima Willelmi Booth militis fratris Episcopi Exon. qui ob 6. April 1478. Hic iacet Edmundus Arnold postremus Aprilis Quem dolor heu rapuit tristis atroxque dies Istius Ecclesie Rector meritissimus olim Et summus M●dice Doctor in arte fuit Non Ipocrate minor erat nec doctior vllus Non Opifex mirum vincit Apollo virum M. D. deme ter .x. semel v. Christi anno Cui vitam Medicus det sine sine Deus Sauoy So called of Peter Earle of Sauoy the first builder thereof which being ouerthrowne by the Rebels of Kent it was againe raised and beautifully rebuilded by king Henry the seuenth for an Hospitall and dedicated to the honour of Saint Iohn Baptist for which he purchased lands for the reliefe of an hundred poore people Of which you may reade this Inscription engrauen ouer the Gate towards the Street 1505. Hospitium hoc inopi Turbe Sauoia vocatum Septimus Henricus fundauit ab imo solo Henry the seuenth to his merite and honor This Hospitall foundyd pore people to socor Many officers ordinances orders and rules were appointed by the Founder for the better gouernment of this Hospitall some of which I haue read briefly extracted out of the Grand Charter viz. Per nomen Magistri et Capellanorum Hospitalis Henrici Regis Anglie septimi de Savoy Duo Presbiteri seculares conductitij Duo homines seculares honesti ac literati quorum alter Subsacrista alter Subhospitalarius Quatuor homines honesti qui Alteriste vocentur Quinque alij honesti homines viz. 1. Clericus Coquine 2. Panetarius 3. Coquus 4. Ortulanus 5. Ianitor Duo alij alter subcoquus
than to Henauld for a wife A Bishop and other Lordes temporall Wher in Chaumbre prevy and secretife At discouerit dischenely also in all As semyng was to estate Virginall Emong theim selfes our lordes for hie prudence Of the Bishop asked counsaill and sentence Whiche daughter of fiue should be the Queene Who counsailled thus with sad auisement Wee will haue hir with good hippis I mene For she will bere good soonnes at myne entent To which thei all accorded by one assent And chase Philip that was full feminine As the Bishop moost wise did determine But then emong theim selfes thei laugh fast ay The lordes than saied the Bishop couth Full mekill skill of a woman al way That so couth chese a lady that was vncouth And for the mery woordes that came of his mouth Thei trowed he had right great experience Of womanes rule and hir conuenience Now what experience this Bishop had in womens conueniency of bringing forth children I know not but it so fell out that she had issue by her said husband King Edward seuen sonnes and fiue daughters borne for the glory of our Nation 1. Edward Prince of Wales borne at Woodstocke 2. William borne at Hatfield in the County of Hertford 3. Lionell borne at the Citie of Antwerpe Duke of Clarence 4. Iohn borne at Gaunt the chiefe Towne of Flanders Duke of Lancaster 5. Edmond surnamed of Langley Duke of Yorke 6. William another of their Sonnes surnamed of Windsore where he was borne 7. Thomas the youngest sonne of King Edward and Queene Philip surnamed of Woodstocke the place of his birth Duke of Glocester Daughters 1. Isabell the eldest Daughter was married with great pompe at Windsore to Ingelram of Guisnes Lord of Coucy Earle of Soissoms and after Archduke of Austria whom king Edward his Father in law created also Earle of Bedford 2. Ioane desired in marriage by solemne Embassage from Alphons king of Castile and Leon sonne of king Ferdinando the fourth was espoused by Proxie intituled Queene of Spaine conueyed into that countrey where she presently deceased of a great plague that then raigned 3. Blanch the third daughter died young and lieth buried in this Abbey Church 4. Mary the fourth daughter was married to Iohn Montford Duke of Britaine 5. Margaret their youngest daughter was the first wife of Iohn de Hastings Earle of Penbroke It is reported of this Queene saith Milles that when she perceiued her life would en● she requested to speake with the King her husband who accordingly came to her in great heauinesse being come she tooke him by the hand and after a few words of induction shee prayed him that hee would in no wise deny her in three requests First that all Merchants and others to whom she ought any debt whether on this side or beyond the seas might be payd and discharged Secondly that all such promises as she had made to Churches as well within the realme as without might be performed Thirdly that hee would be pleased whensoeuer God should call him to chuse none other Sepulchre but that wherein her body should be layed all which were performed and so I leaue them both lying in one Graue expecting a ioyfull resurrection Richard the second King of England and France Lord of Ireland sonne to Edward Prince of Wales by Ioane daughter to the Earle of Kent being depriued both of liuing and life by that popular vsurper Henry the 〈…〉 by his commandement obscurely buried at Langley in Hertfortshire in the Church of the Friers Predicants was by the appointment of Henry the fift remoued from thence with great honour in a Chaire royall himselfe and his nobilitie attending the sacred reliques of this annointed King which he solemnly here enterred amongst his ancestors and founded perpetually one day euery weeke a Dirge with nine Lessons and a morning masse to be celebrated for the soule of the said King Richard and vpon each of those daies sixe shillings eight pence to be giuen to the poore people and once euery yeare vpon the same day of his Anniuerse twentie pounds in pence to be distributed to the most needfull He made for him a glorious Tombe and this glosing Epitaph deciphering the lineaments of his body and qualities of mind which to any who knowes vpon what points he was put out of Maiestie and State may seeme strange if not ridiculous thus it runnes Prudens et mundus Richardus iure secundus Per fatum victus iacet hic sub marmore pictus Verax sermone prudens suit et ratione Corpore procerus animo prudens vt Homerus Ecclesie fauit elatos suppeditauit Quemuis prostrauit Regalia qui violauit O bruit hereticos et eorum strauit amicos O clemens christe tibi deuotus suit iste Votis Baptiste salues quem protulit iste Hic iacet immiti consumptus morte Richardus fuisse felicem miserrimum Fabian who translated this Epitaph into English desirous as it seemes to extenuate the force of such palpable grosse flattery annexeth this stanza But yet alas although this meter or ryme Thus doth embellish this noble Princes fame And that some Clerke which fauored him somtyme L●st by his cunnyng thus to enhanse his name Yet by his story appereth in him some blame Wherfore to Princes is surest memory Their lyues to exercyse in vertuous constancy But Iohn Harding speaking of the greatnesse of his houshold and the pride and whoredome therein as well amongst the Clergie as Laitie is more inuectiue in his rimes which to reade I hope will not be troublesome thus he begins Truly I herd Robert Ireleffe saye Clerke of the Grenecloth and that to the Houshold Came euery daye forthe most partie alwaye Ten thousand folke by his messis told That folowed the hous aye as thei wold And in the Kechin three hundred Seruitours And in eche office many occupiours And Ladies faire with their gentlewomen Chamberers also and lauenders Three hundred of theim were occupied then There was greate pride emong the Officers And of all men far passyng their compeers Of rich araye and much more costious Then was before or sith and more pretious In his Chappell were Bishoppes then of Beame Some of Irelond and some also of France Some of Englond and clerkes of many a realme That litill connyng had or conisance In musike honorably God his seruice to auance In the Chappell or in holy Scripture On mater of Goddis to refigure Lewed menne thei were in clerkes clothyng Disguysed faire in fourme of clerkes wise Their Perishyns full litill enfourmyng In Lawe diuine or else in God his seruise But right practyfe they were in couetise Eche yere to make full greate collection At home in stede of soules correction Greate Lechery and fornication Was in that house and also greate aduoutree Of Paramours was great consolacion Of ech degre well more of Prelacie Then of the temporall or of the chiualrie Greate taxe ay the kyng tooke through all the lond
dwarfe to death saith my foresaid Author Much more might bee said of this little-great man but I am called for my selfe to the Presse and to speake more then I haue done in the praise of little men I may be thought to flatter my selfe He died in the yeare 1346. in the twentieth of the raigne of King Edward the third I read in a booke of the order of Carmelites of which Fraternitie he was one as also Prouinciall of them all throughout all England penned by Iohn Bale before his conuersion a part of an Eulogium composed to the memory of this Baconthorpe which may serue for an Epitaph Thus. Iohannes de Bachonethorpe Doctor resolutus Carmelita Hic Bachone fuit Iohannes natus in vrbe Anglica quo felix terra priore fuit Parisio dulces hausit de fonte liquores Post tamenin patrio claruit ipse solo Exposuit libros Petri sed sanccius esse Est ratus in quartum peruigilare librum Fecit Aristotelem clarum inclitumque legenti Dans Testamentum clarius omne navum .......... Vpon a faire marble stone in the Quire this Inscription following is engrauen in brasse Hic iaces corpus Willelmi Boleyn militis qui obijt x. Octobris Anno Dom. M. ccccc.v Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Let it be the greatest honour to this noble deceased Knight for that he was great Grandfather to the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth late Queene of England which will best appeare by the Light of Great Britaine learned Camden in his Introduction to the History which he writ of her long and prosperous raigne beginning as followeth The Linage and descent of Elizabeth Queene of England saith he was by her Fathers side truly Royall for daughter she was to King Henry the eight grand daughter to Henry the seuenth and great grand-daughter to Ed the fourth By the Mothers side her descent was not so high howbeit noble it was and spread abroad by many and great Alliances throughout England and Ireland Her great grand-fathers father was Ieffrey Bolen a man of Noble birth in Norfolke Lord Maior of the Citie of London in the yeare 1457. and at the same time honoured with the dignitie of Knighthood An vpright honest man of such estimation that Thomas Lord Hoo and Hastings Knight of the Order of Saint George gaue him his daughter and one of his heires to wife and of such wealth as he matched his daughters into the Noble houses of the Cheineys Heydons and Fortescues left his sonne a goodly inheritance and bequeathed a thousand pounds of English money to bee bestowed vpon the poore in the Citie of London and two hundred in Norfolke This mans sonne William Bolen was chosen amongst eighteene most choice Knights of the Bath at the Coronation of King Richard the third to whom Thomas Earle of Ormond who was in such fauour with the Kings of England that hee alone of all the Nobleman of Ireland had his place and voice in the Parliaments of England and aboue the Barons of England also gaue his daughter and one of his heires in marriage By her besides daughters married to Shelton Calthorp Clere and Sackvill men of great wealth and noble descent and other children hee begat Thomas Bolen whom being a young man Thomas Howard Earle of Surry who was afterward Duke of Norfolke a man much renowned for his worthie seruice and atchiuements in the warres chose to be his sonne in law giuing vnto him his daughter Elizabeth in marriage and Henry the eight after he had performed one or two very honourable Embasies made him first Treasurer of his Houshold Knight of the Order of Saint George and Viscount Rochford and afterwards Earle of Wiltshire and Ormond and made him Lord Keeper of the priuie Seale This Thomas among other children begat Anne Bolen who in her tender yeares being sent into France attended on Mary of England wife to Lewis the twelfth and then on Claudia of Britaine wife to Francis the first and after she was dead on Margaret of Alencon who with the first fauoured the Protestants Religion springing vp in France Being returned into England and admitted amongst the Queenes Maides of Honour and being twenty two yeares of age King Henry in the thirtie eight yeare of his age did for her modestie ●empered with French pleasantnesse fall deeply in loue with and tooke her to wife by whom he had issue Elizabeth aforesaid Queene of England Thome Presbyteri ..... lapis iste retentum Funus habet .... qui sumptu dedit hoc pauimentum Anno milleno quater et C septuageno Octauo Stephani liquit terrestria festo Vt celi detur requies sibi quisque precetur En iacet hic stratus Helby Thomas vocitatus Saluet eum Christus tribuens sibi gaudia lucis Vnder this ston Ligs Iohn Knapton Who died iust The twenty eight of August M. ... xc and on Of thys Chyrch Peti-Canon Vnder the picture of Saint Peter is portraied the Sea a Ship Nets and Fishes with this distichon Ecclesiam pro naue rego mihi climata mundi Sunt mare Scripture Retia piscis homo The figures of the Sunne and Moone are painted here vpon the Frontispiece of the Clocke to whom the Clocke comparatiuely seemes to speake in this Hexastich vpon the same place likewise depicted Horas significo cunctas quas Phebe diebus Quas solet atque tua pallida nocte Soror Nec magis errarem Rector mihi si foret idem Vos qui et queque regit motibus astra suis. Tempora nam recte designo si mihi doctus Custos assiduam conferat artis opem In English Phoebus I tell all th' houres and all as right As thou or thy pale Sister day and night Nor I no more then you in ought should erre If he ruld mee who guides you and each starre For times I rightly tell to me of 's Art If my learnd keeper will his helpe impart In imitation of this it may bee that Thomas Scot in his Philomythie makes a Clocke to compare with a Diall and the difference to be partly decided by the Wethercocke of which a little although not much to the purpose I confesse Vpon a Church or steeples side neere hand A goodly Clocke of curious worke did stand Which ouerpaysde with lead or out of frame Did time miscall and euery houre misname The Diall hearing this aloud gan crye Kind neighbour Clocke your glib tongue tels a lye Reforme your errour for my Gnomon saith You gad too fast and misse an houres faith Foole quoth the Clocke reforme thy selfe by me The fault may rather in thy Gnomon be Had'st thou told euer truth to what end then Was I plac'd here by th' art of cunning men The Weathercocke vpon the steeple standing And with his sharpe eye all about commanding Heard their contention wild them to appeale To him the chiefe of all that common weale Told them that he was
Nobilitie and others 8● 86 80 A Letter from Tho. Duke of Norfolke and George Vscount Ro●hford to Secre●ary Cromwell 89 A Letter from Secretary Cromwell to Iames the fifth King of Scotland 9● the page wrong numbred A Letter from Nicholas Shaxton Bishop of Salisbury to Secretary Cromwell 101 A Letter from Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester to king Henry the eight 501 A Letter from the said Bishop to th● high Court of Pa●liament 503 A Letter from Thomas Archbish●p of Canterbury to Secretary Cromwell 507 A part of a Letter from Sir Thomas More to Secretary Cromwell 508 A Letter from Richard Layton to Secretary Cromwell 527 Leuenthorpe 549 Leueticks 265 Lewis 435 Lewcas 779 Lewkenor 4●9 Lichfield 408 Lidgate 727.728.729.730 Lighart or Hart Bishop 795 Liggon 744 Lye 332 Lily 369 383 498 58● Limsey Lord 543 Limsey 114 82● Linyker 370 Lind 237.282.581 Lindsey 456 Lincolne 605 760 Linge 824 Lingeston 72 Lineall descent of the Lord of Clare 737.738 739 Lin●●r● 370 Linton 373 Linne 288 Linsted 280 815 Lion 610 627 406 De Lira 816 Lisla 274 Lisle 372.274.744 Liston 627 Litlebury 544 Lithbury 368 Littlington 487 Littons 707 Litihey 296 Lockley 581 Lodnes 825 Lofte 326 Lollard 140 London 802.809 London Diocesse 350.351.352.353 Citie ibid. Londham 750 London Chatter by King William 362 Long 263.525.591 Longspee Earle of Salisbury 360 Longstrother 599 Loney 439 Longland 72 Lora Countesse of Leicester ●60 Lotun 744 Louell Knight of the Garter 427 Louell 811.368.380.381 Loue 807 Louekin 410 Loueton 367 Louaine 629 Louericke 269 Loueloch 750. misnumbred Lowthe 537 Low Bishop 314 Lucy 336.337.777 Lucas 544.606 Lucy Lady Prio●esse 621.622.623 Lucius king 59.181.413.414 Lud king 385 Lulthard Bishop 241 Luling Abbot 252 Lumaford 655 Lumbard 333 Lumley 212 Lunston ●63 Luther 400 M MAckwilliams 65● Mableston 114 Maynards 569.629 Maydenston 218 Maidston 285 Maldon 610 Malcolme king 641 Malherbe 819 Malmayns 294 296 Maleweyn 275 Malefant 435 Maledictions 100 512.340.764.816 Mallet 675 Mandeuill 266.534.547.567.568 Manny or Manye 432 Manning 820 Mannors E. of Rutland 428 George Robert Oliuer Antho. Rich Iohn Elis. Kath. Elea. ibid. Manston 2●8 267 Mansby 750 Mannoke 778 Mansell 272.273.274 Mantell 436 Manteley 805 Manwood 260.264 Margaret Dutchesse of Clarence Marg. Countesse of Rich. 211.371.433.476.477 Marmion 213 Mary Queene restores Religions houses dissolued 115 Mary and Ioan the wiues of king H. the 4. 210 Mary Queene of France 726 Marlow 405 Martin 110.282.316.332.696 Martin Marprelate 56 Maries 280 Maryms 238 Marshall 411.442.443 March 863 Marney 657 Martill 770 Marci 318.429 Marmion 213 Marble stone at Westminster 459 Marshall Earle of Penbroke 441.443 Martia Proba 517 Martirxet 807 De Marisco 244 Masters 105 Mashingbred 114 Mascall Bishop 437 Matilda Queene 482 Maud Queene 424.278.453 Mauritius Bishop 550 Marolfe 676 May Epistle to the Reader alibi Medhurst 296 Maximilian Emperor 282 Medefend 766 Melit 411 Mellitus Archbishop 246 710.712 Mellis 721 Melton Archbishop 792 Melanchton inuited into England by K. Hen. the eight 89 A Memento for Mortality 492 Mepham Archbishop 2●2 330 de Merch Lord 547 Merton Bishop 313 Mercer 266 Mer● 801 Merchants of the Staple Merch●nt defined 340 341 Merley Lord of Morpath 291 Messager ●88 Meawtis 524 Micolt 406 Middleton Bish. 791 Middleton 538 Milles 677 Mylde 650 Mildred the holy Virgin and Saint 262 25● Milner 676 Milling Bishop of Heref 481 Milham 806 Mileham 809 Milbourne 390 Miluerton 438 Min●e 695 Mint in Dunwich 720 Mirsin 379 Mistelbroke 538 Miter and Sandals granted 253.256 Moigne 630 Molyneux 234.700 Montfiche● 654.597 Montacute E. of Salisbury 437 Monsieur 784 Montacute E. of Salisbury 2●3 Montacute 863 Monuments in generall vide Discourse cap. 1. Monuments Funerall vide Discourse cap. 2 Monox 598 Morisons 591 Morsted 397 More 398.378.824.674.505.506.507.522.523 Morieux 822 Mortimer 743.508.815.863 Morley 864.804.805 Mordant Lo. 656 Morrant 317 Morgan Bishop 433 Morton Archbishop 230 Morton 238 Moron 138 Moruill 101.202 Monthault 865 Monthermer 740 Motenden 238 Moun 213 Mount 90 Mounthaults ●60 Mountgomery 609 Mountchensy 757 Monadeford 857 Mountfort E. of Leicester 303 Mowbray 570.830.431.674.860 Mowbrayes Lion 832 Mulse 72 Mulmutius K. 181.441 Murell 695 Muschamp 695 N NArburgh 820 Narboone ●76 Naup●on 756 Neck●am 571 Ne●●on 806 Neaford 823 Ne●●●s Duke of Loegtia 419 Nevill 251 329.371.601.760.783 Nevill kill Lion 644 Newport Bishop 363. Newport 355.548.701 Newenton 624 Newenham 72 Newborne 742 Newmarch 542 Newhawe 732 Nichols 624 Nix Bishop 796.869 No mans Land 707 None 811 Norbury 338.339 Norbery 209.364 Norbert 139 Norwich 783.806.865 Norwich Citie 808 Nordell 412 Norrice 514 Norrys 447 Norwood 281 282 283 284 317 Norton 281 282 283 500 ●o●aan the sonne of Enot 750 ●●●folke 825 〈◊〉 630 〈◊〉 Bishop 364 〈◊〉 Archbishop 24● Noth●●●●as 252 Not●●gham 822 Nudegare 114 O AN Obit 365 Occleue 489 Odo Archbishop 214 Offa king 173 174 554 Oga●d 810.811 Ol●ue 380 Oldcastle 265 328 Oliuer 624 Oliuer 816 Ornament for Christs Image 404 Osbert 766.769 Oundeley 586 Outred 650 Owen 681 Ouerall Bishop 870 Owre 330 Oxeney 429 Oxford Bishop 789 Oxinden 437 P PAbeham 792 Pace 233.540 Padington 699 Paddy 677 Pagraue 805 Payne 412 529 661 Paynter 286 Payname 333 Paycock 617 618 Paynard 699 Payferer 238 Pakenham 651.656 Pakington 576 583 Pall what 233 Palgraue 439 Palmer 275 331 Parish what 620.176 Parre 109.276.371 Parker Archbishop 228 231 Parker 526 Parkers Ancestors of the Lord Morley 548 Parkhurst Bishop 870 Parsons the Iesuite 144 Parson charactered by Chaucer 63 Partridge 379 Partrich 752 Pasley 270.338 Pasmer 599 Passelew 644 645 Paston 805 Patrington Bishop of Saint Dauids 437 Paullane 604 Paulinus Archbishop 309.310.868 Pawlet Marquesse of Winton 103 Pawlet 756 Pawson 393 Pearson Doctor 864 Perch 750 Peche 234 Peckham Archbishop 220.331 Peckham 259.326 Pecock 582 Pedlers what 342 Peyton 390 73●.776 Pelhams 436 Pelegrim 370 Pemberton 391 114 Penne 592 Penson 687.677 Penyman 807 Pennington 238 Penchester 330 Pencherst 259.319 Penda King 761 Pepard 319 Peperking 603 Percy Bishop 793 Percy 674 Percy Hen. Earle of Northum 536 Persecution 552.553.116 Pert 601 Perrers 651 Perient 594 Pernell the proud 777 Perpoint 861 Peris 401 Peter 112.256.577.648.642.356.173.445.641 642.250 Petre Lord 601 Peter Lord of Rickinghill 828 Pette 324.110 Petty Canons 373 Petle 331 Petition 423.585 Peuerell 639 Pewes in Churches fit to be reformed Phelippe Lord Bardolfe 78● Philip 753.261.435.284 Philippa Q. 468 Phellip 721 Philipot Epistle to the Reader 266.678.331 alibi Picheford 448 Pickering 399 Pierle 338 Piers 650.549 Pygot 806 86●.804.699 Pike 416 822 Pykering 807 Pilgrimages 332.111.860. alibi Pyllys 855 Pymichum 497 Pinchon 656 Pynere 543 Piriton 372 Pirke 625 Pye 111 Pissing against Tombes 47. against Churches 373. vnlawfull and impious Plague 222.805.862 A prayer for the deliuerance of certain Carmes out of purgatory which died of the plague ibid. Plaize or Plas 654.752.850.861 Playfers misprinted read Playters 762.763.784 Plebania what 180 Plessys 370 Plantaginet 587.443.638.726.211.555.748.627 alibi Plomer 854
in you exciteth and serueth you till the vsurped poure of that man of Rome be clene abolished and put out of the hartes of the kyngs subiects And I shall with all my diligence applie my self to thaccomplishment of this his so godly commandement by Goddes grace And for as moche as I haue taken my leue of the Kyng and Quene and tarry for noothing now but only for the instrument called Custodias temporalium I eftsones beseche your mastirship to haue that in your remembraunce whan ye shall next repaire vnto the Court together with a discharge for takyng of any othe of the residentiaries of Sarum which suyrly they will exact of me oneles I bryng some thyng outher from the Kyng his highnes or elles from you his chefe Counsellor for to stopp their mouthes And as for seallyng of new obligacions if itt like you to commande your servaunt to send me them to morow by this brynger I shall seale them and send them to you without any tariaunce by the grace of God who preserue you and prosper you in all your godly purposes and interprises Murtelack the iiii daye of Iuin Yorn owne to comaunde Nic. Sarum But howsoeuer the honour of this act as also of the dissolution of Abbeys be principally attributed to Cromwell and his complotments yet at the same time there was others of the priuie Councell as forward and as able for their singular endowments to conclude a matter of that consequence as euer was Cromwell I meane Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury whose zeale and abilities are generally knowne to all that euer heard of the booke of Martyrs Sir Thomas Audley Knight speaker of the Parliament for his demerits created by Henry the eighth Baron Audley of Walden and also aduanced to the honour of the Chancellorship of England Sir William Pawlet Knight Comptroller of the Kings house who for his wisedome the said King created Lord S. Iohn of Basing and Knight of the Garter whom Edward the sixt made great Master of his houshold President of his Councell and Lord Treasurer of England whom he created Earle of Wiltshire and Marquesse of Winchester to whom Queene Elizabeth committed the keeping of the great Seale Who liued to see one hundred and three persons issue out of his loynes who died at Basing in Hampshire the tenth of March 1571. where hee was honourablie buried when he had liued eightie seuen yeares Another pillar of the State at that time was that wise and iudicious gentleman Sir Richard Rich Lord Chancellour of England vnder King Edward the sixth who in the first yeare of his raigne aduanced him to this office and created him Baron Rich of Leez in Essex These and other more of the Nobilitie had both their hands and heads in this businesse yet Cromwell Audley and Rich were thought to be the onely men who for their religious paines ranne into great obloquie with the common people insomuch that the Commons of Lincolnshire finding themselues fore troubled with this strange alteration and rising in rebellion presented diuers articles of aggrieuances to the Kings Maiestie Amongst the said Articles and demands of Robert Ask● and his rebellious crew the Commons of Yorkeshire Cumberland Westmerland Northumberland and the countries adiacent at the conference holden at Doncaster betwixt Thomas Duke of Norfolke Generall of the Kings Armie and certaine Commissioners on the partie of the said Captaine Aske and his fellow rebels Thus it was propounded by their Speaker Sir Thomas Hylton Knight The fowrt that Thomas Cromwell nor any of his bande or secte be not at our metinge at Doncastre but abcent themselfe from the Councell Also to haue the Lord Cromwell the Lord Chancellor and Sir Ryc Rich to haue condigne punyshment as subuerters of the gud lawes of the ●eame and ouetemers of the slese secte of theys fals Heretykes first inuenters and brengers of them Likewise Doctor Leyton and Doctor Le● who had bene loyned in commission with Cromwell for the visitation of religious Foundations of which hereafter were maliciouslye detracted by this demand of the Commons in the foresaid conference Also that Doctor Lee and Doctor Leyton may haue condigne punyshment for theyr extortions in time of visitation in brybes of some religyous houses x. lib. xx lib. and for other summes besyde horsys vowsens leases vndre Couent Seallys by them taken and other abomynable acts by them committed and done I might haue occasion here to speake of the abrogation of the Popes authoritie of the subuersion of religious foundations of the suppression of religious Votaries and of the reformation of Religion in that neuer-conquered Nation of Scotland where at this time Religion is double refined pure and spotlesse without ceremonie and plaine as a pike staffe without a surplise But I will reserue this narration till I come to speake of the conuersion of Scotland to the Christian faith As also of the Funerall Monuments which are there to be found which will be but a few if Sir Robert Cottons Librarie do not helpe me for by my owne obseruation in the famous maiden-citie of Edenborough and in the Parish Churches of other Townes the Sepulchres of the dead are shamefully abused or quite taken away yea and the Churches themselues with religious houses and other holy places violated demolished or defaced CHAP. XV. The policie vsed by the King and his Councell for the dissolution and extirpation of Religious Foundations and Religious Orders within this Realme of England and Wales The reformation of Religion of Inscriptions in Churches The Kings warrant of the surrender of Religious Houses An information made to Queene Elizabeth of the seuerall abuses done vnto the State generall and Crowne by the corruption of such as were imployed by her Father vpon the suppression of Abbeyes HEnry the eighth hauing as ye haue heard thus setled the Supremacy where he would haue it either by the aduise of politick Cromwell or by the example of proud Wolsey or else of himselfe hee being nothing so scrupulous in conscience nor so stayed in sacred resolutions as was Henry the fourth vpon a greedie desire to enrich his coffers began now to lay plots deuises and proiects for the vtter subuersion of all Abbeyes Priories Nunneries and other religious foundations within this his kingdome of England and Wales and first for an induction to the businesse He put in Commission his seruant Cromwell Thomas Lee and Richard Laiton Doctors of the Ciuill Law Thomas Bedell Deane of Cornwall Thomas Bartlet publike Notarie and others to visit all the foresaid religious Houses and to make inquirie of their Orders Founders values debenters reliques pilgrimages and other Queres but most especially they were to make diligent scrutinie and to learne vijs modis omnibus by all manner of meanes the wicked abuses of those times practised amongst the Fraternitie and Sisterhood of each seuerall Couent Which with their Commission they returned making a shamefull discoueri● of the bestiall sensualitie of Monasticke profession This
be reconcilers of dissentions to aduance the common good to defend the widow and orphane to 〈◊〉 from swearing periurie blasphemie rapine vsury sacriledge murder and drunkennesse to auoid suspected places the companie of 〈…〉 to liue chastly irreproueably and in word and dead to 〈◊〉 the●selues worthy of such a dignity This oath taken the Pater 〈…〉 his hand vpon his head as hee knee●ed before the entrance 〈…〉 saying Esto tu fidelis strenuus bonus robustus ●iles 〈…〉 Christi sanctissimi Sepulchri quite cum ●lectis suis in 〈…〉 a cello● redignetur Amen Then he gaue him a paire of spurres which he put on his heeles and after that a sword being before h●llowed with this 〈◊〉 Exaudi quaesumus Domine Deus preces nostras 〈…〉 qua se ●●mulus tuus hic cingi desiderat Maiestatis tuae dextera dig●●●● 〈◊〉 quatenus possit esse defensor Ecclesi●rum vidu●runu 〈…〉 que Deo servientium contra Paganorum saeuitiam 〈…〉 sit terror atque formido praestans ei aequè persecutionis 〈…〉 effectum Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Amen Then he 〈◊〉 him to vse this sword in defence of the Church and himselfe and to the confusion of Infidels by these words Accipe N. sanctum gladium I● nomine Patris et Filij et Spiritus s●ncti Amen Et vlaris eo ad 〈◊〉 tuam et sanctae Dei Ecclesiae et ad confusionem inimicorum 〈…〉 sidei Christianae et quantum humana imbecillitate poteri● 〈…〉 laedas Quod ipse praestare dignetur qui cum Patre et Sp●rita 〈…〉 per omnia secula seculorum Amen The sword being 〈◊〉 aga●●●● 〈◊〉 Knight was to gird himselfe there with to whom the Pater Guardian 〈◊〉 spoke Accingere N. gladio tuo super faemur inum potentiss me 〈…〉 Domini nostri Iesu Christi Et attende quod sancti non in 〈…〉 sidem vicerunt regna Then the Knight arising and forthwi●● kneeling 〈◊〉 to the Sepulchre enclining his head vpon the same he was citated 〈◊〉 by the said Pater-Guardian by receiuing three strokes with a sword 〈◊〉 shoulder and by the saying of these words following thrice o●er I go constituo et ordino te N. Militem sanctissimi Sepulchri Domini nostri Iesu Christi In nomine patris et filij et Spiritus sancti Amen I constitute and ordaine thee N. a knight of the holy Sepulchre of our Lord Iesus Christ in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Amen Anno Dominii 1117. Gotfredus Aldemarus Alexandrinus and Hugo de Planco de Paganis Godfrey aforesaid Duke of Lorraine and King of Ierusalem being dead and Baldwin then raigning this order of Knighthood first began and a seat was granted them in the Temple of Ierusalem whereupon they were called Knights Templers or Knights of the Temple By entreaty of Stephen Patriarch of Ierusalem Pope Honorius brought in this order and confirmed their societie giuing them a white garment whereunto Eugenius the third added a red crosse on the breast The charge of these Knights was to guide Trauellers on the way of Ierusalem and to entertaine strangers Of the time when these as also the other Knights came first to haue Hospitalls and houses here in England I do speake hereafter In the yeare after Christs Natiuitie 1148. contrarie to Iustinians constitutions which forbad double Monasteries that is to say of men and women together one Gilbert Lord of Sempringham in Lincolnshire whose fathers name was Ioceline a knight this Gilbert was a man very deformed in his body but very studious and learned Hee went ouer into France where by his study in the liberall Arts he obtained both the name and degree of Master and comming home hee instructed both the boyes and girles of his owne countrey in the same disciplines Out of which number when they came to maturitie of yeares he collected a company consisting of men and women and gaue them a rule to obserue which hee had taken out of Saint Augustine and Saint Benets rules Eugenius the third Bishop of Rome admiring much his deuotion and forwadnesse like as others did his holinesse confirmed this his religious order Which so grew and increased that himselfe laid the foundation of thirteene religious honies of the same Order whereof the chiefest was at Sempringham and whiles he liued which was one hundred and sixe yeares had in them seuen hundred Gilbertin Brethren and eleuen hundred Sisters parted one from another by walls you must thinke of which as also of the whole order a scoffing Poet of those dayes thus versified translated by Bale in the Acts of English Votaries out of Latine thus The Monkes sing the Masse the Nuns sing the other Thus doth the Sister take part with the Brother Bodies not voices a wall doth disseuer Without deuotion they sing both together Againe thus What should I much prate An order it is begun of late Yet will I not let the matter so passe The silly Brethren and Sisters alas Can haue no meeting but late in the darke And this you know well is a heauie warke Againe of these Friers and Nuns Some barren are of these some fruitfull bee Yet they by name of Virgins couer all More fertile sure and better beareth shee Who blest is once with croysier Pastorall Now scarce of them is found one barren Doe Till age debarre whether they will or no. Brigide or Briget that holy Queene of Sweden in the yeare 1376 did institute the like order as aforesaid of Monkes and Nunnes which was confirmed by Gregorie the eleuenth in the first yeare of his Popedome She obtained of the said Pope that the Monasteries of her said order should bee common as well for men as women yet there should bee such a s●paration by walls as the one should haue no meanes to come vnto the other but vpon great necessitie She would also haue but one Church for both sexes and that the Monkes as Ministers of sacred things should bee below and the Nunnes aboue to say their seruice and prayers but the Lady Abbesse should haue power to command both yet men should haue charge of tha● which did belong to the Diuine Seruice and to the ornaments of the Church and that there should be one amongst them that should be called Prior or Confessour She also ordained that they should haue lands and possessions wheron to liue but the superintendance to prouide for all things that should be needfull for the one and the other as well for victualls as apparell should belong vnto the Abbesse That it should not bee lawfull for either men or women to go out of their Monasterie without great necessitie and then they should demand leaue of the Abbesse They held the rule of S. Augustine with certaine Articles added by this famous Queene Some are of opinion that this forme of Religion was first inuented in Greece but that the Fathers had ordained that the men should remaine seperated
pardon and as many karynes and on the oon side of the Chirche ther is a sacryfice that is at Seynt Iohn Baptist aulter and there is the table that our Lord ete att vpon Mandy Thurrysday And also the tables of stone with the x Commandementys that our Lorde yaf to Moyses vpon the mount of Synai And ther ys a iiii square of the v barley loues and of the twoo fishes and also there is our ladyes keuyrchef Item in that same Chirche on the hygh aulter be the hedys of seynt Peter and Poule and the hed of Zacharie the Prophet fader of S. Iohn Baptist wyth dyuers odyr reliquys Item in the same Chirchyard stondith a chapel that ys callid Sanctum Sanctorum there is the face of our Lord there may ye haue xiiii M. yere of pardon and as many karynes Whan the Emperour Constantyne was christened tho spake he to Pope Siluestre In that that I have geuen my hous to the wurschip of god graunt you mekely his grace to all them that willingly come to this towne Thoo answerd Pope Siluestre our Lord Ihu Criste that by his gret mercy hath purged you of your gret lazarye he mut purge alle them that visityth this Chyrch of all her synne and of all other penance He that woll not beleue this may goo to seynt Latrynes before the quyer dore and there he may see in a marbill all that is wryten here From seynt Iohns day vnto Scrouetyd all this pardon is doubled and fro Scrouetide vnto Ester the pardon is threfolde double Blessyd is he that may deserve to have this pardon And in the same chapel abouesaid may come noo weemen Item aboue that chapel on the lefre syde ar stoppys which sometyme ware at Iherusalem and who so goth op tho steppys on his knees he deliuerith o soul out of Purgatory Item in the Chirch of Seynt Eustace you may have relyse and pardon of all synne And he that is shreuen and repentant of his sinne he hath a M. yere pardon and as many karynes My Author hauing spoken of the Indulgences and priuiledges granted to these principall Churches and the great benefit which deuout pilgrimes receiue which come to visit these sacred structures and highly reuerence the holy reliques therein contained he proceeds in this place according to his promise to giue his Reader knowledge what a karyne is A karyne saith he is too goo wulward vii yere Item to fasten bred and watter the Fryday vii yere Item in vii yere not too slepe oon nyght there he slepith a nother Item in vii yere not to com vndir noo couered place but yf it bee to here Masse in the Chirch dore or porche Item in vii yere nott to ete nor drynke out of noo vessel but in the same that he made hys avow in Item he that fulfillyth all thes poyntis vii yere duryng doth and wynnethe a karyne that ys to sey a Lentdum Thus may a man haue at Rome as he concludes gret pardon and Soul helth blessyd ben thoos pepull and yn good tyme borne that reslayyeth thes graces and well kepith them Of the which pardon and grace our Lord Ihesu Cryst mot grant to euery good Crysten man Amen Then follow the Indulgences granted to other lower Churches in Rome but by these you may imagine the rest And by both iudge of the Pardon 's granted by seuerall Popes to the Cathedrall Conuentuall and Parochiall Churches of England And thinke what concourse of pilgrimes and other people daily visited the foresaid Churches which will hereafter appeare within each seuerall Diocesse And here giue me leaue a little to speake of a certaine generall Pardon or Indulgence granted by Alexander the sixth Bishop of Rome to this Realme of England By which he enriched himselfe and the Church-Ministers and emptied the purses of many of the Kings subiects Towards the latter end of the yeare one thousand fiue hundred being the yeare of Iubile so called for that it is the yeare of ioy or deliuerance the foresaid Bishop of Rome sent hither to King Henry the seuenth one Iasper Powe or Pons a Spaniard a man of excellent learning and most ciuill behauiour to distribute the Heauenly Grace as hee termed it to all such as letted by any forcible impediment could not come to Rome that yeare to the Iubile which was there celebrated The Articles contained in the Bul of this great Pardon or Heauenly Grace were as followeth The Articles of the Bulle of the holy Iubiley of full remissyon and gret ioy graunted to the Relme of Englond Wales Irelond Gernesey and Garnesey and other places vndre the subiection of oure Soueraygne Lord King Henry the seuenth to be distributyd accordyng to the trew meanyng of our holy Fader vnto the Kyngs Subiects Ower most holye Fader the Pope Goddes Vicar in erthe of hys holye and gracyous disposycion faderla beholdyng the hole flok of christen peple comitted to hys cure and charge daylie studyeth diligently the helth and welfar of yowr sowles And in as moche as in his holynes prouydeth for all soche perelles and ieoperdies as may fall to the same by grauntyng of gret Indulgence and remishyon of synnes and trespasses Where as the holye yere of grace now of late passyd that ys to say the yere of remishyon of all synnes ye yere of ioye and gladnes was celebrate devowtely and solenly keped by grete and infenite nombre of Cristen pepull in the Cowrte of Rome Ower saide most holie Fader the Pope as well consideryng the infenite nombre of cristen peple bothe spyrituall and temporall which was desirous to haue had the sayd remishyon and Grace and wold haue visetted the sayd Cowrte of Rome saue only that they were lette eyther by sikenesse feblenesse pouerte long distance and gret ieoperdie or besines and charges of spirituall or temporall occupacions or at that tyme purposed not to optaine and perchase the sayd Grace and now be in will and desire to haue the same As willyng and effectually desiring to prouyde and withstond the most cruell purpose and infenyte malice of our most cruell enemyes of our cristen feithe the Turks whiche continually studieth and gretely inforceth hymselfe with alle hys myght and strenght to subuert and vtterly destroye the holye Religion of our Souerayne Criste. As it is nott vnknowen how now of late the sayd most cruell enemy hath opteyned and goten with grete myght and power many and dyuers grete citees and castles As Modon Neopo●ton and Corona with many oder Townes and possessions which was than in the dominatyon and possession of cristen peple And most cruelly hath sleyne and ●estroyed infenite nombre of cristen peple withowt mercy or pite bothe by water and by londe Seeyng and consideryng his Holynes that he of hymselfe is not sufficyent ne of power to resiste and withstonde the forsayd gret malyces and porposes without the ayde and helpe of cristen peple Hath statu●ed ordeyned and graunted of his Pastorall power
raised vpon small occasions thought his way would bee much easier if he went onward with the Popes good fauour which he easily obtained for a fee viz. a penny yearely to bee payed to Saint Peter of euerie house in Ireland Edward the third in the 39. yeare of his raigne saith Treuisa the Continuer of Polychronicon ordained that this Tribute of Peter pence should not be from thenceforth any more gathered within this Realme nor any such payment made at Rome But howsoeuer saith Hollinshed in the said yeare this payment was abrogated at this time by King Edward it was after rene●ed againe by the Pope and the money was gathered in certaine Shires of this Realme vntill the dayes of king Henry the eighth Parsons and Impropriators of Churches at this day in many places of England are payed this pennie vnder the name of a Smoke pennie This Chapter is growne much longer then I expected Of which an end CHAP. XVIII Of Parishes Bishoprickes Of the power and sanctitie of Bishops and Priests Of Sanctuaries and of the Eccles●asticall state of England and Wales PArochia dicit●r locus in quo degit populus alicui Ecclesiae baptismali deputatus certis finibus limitatus A Parish is said to bee a place in which people doe hue assigned to some Christian Church and limited by certaine bounds Euaristus the first Bishop of Rome who suffered martyrdome vnder Traian the Emperour about the yeare of our redemption one hundred and ten ordained Curates and disposed of them to certaine places that they might administer the Sacraments to such people as were committed to their charge and withall he ordained that these Curates should bee nourished and maintained by those people of whose soules they had the cure whereupon they were called Parochi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 à prebenco vel à mutua alimentorum praebitione Parochians or Parishioners of the mutuall exhibition and giuing of nourishment one to another the Priest for the soules of his people and the people for the maintenance of their Priest Dionisius that blessed Martyr Bishop of Rome circa ann 266. did attempt to doe the like throughout the whole Christian world appointing by distribution certaine places to which he assigned Ecclesiasticall persons there to administer the Sacraments pray and preach the word and to receiue the tenths of the possessions contained within the limits of the foresaid places Honorius Archiepiscopus Cantuar circa annum à salute reparata 636. Angliam primus in Parochias distribuere cepit Honorius Archbishop of Canterbury about the yeare of our saluation 636. began first to diuide England into Parishes But this opinion is controuerted by a late learned Antiquary and by him plainly approued that Honorius was not the first that made this diuision here in England but that Parishes were diuided and Parish-Churches built long before his time euen in the Primitiue Hierarchie of the Britaine● And that in the time of King Arthur about the yeare of our Lord 490 when Dubritius was made Archbishop of South Wales diuers Churches with their endowments of Tithes oblations and other profits were appropriated to him the said Dubritius and his successours And that in those times Churches were built here no doubt can bee made Neither is it to be conceiued how Christianitie could be in any nation saith my Author much ancienter if generally receiued or by any number then Churches or some conuenient houses or other places in the nature of Churches appointed for the exercise of deuotion And expresse mention is made of a Church of which I haue spoken before built in Canterbury in the time of the Romanes to the honour of Saint Martin in which Augustine and his followers when they came first from Rome made their holy assemblies After that the stormes of Diocletians persecution were ouerblowen saith Bede which was circa Ann. 290. the faithfull Christians who in time of danger lay hid in dennes and deserts came forth and shewed themselues abroad renewed their Churches which before were ouerthrowne flat to the ground founded builded and perfited new Temples in honour of the holy Martyrs celebrated holy dayes consecrated the holy mysteries with pure mouth and heart and euery where as it were displayed their ensignes in signe of Conquest Aliquindo Parochia dicitur totus Episcopatus saith one and Parochia etiam Dioecesis Episcopalis dicitur saith another Sometime a Parish is said to be the whole Bishopricke and sometime the Episcopall Diocesse Kenwalch King of the West-Saxons diuided In duas Parochias Pra●●nciam the Prouince into two Parishes or Diocesses when as he erected a new Bishopricke at Winchester taken out of the Diocesse of Dorchester a ruinous Towne now in Oxfordshire In the yeare 680. Merciorum Prouincia in quinque Parochias est diuisa The Prouince of Mercia was diuided into fiue Parishes that is into fiue Bishopricks and thus Honorius may be said properly to haue beene the first vnder whom his Prouince was diuided into such Parishes or Bishoprickes Anno Dom. 747. in the raigne of Ethelbald king of the Mercians in a Synod holden at Clouesho it was decreed Vt singuli Episcopi omni anno Parochias suas circumirent That euery Bishop should go about or visit his Parishes once euery yeare And in the first Synod or Conuocation of the English Church holden at Hereford Ann. 670 it was determined Vt nullus Episcoporum Parochiam alterius inuadat sed contentus sit gubernatione creditae sihi plebis That no Bishop should haue ought to do in anothers Parish but bee contented with the charge of the people committed vnto him Kenulph King of the Mercians in his Epistle to Leo the third Bishop of Rome writes Quod contra Canones à Patre Gregorio constitut as auctoritas Dorobernensis Metropolitani in duas scinditur Parochias cuius ditioni duo decim subiacere debent Episcopi That contrary to the Canons of Saint Gregory the iurisdiction of the Metropoliticall See of Canterbury was diuided into two Parishes to whose authoritie twelue Bishops ought to be subiect To which point of his Epistle Leo makes this answer In sacro scrinio nostro reperimus sanctum Gregorium Predecessorem nostrum in integro ipsam Parochiam numero duodecim beato Augustino Archiepiscopo tradidisse Epis copos consecrandos We finde in our sacred Cabinet our Predecessour Saint Gregory to haue giuen and deliuered that Parish to blessed Augustine entire and whole with the number of twelue Bishops by him to bee consecrated These great Parishes or Bishoprickes were not made Diocesses or Iurisdictions together straight from the first budding of Christianitie but in succession of time as the number of Christians did increase and as the true faith was spread abroad For some Churches were vnder the charge of Curates other some of Abbots and of these were made these great Parishes or Bishopricks The dignitie and gouernment of which was appointed to learned and religious
which you may reade more at large in Camden his diuision of Britaine and know more by Speed in his Type of this flourishing kingdome The Ecclesiasticall state of England is diuided into two Prouinces or Archbishopricks viz. of Canterbury and of Yorke The Archbishop of Canterbury ●s stiled Metropolitanus et Primas totius Angliae and the Archbishop of Yorke Primas Angliae The Archbishop of Canterbury hath vnder him within his Prouince of ancient and late foundations Rochester his principall Chaplaine London his Deane Winchester his Chancellour and all the rest of the Bishopricks foure excepted viz. Chester Durham Carlile and the I le of Man which are annexed to the Archbishopricke of Yorke Euery Diocesse is diuided into Archdeaconries and the Archdeacon is called Oculus Episcopi The eye of the Bishop And euery Archdeaconrie is parted into Deanries and Deanries againe into Parishes Townes and Hamlets The Bishop is called the Ordinarie in the Ecclesiasticall Law Quia habet ordinariam iurisdictionem in iure proprio et non per deputationem for that he hath ordinarie iurisdiction in his owne proper right and not by deputation in causes Ecclesiasticall All the Archbishops and Bishops of England haue beene founded by the Kings of England and do hold of the King by Baronie and haue been all called by writ to the Court of Parliament and are Lords of Parliament And the Bishopricks in Wales were founded by the Princes of Wales and the Principalitie of Wales was holden of the King of England as of his Crowne And the Bishops of Wales are also called by Writ to Parliament and are Lords of Parliament as Bishops of England be There were within the Realme of England one hundred and eight●ene Monasteries founded by the Kings of England whereof such Abbots and Priors as were founded to hold of the King per Baroniam and were called to the Parliament by Writ were Lords of Parliament and had places and voices there And of them were twenty sixe Abbots and two Priors as by the Rolles of Parliament appeare yet if you reckon the Abbot of Feuersham in Kent founded by King Stephen there were twentie and seuen which some do saith my learned Author warranted by these words in the Cartularie Et dedit Abbati et Monachis et successoribus●s is Minerium de Feuersham Com. Kane simul cum Hundredo c. tenend per Baroniam But saith he albeit this Abbot held by a Baronie yet because he was neuer that I finde called by Writ he neuer sat in Parliament Bishopricks in England with that of the Isle of Man are 37. whose extents I set downe in the passage of this worke Deanries 26. whereof thirteene were ordained by Henrie the eighth in the greater Cathedral Churches after the Monkes were thrust out Archdeacouries threesco●● Dignities and Prebends fiue hundred fourty foure Numbred also there are Parish churches vnder Bishops 9284 of which 3845. be Appropriat as I finde in a Catalogue saith he exhibited to King Iames. Now Appropriat Churches those are called which by the Popes authoritie comming betweene with consent of the King and the Bishop of the Diocesse were vpon certaine conditions tyed or Instruments vnited annexed and incorporate for euer vnto Monasteries Bishopricks Colledges and Hospitals endowed with small lands either for that the said Churches were built their Lordships and Lands or graunted by the Lords of the said Lands Which Churches afterwards when the Abbeyes and Monasteries were suppressed became Laye Fees to the great damage of the Church Henry the eighth presently vpon the suppression of Monasteries and his ordination of certaine Cathedrall and Collegiate Churches set d●wne by the aduice of his Counsell a number of Rules and Statutes to be obserued by the Officers and Ministers residing in the same As appeares by this Record following which I thought to transcribe Henricus Octauus Dei gracia Anglie Francie et Hibernie Rex Fidei Defensor ac in terra supremum Ecclesie Anglicane et Hibernie caput Vniuersis sancte matris Ecclesie silijs ad quorum noticiam presens Scriptum peruenerit Salutem Cumet nobis et Regni nostri Preceribus vniuer soque Senatui qu●m Parliamentum vocamus visum sit Deo et confidimus nos huc mouente Monasteria que passim in regno nostro extabant tum propter graues et multiplices illorum enormitates tum ob alias iustas rationabilesque causas supprimere ●●olere et in meliores vsus convertere Nos et diuine voluntati conformius ●●m●ius ●re Christiana esseducentes vt vbi ignorantia et superstitio regnabant ibi sincerus Dei cultus vigeat et sanctum Christi Euangelium assidue et pure annuncietur Et preteria vt ad Christiane fidei ac pietatis incrementum iuuentus Regni nostri in bonis literis instituatur et pauperes perpetuo sustententur in ipsorum Monasteriorum loco Ecclesias ereximus et cons●ituimus Quarum alias Cathedrales alias Collegiatas vocari volumus pro quarum Ecclesiarum ac Collegiorum gubernaecione et regimine leges et statuta que sequntur prescribend curauimus quibus tam Decani et vtriusque ordinis Canonici quam ceteri omnes ministri pueri et pauperes qui in ipsis Ecclesijs commoraturi sunt pareant et ebsequantur eisque vt à nobis conditis et perfect is regantur et gubernentur Id quod si fecerint ingens sine pictatis incrementum in hoc regno nostro peruenturum esse confidemus Et nos expectatione 〈◊〉 voto nostro qui ad Dei optumi maximi gloriam ac fidei Christiane augmentum has Ecclesias ereximus et varijs ministrorum ordinibus enornauimus ha●d quaquam fraudabimus Dat. c. The Statutes rules and orders were annexed hereunto which were very many and more then can conueniently be included in this short Treatise and more I thinke then were well performed As may partly be proued by an In●unction from the Queenes Maiestie to the Archbishop of Canterbury Mathew Parker in these words By the Queene The Queenes Maiesty considering how the pallaces and houses of Cathedrall Churches and Colledges of this Realme haue ben both of ancyent and late tyme buylded and inclosed in seuerall to susteyne and kepe Socyeties of learned men professing Study and prayer for the edification of the Church of God and so consequently to serue the Common-weale And vnderstanding of late that within the houses hereof as well the chiefe Gouernours as the Prebendaries Students and members thereof being married do keepe particular housholds with their wiues children and Nurses whereof no small offence groweth to th entent of the Founders and to the quiet and orderly profession of studie and learning within the same hath thought meete to prouide remedie herein lest by sufferance thereof the rest of the Colledges specially such as be replenished with young Students as the very roomes and buildings be not answerable for such families of women and young children should follow the like example And
aboue mentioned is 8803. Here ends the Discourse ANCIENT FVNERALL MONVMENTS WITHIN THE Diocesse of Canterbury The Foundation of Christ-Church in Canterbury CHristian Religion of which I haue spoken before which presently after our blessed Sauiours passion was both preached and planted in this Island by Ioseph of Arimathea and his associates and after that aduanced and increased by Lucius King of the Britaines and his famous Clerkes being darkened ouerclouded and almost totally eclipsed with the contagious smoke arising from such abhominable sacrifices as were offered here vnto strange Idols was againe illumined and recomforted with the glorious beames of religious light by Augustine the Monke and his fellow-labourers in Christs vineyard Which Augustine sent hither from Rome by Gregory the great when he had found such fauour in the sight of King Ethelbert that he might freely preach the Gospell in this his countrey hee chose for assemblie and prayer an old Church in the East part of this Citie which was a long time before builded by the Romanes and hee made thereof by licence of the King a Church for himselfe and his successours dedicating the same to the name of our blessed Sauiour Christ whereof it was alwayes afterward called Christ-Church And by the meanes of the said Pope Gregory hee translated the Metropolitan See from London the Cathedrall Church being then at Saint Peters in Cornhill to this his newly consecrated Church here in Canterbury whereof he was the first Archbishop By these proceedings the prophesie of Merlin was fulfilled which foretold that Christianity should faile and then reuiue againe when the See of London did adorne Canterbury Of which out of an old Manuscript these following Rimes Erchebysshop furste of alle Seynt Austyn was ther But ye Erchcbysshops Se at London was er Tho camme Merlynes word to sothe atten ende Yat ye dignyte of London to Canterbery sholde wende Anothur chyrche in Cantyrbery he lete rere Yat is clupyd Christ Chyrche and now the Se is there Since which time this sacred structure by the pious and exceeding charges of succeeding Archbishops by the deuotion of those dayes made willing to disburse great summes is so raised aloft saith learned Camden to that maiestie and statelinesse that it striketh a sensible impression of Religion in the hearts and mindes of the beholders of which as also of the Citie will it please you reade this Ogdoasticon out of a Manuscript penned by Iohn Iohnston of Aberden sometimes the Kings professour of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of S. Andrewes in Scotland Quae minima in paruo regno pars ante fuisti Facta es Cantiadum regia prima Ducum Quae modica in magno imperio pars ante fuisti Maiorem fecit Pontificalis honor Alterius cum iura locitecum inde tulisti Facta es finitimis imperiosa locis Sponsa tibi Christi si tot cumulauit honores Non iterum huic par sit reddere velle suos To this his Church Austine adioyned a Monastery and dedicated the same to the blessed Trinitie into which Laurence his next Successour brought Benedictine Monkes the head whereof was called a Prior. Which word saith Lambard in his perambulation of Kent howsoeuer it soundeth was indeed but the name of a second Officer because the Bishop himselfe was accounted the very Abbot for in old time the Bishops were for the most part chosen out of such Monasteries and therefore most commonly had their palaces neare adioyning and gouerned there as Abbots By meanes whereof it came to passe that such Abbeyes were greatly enriched and endowed with wealth and possessions insomuch that this Priory at the dissolution being valued at Robin Hoods peniworths was found to be yearly worth besides iurisdiction ouer diue●s hundreds as you may finde in the Exchequer booke called Nomina Villarum two thousand foure hundred eightie nine pounds foure shillings nine pence But Henry the eighth saith Camden scattered this wealth heaped vp together in so many ages and dispersed these Monks in lieu of whom he placed in this Church a Deane an Archdeacon Prebendaries twelue and sixe Preachers who in places adioyning round about should teach and preach the word of God The Archbishoprick at this day whose Prouince containeth twentie two Bishoprickes and Diocesse the greatest part of Kent being but valued in the Kings bookes at two thousand eight hundred sixteene pounds seuenteene shillings nine pence Howsoeuer in former times the Archbishop was wont to pay to the Pope at euery income for his first-fruits ten thousand Ducats or Florens and for his Pall fiue thousand euery Ducate being of our Sterling money foure shillings sixe pence And as I finde it in an old Manuscript for Rom-scot or Peter-pence seuen pounds seuenteene shillings Seuentie three Archbishops in a continued traine of Succession haue sitten in this glorious chaire which at this present doth adde grace and honour to George Abbot Doctor of Diuinity sometime Deane of Winchester Master of the Vniuersitie Colledge in Oxford Bishop of Couentry and Lichfield from whence hee was remoued to London and from thence translated to this Metropoliticall seate of Canterbury Who hath bestowed great summes of money in building and endowing of an Hospitall at Guildford in Surrey the Towne wherein he was borne But now to come within the Cathedrall Church which hath beene and still is honoured with the funerall Monuments of many renowned Princes of which although it may iustly vaunt yet was it for nothing else so famous as for the life death sepulcure and Shrine of Thomas Beck●t Archbishop of this See by which her estimation was aduanced beyond all reason measure and wonder This Thomas Becket was borne in London his fathers name was Gilbert a Merchant his mothers M●tilda a stranger borne in Syria He was first taught and brought vp by the Prior of Mercon Abbey in Surrey and from thence sent to the Vniuersities of Oxford Paris and Bononia to study the Canon Law vpon his returne he proceeded Doctor of that faculty in Oxford after which as you may haue it in the History of his life written by the right reuerend Father in God Francis Godwin now Bishop of Hereford in short time he was preferred by Theobald Archbishop of this See vnto the Archdeaconry of Canterbury the Prouostship of Beuerley and the Parsonages of Bromfeeld and Saint Mary Hill a Prebend in Paules and another in the Church of Lincolne and withall commended by him so effectually to King Henry the second that he receiued him into the number of his Chaplaines aduanced him to the honour of Lord Chancellour of England and after the death of the said Theobald to this Grace and Prima●ie of Canterbury presently after his consecration being yet scarcely warme in his seate vnder colour of defending the rights of his Church hee stubbornly opposed himselfe against his Lord and Soueraigne in all his royall proceedings insomuch that he was constrained to exile him the kingdome Of which you shall
precor horum He was a very seuere corrector of sinne depriuing many Clergie-men of their liuings in the first visitation of his owne Diocesse He repaired his pallace with 1101. l. and odde money which he recouered of Andrew Vfford Archdeacon of Midlesex admin●stratour of Iohn Vfford his predecessour for dilapidations hee built and endowed with good possessions a Colledge in this Citie which is now become a parcell of Christ-church in Oxford He bequeathed to his Church a thousand sheepe his vestments which were all cloth of gold a very sumptuous Coape and much plate he was a very ●●ugall and sparing man neuer esteeming pompe nor outward brauery which he shewed at his end desiring to be buried obscurely to auoid superfluous expence William Wittlesey succeeded the said Simon and was brought vp at Oxford at the charges of Simon Islip who was his Vnkle where hee proceeded Doctor of the Canon Law and by him sent to Rome to sollicite his causes and also to get experience by seeing the practise of that Court who after he had stayed there a time was called home and preferred by his Vnkles meanes vnto the place of Vicar generall then to the Deanrie of the Arches the Archdeaconrie of Huntington the Parsonages of Croydon and Cliff to the Bishopricke of Rochester from thence to Worcester and lastly after the decease of his said Vncle to this Archbishopricke of Canterbury in which he continued almost seuen yeares being the most of his time troubled with a tedious lingring disease whereof he died Iuly 5. 1374. He lieth buried ouer against his Vncle betweene two pillars vnder a marble Tombe inlaid with brasse which with his Epitaph is altogether defaced the brasse worne torne or stolne away these few words onely remaining ............ tumulatus Wittelesey natus gemmata luce ..... Sudburie natus Simon iacet hic tumulatus Martirizatus nece pro republica stratus Heu scelus infernum trux exitiale nefandum Presulis eximij corpus venerabile dandum In rabiem Vulgi ......... This is a fragment of an Epitaph composed to the memory of Simon Tibold the sonne of one Nigellus Tibold surnamed Sudbury of a Towne in Suffolke where he was borne a Doctor of the Canon Law who by degrees came to this Metropolitan Grace of Canterbury A man very wise learned eloquent liberall mercifull and wondrous reuerend all which could not deliuer him from vntimely death For he together with Sir Robert Hales Lord Prior of Saint Iohns Ierusalem and Chancellour or England were haled to the Tower-hill by the Rebels of Kent and Essex with infernall shouts and yells and there vniustly Nam ius calcatur viol●●tia cum dominatur and horriblie hack● hewed and in that barbarous manner beheaded by these arch Tray●ours Iune the fourteenth the yeare of our Lord 1381. and of the raigne of that vnfortunate King Richard the second the fourth hauing sate Bishop about six yeares Which lamentable storie the Chronicles at large declare When these hurlie burlies were at an end the body of this good Archbishop was conueyed to his owne Church and there honourablie inte●●ed vpon the South side of the Altar of Saint Dunstan This Bishop built the West-gate of this Citie and the wall from that gate vnto the North-gate commonly called by the name of the long wall and would haue done likewise about all the Towne if hee had liued The Maior and the Aldermen once a yeare vsed to come solemnly to his Tombe to pray for his soule in memory of this his good deed to their Citie saith Leland in his Commentaries It was the custome of old and so it is in these dayes for men of eminent ranke and qualitie to haue Tombes erected in more places then one for example and proofe of my speech I finde here in this Church a Monument of Alabaster at the feete of the blacke Prince wherein both by tradition and writing it is affirmed that the bones of William Courtney the sonne of Hugh Courtney the third of that Christian name Earle of Deuonshire Archbishop of this See lies entombed And I finde another to the memory of the same man at Maidstone here in Kent wherein because of the Epitaph I rather beleeue that his body lieth buried Of which hereafter when I come to that Towne Here lieth interred vnder a faire Monument Thomas Fitz-Alan or Arundell the third sonne of Richard Fitz-Alan Earle of Arundell Warren and Surrey by Eleanor his wife daughter of Henry Plantaginet Earle of Lancaster as I haue it in the Catalogue of Honour Who at the age of two and twenty yeares was consecrated Bishop of Ely which hee laudablie gouerned considering the greennesse of his age the space of fourteene yeares three moneths and eighteene dayes In which time hee was Lord Chancellour of England from Ely he was translated to Yorke leauing for an implement at his house of Ely a wonderfull sumptuous and costly Table adorned with gold and precious stones which belonged first to the King of Spaine and was sold to this Bishop by the blacke Prince for three hundred Markes Hee also bestowed the building of the great Gate-house of Ely house in Houlborne during his abode at Yorke which was about eight years he bestowed much in building vpon diuers of his houses and vnto the Church Besides many rich ornaments he gaue two great Basons of siluer and gilt two great Censers two other Basons of siluer and two Creuetts he gaue to the Vicars a siluer cup of great waight and a massie bowle of siluer to the Canons From Yorke he was remoued hither to Canterbury and here he sate one moneth aboue seuenteene yeares In which time at the West end of his Church hee built a faire spi●e steeple called to this day Arundell steeple and bestowed a tunable ring of fiue bels vpon the same which he dedicated to the holy Trinity to the blessed Virgine Mary to the Angell Gabriel to Saint Blase and the fifth to S. Iohn Euangelist Thus much he effected howsoeuer hee was no sooner warme in his seate then that he with his brother the Earle of Arundell were condemned of high Treason his brother executed and he banished the kingdome and so liued in exilement the space of neare two yeares vntill the first of the raigne of Henry the fourth This worthy Prelate died of a swelling in his tongue which made him vnable to eate drinke or speake for a time before his death Which happened Februar 20. Ann. 1413. An Author contemporarie with this Archbishop writes as followeth of the passages in those times as also much in the grace and commendation of this worthy Metropolitan Heu mea penna madet lachrimis dum scribere suadet Infortunata sceleris quibus horreo fata Non satis est Regem mundi deflectere legem Vt pereant gentes sub eo sine lege manentes Sed magis in Christum seuit qua propter ad istum Casum deslendum
the seuenth was taken out of his house and carried into France from whence by ransome he freed himselfe Chart Magna Betweene the Chancell and the North Chappell of this Church is an Altar-Tombe round about the verge of which is engrauen this Epitaph following in brasse and betwixt euery word the figure of a well alluding to the name of the parties there vnderneath interred Anime Willelmi de Goldwelle Auicie vxoris sue per miserecordiam Dei in pace requiescant Qui quidem Willelmus septimo die mensis Maij dicta Avicia octauo die Aprilis Litera Dominicalis B. ab hac luce migrarunt Ann. Domini M. CCCC.LXXXV Quorum animabus propitietur Deus Amen Iames Goldwell of this family Bishop of Norwich was a repairer of this Church as appeares by this broken Inscription in the top crosse window ..... Magistro Iacobo Goldwelle ..... Ecclesie sancti Pauli London qui hoc opus repara ...... And in the East window it is thus to be read in the glasse Memoriale reuerendi patris Domini Iacobi Goldwell Episcopi Norwicen In a North window of the North Chappell haue beene sixteene pourtraitures of men in glasse all kneeling whereof most remaine whose names are as followeth Iohannes Webbe Iohannes Hosewyf Thomas Wred Iohannes Turlepyn Willelmus Malemayne Iohannes Litihey Iohannes Bockon Iohannes Chillinton Iohannes Atte Iohannes Yardherst .......... In midst of whom as the Priests then are Dominus Richardus Medhurst and Dominus Walterus Wilcock Now as it goes by tradition from the father to the sonne these were the builders of this Church In the middest of the East-window in the South Chappell of this Church is the picture of the foresaid Bishop Goldwell kneeling and in euerie quarry a golden well or fountaine his Rebus or Name deuise and crosse the window inscribed ..... Iacobo Goldwelle Episcopo Norwicen qui ..... opus fundauit Ann. Christi M. CCCC.LXXVII whereby it appeares that this Bishop was Founder of this Chappell The corner stone of the foundation of this Chappell on the outside is made like a Graue-stone with a Crosse cut thereupon Orate pro anima Iohannis Toke Armigeri nuper de Goddington istius paroch Cuius corpus iacet hic tumulatum ac pro animabus Margarete et Anne vxorum suarum Que quidem Margareta filia fuit naturalis dum vixit Iohannis Walworth nuper in Comitatu Suff. dicta Anna filia etiam naturalis Iohannis Engeham Armigeri nuper de Syngleton istus paroch Qui vero Iohannes Toke obijt vicesimo die Maij Ann. Dom. M. CCCCC.XIII Quorum animabus propitietur Deus Altissimus Hic iacent Thomas Twesden generosus qui obijt 8. die Decembris Ann. Dom. 1500. et Benedicta vxor eius Quorum animabus propitietur Deus Sancta Trinitas Deus miserere nobis Hic iacet Willelmus Sharpe et eius quinque consortes qui Willelmus obijt 29. die Septemb. Ann. Dom. 1499. Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Seuington Hic iacet Margareta Barry Quondam vxor Edwardi Barry Armiger Que quidem Margareta obijt ..... mensis .... Ann. 1400. Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Hic iacet Ioanna Barry quondam vxor Willelmi Barry militis Pater de celis Deus miserere nobis Fili Redemptor mundi Deus miserere nobis Spiritus Sancte Deus miserere nobis Sancta Trinitas vnus Deus miserere nobis Orate pro anima Iohannis Barry militis Orate pro anima Isabelle quondam vxor Willelmi Barry Militis Pater de celis As before about the verge of this and the other Grauestone Here is also a Monument whereupon a man armed is pourtraied the Inscription whereof is altogether perished which in all likelihood was made to the memory of Sir William Barry knight the husband of the fore-remembred Isabell. At the lower end of the Church and neare to the Bellfree lyeth the body of one of these Barryes pourtraied in compleat armour about the Verge of his Monument this Inscription Hic iacet Vmfridus Barre Ar. Quondam Dominus istius ville et Patronus istius Ecclesie Qui obiit in die Sancte Marie Magdalene An. Dom. 1431. Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Camden in his Chorographicall description of Ireland and in the County of Corke writes greatly to the honour of this surname of Barry These are his words as followeth Beneath Corke saith he the riuer parting in twaine enuironeth a large and very pleasant Island ouer against the principall dwelling house of that most ancient and noble family of the Barries which thereupon is called Barry Court For that family is deriued from Robert de Barry an English man a personage of great worth and renowned who notwithstanding chose rather among the first to be chiefe indeed then to seeme chiefe who in the winning of Ireland receiued wounds and hurt and the first man he was in Ireland that manned and brought the Hawke to hand His posterity by their long approued loyaltie and martiall prowesse deserued to receiue of the kings of England first the title of Baron Barry afterwards of Vicount Butiphant and for their great lands and wealth gat among the people the surname of Barry More that is Barry the Great ..... Iohannes Fynch Armiger Qui obiit 19. die Mensis Maij Ann. Dom 1442. Cuius This I conceiue to be some younger branch of the Nobly descended family of the Finches of whom there is mention made among the Monuments in Braborne Church before where they are stiled Herbert vel Finch not vnaptly thereby continuing the memory of their originall name and ancestry as being lineally descended from Hen. Fuz-Herbert Chamberlaine to king Henry the first who married the daughter and heire to Sir Robert Corbert and had issue by her a sonne named Herbert who likewise had issue a sonne named Herbert Fitz-Herbert Who by his first wife Luce daughter and coheire of Milo Earle of Hereford and high Constable of England had issue a sonne named Peter Fitz Herbert from whom the Herberts Earles of Penbrooke are descended and by Matilda his second wife after his death re-married to the Lord Columbarij he had issue Mathew Fitz-Herbert who was one of the Magnates or Barons at the making of Magna Charta and was likewise one of those potent Noblemen for the king that made the accord betweene king Iohn and the Barons at Runnyng Mead betweene Windsore and Stanes his sonne likewise called Herbert Fitz Mathew was the fourth Baron that is mentioned in the Rowl of the Parliament at Tewkesbury The change of this name Finch seemeth to haue beene about the latter end of king Hen. the third at which time many other families suffered like alteration as appeareth by a supersedeas Ann. 8. E. 2. therein mentioning that Herbertus Filius Herberti dicti Finch was a Ward 28. E. primi and so could not personally serue with the king in his warres in Scotland and
great Commander in the warres which by some English wit was happily imitated and ingeniously applyed to the honour of this our worthy chiefetaine Sir Philip written vpon a Tablet and fastened to a pillar in S. Pauls Church London the place of his buriall as the sequele will more plainly shew La France et le Piemont les cieux et les Arts Les Soldats et le Mondeont fait comme six parts De ce grand Bonniuet cor vne si grand chose Dedant vn seul tombeau ne pouuoit estre enclose La France en a le corps que elle aurit esleue Le Piemont a le ceur qu'il auoit esprouue Les cieux en ont l'esprit et les Arts la memoire Les Soldats le regret et le monde la gloire In English as followeth France and Piemont the Heauens and the Arts The Souldiers and the world haue made sixe parts Of Great Bonniuet for who will suppose That onely one Tombe can this man enclose France hath his body which she bred and well loued Piemont his heart which his valour had proued The Heauens haue his soule the Arts haue his Fame The Souldiers the griefe the world his good name A briefe Epitaph vpon the death of that most valiant and perfect honorable Gentleman Sir Philip Sidney knight late Gouernour of Flushing in Zealand who receiued his deaths wound at a battell neare Zutphen in Gelderland the 22. day of September and dyed at Arnhem the 16. day of October 86. Whose Funeralls were performed and his body interred within this Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul in London the 16. day of February next following in the yeare of our Lord God 1586. England Netherland the Heauens and the Arts The Souldiers and the world haue made sixe parts Of noble Sidney For who will suppose That a small heape of stones can Sidney enclose England hath his body for she it fed Netherland his bloud in her defence shed The Heauens haue his soule the Arts haue his Fame The Souldiers the griefe the world his good Name These Elegies also following penned in the praise of the said Philip by our late Soueraigne Lord King Iames that sole Monarch of many Nations giue a glorious lustre to his Heroicke actions In Philippi Sidnaei interitum Illustrissimi Scotorum Regis Carmen Armipotens cui ius in fortia pectora Mauors Tu Dea quae cerebrum perrumpere digna Tonantis Tuque adeo biiugae proles Latonia r●pis Gloria deciduae cingunt quam collibus artes Duc tecum et querula Sidnai funera voce Plangite nam vester fuerat Sidnaeus alumnus Quid genus et proauos et spem floremque iuuentae Immaturo obitu raptum sine fine retexo Heu frustra queror heu rapuit Mors omnia secum Et nihil ex tanto nunc est Heroe superstes Praeterquam decus et nomen virtute paratum Doctaque Sidneas testantia Carmina laudes The same translated by the said King Thou mighty Mars the Lord of Souldiers braue And thou Minerve that dois in wit excell And thou Apollo who dois knowledge haue Of euery art that from Parnassus fell With all your Sisters that th aire on do dwell Lament for him who duely seru'd you all Whome in you wisely all your arts did mell Bewaile I say his vnexpected fall I neede not in remembrance for to call His race his youth the hope had of him ay Since that in him doth cruell Death appall Both manhood wit and learning euery way But yet he doth in bed of Honor rest And euermore of him shall liue the best Eiusdem Regis in Eundem Hexasticon Vidit et exanimem tristis Cytheraea Philippum Fleuit et hunc Martem credidit esse suum Eripuit digitis gemmas colloque monile Mars iterum nunquam ceu placitura foret Mortuus humana qui lusit imagine Diuam Quid faceret iam si viueret ille rogo In English When Venus sad saw Philip Sidney slaine She wept supposing Mars that he had bin From fingers Rings and from her necke the chaine She pluckt away as if Mars nere againe She ment to please In that forme he was in Dead and yet could a Goddesse thus beguile What had he done if he had liu'd this while Tunbridge In this ruinous Church which like the Ca●tle carries with it a shew of venerable antiquitie I finde no funerall Monument of elder times remarkable in the north window onely are depicted the pourtraitures of the Lord Hugh Stafford kneeling in his coate-armour and his Bow-bearer Thomas Bradlaine by him with this inscription Orate pro animabus Domini Hugonis Stafford et Thome Bradlaine Arcuar .... This Hugh Lord Stafford afterwards Earle of Buckingham was Lord of this Mannor of Tunbridge by his grandmother Margaret the onely daughter and heire of Sir Hugh Audley Earle of Glocester of whom hereafter when I come to Stone in Staffordshire the place of his buriall Neare to the ruinous walls of the Cast●●●stood a Priory pleasantly seated which in the shipwracke of such religious structures was dasht all a peeces founded by Richard de Clare Earle of Gloucester about the yeare 1241. for Canons of Saint Augustines order and consecrated to S. Mary Magdalen Which Priory was valued by the Commissioners at the suppression to be yearely worth 169. l. 10. s. 3. d. This Richard the founder dyed at Emmersfield in the Mannor-house of Iohn Lord Crioil here in Kent 14. Iulij Ann. 1262. his bowels were buried at Canterbury his body at Tewxbury and his heart here in his owne Church at Tunbridge Hee was Vir nobilis et omni laude dignus To whose euerlasting praise this Epitaph was composed Hic pudor Hippoliti Paridis gena sensus Vlissis Aeneae pietas Hectoris ira iacet Chaste Hippolite and Paris faire Vlisses wise and slie Aeneas kinde fierce Hector here ioyntly entombed lye Here sometime lay entombed the bodies of Hugh de Audley second sonne of Nicholas Lord Audley of H●leigh Castle in the County of Stafford who was created Earle of Gloucester by king Edward the third and by the marriage of Margaret second daughter of Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester surnamed the red and sister and coheire to Gilbert the last Earle of that surname Lord of Tunbridge This Hugh dyed the tenth of Nouember 1347. Ann. 21. Ed. 3. I finde little of him remarkable saue his good fortunes being a younger brother to marry so great an inheritrix and to be exalted to such titles of honour His wife Margaret first married to Pierce Gaueston Earle of Cornwall dyed before him in the yeare of our Lord 1342. the 13. day of Aprill They were both together sumptuously entombed by Margaret their daughter the onely heire of her parents wife to Raph de Stafford Earle of Stafford The said Raph de Stafford and Margaret his wife were here likewise entombed at the feet of their father and
Io. Stow Ann. 1369. She ordained for her husband and her selfe a solemne Obit to bee kept yearely in this Church where the Maior being present at the Masse with the Sheriffes Chamberlaine and Swordbearer should offer each of them a pennie and the Maior to take vp twentie shillings the Sheriffes either of them a Marke the Chamberlaine ten shillings and the Sword-bearer sixe shillings eight pence and euery other of the Maiors officers there present two and twenty pence a peece the which Obyte saith Fabian to this day is holden She also founded foure Chantrees in this Church for the soules of her selfe and her husband and was greatly beneficiall vnto the Deane and Canons His second wife Constance died in the yeare 1395. whom hee solemnly and Princely interred by his first wife Blanch. She was saith Walsingham mulier super feminas innocens deuota A Lady aboue Ladies innocent deuout and zealous Of his third wife Katherine when I come to Lincolne Minster where she lieth entombed Henry Lacy Earle of Lincolne lieth here entombed in the new worke which was of his owne foundation vnder a goodly Monument with his armed pourtraiture crosse-legged as one that had professed his vttermost endeauour for defence of the holy Land Hee was stiled Earle of Lincolne Baron of Halton Constable of Chester Lord of Pomfret Blackburnshire Ros in Wales and Rowennocke Hee was Protectour of England whilest King Edward the second was in Scotland and Viceroy sometime in the Duchie of Aquitaine Vir illustris in consilio strenuus in omni guerra prelio Princeps militie in Anglia in omni regno ornatissimus saith the booke of Dunmow By his first wife Margaret daughter and heire of William Longspee grandchilde of William Longspee Earle of Salisbury he had two sonnes Edmund drowned in a Well in Denbeigh Castle and Iohn who died young both of them dead before their father And one daughter named Alice married to Thomas Plantaginet Earle of Lancaster He died at his house now called Lincolnes Inne in Chancerie-lane London Feb. the fifth 1310. being threescore yeares of age as I haue it out of the booke of Whalley in these words Iste Henricus Comes Lincol. obijt Anno etat is lx Ann. Domini M. CCC X. in festo Sancte Agathe Martyris circa gallicinium In the same Chappell dedicated to S. Dunstan lieth Laurence Allerthorp sometimes Canon of this Church and Lord Treasurer of England with this Inscription Hic iacet Laurentius Allerthorp quondam Thesaurarius Anglie Canonicus Stagiarius istius Ecclesie qui migrauit ex hoc seculo mens Iulij die 21. 1406. This Allerthorp being a man of no more eminencie in the Church then a Canon resident was neuer thought of or not beleeued by the Collector of the Lord Treasurers to haue ascended to such an honour so that he lies here in a darksome roome as a sacrifice to obliuion small notice taken of him except by some few of the Churchmen Now giue mee leaue to tell you by way of digression that howsoeuer this Allerthorp was but one of the Canons resident yet he was solely the one and had most or all the reuenues of the rest in his hands for as the Records of this Church doe approue those thirtie Canons vpon the primarie institution called Canons Regular because they led a regular life and were perpetually resident and afterwards liuing abroad and neglecting the businesse of their Church became to be called Canons secular contenting themselues with the title of Canon and some prebend assigned vnto them Which annexing of lands to the Prebendarie was not till a long time after the first foundation whereupon Pope Lucius by his Bull ordained that the Canons non-resident should not partake of the profits of the lands assigned to the common affaires of the Church but onely such as were resident the diuision of the Churches lands hauing beene made before in the time of the Conquerour and this Laurence Allerthorp at and before the time of his Treasurship was solus residentiarius and had the whole reuenue of the rest at his owne disposing by way of Option as it is called in the Lieger booke But of this enough if not too much Then to conclude howsoeuer this Allerthorp be altogether excluded out of the Treatise of the Treasurers and Sir Iohn Northberie knight keeper of the priuie Garderobe in the Tower said to be Lord Treasurer in the first second and third of king Henry the fourth in which time the said Allerthorp should enioy that office or not at all Yet these words in his Patent together with this Epitaph do approue him to haue beene adorned with the honourable Office of a solicitous Lord Treasurer Laurentius de Allerthorp Clericus habet officium Thesaurarij Anglie quamdiu T.R. apud W. 31. Maij. 9. pars pat 2. Hen. 4. membrana 14. Hic requiescit Simon Burly Banerettus quinque Portuum prefectus Ordinis Garterij Miles Ricardo 2. Consiliarius longe charissimus connubio sibi coniunctas habuit ex amplissimis familijs duas vxores alteram Staffordie alteram Baronis de Roos filiam Verum difficillimo illo tempore cum inter Anglie Proceres omnia sub iuuene Principe simultatibus agitarentur in tantum nonnullorum odium incurrit vt Parlamentaria authoritate capite plecteretur Anno Dom. 1388. Posteri autem eadem postea authoritate sub Rege Henrico quarto sunt restituti Edward the blacke Prince tooke such affection to this Sir Simon Burley for his valour wisedome and true seruice that he committed to his gouernance his onely sonne then liuing Richard of Burdeux who being afterwards king of England by the name of Richard the second aduanced him to high honours offices and promotions and nothing was done in matters of State without his appointment and direction Thus hee continued alwayes loyall to his Soueraigne Lord the king yet liued in the hatred of the Peeres of the Land as also of the common people for that he leaned to the partie of Robert de Veere Earle of Oxford Duke of Ireland and the kings fauorite and was an oppressour of the poore Commons insomuch that by the sentence of that Parliament which wrought wonders An. 11. Ric. secundi hee was condemned of treason and beheaded on the Tower hill as in the Inscription He was first Vicechamberlaine to king Richard who made him Constable of Douer Castle and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports deliuering the keyes of the said Castle to the said Simon in signe of possession so much would he grace him with his presence thus recorded Simon de Burley Miles subcamerarius Regis haebt officium Constabularij Castri Douer custodie 5. Portuum ad totam vitam suam sicut Robertus de Assheton Chr. iam defunctus nuper habuit Rex super hoc ipso Simoni in dicto Castro in presenti existens claues tradidit in signum possessionis earundem
I found it in the Collections of Master Camden Hagnes hic iaceo coniux olim Gulielmi Lilia cognomen cui tribuere fui Septem ter denos aetas mea viderat annos Bis septem vixi tres quoque iuncta viro Mater eram foelix ter quinque prole puellae Sex fuerant numero caetera turba mares Me luce octaua mensis Sextilis adorta est Me luce vndecima sustulit atra lues Aeterne vs pateat Lector mihi lumina lucis Authorem lucis supplice mente roga Thomas Linacrus Regis Henrici viii Medicus vir et Grecè et Latine atque in re medica longe eruditissimus multos aetate sua languentes et qui iam animam desponderant vitae restituit Multa Galeni opera Latina lingua mira et singulari facundia vertit Egregium opus de emendata structura Latini sermonis amicorum rogatu paulo ante mortem edidit Medicine studiosis Oxoniae publicas lectiones duas Cantabrigiae vnam in perpetuum stabiliuit In hac vrbe Collegium Medicorum sua industria fieri curauit Cuius et Praesidens primus electus est Fraudes dolosque mirè perosus fidus amicis omnibus ordinibus iuxta charus aliquot annos antequam obierit Presbiter factus plenus annis ex hac vita migrauit multum desideratus Ann. Dom. 1524. die 7. Octob. Somewhat aboue the Tombe in the wall vnder the picture or pourtraiture of the Phoenix this Inscription Viuit post funera virtus Thomae Linacro clarissimo medico Iohannes Caius posuit ann 1557. This old Physitian and young Priest Tho. Linaker borne in the towne of Darby was like William Lilie for none of his works so famous as for his rudiments or instructions to the better vnderstanding of the Latine tongue Hic infra iacet corpus magistri Thome de Eure Legum Doctoris istius Ecclesie S. Pauli quondam Decani qui die nono mens Octobris Ann. Dom. millesimo quadringentesimo sui Decanatus anno duodecimo diem suum clausit extremum Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Hic iacet Magister Thomas Wynterburne Legum Doctor dum vixit Decanus huius Ecclesie S. Pauli qui obijt 7. die mens Decemb. An. Dom. 1478. Anime cuius sis Deus propitius Amen Hic iacet Magister Reymundus Pelegrim Canonicus huius Ecclesie Capellanus Commissalis Domini Pape qui obijt xi die mens Aug. Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Hic iacet Magister Richardus Plessys quondam Can ......... ob M. CCC LX.I Gulielmus Harington Iurisconsultus Protonotarius Apostolicus D. Pauli Canonicus ex illis quos Residentiarios dicunt Patria Eboracensis natus in Pago qui Estryngton vocitatur Patre Gulielmo Haringtono viro claro genere orto in pago commerlandie non ignobili qui Neubyging nuncupatur Matre Iohanna filia Gulielmi Haske aliter Baliui dicti viri generosi in eodem pago Estryngton nata Memor exitus vite qui omnibus horis impendet hoc sibi sepulchrum posuit Anno salutis humane 1523. Here lieth buried in a Chappell built by himselfe wherein he founded three Chaplaines Sir Iohn Poultney foure times Lord Maior of London who founded also a Colledge in the Parish Church of S. Laurence called Poultney He built also the parish Church called little Alhallows in Thames street and the Carmelite Friers Church in Couentrie hee gaue reliefe to the prisoners in Newgate and in the Fleet and ten shillings the yeare to S. Giles Hospitall by Oldborne now Houlborne for euer and other Legacies too long to rehearse And died in the yeare 1348. Here lieth Hamond Chickwell Pepperer who had beene Lord Maior of this Citie sixe times within nine yeares And died about the yeare 1328. Here lieth the body of Anne daughter of Iohn Duke of Burgundie the wife of Iohn Plantaginet third sonne of king Henry the fourth Duke of Bedford Protector of the Realme of England and head of the common weale Who died the yeare 1433. Here in a Monument broken all a peeces lieth entombed the body of Iohn Neuill Lord Latimer whose widow Katherine Parre daughter of Sir Thomas Parre of Kendall and sister to William Lord Parre Marquesse of Northampton was the sixth and last wife to king Henry the eight He died in the yeare 1542. Sir Iohn Beauchampe Constable of Douer Castle Warden of the Cinque Ports knight of the Garter and Lord Admirall of England the second sonne of Guy Beauchampe Earle of Warwicke lieth buried here in the body of the Church within a little Chappell He died Ann. 1360. 34. Ed. 3. He was also Constable of the Tower of London as appeares by ancient Records Cum Rex nuper concesserit Iohanni Darcy de Knayth custodiam Turris London ad vitam suam et idem Iohannes propter alia negotia intendere non possit eidem custodire ex Regis assensu concessit custodiam predictam Iohanni de Bellocampo de Warwic ad totam vitam predicti Iohannis Darcy c. T. R. apud Mortelake 15. Marcij Ann. 26. Ed. 3.1 Pars. pat M. 17. Vpon some displeasure vpon false suggestions which the King had taken against him he was put by this office and to the same the truth being tried restored againe a little before his death For proofe Cum Iohan. Darcy cui nuper Rex custodiā Turris London ad totā vita suā concesserit ob affectionē quam habuit ad personā Ioh. de Bellocampo de Warwick statū quem idem Ioh. Darcy in custodia Turris predicte habuit prefato Ioh. de Bellocampo concesserit et Rex illā concessionē confirmauit post modūque ob quendā rancorē quem Rex erga ipsū Ioh. de Bellocampo ex sinistra suggestione ipsi Regi facta concepisset ipsum de custodia illa amoueri fecit et ●andem custodiam primo Bartholomeo de Burghesse postmodum Roberto de Morle concessisset Iamque ijdem Bartholomeus et Robertus viam vniuerse carnis ingressi sunt Rex ad gratum et laudabile obsequium si●i per dictum Iohannem diuersimodo impensum et ad hoc quod suggestio predicta minus vera existit sicut plenius Regi constat consideracionem habens ac volens ipsius proinde honori commodo prospicere in hac parte ●undem Iohannem ad dictam custodiam restituit habendam ad totam vitam suam Dat. apud Villam Sancti Georgij iuxta Castrum de Beauford in Francia An. 34. Ed. 3. This deceased Nobleman saith Stow by ignorant people hath beene erroniously mistearmed and said to bee Duke Humphrey the good Duke of Glocester who lieth honourably buried at S. Albans in Hertfordshire In Idle and friuolous opinion of whom some men of late times saith hee haue made a solemne meeting at his Tombe vpon Saint Andrewes day in the morning and concluded on a breakfast or dinner as assuming themselues to be seruants and to hold diuersitie
lieth buried He died Ann. Dom. 1450. Here lieth Giles Dewes who sometime was seruant to king Henry the 7. and king Hen. the 8. Clerke of their Libraries and Schoolemaster for the French tongue to Prince Arthur and to the Lady Mary Who died 1535. Saint Michael Bassishaw or Bassingshall Iohn Burton lyeth vnder here Sometimes of London Citizen and Mercer And Ienet his wife with their progeny Been turned to erth as ye may see Frends free what so yee bee Prey for vs we you prey As you see vs in this degree So shall you be another dey He deceased in the yeere 1460. he was a great benefactor to the building of this Church as appeareth by his marke placed throughout the whole roofe of the Quire and middle Isle of the Church Huc ades atque tuis metire viator ocellis Quam breuis inclusos illigat vrna duos Vt modo tu vir fuit hic hec femina quondam Nunc gelidi pars est huius vterque soli Nomen Abel More erat cognomen Exoniensum Cesarij Doctor iuris in vrbe fuit Agnes alterius nomen coniuxque Iohannis More fuit huius Abel qui modo frater erat Vt cupis ergo tibi faciant post funera viui Has modo tute breues quisquis es ede preces Hic Abel primo hic Agnes releuetur ab Agno Qui prius agnino sanguine lauit oues Obijt Abel 1486. Agnes 1499. quorum animabus Saint Lawrence in the Iewrie Hic incineratur corpus quondam Gaulfridi Bulleyn ciuis merceri Maioris London qui ab hac luce migrauit An. Dom. 1463. cuius anime pax sit perpetua This Sir Geffray or Godfrey Bullen Lord Maior of London was the Sonne of Geffrey Bullen of Salle or Saull in Norfolke Esquire Hee married Anne the eldest daughter and coheire of Thomas Lord Hoo and Hastings by whom he had issue Sir William Bullen of Blickling in Norfolke Knight f●ther to Thomas Bullen Viscount Rochford Earle of Wilshire who was father to Anne Bullen Marchionesse of Penbroke the second wife of King Henry the eight and the happy mother of our late Soueraigne Elizabeth Queene of England with all thankefulnesse euer to bee remembred This Lord Maior gaue to poore house holders in London 1000 l and 200 l to the like vse in Norfolke besides many liberall gifts to Prisons Hospitals and lazar houses Hic iacet Thomas Bulleyn de comitatu Norfolcie Armiger qui obijt vltimo die mensis Aprilis An. Dom. 147● cuius The honorable Merchant Ion Pickering And Elisabyth lie vndyr this ston Of the English merchant Venturers vndyr the kyng In the Martis beyond See gouernor was this Ion Thirty yeere and more that roome he did manteyn To his honor and worschip and died in Nouembyr The xxix day Mcccc fourty and eyght certeyn Who 's soul and al Christians for cherite remembyr Hic Thomas Cressey London mercerus humatur Et Agnes Coniux sua postea suppeditatur M. Domini C quater his x. annoque secundo Sexta luce Iunij i●it hic de .... mundo Guild Hall Chappell This Chappell or Colledge of our Lady Mary Magdalen and of all Saints was founded about the yeere 1299. by Peter Fanclore saith Stow Adam Francis and Henry Frowike whose reuenew was much augmented by K. Richard the second K. Henry the sixt and diuers citizens of London so that at the suppression it was endowed with sufficient maintenance for a Custos seauen Chaplaines three Clarkes and foure Quiristers at which time it was valued at xii l xviij s ix d per an Here haue beene many Tombes and marble stones inlaid with brasse whose inscriptions and portraitures are all either worne out with time torne out or quite defaced onely this Epitaph remaining En Thomas Frances pius hic qui lustra per octo Custos extiterat iacet semper requiescat ob Mar. 4. 1488. Ouer the doore of the Councell Chamber in Guild hall was and yet is as I thinke this Distich Carolus Henricus Viuant Defensor vterque Henricus Fidei Carolus Ecclesie Long prosperity To Charles and Henry Princes most puissant The one of the Faith The other of the Church Chosen defendant These verses were depicted here and in other places about this Citie the yeare 1514. when Charles the fift Emperour was here in England to shew in what golden bands of loue these two potent Monarches were enlinked for that amongst other couenants then concluded and confirmed betwixt them by corporall Oathes one was that the Emperour promised to stay for and take to wife the young Princesse Lady Mary King Henries then onely daughter afterwards Queene of England Why the Titles defender of the Church and Faith were attributed vnto these two Princes is vulgarlie knowne because Charles chosen Emperour to purchase the Popes fauour directed forth a solemne Writ of Outlawry against Martin Luther who then had giuen a great blow to the Papall Crowne And King Henry likewise was renowned in Rome for writing a booke against the said Luther vnderpropping the tottering or downe-cast countenance of the Popes Pardons which Luther shrewdly had shaken The Pope therefore to shew himselfe a kinde Father vnto these his sonnes gaue them these Titles which were in truth none other then the same which they sware vnto when the Crownes of their Empires were first set vpon their heads The Hospitall of Saint Tho. of Acars or Mercers Chappell This Hospitall was founded by Thomas Fitz-theobald de Heili and Agnes his wife Sister to Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury in the raigne of Henry the second and dedicated to Saint Thomas of Acon or Acars in the holy land They gaue to the Master and Brethren of this house the lands with the appurtenances that sometimes were Gilbert Beckets father to the said Thomas in the which he was born there to make a Church This Hospitall was valued at the suppression to dispend yeerely 277 l. 3 s. 4 d. it was surrendred the 30 of Henry the 8. the 21 of October and was since purchased by the Mercers by meanes of Sir Richard Gresham Here lyeth entombed Iames Butler Earle of Ormond and Dame Ioane his wife he died Anno Dom. 1428. and she 1430. Hic iacet Thomas filius Iacobi comitis Ormundie ac fratris Iacobi comitis Wilts Ormundie qui quidem Thomas obijt secundo die 1515 anno regni Regis Henrici Octaui 37. cuius The Ancestors of these Earles saith learned Camden were in old time the Butlers an honourable office in Ireland and from thence came this Surname Le Boteler or Butler imposed vpon them and certaine it is that they were linked in most neere alliance vnto Saint Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury as who deriue their descent from his sister which was a great motiue to make them choose this place for their buriall and that after he was murdered they were
none and ye wolde turne therto Me seeth a bond mannes sone somtym a knyght bycome And of a grom a Squyer and aftur knyghts some And such ye haueth the forme of men beth men in alle wise And torneth yow to Manhede and kepeth youre Franchise So it followes how this Bishop went into little Britaine and entreated Aldroennus the king there to send ouer Constantine his brother with a certaine number of men by whose helpe the enemie might bee expelled which was granted and performed accordingly Fastidius Priscus succeeded him in the gouernement of this See who writ diuers bookes of diuine learning mentioned by Bale Hee was a sincere expositor of the sacred Scriptures and a painefull Preacher throughout the whole kingdome Cui abunde suppeditebant cum perbenigno ingenio excellens memoria morum integritas et vita incorrupta quibus cumulatissime caeteros suae gentis praecedebat verbi Praecones He flourished vnder Honorius and Theodosius Emperours 420. By an old namelesse Chronicle which I haue read one Ternekine succeeded Fastidius a piercing wise Prelate into matters of state and in speciall fauour with Aurelius Ambrose King of great Britaine but Vodinus followeth next in the catalogue a man of singular deuotion and good life who for reprehending King Vortigers vnlawfull marriage with Rowenna Hengists daughter his lawfull wife being then liuing was barbarously murdered by the said Hengist and with him many other Priests and religious Persons circa an 452. After the comming of the Saxons the succession of Archbishops was still continued in London for the space of many yeares but secretly euen vntill the time that S. Gregorie sent Augustine hither I finde onely one of them named to wit Theonus who with Thadiocus or Tadiacus of which I haue spoken before in Rochester Bishop of Yorke taking their Clergie with them got them into Wales and Cornewall to the rest of their countrimen whom the Saxons had lately driuen thither this man did not write himselfe Archbishop which is one cause of some controuersie amongst our Historiographers Saint Michaels Cornehill Here lyeth Robert Fabian Alderman and Sheriffe of London who composed a laborious Chronicle of England and France with the monuments and the succession of the Lord Maiors of London and died Anno Dom. 1511. for whom this Epitaph was made now altogether defaced Like as the day his course doth consume And the new morrow springeth againe as fast So man and woman by Natures custome This life to passe at last in earth are cast In ioy and sorrow which here their time doe wast Neuer in one state but in course transitorie So full of change is of this world the glory Hic iacet in tumulo Doctor venerabilis Hugo Dauset olim Rector vere fideique protector M C quater .x. ter ix sit et I sex Aprilisque die ter I V semel I migrat ille Here vndyr was beryed Robart Barnes by name Citizon of London and Mercer of the same And this is written that others may remembyr How godly he departed the twentyth on of Nouembyr ................... Here lyth the body of Iohn Bootes wiff Dissoluyd by deth to her fyrst matter dust Who from the cares of this world departyd her liff The twenty third day of the monyth of August On thowsand fyue hundryd and seuen beyng threescore yeerys old iust Saint Benets Grasse Church Prey for the saulygs of Henry Denne and Ioan his wyf theyr fadyrs theyr modyrs Bredyrs and good frendys and of al Christian saulygs Iesu haue mercy Amen who departyd this lif .... M. cccc.lxxxxi Saint Bartholomewes exchange Vpon an old Tombe the defunct thus seemeth to pray Exte vite principium per te vite remedium In te vite solatium da nobis vite premium Genitor ineffabilis ipsius prolis Paracliti consimilis memento vite fragilis This monument by relation was made to the memorie of Thomas Pike Alderman who with the assistance of Nicholas Yoo one of the Sheriffes of this Citie about the yeare 1438. new builded this Church Hic ..... Willielmus Capel .... Maior Lon ... fil Iohannis Capel ... Neyland in com ... ob ... 1509. Out of this broken Inscription I fynde this whole history how that Sir Richard Empson Knight a Sieue-makers sonne in Tocester and Edmund Dudley Esquire both Lawiers were two instruments for King Henry the seuenth to enrich his and their owne coffers and to empouer●sh the subiects by way of calling the richer sort into question for breach of old moth eaten vnreuiued penall Lawes amongst many others whom they most treacherously abused by a false packt Iurie they scruzed from this Sir William Capell aboue sixteene hundred pounds and some twelue or thirteene yeeres after they were at him againe afresh for two thousand pounds more which because he would not pay he was commanded by Dudley Prisoner to the Tower but by the death of the said King which happened the same yeere he was released both of imprisonment and payment in which yeere he also departed this world in the loue of all good men leauing a great inheritance and an honourable remembrance to his posteritie and not long after Empson and Dudley cater-pillers of the common-wealth hatefull to all good people were beheaded on the Tower hill the 17. of August 1510. leauing behinde them nothing they could dispose of for their heires saue the staine of euerlasting infamie He lyeth here entombed in a Chappell of his owne Foundation he was the sonne of Iohn Capell of Stoke Neyland in the county of Suffolke Saint Bennets Finke O God the father of heauyn which art the euerlastyng lyght Haue mercy on the sowl of me poor Water Knyght Who departyd this lyf the monyth of Ianuary In the yere of my Redemer on M .... and fifty Borne I was in Canterbery in the County of Kent Sonne to on Iohn Knyght and Alyse his wife this is verament And to be short all worldly things to confound Of the Earth I was made and to the Earth I am retournd Within this Parish was the Hospitall of Saint Anthony sometime a cell belonging to Saint Anthonies of Vienna founded by King Henry the third for a Master two Priests one Schoolemaster and twelue poore men the reuenewes of this house were much augmented and the number of the houshold increased by King Henry the sixt and Edward the fourth to which Iohn Tate Mercer was a right bountifull benefactor who was here entombed vnder a faire monument he died Anno 1514. and so was VVater Champion Sheriffe of London 1529. who was here buried The lands by yeare of this Hospitall were valued in the 37. yeare of Henry the eight to be 55 l. sixe shillings 8 d. Stow in his Suruay saith that one Iohnson Schoole-master of this Hospitall and Prebend of Windsor spoiled both the Schoole and Hospitall and the Quire of the Church conuayed away the Plate and ornaments then the Bels
force and myght vigorous The swerde he brought away oute of the felde As Iulius it set faste in his shelde Through whiche stroke Sir Neminus then died And buried was at the North gate certayne Of London then where now is edified London Citee royall of all Britayne Thus this worthy knyght in his graue befayne Crosea mors his swerde layd by his syde Whiche he brought from Iulius that tyde By the testimonie of Iohn Bale this his manly prowesse was embellisht and adorned with all good literature who affirmeth that he writ an excellent Historie of the originall pedigree and progresse of his owne Nation Of yowr cherite sey a Pater Noster and an Ave For the soul of William Pratte somtym of Pekerle On whos soul Iesu haue mercy Saint Helens This was the Church to the Nunnerie founded first by William Basing Deane of Pauls who lieth here buried about the yeare 1212. and afterwards by another William Basing one of the Sheriffes of London in the second yeare of Edward the second augmented both in building and reuenue For which he is also holden to bee a Founder This religious house was dedicated to the honour of Saint Helen and replenished with blacke Nunnes There was a partition betwixt the Nunnes Church and the Parish-Church but now the whole Church belongeth to the Parish It was surrendred the 25. of Nouember the 30. of Henry the 8. being valued at 314. l. 2. s. 6. d. of yearely reuenues Orate pro animabus Iohannis Crosby Militis Ald. atque tempore vite Maioris Staple ville Caleis Agnetis vxoris sue ac Thome Richardi Iohannis Iohannis Margarete Iohanne liberorum eiusdem Iohannis Crosby militis ille obiit 1475 illa 1466. quorum animabus propitietur Deus This Crosby was Sheriffe of London the yeare 1470. He was the builder of Crosby house He gaue fiue hundred Markes towards the reforming of this Church which was bestowed saith Stow with the better As appeareth by his Armes both in the stone-worke roofe of timber and glasing it is a fable said of him to be named Crosby of being found by a Crosse. Not long after the second foundation of this house by William Basing the second I finde one Henry Gloucester Citizen and Goldsmith of London descended by the mothers side from the second Founder to be here interred approued by his last Will and Testament written in the Latine tongue which was vsuall in former times with which for forme and Antiquities sake I thinke it not much amisse to acquaint my Reader In nomine patris silij Spiritus sancti Amen Ego Henricus de Gloucestre ciuis Aurifaber London condo Testamentum meum in hunc modum Lego corpus meum ad sepeliendum apud Sanctam Elenam London vbi priorissa et conuentus eiusdem domus ibidem eligere voluerint Item lego Elisabeth filie mee Moniali eiusdem domus Sancte Elene sex solid Item lego Priorisse et Conuentui Sancte Elene vndecim Marcas Argenti annuatim ad inueniend duos Capellanos Diuina celebrare in eadem Ecclesia Sancte Elene pro anima mea et anima Margarete quondam vxoris mee ac pro animabus Wille●mi patris mei et Willelme matris mee sil Thome de Basings fratris Willelmi de Basings Fundatoris c. Residuum vero lego ad sustentationem Iohannis filij mei Et si idem Iohannes filius meus sine prole obierit integre remaneat Iohanne filie mee et heredibus de corpore suo legitime procreatis Item lego Elisabeth silie me duas Schopas ahenas Item lego Iohanne Adynet nepte mee quinque solidos Dat. et act London die Iouis prox post festum Sancti Andree Apostoli Ann. Dom. 1332. Reg. Regis Ed. 3.6 Probatum fuit hoc presens Testamentum xv Kal. Ianuarij Ann. Dom. 1332. Ann. 6. Ed. 3. Saint Trinities in Leaden-Hall This Chappell was first built by Simon Eyre before remembred who left liuelihood to the Drapers sufficient and withall a charge That they should within one yeare after his decease establish perpetually a Master or Warden fiue secular Priests sixe Clarkes and two Queristers to sing daily diuine Seruice by note in the same for euer which was neuer performed Not long after this in the yeare 1466. Ed. 4.6 William Rouse Iohn R●sby and Thomas Ashby Priests founded a Fraternitie in the same Chappell dedicated to the blessed Trinitie for threescore Priests some of which euery Market day in the forenoone did celebrate diuine Seruice to such Market people as would repaire to prayer The Priory of Christ-Church by Aldgate This Priory was founded by Matilda Queene wife to Henry the first the yeare 1108. for Canons Regular The first Prior hereof was one Norman and he was the first Canon Regular in all England This house was founded saith Stow in the Parishes of Mary Magdalene S. Michael Saint Katherine and the holy Trinitie All which are now but one Parish of Christ-Church in old time called Holy Roode Parish She gaue vnto this Church and those that serued God therein the Port of Aldgate and ●he Soke thereunto belonging with two parts of her rent which she receiued out of the Citie of Exceter It became in processe of time rich in lands and ornaments and passed all the Priories in London This Priory was surrendred to the king in the moneth of Iuly 1532. The Canons were sent to other houses of their owne order and the said Priory with the appurtenances King Henry gaue to Sir Thomas Audley Baron Audley of Walden and Lord Chancellour of England which came by marriage of the Lord Audleies daughter and heire vnto Thomas not long since Duke of Norfolke and was then called the Dukes place The Monuments which sometimes were in this Church are set downe by that laborious Antiquarie Io Stow in his Suruay Saint Dunstans in the East Clausus in hoc tumulo Gulielmus Payne requiescit Quem sacer edituum fouerat iste locus Clarum cui virtus Ars et cui Musica nomen Edwardi quarti Regis in Ede dabat Si tibi sit pietas Tumuli si cura viator Hoc optesilli quod cupis ipse tibi Ob. 1508. Here lieth Clement Towne .... 1540. ... whos obiit shall for euer be observyd in this church and his Masse alwayes vpon the day followyng whos soul and his two wyfs souls Elisabeth and Elisabeth and al their chyldrens souls Iesus take to his glorious mercy Amen Saint Olaues Hart street Qu. A. D. T. D. P. os nguis irus risti ulcedine auit H S M Ch M L As I was so be ye as I am you shall be What I gaue that I haue what I spent that I had Thus I count all my cost what I left that I lost Within this parish was a Friery or Brotherhood founded by Raph Hosiar and William Sabernes Anno 1298. These Friers by their order were called Fratres sanctae crucis Brethren of
the holy crosse so denominated of wearing a Crosse anciently called a Crouch vpon their garments and of bearing the crosse for the badge and Armes of their house This house was valued at the suppression to 52 l. 13 s. 2 d. of annuall profits A Petition to Secretary Cromwell against the Prior of this house a little before the dissolution thereof Pleasethe it your honourable mastoreship to be aduertesid that in the time of Lent last past your continuall orator Iohn Bartelote with others to the number of fiue persons of good conuersation found the Priore of the Crossyd Friores in London at that time being in bed with his whoore both naked about xi of the clocke in the forenoone vpon a Friday at which time the said Priore to the intent his misdemeanour and shamefull fact should not be knowne whereby he should sustaine open shame kneeled vpon his knees and not onely desired your said orator and his company to keepe secret his said act and not to disclose in any wife the same but for the same intent freely and of his owne motion gaue amongst them about xxx l. which he then was possessed of of the which summe your Orator had by the said gift about vii l. And also the said Priore promised to giue amongst the said company xxx l. more by a certaine day and after by mediation of friends of the said Priore the said xxx l. was released to the summe of vi l. which sixe pounds the said Priore bound himselfe to pay to the said Orator by his Bill obligatory at a certaine day in the same limeted Yet this notwithstanding for by cause your said Orator for non paiment of the said vi l. did arrest the said Priore he hath so hainously informed the Lord Chancelour against your Orator that he will onely put him to shewertie making the premisses a hainous Robbery saying openly that your Orator is worthy to be hanged but also will by his high authoritie compell your Orator to repay agen to the said Priore the some of xxx l. vnlesse your most charetable goodnesse bee therein otherwise shewed It may therefore plese your good Mastershipe of your abundant goodnesse to prouide that the premeses may be duly examined according to equitie for this is the very and hole truth in the same And your seid Oratore shall prey to God for your honor and preseruation long to endure By your humble Oratore to his power during his life Iohn Bartelote Saint Katherines by the Tower This was the Church belonging to the Hospitall dedicated to the honour of Saint Katherine founded by Queene Maud the wife of King Stephen and much augmented by Eleanor the wife of King Edward the first and Philip wife to King Edward the third who left to it sufficient liuelihood for a Master 3 Brethren Chaplaines and 3 Sisters tenne poore women and sixe poore Clarkes This house was valued at the generall suppression at 315 l. 14 s. 2 d. per annum Here vnder an Ancient monument ●ouly defaced lieth entombed the body of Iohn Holland Duke of Exceter Earle of Huntington and of Iuory in Normandy Lord of Sparre Admirall of England Ireland and Aquitaine Lieuetenant Generall of the Duchie of Aquitaine Fellow of the honourable order of the Garter and Constable of the Tower of London as he writ in his stile when Henry the fift in the fift of his raigne was to goe ouer into Normandy this puissant Iohn Holland as then but Earle of Huntington was sent before to scoure the seas who meeting with nine Carrickes of Genoa which were going to aide the French King fought with them and sunke sixe of them and tooke the other three with great store of money and treasure and brought them with his prisoners to the King This battaile was fought nere Harflew vpon the fall of the Riuer Seyne into the narrow seas of which an old versifier They faught full sore afore the water of Sayn With Carrickes many well stuffed and arayed And many other shippes great of Hispayn Barges Balyngers and Galleys vnfrayed Whiche proudly came vpon our Shippes vnprayed And by th'euen their sailes aualed were set Their enemies slaine in battayll and sore bet And many dryent were that daye in the Sea That as our flete rode there then alway Vnto the feast next of his Natiuitee The Bodies flete among our Shippes eche daye Full piteous was and to see theim ay That thousandes were twenty as they then told That taken were in that same batayll bold This valiant braue Duke died full of yeares the fift of August in the 25. yeere of King Henry the sixt Anno 1447. Here lye entombed by him his two wiues the first was Anne daughter of Edmund Earle Stafford by his wife Anne the heire of Thomas of Woodstocke Duke of Glocester by whom hee had issue Henry Duke of Exceter She had bin formerly married vnto Edmund Mortimer Earle of March and Vlster I cannot finde the time of her death His second wife here entombed was also Anne daughter of Io. Mountague the third of that name Earle of Salisbury who formerly had bin twise married to Sir Richard Hanckford to Sir Iohn Fitz-Lewis Knights She died the 27 of Nouember 1457. Here lieth likewise entombed the body of Constance sister of the foresaid Iohn Duke of Exceter daughter of Iohn Holland first of that name Duke of Exceter married to Thomas Lord Mowbray the sonne of Thomas who died in banishment Duke of Norfolke Earle of Nottingham and Earle Marshall of England and remarried to Sir Iohn Grey Lord Grey of Ruthin she died the sixteenth of Henry the sixt New Abbey in East-Smithfield Before the foundation of this Abbey there stood in the same place a little Chappell within a Coemitorie or Church-yard dedicated to the honour of God by Raph Stratford Bishop of London wherein were interred innumerable many of such persons as died in the first great Pestilence the 23 of King Edward the third Now the said King liking well this plot of ground and hauing before in a tempest on the sea and perill of drowning made a vow to build a Monastery to the honour of God and our Lady of Grace if God would grant him grace to come safe to land builded here a Monastery wherein he placed white Monkes of the Cistercian order which house at the generall suppression was valued at 546 l. 10 d. yearely The Kings store-house for victuall and for baking of Biskets to serue his Maiesties Ships is built in the same place where this Abbey stood The Minories Here was an Abbey of Nunnes of the order of Saint Clare founded by Blanch Queene of Nauarre and her husband Edmund Earle of Lancaster Leicester and Darby brother to King Edward the first in the yeere 1293. This house was valued to dispend yeerely 418 l. 8 s. 5 d. and was surrendred by Dame Elizabeth Sauage the last Abbesse there vnto King Henry
Rotulorum et Recordorum in Turri London remanentium qui obijt vltimo die Feb. Anno 1523. cuius Clericus paruae Bagiae or Clarke of the Petit Bagge is an Officer in the Chancerie of which sort there be three and the Master of the Rolles is their chiefe Their Office is to record the returne of all Inquisitions out of euery Shire all Liueries granted in the Court of Wards all ouster les maines to make all Patents of Customers Gawgers Controllers and Aulnegers all Conge d'eslires for Bishops all Liberateis vpon extent of Statute Staples the recouery of Recognisances forfeited and all Elegits vpon them the summons of the Nobilitie Clergie and Burgesses of the Parliament Commissions directed to Knights and other of euery shire for seassing of the Subsidies Writs for the nomination of Collectors and all trauerses vpon any Office bill or otherwise and to receiue money duel to the King for the same This Officer is mentioned Anno 33. Hen. 8. cap. 22. and it is like hee had first this denomination and stile of Petie Bagges because hauing to doe with so many Records of diuers kindes as aboue mentioned they were put in sundry leather Bagges which were not so great as the Clarke of the Hamper now vseth and therefore might be called Petits Bagges small or little bagges This Iohn Gyles was also keeper or Clerke of the Rolles and Records in the Tower of London an Office generally well knowne throughout all England the master whereof at this day is that learned Gentleman Sir Iohn Borrowes Knight vnder whom my vnderstanding friend Will. Collet and my industrious country-man Will. Riley alias Rouge-Rose Pursiuant at Armes doe officiate the place Dona requiem miserecordissime Iesu anime famuli tui Laurentij Bartl●t nuper Registrarij Episcopi Lincol. qui obijt ... die octob An. 1470. Quisquis ades vultumque vides sta perlege plora Iuditij memor esto tui tua nam venit hora Sum quod eris fueramque quod es tua posteriora Commemorans miseris miserans pro me precor ora Te mediante tuus viuam post funera seruus Qui te dilexi Michael bene dummodo vixi Non Homo leteris tibi copia si fluat eris Hic non semper eris memor esto quod morieris Corpus putrebit quod habes alter habebit Es euanebit quod agis tecum remanebit The Temple Church The first Founder hereof is not certainely recorded some hold that it was built by Dunwallo Mulmutius about the yeare of the worlds creation 4748 the precincts whereof he made a Sanctuary or a place of refuge for any person therein to be assured of life liberty and limbs of which I haue spoken elsewhere Besides these priuiledges vnto Temples hee constituted diuers good lawes Of which he writ two bookes the one called Statuta municipalia the other Leges iudiciariae which is as much to say as the statute Law and the common Law Cooke Reports 3 part ad Lect. out of Bale cent 1. Hauing reduced his Realme into one Monarchie being before by ciuill warres and dissention seuered and brought into diuers dominions Hee raigned 40. yeares died the yeare of the worlds creation 4768. and was buried in this place with other of the British Kings But it appeareth by this inscription following ouer the Church doore in the stone worke that this holy Structure was newly founded of farre later times and dedicated to the honour of the blessed Virgine yet I thinke it is farre more ancient Anno ab incarnatione Domini M.C.lxxxv dedicata hec Ecclesia in honorem beate Marie a Domino Eraclio dei gratia Sancte Resurrectionis Ecclesie Patriarcha 11 Idus Februarij Qui eam annatim petentibus de iniuncta sibi Penitentia lx dies indulsit Knights Templers were the last Founders of this house which at the first were certaine noble Souldiers religiously bent who bound themselues by vow in the hands of the Patriarke of Ierusalem to serue Christ after the manner of Regular canons in chastitie and obedience and to defend Christian Religion the holy land and Pilgrimes going to visite the Lords Sepulchre they flourished for a time in high reputation for pietie and deuotion but as they increased in wealth so they fell to wickednesse insomuch that in the yeere 1308. all the Templers in England as also in other parts of Christendome were apprehended and committed to diuers Prisons and in the yeare 1312. all their lands were giuen to the Knights Hospitalers of the order of Saint Iohn Baptist called Saint Iohn of Ierusalem as I haue said elsewhere There are in this Temple many very ancient monuments of famous men for out of what respect I know not King Henry the third and many of the Nobility desired much to be buried in this Church shaped in marble armed their legges crosse whose names are not to be gathered by any inscriptions for that time hath worne them out vpon the vpper part of one of their portraitures Camden saith that hee hath read Comes Penbrochie and vpon the side this verse Miles eram Martis Mars multos vicerat armis Of Mars I was a doughty knight Mars vanquisht many a man in fight Vnder which monument lieth William Marshall the elder Earle of Penbroke a most powerfull man in his time being the Kings Marshall Generall of his Armie and Protector of the kingdome in the minority of King Henry the third vntill such time as he the said William died which was in the yeare 1219. 27 die Martij This Epitaph following goes also currant for this glorious and triumphant Earle as an Epitome of his noble vertues Sum quem Saturnum sibi sensit Hibernia Solem Anglia Mercurium Normannia Gallia Martem Irelands Saturne Englands Sunne am I The Mars of France and Normans Mercury or thus Whom Ireland once a Saturne found England a Sunne to be Whom Normandy a Mercury and France Mars I am he This William had fiue sonnes William Richard Gilbert Walter and Anselme all Earles of Penbroke and Marshals of England Here by his father vnder the like monument lieth William the eldest sonne Earle of Penbroke Lord of Strighull Chepstow Caerwent Leigh or Liege Weshford Kildare Ossorie and Carlogh who died the sixt of Aprill 1231. as it is in the booke of Wauerly wherein this Epitaph is made to his memory Militis istius mortem dolet Anglia ridet Wallia viuentis bella minasque timens England laments the death of this braue Knight Wales laughs he liuing did her so affright The Annales of Ireland will haue him to be buried by his brother Richard in the Quire of the Friers Predicants in Kilkennie of whom it was thus written Cuius sub fossa Kilkennia continet Ossa Whose bones bestowed in graue so deep Kilkenny Towne doth safely keep Wheresoeuer he was buried a Martiall braue Earle he was which hee worthily shewed when as he set vpon Lehwellin Prince of Wales
and vowed virginitie cast off all care of hauing issue and exposed the kingdome to the prey of ambitious humours Yet some that would excuse him in this affirme that this holy king was not willing to beget any heires that should succeed him out of a treacherous race Here lieth without any Tombe Maude daughter to Malcolm Camoir king of Scots and wife to king Henry the first who brought vnto him children William Richard and Mary which perished by shipwracke and Maud Empresse who was wise to Henry the fift Emperour She died the first day of May Maij prima dies nostrorum nocte dierum raptam perpetua fecit inesse die 1118. She had an excellent Epigram made to her commendation whereof these foure verses onely remaine Prospera non laetam fecere nec aspera tristem Aspera risus erant prospera terror erant Non decor effecit fragilem non sceptra superbam Sola potens humilis sola pudica decens Thus paraphrastically translated No prosperous state did make her glad Nor aduerse chances made her sad If Fortune frown'd she then did smile If Fortune smil'd she fear'd the while If Beauty tempted she said nay No pride she tooke in Scepters sway She onely high her selfe debast A Lady onely faire and chast She went euery day in the Lent time to this Church bare-foot and bare-legd wearing a garment of haire she would wash and kisse the feet of the poorest people and giue them bountifull Almes For which being reprehended by a Courtier shee gaue him a short answer which I haue out of Robert of Glocester Madame for Goddes love is this wel i doo To handle sich vnclene ●ymmes and to kisse so Foule wolde the kyng thynk if that hit he wiste And ryght wel abyse hym er he your mouth kiste Sur sur qd the Quene be stille why sayste thow so Owr Lord hymself ensample yaf so for to do She founded as I haue said before the Priory of Christ-church within Aldgate and the Hospitall of S. Giles in the Fields She builded the Bridges ouer the Riuer of Lea at Stratford Bow and ouer the little Brooke called Chanelsebridge shee gaue much likewise to the repairing of high-wayes But I will take my leaue of her with these words of Paris Obijt eodem anno Matildis Regina Anglorum cuius corpus apud Westmonasterium quietem sepulturae accepit anima eius se coelum possidere evidentibus signis et miraculis crebris ostendit Here lieth vnder a rich Monument of Porphery adorned with precious stones the body of Henry the third king of England In the fifth yeare of whose raigne and the Saturday next before his second time of Coronation the New worke the old being ruinous and pulled downe of this Church of Westminster was begun To which sacred Edifice this king was a perswader he was the Founder and laid the first stone in the ground-worke of the building The Newerke atte Westmynstre ye kyng tho ganne anone Aftyr hys coronyng and leyde the fyrst stone As if he meant the world should know his intention was to consecrate his future actions to the glory of God He gaue to this Church royall gifts of Copes Iewels and rich vessels and for the holy Reliques of Edward the Confessor he caused a coffin to be made of pure gold and pretious stones and so artificially by the most cunning Goldsmiths that could be gotten that although the matter it was made of was of an inestimable valew tamen Materiam superabat opus yet the workmanship excelled the matter saith Mathew Paris A Prince he was as our histories affirme of greater deuotion then discretion in permitting the depredation of himselfe and his subiects by papall ouerswayings This King saith Robert of Glocester as in worldlich doyng was not hald ful wyse but mor deuout to spiritual things he was euery dey woned to here thre Masses by note Quante innocentie quante patientie quanteque deuotionis et quanti meriti in vita sua erat apud Deum testantur post ipsius mortem miracula subsecuta Of how much integrity of how much patience of how much deuotion and of how much merite he was in his life time before God the miracles which followed after his death doe testifie saith the compendious chronicle of Canterbury He died the 16 of Nouember 1273. when he liued sixty fiue yeares and raigned fiftie sixe yeares and eighteene daies this Epitaph following is annexed to his Tombe Tertius Henricus iacet hic pietatis amicus Ecclesiam strauit istam quam post renouauit Reddet ei munus qui regnat trinus et vnus Tertius Henricus est Templi conditor huius Dulce bellum inexpertis Which is thus Englished by Robert Fabian The frende of pyte and of almesse dede Henry the thyrde whylome of Englande Kyng Who thys Church brake and after hys mede Agayn renewed into this fayre buylding Now resteth in here whiche did so great a thinge He yelde his mede that Lord in Deyite That as one God reygneth in persones thre Henry the thyrde is the buylder of thys Temple War is pleasant to those that haue not tryed it In the additions to Robert of Glocester a Manuscript in the Heralds Office these rimes are written to his remembrance Aftur hym regnyd the thurd Harry A good man and eke an hely In hys tym werrys were full strong And eke mickle stryf in Englond The Batayl of Lewys was than And alsoo the Batayl of Euesham And that tym alsoo ther was The Translacyon of Sent Thomas In hys tym as I vndyrstond Come Freres Menores into thys lond He regnyd Kyng lvi yere And to Westmynstre men hym bere At the head of the foresaid King Henry his sonne Edward surnamed Long-Shanks lieth entombed King of England the first of that Christian name since the Conquest and as he was the first of his name so was he the first that setled the law and state deseruing the stile of Englands Iustinian and freed this kingdome from the wardship of the Peeres shewing himselfe in all his actions after capable to command not the Realme onely but the whole world At the time of his Fathers death he was abroad in Palestine pursuing his high desires for the Holy Warres and after sixe yeares from his first setting out he returnes into England receiues the Crowne without which he had beene a King almost three yeares at the hands of Robert Archbishop of Canterbury and with him is Eleanor his vertuous Queene likewise crowned at Westminster To the which their magnificent pompous Coronations the presence of Alexander King of Scotland who had married Margaret his eldest sister was required as appeares by this Record following Rex dilectis et fidelibus suis Iohanni Louetot et Galfrido de Newbald Custodibus Episcopatus Deunelm Salutem Mandamus vobis quod de primis denarijs prouenientibus de exitibus Episcopatus predicti habere faciatis Alexandro
whencesoeuer he come or for what offence or cause it be either for his refuge into the said holy place he be assured of his life liberty and limbes And ouer this I forbid vnder the paine of euerlasting damnation that no Minister of mine or of my Successours intermeddle them with any the goods lands or possessions of the said persons taking the said Sanctuary for I haue taken their goods and liuelode into my speciall protection and therefore I grant to euery each of them in as much as my terrestriall power may suffice all manner freedome of ioyous liberty and whosoeuer presumes or doth contrary to this my Grant I will he lose his name worship dignitie and power And that with the great traytor Iudas that betrayed our Sauiour he be in the euerlasting fire of hell And I will and ordaine that this my grant endure as long as there remaineth in England either loue or dread of Christian name King Edward the third built in the little Sanctuarie a Clochard of stone and timber and placed therein three bells for the vse of Saint Stephens Chappell About the biggest Bell was engrauen or cast in the mettall these words King Edward made mee thirtie thousand weight and three Take mee downe and wey mee and more you shall fynd mee But these Bells being to be taken downe in the raigne of King Henry the eight one writes vnderneath with a coale But Henry the eight will bait me of my weight In the Steeple of the great Church in the Citie of Roane in Normandy is one great Bell with the like Inscription Ie suis George de Ambios Qui trente cinque mille pois Mes lui qui me pesera Trente six mill me trouera I am George of Ambois Thirtie five thousand in pois But he that shall weigh me Thirtie six thousand shall find mee One lately hauing taken view of the Sepulchres of so many Kings Nobles and other eminent persons interred in this Abbey of Westminster made these rimes following which he called A Memento for Mortalitie Mortalitie behold and feare What a change of flesh is here Thinke how many royall bones Sleepe within this heape of stones Hence remou'd from beds of ease Daintie ●are and what might please Fretted roofes and costlie showes To a roofe that flats the nose Which proclaimes all flesh is grasse How the worlds faire Glories passe That there is no trust in Health In youth in age in Greatnesse wealth For if such could haue repriu'd Those had beene immortall liu'd Know from this the worlds a snare How that greatnesse is but care How all pleasures are but paine And how short they do remaine For here they lye had Realmes and Lands That now want strength to stirre their hands Where from their pulpits seel'd with dust They preach In Greatnesse is no trust Here 's an Aker sowne indeed With the richest royall seed That the earth did ere sucke in Since the first man dy'd for sin Here the bones of birth haue cry'd Though Gods they were as men haue dy'd Here are sands ignoble things Dropt from the ruin'd sides of Kings With whom the poore mans earth being showne The difference is not easily knowne Her 's a world of pompe and state Forgotten dead disconsolate Thinke then this Sithe that mowes downe kings Exempts no meaner mortall things Then bid the wanton Lady tread Amid these mazes of the dead And these truly vnderstood More shall coole and quench the blood Then her many sports a day And her nightly wanton play Bid her paint till day of doome To this fauour she must come Bid the Merchant gather wealth The vsurer exact by stealth The proud man beate it from his thought Yet to this shape all must be brought Chappell of our Lady in the Piew Neare vnto the Chappell of Saint Stephen was sometime a smaller Chappell called our Lady of the Piew but by whom first founded I cannot finde To this Lady great offerings were vsed to be made Richard the second after the ouerthrow of Wat. Tilar as I haue read and other the Rebels in the fourth of his raigne went to Westminster and there giuing thankes to God for his victory made his offering in this Chappell By the negligence of a Scholler forgetting to put forth the Lights of this Chappell the Image of our Lady richly decked with Iewels precious stones Pearles and Rings more then any Ieweller saith he could iudge the price was with all the apparell and ornaments belonging thereunto as also the Chappell it selfe burnt to ashes It was againe reedified by Antony Wid●uile Earle Riuers Lord Scales Vncle and Gouernour to the Prince of Wales that should haue beene King Edward the fifth Who was vniustly beheaded at Pomfret by the procurement of Richard Crook-backe Duke of Glocester then Lord Protectour the 13. of Iune 1483. Saint Margaret in Westminster Adioyning on the North side of the Abbey standeth Saint Margarets the Parish Church of the Citie of Westminster reedified for the most in the raigne of King Edward the fourth especially the South Isle from the piety of the Lady Marye Billing and her second husband Sir Thomas Billing chief Iustice of England in that Kings time Whose Monument with that to the memorie of her first husband William Cotton Esquire I haue here expressed Here lieth Dame Mary Bylling late wife to Sir Thomas Bylling Knight chiefe Iustice of England and to William Coton and Thomas Lacy which Mary died the 14 day of March in the yeare of our Lord God 1499. Blessed Lady c. haue mercy c. Ant Mary gratia plena on me haue mercy on me haue mercy Ecce ancila dom Fiat 〈…〉 secund uerbu tuū 〈…〉 〈…〉 The inheritance of this Lady was the Lordship of Connington in Huntingtonshire The seate once of Turketell the Dane Earle of the East Angles who inuited ouer Swain King of Denmarke to inuade this kingdome He exi●'d with most of his Nation by Saint Edmond the Confessor This his seate with other his large possessions were giuen by the same King to Walth●o● Earle of Northumberland and Huntington to whom the first William gaue in marriage the Lady Iudithe his sisters daughter This Lordship with the Earledome of Huntington by the marriage of Mary that Earles daughter to Dauid the sonne of the first Malcolme King of Scots and the holy Margaret his wife Neece to Edward the King Confessor Grandchilde to Edmond surnamed Ironside King of the English Saxons and sister and heire to Edgar surnamed Ethelinge by which marriage the Stemme Royall of the Saxons became vnited into the bloud Royall of the Scottish Kings in whose male lyne that Earldome and this Lordship continued vntill Isabell the daughter and heire of Dauid Earle of Huntington and brother to Malcome William and Alexander successiue Kings of that kingdome brought them both by her marriage to Robert de Brus into that family She leauing the iust clayme of the Crowne of Scotland to Robert her eldest sonne whose sonne
Cromwell and shewed vnto him the occasions of her commyng and of my sendings vntyll hir againe The first tyme she came vnto my house vnsent for of my partye and then she tolde me that she hadde bene with your grace and that she hadde shewed vnto you a reuelation which she hadde from Almighty God your grace I hope will not be displeased with this my rehearsall thereof She sayd that if your grace went forth with the purpose that ye intended ye shold not be King of England seuen moneths after I conceaued not by theis wordes I take it vpon my soule that any malice or euill was intended or ment vnto your highnes by any mor all man butt oonly that thei were the threattes of God as she than did affirme And though thei were feaned that as I wold be saued was to me vnknowen I neuer counsailled hir vnto that feanyng not was privaye thervnto nor to any such purposes as it is now sayd thei went aboute Neuerthelesse if she hadde told me this Reuelation and hadde not alsoo told me that she hadde reported the same vnto your grace I hadde bene verylie farre to blame and worthy extreame punyshment for not disclosing the same vnto your highenes or else to some of your counsaill But sithen she did assure me therewith that she hadde playnelye told vnto your grace the same thynge I thought doubtlesse that your grace wold haue suspected me that I had commyn to renewe hir tale agayne vnto yow rather for the confermyng of myn opinion than for any other cause I beseech your highenes to take no displeasor with me for this that I will saye It stykketh yet moost graciouse Soueraygne in my hart to my no little heuynesse youre greeuous letters and after that youre moost fearfull wordes that your grace hadde vnto me for shewyng vnto yow my mynde and opinion in the same matter Notwithstandyng that your highnesse hadde soo often and soo straytly commanded me to serch for the same before And for this cause I was right loth to haue comyn vnto your grace agayne with such a tale pertayning to that matter Meny other considerations I hadde but this was the very cause why that I came not vnto your grace For in good faith I dradde lest I shold therby haue prouoked your grace to farther displeasor agaynste me My Lord of Canterbury also which was your great Counsaillor told me that she hadde bene with your grace and hadde shewed yow this same matter and of hym as I will answeare before God I learned greatter thynges of her pretensed visions than she told me herselfe And at that same tyme I shewede vnto hym that she hadde bene with me and told me as I haue written before I trust now that your excellent wisdome and learnynge seeth there ys in me no defawte for not reuelynge of hir wordes vnto your grace whan she hir selfe did affirme vnto me that she hadde soo done and my Lord of Canterbury that then was confermed alsoo the same Wherfore moost graciouse Soueraygne Lord in my most humble wise I besech your highenes to dimisse me of this trouble whereby I shall the more quietly serue God and the more effectually pray for your grace This if there were a right great offence in me shold be to your merite to pardon but much rather taking the case as it is I trust veryly yow will so doo Now my body is mvch weakened with meny diseases and infirmities and my soule is much inquieted by this trouble so that my harte is more withdrawen from God and fro the deuotion of prayer than I wold And veryly I thinke that my lyve may not long continewe Wherfore estsoones I besech your moost gracious highenes that by your charytable goodnes I may be deliuered of this besynesse and onely to prepare my soule to God and to make itt ready agaynst the commyng of death and no moore to come abroode in the world This mooste graciouse Soueraigne Lord I besech your highenes by all the singular and excellent endewments of your most noble bodie and sowle and for the loue of Christ Iesu that soo dearly with his moost preciouse bloode redeamed yowr and myn And duryng my lyue I shall not cease as I am bownden and yett now the more entearly to make my praier to God for the preseruation of your most royall Maiestie At Rochester the xxvii day of February Your most humble Beadman and subiect Io. Roffe He writ likewise to the high Court of Parliament then sitting to the same effect but before this businesse was fully finished another came vpon him which was the oath of Supremacie the refusing whereof being tendered was adiudged high treason This oath or some part of it he denies whereupon he is committed to the Tower from whence he thus writes to Cromwell After my most humble commendations where as ye couet that I should write vnto the Kings Highnesse in good faith I dread mee that I cannot be soo circumspect in my writing but that sum word shall escape me wherwith his grace shall be moued to sum further displeasure against me wherof I wold be veray sory For as I will answer by for God I wold not in any manner of poynte offend his grace my duty saued vnto God whom I must in euery thyng prefer And for this consideration I am full loth and full of feare to wryte vnto his highnesse in this matter Neuerthelesse sythen I conceyue that it is your mynd that I shall soo doo I will endeuor mee to the best that I can But first here I must beseech yow gode master Secretary to call to yowr remembrance that at my last being befor yow and the other Commissioners for taking of the othe concerning the Kings most noble succession I was content to be sworne vnto that parcell concerning the succession And there I did rehearse this reason whiche I sade moued mee I dowted not but that the Prynce of eny Realme with th' assent of his nobles and commons myght appoynte for his succession Royall such an order as was seen vnto his wysdom most accordyng And for this reason I sade that I was content to be sworne vnto that parte of the othe as concernyng the succession This is veray trowth as God help my sowl at my most neede Albeit I refused to swear to some other parcels bycause that my conscience wold not serue me so to doo Furthermor I byseche yow to be gode master vnto me in my necessitie for I haue nether Shirt nor Sute nor yet other clothes that ar necessary for me to wear but that bee ragged and torne to shamefully Notwithstandyng I myghte easily suffer that if thei wold keep my body warm But my dyett allso God knowes how slender itt is att meny tymes And now in myn age my stomake may not away but with a few kynd of meats which if I want I decay forthwith and fall into coffes and diseases of my body and cannot keepe my self
preamble of the said Oath which I haue touched before of which Cranmer Archbishop of Canterburie thus deliuers his opinion by his letter to Secretarie Cromwell if I now digresse I craue a fauourable construction Right worshipfull Maister Cromwell after most harty commendations c. I doubte not but you do right well remembre that my Lord of Rochester and master More were contented to bee sworne to the Actt of the Kings succession but not to the preamble of the same what was the cause of thair refusall thereof I am vncertaine and they wolde by no meanes expresse the same Neuerthelesse it must nedis be either the diminution of the authoritie of the Bishop of Rome or ells the reprobation of the Kings first pretensed matrimony But if they doe obstinately persiste in thair opinions of the preamble yet me semeth it scholde not be refused if thay will be sworne to the veray acte of succession so that thay will be sworne to mayntene the same against all powers and Potentates For hereby shall be a great occasion to satisfie the Princesse Dowager and the Lady Mary which doe thinke that they sholde dampne thair sowles if thay sholde abandon and relinquish thair astats And not only it sholde stop the mouthes of thaym but also of th'emperour and other tha●r friends if thay giue as much credence to my Lord of Rochester and master More spekyng or doinge against thaym as they hitherto haue done and thought that all other sholde haue done whan they spake and did with thaym And peraduenture it sholde be a good quietation to many other within this Realme if such men sholde say that the succession comprised within the said acte is good and according to Gods lawes For than I thinke there is not one within this Reaulme that wolde ones reclaime against it And where as diuers persones either of a wilfulnesse will not or of an indurate and inuertible conscience can not altre from thair opinions of the Kings first pretensed marriage wherein they haue ones said their minds and percase haue a perswasion in their heads that if they sholde now vary therfrome their fame and estimation were distained for euer or else of the authoritie of the Busschope of Rome yet if all the Reaulme with one accord wolde apprehend the said succession in my iudgement it is a thing to be amplected and imbraced which thing although I trust surely in God that it shall bee brought to passe yet hereunto might not a little auaile the consent and othes of theis two persones the Busshope of Rochester and Maister More with thair adherents or rather confederats And if the Kings pleasure so were thair sayd othes myght be suppressed but whan and where his highnes might take some commoditie by the publyshinge of the same Thus our Lord haue you euer in his conseruation From my Maner at Croydon the xvii day of Aprill Your own assured euer Thomas Cantuar. Here in this letter is to be seene the wisedome and policie of this prudent Archbishop who could make such auaileable vse to the state of the strong opinion which most men conceiued of the profound iudgement of these two persons This Sir Thomas More was pregnant of wit eloquent wise and learned as by his bookes still extant doth appeare and besides those mentioned by Bale which we haue in print During the time of his imprisonment which was foureteene moneths saith Pitseus he writ an historicall exposition of the Passion of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ according to the foure Euangelists Which I can hardly beleeue for I finde that when he was in prison his bookes and all his papers were taken away from him Whereupon he shut vp his Chamber-windowes saying When the wares are gone and the tooles taken away we must shut vp shop Thus would he lose his light before he would lose his iest for that he would neuer lose nor leaue off vpon the least occasion offered vntill he had lost his head He was twice married first saith Erasmus his intimate deare friend Virginem daxit admodum puellam claro genere natam He married a Maide very young borne of a noble Familie whom he tooke care to haue instructed in all good literature and to be expert in all sorts of Musicke by her he had foure children one Sonne named Iohn and three daughters Margaret Alice or Aloysia and Cicely God saith Leland that reuerend Antiquarie that liued in his dayes extraordinarily blessed these his children and namely his three daughters to whom he had giuen an admirable dexteritie in the science of Songs and Arts which he noteth in this his learned Epigram Desine facundas nimium laudare diserti Natas Hortensi maxima Roma tui Candida tres charites nam Mori cura politi Obscurant multis nomina vestra modis Non illis studium Milesia vellera dextra Carpere non facili ducere fila manu Sed innat eloquij crebro monumenta latini Versare doctis pingere verba notis Nec minus authores Graecos euoluere Homerum Et quem dicendi gloria prima manet Vt nec Aristotelis dicam quo pectore libros Scrutentur sophiae mystica dona deae Turpe viris posthac erit ignorare Mineruae Artes grex adeo quas muliebris amet His second wife was a widow of whom he was wont to say that she was nec bella nec puella Who as she was a good huswife so was she not voide of the fault that often followeth that vertue somewhat shrewd to her seruants Vpon a time Sir Thomas found fault with her continuall chiding saying If that nothing would reclaime her yet the consideration of the time for it was Lent should restraine her Tush tush my Lord said she looke here is one steppe to heauen-ward shewing him a Friers girdle I feare me said he this one steppe will not bring you vp a steppe higher One day when she came from shrift she said merrily to her husband Be merry Sir Thomas for this day was I well shriuen I thanke God and purpose now therefore to leaue off all my old shrewdnesse Yea quoth he and to begin afresh This man thus much giuen to a certaine pleasure in harmlesse mirth facetious iests and present wittie answers was wonderfull zealous in Religion and deuout in so much that diuers times in his Chancellourship he would put on a Surplise and helpe the Priest to say and sing diuine Seruice for which being reprehended by Thomas Duke of Norfolke who told him that it was a dishonour to the King that the Lord Chancellor of England should be a Parish Clerke Hee thus answered Now truly my Lord I thinke and verily beleeue that when the King shall heare of the care I haue both to serue his Master and mine he will accept and take me for a faithfull Seruant Which he might well say for vpon his first comming to his seruice the King gaue him this godly lesson First looke vnto
God and then after vnto me Vpon which religious and Princely lesson he grounds a reason and pleads a libertie to vse his owne proper conscience in the Kings most weightie affaires as you may perceiue by this part of a letter following written to Cromwell Right worshipfull c. it pleased the Kyngs highnes to send me in the companie of my Lord of London now of Duresme in embassiate aboute the Peace that at our being there was concluded at Cameray betwene his highnes and themperour and the French Kyng And after my comyng home his highnes of his onely goodnes as far my vnworthy I was thereto made me as you well knowe his Chauncelor of this Realme sone after which time his grace moued me agayne yit-eftsonys to loke and considre his great matter and well and indifferently to pondre such things as I should fynde therin And if it so were that therevpon it shoulde happen me to se such things as sholde persuade me to that parte hee wolde gladly vse me among other of his Counsailors in that matter neuerthelesse gracyousely declared vnto me that he wolde in no wise that I sholde other thing do or say therin than vpon that that I shold perceiue myn owne conscience shold serue me and that I sholde fyrst loke vnto God and after God vnto hym Which moost gratiouse wordys was the fyrst lesson also that euer his grace gaue me at my fyrst comyng into his noble servyce c. This learned Chancellour with much labour and earnest suite to the King got leaue to leaue his office before hee had continued therein fully three yeares Vpon his last speech to his three daughters and to the people present at his decollation thus one writes Ne lugete meo confusae funere natae Ipse ego mutari non mea fata velim Truncum terra teget si Rex non abnuet vrnam Et mea iam terris nomina nota volant Libera mens superos repetet neque seruiet vnquam In partem hanc quod agat nulla securis habet Tu quoque spectator tranquillum si cupis ae●um Exigere letho fortior esse tuo Qui tibi membra cadan● nullo in discrimine pone Quum sint naturae lege caduca suae Another of his death by way of Dialogue thus Hospes Quis iacet hic truncus cuius caput ense rescissum est Quae natat in tetro sanguine canities Ciuis Hic est ille Thomas Morus sic fata rependunt Tristia multa bonis bona multa malis Hospes Quae circumsistunt Diuae lugubre cadauer Diua tenax veri sancta Fides Nemesis Ciuis Harum prima odij caussa fuit altera mortis Vltrix iniustae tertia caedis erat Anno Domini M. Non. Iulij Thus much of Sir Thomas More in this place you may know more of him hereafter by his Epitaph in Chelsey Church Cromwell surnamed the great whom Wolsey first raised from the forge to eminent good fortunes whom Henry the eight vsed as his instrument to suppresse the Popes supremacie and to dissolue religious Structures whom he aduanced to the highest pitch of honour and authoritie whom he cast downe suddenly and bereft both of life and dignitie lies here interred He followed the same steps to the same Stage vpon the said Tower-hill and acted there the same part which his two friends More and Fisher had done before him and that within fiue yeares after This Cromwell this pillar of the State was borne in Putney a Village in Surrey by Thames side foure miles distant from London hee was sonne to a Blacksmith in his later dayes a Bruer Whose mother after his fathers decease was remarried to a Shereman Of whose birth a late writer thus sings Putney the place made blessed by my birth Whose meanest cottage simply me did shrowd To me as dearest of the English Earth So of my bringing that poore village proud Though in a time when neuer lesse the dearth Of happie wits yet mine so well allow'd That with the best she boldlie durst prefer Me that my breath acknowledged from her He was a man of an actiue and forward ripenesse of nature ready and pregnant of wit discreet and well aduised in iudgement eloquent of tongue faithfull and diligent in seruice of an incomparable memory of a reaching politicke head and of a noble and vndaunted spirit Whose good parts being perceiued by Cardinal Wolsey he took him straight into his seruice made him his Sollicitor and emploied him in matters of great importance after whose fall hee was presently aduanced to the Kings seruice wherein he so industriously and wisely demeaned himselfe as that he was thought worthie by the said King to haue the ordering of all weightie affaires Whereupon at seuerall times he heaped these seuerall offices and honours vpon him he made him Master of his Iewell-house Baron Cromwell of Okeham principall Secretarie Master of the Rolles Chancellour of the Exchequer Keeper of the priuie Seale Iustice of the Forrests and Chases from the Riuer of Trent Northward great Chamberlaine of England Earle of Essex Knight of the Garter Vicegerent or Vicar generall Of which my fore remembred friend thus writes For first from knighthood rising in degree The Office of the Iewell-house my lot After the Rolles he frankly gaue to me From whence a priuie Counsellor I got Then of the Garter and then Earle to be Of Essex yet sufficient these were not But to the great Vicegerencie I grew Being a title as supreme as new Thus Fortune raised him a short time for a sudden fall For vpon the eighteenth day of Aprill 1540. hee was inuested with the honour of the Earledome of Essex and high Chamberlainship of England vpon which day the King also made his sonne Gregory Lord Cromwell Vpon the ninth of Iuly next and immediately following being enuied of many for his honour and authoritie he was suddenly arrested in the Councell-chamber and committed to the Tower vpon the nineteenth of the said moneth he was attainted by Parliament of heresie and high Treason and vpon the 28. of the said moneth hee was beheaded on the Tower-hill More succinctly thus his precipitate downfall is versified The Councell-chamber place of my arrest Where chiefe I was when greatest was the store And had my speeches noted of the best That did them as high Oracles adore A Parliament was lastly my Enquest That was my selfe a Parliament before The Tower hill Scaffold last I did ascend Thus the great'st man of England made his end And such bloudie ends most men haue who are busie managers of the greatest matters He was condemned to death and yet neuer came to his answere by an act as it is said which he himselfe caused to be made of which my fore-remembred Author M. Drayton Those lawes I made my selfe alone to please To giue me power more freely to my will Euen to my equals hurtfull sundrie waies Forced
of the pot There hath also beene found in the same field diuers coffins of stone containing the bones of men these I suppose to be the burials of some speciall persons in time of the Brittaines or Saxons Moreouer there were also found the sculls and bones of men without coffins or rather whose coffines being of great timber were consumed Diuers great Nailes of Iron were there found such as are vsed in the wheeles of shod carts being each of them as bigge as a mans finger and a quarter of a yard the heads two inches ouer Those Nailes were more wondred at then the rest of the things there found and many opinions of men were there vttered of them namely that the men there buried were murthered by driuing those Nailes into their heads a thing vnlikely for a smaller Naile would more aptly serue to so bad a purpose and a more secret place would lightly be imployed for such buriall But to set downe what I obserued concerning this matter I there beheld the bones of a man lying as I noted the head North the feet South and round about him as thwart his head along both his sides and thwart his feet such Nailes were found Wherefore I coniectured them to be Nailes of his coffin Which had beene a trough cut out of some great tree and the same couered with a planke of a great thicknesse fastened with such Nailes and therefore I caused some of the Nailes to be reached vp to 〈◊〉 found vnder the broad heads of them the old wood ●eane turned into earth but still retaining both the graine and proper colour Of these Nailes with the wood vnder the head thereof I reserued one as also the 〈◊〉 bone of the man the teeth being great sound and fixed which amongst many other Monuments there found I haue yet to shew but the nayle lying dry is by scaling greatly wasted And thus much of ancient Funerall Monuments in the fields Certaine Burials of British Kings in and about London the places of their interments vncertaine And first to begin with Guentoline the sonne of Gurgunstus King of Britaine who flourished about the yeare of the world 3614. Who was a wise Prince graue in counsell and sober in behauiour and studied with great care and diligence to reforme anew and to adorne with iustice lawes and good orders the British commonwealth by other Kings not so framed as stood with the greatnesse thereof But as he was busie in hand herewith death tooke him away from these worldly employments when hee had raigned 27. yeares He had a wife named Martia Proba a woman of perfect beautie and wisedome incomparable as by her prudent gouernment and equall administration of iustice after her husbands decease during her sonnes minoritie it most manifestly appeared She was a woman expert and skilfull in diuers sciences but chiefely being admitted to the gouernment of the Realme she studied to preserue the common wealth in good quiet and decent order and therefore deuised established and writ a booke in the British tongue of profitable and conuenient Lawes the which after her name were called Martian Lawes These Lawes afterwards Gildas Cambrius the Historicall Welch Poet translated into Latine and a long time after him Alured King of the West Saxons holding these lawes necessarie for the preseruation of the common wealth put them into English Saxon speech and then they were called after that translation Marchenclagh that is to meane the Lawes of Martia adding thereunto a Booke of his owne writing of the Lawes of England which he called A certaine Breuiarie extracted out of diuers Lawes of the Troians Grecians Britaines Saxons and Danes She flourished before the birth of our Lord and Sauiour 348. yeares or thereabouts Her sonnes name was Sicilius who vpon the death of his Father was but young for I reade that Martia his mother deliuered vp the gouernment of the kingdome to her sonne when he came to lawfull age which she had right politiquely guided and highly for her perpetuall renowne and commendation the space of fourteene yeares He died when hee had raigned seuen yeares some say fifteene yeares Of Bladud king of Britaine the sonne of Lud hurdibras many incredible passages are deliuered by our old British writers and followed by sundrie Authors of succeeding ages which say that he was so well seene in the Sciences of Astronomie and Necromancie that thereby hee made the hote springs in the Citie of Bathe that he built the Citie of Bathe that he went to Athens and brought with him foure Philosophers and by them instituted an Vniuersitie at Stanford in Lincolnshire And further to shew his Art and cunning that he tooke vpon him to flie into the aire and that hee broke his necke by a fall from the Temple of Apollo in Troynouant before the incarnation of Christ 852. yeares in the twentieth yeare of his raigne Geffrey of Monmouth and Mathew of Westminster would approue as much as here is spoken of him And learned Selden in his Illustrations vpon Draytons Polyolbion sets downe an ancient fragment of rimes wherein these strange things of him are exprest But of him here in this place will it please you take a peece out of Harding and you shall haue more hereafter Bladud his sonne after him did succede And reigned after then full xx yere Cair Bladud so that now is Bath I rede He made anone the hote bathes there infere When at Athens he had studied clere He brought with hym iiii Philosophers wise Schole to hold in Brytaine and exercyse Stanforde he made that Stanforde hight this daye In which he made an Vniuersitee His Philosophers as Merlin doth saye Had scholers fele of grete habilitee Studyng euer alwaye in vnitee In all the seuen liberall science For to purchase wysedome and sapience In Cair Bladim he made a temple right And sette a Flamyne therein to gouerne And afterward a Fetherham he dight To flye with winges as he could best discerne Aboue the aire nothyng him to werne He flyed on high to the temple Apoline And ther brake his necke for all his grete doctrine Likewise the vncertaine buriall of Vortimer that victorious British king was in some part of this Citie he was the eldest sonne of Vortigern king of the Britaines and raigned as king in his fathers dayes who demeaned himselfe towards his sonne then his Soueraigne in all dutifull obedience and faithfull counsell for the space of foure yeares euen vntill Vortimer was poysoned by the subtiltie of Rowena the heathen daughter of Hengist the Saxon the wife or concubine of his Brother and the mother of the Britaines mischiefe which happened about the yeare of Grace 464. This Vortimer was a man of great valour which altogether he employed for the redresse of his countrey according to the testimonie of William Malmesbury whose words are these Vortimer saith he thinking not good to dissemble the matter for that he saw himselfe and countrey daily
Prynces in pease most amate In Grece Archbyshop elected worthely And last of Carlyel rulyng pastorally Kepyng nobyl Houshold wyth grete Hospitality On thowsand fyve hundryd thirty and sevyn Invyterate wyth pastoral carys consumyd wyth age The nintenth of Iun reckonyd ful evyn Passyd to hevyn from worldly pylgr●mage Of whos soul good pepul of cherite Prey as ye wold be preyd for for thus must ye lie Iesu mercy Lady help Here lieth Sir Henry Collet knight twise Maior of London who died in the yere of our redemption 1510. This H●nry was sonne to Robert Collet of Wendouer in Buckinghamshire and father to Iohn Collet Deane of Pauls in the first time of his Maioraltie the Crosse in Cheape-side was new builded in that beautifull manner as it now standeth Richardus iacet hic venerabilis ille Decanus Qui fuit etatis doctus Apollo sue Eloquio forma ingenio virtutibus arte Nobilis eternum viuere dignus erat Consilio bonus ingenio fuit vtilis acri Facunda eloquij dexteritate potens Non rigidus non ore minax affabilis omni Tempore seu puero seu loquerere sexi Nulli vnquam nocuit multos adiuvit omnes Officij studuit demeruisse bonos Tantus hic et talis ne non deleatur ademptus Flent Muse et laceris mesta Minerua comis Obijt anno 1532. etat circiter 40. This Pace succeeded Collet in the Deanrie of Pauls a man highlie in fauour with king Henry the eight by whom he was employed as Embassadour to Maximilian the Germane Emperour as also to Rome in the behalfe of Cardinall Wol●ey who stood in election for the Popedome Hee writ diuers learned treatises yet extant Nam vir erat saith Bale viriusque literaturae peritia praeditus Nemo ingenio candidior aut humanitate amicitior He was a right worthie man and one that gaue in counsell faithfull adu●ce learned he was also and indued with many excellent good gifts of nature curteous pleas●nt and delighting in Musicke highlie in the Kingsfauour and well heard in matters of weight Here was I borne and here I make myne end Though I was Citizen and Grocer of London And to the office of Schrevalty did ascend But things transitorie passe and vanische sone To God be geeuen thanks if that I haue ought done That to his honowre and to the bringing vp of youth And to the succowre of the Age for sewerly this is soth By Avise my wyff children were left me non Which we both did take as God had it sent And fixed our myndes that ioyntly in on To releue the poore by mutuall consent Now mercifull Iesu which hast assystyd owre intent Have mercy on owre sowles and as for the residew If it be thy will thou mayst owre Act continew Vpon the same marble these verses following The fyve and twentyth day of this monyth of Septembyr And of owre Lord God the fifteenth hundryd and fowrty yeere Master Nicholas Gibson dyde as this tombe doth remembyr Whose wyff aftyr maryed the worschypful Esquier Master William Kneuet on of the kings privy chamber Much for his time also did he endeuer To make this Act to continew for euer This pious act here mentioned in this Epitaph is a free-Schoole founded at Radcliffe in this Parish by the said Nicholas and Avise for the instruction of threescore poore mens children by a Schoolemaster and an Vsher with an Almeshouse for fourteene poore aged persons and this Foundation continues to this day Saint Leonards in Stratford Bow This religious structure was sometime a Monasterie replenished with white Monkes dedicated to the honour of our alone Sauiour Iesus Christ and Saint Leonard founded by King Henry the second in the 23. yeare of his raigne And valued at the suppression to be yearely worth an hundred one and twenty pounds sixteene shillings In this Abbey Church sometime lay entombed the body of Iohn de Bohun eldest sonne and heire of Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex Which Iohn de Bohun to vse the words of Milles in his Catalogue of Hereford Earles after the death of his father Humfrey was fifth Earle of Hereford Constable of England and Patron of the Abbey of Lanthony fourth Earle of Essex of that Surname and fifth Lord of Brecknock Because this Earle Iohn in regard of his weaknesse of body by a continuall sicknesse was not able to performe this office of the Constableship of England Edward the third at this Earles intreatie did substitute Edward Bohun the Earles younger brother Vice-Constable vnder him for the tearme of his life But Earle Iohn died at Kirby Thore the 20. of Ianuary vpon Saint Fabian and Sebastians day 1136. the tenth of Edward the third leauing no issue and was buried at Stratford Abbey not farre from London This Iohn married first Alice the daughter of Edmund Fitz-alan Earle of Arundell who died in childbed and was buried at Walden with her Infant sonne after it was christened His second wife was Margaret daughter of Raphe Lord Basset of Dr●yton a Baron of the best ranke in those dayes by whom hee had no issue Hertfordshire For Ecclesiasticall gouernment onely some part of this Shire belongeth to the Diocesse of London the rest to the Bishopricke of Lincolne Now because the Bishop of Lincolne hath so large a Territorie vnder his iurisdiction I w●ll be so bold as to borrow a few Funerall Inscriptions which I haue collected in this County and within his charge and imprint them with those which are properly for London Diocesse Alhallowes in the Towne of Hertford Off yowr cherity prayeth to God and Alhalwin hertely For Ser Ion Chappilaine somtym of yis plas Vicary Almighty Iesu resseve his sowl to grase and mercy Icy gist Isabele Newmarche iadis Damosele a tres●oble Dame Isabele Roigne d' Engletere This Isabell Newmarch or de nouo Mercatu a name of great reputation in the raigne of King Henry the third was Maide of Honour to that Isabell Queene of England who was second wife to Richard the second daughter of Charles the sixth King of France Hic iacet Lodouicus Baysbury Capell Henrici sexti ac Prebend Ecclesie Cathedral Lincoln .... M. ccccxxviii Here lyeth vndyr this ston William Wake And by him Ione his wyff and Make Somtym yeman of Iohn Duc of Bedfords hors And lat Survayor wyth king Henry the sixt he was Gentylman mad he was at the holy Grav On qwos sowls Almyghty God mercy hav Hic iacet Iohannes Prest quondam Ianitor Hospitii Katherine nuper Regine Anglie ....... This Priest was Porter to that Katherine Queene of England who was the onely wife of that inuincible Conquerour of France Henry the fifth and daughter of Charles the sonne of Charles aforesaid King of France Saint Nicholas Hic iacet Alicia Tymyslow quondam Dominella Domine Ducisse Lankastrie que obiit 17 Septemb. 1396. This faire yong waiting Chamber-maid for so much the word
imports was seruant to Katherine Swinford the third wife of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Hic iacet Iohannes de Chandry quondam Nolettus Domini Ducis Lankastrie .... This mans office vnder the Duke of Lancaster was to ring as I take it the Sance or sacring Bell. Hic iacet Richardus Pynere quondam Botelere cum Regina Anglie qui obitt xxii Ianuar. M. cccc xix A Flagon and a cuppe cut in brasse vpon his graue stone Hic iacet venerabilis Armiger Iohannes Ingylby qui obiit festo Mathei Apostoli et Euangeliste 1457. This Iohn was in especiall fauour and did wonderfully flourish in the seruice of King Henry the sixt A familie of great antiquity in the Countie of Yorke By these Funerall Monuments it appeares that diuers Princes of this Land haue often made their residence in this Towne by which meanes it hath beene in former times of great state estimation and beautie but now for want of that generall conuention the Castle built before the Conquest by Edward the Elder is greatly decayed these Parish Churches much ruined and the Towne neither greatly inhabited nor much frequented Here in this Towne was a Priory of blacke Monkes valued in the Exchequer to be yeerely worth fourescore and sixe pounds fourteene shillings eight pence A Cell it was to Saint Albans founded by Raph Limsey a Nobleman and dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the raigne of the Conquerour I haue my authority out of the Collections of Thomas Talbot sometime keeper of the Records in the Tower a great Genealogist these are his words Raph Lord Limsey buried in the Priorie of Hertford which he founded he came into England with the Conquerour and was his sisters sonne as the Monkes of the same house report Port Or three Eagles heads gules One Robert Sotingdon or Sadington a man in great fauour with Henry the third and vnder him in honourable office fell sicke in his iourney being Iustice Itinerant in this towne in the yeare 1257. and was here interred One Sir Robert Sadington Knight was Lord Chancelour of England Anno 1345. and Sir Richard Sadinton Lord Treasurer much what about the same time as in the Catalogue of both you may read Ware Hic iacet Thomas Bourchier miles filius Henrici comitis Essex ac Isabella vxor eius nuper comitissa Deuon filia et heres Iohannis Barry militis qui obijt .... 1491 .... et Isabella ob 1 die Marcij 1488. quorum animabus This Thomas Bourchier was the first sonne saith Vincent of Henry Bourchier the first of that surname Earle of Essex and this Isabell the daughter and heire of Sir Iohn Barry Knight was when the said Thomas married her the widow of Humfrey Lord Stafford of Southwike sonne of William Stafford of Hooke Esquire created Earle of Deuon by King Edward the fourth to whom the said King gaue all the Honours Mannors Castles c. which were Thomas Courtneys the fourteenth Earle of Deuon who neuerthelesse grew ingratefull to King Edward his aduancer in reuolting from him at the battaile of Banbury for which cowardise hee being apprehended was without processe executed at Bridgewater the seuenteenth of August anno 1469. hauing beene Earle but three moneths Hic iacent Rogerus Damory Baro tempore Edwardi secundi et Elizabetha tertia silia Gilberti Clare comitis Glocestrie et Iohanne vxoris eius filie Edwardi primi v. cate Iohann de Acris ..... This Roger Damory was Baron of Armoye in Ireland and Elizabeth his wife the Founder of Clare Hall in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge of which more hereafter Iean Lucas gist icy Dieu de salme eit mercy This is an ancient monument so is the familie At the north end of this Towne was a Frierie whose ruines not altogether beaten downe are to be seene at this day founded by Baron Wake Lord of this Towne about the raigne of King Iohn dedicated to Saint Francis and surrendred the 9 of May 26 Henry 8. Here lieth Thomas Heton Ione his wife which Thomas died xix Aug. M. cccc.ix and Ioyce ... ... Will. Litlebury and Elizabeth his wife he died xxii of Iuly M. cccc Watton Hic iacet corpus domini Philippi Butler militis quondam Domini de Woodhall et hutus Ecclesie Patroni qui obijt in festo Sancti Leonardi Anno Domini M. cccc.xxi et Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum vltimo Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Camden saith that these Butlers are branched from Sir Raph Butler Baron of Wem in Shropshire and his wife heire to William Pantulfe Lord of Wem soone after the first entrie of the Normans Hunsdon In this Church are the right ancient and honourable familie of the Caryes enterred to whose memory I finde no monument saue one vnder which Iohn Cary Baron of Hunsdon lieth entombed father to the right honourable Lord Henry Cary Lord Hunsdon Viscount Rochford and Earle of Douer now liuing Grandchild to Henry Baron of Hunsdon Lord Chamberlaine and Cosin german to Queene Elizabeth and descended from the royall familie of the Dukes of Somerset Francisco Poyno Equiti literis prudentia armis fauore sui Principis et pietate insigni Domina Iohanna pia et amans vxor Charo marito posuit 1520. This name is ancient and honourable Sir Hugh Poynes being one of the ranke of Parliamentarie Barons in the raigne of King Edward the first Eppalets or Hippolites vulgarly Pallets This Church was dedicated saith Norden in his description of Hertfordshire to a supposed Saint called Eppalet whose reliques lie buried about the high Altar This man in his life time was a good tamer of Colts and as good a Horse-leach And for these qualities so deuoutly honoured after his death that all passengers by that way on Horse-backe thought themselues bound to bring their Steedes into the Church euen vp to the high Altar where this holy Horseman was shrined and where a Priest continually attended to bestow such fragments of Eppalets miracles as would either tame yong horses cure lame iades or refresh old wearied and forworne Hackneyes which did auaile so much the more or lesse as the passengers were bountifull or hard-handed Baldock Here is an ancient Monument and an old Inscription which I often meete with Farwel my frendys the tydabidyth no man I am departed hens and so sal ye But in this pasage the best song I can Is Requiem Eternam now Iesu grant it me When I haue ended all myn aduersity Grant me in Paradys to hav a mansion That shedst thy bloud for my redemption Prey for the sowlys of William Crane Ioane and Margaret his wyffs ... which William died ... 1483. ... on whos Orate pro ... Wilielmi Vynter generosi et Margarete consortis sue qui quidem Wilielmus obij● 2 Iunii 1416. et Margareta ob ... Octob. 1411. eorum animabus parentum amicorum bene factorum
suorum Deus omnipotens pro sua magna miserecordia propitietur Amen This French Epitaph following was not long since to be read engraued vpon the monument of one of the Argentons Reignauld de Argentein ci gist Que c●st Chappell feire fist Fu't cheualier sainct Mairie Chescinipardon pour l'alme prie Englished Regnald de Argentyne here is laid That caused this Chappell to be made He was a Knight of Seynt Mary the Virgin Therfor prey pardon for his sin The foundation of the Priory of Wymley or Wymondley Within this ancient and famous Lordship of Wymley held by the most honourable tenure with vs saith Camden which our Lawiers terme Grand Seargeanty namely that the Lord thereof should serue vnto the Kings of England vpon their Coronation day the first cup one Richard de Arg●nton descended from Dauid de Argenton a Norman and a martiall Knight who vnder King William the Conquerour serued in the warres Lord of this Mannor diuolued now by marriage to the Alingtons Founded a Priorie for Canons regular valued at the suppression to to be yeerely worth thirtie seuen pounds ten shillings sixe halfe penny Within the Towne of Hitching was a little Priorie called New-bigging valued to bee worth fifteene pounds one shilling eleuen pence of yeerely reuenue Ashwell Of yowr cheritie sey for the soul of Elizabeth Annstell a Pater Noster and an Aue .... 1511. Presbiter egregius prostratus morte Radulphus Howel Grammaticus iacet hic sub marmore pressus Tullius ore fuit Prisciani dicta resoluens Multos instruxit in Christo vota reuoluens Erat in Ecclesia pianumina semper honorans Mane sero Bacchi sugiens loca crimina plorans Dulcia frustrauit fercula plena fugauit Sepe ieiunauit Christo mentem reperauit Mundum despexit sic multa volumina scripsit Que regit rexit saluet Deus hunc rogo sic sit Anno Mil. C quater octogeno quoque sumpto Monsis Aprilis decessit ille secundo Here in the north Isle Iohn Hinxworth and Martina his wife lie buried vnder a monument defaced which seemeth to be of great antiquitie Perpetuis annis memores estote Iohannis Henrici dictus proles hic ●acet arbore strictus Bursa non strictus hoc Templo gessit amicus Et meritis morum fuerat ... sociorum Sic prece verborum scandet precor alta polorum M. C quater septenis ter tres minor vno Prima luce Iunij nunc vermibus hic requiescit Hic iacet magister Thomas Colby in Decretis Bachalarius istius Ecclesie nuper vicarius qui ob 19. die mens Septemb. Ann. 1489. Cuius Orate pro .... Walteri Summoner ..... I reade that one Walter Sumner whether this here interred or no I know not held the Mannor of Ashwell of the King by pettie Sergeantie viz. to finde the King Spits to rost his meate vpon the day of his Coronation And Iohn Sumner his Sonne held the same Mannor by Seruice to turne a Spit in the Kings Kitchin vpon the day of his Coronation Ann. 6. Ed. 2. Ann. 35. Ed. tertij Hinxworth Orate pro animabus Iohannis Lambard ciuis et Merceri ac Aldermanni London qui obiit 1487. et Anne vxoris sue que obiit ..... 1400 quorum anime per miserecordiam dei in pace eterna requiescant Amen Orate pro ... Symonis Ward Elene vxoris sue Qui quidem Symon ob xi Decemb. 1453. Elena obiit 21. Augusti 1483. Quorum .... Orate pro anima Iohannis Ward Maioris London qui istam fenestram .... This Ward was Lord Maior in the second of Richard the third in which yeare were three Lord Maiors and three Sheriffes of London by reason of a sweating sicknesse whereof they dyed This Iohn Ward was sonne to Richard Ward of Holden in the Countie of Yorke Barley Edward Chamberleine Clerk gist icy Dieu de salme eit mercy Amen Qi morust en August le xxii Ior M.ccc.lxxv de nostre Seignor Orate pro salubri statu Domini Willelmi Warham Legum Doctoris Pauli London Canonici magistri Rotulorum Cancellarii Regis ac Rectoris de Barley This Warham remembred here in the glasse window was sometime Archbishop of Canterbury Of whom I haue spoken before in Christ-church Canterbury the place of his buriall Sum Rosa pulsata mundi Maria vocata Roiston Rohesia the daughter of Aubrey de Vere chiefe Iustice of England vnder Henry the first sister to Aubrey de Vere the first Earle of Oxford and wife to Geffrey Magna-ville or Mandevill the first Earle of Essex erected where now this Towne of Roiston standeth a Crosse in the high-way which was thought in that age a pious worke to put passengers in minde of Christs passion whereupon it was called Crux Rohesiae before there was either Church or Towne But afterwards saith Vincent out of the Records in the Tower when Eustach de Merch knight Lord of Nauells in this tract had adioyned thereunto a little Monasterie of Canons regular in honor of S. Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury then were Innes built here So that in processe of time by little little it grew to be a Towne which in stead of Rohesiaes Crosse was called Rohesiaes Towne and now contracted into Roiston This Priory was augmented in her reuenues and renewed by Radulphus de Runcester and others Richard the first giues and confirmes Monasterio Sancti Thome Martyris apud crucem Rohesie Canonicis ibidem locum ipsum in quo idem Monasterium fundatum est cum pertinentiis suis que Eustachius de Merc fundator ipsius Monasterii Radulphus de Roucester et alii fideles rationabiliter dedere eis Anno Reg. 1. In Arch. Turris London Cart. antiq R. So that at the suppression the same was valued at eightie nine pounds sixteene shillings The Catalogue of Religious houses saith one hundred sixe pound three shillings and a pennie In a ruinous wall of this decayed Priory lies the proportion of a man cut in stone which say the Inhabitants was made to the memorie of one of the Founders who lieth thereby interred Here in this Towne was also an Hospitall by whom founded I cannot learne dedicated to the honour of Saint Iohn and Saint Iames Apostles suppressed and valued but at 5. l. sixe shillings and ten pence by yeare Pelham Furnix Vpon an old Tombe wherein a Priest lieth interred Hic iacet elatum corpus maris fore reatum Indignus Flamen Christi matris posco leuamen Of yowr cherite pray for the sowl of Iohn Daniell of Felsted Esquoyr and Margery his wife Which Iohn died the vii of October M. ccccc.xix Orate pro anima Iohannis Newport Armig. heredis Roberti Newport Ar. Marie vxoris eius vnius filiarum Iohannis Alington de Horsheth in Com. Cantab. Ar. qui quidem Iohannes Newport obiit primo
dyed M. ccccc.xxxi Cheston Quem tegit iste lapis Radcliffe cognomine functus .... et in cineres vertitur vnde fuit Icy gist Damoselle Iohanne clay que trespassa l'an de Grace M. cccc.le xxii iour Octobre iour Saint M. lun Euesque Here sometime stood a little Nunnery I know not by whom founded but thus it is confirmed in the Catal. of religious houses Henr. Rex Anglie Dominus Hibernie Dux Normannie Aquitanie et comes Angedauie c. Shestrehunt Monial totam terram Dom. ten cum pertinentijs suts que canonicis de cathele c. quos amoueri fecimus dat apud West xi Aug. Anno Regni nostri xxiiii This Nunnery was valued in the Exchequer to be yeerely worth twenty seuen pound sixe shillings eight pence This village is called in old Writings Chesthunte Shestrehunte and Norden saith cur non Chestin Castanetum of Chesnut Trees Bishops Hatfield This Church is much honoured by the Sepulture of that prudent great Statesman Robert Baron Cecill Earle of Salisbury Lord Treasurer of England father of William Lord Cecill Earle of Salisbury one of the honourable priuy Councell now liuing Anno 1630. and keeping royall hospitality at his Mansion house hereunto adioyning which sometimes did belong to the Bishops of Ely whereupon it was named Bishops Hatfield Of Robert this Earle here interred I shall speake more when I come to let downe his Epitaph Harding Hic iacent Wilielmus Seabroke qui obijt 2 April 1462. et Ioana vxor eius ...... quorum ... Orate pro animabus Mathei Cressy et Iohanne vxoris eius quondam filie Edmundi Peryent Ar. et Anne dicti Mathei vxoris quondam filie Thome Vernon Armigeri que Iohanna obijt xxix Nouemb. M. cccc.lxxviii Hic iacent Wilielmus Anabul et Isabella vxor eius qui quidem Wilielmus obiit 4 die Octob. 1456. Saint Albans Abbey I thinke it not much amisse to speake a little of this Protomartyr of England Saint Alban whose reliques lie here interred to whose name and for his eternall commemoration both this Towne and Monastery wer● built and consecrated He was a Citizen and a Knight of that famous Citie Verulam which stood hereby beyond the little riuer who giuing entertainement at his own house to Amphibalus a Christian and one of the Clergie was by him his guest conuerted from Paganisme to the true profession of Iesus Christ and when Dioclesian who made Maximian his companion in the Empire went about by exquisite torments to wipe Christian Religion quite out of the memory of men was the first in Britaine that with inuincible constancie and resolution suffered death for Christ his sake of which persecution ●s also of his Martyrdome my often alledged Author Robert of Glocester shall tell you in his old verse Two Emperors of Rome wer on Dioclesian And anoder hys felaw that het Maximian And wer both at on tym the on in the Este ende The oder in the west of the world alle cristendom to shende For the luther Maximian westwarde hider soughte And christen men that he fonde to strang deth he broughte Churchen he pulde a doun ther ne moste non stonde And al the bokes that he myghte fynde in eny londe He wolde late berne echon amydde the heygh strete And the christenmen asle and non alyue lete Such God was yvor vpon cristendom Such persecucion as ther was hadde ther be non For yun●a monethe ther wer seuentene thou send and mo I martred for our Lordes Loue nas ther a grete wo Wyth oute oder grete halwen that hii heold longe in torment As Seynt Cristene and Seynt Feye and also Seynt Uincent Fabian and Sebastian and othur as men rede That heold faste in the fey and hadde non drede And among men of this londe ther wer many on I martred at thulke tym Seint Albon was on He was the furste Martir of Brutayn that com Muche was the shome men dude in Christendom Undyr this Luther Emperor Another not so ancient hath it thus The Emperour Dioclesyan Into Britayne then sent Maximian This Maximian to surname Hercelius A Tyraunte false that Christente anoyed Through all Britayne of werke malicious The christoned folke felly and sore destroyed And thus the people with him foule accloyed Religyous men the Prests and Clerkes all Wemen with chylde and bedred folkes all Chyldren soukyng vpon the mothers pappis The mothers also withouten any pytee And chyldren all in their mothers lappis The crepyls eke and all the christentee He killed and slewe with full grete cruelte The Churches brent all bokes or ornaments Bellys reliquys that to the Churche appendes He slew that tyme and martyred Saint Albone Now when neither perswasions nor cruell torments could make him forsake the true faith such was the sentence of his death as I finde it in a legend of his passion and martyrdome which to giue your palate variety I will set downe in such English as I haue in the said Legend or Agon In the tyme of the Emperoure Dioclesyan Albone Lorde of Uerolamye Prynce of Knyghts and Stewarde of all Brutayne durynge his lif hath despysyd Iubyter and Apollyn oure Goddes and to them hath doo derogacyon and disworschyp wherfor by the Lawe he is iudged to be deed by the honde of somme knyght and the body to be buried in the same place where his heed shal be smyten of and his sepulture to be made worshcipfully for thonoure of knyghthode wherof he was Prynce and also the crosse whych he bare and Sklauin that he ware shold be buried wyth hym and his body to be closyd in a Cheste of leed and so layed in his sepulture This sentence hath the Lawe ordeyned by cause he hath renyed our principall Goddes His iudgement being giuen after this manner he was brought from the Citie Veralam to this his place of execution which as then was an hill in a wood called Holme-hurst where at one stroke his head was smitten off But his Executioner saith venerable Bede had short ioy of his wicked deede for his eyes fell to the ground with the head of the holy Martyr of which will you heare another writer Thousands of torments when he had endur'd for Christ his sake At length he died by dome thus giuen his head away to take The Tortor proudly did the feat but cleere he went not quit That holy Martyr lost his head this cruell wretch his sight He suffered martyrdome in the yeare of Christ saith Stow 293. the twentieth day of Iune saith Bede howsoeuer the two and twentieth day of the same moneth was appointed by the Church to be kept holy to his memory as we haue it in our English Calender Many Miracles are said to be wrought by this sacred Martyr both liuing and dead but I will leaue them for that they will be thought incredulous in this age and come to the foundation of this Abbey The Sepulchres of
holy Saints the reliques of blessed Martyrs and the very places of their martyrdome did kindle in times past no small heate of diuine charitie in the mindes of our first Christian Saxon Kings which made Offa the glorious King of the Mercians to recall himselfe from the trace of bloudy warres in great deuotion to goe to Rome and to obtaine of Pope Adrian the first the canonyzation of this martyr Alban in honour of whom the first to our Lord Iesus Christ he founded this monastery about the yeere 795. the Church whereof still remaineth which for bignesse beautie and antiquity is to be had in admiration in the very place where the foresaid Alban suffered his martyrdome He endowed this his g●odly fabricke with sufficient reuenues for the maintenance of one hundred blacke Monkes Benedictins and caused the reliques of his new Saint to be taken vp and put in a shrine adorned with gold and pretious stones of inestimable value which was further enriched by his sonne Egfrid and many other succeeding Kings and Princes but now at this day nothing is remaining of this rich Shrine saue a marble stone to couer his sacred Ashes ouer against which on the wall these verses are lately depicted onely to tell vs that such a man there was to whose memory a Shrine was erected Renowned Alban knight first Martyr of this land By Dioclesian lost his life through bloudy hand Who made him soueraigne Lord high Steward of this Isle And Prince of Britaine knights to dignifie his stile He veritie embrac't and Verulam forsooke And in this very place his martyrdome he tooke Now hath he his reward he liues with Christ aboue For he aboue all things Christ and his truth did loue Here Offa Mercians King did Albans bones enshrine So all things were dispos'd by prouidence diuine Nought but this marble stone of Albans Shrine is left The worke of all forme else hath changing time bereft I haue read in an old Mss. in Sir Robert Cottons Librarie that this following was anciently the Inscription vpon his Shrine Here lieth interred the body of Saint Alban a Citizen of old Verulam of whom this towne tooke denomination and from the ruines of which Citie this Towne did arise He was the first Martyr of England and suffered his martyrdome the xx day of Iune in the yeare of mans redemption 293. Vnder a curious and costly funerall monument here in the Quire lyeth interred the body of Vmfrey Plantaginet surnamed the Good fourth sonne of King Henry the fourth By the grace of God for so begins his stile by Charter sonne brother and vncle of Kings Duke of Glocester Earle of Henault Holland Zeland and Pembroke Lord of Friseland great Chamberlaine of England Protector and defender of the Church and kingdome of England Thus great thus glorious by birth creation and marriage was hee in his honourable titles and Princely attributes but farre more great and illustrious in his vertuous endowments and inward qualities But in his praise may it please you reade learned Clarentieux in his tract of Suffolke where he writes of the Abbey of Bury these are his words That father of his countrey Vmfrey Duke of Glocester a due obseruer of Iustice and one who had furnished his noble wit with the better and deeper kinde of Studies after he had vnder King Henry the sixth gouerned the kingdome fiue and twenty yeares with great commendations so that neither good men had cause to complaine of nor enuill to finde fault with was here in Saint Sauiours Hospitall brought to his 〈◊〉 by the spightfull enuie of Margaret of Lorain who was wife to Hen●● the ●ix●h his Nephew But his death was the stroke of an euill Angell 〈…〉 ent to punish England and to roote out all her Nobles Fidior in regno regi duce non ●uit is●o Plusue fide stabilis aut maior amator honoris Saith the Abbot of this house Io. Whethamsted yet for all this was he arrested of high Treason in the yeare 1446. and within few dayes after strangled to death without any triall Some say he died for sorrow because hee might not come to his answer Hee built the Diuinitie Schoole in Oxford and was an especiall benefactour to this Abbey Here is an Epitaph pensild on the wall neare to his Tombe to the same effect with an Item of the miracle which he wrought vpon the blinde imposture The story is frequent Hic iacet Vmphredus Duxille Glocestrius olim Henrici Regis Protector fraudis ineptae Detector dum ficta notat miracula caeci Lumen erat Patriae columen venerabile Regni Pacis amans Musisque fauens melioribus vnde Gratum opus Oxonio quae nunc scola sacra refulget Invida sed mulier regno Regi sibi nequam Abstulit hunc humili vix hoc dignata Sepulchro Invidia rumpente tamen post funera viuit Vnder a large marble stone thus inscribed lieth Iohn Stoke an Abbot of This Church Hic iacet oblitus Stoke stans velut ardua quercus Semper in adversis perstitit intrepidus Wallingford Prior hic gregis huius pastor Abbas Donet ei requiem celsa dei pietas Celica regna bone mihi dentur queso Patrone Penas compesse requiem da virgula Iesse Me precor Amphibale soluens ad sidera sume This Abbot as it is in this Epitaph and in the golden Register of this house was a stout defender of the lands and liberties of his Church hee adorned Duke Vmfreys Tombe hee gaue money by his Will to make a new bell which after his owne name was called Iohn and also to new glase the Cloisters Sibi igitur saith the booke ea sit merces que dari solet illis qui ad honorem sue Ecclesie laudabilia student opera in temporibus suis. Vir crucis Christi tumulo iacet inclitus isti Carcere de tristi saluetur sanguine Christi Armacrucis sumpsit intrando Religionem Mundum contempsit propter celi regionem Hic studuit claustri Pondus sufferre laboris In stadio studij brauium percepit honoris Flatus fortune grandes patiens tolerabat Gaudia tristitia equalilance librabat Nil aduersa timens nec multum prospera curans Se medio tenuit per ferrea tempora durans Omni gestura constans nil triste timebat Omni pressura Christo laudes referebat Armis Iustitie cinctus deitatis amore Hostibus Ecclesie restitit in facie Ad tumulum Proceres mors impia transferet omnes Vt puerilis amor defluit omnis honor I finde this Inscription following vpon a faire marble vnder the pourtraiture of one of the Abbots who modestly thus suppresseth his name Hic quidem terra tegitur Peccato soluens debitum Cuius nomen non impositum In libro vitae sit inscriptum Hic iacet Dominus Michael quondam Abbas huius Monasterij Bachalaureus in Theol. qui obiit pridie Idus Aprilis Ann. M.ccc xlii Michael Abbas
Scripta ferunt post se que liquerat exposuisse Pro dilectoris anima tui dulciter ora Albani sancti conventus qualibet hora His next successor was Iohn Stoke of whom as also of all the rest in the Catalogue I haue already spoken and now I will returne backe againe to the rest of the Epitaphs and Inscriptions which I finde in the Church In a wall in the body of the Church ouer a vault Vir Domini verus iacet hic Heremita Rogerus Et sub eo clarus meritu Heremita Sigarus Memoriale Domini Thome Rutland quondam subprior is huius Monasterij qui ex luce migrauit M. ccccc.xxi cuius anime propitietur altissimus Amen Ecce sacerdos eram iam factus vile cadauer Et cito puluis erit queso memento mei Siste gradum qui ad me venit hic funde precator Me deus vt leuet ducat ad vsque polum Vpon his brest on the portraiture this English Distick is ingrauen Iesus Chryst Marys son Hav mercy on the sowl of Rychard Stondon This Towne vaunts her selfe very much of the birth and buriall of Sir Iohn Mandeuill Knight the famous Trauailer who writ in Latine French and in the English tongue his Itinerary of three and thirty yeares And that you may beleeue the report of the Inhabitants to bee true they haue lately pensild a rare piece of Poetry or an Epitaph for him vpon a piller neere to which they suppose his body to haue beene buried which I thinke not much amisse to set downe for although it will not bee worth the reading yet doe but set it to some lofty tune as to the Hunting of Antichrist or the like I know it will be well worth the singing marke how it runs All yee that passe on this pillar cast eye This Epitaph read if you can 'T will tell you a Tombe on●'t stood in this roome Of a braue spirited man Iohn Mandeuill by name a knight of great fame Borne in this honoured Towne Before him was none that euer was knowne For trauaile of so high renowne As the Knights in the Temple crosse-legged in marble In armour with sword and with sheeld So was this Knight grac't which time hath defac't That nothing but ruines doth yeeld His Trauailes being donne he shines like the Sun In heauenly Canaan To which blessed place O Lord of his grace Bring vs all man after man That he was borne here in this Towne I cannot much deny but I am sure that within these few yeares I saw his Tombe in the Citie of Leege within the Church of the religious house of the Guilliammits with this Inscription vpon it and the verses following hanging by on a table Hic iacet vir nobilis D. Ioannes de Mandevile Al D. ad Barbam miles Dominus de Campdi natus de Anglia Medicine professor deuotissimus orator bonorum largissimus pauperibus erogator qui toto quasi orbe lustrato Leo ●ij diem vite sue clausit extremum Ann. Dom. M.CCC.lxxi Mens Nouemb. die xvi Aliud Hoc iacet in tumulo cui totus patria viuo Orbis erat totum quem peragrasse ferunt Anglus Eques que fuit nunc ille Britannus Vlysses Dicatur Graio clarus Vlysse magis Moribus ingenio candore sanguine clarus Et vere cultor Relligionis erat Nomen si queras est Mandevil Indus Arabsque Sat notum dicet finibus esse suis. The Church-men will shew you here his kniues the furniture of his horse and his spurres which he vsed in his trauells Vndyr this Ston lyeth beryed here He that whylom was Balyff of this town Callyd somtym William Smyth Esqwyere To whom of his Sins God grant remission Elisabyth his wyff a woman of renown Here lyeth alsoo enterryd in this grav Cryst on her sowl hav compassion And grant them in heuen a plase to hav Vpon the same marble vnder the picture of the Crosse these words are engrauen which the foresaid Smith seemes to speake By this tokyn of the holy cross Good Lord sav owr sowls from loss Elisabeth his wife these Cryst who dyed for vs on the Rood tree Sav the sowl of my Husbond owr chyldren and mee Here lieth .... Raph Rowlat Citizen of London Merchant of the Staple and Ioan his wife Which Raph dyed M. cccccxix on whose This familie is now extinct and the inheritance diuolued by marriage vnto the Maynards as appeareth by an Epitaph vpon the wall not long since made for on of the Maynards who married one of the heires of Sir Raph Rowlat knight To the picture of Christ hanging on the Crosse this inscription was lately to be read vpon one of the pillars in the Church Fly the falshode of the fiend for he wil fownd the Dread not my dreadful doomes for I dyed for the. Cal on me thy Sauyour Chryst I can chere the My mercy is more than thy misse I may amend the See how my syde was perced for the and I shal help the. In this Abbey Church is a goodly Font of solid brasse wherein the kings children of Scotland were wont to be baptized which Font Sir Richard Lea knight Master of the Pioners brought as a spoile out of the Scottish warres and gaue it to this Church As may appeare by this loftie and arrogant inscription about the same as if the Font in it owne person did proclaime the knights act to all passengers in these words lately Englished When Leeth a Towne of good account among the Scots and Edinbrough their chiefe Citie were on a fire Sir Richard Lea knight saued mee from burning and brought mee into England And I being mindfull of this so great a benefit whereas before I was wont to serue for baptizing of none but Kings children haue now willingly offered my seruice euen to the meanest of the English Nation Lea the Victour would haue it so Farewell In the yeare of our Lord M.D.xliii and of the raigne of King Henry the eight xxxvi These already written are all the Epitaphs or inscriptions which I finde in this Abbey Church howsoeuer it doth retaine the ashes of many a worthie man conquered by death both before and since the Conquest As of Egfrid king of the Mercians sonne to great Offa the Founder who added to those twenty Lordships or Mannors wherewith his father at the first endowed this foundation Terram quinque Maneriorum in loco dicto Pynefeld cum terminis suis antiquis manerium de Sauntridge et Tirefeld Cartas que Patris sui benigne in suae serena concessione confirmauit pro confirmatione regni sui sua prosperitate nec non pro salute paterne sueque anime antecessorum suorum Ecclesiam suam per omnia salubriter protegendo saith the golden Register of this Abbey The first businesse that this King vndertooke after hee came to the Crowne was the restauration of ancient priuiledges to the Church and great hope
you be desirous further to know how this Abbey Church hath beene honoured by the Sepultures of many worthy persons will it please you peruse these verses following by which both her foundation and fall is plainly deciphered Behold that goodly Fane which ruin'd now doth stand To holy Albon built first Martyr of this Land Who in the faith of Christ from Rome to Britaine came And dying in this place resign'd his glorious name In memory of whom as more then halfe Diuine Our English Offa rear'd a rich and sumptuous Shrine And Monastery here which our succeeding Kings From time to time endow'd with many goodly things And many a Christian Knight was buried here before The Norman set his foot vpon this conquered shore And after those braue spirits in all those balefull stowers That with Duke Robert went against the Pagan powers And in their countries right as Cressy those that stood And that at Poyters bath'd their bilbowes in French blood Their valiant Nephewes next at Agincourt that fought Whereas rebellious France vpon her knees was brought In this religious house at some of their returnes When nature claim'd her due here plac't their hallowed vrnes Which now deuouring Time in his so mighty waste Demollishing those walls hath vtterly defac't So that the earth to feele the ruinous heapes of stones That with the burth'nous weight now presse their sacred bones Forbids this wicked brood should by her fruits be fed As loathing her owne wombe that such loose children bred But I will come to the quarrell of the houses of Yorke and Lancaster which filled vp our Ladies Chappell here with the dead bodies of the Nobilitie slaine in and about this Towne of Saint Albans whose funerall Trophies are wasted with deuouring time and seates or Pewes for the Townesmen made ouer their honorable remaines Of these Lords here buried thus writeth the old Poet Iohn Gower Quos mors quos Martis sors saeua suaeque sororis Bella prostrarunt villae medioque necarunt Mors sic occīsos tumulauerat hic simul ipsos Postque necem requiem causauit habere perennem Et medium sine quo vult hic requiescere nemo Hic lis hic pugna mors est qui terminat arma Mors sors Mauors qui strauerunt Dominos hos But amongst so many of the Nobilitie here interred I finde few remembred saue Edmund Duke of Somerset Henry Earle of Northumberland and Iohn the valiant old Lord Clifford The death of this Edmund Duke of Somerset grandchilde to Iohn of Gaunt sore grieued King Henry the sixth because in him he had alwayes put great trust and confidence being a chiefe Commander and one who had long gouerned Normandy beene Regent of France and for his countries sake had alwayes right valiantly borne himselfe against the French Yet his actions whatsoeuer they were did not please the common people nor many other of ranke and qualitie in those times For Harding who liued in those dayes thus writ of him Thei slewe the Duke Edmond then of Somerset For cause he had the realmes we le so lette He was slaine vnder the signe of the Castle in the Towne being long before warned as it is reported to auoide all Castles Henry Lord Percy Earle of Northumberland aforesaid was the sonne of Henry surnamed Hot-spurr slaine at the battell of Shrewsbury by King Henry the fourth But his fathers offence and his Grandfathers being forgiuen him he was restored to his Grandfathers dignities by Henry the fifth to whom and to his sonne Henry the sixth he euer continued a loyall subiect stoutly maintaining their right to the Crowne of England in which quarrell he here lost his life The old Lord Clifford here interred is specially remembred in the battell for so valiantly defending and strongly keeping the Barre-yates and entrance in the Towne insomuch that the Duke of Yorke had euer the repulse vntill great Warwicke brake in by a garden side with a noise of Trumpets and voices crying A Warwicke a Warwicke Whereupon ensued that fierce and cruell battel in which this valourous old Lord manfully lost his life Of these two last remembred will you reade this Stanza Th erle then of Northumberland was there Of sodein chaunce drawen furth by the kyng And slain vnknowne by any manne ther were The Lord Clifford ouer busie in werking At the Barres them mette sore fightyng Was slain that day vpon his owne assaute As eche manne saied it was his owne defaute This battell wherein they were slaine was the first battell at Saint Albans which was fought in the yeare 1455. the Thursday before Pentecost Iohn Whethamsted the fore remembred Abbot made certaine Epitaphs for religious persons and others here interred as also in other Churches hereabouts Which for the most part are now either taken away by time or stolne away with the brasse from their Graue-stones which howsoeuer I know not well how to appropriate to the Persons for whom they were intended Yet it will not be lost labour to take and imprint them out of the Manuscript for that the Reader may see the rare compositions in that age 1. Duplex est vita duplex mors corporis vna Nominis astch altra miserorum mors ea dicta Non sic hic obijt non sic hic nunc requiescit ●mo mors prima fuit illi vita secunda Et si quod rapere voluit mors id tribuisse Fertur quasque dare tenebras has surripuisse Estque lucet sic ei lux perpetue requiei Atque libro vite quo nunc inscribitur ipse Nomen eius legitur cum sanctis numeratur 2. Vpon a Prior of this house here buried who was neuer beloued in his life time yet much bewailed after his death Quem dens momordit liuoris dummodo vixit Linguaque detraxit mors nunc bene glorificauit Nunc redeunt varia tumulata prius benefacta Famaque recrescit liuor post facta quiescit Nunc acus invidie lingue fel serra loquele Carpere cessarunt nunc aicere sic didicerunt Quando cadens obijt abijt pater hicque recessit Secum dapsilitas secum virtus honestas Istius Ecclesie quasi plangentes abiere Secum claustrale frenum que iugum Monachale Migrarunt eciam claustro dederantque salutem Secum vera fides bine secumque sorores Ibant ad puteum dixere locoque tuantem Secum fertilitas pietas secumque facultas Que parcit miseris sua que confert egenis Secum Iusticia pax lex policia In breuibus quicquia virtutem gignere possit Secum transiuit abijt secumque recessit Cur Dominus secum secum requies in idipsum 3. Vpon a Monke buried in this Church Alter honestatis Sol serens grauitatis Hesperus ac morum lampas rutilans monachorum Nunc occultatur hic sub modio tenebratur Nec tribuit lumen Claustro quod tribuit olim Mors eclipsari cansauerat tenebrari Est tamen
and Maud his wife Which Tho. died the third of December 1536. 38. Hen. 8. De Sudeley Domina natus Iohn Lind que vocatus Morte ruit stratus hic Armiger intumulatus Aula Mareschallum quem regia nobilitauit Egra lues rapuit raptum cineri sociauit Supplico qui graderes seu in marmore lumina figes Ora cum superis sit sibi pausa pijs ob 3. Septemb. Ann. 1464. Hic iacet Iohannes Bernwel de villa Sancti Albani in Com. Hert. gen qui obiit .... 1400. Dummodo vixisti quia spemque fidem tenuisti Ful●or Ecclesie cultor fuerasque Marie Vita salus requies tibi cum deitate Iohannes Sit Bernwel prima mors et tua vita secunda Hic iacet Symon Bernwel qui ob 28. Ian. Ann. 1455. Hic iacet Reginaldus Bernwell qui ob 12. April 1477. Here lyeth Brian Lockley who died .... 1507 ...... and Alice Lockley who died .... 1546. Here lyeth Richard Lockley Elisabeth and Agnes his wyfs Whych Richard dyed Ann. 1544. for their sowls and al Christian sowls of yowr cherite say a Pater Noster and an Ave. Vnder a marble stone in the Quire a religious man lieth interred whose name is worne or stolne out with the brasse onely the forme of a Rose remaineth and in the turnings of the leaues this Inscription Lo al that ere I spent somtym had I. Al that I gav to good intent that now hav I. That which I nether gav nor lent that now aby I. That I kept til I went that lost I. An old translation from these Latine couplets following Quod expendi habui Quod donani habeo Quod negaui punior Quod servaui perdidi Hic iacet Dominus Edwardus Hill miles ordinis Sancti Iohannis Baptiste qui obiit ..... Ann ... M. cccccxxxvi This knight was one of the Fraternitie of that religious order of S. Iohns Ierusalem an Hospitall Of which I haue spoken in another place Saint Michaels within Saint Albans Iohn Pecock et Mawd sa ●emme giso●●icy E Dieu de sont almes eit mercy Amen Hic iacet Thomas Woluey or Woluen Latomus in Arte nec non Armiger illustrissimi Principis Ric. secundi quondam Regis Anglie qui obijt Anno Dom. M. ccccxxx in vigilia Sancti Thome Martyris Cuius anime propiti●tur Deus Amen This man as farre as I vnderstand by this Inscription was the master Mason or Surueior of the kings stone-works as also Esquire to the Kings person Hic iacet Richardus Wolven or Woluey Lathonius filius Iohannis Woluen cum vx 〈…〉 Agne●e Agnete cum octo ●iliis decem filiabus suis qui Richardus ob ..... Ann. 1490. quorum animabus Vertitur in cineres isto sub marmore corpus Willelmi Lili spiritus astra petit Quisquis es hoc facies supplex pia numina poscas Vt sibi concedat regna beata poli Saint Stephens within Saint Albans Hic iacent Willelmus Robins Armiger nuper Clericus Signeti Edwardi quarti nuper Regis Anglie Katherina vxor eiusdem Willelmi qui quidem VVillielmus obijt iiij die Mensis Nouembris Ann. Dom. M. cccclxxxij 〈◊〉 animabus ..... Clericus Signeti or Signetti Clarke of the Signet is an officer continually 〈◊〉 attendant on his Maiesties Secretarie who alwayes hath the custodie of the priuie Signet as well for sealing his Maiesties priuie letters as also 〈◊〉 grants as passe his Maiesties hands by Bill assigned Of these there be 〈◊〉 that attend in their course and were vsed to haue their diet at the 〈◊〉 table More largely you may reade of their Office in the Statute 〈◊〉 Ann. 27. Hen. 8. ca. 11. Here lyeth Robert Turbervile Esquire and Dorothy his wife whych Robert died 26. Feb. 1529. and Dorothy 7. Octob. 1521. Sancta Trinitas vnus Deus miserere nobis Here lyeth Sir Iohn Turbervile Vicar of this Church who died ..... 1536 ..... Quos tegit hec petra iunxit thorus domus vna Iam puluis factus William Dauy nomine dictus Cum Margareta sponsali fedore iuncta Cum prece deuota qui transis sta precor ora Hic iacet Iohannes Gril quondam Magister Sancti Iuliani Vicarius istius Ecclesie qui ob ..... 6. die Decemb. 1449. Cuius Anime propitietur altissimus Saint Germans About the yeare of the worlds redemption 429. when as the Pelagian heresie budded forth afresh in this Island and so polluted the British Churches as that to auerre and maintaine the truth they sent for German Bishop of Auxerre the place of his birth a man of moche noble lygnage taught and enformed wel in the Artes liberalle lerned in the scyence of the Decretees droytes and lawe saith his Legend and Lupus Bishop of Troies out of France who by refuting this heresie gained vnto themselues a reuerent account among the Britains but chiefly German who hath at this day thorowout all this Island many Churches dedicated to his memorie Now vnderstand that neere to the walls of the old Citie Verulam was as then a plot of consecrated ground wherein the bodies of such as had professed Christianitie and suffered martyrdome vnder the persecution of the Romane Emperours were interred In which the said German openly out of the pulpit preached Gods word to the people where afterwards the beleeuing Christians built this Chappell and dedicated it to his honour for that by his doctrine and other good meanes hee had conuerted many thousands to the true profession of Christian Religion This German commanded the Sepulchre of Saint Alban to be opened and therein bestowed certaine reliques of Saints that those whom one heauen had receiued should also be in one Sepulchre together lodged Thus much saith Camden I note by the way that ye may obserue and consider the fashions of that age This Chappell or rather the ruines of it are remaining at this day and put to a prophane and beastly vse The foundations of Sopwell S. Iulians and Saint Mary Pree About this Towne of Saint Albons the Abbots of the Monasterie in a pious and deuout intent erected a little Nunnery at Sopwell valued but at threescore and eight pound eight shillings per annum Saint Iulians Spittle for Lepers and another named Saint Mary de Pree or Saint Mary in the Medow for diseased weemen Neere vnto which they had a great Mannour named Gorombery where Sir Nicholas Bacon knight Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England a man of rare wit and deepe experience father of Sir Francis Bacon knight Lord Verulam Viscount Saint Al●an Lord Chancellour of England lately deceased one that might iustly challenge as his due all the best attributes of learning built an house beseeming his place and calling and ouer the entrance into the Hall caused these verses to be engrauen Haec cum perfecit Nicholaus tecta Baconus Elisabeth regni lustra fuere
tempore Ed. 3. an honourable title as well in France as in England but afterward applied vnto Seruants and Groomes whereupon when the Gentrie reiected it by changing the name they began to be called Gentlemen of the Bedchamber Orate pro animabus Iohannis Barrington et l homasine vxoris eius qui quidem Iohannes obiit 8. die mens Nouemb. 1416. et Thomasina obiit 15. Septemb. 1420. Quorum animabus Ryding from Ralegh towards Rochford I happened to haue the good companie of a gentleman of this countrey who by the way shewed me a little hill which he called the Kings Hill and told me of a strange customarie Court of long continuance there yearely kept the next Wednesday after Michaelmas day in the night vpon the first cockcrowing without any kinde of light saue such as the heauens will affoard The Steward of the Court writes onely with coales and calleth all such as are bound to appeare with as low a voice as possiblie he may giuing no notice when he goeth to execute his office Howsoeuer he that giues not an answer is deeply amerced which seruile attendance said he was imposed at the first vpon certaine Tenants of diuers Mannors hereabouts for conspiring in this place at such an vnseasonable time to raise a commotion The title of the Entrie of the Court hee had in memory and writ it downe for me when we came to Rochford Thus it runnes in obscure barbarous rimes Curia de Domino Rege dicta sine Lege Tenta est ibidem per eiusdem cons●etudinem Anteortum solis luceat nisi polus Seneschallus solus scribit nisi colis Clamat clam pro Rege in Curia sine lege Et qui non cito venerit citius penitebit Si venerit cum lumine errat in regimine Et dum sunt sine lumine capti sunt in crimine Curia sine cura iurata de iniuria Tenta die Mercurij prox post festum Sancti Michaelis Thus much haue I spoken of a Lawlesse Court for which I haue neither law nor reason For I am sure that this discourse is impertinent and quite from the subiect to which I haue tied my selfe to treat of Yet I hope these lines will not seeme much vnpleasing for my Reader to peruse when his minde is ouercharged with dull heauie and vncomfortable Epitaphs Rochford I am looking for some Monument or other in this Church to the memorie of some one of the Lords of ancient Nobilitie to which this Towne gaue the Surname of Rochford as now it giues the title of Viscount Rochford to that truly honourable and right worthie gentleman Henry Cary Lord Hunsden and Earle of Douer Pris pur Anne Snokeshall fille Iohn filol de Landmare qe gist ici Dieu de salme eit pite et mercy qe ob iour de Seynt Valentin ●an I●su crist M. ccc.lxxxxvi Of your cherite prey for the sowl of Rose Crymvill wyf of Richard Crymvill Which Rose desesyd viii April M. cccccxxiiii on her sowl Iesu haue mercy Hic iacet Maria Dilcock que obiit xiiii die Decembris Ann. Dom. M. Vc. Cuius anime .... The Tower and the Steeple of this Church was built from the ground as the inhabitants by tradition affirme by Richard Lord Rich Baron of Leez and Chancellour of England A most prudent and iudicious Statesman a singular treasure and supporter of the kingdome who for his great good deserts receiued the office of Chancellour of England at the hands of King Edward the sixth Howsoeuer the Armes of the Butlers Earles of Ormond whose inheritance this Towne was in times past are cut in some places on the stone Robert Lord Rich and Earle of Warwicke lately deceased founded here sixe Almes houses for fiue poore impotent men and an aged woman But here let me conclude what I haue spoken of this towne with the words of Camden More inward saith he is Rochford placed that hath giuen name to this Hundred now it belongeth to the now Earles of Warwicke Barons Rich and in old time it had Lords of great nobility surnamed thereof whose inheritance came at length to Butler Earle of Ormond and Wiltshire and from them to Sir Thomas Bullen whom King Henry the eight created Viscount Rochford and afterward Earle of Wiltshire out of whose progenie sprung that most gratious Queene Elizabeth and the Barons of Hunsdon Pritlewell Swein de Essex before remembred built here a Priory for blacke Monkes which he dedicated to the blessed Virgine Mary Which was much augmented by others and holden to be a cell to the Priory of Lewes vntill the yeare 1518. when as a great contention arose betweene the two Houses insomuch that Iohn Prior de Pritlewel noluit soluere vnam Marcam Priori de Lewes nomine subiectionis This house was valued at the suppression to be worth 194 l. 14. s. 3. d. ob yearely Hic iacet Magister Iohannes Lucas Theologie Bacchalaureus quondam vicarius istius Ecclesie Parochialis qui ob 16. Ian. 1477. Cuius anime Prey for the sowl of Iohn Cock the younger and Margaret his wyff Whych Io. dyed ...... 1522. Her vndyr this Grauston lyth beryed Richard Bowrd ... Marchant of Callys .... dyed ... 1432. Vnder this inscription these words are engrauen in a trewe Loues knot Quod servaui perdidi quod expendi habui Quod donaui habui quod negaui perdidi Stangate Here sometime stood a small Priory built by the Predecessours of the Prior of Lewes about what time I cannot learne valued to bee yearely worth 43. l. 8. s. 6. d. Saint Osithes Whose ancient name was Chich now growne out of vse by reason of Osith the virgine of royall parentage who being wholly deuoted to the seruice of God was here stabbed to death by the Danish pyrates in the yeare 653 in the moneth of October And being by our Ancestours honoured for a Saint Richard de Beaveyes Bishop of London in her memoriall built here a religious house of Regular Chanons about the yeare 1120. in the raigne of King Henry the first His grant I haue read in the Records of the Tower beginning thus Richardus Dei gratia London Episcopus c. Salutem Sciatis quod ego dedi Ecclesie Sancte Osithe virginis de Ciz ecclesias de Sudemenestra et de Clachentona cum omnibus que ad illas pertinent c. King Henry confirmes and augments this donation by his Charter dated at Roan in the nineteenth yeare of his raigne And many others so added to the reuenues of this Monastery that at the time of the suppression it was valued at 758. pound fiue shillings eight pence This Bishop the founder was diuers times about to resigne his Bishopricke that he might become a regular Canon in this his owne new built Monasterie and that the rather because being taken with an irrecouerable Palsie he well knew his time to be
restored to all his former honours and withall created Earle of Oxford He died in the yeare 1194. the sixth of king Richard the first and was here buried by his father His wife Agnes or Adeliza lieth buried by him who was the daughter of Henry of Essex Baron of Ralegh the Kings Constable Such was the Epitaph or inscription vpon his Tombe as it is in the book of Colne Priory Hic iacet Albericus de Vere silius Alberici de Veer Comes de Guisney primus Comes Oxonie magnus Camerarius Anglie qui propter summam audatiam effrenatam prauitatem Grymme Aubrey vocabatur obiit 26. die Decembris anno Christi 1194. Richardi ● sexto Aubrey de Vere the sonne of the foresaid Aubrey succeeded his father in all his dignities I finde little written of him in our Histories saue that out of his Christian pietie he did confirme the gift of septem librat terre which Aubrey his father gaue to the Chanons of Saint O sith here in Essex adding thereto something of his owne He dyed in the yeare of our Lord 1214. and sleepeth now in the same Bed with three other Aubreyes his Ancestors To whom this Epitaph vpon Conrad the Emperour at Spires in Germany may be fitly applied Filius hic Pater hic Auus hic Proauus iacet istie The great Belsire the Grandsire Sire and Sonne Lie here interred vnder this Grauestone Hugh de Vere the sonne of Robert the first of that Christian name Earle of Oxford and Lord great Chamberlaine of England was here entombed with his Ancestors who died in the yeare 1263. He had the title of Lord Bolebeck which came by his mother Isabell de Bolebeck daughter and heire of Hugh de Bolebeck a Baron who was Lord of Bolebeck Castle in Whitechurch within Buckinghamshire and of Swaffam Bolebeck in Cambridgeshire Hee had to wife Hawisia the daughter of Saier de Quincy Earle of Winchester as appeares by this Inscription sometime insculpt vpon their Tombe Hic iacent Hugo de Veer eius nominis primus Comes Oxonie quartus magnus Camerarius Anglie filius heres Roberti Comitis Hawisua vxor cius filia Saeri de Quincy comitis Wintonie qui quidem Hugo obiit 1263. Quorum animabus propitietur altissimus Robert de Vere the sonne of Hugh aforesaid Earle of Oxford who enioyed his fathers inheritances and honours the space of thirtie and two yeares lieth here entombed with his ancestours who died in the yeare 1295. Alice his wife the daughter and heire of Gilbert Lord Samford Lord of Hormead in Hertfordshire was interred by him who died at Caufeld house neare Dunmow the ninth day of September 1312. Here lieth buried the body of Robert de Vere sonne and successour to the foresaid Robert whose gouernment both in peace and warre was so prudent his hospitalitie and other workes of charitie so wisely abundant and his Temperance with a religious zeale so admirablie conioyned that he was of all surnamed the good Earle of Oxford and the vulgar esteemed him as a Saint He died the 19. of Aprill 1331. Here lyeth entombed Robert de Vere Richard the seconds Mignion who to adde to his honours created him Marquesse of Dublin a title not knowne before that time in England and in the yeare following Duke of Ireland with commission to execute most inseparable prerogatiues royall These Stiles were of too high a nature and therefore infinitely subiected to enuy Whereupon like a second Gaueston he was hated of the Nobilitie especially for that he was a man nec prudentia caeteris proceribus nec armis valentior as Walsingham saith 9. R. 2. But it was not long before he was banished England by the Barons for abusing the Kings eare to the hurt of the State He had to wife a young faire and noble Lady and the Kings neare kinswoman for she was grandchilde to King Edward by his daughter Isabell he put her away and tooke one of Queene Annes women a Bohemian of base birth Sellarij filia saith Walsingham a Sadlers daughter some say a Ioyners an act full of wickednesse and indignitie Yet this intollerable villanie offered to the bloud-royall King Richard did not encounter neither had the power some say who deemed that by witchcrafts and forceries practised vpon him by one of the Dukes followers his iudgement was so seduced and captiuated that he could not see what was honest or si● to doe But where Princes are wilfull or slothfull and their Fauorites flatterers or time-seruers there needs no other enchantments to infatuate yea and ruinate the greatest Monarch Vpon his banishment he went into France where he liued about fiue yeares and there being a hunting he was slaine by a wilde Boare in the yeare 1392. King Richard hearing thereof out of his loue caused his body to be brought into England and to be apparrelled in Princely ornaments and robes and put about his neck a chaine of gold and Rings vpon his fingers and so was buried in this Priory the King being there present and wearing blackes After the death of Robert Duke of Ireland who died without issue his Nephew Aubrey de Vere succeeded him in the Earledome of Oxford he enioyed his honours not passing eight yeares but dyed die Veneris in festo Sancti Georgij Ann. primo Hen. quarti 1400. and lieth here entombed with his worthie Ancestors Here lieth buried in this Priorie Iohn de Vere the third of that Christian name and the thirteenth Earle of Oxford Lord Bolebecke Samford and Scales great Chamberlaine and Lord high Admirall of England Who died the fourth of Henry the eight 1512. hauing beene Earle of Oxford full fifty yeares a long time to tugge out in the troublesome raignes of so many kings especially for men of eminent places and high spirits euer apt to take any occasion to shew their manly prowesse which fire of honour flamed in this Earles breast at Barnet field where in a mist the great Earle of Warwickes men not able to distinguish betwixt the Sun with streames vpon King Edwards liuery and the Starre with streames on this Earles liuery shot at this Earles followers and by that misprision the battell was lost After which he fled into Cornwall and seized vpon Saint Michaels Mount But Edward the fourth got him in his power and committed him prisoner to the Castle of Hames beyond the Seas where he remained for the space of twelue yeares vntill the first of King Henry the seuenth with whom he came into England and by whom he was made Captaine of the Archers at Bosworth-field where after a short resistance hee discomfited the Foreward of King Richard whereof a great number were slaine in the chase and no small number fell vnder the victors sword This Earle gaue a great contribution to the finishing of Saint Maries Church in Cambridge His hospitalitie and the great port he carried here in his country may be gathered out of a
vestimentorum asperitate disciplinarum que assiduitate corpus suum extenuauit vt fere simul cum Iob sanctissimo pelli sue consumptis carnibus os suum adhereret Et hec talis tantaque sublata est et hec omnia simul Migrauit autem ad illum qui sibi fructuum decimas persolui voluit qui etiam Decalogum constituit mandatorum Miseremini igitur nostri miseremini nostri saltem vos amici nostri et vobis miseris compatiamini fluentes lacrimas per orationum suffragia desiccantes quia pium est saluberrimum pro defunctis exorare vt à peccatis solvantur Subuenite igitur benigni Monachi subuenite venerabiles Canonici vos sancte virgines in conspectu Altissimi preces bostias offerentes vt ipsius pie misercatur qui abstergit omnem lacrimam ab oculis Sanctorum quatenus que ei macule de terrenis contagijs adheserunt remissionis eius remedio deleantur Amen To this Supplication the religious of all houses answer in this forme Titulus Ecclesie Apostolorum Petri Pauli sancte Osithe Virginis Matris de Chich. Anima Domine Lucie Priorisse de Hengeham et anime omnium sidelium defunctorum per Dei miserecordiam requiescant in pace Amen Concedimus ei commune beneficium Ecclesie nostre Oranimus pro vestris orate pro nostris Some againe do answer thus Preter autem commune beneficium et orationes communes Ecclesie nostre concedimus ei ab vnoquoque Sacerdote vnam Missam inferioris ordinis vnum Psalterium et diem ipsius obitus in Martyrilogio nostro annotari fecimus All concluding euer with Oranimus pro vestris orate pro nostris Vnder the picture of the Crucifix the blessed Virgine and vpon her portraiture drawne vpon her Tombe these nicking nice allusiue verses were cut and engrauen Crux bona crux digna lignum super omnia ligna Me tibi consigna redimens a peste maligna Stella Maris candoris ebur speculum Paradysi Fons venie vite ianua Virgo vale Hec Virgo vite mitis super astra locatur Et sic Lucie lux sine fine datur Transijt ad superos venerabilis hec Monialis Vix succedit ei virtutum munere talis Luci lucie prece lux mediente Marie Luceat eterna quia floruit vt rosa verna Ad lucem Lucia venit sine fine manentem Et sic quem coluit patrem videt omnipotentem Tres tibi gemmate lucent Lucia coron● Insuper aurate dic lector qua ration● Mater virgo tamen Martir fuit ergo inu Amen Cernat ad examen districti Iudicis Amen Subueniant anime Lucie celica queque Ad quorum laudes dapsilis vrna f●it Sible Heueningham In this Parish Church sometime stood a Tombe arched ouer and engrauen to the likenesse of Hawkes flying in a wood which was raised to the remembrance of Sir Iohn Hawkewood knight borne in this village the sonne of Gilbert Hawkewood Tanner bound an apprentice to a Tailor in the Citie of London from whence he was prest in the seruice of King Edward the third in the warres of France Of whom for his admired valour he was honoured with the order of knighthood and in the like regard of his notable demerits Barnabie the warlicke brother of Galeasius Lord of Millaine father to Iohn the first Duke of Millaine gaue him his daughter Domnia in marriage by whom he had a sonne named Iohn borne in Italie made knight and naturalized in the seuenth yeare of King Hon. the fourth as I haue it out of a Manuscript in these words Iohannes silius Iohannis Haukewood Miles natus in partibus Italie factus indigena Ann. viii Hen. iiij mater eius nata in partibus transmarinis The Florentines in testimony of his surpassing valour and singular faithfull seruice to their state adorned him with the statue of a man of armes and a sumptuous Monument wherein his ashes remaine honoured at this present day The Italian writers both Historians and Poets resound his worthie acts with full mouth But for my part to vse M. Camdens words it may suffice to adde vnto the rest these foure verses of Iulius Feroldus Hawkwood Anglorum decus et decus addite genti Italicae Italico praesidiumque solo Vt tumuli quondam Florentia sic simulacri Virtutem Iouius donat honore tuam The glorie prime of Englishmen then of Italians bold O Hawkwood and to Italie a sure defensiue hold Thy vertue Florence honored sometime with costly Graue And Iouius adornes the same now with a Statue braue He died an aged man in the yeare of our redemption 1394. and in the eighteenth of King Richard the second His friends here in England who erected for him the foresaid Monument in this Church which were Robert Rokeden senior Robert Rokeden iunior and Iohn Coe founded here also for him a Chantrie and another in the Priorie of Heningham Castle to pray for his soule and the soules of Iohn Oliuer and Thomas Newenton Esquires his militarie companions Chesterford Here ly the bodyes of William Holden and Agnes his wyf whych William dyed ... 1532. on whos sowlys and al Christian sowlys ... Here ly William Holden and Katherin his wyf ...... 1524. This familie as I was told is now extinct here is an old ruinous house still remaining called Holdens Saffron Walden So called of the great plentie of Saffron growing in the fields round about the Towne a commoditie brought into England in the time of King Edward the third But I digresse and am quite off my Subiect being out of the Parish Church wherein Sir Thomas Audley knight of the Garter Baron Audley of this Towne sometime Sergeant at Law Attourney of the Duchie of Lancaster and Lord Chancellour of England lieth entombed with this seeli Epitaph The stroke of deaths ineuitable dart Hath now alas of life bereft the hart Of Sir Thomas Audley of the Garter knight Later Chancellor of England vnder our Prince of might Henry the eight worthie of high renowne And made by him Lord Audley of this Towne Obijt vltimo Aprilu Ann. Dom. 1544. Henrici 36. Cancelleriatus sui 13. aetatis 56. Haue mercy good Lord on the soul of Thomas Holden That hit may rest wyth God good neyghbors say Amen He gave the new Organs wheron hys name is set For bycause only yee shold not hym forget In yowr good preyers to God he took hys wey On thowsand fyve hundryd and eleuin in Nouembyr the fourth dey Hic iacet his stratus West Matheus tumulatus Qui fuit hic gratus vicarius ciueque natus M. Dominiter C .... terris sit remeatus Huic ...... existit propiciatus Of yowr cherite prey for the soulys of Ion Nichols Alys Ione Alys and Ione his wyfs Iohannes Pater Noster miserere nobis Alisia Fili redemptor mundi miserere nobis Ioanna Spiritus sancte miserere nobis Alisia Sancta
at dinner vpon the day of his coronation and whether this be she here buried or not I know not Richard Lions held the said Mannor after her by the seruice of making Wafers vpon the day of the Kings Coronation and of seruing the King with the same Wafers as he sits at dinner the same day Leez Abbey This Abbey of old time was founded by the Gernons now it is the seate of the Right Honourable and one right worthy of all his due honours Robert Lord Rich Baron Leez and Earle of Warwicke now liuing An. 1631. This Abbey or Priory was valued at the time of the suppression as it is in the catalogue of Religious houses to be yearely worth one hundred forty one pound fourteene shillings eight pence Rickling Humfrey Waldene le premer gist icy Dieu de salme eit mercy Amen Hic iacet Henricus Langley Armig. qui obijt xx Sept. M. cccc.lviii et Margareta vxor cius vna filiarum et heredum Iohannis Waldene Armigeri que obijt v. Martii M. cccc.liii Hic tacet Thomas Langley Ar. qui obijt 1 Mar. M. cccc.lii Here lyth Henry Langley Esquyr and Dame Katherin his wyff whych Henry departyd this lyff 11 April M. cccc lxxx viii and Dame Katherine died ..... the yere of our Lord God M. ..... on whos Vpon this last marble stone are the portraitures in brasse of the three daughters of Henry Langley amongst whom his inheritance was diuided as I haue it by tradition as Waldens was before whose chiefe seate was at Langley Wilbores in this parish Thaxted This Church is spatious beautifull and built Cathedrall-like but neither in this Church in Braintrie nor scarcely in any other Church seated within a Market Towne shall you finde either Monument or Inscription onely some two or three Inscriptions are here remaining Her lyth Rychard Dammary and Alys his wyff and Rychard Dammary his sonn Ione Elizabyth and Ann on whos soulys God hau mercy Which Rychard the yongyrgawe a Meide callyd Abel Meide for a perpetual mynd yerly to be kept for ther soulys and al christen soulys Syr Walter Clerk gist icy Dieu de s'alme eit mercy Orate pro animabus Richardi Large et Alicie vxoris eius qui quidem Richardus obijt 27. Martij 1458. The Inhabitants say that this Richard Large was brother to a certaine Lord Maior of London named Large who at his death bestowed wondrous largely vpon the poore and the repairing of high waies which I take to haue beene Robert Large Maior of London Anno 1440. who gaue 120. l. to poore prisoners and euery yeare for fiue yeare 403. Shirts and Smockes 40. paire of Sheetes and one hundred and fifty Gownes of good Frize to poore people To poore Maids marriages one hundred markes to repairing high waies one hundred markes to fiue hundred poore people in London euery one sixe shillings viii d the rest of his bountifull charitie you may reade in Stow Suruay Little Easton Here is a goodly Tombe of marble on the north side of the Chancell ●nder which saith Brooke in his Catalogue of Nobility William Bourchier Earle of Ewe in Normandy lyeth interred but Vincent whom I rather beleeue in his discouery of Brookes Errors approues this Earle as also his wife Anne the daughter of Thomas of Woodstocke Duke of Glocester to be buried in the Abbey of Lanthonie by Gloucester If this monument could speake like others by her inscription it might haply decide the controuersie but all the words vpon it are Fili Dei miserere mei Mater Dei miserere mei Which seemingly commeth by a labell from a man and a woman thereupon pourtraied Of this Earle more when I come to Lanthony Betweene the Chancell and the Bowsers Isle or Chappell is a very costly arched Tombe of polished marble inlaid with brasse the picture of a man and a woman and in diuers places of the foresaid Arch on the womans side is the Fetter lock and Bowsers knot but without inscription By supposition made to the memorie of Henry Bourchier sonne of William Bourchier aforesaid Earle of Essex and Ewe and Isabell his wife daughter of Richard Earle of Cambridge and sister of Richard Duke of Yorke Which Henry died quarto Aprilis 1483. a valiant and worthie Nobleman he was fortunate in Martiall enterprises and in matters of peace so learned wise and politicke that he was thought fit by Edward the fourth to be Lord Chancellour of England In the same Chappell on the North side remaineth a very faire Altar Tombe of marble within the which lyeth the body of Henry Lord Bourchier and Louaine and Earle of Essex Sonne and heire of William Bourchier that died before his father and grandchilde to Henry Earle of Essex next before mentioned ouer his Tombe hangeth as yet part of his achieuements as the cote of his Armes Helme Crest and sword This Earle brake his necke by a fall from his horse the twelfth day of March in the one and thirtieth yeare of the raigne of King Henry the eight 1539. His horse was young saith Stow and he the oldest Earle in England for if you will reckon the yeares from the death of his Grandfather who liued after his sonne the father of this Henry as I haue said before vntill the yeare of this his fatall misfortune you shall finde them to be fifty sixe and what age he was at his Grandfathers death you may imagine In the Hall of the Mannor house of Newton in the Parish of little Dunmowe remaineth in old painting two postures the one for an ancestor of the Bourchiers combatant with another being a Pagan king for the truth of Christ whom the said Englishman ouercame and in memory thereof his descendants haue euer since borne the head of the said Infidell as also vsed the surname of Bourchier or Bowser Here are foure wondrous ancient Monuments of the Louaines all the Inscriptions of them are worne out these few words excepted Sire Thomas Louaine ici gist Margarie la file Moun .... This noble familie of the Lovaines in former ages did here inhabite by the name of Fitz-Gilbert one of which house namely Maurice Fitz-Gilbert was surnamed de Louaine as descended from Godfrey of Louaine brother to Henry the sixth of that name Duke of Brabant Who being sent hither to keepe the honor of Eye his posterity flourished among the Peeres of this Realme to the time of Edward the third when the heire generall was married to the house of Bourchier This Bowsers Chappell for it is so commonly called is now the buriall place for the noble familie of the Maynards In Northburne natus Robertus sum vocitatus De terra factus in terram sumque redactus Intercedendo spiritum tibi Christe comendo Propitietur Deus Benefactoribus omnibus Ecclesie pauperis huius The treble Bell in the steeple of this Church is called the Bowsers
of Frobenus that not alonly the Germaines but also the Italianes themselfe that count as the Grekes ded full arrogantly all other Nacions to be barbarouse and vnlettered sauing their owne shall haue a direct occasion openly of force to say That Britannia prima fuit parens altrix addo hoc etiam iure quidem optimo conseruatrix cùm virorum magnorum tum maxime ingeniorum Britaine was a mother a nurse and a maintainer not onely of worthy men but also of most excellent wits And that profite hath risen by the aforesaid iourney in bringing full many things to light as concerning the vsurped autorite of the Bishop of Rome and his complices to the manifest and violent derogation of Kingly dignite I referre my selfe most humbly to your most prudent learned and high iudgement to discerne my diligence in the long Volume wherein I haue made answer for the defence of your supreme dignitie al only lening to the strong pillor of holy scripture against the whole Colledge of the Romanists cloking their crafty affections and arguments vnder the name of one poore Pighius of Vltraiect in Germany and standing to them as to their onely anker hold against tempests that they know will arise if truth may be by licens lette in to haue a voyce in the generall counsell Yet herin only I haue not pytched the supreme worke of my labour wherunto your grace most like a kinglye Patron of all good lernyng ded animate me But also considering and expending with my selfe how great a number of excellent godly wittes and writers lerned with the best as the times serued hath bene in this your region Not onely at such times as the Romane Emperors had recourse to it but also in those daies that the Saxons preuailed of the Britaines and the Normans of the Saxons could not but with a feruent zele and honest corage commend them to memory Els alas like to haue bene perpetually obscured or to haue lightly remembred as vncertaine shaddowes Wherfor I knowing by infinite varietie of bookes and assiduouse reading of them who hath bene lerned and who hath written from time to time in this realme haue digested into four bokes the names of them with their liues and monuments of lerning And to them added this title De viris illustribus folowing the profitable example of Hierome Gannadie Cassiodore Seuerayne and Trittemie a late Writer But alway so handling the matter that I haue more exspaciated in this campe then they ded as in a thing that desired to be somewhat at large and to haue ornature The first boke beginning at the Druides is deducted vnto the time of the comming of S. Augustine into England The second is from the time of Augustine vnto the aduente of the Normans The third from the Normans to the end of the moste honourable reigne of the mightie famouse and prudent Prince Henry the seuenth your Father The fourth beginneth with the name of your Maieste whose glory in lerning is to the world so clerely knowne that though emonge the liues of other lerned men I haue accurately celebrated the names of Bladud Mulmutius Constantinus Magnus Sigebert Alfridus Alfridus magnus Athelsta●e and Henry the first Kings and your progenitors And also Ethelward second sonne to Alfride the great Humfryde Duke of Glocester and Tipetote Earle of Worcestre yet conferred with your grace they serue as small lights if I may freely say my iudgement your high modesty not offended in respect of the daye starre Now farther to insinuate to your grace of what matters the Writers whose liues I haue congested into foure bookes hath treated of I may right boldly say that beside the cognicion of the foure tongues in the which par● of them hath excelled that there is no kinde of liberall science or any feate concerning learning in the which they haue not shewed certaine arguments o● great felicitie of witte Yea and concerning the interpretation of holy Scripture both after the ancient forme and sens the scholasticall trade they haue reigned as in a certaine excellency And as touching historicall knowledge there hath bene to the number of a full hundreth or mo that from time to time hath with great diligence and no lesse faith wolde to God with like eloquence perscribed the actes of your noble predecessors and the fortunes of this your Realme so incredibly great that hee that hath not seane and throughly redde their workes can litle pronounce in this parte Wherfor after that I had perpended the honest and profitable studies of these Historiographers I was totally enflamed with a loue to see throughly all those partes of this your opulent and ample realme that I had redde of in the aforsaid Writers In so much that all my other occupacions intermitted I haue so traueled in your dominions both by the see coastes and the middle parts sparing neither labour nor costs by the space of these sixe yeeres past that there is almost neither cape nor baye hauen creke or pere riuer or confluence of riuers breches washes lakes meres fenny waters mountaines vallies mores hethes forestes woodes cities burges castels principall manor places monasteries and colleges but I haue seane them and noted in so doing a whole world of things very memorable Thus instructed I trust shortly to see the time that like as Carolus Magnus had among his treasures three large notable tables of siluer richly enameled one of the site and description of Constantinople another of the site and figure of the magnificente Citee of Rome and the third of descrypcyon of the world So shall your Maiestie haue this your world and impery of Englande so set forth in a quadrate table of siluer if God send me life to accomplish my beginning that your Grace shall haue ready knowledge at the first sight of many right delectable fruitfull and necessary pleasures by contemplacion thereof as often as occasion shall moue you to the sight of it And because that it may be more permanent and farther knowne then to haue it engraued in siluer or brasse I entend by the leaue of God within the space of twelue moneths following such a description to make of your realme in writing that it shall be no mastery after for the Grauer or Painter to make the like by a perfect example Yea and to wade farther in this matter where as now almost no man can wele gesse at the shadow of the ancient names of hauens riuers promontories hilles woods Cities Townes Castles and varyete of kyndes of people that Cesar Liui Strabo Diodorus Fabius Pictor Pomponius Mela Plinius Cornelius Tacitus Ptolomeus Sextus Rufus Ammianus Marcellinus Solinus Antoninus and diuerse other make mencyon of I trust so to open this wyndow that the lyght shall be seene so long that is to say by the space of a whole thousand yeeres stopped vp and the old glory of your renowned Britayne to reflorish through
filiabus suis qui Nicolaus obijt v. die mens Nouembris An. Dom. M. cccc.vii quorum animabus .... Pray for the soul of Roger Hunning Fishmonger somtime porueyor of Seafish to our Soueraigne Lord King Henry the eight and Margaret his wyff the which Roger decessyd the third day of May An. Dom. M. ccccc xli whos soul Iesu pardon Amen Orate pro anima I home Paynard alias dict Thome Aylwood quondam Secretarii cum Radulpho ●uper Domino Cromwell ac nuper Secretarij cum Willelmo Domino Beaumont et postea Secretarii cum Willelmo Domino Hastyngs qui quidem Thomas obijt xxii die Nouembris Anno Dom. M. cccc.lxxiii Raph Lord Cromwell here mentioned was Lord Treasurer of England Anno 1444. William Lord Beaumont was the sonne and heire of Iohn Lord Viscount Beaumont the first Viscount that we certainly know to haue beene in England howsoeuer it is said that Iohn Robsert Captaine of Saint Samers in France sonne of Sir Lewis Robsert knight of the Garter was Viscount Robsert in king Henry the fifts time William Lord Hastings created by king Edward the fourth to whom he was Lord Chamberlaine Hic iacet Ioanna Coppinger vidua quondam vxor Willelmi Coppinger Armigeri postea nupt Richardo Darland gen qui quidem Ioanna obijt xviii die Martij ... Mcccclxxxxii Saint Michaels Pater Noster in the old Royall Hic iacet Thomas Wandesford ciuis et Aldermannus London Idonea vxor eius qui quidem Thomas obijt xiii die Octobris An. Dom. M. ccccxlviii Quorum animabus Gulielmo Bayly militi ciui et Pannario London fide integritate vite insigni qui huius vrbis Preturam tanta ingenij dexteritate tanta animi promptitudine verborum comitate gessit vt omnium Senatorum et populi merito nuncupetur delitie Lites mire perosus Pauperum Patronus delictorum corrector omnibus ordinibus iuxta charus et numerosa sobole beatus fuit Cantariam vt vocant in hoc templo perpetuo stabiliuit ..... Domina Katherina vnica coniux coniugi charissimo et bene merenti et Robertus Leessis Executores fidelissimi posuere 5. Kalend. Nouemb. 1532. He had by his wife Catherin sixteene children as did sometime appeare by their pourtraitures on the Tombe-stone He was the sonne of Iohn Bayly of Thacksted in Essex Glanvile sub glebe tegit hic lapis ossa Iohannis Obsequio Regis subijt se plurimis annis Sci ..... quos viuens ... moriens suos ad vos .............. Spiritus aspiret ferte iunamen ei Prey of yowr cherete for the souls of Agnes Cheyney wydow late wyff vnto William Cheyney somtym Esquyr for the Body vnto kyng Harry the seuenth Whyche Agnes dyed the fyfteenth day of Iuly in the yere of our Lord God on thowsand four hundryd eyghty and seuen And for the souls of William Cheyney Robart Molyneux and Robert Sheryngton her husbands and all Cristen souls Hic iacet Iohannes Rayning generosus qui obijt 22. die Iunij Ann. Domini 1469. Cuius anime propitietur Deus Of yowr charite pray for the soul of William Porter late Clarke of the Crowne and Elisabeth his wife the which departyd the 4 of March 1521. on whose souls .... Clarke of the Crowne is a Clarke or Officer in the Kings Bench whose function is to frame reade and record all Indictments against Traitors Felons and other offenders there arraigned vpon any publike crime He is otherwise called Clarke of the Crowne office And Ann. 2. Hen. 4. cap. 10. he is called Clarke of the Crowne of the Kings Bench. The reason of his denomination is because he reads and records Indictments against Traitors Felons c. which are against the Kings Crowne and dignitie Saint Nicholas Olaue Here lyeth the body of William Fyloll sonn and heyr apparaunt to William Fyloll of Woodlond in the county of Dorset knyght and to Dame Dorothy hys wyff dawter and heyr to Iohn Ifeyld of Stondon in the Shyre of Hertford Esquyr Whych William the sonn dyed in the lyff of his fade● wythowt yssue the iiii day of Septembyr in the yere of owr redemption M. cccccix and in the yere of his age the syxteenth Who 's soul God pardon Amen Orate pro animabus Iohannis Westcliff Ioanne vxoris sue qui quidem Iohannes quondam fuit Maior ville Sandwici obijt 19. Decemb. 1473. quorum animabus propitietur Deus Amen Ici gist William Newport iadis Citizen pessamere de Londre Massie sa femme leur enfens de ens engendre Dieu de lour alues eit pitye Amen Amen This Newport was one of the Sheriffes of London in the yeare 1375. Hic iacet Willelmus Read Ciuis Piscenarius London qui obiit .... Margeria vxor eius que obiit sexto die Iunij Anno Domini Millesimo quadringentesimo quadragesimo septimo Vpon the same marble stone as followeth Who that passyth by this way Qui pro alijs orat pro se laborat For mercy of God behold and pray Qui pro alijs orat pro se laborat For all souls cristen and for vs Qui pro alijs orat pro se laborat On Pater Noster and an Ave. Qui pro alijs orat pro se laborat To the blessyd Saynts and owr blessyd Lady Qui pro alijs orat pro se laborat Saynt Mary to pray for vs. Qui pro alijs orat pro se laborat Many Monuments of the Dead in Churches in and about this Citie of London as also in some places of the countrey are couered with seates or pewes made high and easie for the Parishioners to sit or sleepe in a fashion of no long continuance and worthy of reformation Of the Diocesse of London the Battels therein fought and of the Burialls of the Dead slaine in those terrible conflicts NOw as I haue before spoken somewhat of the Bishoprickes of Cant. and Rochester so let me here speake a little of this Diocesse of London which extendeth so farre in circuit as the Site of the East or Middle Saxons kingdome anciently comprised which was bounded on the East with the Ocean on the South with the Thames on the West with the Colne and on the North with the Riuer Stowre within the limits whereof Midlesex Essex and a part of Hertfordshire are contained The glory of which Diocesse is principally Midlesex in regard of the far-famed City of London the Metropolis of England of which I haue spoken before and the chiefe seat of her sacred Bishops as also in regard of the Riuer of Thames the king of all our Riuers Of whom and of the rare prospects he views in his passage betweene Windsore and London Bridge a late Poet thus versifies But now this mighty Flood vpon his voiage prest That found how with his strength his beauties still increast From where braue Windsore stood on tiptoe to behold The faire
to reestablish that holy and yet vnfortunate King Henry the sixt in his regall authoritie In this battaile vpon King Edwards part were slaine Humfrey Bourchier Lord Cromwell Henry Bourchier sonne and heire to the Lord Barners both buried at Westminster In the quarrell of King Henry were slaine the foresaid Richard Neuill Earle of Warwicke and Iohn Neuill Marquesse Montacute his brother both buried at Bisham Abbey in Barkeshire the bodies of many others of the Nobilitie and Gentrie on both parties which perished in this vnnaturall conflict had Christian buriall in the Frier Augustines Church London The common Souldiers as also many Commanders were buried vpon the same Plaine where the foresaid battaile was strucken to whose memory a Chappell was built vpon the said Plaine and a Priest appointed to say Masse for their soules as the doctrine went in those daies Vpon both sides of common Souldiers there died that holy Easter day as then the 14. of Aprill saith Ed. Hall ten thousand foure thousand saith Io. Stow and Rob. Fabian saith farre lesse fifteene hundred so vncertaine as I haue said before is the number of the dead slaine in battaile Howsoeuer a part onely of Hertfordshire is comprised within this Diocesse yet giue me leaue to say somewhat in this place of the whole County A rich Countrie saith Clarencieux in corne Fields Pastures Medowes Woods Groues and cleere riuerets And for ancient townes it may contend with the neighbours euen for the best For there is scarcely another in all England that can shew more good townes in so small a compasse the whole circumference of the Shire being but about an hundred and thirtie miles In this County and in the towne of S. Albans two mortall and bloudy battels of Englands ciuill dissentions haue beene fought The first whereof chanced the 24. of May Anno 1455. by Richard Duke of Yorke with his associates the Earles of Warwicke and Salisbury and Lords of Fawconbridge and Cobham against King Henry the sixt In whose defence Edmund Duke of Somerset Henry Earle of Northumberland and Iohn Lord Clifford with fiue thousand more lost their liues the King himselfe was wounded in the necke with an arrow the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Sudley in their faces Humfrey Earle Stafford in his right hand and the Earle Dorset almost slaine On the Dukes part onely sixe hundred were slaine Of which battell and of the timerous flight of the Souldiers on the Kings partie the learned Abbot of Saint Albans Iohn Wheathamstead who liued in those daies writes thus Marcia splendiferum regerent cum sydera celum Aspicerentque feros toruis aspectibus Angl●s Albani Villam tranquilla pace vigentem Fedarunt multo violenter sanguine fuso Rex aderat presens secumque cohors satis ingent De Dominis Regni contrarius hijs Eboraci Dux que duo comites Warwici et Sarsburiensis Venerunt media fit grandis pugna platea In qua corruerant qui nobilitate vigebant De patria Boree comes insignis Dominusque Corruit ac ipse qui belli causa fuisse Fertur Dux magnus de Somercethe vocitatus Ac alij plures satis asperasors fuit ipsis Multi fugerunt aliter se non properarunt Quin faciunt trepide visum fugiendo Columbe Insultum ve Canis Damus Lepus ac fera queuis Dum fugiunt nemora pecierunt siue Frutecta In quibus vt pueri virgam metuendo magistri Se pudet id ferre vecorditer occoluere Qui fuerant nostra proprius penetralia tecta Ad nos fugerunt sub Stallis et latuerunt Aut infra latebras timor ingens duxerat ipsos Sic imbecillis tergum dedit hostibus hostis Non sine dedecore nec nominis absque rubore Mors est non vita sub turpi viuere fama Et patet in paucis sors belli que fuit huius Qualis euentus Domini Ducis et comitatus Ter deno trino Domini Regis fuit anno Henrici sexti facies hec obuia celi In Maio mense bis dena bis quoque luce M. semel x quino C quater fuit I quoque quino In Maio mense bis dena bis quoque luce Hic strages procerum conflatus hic populorum The second battell fought in this towne of Saint Albans was by Queene Margaret against the Dukes of Norfolke and Suffolke the Earles of Warwicke and Arundell that by force kept with them the King her husband with whom by constraint he held and on their side fought vntill the field was lost and Lords fled when with great ioy he was receiued by his Queene and yong sonne Prince Edward This battell sell the 17. of February being Shrouesunday Of this towne and of these two battels thus Camden writes in a more succinct and serious stile As Antiquity consecrated this place saith he to be an Altar of Religion so Mars also may seeme to haue destined it for the very plot of bloudy battaile For to let other particulars goe by when England vnder the two houses of Lancaster and Yorke bereft as it were of vitall breath was ready through a ciuill warre to sinke downe and fall in a swoune the chiefe Captaines on both sides ioyned battaile twise with reciprocall varietie of fortune in the very towne First Richard Duke of Yorke gaue the Lancastrians here a sore ouerthrow tooke King Henry the sixt captiue and slew many honourable personages Foure yeares after the Lancastrians vnder the conduct of Queene Margaret wonne here the field put the house of Yorke to flight and restored the King to his former liberty The bodies of such of the Nobility and others of eminent ranke and qualitie which lost their liues in these mortall contentions were buried in the Abbey Church as I haue partly touched before in Saint Peters and in other religious Structures accordingly as they were befriended the common Souldiers were buried in Church-yards and vpon a little greene at the Townes end called No mans land which lies betwixt the two waies as I take it leading to Luton and Sandridge Nere vnto the roade high way saith Camden in this tract betweene Stenenhaugh and Knebworth the seat of the worshipfull house of the Littons descended from Litton in Darbishire I saw certaine round hils cast vp by mans hands such as the old Romans were wont to reare for Souldi●ers slaine in the wars of which the Captaine himselfe laid the first turse and now for Essex Essex is a country large in compasse the circumference thereof being one hundred forty sixe miles fruitfull of woods plentifull of Saffron and very wealthy A late writer hauing reckoned vp the commodities which this County doth affoard concludes on this manner If you esteeme not these as things aboue the ground Looke vnder where the Vrnes of ancient times are found The Roman Emp●rours Coynes oft digd out of the dust And warlike weapons now consum'd with cankring rust And huge and massy bones of mighty fearefull
fourth of the Ides of September in the yeare of grace one thousand one hundred ninety and eight being the ninth yeare of King Richard the first as I haue it out of the Catalogue of Treasurers of England collected by Francis Thinne He bestowed much vpon the building of his Church S. Pauls as also vpon other Edifices belonging to his See which was the cause I coniecture wherefore the Shrine was erected to his memory Many miracles saith Mat. Paris were wrought at the tombe of Roger sirnamed the Blacke the foure and fortieth Bishop of this Diocesse who lieth buried neere to the preaching place in Saint Pauls Church vnder a monument of grey marble of which as also of him I haue partly spoken before Godwin Bishop of Hereford out of the foresaid M. Paris saith that this Roger was a reuerend man religious learned painfull in preaching eloquent a great House-keeper and of very gentle and curteous behauiour whereunto he might haue added as it is in my Author that hee was also stout and couragious For Rustandus the Popes Nuntio being earnest in a conuocation for setting forward a certaine prolling deuise to scrape vp money for his master he not onely withstood him openly but cried out vpon the vnreasonable and shamelesse couetousnesse of the Court of Rome and was the onely means of staying the course of that exaction For reuenge hereof not long after they began to frame an accusatiō against him at Rome alledging matters altogether false and friuolous It forced him to trauell thither and cost him great summes of money before he could rid his hands of that brable The yeare 1233. Walter Mauclerke Bishop of Carlile taking ship to passe ouer the seas was hindered by some of the Kings Officers for that he had no licence to depart the Realme These Officers for so doing hee excommunicated and riding straight vnto the Court certified the King what he had done and there renewed the same sentence againe About the same time the King gaue commandement for the apprehending of Hubert de Burgo Earle of Kent who hauing sodaine notice thereof at midnight got him vp and fled into a Church in Essex They to whom the businesse was committed finding him vpon his knees before the high Altar with the Sacrament in one hand and a crosse in the other carried him away neuerthelesse vnto the Tower of London The Bishop taking this to bee a great violence and wrong offered to holy Church would neuer leaue the King which was Henry the third a King indeed very re●igious vntill he had caused the Earle to bee carried vnto the place from whence he was fetcht which was thought to bee a meanes of sauing the Earles life For though order was taken he should not scape thence yet it gaue the Kings wrath a time to coole and himselfe leisure to make proofe of his innocency By reason whereof he was afterward restored to the Kings fauour and former places of honour But the story here followeth which is also annexed to his tombe that aboue all others giues the truest testimony of his religious vigerous and vndaunted masculine spirit Vpon the day of the conuersion of Saint Paul while Roger Bishop of London was at high Masse within the Church of Saint Paul in London a sudden darknesse ouershadowed the Quire and therewith came such a tempest of thunder and lightning that the people there assembled thought verily the Church and Steeple had come downe vpon their heads There came moreouer such a filthy sauour and stinke withall that partly for feare and partly for that they might not abide the sauour they voyded the Church falling on heapes one vpon another as they sought to get out of the same The Vicars and Canons forsooke their Deskes so that the Bishop remained there onely with one Deacon that serued him at Masse Afterward when the aire began to clear vp the people returned into the Church and the Bishop qui remansit intrepidus who remained all the time nothing at all abashed went forward and finished the Masse Thus Roger hath a roome in this our Sainted throng Who by his words and workes so taught the way to heauen As that great name to him sure vainely was not giuen Now for a conclusion if you desire greatly to know the greatnesse of this christian name of Roger as the Poet here in this place seemes to call it consult with Verstegan in his Etymologies of the ancient Saxon proper names of men and women and he will tell you that Roger was at the first Rugard or Rougard and afterwards Rugar and with vs lastly Roger. Rou or Ru is our ancient word for rest repose or quietnesse gard to keepe or conserue so as Rugard now Roger is a keeper or conseruer of rest and quietnesse Such a keeper such a conseruer of peace and quietnesse was this our Bishop Roger whom I leaue to his eternall rest and repose and so take my leaue of this sometime his Diocesse Here endeth the Diocesse of London ANCIENT FVNERALL MONVMENTS WITHIN THE Diocesse of NORVVICH In Suffolke Dunwich THE first seate of the Bishops of this Diocesse was at Dunwich in Suffolke and the first Bishop thereof was Felix a Burgundian At Dunmok than was Felix fyrst Byshop Of Estangle and taught the Chrysten ●ayth That is full hye in heuen I hope His happie comming into this kingdome happened vpon this occasion as followeth Sebert or Sigebert king of the East Angles a man in all points learned and most Christian who whilest his brother was yet liuing being himselfe banished into France by his father Redwald was there baptised and instructed in the Faith of which faith he laboured to make all his Realme partakers as soone as he came vnto the Crowne Whose good endeuour herein the foresaid Felix did most earnestly fauour and with great praise applie himselfe Who when he came from Burgundy where he was borne and tooke holy orders into Britaine to Honorius the Archbishop vnto whom hee opened his desire and purpose which was to preach the word of God vnto the foresaid East Angles The Archbishop gladly gaue him licence and sent him forth to sow the seed of eternall saluation in the misbeleeuing hearts of the people of that countrey His zeale and vertuous desire proued not in vaine For this holy husbandman and happie tiller of the spirituall field found in that Nation plentifulnesse of fruite and increase of people that beleeued him For he brought all that Prouince being now deliuered by his helpe from their long iniquitie and vnhappinesse vnto the faith and workes of Iustice and in the end to the reward of perpetuall blisse and happinesse for euer according to the good abodement of his name which in latine is called Felix and in our English tongue soundeth Happy He was made Bishop about the yeare of our redemption 630. and chose Dunwich for his Episcopall Chaire being a Citie in foregoing ages spacious much frequented and well peopled
was a Priory dedicated to the honour of Saint Austin the first Archbishop of Canterbury founded by one Theobald de Vallencia as some say others by William de Albeny the second of that name Earle of Arundell valued at one hundred thirty seuen pounds pennie halfe penny qua Wallpoole ... Radulphus Rochford miles .... Willelmus filius Domini Iohannis de Rochford Constabularii castri de VVisbiche .... Tirrington Hic iacet Thomas Sutton filius Thome Sutton nuper de Milton filii Domini Iohannis Sutton Domini de Dudley ..... Hic iacet Elizabeth Sutton filia Roberti Goddard ..... que obiit ..... Hic iacet Robertus Goddard armiger qui obiit anno Dom. M. cccc.xlviii Hic iacet Ricardus Zorke quondam Burgeni ville Berwic super Tweed ...... I reade in Hackluits first volume of Voyages that Sir Fredericke Tilney a great Commander in the holy warres was interred in this Church of Tirrington take it as he sets it downe A note out of a Booke in the hands of Thomas Tilney Esquire touching Sir Fredericke Tilney his ancestor knighted at Acon in the Holy Land by King Richard the first Pertinuit iste liber prius Frederico Tylney de Boston in Com. Lincoln militi facto apud Acon in terra sancta anno Regis Richardi primi tertio Vir erat iste magnae staturae et potens corpore qui cum patribus suis dormit apud Tirrington iuxta villam sui nominis Tylney in Mershland cuius altitudo in salua custodia permanet ibidem vsque in hunc diem Et post eius obitum sexdecem Militibus eius nominis Tylney haereditas illa successiue obuenit quorum vnus post alium semper habitabat apud Boston praedict dum fratris senioris haereditas haeredi generali deuoluta est quae nupta est Thome Duci Norsolciae Eorum miles vltimus suit Philippus Tylney nuper de Shelleigh in Com. Suff pater et genitor Thomae Tylney de Hadleigh in Com. praedict Armigeri cui modo attinet iste liber anno aetatis 64.1556 Fincham S. Martins Orate pro anima Iohannis filii et heredis Iohannis Fincham filii Symonis Fincham qui obiit vltimo die Aprilis M. cccc lxxxxix Orate pro anima Elizabethe quondam vxoris Symonis Fincham Armigeri et vnius filiarum et heredum Iohannis Tendering de Brokedyn in Com. Suff. Ar. que quidem Elizabetha obiit ... M. cccc.lxiiii Orate pro anima Iohannis Fincham filii et heredis Symonis Fincham de Fincham Ar. qui obiit vi die Septembris anno Domini M. cccc.lxxxxvi Saint Benets in the Holme The foundation of this religious structure is thus set downe by learned Camden in his chorographicall description of this County Then passeth the riuer Thirn saith hee neere the great decayed Abbey called Saint Benet in the Holme which Knute the Dane built the Monks afterward so strengthened with most strong wals and bulwarkes that it seemed rather a castell then a Cloister In so much that William the Conquerour could not winne it by assault vntill a Monke betraied it into his hands vpon this condition that himselfe might be made Abbot thereof which was done accordingly but forth with this new Abbot for being a traitour as the inhabitants make report was hanged vp by the Kings commandement and so iustly punished for his treason After the first foundation of this Abbey by King Knute her reuenues were greatly augmented and her building enlarged by Edward the Confessor and Editha his Queene with the consent of fiue Dukes and of all or the most of the Lords spirituall and temporall within his kingdome as it appeares by his Charter in Arch Turris Lond. Cart. Ant. It was dedicated to the honour of Christ and Saint Benedict replenished with blacke Monkes Benedictines and valued in the Exchequer at sixe hundred seuenty seuen pounds nine shillings eight pence qua Clipesby Not farre from the foresaid Abbey is the Parish and Lordship of Clipesby which gaue name saith Camden to a familie of ancient note in this tract whereof there hath beene diuers Knights where after it had passed in the names of Algar Elfled and Odberd all sirnamed de Clipesby as appeareth by many vndated Deedes which I haue seene it came about the first of King Iohn to Iohn de Clipesby and from him lineally to the last Iohn heire male of that line On whose Monument in this Church of Clipesby are empaled the Armes of Ierningham Woodhouse Spelman Paston all Knightly families of that countrey with whom the Clipesbies had formerly matched By Iulian a daughter and coheire of this last Iohn married to Sir Randall Crewe of Crewe in the County of Chester Knight after Lord chiefe Iustice of England the old surname of the Lord of this Mannor was changed but not the bloud For she left besides a daughter two sonnes the eldest her heire christened with the name of her paternall familie Clipesby now Sir Clipesby Crew Knight She the said Iulian died at Kewe in the County of Surrey in the yeare 1603. and was in the Chancell of the Church of Richmond decently interred with this Inscription vpon her Monument Antiqua fuit orta domo pia viuit iniuit Virgo pudica Thorum Sponsa pudica polum In this Church are diuers other Funerall Monuments for the Clipesbies but so defaced as neither Inscription nor coate-armes are remaining vpon them to giue me any further light Oby Orate pro anima Katerine filie Iohannis Spelman Armigeri quondam vxoris Clipesby Armigeri postea vxoris Edmundi Paston Armigeri que obijt xviii die Aprilis anno Domini M. cccclxxxxi Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Elingham Orate pro anima Henrici Spelman Armigeri filij et heredis Thome Spelman Armigeri qui obiit primo die mensis Martii anno Dom M. cccccxxv Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen The Armes of Spelman and Mortimer of Attilborough Narborough Orate pro animabus Henrici Spelman Legis periti ac Recordatoris ciuitatis Norw Ele vxoris eius qui quidem Henricus obiit xxiii die Septembris anno Domini M. cccclxxxxvi Vpon this Monument are his Armes and his two wiues Christian daughter and coheire of Thomas Manning Esquire and of Elisabeth his wife daughter and coheire of Sir Thomas Ienny Knight The second Ela daughter and coheire of William Narburgh of Narburgh Esquire a family of great antiquitie that bare gules a chiefe Ermin Here vndre lieth buried the body of Sir Iohn Spelman knyght and Secundary Iustice of the Kyngs Bench and Dame Elis. his wyffe whych had xiii sonnes and vii doughters of theire bodyes betwene them begottyn The which Sir Iohn decessed the xxvi day of February in the yere of our Lord God M. cccccxliv and the said Dame Elizabeth decessed the v day of Nouembre the yere of our Lord M. ccccclvi on whos
erexit ... Transit sicut Fulmerston gloria mundi Propitietur Deus animabus Mortuorum Saint Peters Hic iacet Willelmus Knighton ... M. cccc.lxix .... Peter Larke and Elisabeth his wyff on whos souls sweet Iesu haue pite Saint Cuthberts ...... Iohannes Bernard et Elis ..... M. ccccc.xi Here in this towne was a Religious house of Friers Preachers dedicated to the holy Trinitie and Saint Mary which Arfast Bishop of the East-Angles made his Episcopall chaire Afterwards Henry Duke of Lancaster made it a societie of Friers Preachers it was valued at thirty nine pounds sixe shillings nine pence Arfast who died circa annum 1092. was herein buried with this Epitaph vpon his monument Hic Arfaste pie pater optime et Arca Sophie Viuis per merita virtutum laude perita Vos qui transitis hic omnes atque reditis Dicite quod Christi pietas sit promptior isti 〈◊〉 ●●●ers Augustines in this I owne was founded by Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and Blanch his wife others say by Henry Earle of Lancaster and Leicester It was valued at three hundred twelue pounds foureteene shillings foure pence Here lye buried Dame Margery Todenham Dame Elisabeth wife of Sir Thomas H●ngraue daughter of Sir Iohn Harling with many other you may imagine whose names I haue not The blacke Friers here was founded by Sir Edmond Gonvile Lord of ●ir●ingford in this County Parson of Terington and Steward with Iohn E●●e Warren and with Henry Duke of Lancaster It was dedicated to S. Sepulchre The value I haue not learned Buried in the Church of this mon●ster● were Sir Iohn Bret● knight Dame Agnes Honell Dame Maud Tal●●e wife of Peter Lord of Rickinghill Dame Anastisia wife of Sir Richard Walsingham A Priory of blacke Canons dedicated to Saint Mary and Saint Iohn was here founded by one of the Bigods or Bigots Earle of Norfolke Valued at fourty nine pounds eighteene shillings and a penny Surrendred the 16. of February 31. Hen. 8. Here was a religious structure for blacke Nunnes consecrated to the honour of God and Saint Gregory but by whom sounded I do not know It was valued in the Exchequer at fifty pound nine shillings eight pence Here sometimes stood a Colledge or gild dedicated to the blessed Virgine Mary valued at the suppression to be yearely worth one hundred nine pounds seuen shillings Hugh Bigod or Bigot Steward of the House to King Henry the first built and endowed a religious House here for blacke Monkes Benedictines or Cluniacks These words following are in the Instrument of his Foundation I Hugh Bigod Steward to King Henry by his grant and by the aduice of He●bert Bishop of Norwich haue ordained Monkes of the Order of Cluny in the Church of S. Mary which was the Episcopall seate of Thetford which I gaue vnto them and afterwards founded another more meet for their vse without the Towne This Monastery was found at the suppression to be in the Kings bookes foure hundred eighteene pounds sixe shillings three pence halfe penny of yearely reuenues This Hugh the Founder was created Earle of Norfolke by King Stephen in the first yeare of his raigne He died very aged in the 24. yeare of King Henry the second and was buried in this Priory of his owne foundation to whose memory this Inscription was engrauen vpon his Funerall Monument Orate pro anima religiosissimi viri Hugonis Bigod Fundatoris huius Monasterij Seneschalli Hospitij prepotentissimo Principi Henrico Conquestoris filio Anglie Regi et Comitis Norfolcie qui quidem Hugo obiit pridie Kalend. Martii anno milesimo centesimo septuagesimo octauo Propter miserecordiam Iesu requiescat in pace Anno 1107. Optimates Angliae Richardus de Radvarijs Rogerius cognomento Bigotus mortui sunt in Monasteriis Monachorum sepulti sunt quae in propriis possessionibus ipsi condiderunt Rogerius autem apud Thetfordum in Anglia Richardus vero tumulatus apud Montisburgum in Normannia Super Rogerium Cluniacenses Alonax di tale scripserunt Epitaphium Clauderis exiguo Rogere Bigote sepulchro Et rerum cedit portio parva tibi Diuitiae sanguis facundia gratia Regum Intereunt mortem fallere nemo potest Diuitiae mentes subuertunt erigat ergo Te pietas virtus consiliumque Dei Soli moerebat virgo ter noctibus octo Cùm soluis morti debita morte tua It should seeme by the premisses that this Roger Bigot who was Sewer to King Henry the first and Father of the foresaid Hugh was the first founder of this religious Edifice or at least wise of some other in this Towne for Monkes of the order of Cluny And Stow in his Annalls agrees with my Author Ordericus This yeare saith he Maurice Bishop of London Robert Fitzhamon Roger Bigot founder of the Monastery of Monkes at Thetford Richard Redvers Councellours to the King Milo Crispen and many other Noblemen of England deceased Roger Bigot the second of that surname Earle of the East Angles or Norfolke He died about the yeare 1218. and was here interred Hugh Bigot sonne of the foresaid Roger Earle of Norfolke lay here buried who died the ninth of Henry the third 1225 Roger Bigot sonne and heire of Hugh aforesaid Earle of Norfolke and first Marshall of England of that Family was here entombed if his last will and Testament was performed Of which so much as tends to that purpose In Nomine Patris et Filij et Spiritus Sancti Amen Ego Rogerus Bigot Comes Norfolcie et Mareschallus Anglie in bona prosperitate constitutus condo Testamentum meum sub hac forma Inprimis commendo animam meam Christo c. et corpus meum in Ecclesia beate Marie Thetfordie sepeliendum Postea lego c. Huius Testamenti Executores constituo Dominum Symonem de Monteforti Com. Lecestren Dominum Richardum de Clara Com. Glouern Hertford Dominum Willelmum Malberbe Dominum Thomam Denebanke Dominum Hugonem de Tudeham c. Dat. apud Cestreford die Mercurij proximo ante festum Sancti Barnabe Apostoli anno Domini M.cclviii He died about eleuen yeares after the making of his will without issue of a bruise running at Tilt anno 1269. Roger Bigot the last of that Familie Earle of Norfolke and Marshall of England was here buried together with his first wife Alina Alyva or Adeliza daughter of Philip Lord Basset and widow of Hugh de Spenser Iustice of England she died in Aprill in the ninth yeare of Edward the first and he in the 35. of the said Kings raigne Iohn Lord Mowbray Duke of Norfolke Earle Marshall of England Earle of Nottingham Lord and Baron of Segraue and of Gower sonne and successour of Iohn the first Duke of Norfolke in the dignities aforesaid was here entombed with his wife Elianor daughter of William Lord Bourchier and sister of Henry Bourchier Earle of
non dedit orbi Mors erit vnius vita sed alterius Rara auis in terris confectus morte Viattus Houerdum baeredem scripserat ante suum Dicere nemo potest recte perijsse Viattum Ingenij cuius tot monimenta vigent In another place to the said Lord Henry Howard thus Accipe Regnorum Comes illustrissime carmen Quo mea Musa tuum laudavit maesta Viattum Againe Perge Houerde tuum virtute referre Viattum Dicerisque tuae clarissima gloria stirpis This Sir Thomas Wiat the Translatour of Dauids Psalmes into English died of the pestilence in the West countrey being on his iourney into Spaine whither he was sent Embassadour from the King vnto the Emperour in the yeare 1541. But to returne this Earle had together with his learning wisedome fortitude munificence and affabilitie yet all these good and excellent parts were no protections against the Kings displeasure For vpon the twelfth of December the last of King Henry the eight he with his Father Thomas Duke of Norfolke vpon certaine surmises of Treason were committed to the Tower of London the one by water the other by land so that the one knew not of the others apprehension The fifteenth day of Ianuary next following hee was arraigned at Guild Hall London where the greatest matter alledged against him was for bearing certaine Armes that were said belonged to the King and Prince the bearing whereof hee iustified To be short for so they were with him hee was found guilty by twelue common Iuriars had iudgement of death and vpon the nineteenth day of the same moneth nine dayes before the death of the said King Henry the eight was beheaded at Tower Hill He was first interred in the Chappell of the Tower and afterwards viz. in the raigne of our late drad Soueraigne King Iames of famous memory his remainders of ashes and bones were remoued to this place by his second sonne Henry Earle of Northampton as appeares by the foresaid Inscription Many more goodly Tombes and Grauestones but without Inscriptions are in this Church made for the remembrance of this Heroicall Progenie of the Howards and their Matches who haue here a faire and beautifull Castle fortified with a banke ditch and walls of great thicknesse wherein are thirteene Towers inwardly furnished with buildings right commodious and necessarie the resemblances and figures whereof had been cut and deline●ted if the hastinesse of the Presse would haue permitted Of this surname of Howard thus Verstegan writes in his treatise Of our ancient English Titles of Honour Dignities and Offices And of the word Holdward This ancient and honourable name of Office saith he hath receiued the in●ury of time which hath worne it out of vse and memory The l and d being for easinesse of sound omitted in the pronunciation as in sundrie other words the like is seene it became of Holdward which signifieth the gouernour or keeper of a Castle fort or hold of warre to be Howard Which name of Office albeit we haue long since lost yet retaineth our Realme to the high honour and illustrious ornament thereof the great and ●●gh● noble familie vnto whom it is now the surname and it is like that at first it so became to be vpon the bearing of such a warlike honourable Office and charge Orate pro animabus Iohannis Plomer et Margerie vxoris eius qui istum font●● f●ciebant Keteringham Here lyeth Henry Grey the Son of Syr Thomas Grey knyght of Heton and Ione hys wyffe that was Syster to the Duc of Norffolk who dyed at Venys and Emme the wyffe of thaforseyd Henry Grey the doughter of Willyam Apleyard of the seyd County of Norffolk Esquyer .... Orate pro anima Thome Heueningham Armigeri filij et heredis Iohannis Heueningham militis et Baronetti Qui obijt vltimo die Ianuarij ●nno Domini M. cccclxxxxix Orate pro anima Anne nuper vxoris Thome Heueningham Armigeri filie heredis Thome Yard Armigeri que obijt anno Domini M. cccccviii The Tombe for Thomas her husband is arched whereupon the pictures of himselfe and his wife are grauen in brasse himselfe hauing fyve sonnes likewise engrauen in brasse behynd him and she six doughters There is another Tombe erected to the memory of Sir Anthony Heveningham knight without Inscription This Towne is now the place of residence of the most ancient Familie of the Heueninghams which hath beene very honourably matched and with whom few families in England doth parallel for a Knightly descent Of which I haue read this note out of certaine Antiquities collected by Master Howldiche Ann Dom 1020. in the raigne of King Canutus Gualfride de Heueningham was Lord of Heueningham in the County of Suffolke of which house hath beene 25. Knights with Sir Io. Heueningham now liuing An. 1610. Their originall indeed is from that Towne of Heueningham in Suffolk which is possessed by them to this day Where in a particular Chappell adioyning vnto the Parish Church lie three statues cut out of the heart of Oke of their Ancestours of great antiquitie in their full postures Two of them representing men the other a woman which doth appeare to haue beene very curiously painted and gilt West Dereham or Derham Hubert Deane of Yorke afterwards Bishop of Salisbury and from thence translated to Canterbury was Founded of a Monastery in this Towne where he was borne in the raigne of King Henry the second for his owne soules health and for the soules health of his Father and Mother and of Ranulph de Glanvile and Bertha his wife who brought him vp He bought the land whereupon this Monastery was built of one Geffrey Fitz. Geffrey of Derham He placed therein Regular Canons of the order of Premontre vpon the dedication thereof to God and the most glorious virgine Mary but the particulars of the Foundation will best appeare by his Charter thus recorded Omnibus sancte Matris Ecclesie filijs presentibus et futuris Hubertus dei gracia Eboracensis Ecclesie Decan●s eternam in domino salutem Prudentis est hijs que saluti anime proficiunt dum potest intendere transitorijs eterna commutare Quod quidem intelligentes in Honore Dei et gloriose Virginis Marie Matris eius quoddam Cenobium Premonstratensis ordinis in feudo nostro apud Dereham fundauimus pro salute anime nostre et patris et matris nostre et Domini Ranulph de Glanvile et Domine Berte vxoris eius qui nos nutrierunt et pro salute fratrum sororum consanguineorum Familiarium et omnium amicorum nostrorum et pre●ate Domui et Canonicis dedimus et concessimus et presenti charta nostra confirmavimus totum tenementum in eadem villa cum pertinentijs quod de Galfrido filio Galfridi emeramus c. Witnesses to this his Foundation were Iohn Bishop of Norwich Ranulph de Glanvile Lord chiefe Iustice of England Walter Fitz. -Robert Geffrey Fitz-Peter
Richard de Derham Parson of the Church Nicholas de Derham and Elias de Derham brethren Which Elias was one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said Archbishop Hubert Ann. 7. Iohannis Regis from which Nicholas de Derham descended Tho. Derham of Crimplesham Esquire Ann. 3. H. 5. that married Elisabeth daughter and heire of Baldwin de Vere of Denuere in this County Esquire yonger brother to Robert de Vere of Addington Esquire from whom Sir Thomas Derham knight now Lord of West Derham aforesaid is descended Buckenham New Hic iacet Alicia quondam vxor Willelmi Knyvet Armigeri Que erat filia Iohannis Grey filij Reginaldi Grey Domini de Rythyn que obiit quarto die mensis Aprilis Anno Domini M. cccclxxiiii ..... Hic iacet Thomas Ivy Capellanus qui obijt xix di● mensis Septembris ann Domini M. cccclxxxiii Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Hic iacet Robertus Seman Capellanus qui obijt nono die Iunij ann Dom. M. cccclxv Cuius anime ... Orate pro anima Willelmi Pyllys qui obijt xxv die Decembris Anno Domini M. cccccxxxi Cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Here are many old Monuments all without Inscriptions vnder which diuers of the Familie of the Knevets lie buried An ancient house and renowned saith Camden euer since Sir Iohn Kneuet was Lord Chancellour of England vnder King Edward the third and also honourably allied by great marriages For ouer and besides these of Buckenham now Baronets from hence sprang those right worshipfull Knights Sir Thomas Kneuet Lord Kneuet Sir Henry Kneuet of Wiltshire and Sir Thomas Kneuet of A●hewell Thorp and others Buckenham old Vpon a Grauestone in the south side of the Church ouer which stone there now are Pewes built there is in brasse portraied a Crane from whose heke is a scrowle with these two words Deo gratias and vpon a piece of brasse ouerthwart this inscription Orate pro anima Thome Browne cuius anime propitietur Deus Amen Here was a religious Foundation of blacke Canons dedicated to Saint Iames valued at one hundred one and thirty pounds eleuen shillings of yearely commings in Erpingham Vnder a goodly faire Grauestone lieth the body Sir Iohn Erpingham knight he is figured vpon the stone in complete armour and the monument is bordered with this inscription Hic iacet Iohannes de Erpingham miles quis multa bona fecit tempore vite sue ... At each corner of the marble a Doue siluer crowned holding a Mase or Scepter in her pounce Sir Thomas Erpingham was knight of the Garter in the raigne of Henry the fourth Cromer Here lyeth the body of Sir Simon Felbrigge or Felbridge knight of the Garter in the raigne of Henry the fift He lieth in complete Armour on both his Emerases the Crosse of Saint George holding in his right hand a Penon of Armes his Belt bossed and gilt his Hanger by his side his Spurs gilt the blew Garter about his right legge his feet resting on a Lyon all ingrauen in brasse his wife by his side on like manner in brasse very sumptuously garnished with bracelets Iewels and her attire according to those times I haue no inscription to know any further Carow A religious house of blacke Nunnes consecrated to the holinesse and honour of the blessed Virgin Mary founded by King Stephen the founder of many such sacred Edifices valued in the Kings bookes to be yearely worth fourescore and foure pounds twelue shillings penny halfe penny qua Gregory the tenth as I take it granted by his Bull this priuiledge inhibition following to the Nunnes of this Priory Gregorious Episcopus Seruus Seruorum Dei dilectis in Christo fili●bus Priorisse et conuentui de Carrone Norwicen Dioc. Salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem Exposita nobis ex parte vestra petitio ... quod vos ad i●stantiam precum quorundam Nobilium Anglie quibus propter suam potentiam resistere non valeatis tot iam recepisti in Monasterio vestro Moniales quod vix potestis domus redditibus congrue sustentari Quare auctorit●●● presentium vobis inhibemus vt nullam recipiatis in grauamen Monasterij vestri de cetero in Monacham vel Sororem Dat. Perusii xij Kalend. Septembris Pontificatus nostri anno tertio East Harling I find by certaine notes of burials sent vnto me from my friend master Taylor of Fleetstreete London these persons following to haue beene interred in this parish Church Sir William Chamberleyn Knight of the Garter and Dame Anne his wife daughter of Sir Robert Harling Knight He was graced with this high Order in the raigne of Edward the fourth Sir Robert Harling Knight Elisabeth Trussell sister of sir William Chamberleyn Sir Iohn Harling knight Debenham Here by the foresaid Notes lie buried Iohn Farmingham qui obijt anno M. cccc.xxiiij and Margaret his wife Robert Cheak and Rose his wife George Neuill and his wife Iohn Neuill Iohn Cheake qui obiit M. cccc.lxxxx Suffield Here lyeth buried vnder a faire Tombe the bodies of Iohn Symonds gentleman and Margaret his wife daughter of Francis Moundeford Esquire ... Bromholme William Glanuile founded the Church of Saint Andrew at Bromholme in the Diocesse of Norwich in the yeare 1113. saith an old Anonimall Mss. which I haue In the Pedegree of the right honourable Edward Earle of Dorset I finde this note following Beatrix daughter and coheire of William Sakeuile Lord of Bracksted Nayland and mount Bures in Essex and brother to Iordan Sakeuile married to William de Glaunuile Lord of Bromholme and founder of the Church of Bromholme anno 17. Hen. primi a house it was of Benedictines valued to be yearely worth an hundred pounds fiue shillings fiue pence Here was also sometime a Priorie of blacke Monkes Cluniacks dedicated to Saint Sepulchre founded by G. Glanuile and valued at one hundred forty foure pounds nineteene shillings halfe penny qua Bromholme sometime a Priory saith Camden founded and enriched by G. Glanuill and seated on the sharpe top of an hill the crosse whereof our ancestors had in holy reuerence I know not for what miracles Thomas Rudhorne Bishop of S. Dauids who flourished in the raigne of Henry the fourth hath in his history these words to the same effect Capulanus quidam portauit quandam crucem ligneam in Angliam quam affirmauit esse de ligno in quo pependit Christus et Monachis de Bromholme ob●ulit et postea locus coruscabat miraculis A certaine Priest brought ouer with him saith he a woodden Crosse into England which he affirmed to be the Crosse whereupon our Sauiour Christ was crucified which he deliuered to the Monkes of Bromholme after which the place did shine gloriously with miracles But the story of this holy Crosse is more fully deliuered by Capgraue on this manner Saint Helene saith he hauing found the Crosse did diuide
40. plough lands of groūd of the kings of Mercia and Kent to their Monasterie Vt in charta * Wido the 42. Hugh de Flori 4● Guliel Spina in bib Cot. Hugh the second 44. Will. Thorne or Gul. Spina in bib Cott. Alexander surnamed Cementari●● Theologus the 48. Hugh the third the 49. Abbot Robert de Bell● the 50. Roger the second 51. Thomas Findon 〈…〉 Raph de Borne the 54. Mssan bib Cot. Thomas Poucyn the 55. In bib Cot. William Drulege the ●6 M●re Archbishop then Abbots by three Iulian Coun●e●●e of H●ntington Catal. in Hunting Io. Spe●d 〈…〉 P●iory of Ha●●baldowne Lamb. peram in Harbaldowne Lora Countesse 〈◊〉 Leic●ster 〈…〉 Catal. Ca●den in Kent Sir Iohn Gower and Sir Iohn De●e Priests Sir Roger Manwoods Almes-house A pilgrimage● 〈◊〉 S. Stephens 〈◊〉 Ethelbert the second king of ●●nt The end of the Kentish kingdome The found 〈…〉 the Abbey at Reculuer ... Sandwey 〈◊〉 his wife Sir Thomas a Priest ●dila Lady Thorne Thr●e vailed Nunnes The foundation of Minster Abbey Io. Ca●graue in v. ●a Dom. Mss●a bib Cot A Maledicton The death of Domneua The buriall of Thunnor 〈◊〉 Dom. ● Mildred 〈◊〉 on of Mildred Hungar and Hubba the sonnes of a Beare M●ss●in bib C●●t Caygraue i●●nia 〈◊〉 b. 〈◊〉 Eadburgh 〈◊〉 first English Nunne surnamed 〈◊〉 Camden in K. Speed Hist. The foundation of the white Friers and of the old Hospitall A Manuscript Tho. Legatt Tho. Hadlow William Beckle● Iohn Sandwich Denis Plumcooper The foundation ●f the free Schoole Richborow Claudius Contentus Ca●nd Ken● Goshall Leuerick Septvau S. 〈◊〉 Harslet● Clitherow ... Old●●stell Ioane Keriell Stow. Annal. Harding 〈◊〉 Sir Iohn Philpot. knight Lord Maior of London Stow. Annal. Stow. Suruay Speed Hist. 22. Ric. 1 The Walsingham in vita Ric. 1. Sir Thomas Ba knight Wingham Colledge Lamb peramb. Blechendens 〈◊〉 Tho. S. 〈◊〉 and Ioane 〈◊〉 wife Albina the wife of 〈◊〉 Iohn Digge 〈◊〉 Ioane his wife Sir Iohn Digge knight and Ioane his wife Sir Robert Ashton knight Lord Warden Admirall of a 〈◊〉 Chiefe Iustice of Ireland Lord Treasurer Executor to K. Edward the third Foundation of the Castle Church Lamb. peramb. The Priory of S. Martins or Gods-house in Douer Regist. eccl 〈…〉 in bib Cot. S. 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Lond. Stow. 〈◊〉 William 〈◊〉 the sonne of Iudge Fineux Wil●iam Sir 〈…〉 the controuler of 〈◊〉 Sir William Scot knight Hollinshed Elisabeth Lady Poynings Camden in Kent Is●bell Ladie 〈◊〉 Ioane the wife of Io. Digges Dionisia Finch Vincent Harbard alias F●nch in the genealogie of the 〈◊〉 of Nedde fel●● Sir Robert Gower knight Pashley Ioane Pashley in the window ●●mmati●n of the 〈◊〉 at ●ol●●ton ●●o Godfra● Sir Iohn Cul●peper kni●ht and Agnes his wi●● ●●den in Rut. The P●io●y of 〈◊〉 Iohn Ma●s●●● p●efe●men●s Hollins An 1241. Paris ●hinne Anon. in bib Cott Mansels death in 〈◊〉 Ex Epit●m R●●geri Houeden in bib Co● A Benefice for Dogges mea● * Earle of Lei●cester Mansel the cause of the warres betweene Hen●y the third and his Barons Paris ●n 1252 Charge of soules 〈◊〉 Culkin and 〈◊〉 his wife 〈…〉 and Ioane his wife A free S●●●ole 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 his sonne Sir 〈◊〉 knight and Dennis his wife Ric. L●●e to Cely ●enal● Deyre Foundation of the Colledge o● 〈◊〉 The Kempe and Beatrice his wife Lamb. peramb. Iohn Andrew a Pilgrime Foundation of the Colledge of Ashford Elisabeth Countesse of Atholl Semane Tong Baron of the fiue ports Io. 〈◊〉 and his wife Wil. Norton and Elisabeth his wife Will. Thorne Richard Norton and Ioane his wife Iohn ●●st Thomas Read William Vpton Agnes Feuersham William Leedes Henry Hatcher and Ioane his wife Richard Colwell Camden Remaine● Foundation of Feuers●am Abbey Ex Arch Turris London The death and buriall of King Stephen Addition to Rob. Gloc. 〈◊〉 Paris An. 1154 Harding c. 12● Rob. Glocest. S. Daniel No subsidies in K Stephens time 〈◊〉 ●omp 〈◊〉 in bib Cot. Sp●●d Maud the wife of K Stephen In bib Cot. Eustace King Stephens sonne 〈◊〉 Monk● of Chester 〈◊〉 D●rob His death and buriall Rob. Gloc. Margaret Ri● kill Io. Crowmer and Ioane his wife Will. Crowmer Sir Iames Fienes I.o. Treasurer Iohn Septvaus and Katherine his wife Elisabeth Poodd Iames Bourne Io. Gerard and Ioane his wife Laurence Gerard and Tho his sonne Apuldorfeild Clipeus honoris Glouer Somerset Herald Valentine Barret and Sicili● his wife ●●ll Maries Smersoll Iul-laber Camd. in Kent Io. Frogenhall Will. Mareys Ioane and Ioane his wife Woodokes The Priory 〈◊〉 Horton Mon●●● The order 〈…〉 Alex Clifford and 〈◊〉 his wife Visit of Kent Glouer Sir Arnold Sauage knigh● and Ioane his wife Sir Arnold Sa●uage knight Katherine Lady Sauage Foundation of Bradesoke Ab●bey E● Arch 〈…〉 Iohn and Iohn Norwood Visit. Kent Glouer Thomas Alefe and Margaret his wife Sir Iohn Norton knight and Ioane his wife Stow. Annal. Sir Edward P●ynings Sir Iohn Norton Io. Fogge Iohn Scot Tho. Lynd knights of the field Inter Bundel Indent ●e guerra apud pelles Foundation of the Friary at Eastbridge Iudge Martyn and Anne his wife Visit. Kent Iohn Martyn Ioane Butler Ioane Feuersham Tho. Feuersham and Ioane his wife Found of the Abbey Io. Toke Margaret and Anne his wife Glouer alias Somerset Lancaster king of Armes Stephen Norton Foundation of Minster Nunnery Roger Norwood and Bena his wife Io. Soole and Margaret his wife Shurland Inter Bundellas Indent de guerra apud pel Maidston Found of the Colledge first an Hospitall William Courtney Archbishop of Canterbury * Sure he meanes Cardinall for I cannot finde him to be Chancellour Sir Iohn Wotton Priest the first Master of this Colledge Woodvill Chancery of Maidston Leedes Priory E● Arch 〈◊〉 London Io. and William Bloor Iames Donet Io. Paynter Mss●n ●ib Cot. A quarrell betweene the Canons of Leedes and the Monkes of S. Albans The Religious House at Motinden Boxley Abbey Cart. Ant. in Arch. Turris London The Roode of Grace at Boxley Lamb. peramb. Camd. in Kent Hollins p. 1402. An. Reg Elis. 27 Nicholas Wotton Lord Maior of London Newenden Priory The first Carmelite Friars in England Lamb peramb. Lambard Combewell Abbey Iohn Elys Sir Nicholas Sandwich Priest Visit. Kent Will. Brent and Elisab his wife Sir W. Walkesley knight Tho. Elys and Thomasin his wi●● William B●rre Glouer alias Somerset The Colledge of Bradgare Dame Elisab N●vill Camd in Cumberland So in this County Sutton Valence Horton Kirby and others haue like distinctiue surnames Richard Der●● ●●ow Annal. Iohn Dering An Eschurchion Io. Dering and Iulian his wife Nic Dering and 〈◊〉 his wife 〈◊〉 Dering Bene● his wife Hen. and Rich. Malemaines Brent the Mad-braine Rich. Dering Tho. his sonne Will. Goldwell and Avice his wife Goldwell Bishop of Norw a repairer of this Church The builders o● founders of this Church Bishop Goldwel the founder of the South Chappell Io. Tok● Marg. and Anne his wifes Tho. Twesden and Benedict his wife Will. Sharpe and his fiue wiues Margaret the wife
of Edward Barry Ioan Lady Barry Sir Iohn Barry knight Isabell ●●dy Barry Sir ●ill Barry knight Humfrey Barry Robert Barry the first in 〈◊〉 land that broughthawke to hand Vide Vincent contra Brooke pag. 130. * M S. Tho Talbot clerici Rotulorum in um Lond. Mathew Paris pag 342 Selden in his Titles of Honour of Barons Plota 18. H 3. apud Westm. Bracton de Exceptionibus li. 5. cap. 9 pag. 5. Supersedeas de An. 8. Ed. 2. in dorso ● Austin Archbishop ●olidor the Popes collectour ● Honorius Archbishop Hist. Eccl. Ang. Sex● sar c. 8. S. Deodat Archbishop M Drayton Polyol 24 Song S. Theodore Archbishop ● Odo Archbishop S. Dunstane Archbishop * instant * holy Capgraue Song 1● S. Elphege Arch. Martyr Rob. Glocest. S. Egelnoth Archbishop Godwin ● Ea●●●●e Archbishop S. Lanfranke Archbishop S. Anselm Archbishop S. Thomas commonly called Thomas of Canterbury * honourd S. Edmund Archbishop Miss in bib Cott. 〈◊〉 Popes absolute power H●s ty●●nny The conclusion of this Diocesie The 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 Conuention for the 〈◊〉 The Archbishops 〈◊〉 the generall 〈◊〉 Lambard The end of the strife for the Primacie Hardin● ca. 88 Lamb. peramb. Paulinus Bishop of Rochester and first of Yorke Beda l. 2. c. ● Mss. in bib Cot. Bedal 〈◊〉 ● Camd. in Ric● B●l. l. 2. c. 2 Hist. Archiepis Ebor. in bib Cot. Ex lib. Anon. in bib Cott. Ithamar Bishop of Rochester Cap. in vit S. Ithamari M. Drai●on Polyol 24. Song Tobias Bishop of Rochester Harps Hi●● Eccles Angl octa●um Saecul c. ● Gundulph Bishop of Rochester Godwin de prae●ul Ang. Bulla Vrbani secundi in bib ●im D'ewes Equit aurat M ss in bib Cot. The Hospitall of Chetham Malling Abbey Lamb peramb. Gilbert de Glanvill Bishop of Rochester Godwin The Hospitall in Strowd Walterus Mer●ton Bishop of Rochester Sir Hen. Sauill Haymo s. S. Barthol Hosp. in Hithe In bib Cott. Iohn de Shepey Bishop of Rochester Lord Treasurer Io. Lowe Bishop of Rochester Bale Cent. 4. Godwin Priory of Rochester Lib. Rossen in bib Cott. Lamb. per amb S. William of Rochester Neua Legenda Capgraui● Lib. Rossen in bib Cot. Io. Beaufits and Isabel his wife Io. Beaufits and Alice his wife Rob. Beaufits Sara his wife Will. Beaufits Ioane Bamme Iohn Bamme her sonne The ●●iery Com. in ●en● The Almes-house o● Hospitall Catigern and Horsa The battell of Ailesford Horsted Catigern his sepulchre Ric Charles Alice his wife Will Suayth Alice his wife Rob. Watton Will. Watton Benet and Alice his wiues Rob. Watton Alice his wife Io. Norwood The Mannor of Norwood Io. Constenton and Sara his wife Otteham Abbey In Archi●is Turris London Sixe pence for exceedings vpon S. Laurence day In Arch. Tur. London Begham Priory Ela de Sackvile and Sir Robert Turnham founders Rob. Glocest. The death of Sir Robert Turnham Rob. Glo● * haire Sir Tho. Sackvile knight In the prerogatiue office Sir Stephen Pensherst knight Ex Arch. Turr●● London Sidney ●amd in Ken● Sir Philip Sidney knight The Epitaph for Mons. Boniuet Hugh Lord Staff and Tho. Bradlaine his Bow-bearer Camd in Kent Priory of Tunbridge Richard de Clare Earle of Gloucester Lib. Theoles Mss. Camd. Remaines Hugh de Audley Earle of Glocester and Margaret his wife Vincent Discouery of errors Raph Earle of Stafford and Margaret his wife Bagot Baron of Stafford Vincent Dis. errours The foundation of the free-Schoole at Tonbridge Edward Bourchier vulgo Bowser and Agnes his wife Haydok Haymund Robert Lawe Priest Tho. Brooke and Clemence his wife Tho. Gregby Robert Totleherst Iohn Yardly and Ioane his wife William Potkin and Alexandra his wife The foundation of the Schoole and Almeshouse in Sennock Lamb. Peramb Tho. Brenten Bishop of Rochester Godwin Catalogue of Bis. Sir Bruin knight C●md in Essex Stow. Annal. Reg. Stratton Parson Camd. in Camb Rich. Ieames a Blacksmith Tho. Gawge Iames Peckham and Margaret his wife Reynold Peckham and Ioice his wife * Cupbearer Will. Peckham and Katherine his wife Tho Peckham and Dorothie his wife Iames Peckham and Agnes his wife Martin Peckhā and Margerie his wife Sir Thomas Willoughby and Bridget his wife Iohn Loft Priest Io. Alphegh and Isabel his wife Thinne Collect. Camd. in Lincol. Willoughby Earle of Vandosme Io. Wood. Edmund Read S. Katherines Chappell Sir Ric. Clement knight and Anne his wife Ric. Astall Hawte Glouer Somerset Ioane Lady Cobham Margery Lady Cobham Lib 〈◊〉 in hil Cot. Henry Lord Cobham Margaret Lady Cobham Ioane Lady Cobham Tho. Lord Cobham and Maud his wife Iohn Lord Cobham Cobham Colledge Sir Iohn Oldcastle knight Lord Cobham Ioane Baronesse Cobham Sir Reignold Braybroke knight Lord Cobham Reignold and Robert Braybroke Lamb. p●ramb Nicholas Hawberke Lord Cobham Io. Broke Lord Cobham and Lady Margaret his wife Tho. Lord Cobham and his three wiues Raph Cobham Io. Terrye Io Clauering in bib Cot. Henry Lord Cobham prime Iustice of England Stephen de Penchester or Pe●shu●st Lord Warden Ioane Alice his daughters and heires Ioane ma●ned to the said H. Lord Cobham Alice to Philip de Columbars Io. Smith and Margery his wife Tho. Sharpe The Nunnery at Heigham Robert Ereby Ioane and Ioane his wiues Tho. Ereby and ●sode his wife Almeshouse Tho. Buckland Alice Walleys Ric Downe and Margery his wife Io. Bederenden Tho. Petle and Isabell his wife In a window Iohn Donat and Alice his wife Eckisford William Alisander Io. Pole Palme Hic Da●● master of the Iewell house Maryd Davy William Rikell and Katherine his wife S●ow Annal. Sir Peter Lacy Priest Tho. Brendon and Ioane his wife Rich. Hunt and Ioane his wife 〈◊〉 Hesilt Baron of the Exchequer and Agnes his wife 〈◊〉 Martyn 〈◊〉 his wife S. Hildeferths Nicholas Boneuant and Agnes his wife Reignold Thomas Ric. Bon●uant Io. Sorewell Priest Sir Iohn Lumbard Priest Maud Laken and Ioane her daughter Sir Io. Dew Priest Roger Payname Will Banknot Anne his wife Sir Io. Wilshyre knight and Margaret his wife Stow. Annal. Sir Ric Wingseeld knight of the Garter Bridget his wife Io Hornley Katherine Burlton and Richard her husband The Priory of Dartford Burials in this Prio●y The birth and death of Bridget Plantagine● Rob. Woodford Ioane his wife Ro. Apleton and Agnes his wife Elisabeth Coūtesse of Shrewsbury * Iohn dyed in his infancy Sir Ric. Walden knight and Dame Margery his wife Richard Walde Allin Atticor Sir Io. Stone Priest Iohn Crioll Roger Sentcler Mathew Paris Ric. de Lucie the founder R●g Heu●den An. 1179. Ex vet Mss. in ●o Cot. Godfrey Lucy Bishop of Winchester Io. Colin and Maud his wife Sir William Pr●ne Priest Inser vpon the great Bell. Margery Roper Iohn Morton Tho. Pierle Foundation of Peckham Schoole Richard B●shop of Rochester Walter Hench Parson George Hatteliffe The Priory of Lewsham Priors Aliens Their goods and lands consiscate King Edward surnamed Longshanks did the like An. Reg. ●3 vpon the like occasion Restitution of the 〈◊〉 Aliens
Turr. Lond. Fabians Ballad Royall * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Queen of England Edward the third King of England Remaines Fauine in the orders of England * Alluding to the ●eopard● in the 〈…〉 Cron. Compend Cant. in bib Col. His Character Sam. Daniel His Iustice. His regard of Order His loue to his people His Prouidence His works of Pietie His buildings Walsing in vit Ed. 3. Add. Rob. Glocest * Bohemia Philip Queene of England Richard the second King of England Ranulph Monke of Chester Lib. vltimo Folio 166. 〈…〉 * Bohemia * Anne Queene of England Stow. Annal. Henry the fift King of England Add to Robert of Glocester Katherine the wife of Henry the fifth Henry the seuenth king of England Elizabeth the wife of king Hen. the seuenth Margaret Coūtesse of Richmond Margaret the daughter of King Ed. 4. Elizab. the daughter of king Hen. 7. Anne Queene of England Edmund Earle of Lancaster Harding c. 147. Mat. Paris Pageant of Popes Aueline Countesse of Lancaster William de Valence Earle of Penbroke Stow Annal. Harding ca. ●56 Simon Langham Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Waldby Archbishop of Yorke Ex Mss. in bib Cot. * Sodorensis B. of Man In bib Cot. Iohn Waltham Bishop of Salisbury Ca●al of Bishops In vita R 2. Richard Wendouer Bishop of R●ch●ster Sir Humphrey Bourchier Lord Cromwell Sir Humphrey Bourchier * Cup. bearer Tho. Milling Bishop of Hereford Godwin Hugolin Chamberlaine to S. Edward king and Confessor Remaines William Bedell and Cicely his wife Rob. Haule 〈◊〉 vit R. 2 Tho. Ruthall Bishop of Durham Sir William Trussell knight Tho. dela More Lib. 7. cap. 43. Rich. de Ware Abbot Francis Thinne in Catal. Thes. Aug. Walter Wenlocke Abbot The Abbots of this house were Barons of the Parliament Ric. de Barking Abbot Gervaise de Bloys Abbot Vitalis Abbot Laurence the first m●●erd Abbot of West Gislebert Crispin Abbot Edmund Kirton Abbot Iohn Islip Abbot Remaines In bib Cot. Raph Selby Io Windsore Geffrey Chaucer Ex Mss. in bib Cot. Iohn Bedel Walter Garden Ioan Pymichum Io. Den and Agnes his wife * Eijcit● Io. Skelton Poet Laureat Specul Brit. 2. King 1.14 Ioh. ● 2 Stow Suruay S. Giles Bowle The Bishop of Rochester● letter to 〈◊〉 S. amongst the letters 〈…〉 In bib Cotton Cromwell principal● Secretary * ●il Warbam In part Anno 2● Hen. 8. ca. 10. Ex lit in Bib. Cotton Robert Fisher. Ex Mss. in bib Cot. The Tenor of Bishop Fishers Indictment Ex Mss. in bib Cotton Eras. Vid. Bal. cent 5. Oputer opus Cronog orbis Vniuersi pag. 477. Sir Tho. Moore In parl Anno 26 Hen. 8. ca. 2. Ex lit in Bib. Cotton Scrip. B●●t Cent. 5. De I●ust Angie Scriptoribus In Epist. ad Vldric Huttenum de vita Mori Io. Lelandi Moriades siue charitaea cor●na Camd. Remaines in wise speeches Ex lit in bib Cott. Nich. Grudius Tho. Cromwell Earle of Essex Ex Mss. in bib Cotton M. Drayton in the Legend of great Cromwell M. Drayton M. Drayton Some say no such Act was deuised by him to cause his owne death Speed chap. 21. Iohn Fox M. Drayton Sir Tho. Moore to Master Cromwell Ex lit in bib Cot Stow. Annal. Queene Anne Bullein Speed cap. 21. George Bullein Lord Rochford Speed cap. 21. Sleidan com l. 10. Queene Katherine Howard Ed. and Iohn Dukes of Somerset and Northumberland Hen. Southworth Geff. Hewet Ioane his wife In Mi●lesex Suruay in Bishopsgateward Sicilius king of Britaine Song 3. Cap 25. * a man decked in fe●hers Vo●t●mer king of Britaine Speed Hist. cap. 12. Sigibert I Speed Hist. ca. xi Rob Glocest. * men taken * they * commanded Ca. 68. Videsis Speed Hist. ca. 17. and Vincent Catal. Chest●r Mill. Catal. Yorke Speed Hist. ● ●● * Vncle. The Continuer of Hardings Chronicle The guilty conscience of King Richard Pers. Sat. 3. trans by ●erten Holyday Sir Thomas Moore Lord Chancelor Sir Iohn More the father of Sir Thomas his death Ioan and Alice the wiues of Sir Tho. Mor● in bib Cot. Edmund Lord Bray Mawd Berford Philip Meawtis Ric. Scardebrugh and Elis. his wife Adwin Lauerocke Tho. Essex The office of Remembrancers D. Cowell lic R. The Kings Remembrancer The Treasurers Remembrancer Remembrancer of the first-fruits Io. Fisher. Sir Raph But● knight Iohn Long Katherin Alice his wiues Io. Sherburne Sir Sampson Norton and Elis. his wife Master of the Ordnance Io. Thorley Will. Harvey George Chauncy Mar. Suanden * Arcuarij the Kings Bowyer Anne Sturton Lora Blunt Mawde Lady Salueyne Will. Boydale Christopher Carhill king at Armes Hen. Redman Ione his wife Ric. Parker and Marg. his wife William Clauell The foundation of Sion Nuns and Priests Augustines Ex lit in Bib. S. Dewes Ecclesia omnium Angetorum Antony Sutton Hen●y Archer Io Robinson Katherine and Ioane his wiues Clement C●lyns Io. Holt Margery and Elizab●th his wiues Audrie Aundesham Io. Sampoll Sir Io. Payne Priest The Friery of Hounslow George Windsore William Iacob Stanes Priory Ex Lib. Abbat de Croxden in Bib Cotton Iohn Lord S●●ange Camd. in Shrop. George Lord Strange Iames Lord Strange Io. Flambard Edmund Flambard and Elis. his wife Io. Birkhed Sir Thomas Cornwall Camden in Shropshire Io. Bird Priest Io. Brent Specul Brit. Fowke de Brent Mat Westminst Mat. Pari● Tho. Iacob and Ioan his wife Io. Downmeer Ioan his wife Peter Goldesbrough Tho. Sanny Sir Tho. Frowicke knight Tho. Frowicke Ioane his wife Tho. Aldenham Io. Goodyere Ioane his wife Remaines 〈◊〉 Lady 〈◊〉 Hist of Wales ● ●●ord Specul Britan. Norden Io. Skeuington Peter Fabell the mer●y deuil of Edmunton Tho. Carleton Elis. his wife 〈◊〉 and Anne his wife Io. Innocent o● Incent vnder Treasurer of England Nic. Borne and Elis. his wife Io. Daniel Ioan and Alice his wiues Mawd Ekington Tho. Heningham George Heningham Elis. Turnant Margaret Compton Tho. Billington Grand Seargeant●e Kilborne Nunnery Hen. Lord Percy Earle of Northumberland Camd. in Surfex Alexander a Sergeant at Law Ioan Only Alice Ryder a Milke-maid Heron the founder of Hackeney Tho Hert Vicar Ione Curteys Roger Ford. Io. Butterfield Tho. Symonds Io. Catcher Hen. Therket Will. Henneage D. Cowell lit ● Io. Iennings Io. Elrington Cowell lit F. Will. Lowthe Rob. Walsingham Chr. Vrswicke the K. Almoner of Amuer Io Fowler Alice Fowler Tho. Sauill 〈…〉 Robert Middleton and his wife Katherine Mistelbrooke .... Grey and his wife Suruay Lond. Rob. Eve and Laurence his sister Hosp. of S. Giles founded S. Giles Bowle Hen. Steward Lord Darle Io. Kitt or Kite Bishop of Carlell Sir Hen. C●lle● Lord Ma●●r Rich. Pa●e Dea●e of S● Pauls Stow Annal. Cent. ● Nic. Gibson Sheriffe of London Iohn ●●●le o● Hereford Sir Io Chappalaine Priest Isabell Newmarche Camd. in Somerset Lewis B●ysbury Wi●l Wa●e and Io●ne his wife Iohn Pre●st Alice 〈◊〉 Io. Chandry Io Ingleby Foundation of the Priory in Hert. Raph Lord Limsey here bu●●ed Robert Saddington Mat Paris Francis Thinne Sir
Cherch of Ockley In the Cherch of Th●endeston In the Cherch of Battam In Codnam Cherche In the Cherch of Belyngs magna In S. ●a●●ance Cherche as Ipsewyche Shotley Cherche In the Cherch of Belstede Eston Cherch In M●tle●d● Cherch In Lackefelde Cherch In Debnam Cherch Kenton Cherch Playford Cherche Knotfall Cherch In the Cherche of Walderswyke In Beckelles Cherche More in Beckelles Coue Cherche Leysto●t Cherche Somerleton or Somorley Cherche Olton Cherch Soterley Cherche● The diuision of the Diocesse of the East-Angles Elmham the Bishops ●eate Baldwin the first Bishop Godwin Catal. The●ford the Bishops seate Arfastus the first Bishop Godwin out of Ma●msbury William the ●●st Bishop of Thetford and the first of Norwich The foundation of the Bishops See at Norwich Herbert the first Bishop of Norwich Cart. Antiq. in Arch. Turris Lond. Godwin de 〈◊〉 Ang. Ma●●s de gest Regum Ang. lib. 4. ●● vet Mss in bib Cot. Euerard Bishop of Norwich Will. Turbus Bishop of Norwich Io. Oxford Bishop of Norwich Pits aetat 13. Io. Grey Bishop of Norwich De praesul Angl. Walter de Sufield Bishop of Norw The foundation of Saint Giles Hospitall Si. de Wanton Bishop of Norw Rog. 〈…〉 Bishop of Norw Iohn Salmon Bishop of Norw Will. Ayremin Bishop of Norw C●p ●●3 Tho. Piercy Bishop of 〈◊〉 Hen. Spenser Bishop of 〈◊〉 Tho. Walsing in vita R. 2. 〈◊〉 Arch. Turris 〈…〉 Alexander Bishop of Norwich 〈◊〉 Arch. Tur. 〈◊〉 Io. Wakering Bishop of Norwich Hollins A. 2. H. 5. Walter Lyghart Bishop of Nor●wich Ia. Goldwel Bishop of Norwich Tho. Ian. Bishop of Norwich 〈…〉 of Norwich Richard Brome 〈◊〉 Boswell The ●amilie of Bosvile o● Boswell Clere and his wife Elis. Waters Beauchamp● Chappell His buriall Simon Folkarde Baconthorpe Prior. Io. Baconthorpe the resolute little Doctor Pit Ann 1346. Baconthorpe a Dwarfe Mss. in custod And. Treswell Sir William Bolen knight of the Bath Tho. a Priest who paued a part of the Church Tho. Helby Io. Knapton S. Peters picture The bragge of the clocke Tho. Scot Philo. Anne Flint * thi● * them * that Osbornes Elis. Ellis Iohn Mers Tho. Ellis Maior of Norwich and Marg. his wife Henry Wilton and Mar. his wife Rich. Ailmer and Ioan his wife Judge Windam Ioan London Izod Read Sir Peter Read knighted by Charles the fift Emperour Tho. Sheffe and his wife Marion Iohn Prince Priest Margery Hore Verst in our english names of contempt Rob. Thorpe Tho. Warnys Priest Io. Asker o● Alger Maior The G●ey Frie●s The Bl●●ke Friers The 〈…〉 Burialls in the wh●te Friers Carmeli●●s Vmphrey Necton Ro. ●alsyngham 〈◊〉 Folsham Rob. Rose Lady Emma 2 Recluse or Anchoresse and of this order Sir Hugo Vuedal knight Sir Will. Crongethorpe knight Philip Cowgate the Founder A grieuous great plague in Norwich A prayer for the deliuerāce of certaine Carmes out of Purgatory Ex Mss. Balei de Carmelitis The praise of Norwich Vide Camden The foundation of the Colledge of Attilborrough Burials at Attilborrough Sir Alex. Radcliffe of Ordsall now owner of Attilborro● Anu 1031. The foundation of the Priory of 〈◊〉 Ex 〈…〉 Lond. The Priory made an Abbey Io. Whe●onssea● Mss. in b●b C●t Burials at 〈◊〉 Ex Annal. de Wauerley in bib Cot. Romaines ●pon 〈◊〉 None Io. Townsend Sir Rog Towneshead knight Bardolfe Anne Lady Higham Lib. 2. cap. 16. Lord Montaigne surnamed Higham Sir William Butts knight and his Lady Sir Nicholas Bacon knight and Baronet Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper Sir Francis Bacon Lord Chancellour Sir Raph Shelton and Alice his wife The foundation of Blackney Priory Camd in Norf. The Resolute Doctor Iohn Vnct●n Iohn C●●●ll Iohn Bocher and Marg. his wife Tho. Drake Io. Waith and Marg. his wife Io. Darosse and his wife Io Avelyn Vicar Io. Glouer Vicar Willi●m Roys Isabell Tilney Iane Kneve●t Io. Styward Marg. his wife George Linsted Will. Davy Marg. Thorne Sir Roger Harsicke knight The foundation of the Abbey of Castle Acre 〈◊〉 Br●●d and Agnes his wi●● In a gl●●●e Window Margaret White Alice Burnham Io. Bokenham George Bokenham Sir Oliuer Ingham knight Stow Annal. Hollins Sp●ed cap. 1● Sir Will. Woodhouse The foundation of Hickling Priory Rochfords Thomas Sutton Rob. Goddard Ric. Zorke Sir Fredericke T●lney knight a man of high stature Sixteene knights of the Tilneys successiuely Tilneys inheritance deuolued to the Howards by marriage Io. Fincham Eliz. Fincham Io. Fincham The foundation of S Benets in the Holme An Abbot of Holme hanged Camd. in Norf. Iohn Clipesby Iohn Clipesby Catherine Clipesby Hen Spelman Hen. ●pelman and Ela his ●●●e Sir Iohn Spelman knight Elis. his wife Sir Hen. Spelman knight Io Spelman and Marg. his wife Will. Spelman Sir Will. Yeluerton knight and Iohn his sonne Hen. Nottingham and his wife * that made * Quire Hen. Le Strange Sir Roger Le Strange knight for the body to ●ing Henry the ●●●enth Camd. in Norf. Stow Annal. Ex Arch. Turris London The foundation of Penteney Abbey Ex. lib. Abb. de Langley Ric. Baxter cowardly slain Tho. Baxter Tho. Drake and Elis. his wife The foundation of Wendling Priory Shernburne Shernb●rn the second Christian Church of ●i is Country 〈◊〉 by 〈…〉 The foundation of the Monastery of Langley Out of 〈◊〉 of Annal● belonging to this Priory 〈…〉 Coll●●s Io. 〈◊〉 and Alice his wife Christopher Calthorpe Io. Symonds and Agnes his wife Symonds Anne and Margaret his wiues Io. ●●umsted Ed. Braunche and Anne his wife Henry Berney and Alice his wife Io. Berney and his wiues Another Iohn Berney and his wiues Io Berney Io. Berney Sir Raph● Fulmerston and Alice his Lady Will. Knigton Peter Larke and his wife The foundation of the Friers Preachers Arfastus Bishop of Thetford Ex Mss An●n in bib Cot. I●● Colledge 〈◊〉 Thetford The foundatiō of the 〈◊〉 Monastery at Thetford Ca●●d in Norf. Hugh Bigot Earle of Norf. Orderie Vital Vtic. Ecclesiast Hist. lib. 11. Roger Bigot Sewer to king Hen. the 〈◊〉 Stow 〈…〉 Roger Bigot Earle of Norf. Hugh Bigot Earle of Norf. Roger Bigot Earle of Norf. Marshall of England His Will out of Camdens collections in bib Ce●● Roger Bigot Earle of Norf. and Marshall of England the last and Alina his wife Io Mowbray Duke of Norfolke and Eleanor his wife Iohn Lord Mowbray Duke of Norfolke Iohn Lord Howard Duke of Norfolke Ex Arch Turr. Lond. Hollins pa. 759. Sir Iohn Beaumont Baronet deceased in his Poeme of Bosworth field Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke Henry Fitz Roy Duke of Richmond Henry Howard Earle of Surrey and Frances his wife Camd. in Norf. Pit de illust Ang. scriptoribus pag. 923. Hen. How Poem Sir Anthony Denny Le●and ●n suis N●ij● The death of Sir Tho. Wiat. Annal. Stow. Hollin● Hali. Speed H●●● Alice 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Rob. Seman Will. Pyllis Kneuet● Camd. in Nors Tho. Browne ●uckenham ●riory Sir Iohn Er●●●●ham Knight ●●undation of the Nunnery Sir Will. Chamberlaine knight of the Garter The foundation of S. Andrewes at Bromholme 〈…〉 The holy Crosse of Bromholme Capgraue in the life of S. Ed●●●d King and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 compertorum Camd. 〈…〉 ●aphe 〈◊〉 Robert 〈◊〉 N●●● Io Deynes and Katherine his wife Io. Shildgate George Lord Audley The foundation of the Chappell and Priory at Walsingham out of a 〈…〉 increasing Librarie of Sir 〈…〉 Camd. in Norf. Erasmus of the pilgrimage to W●lsingham Queene Isabels seruant Flytham Priory The Foundation of the Priory of Yngham Burials in the Priory Church Leland in his Commentaries The foundation of the Friers Carmelites The blacke and white Friers in Linne S. Iohns Hospitall Sir Iames Hobart knight the builder of this Church 〈◊〉 lit I. Margaret La●● Hobart Bishop Herbert the builder of the Church Elin●●●●●ker Stow Annal. ex lib. priorat de Tur. Burials of such as ●●ed of the plague The white Friers The Blacke Friers The Grey Friers The Colledge of S. Iohn Baptist Sir Iohn Falstolfe knight of the Garter Burials and persons to be prayed for in religious houses in about Yarmouth Ed. de Hengraue a renowned Lawyer Sir Raph Shalton knight and Alice his wife 〈…〉 Lady 〈◊〉 Io● Shelton 〈◊〉 Sir Raph Shelton 〈◊〉 ●unnery In bib Cott. Mss. in bib 〈◊〉 monds 〈◊〉 Eq. aur●t Shuld●● 〈◊〉 Priory of Nunnes The foundatiō of the Chappell in the Field The foundatiō of Raueningham Colledge Ex Arch. ●u●r Lond. Cart. Ant●q The foundatiō of a Chantrie at Tomeston The foundatiō of the Priory of Cockford ●en Sp●hmanni 〈◊〉 aurat ●●nia ●he story of Hikifrick here 〈◊〉 The strange 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 Cam● in Perth Hay●s Earles of Arrol or E●tol Io. Ionston Heroes Sco● ●a●gra●e in vi● 〈…〉 confessoria S. 〈◊〉 his 〈…〉 places Godwin de presul Aug.
foure orders Preched to the people for profit of themselues Glosed the Gospel as hem good liked For couetous of Copes construe it as thei wold So Chaucer in his prologues and in the Character of the Frier mentions foure Orders A Frere there was a wanton and a merry A Limy●our a full solempne man In all the Orders foure is none that can So much of daliaunce and faire language But to returne to the first of the foure orders which is that of S. Basill howsoeuer as I conceiue the order of Saint Dominicke was accounted one of the foure here in England this Basill surnamed the Great for his great learning liued about the yeare of Grace 300. he was a Priest in Caes●●a the chiefe Citie of Cappadocia where he was borne and whereof afterwards he was chosen B●shop He was the Authour of building of Monasteries whereas many might liue together for before his time the Monkes dwelt in caues and cels alone in desarts and solitarie places from the which hee drew them into Coenobies or Couents and instituted of discipline by the which they should no more wander but bee alwayes bound by one forme of Religion These Monasteries were schooles in the which the arts and Philosophie together with Diuini●ie true Religion and pietie were taug●t to the end there might be learned and fit men alwayes readie to gouerne the Church it is said that he built so great and spatious a Monasterie in Armenia as it contained aboue 3000 Monkes and in the end reduced all the religious men of the East to a good forme of life He died in the yeare 379 full of yeares as of vertues when Damasus the first of that name held the See of Rome and the Emperour Valens an Ari●n gouerned the East This Emperour was determined to haue dispossessed him of his Bishoppricke as he had done others but hearing him preach and speaking with him at Cappadocia he absteyned from expelling him his seate to which effect P. Opmer thus Basilius tantae doctrinae ac sanctitatis suit vt et Valens abstinueri● ab expellendo eum sede cùm reuersus Cappadociameum concionantem audijsset atque venisset cum illo in colloquium It is holden that this Basill was the first which caused Monkes to make a vow after a yeares probation to liue in their Monas●eries vntill death to promise full obedience to their superiours and not to contradict their ordinances and moreouer to vow continencie and pouertie This order wheresoeuer they liue labour with their hands in imitation of the perfect Monkes of Aegypt and what they get with their labour they bring in common retaining nothing to themselues This order of this holy man doth flourish at this day in Italy especially in the dominions of Venice although all the Monasteries there which are of this order doe acknowledge the Abbey of Grottaferata twelue miles distant from Rome for their mother I doe not finde that any of this rule liued euer here in England which makes me beleeue that this was none of the foure Orders before specified The next Monasticke Order confirmed by the Church of Rome was that of the Doctor of all Doctors namely Saint Augustine He was borne in the Castle of Tegast in Carthage about the yeare of our redemption 358. his Fathers name was Patricius his Mothers Monica by whose intrea●●es mingled with teares and the learned Sermons of Saint Ambrose hee was drawne from the errours of the Manachies from Saint Ambrose as then Bishop of Millan in Italie he returned into his owne countrey where hee obteyned of the Bishop of Hippo whereof he was afterwards Bishop himselfe a garden without the Towne causing a Monastery to be built there in which he liued of the labour of his hands in all integritie according to the institution of the Primitiue Church He died of a feuer at Hippo when he had sitten fourty yeares in his Bishopricke being seuenty and six yeares of age on the fifth of the Kalends of September leauing to posteritie two hundred and thirty bookes of his owne writing This order multiplied greatly throughout the whole Christian world howsoeuer branched into many seuerall orders differing both in habit and exercises as also in rule and precepts of life An Epitaph to the memorie of Saint Augustine which I found in the booke of Rufford Abbey Omnis plorat homo mox matris vt exit ab aluo Et merito quoniam ve●it in vallem lachrimosam Solum nascentem risisse ferunt Zoroastrem Ergo monstrosum crede risum liquet istum Primus enim rerum fuit inventor magicarum Hoc Augustinus testatur vir preciosus Vir doctus vir magnisicus vir quippe beatus About some fourtie yeares after the death of Saint Augustine Saint Benedict vulgarly called Benet appeared to the world who is accounted the Patriarch and Father of all the Monkes of Europe Hee was borne in Vmbria a region in Italy of the noble familie of the Regards his Fathers name was Propre his Mothers Abundantia hee was sent to Rome at the age of ten yeares to learne the liberall Arts but being wearie of the tumults and warre during the raigne of Iustinian the Emperour hee went from thence into a desart neare vnto Sublacke a Towne some fourtie miles from Rome where he continued the space of three yeares or thereabouts doing very austere penance vnknowne to any saue one Monke called Roman but being afterwards discouered by certaine Shepherds the people by reason of the great ●ame of his integritie and holinesse of life flocked from all parts to see him who had such force to perswade them to abandon the world as in a short time they built twelue Monasteries and hauing giuen to euery our of them a good Superiour or Abbot desiring solitarinesse he retired himselfe with a good number of his best disciples to the mount Cassin neare to the Towne of old called Cassina Where hauing ruined all the idolatrous Temples and broken downe their Images hee built him a Monasterie which hee dedicated to Saint Iohn the Baptist with a Chappell to Saint Martin Drawing all the Monkes dispersed in Italy into one societie and companie to whom he gaue a certaine rule in writing by the which they and their successours should gouerne themselues according as Saint Basill had done before him and withall bound them to three seuerall vowes Chastitie Pouertie and Obedience to their superiours which decree was ratified by the Church of Rome for an Euangelicall law This congregation of the Benedictines grew by little and little to bee so great throughout all Christendome as is almost incredible Nulla Monasteria nisi Bene●dictina erat apud Anglos ab aetate Edgari vsque ad regnum Gulielmi primi There was no Monasteries saith a late Writer amongst the English from the time of King Edgar till the raigne of William the Conquerour but Benedictines This order saith the same Authour came first into England with Austin the Monke Bishop of
Canterbury Hee the said Saint Benet died about the yeare of our Lord fiue hundred and eighteene and was buried in his owne Oratorie consecrated to Saint Iohn where as before was wont to be the Altar of Apollo He liued 63. yeares Saint Francis was borne in the Towne of Assile in the Duchie of Spoletum in Italy in his young yeares he dealt in the trade of Merchandise but by reason of a great sicknesse at the age of two and twenty yeares he contemned all worldly dealings and gaue himselfe wholly to heauenly meditations he put a shirt of haire vpon his bare skinne and a sacke vpon it girding himselfe with a cord going also without hose or shooes Et victus ostiatim emendicans begging from doore to doore so as the fame of him being spread ouer neighbour countreys many drawne by his holinesse abandoned the world and became his disciples making profession of pouerty but yet to labour and take paines for a poore liuing For these he built an Abbey in the Towne where he was borne and wrate a rule as well for those which were vnited vnto him as for such as should come after him which was approued and confirmed with many Indulgences Priuiledges Graces and Pardons by Pope Innocent the third and Honorius that succeeded him After the confirmacion whereof he ordained that his Friers should be called Fratres minores or Minorite Friers to witnesse their greater humilitie One Adam Sousbout a Germane Diuine Ann. 1227. vpon his entrance into this order writes thus to his Father at Delphos Quàm sit vita breuis quam sit via lubrica quamque Mors incerta bonis quae praemia quaeque parata Sint tormenta malis horum meditatio nostra est Quod facimus quod firmamus quod et esse perenne Optamus testamentum Saluete valete Care pater cari Fratres caraeque Sorores This Scraphicall Saint Francis died the fourth of October 1226. and was canonised by Pope Gregorie the ninth ann 1276. Ann. 1224. About two yeares before the death of Saint Francis these Friers Minorites came into England Et benigne a Rege Henrico tertio sunt suscepti Cantuar collocati fuerunt They were graciously receiued of Henry the third and placed in Canterbury And afterwards anno 1269 one of the Ancestours of Sir Dudley Digge commonly called Digges Emit Insulam vocatam Bynnewyght in Cantuar. et locum Porte super stonestreete ad opus Fratrum Minorum et tempore oportuno transtulit Fratres ad illam bought an Island in Canterbury called Bynnewyght and the place of a gate ouer Stone-streete for the vse of the Friers Minorites to which hee translated them in conuenient time The Friers Minors saith Stow first arriued in England at Douer nine in number fiue of them remained at Canterbury and did there build the first Couent of Friers Minors that euer was in England the other foure came to London and lodged at the preaching Friers the space of fifteene dayes and then hired an house in Cornhill of Iohn Traners one of the Sheriffes they bui●●ded there little cels wherein they inhabited the deuotion of the Citizens toward them and also the multitude of Friers so increased that they were remoued by the Citizens to a place in S. Nicholas Shambles which Iohn Iwyn Citizen and Mercer of London appropriated vnto the Communalty of the Citie to the vse of the said Friers and became himselfe a lay Brother Contemporarie with Saint Francis was Saint Dominicke a Spaniard borne in a Towne called Calogora in the Diocesse of Osma His fader was namyd Felix and his Meder Iohane saith an old Agon from Calogora hee came into Gascoigne where hee continued ten yeares preaching and drawing Christian Princes into armes against the Albigeo●s certeyne Heretiques Qui damnato matrimonio vagos suadebant corcubitus atque ●sum carnium prohibebant Who condemned Matrimonie perswaded licentious copulations and forbad the eating of flesh whose errours hee repressed by his Sermons From thence he went to Rome to the Councell of Lateran vnder Innocent the third where hee obtained licence of the said Pope to put himselfe vnder what rule he should like best that was allowed by the Church whereupon he made choise of that of Saint Antonie with sixteene of his disciples and hauing made certaine constitutions it was confirmed by Honorius the third about the yeare of our Lord 1206. Then going to Tholouse he exhorted his Friers and sent them to preach two and two together perswading them to bee preachers both in deed and name These Friers Preachers came first into England in the yeare 1221. where they had louing entertainment and houses built Of which my old Author Then deide Seynt Hugh an half yer and no mo That was Bishop of Lincolne and ther after the fyrst yer The order of Frere prechours bygan that ●as neuer Seynt Domnyk hit bygan in the yere of gease ywis M. C. C. no mor forsothe hit ys Of the gluttonie and drunkennesse of this order which so farre declined like others from the first institution one of their owne side thus writ Sanctus Dominicus sit nobis semper ami●us Cuicanimus nostro iugiter praeconia ros●ro De cordis venis siccatis ante lagenis Ergo was laudes si tu nos pangere gaudes Tempore Paschali fac ne potu puteali Conveniat vti quod si sit vndique muti Semper erant Fratres qui non curant nisi ventres All things degenerate in time and stray in a manner from the right course for example the order of Saint Benet which had flourished a long space with great reputation of holinesse di●●ered so much from the first institution of their Founder that neither the decrees and authoritie of holy Fathers generall and prouinciall Councels could reforme or draw them to their first principles vntill the sanctitie of one Odo or Otho Abbot of Clu●●● Burgandy and one of Saint Benets order reuiued in a manner from 〈◊〉 to life this Monasticall profession forcing them to obserue and obseruing himselfe from point to point all that was practised in the time of S. Benedict So as many of their Abbots which were drawne by his good example reformed also their Abbeyes not onely in France but as well in Sp●●ne Germany Italy and England and for that this reformation 〈◊〉 his first beginning at Cluni the vnion of so many Abbeyes was called the congregation of Cluni and euery yeare by the Popes permission and authoritie all the Abbots of this congregation met at a certaine place and they called it the generall Chapter whereas they treated of the order and life of Monkes putting out and punish●ng such as had offended This Odo liued in the yeare of our Lord 913. It was no long time after ere that these Benedictines fell againe to their old vomit their great wealth hauing made them proud idle luxurious carelesse of Gods house and in most or all of their actions
and goodly Thames so farre as ere he could With kingly houses crownd of more then earthly pride Vpon his either Bankes as he along doth glide With wonderfull delight doth his long course pursue Where Otlands Hampton Court and Richmond he doth view Then Westminster the next great Tames doth entertaine That vaunts her Pallace large and her most sumptuous Fane The Lands tribunall seate that challengeth for hers The crowning of our kings their famous Sepulchres Then goes he on along by that more beautious Strand Expressing both the wealth and brauery of the Land So many sumptuous Bowres within so little space The All-beholding Sunne scarse sees in all his race And on by London leads which like a Crescent lies Whose windowes seeme to mocke the Star-befreckled skies Besides her rising Spyres so thicke themselues that show As doe the bristling reedes within her bankes that grow There sees his crouded Wharfes and people-pestred shores His bosome ouerspread with shoales of labouring ores With that most costly Bridge that doth him most renowne By which he cleerely puts all other Riuers downe Midlesex saith Camden is for aire passing temperate and for soile fertile with sumptuous houses and prety Townes on all sides pleasantly beautified and euery where offereth to the view many things memorable Whereupon a Germane Poet thus versified Tot campos syluas tot regia tecta tot hortos Artifici dextrâ excultos tot vidimus arces Vt nunc Ansonio Tamisis cum Tibride certet So many fields and pleasant woods so many Princely Bowres And Pallaces we saw besides so many stately towres So many Gardens trimly drest by curious hand which are That now with Romane Tiberis the Tames may well compare This County is comprised within short bounds being in length where it is the longest not passing twenty miles and in the narrowest place not passing twelue miles The length thereof saith Speed extended from Stratford in the East to Morehall vpon Colne in the West is by measure nineteene English miles and from South Mims in the North to his Maiesties Mannour of Hampton Court in the South are little aboue sixteene miles the whole circumference extending to ninety In forme it is almost square for aire passing temperate for soile abundantly fertile and for pasturage and graine of all kindes yeelding the best so that the wheat of this County hath serued a long time for the Manchet to our Princes table It lieth seated in a vale most wholsome and rich hauing some hills also and them of good ascent from whose tops the prospect of the whole is seene like vnto Zoar in Egypt or rather like a Paradise and Garden of God Fiue Princely houses inheritable to the English Crowne are seated in this Shire which are Enfield Hanworth Whitehall S Iames and Hampton Court a City rather in shew then the Pallace of a Prince and for stately port and gorgeous building not inferiour to any in Europe A worke of admirable magnificence saith Camden built out of the ground by Thomas Wolsey Cardinall in ostentation of his riches when for very pride being otherwise a most prudent man he was not able to manage his minde But it was made an Honor enlarged and finished by king Henry the eight so amply as it containeth within it fiue seuerall inner Courts passing large enuironed with very faire buildings wrought right curiously and goodly to behold Of which Leyland writeth thus Est locus insolito rerum splendore superbus Alluiturque vaga Tamisini fluminis vnda Nomine ab antiquo iam tempore dictus Avona Hic Rex Henricus taleis Octauius aedes Erexit qualeis toto Sol aureus orbe Non vidit A stately place for rare and glorious shew There is which Tames with wandring streame doth dowsse Times past by name of Avon men it knew Heere Henry th' Eight of that name built an house So sumptuous as that on such an one Seeke through the world the bright Sunne neuer shone And another in the Nuptiall Poeme of Tame and Isis. Alluit Hamptonum celebrem quae laxior vrbis Mentitur formam spacijs hanc condidit Aulam Purpureus pater ille grauis grauis ille Sacerdos Wolsaeus fortuna sauos cui felle repletos Obtulit heu tandem fortunae dona dolores He runs by Hampton which for spatious seat Seemes Citie-like Of this faire courtly Hall First founder was a Priest and Prelate great Wolsey that graue and glorious Cardinall Fortune on him had pour'd her gifts full fast But Fortunes Blisse Alas prou'd Bale at last The ancient Inhabitants of Middlesex as also of Essex were called by Caesar the Trinobantes whom hee nameth to be the most puissant in the Land with whom he and his armie had many bloudie bickerings nere and vpon the bankes of the riuer of Tames wherein many were slaine on either side which lie interred in the fields twixt Shepperton and Stanes Some affirme Stanes saith Norden to be so called of the Stakes called Goway Stakes which were fixed in the Thames by the Britons to preuent Iulius Caesar of passing his armie through the riuer Of which and of the conflicts and skirmishes betwixt the Britaines and Romanes thus venerable Bede writes Caesars Horsemen at the first encounter were ouerthrowne of the Britaines and Labienus one of his Colonels slaine At the second encounter with great losse of his Army he put the Britaine 's to flight From thence he went vnto the riuer of Tames which men say cannot bee waded ouer but in one place where on the farther side a great number of the Britaine 's warded the bankes vnder Cassibelan their Captaine who had stucke the bottome of the riuer and the bankes also thicke of great stakes whereof certaine remnants vnto this day are to be seene of Piles of the bignesse of a mans thigh couered with lead sticking fast in the bottome of the riuer which when the Romanes had espied and escaped the Britaines not able to withstand the violence of the Roman Legions hid themselues in the woods out of the which they often breaking forth greatly endamaged the Army of the Romanes In and about Brainford or Brentford the bodies of many a warlike Commander and expert Souldier lie inhumed which were slaine in that fierce and terrible battaile betwixt Edmund Ironside and the Danes which he had driuen from the siege of London at a place now called Turnham Greene thereunto adioyning in which battaile he gaue the Danes a bloudy ouerthrow losing few of his armie saue such as were drowned in the riner of Tames as they passed ouer In the yeare 7141. and the day being the Paschall whereon Christ rose from death which with due reuerence is celebrated in all the Christian world vpon Gladmore heath halfe a mile from Barnet was foughten a most fierce and cruell Battaile betwixt King Edward the fourth and Richard Neuill the great Earle of Warwicke the Mars and Make-King of England contending