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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01354 The flovver of fame Containing the bright renowne, & moste fortunate raigne of King Henry the viii. Wherein is mentioned of matters, by the rest of our cronographers ouerpassed. Compyled by Vlpian Fulwell. Hereunto is annexed (by the aucthor) a short treatice of iii. noble and vertuous queenes. And a discourse of the worthie seruice that was done at Hadington in Scotlande, the seconde yere of the raigne of king Edward the sixt. Fulwell, Ulpian, fl. 1586.; Harman, Edmund. 1575 (1575) STC 11475; ESTC S102758 42,413 130

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eke my Courte a Pallas meete Wherein my wretched corps for aye must lye Wo worth those subiectes that aspire so highe To rule the Prince whome they ought to obay Such subiectes rule hath purchast my decaye ¶ Now that I haue passed thorow these tragicall histories of the. ii kinges of Scottes I will returne to the declaration of the ioyfull meeting of the kinges of Englande and Fraunce betweene Callis and Bullaine whiche was in the yeare of our Lorde 1532. And althoughe there was a solemne meetyng betweene the Kynges of these sayde Realmes and also betweene the Emperoure and Kyng Henrie in the yeare of oure Lorde 1520. Yet because my Anothor was not there to note anye thing more then is already mentioned by Halle in his Cronicle and was present at this that foloweth I haue vsed his enstruction herein referring thee to the aforesayd Cronicle to reade of the other whereas it is very well described ¶ Howe King Henry and the King of Fraunce met together betweene Calice and boloigne by a place called Morguison 1532. My glauncing Pen nowe glyded ys From Mars his bluddie broyle And eke my muse desyres to rest a whyle in frindships soyle As way warde warre bereues the breath of many worthie wyghtes So frindly peace preserues the lyues of noble valyant knyghtes And Tully doth preferre that peace which grounded is on yll Before the warre whose quarell ryght The blood of man doth spill In faithfull league of frindships force where Princes knitt the knot Unto those realmes whyle it doth last is sure a happie lott The Princes sleepe is not vnsounde For doubt of forraine foes The Souldiérs werye wounded limmes to rest do then repose The Marchant sendes hys hoysed sayles the surging Seas to sheare Which scowreth through the wandring waues deuoyde of doubtfull feare The publyke state of common wealth then lyues in quyet rest So that recourse from sundrie soyles 〈◊〉 worke all for the best 〈◊〉 ●●●ey helpeth other then and what one lande doth want Another doth supply the same no needefull thinges are scant And the through concorde sclender thinges to 〈◊〉 great encrease 〈◊〉 d●corde both consume as fast men set vs praye for peace Which causeth worldly wealth to ryse 〈◊〉 ●●●●dly 〈◊〉 to flowe As ●horher hath contrarye force and makes wealth ebbe as lowe Nowe 〈◊〉 that long tyme had sought to kni●●● within her bande The king of Fraunce vnto the noble King of this oure lande Fo●nde o●● a tyme conuenient and eke indifferent place Whereas these noble Princes bothe together myght embrace To treate of faithfull frindships lore with one consent they meere Where they with ioye and tryumphes greate eche other then do greete The thing that bothe Realmes long desyrde at that tyme myght you viewe The order of which ioyfull sight hereafter doth ensue ¶ The declaration of the meeting of these two noble kinges at the place aboue mencioned ALthough there was bluddie warre and mortall hatred betweene the realmes of Englande and Fraunce in the fifth yere of this kings raigne in whiche yere the king of Englande wan from the Frenche men the towne of Turwin and the great citie of Turnay as is before declared yet for the concluding of a perfect peace betweene bothe the Realmes the same yere a Mariage was made betweene the king of Fraunce and the Ladye Marye sister vnto the king of England but shortly after the saide king of Fraunce dyed and the Duke of Suffolke maryed the Queene his wyfe A peace also was concluded betweene the young king of Fraunce and the king of Englande And within a whyle the Citie of Turnay was rendred vnto the Frenche king For the whiche he shoulde paye to the king of Englande a notable summe of Money But this amitie did not long continue for the Frenche king refused to paye his tribute to the king of England and also detayned the Queenes dowrie And moreouer caused all Englishemens goodes to bee arrested at Burdeaux whereupon the Frenchemens goods were arrested at London and they cast in Prison But in fine in the xix yere of the king his raigne a generall peace was proclaymed betwene the kinges of Englande and Fraunce during bothe their lyues And defyaunce sent vnto the Emperour from bothe the kyngs and a great power sent into Italy againste the Emperour who then warred with the Pope and constayned him to take a Castell wherein he remained as prisoner vntill the Armyes that the kinges of Englande and Fraunce had expelled the Emperours power out of that parte of Italye The circumstance whereof ys very largely declared by Sleydon This peace taken betweene the kinges of Englande and Fraunce continued a good whyle vnuiolate In whiche meane-tyme the Ambassadour Ledger of Fraunce that then laye in London grewe in suche fauour with kynge Henry that he was often tymes admitted to sit in presence with the king This Ambassadour made humblesuite vnto the kinges grace that hee woulde vouchesaue to meete with the kynge of Fraunce his Master in some conuenient place to salute eche other declaring that it woulde bee an occasion to knitt them togeather in the insoluble knott of perfect frindship and amitie Whereunto the king of Englande willingly condiscended and agreed And the rather because the Frenche king appointed to haue met with the Pope at Marsiles by meanes wherof king Henry hoped that the Frenche king might perswade the Pope to some conformitie in the controuersie of his deuorce from the Ladye Katherin wherefore he requested the sayde Ambassadour so to informe the kynge of Fraunce his Master which he nothing slacked to do And in conclusion a tyme was appointed when these twoo noble kinges shoulde meete by a place called Morguison whiche is betweene two greate hilles and the midway betwixt Callice Boloigne According to the apointment the king of Englande set forwarde and came to Callice The Frenche king lykewise lay at Bolloigne and on the appointed day they bothe met by the sayde place called Morguison with a noble trayne of Dukes Earles Lordes Knightes Gentlemen on both sydes And while these noble Princes embraced eache other a Bishop of Fraunce threwe off a cast of great Hawkes called Sakers which Hawkes being cast off killed a Kyte ouer the kinges heades to the great pleasure of bothe the kinges Then passed they forwarde with Princely pastymes vnto the towne of Boloigne where was greate preparation and noble tryumphes to entertaine and welcome the King of Englande When king Henry had passed certaine dayes at Boloigne with moste royall solace and pleasure he Inuited the King of Fraunce to the lyke at his graces towne of Callice who in lyke maner came vnto Callice with king Henry where as his former entertainment vnto the king of Englande his trayne was noblye acquyted And whyle these two royall Kinges were thus at Callice the king of Heraldes came vnto king Henries grace declaring vnto him that according to the auncient custome and also being parcell of hys othe he