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A03208 If you knovv not me, you know no bodie: or, The troubles of Queene Elizabeth; If you know not me, you know no bodie. Part 1 Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641. 1605 (1605) STC 13328; ESTC S106109 25,765 54

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How now what 's the matter Clown O Lord the house is beset shouldiers are as hot as fier Are reddy to enter euerie hole about the howse For as I was a' th toppe of the stacke the sound of the Drumme Hott mee such a box a' th Eare that I came tumbling downe The stacke with a thousand byllets a' th top on me looke about And helpe for gods sake Gage Heauen guard the Princesse grant that all be well This Drumme I feare will prooue her passing-bell Enter Tame and Shandoyse with souldiers Drum c. Tame Wher 's the Princesse Gage O my honor'd Lords May I with reuerence presume to aske What meanes these armes why doe you thus begirt A poore weake Lady neere at poynt of death Shand: Resolue the Princesse we must speake with her Woman My Lords know there is no admittance to her presence VVithout the leaue first granted from her selfe Tame Goe tell her we must and will Wom I le certifie so much Exit Woman Gage My Lords as you are honorably borne As you did loue her father or her brother As you do owe alegeance to the Queene In pitty of her weaknes and lowe state With best of fauor her commisserate Enter Woman Wom Her grace intreates you but to stay till morne And then your message shal be heard at full Shand: T is from the Queene and wee will speake with her Wom I le certifie so much Tame It shall not neede presse after her my Lord Enter Elizabeth in her bed Doctor Owine and Doctor Wendith Eliz We are not pleas'd with your intrusions Lords Is your hast such of your affayres so vrgent That sudenly and at this tyme of night You presse on one and will not stay till morne Tame Sorry we are sweet Lady to behold you in this sad plight Eliz And I my Lords not glad My hart oh how it beats Shand: Madam our messuage and our duty from our Queene Wee come to tender you It is her pleasure That you the 7. day of this moneth appeare at Westminster Eliza: At Westminster my Lords no soule more glad then I To doe my duty to her Maiestie But I am sorry at the hart my hart oh good Doctor rayse me Oh my hart I hope my Lords considering my extremity and Weaknes you will dispence a little with your hast Tame Doctor Owine and Doctor Wendith You are the Queenes Phisitions truly sworne On your alegeance as before her highnes you will answere it Speake may the Princesse be remoou'd with life D: Owine Not without danger Lords yet without death Her feauer is not mortall yet you see into what danger It hath brought the Princesse Shand: Is your opinion so D: Wend: My Iudgment is not deadly but yet dangerous No sooner shall she come to take the ayre But she will faint and if not well prepar'd and attended Her life is in much danger Tame Madam we take no pleasure to deliuer so strict a messuage Eliza: Nor I my Lords to heare a messuage deliuered with such strictnes well must I goe Shand: So sayes the Queene Eliza: Why then it must be so Tame To morrow earlie then you must prepare Eliza: T is many a more 〈◊〉 my feeble leggs Felt this my bodies waight O I shall faynt And if I tast the rawnes of the ayre I am but dead indeed I am but dead T is late conduct these Lordes vnto their chambers And cheere them well for they haue iorneyd hard whilst we prepare vs for our morrowes Iorney Shand: Madam the Queene hath sent her letter for you Eliza: The Queene is kind and we will striue with death To tender her our life We are her subiect and obay her hest Good night we wish you what wee want Good rest Exeunt omnes Enter Queene Mary Phillipp and all the Nobles but Tame and Shandoyse Que: Thus in the face of heauē broad eie of all the multitude We giue a welcome to the Spanish Prince Those plausiue shouts which giue you entertaine Ecchoes as much to the almighties cares And there they sownd with pleasure and excels The claymorous trumpetts and loud ringing bells Phil. Thrise excellent and euer gracious Princesse Doubly famous for vertue and for beautie We embrace your large stretcht Honors with the armes of loue Our Royall marriage treated first in Heauen To be solemniz'd here both by Gods voice And by our loues consent we thus embrace Now Spaine and England two populous Kingdomes That haue a long time been oppos'd In Hostile-emulation shal be at one This shal be Spanish England ours English Spaine Quee. Harke the redoubling ecchoes of the people Florish How it proclaymes their loues and welcome to this Vnion Phil. Then here before the 〈◊〉 of the Land We doe embrace and make a publique contract Our soules are ioyfull then bright Heauens smile Whil'st we proclaime our new vnited Stile Queen Read Sussex Sussex reades Phillip and Mary by the grace of God King and Queene of England Spayne France and Ireland King and Queene of Naples Scifcillia Leon and Aragon Arch. Duke and Dutches of Assria Burgondy of Brabant Zeland of Holand Prince and Princesse of Sweaue Count and Countesse Hasburdge Maliorca Sardinia of the firme Land and the maine Ocean Sea Palatins of Ierusalem of Henolt Lord and Ladie of Freeseland and of the Isles And Gouernor and Gouernesse of all Africa and Asia Omnes Long liue the King and Queene Florish Kin. and Qu. We thanke you all Con. When please your Highnesse to solemnize this your Nuptials Qu The 25. day of this month Iuly Phil. It likes vs well but royall Queene we want One Ladie at this hye solemnitie We haue a Sister cal'd Elixaebeth Whose vertues and endowments of the mind Hath fil'd the eares of Spaine Winch. Great are the causes now too long to say Why she my Soueraigne should be kept away Const: The Lord of Tame and Shandoyse are return'd Enter Tame and Shandoyse and Gage Quee. How fares our Sister Is she come alonge Tame We found the Princesse sicke and in great danger Yet did we vrge our strickt Commission She much intreated that she might be spar'd Vntill her health and strength might be restor'd Shand. Two of your Highnesse Doctors we then cal'd And charg'd them as they would answere it To tell the truth if that our iourneys toyle Might be no preiudice vnto her life Or if we might with safetie bring her thence They answered that we might we did so Here she is to doe her dutie to your Maiestie Quee: Let her attend we will find time to heare her Phil. But royall Queene yet for her vertues sake Deeme her offences if she haue offended VVith all the lenitie a Sister can Quee: My Lord of VVinchester my Lord of Sussex Lord Howard Tame and Shandoyse Take you Commission to examine her Of all supposed Crimes so to our Nuptials Phil. VVhat Festiuall more Royall hath been seene Than twixt Spaines Prince and Englands Royall Queene Exeunt
For ther 's another rays'd more base then he Poole that Arch for truth and honestie Enter Beningfeild Ben: My Lord of Sussex I can tell ill newes The Cardinall Poole that now was firmly well Is sodenly falne sicke and like to die Suss: Let him goe why then ther 's a fall of Prelates This realme will neuer stand in perfect state Till all their faction be cleare ruinate Enter Constable Const: Sir Harry do you heare the whispring in the Court They say the Queene is craysy very ill Suss: How hard you that Const: T is common through the house Enter Howard How: T is a sad Court my Lord Suss. What 's the matter say how fayres the Queene How: Whether in sorrow for the Kings departure Or els for greife at Winchesters decease Or els that Cardinall Poole is sodaynely dead I cannot tell but shee 's exceeding sick Suss: The state begins to alter How: Nay more my Lord I came now from the presence I heard the Doctors whisper it in seecret There is no way but one Suss: Gods will be done whos 's with the Queene my Lord How: The Duke of Norfolke the Earle of Oxford The Earle of Arundell and diuers others They are with-drawne into the inward chamber There to take counsell and intreat your presence Suss: VVee 'le waight vpon their Honors Exeunt omnes Enter Elizabeth Gage and Clarentia aboue Eliz O God my last nights dreame I greatly feare It doth presage my death good master Gage Looke to the path-way that doth come from the court I looke each minute for deaths messenger Would he were here now so my soule were pure That I with patience might the stroke endure Gage Madame I see from farre a horse-man comming This way he bends his speed he comes so fast That he is couered in a cloud of dust And now I haue lost his sight he appear's againe Making his way ouer Hill Hedge Ditch and Plaine One after him they two striue As on the race they had wagerd both their liues Another after him Eliz O God what meanes this hast Pray for my soule my life cannot long last Gage Strange and miraculous the first being at the gate His horse hath broke his necke and cast his rider Eliz This same is but as prologue to my death My heart is guiltlesse though they take my breath Enter sir Henry Karow Karow God saue the Queene God saue Elizabeth Eliz God saue the Queene so all good subiects say I am her subiect and for her still pray Karew My horse did you allegeance at the gate For there he broke his necke and there he lyes For I my selfe had much a do to rise The fall hath brus'd me yet I liue to cry God blesse your Grace God blesse your maiesty Gage Long liue the Queene long liue your maiesty Eliz This newes is sweete my hart was sore affraid Rise thou first Barron that we euer made Karew Thankes to your maiesty happy be my tongue That first breath'd right to one that had such wrong Enter sir Iohn Brocket Broc: Am I preuented in my hast O chance accurst My hopes did sooth me that I was the first Let not my duty be ore swayd by spleene Long liue my Soueraigne and God saue the Queene Eliz Thankes good Sir Iohn we will deserue your loue Enter Howard How: Though third in order yet the first in loue I tender my allegeance to your Grace Liue long faire Queene thrise happy be your raygne He that instates you your high state mayntayne Eliz Lord Howard thankes you euer were our frend I see your loue continues to the end But cheefly thanks to you my Lord of Hunsdon How: Meaning this Gentleman Eliz The very same His tongue was first proclaymer of our name And trusly Gage in token of our Grace We giue to you a captaine Pentioners place How: Madame the Counsell are here hard at hand Eliz We will descend meete them Karew Let 's guard our Soueraigne praysing that power That can throw downe and raise within an hower Ex omnes Enter the Clowne and one more with faggots Clow: Come neighbor come away euery man his faggot And his double pot for ioy of the old Queenes death Let bells ring and children sing For we may haue cause to remember The seauenteenth day of Nouember Enter Lord of Tame Tame How now my masters what 's here to do Clo: Faith making Bone-fires for ioy of the newe Queene Come sir your penny and you be a true subiect You 'le battle with vs your faggot we 'l be merry yfayth Tame And you do well and yet me thinke 't were fit To spend some funerall teares vpon her hearce VVho while she liu'd was deere vnto you all Clow: I but do not you know the old prouerbe VVe must liue by the quicke and not by the dead Tame Did you not loue her father when he liu'd As deerly as you ere did loue any And yet reioyced at his funerall Likewise her brother you esteem'd em'd him deere Yet once departed ioyfully you sung Runne to make Bone-fiers to proclaime your loue Vnto the newe forgetting still the old Now she is gone how you mone for her VVere it not fit a while to mone her hearse And dutyfully there reioyce the tother Had you the wisest and the louingst Prince That euer swayd a Scepter in the world This is the loue he shall haue after life Let Princes while they liue haue loue or feare 't is fit For after death ther 's none continues it Clo: By my fayth my masters he speakes wisely Come wee le to the end of the lane and there wee le Make a bonfire and be merry Fayth agreed I le spend my halfepenny towards Another faggot rather then the newe Queene shall VVant a Bone-fire Exeunt manet Tame Tame I blame you not nor do I you commend For you will still the strongest side defend Exit A Sennet Enter 4. Trumpetors after them Sargeant Trumpetor with a Mace after him Purse-bearer Sussex with the Crown Howard the scepter Cōstable with the Cap of mayntenāce Shandoyse with the Sword Tame with the Coller and a George foure Gentlemen bearing the Canapy ouer the Queene two Gentle-women bearing vp her trayne six gentle-men Pensioners the Queene takes state Omnes Long liue long raigne our Soueraigne Eliz We thanke you all Suss: The imperiall Crowne I here present your Grace With it my staffe of Office and my place Eliz Whil'st we this Crowne so long your place enioy How: Th' mperiall Scepter here I offer vp Eliz Keepe it my Lord and with it be you hye admirall Const: This Cap of mayntenance I present my state of Office and my vtmost seruice Eliz Your loue we knowe Const: Pardon me gratious Madame 't was not spleene But that alegance that I ow'd my Queene Madame I seru'd her truly at that day And I as truly will your Grace obay Eliz We do as freely pardon as you truly serue Onely your staffe of Office wee le displace In stead of that wee le owe you greater Grace Enter Beningfeild Bening: Long liue the Queene long liue your Maiesty I haue bid hard to be the first reporter Of these glad tydings first and all these here Suss: You are in your loue as free as in your care You 're come euen iust a day after the fayre Eliz What 's he my Iaylor Bening. God preserue your Grace Eliz Be not asham'd man looke me in the face VVho haue you now to patronize your strictnes on For your kindnes this I will bestowe When we haue one we would haue hardly vs'd And cruelly delt with you shall be the man This is a day for peace not for vengeance fit All your good deeds wee 'le quit all wronges remit Where we left off proceede Shand: The Sword of Iustice on my bended knee I to your Grace present heauen blesse your raigne Eliz This Sword is ours this staffe is yours againe Tame This Garter with the order of the George Two Ornaments vnto the Crowne of England I here present Eliz Possesse them still my Lord what Offices beare you Gage I Captaine of your highnes Pentioners Brock: I of your Guard I Sargeant Trumpetor present my Mace Eliz Some we intend to rayse none to displace Lord Hunsdon we will one day finde a staffe To poyse your hand you are our Cosen And deserue to be employd neerer our person But now to you from whome we take this staffe Since Cardinall Poole is now decea'st and dead To shew all mallice from our breast is worne Before you let that Purse and Mace be borne And now to London Lords lead on the way Praysing that King that all Kings els obay Sennet about the stage in order the Maior of London meets them Maior I from this Citty London do present This Purse and Bible to your Maiesty A thowsand of your faithfull Cittizens In Veluet Coats and Chaines well mounted stay To greet their royall Soueraigne on the way Eliz VVe thanke you all but first this booke I kisse Thou art the way to honor thou to blisse An English Bible thankes my good Lord Maior You of our bodie and our soule haue care This is the Iewell that we still loue best This was our solace when we were distrest This booke that hath so long conceald it selfe So long shut vp so long hid now Lords see VVe here vnclaspe for euer it is free VVho lookes for ioy let him this booke adore This is true foode for rich men and for poore VVho drinkes of this is certaine nere to perish This will the soule with heauenly vertue cherish Lay hand vppon this Anchor euery soule Your names shal be in an eternall scrowle VVho builds on this dwel's in a happy state This is the fountaine cleere imaculate That happy yssue that shall vs succeed And in our populous Kingdome this booke read For them as for our owne selues we humbly pray They may liue long and blest so lead the way FINIS