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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12204 An ansvvere to a letter of a Iesuited gentleman, by his cosin, Maister A.C. Concerning the appeale; state, Iesuits Copley, Anthony, 1567-1607?; Champney, Anthony, 1569?-1643?, attributed name. 1601 (1601) STC 5735; ESTC S108680 66,056 126

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no leauings but losse Especially a crowne so sweet and so hard to winne as Englands is it likelie the Spaniard would not esteeme it worth the holding or leaue such a realme as this to it selfe contenting him onelie to haue it to friend when he may enioy it subiect Belieue me cosin they are no such Aesops coxcombs as finding so rich a iewell as England to leaue it as a thing of nought they hauing vsde the Indies long and being better iewellers then so nor are they so tēperate a people neither yet is Spaine so much the Paradice of the world it being for the most part a verie barren and desert soyle that they should hold England so little worth as not worth the holding If Englands amitie heretofore with Spaine haue not deserued a worthier opinion at her hands then so at least her late enmitie hath during which what boote we haue made of it both by land and by sea all the world knowes what it of vs it may put it in her eye Besides the deere proffer the Spaniard made for England as England as well as for reuenge in 88. with the losse both of their honours and liues and the infinite charges of their Armado shewes plainelie at what price they were willing to haue purchaste it at a lesse then which it is not likelie that they would euer haue left it Tush tush it is verie well knowne that the Spaniard so esteemes of England that not being able to make it Spanish hee could be content that euen Spaine were English for some yea sundrie honours which it hath and Spaine wants At least their wise and valorous king the Emperour Charles so esteemed of England that in his precepts to his sonne the last Phillip on his death-bed hee stucke not to make this one and that the greatest earthlie one vnto him in these words And sonne in briefe Paz con Yngalatierra y guerra con todo el mondo as much to say as Sonne be at peace with England and warre with all the world How base were it then in vs to disesteeme our nation so as to wish it vnder another which so highlie so noble an Emperour commended and which the Iesuits themselues finde to flow with milke and honie vnto them euen vnder persecution There is no question but greatlie may religion sway a Prince but yet not so as to leaue a Crowne We reade of manie that haue transgrest yea left all religion for a Crowne but of verie few that euer left a Crowne for religion Yea most Princes hold it a point of religion neuer to leaue a Crowne till a Crowne leaue them See then I pray how sillie an Oratour father Cowbucke is in this his gentle perswasion of the Spaniard and how vngentle a minde he beares to his countrie being indeed no gentleman and lastlie somewhat to excuse the man how well it steeds him to seeme the religious in this Paradox for his credits sake though thereby hee discredit his religion in but seeming so Neither for your credit-sake cosin will I anie further perswade you herein least in so seeming to vnder-value your iudgement in a cleare case I should seeme not onlie the discurteous vnto you but also vnciuill For what generous nature in the world would endure his countrie to be conquered by straungers or what sot imagine in a conquerour a voluntarie abandon of a Crowne seeing that in such a case aboue all other worldly cases whatsoeuer Non minor est virtus quàm quaerere parta tenere Passing politickelie notwithstanding deales the king of Spaine seeing his right to this realme and his successes of warre for the same haue hitherto bin no better to entertaine religious men in the pursuite thereof for that it is much what a religious person once turnd politicke may perswade with the vulgar making pure religion and deuotion his colours then which no Oratorie can so enueigle affections not onely to couet but also to vndertake matter euen against nature And on the other side too cheape were England wonne to Spaine with so piping neither need the king of Spaine greatlie repine at the few Caricks and townes wee haue taken and spoiled of his neither yet at his Catholicke charges in maintaining two Englishe Seminaries at this day to our Church in his countrie if he can carue himselfe so easie and so ample amends Which as touching the Seminaries quatinùs vnder Iesuits discipline and also his foresaid Armado of 88. if his charitie be so great toward vs or rather not his ambition for before the miscarriage of that Armado on our cost those Seminaries were not erected in Spaine but since are there not I pray other kingdomes aswell as England vpon which he may likewise practise such his Armadoes first and then after also erect them the like Seminaries namelie with Iesuit-superiours ouer them which if the one were without the other or that the Seminaries had beene erected before the Armado were no such suspitious dealing but truely very faire and friendly play like to the last French kings in that of Rhemes but as thus England may well say Timeo Danaos dona ferentes and the rather for that father Cowbucke hath of late gotten diuers of the youths hands of those Seminaries to the Ladie Infantaes title as wee heare which alasse poore man wil neuer earne him the price of a Cardinals hat much lesse the honor to weare it But as I say if the king of Spaines zeale be such as needs he will be doing why there is Denmarke and Scotland two ample kingdomes both hereticall why hath he no Iesuits there or why sends he no Armadoes thether Oh belike he sees that they haue kings to defend them and England but a Queene but a woman whom happily being such he would haue the world thinke he came a wooing vnto that yeere which truelie besides the manner being so martiall was also vnlawfull in the maine seeing it is not allowable for any Catholike much lesse the Catholicke king the king of Catholickes to marrie two sisters though the one were Catholicke without dispensation much lesse perforce Or if hee will say that not those kingdomes but England hath wronged him what is that I pray for English-men to betray therefore their countrie vnto him or why should not wee the rather for that reason suspect his pretence of religion in his comming Shall the sonne because the father hath done his neighbour wrong ioyne with that neighbour to cut his fathers throat God defend or were it religion or moralitie in that neighbour to make such vse of the sonne truelie no. And yet such is Spaines dealing with our countrie and vs at this day and so good Casuists are Iesuits Graunt wee as the Iesuits suggest that our countrie hath and doth maintaine Spaines rebels against her sackt her townes inuaded her tresures both by sea and land yet were it so and that it became subiects to define their Soueraignes affaires of state all that an English-Catholicke
before anie of them was able to free it selfe from that Empire hauing euer since all but the time of the Heptarchie stood selfelie-Monarchike and in paragon with either Fraunce or Spaine and other the greatest Monarchies of christendome as well for the honours of warre as of peace a nation which hath twice conquered Fraunce and as for Spaine was able to free her neck from the Danish yoke the Dane being a nation full of valour within one 24. yeeres the Spaniard not performing his like freedome from the Moore being a base and obscure nation vnder 700 a nation which was able to bring in a Dolphin of Fraunce with all the martiall-flower of that kingdome to make vse of here at home euen in ciuill warres amongst our selues and that done safelie to acquite it selfe againe of him them which what nation in christendome but England would haue aduentured a nation whose Empire hath extended from the I le of Thule to the Pirenean-mounts simul semel and that in setled peace as we may read in the raigne of king Henrie the second a nation which hath beene able to send forth armies and Armadoes as farre as the holie land and performed more seruice for God and his church there then any other nay then all other christian people concurring in the same a nation that hath made other countries both afraid and beholding to it and as we read great Princes yea and an Emperour her Pensioners a nation that hath furnisht Saint Peters sea with two excellent good Popes and the Catholicke church with as manie Saints and deepe learned men and at this day doth as anie countrie in christendome besides it being the first begotten childe of the same our Ladies Dowre briefe a nation which at this day euen vnder a woman and as the Spaniard and Iesuits pretend in her vniust vndertakings hath hitherto bin able to make her partie good against all the world maintaining it selfe in peace when all her neighbour-states round about her are on fire such a nation I say to cease now at length her Monarchicke-honour and become vassall to Spaine or any nation in the world be it by title or conquest or whatsoeuer pretence yea of religion oh how dishonourable and abominable were it to true English-nature and valour and scandalous to all the world Prouinciall I say for so should it be were it either vnder the brother or the sister of Spaine seeing that neither of their states Spaine or Flaunders would agree his or her throne to be out of them and in faith for England to be ruled by a Prince out of the land which neuer yet was seene since England was England as little reason it hath as well for her profit as for her honour If in Spaine it is too farre off if in Flaunders neither yet is that neere enough besides that all those Prouinces make but an Archduke which is farre vnder the honour of a realme such as England is whose Crowne is and euer was Emperiall both for waight and fashion Then to be gouerned by their deputies say vice-royes which the Infanta cannot afford being her selfe no Queene how displeasing that were on the otherside the calamities of Flaunders may any time these 30. yeers and yet at this day teach vs. For what cutting off of the Nobilitie of the land came in with the Duke of Alua and what oppression of the commons and with and for them both what warres and waste of those estates to this houre The like perhaps may be alleaged of Ireland vnder her Maiesties deputies at least the Irishrie so pretend iustifiying their present rebellion vpon their harsh hand ouer them though questionles herein they haue little reason but rather doe bite and whine at once are turnd rebels for not knowing in their sauagerie when they are well who were it Queene Maries dayes how ere they herewith pretend religion as little would they be loyall They want but to haue tasted the Spaniard a while to become true againe to England As for the Infantaes estate here if of the two that be it the Iesuits had rather and that withall her own countrie would assent to her residence here besides the absurdities and inconueniences hereof alreadie cited this is another and not the least to wit the vnlikelihood of her euer hauing issue being issue-lesse at these yeeres whereby would remaine the same vncertaintie of an English heire after her that now is In lieu whereof what factions were it not likelie shee would during her raigne ouer vs maintaine for her brother his heires succession to the Crowne what ielousies nay perhaps what not ciuil wars she being a partie alreadie aggreeued for the supposed wrongs done by England both to her father and her brother for which she would happilie thinke by this meanes to make them full amends or at least if such her practise should not preuaile to shew her selfe in so assaying a verie louing sister It is not her laying open her Low-countries and her brothers dominions no not his Indies to our trafficke in the meane time which aswell is like to come to passe ere long God willing through their inforced amitie with vs can counteruaile this hazard alone muchlesse all the aforesaid Nor is it yet halfe an age since the Spanish nation being admitted into our countrie in al loue and in the greatest knot of amitie that may be imagined to wit by the mariage of their Prince with ours at what time and that in how short a time we were as willing to be rid of thē through their ill deseruings as some of our countrie men with the losse of their liues shewed themselues alittle afore vnwilling of their comming we may yet verie well remember We may yet very well remember the chargeable vse they then made of our coūtry in their own wars both by land sea our losse of Caleis the while We may yet remēber their insolence amongst vs proude misgouernance to the contempt of our nobilitie much more of our commons for which no sooner was that knot between the two nations broken by the death of that blessed Queene but straight they were made to know how great disgust they had giuen vs with the losse of some of their liues for a farewell If then comming in as friends they deserued as foes at our countries hands how much more comming in as foes though nere somuch vnder the couert of religious friends may wee thinke to find them cruell and tyrannous namelie hauing had since so much matter of reuenge ministred them from hence as they assume Or why did they not then if their title were such to the Crowne of England as the Iesuits suggest make vse of that oportunitie for their subiecting vs But sure it seemes t was not the will of God both for that they tooke no such counsaile then and also if they meant anie such matter Gods sequestring the Spanish Prince from out the realme and taking away the Queene
are they both abroad and here at home when they heare of anie miscarriage of our ships or men by sea or land though in honest aduentures and also how readie to blemish anie newes of our good successes by their lying alarums to the contrarie and extenuations in fauour of the enimie Are these men either Catholicks or true English trow ye I need not say religious that thus repine at anie saie euils that God permitteth to be done but what they doe themselues In this kinde haue I my selfe beene bitten by them and am to this daie for hauing some nine yeeres since as you know deliuered vp to the hand of iustice though vniusticed a certaine wretched fellow who came in the nature of an Enginner and in a Iesuits name his ghostlie Father from beyond the seas to perswade my assisting his firing the Queenes nauie throughout England against the next yeeres comming of another Spanish Armado which was pretended how haue I beene euer since in their mouthes a relapse a spie a treacher All which yea anie of which I as much scorne to be as I scorn such their disloyaltie and viperie But are not these iollie mates the while that thus a man to goe against their vnnaturall and graceles proiects in loyaltie to his Prince and countrie is straight to be a relapse a spie a treacher So likewise because they thinke their Societie most perfect and not needing reformation how haue they not mangled the good Cardinall Borrhomeo who held them other and was minded if hee had liued to haue eiected them all out of his Arch-diocese How baselie also haue they reprocht our excellent good Cardinall Allan with their defamatorie letters since his death for his hauing the like opinion of them and making shew of a minde hee had if he had liued a while longer to haue withdrawne them from the Seminaries both in the Colledges and in our countrie Did not Doctor Haddocke for example their Votarie write thus frō Rome to his friend in Spaine with the newes of his death Benè profectò obijt Cardinalis noster qui si diutiùs vixisset magnū sibi ecclesiae dedecus peperisset Yea euen the Holines of Xistus Quintus they haue dar'd to depraue after his death calling him in their letters Lupus and I know not what worse and all because hee meant if hee had liu'd but a few monthes longer to haue reformed them It is a shame that they haue no gagge put in their mouthes against so saucie libertie of language namelie against so excellent a Pope and Cardinals as these were whom as such to wit the Pope euen a Protestant-ciuill author here in our countrie hath in the latter end of his historie of Congo ex professo singularlie commended Then for their lying that is not to be greatlie marueiled at amongst them seeing it is the sister of detraction Doe they not herein euen at this instant notablie play their parts in that finding themselues now ashamed of their libell and the defence thereof hitherto against the Priests and the Vniuersitie of Paris and fearing the Appeale concerning the same likelie to light heauie vpon them ere long it going on amaine toward Rome for all their braggard opposition haue they not laboured still doe by all meanes possible both braue and base here at home and beyond the seas and namelie of late to the Popes Nuncio in Flaunders by procuring his letter to the Appealants to perswade them to a compremise which must not be and yet for all this doe they not in their vain-glorie giue out that forsooth the Appealants are they that labour it at their hands and that they refuse What impudent lying is this other the like which I could tell you of theirs which to beleeue were neither Charitie nor iustice no nor scant good manners Fie fie cosin I should be ashamed and wearie to tell you all their lying legierdemaines dishonest dealings which I know and haue credibly heard of theirs consisting of infinite querks quiddits as mentall euasions in their speech interpretatiue colloguings halfe-fac'd tearmes tergiuersations tentatiue speeches whole and demie-dublings the vulpecular-fawne detraction with sighes buttes and the shrugge circular calumniations holding it lawfull to be forsworne in to too manie cases intercepting rasing and forgerie of letters and such like of all which they haue an Arte and whereby they take away by such what their doctrine and what their example being religious not onlie all good religion from amongst men but also euen morall honestie They haue likewise their Counsell of warre amongst them like the Tentonicke-knights of yore as appeares by their vndertakings for England and otherwise as is aboue showne Wherein their ground I meane for England being that this realme is not likelie to be wonne to the Catholicke religion by the word at least not so hastilie as behooues for their aduantages do they not sollicite daylie a Conquest thereof from Spaine and also perswade vs that it is both vtill and honourable It is sure a saucie part in a religious person to be any waies a stickler betweene States be it for peace especiallie for warre it is a most vnbeseeming office in him and such as Iohn Gerson neuer dream'd on in his imitation of Christ directed as well to them as to all other religious or if he had they know his spirit too well in that point though little they obserue it eyther in that of anie other thing In somuch as what for such their soldiourlie mindes together with infinite their other scandals the penal-Prophets saying Ibunt praua in directa is false in them but aspera in vias planas aboundant true For is it not a merrie life not to be tied to rising vp to the Quire at midnight but to lie a bed after the Sunne to fare well to be well clad and all this ex professo not to fast so much as Fridaies to be a lier when they will and yet be beleeued a detractor a cheater a courtier a soldiour a kil-Prince and what not and all without controule nay with allowance and commendation Briefe is it not a merrie life for a Iesuite to trowle vp and downe the countrie from house to house from good cheare to good cheare in a gallant Coach accompanied with gentle and faire women attended by neat seruingmen his chamber to be deckt and perfum'd against his comming yea and a gentle-woman to plucke off his bootes by his iniunction forsooth for mortification-sake Oh monstrous irreligion so to forget good manners and so to make the Lay religious and themselues Lay. What gallants would these men trow yee be in an indulgent time that are such vnder persecution Their quaint Prouinciall were he a gentle-man might blush to read these imputations somuch most of them concerne himselfe the rest his brethren A sweet rest beleeue me cosin and yet such as his poore vncle the Tayler at Lambeth fares nere a whit the better for As for maister