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england_n grace_n ireland_n lord_n 3,218 5 3.2488 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04806 Of misrules contending, with gods worde by name And then, of ones iudgment, that heard of the same. Kethe, William, d. 1608? 1553 (1553) STC 14941; ESTC S112263 5,283 3

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highnes hath ordeyned that if any boucher or other sellyng by retayle do selle any of the kyndes of vitalles aforesayde otherwyse then by weight or at any other prices than is afore lymytted or refuse to selle accordinge to this proclamation thenne euery boucher or other so offendynge shall suffre lose and forfayte all suche peynes and penalities and also be ordered in all thinges as is conteyned and limitted in the acte made for the premisses This proclamation in any wyse-not lettynge ¶ And futhermore the kynges hyghnes straytely chargeth and commaundeth all and euerye the sayde breders broggers drouers fermours feders and owners of suche cattell that they and euery of them furnysshe the fayres markettes with suche fat cattell as they haue to selle from tyme to tyme in as large and ample maner as hath ben accustomed And to sell theyr sayde catell at suche reasonable prices as the sayd bouchers or suche other as shall retayle the same ayene by weight may vtter and sell the same to his louynge subiectes at suche prices as are aboue lymytted as they wyll auoyde his graces hygh dyspleasure and answere to the same at theyr vttermoste perylles ¶ AND THAT after the sayde .xxiiii. day of Iune the sayde bouchers and other sellyng fleshe by retayle shal from thens forthe sell by weyght by retayle accordynge to the pryces limitted in the sayd act made and prouyded for the same vpon the peynes and penalities conteyned in the sayd acte without any abstinence or redresse to be hadde therof after the sayde .xxiiii. daye Wherfore the kynges hyghnes straytely chargeth and commaundeth all and synguler Maires Iustyces of peace Shireffes bayliffes constables and other his officers and faythfull subiectes to whom it shall or in any maner of wyse may appertayne that they and euery of them cause this his proclamation to be put in due and effectuall execution accordynge to the tenour therof as they wyll aunswere to his hyghnes at their vttermoste peryls GOD SAVE THE KYNGE Tho. Berthelet regius impressor excudebat CVM PRIVILEGIO A PROCLAMATION that straungers shall paye lyke custome and subsydie as the kynges subiectes FOR AS MOCHE as it is the offyce and duetie of chiefe rulers and gouernours of all ciuile cōmynalties to study deuise and practise by sondrye wayes and meanes to auaunce set forthe and encrease theyr common welthes commytted to theyr cures and charges and to mayntayne and obserue suche ordynaunces and orders as by them shulde be deuysed for the same if by the experience of them suche goodnes profyte commoditie and benefyte succede therof in and amonge theyr ciuilitie as they entended and if not then to reuoke repeale and refourme theyr sayde ordynaunces and orders and establyshe newe from tyme to tyme as the necessitie of theyr common welthe shulde require The kynges moste royall maiestie HENRY the VIII by the grace of god kyng of Englande and of Fraunce defendour of the fayth lorde of Ireland and in erthe supreme heed of the churche of Englande of his moste excellente goodnes depely ponderynge and consyderynge his kyngely office and charge and that although in the tyme of his moste gracious reygne a great multytude of lawes ordinaunces and orders haue ben deuysed made and ordeyned by his most excellent wysedome and polycie for auauncement and encrease of the common welth of his realme and the great profyte and commoditie of his louynge subiectes of the same yet his moste graciouse highnes lyke a moste godly and worthy ruler not myndynge to cease but dayly to trauayle and labour in deuisynge and settynge forthe orders and ordynaunces from tyme to tyme as his grace by his moste excellent wysedome maye perceyue iuste occasion of necessitie in his common welthe and nowe amonges other thynges callynge to his moste graciouse remembraunce that all be it his highnes is iustely and laufully entytled in the ryghte of his imperiall crowne to take and perceyue for Custome and subsidie of marchauntes estrangers conueyenge or transportynge into this his realme or out of the same their wares goodes and marchandyses greatter and larger sommes of money than of his owne louyng and natural subiectes and beinge in good hope and confydence that although the moderation therof shuld tende to his gracis owne detriment and losse that yet it shal be a great occasion to haue more plentiful resorte trafyke and commutation with in this his gracis realme with and amonge his louynge subiectes of the same for their enrychynge welthes and commodities Takyng therfore more respect to the auauncement of his gracis common welthe than to his owne syngular profyte and lyke the moste godly and moste worthy chiefe ruler of this realme myndynge to proue and assaye whether by the attemperaunce and moderation of the sayde custome and subsydie of straungers goodnes profyte and commoditie shall succede encrease and growe to the common welthe of this his realme accordyng to his gracis hope and expectation in that behalfe Is therfore and for other considerations mouyng his highnes pleased and contented for the experymente therof that from the. vi daye of Apryll in the .xxx. yere of his gracis reygne durynge the full and hole terme of .vii. yeres from thense nexte folowynge no persone or persones beinge straungers or denysens conueyeng or transportynge any goodes wares or marchandyses into any porte creke or other place of this realme or out of the same shall for and durynge the same tyme of .vii. yeres paye any other more or larger custome and subsidie than the kynges owne louynge and naturall subiectes haue vsed and ben accustomed to doo and paye at this present tyme custome and subsidie for wolles onely excepted And his hyghnesse straytely chargeth and commandeth all and syngular Customers Comptrollers and other his mynisters hauynge charge of receyte of his customes and subsydie that they ne any of them by any maner of colour or meanes durynge the sayde tyme of seuen yeres shall exacte take or receyue of any straunger or denysen any other more or larger custome and subsidie than is aboue especified in this his gracis proclamation vppon peyne of forfayture of their offyces and makynge fyne at his gracis wyll And ouer that vppon payne to yelde and render to the parties greued tenne tymes so moch as they shall exacte and take contrarie to this presente proclamation And his hyghnesse also chargeth and commaundeth as well the Treasourer Chauncellour Chamberlaynes and Barons of his exchequer and euery of them as all other his Auditours hauynge charge to take accomtes of his customes and subsidies that they ne any of them from the sayde syxte daye of Apryll durynge the sayde tyme of .vii. yeres from thens nexte folowynge shall charge any the sayde customers comptrollers and minysters of any other further or more custome and subsydie for straungers or denyzens then aboue is expressed as they woll aunswere to his highnes at theyr vttermoste perylles Sygnifienge and declarynge as well to the sayde treasorer chauncellour chamberlaynes barons and auditours and to euery of theym as to all and synguler the sayde customers comptrollers and mynysters that they folowynge and ensuynge this his gracis proclamation the same shal be to them and to euery of them theyr heyres and executours and to the heyres and executours of euery of them a sufficyent warrant and discharge agaynst his maiestie his heyres and successours for the same without any other byll warraunt writ or other commandment to be sued in this behalfe ¶ Prouyded alwayes that this present proclamation ne any thynge therin conteyned shall not extende to gyue lycence or lybertie to any person or persones straungers or other to conuey or transporte into this realme or out of the same any goodes wares or marchaundises contrary to the fourme and effect of the lawes and statutes of this Realme But that it shall be vnderstande taken and expounded alonely that custome and subsidie of straungers and denyzens shall be agreable and equal with the custome and subsidie of the kynges owne naturall subiectes and not aboue durynge the tyme of .vii. yeres afore lymitted ¶ Yeuen at our palays of westin̄ the. XXVI day of February in the. XXX yere of our Reygne GOD SAVE THE KYNGE Tho. Berthelet Regius impressor excu CVM PRIVILEGIO