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england_n grace_n ireland_n lord_n 3,218 5 3.2488 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00155 Articles to be inqvired of. 1548; Visitation Articles. 1548. Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Archbishop (1553-1556 : Cranmer) 1548 (1548) STC 10148; ESTC S121382 5,720 16

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¶ Articles to be enquired of in visitacions to bee had within the Diocesse of Cantorbury in the seconde yere of the reigne of our moste drad souereigne Lorde Edward the VI. by the grace of God Kyng of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defender of the faithe and in yearth of the Churche of Englande and also of Irelande the supreme hedde FIrst whether Persones Vicars and Curates and euery of them haue purely and sincerely without colour or dissimulaciō foure times in the yere at the least preached againste the vsurped power pretensed aucthoritie and iurisdiccion of the bishop of Rome Itē whether thei haue preached and declared likewise iiii times of the yere at the least that the kynges maiesties power aucthoritie and preheminence within his Realmes and dominiōs is the highest power vnder God Item whether any persone hath by writyng Cyphryng preachyng or teachyng deede or act obstinatly holden and stande with to extoll setfurthe maintein or defend the aucthoritie iurisdicciō or power of the bishop of Rome or of his sea heretofore claimed and vsurped or by any pretense obstinatly or maliciously inuēted any thyng for the extollyng of the same or any parte thereof Item whether in their common praiers thei vse not the Collettes made for the Kynge and make not speciall menciō of his maiesties name in thesame Item whether thei do not euery sonday and holy day with the collectes of the Englishe procession saie the praier set furthe by the Kynges maiestie for peace betwene England Scotlād Item whether thei haue not remoued taken awaie vtterly extincted and destroied in their Churches Chapelles and houses all Images all shrines couerynges of shrines all Tables candelstickes trindels or rolles of waxe pictures Paintynges and all other monumentes of fained miracles Pilgrimages Idolatrie and Supersticiō so that there remain no memorie of thesame in walles glasewindowes or els wher Item whether thei haue exhorted moued and stirred their parishoners to do the like in euery of their houses Item whether thei haue declared to their parishoners the articles concernyng the abrogaciō of certain superfluous holy daies and doen their indeuor to perswade the saied parishoners to kepe and obserue thesame articles inuiolably and whether any of those abrogate daies hath been kepte as holy daies and by whose occasion thei were so kept Item whether thei haue diligently duely and reuerently ministred the Sacramentes in their Cures Item whether thei haue preached or caused to bee preached purely and sincerely the woorde of god in euery of their Cures euery quarter of the yere once at the least exhorting their parishoners to the workes commaūded by scriptures and not to workes deuised by mennes phātasies besides scripture as wearyng or praiyng vpon beades or suche like Item whether thei suffre any torches candelles Tapers or any other lightes to bee in your Churches but onely two lightes vpon the high Aultare Item whether thei haue not euery holy day when thei haue no sermon immediatly after the Gospell opēly plainly and distinctly recited to their parishoners in the pulpit the Paternoster the crede and the .x. Cōmaundementes in Englishe Item whether euery Lent thei examine suche persones as commeth to Confession to thē whether thei canne recite the Pater noster the Articles of our faith the .x. Cōmaundemētes in English Item whether thei haue charged fathers and mothers masters and gouernours of youthe to bryng them vp in some verteous study or occupacion Item whether suche beneficed menne as bee lawfully absent from their benefices doe leaue their Cure to a rude and vnlearned person and not to an honest well learned and expert Curate whiche can and will teach you holsom doctrine Item whether in euery Cure ● thei haue prouided one boke of the whole Bible of the largest volume in Englishe and the Paraphrasis of Erasmus also in Englishe vpon the Gospelles and set vp thesame in some conueniēt place in the Church where their parishoners maie moste commodiously resorte to thesame Item whether thei haue discoraged any persone frō readyng of any part of the Bible either in Latin or in Englishe but rather comforted and exhorted euery persone to reade the same as the very liuely woorde of God and the speciall foode of mannes soule Item whether Persones Vicars Curates and other priestes be common haunters and resorters to Tauernes or Alehouses geuyng thēselfes to drinkyng riotyng or plaiyng at vnlawfull games and doo not occupie theim selfes in the reading or hearyng of some parte of holy scripture or in some other Godly exercise Item whether thei haue admitted any man to preache in their cures not beyng lawfully licensed thereunto or haue refused or denied suche to preache as haue been licensed accordyngly Item whether thei which haue heretofore declared to their parishoners any thing to the extolling or setting furth of pilgrimages reliques or Images or lightyng of cādells kissing knelyng deckyng of thesame Images or any suche supersticion haue not openly recanted and reproued thesame Item whether thei haue one boke or register safely kepte wherein thei write the daie of euery Weddyng Christenyng and Buriyng Item whether thei haue exhorted the people to obedience to the kynges maiestie and his ministers and Charitie and loue one to a nother Itē whether thei haue admonished their parishoners that thei ought not to presume to receiue the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christe before thei can perfectly the pater noster the Articles of the faith and the tenne commaundementes in Englishe Item whether thei haue declared and to their wittes and power haue perswaded the people that the maner and kind of fasting in Lent and other daies in the yere is but a mere positiue law and that therfore al persones hauyng iust cause of sicknes or other necessitie or beyng licensed by the kynges maiestie maie moderatly eate all kynde of meates without grudge or scruple of conscience Item whether thei be resident vpon their benefices and kepe hospitalitie or no and if thei be absēt or kepe no hospitalitie whether thei do make due distribucions emong the poore parishoners or not Itē whether Persones Vicars Clarkes and other beneficed men hauyng yerely to dispende an hundred pounde doo not finde competently one scholer in the Vniuersitie of Cambridge or Oxforde or some Grammer schole and for as many hundred poundes as euery of them maie dispende so many scholes likewise to be founde by them what be their names that thei so find Item whether Proprietaries Persones Vicars and Clarkes hauyng Churches Chapelles or Mansions dooe kepe their Chauncelles Rectories Vicareges and all other houses apparteignyng to them in due reperacions Item whether thei haue counsailed or moued their parishoners rather to praie in a tōgue not knowen thē in Englishe or to put their trust in any prescribed nombre of praiers as in saiyng ouer a nomber of beades or other like Item whether thei haue red the kynges maiesties Iniunctions euery quarter of the yere the first holy day of the same