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england_n grace_n ireland_n lord_n 3,218 5 3.2488 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06057 The order of the communion; Order of the Communion. 1548 Church of England.; Wied, Hermann von. Simplex ac pia deliberatio. 1548 (1548) STC 16457; ESTC S122099 5,258 22

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¶ The order of the Communion The proclamation EDward by the grace of God Kyng of Englād Fraūce and Irelande defendor of the faithe of the churche of England and Ireland in erthe the supreme hed To al and singulier our louing subiectis Gretyng ▪ for so muche as in our high Courte of Parliament lately holden at Westmynster it was by vs wyth the consent of the Lordes spirituall and temporall and Commons there assembled moste godly and agreably to Christes holy institution enacted that the mooste blissed Sacrament of the body and bludde of our sauiour Christ should from thensfurthe be commonly deliuered and ministred vnto all personnes within out Realme of Englande and Ireland and other our dominiōs vnder bothe kyndes that is to say of breade wyne except necessitie other wayes requyre least euery man phantasiyng and deuisyng a sondry way by hymself in the vse of thys moste blissed Sacrament of vnitie there myghte thereby arise any vnsemely and vngodly diuersitie Our pleasure is by thaduise of our moost deere vncle the Duke of Somersett gouernour of our parson Protector of al our Realmes dominions subiectes and other of our preuye Counsaill that the sayde blessed Sacrament be ministred vnto our people only after suche fourme and maner as hereafter by our aucthoritie with thaduise before mencioned is set furthe and declared Willyng euery man with due reuerēce and christian behaueour to come to this holye Sacramente and mooste blessed Communion lest that by the vnworthye receauing of so hygh misteries they become giltie of the body and bludde of the Lord and so eate drincke their awne damnation but rather diligently triyng themselfes that they maye so come to this holy table of Christe and so be partakers of this holy Communion that they may dwell in Christe and haue Christe dwellyng in them And also wyth suche obedience and conformitie to receaue this our ordinaunce and mooste godly direction that wee may be encouraged from tyme to tyme further to trauell for the reformatiō and settyng furthe of suche godly ordres as maye be moost to goddes glory the edifiyng of our subiectes and for thaduauncement of true religion Whiche thinge wee by the help of God mooste ernestly entende to bryng to effecte Willyng all our louing subiectes in the meane tyme to stay and quyet themselfes wyth this our direction as men content to followe aucthoritie accordyng to the boundē duety of subiectes and not enterprisyng to ronne afore and so by their rashenes be come the greatest hynderers of such thynges as they more arrogātly then godly wolde seme by their awne priuat aucthoritie mooste hotly to set forwarde Wee woulde not haue our subiectes so much to myslike our Iudgement so muche to mistruste our zeale as though wee eyther coulde not discerne what were to be doen or woulde not do all thinges in due tyme God be praysed wee knowe bothe what by his wourde is mete to be redressed and haue an ernest mynd by the aduise of our moost deere vncle and other of our priuey Counsail with all diligence and cōuenient spede so to sett furthe the same as it maye mooste stand wyth goddes glory and edifying and quyetnes of our people Whiche wee doubt not but all our obedient and louing subiectes will quyetly and reuerently tary for ¶ God saue the Kyng The order of the Communion FYrste the personne Vicar or curat the next Sonday or holy day or at the least one day before he shall minister the Communion shal geue warnyng to his parysshioners or those whyche be present that they prepare them selfes therto saiyng to them opēlte and plainlte as herafter followeth or such lyke DEre frendes and you especially vpon whose soules I haue cure and charge vpon daye next I doe entēde by Godes grace to offer to all suche as shal be therto godlie dysposed the most cōfortable Sacramēt of the body and bloude of Chryste to be taken of them in the remēbraunce of his most fruictfull and gloryous passiō By the which passiō we haue obteuied remission of our synnes and be made partakers of the kyngdom of heuen wherof we be assured asserteyned yf we come to the sayd Sacrament with hartye repentaūce for our offences stedfast faith in Godes mercye and earnest mynde to obey godes wyll and to offend no more wherfore our duety is to come to these holy misteries with most harty thankes to be geuen to almightye God for his infinite mercy and benefites geuen bestowed vpon vs his vnworthye seruauntes for whome he hath not only geuen his body to death and shed his bludde but also dothe vouchesaufe in a Sacrament and mysterye to geue vs his said body bloud spiritually to fede and drynke vpon The whych Sacrament being so diuine and holy a thynge and so comfortable to them whych receaue it worthelye so daūgerous to them that will presume to take the same vnworthely my duty is to exhorte you in the meane season to consyder the greatnes of the thynge and to searche examyne your awne consciences and that not lightlie nor after the maner of dyssimulers wyth god But as they which should come to a most godly and heauēlie banket not to come but in the maryage garmēt requyred of God in scripture that you maye so muche as lyeth in you be founde worthie to come to suche a table The wayes meanes therto is Fyrst that you be truly repentaūte of your former euell life and that you cōfesse wyth an vnfayned harte to almyghtie god your synnes vnkindnes towardes his Maiestye cōmitted eyther by wil worde or dede infirmitie or ignoraunce and that wyth inwarde sorowe and teares you bewayle your offēces and requier of almightye god mercy and pardon promising to him frō the botome of your hartes thamendment of your former life And emonges all others Iam cōmaūded of God especially to moue exhorte you to reconcile your selfs to your neyghbours whome you haue offended or who hath offended you puttyng out of your hartes alhatered and malyce against them and to be in loue and charyte wyth all the worlde to forgeue other as you would that God should forgeue you And if there be any of you whose cōscience is troubled and greued in any thing lacking comforte or counsaile let him come to me or to some other dyscrete learned priest taught in the lawe of God and confesse and open his synne and grief secretlie that he maye receaue suche ghostlie counsaile aduise and cōforte that his conscience maye be releued and that of vs as a minister of God of the church he may receaue comfort and absolution to the satisfaction of his mynde and auoyding of al scruple and doubtfulnes requyring suche as shal be satisfied with a generall confession not to be offended with them that doth vse to their further satisfiyng thauriculer and secret confessiō to the priest nor those also which think nedeful or cōuenient for the quyetnes of their