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A26656 Medulla historiæ Scoticæ being a comprehensive history of the lives and reigns of the kings of Scotland, from Fergus the First, to Our Gracious Sovereign Charles the Second : containing the most remarkable transactions, and observable passages, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, with other observations proper for a chronicle, faithfully collected out of authors ancient and modern : to which is added, a brief account of the present state of Scotland, the names of the nobility, and principal ministers of church and state, the laws criminal : a description of that engine with which malefactors are tortured, called the boot. Alexander, William, fl. 1685-1704. 1685 (1685) Wing A917; ESTC R21197 93,143 254

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going through France he spent it all and told his Holiness when he came to Rome that he had been robb'd by the way Whereupon presently another Legat was sent to Britain But the People hearing how they were cheated of their Money by the last procured an Order discharging this not to enter the Kingdom King Alexander dyed in Peace the thirty fifth year of his Reign and was buried at Melross 95. Alexander the third succeeded his Father A. D. 249. Being nine years of Age at his Coronation Ambassadors were sent to England demanding Margaret King Henry the third's Daughter in Marriage for King Alexander which was granted the next year the two Kings had a meeting at York where the Marriage was Solemnized During his Minority the Realm was well Governed by his Nobles taking the Government upon himself his first work was to summon the Earls of Monterth Athole and Buchan and the Lord Strabogy who were all of the Name of Cumings they not daring to appear were denounced Rebels They being now afraid thought nothing so much for their safety as the having the King in their Power which they got and confined him in the Castle of Sterling but the Earl of Athel who was the head of the Party dying their Hearts failed them and every one of them getting his Remission they set the King at Liberty soon after the Danes with a great Army invaded the Country the King with his Forces went against them and routed them killing twenty four Thousand of them the King returned to Norway with only four Ships which was all that was left of his whole Fleet. At this time Alexander Earl of Carrick passed to the Holy-Land having a Daughter who succeeded to his Estate she Married Robert Rance Lord of Annaudale and bare to him that noble and invincible Champion Robert Bruce King of Scotland King Alexander had two Sons by his Queen viz. Prince Alexander and David and one Daughter Margaret who was married to the King of Norway she bare to him Margaret called the Maiden of Norway The King and Queen going to London to the Coronation of King Edward the first David the second Son dyed in their absence within a few years after the Prince dyed at Lundores to the great Grief of the Nation and not long after the King dyed by a fall from over a Rock at Kinghorn the thirty seventh year of his Reign Leaving none of his own direct Line to succeed him The Nobility having met upon this so important occasion they put the Kingdom into the hands of six Regents for the South side Robert Arch-Bishop of Glasgow John Cumine and John the great Steward of Scotland For the North the Arch-Bishop of S. Andrews Macdiff Earl of Fife and Cumine Earl of Buchan Edward of England sends to demand the Daughter Grand-Child in marriage as next Heir to the Crown which was agreed too but the Death of the Lady frustrated all that Negotiation by which means great contention arose between Bourn and John Baliol. Baliol managing the English and Bruce the French interest Baliol being in the second degree of relation and Bruce in the third the one being David Earle of Huntingtons Grand Child the other his great Grand Child matters standing thus the whole was referred to King Edward who coming to Berwick and calling Lawyers to his assistance pretends all equity but raised up eight other Competitors the better to weaken the claim of the other two and so handled the business that Bruce having refused the Crown in Homage to England upon his aceptance of these conditions 96. John Balliol was declared King A. D. 1293. In the fourth year of his Reign an Appeal being made against him to King Edward by Mac-Duff and he refusing to rise from his Seat to answer it King Edward enters Scotland masters the Country takes Baliol and sends him Prisoner to London and afterward to France where he dyed long after in Exile About this time Sir William Walace arose who to his Honour did so Heroically defend his Country in its low condition as made it easily appear that if he had had as happy a fortune to advance as he had to relieve he might have been Commemorated for as great a man as ever was in any age for having upon a quarrel Slain a Young English Gentleman and enforced to lurk in the Hills for safety of his life he became inured to such hardness that awaking his natural Courage he be came the Head of all the Malecontents and filled both the Kingdomes with his terror so that having gleaned up to a tumultuary Army he became Baliols Viceroy thus after some little skirmishes he reduced all beyond the Forts after which he went to England and Ranged up and down for some time and returned without opposition after which the English enters Scotland with a great Army and finding the Scots disposed under three Leaders who disputed among themselves for Priority quite routed them but soon after they made a general insurrection to oppose which King Edward sent Ralph Conniers with a great army who a by tripple Victory were defeated at Kolkin All this while Robert Bruce continued with King Edward who weary of the Kings delays and offputs at last strikes in with John Cumin Baliols Cousin german they agreed that Bruce should have the Kingdom and Cumine all Bruces Lands Cumine notwithstanding communicates this agreement to King Edward Bruce hath notice and by shooing his Horse backward escapes to Lockambban there he finds Cumines Letters advising to cut him off upon which he hastens to Dumforess where he heard that Cumin was and after his exprobrating his infidelity Stabs him dead in the Franciscan Monastery About the same time Walace was traiterously Betrayed by Sir John Monteits at Glasgow and delivered to the English and being brought to London was Cruelly executed in Smithfield and his Limbs hung up in the most Eminent places 97. Robert Bruce was after he had stayed for the Popes absolution for defiling the Monastery with the murder of Cumine Crowned at Scone 1306. a Valiant and Heroick Prince he had many Enemies both at home and abroad which Edward taking advantage off with the assistance of the Cumines quite Routed him forcing him to the Hills where he endured great Misery to the great ruine and Slaughter both of his Family and Friends but making to gether some little force he took Carrick and Innerness by surprisal and by this means augmented his Train so that he was in case to withstand Edward having obtained a considerable Victory though sick and forced to be held on horse back this gave him time to take in the remaining strength but they were within a year retaken from him which incouraged Edward the second to enter with a great Army to Scotland but had a great defeat at Bannokburn which occasioned the loss of Berwick and Bruces confirmation in Parliament some few years after were spent in light Skirmishes and Incursions Robert having some rest
the Hamiltons were forced to retire having left above fourscore of their number dead upon the Street These broils coming to the Governours ears in France he made all the haste he could home coming to Edenburgh he set himself to amend the Enormities committed in his absence a Parliament is called to which many Noblemen and Gentlemen are cited to appear and answer but some fearing the Event appeared not Whereupon their Estates are forfeited several fled into England among which were the Humes and the Cockburns who were the Authors of Darcies death others submitted and were pardoned The King of England being informed of the Condition of Scotland sent thither an Embassador requiring the Duke to avoid the Country according to the Articles agreed upon between him and the King of France in their last Truce To which he answered that what the Kings of France and England agreed upon in their Treaties of Peace was to him uncertain but of this he was most certain that neither the King of England nor France had Power to Banish him a Foraigner over them where Authority did not reach his Native Country like over like having no Jurisdiction Whereupon King Henry gathered a great Army to Invade Scotland Now they draw to Arms on both sides the Governour marches with his Army to Carlile where he pitched his Camp upon the River Esk this struck great Terror to the Citizens of Carlile who offered him divers presents for their safety of the Town which were rejected but the Nobility refusing to go upon English ground suspecting that the Governour only played the Game of the French he was forced to come to a Truce However the Governour resolving to be revenged upon England went to France where he obtained from the King Three Thousand Pikes and One Thousand Lances with which he returned home and having raised an Army with them he Marches to England and Besieges Wark but is Repulsed whereupon much against his will a Truce for some Months is concluded on Soon after the Administration of the Government was put upon the Prince himself the Thirteenth Year of his age the Governour returning to France after which he never returned to Scotland A Parliament is called wherein a Peace is concluded with England and eight Lords appointed to have the Custody of the Kings Person quarterly Embassadors were sent to England to treat for a Marriage between the King and the King of Englands Daughter which came to nothing The State began of New to be tossed with the troublesom factions of the Queen and the Earl of Angus the Queens Faction accused Angus of High Treason for detaining the King against his will to which the Earl moved the King to give an answer shewing that he was not kept against his will But with all sent another Letter secretly desiring by any means he might be removed from the Earl upon this advertisment the Queen and they of her Faction Assemble what Forces they could raise and with great expedition marched from Sterling to Edenburgh The Earl of Angus with the Citizens of Edenburgh and the King though against his will Marched out against them when the Leaders of the Queens Forces understood that the King himself was in Person in the advers Army they would advance no farther but retired back again to Sterling where they Disbanded and returned every man to his own dwelling place presently after the Queen sues for a Divorce from the Earl of Angus which the Archbishop of S. Andrews granted with the Earls own consent The King wearied of his confinement in the Earl of Angus his custody consults with the Lord of Buccleugh and some Borderers how he might be set at Liberty they Essayed it by Arms at Melross but were put to the worst then the Earl of Lenox undertook it and raised some Forces for that end but the Earl of Angus having gotten the assistance of the Earl of Arran with several others quite routed him near Costerphin where he was killed in cold Blood Now the Earl of Angus thinks himself secure enough having put all things in as he thought to rights he takes a progress to Lothian leaving the King at Faulkland Now the King amidst his Solitary walks in his Park bethinks himself what a fair oportunity he had resolved to essay by stratagem what the Factions of his Nobles could not perform by Force thereupon he directeth the Forester of the Park to advertise such Gentlemen about as kept Hounds to attend him next Morning for he would have his Sport early he Suppeth sooner then he used Commanding all to their rest the waiters all shifted and the Court hush'd shutting his Camber door in the Apparel of one of his Grooms unperceived he passed the Guards to the stable where with two who attended him with ready Horses he posted to Sterline where many of the Nobility and Gentry flocking to him he discharged the Earl of Angus from all Publick Offices whereat he was so exasperated that he and his Friends followed very extravagant Courses but the King pursued them so that after much misery at home they were constrained to fly into England where they were Charitably received and Honourably entertained by King Henry The next year the King visited the Borders holding Justice Courts and executing Justice upon all Oppressors Thieves and Out-Laws there in Ewsdale He caused eight and twenty famous Robbers to be Hanged others he brought with him to Edenburgh for more publick Execution and Example yet the Borders were nothing the more Peaceable for by the means of the Earl of Angus the English make daily Incursions and Spoiles the Country the Scots likewise serving the English with the same Sauce till at last by the Mediation of the French King a Peace is concluded on during the Princes Lives and one Year after the Decease of him who should Dye first About this time the Pope's Power began to Totter in England King Henry having renounced all Subjection to him because he would not Grant him a Divorce from his Queen Katharine who had been before Married to his Brother Prince Arthur and then by a Dispensation from the Pope to him The Pope finding King Henry peremptory in his purpose did together with the Emperor deal with King James to make War with England and to this end sent an Ambassador privately to Scotland King Henry went on with his Affairs in England and Executed John Fisher Bishop of Rochester for asserting the Pope's Supremacy in England Upon this the whole Conclave stirr'd up the Pope against King Henry wherefore he sent another Ambassador to Scotland most invectively Exclaiming against the King of England's Cruelty and humbly desiring King James's assistance against him King James to try his Uncle's Mind send an Ambassador to England to acquaint him with the Emperors and Popes Embassage King Henry presently dispatched William Lord Howard to Scotland who made such hasty Journeys that he prevented the News of his coming he found the King at Sterline a part of
His Royal Highness IAMES DUKE of Alban● and Yorke only Brother to his sacred Mayesty Lord High Com̄issioner of Scotlan● Medulla Historiae Scoticae Being a Comprehensive HISTORY OF THE Lives and Reigns OF THE KINGS OF SCOTLAND FROM FERGVS the First to our Gracious Sovereign CHARLES the Second CONTAINING The most Remarkable Transactions and Observable Passages Ecclesiastical Civil and Military with other Observations proper for a Chronicle faithfully Collected out of Authors Ancient and Modern To which is added A brief Account of the Present State of Scotland the Names of the Nobility and Principal Ministers of Church and State the Laws Criminal A Description of that Engine with which Malefactors are Tortured called the BOOT LONDON Printed for Randal Taylor near Stationers Hall 1685. To the Most Noble JAMES Earl of Perth Lord Drummond and Stobhall c. Lord Justice General of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND One of the Extraordinary Lords of the SESSION and one of the Lords of His MAJESTIES Most Honourable PRIVY COUNCIL in that KINGDOM THIS Compendious History of the KINGS of Scotland is Most Humbly Dedicated by Your Lordships Most Humble most Faithful and most Obedient Servant W. A. TO THE READER I Shall not detain the Generous Reader with Flourishes upon the Grandeur and Glory of the Scotish Crown nor tell you that it may Vie Antiquity with the Ancientist Monarchy of the Vniverse that I leave to your Vmpirage when you have compared the following sheets with the Histories of other Nations Only thus far I will assure you that Scotland will be found to be a Country Pregnant of Wonderfull Changes and Revolutions a Theatre whereon Divine Providence has I Exhibited divers remarkable Instances of it's Peculiar Care over Crowned Heads and where all Treason and Disloyalty has been persued with utter ruine and Destruction It can show a Race of Kings Vnparallel'd for their Bravery and Gallantry in the Defence of their Country and Protection of their Allies and for their Heroicism in Assisting and redresing the Miserable and Opprest But I leave their own Acts as represented in the following Mirrour to make good my assertion and shall proceed to offer something in my own Vindication for I am liable to some Reprehension for Cramming so Large so Bulky a History into so small a Volum but if it be considered that all the Curious have neither the leisure to peruse nor the means to provide a larger I hope I shall need no farther Apology upon that point nor need I advocate much for differing much from many Authors as to the Origin of our Nation since I have followed the most Authentick and have only vary'd from those whose writings are vanished with Monckery and savour more of the Legend than true History Besides the plain bomespun manner wherein all these matters are deliver'd will disgust several who only delight in what is Flaunting and Trick'd up with all the Ornaments and Gawdiness of Rhetorick and Elocution but be it known I fitted my stile for the Capacities of Vulgar Readers such as becomes a History not a Panegyrick and what squars best with the Tongue of both Kingdoms wherein there was never yet any Chronicle publish'd of the Realm of Scotland so as that those who were unacquainted with the Latin were excluded from the knowledge of the Primitive state of so Illustrious a Kingdom After having fitted this account for the Common use by divesting it of a Pompous Dress and a too Stately Dignity of stile my Chief Care was to avoid Partiality by a stedy and Cauterous stearing between Buchanan and Bishop Lesley Seylla and Charybdis where vast Funds of Wit and Learning might easily have wrought the shipwrack of an unwary Pilot so that tho' a great part hereof is a translation of Eminent Authors yet I left my Originalls when I found 'em bias'd and avoiding their Extreams boul'd directly to the Block THE Introduction HIstory has been reckon'd one of the most Generous amusements of the greatest Personages and the loftier the Subject the more agreeable the Entertainment Now for the Advantages and Dignity of a Scotish Chronicle I will not so much insist upon it's Novelty and the wonderful Vicissitudes it contains as the Preheminency of that Crown over all Common-wealths Empires and Monarchies which by stating their several Claims and Pretences will sufficiently be made appear The Emperor Challenges the first Rank as succeeding to the Roman Emperors who are supposed to have been universal Monarchs the French King pretends also to it upon the Account of his being Stiled the most Christian King with other such Pretences The King of Spain also pleads it as his Right being the most Catholick King and King of manyest Kingdoms In this Debate of theirs we are not a little concerned our business therefore shall be to prove First that the King of Great Britain hath an unquestionable Right of Precedency to all the above named Princes Secondly that he hath it it as King of Scotland First he founds his Precedency to them all 1. Upon his being a absolute Monarch of the Isle of Great Britain which was first Christian 2. Upon his being one of the Quatuor nucti which were before all other Kings 3. That having Conquered France he hath Right to all it's Titles by which he carries it clear from the Spaniard or any other Competitor and Lastly that it was granted him even as King of England by the Popes themselves in the General Councils so that had they not relinquished his Papacy it is like his Holiness had not as yet questioned their Title to it II. His Majesty as King of Scotland may justly claim the Precedency from all those Princes it being by Lawyers declared the uncontroverted use of Precedency That amongst those of equal Dignity he who first attained to that Dignity is to be preferred This being a Rule among others Dignities we see no reason but that it should hold here This being granted I subsume that the King of Scotland being equal in Dignity with the Kings of England France and Spain attained to that Dignity before either of them for the first King of Scotland Reigned about three hundred and thirty years before the birth of Christ Whereas the English Historians Confess that they cannot reckon higher than eight hundred years after Christ Nor can either the French or Spaniard come up to the English for the French take the Origine from Hugh Capi who Usurped that Crown Anno. 987. And the Spaniards from Rudolphus King of the Romans Elected 1273. But here it is objected by some that the Kings of Scotland were Vassals to the Kings of England and did them Homage for the Crown of Scotland and so can Claim no Precedency amongst any free Princes far less amongst such as are of the first magnitude This some English Historians do with great Confidence aver but that their Ignorance or Malice or both may appear we are Content to refer the matter not only to the Respect the General Councils
all means to have gotten Robert Stewart in his hands for he knew that next to King David his Title was best to the Crown Soon after King Edward prepared an Army both by Sea and Land to enter into Scotland but the most part of his Ships Perished in Forth The King returning with Balliol into England left Cumin Earle of Athol Governour who seized upon all the Lands pertaining to Robert Stewart and his Friends but Robert Stewart took the Castle of Dunne and killed all the Englishmen therein at this time the Earle of Murray came from France who together with Robert reduced much of the Country to the obedience of King David chasing the Governour and his Followers to the Mountains but the English entred with a great Army and though a great part of their Army was routed took Perth but their Fleet being harrast at Sea were forced to retreat and the rather in design of a French War but some of the Nobles still standing out the English landed in Murray and reduced all and leaving Balliol returned home the next year the English beseiged Dunbar and sent in two Parties under Talbot and Monford who were both routed yet the seige continued at last they were forced to raise the seige also having received great loss by the Valour of Robert Stewart Murray in the mean time dying Stewart was created Viceroy till Davids returne who having the first year gained some Victories did the next year take Perth Sterling and the Castle of Edenburgh the Scots gaining all their ground except Berwick In the year 1336. David resolves upon an expedition into England though much disswaded by his council Making John Randolph General himself going disguised Soon after a peace for two years was treated of which David would not accept without the consent of France whereupon marching as far as the County of Durham had his Army quite routed and himself taken Prisoner his Kingdom also in a manner Depopulated with the Plague by this time John of France was also made Prisoner in England the Scots after eleven years Captivity ransomed their King who at his returne punished some of those who had deserted him at Durham and endeavoured to remove the Succession of the Crown from Robert Stewart to whom he was some years after reconciled he spent the last five years of his Reign in composing Domestick feuds Queen Jane daughter to Edward the second of England dying he Marryed Margaret Logy Daughter to Sir John Logy then he purposed to have past to Jerusalem having provided all necessarys for his Voyage but he fell sick of a Feavour in the Castle of Edinburgh whereof he dyed in the fortyth year of his Reign without Succession and was buried in Holyrood-house 100. Robert Stewart the first King of that Name succeeded his mothers Brother A. D. 1378. A Valiant and worthy Prince he Married Eupham Daughter to the Earl of Ross who bare to him David Earl of Strathern Walter Earl of Athol Alexander Earl of Marr with several Daughters After her Death he marries Elizabeth Moor his own Concubine the better to Legitimate Children he had by her he honoured them with Titles and declared them his Successors two years after an Attempt is made upon Berwick and Sir John Lilbourn and 〈…〉 grave Captains of it taken 〈…〉 After this the Earl of Douglass came with twenty thousand Men to the Fair of Pennire within England spoiling all the Goods there but carried away the Pestilence with him whereof many dyed To revenge this the English came with a great Army over Solway destroying all before them mean while the Scots gathered together about five hundred Men. and lay in Ambush till the English returned back then with a sudden noise and Clamour as they passed by they set upon them forcing them back till many were drowned in Solway Not long after Edward King of England dyed whereupon the Duke of Lancaster came into Scotland intreating to have a Peace for three years which Peace being expired My Lord of Galloway laid siege to the Castle of Lochmaban and made himself Master of it defeating a strong party of English who were coming from Carlyle to it's relief King Richard fearing of it sent the Baron of Gray-stock with a Body of Men to fortifie Roxburgh who being within a mile of it he was taken by the Earl of March and carried to Dunbar the same year the strengths of Teviotdale were by the Earl of Douglas recovered out of the English hands soon after which he dyed His Son James succeeding to him went by the Kings Order with an Army into England whence he was presently after Counter-manded home where he found the Admiral of France with two hundred and forty Ships well Man'd come to their Assistance with them they passed into England and took the Castles of Warkford and Corwal And laying siege to Roxburgh and Carlyle the Scots and French could not agree in whose Names the strengths should be kept if they were won which brought the business to nothing Whereupon King Richard in revenge enters Scotland with a great Army and marching through the Mers and Louthian did much hurt But the Earls of Fife Douglas and Galloway followed him into England and secretly passing the Water of Solway came to Cokermouth where in three days time they spoiled the whole Country about and returned safely with great Booty In the year 1388. The King past again into England with an Army at which time the Irish taking their advantage entered Galloway destroying all before them Whereupon William the Lord of Galloways Son pursued them to Ireland and burnt the Town of Carlingfoord and finding sixty Ships in several Harbors loaded fifteen of them with the spoil of the Town and burnt the rest Returning home he spoiled the Isles of Man The next year the King of England sent an Army into Scotland which did much hurt in the Mers revenging this affront King Robert sent two Armies into England the one under the Command of the Earl of Fife entred Cumberland the other led by the Earls of Douglass and March entred Northumberland the two Armies met within two miles of Newcastle The Earl of Douglass chose out ten thousand Men to besiege Newcastle wherein was the Earl of Northumberland with his two Sons Henry Hotspur and Ralph Henry Challenged the Earl of Douglass to fight with him which Douglass accepted off so being mounted upon two starely Horses they assaulted one another desperately at last Douglass beat Peircy out of his Saddle but he was presently rescued and brought into the Town Immediately Douglass assaulted the Town but it was so well defended by the English that he was forced to retire and encamp at Otterburn whither Henry Peircy immediately followed there they fought a bloody Battel until the darkness of the Night parted them but when the Moon began to appear they joyned again with more Fierceness than before Victory inclining sometime to one side and sometimes to another till at last Patrick
snatched it out of his Fathers hand and wrung off her Neck for which his Father being angry Well says he Since I cannot Govern thee I will bring one shall Govern us both And from that day he ceased not to further the Redemption of the King he Governed four years 102. But the Nobles weary under this form of Government the Governour being also irritated by the Misdemeanor of his Children all Unanimously determine without longer delays to work the deliverance of their Native Prince James fourth of England which at length was effected Anno. Dom. 1424. Having Ransomed him for the sum of forty hundred thousand Marks He married Jane Daughter to the Duke of Somerset Son to John of Gaunt who bare to him two Sons Alexander who dyed shortly after and James the second who succeeded to him The King having passed the Solemnities of Hasterat Edenburgh He with his Queen came to Perth and from thence to Scone where he was Crowned in the twenty seventh year of his Age after he held a Parliament at Perth where the Tax was laid on to pay the sum promised to England for his Ransome from thence he went back to Edenburgh where he called such as were Concerned with the Crown Rents together he understood by their Accounts that the most and best part of the Crown Lands were alienated and wasted by the late Governour and his Sons whereat he was exceedingly incensed yet that time he smothered and put a fair Countenance upon his Passion But soon after pregnant Accusations were brought in against some of the Nobility especially the Governours Friends upon which some of them were made Prisoners which occasioned much discontent and Jealousie on both sides yet the King securing the Body of this Estate on his side resolved to go on and having Arrested the Governour with two of his Sons and several others his Friends they were all committed to several Prisons Whereupon James the Governours youngest Son in a desperate rage accompanied with a number of Out-laws came to Dumbarton and set on Fire and killed John Stewart the Kings Uncle with thirty others This Insolency of the Son quite diverted the Kings Clemency from his Father and Brethren Whereupon he calleth a Parliament at Sterling where the Governour with his two Sons and his Father-in-Law the Duke of Lenox were Arraigned and Condemned and soon after Executed this highly perplexed some other Lords and Gentlemen who were Prisoners at the same time fearing that they should also meet with the same measures yet the King like a wise Physitian being not willing to take away more Blood than he thought would take away the Disease of the Body in a short time set them all at Liberty The Wars continuing between France and England the French sent an Ambassador to renew the ancient League with Scotland But his main business was to carry on a match between Lewis the Daulphine tho' then very young and Margaret Daughter to King James this match the English neglected but afterward most earnestly sued for it The South parts of the Kingdom being brought under Obedience the King resolved to have the North follow their Example for which end he went thither himself in Person to keep his Courts When he came there he found things in a strange Condition all going by strength of hand the stronger overthrowing the weaker The King not knowing well how to go about the taming of these rude Villains seemed to give small Faith to what he heard of them allowing such of them as seemed to come and see him a great deal of seeming Favour till at length he got forty of their Chiefs all at once within the Castle of Innerness whom he presently surprized making them close Prisoners Within a few days after the King was convinced of this wickedness Alexander Macrory and John Macherter were hanged John Campbel for murthering John of the Isles was beheaded The Earl of Ross being taken in this Trap was brought by the King to Perth where he was accused of Oppression and other things yet the King pardoned him and freely dismist him taking his Oath of Fidelity But as soon as he went home he gathered together a Rabble of Out-laws who came towards Innerness burnt both Town and Castle to the Ground Whereupon the King himself went with his Forces against him at whose approach all the Rebels fled Alexander thus abandoned of his Forces fled to the Isles but finding that he was way-laid on all hands and had no way left him to escape he came disguised to Edenburgh Whereupon Yesterday the King being at Church he came wrapped in a mourning Garment and fell down at his Feet beging his Life which at the Queens request was granted but to keep him from any more mischief the Earl of August was appointed to take him into Custody within Tanutallon Castle Donald Balloth Cousin-german to the Earle of Ross raised a great number of outlaws and invaded Lochaber and in a Bloody Battel overthrew the Earles of Marr and Caithness at Innerlochy the news coming to the King he came with a great Army to Dunstaffage which when the Clans heard of they tendred their Submission to the King promising to break Balloth and his party which the King accepted of Balloth fled to Ireland where he was taken and his head chopt off and sent to King James Notwithstanding of the many Acts of Justice that were done upon these disorderly outlaws yet nothing frighted one Macdonald who was Famous for all sorts of Villanies among other Cruelties he is said to have nailed Horseshoes to the Soles of a Widdow because that she swore to delate him to the King being taken with twelve of his associates and brought to Perth the King caused them to be shooed in the same manner as he had served the woman draging him about for a Spectacle to the people for three days then all of them were put to death In this year A. D. 1430. the first of June was a terrible Eclipse of the Sun at three of the clock in the afternoon the day turning black for the space of half an hour as though it had been night which was afterward called by the common people The black Hour The King having setled the Country begins to look to his own affairs and having advisedly perused all evidences and Charters belonging to the Crown he recalls all such Lands as had been either alienated from it or wrongfully usurped about this time there came Ambassadors from the King of Denmark requiring of King James a Yearly Tribute due to him as King of Norway for the western Isles the Ambassador was honourably entertained and the old League renewed with Denmark soon after the French Kings Ambassadors came to have Margaret already betrothed to Lewis the Dauphin delivered to them and conveyed to France where they found the Lord Scroop earnestly dealing with the King that he must bestow his daughter upon King Henry the sixth of England promising that if he would agree thereto that the Town and Castle of Berwick should be delivered into the hands of the Scots with all the Lands lying between Tweed and the Redcross in in Richmondshire the French Ambassadors also proffered great and tempting things withal puting the King in
purpose for soon after she signed a Warrant for a Mandate fitted for the Great Seal for her Execution which was performed upon Wednesday the 8th of February 1586. Queen Elizabeth immediately after Writes a Letter full of Apologies and fair promises to King James yet notwithstanding in great discontent he calls home his Ambassadours from the Court of England The States of Scotland urge him to a revenge The King of Spain also and the Pope promise him great assistance if he would undertake it but he thought fit to delay for a time which made England the more suspitious of his Designs Wherefore an Ambassadour was sent to him earnestly desiring him to take off his adherence from Forreign Friendship assuring him that his Mothers fate would be no prejudice to his right of Succession which was a powerful Argument with him The next Year the Kings Marriage with the King of Denmarks Daughter was agreed upon In the mean time the Popish Lords such as Huntly Cranford and A●rol make a Rebellion in the North to suppress which the King himself went in Person at his coming the Rebels disperse the Headers of them submitted to the Kings Mercy and are commited close Prisoners and not long after Tryed and found Guilty but the Sentence was delayed to an indefinite time which at last turned to a Pardon The King hearing that his Marriage was consumated at Denmark by Proxie and the Queen at Sea was soon after surprised with the News that her Navy was beat into Norway by a Storm He presently resolves to go thither and meet Her which he does very privately leaving the Government of the Kingdom to his Council Within five dayes he arrives at Norway where he was solemnly Marryed the next Sunday From thence he went with his Queen to Visit the Queen Mother of Denmark where they staid till April following Then having sent for Shipping to return they Landed at Leith the 20 th day of May Anno Dom. 1590. and a little after the Queen was solemnly Crowned at Holy-Rood-House Though the King made severe Laws against Feuds yet were they not quite suppressed for by reason of a quarrel between the Earles of Huntly and Murray the North broke very loose as did the Kers also in the South but they were soon suppressed till Bothwel afterward being Imprisoned for consulting with Witches to take away the Kings Life and having escaped made an attempt upon the Kings Lodgings and was repulsed being suspected to have been with Murray the Earl of Huntly procures a Warrant to take him and coming to Dunnibirsle where Murray was firing the House Murray attempting to make his Escape was Barbarously Murdered Bothwel having so often been disappointed of his designes at last having got some of the Lords on his side he came in by the Postern-gate under disguise of attending my Lady Athole with another of his Companions armed to the very Bed-Chamber where he forced the King to grant him a Pardon which was the next day repealed in Council and Bothwel and his Associates forced to fly Anno Dom. 1593. The Queen was delivered of her first Born in Sterli●g where he was Christned in the Chappel Roval by the Name of Henry Frederick Two Years after Princess Elizabeth was born at Edenburgh The King resolving to bring the Church of Scotland to a Conformity in Government and Ceremonies did occasion much confusion for the Ministers strong opposed having also a great part of the Nobility on their side The Popish Lords and others unable to stand out any longer submitted to the Censure of the Church The next Year a Parliament is called wherein the King will have some of the Ministers sit as representing the Church being Church Affairs as well as Affairs of State are handled there Anno Dom. 1599. John Earl of Goury and his Brother Alexander attempt to kill the King at Perth but both of them dyed in the attempt and had all their Lands seized for the Kings use In commemoration of which the 5th of August is annually celebrated The 26 th of February 1600. Prince Charles was born at Domfermling which afterward was King of Great Britain c. The Jesuits having no hope of Toleration in Scotland all their Politicks having failed them they went the old way to work One Moubray at the Court of Spai● undertook to kill King James but as he was upon his way to London he was discovered by an Italian who accused him of his intended Murther whereupon they were both taken and sent to Scotland Moubray was committed to the Castle where having found a way to break the Iron Grates of the Prison window thought to have let himself down by a Rope which proving too short he fell from the precipice and dashed out his braines upon a Rock Queen Elizabeths health beginning to decay by reason of her age and the great troubles she had undergone removes from London to Richmond where she daily became weaker and weaker The Lord Admiral Lord Keeper and Secretary Cecil came from the Council to know her pleasure concerning her Successor She answered My Throne is for a King none oth●● shall Succeed me Cecil asked her What King She said What other King than my Kinsman the King of Scots Then after some time not stirring she leasurely turned her head about and dyed the Seventyeth year of her Age the 24th of March 1602. Her eyes being shut the same day the Lords Spiritual and Temporal being Assembled proclaimed her death and declared King James her Successor Presently Posting Letters to him acquainting him with the Queens Death and being a Body without a Head humbly desiring his Majesty to hasten to them how soon and in what manner he pleaseth The King having communicated these Letters to his Privy-Council returns them his acknowledgment of their dutifull Affection The King sets out for England ordering the Queen to follow Twenty days after the Princes Henry Charles and Princess Elizabeth at further Pleasure He was most magnificently Entertained all the way having a Gallant train of Scottish Noblemen and other Gentlemen to convey him to Berwick where he was most magnificently received by the English and accompanied with Shouts and Acclamations of Joy by all ranks in his Journey through England till he came to London His first Reception was in the Charter-House where he stayed four days having confered the Honour of Knighthood upon 80 Gentlemen On St. Jameses's day the King and Queen were Crowned at Westminster in the Fatal Marble Chair Secretary Elphingston was within a few years after accused by the King for Writing Letters to the Pope in his Name which he confessed and was thereupon committed but soon after pardoned The King was not allowed to enjoy the pleasure of his new Title with Peace for soon after followed the Treason of the Lord Cobham and Gray with Sir Walter Rawley and others for which some of the number being condemned to dye and brought to the very Block obtained a Pardon His Majesty took
the mean time the Queen was conveyed out of Lochlavin by George Douglass the Governours Brother my Lord Seaton and divers of the House of Hamiltone with their dependers waited to receive her and conveyed her to Hamiltoun The Regent being at Glasgow draws together what men he could so suddenly command and with them Marches to Langsidemoor where it was Fought most Briskly but the Queen though being more in number was worsted after which she lost all courage never resting till she was in England The Regent returned Victor and destributed the Spoyl among his Friends and Dependants The Queen of England sends Ambassadors to the Regent desiring him to send Commissioners to her to give her a reason of their thus proceeding against their Queen upon which he himself went to Berwick for that purpose After long reasoning they parted without concluding any thing The Regent returning home did not sit long Idle for the Earl of Hamilton pretending a right to the Regency conveins his friends at Glasgow the Regent presently went against him He finding himself disappointed of many that he expected to come to his Assistance submitted himself and is made prisoner Queen Mary being by the Queen of Englands order conveyed to Carlisle The Duke of Norfolk in hopes to get her in Marriage became mighty forward to procure her liberation which made Queen Elizabeth begin to grow jealous of him whereupon he is committed to the Tower a Conspiracy being discovered which he managed for relievving the Queen of Scots The Regent having brought things to some order at home the Hamiltons seeing it impossible for them now to contend with him Killed him most Treacherously and Basely as he was passing through Lithgow having shot him with a Hakbut out at a Window January the 22 d. 1569. About three Months after Lennox the Kings Grandfather is chosen Regent Hamilton being by all refused he marches with 5000 to Lithgow to suppress the Queens Faction they intended to call a Parliament there great Confusion follows over all the Kingdom A Parliament being summoned by the Regent at Sterling they began to reform abuses which are very many but they thinking themselves secure took no care to keep Guards Whereupon one George Bell marches from Edenburgh in the Night time as guid to the Earl of Huntly he commanded five hundred men they surprised them all in their Beds some escaped and others were taken Prisoners but the Regent himself was killed in the Tumult Those who were for the King chose the Earl of Mar Regent about this time the Duke of Norfolk was arraigned and found guilty of Complotting with Queen Mary against Queen Elizabeth and within four Months after had his Head chopt off upon Tower-Hill where he confessed all the indictment Mar about a year after being chosen Regent dyes at Sterline to succeed whom Mortoon was without controversie Elected The King was committed to the keeping of Alexander Arskine and Mr. George Buchanan made his Tutor none of the Queens Party being permitted to come near him The Factious had by this time become very unnatural the Mother against the Son and the Son against the Mother Edenburg Castle which Kirkaldie of Grange kept for the Queen is besieged and taken by the Regent and the Governour with his Brother Hanged The Regent proud of his Success began to be somewhat extravagant which was a forerunner of his downfall which his Enemies improved to his disadvantage Whereupon he is deposed The King seeing that things were turning from bad to worse took the Scepter in his own Hand having the Assistance of twelve Noblemen whereof M●rtoun was one A Parliament soon after is called at Edingburgh where the King appeared to his People being yet but twelve years Old In this Parliament was ratified that Confession of Faith inserted in the late Test in Scotland Anno Dom. 1582. Fell out the Road of Ruthwen where the King was Seized by some of his Nobles and carried to Edinburg upon pretence That he was Misled by bad Councils They kept him under a sort of Restraint for above a Year but at last being at St. Andrews he was Relieved by Collonel Stewart Captain of the Castle for as the King had entred the Gate the Collonel presently shuts it and by this means shuts out the company that attended the King Soon after many of them are Imprisoned but all obtain a Pardon except the Earl of Goury who was Arraigned Condemned and Executed Anno Dom. 1584. About which time there is a Plot discovered in England to set the Queen of Scots at Liberty in which the Lord Pag●t Throgmorton and others were concerned who accordingly suffered for it But the Suspition of all reflected upon Queen Mary which hastened her ruine Whereupon she was removed from her Fifteen Years Imprisonment under the Earl of Shrewsberry to Sir Amias Pawlet and Sir Drew Drury in Fothrengam Castle on purpose to put her upon extremities of Redress against their extream Imprisoning Whereupon she deals with the Pope and Spain to hasten the means of her Relief but it proved the hastening of her destruction The Council of England after long deliberation what to do with Queen Mary at last resolved to proceed against her upon Act 27. Eliz. Against Plotters or Contrivers of the Queens Death To which purpose a Commission under the Great Seal issued out Impowering twenty-four Noble-Men and others therein who came to the Castle the 11th of Octob. 1536. to Try her The manner of her Tryal was thus A Chair of State was set as for the Queen of England at the upper end of the Presence Chamber Beneath against it was placed a Chair for the Queen of Scots close to the Walls on both sides of the Cloath of Estate seats were made for the Lords next to these were the Knights Privy Councellors Forward before the Earls sate the two Chief Justices and on the other side other two Justices At a Table in the midst sate the Attorney General the Solicitor a Sergeant at Law the Clerk of the Crown and two Notaries The Inditement being read she declined their Jurisdiction being a free Princess and not a Subject to the Crown of England to which it was Answered That her declinator was in vain for whosoever offends the Laws of England in England must be subject to the same and accordingly examined and Judged So they proceeded to examine the Evidence and after a long Tryal and much spoken on both sides she is found guilty Not many dayes after a Parliament was called wherein Queen Elizabeth was besought that the Sentence against the Queen of Scots might be put in Execution The Queen desired that some other methods might be consulted for safely and that poor distressed Queen spared but they answer What no other satisfaction Whereupon the Sentence was Proclaimed throughout London and all the Kingdom King James hearing of his Mothers condition writ several Letters to Queen Elizabeth passionately desiring that the Sentence might be reversed but all to no