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A08610 The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.; Monument of matrones. Part 1-4. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576.; Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549. Miroir de l'âme pécheresse. English & French.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Lamentacion of a sinner.; Tyrwhit, Elizabeth, Morning and evening prayers.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Prayers or meditacions. 1582 (1582) STC 1892; ESTC S101562 669,543 1,114

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crosse whereon his glorious bodie was broken and his pretious bloud shead a sufficient ransome a full satisfaction a iust recompense of thy iustice and lawe for all them that beleeue and embrace thy Gospell and sacred truth But O Lord our good God be mercifull vnto vs who by our infirmitie through the fall of this lordlie man our great grandfather Adam can not now liue in anie peaceable or good condition and state without Magistrates and Kings to rule and gouerne vs. We therefore most humblie and hartilie beseech thy diuine Maiestie for the loue of thine onlie Sonne Iesus Christ to looke downe with thy fatherlie compassion vpon thy seruant Elizabeth our most gratious Queene and dread souereigne Graffe in hir roiall hart by the working of thy holie spirit thy manifold good gifts and benefits as wisdome grace perseuerance in thy truth increase of faith and affiance in thee Defend hir O Lord with thy mightie hand and outstretched arme graunt vnto hir a most honourable long and prosperous reigne ouer vs. Moreouer O Lord if the seruice of golden vessels in thy Temple at Ierusalem were acceptable vnto thee vouchsafe this thy seruant to be esteemed in thy sight as a most honourable ornament in the new Ierusalem not built with monie by the labour of the seruants of the first Salomon but bought with the pretious bloud of the second Salomon thy Sonne our Sauiour Behold hir and make hir to be O Lord as the pretious stone or signet of thine owne hand as the apple of thine eie as the white lillie and sweet rose of the inclosed garden and as the deere doue of thy delights for thy truth sake to the enimies whereof make hir name most dreadfull and to the Church wheresoeuer dispersed most acceptable and ioifull Confound and put to shame O Lord all those that with or procure anie euill to hir roiall person and heroicall virginitie or diminution of hir kingdomes and imperiall dignitie ouer them And when for the multitude of our sinnes O Lord thou wilt punish vs with the wind of thy displeasure by taking from vs this our fragrant and sweet smelling flower which we beseech thee for thine own name sake long to defer then O Lord plant hir in the garden and paradise of thy presence where she may growe and dwell in felicitie incomparable which the eie hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither euer came it into the vnderstanding of man those ioies which thou hast prepared for hir and all thine elect Moreouer O Lord grant thy heauenlie wisedome and grace vnto all vs hir subiects that we may aduisedlie consider and dutifullie call to our remembrance the manifold blessings that we so long time haue enioied and doo presentlie possesse through thy mercie by hir ministerie authoritie and the execution of hir kinglie office vnder the which we doo not onlie reape and peaceablie enioie the fruits of our labours and other corporall commodities but also that which is more woorth than all this euen the freedome and libertie of conscience the preaching and hearing of thy most holie word and the administration and receiuing of thy holie Sacraments For all which and manie other thy blessings O Lord worke in vs thy grace to yeeld vnto thy diuine Maiestie all possible and continuall praises and thanksgiuing that it be not said vnto vs Are there not ten cleansed or Is not England preserued from all tyrannie enioie all these benefits But where are now their returning to giue thanks Quicken our memories therefore O Lord that we neuer be forgetfull of thy great goodnesse towards vs and make vs more and more for thy sake reuerentlie to feare hir dutifullie to obeie hir and faithfullie to loue honor and serue hir as our naturall louing prince and mother and as the meane by whome we receiue all these thy good blessings that hir Maiestie perceiuing our diligence and readinesse to obeie and serue hir may be the oftener put in mind to feare honor loue serue obeie thy diuine and incomparable Maiestie Furthermore inspire hir roiall hart O Lord with thy diuine grace that as she hath begun to set foorth and mainteine thy sacred truth so she may zealouslie and boldlie increase perseuere continue in the same whereby the filthinesse and nakednesse of Antichrist may be more and more reuealed superstition more and more abolished remoued and that old lieng serpent roring Lion sathan our ancient enimie may be more and more restrained kept backe from his malicious purpose in seeking to deuour and draw vs all in ignorance securitie Grant all this O Lord to our great comfort hir honor and immortall fame yea to the discharging of hir owne conscience kinglie dutie and euermore reward crowne these thine owne good gifts in hir O Lord not for the worke sake but for Iesus Christs sake And when thou shalt to our great sorowe and losse but to hir great ioie and profit take hir from vs crowne hir O most mercifull God with a crowne of euerlasting glorie and giue hir the full possession of that eternall kingdome purchased by the blood of that immaculate Lambe thine onlie Sonne our Sauiour and Redeemer Iesus Christ to whome with thee and the holie Ghost three persons and one immortall and euerlasting God be all honour dominion praise and thanks-giuing for euer and euer Amen Another praier for the Queenes Maiestie and for the state present and to come in our posteritie O Most gratious Lord GOD and King almightie iust euerlasting vpon whose wil dependeth the rule staie and direction of althings both in heauen and in earth giuing men power and dominion ouer the people and nations of the world to whom being obedient to thy most holie will and commandements thou giuest wise careful industrious vertuous happie and prosperous kings princes rulers and magistrates to rule and to gouerne to the peace blessing comfort and wealth of the same but the vnrighteous people lasciuious contemptuous idolatrous superstitious blasphemous and rebellious against thy word and Maiestie shall be deliuered ouer to the hands and tuition of foolish idle dissolute negligent and vnfortunate princes rulers and gouernours by whose brutish disorder loosenesse and follie the state beautie strength and bonds of peace iustice loue and gouernement shall be neglected broken disturbed spoiled and by intestine hatred and discords or else by forren vanquishments and discomfitures destroied whereby both land and people are left a praie to the inuasion spoile and rauine of the greedie and victorious destroier who in his mercilesse rage executeth the plagues of thy iust wrath O Lord so that man woman child beast foule nor fish scapeth the stripes thereof Their countries townes cities and dwellings burnt spoiled rent torne and made waste iustice lawe discipline nurture ciuill fellowship honest arts and exercises religion knowledge and feare of thee scorned banished and persecuted and the land being filled with abhomination beastlie tyrannie slaughter bloud robberie theeuerie
rapine and murder the people killed strangled starued spoiled and mocked bound and caried awaie to be sold as beasts in the market to seruitude and slauerie there to consume their daies in miserable thrall and sorows the kingdome and inheritance transported to the possession of the destroier who raised vp in thy wrath and armed with the power of thy displeasure ministreth due punishment for the sinne and disobedience of ech reuolting nation that falleth away from thee and will not be reconciled to grace witnesse of all the states empires kingdoms tongues nations peoples and kindreds of the earth from the beginning of the world to this daie but in these latter daies speciallie of the Iewes Aegyptians Armenians Graecians Italians Hungarians Polonians and others whose seruile thrall and calamities ought neuer to be out of our remembrance which should mooue vs continuallie to behold the blessing of thy loue and the heauie sorrowes of thy displeasure Wherefore in the abundance of thy mercies and louing kindnesse and for loue of thy deere Sonne whom through the gift of thy grace we professe in the truth of his Gospell we beseech thee O mercifull Father fauourablie to looke vpon this Realme and people of England Turne not awaie thy face O Lord take not thy grace and holie spirit from vs let vs still enioie the blisse and comfort of thy louing countenance keepe vs in thy waie and couer vs vnder the shadowe of thy wings suffer vs not to be taken from thee make vs to followe and to put our whole trust and confidence in thee then shall we be safe Thy mightie hand O God giueth the victorie and in the power of thy fauour shall the enimie be vanquished and his strength brought to nothing Safe is the citie where thou O Lord art the watch-man but who so standeth out of thy tuition he is a readie praie vnto y e destroier therefore go not farre from vs O God For thine elect sake were the heauens and the earth with all their implements formed made of nothing for their preseruation maintenance was rule gouernment deuised and stablished And for their sakes are empires kingdoms countries and nations preserued saued and blessed and for iniurie and ignominie done to them and to thy truth and holie name are they changed plaged subuerted and destroied Great is thy mercie compassion O Lord long suffering ready to forgiue behold vs O Father and haue mercie vpon vs remember not our iniquities nor the iniquities of our forefathers take not iust vengeance of our sinnes neither reward thou vs after our deserts Spare vs good Lord spare vs and for thy sweet Sonnes sake Christ Iesus our Sauiour haue mercie vpon vs. Yea Lord haue mercie vpon vs and vpon our posteritie holding continuallie thy holie hand ouer vs and blesse vs. Increase our faith make our children childers childrē obedient to thy word and through holie conuersation in thy Sonne our redeemer make vs and them acceptable vnto thy selfe O GOD that being sanctified in faith and loue toward thy heauenlie will and Maiestie we and they may be deliuered from thy wrathfull displeasure for euermore Powre foorth abundance of thy grace and blessing vpon our Queene that in the fulnesse of thy gratious fauour she may haue long life in health and happie daies aided with faithfull vertuous prudent counsellers and ministers to doo all things to the nourishing and maintenance of true religion and vertue Increase the light of thy Gospell the number of faithfull and godlie preachers and ministers of thy word whose industrie and labour by the peace and tranquillitie of thy Church may largelie augment the number of thy Saints to the glorie of thy name and to the ioie and blessing of the land and people For the preseruation and continuance whereof in the bowels of thy fatherlie care and fauor remember vs O louing God Leaue neither vs nor our posteritie headlesse neither put vs ouer to the yoke of a strange nor irreligious Prince but after the blisse-full daies of this thy gratious handmaid our Queene whom O Father let it please thee to reserue in happie and ioifull state to the end giue peace and concord to thy people with a vertuous wise godlie and fortunate Prince whose constant zeale care industrie and endeuour towards the cherishing and aduancement of thy truth and glorie may purchase thy fatherlie loue and furtherance to fill the land and people with all maner of blessings as thy heauenlie wisedome knoweth necessarie where beautified with vertue and godlinesse it shall prosper and triumph in continuall peace and victorie giuing honor and gladsome thanks to thy glorious Maiestie that with thy deere Sonne our Lord and Sauiour and with the holie Ghost reignest in vnitie of power glorie and dominion praised for euer and euer Amen Another verie godlie praier meete to be said of all true subiects in time of anie priuie conspiracie or open rebellion for our gratious Souereigne Queene Elizabeth and for the present state O Almightie God King of kings Lord of lords the onelie God and gouernour of all things thou art he by whom alone kings doo reigne Thou most high bearest the rule ouer the kingdoms of men Thou in Christ thine onelie Sonne being the most gratious Father of thy chosen Church doost for the comfortable nourishing of it dispose the roiall state among men Through this thy grace it is come to passe that we the English nation now a portion of the same thy Church doo enioie the gouernement of Elizabeth our Queene whom thou hast against all practises of thine and hir aduersaris deliuered out of perils and by thy mightie hand brought to reigne ouer vs. Mercifullie guiding hir thou hast made hir to vs a mother to thine afflicted flocke a nurse in that benefit which we haue in libertie in true religion and common peace maruelouslie protecting hir thou hast kept hir to defend vs to vse and hold this benefit quietlie And euen now in thy mightie maruelous mercie thou hast discouered the practises of such craftie cruell enimies as purposed to spoile hir of vs vs of hir and both hir and vs of thy religion and of peace determining to deliuer vs ouer to the tyrannie of that shamelesse man of Rome and the bloudie sword In which purpose of mischiefe if thou haddest permitted them to preuaile we had suffered for our sinnes at thy hand O Lord most iustlie but at their hands most vnnaturallie and vniustlie For we doo offend thy Maiestie manie waies we offend not them anie waies yet such is their wickednesse that they will hate vs onelie bicause we in truth doo professe to serue thee For this cause they conspire against thee O God like hypocrites against our Queene like traitours against our Commonwelth and countrie like spoilers against vs euen as Cain did against Abel But thy great goodnesse hath deuised better for vs than they doo Thou hast spared vs whom they would haue spoiled
and properlie vpon all the holie Feasts and Saints daies throughout the yeere as they fall in order and are commonlie kept here in the Church of England and Ireland And first vpon the principall Feast daies of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ that is to saie On Aduent Sundaie In memorial of Christ his First comming in the flesh Christmas daie In memorial of Christ his Natiuitie and birth On New yéeres daie In memorial of Christ his Circumcision On Twelfe daie In memorial of Christ his Apparition On Ashwensday the 1. day of Lent In memorial of Christ his Fasting On First Sundaie in Lent In memorial of Christ his Temptation On Maundie Thursdaie In memorial of Christ his Last Supper On Good Fridaie In memorial of Christ his Passion On Easter daie In memorial of Christ his Resurrection On Ascension daie In memorial of Christ his Ascension On Whitsundaie In memorial of Christ his Sending of the holie Ghost On Trinitie Sundaie In memorial of Christ his The blessed Trinitie On Euerie Sundaie holie-day and working-day In memorial of Christ his Last comming to iudgment 1. On Aduent Sundaie Of the comming of Christ in the flesh The Preface BE of good cheere and feare not O you that are of a fearfull hart for behold your God commeth his owne selfe to take vengeance on his enimies and will deliuer you Hosanna to the sonne of Dauid O daughter Zion be glad O daughter Ierusalem reioice For lo the King commeth vnto thee euen the righteous thy Sauiour lowlie meeke and simple riding vpon the fole of an asse and bringing his recompense with him Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord. Out of Zion hath God appeared in perfect beautie Hosanna in the highest Remember me O Lord according to thy fauor that thou bearest vnto thy people O visit me with thy saluation Hosanna Shew me thy waies O Lord and teach mee thy path Hosanna in the highest Hosanna The praier THE time is now at hand when the Church calleth into mind the benefits of the sonne of GOD which taking vpon him our fraile nature appeared to the world and came to visit vs in great humilitie And at the last daie and resurrection of all mankind will come againe in his glorious Maiestie to iudge both the quicke and the dead and shew himselfe both to punish his enimies with euerlasting paines and to adorne his Church and chosen people with eternall glorie Wherefore O Sonne of God Lord and Sauiour Christ which as this daie in roiall pompe didst enter into the holie citie Ierusalem for a publike testimonie of thine appearing remooue all impediments we praie thee that may hinder thy comming and make a plaine and most easie waie for thy selfe vnto vs. Gather vs we beseech thee into that companie which are prepared to receiue thee the King of all kings and which set foorth thy glorie in spirituall songs not onelie this daie through all the world but also continuallie and beare palmes of victorie before thee and spred their garments in the waie for ioie of thy comming Assist vs that being greatlie separated from the damned crue of diuels and wicked persons wee may sound and set foorth thy truth in perfect confession and righteousnesse all the daies and time of our life Bee thou our King both here in this world and hereafter in the world to come replenishing vs against all the wicked enterprises of thine enimies and making vs though babes and littleones to extoll and magnifie thy name for euer Keepe vs thy weake children depending vpon thee and running vnto thy lap euen as infants vnto their parents Make vs to followe thy words which through thy spirit doo sound within vs and powre thy wisedome into vs miserable men and women that the pride and power of thine enimies may be confounded Grant that with gratefull minds we may publish abroad thy glorious victorie according to our calling and abilitie cherish thy ministers and venter both our life liuing for the maintenance of thy truth Moreouer blesse vs O thou blessed seed of Abraham by the vertue of thy presence number vs among thy chosen which haue their names from thee And finallie giue vs grace now in the time of this mortall life so to cast awaie from vs the works of darknes and to put vpon vs the armour of light that in the last daie of thy second comming in the clouds we may rise through thee to life immortall and so being adorned with that glorie which thou hast receiued from thine eternall Father we may perpetuallie praise and extoll thy Maiestie both heere in this world and for euermore in the world of worlds to come Amen Hosanna to thee O sonne of God in the highest Hosanna 2. On Christmas daie Of the natiuitie and birth of Christ our Sauiour The Preface A Child is borne vnto vs and a sonne is giuen vnto vs. Glorie be to God on high Unto vs is borne this daie in the citie of Dauid a Sauiour which is Christ the Lord. Halleluiah The Lord sent a word vnto Iacob the same is come into Israel an euerlasting Prince of peace Halleluiah Mercie and truth are met togither righteousnesse and peace haue kissed each other truth shall flourish out of the earth and righteousnesse hath looked downe from heauen vpon vs to speake peace vnto his people and gladnesse to his Saints Halleluiah Of the fruit of thy bodie will I set vpon thy throne and in Zion shall I make the horne of Dauid to flourish Halleluiah The Sunne commeth foorth of his tabernacle the heauens as a bridegroome out of his chamber and reioiceth as a Giant to run his course Halleluiah He shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee to keepe thee in all thy waies they shall beare thee in their hands that thou hurt not thy foot against a stone Halleluiah For thou art fairer than the children of men full of grace are thy lips bicause God hath blessed thee for euer yea God euen thine owne God hath annointed thee with the oile of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes Halleluiah Therefore in this daie of thy power shall the people offer the free-will offerings with an holie worship bicause the dew of thy birth is of the wombe of the morning Halleluiah Glorie be vnto God on high in earth peace and good will towards men Halleluiah Halleluiah Halleluiah The Praier NOW is the ioifull time wherein all Saincts both in heauen and earth doo magnifie and praise almightie God for the incarnation of his onlie begotten Sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ who as this daie was borne of the pure Uirgin Marie the which also the holie Angels of the Lord did celebrate with a most heauenlie song And no doubt the blessed companie of the elect departed out of this world enioieng the comfortable sight of God replenished with eternall wisedome light and righteousnesse yeeld most humble thanks vnto the Sonne of God their Sauiour and Redeemer for his incomprehensible goodnesse declared vnto mankind
are abhominable O teach vs therefore by thy holie spirit to praie rightlie according to thy will and giue eare gratiouslie to our calling O Gratious Lord louing Father according to thy commandement we doo heere present our selues before thy Maiestie humblie prostrating our selues before thy throne of mercie acknowledging and confessing from the bottom of our harts that we be miserable sinners dailie breaking thy commandements both in thought word and deede wherein we iustlie deserue euerlasting damnation and to be vtterlie throwne from thy presence Yet O Lord we see thy goodnesse againe towards vs who not suffering vs thus to perish in our sinnes hast sent thine owne deere Sonne Iesus Christ to take vpon him whatsoeuer is due to reconcile and make vs at one with thee againe In him therefore good Lord and through him doo we come vnto thee beseeching thee for his sake that we feeling the greeuousnesse of our sins and groaning vnder the burthen of them may feele the release and ease of them in that we be through thy holie spirit assured and stedfastlie beleeue that Christ hath borne the burthen of them euen for vs. Grant O Lord that we being assured heereof in our conscience may through thy holie spirit be renewed in the inward man to hate detest and abhorre sinne and to studie to liue acording to thy blessed will during this whole life We doo not onlie praie for our selues O Lord but also for all the whole Church especiallie such as be persecuted for thy word grant vnto them that whither it be by death or life they may glorifie thy name to their liues end Be mercifull to this Church of England and Ireland we beseech thee good Lord and preserue euerie part and member of the same especiallie thy seruant Elizabeth our gratious Queene and Gouernour Grant hir all such gifts as be needfull for so high a calling to the aduancement of thy glorie and the benefit of this Common-wealth to the establishing of a perfect gouernement of thy Church according to the prescriptrule of thy blessed word to the rooting out of all superstition idolatrie and relikes of Antichrist to the gouerning of hir subiects in all peace and tranquillitie Defend hir O Lord from all conspiracies treasons and rebellions and so worke in the harts of all hir subiects that knowing hir authoritie doth come from thy heauenlie Maiestie they may with obedient harts humblie obeie hir in thee and for thee Preserue the whole Counsell the Magistrates of the Realme that being lightened by thy holy spirit they may defend the truth suppresse wickednesse and mainteine equitie Behold all the pastors and preachers of thy word blesse their labours increase the number of them place ouer euerie Church a painefull watchman remoue all idle lubbers and confound the power of Antichrist and turne the harts of the people that they may be obedient to the truth Blesse the two Uniuersities Cambridge and Oxford and all the students of the same with all the Schooles of learning Behold all those that be afflicted with anie kinde of crosse that they may profit by thy correction in newnesse of life Lastlie for our selues heere gathered togither we render most hartie thanks to thy Maiestie O Lord which hast hitherto from our infancie preserued vs by thy mercie from all perils and dangers both of soule and bodie wherevnto fraile man is subiect that thou hast sent vnto vs all things necessarie for this present life as health food apparell and such like which manie of thy deere children doo want being notwithstanding as pretiouslie bought with the pretious bloud of thy deere Sonne as we be and yet lie in miserie and calamitie oppressed with pouertie nakednesse imprisonment and banishment in which case also deere Father thou mightest haue brought vs saue onlie that thou dealest heerein more fauourablie with vs than with them For the which thy louing kindnesse we giue thee hartie thanks desiring thee that as thou hast hitherto thus fauorablie in mercie preserued vs by thy protection and euen presentlie this daie hast brought vs past all the dangers thereof so we beseech thee good Lord in like fauour behold vs this night that we taking our naturall rest and quietnesse may through thy protection be so defended that our bodies resting our soules may be occupied in beholding thy fauour and mercie towards thy children still looking for the comming of our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ for our full redemption Grant that our sleepe be not immoderate according to the lusts of the flesh but as much as is sufficient to refresh our weake nature that being thus refreshed both the bodie the mind may be more able to doo their seuerall office and function in that vocation wherein thou hast placed vs. Grant that wee laieng our bodies downe to rest may be thereby put in mind of our long rest of death that as we doo laie downe our bodies in bed so we may be thereby admonished that hereafter they shall be laid down in graue to be consumed to dust earth and ashes from whence they were taken that we hauing this before our eies may be stirred vp in minde warilie to walke in this our pilgrimage not knowing when the time shall be of our departure but alwaies be found readie with our lamps of pure faith clearelie burning that we may be accepted to meet the bride groome when our mortall earthlie and corruptible bodies shall be made like to the glorious bodie of our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus there to reigne with him in perpetuall ioie consolation togither with all the elect children of GOD continuallie lauding with all the heauenlie multitude the glorious Maiestie of thee our Lord God and heauenlie Father in our Lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ In whose name for these thy mercies and whatsoeuer else thou knowest to be needfull for vs and thy whole Church we praie vnto thee as he himselfe hath taught vs saieng Our Father which art in heauen c. The Lord blesse vs and saue vs the Lord make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lord turne his fauourable countenance towards vs and grant vs his peace The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of God the Father and the most comfortable felowship of the holie Ghost be with vs preserue and keepe vs this night and euermore Amen VVhen you vncloth yourselfe and make you vnreadie to bedward praie THis our life and weake knit bodie by reason of sinne by little and little shall be dissolued and so shall be restored to the earth from whence it was taken then will be an end of this vanitie which by our foolishnes we haue wrought to our selues O most meeke Father so doo thou vntie and loose me for thou hast knit me togither that I may perceiue my selfe to be loosed and dissolued and so may remember both of whom I was made and also whither I go least I be had vnprepared vnto thy tribunali and iudgement
THE MONVMENT OF MATRONES conteining seuen seuerall Lamps of Virginitie or distinct treatises whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation the other two last precepts and examples as the woorthie works partlie of men partlie of women compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures and other approoued authors by THOMAS BENTLEY of Graies Jnne Student Luke 12 35. Let your loines be girt about and your lampes burne cleerelie 2. Tim. 2 19. Let euerie one that calleth vpon the name of the Lord depart from iniquitie Printed by H. Denham A praier vpon the posie prefixed ALmightie God and most mercifull Father who in mercie hast ordeined these lamps for thy chosen virgins and commanded that with our loines girt about and our lamps burning bright we should take heed and be readie to execute the charge which is committed vnto vs and watch full warilie and continuallie in our seuerall callings by feruent and instant praier for the comming of thy sonne our spirituall Spouse souereigne Lord and sweet Sauiour IESVS giuing vs in the meane season diuerse gifts and talents to occupie and imploie till he come and setting dailie before our eies the iust iudgement that he shall execute and giue in that dreadfull daie of his sudden comming both vpon the quicke and dead doo thou vouchsafe euen thine owne selfe we praie thee to gird and compasse our Ioines about that no iniquitie haue power ouer vs nor we decline or bow to anie sinne Oh suffer vs not to take that contentation or vaine delight and pleasure of anie thing in this wretched world that may lull or bring vs fast asleepe in the cursed cradle of senselesse securitie nor with the foolish virgins to neglect the houre and daie of our last visitation or to forget to wait and attend for thine appearing in the clouds But so direct vs we beseech thee in this short race of our perilous pilgrimage by thy holie spirit our heauenlie loadesman that in the lawfull vse of thy good gifts whatsoeuer bestowed vpon vs our cheefest care may alwaies be to depart from all iniquitie and how with them wee may liue soberlie to our selues holilie to thee and vprightlie to the world and thereby gaine much profit and fruit to the better increase of thy kingdome Moreouer make thou our lampes to burne cleere and bright in the sight of men and Angels and keepe thou them light and euer burning that our loue towards thee wax neuer key cold nor our charitie towards our neighbour be quite extinguished nor yet our faith deuotion zeale and gifts of the spirit be vtterlie quenched in vs. But being euermore both within and without kindled inlightened and inflamed by thee which art a consuming fire and a purifieng flame of vnspeakable feruent heate let all our thoughts words and works be alwaies directed to doo thy holie will and righteous iudgements that in all our works begun continued and ended in thee we may euer glorifie thy holie and reuerent name Finallie make vs verie carefullie to keepe this castle of our soules and temple of the holie Ghost our bodies I meane pure holie and vndefiled and to watch continuallie in all maner of well dooing vnto the end that when thy Sonne our heauenlie bridegroome shall come to iudge the world to condemne the wicked to reiect the reprobate to cast awaie the vnprofitable and to shut the gates of heauen against all vnbeleeuers and retchlesse virgins he finding vs heedfull watchfull praieng well occupied and readie as those that haue beene verie well content with our estates here for the time and hauing our lamps filled brim full of the oile of his righteousnesse grace mercie and merits may thereby onelie escape the heauie iudgement and direfull doome of the dreadfull daie and not perish in that common destruction and generall desolation of the wicked worldlings and vnprofitable seruants but be receiued to himselfe as those that are made woorthie onelie by him ioifullie to enter with him and all the elect and chosen wise virgins into the celestiall wedding chamber of thine eternall kingdome there and then to possesse that mansion place which before all worlds thou hast prepared for thy chosen and to receiue of his gift that which here now with deepe sighes and groanes we greatlie long for that is euen the saluation of our soules and the coronation of thy gifts in vs that both with thee ô Father and with him thy Sonne in the vnitie of the holie Ghost we may liue and reigne in the full perfection holinesse and puritie of his euerlasting virginitie to blesse praise and glorifie thee ô glorious and blessed Trinitie with all virgins angels and creatures by all ages throughout all eternitie Amen Amen Amen To the most vertuous Ladie and Christian Princesse Queene ELIZABETH grace and peace from God the Father through Christ Iesus our Sauiour THE King of eternall glorie who hath thus loued England in setting your Highnesse on the throne of his maiestie to execute iustice and iudgement to instruct his people in Iacob and to feed his inheritance in Israel be blessed and magnified therefore for euer and euer Amen This long and blessed peace wherin we your loiall subiects doo presentlie liue most noble QVEENE euerie man sitting vnder his vine and fig-tree throughout all your dominions dooth giue iust occasion to the godlie to bee no lesse thankfull to God and to your Maiestie than free harted and studious to benefit his church and their countrie by offering in the temple some gold some siluer some one thing some another according to the measure of those graces which God the giuer of all good things hath bestowed vpon them or by his spirit hath incouraged made them willing to further the worke of the Lord. Which mooued me also among the rest although of all other the meanest in euerie respect the vnwoorthiest to offer some thing wherin I might bring profit to that mysticall bodie wherof I trust I am a member And persuading my selfe I could not better employ my labour to the good of the church nor present your Highnesse the mightie defender thereof with anie thing of greater price and estimation in this world than after a sort with that wherewith God the King of kings acknowledgeth himselfe to be so highlie pleased and glorified both of Prince and people praise and inuocation I meane whereby in this life we obteine at his hand all things needfull for our bodies and in the life to come euerlasting ioie rest and comfort both of bodie and soule I haue vndertaken in the name and feare of God loue of his church obedience of your Maiestie and hartie good will of my countrie out of the admirable monuments of your owne Honourable works and some other noble Queenes famous Ladies and vertuous Gentlewomen of our time and former ages to addresse and make readie these seuen Lamps of your perpetuall virginitie to remaine vnto women as one entire and goodlie monument of praier
heare the mournings of the prisoners thy persecuted members and to loose them foorth of bonds and fetters of whose life it was vtterlie despaired that in Zion once againe thy name O Lord and thy praises I saie in Ierusalem might be published by my ministerie as it is this daie manie nations and people running together to worship thee who hast now shewed thy selfe much more glorious therein than at anie time before Therefore O God which art indeed the Gouernor and Lord ouer all people in heauen and in earth thou art our God by a peculiar right and mine onlie honor For so great glorie haue I attained by this thy defence and saluation and so bright is the glittering of this honour wherewith thou hast crowned me that I may woorthilie triumph in thee being thus preserued and deliuered by thee and also condignelie celebrate this daie wholie to thee with banners displaied which hast so gratiouslie granted all the petitions of thine handmaid Namelie for that thou Lord being euer mindfull of thy promise and word which is of force for euer and prouiding for thine owne onlie glorie didst so mercifullie and miraculouslie preserue me from dangers and rebuking euen Kings and Princes for my sake so pretious and deere was my bloud in thy sight that none should touch thine Annointed nor doo me anie harme at the time appointed by thee thou allowing iustifieng and commending me as innocent whom others did maliciouslie condemne as guiltie of wickednesse didst most faithfullie and freelie performe thy promises towards me and changing my miserable estate into blisse didst bring me foorth glad and ioifull whom thou hadst appointed thine elect handmaid and chosen seruant to gouerne thy people and affaires in this kingdome CAP. IIII. WHerefore I humblie acknowledge that it is thou O almightie GOD which raisest vp the abiects and exaltest the miserable from the dunghill to place them among the Princes of the people and which somtime laiedst helpe vpon one that was mightie and didst exalt one chosen of the people my father DAVID thy seruant I meane whom thou tookest from the sheepfold and with thy holie oile didst annoint and broughtest to feed thy people and inheritance in Israel Euen thou O God I saie the selfe-same good God it is I confesse which hast also consecrated ELIZABETH to thy selfe to gouerne thy people ouer whome thou dooest chieflie rule and who hast vouchsafed in like fauour and in as great mercie to call me out of the prison to the palace and to appoint me to be the Prince and Pastor to feede the posteritie of Iacob and most deere people of Israel with the spirituall food of thine eternall word My preferment Lord and promotion I knowe is come neither from the east nor from the west from the south nor from the north neither as I haue well perceiued was it in mine owne power to exalt my selfe and to mount vp out of so great miserie to so high dignitie But it was thou my KING and my God euen thou most iust Gouernour of all things which bringest to passe mightie things farre passing the condition of mankind and rulest the state of kingdoms to whom alone it belongeth and in whose power and authoritie it is to cast downe whom thou wilt and to exalt whom it pleaseth thee which hast exalted mee thine handmaid and giuen vnto me thine absolute authoritie ouer all the great Princes and people of England that I should gouerne the verie Magistrates Commons thereof by the direction of thy word wisdome and counsell Yea I take thee to record O Lord against the slanders of all men that I neuer desired this honour as though I had deserued it neither laboured that I should be brought vnto this dignitie nor that I am now proud being promoted by thee thervnto nor that I doo so much as thinke or reioice that I am brought to this Kinglie office by bloud birth or by mine owne endeuour or power But alwaies I haue and still will confesse and humblie acknowledge to thy glorie that it was thou onlie O Lord my Redeemer and Sauiour vpon whome I did earnestlie call and set mine eies which at what time it pleased thee to heare me didst vouchsafe to embrace me with thy speciall grace and fauour and to bestowe this so great a benefit vpon me First to choose and take me onelie out of the rest of the people and to exalt me aboue others and then to consecrate mee to thy selfe and to annoint me with thy holie oile to be the QVEENE of this Realme and that not for anie desert of mine at all I saie but onlie bicause it so pleased thee to vse my seruice and endeuour in this so weightie businesse to defend thy people by my power receiued from thee Finallie it was thou O heauenlie KING who fauouring me thine handmaid more than I deserued didst richlie apparell mee in the roiall robes and all ouer cloathedst and beedeckedst me with statelie garments brodered with gold and pretious stones and as vpon this daie settedst me in the regall throne and causedst me most gloriouslie to come foorth from the yuorie Palace of my Coronation accompanied with manie noble Princes goodlie Uirgins and bearing the diademe or Crowne of pure gold vpon mine head At what time also thou madest the most fragrant odours of my sweet garments so spread it selfe that nothing was more pleasant vnto the beholders who as then vpon that happie daie so continuallie euer since doo runne together and presse in great multitudes vnto me to see me and to declare their thankefull harts to thee for me and their good willes they beare toward me in thee euermore they crie with lowd voices and ioifull harts vttering foorth to the praise of thy name and my great comfort these and such like hartie praiers vnto thy Maiestie for mee saieng God saue the QVEENE God saue the Queene ELIZABETH So that I may now iustlie saie O most excellent father that this is the daie in deede wherein thou hast chieflie shewed thy mercie vnto me and that this daie thou didst as it were beget me a deere Daughter vnto thy selfe in that as vpon this daie thou didst so gratiouslie annoint me thy Minister and Queene to deliuer thine afflicted Church to reigne vpon thy holie mount Zion there to declare to all nations the woonderfull works that thou hast done for me and thy people Israel as I doo at this present Go to therefore O my soule returne now to thy rest and take thine ease seeing that so notable a change of thine estate is happilie wrought by the Lord for he hath well deserued thereby euerlasting praise for his mercie The third part conteining three Chapters CAP. I. BUT O Lord my God who am I thy sinfull seruant that thou hast been thus mindfull of me And what haue I deserued who of all others haue least deserued and am thy most vnworthie handmaid that thou shouldest thus regard me and exalt me to so high dignitie
all the earth full of patience forbearance pitie and repentance ouer the wickednesse of sinfull people declaring the sharpnesse of thy iudgements for their amendment and deliuerance from punishment Thou O Lord hast promised according to thy bottomlesse bountie and goodnesse a penitent spirit not to iust and righteous Abraham Isaac and Iacob which haue not offended against thy Maiestie but to those that are ouerwhelmed with the tempestuous tides of their transgressions We O Lord haue offended and our fathers haue committed sinne in thy sight We haue defiled our selues in the filthie puddle of iniquitie and therefore beholding in the verie heauens such dreadfull tokens of thy wrathfull indignation hanging ouer our heads for our monstrous and prodigious life we bow before thee the knees of our harts beseeching thee to be gratious vnto vs and to open thine eares to our praiers We haue sinned O Lord we haue sinned and we acknowledge our misdeeds humblie beseeching thee to forgiue vs our offences O forgiue vs and deliuer vs not ouer to destruction with our iniquities neither laie thou vp in store vengeance against the daie of iudgement O reserue not for vs the whip of wo and wretchednesse but in mercie pardon our misdeeds and let not the fierie flames of thy furie and wrath waxe hot against vs to burne and consume vs in our iniquities Amen In the time of warre O Almightie God King of all kings and Gouernor of all things whose power no creature is able to resist to whom it belongeth iustlie to punish sinners to be mercifull vnto them that truelie repent saue and deliuer vs we humblie beseech thee from the hands of our enimies abate their pride asswage their malice and confound their deuises that we being armed with thy defence may be preserued euermore from all perils to glorifie thee which art the onlie giuer of all victorie through the merits of thine onlie sonne Iesus Christ our Lord Amen In time of rebellion or intestine warre O Most mightie and mercifull Lord God which art King of glorie and Lord of hosts the Gouernour of all creatures the onlie giuer of all victories who alone art able to strengthen the weake against the mightie and to vanquish infinite multitudes of thine enimies with the countenance of a few of thy seruants calling vpon thy name and trusting in thee defend O good Lord thy seruants and our gouernour vnder thee our most gratious and souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth and all hir faithfull subiects and people committed to hir charge And especiallie at this time O Lord haue regard to those hir trustie louing and obedient subiects which be sent into the north parts of this Realme or ouer the seas to the aid of such as be persecuted for the profession of thy holie name to withstand the crueltie force and power of certaine false and vnfaithfull subiects yea rather cursed rebels and wicked traitours and all those which be common enimies as well to the truth of thine eternall word as to their owne naturall Prince and countrie and manifestlie against the Crowne and Realme of England which thou hast by thy diuine prouidence assigned in these our daies to the gouernement of thy seruant our souereigne Ladie and most gratious Queene to the great comfort of all vs hir louing subiects and faithfull commons thy most glorious name be praised therefore O Lord God of hosts which by thine Angel therevnto appointed doost minister both warre and peace and which diddest giue vnto Dauid both courage and strength being but a little one vnarmed and vnexpert in feates of warre with his sling to set vpon ouerthrowe the great huge giant Goliah our cause now being iust and being forced to enter into warre and battell we most humblie beseech thee most gratious God so to turne the harts of these rebels thine and our enimies to the desire of peace that no Christian bloud be shed or spilt Or else grant O Lord that with small effusion of bloud and to the little hurt and damage of thy seruants who doo ieopard their liues for the defence of thy holie Gospell our Queene Realme against the aduersaries thereof we may to thy glorie obteine the victorie and that the warres being ended the rebels soone put to flight and vanquished we may all with one hart and mind knit togither in godlie concord and vnitie laud praise thee which art our God O most mercifull Father if it be thy holie will make soft and tender the stonie harts of all those I saie that exalt themselues against thy truth and seeke either to trouble the quietnesse of this Realme of England or to oppresse the Crowne of the same and conuert them to the knowledge of thy sonne the onelie Sauiour of the world Iesus Christ that we and they may iointlie glorifie thy mercies Lighten we beseech thee their ignorant harts to embrace the truth of thy word or else to abate their crueltie O most mightie Lord that this our Christian Region with others that confesse thy holie Gospell may obteine by thine aid strength suertie from all our enimies without shedding of Christian and innocent bloud whereby all they which be in feare of their crueltie may be comforted and finallie that all Christian realmes and especiallie this Realme of England may by thy defence and protection continue in the truth of the Gospell and enioie perfect peace quietnesse and securitie and that we for these thy mercies iointlie all together with one consent hart and voice may thankfullie render vnto thee all laud and praise that we knit in one godlie concord and vnitie among our selues may continuallie magnifie thy glorious name And furthermore for as much as it is thy good will and pleasure to appoint vs in the number of subiects we most humblie beseech thee O heauenlie Father to giue vs faithfull and obedient harts vnto our dread souereigne Ladie the Queenes most excellent Maiestie and to the high powers and godlie rulers that are in authoritie vnder hir noble Grace that there may be found in vs no disobedience no vnfaithfulnes no treason no falsehood no dissimulation no insurrection no commotion no conspiracie nor anie kind of rebellion in deede word or thought but all faithfulnesse obedience quietnesse subiection and humilitie and whatsoeuer else becommeth faithfull subiects vnder so good and so gratious a Prince that we liuing heere in all lowlinesse of mind may at the last daie through thy fauour be lifted vp into euerlasting glorie where thou O most mercifull Father with thy sonne and the holie Ghost liuest and reignest one verie true and perfect God for euer and euer Amen A thankes-giuing for the suppression of rebellion or insurrection O Heauenlie and most mercifull Father the defender of those that put their trust in thee the sure fortresse of all them that flie to thee for succour who of thy most iust iudgements for our disobedience and rebellion against thy holie word and for our holie profession whereby we haue giuen
occasion that thy holie name hath beene blasphemed among the ignorant hast of late yeeres sore abashed the whole Realme people of England with the terrour and danger of rebellion thereby to awake vs out of our dead sleepe of carelesse securitie and hast yet by the miseries following the same rebellion most sharpelie punished part of our countriemen and Christian brethren who haue most neerelie fealt the same and most dreadfullie hast scourged some of the seditious persons with terrible executions iustlie inflicted for their disobedience to thee and to thy seruant their Souereigne to the example of vs all and to the warning correction and amendment of thy seruants of thine accustomed goodnesse turning alwaies the wickednesse of euill men to the profit of them that feare thee who in thy iudgements remembring thy mercie hast by thine assistance giuen the victorie to thy seruant the Queene hir Nobilitie and faithfull Subiects with so little or rather no effusion of Christian bloud as also might iustlie haue ensued to the exceeding comfort of all sorrowfull Christian harts and that of thy fatherlie pitie and mercifull goodnesse onelie and euen for thine owne name sake without anie our desert at all Wherefore we render vnto thee most humble and hartie thanks for these thy great mercies shewed vnto vs who had deserued sharper punishment most humblie beseeching thee to grant vnto vs all that confesse thy holie name and professe the true and perfect Religion of thy holie Gospell thy heauenlie grace to shew our selues in our liuing according to our profession that we trulie knowing thee in thy blessed word may obedientlie walke in thy holie commandements and that we being warned by this thy fatherlie correction doo prouoke thy iust wrath against vs no more but may enioie the continuance of thy great mercies towards vs thy right hand as in this so in all other inuasions rebellions and dangers continuallie sauing and defending our Church our Realme our Queene and people of England that all our posterities ensuing confessing thy holie name professing thy holie Gospell and leading a holie life may perpetuallie praise and magnifie thee with thy onlie sonne Iesus Christ our sauiour and the holie Ghost to whome be all laud praise glorie and empire for euer and euer Amen In time of extreame troubles by reason of the tyrannie of strange and forraigne gouernours ETternall and euerlasting God father of our Lord Iesus Christ thou that shewest mercie and keepest couenant with them that loue thee and in reuerence keepe thy commandments euen when thou powrest foorth thy hot displeasure and iust iudgements vpon the obstinate and inobedient we heere prostrate our selues before the throne of thy Maiestie from our harts confessing that iustlie thou dooest punish vs by the tyrannie of strangers and that more iustlie thou maist bring vpon vs againe the bondage and the yoke which of thy mercie for a season thou hast remoued Our kings princes and people in blindnesse haue refused the word of thine eternall veritie and in so dooing we haue refused the league of thy mercie offered vnto vs againe in such aboundance that none can be excused by reason of ignorance Yet neuerthelesse to the iudgement of men impietie ouerfloweth the whole face of this Realme For the great multitude delight themselues in ignorance and idolatrie And such alas as appeere to reuerence and embrace thy word doo not expresse the fruits of repentance as it becommeth the people to whome thou hast shewed thy selfe so mercifull and fauourable These are thy iust iudgements O Lord whereby thou punishest sinne by sinne and man by his owne iniquitie so that there can be no end of sinne except thou preuent vs with thy vndeserued grace Conuert vs therefore O Lord and we shall be conuerted Suffer not our vnthankefulnesse to procure of thy most iust iudgments that strangers againe haue empire aboue vs neither yet that the light of thy Gospell bee taken from vs but howsoeuer it be that the great multitude be altogether rebellious and also that in vs there remaine perpetuall imperfections yet for the glorie of thine owne name and for the glorie of thine onlie begotten sonne Iesus Christ whose truth and Gospell thou of thy meere mercie hast manifested among vs it will please thee to take vs into thy protection and defence that all the world may know that as of thy mercie thou hast begun this worke of our saluation by the publishing and preaching of thy Gospell among vs so of this same mercie thou wilt continue it maugre the heads of all our malicious enimies Grant vs this mercifull father for Christ Iesus thy sonnes sake So be it A thanks-giuing after our deliuerance from the tyrannie of strange enimies with praier for continuance of peace betwixt Realmes NOW Lord seeing that we enioie comfort both in bodie and in spirit by reason of this quietnesse of thy mercie granted vnto vs after our most desperate troubles in the which we appered vtterlie to haue beene ouerwhelmed we praise and glorifie thy mercie and goodnesse who pitiouslie lookedst vpon vs when we in our selues were vtterlie confounded But seeing O Lord that to receiue benefits at thy hands and not to be thankefull for the same is nothing else but a seale against vs in the daie of iudgement wee most humblie beseech thee to grant vnto vs harts so mindfull of the calamitie past that we may continuallie feare to prouoke thy iustice to punish vs with the like or worsse plagues And seeing that when we by our owne power were altogether vnable to haue freed our selues from the tyrannie of strangers and from the bondage thraldome pretended against vs that of thine especiall goodnesse didst moue the harts of our neighbours of whome we had not deserued so much fauour to take vpon them the common burthen with vs and for our deliuerance not onlie to spend the liues of manie but also to hazard the state tranquillitie of their Realme and Common-wealth Grant vnto vs O Lord that with such reuerence we may remember thy benefits receiued that after this in our default we neuer enter into hostilitie against those Realmes and Nations Suffer vs neuer O Lord to fall to that ingratitude and detestable vnthankefulnesse that we should seeke the destruction and death of those whome thou hast made instruments to deliuer vs from the tyrannie of mercilesse strangers Dissipate thou the counselles of such as deceiptfullie trauell to stir vp the harts of the inhabitants of either Realme against the other Let their malicious practises be their owne confusion and grant of thy mercie that loue concord and tranquillitie may continue and encrease among the inhabitants of both Realmes especiallie of this Isle of England euen till the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ by whose glorious Gospell thou of thy mercie dooest call vs both to vnitie peace and Christian concord the full perfection whereof we shall possesse in the fulnesse of thy kingdome when all offences shall be remooued
harts and clense our filthie soules from sinne Daugh. And by thy spirit and gifts of grace make vs a holie life for to beginne The praier Mother O Lord GOD most mercifull father who as vpon this daie placing thy seruant our most deer Souereigne and most gratious Queene Elizabeth in the Empire of this kingdome diddest deliuer thy people of England from danger of war and oppression both of bodies by tyrannie of conscience by superstition restoring peace and true religion with libertie both of bodies and minds and hast continued the same thy blessings without all desert on our part now by the space of these foure and twentie yeeres We who are in memorie of these thy great benefits assembled here togither most humblie beseech thy fatherlie goodnesse to grant vs grace that we may in word deed and hart shew our selues thankfull and obedient vnto thee for the same and that Elizabeth our vertuous Queene through thy grace may in all honour goodnesse and godlinesse long and manie yeeres liue and reigne ouer vs and we obeie and enioie hir Maiestie with the continuance of thy great blessings which thou hitherto hast by hir thy blessed minister powred vpon vs hir people This we beseech thee to grant vnto vs for thy deere Son Iesus Christs sake our Lord and Sauiour Daughter Amen Or else saie thus WE yeeld vnto thee most mightie and mercifull father immortall thanks for that it hath pleased thee of thy meere mercie and fatherlie bountie after the stormes of so manie troublesome times to conduct vs as vpon this daie out of banishment and exile into the comfortable port of tranquillitie by the hand of thy most gratious seruant and our deere Souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth When we were as sheepe wandering astraie in the wildernesse thou ordeinedst hir Maiestie to bee our shepheard to gather vs againe into thy sheepefold When we had beene long tossed hither thither with the outrage and cruell furie of tyrannicall persecution like a poore weather-beaten barke that hath beene continuallie tormoiled and tossed on the perilous surges of the outragious and swelling seas finding no sure rode nor harborough wherein to rest but continuallie in danger either to sinke into the sands or to be ouerwhelmed with waues or violentlie to be dashed in peeces against the maine rocks Euen then I saie when we despaired vtterlie of safegard standing stil in feare of the hazard of euerlasting confusion thou cōmittedst the helme to be guided by hir Graces wisedome who at last conducted vs into the hauen of this long desired peace and tranquillitie Therefore whereas thou hast placed hir in the regal throne to be our Dauid our Iosias our Samuel yea to be our shepheard and ring-leader in the waie of true holinesse and sincere religion Inspire hir mind with the manifold blessings of thy grace that she may walke all the daies of hir life in the path of thy commandements and happilie discharge hir dutie in that stewardship and dispensation which thou hast committed to hir Maiesties hands Inflame hir mind more and more with the loue of thy holie Gospell that all hir deeds thoughts and practises may tend to the propagation and planting of thy word and Christian religion in these hir Maiesties dominions Incline the motions of hir vertuous disposition aboue all things to seeke thine honour and glorie to sowe the seeds of the Catholike faith abundantlie in all places to cut off the brood of superstition and idolatrie to constitute true preachers of thy word and stablish euerie where thine holie Gospell and true religion Preserue hir most mercifull Father as hitherto thou hast most miraculouslie done from the diuelish deuises and practises of hir enimies that she may haue a long and happie reigne among vs to the aduancement of thy glorie and ioie and comfort of all vs hir subiects Let hir naturall disposition continue to hir foes terrible to hir subiects amiable to hir offenders mercifull to the vertuous bountifull indifferent to all men and in all respects parciall in no point neither in causes ecclesiasticall nor yet in matters concerning politike gouernement Assist hir most mercifull Father with the might of thy heauenlie spirit to quaile the pride of the triple-headed Romish Cerberus to banish his beggerlie ceremonies to abridge the terme of his reigne and finallie to cut off and preuent the seeds that continuallie striue to spring vp from abhominable superstition and idolatrie Grant hir grace most mercifull Father to run the remnant of hir race in the right path of thy commandements declining neither to the right hand nor to the left but so vsing all times thy heauenlie word as the rule and compasse to direct hir course Preserue hir Grace most mercifull Father in continuall health of bodie and quietnesse of mind that she may be alwaies able to rule the bridle of hir high charge and to execute right and iustice to all sorts and degrees to the aduancement of thy glorie and the vniuersall commoditie of hir Maiesties subiects And finallie grant O most mercifull Father that when it shall please thee to end the terme of hir daies in this world thou wilt make hir partaker of the celestiall ioies which are prepared for them that feare and loue thee since the foundation of the world Grant this most mercifull Father for thy deere Sonne our Lord Iesus Christs sake to whom with thee and the holie Ghost three persons one God be all glorie honour and praise world without end Amen Another thanks-giuing and praier vnto God for the preseruation of the Queenes Maiestie and the Realme ALmightie God and most mercifull Father which in thy great mercies hast both giuen vnto vs a peaceable Prince and gratious Queene and also haft hitherto verie often and miraculouslie saued hir from sundrie great perils and imminent dangers and by hir mercifull vnbloudie and gratious gouernement hast preserued vs and the whole Realme from manifold mischiefs and dreadfull plagues wherewith nations round about vs haue beene and yet be most greeuouslie afflicted haue mercie vpon them O Lord and grant vs grace we beseech thee for these thy great benefits that wee may be hartilie thankfull and obedient vnto thee to flie from all things that may offend thee and prouoke thy wrath and indignation against vs and to order our liues in all things that may please thee that thy seruant our Souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth and we thy people committed to hir charge may by thy protection be continuallie preserued from all treacherous deceits and violences of enimies and from all other dangers and perils both bodilie and ghostlie and by thy goodnesse may be maintained in all peace and godlinesse Grant this O mercifull Father for thy deere sonnes sake our Sauiour Iesus Christ to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be all honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen Another meditation to be vsed especiallie vpon the 17. daie of Nouember wherein the godlie English giueth thanks to God for the
thy wisedome hath vnfolded their wickednesse thy prouidence hath preuented their purpose All honour praise with thanks-giuing in the congregation and by euerie member thereof be giuen to thee O GOD of grace O Lord of pitie O Father of mercie for euer and euer And now we beseech thee O mercifull Father be not prouoked with our sinnes to giue vs ouer to the lust of our enimies doo not make vs a reproch to these heathen Let not the Iewes the Turke the Papist in our ouerthrowe triumph against thee saieng Where is now their God But of thy rich mercie in Christ forgiue our sinnes by thy renewing spirit amend vs and worke out this good worke which thou hast begun among vs. Confound bring to naught the attempts of these and the like enimies as thou didst at Babel infold them in the follie of their owne counsels as thou diddest Achitophel by thine Angel sinite their force as thou didst to Senacherib in their desperate attempts let them be drowned as was Pharao in their treasons ouertake them as thou didst Absolon If anie of them are to be conuerted turne them as thou diddest Manasses otherwise let them feele their due punishment as did Dathan with his conspirators that of these also may be left an example of thy iustice to the posteritie We doo likewise most humblie beseech thee to continue thy goodnesse towards vs euer of thine old woonted mercie deliuer our Queene Elizabeth from euill direct hir in the true knowledge of thee to acknowledge thy benefits towards hir and hir dutie towards thee Kindle more and more in hir hart zeale to serue thee hir selfe and to haue thee serued of vs entirelie Guide hir still to gouerne vs iustlie in godlie peace Giue vnto vs also which are subiects thankefull harts to thee faithfull to hir in thee charitable towards all men that all which liue vnder hir gouernment counsellers ministers and euerie other in their place and calling may be throughlie sanctified in holinesse to liue before thee Thus prolonging hir reigne ouer vs doo thou in hir plant thy religion among and in vs so that it may with power reforme and rule vs and remaine to our posteritie after vs that the praise of thy name may continue in the harts mouths of the English nation that England may saie for euer The Lord be praised A thanks-giuing vnto God for his benefits bestowed vpon this Realme of England in suppressing the late Rebellion with praier for the preseruation and prosperous estate of our gratious Queene Elizabeth ALmightie and euerlasting God the maker of heauen and earth and Lord of all creatures by whose mightie hand the humble and lowlie are aduanced and the proud and stubborne are thrust vnder foote We thy seruants giue thee most hartie thanks for thy great and bountifull goodnesse which thou hast of late without our deseruing bestowed vpon vs both in deliuering vs from the cruell tyrannie and bondage and persecution wherewith we were of late oppressed and also in restoring vs againe to our former peace and quietnesse and to the free exercise of our faith by the direction of thy sacred Gospell still maugre the heads of all our enimies mainteined by thee amongst vs to our comfort For which thy singular benefits and gratious liberalitie O excellent father because we are in no wise able to render vnto thee woorthie thanks therfore we make our humble sute and request vnto thee O Lord that it may please thee for thy holie name sake to accept our good willes in this behalfe and to giue vs grace all the daies of our life to remember this maruellous worke of thine that partlie by the Christian deuout and feruent praiers of thy humble handmaiden our most gratious Queene and other of thy people and partlie by the sure confidence and trust that hir Grace euermore did put in thee thou hast without the force or strength of men put down not onlie hir enimies but also thine and all those that did both fight against thee and thy truth and trauelled by all meanes to disanull and quite ouerthrowe the state of the Church and religion now established which woonderfull and myraculous act as thou hast most gratiouslie begun so we beseech thee for thy tender mercies sake to go forward with it and so to establish it as thy glorie may be aduanced thereby and all the craftie deuises and malicious assaults of the diuell and his ministers cleane ouerthrowne and subdued And now O Christ thou King of kings Prince of peace Ruler of Israel haue mercie vpon our most deere souereigne Ladie Elizabeth and grant that as thou hitherto hast most singularlie blessed hir and adorned hir Maiestie with manie thy speciall good graces blessings and benefits for thy glorie and to our comfort so with all thankefuluesse therefore vnto thy Maiestie we continuallie hartilie and faithfullie praie thee that the ioie of thy heauenlie countenance may still most gratiouslie shine vpon hir to humble hir soule before thee to be hir guide and director to sheeld preserue and defend hir from the will and power of all hir enimies and that both thine and hir aduersaries may from time to time be made thine and hir footstoole and be euer kept vnder hir feet as mire in the streets or as thinne scoom filthie fome light chaffe withered haie or burnt stubble before the wind We beseech thee also O Lord thou scepter of Israel that hir scepter may yet growe greene burgen fructifie and flourish in the fruits of true happinesse with glorie victorie princelie honor dutifulnesse healthfull sweetnesse tendernesse beautie and comlinesse in hir most roiall state and calling euen as the Palme-tree safelie and well set in a soile of all happinesse and that hir throne regall may steddilie stand for euer without winding shaking swaruing tottering or nodding euen as the seate of Salomon and that the daies of hir Graces regiment may be vnto vs for thy glorie as the daies of heauen and after this life ended make hir partaker of the brightnesse of thine and thy fathers euerlasting glory among thine annointed and elect in the celestiall kingdome of euerlasting renowme Grant this O Christ thou most mercifull King and Gouernor that sittest vpon the seate of Dauid and hast obteined an euerlasting kingdome for all the chosen Israelites euen for thy mercies sake Amen Another praier for the Queene and the estate of this Realme GRatious Lord and most mercifull Father we acknowledge thee Lord of lords and the King of kings creating at the beginning and ruling all things euermore in heauen and earth according to thy woonderfull wisedome power and our selues to be thy poore seruants the worke of thy hands and the sheepe of thy pasture subiected to thy high Maiestie and depending vpon thy fatherlie prouidence for all things Neuerthelesse seeing thou in thy wisedome annointest Kings and Queenes appointing them to rule ouer the people to sit as lieutenants in thy seate to minister iustice and most
grace of hartie repentance that as wee knowe so likewise we may acknowledge vnto thee all our vnrighteousnesse and hencefoorth labour the more busilie without anie delaie to amend those things wherein we haue hitherto offended thee We knowe O Lord that this is the onelie time of mercie in so much that if we obtaine it not during this our mortall life there remaineth nothing for vs to be looked for but a fearefull and a rigorous sentence of iudgement Grant therefore we beseech thee O mercifull God that sith we are now in a most damnable estate by the reason of our continuall disobedience out of the which we can by no meanes recouer our selues but by thy mercifull gift of repentance that we may euen now obtaine at thy hands not onlie it but all other thy graces annexed therevnto such as are most needfull for vs to the accomplishing of thy will and to the setting foorth of thy honour and glorie through Iesus Christ our Lord and sauiour who sitteth at thy right hand euen now and euer to make intercession for vs. Daughter Amen For the authoritie of discipline to be established in the Church Mother BEcause that crookednesse and disobedience haue taken so deepe roote in all estates that now adaies manie dare boldlie refuse all Ecclesiasticall censure to the great hinderance of the course of the Gospell grant therefore we beseech thee that like as thou hast dealt with other nations euen so may it please thee now at the length to extend thy like mercie vnto this Realme also and all others that are in the same necessitie that the authoritie of Ecclesiasticall censure and discipline which for our sinnes thou hast hitherto kept backe from vs may be placed in the Church to the due punishment of sinfull life and contempt of thy word in such sort that it may extend indifferentlie vnto all estates both high and lowe as well to the terror of the ill and comfort of the good as also to the speedie and perfect reformation of all such things as are yet disordered in this thy Church through the same Iesus Christ our Lord in whose name for these all things else expedient for vs we lift vp our harts vnto thee saieng as he hath taught vs Mother and Daughter altogether Our Father c. Mother Into thy hands O Lord doo we commend our selues wholie both bodie and soule vouchsafe to receiue vs Lord God of mercie Daughter Amen Mother In thee O God haue we trusted let vs neuer be confounded Daughter Amen Mother Deliuer vs we beseech thee from the power of darkenesse of this world the flesh and the diuell Daughter Amen Mother Lord let it be done vnto vs as we doo put our trust in thee Daughter Amen Mother We beleeue O Lord Lord helpe and make perfect our vnbeleefe Daughter Amen The conclusion of all things else expedient for vs. Mother THese O mercifull Father and all other thy graces such as be most agreeable to thy will to the setting foorth of thy honor and glorie and to the assurance of our saluation grant thou vnto vs we beseech thee in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ And that we may vtterlie cast off all sinfull affections and hencefoorth leade our liues in holinesse righteousnesse and innocencie yeelding vnto thee continuall thanks for all thy benefits and mercies we beseech thee send downe into our harts thy holie spirit to prepare instruct and guide vs in all our thoughts words and works to the fulfilling of thy good will and pleasure to whome the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost three persons and one God of eternall and infinite maiestie be all praise thanks and glorie at all times in all places in all things aboue all things and euen so in vs all now and euer Daughter Amen Mother Blessed be the Lord. Daughter Thanks be to God ¶ If when we are desirous to commend the Church vnto the blessings of God which in our dailie praiers we ought to doo necessarie busines will not well impart so much time as the forme of these praiers require then after good consideration both of Gods former benefits towards vs and of the manifold infirmities of the Church we may doo it in these few words Mother O Lord heare my praier Daughter And let my crie come vnto thee Mother TO thee O heauenlie Father be all thanks honour glorie for because it hath pleased thee through the merits of Iesus Christ to deale so mercifullie with vs. For looke how high the heauen is in comparison of the earth so great hath thy mercie beene towards vs at all times and in all things much beyond that that our foolish harts could wish or desire For the which as we doo yeeld vnto thee all possible thanks from the bottome of our harts euen so doo we humblie beseech thee with thy fatherlie goodnesse to supplie all our infirmities wherewith we dailie offend thee Blesse thou therefore and be mercifull vnto thy Church vniuersallie and to all the members thereof and namelie vnto all Princes and ciuil Magistrates that by their gouernment thy name may be alwaies sanctified and thy glorious kingdome faithfullie prepared Unto all Bishops and spirituall pastors that they may diligentlie execute the charge committed vnto them Unto all subiects and inferiors that they may in thee and for thee obeie serue loue honor all superior powers Unto the ignorant and such as are not yet brought to the knowledge of thy truth that their eies may be opened to the vtter abolishing in them whatsoeuer is not of faith Unto the malicious persecutors also that either their harts may be turned or else that thou take them awaie from among vs. Unto the persecuted and afflicted that they may end their conflicts with victorie whether it be by death or deliuerance Unto thy haruest that it perish not for lacke of reapers Unto Uniuersities and Schooles that they may attaine to ripenesse of good and godlie knowledge and vse the same to the furtherance of thy kingdome Unto this our Realme that we may hartilie repent vs of all our sinnes that thou maist also repent thee of the punishment which thou hast prepared for vs and euer continue thy goodnesse towards vs as thou hast begonne Giuing vnto vs among thine other benefits such authoritie of the ecclesiasticall sword to the amendment of all things and reformation of all estates as may be most to the propagation of thy truth and true religion Finallie vnto vs all that are of the houshold of faith that all other things set apart we may onelie seeke thee and thy kingdome and euer sing praises vnto thy holie name These O Lord and all other graces agreeable to thy holie will and expedient for vs grant vnto thy seruants in the name of Iesus Christ our Lord to whom with the holie Ghost be all thanks honour and glorie now and euer Daughter Amen Christian praiers and diuine meditations as generallie to be vsed at all times so especiallie