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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10675 The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. VVith moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader; Bible. English. Geneva. Whittingham, William, d. 1579.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1561 (1561) STC 2095; ESTC S121352 3,423,415 1,153

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THE BIBLE AND HOLY SCRIPTVRES CONTEYNED IN THE OLDE AND NEWE TESTAMENT TRANSLATED ACCORDING TO THE EBRVE and Greke and conferred With the best translations in diuers langages VVITH MOSTE PROFITABLE ANNOTATIONS vpon all the hard places and other things of great importance as may appeare in the Epistle to the Reader This is the message vvhiche vve haue heard of him and declare vnto you that God is the light and in him is no darkenes Iohn 1. 〈◊〉 NO MAN LIGHTETH A CANDELL FOR TO PVT IT VNDER A BVSHELL BVT VPON THE CANDELSTICKE MATTHEVV V. If vve vvalke in the light as he is in the light vve haue felovvship one vvith another and the blood of Iesus Christ clenseth vs from all sinne Iohn 1. Vers. 7. PRINTED AT GENEVA M.D.LXII THE NAMES AND ORDER OF ALL THE Bookes of the olde and nevve Testament vvith the nombre of their chapters and the leafe vvhere thei begyn Genesis chapters 50 leafe 5 Prouerbes chap. 31 leafe 238 Exodus 40 27 Ecclesiastes 12 247 Leuiticus 27 47 The song of Nombres 36 61 Salomon 8 251 Deuteronomie 34 79 Isaiah 66 252 Ioshua 24 94 Ieremiah 52 274 Iudges 21 105 Lamentations 5 298 Ruth 4 116 Ezekiel 48 300 1 Samuel 31 117 Daniel 12 323 2 Samuel 24 131 Hosea 14 330 1 Kings 22 136 Ioel 3 333 2 Kings 25 141 Amos 9 335 1 Chronicles 29 154 Obadiah 1 337 2 Chronicles 36 167 Ionah 4 338 The prayer of Manasseh apocryphe 181 Micah 7 339 Ezra 10 182 Nahum 3 340 Nehemiah 13 186 Habakkuk 3 1 Ester 10 192 Zephaniah 3 2 Iob 42 196 aggai 2 343 Psalmes 150 207 Zechariah 14 344 Malachi 4 348 THE BOOKES CALLED APOCRYPHA 1 Esdras 9 349 Baruc with the epistle of 2 Esdras 16 356 Ieremiah 6 404 Tobit 14 367 The song of thre children 407 Iudeth 16 371 The storie of Susanna 408 The rest of Esther 6 378 The idole Bel and the dragon 409 Wisdome 19 379 1 Maccabees 16 410 Ecclesiasticus 51 386 2 Maccabees 15 423 THE BOOKES OF THE NEVVE TESTAMENT Matthewe 28 2 1 Timotheus 6 89 Marke 16 16 2 Timotheus 4 90 Luke 24 25 Titus 3 91 Iohn 21 39 Philemon 1 92 The Actes 28 49 To the Ebrewes 13 93 The Epistle of Paul to The Epistle of the Romains 16 64 Iames 5 97 1 Corinthians 16 70 1 Peter 5 99 2 Corinthians 13 76 2 Peter 3 100 Galatians 6 80 1 Iohn 5 101 Ephesians 6 82 2 Iohn 1 102 Philippians 4 84 3 Iohn 1 103 Colossians 4 85 Iude 1 103 1 Thessalonians 5 87 Reuelation 20 104 2 Thessalonians 3 88 TO THE MOSTE VERTVOVS AND NOBLE QVENE ELISABET Quene of England France and Ireland c. Your humble subiects of the English Churche at Geneua vvish grace and peace from God the Father through Christ Iesus our Lord. HOW hard a thyng it is and what great impedimentes let to entreprise any worthie act not only dailie experience sufficiently sheweth moste noble and vertuous Quene but also that notable prouerbe doeth confirme the same whiche admonisheth vs that all things are hard whiche are faire and excellent And what entreprise can there be of greater importance and more acceptable vnto God or more worthie of singuler commendation then the buildyng of the Lords Temple the house of God the Churche of Christ Whereof the Sonne of God is the head and perfection When Zerubbabel went about to builde the material Temple accordyng to the commandement of the Lord what difficulties and stayes daily arose to hinder his worthy indeuours the bookes of Ezza and Esdras playnely witnesse how that not onely he 〈◊〉 and the people of God were sore molested with forein aduersaries whereof some maliciously warred against them and corrupted the Kings officers and others craftely practised vnder pretence of religion but also at home with domesticall enemies as false Prophetes craftie worldlings faint hearted soldiers and oppressors of their brethren who aswell by false doctrine and lyes as by subtil counsel cowardies and extortion discouraged the heartes almoste of all so that the Lords worke was not only interrupted and left of for a long tyme but scarcely at the length with great labour and danger after a sort broght to passe Whiche thing when we weight a right and consider earnestly how muche greater charge God hath laid vpon you in makyng you a builder of his spirituall Temple we can not but partely 〈◊〉 knowing the crafte and force of Satan our spiritual enemie and the weakenes and vnabilitie of this our nature and partely be feruent in our prayers toward God that he wolde bryng to perfection this noble worke whiche he hathe begon by you and therefore we indeuour our selues by all meanes to ayde and to bestowe our whole force vnder your graces standard whome God hath made as our Zerubbabell for the erectyng of this moste excellent Temple and to plant and maynteyn his holy worde to the aduancement of his glorie for your owne honour and saluation of your soule and for the singuler comfort of that great flocke which Christ Iesus the great shepherd hath 〈◊〉 with his precious blood and committed vnto your charge to be fed both in body and soule Considering therefore how many enemies there are whiche by one meanes or other as the aduersaries of Iudah and Beniamin went about to stay the buildyng of that Temple so labour to hinder the course of this buildyng whereof some are Papistes who vnder pretence of fauoring Gods worde traiterously seke to erect idolatrie and to destroy your maiestie some are wordlings who as Demas haue forsaken Christ for the loue of this worlde others are ambicious prelats who as Amasiah and Diotrephes can abide none but them selues and as Demetrius many practise sedition to maynteyne their errors we persuaded our selues that there was no way so expedient and necessarie for the preseruation of the one and destruction of the other as to present vnto your Maiestie the holy Scriptures faithfully and playnely translated accordyng to the langages wherein they were first written by the holy Gost. For the worde of God is an euident token of Gods loue and our assurance of his defence wheresoeuer it is obediently receyued it is the tryall of the spirits and as the Prophet saieth It is as a fyre and hammer to breake the stonie heartes of them that resist Gods mercies offred by the preachyng of the same Yea it is sharper then any two edged sworde to examine the very thoghtes and to iudge the affections of the heart and to discouer whatsoeuer lyeth hid vnder hypocrisie and wolde be secret from the face of God and his Churche So that this must be the first fundacion and ground worke according whereunto the good stones of this building must be framed and the euill tried out and reiected Now as he that goeth about to lay a fundacion