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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A94889 A true account, set up out the informations, intercepted letters, and others authentiq instruments, concerning the horrid conspiracy, against the life of his sacred Majesty, William the III. King of England, Scotland, France & Yreland, &c. setting forth by whom it was contrived, how it was to bee carryed on, & the manner of its discovery, trial, sentence, and execution. 1692 (1692) Wing T2409B; ESTC R229705 7,447 15

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was guilty that Leefdale was guilty that hee Grandvall was guilty since every one that conspires against a Cowned Head is worthy of death acknowledging his owne fault The Judges after this having mett severall times at last gave their Sentence the 11 of August in persuance of which Sentence Grandvall being acqainted that he was to dye the 13 of August He did give all the marks of a true repentance of his crimes and the same morning before he went to execution he writt in the presence of the Fiscal the Ministers and two other Persons this following Letter From the Camp at Hall 13 August 1692. Madam I Pray you to goo to the Arch Bishop of Rheims with Monsr Tourduil and to let the said Arch Bishop know that it kosts me my life for haveing obeyd the orders of Monsieur de Barbesieux which is the favour desired of you by Your Servant DE GRANDVALL Speak to the Marquis d'Arsy that he take care y be prayd for To Madam Juré in the Trenelle Street over against the Street of the two Crowns near the Hotell of Soissons Att Paris Upon the occasion of this Letter it wil not be improper to take notice of a passage that happened some dayes before Grandvals condemnation vitz one discoursing with the Chevallier Grandvall in Prison and observing he sought to justify himselfe upon the orders he had received from the Marquis of Barbesieux he told him tho that was in itselfe a very weak excuse for being engaged in so base an action yet still it might prove so much the worse as that it was like enough Monsieur Barbesieux would disowne that he gave any such orders or that he was any way concern'd with him in a Business of this nature to which Grandvall replyed let him deny what he pleases yet if I were put upon it I would make it appear very plaine for I have an original Paper under Monsieur Barbesieux owne hand which I have lodged whith a Friend of mine who wil not part with it to anyone but my selfe and nobody else knows with whom I have entrusted it About elleven of the clock in the morningh was the said Grandval drawn on a hedge to the place of execution where the Sentence was read and the prayer done in the Frensch Tongue which he liked to hear very earnstly and afterwards did the executors their work in order to the Sentence God bless King WILLIAM and Queen MARY SENTENCE Of the CHEVALLIER the GRANDVAL WHereas Bartholomew de Liniere Knight Sieur de Grandvall Borne at Liniere in Picardy aged about 43 years now a prisonner hath confessed before the Grand Court Martiall without any constraints by pain or being in irons And it further appearing to the said Court Martiall that the late Marquis de Louvois in his Lifetime Secretary of State to the French King in the year 1691 enter'd into an agreement with one Anthony du Mont about the murther of his Majesty William the III. King of Great Britaine c. And that the said du Mont had framed a project setting forth in wat manner that designe might bee executed That hee delivered the said project to the said Marquis of Louvois That the Prisoner some time before the Marquis of Louvois death asking his leave to go some where else was order'd by the said Marquis not to go away for that hee had some business of consequence to employ him in which the prisoner supposes to have some relation to the said Design but the Marquis of Louvois dying some time after ther was no further progress then made in the said Designe That the Marquis of Barbesieux son to the said Marquis of Louvois as also Secretary of State to the French King having five days after his Fathers death found the said project together with a warrant for 30 Pistoles to bee payd to the said du Mont among his Fathers Papers the said Designe was revived again the 30 Pistoles were payd accodingly that the Prisoner contracted an acquaintance with du Mont at Monsieur Rebenacs House where Monsieur Paparel Pay-master General to the French Kings Armyes saying one day to Monsieur Rebenac the Prisoner being present that if they had a mind to seize the King of England du Mont would bee a fitt Person for it du Mont replyed with execrations that hee would carry of his Majesty alive or dead as hee had promised to Monsieur de Louvois That du Mont having delivred the same or the like project to Monsieur de Barbesieux the Prisoner to promote the said Designe had several conferences with Monsieur Barbesieux Monsieur Paparel in one of which Monsieur Barbesieux told the Prisoner that hee suspected his Father was poyson'd by order of the P. of Orange meaning his present Majesty of Great Britaine and therfore hee would be reveng'd on him That Monsr Barbesieux told the Prisoner in another conference that hee should give du Mont notice that his Majesty of Great Britaine wore a Coat of Maile which the prisoner acquainting du Mont with hee answerd ther upon it is no matter I 'le kill him for all that That Barbesieux had said further hee would not speak himself with du Mont fearing hee might bee taken Prisoner and if hee should happen then to name him it might make a great breach in his fortune That the Prisoner was engaged wit one Parker a Colonel belonging to the late King James to put the said Designe in execution and that Parker had thold him hee had formed the said Design with the late Marquis of Louvois That at last the Prisoner with the said Barbesieux Paparel Parker du Mont agreed upon the manner of executing the said designe viꝪt that the Prisoner Parker should meet att the Grand Guard of the Duke of Luxembourgs Army where they were to have 1500. Horse that Du Mont should go to the King of Englands Army watch the time when his Majesty went to visitt the Grand Guard and att the same time hee was to shoot His Majesty that the Prisoner Parker with 1500. Horse were to rescue bring him of the said Du Mont geving timely notice to the Prisoner of the Intended Execution That Monsr Barbesieux giving the Prisoner orders to accompany Du Mont to Menin hee gave him at the same time an order to the Duke of Luxemburg for furnishing the Prisoner with such a Detachment of Horse as hee should require think necessary for Executing the Designe That the Prisoner by Monsr Barbesieux order received of Monsr Paparell 80. Lewis d'Or And in pursuance of Mr. Barbesieux directions he gave to Du Mont 55. Lewis d'Or out of that sum viꝪt 15. Pistolls in specie à Bill of Enchange for 460. Livres French Mony to bee payd at Ghent That the Prisoner accordingly left Paris the 11. of Sept. 1691. went post with Du Mont to Menin that hee defrayd the whole charge of the Journy that Du Mont acquainted him