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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05045 The ryght and trew vndersta[n]dynge of the Supper of the Lord and the vse therof faythfully gathered out of ye holy Scriptures worthely to be embrased of all Christen people. Perused [and] alowed by dyuerse godly lerned men to the comfort of al ye trewe congregation of Christ. Lancaster, Thomas, d. 1583. 1550 (1550) STC 15188; ESTC S108242 28,145 88

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¶ The ryght and trew vnderstādynge of the Supper of the Lord and the vse therof faythfully gathered out of the holy Scriptures worthely to be embrased of all Christen people Perused alowed by dyuerse godly lerned men to the comfort of al the trewe congregation of Christ ¶ Beati qui ad cenam nuptiarum agni vocati sunt Apo .xix. ¶ To the most puesaunt myghty Prince Edward the .vi. by the grace of God Kynge of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the fayth and of the Churche of England and also of Ireland in earth the supreme head your most humble obediente Seruaunte Thomas Lancaster hartely wyshith all grace and peace frō god with longe Reigne honor helthe and prosperite GRace be with your Maiestye and peace from god our father from our Lord Iesus christ Amen And it please your Maieste for this cause haue I dedicate this my simple laboure vnto your grace Fyrst because I perceaue that god hathe called your Maiestie to be apreferrer of his holi and blessed worde as by another Iosias whiche Lord of power prosper your most excellēt Maiestie in al your diuine affayres godly enterprises Secondarily because ther is found many diuers sectes vnder Christes name at thys preasēte as Papistes Lutherians Swyngliās Anabaptestes Laudiās with other mo lyke as ther was among the Iewes as Hasbutri Hemero Baptista Essei Saducei Pharesei c. And euery one of them bostid thē of the lordes word wold be Christians althought that the most parte of these fore rehersed sectes hath not reaceauyd nether word nor sprit nor no christian lerninge therfore ar they so ready to persecute them that hath the word sprite life but what helpes it it hath bene thus from the begynnyng that the spiritual chyldryn of God muste suffer of the fleshelye as Abell of Caine Isaac of Ismaell Iacob of Esau and the spiritual chyldren of Israell of the fleshely For before it pleased God to restore in to thys Realme by youre graces most noble father and nowe by your maiestie the Gospel Ioyfull tydinges of hys dearly beloued sonne our sauyor Iesu Chryst Infidelytie as chefe Ruler reyngned in our hartes Hipocrisie as a vayne glorious Emperesse beare dominiō superstition Idolatrye false sectes mens traditions confidens reposed in mens inuentions Pilgrimages offerynges Bulles Pardons Dispensations Masses marchaundice for merites and workes bieng sellynge of the deuine misteres wyth other abhomenable baggage more was crept into the great disquietnes of thys your holy Chatholike Churche of Englād but without doubte they shal no longer preuayle for the daye of the Lorde is at hand which shal breke Satās heed and destroy both him and al his ministers wyth the breathe of his mouth For he wil no longer suffer thys great wickednes and abhomynacion he wyll be knowen for the God and sauyoure alone he is the Lorde whiche alone wylbe exalted and al Idoles shal be vtterly brōken in peaces Esaie .ii. He is that God whiche wyll no longer suffer hys glorye to be geuen to other He is that lauer which wyl expulse the darkenes of mens tradicions that fyght wyth hys infallible veryte brynge in the gloryous lyght of his most holy worde To be shorte he wyll ouerthrowe all the Idollys the obscure his glorye and set vp hys blyssed name to be praysed for euer and euer Amē Of this his holy wyl haue we experyens euē at this tyme in whiche it hath plesed hym to send vs your Maiestie his derely beloued seruaunte oure most vertuous lawful and godlye kynge to ouerthorowe not aparte but all Antychrystes kyngdome by your diuine polecy and godly enterpryses So that the greate hore of Babilon Apo. xvii the mother of all Hordome and abhominacions of the earth Hath loste her chefe glorye and renowne And is nowe become so vyle that she is made the habytacion of Deuelles the Holde of all fowle spyrites Apo. xviii Esaie .xii. Iore xv Apo. xiiii ps xiiii iiii Psa i. xvi A cage of all vncleane and hathefull Byrdes so that no man nowe wyll once by any of her marchādes And wythout doubte the time is by goddes prouidence and your graces that Babylon hath in this realme suche a faule that it shall not after this tyme at any tyme be repaired For the mouth of the Lorde hath spoken it whiche is faythfull in all his wordes and whose truthe abideth for euer and euer neyther can this Prophecy of Chryst by made frustrate by any humayne polyce Euery plant that my heauēly father hath not plāted shal be plucke vp by the rotes Math. xv whoso reioyseth not to heare these thynges yea who tryūphes not to se thē Blessed ar we your subiets to whom it hath chaunced not only to here these thīges Ioyfully but also to se thē so plentyfully put in vre by your Maiestie so that al your faithfull subiectes beinge no papistes do faythfullye reioyse And although we be occasioned diuers wayse to geue god immortal thākes for dyuers gyftes yet we thynke that we are most hyghly bounde to be thankefull for the restitution of hys holy worde in thys your graces dayes And woo worth them that be vnthankeful to hym in thys behalfe disobediente to your Maiestie except they repent and amēd Wherfore I desyre your Maiestie for the loue of god that your grace reade it and iudge it wyth the Lordes worde cause it to be Iudged of them that ar godly lerned not of suspected Papistes And yf they can confute it I wyl gladly be lerned But I haue the truthe and not they I desire your grace for the tender mercy of god and as ye wyll answer afore god at the daye of Iudgement that ye wyl protecte defēde it acording to your office that youre louīg subiectes because of wekenes of the fleshe be not cōpelled to come from Christ to Antichrist frō truth to falsed from euerlastynge lyfe to euerlasting dethe I knowe wel and it please your Maiesty that ther shal be kyckyng agaynst the prycke Esay .xl. notwithstāding I passe not the truth may no lenger be hid i. Pet. i Esay xiiii Iude. i the truth may not come to nowght because of the lye gods word remaynes euerlastyng Was the good Angels worse because of Lucifers prynde what hyndreth it the .xi. Appostles that Iudas was a traytour euery mā shall beare his owne burthyne the father shal not beare that vnryghtwysnes of hys sonne nor the sonne the vnryghtwysnes of his father But the soule that sinneth shal dye Was the pure cleane lerning of the .xii. Apostles worse that the theyr was so manye damnable sectes in theyr tyme vnder Chrystes name whiche sectes were no lesse then .vii. The fyrst learned Circumsicion the seconde that there was no resurrectyon The thyrde as Philetus and Himeneus that the Resurrectiō was al past The fourth that the daye of the Lord is at hande The fyrte the Nicholaitans
Idel wordes yea that though and mocion of the harte Therefore let euery man examine him selfe flesh wel and so let hym eate of the bread and drinke of the cuppe i. Cor. xi For he that eateth and drynketh vnworthylye eateth and drynketh his owne damnatyon Luke .xxii. Thus hathe our sauiour Iesus Chryst instituted and ordeyned hys holye supper both in breade and wyne to be a remembraūce of his death and passiō as I haue declared afore i. Cor. xi Ephe. v. Throwe whyche death and passyon he hath declared his greate loue towardes vs and secondlye to a renewinge of loue and cleane holding the congregaciō of god i. Cor. x. And this is the only institucion and vse of the supper of our Lorde Iesus christ how he and his Apostles haue vsed it O mercyfull God haue these vngodly shameles shauelinges altred and chaunged this holy and blessed Supper of our lord into abominable blasphemus Idolatrye as I shall declare here after vnto you It is so greuous that I shal declare vnto you whyche shal be nothynge but the trueth that euery Chrystian hatte maye tremble and quake at it Therfore seke wyth all dyligence the truth to the intent that ye maye knowe how pytyfull that we and all the worlde haue synned agaynste oure Lorde God in this matter Antechristi oblatio Fyrste they haue conuerted and chaunued thys holye and Blessed supper of our Lord wyth ther false learnynge and auctoritye out of his ryght vse and haue lerned it to be a dayly sacrifice for our sinnes This is abominable blasphemy and pitifull blyndnes that men can not imagyn such another Nota sequentes abhominationes Wyth thys same learnyng haue they driuen Chryste Iesus out of his fathers stoole out of heauen and haue set in his place an vngodlye preist wyth a peace of breade wyth the same learnyng haue they robed chryst Iesus of his euerlastyng and perpetual offyce that is the office of an aduocate and haue put it vpon a pece of breade and a deuylles seruaunt whiche knowes not one title ryght of the word of god Wyth the same learning haue they made of no value al the fygures and shyne of Moyses al the prophicies of the prophittes al the promyses of Angelles al the hole new Testament whych alonly speaketh of that only sacrifyce for sin Cur panis ille immolationis vt vocāt trangatur in tres partes which is christ Iesus with the same learnynge haue they takē vpō them al power in heauen earth hel Therfore is the brede of the Idolles table broken in thre peces with the fyrst pece pacifie the god wyth the secōde they pray for the world with the thirde they delyuer the soul that they offer it for with this same learnīg ar they risen aloft in gold syluer in pompe lordlines honour by the hole world herewith ar they climed vp aboue al princes haue gottē vnto thēselues gold syluer churches cloysters land sand the highes places name power in al lādes to the intēt that euery mā shuld giue rume to their holynes feare there name highlye prayse ther gloriouse office desiring alwayes the throwe this good worke whych is this dayly offringe that they myght be cōforted in there soule Throw this meanes is that abominable Anthichryst gotten into his seat so hie that the Empriours maiestie Medium in quo eleuatus est Antechristus the hiest potēt vpō earth whō god him self cōmaunded to obey must knele downe kysse his stynkyng fote ye this is more fredericus Barborossa that excellēt emperour bicause he wold haue letted his knaueri culd get no misericordia vntill the tyme that Alexāder Tertius the prynce of the Babilonical coniures had troden vpon this excellēt Emperour in the churche dore at Venega thus hath that deuillysh offrīg brought in bōdage the hole worlde But the Lorde be blessed whiche hath delyuered vs from this fayned sacryfyce and golden Calfe Esay l.iii. and hath declared vnto vs the onely hye prest ouer the house of god whiche remaneth a prest for euer after the order of Melchisideche whiche in the dayes of his fleshe dyd offer vp prayers and supplycacions wyth strong cryeng and teares vnto hym Hebre. v. that was able to saue hym frō deathe and was harde bycause of his godlynes he hath offered one offerynge a sacryfyce of swete sauoure to God Ephe. v. he hath saieth Saint Paule offered one sacryfyce for sinnes sat hym done for euer on the ryght hande of God Hee x. and from hence forth taryeth tyl his foes be made hys footstole for wyth one offering hath he made perfect for euer them that are sanctifyed This is the onely sacryfice wyth which the fathers wrayth is pacyfied the generacyon of Adam delyuered heauen opened and hell shut Ro. iii. Christus vnica propeccatis victima For it pleased the father that in him shuld alfulnes dwel and by hym to reconcile al thynges to hym selfe and to set at peace by hym throw the blood of hys crosse both thynges in heauen and thynges in earth i. Colo i. ¶ Now come forth al power and myght and al ye that ar papistes with al ye that reken your selfe to be learned that is in Englād and is of the papistes opinion thys worde can neyther Angell nor Deuell breke Hebru x. namely that with one offring he hath made perfecte for euer them that are santcyfyed My dearly beloued in Chryst Iesu loue your soule and loke earnest lye vpon the lordes wordes Know ones vnder what learnynge sacramentes and congregacion ye are what shepards fede you what brede that ye breake in what bodiye ar boūd O ye chyldren howe longe wyll Prouer. i. you loue chyldyshnes howe longe wyl ye scorners delyte in scornynge and the vnwyse be ennemyes vnto knowledge ii Cor. vi Apo. xviii Luke ix How longe wil you remayne in your synnes howe longe wil ye be bounde wyth the chayn of Infidelite in the botomles pyt Mat. xi Come out from amonge thē auoid al false learnynge exchew all false holynes and let the deade bury the dede and folow ye after our mayster Christ enter into hys house and take vp vpon you his easye yocke and light burthen ye shal fynde rest in your soules as then maye ye bost youre selues of the grace of God the forgyuenes of synnes the deseruing of our Sauiour Iesus christ euerlastyng lyfe god giue you his grace Amen Secoundarly they haue taught that the bread is veri flesh and the wine very blood that haue they gathered out of the wordes of christ literali spoken wherin he sayeth take eate this is my bodye c not markynge what Chryst sayth in the .vi. Ioh. vi of Iohn That is to saye it is the spirite that quickeneth the fleshe profyteth nothyng the wordes which I spake vnto you ar spirit lif for in this place