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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02941 An epistle of the moste myghty [and] redouted Prince Henry the .viii. by the grace of God Kyng of England and of Fraunce, lorde of Irelande, defender of the faithe, and supreme heed of the churche of England, nexte vnder Christe, writen to the Emperours maiestie, to all Christen princes, and to all those that trewly and syncerely professe Christes religion; Ad carolum Cesarem Augustum epistola. English Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547. 1538 (1538) STC 13081.3; ESTC S109412 5,302 24

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AN EPISTLE OF THE MOSTE myghty redouted Prince Henry the .viii. by the grace of God Kyng of England and of Fraunce lorde of Irelande defender of the Faithe and supreme heed of the churche of England nexte vnder Christe writen to the Emperours maiestie to all Christen Princes and to all those that trewly and syncerely professe Christes religion IN THIS EPISTLE BOTHE the causes are playnely declared why the Kynges hyghenes owght neyther to sende nor go to the Councill indicted at Vincence and also how perylouse a thinge it is for all suche as professe the trewe doctrine of Christ to come thether HEREVNTO ALSO IS ANnexed the Protestation made the last yere by the Kynges hyghenes his holle Counsayle and clergye as touchinge the Councille inde●tted at Mantua c. ¶ Rede bothe o Christen Reader truthe is comynge home longe afore beynge in captyuytye steppe forth and meete her by the waye yf thou see her presence embrace hir and shewe thy selfe gladde of her retourne HENRY THE VIII BY THE grace of God kynge of Englande and of Fraunce c. saluteth the Emperour Christen princes and all true Christen men desyringe peace and Concorde amonges them WVHERE as not lōg sithens a boke came forthe in our and all oure counsailes names whyche bothe cōteyned many causes why we refused the Councylle than by the byshoppe of Romes vsurped power fyrste indycted atte Mantua to be kepte the .xxiii. daye of May after proroged to Nouembre noo place appoynted where it shulde be kepte And where as the same boke dothe sufficiently proue that our cause coulde take no hurt neyther with any thynge doone or decreed in suche a company of addicte men to one secte nor in any other councill callyd by his vsurped power we thynke it nothynge necessarie so ofte to make newe protestations as the byshoppe of Rome and his courtes by subtiltie craft do inuent ways to mock the worlde by newe pretensed general councilles Yet not withstandynge bicause that some thynges haue nowe occured eyther vpon occasion giuen vs by chaunge of the place or els through other considerations whiche nowe beynge knowen to the worlde maye doo moche good we thought we shulde do but euen as that loue enforseth vs whiche we owe vnto Christis faythe and relygion to adde this epistell And yet we protest that we neither put forth that boke neyther yet we wold this epistle to be set afore it that therby we shulde seme lesse to desyre a generall Councille thanne any other prince or potentate but rather more desirous of it so it were free for all partes and vniuersal And further we desyre all good princis potentatis and people to esteme and think that no prince wold more willyngly be present at suche a council than we suche a one we meane as we speake of in our protestation made concernynge the councill of Mantua Truely as our forefathers inuented nothynge more holyer than generalle Councilles vsed as they ought to be so there is almoste noothing that way do more hurt to the Chrystian common welthe to the faith to our religion than general councils if they be abused to lukes to gaynes to the establyshement of errours They be called generall euen by theyr name do admonysshe vs that all Christen men which do discent in any opinion may in them openly frankly and without feare of punyshement or displeasure say their mynde For seing such thinges as are decreed in generall councils touche egally all men that gyue assent thervnto it is mete that euery man maye boldely saye there that he thynketh And verylye we suppose that it ought not to be callyd a generall councylle where alonly those men are harde whiche are determyned for euer in all poyntes to defende the popysshe parte and to arme them selfe to fyght in the bysshoppe of Romes quarelle though it were agaynste god and his scriptures It is no generall Councill neyther it oughte to be callyd generall where the same menne be onely aduocates aduersaries the same accused and iuges No it is against the lawe of nature eyther that we shulde condescende to so vnresonable a lawe agaynste our selfes eyther that we shulde suffre our selfes to be lefte without all defence and beinge oppressed with greattest iniuries to haue no refuge to succour ourselfes at The bishop of Rome and his be our great enmies as we and all the worlde maye welle perceyue by his doinges He desyreth nothynge more than our hurte and the destruction of our realme doo not we than violate the iudgement of nature yf we gyue hym power and auctoritie to be our iudge His pretended honour fyrste gotten by superstition after encreased by violence and other wayes as euylle as that his power sette vppe by pretense of religion in dede bothe agaynst religion and also contrary to the worde of god his primacye borne by the ignorancie of the worlde nouryshed by the ambition of byshops of Rome defended by places of Scripture falsely vnderstande These .iii. thynges we say whiche are fallen with vs and are like to fall in other realmes shortly shall they not be establyshed agein if he maye decyde our cause as hym lysteth If he maye at his pleasure oppresse a cause mooste rightuouse and set vp his moste againe truth Certaynely he is very blynde that seeth not what ende we maye loke for of our controuersies if such our ennemye maye gyue the sentence We desyre if it were in anye wyse possible a council where some hope may be that those thynges shal be restored whiche nowe being deprauate are lyke if they be not amended to be the vtter ruine of christen religion And as we do desyre suche a councyll and thynke it mete that all men in all theyr prayers shulde craue and desyre it of god euen soo we think it perteyneth vnto our offyce to prouyde bothe that these popishe subtilties hurte none of our subiectes and also to admonyshe other Christen princis that the byshoppe of Rome maye not by theyr consent abuse the auctoritie of kinges eyther to the extinguyshing of the true preaching of scripture that nowe beginneth to spring to grow and spred abrode either to the troublyng of princis liberties to the dimynishinge of kynges auctorities and to the great blemysshe of theyr princely maiestie We dout nothing but a reder not parciall wyll soone approue suche thinges as we write in the treatise folowynge not soo moche for oure excuse as that the worlde may perceyue bothe the sondrye deceytes craftes subtilties of the papistes and also how moch we desyre that controuersies in relygion maye ones be taken awaye All that we said there of Mantua maye here well be spoken of Vincence They do almoste agree in all poyntes Neyther it is lyke that there woll be any more at this Concille at Vincence than were the last yere at Mantua Trewelye he is worthy to be deceyued that beynge twyse mocked woll not beware the thyrde tyme. If any this laste yere