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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07333 The victorious reigne of King Edvvard the Third Written in seven bookes. By his Majesties command. May, Thomas, 1595-1650. 1635 (1635) STC 17719; ESTC S112550 75,194 204

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sustein'd in sorrow and dismay Bewailing France and cursing that sad day He tack'd about to be in safety gone But by the warlike Earle of Huntington The Southerne Admirall so sore was chas'd And hard-beset he was enforc'd at last By secret flight almost alone to goe A sad reporter of so great a blow Blacke night now challeng'd her alternate reigne S●●● soone enough to hide that tragicke staine Which on the blushing face of Neptune lay Not soone enough to part the mortall fray Warres raging fire was spent the fuell gone And all that Mars could doe already done Nor would great Edward then approach the shore But make the Oceans bosome which before Had beene the stage of his victorious fight To be his lodging field whilest all the night Drums beat and Trumpets to the havens nigh Proclaime his great and noble victory But when the rosie morning gan appeare With joy to welcome his arrivall there The towne of Sluce prepares while all along The haven people numberlesse doe throng To view the face of that Heroicke King And all the shores with acclamations ring At last great Edward lands and waited on By all the noblest Burgers of the towne And English Lords in triumph takes his way To Gaunt where his belov d Queene Philip lay With such expressions of true state and love Did white-arm'd Iuno meet triumphant Iove When from the Gyants warres he came as she Her Lord return'd from this great victory With her at Gaunt remain'd the greatest States Of Netherland and best confoederates King Edward had for his great warre in hand The Dukes of Brabant and of Gelderland With Heinaults Earle his comming did attend And Iames of Artevile his constant friend Whose power had drawne those people to his side There all their leagves are firmely ratifi'd While happy Gaunt is proud to entertaine So brave a Monarch with his noble traine But much more proud that she had beene the place Of birth to one faire branch of Edward's race Young princely Iohn who thence shall take his name And lend the towne in liev eternall fame Annotations upon the second Booke a This great battell of Halydon hill a place neere Berwick was tought in the sixt yeere of the reigne of King Edward the third of England and the second of King David of Scotland who being then a childe remained in France and Archimbald Dowglas Earle of Argus governed the realme of Scotland for him the English army was led by King Edward himselfe in person that of Scotland by the forenamed Earle of Angus Regent of the Kingdome in this battell the Scots received a great overthrow although the writers of those times doe much disagree about the number of those that perished in the vanquished army the Scottish Histories allowing foureteene thousand the English naming aboue thirty thousand but howsoever it were by this victory Berwicke was gained to the Crowne of England b This Robert of Artois was a Prince of the blood of France descended from Robert Sonne to Lewis the eight there had beene a suit betwixt the said Robert and Maud his Aunt Countesse of Burgundy about the Earledome of Artois Robert presuming upon his owne power and the service he had done King Philip in advancing him to the Crowne for Robert of Artois was at the first a great maintainer of Philips title against Edward of England forges a deed thereby to overthrow his Aunts right which being afterwards discovered made her right the more and moved the French King to give judgement on her side so that the County of Artois was by Parliament confirmed upon Maud which so offended Robert as in his rage he openly said hee would unmake the King by the same power that he had made him This rash threatning so incensed the King that he presently layed to apprehend him but failing therein he proclaimed him Traitour confiscated his estate forbidding all his Subjects to receive or aide him Robert of Arto is being thus distressed comes over into England is joyfully entertained by King Edward made of his Councell and invested in the Earledome of Richmond where hee becomes a great incendiary betweene the two Kings discovering to King Edward the secrets of France and disapproving now of King Philips title upon which a Declaration is published and sent to the Pope and all the neighbour Princes shewing the usurpation of Philip de Valois upon the Crowne of France c There was among the Flemmings one Iaques de Artevile a Citizen of Gavnt of great estimation among the people he was their Leader and Tribune as it were in all their tumults him King Edward gets by great rewards to take his part and thereby had them all ready to assaile the French King upon any occasion This Iaques though a man of meane condition was an usefull friend to England whose death happening about seven yeeres after for in a tumult his braines were beaten out was much lamented by King Edward d This Robert King of Cicily as Collenutius and other Neopolitan writers testifie was a learned Prince and much renowned for his skill in Astrology hee was about this time saith our Froissard at Avignion with Pope Benedict where he declared to the Pope by his skill what great warres and blood-shed was like to be and lamented the miseries of France That report of Froissard gave ground to this discouse in the Poem e This Navall fight which is here at large described in the Poem was out of doubt the greatest that ever had been vpon these narrow Seas the numbers were many the fight was cruell and the slaughter exceeding great The French Navy by consent of most writers consisted of 400 saile the English consisted according to some authors of 200 saile according to others of 200. to others of 300. although Froissard report that the Frenchmen were foure to one English which may be thought too much oddes to be beleeved for the French in those dayes had good Sea-men but the slaughter was exceeding great and the victory as compleat on the English side as could be imagined for very few of the French ships escaped home but were either sunke or taken and 30000 of their men flaine of the English those writers that report most have mentioned but 4000. THE REIGNE OF KING EDWARD THE THIRD The third Booke Argument III. Atruce ' twixt France and Englands Kings is made The Garter f●unded Edward dooes invade King Philip's lands the warre 's to tryall brought And that renowned field of Crescy fought A Wound so mortall had enfeebled France By Sea receiv'd she could no more advance Her colours there no more had she or veine To bleed or spirits left to strive againe What now remaines of this lovd-threatning warre The Continent alone must feele as farre As Tourney fill'd with high and wealthy hopes Victorious Edward leads his cheerefull troops Augmented lately with new-mustred bands Of his confederates in the Netherlands That towne is first enobled by his stay Iudg'd worthy to be made the
multitudes of such as had lost their way in the last flight lighted vnhappily upon the victorious English and were severely put to the Sword Among those that came with fresh forces to ayd the King were the Archbishop of Roan and the Grand Prior of France who were both slaine after a great and sore battell with the English for they brought a good strength with them The Earles of Northampton Suffolke and Norfolke had execution of the French which fled from this last overthrow for the space of nine English miles from the ground where they encountred And it is the generall consent of Authors that more of the French were slaine upon this second day then were the day before when the great battell was fought some Prisoners were then taken though none of great name for they were spent in the day before When the account was taken it was found that there dyed in all of the French side eleven great Princes of Earles Barons and gentry of high account about fifteene hundred of common souldiers above thirty thousand And to make the victory the more wonderfull there was not one man of honour or note slaine upon the English side of common souldiers so few that we finde no mention of the number THE REIGNE OF KING EDWARD THE THIRD The fourth Booke Argument IIII. Calleis by Edward is besieg'd and wonne Great deeds in severall parts of France are done By Edward's souldiers whilest in England here The King of Scotland's taken prisoner FIve mornes had cleer'd the Earth with Phoebus light And from the Pole remov'd the dampes of night Since England's conquering King from Crescy gone Without controll of foes had marched on Through Picardy and now before the Towne Of Calleis sate with his strong Army downe Resoly'd in spite of all releefe or fence Till he had gain'd it not to rise from thence Impregnable was Calleis to be wonne Not by assault but length of siedge alone Where meagre famine Natures greatest foe And heavens fear'd plague must all th'atchivement doe For which great Edward had on every side His Campe entrench'd and strongly fortifi'd With timber-workes investing it by land The circuit round the Sea at his command Was wholly then where his strong Navy lay And brought his Campe provisions every way But while the siedge is yet but new begun Fortune presents a brave occasion To make King Edward s noble nature knowne That all the Countrey may as much renowne His minds brave sweetnesse as his Martiall fame And learne to love as well as feare his name De Vein the Marshall and Lord Dandregan That then commanded Calleis while they can Resolve to th' utmost to preserve so deare A pledge and nought but onely famine feare They therefore straight enforce out of the Towne The folke that now for warre are uselesse growne Full fifteene hundred heads to spare their store The lame the sicke the aged and the poore At mercy of the foe these wretches goe If to such wretches Edward were a foe But he remembers he 's a King and they Too weake alas to be the Lion's prey Instead of foes his bounty makes them guests And French by French forsaken Edward feasts With store of victuals and with money too He sends them thence who every step they goe Send backe a prayer for his prosperity And in their hearts acknowledge silently That he 's the lawfull Soveraigne of the land For when two titles thus in question stand Whose doe the people thinke should be the right But his whom first just heaven assists in fight And makes ' gainst odds a conquerour of his foes And who besides by his compassion showes Himselfe his Countries father as Kings are Those barricado'd strongest works of warre Which must in spite of Philip's forces stand Till Calleis keyes be given to Edward's hand Can these weake people find a passage through Which th'armed strength of France could never doe Nor loses Edward time in staying there For every day to his rejoycing eare Some prosperous newes from forreine parts is brought Of what abroad his conquering men have wrought How every action 's crown'd with high successe And all their conflicts adde some happinesse To his triumphant side as if that then Kind Fortune strove the name of Englishmen Even to the highest point of fame to bring Or that the Genius of so great a King Through all the lower parts diffused were To guide their deeds alike For wheresoe're They fight the Garland's wonne and every warre A Crescy proves where Edward's souldiers are From Guyenne first he heares the prosperous fights Of noble a Darby who with Gascoyne Knights And other Lords from Burdeaux tooke his way And o're the river of Garonne 'twixt Blay And that great City march'd through Philip's lands Faire Mirabell is yeelded to his hands Aunay and her strong Castle with Benon And Maraunt in Poictou by force are wonne Tailebourgh and Bourgh Saint Maximent they win Both by assault and Montrevill Bonin Nor with so small a power of Souldiers feares The warrelike Darby to assault Poictiers So large in circuit that he could not lay Round siege about it but one onely way Surpriz'd it by assault and many moe Atchievements high did his small army doe There many noble Prisoners did he take And march'd without controll to Burdeaux backe There breakes his Army up with thankes and home His souldiers fill'd with wealth and honour come As much true honour wonne the English name In Brittaines warres as radiant was their fame Where Charles of Bloys the great Competitour By valiant Dagworth and his English power Was overthrowne and taken Prisoner The odds so wondrous in their numbers were One Writer then amazed in his thought Among the deeds of th' ancient Worthies sought A paralell for Dagworth's victory Entituling him another Machabee But that which most secur'd great Edward's state Left English swords should prove lesse fortunate In England then in forraigne parts they were That Conquest was and royall Prisoner Which his brave men had in his absence gain'd Queene Philip sent the newes and there complain'd Of Copland's stout demeanour who to her Deny'd to yeeld the King his Prisoner For which to Calleis Copland sent for had So good excuses to great Edward made That for the service from his royall hand He gain'd a ●●●h reward The King commands Him to relate the battell and display Each circumstance of that victorious day Full well quoth noble Edward doe I know That most to God's Almighty hand I owe For preservation of my kingdome there What strength had you alas what forces were In readinesse what Army could you bring Against th' invasion of a warrelike King Whilest here our selfe with our chiefe Army lay At Calleis siedge the second was away As farre as Guyenne and the third then fought In Brittaines wars what were the hands that wrought This great atchievement but King David brake The truce he made with us that he might take With Philip's fortune Philip's falling side
must he gaine That Crowne when England has abandon'd Spaine b And now the day beyond all hope is lost On Henry's side and that great numerous hoast Fly in amazement and themselves expose Without resistance to the conquering foes While many thousands as they thronging flye From English weapons in the river dye That flowes by Naveret whose streame affords As many deaths almost as Edward's swords Sad Henry though his heart disdaines to flye Yet since reserv'd for Royall dignity By kinder Fates hereafter yeelds to flight And though sore wounded in the fatall fight Vpon his Iennet mounted leaves the field By this the French Battalia's that bad held The longest out and first encounter'd where Stout Bertram fought ' gainst Iohn of Lancaster Are quite consum'd and weltring in their blood Cover the place where late they fighting stood Their Chiefes enforc'd to yeeld and Bertram there Againe by th' English taken prisoner Sterne Mars his taske had to the utmost done Nor e're had Spaine beheld a Garland wonne With more renowne or conquest more compleat Than in this famous field of Naveret Blacke Edward purchas'd nor could ought allay The lasting fame of that victorious day Save that the Prince his noble valour lost On such a cause that so much blood it cost To raise a wicked Tyrant and againe Advance Don Pedro to the Throne of Spaine Annotations upon the seventh Booke a Prince Edward by the common consent of all brought into Spaine an Army consisting of thirty thousand English Gascoignes and other strangers being for the number of themesteemed as expert souldiers as any in the world The cast companies of English which had served in so many famous exploits under himselfe and King Edward his father upon this occasion came in to serve him King Henry of Castile had a great Army for besides the French which served him under the conduct of Bertram of Clesquy and were in number about foure thousaad men at Armes besides many other loose troopes hee had of Spaeniards Saracens and others above fourescore thousand When it came to Battell Prince Edward obtained a compleat victory the slanghter considering so great a victory was not much for the Spaniards were too soone routed and did not in their owne deare quarrell behave themselves so stoutly as their French auxiliaries did But there were slaine of them besides five hundred Gentlemen of quality above seven thousand of the common souldiers Of the English side were slaine of men of quality but foure Knights two Gascoignes one Almaine and the fourth an English-max and of common souldiers about sixteene hundred as some write though Froissard saith not above forty but the other number is more credible considering how fiercely the battell was fought as all agree There were taken Prisoners to the number of two thousand and among them the Earle of Dene Sir Bertram of Clesquy the Marshall Dandrehen and many other men of name b After this great victory Prince Edward at Burges seated the tyrant Pedro in his Throne againe and for so great a merit the promised recompenee is required by the Prince which Don Pedro could not or cared not to provide but starving him with delayes enforced him in the end to returne to Burdeaux without money to pay his Army and which was worse without health which he never after recovered Some Hystorians report that hee was poysoned in Spaine others say it was a Dropsie of which the Prince never could bee after cured Such was the successe of this unfortunate action undertaken to right an ungratefull Tyran● who afterward notwithstanding was againe dispossessed taken and put to death by his brother Henry But the affaires of England did wonderfully suffer from that time The Prince to pay his souldiers who were not able to stay Don Pedro's leisure coyned his Plate and when all would not serve he fell upon a worse mis-fortune to cure a present want with a greater and more durable losse seeking to lay upon his subiects in Gascoigne a new taxation which bred a most dangerous revolt namely the imposition of Fevage or Chimney money which so discontented the people that they exclaime against the government of the English and appeale to the King and Court of France for redresse The King of Fran●e at the instance of divers great Lords although by the Articles of accord at Brettigny hee were bound to quit all homage for the ●utchy of Aquitaine which he might claime of the English entertaines their complaint and sends to the Prince of Wales at ●urdeaux summoning him to answer before him and his Court at Paris concerning these matters The Lords of Arminiague D'Albret Peregot Cominges and many others made their protestations against the King of England for the Crowne of France alleaging that they were by nature to obey that and not a strange Soveraigne that it was absolutely against the fundamentall law of the kingdome to dissever them from the Crowne that the Contract was made in prison and therefore by the right of Nations not to obliege therefore they utterly disclaim'd the government of England By their example the Cities of the County of Ponthieu which was King Edward his undoubted inheritance revolted all to the French King King Edward complained of this breach of Accord to the Pope and other Christian Princes but treaties availed little the English side when the French hearts were weary of their yoake and resolved to returne to their old obedience From this time being the 42 yeare of King Edward's reigne the tide of Fortune was turned from the English to the French side Edward the Renowned Prince of Wales was sicke of a lingring malady and not able to endure the travell of Warre and old King Edward was mis-led in England by evill servants which caused disquiet in Parliaments and many distempers in the State at home All these occasions were politikely looked into by Charles surnamed the Wise King of France who though forewarned by his father and Grandfathers mis-fortunes he never would venture any pitch'd battels against the English for there were divers Armies sent over from hence after that time but returned fruitlesse as the Chronicles will informe you yet hee omitted no opportunities of recovering his kingdome by secret solicitations large promises and other wary practises by which as also some fortunate skirmishes of Bertram his best servant hee recovered all before the death of King Edward except the Towne of Calleis onely Those eminent victories and great actions by which the English had gained so much of France have beene the subject of this Historicall Poem the particular revolts flye practices and petty actions by which insensibly it was lost againe you may read distinctly in the Chronicles at large FINIS
is small and weigh'd with conquering Englands wars Shall be accounted slight and gentle scars Deepe as thy wounds shall thy dishonour be Alas how great a map of misery How long a tragicke field of warre shalt thou Rich France become the pride of Europe now But then the pitty of all neighbour Lands Oh doe not scorne at English Edward's hands On hardest termes a peace to entertaine Nor let King Philip strive ' gainst fate in vaine No force can there prevaile nor overthrow The Martiall fame that Destinies doe owe To Edward's high nativity for whom A glorious thread is spun such as their loome Was proud to see when those old Worthies came Into the world that with so loud a fame Have fill'd the eares of all posterity Such shall this active Edward prove as high And wondred at shall be his deeds of warre Although his stage cannot extend so farre Nor his small Kingdomes forces over-run Farre distant Lands as did the Macedon Or Romes proud Sonnes his deeds within the bounds Of France excepting Scotlands fatall wounds As mighty trophees and as great shall gaine As such a circuit ever did containe And for the severall actions of his warres Though I but dimly see particulars Within this spacious Continent where once Great Caesar govern'd those stout legions Whose strength could after over-come the power Of Rome it selfe and make him Emperour Let disadvantages of battels be Well weigh'd the past and present quality Of such a foe the stars to him do give As true a fame as Caesar did atchieve But such calamities this heart will bleed To see and therefore holy Sir with speed If a prevention can at all be had Let your high power be interposed sad Are all that heare the King's praediction And thinke which way they may the strife attone But while they thinke thus on the Ocean A mighty blow this fatall warre began Slight skirmishes had wounded either side And banish'd Peace nor must the cause be try'd By any judge but Warres uncertaine chance Edward already wore the armes of France And in his honour stood engag'd to gaine The Crowne he claim'd as Philip to maintaine That great possession in their owne estates Both strong both powerfull in confoederates And both alike incens'd But ere rich France In her owne bosome try the puissance Of warlike Edward she must weeping heare Her losses by him and be taught to feare Or Fortune else was purpos'd to declare How hot how aequall a desire of warre Both Nations had that in the middle way Would meet the tryall and disdain'd to stay Till either other should at home invade But with their armed Navall forces made Blew Neptunes face the first discolour'd stage Of warre and Scene of their incensed rage The Fleet of France so great it was esteem'd Invindible by Englands force and seem'd To beare command ore all those narrow Seas Proud of spoiles and wealthy pillages Which from sack'd Hampton they had brought away Betweene the Ports of Sluce and Blankebergh lay In three faire bodies led by three that then In navall fights were held the bravest men France had and did in all Sea-arts excell The stout Bahuchet with brave Kiriell And Barbenoire the Genois Admirall So show'd their Navy when conjoyned all Men would have thought some forrest mou'd from far When Winters rage the Pines proud tops did bare Or that the fam'd Aegaean Cyclades Torne from their roots had floated on the Seas Vpon that coast this haplesse Navie lay To intercept King Edward in his way To Sluce who now from England had put forth His Fleet though lesse in number yet in worth Fortune and courage greater then the foes Came sailing on When golden Phoebus rose Behinde the French and shooting forth his light Display'd the English Navy to their sight The royall Banners to their scouts appeare And notice give that Englands King is there At which the French are swelled with excesse Of joy though false with golden promises Flattring themselves How blinde are humane eyes How hidden are the path of Destinies Never did wretches not ordain'd to see The setting Sunne with vainer jollity Welcome their ruine and each other cheere They thanke the fates that had presented there The King of Englands person and so great A price that day had on their valour set That this great storme that proudly threatned France Was now committed wholly to the chance Of their Sea-fight that onely they should have The actions honour not alone to save Their land in warre but keepe it from a warre And cut off danger ere it came so farre Great Edward slowly brings his Navy on Waiting advantage wisely till the Sunne Declining Westward at his backe might be And dazle thence the face of th' enemy Although his Souldiers hardly brook'd delay So much they long'd for tryall of the day And in their courages were raised high To thinke they had so brave a witnesse by As was their King and such a King as he Who would as well their great example be As witnesse of their deeds This time of stay He spent to set his Fleet in faire array The middle body he himselfe maintain'd In which the great and tallest ships were mann'd Which choisest Archers held twixt every two Of whom one ship with men of armes did goe On either wing loose ships of archers lay On all occasions ' gainst the foe to play The wings themselves with gallant Lords were fill'd The Earles of Darby Pembrooke Gloster held The right where Huntington commanded all Of Englands Southerne fleet Lord Admirall Lord Morley Admirall of all the North The left wing had with many Lords of worth Northamptons Earle Lord Percy Delaware And Robert of Artois who th' honours bore Of Richmonds Earledome then with many moe Of honour'd name and noble service too Heröicke Edward when both Navies neere Had made approach 'gan thus in short to cheere His forward Souldiers It were needlesse now Brave Englishmen and valiant Lords to show How much depends on this great Navall fight That all the tryall of our royall right To France and your rich hopes are lost undone Are all designes unlesse this day be won This is the gate of our great enterprise This is that entrance where the danger lyes Which if we master now the future war Will prove more easie as more fruitfull farre And not a warre but a reward will be And recompence of this dayes victory Here let your valour sway warres future chance And though not conquer yet disharten France The Sunne and winde are both auspicious To us the channell advantagious With these let us in our owne cause appeare See what spectatours fortune gives us here Oh let our friends the Flemmings from the Bayes Of Sluce and Blankebergh now behold and praise Your deeds and viewing th English puissance Thinke themselves happy in forsaking France To side with us but I in vaine prolong The battels tryall and your valours wrong To keepe such eager spirits from action
Nor from that Noble path which hitherto Thy farre-admired youth has trod to serve Inglorious lusts and pleasures doe not swerve Those fruits seeme sweet to such alone as live Discerning not man's true prerogative Beasts lives whose soules are drowned in the flesh Not capable of perfect happinesse Nor suffring those coelestiall seeds to grow Or spring in them which God at first did sowe When purer Soules are not so much in thrall To flesh but that their high originall They well discerne and oft abstracted flye In contemplation of eternity Which spurres them on to spend th' uncertaine times They have in glorious deeds unstain'd with crimes And such I know is Edward's noble ayme Thou aemulat'st the ancient Sonnes of fame Thy worth securely may such stories love Thee great examples shame not but approve Thou know'st that Honour has a chearefull face And solid joy within that Nere's base Voluptuous feasts and lusts were not so sweet As Cato's manly temperance nor yet So truly safe Sardanapalus ease As were the labours of great Hereules Though Vertnes wayes seeme rough at first to be The habit makes them sweet nor teaches she Her noble schollers onely to endure Cold hunger thirst or labour but secure To overcome them and to make all these Their trophees rather than their grievances And not to feare what Death it selfe can doe Which Pleasures strength could never reach unto Oh give not way to this thy wanton flame Nor tempt the honour of that Princely Dame Love may hereafter blesse thee there and may Assist thy wishes in a lawfull way Great Chiefes among their other markes of fame Have gain'd by noble Continence a name Thinke on that Roman Worthy whose high story Thou read'st so oft and aemulat'st his glory That Scipio who first ' gainst Carthage fought And his great name from conquerr'd Affricke brought In heat of youth as thou art now was he When Spaines new Carthage then a Colony Of Affricans by warrelike force he wonne Great was the pillage of that wealthy Towne But ' mongst their store of captives one there was A noble Virgin that did farre surpasse The rest her wondrous beauty did amaze The Conquerors no Roman eyes durst gaze On that bright forme but streight became her thrall Though Captive she The youthfull Generall Began himselfe to feele Loves powerfull flame But that a noble vertue overcame And quench'd againe With gentle words he chear'd The maid and all her love and fortunes heard Then to that Prince to whom she was affy'd Deliver'd freely his unstained Bride The land admir'd him and that act there wonne As much as his successefull sword had done Of such a temper art thou made I know Brave Prince as much to thee as Scipio Of deathlesse fame is meant by Destiny As much thy hand shall act in France as he In Spaine or Affricke and a greater King Then Syphax was shalt thou to England bring Forsake not therefore Vertues wayes who will Thy best desires thy highest aymes fulfill To her Heröike Edward's heart inclin'd And now resolv'd to cure his love-sicke mind He musters all the thoughts of warre and fame The Nymphs were vanish'd when brave Chandois came Into his presence he relates the newes Of France and great King Edward's purpose shewes Well does the Warre his father had design'd For him to manage suit blacke Edward's mind Those gallant Lords that had resolv'd to fight Against th' injurious French for Edward's right Are all prepar'd and from the English shore With Fates auspitious soone transported o're Whilest France from them must England's prowesse feele The King ' gainst Scotland drawes his vengefull steele Enrag'd for Berwicks sacke A furious rode Although their King a prisoner yet abode In Edward's hands some Scots had lately made Whom gold from France had tempted to invade The North of England Berwicke Towne they tooke The pillage gain'd dismantled and forsooke The towne againe Great Edward not content To gaine his owne unlesse the foes repent And dearely rue their rash presumption too Wi●h dreadfull force and fury marches through The bowels of their land for want of foes The empty townes and walls he overthrowes Nor are religious Monasteries free Or priviledg'd from his hostility And though to conquest of the land enclin'd For all his right the Ballioll had resign'd To him at Roxburgh so he marched on That men might deeme by his invas●on He did not meane his conquest to enjoy Or came not to possesse but to destroy At last to Berwicke when his vengefull ire Againe was vanish'd backe does he retire To build her ruin'd walls more faire and strong And brings with him the Ballioll along I est left behind he might againe recall His resignation but no ayd at all To Edward's purpose could his title bring Whom Scotland never would acknowledge King The peoples hearts did with King David live Those hearts to Edward Ballioll could not give Nights silent charmes all eyes in slumber clos'd When lo while Edward in his tent repos'd He dreamt before him armed Scotland stood Her martiall visage pale with losse of blood Which through her loosened helmet did appeare The furious Lion her broad shield did beare And thus with sober Majesty she spake At last why furious Edward dost thou make These sad invasions and so vainly striue To ravish hence what warre shall never give My Crowne and Scepter not ordain'd to be The swords reward or spoyle of victory This truth thy Grandsire might at length have found Who did so oft my bleeding bosome wound Although not unreveng'd In threescore yeares That last have passed what alternate teares For noble sonnes with me has England shed What crimson streames have we two sisters bled What mutuall wounds have thy sterne Grandsiers blade My warrelike Bruce and thou great Edward made Yet all in vaine No conquest can unite Whom our great God is purpos'd to invite A sweeter way to bonds of unity This knot a Monarch's happy birth must tye Although before those Halcyon dayes alas Shall many yeares and strange adventures passe Thy seed commixt with ours shall then enjoy What battels cannot purchase but destroy Blew Neptunes armes that compasse both these lands And now are cruell lists to joyne our hands As combatants and make the I le a stage Of our divided Nations warre and rage Shall then embrace us as a marriage ring My royall James shall to this Iland bring By birth as well as by his reigne a peace All rapine theft and barbarous feuds shall cease Which now our borders doe so much infest And after him more to confirme those blest And Halcion dayes shall Charles from heaven be sent Whose pious just and temp rate government Shall teach the world that peacefull Vertues bring As true and lasting honour to a King As by victorious warres can be obtain'd Or by the blood of slaughter'd Nations gain'd That they more sweetly set a Monarch forth As Aristides and good Cato's worth Deserve more solid and enduring
get Safe to their journey's end Through all Poictou And through the County of Xantoigne they goe The French admiring but resisting not Till to the river side at Blays they got Which with their wealth and prisoners all they past And at faire Burdeaux safe arriv'd at last Sad fame before had into England brought The Prince his danger What amazed thought Could hope alas for conquest there or who Durst thinke that valour disadvantag'd so Could worke it selfe a passage feare possest All English hearts and great King Edward's breast Revenge had entred in as horrid height As France could feare or that great cause invite How many Cities had he doom'd to sacke And men to death but Fame could not be slacke Fate would not suffer England long to erre Nor such a dayes triumphant joy deferre But on a sudden as the golden Sunne When darkest thunder-clouds are newly gone Shoots forth againe in all his glorious light That men amazed scarce dare trust their sight They heare of Poictiers battell of the high And strange successe But incredulity A while the freedome of that joy controlls For feare of too much surfetting their soules With such a change So slowly they receive Th' unlook'd for newes and by degrees beleeve That even their eyes are satisfi'd as soone As are their eares almost nor had the Moone Thrice fill'd her orbe before to second fame With that great King victorious Edward came Oh how to Plimmouth where the Paince arriv'd From every part the people flock'd and striv'd Betimes to kisse that Martiall hand and see So great a prize of one dayes vi●●ory Now safe at home as much was all the way From thence to London as their progresse lay With showes adorn'd and thronging people fill'd Where equall to his prowesse they beheld The Prince his goodnesse how he humbly rode Below the King no pride his gesture show'd But such respect as if he did not bring In triumph thither but attend a King Where noble Edward shall we find for thee A paralell in true humanity What ancient Prince or moderne ever shew'd So sweet a temper joyn'd with fortitude What Conqueror did ever use successe More modestly or staine his fortune lesse Imperiall Rome in her most vertuous age When wisest writers durst by strong presage Affirme the worlds sole Empire due to be Not to her strength but her morality Knew no such vertue to great Princes fals How farre unlike it her proud Generals In that inhumane pompe of Triumphs dealt Jugurtha Syphax and great Perseus felt And yet what Roman Army e're could boast A nobler conquest than thy English hoast At Poictiers battell wonne without Romes vice Her greatest vertues thou didst aequalize In that great act and shew'dst as then was try'd The Roman prowesse not the Roman pride With joy as great but more magnificence Did London welcome her triumphant Prince Where great King Edward with all curtesie Receives King Iohn of France as if that he Did aemulate the vertue of his sonne Or rather would approve what he had done And by that noble moderation shew Himselfe the stocke from whence Prince Edward grew Within his sumptuous hall at Westminster He entertaines and feasts them all and there The pensive King with gentle speeches cheeres To all the other princely prisoners The like respect the Lords of England give And at the boord in full-crown'd goblets strive To banish from their breasts all thoughts of care O're which old Heroes fortunes and the rare Events of ancient battels they relate So o're the Wine in massie Phthian plate Talk'd great Achilles in his tent at night When he the Grecian Princes did invite But he whose noble actions were become The argument of every tongue on whom The greedy eyes of all were fixed there Prince Edward seemes himselfe of heavy cheere A greater captive in his owne sad thought Than those that he from Poictiers battell brought Nor could great Mars with all his honors heale The wound that love had made Deep sighs would steale Sometimes from him although with care represt And speake the inward passions of his breast Among the sparkling beauties that resort More to enlighten this triumphant Court His Love-ficke eyes doe often wander round To find although he feare to find his wound Kents beauteous Countesse But no where at all Does she appeare nor was the festivall Grac'd with her presence Soone had she beene spy'd If there nor could so bright a starre be hid But missing her his other passions rise A thousand doubts and jealous feares surprize His loving breast at once Alas what crime Of Fate should he suspect at such a time Of Courtly state and high magnificence What cruell cause should keepe the Lady thence Faine would he know yet blushes to enquire And though he burne still strives to hide the fire As many men whose sudden ruine's nigh Have beene in height of all their jollity And some have beene observ'd in pensive mood Iust then when Fate contrives their greatest good Even so it fares with Princely Edward here Who feares the worst and cannot thinke how neere Th' accomplishment of his desires should be Till to remove the sad uncertainty Some Lords discoursing doe by chance relate How noble Holland was deceas'd of late A sudden change in Edward's lookes appeares Againe the passions alter doubts or feares Since now to every eye the cause is plaine That did the Countesse from this feast detaine No longer hold possession in his breast Love freely enters to displace the rest The Prince resolves his pleasing fuit to move And spite of all opposers gaine his love In Savoy Palace when the feast is ended King John of France is lodg'd and thence attended In fitting state to Windsor Castle there T' enjoy what sports the season of tho yeare Would yeeld what games the Countrey could present To give a King's perplexed thoughts content And David King of Scotland that ten yeare Had beene detaid'd in England prisoner Is ransom'd home since England seemes to be Secur'd from France by Iohn's captivity Vnhappy France whilest England nothing knowes But joyes and triumphs now o'rewhelm'd with woes Sits like a mourning widow wailes her fate And shee that was the pride of Europe late Is fall'n from all her glories and become The pitty of astonish'd Christendome Her bosome fill'd with sad confusion And rebell members while the head is gone Doe from their safe and wholesome order fall The Royall City Paris most of all Is out of joynt that should the rest redeeme Sicke even to death does this great kingdome seeme Nor can the Cure be sudden for the Sunne Five times through his coelestiall signes must runne Before King Iohn of France be ransom'd home Yet healthier farre for France in time to come Shall this Confusion and long sicknesse prove By such unlook'd-for wayes the Powers above Doe worke in their disposing Providence Wise Charles the Dauphine by experience Of those disordred and rough times shall gaine So true a
bright Princesse and in words declares How just a cause excites him to the warres Besides the honour he from thence may gaine That Pedro is the true-borne Lord of Spaine And crowned Monarch that no vice what-e're Can wash away that sacred Character That Subjects may not put their Soveraigne downe Nor give Don Henry title to their Crowne But ought to leave that power to God alone Who can revenge at full what he has done Or else so clense him from the greatest crimes That Pedro's penitence in after-times May all his former impious reigne redeeme Like King Manasses in Ierusalem That it concern'd a true-borne Prince his right To take that part lest other Nations might Hereafter from a president so bad Vsurpe more freedome than they justly had Then taking leave of his deare wife he went To that which after prov'd by accident A fatall warre to England Where though he Obtain'd a great and glorious victory And present honour through all Europe gate Yet most unhappy to his future state The voyage was his treasures wast which cost Sad tumults and his French Dominions lost Besides his losse of health All which was sent Perchance to Edward as a punishment For ayding such a monster though true heire Nor long held Pedro his recover'd chaire Soone after th'English went from thence againe Depos'd and by victorious Henry slaine Thus all their punishments did undergoe Castile Don Pedro and Prince Edward too The Tyrant Pedro for his impious reigne Edward for lifting up the fiend againe And all Castile by England's conquering sword Scourg'd for deposing of their lawfull Lord. With noble Edward to this Spanish warre Young Iohn of Gaunt the Duke of Lancaster His brother marches to whose future state Castile shall prove a name more fortunate Who by the marriage of Don Pedro's heire The Royall title of that land shall weare With large revenues thence The Duke commands One of the three Battalia's with him stands Brave Sir Iohn Chandois who in warre before Had ever beene Prince Edward's Counsellor Now set to guide the youth of Princely Iohn With him young Beauchamp noble Warwick's sonne And stout Lord Dalbert with a gallant traine Of Gentlemen and Knights of Aquitaine The Prince of Wales himselfe commands the maine And middle Battell Pedro King of Spaine For whom the warre is made by Edward's side There marches on and English Chieftaines try'd In many a Battell then esteem'd to be The very flowers of Europes Chevalry With many Lords of high account and name That from Poictou from Maine and Guyenne came A Monarch leads the third Battalia on Iames of Mallorques King that in renowne Like th' ancient Caesars might blacke Edward stand And Kings not scorne to serve in his command There th' Earle of Arminacke leads on his power And English Knolls that expert warriour Thither the Lords of Dalbreth Piergort And many noble Knights and Squires resort With all his army thirty thousand strong The Prince sets forth from France to passe along The famous streights of Roncevall and through The kingdome of Navarre gets leave to goe By which with faithfull guides they passe as farre Before they meet th'approach of any warre As faire Victoria on the bounds of Spaine There some fore-runners of King Henry's traine Descry'd gave notice that the blow was neere But thrice as many as Prince Edward's were The troops that Henry of Castile had brought Besides the natives of the Land that fought To guard their new-elected King and free Themselves from Pedro's future tyranny Th'expertest souldiers of the Realme of France Come to encrease King Henry's puissance And Saracens from our invasions free Beare here a part in Christian enmity And ' gainst Don Pedro guard his brothers throne In three great bodies comes that army on The first and noblest where the French-men stand Is under Bertram of Cle●quy's command The greatest body in the midd'st the King Himselfe drawes up the last his brothers bring And now beside the towne of Naveret In faire array are both the battel 's set Renowned Edward to his men declares Th' undoubted justice of their present warres And that no odds of numbers he can feare When he beholds those men those Leaders there Who but ' gainst odds did never battell try Yet never fought without a victory As those that Sluces navall fight had seene That had in Crescy field and Poictiers beene And bids them now maintaine that old renowne They in so many honour'd fields had wonne As much does Bertram his French troops excite And briefly tells them they not onely fight King Henry's Crowne and honour to maintaine And winne fame there but to redeeme againe That dearest honour ' gainst the English hoast Which France of late had to that Nation lost But when King Henry whose great cause was try'd In that dayes hazard saw the English side Were marching on against him in array And that the warre admitted no delay He thus bespeakes his souldiers If a cause Of such great weight as to this battell drawes Your farre-engaged hands could need at all Th' inciting language of a Generall The wrongs of Spaine and brutish cruelty Our foe has us'd afford a scope to me Too large too sad to play the Oratour But well I know your Countries love has power Enough to raise your highest courages And bring you forward were our army lesse Than theirs in number as the odds is ours Vnlesse this battell make us Conquerors There can no people be so low as we No land so wretched as Castile will be T is not our wealth alone or lawes we lose Nor to be quite o're-runne by forreine foes Though every Nation have esteemed those The worst but Spaine must suffer greater woes ' Gainst her so fierce no forreine sword can be As her restored tyrants cruelty His who was once depos'd when to a mind Before so bloody sterne revenge is joyn'd If Spaine before could not endure his yoke How will she beare it now if by warres stroke Our conquering hands make not the action good Better the tyrant undisturb'd had stood What made old Marius when returned home With so much slaughter fill the streets of Rome Marius whose hand was once her best defence But that himselfe had beene exil'd from thence The prisons stinch the shackles that he bore The bread he begg'd on wasted Affrick's shore Which he himselfe before had overcome Made his returne so sad to wretched Rome And can we here feare lesse than Marius brought On Rome or than the Butcher Sylla wrought When not in warres but executions So many thousands were destroy'd at once If in this battell Pedro should o'recome But God avert from Spaine so sad a doome What sights would all her mourning Cities see But racks and gibbets blood and cruelty The land no place in such a peace could yeeld More safe from slaughter than this fighting field And tortur'd wretches that were left in Spaine Would call us happy who in warre were slaine But such a