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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A26146 The Lord Chief Baron Atkyns's speech to Sir William Ashhurst, Lord Mayor Elect of the city of London at the time of their being sworn in Their Majesties Court of Exchequer, Monday the thirtieth of October, 1693. Atkyns, Robert, Sir, 1621-1709. 1694 (1694) Wing A4143; ESTC R34194 10,530 14

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The Lord Chief Baron Atkyns's Speech to Sir William Ashhurst Lord Mayor Elect of the City of London at the time of his being Sworn in Their Majesties Court of Exchequer Monday the Thirtieth of October 1693. My ●●rd Elect T●● Duty of that place wherein as yet I serve Their Majesties doth oblige me to say something to your Lordship upon this great and solemn occasion I thought I might have been excused by reason of great indispositions of body that are present upon me But since it is my Duty By the Grace of God I will endeavour to discharge it with all faithfulness and freedom And I am the more encouraged to undertake it because of the great Merit of the Excellent Persons that are before me to whom I must more particularly apply my self in what I have to say I s●●ll raise my Discourse from Two Heads and they are very vulgar and they are very short each of them consisting but of two words in Latin Foris Arma Consilium Domi Wars abroad but Counsel at home The first tells us of our danger the latter teaches us our duty Foris Arma It pleaseth Almighty God that after some years gone over our heads since the last Revolution and after so much Blood spilt and so much Treasure spent we yet continue in a State of War and that with a Prince who is very powerful is highly enraged against us and is very prosperous His power at Land appears in this that he has raised three great Armies and maintained them and with his single Force is able to Cope with almost all the United Forces of Europe His Power at Sea appears in this that he can encounter with the united strength of three great Nations the English the Dutch and the Spaniards each of which single not long ago had been too hard for him I shall tell you in a few words what the Design of this Great Enemy of ours is not that I mean to tell you news for I suppose there are none here present but know it but I am afraid we are not so sensible of it as we should be we do not so well consider it as we ought But however I must mention it because it induceth much of what I have to say The Design of this Great Prince the King of France is this First to make himself Universal Monarch of the West and if that were all it were not so bad Fot it doth not so much concern the world who Governs as how they Govern But in the next place it is to establish an Absolute Arbitrary Power every where He would rule us with a Rod of Iron His will and pleasure must be the only Law And in order to this he doth endeavor to make all other Princes Monarchs seek to be Absolute Arbitrary too in their Dominions that he alone may have the power of Ruling them and that they may have their dependance alone upon him And therein he would have the Prerogative that belongs to Almighty God to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords He would be the great Proprietary Owner and Disposer of all Estates and Possessions at his will and pleasure to lay what Taxes and Burthens upon them he pleaseth they shall toil and moil they shall plow and sow and he shall reap and divide all among his Bashaws and Janizaries and Men of War He would destroy the Protestants and root out their Religion and suffer no Religion to be professed any where but the Popish and that not out of Zeal or Love to Religion but he would make it a State-Engine that pretended Religion being most suitable to serve his Ambitious Designs These are his Designs and I shall prove it to you by some most manifest undeniable Instances And I have them already collected to my hand by an Excellent Author and his name is Dr. King late Dean of St. Patricks in Ireland but who since that was made Bishop of London-D●rry in a Thanksgiving-Sermon of his preached at St. Patrick's Church in Dublin upon the reducing of that Kingdom before the Lords Justices of Ireland It is in print and any one may have recourse to it In the first place He does state this to be the Design of the French King as I have stated it and then proceeds to the proof of it And the first thing is a Paper found in the Closet of the late Lord Tyrconnell then Colonel Talbot where the Design is laid open it is dated in July 1671. now two and twenty years ago There is the first Scheme of the Design laid between the French King and our late King King Charles the Second and it is a Scheme of such a Design as I have told you of and then it proposeth the means for effecting of it First To procure Popery to be established in England by a Toleration next To supress the Insolency as that Paper calls it of the Dutch And the last is To have a strict Alliance betwen the French King and the King of England And by this means as that Paper concludes would the King of Great Britain be absolute Monarch over his own Subjects Another Proof he produceth is a Memorial delivered in to the States of Holland in the year 1688. and that was by Monsieur d'Avaux the French Ambassador then at the Hague In this Memorial all this Design is stated bold-faced There he tells the States There was a Treaty between our then King formerly the D. of York and his Master the French King in the year 1671 and that was to this purpose To bring about such a Design as I have spoken of by which means as that Paper hath it the French King would be Universal Monarch and the King of England Absolute over his own Subjects and by this means there would be a Re-establishment of Popery in these three Kingdoms That is his Second Proof The Third is a Letter written by Moloony the Popish Bishop of Killalo● in Ireland and directed to another wherin he states this to be the Design of the French King that I have mentioned and the means the same to effect it In which Paper saith my Reverend Author there is great anger expressed that some Trimmers about the late King do disown any such Treaty with the French King So that here are clear Proofs that this was the Project between the two Crowns of England and France of a very long standing They are Proofs in Writing and under the Hands of those who were eminently instrumental in the carrying on of the Design But had I time and were it so pertinent especially here I could make that Design between England and France elder than 1671. And particularly I need but mention the business of Rochel You may see how that Atchievement of that King this French King's Father by the management of this publick Minister Cardinal Richlieu is celebrated with wonderful Encomiums by him that was then Secretary of State They date their Freedom as they call it and their Power over the Protestants from that acquisition and acknowledge that it came by the help of England which
is a great shame to be said The poor Protestants in France particularly in that City prayed Aid from hence and they had some Ships six Merchant Ships sent them they expected their deliverance by this means but when they came instead of helping them their Men and Provisions were delivered over into the Power of the French King which when they saw they presently threw open the Gates and submitted to mercy And ever since that the French Kings have been absolute over their own Subjects But I must not enlarge much more upon that Head else I could tell of some great Designs of the same kind at the same time here at home The striking out of that part of the Ancient Oath in King Charles the First 's time at his Coronation by Archbishop Laud that the King should consent to such Laws as the People should chuse and instead of that another very unusual one inserted Saving the King 's Prerogative-Royal I do not deny but the King of England has a large Prerogative as much as a good King can desire He has a Prerogative to do good He is only restrained from doing hurt For our Law says The King can do no wrong He has we say a Prerogative that is part and an eminent part of the Law but it is not above the Law And I could tell you of something more of that kind done since in the time of the late King James at the time of his Coronation there was much more struck out of the Coronation-Oath which might be well worth the enquiring how it came about But I let that pass I have made out to you what our great Enemy's Design is I will now tell you by what means he has endeavoured to effect it He doth first confederate with the Great Turk that professed Enemy of the Christian Religion he has brought him into Europe to destroy Christianity And as this Enemy of ours the French King would destroy Protestants so would that Confederate of his destroy and root out all Christianity and yet must this great Prince the French King forsooth be called the most Christian King He doth break through all the Bonds of Religion Morality and common Justice he hath openly and publickly professed he would not be a Slave to his word and Oath He values not all the Edicts under which the poor Protestants of France had their Protection He did take a Solemn Oath and he took it upon the Sacrament that he would renounce all Pretensions of Title to the Spanish Netherlands and yet you see he is gaining the Possession of it through a Sea of Blood He doth as we have great reason to suspect by his Agents and Ministers corrupt with Bribes and Pensions or at lest endeavours to do it those that are Agents and employed under his Opposers to get Towns and Fortresses into his hands those Unmanly Ungenerous Unprincely Means And we have reason to suspect him to have had an hand in designs of assassinating those that are his Enemies and to have joined with Dealers in Poisonings This I say we may very justly suspect though we cannot offer undeniable Proofs of it But after all I should instance in that base corrupt way of sending Midianitish women according to the Counsel of Balaam to lull Princes asleep and dive into their Counsesl and betray them to Death But besides There is one piece of Policy of his wherein he out-doeth all other Princes whatsoever and that is the great thing of maintaining and managing Intelligence He can tell when your Merchant-Ships set out and by what time they shall return Nay perhaps he does take upon him to know by the help of some Confederacy with him that is Prince of the Power of the Air that the Wind shall not serve in such or such a Corner till such a time He knoweth when our Royal Navy is to be divided and when it is united And shall I ghess how he comes to have such Intelligence that were well worth the hearing I would but ghess at it and I would in my ghesses forbear saying any thing that is dishonorable to any among our selves We all know the Scripture tells us That the good Angels are Ministers of God for good to the Elect. It is the comfort of all good men that they are so It is said He will give his angels charge over thee to preserve thee in thy way and I hope we are every one of us in our way But we have reason to believe that the wicked Angels are very instrumental in carrying on such Designs as this great Man hath undertaken It is a vulgar Error that hath obtained among some of us That these Wicked Spirits are now confined under Chains of Darkness in the place of Torment I remember that Expression of some of them to our Saviour Art thou come to torment us before the time It was not then the time of their being tormented It is rather to be believed that they are wandring about in the Air and there fleeting to and fro driving on such Wicked Purposes as this our Enemy is engaged in We know Grave and Serious Historians give us Instances of Correspondences held by both Good and Bad Spirits here the Wicked by God's Permission the Good by his command and particular good Providence So the Death of Julian the Apostate Heathen Emperor who was killed in his Wars in Persia was known in the very moment of it at the City of Rome at a great distance from the place of Battel to the no little Joy of the Christians And this I supose was by the Ministry of a good Angel We have Instances of another nature of what has been done by Evil Angels In the Instant of our Saviour's Passion if we may believe credible Historians it was known at a vast distance from Jerusalem at Sea among some who were then in a Voyage They heard a Voice in the Air crying out of the Death of the great God Pan. After which followed great Howlings and Screechings whence we may suppose by the Expression that this was by some wicked Spirits that were hovering then in the Air and did communicate this piece of Intelligence I shall say no more on this Subject but before I go off from this Head of Foris Arma I would observe one word that may afford Your Lordship and us some comfort or at least some Mitigation of what may else be afflictive upon this account We have Arma in the Case but they are Foris the War is Foreign We have cause to bless God it is not yet in our own Countrey We are not sheathing one anothers Swords in the Bowels of one another as some of us know it heretofore hath been It is abroad we know not how soon it may come home to our own doors But it pleaseth God of his great mercy that our Nation wherein his Providence