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A96700 England's vvorthies. Select lives of the most eminent persons from Constantine the Great, to the death of Oliver Cromwel late Protector. / By William Winstanley, Gent. Winstanley, William, 1628?-1698. 1660 (1660) Wing W3058; Thomason E1736_1; ESTC R204115 429,255 671

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Consulship of Caesar and Bibulus that nothing was reported of Bibulus but all of Caesar so Longchamps Sun ecclipsed Durhams Candle his great Bell making such a sound that the other Tantony could not be heard Having thus settled his affairs in England he crosseth the Sea to Philip King of France who according to appointment was to go along with him in this journey which after some stay occasioned by the death of the French Queen they agreed on these Christian and friendly terms 1. That each of them preserve the others honour and bear faith to him for life and member and earthly dignity 2. That neither of them shall fail the other in their Affairs but that the King of France shall help the King of England to defend his Land even as he would defend the City of Paris if it were besieged and Richard King of England shall help the King of France to defend his Land even as he would defend his City Roan if it were besieged These Articles agreed on and sworn to on both sides these two great Monarchs of the West Richard the first King of England and Philip the second King of France set forwards on their journey in the description of which give me leave to light my Candle at Mr. Fullers fire and to borrow some of his expressions to inrich my stile who in his History of the holy War hath so eloquently described it nor let me be accused for a fellon or a counterfeit in mixing his Gold amongst my Alchymy since it may well pass for pay which is stamped with so currant language There attended King Richard in this journey Baldwine Archbishop of Canterbury Hubert Bishop of Salisbury Robert Earl of Leicester Ralph de Glanvile late Chief Justice of England Richard de Clare Walter de Kime c. At Tours he took his Pilgrims Scrip and Staff from the Archbishop his Staff at the same time casually brake in pieces which some construed a token of ill success Likewise when he and the French King with their trains passed over the Bridge at Lyons which brake by reason of the throng of people on the fall of the Bride this conceit was built that there would be a falling out betwixt these two Kings which accordingly happened their intercourse and familiarity breeding hatred and discontent betwixt them At Lyons these two Kings parted company Philip passing over the Alps in Italy and Richard to the Sea-side to Marseillis to meet with his Navy which being by tempest driven to other parts after six weeks stay he hireth shipping for himself and his company and passing forwards upon occasion anchored in the Mouth of the River Tyber within fifteen miles of the City of Rome yet notwithstanding he was so hot on his journey his devotion was so cold towards his Holiness that he would not vouchsafe to give him a visit but plainly told Octavian Bishop of Ostia the Popes Confessor that having better objects to bestow his eyes upon he would not stir a step to see the Pope laying to his charge many shamefull matters touching the Romish Simony and Covetousness with many other reproaches alledging that they took 700. marks for consecration of the Bishop of Mains 1500. marks for the Legative power of William Bishop of Ely and of the Archbishop of Burdeaux an infinite sum of money whereupon he refused to see Rome Yet notwithstanding this his disobedience to his spiritual Father he arived safe as Messana where he met with the French King his most Christian brother and although he lost the Popes yet found he the Almighties Blessing his Navy within few dayes after ariving safe in Cicily Tankred at this time was King of the Island a Bastard born and no wonder if climing up to the throne the wrong way he shaked when he sat down besides he was a tyrant both detaining the Dowry and imprisoning the Person of Joan Wife to William late King of Cicily and Sister to King Richard And therefore though he shewed him a fair countenance his heart was full of poysonous rancour but King Richard perceived his hypocrisie notwithstanding his vizard as dissembling goeth not long invisible before a judicious eye and being offered some abuses by the Citizens of Messana he assaults and takes the City demanding satisfaction for all wrongs done to him and his Sister Tankred seeing how the case stood thought it his best thrift to be prodigal and bestows on King Richard many thousand ounces of Gold purchasing that with his purse which by using justice he might have had for nothing King Phillip seemed nothing pleased at these dissentions yet wisely covered the fire of his anger with the ashes of discretion till such time he might show it with more advantage and thinking to forestall the market of Honour and take up all for himself he hasted presently to Ptolemais which the Christians had long besieged and with them he joyns while King Richard taking his Sister Joan and Berengaria daughter to Sanctius King of Navarr in 190. Ships and 50. Gallies puts to Sea for the holy Land but is by tempest cast upon the Coast of Cyprus where the Islanders under Cursac or Isakius their King seek to impeach his landing But King Richard speedily over-ran the Island and having taken Cursac honours him with the magnificent Captivity of silver Fetters having given him his word not to put him in bonds of Iron This Island from all antiquity was celebrated for the seat of Venus according to the Poet Venus feasts hallowed thorow all Cyprus came And Venus fair was present at the same And that it so might prove to King Richard in the joyous moneth of May he solemnly takes to Wife his beloved lady Berengaria and pawning the Island to the Templers for ready money he passeth on to Ptolemais Long time had this City been besieged by the Christians and many were the miseries that were underwent by both sides the Famine raging within and the Pestilence reigning without so that now upon King Richard arival the Turks despairing of succour and their victualls wholly spent they yielded up the City on condition to be guarded out of it safely To take possession for the French there was sent in Drogou de Merlou and an 100. men at arms and for the English Hugo de Gurnay with the like number who equally parted the City Goods and People between them Here the English cast down the Ensigns of Leopoldus Duke of Austria which he had advanced in a principal place of the Wall and threw them into the Jakes for which injury King Richard paid dearly afterwards so dangerous it is to exasperate any though far inferiour for as the fable acquaints us the Beetle may anoy the Eagle and the Mouse befriend the Lion Eighteen dayes after the taking of Ptolemais the French King returned home leaving Odo Duke of Burgundy to manage the Army in his absence pretending the air of the Countrey did not agree with his body but more likely that the air
had won it for which cause he fortifies his Camp on all sides stopping all relief that might come to them by Sea with his Navy The French King not able to raise the Siege seeks to divert him by an invasion in England David the second King of Scots a sure friend to the French though allied to the English with an Army of threescore and two thousand enters England supposing considering what great numbers were abroad there were none left at home but Priests and Shepherds but he was utterly deceived of his expectation for at Nevils Cross in the Bishoprick of Durham he was encountred by the Archbishop of York with some Lords of the North who animated by the Queen who was there in person defeated this great Army slew the Earls of Murray and Strathern the Constable Marshall Chamberlain and Chancellour of Scotland with many other Nobles and fifteen thousand common Souldiers took King David himself prisoner together with the Earls of Douglass Fife Southerland Wigton and Menteith Thus France was not alone the stage of King Edwards Victories nor the French alone the Nation over whom he triumphed This loss of the Scots lost the French King the Town of Callis which after eleven moneths Siege was delivered up to King Edward who made Governour of the same one Aymery of Pavia and then with his Queen returned into England But good fortune attended not Edwards person alone it was likewise available in his Lievetenants Sir Thomas Dagworth in Little Brittain overthrew and took prisoner Charles de Bloys Monforts Competitor and besides many Knights and Esquires slew 700. common Souldiers Henry of Lancaster drave John Duke of Normandy King Philips eldest son from the Siege of Aquillon takes and sacks the Towns of Xaintoigne Poictou and Poityers and returns to Burdeaux with more pillage then his Army could well tell what to do withall Sir Walter Bentley puts the Marshall of France to flight with the slaughter of 13. Lords 140. Knights 100. Esquires and store of common Souldiers thus the English prosper every where and the French suffer King Edward was at that time elected King of the Romans but refused the tender as out of his way considering his French and other importunate affairs King Philip dying John his eldest son succeeds him who creates his son Charles Duke of Aquitain Edward herewith incenst bestows the same on the Prince of Wales commanding him to defend that right with his Sword against his adversaries hereupon an Army is raised for the Prince consisting of 1000. men at Arms 2000. Archers and a number of Welshmen with which he arives in Aquaitain and in emulation of his Fathers glory worketh wonders recovering multitudes of Towns and prisoners and loaden with booties returns to Burdeaux Winter being spent he again sets forth sacks spoils and destroyes where ever he goes whom to oppose King John with an Army of threescore thousand follows to Poicters and enforces him to fight the Princes army so small in comparison of his that he might say as Tygranes did of the paucity of the Romans if they come as Embassadours they are too many if to fight too few the French exceeding him six to one but what was wanting in number was made up in valor for after a long conflict they discomfitted their whole Army took King John and his Son Philip prisoners with many other Lords and about 2000. Knights and Gentlemen bearing armories slew 1700. Gentlemen whereof 52 were Bannerets and about 6000. common Souldiers of which victory a modern Poet sings Such bloody lines the English here did write Might teach posterity how they should fight The Prince with his prisoners marcheth in triumph to Burdeaux where resting a while he sets sail for England With what joy he was welcomed home may be easier immagined then expressed his acts exceeding all expection his performances afterwards as I referr to the description of his life and return again to his Father King Edward Who upon receit of the French King releases King David of his long imprisonment thinking it honour enough to have one King prisoner at once he had been here in durance the space of eleven years and was at the incessant suit of his Wife Queen Joan set at liberty yet not without a ransom of a hundred thousand markes with condition to demolish and raze down several of his Castles And now the third time on the behalf of the French two Cardinals solicite Edward for peace to which he yields but on such conditions that the Council of France will not condescend unto whereupon in great displeasure with a mighty Army he again enters France destroying all wheresoever he came and notwithstanding great offers were made him by the French yet would he not desist but concontinued inexarable God saith mine Author displeased thereat sent such a terrible storm of Hail with Thunder and Lightning upon his Hoast that it killed many of his men and horses whereupon wounded and struck with a remorse he vowed to make peace on reasonable conditions and not long after at a treaty at Bretagni concluded the same The chief Articles whereof were 1. That King Edward should have to his possession the Countries of Gascoigne Guyen Poytiers Limosin Balevile Exantes Caleis Guisness with divers other Lordships Castles and Towns without any dependancy but of God 2. That the two Edwards Father and Son should renounce all their right to the Crown of France the Dutchy of Normandy the Countries of Tourain Anjou and Maine as also to the homages of Brittain Armoricke and the Earldome of Flanders 3. That the King of France should pay for his ransom there millions of Crowns of Gold six hundred thousand in hand four hundred thousand the year following and the rest in two years after for assurance whereof a certain number of Hostages should remain in England 4. That the French should not aid nor assist the Scots against the English nor the English the Flemings against the French c. These Articles confirmed on both sides by seals and oaths King John is delivered from his imprisonment and King Edward with his Hostages returneth into England But notwithstanding seals and oaths it was not long ere these Articles were broken yet good correspondence was held during the life of King John who coming over into England to visit King Edward died of grief as one writes that the Duke of Anjou one of his pledges came not into England according as he had sworn after whom his son Charles sirnamed the Wise succeeded who with loving letters and presents works himself into the good opinion of King Edward whilest covertly he defrauds him of his interests in France it fortuned whilst his Ambassadours were in the Kngs presence news was brought him of the forcible invasion of the French in Poictow which when the King heard he commanded the Ambassadours to get them home with their deceitful presents to their treacherous Lord whose mocks he would not long leave unrevenged but King Edwards fortunes
intended to adjudge him a perjured person and also a traytor for not yielding temporal Allegiance to his temporal Sovereign as himself had sworn to do and accordingly the Prelates themselves by joynt consent adjudged him of perjury and by the mouth of the Bishop of Chichester disclaimed thence forward all obedience unto him as their Archbishop But Becket herewith nothing daunted caused to be sung before him the next day at the Altar that Psalm Principes fedent The Princes sit and speak against me and the ungodly persecute me c. and forthwith taking his Silver Crosier in his own hands enters armed therewith into the Kings Prefence who more and more enraged at Beckets insolency commandeth his Peers to sit in judgement on him as on a traytor and the Courtiers like Ecchoes answering the King the whole Court sounded nothing but Treason so that Becket afraid of being slain hasteth home and changing his costly Robes into course Rags passeth over into Flanders calling himself by the name of Dereman The Archbishop gone the King banishes all his Kindred out of his Dominions and he on the other side excommunicates all such as had to do against him at length the King of France with intreaty and the Pope with the terrour of the Churches censures made a full atonement and reconciliation between them the Archbishop in great triumph returned to England having been absent from his native Countrey for the space of seven years All controversies seemed now fully to be ended though the sequel thereof proved far otherwise for some excommunicated Bishops and other men of great account desiring to be absolved he refused to do it unless with this caution that they should stand to the judgement of the Church in those things for which they were excommunicated but they disdaining the pride of the Archbishop poste over into Normandy where the King was then informing him that Thomas was now grown more haughty then before that he went up and down with great Troops of men both Horse and Foot that attended on him as upon the Kings own Royal Person that to be a King indeed he wanted but the name and setting the Crown upon his head The King herewith highly incensed in a great rage said And is it possible that I cannot peaceably enjoy neither Kingdom Dignity nor Life and all this for one onely priest Cursed be all such as eat my bread since none will revenge me of this fellow These words being over-heard by four Knights Sir Morvil Sir William Tracy Sir Hugh Brito Sir Richard Fitz-urse they thinking to do the King a pleasure though as the sequel of his reign proved they could not have done him a greater injury hasted into England and in his own Church of Canterbury most barbarously murthered him being then about 48. years of age not long after he was Canonized by Pope Alexander and the day of his death being the 29. of December kept annually holy Many miracles are reported to have been done by him and his Shrine so inriched by Pilgrims which from all places came thither in devotion that at the defacing thereof in the time of King Henry the Eighth the spoil thereof in Gold and Precious Stones filled two great Chests such as six or eight strong men could do no more then convey one of them at once out of the Church Thus the Images of many men were richly clothed when many poor Christians Gods Image went almost naked so full of charity were those empty times of knowledge a shame to us who know more but practice less Draiton in his Polyolbion hath these verses on him Concerning whom the world since then hath spent much breath And many questions made both of his life and death If he were truly just he hath his right if no Those times were much to blame that have him reckoned so Stapleton a Jesuite put forth a book entituled Tres Thomas Saint Thomas the Apostle Thomas of Becket and of Sir Thomas Moor he Canonizes the two last of either of which he writes six times as much as of St. Thomas the Apostle The Life of RICHARD the First THis reign as it in part epitomizes the History of the holy War without being guilty of an omission of the most admired part of Chronical History I could not but insert Richard the first who for his inexpugnable and Lion-like heart obtained the sirname of Coeur de Lion he was a most valiant and magnanimous Prince accustomed to Wars he died in the fields of Mars of whom as a Prince we shall say nothing having so much to relate of him after he came to be King This martial Prince born in a martial age was third son to King Henry the Second and succeeded him in the Crown after his Decease his elder Brothers dying before their Father At his Coronation he commanded no Jews should be present but they desirous to see the solemnities hasted thither in great numbers but the price of their lives paid for the pleasure of their eyes the common people falling upon them and slaying a great number so ominous to the enemies of Christ was the first day of this Kings reign presaging saith one his following successes in the Jewish Countreys For intending a journey to Jerusalem not as a Pilgrim to see the City but as a Souldier to conquer the Countrey he raises an Army of thirty thousand Foot and five thousand Horse his next care was for money the sinews of War and notwithstanding his Father had left him eleven hundred thousand pound a vast sum for that age yet was it no thought sufficient for so great a journey Therefore to the end he might be able to go thorow with his work he sells the Castles of Berwick and Roxborough to the Scottish King for ten thousand pounds the Priory of Coventry to Hugh Bishop of Chester for 300. marks and the County of Northumberland to Hugh Bishop of Duresme for his Life jeasting he had made a new Earl of an old Bishop then feigning he had lost his old Seal he made a new one proclaiming that whosoever would safely enjoy those things which before time they had enrolled should come to the new Seal by which princely skill not to say cheat he squeezed much money out of his Subjects purses Having proceeded thus far towards his journey his next care was for securing the Kingdom of England in his absence On his Brother John whom he knew to be of an ambitious spirit and apt to take fire on the least occasion on him he heaped both riches and honour that by his liberality he might win him to loyalty but the chief Government of the Land he committed to William Longchamp Bishop of Ely Lord Chancellour of England chusing him for his Viceroy rather then any lay-Earl because a Coronet perchance may swell into a Crown but never a Mitre with him was joyned in Commission Hugh Bishop of Durham for the parts of England beyond Humber Yet as Suetonius reports of the
the rumours of the people concerning his Fathers death a War is proclaimed against Scotland to revenge those overthrows the English had received from their valiant Chieftain King Robert le Bruce but by the treason of the Lord Mortimer who is said to have received bribes from the Scots the journey proved unsuccessful the young King hardly escaping with life for one Sir James Dowglass a valiant Scot with 200 light horses assailed the Kings own Pavilion where the King was so near death that a Chaplain of his who stoutly behaved himself was slain in his masters defence and Sir James retired from thence with safety These treasons of the Lord Mortimer together with his excessive pride and over much familiarity with the Queen-Mother made him so distasteful unto the Lords that notwithstanding his strong guard consisting of no less then ninescore Knights he was by the young King and the confederate Lords surprized on a sudden at Nottingham Castle from thence removed to the City of London condemned of treason and executed at the common Gallows And here may the King be said to begin his Reign living before at the Queen and the Lord Mortimers allowance which was onely the third part of the Revenews of the Crown which now he assumeth all to himself putting the Queen to a pension of a thousand pounds a year and confining her to a Castle all the dayes of her life such was the miserable condition of this wretched Woman the Daughter Sister Wife and Mother of a King as one of our Moderns hath it So true is that the wise man once did say That none are happy till their dying day King Edward having thus raised himself would next out of Charity help his Neighbour Edward Baliol Son to John Baliol sometimes King of Scotland having remained in France two and thirty years comes over into England whom King Edward aids against his Brother in Law King David who at that time was with the King of France at Hallidown-Hill where he utterly defeats the whole power of Scotland slew of them 7. Earls 90. Knights and Banerets 400. Esquires and 32000. common Souldiers causing Baliol to be Crowned King doing homage to King Edward as his superior Lord for which though he had the Knees he had not the Hearts of his people who would be subject to none that were subject to another But these were but petty actions scarce worth the rehearsal considering what he performed afterwards his endeavours for the French Crown which that I may in order describe I will begin with the original cause of this invasion King Phillip of France dying without issue the right of succession unto that Crown belonged to King Edward as nearest in blood being his Sisters Son but Philip of Valois the Heir to Charles a former King usurps the Crown pretending a Law which they call Salique wherein Females are debarred from inheritance or as they term it the distaff from meddling with the Crown according to that in the 6. of Matthew Consider the Lillies the arms of France how they grow they toil not neither do they spin Philip hereupon summons Edward to do homage for the Lands he held in France which though prejudicial to his after claim yet in regard his Kingdome of England was scarce well settled and himself but young he was contented to do but this his Homage was exacted with such pride on the French Kings part that it left a rancour in his heart for ever after so that returning into England he studies revenge nor long wants he an instrument to spur him on for one Robert of Arthois being banished out of France comes over into England and becomes an incendiary betwixt the two Kings this fugitive King Edward entertains makes him Earl of Richmond and one of his Council then passing over into Flanders by perswasion of the Flemings he takes upon him the Stile Title and Arms of the King of France who hereupon establish a League with him accounting themselves disobliged of the Bond of tweny hundred thousand Crowns which they had entred into never to bear Arms against the King of France confederating himself with them and many other Princes with a well selected army he enters France King Philip on the other side was not idle but draws to his part the King of Bohemia the Bishop of Leige Earl of Luxembourge Henry Count Palatine Aubut Bishop of Metz Otho Duke of Austria Ame Earl of Geneva with many other and with a mighty Army confronting King Edward near to Vermandeis who notwithstanding part without doing any thing worth the relating unless we should relate what to some way seem ridiculous A Hare starting out before the head of the French Army caused a great shout to be made whereupon they who saw not the Hare but onely heard the shout supposing it to be the onset to the Battel disposed themselves to fight and fourteen Gentlemen for encouragements sake as the custom is were Knighted called afterward in merriment Knights of the Hare King Edward returning into England left the Earls of Salisbury and Suffolk in Flanders to oppose the French who having performed many great exploits in an encounter near Lisle were both taken prisoners King Edward to repair this loss prepares again for France to impeach whose landing King Philip had provided a Navy of 200. sail whereof when Edward was advertised he prepares the like number of ships to encounter with them and sets out to Sea upon Midsummer-eve the next day Sir Robert Morley brings an addition to his Fleet which joyned together set upon the French in the Haven of Sluce defeated their whole Navy took and sunk all their Ships and slew thirty thousand of their men as a Poet versifies on those times Thus Salsburies and Suffolks loss which they Receiv'd on Land at Sea was washt away Many of the French to escape killing drowned themselves trusting to the mercy of the Waves rather then to the pitty of the English which made the French Kings Jeaster set on to give him notice of this overthrow to repeat often in the Kings hearing Cowardly English men Dastardly English men Faint-hearted English men and being by the King asked the reason why Because said he they durst not leap out of their Ships into the Sea as our brave French men did by which speech the King came to have knowledge of their overthrow The French lay the blame of this defeat on one Buchet who having a chief command in the Navy armed his ships with men of base condition content with small pay and refused Gentlemen and sufficient Souldiers in regard they required greater wages according to the old Law When covetous Chiefs are sparing of their Crowns Few Souldiers will be prodigal of wounds Edwards Wings thus plumed with Victory he flies amain to the Siege of Tournay with an Army of five and fifty thousand where he is encountred by the Duke of Burgandy and Earl of Armigniack who slew four thousand of his men upon the place
consisted of an hundred and fifty thousand Horse besides them for carriages which were innumerable the Vantguard was led by the Constable of France the Dukes of Orleance and Bourbon the Earls of Ewe Richmond and Vandosme the Lord Dempier the Lord Admiral of France the Marshal Bouciquale and others The main Battle by the Dukes of Barre and Alanson the Earls of Vawinont Salings Blamont Grantpee and Russy And the Reer-guard by the Earls of Marle Dampmarlin Fauconbridge and Monsieur de Lorney Captain of Ardy King Henry desirous to know the numbers of the French sent forth one Captain Gam for discovery who brought word that there were of them enow to kill and enow to take and enow to runaway The French were so confident of victory that they sent to King Henry to know what Ransome he would give but they who reckon without their Hoast we say must reckon twice they might better have sent to know what Ransome he would rake who as full of courage though not so full of bravery was busied in the mean time about marshalling his Army The Vantguard he committed to the conduct of the Duke of York the main Battle he commanded himself and the Reer-guard was led by the Duke of Exeter Then to prevent the fury of the French Horse he commanded two hundred Bowmen to lodge in a low Meddow being provided with sharp stakes studded with Iron at both ends to guard them from danger and to endamage the French Horse The Battels thus ranged the most valiant King gallantly mounted with a chearful countenance and words full of courage thus animated his followers somewhat as I have it from other Historians to this purpose My most faithful Companions and worthy Souldiers we now are marching into the Field of Honour which your great valours so long have expected and prayed for loe the day is now come your enterprise is the noblest in the world pour now therefore forth your undaunted valours that ages to come may know what the Lance the Axe the Sword and the Bow can do in the hands of Englishmen Whosoever therefore desires riches honour and rewards here he shall finde them Nimirum haec medio posuit Deus omnia campo Having this said his Army fell prostrate on the ground and committing themselves to God their devotions ended the Drums and Trumpets summoned them to action the French Vant-guard being exquisitely appointed intended with their Horse to have burst thorow the Archers with a violent course who counterfeiting flight brought the over-hasty French into the jaws of destruction for having left their sharp pointed stakes sticking in the ground they miserably goared the foremost of their Enemies Horses being pressed on forward by the following Troops and then turning head sent such tempests of Arrows on the French that many thousands their knells were rung out that dreadful day The main Battles joyn together the Dukes of Glocester and Alanzon like enraged Lions encounter each other but Glocester is wounded and overthrown whose body his Brother Henry bestriding delivered from further danger and with redoubled stroaks brought the French Gallant himself to the ground with whose fall fell the courages of the French who for all their former bravadoes they turned their backs shamefully and fled with whom the Reer-guard ran for company not having struck one stroak all this while In all this fight which continued three hours were none taken Prisoners but the Sword now made weary and drunk with blood all danger past and humanity retired Prisoners were taken and lives spared which hitherto was neglected lest mercy to others might have proved destruction to themselves Whilest these things were thus acting certain of the French Troops led on by Robert Bondile and the Captain of Agencourt fell to rifeling the Kings carriages being guarded onely by Lackies and Laundresses whose terrible shreeks made King Henry to think some fresh Forces were come certain Troops also of the King of Sicills appearing in the Field made him give present order that every man should kill his Prisoner certain principal men onely excepted then setting his men in order he sends to the assembled Troops either to come to Battle or depart the Field but they fearing to drink of the same cup their fellows had done with shame and dishonor depart away The field thus cleared and the King by his Scouts satisfied that no more enemy was to be seen be caused the whole Army in their array as they were to give thanks unto God the Clergy then present singing the Psalm of David In exitu Israel de Egypto the Footmen kneeling down and the Horse men bowing their bodies at this verse Non nobis Domine non nobis sed nomini tuo da gloriam Then singing Te Deum with other Hymnes and Anthems he divideth the rich spoil of the enemies Camp among his Souldiers There were slain of the French in this Battel above ten thousand whereof a hundred twenty and six were of the Nobility bearing Banners of Knights and Gentlemen of Coat Armour seven thousand eight hundred and seventy four and of common Souldiers about sixteen hundred On the English side the account falls far short some reckon but sixteen slain in all other six and twenty the most not six hundred whereof the Duke of York and the Earl of Suffolk were chief whose slain bodies King Henry brought over with him into England The Duke was buried at Fodringhey in Northamptonshire and the Earl at New-elme in Oxfordshire Great was the joy of the English for the Kings return the City of London receiving him with Triumph as at a Coronation whilst France lamenteth the loss of her Nobles To unite the differences betwixt these two Kingdoms Sigismond the Emperour having been with the French King cometh over into England and with him the Archbishop of Rheimes as Ambassadour from France to treat of peace Henry willingly hearkeneth unto them and sends the Bishop of Norwich and Sir Thomas Erpingham with Commission to Beauvois to treat further of the matter but hearing the French in the mean time had besieged Harflew he recalleth his Amabssadours and would hear no further of peace but sendeth his Brother the Duke of Bedford with the Earls of March Oxford Warwick Huntington Salisbury Arundel Devonshire and divers others with two hundred sail of Ships to the rescue of Harflew who entring the mouth of the River of Seyne encountred with the French Fleet commanded by Viscount Narbon where after a sharp fight the Victory fell to the English who took and sunk most of their Navy chasing the residue into Brittain and relieved Harflew with men and victuals The Emperour hereupon leaves mediating any further for peace with France and concludeth a League offensive and defensive with King Henry the pope onely excepted who was the master Bee that then lead the swarm His affairs finished he returneth homeward whom King Henry accompanieth as far as Callis whither upon hostages given for his safe return repaireth the Duke of
danger being sent for by the Dolphin unto the Town of Mountstrew repaired unto him where kneeling upon his knee he was by the Dolphin charged with several misdemeanours and by the company there present most barbarously murthered before he could arise from his knee or get out his Sword This more and more exasperateth Queeen Isabel who now thinks of nothing but disheriting the Dolphin and joyning in confederacy with Philip the new Duke of Burgogne incites him to revenge his Fathers death Philip as forward as she was willing they send Ambassadors to King Henry to intreat a Peace which was concluded from the Epiphany to mid March following during which time both sides meeting at Troys in Champagne a finall conclusion was agreed upon whereof the chief Articles were as followeth 1. That King Henry should take Lady Katherine to wife 2. That Charles and Isabel should retain the name of King and Queen and should hold all their Dignities Rents and Possessions belonging to the Crown of France during their natural lives 3. That the Lady Katherine should have her Dowry in England twenty thousand Nobles and if she out lived Henry twenty thousand Franks yearly out of the Lands Places and Lordships that Blanch sometime wife to Philip Beavisal held and enjoyed 4. That after the death of Charles the Crown and Realm of France should remain unto Henry and to his Heires for ever 5. That during the Life of King Charles the faculties and exercise of the Government and disposition of the Publick utility of the Realm of France shall remain to Henry admitting to his Council and Assistance such of the English Nobility as he shall please 6. That Henry of his own power shall cause the Court of France to be kept and observed in as full Authority and in all manner of places that now or in time coming is or shall be subject to King Charles 7. Also that Henry to his power shall defend and help all and every of the Peers Nobles Cities Towns Commonalties and singular persons now or in time to come Subjects to King Charles in their Rights Customs Priviledges Freedoms Franchises belonging or due unto them in all manner of places now or in time coming subject to King Charles 8. That Henry during the life of King Charles shall not call nor write himself King of France but shall abstain from that name so long as King Charles liveth 9. That King Charles during his life shall name write and call King Henry in French in this manner Nostre treschier Filz Henry Roy d'Engleterre heretere de France and in Latine in this manner Praeclarissimus filius noster Henricus Rex Angliae Haeres Franciae 10. That King Henry shall put no impositions or exactions to charge the Subjects of France without cause reasonable and necessary c. Many other Articles were concluded on Sealed and Sworn to on both sides which for brevity I omit King Henry not long after affianced the Lady Katherine and thereupon was proclaimed Regent and Heire apparent to the Crown of France from thence both Kings with their Peers rode to Paris wherein a Parliament of the three Estates assembled all such as were guilty of the Duke of Burgundy's death were justiced The disherizing of the Dolphin confirmed and Wars against those Towns which held for him prepared and thereupon on the fourth day of June the two Kings of France and England James King of Scots who was newly arived the Duke of Burgoigne the Prince of Orange one and twenty Earls five and forty Barons with many Knights and Gentlemen and an Army consisting of French English Scottish Irish and Dutch to the number of six hundred thousand besiege Seins which after twelve dayes was rendred upon composition of life those onely excepted that were guilty of the Duke of Burgundy's death The Duke of Bedford bringing a fresh supply of men out of England they march to Monstreau which by force was entred where the body of the Duke of Burgundy undecently buried was taken up and in great Pomp interred at Dijon the Town being taken the Castle held out still during which Siege King Henry instituted Garter principal King at Arms whom he sent with offers of mercy to the Castle but was by Guiley Captain thereof reproachfully answered which so incensed Henry that he caused twelve of his principle friends to be executed at length the Castle was enforced to yield upon composition of life Those that were guilty of Burgundy's death were onely excepted From Monstreau the Army marched to Melun the Captain whereof was Signieur Barbason an absolute Souldier who countermined some and stopt other Mines made by the English and fought hand to hand with King Henry in the Barriers at length through famine he was forced to yield but being suspected to have had a hand in the murther of the Duke of Burgandy he was sent Prisoner to Paris where upon King Henry's return he was sentenced to death and had suffered had he not appealed to the Officers at Arms the Law Military forbidding That any man having his Brother in Arms within his danger should afterwards put him to death for any cause or quarrell and proved himself to be the Kings Brother in Arms for that in the Countermine he had coaped with him in Combate whereupon the sentence of death was revoked yet was he still retained in prison but at the winning of Castle Galliard nine years after he was delivered to the great joy of the French Yet notwithstanding by this quirk of Heraldry Barbason escaped so well others as little guilty had not so good luck namely Bertrand de Charmont a Gascoigne and two Monks who were all three put to death Charles the Dolphin was cited to appear at the Marble Table at Paris but not appearing he was judged guilty of Burgognes death and by sentence of Parliament banished the Realm King Henry caused a new Coin to be made called a Salute whereon the Arms of France and England were quarterly stamped then appointing his Brother Clarence the Lieutenant General of France he with his Wife Queen Katherine returned into England being received of his Subjects saith Speed as an Angel from Heaven or another victorious Caesar on earth During King Henry's abode in England a sad accident befell him in France namely the losse of his Brother Clarence who making a road into Anjou upon his return was slain together with many Lords and Gentlemen and the Earls of Suffolk and Somorset taken Prisoners King Henry having notice of this overthrow was much perplexed yet considering that nothing is more certain then that the chance of War is uncertain he leaves off womanish tears and prepares again for manly actions a Subsidy being demanded and denied in Parliament he pawns his Crown to his Uncle Beaufort Bishop of Winchester for twenty thousand pound a strange humour in the King to pawn a Crown in possession to purchase one in hope and being thus furnished with money he soon was furnished
with Souldiers to the number saith Engnerrant of thirty thousand with whom he returneth again into France No sooner was he arrived but he sends the Earl of Dorset and the Lord Clifford with twelve hundred Horse and Foot unto Paris to relieve the Duke of Excester who was straightned of Victualls by the Dolphinois whilest he with the rest of the Army hasteth to relieve Chartiers besieged by the Dolphin with seven thousand Souldiers but hearing of King Henry's coming he packed up his pipes and retired to Tours though before he had given out that he would meet him in the Field Chartiers relieved Henry marcheth to Dreux which agreed to surrender if not relieved by a certain day the time expir'd and no relief come the Town was delivered the Souldiers permitted to depart upon their Oaths not to bear Arms against Henry for one whole year after then takes he in the Towns of Baugency and Rougemont where all that craved he took to mercy and supplying his Army with fresh Forces he layes siege to the Town of Meanx in Brie During the time of this Siege news was brought him that his Wife Queen Katherine was delivered of a Son named Henry at the Castle of Windsor whereat he rejoyced though he liked nor the place of her delivery having before commanded the contrary prophecying That what Henry of Monmouth should get Henry of Windsor would lose Queen Katherine for her disobedience to her Husband herein commanded at her death that her Coffin should be left open to be seen and handled of any that would Should the Coffins of all the women that have disobeyed their Husbands in our dayes be left open I fear we should have but few closed so much is the Apostle Pauls Precept forgotten Ephes 5.24 The Town of Nans holding out long without relief made their conditions the harder upon the surrender the Captain Vaurus having hanged many English and Burgundians upon a tree which he named Vaurus was now on the same hanged himself and his head fixed upon a pole on the top of the same tree Meaux being taken Crespi the Castle of Pierrepont Offemont Merlau and sundry other places submitted themselves so that now Henry had in possession all the Fortresses in the Isle of France Champagne Piccardy Brie and Normandy Yet though Henries part in France was great all was not reduced unto his obedience many places holding out for the Dolphin who with an Army of twenty thousand besieged Cosney a Town of the Duke of Burgundies upon the River Loir Henry hasting to raise the Siege at Senlis fell sick of a burning Feaver and Flux whereupon the command of the Army was committed to the Duke of Bedford who with Queen Katherine was lately come out of England whereof he was Regent to visit King Henry Upon the Dukes approach the Dolphin retired into Berry whereof in mockage he was after called King of Berry King Henries sickness encreasing more and more he was removed to Boys de Vencennois and finding himself not able long to continue he appointed his Brother John Duke of Bedford Regent of France and his Brother Humprey Duke of Glocester Protectour of England till his son came of age Then exhorting them to unity amongst themselves to be true and faithful to the Duke of Burgoigne loyal to their young Prince and serviceable to his Queen in a right mind hope and found memory he rendted his soul to his Creator after he had reigned nine years five moneths and fourteen dayes His Body with Pomp and Solemnity conveyed into England it was interred in the Abbey of Saint Peter at Westminster upon whose Tomb Queen Katherine caused a royal Picture to be laid covered all over with silver Plate gilt the head thereof altogether of massy silver all which at that Abbeys suppression in the time of King Henry the Eighth were sacrilegiously broken off and by purloyning transferred to far prophaner uses where at this day the headless Monument is to be seen with these Verses inscribed upon his Tomb. Dux Normanorum verus Conquestor eorum Haeres Francorum decessit Hector eorum Here Normans Duke so stil'd by Conquest just True Heir of France great Hector lies in dust We will end our Discourse of this renowned King with the commendations given him by Walsingham a learned Historian He was godly in heart sober in speech sparing of words resolute in deeds provident in counsel prudent in judgement modest in countenance magnanimous in action constant in undertaking a great Alms-giver devout to God-ward a renowned Souldier fortunate in Field from whence he never returned without victory Martin writes of this Prince that his Father King Henry the Fourth being seized on by a deadly Appolexy being near his last end he caused his Crown to be placed by him on his Pillow least peradventure in the extremity of his sickness it might be delivered to some other who had better right to it then he had but when his attendants verily supposed that he was dead this Martial Prince seized on the Crown whereat the King started up raised himself upon his armes and demanded who it was that had taken away his Crown the Prince answered that it was he Henry the Fourth fetching a deep sigh said My Son my Son what right I had unto this Crown and how I have enjoyed it God knows and the World hath seen Comfort your self in God sayes the Prince my good Father the Crown you have and if you dye I will have it and keep it with the Sword as you have done which his successfull Reign and hath been declared to his greatest honours afterwards made good The Life of JOHN Duke of Bedford JOhn Duke of Bedford was third Son to King Henry the Fourth a valiant Captain and a great help to his Son Henry in the Conquest of France I shall not therefore like the idle Levites of our times rehearse any of the former Transactions but begin with the pursuit of his life where we ended having chose the rather to write the History of this honourable person as with the exit of his life our English Affairs ceased to have any further footing in France He being Regent there to proceed his care was to preserve the same for his Nephew and knowing that what was won by the Sword must be kept by the Sword he strengthens the confines of his government with Garrisons assembleth his powers and labours to retain the hearts of his own party his chief assistants were the two French Dukes of Burgoignt and Brittain and those two terrours of France Thomas Montacute Earl of Salisbury and John Lord Talbot to whom after the Death of King Henry the Fifth he being then Regent made averation exhorting them to be true and faithfull to their young King Henry friend to his friends and enemy to his enemies that seeing the hatreds and enmities began now to dye between the French and English names it was too late for the French to be again renowned by their fraudulent
Parents what manner of person he was like to prove is hence easie to conjecture since no advantages either from Nature or Education could be imagin'd to be wanting to him he past the more tender years of his childhood not without rare testimonies of many growing excellencies and great abilities of mind nor did he come on faster in age then in ingenuity and acuteness of wit which promised high assurances of that profound and universal knowledge and comprehension of things which rendred him afterwards so famous and brought him to be taken notice of by many noble persons and others that were eminent both in dignity and place and principally by the Queen her self who as I have heard from some of repute and credit took much delight oftentimes to discourse with him and to try his wit with difficult questions but with so much gravity and deliberate judgement did he behave himself that the Queen was us'd to call him the little Lord Keeper of the Seal Being askt of her how old he was he yet a childe ingeniously answered That he was the yonger by two years for her happy Reign When he had attained the age that was thought ripe for the University or rather more early then others commonly us'd to go he was by his Fathers appointment entered of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge under the tuition of the most Reverend John Whitgift Doctour of Divinity at that time Master of that Colledge afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury a Prelate of the first magnitude and most conspicuous for Sanctity Learning Patience and Humility under whom he was found to have made a wonderful progress in the Liberall Arts and Sciences and above all that were his contemporaries while he gave himself up wholly to his study in the University wanting yet somewhat of sixteen years of age The Philosophy of Aristotle as his Lordship hath been pleased to impart to me in private discourse began to seem unsavoury and distasteful to him not out of any disesteem of that Author for it was ever his custom to load him with high praises but because of the insufficiency of that way of Philosphy since it was so contriv'd and dispos'd as his Lordship was oftentimes pleas'd to inculcate as if it had been fram'd onely for disputations and controversies and was altogether barren as to the production of such operations as tended to the benefit of humane life in which opinion he persisted to his very last gasp After he had run through the whole course of the Liberal Arts his Father thought fit to have him bend and apply himself chiefly to the study of Politicks and for that cause took care to send him into France in the Company of Sir Amie Pawlet at that time appointed Ambassadour in ordinary to the French King He had not been there very long ere he was so far lookt upon as to be thought a fit person to be sent into England upon some special message to the Queen which employment having worthily discharg'd he was sent back by the Queen not without some testimony of her grace and favour Upon his going into France the second time he took this resolution not to see England again till after some certain-years expired During his travels in France his Father the Lord Keeper died leaving behinde him as I have heard from some that were acquainted with his affairs a considerable sum of money purposely set apart for the purchasing of certain Lands and Revenues for the use of this his youngest Son who onely of all the rest was left after his Fathers decease destitute of a hereditary patrimony for though in his Fathers estate yet not in his Fathers affection held he the lowest place But since the buying of those Lands was onely intended and not performed in his Fathers life-time there fell no more to his share then according to the proportion of money that was to be distributed among five brothers which was the cause that he enjoy'd but a slender and somewhat hard fortune during his yonger years for he came not to the possession of that noble and most delightful Mannor of Gorhambury till many years after and that by the death of his most dear Brother Mr. Anthony Bacon a man of great note and one that had been much conversant in the Courts of Forreign Princes for the excellency of his Wit equal but for knowledge in the Liberal Arts inferiour to his Brother Between these two there had ever past a most firm league of friendship as being besides the same paternal extraction united by a more strict tye of having both one Mother As soon as he return'd out of France his care was to pitch upon some certain course of life thereupon he addicted himself to the study and profession of the common Law of England in which undertaking he in a short time made an admirable progress Although to use his own words he made choice of that profession rather as subservient and auxiliary then as his principal intention He set forth from the first to the last divers Tractates concerning this subject in which though perhaps by some of the ancient standers of that profession he might be exceeded as to the bulk of volume and number of cases yet for matter of weight and his insight into the fundamentals and mysteries of the Law he gave place to none He had scarce serv'd out his Apprentiship in the Law before he was by the Queen taken into her learned Council extraordinary a favour as I have heard scarce granted to any one before The habitation he chose as most commodious for his studies and Office of Advocate was amongst the honourable society of Grey's-Inne into the number of which Society he admitted himself there he erected that neat and elegant structure which at this day is known by the name of the Lord Bacons Buildings in which at times he spent the greatest part of his life some few years onely excepted even to the very day of his death In this Society he carried himself with that mildness that affability and generosity of minde that thereby he attracted to himself great love and respect from the Seniors and Students of that Inne But though he was tied by the exigence of his fortune and for his better maintenance to profess the Law yet his minde and affection inclin'd more to the Political Arts and Offices of State of which if it had pleased her Royal Majesty he was as capable as any In the full strength of his age he admitted himself of the number of those that followed that noble though unfortunate Heroe the Earl of Essex whom as a most faithful and bosom Councellour he served to his utmost power ad still laboured to instill into his minde wholesom and honourable precepts till at length that Earl giving ear to the counsels of certain rash and hair-brain'd men ran head-long to his own destruction This he ow'd to the native and ingenuous endowments of his minde that they opened to him an easier and
the Exchequer that he left his Son onely an empty Purse to encounter with a full bagg'd Monarch yet could not the Parliament be perswaded to come off roundly with their Subsidies some were very prompt to give without delay others would give but in convenient time not then but the most part agreed not to give and to make an humble Remonstrance declaring the causes wherefore Most of the Voters of this Remonstrance flew high against the Duke some would divest him of his Offices the Admirality especially others of his Revenue by resuming what he possest of the Crown Demesnes others demanded an account of what Publique moneys he had been intrusted with This being signified to the King occasioned this Speech of his Majesty His Majesties Speech at the same time concerning the Duke of Buckingham and Cook I must withal put you in minde of times past you may remember my Father moved by your Councel and won by your perswasions brake the Treaties in these perswasions I was your instrument towards him and I was glad to be instrumental in any thing which might please the whole body of the Realm Nor was there any then in greater favour with you then this man whom you now so traduce And now when you finde me so sure intangled in War as I have no honourable and safe retreat you make my necessity your priviledge and set what rate you please upon your Supplies a practice not very obliging towards Kings Mr. Cook told you It was better to dye by a Forreign Enemy then be destroyed at home Indeed I think it is more honourable for a King to be invaded and almost destroyed by a Forreign Enemy then to be despised at home The King expecting no conclusion from those for his assistance who were so divided in their opinions soon dissolved the Parliament Yet notwithstanding the backwardness of the Parliament the King so forwarded the business that in the beginning of October a Navy way was sent to sea under the Command of Vicount Whimbleton as also some ships of the Netherlanders with whom the King had entered an Offensive and Defensive League against the King of Spain and Emperour of Germany these landing at Cades had the Fort of Puntal surrendred unto them and in it fifteen barrels of powder and eight Peeces of Ordnance with store of Wine whereof the Souldiers drank so immoderately notwithstanding more sober commands to the contrary that had the Spaniard known his advantge he might have made a lamentable butchery amongst them The Admiral seeing this disorder of the Souldiers thought it bootless to stay any longer on Land and thereupon put to Sea again intending to stay twenty dayes in expectation of the Plate Fleet then in return from the West Indies but the Plague of Pestilence so raging amongst them that every day hundreds were thrown over-board he was forced to make all the speed he could back into England yet was not his haste such but that the News of his ill success was there before him So true is that of the Poet. Ill News hath wings it very fast doth go Comfort 's a Cripple and comes alwayes slow February the second next ensuing was the King crowned and four dayes after a Parliament assembled the Spring approaching a time fit for Martial employments supplies were desired to which the Commons by way of Remonstrance reply'd That if addition may be made of other things importing his service then in consultation amongst them they were resolved so to supply him as might evidence the truth of their intentions might make him safe at home and formidable abroad And now again fall they on a vigorous proceeding against the Duke of Buckingham accusing him with thirteen Articles of High Treason the Prologue whereof we have declared in his Life to which the Duke returned so modest and humble an answer that it abated the edge of some of their Indignations against him yet were they resolved to give a reply to his answer but whiles they were intentive upon it the King sent them a Letter demanding without further delay the speedy producing of their Bill of Subsidy to be passed which accordingly they did but first drew up a Declaration of the same make and minde with their former impeachment which so incensed his Majesty as on the very next day being June 15. he dissolved the Assembly Presently after the dissolution of the Parliament the King being informed of several misdemeanors committed by the Queens Servants commanded them all to leave the Land and depart into France the French King herewith incensed sent Mounsieur Bossompier extraordinary Embassadour into England to demand their restitution to their former places But returning without a satisfactory answer Lewis resolveth upon open hostility and seizeth upon the English ships at Burdeaux This indignity King Charles stomacht with such vehemency of spirit that he resolveth the sword should end the controversie to which purpose he publisht a Manifest as followeth A Manifest of the Reasons which moved his Majesty to take up Arms against the French published by the Duke of Buckingham in the Isle of Rhe July 21. 1627. What part the Kings of Great Brittain have alwayes taken in the affairs of the Reformed Churches of this Kingdom and with what care and zeal they have laboured for the good of them is manifest to all and the examples thereof are as ordinary as the occasions have been His now Majesty of Great Brittain comes nothing short of his Predecessours therein if his good and laudable designs for their good had not been perverted to their ruine by those who had most interest for their due accomplishment What advantages hath he refused What parties hath he not sought unto that by his Alliance with France he might work more profitably and powerfully the restitution of those Churches to their ancient liberty and splendour And what could be less hoped for by so strict an Alliance and from so many reiteratad promises by the mouth of a great Prince but effects truly Royal and sorting with his greatness But failings have been such that his Majesty by so many promises and so streight an obligation of friendship hath not onely been disappointed of means to obtain liberty and surety for the said Churches and to restore peace to France by the reconciliation of those whose breath utters nothing else but all manner of obedience to their King under the liberty of their Edicts that contrariwise they have prevailed by the interest which he had in those of the Religion to deceive them and by this means not onely to untye him from them but also to make him if not odious unto them at least suspected in perverting the means which he had ordained for their good to a quite contrary end witness the English Ships designed for the extirpation of them of the Religion but to the contrary express promise which was made that they should not be used against them in the last Sea-fight What then may be expected from so
having ascended their full height began to decline for notwithstanding he sent over great forces under the Duke of Lancaster and Earl of Hereford no great matter thereof ensued And now each day brings news of some Towns revolt or Commanders death the Earl of Warwick receives his death by a pestilential Dart Sir John Chandoys an expert Commander is unfortunately slain Sir William Molineux who had long served in the Wars of France deceaseth in England the Earl of Pembroke is taken prisoner by the Spaniards and the Noble Prince Edward dieth at Canterbury with whom saith Walshingham died all the hopes of the English during whose life they feared no invasion of the enemy abroad nor any division at home for he assailed no nation which he overcome not he besieged no City which he took not whose death lay so heavy on his heart that King Edward himself lived not long after A King saith Speed whose name among the surviving splendors of his actions is justly transmitted with honour to all posterity He died at his Mannor of Sheene near Richmond the 21. of July 1377. having lived 65. years and reigned 56. years 4. moneths and odde dayes his body was solemnly interred at Westminster Church where he hath his monument with this Epitaph engraven thereon made by Geffery Chaucer the Poet. Hic decus Anglorum flos regum praeteritorum Forma futurorum Rex clemens pax populorum Tertius Edwardus regni complens Jubilaeum Invictus Pardus pollens bellis Machabaeum Here Englands Grace the flower of Princes past Pattern of future Edward the third is plac't Milde Monarch Subjects peace Wars Machabee Victorious Pard his reign a Jubilee In the eleventh year of this Kings reign my Author writes was so great plenty that a quarter of Wheat was sold at London for two shillings a fat Ox for a noble a fat sheep for six pence and six Pigeons for a penny a fat Goose for two pence and a Pigg for a penny and other things after that the same cheap rate The Life of EDWARD the Black Prince IT may seem superfluous having writ the Reign of the Father in whose time he died to publish the life of this Prince but as an eminent Author writes as heroick persons purchase their own honours so they ought to inherit their own praises to wear their own laurels This may apologize for my enterprize more especially as I have endeavoured to avoid whatsoever hath been already written and to set down onely his more particular Transactions Edward the Black Prince so named of this dreaded acts and not from his complexion was the eldest son of King Edward the Third a Prince of an undaunted spirit so full of vertues that he left no room for any nnworthy vice who had he lived in the heroick times might well have been numbred amongst the nine Worthies At 15. years of age his father takes him over with him into France to initiate him as it were in the School of War as one of our modern Poets hath it In this fair heaven of magnanimity The Prince the star of honour decks the fly Fixt here so soon by 's Fathers band who meant He there should fall or gild that firmament I will for the more brevity treat onely of three special passages in this Princes life his Battel at Crescy his Victory at Poityers and his restoring Don Pedro to his Crown of Castile in the Battel at Crescy the French exceeded the English nigh four for one and by reason of their numbers being confident of Victory would needs hasten the Fates to their own destruciton and enforcd the English to make their passage through as they then determined the red Sea of their own blood nor could the terrible peals of Thunder from heaven nor shoals of Ravens and ravenous birds which came flying over their Hoast foreshewing the harvest of carcasses at hand hinder their proceedings but as if ascertained of victory they did erect their banner called Oliflame as a signe of taking none to mercy no more then fire is extinguisht by Oyl against which the English advance their Banner of the red Dragon to signifie no mercy to them that would shew none Both Armies divided into three Battalions the sign of Battel being given by King Philip the horrour of War began to show its self the grass was soon changed from green to red and their glistering faucheons to a purple colour Drums and Trumpets sounded the knells of death horrour and destruction appeared every where Amongst other Nations that assisted the French in this sad War were twelve thousand Genowayes being all of them Gross-bow men these were to open a way for the French horse with their shot but at the very instant fell such a showr of rain which for the present wet the Archers strings and made them less serviceable The French King hereupon commanded Count Alanson who commanded the Van to beat them from the point and to charge the English this was no sooner commanded then performed and the poor Genowayes trodden down by the horse who now turn their fury against the French seeking to destroy whom they came to help The English enemies unto either having reinforced their Archery liberally bestow their arrows amongst them endeavouring the destruction of them both who ever saw a Matachin dance imitate fighting might here see a fight imitate the Matachin dance The French way thus paved with Genoan bodies half out of breath with headlong haste never stay till they came up to the English Battel with whom encounters the noble Prince of Wales who commanded the English Voward that day the fight grew fierce and cruel each side striving to exceed the other in valour Who had seen the Prince of Wales at that present would have believed Pythagoras doctrine of Transmigration that the soul of great Hector had been infused into him what Poets have feigned of ancient Heroes fell short of the truth of what he performed that day The King of Bohemia whom age might have taught to have expected death in his Chamber and not to have sought him in the Fields of Mars seals his love to the French side with his dearest blood his troop of faithful followers with their slaughtered bodies covering him even in death whose plume of Ostrige feathers won then by valiant Edward hath every since been the Cognisance of the Princes of Wales Another trophey of the English Chevalry was the King of Majorca who in aid of the French was there likewise slain as a renowned Poet in his description of that victory One King 's too much but there two Kings must dye Leave two uncrown'd to Crown one victory It was now high time for King Philip to bring up the main Battel whose numbers threatned the destruction of the English this onset threatning so much danger King Edward is sent for to come up with his power to aid the Prince whose answer was Let them send no more to me for any adventure that may befall whilest my
Burgundy who doth homage to the Emperour and taketh a truce with King Henry for his Counties of Flanders and Arthois These business ended Burgundy returneth to Graveling Henry into England and the Emperour to Germany But long did not Henry remain in England for having raised a puissant Army he makes his second expedition into France accompanied with many Earls and Lords and an Army of 25527. Souldiers constituting his Brother John Duke of Bedford Protector of England in his absence and on the first of August arives in Normandy near to the Castle of Tonque which he presently besieged and after eight dayes had it yielded unto him at which time the Earl of Salisbury took the Castle of Albervilliers which the King gave to him and his Heirs being the first Land given by the King in France He afterwards marcht with his Army to Caen who trusting unto the strength of the place refuse to render upon the Kings summons whereupon having taken it by assault he adjudgeth some of the most stubborn refusers to death and distributeth the spoil of the Town amongst his Sou●diers according to the old Law Those who when that they may refuse to have it Shall afterwards have nay although they crave it He next takes in the Castle of Corfye the Town and Castle of Argenton Allenson Fallais with many other Towns and places of importance his uncle the Duke of Exeter bringing him a supply of fifteen thousand men out England he takes the City of Eureux and then encampeth with his Army before the great City of Roan Within the City were a thousand selected Souldiers sent by the Duke of Burgogne besides fifteen thousand Citizens well trained and furnished and stored with provision for a ten moneths siege the City of Lovies being an impediment to his passage he assaults and takes as also a stone bridge strongly guarded the City is summoned by Windsor the Herald who scorning to yield make a sally forth but are beaten in with loss The King the Dukes of Clarence and Exeter with many other Lords encompass it on the East West and North on the South were encamped the Earls of Warren and Huntington the River of Seine running betwixt them over which was built a bridge for enter course the one unto the other The Kings Cousin-Germane the King of Portingale sent likewise a Navy of Ships to the mouth of the River Seine which stopped all passage of succour up the River The siege thus continuing from June unto December the Citizens were brought unto that extremity that they eat Cats and Dogs Rats and Mice and had nothing to drink but Vinegar and Water so that fifty thousand being miserably famished they desired a parley yet notwithstanding their wants stand upon such high terms that nothing was concluded but a truce for eight dayes which being ended and nothing agreed upon they crave one day longer and that being ended four dayes more at the end of which time by the importunity of the common people the City was surrendred upon these Articles following 1. That the Burgesses should give unto Henry towards his expence in the siege three hundred fifty six thousand Crowns of Gold 2. That Robert Liner Vicar-General to the Archbishop of Roan Jehan Jourdan who commanded the Canoniers and Alen Blanchart Captain of the common people should be left to his mercy without condition 3. That all the people should swear faith and loyalty to Henry and his successours 4. That Henry should protect and defend them against all men and confirme unto them their priviledges franchises and liberties which they had enjoyed ever since the time of St. Lewis King of France 5. That all such as had desire to leave the Town might freely depart with his garments onely upon his back and his goods to be confiscated unto King Henry 6. That the Souldiers should bring all their Arms to a place assigned and should depart out of the Town unarmed with a Cudgel in their hands first taking their Oath not to bear Arms against Henry for a twelve moneth next ensuing Roan the chief City of Normandy thus rendred sundry other places of note yielded themselves as Caudebec Monstraillier Diepe Fesohamp Arques Neufchastel Deincourt Moncheaux Eu Vernon Mante Gorney Harflewr Ponteur-de-mer Mollineaux le Treict Tancarvile Abrechier Mauleurier Valemont Neufuille Bellaucombre Fontaines Le boure Logempree Preaux Nougonder-ville Saint German Sur Cuylly Baudemont Bray Villiterre Charles Maisniel Les boules Guillon-court Fanifontaines Le Becy Crepin Backeville and divers other places wherein King Henry placed Garrisons Those great successes of King Henry caused the Duke of Burgundy who bare all the sway with the French King to mediate a peace for which end he sent his Ambassadours to Henry desiring a personall conference to which he assented and assigned the place which was at Melun whither at the time appointed he goes accompanied with the Dukes of Clarence Glocester and Exeter his uncle Beaufort the Bishop of Winchester with the Earls of March and Salisbury and a thousand men at Arms where he found the French King Queen Isabel the Lady Katherine their Daughter the Duke of Burgundy the Count St. Paul with a great train attending his coming many things were propounded but nothing concluded whereupon King Henry not well pleased said to Burgogne Cousin I cannot well digest this refusal but be you assured that either I will have your Kings daughter and all my demands or I will banish both you and them out of France You speak your pleasure said the Duke but before you shall thrust the King them and me out of the Kingdom you will be weary of the enterprise The treaty thus broken up in discontent King Charles repaired unto Paris whilest King Henry quickneth his thoughts for revenge his first enterprise was on the Town of Ponthois a place of great riches which was surprised by the Earl of Longuevyle and the Duke of Clarence and from thence marching on took in the Castles of Vangon Villeirs Gysors Galyard and Dumal so that now all Normandy except Mount St. Michael was reduced to the possession of the King of England Charles the Dolphin in the mean time being bare of money and by that means having no great store of Souldiers seizeth upon his Mothers money Plate and Jewels she in a womanish spleen studies revenge but he to make good what he had done inveagles the Kings head that her designs were dangerous and bent altogether for the alienation of the Crown Whereupon she is sent prisoner to Eours but soliciting Burgogne for her deliverance she is by an ambush taken from her keepers and by his means made regent of France and her Picture stamped upon the Seal of that State These doings of Burgogne displeased the Daulphin yet still he carried fair weather in his countenance notwithstanding he had stormes of revenge in his heart so warily not to say wickedly could he cover his passions untill he had performed what he did intend The Duke doubting no
practices With many other words to the like effect which wrought so in the auditors that Henry is proclaimed King of England and France such French Lords as were present taking their oaths to be true unto him And great need had the Regent to bestir himself for Charles the French King surviving King Henry but 53. dayes died at St. Denis whose imbecillities were a great help to the English as the Infancy of King Henry was now an advantage to the Dolphin who upon his Fathers Death proclaims himself King by the name of Charles the Seventh and making all the force he could marcheth to relieve Crepan besieged by the English but his enterprise proved very unfortunate being routed with the loss of two thousand men yet nothing daunted at this disaster he resolveth to encounter adverse fortune with encrease of courage and hearing that many of the English had pillaged the Countries of Nugion and Main upon their return into Normandy he sets upon them recovers their booty and slayes fifteen hundred of them then speedily takes he Meulan upon the River of Sein putting all the English therein to the Sword but the possession was short and the revenge speedy being recovered by Thomas Montacute Earl of Salisbury who to quit scores with the Dolphin killed all the French were found there About this time the three great pillars of the English Monarchy in France the Dukes of Bedford Burgundy and Brittain met at the City of Amiens in Picardy to consult of the whole course and sum of Affairs adding to the old league this addition that it should be offensive and defensive respectively and to make the friendship the more firme the Duke of Bedford married Anne Sister to Philip Duke of Burgundy a Lady whose beauty surpassed the blush that glorified Luna when she kissed the Shepherd on the Hills of Latmos But whilst the Regent was thus busied in promoting the English cause the Parisians had a design to destroy it which was by delivering their City up to the French King but treason being seldome true to its self it came to the Regents ear which cost the chief conspirators their lives and now fresh forces coming out of England his Army augmented be takes from Charles the Towns and Fortresses of Crotoy Baside Riol Rula Gyrond Basile Mermound Milbam Femil Seintace and many other The French finding themselves too weak to deal with the English by force work by policy and allure from their sides the Duke of Richmond and his Brother Arthur who deliver up to the Dolphin the Castles of Crotoye and Yerney the Duke of Bedford hating their perfidiousness assaults and takes Crotoye and besieges Yerney who agree to surrender if not relieved by a certain time the Duke of Allanson with sixteen thousand French undertakes the rescue but finding the English numbers to surmount his Arithmetick he wheeleth about to Vernoyle in Perch whom the Regent overtaking a cruel Battel ensued which for two hours together was maintained with equall courage on both sides the Regent himself with a Battel-ax fought most fiercely winning immortal honour in that bloody journey At length the Victory fell to the English though with the loss of above two thousand of their men on the French side were slain 5. Earls 2. Viscounts 20. Barrons and above 7000. common Souldiers besides 2700. Scots lately arrived there were taken prisoners the Duke of Allanson himself the Lord of Herneys Sir John Towrnebull 200. Gentlemen and many common Souldiers This Battel was fought the 7. of August 1425. That which followeth till the siege of Orleance I have set down out of Paulus Aemytius as Speed hath done before me The fierce Conquerour besiegeth Mantz in Main and with Ordnance beats down part of the Walls it yields an English Garrison is left there after the taking which not being sufficient to keep the Town in due subjection is compelled to fly to a Tower for their safety the enemies which were admitted into it by the Burgers enjoying the rest The Lord Talbot that most noble Captain of the English with whose name Talbot is coming the French used to fright their children presently arrives to the rescue and puts the Malefactors to death The English Empire then extented it self at which time as bath been observed to the River of Loire Charles was called King of Berry Hitherto the English fortunes in France received no check their serene Sky was without Clouds so long as a good correspondence was held betwixt the Burgundian and the English but this knot of friendship was like to have been broken by occasion of the Duke of Glocester who married Jaqueline Countess of Haynoult Holland and Zealand notwithstanding John Duke of Brabant her husband were yet living The Duke of Burgundy his Cousin was greatly offended hereat insomuch that the controversie grew to be so great that the Duke of Glocester sent him a challenge but the Regent well knowing that the discord of the English might prove the union of the French so wrought betwixt them that the sore seemed indifferently well healed Much about that time likewise be compounded a difference between the Protector and Cardinal Beaufort Bishop of Winchester though to effect the same he was fain to come over into England substituting the Earl of Warwick Lieutenant General in his absence But France wanting his company he quickly returned carrying a great number of fresh men over with him During his abode in England Arthur Earl of Richmond made Constable of France by King Charles raiseth an Army of twenty thousand men and with them suddainly besiegeth St. Jean a Town in Normandy the Garrison were at first dismayed with their sudden arrivall but upon better advice they valliantly sallied out crying aloud a Salisbury a Suffolk whose names struck such a terrour into the besiegers that with loss of their Artillery and 800. of their Company they betook themselves to flight To rehearse each particular would make our discourse prove too prolix to come to the siege of Orleance Undertaken by these matchless Worthies the Earl of Salisbury and the Lord Talbot with a puissant Army the Citizens hearing of their intentions prepared to withstand them their Suburbs equall in bigness to a good City they level with the ground chusing rather to destroy a part then hazard the whole the English encompass it on every side and the Citizens begin to feel the misery of want God when mans help fails interposeth his hand the Earl of Salisbury looking out at a Window to take a view for a general assault is unfortunately slain a sad loss for the English for upon the death of this man saith Polydor Virgil the fortune of the War changed The Regent to repair this loss sendeth Sir John Falstaff with fresh supplies who arrived there safe in despite of the Lord De la Brets who with nine thousand men endeavoured to intercept him hereupon the City would yield but to the Burgundian not to the English a cunning plot to divide
Monster with two heads the misery of which Nation by occasion of these Wars is thus described by Polydor Virgil. While the English and French quoth he contend for Dominion Sovereignty and life if self mens goods in France were violently taken by the Licence of War Churches spoiled men every where murthered put to death or tortured Matrons ravished Maids forcibly drawn from out their Parents arms to be deflowred Towns daily taken defaced spoiled the riches of the Inhabitants carried whither the Conquerours thought good Houses and Villages round about set on fire no kinde of cruelty left unpractised upon the miserable French omitting many other kindes of other calamities which all at once oppressed them I shall onely adde that the Commonwealth being destitute of the help of Laws which for the most part are mute in times of War and Tumults floated up and down without any anchorage of right or justice Neither was England her self void of these mischiefs who by reason of her Civil Wars every day heard the news of her valiant Childrens Funerals slain in perpetual Skirmishes and Bickerings her general wealth continually decreasing so that their evils seemed almost equall and the whole Western World ecchoed the groans and sighs of either Nations quarrels being the common argument of the discourse and compassion of all Christendom The Regent having lately buried his Wife Sister to the Duke of Burgandy did now without his privity marry the Earl of St. Pauls Daughter no friend to the Burgundian which drave him into a discontentent and that discontent did King Charles so work upon that at length he seduced him from the English side though to effect the same he was fain to stoop so low as to send him a blank and bid him set down his own conditions which were both many and unreasonable saith Serres yet worth his cost For as Aemylius saith The end of that War did redeem the French from a Forreign Government as the first assuming thereof had made the English Lords over France The Regent out-lived this revolt not long but died at Paris with whom died all the English mens good fortune in France his body was with all Funeral Solemnities buried in the Cathedral Church of our Lady at Roan on the North side of the high Altar under a sumptuous and costly Monument which Tomb certain Courtiers would have perswaded King Lewis the Eleventh to have demolisht to whom he answered God forbid I should disturb him dead who living would have disturbed us all no let his bones rest in peace well worthy to have a more stately Monument How mighty a Prince he was this his stile sheweth Regent of France Duke of Bedford Alanzon and Anjon Earl of Main Richmond and Kendale and Constable of England But which excelleth his greatness as my Authour writes was that he was one of the best Patriots and Generals that ever blossomed out of the Royal Rosiar of England He died the 14. of September 1435. The Life of RICHARD NEVIL Earl of VVARWICK THis undaunted Heroe whose Life we now relate was he who in those times made and marr'd Kings and handled their Fortunes at his pleasure and was himself a great part of those famous Civil Wars between the Houses of York and Lancaster he was the eldest Son of Richard Nevill Earl of Salisbury and by Marriage with Anne the Sister and Heir of Henry Beauchampe Earl and after Duke of Warwick was in her right created Earl of Warwick His Grandfather was Ralph Nevill Earl of Westmerland whose Daughter the Duke of York had married which might be one cause of his adhering so much to that side and the effusion of so much bloud as ensued thereon For the Wars being now ended in France which we have declared unto you in the Lives of Edward the Third Edward the Black Prince Henry the Fifth and John Duke of Bedford those uncivil Civil Wars soon after brake forth betwixt the two Houses of York and Lancaster For though during our Forreign Wars these dissentions appeared not so much as in the Embrio both sides spending their stock of valour against the common enemy these Wars being ended these Martial mindes difused to peace would still be acting though against themselves The two chief Heads of these Factions was Richard Duke of York and Henry the Sixth King of England if we may call him a head who had so faint an heart and not rather the Queen who acted all though under his name The Duke of York claiming the Crown as Heir to the third Son of Edward the Third the Line of whose eldest Son Edward the Black Prince extinguisht in the deposition and paracide of Richard the second procured by Henry of Bullingbrooke the first King of the house of Lancaster Edward the Thirds second Son dying without issue Henry pleaded the advantage of a long Reign an interrupted descent in Majesty for threescore years a Sovereignty acknowledged abroad by by all Christian Princes and obeyed at home by all Englishmen without dispute a title according to the Law Salique undubitable and which had been confirmed at the first entry of his Grandfather Henry the Fourth into the Kingdom not onely by resignation of Richard the Second but even by approbation nay particular negotiation of Edmond Duke of York Edward Duke of Aumerle and Richard Earl of Cambridge Father Uncle and Grandfather to the said Duke of York This weighty business being not the work of one day the Duke of York draws to his side the Earls of Salisbury and Warwick and the better to prepare his way he practises all means to draw the King into the hatred of the people as one insufficient to supply the room which he held but Henry's piety having placed him so high in the affections of the people he seeks to undermine him in the downfall of his friends pretending not against the King but his evill Counsellours a pretence that hath been made use of in latter times The King at that present lying very sick he neglects no advantage but by the help of his friends wrought so effectually that the Duke of Somerset was sent to the Tower this man was exceedingly hated of the Commons conceiving him the chief cause that all Normandy was surrendered into the hands of the French of which their malice the Duke of York made good use though his intentions for the removing him out of the way was the hinderance he knew he would prove to his after claim of the Crown but when the King had recovered his strength again and resumed to him his Princely Government he caused the Duke of Somerset to be set at liberty and preferred him to be Captain of Calice wherewith not onely the Commons but many of the Nobility which favoured the Duke of York were greatly offended saying that he had lost Normandy already and would also lose Calice Hereupon the Duke of York with his adherents the Earls of Warwick Norfolk and Salisbury the Lords Cobham and Fawconbridge with many
sent into England and married to King Henry found but little affection from him which Stephen Gardiner then Bishop of Winchester perceiving thought it a fit subject for him to work upon against the Lord Cromwell the first contriver of the match for being in his heart a great stickler for the Pope he resolved to make use of the times He acknowledged the Kings supremacy he perswaded the King that his reformation of Religion would set all the Princes of Christendome against him and at last prevailed so far with him that he consented to have six Articles enacted by Parliament which according as we finde them we have here transcribed to posterity 1. That after the words of confirmation spoken by the Priest the real and natural body and blood of Christ as he was Conceived and Crucified was in the Sacrament and no other substance consisting in the form of Bread and Wine besides the substance of Christ God and man 2. That the communion in both kindes was not necessary unto salvation the flesh onely in the form of Bread sufficient for the Laity 3. That Priests after they had received Orders might not marry by the Law of God 4. That the vows of Chastity either in man or Woman ought by Gods Law to be observed and by which they are exempted from other Liberties of Christian people 5. That private Masses was necessary for the people and agreeable to the Law of God 6. That Auricular Confession was expedient to be retained and continued in the Church of God By this we see the King left the sting of Popery still remaining though the teeth were knockt out by abolishing the Popes supremacy the effect of which bloody Articles the Lord Cromwell soon felt for the King having by him attained his ends and filled his Coffers with the Abbeys wealth left him to the malice of his inveterate enemies Whereupon a Parliament being summoned Cromwell being in the Council Chamber was suddenly apprehended committed prisoner to the Tower the Crimes objected against him were these First he was accused of Heresie and a supporter of Hereticks Secondly that he had dispersed amongst the Kings Subjects many Books containing much Heresie in them Thirdly that he had caused many Books to be Translated into English comprizing matter against the Sacrament of the Altar and that he had commended it a good and Christian Doctrine Fourthly that he had spoken words against the King Whilest he remained in the Tower some Commissioners coming to examine him he answered them with such discretion as shewed him to be of a sound judgement and as able to defend as they to accuse Amongst the Commissioners there was one whom the Lord Cromwell desired to carry from him a Letter to the King which he refused saying That he would carry no Letter to the King from a Traytor then he desired him at the least to carry a message from him to the King which request he assemted to so it were not against his Allegiance then the Lord Cromwell taking witness of the other Lords what he had promised You shall said he commend me to the King and tell him by that time he hath tried and proved you as I have done he shall finde you as false a man as ever came about him But his enemies knowing his innocency and abilities durst not bring him to his answer nor try him by his Peers but procured an Act of Attaindure whereby he was condemned before he was heard For the better illustration of his History before I shall acquaint you with his exit I thought it not improper to insert an example of his Generosity and Gratitude as I have it from Doctour Hackwell in his Apology in these words In those glorious dayes when the English young Gentry endeavoured to out-vie their elder Brothers by undertaking far and dangerous journies into Forreign Parts to acquire glory by feats of Arms and experiencing themselves in the Military Discipline Thomas Cromwel a younger Brother to better his knowledge in Warlike Affairs passed into France and there trailed a Pike accompanying the French Forces into Italy where they were defeated at Gattellion whereupon our English Volantier betook himself to Florence designing to pass thence home again into England but having lost all his equipage and being in a necessitated condition he was enforced to address himself to one Signior Francisco Frescobald an Italian Merchant who corresponded at London and making his case known unto him Frescobald observing something remarkable and a certain promising greatness in the Features Actions and Deportment of Thomas Cromwel who gave an account of himself with so candid an ingenuity and in such terms as beseemed his Birth and the Profession he then was of whereby he gained so much upon Frescobald as inviting him home to his house he caused him to be accommodated with new Linnen and Clothes and other sutable necessaries kindly entertaining him till such time as he testified a desire to return for England when as to compleat his Generosity and Kindeness he gave Mr. Tho. Cromwell a Horse and 16. duccats in gold to prosecute his journey homewards In process of time several Disasters and Bankrupts befalling Signior Frescobald his Trading and Credit was not a little thereby impaired and reflecting on the Moneys which were due unto him by his Correspondents in England to the value of 15000. Duccats he resolved to pass thither and try whether he could happily procure payment During which interval of time Mr. Thomas Cromwell being a person endowed with a great deal of Courage of a transcendent Wit hardy in his undertakings and a great Politician had by these his good qualities gotten himself entrance and credit at Court and highly ingratiated himself with King Henry the Eighth having advanced himself to almost as high a pitch of Honour in as short a time in a manner as his late Highness did The Lord Thomas Cromwell therefore riding one day with a great Train of Noble Men towards the Kings Palace chanced to espy on foot in the streets Signior Frescocobald the Italian Merchant in an ill plight however he immediately alighting from his Horse embraced him before all the world to the great astonishment of the beholders and chid him that at his very arrival he came not to visit him Frescobald being astonished at so unexpected an encounter and receiving so signal a favor from a Personage he could not call to mind he had ever known was quite surprized my Lord Cromwells pressing Affairs at Court not permitting him the while to acquaint him further who he was only engaged him to come and dine with him that day Frescobald full of amazement enquired of the Attendants who that great Personage might be And hearing his name he began to call the Feature of his Face and the Idea of his Person to minde and so by degrees conceiving with himself it might happily be the same Mr. Thomas Cromwell whom he had harboured at Florence he enquired out his Lordships habitation
into England lies on this Heroick Knight but as in the Life of Sir Francis Drake I have cleared him that his Marriners first brought it in So for that report that when he went to his Trial he took three Pipes in the Coach I rather look on him as he was too guilty of occasioning the mode of this vanity rather then that it was any Institution of his own The day appointed for his Execution being come a Scaffold was erected for him before the Parliament House upon which being brought with a chearful countenance and undaunted look he spake as followeth My Honourable Lords and the rest of my good Friends that are come to see me die know that I much rejoyce that it hath pleased God to bring me from darkness to light and in freeing me from the Tower wherein I might have died in disgrace by letting me live to come to this place where though I lose my life yet I shall clear some false accusations unjustly laid to my charge and leave behinde me a testimony of a true heart both to my King and Countrey Two things there are which have exceedingly possest and provoked his Majesties indignation against me viz. A confederacy or combination with France and disloyal and disobedient words of my Prince For the first his Majesty had some cause though grounded upon a weak foundation to suspect mine inclination to the French Faction for not long before my departure from England the French Agent took occasion passing by my house to visit me we had some conference during the time of his abode onely concerning my Voyage and nothing else I take God to witness Another suspicion is had of me because I did labour to make an escape from Plimouth to France I cannot deny but that willingly when I heard a rumour that there was no hope of my life upon my return to London I would have escaped for the safeguard of my life and not for any ill intent or conspiracy against the State The like reason of suspicion arose in that I perswaded Sir Lewis Stenkly my Guardian to flee with me from London to France but my answer to this is as to the other that onely for my safeguard and nought else was my intent as I shall answer before the Almighty It is alledged that I feigned my self sick and by art made my body full of blisters when I was at Salisbury True it is I did so the reason was because I hop'd thereby to defer my coming before the King and Councel and so by delaying might have gained time to have got my pardon I have an example out of Scripture for my warrant that in case of necessity and for the safeguard of my life David feigned himself foolish and mad yet it was not imputed to him for sin Concerning the second imputation laid to my charge that I should speak scandalous and reproachful words of my Prince there is no witness against me but onely one and he a Chymical Frenchman whom I entertained rather for his Jeasts then Judgement This man to incroach himself into the favor of the Lords and gaping after some great reward hath falsely accused me of seditious speeches against his Majesty against whom if I did either speak or think a thought hurtful or prejudicial Lord blot me out of the Book of Life It is not a time to flatter or fear Princes for I am a Subject to none but deatb therefore have a charitable conceit of me that I know to swear is an offence to swear falsely at any time is a great sin but to swear falsely before the presence of Almighty God before whom I am forthwith to appear were an offence unpardonable therefore think me not now rashly or untruly to confirm or protest any thing As for other Objections in that I was brought perforce into England that I carried sixteen thousand pounds in Money out of England with me more then I made known that I should receive Letters from the French King and such like with many protestations he utterly denied Having ended his Speech he saluted the Company and after he had made his addresses to heaven submitted his neck to the stroak of the Axe Thus ended this worthy Knight a man of such admirable parts that he is more to be admired then sufficiently praised Leaving him to his repose till the last great day I shall onely set down this following Epitaph made by himself Even such is time which takes in trust Our youth and joyes and all we have And payes us but with age and dust Within the dark and silent grave When we have wandred all our wayes Shuts up the story of our dayes From the which earth death grave and dust The Lord shall raise me up I trust The Life of Mr. William Cambden THis learned Antiquary who so diligently preserved the memories of many noble Families of this Nation and whose laborious Works have been a great light to Histories already extent and such as future Ages shall produce is deservedly placed amongst our Heroes that he whose pen made so many others live in his never dying Brittania may likewise live here in this present Work amongst the rest of our English Worthies He was Son to Master Sampson Cambden descended of an ancient family in Staffordshire his Mother was extracted from the worshipful family of the Curwens in Cumberland as he himself witnesseth in his Britannia He was born in the Old-Baily in the City of London Anno. 1550. That he was well educated his learned Works make manifest being put to School first in Christ-Church then at Pauls At fifteen years of age so soon was he ripened for the University he went to Magdalen Colledge in Oxford where having much profited he removed from thence to Broadgates Hall where he gave some proofs of his learning in those short Latin graces the Servitors still use From thence he went to Christ-Church where he attained to such eminency as his abilities preferred him to be Master of Westminster School There is as a learned Gentleman observes scarce any profession in the Common-wealth more necessary which is so slightly performed The reasons whereof he takes to be these First young Schollars make this calling their refuge yea perchance before they have taken any degree in the Vniversity commence Schoolmasters in the Countrey as if nothing else were required to set up this profession but onely a Rod and a Ferula Secondly others who are able use it onely as a passage to better preferment to patch the rents in their present fortune till they can provide a new one and betake themselves to some more gainful calling Thirdly they are disheartned from doing their best with the miserable reward which in some places they receive being Masters to the Children and slaves to their Parents Lastly being grown rich they grow negligent and scorn to touch the School but by the proxie of an Vsher But our Schoolmaster was of another temper studying his Schollars natures as carefully as
of speaking were a thing planted in him by nature not unlike what Ovid in the business of composing Verse sung of himself What ere I try'd to write became a Verse As aften as he was constrain'd by his Office to condemn any guilty person which duty was incumbent upon him as being learned Councel to the Kings majesty whether in criminal matters of a lesser nature or in capital offences he never carried himself proud or lofty towards the delinquent but always milde and of a moderate temper and though he knew that it was his duty in behalf of the King to urge and aggravate the crime as much as in him lay against the guilty person yet he so carried himself that at the same time he lookt upon the fact with an eye of severity upon the person with an eye of mercy In matters of State when he was called into the Kings Privy Council he ever observ'd the best manner of counselling not ingaging his master in any rash counsels or such as were grievous to the people but rather temporate and equal insomuch as King James honoured him with this testimony That he knew the method of handling matters after a milde and gentle manner and particularly exprest himself that it was a thing highly pleasing to his Majesty Nor was he when occasion serv'd less gracious with the Subjects of the Kingdom then with the King himself he was ever very acceptable to the Parliamentary Committees while he sate there of the Lower House in which he often made Speeches with great applause After he was advanc't to the office of Atturney General and elected to sit in Parliament liberty was granted to him by common suffrage of sitting in consultation among them a thing not known to have been granted to any other Atturney General And as he had the praise of a good Servant towards his Master for as much as in nineteen years administration as he himself affirm'd he never incurr'd the Kings displeasure for any offence immediately committed against the Kings Majesty so he obtained the name of a good Master towards his own Servants and freely rewarded their diligent services with eminent Offices as often as they came into his power to bestow which was a main cause why he was almost wearied with prayers to receive into the number of his Pages so many young men of the better sort and sprung from noble families and if any of them abus'd his grace and favour that was onely to be attributed to the errour of his native goodness though it redounds to their perpetual infamy and intemperance This our worthy was a strict worshiper of the Divine Majesty for although it hath been a custom among the vulgar to brand political persons and men of eminent wits with the note of Atheism yet that he both acknowledg'd and worshipt God appears most evidently by various testimonies dispersed through the whole course of his Works for otherwise he had destroyed and overthrown his own principles which were That Philosphy onely sipt and slightly tasted of draws us from God as that which magnifies second causes beyond their due but that Philosophy taken in a full draught brings us at length back unto God Now that he himself was a very profound Philosopher there is no man I suppose that can deny nor is this all but he was likewise both able and ready to render an account of that hope which was in him to any one that desired it and of this that Confession of Faith set forth at the end of his Volumne hath left a sufficient proof He very frequently us'd when he was in perfect health to be present at Divine service whether privately or publickly celebrated at the hearing of Sermons at the Participation of the holy Eucharist and at length he quietly slept in the true Faith establisht in the Church of England This is to be affirm'd for a certain that he was utterly void of all malice which as he said himself he never brought forth nor nourisht of the revenging of injuries he never so much as thought since to the performance thereof had he been so disposed he was sufficiently armed both with opportunity and power A remover of Officers from their places he was not in the least manner although he might have inricht himself by the destruction and ruine of others nor did he ever bear the name of a calumniator of any man to his Prince On a certain day when one of the chief Ministers of State who had borne him no good will being lately dead the King askt him what he thought of that Lord who was dead he answered That he was such a one as never had promoted his Majesties Affairs or made them better but that doubtless he had done his best to keep them from sinking or declining This was the hardest Sentence he would utter concerning him which indeed I reckon not among his Morall but his Christian vertues His name was more celebrated shin'd brighter abroad amongst forreigners then at home among his own Countreymen as it is mentioned in holy Writ A Prophet is not without honour except in his own Country and in his own House To make this good I shall produce a little passage out of an Epistle sent from Italy the shop of polite Wits to the late Earl of Devonshire at that time Baron Candish which was thus The new Essays of the Lord Chancellor Bacon as also his History and whatsoever besides he is now about I shall expect with infinite thirst of mind but especially in his History I promise to my self a perfect and well polisht work and chiefly in the Affairs of Henry the Seventh in the relating of which he will have liberty to exercise the gift of his accute wit That Lord daily increaseth in fame and his Works are more and more in chocie request among us and those who in humane Affairs are wise above the vulgar repute him among the greatest and most sublime wits of the age and so in truth he is Many of his Books were taught other languages as well the ancient and modern both heretofore and of late by those of forreign Nations Divers eminent men while he was living came over into England for no other cause but onely to see him and to have an opportunity of discoursing with him upon one of whom he bestowed his Picture drawn whole at length from head to foot to carry back with him into France which he thankfully receiv'd as a thing that would be very grateful and acceptable to his Countreymen that so they might enjoy the Image of his Person as well as the Images of his Brain viz. his Book Among others the Marquess of Fiat a Nobleman in France who came Ambassadour into England in the first year of Queen Mary's comming over the Wife of King Charles was affected with a very earnest desire of seeing him whereunto having gain'd an opportunity and coming into his Bed-chamber where he lay sick of of the Gout he addrest
molested or disquieted concerning the same or for refusal thereof 2. And that no free-man be taken and imprisoned or be disseised of his free-hold or liberty or his free customs or be out-lawed or exiled but by the lawful judgement of his Peers or by the Law of the Land 3. And that your Majesty would be pleased to remove the Souldiers and Marriners now billetted in divers Counties and that your people may not be so burthened in time to come 4. That the late Commissions for proceeding by Marshal Law may be revoked and annulled and that hereafter no Commission of like nature may issue forth to any person or persons whatsoever to be executed lest by colour of them any of your Majesties Subjects be destroyed and put to death contrary to Law and the Franchises of the Land All which they most humbly pray of your most excellent Majesty as their Rights and Liberties according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm and that your Majesty would also vouchsafe to declare that all awards doings or proceedings to the prejudice of your People shall not be drawn hereafter into consequence and example Never writes a late Author of the History of the Reign of King Charles did arbritary power since Monarcy first founded so submittere faces so vail its Scepter never did the Prerogative descend so much from perch to popular lure as by this concession a concession able to give satisfaction ever so supererogation for what was amiss in all the Kings by-past government Much hoped it was that this Parliament would have had a happy conclusion but what Gregory Nazienzen complained of Councels That he never saw any one end well King Charles might with as much verity have pronounced as to his content of Parliaments not any one he summoned having had any termination other then disgustful to him for no sooner was the Petition of Right granted but the Parliament resolved upon a large Remonstrance to the King wherein they ripped up many grievances of the Kingdom accusing the Duke of Buckingham his excessive power and abuse of that power the principal cause of all those evils and dangers to which the King returned a smart answer wherewith the Commons being displeased fell down right upon another Remonstrance against Tonnage and Poundage Whereupon the King unwilling to hear of any more Remonstrances of that nature prorogued the Parliament unto October 20. During this Session the Earl of Denbigh with fifty Sail of Ships attempted the relief of Rochel but prevailing nothing a third Fleet was prepared ready whereof the Duke of Buckingham was to have the Command but being ready to embarque he was stabbed with a knife by Felton a discontented person of which as also of his unfortunate proceedings at the Isle of Rhe I refer my Reader to his foregoing Life The Duke being dead the charge of the Fleet was committed to the Earl of Lindsey a Gentleman of a gallant resolution but before his coming the Town was so blocked up by Land and barred up by Sea that it was almost unapproachable yet many gallant attempts were made by the Earl bringing up his Ships to the very mouth of the Bar but being ready to enter the pass the winde whisked about into an opposite Point which drove them dangerously foul one upon another whereupon the Rochellers hopeless of relief opened their Gates submitting themselves to the Kings mercy which was granted them The Famine and War having made such havock amongst them that of twenty two thousand souls but four thousand were left October the 20. being come the Parliament was prorogued to January the 20. following at which time they met who begun where they last left with Tonnage and Poundage for complaints came in thick and three-fold against the Customers for taking and distraining Merchants goods Great stickling was betwixt the King and Parliament concerning this business the King claiming it as a Prerogative belonging to the Crown they denying it as an infringement of the Petition of Right After much debating and high words on both sides the dissolution of the Parliament put a period to the contest Not long after by mediation of the Seignory of Venice a Peace was concluded between France and England Spain also hampred with wars and want of money made overtures of a Peace which at last was concluded and published with more then ordinary Solemnity These Wars with France and Spain had so emptied the Exchequer that the King was forced to make use of his Prerogative for a supply which was by summoning all persons who had Estates of forty pounds per annum to receive the Order of Knighthood formerly practised by several Kings though now a long disuse had made it a novelty Many of the Countrey Hobs who had gotten an estate liable to a Fine took it first as a jeast and thereupon made no appearance but their purses afterwards paid for it in good earnest This project alone bringing in to the Exchequer no less then a hundred thousand pound May the 29. 1630. the Queen was delivered of a Son who was baptized by the name of Charles having two years before miscarried of a son of the same name who lived not above an hour which occasioned Randolphs Muse thus to express her self Thy first birth Mary was unto a Tomb And sad Lucina did not aid thy womb To Heaven thou then wert fruitful now to earth Thou canst give Saints as well as Kings a birth It was now seven years and better since Charles was crowned King of England Scotland his Native Countrey had a Crown also to bestow upon him and the King adjudged it worth the going for for though saith one it conferreth no one dram of solid and real grandure to the Throne yet ceremoniated as it is with such formalities it representeth it self a serious vanity There attended him this journey the Earls of Northumberland Arundel Pembroke Southampton Salisbury Carlile Holland Monmouth and New Castle the Bishop of London Lord Treasurer Secretary Cook Vice Chamberlain with many other Gentlemen of quality June 18. 1633. he was crowned with great Solemnity at Edinburgh and having visited Ealkland Sterling and some other eminent places he returned back again into England Thus he was crowned by a Nation that afterwards snatcht it from his Royal Temples The King at his return found his Exchequer near empty whereupon he consults with his Attorney Noy for a way how to supply it he searching old Records being a man very studious that way findes an ancient precedent of raising a Tax for setting forth a Navy in case of danger to which purpose a Writ was issued out to the seveaal Counties in England for the raising of money sufficient for the setting forth of forty seven ships at which the Commons grumbled as an illegal Tax contrary unto the Petition of Right The King for his better satisfaction demands the opinion of the Judges who all of them under their hands confirmed the Legality thereof yet were not the
name of God Almighty promise and swear that to the uttermost of my power I will uphold and maintain the true Reformed Protestant Christian Religion in the purity thereof as it is contained in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to the uttermost of my power and understanding and encourage the Profession and Professours of the same and that to the utmost of my power I will endeavour as Chief Magistrate of these three Nations the maintenance and preservation of the Peace and Safety and just Rights and Priviledges of the People thereof and shall in all things according to our best knowledge and power govern the people of these three Nations according to Law These Ceremonies being performed a Herald of Arms by sound of Trumpet proclaimed him Lord Protectour of England Scotland Ireland and the Dominions thereto belonging hereupon the Trumpets sounded again and the people after the usual manner gave several acclamations with loud shouts crying God save the Lord Protectour His Higness had scarce accepted of these Honours but as if the ill affected would not let him breath yet another Plot is discovered Collonel Edward Sexby is said to have conspired against the Lord Protector for which he was committed to the Tower where having continued about half a year he died But to reflect a little back Mazarine that great Minister of State on which hinge all the grand Affairs of France turn perfects a Peace with England the Protector having no regard to those advantages that Spain might render him as to Commerce the places of Hostage which she proffered to put into his hands as Gravelin Dunkirk and others he was swayed with other Interest which he best understood himself to prefer an Alliance and League with France before all those advantages except his civillity induce't him which seldom had such power over him to look more lovingly upon France as the weakest at that time being abandoned by some of her Allies as quite disordered by an Intestine War in her own Bowels her Navigation totally ruined as the Pirates of Dunkirk had blockt up all her Sea Ports whereas the English scowred those Seas chast away the Pyrates and reduced the Mounsieur and Diego by their successes to their so likely advantageous peace Indeed as one writes it was a high generosity since the English caused the French to lose Graveling and Dunkirk to help France again to take those places In the mean space was not here rare bandying of Interests France having thus perfected a Peace with England they joyntly resolve to unite against the Spaniard hereupon Sir John Reynolds with six thousand Foot was sent into Picardy to joyn with the French Cavalry which compleated as gallant an Army as had been seen in France for many years together These joyntly besiege and take Mardike a strong Fort of the Spaniards in Flanders whereof Major General Morgan took possession for the English as the earnest of further Conquests which the Spaniards attempting for to regain were twice repulsed with very great loss But the joy of these Successes was mitigated by the death of Admiral Blake who as he got his Honour by the Sea died on it and that within sight of Plimouth He was a man who had deserved of his Countrey and might justly be stiled the Neptune thereof His Body was brought with a Naval pomp by water from Greenwich to Westminster being a suitable Ceremony to his employment and was there buried in Henry the Sevenths Chappel Upon whom an Ingenuous person bestowed this Epitaph Here lies a man made Spain and Holland shake Made France to tremble and the Turks to quake Thus he tame'd men but if a Lady stood In 's sight it rais'd a Palsie in his bloud Cupids Antagonist who in his life Had Fortune as familiar as a VVife A stiff hard Iron Souldier for he It seems had more of Mars then Mercury At Sea he thundered calm'd each raging wave And now he 's dead sent thundring to his Grave Soon after was St. Venant taken by the English the Lord Henry Cromwel made Deputy of Ireland Sir John Reynolds Collonel VVhite and some other Officers drowned upon Goodwin Sands as they were coming out of Flanders into England One writes that the subtilty of discovering of Plots though but in the Embrio or before they are hatcht in the time of peace is the most succinct way of letting of blood March 24. the last day of the year accounted for 1657. a great Conspiracy was again discovered in London several Regiments ' as was said being enrolled who on the first day of May in the night time should have set fire on several parts of the City and whilest the confusion and horrour thereof had seized all men they should have made a general masacre of all who opposed them Hereupon several persons were apprehended as Doctor Hewet Sir Henry Slingsby Collonel Asbton c. and a High Court of Justice erected for the tryal of them and first they began with Sir Henry Slingsby the Articles charged against them will in part discover themselves in their several speeches made just before their deaths In short they were both condemned Dr. Hewet professing himself to be ignorant of such Law though amongst the most learned Divines few of them were more knowing in the Gospel being taken in three defaults upon formalities of the Court was proceeded against as mute June 8. 1658. was the day appointed for their beheading Sir Henry Slingsby first mounting the stage spake in effect as followeth That he stood condemned by the Court of Justice as contriving and endeavouring to withdraw divers Officers of the Garrison of Kingston upon Hull from their duty and perswading them to a surrendring and yielding up of that Garrison and one that held correspondence with some beyond sea to that end That it was true he had conference upon that account with the Officers of that Garrison and that he gave Major Waterhouse a Commission signed Charles R. But that it was but an old one that had lain by him though he thought fit to make use of it to the Major Many passages he said there were which he would not insist on that some friends of his had made application to his Highness for the saving his of life but it seems it was thought fit not to be granted and therefore he submitted and was ready to dye c. Having uttered these and the like words he took off a Ring from his Bandstrings wherein instead of a Seal engraven was the Picture of the late King exactly done and giving it to a Gentleman that stood by him he said Pray give this to Harry Then he addrest himself to prayer wherein he continued some time taking leave of his friends he submitted his neck to the Block and had his head severed from his body at one blow by the Executioner This at one blow by the Executioner the Reader may observe hath been very often repeated in this Volume His Tragick Scene being
in this Method finde perfect wayes for the operation of such Medicines so Astrologically and Physically prescribed as that they may themselves be competent Judges of the Cures of their Patients by N. C. 26. Blagrave's admirable Ephemerides for the Year 1659. 27. The Joyes of Heaven promised to the Saints on Earth Christs sermons on the Beatiudes preacht on the Mount An Exposition on the fifth Chapter of St. Matthew delivered in several sermons by Master Jeremiah Burroughs being the last sermons he preacht a little before his death at St. Giles Cripple-gate London printed with the approbation of those godly and learned Divines who were intrusted for the publishing of his Works 28. Dr. Martin Luthers Treatise of the Liberty of a Christian an useful Treatise for the stateing of the Controversies so much disputed in these times about this great point 29. The Key of Knowledge a little Book by way of Question and Answer intended for the use of all degrees of Christians especially for the Saints of Religious Families by John Jackson 30. The true Evangelical temper a Treatise modestly and soberly fitted to the present grand concernments of the State and Church by John Jackson 31. The Book of Conscience opened and read by John Jackson 32. Williams Clowes his Chyrurgical Observations for those that are burned with flames of Gun-powder as also for the curing of wounds and of the Lues venerea c. 33. The Moderate Baptist in two parts shewing the Scripture way for the administring of the Sacrament of Baptisme discovering that old error of orignal sin in Babes by William Baitten 34. History and Policy Reviewed in the Heroick Transactions on Oliver late Lord Protectour declaring his steps to princely perfection drawn in lively Parallels to the Ascents of the great patriarch Moses to the height of thirty degrees of Honour by H. D. Esquire 35. J. Cleaveland Revived Poems Orations Epistles and other of his Genuine Incomparable Pieces a second Impression with many Additions 36. The Exquisite Letters of Master Robert Loveday the late admired Translatour of the Volumes of the famed Romance Cleopatra for the perpetuating his memory published by his dear Brother Mr. A. L. 37. England's Worthies Select Lives of the most Eminent Persons from Constantine the Great to the death of Oliver Cromwel late Protector by W. Winstanley Gent. 38. The Accomplisht Cook the Mystery of the whose Art of Cookery revealed in a more easie and perfect Method then hath been publisht in any Language expert and ready wayes for the dressing of Flesh Fowl and Fish the resing of Pastes the best directions for all manner of Kickshaws and the most poinant Sauces with the terms of carving and sewing the Bills of Fare an exact account of all dishes for the season with other Ala mode Curiosities together with the lively Illustrations of such necessary figures as are referred to practice approved by the many years experience and careful industry of Robert May in the time of his attendance on several Persons of Honour 39. A Character of France to which is added Gallus Castratus or an Answer to a late slanderous Pamphlet called the Character of England as also a fresh Whip for the Mounsieur in Answer to his Letter in vindication to his Madam the second Edition 40. The History of the Life and Death of Oliver late Lord Protectour wherein from his Cradle to his Tomb are impartially transmitted to posterity the most weighty Transactions Forreign and Domestick that have happened in his time either in Matters of Law Proceedings in Parliament or others Affairs in Church or State by S. Carrington 41. The Scales of Commerce and Trade the Mystery revealed as to traffick with a Debitor or Creditor for Merchants Accounts after the Italian way and easiest Method as also a Treatise of Architecture and a computation as to all the charges of Building by T. Wilsford Gent. FINIS These are to give notice that the true and right Lozenges and Pectorals so generally known and approved of for the cure of Consumptions Coughs Astama's Colds in general and all other Diseases incident to the Head are rightly made onely by John Piercy Gent. the first Inventor of them and whosoever maketh them besides do but counterfeit them they are to be sold by Nathaniel Brook at the Angel in Cornhill