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A59336 The present state of England in relation to popery manifesting the absolute impossibility of introducing popery and arbitrary power into this kingdom : being a full confutation of all fears and apprehensions of the imagined dangers from thence, and particularly of a certain pamphlet, entituled, The character of a popish successor / by E. Settle. Settle, Elkanah, 1648-1724. 1684 (1684) Wing S2711; ESTC R35168 63,695 38

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Capacity of Tyrannizing either with Armyes or without them that he has no other Support both of Himself and his whole Party but by following the forementiond Measures of Richard the Third and either to in dear himself by making of Wholesome Laws for the people's Freedom and Tranquility or at least by keeping within the Bounds of those wholesome Ones they have already made for their Security Now with all these Numerous and undeniable Blocks in his way why must a popish Successour be Able or indeed possest with so Enthusiastick a Presumption for nothing less than Supernatural Inspirations will do it as to Think himself able to accomplish that very Thing in England which was never done by Monarch before Nay to make the Presumption a little more prodigious this very Successour who of all the Kings since the Creation has the worst Tools for such an Atchievement must be the first and only person that is for undertaking it For as a National Slavery is always the work of Time and can get footing at best but by slow and subtle Encroachments and likewise if at all 〈◊〉 a thousand times more Feasible from a Prince that is the People's Darling than one that is the ●●●version How unfit a Prince will a popish Successour be for so hazardous an Attempt when the continual and united Jealousies of his Subjects will prevent the first part of the Danger by forewatching even the least Surprize or Arbitrary Encroachment upon them and next will never furnish him with half hands enough to perfect the Vndertaking Well but notwithstanding all this there are a sort of People in the World that shall make Answer that Arbitrary Power in a Papist is not a thing so new nor so unpracticable when the Government of the now French King is so manifest a Testimony to the Contrary And truly there are but too many Incendiaries in this Age that distract the Brainless part of Mankind with almost no other Gorgon Viz. That the French King's Standing-Armyes are to be the Pattern of a popish Successour's Government and the Persecution of his Hugonots the very Fate of the Protestants in England whil'st under the Rose Popery and Slavery are to Copy from no other Original As this is one of the main Pretensions of the Whig-Fears and indeed the Top-Demonstration of Popery and Arbitrary Power so when truly examined you 'll find it just such an Apparition as Otes's bloody Pilgrims the more terrible the more ridiculous For as 't is the common Fate of all popular Arguments on that Subject so much the more Formidable still so much the more Ayry the Phantom For first not to insist much upon the General Mistake of Mankind when possibly the French Arbitrary Power is infinitely magnifyed above what really it is for excepting the French King's now and then fleecing an Over-rich Cheating Courtier a little Arbitrarily and thereby in truth making but a Reprizal of his own I could never yet learn by those that know the French Government that any man's Meum or Tuum was Illegally taken away or any Man's Life or Fortune stood or fell but by the Judicial Process of the Laws of the Land 'T is true indeed his Wars have been Expensive but then his Revenues have been large to support them and not only that but his Forreign Depredations have supplyed the greatest part of the Expence Nevertheless whatever Arbitrary Taxes he may have raysed to the Injury of any particular aggrieved Subject or whatever Tyranny he may have exercised over the distrest and persecuted Hugonots if either of the two can be properly Arbitrary or Tyrannick when past into a Law and made a Decree enacted by parliament as both the Taxes and the present Hugonot Persecution are the French King 's Arbitrary Incroachments in France are no precedent for a popish Successour's Imitation in England and that because the State and Constitution of the Two Kingdoms are so extreamly different that there is not the least Ground for such a Foundation here as there For first as to the Nature and Genius of the People In France the Peasants ab Origine have not enjoyed half the Priviledges and Immunityes of the Freeborn people of England And therefore under that sordid Education as knowing no better and being in a manner inured to Slavery 't is no such great wonder to see the French Commonalty submitting to such Oppression as indeed why should they otherwise when they submit but to Law And if the French King has any greater Ascendance over his Parliaments than the Kings of England over Theirs to perform all this why should that be any Rarity when in reality they are of so different a Constitution from those of England that they are rather the settled Magistrrcy of the Nation than any thing like Our Parliaments and as Ours are of the peopl's Election Theirs in a manner only the King 's every Member of the French Parliaments holding his Office not only for Life but even to his Heirs unless alienated by the Prince upon a Forfeiture or any personal Dislike that in short as being the Creatures of the King they are truly more like a Turkish DIVAN than an English House of Commons But in fine to make a Parallel of our Dangers between the State of the two Nations which in truth is bringing North and South together BECAVSE a popish French King with the Majority of the Kingdom of his own Religion the Religion Established by Law and Flourishing in Glory by help of such vaste Armies too intirely of that Religion and thereby principled for his own Service can squeeze some particular of his Subjects Purses a little Arbitrarily and oppress and persecute the poor forlorn Hugonots a Party infinitely the Minority disabled too from all power and at highest but suffered by the Indulgence of the State and that even with the most favourable Aspect of the Government under that pittance of Encouragment that for Example to the whole Body of the Reformers inhabiting in that vaste and populous City of Paris there is tolerated but One Hugonot Church and that standing like our Pancras only more Miles out of Town because I say the French King under these Circumstances can do all this THEREFORE pray mark it a popish English King with his Diminitive Romish Party the most inconsiderable Handful of the Nation under not only the Censure of the Law but the utter Abhorrence of the People with the help of an Army if he has any of a quite contrary Religion and thereby wholly unprincipled for the Service intended shall vanquish and subject the Protestant Establish't Religion in all its Lustre and Strength upheld by all the Fortifications of Law and by Numbers even to a more than hundredfold Majority whil'st the English Protestants are not only to feel the French Hugonots Smart but if either the Fanatical Suggestions or the popish Character speaks Truth to groan under a hundred times Oh! Monstrum Horrendum more dismal Persecution and Slavery the
present French Arbitrary Stretch being little more than a Fleabiting to our total Abolition of our Laws Libertyes and Religion But to make this French Goblin more monstrous still there are some People that go a Bowes Shoot farther yet and will tell you that by the aforesaid almost Omnipotent Things called Standing-Armyes a popish Successour shall not only crush our Protestant Laws and Liberties to pieces Himself but likewise hectour our very parliaments to that degree as to force them to the giving up our very Birthrights to him nay to the very passing of at once both Popery and Slavery into Law it self and then Lord have Mercy upon poor lost England For alas the same Absolute uncontroulable Soveraignty that the French King has over his Parliaments is they 'll tell you the intended Scheme of a popish Dominion in England And then where Oh where is our Religion and Liberties when that black Day once comes Now in the Name of Lucifer what Infernal Impudence reigns in the World when such Rank such Nonsensical Stuff as this can be asserted by Rogues and credited by Fools For besides the most infamous Calumny that this execrable Imputation throws upon the whole Body of the Nation Viz. That Englishmen shall be such tame such abject such despicable Wretches and Cowards as out of any personal Fear whatever to yield up their Laws Rights and Religion to the Ruine of themselves and their Posterity and thereby offer as it were even their own Throats to the Slaughter What Relation has the present Management in France to that of Popery in England or the French King 's Parliamentary Influence to that of a popish Successour's For whatever extraordinary Obedience or Subjection the French Parliaments may yield to their King in the grant of any Oppressive Impositions upon the Subject to advance their King 's Exorbitant Power and Greatness are the French King 's Arbitrary Endeavours to root up the Foundations of his popish Laws and the Establish't Religion of France which vice versa is the Case in England so that if a popish Successour can hector our English Parliaments to no farther a Complyance than the French King does His the Devil an Inch of Ground will Popery get in England for as I take it the French Parliaments are all popish and as such are in so little danger of their Religion that truly their Prince in the other Extream is in the highest Extravagance of Advancing it So that unless we state the Parrallel between the two Kings Thus Viz. Supposing the French King a Hugonot which is but turning our Tables that then both his popish Armies and popish Parliaments would nevertheless be awed and bullyed into that intire Submission to him as to abolish the Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom and thereby subject themselves and all their Brethren Papists to the self same Persecution and Slavery under the Hugonots that the Hugonots suffer under Them without which Supposition his Tyranny is wholly alien to our popish Successour's and nothing but the most Villanous Phanatical Sophistry dares cant at this wretched rate to pretend to make the French Tyranny a Model for English Popery to work by But put the Case there were a French Hugonot King and that had the forementioned purpose in Agitation either by Armies or Parliaments as plyable as the French Genius is supposed to be his Ill Success in such an Exploit might be soon guest by the Difficulties and Obstructions of their Hugonot Henry the 4 th in his way to the Throne under but a suspition of inclining that way And consequently what worse Success would attend the like popish Changes in England under the manifest disproportion of the English Papists to the French Hugonots is past dispute However if neither English Armies nor English Parliaments can do the popish Feat there 's one last Expedient yet to vanquish all Obstacles and that I assure you if no small Authors may be believed a most puissant one Viz. If the popish Hands in England are too weak to enslave us this popish Successour shall borrow the Assistance of popish Neighbours to help out and so what cannot be done by Domestick Forces shall be perform'd by a Forreign Army call'd over on purpose This Expedient I confess is so much the more remarkable as it has some little Affinity to Bedlow's St. Jago Expedition and truly has sometimes had the Honour to be harangued upon even in a House of Commons as no small Danger from Popery But notwithstanding the Authority and Veracity this Projection may seem to arrogate from its Admission into an Honourable House of Parliament upon due Examination I am half afraid 't will prove but one of the Observator's downright Twangers For if this popish Successour be for setting up Popery by pitch't Battles and plain Conquest and that too by Outlandish Ayde in the first place he must have far more than tenfold as many Forreign popish Hands as he has of his own to pretend at least to a strength able to subdue England nay and in truth here 's one unlucky Circumstance attending that is if he can borrow popish Neighbours 't is odds but the protestants may borrow protestant Neighbours too upon occasion for Princes have as often lent Armies to succour opprest Subjects as to assist Oppressing Tyrants But let that pass But supposing the best face of the thing that there were some Chance for him in this bold Cast and that after his setting of Honour Life Empire all at a Throw upon the hazard of War there were only an even Lay of Keeping or loosing them a Caesar aut nullus 't were a little more pardonable Venture But as the Devil would have it there 's not one syllable of this in the Matter For if overthrown he 's so irrevocably lost that possibly not only his own Ruine but that of all his Royal Family and of Monarchy it self goes together But admitting he Conquers the Question is whether the Caesarship on the other side be so secure or no For truly what if the aforesaid tenfold Majority of Forreign Conquerours should make bold to pass a Civil Complement upon this Successour Militant and the rest of his popish Remnant and fairly keep the Victory when they have got it For I assure him little England is a pritty Parcel of Terra firma and 't were no small Temptation to popish or no popish Fingers to be a little tenacious with so fortunate a Prize And when those Triumphant Forreigners have tasted the sweet Air of so delicate a Spot as England 't is fourty to one whether They or at least the Crown'd Head that lends them will be overhasty of resigning so inviting a Trophy as the English Diadem and truly cosidering the Blackness of the Cause they came over to ingage in if any Forreign Prince can lend an Army for so Dishhonourable a Quarrel which indeed all Nations and all Religions must cry Shame against with much less Dishonour may he wear the Lawrel he wins
at the Court than Church of Rome witness the Act of the six Articles made by him defending the greatest and principlest Tenets of Rome by no less than Capital Punishments and a Parlimentary Reinforcement of the old Statute de Hereticis comburendis Ref. pag. 147. the Heretick Burning continuing through his whole Reign As these I say were all the Changes made by Henry the Eighth instrumental to the present Reformation and that too not without Obstructions witness several Rebellions occasioned by this Change the one of 20000 Strong in Lincolnshire another more formidable one in Yorkshire called by the Rebels The Pilgrimage of Grace attended with a general Insurrection in all the North. However as I said before here is no Motive or Inducement now for the like Parliamentary Compliance with a Popish Successour to make any the least Change Instrumental to the Romish Restoration For first supposing how notoriously false soever an equal Mutability or Disposition in the People now to return to Rome as then to depart from it Here 's no stigmatizing Brand of Murder or any other publick Perpetration or Avowing of any Villany whatever to taint the whole Protestant Clergy and thereby withdraw the People's Hearts from them Here 's no Holy-Cheats and Superstitious priest-Impostures practised to drein the People's Purses to gratifie a scandalous voracious Clergy Or any detected Abuses and Corruptions to disgust and exasperate the People against them Here 's no least Dormient Statute or Title whatever for a Popish Successour to lay hold of in favour of the Papacy's Return into England as there was for its Expulsion The Fence of our present Protestant Constitution being so strong against it and all Pretensions of Rome so utterly extinct and abolish't Neither is here any Premunire incurred by the whole Clergy and Nation to affright or dasterdize them into any sordid Condescencion or Grants in Diskindness to our Religion And lastly here 's no Fleeeing of an Overgrown Overrich Church in the Case The present Church Revenues under so many Impropriations being no more than will but just support its Dignity and Pastors but with Subsistence and Decency No Ecclesiastick Booty nor Prize to bribe or allure an Avaricious Parliament to weaken or impoverish their Church for the temptation of sharing the Spoyl But above all other Obstacles against Rome her 's an Absolute Impossibility of a Temporizing Clergy to favour Popery For supposing even the most barbarous Insinuation of their Fanatical Enemies True and that Mammon Interest Sycophantry how rascally soever that Infamous Suggestion were above Religion with them Yet nevertheless the utmost Influence of a Romish Prince could never warp them to any such Execrable Apostacy by reason the Indispensable Coelibacy of the Romish Clergy would totally exclude the present Members of the Church of England as being Marryed Men from any Share or Hopes under a Romish Government whil'st instead of Preferment or Interest nothing but Degradation and Beggery could attend them And for an unanswerable Dispurity between Henry the Eighth's Influence towards the present Protestant Religion and a Popish Successour's towards Popery The Protestant Religion with an inviting Face was in a State of Innocence untainted by any of its Corrupted Professours with any thing like Parisian Massacres Irish Rebellions or Gun-powder Treasons enough of themselves alone to open that uncloseable Chasme that never to be cemented Breach between Englishmen and Popery that Popery could not now gain three Proselites to a hundred gain'd in Henry the Eighth's Time to the Protestant Religion But here I cannot but take notice of one Gross Mistake that 's commonly receiv'd for Truth Viz. That Henry the Eighth hectored his Parliaments to what he listed Which is oftentimes made use of as an Argument that a Popish Successour with the same Courage may do the like with his when on the contrary they acted only by their own Inclinations and when any thing was proposed by the King that went against the Grain not all his Menaces could force them to a Submission For Example when a Bill had past the House of Lords for regulating a common Practice then in England of defrauding the King and several of the Lords of their Advantages made by Wards Marriages and Primier Seisin by Men's making such Settlements of their Estates by their last Wills and other Deeds to that purpose Yet notwithstanding the utmost pressure both of the King and Lords for redressing that Abuse the Commons rejected the Bill Ref. pag. 116. And as to the Reformation some part of it was of their own seeking For Example in his 22 d. Year the Commons complained to the King of the grievous and intolerable Severity of the Ecclesiasticks for calling Men before them ex Officio and laying Articles to their Charge without any Accuser and then admitting no Purgation but causing the Party accused either to abjure or burn Reform Pag. 116. And indeed in all the Reformation they rather drew with him than were driven by him And to shew the vast Difference betwixt the Operation of the Prince either by Edward or Mary towards the Change of the Religion and the working of a Change now In the first place besides the dayly Converts made to the Protestant Religion in Edward's Reign which added Strength and Vigour to the Reformation wrought by that Prince as the State of Religion then stood the Popish and Protestant Party were grown in a manner to be an Equal Division of the Nation and 't is not to be wondred that where the Weight's even the Soveraign Power added to the Ballance could turn the Scale as both in his and his Sister's Reign Either Party having an Easie Game to play whilst the Respective Monarch might with small Difficulty turn up his own Religion Trump when he had half the Cards in his hands Besides the Law had then so weakly provided for the true Settlement of either Religion that the greatest part of the Ecclesiastick Changes then lay almost wholly in the pleasure of the Prince For after the Parliament had fully invested Henry the Eighth with the Supremacy they impowered him as Head of the Church to dispose of all Episcopal Sees by Letters Patents during pleasure Abrid Ref. Book 2. pag. 4. and the Bishops by the same Authority had the like Jurisdiction over the Inferiour Clergy This unbounded Latitude of the Supremacy continuing through both the next Reigns a great part of the Changes was owing wholly to this Prerogative whil'st King Edward made choice of a Clergy of his own Perswasion and in like manner Queen Mary placed or displaced her Bishops and removed all the Inferiour Clergy ad Libitum turning out whom she pleas'd without any Form of Process or special Matter objected against them All which Abridg. B. 2. pag. 249. was done by virtue of the Queens being Head of the Church which though she condemned as a sinful and sacraledgious Power yet she now employ'd it against those Bishops whose Sees were quickly filled with Men for