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A77444 An historicall vindication of the government of the Church of Scotland from the manifold base calumnies which the most malignant of the prelats did invent of old, and now lately have been published with great industry in two pamphlets at London. The one intituled Issachars burden, &c. written and published at Oxford by John Maxwell, a Scottish prelate, excommunicate by the Church of Scotland, and declared an unpardonable incendiary by the parliaments of both kingdoms. The other falsly intituled A declaration made by King James in Scotland, concerning church-government and presbyteries; but indeed written by Patrick Adamson, pretended Archbishop of St. Andrews, contrary to his own conscience, as himselfe on his death-bed did confesse and subscribe before many witneses in a write hereunto annexed. By Robert Baylie minister at Glasgow. Published according to order. Baillie, Robert, 1599-1662.; Adamson, Patrick, 1537-1592. Recantation of Maister Patrik Adamsone, sometime archbishop of Saint-Androwes in Scotlande.; Welch, John, 1568?-1622. 1646 (1646) Wing B460; Thomason E346_11; ESTC R201008 133,114 153

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ratifies and approves the Presbyteries and particular Sessions appointed by the said Kirke with the whole Jurisdiction and discipline of the same Kirke agreed upon by his Majesty in conference had by his Highnesse with certaine of the Ministers conveened to that effect also determines and declares the said Assemblies Presbiteries and Sessions their jurisdiction and discipline to be in all times comming most just and good notwithstanding of whatsomever Statutes Acts Canons civill or municipall Lawes made in the contrary Item the Kings Majestie and Estates declares that the 129. Act of the Parliament holden at Edinbrough the 22. of May 1584. shall no wayes be prejudiciall nor derogate any thing to the priviledge that God has given to the Spirituall Officers in the Kirke concerning heads of Religion matters of Heresie Ezcommunication collation deprivation of Ministers or any such like essentiall Censures specially grounded and having warrant of the Word of God Also abrogates Cassis and Annuls the Act of the same Parliament 1584. yeere granting Commission to Bishops and other Judges constitute in Ecclesiasticall causes to receive his Highnesse Presentations to Benefices to give collation hereupon and to put order in all Ecclesiasticall causes his Majestie and Estates declares this Act to be expired and in time comming to be null and therefore ordains all Presentations to be directed to the particular Presbiteries More needs not be said for the confounding and filling with shame the faces of them No more is needfull for a satisfactory Answer who in the reprinting of this Pamphlet could have no other intention but to grieve and disgrace them whom by word they call Brethren but in heart and workes they evidently maligne as enemies without any cause Adamson the true Father confesseth it to be a Bastard and supposititious birth wholly composed of lyes and slanders King James disclaimes it and puts a new Declaration in its place the States of Parliament in King James his presence and with his open allowance abolished the Acts whereupon it was founded rooting out Episcopacy which it dothplant and building up Presbyteries and Synods which it professeth to demolish Yet for more abundant satisfaction The points of the wryt let us consider its particular parts It containes first a Preface Secondly an explanation of foure Acts of the Parliament at Edinbrough Pag. 1. It is hazardous for a 〈◊〉 Prince to take ●pon himself ●the faults of ●his Officers 1584. Thirdly an enumeration of some foureteene intentions ascribed to the King In the Preface there is a narrative of the causes of the subsequent Declaration all resolves upon the alledged Lyes of some evill affected persons labouring to impaire his Majesties honour and fame Upon this we remark that the late unhappy tricke of Courtiers and Prel●tes is no lesse ancient then this Declaration it was the ordinary custome of these ungrate and imprudent men to charge the backe of the King with their owne faults the bones of Kings are supposed by Sycophants to be so strong that no burden is able to bow much lesse to breake them As King Charles has ever been ●●o ready and willing to take upon himselfe the guilt of his servants upon what ever hazard the same was his Fathers condition yet with this difference King James was willing to beare his Servants burdens till he found they pinched but so soone as they began to presse him any thing sore he was so wise and just to himselfe and others that he laid them alwayes over upon the neck of those whom in reason it concerned to beare them The people had an high esteeme of Ki. Iames his vertues About that time the fame of Kings James his Learning Piety and personall vertues did florish at home and abroad the wel-affected who chiefly are aymed at were so far from impairing his personall reputation that in their very censure of this Declaration they give unto him an excellent testimony g Vide An Answer to the Declaration Their indignation was onely against the Court and upon just grounds But at that same time his Court was so exceedingly corrupted that the good men in the whole Isle both English and Scots did lament it Captain James Stuart by his cunning crept up to be Chancellour became so insolent a Tyrant that neither the greatest nor the most innocent had security either of their life or Estate h Spotswoods History lib. 6 p. 179. ●eere 1584. this severity was universally disliked but that which shortly ensued was much more hatefull Ibid. Maines and Drumwhassill were hanged the same day in the publick street of Edenborough the Gentlemens case was much pittied Maines his case especially all that were present in their hearts did pronounce him innocent these cruell and rigorous proceedings caused such a feare as all fami●iar society was in a manner left no man knowing to whom be might safely speake Arran in the meane time went on drawing into his owne hand the managing of affairs for he would be sole and supream over all Ibid. p. 177. Master Andrew Pullert Master Patrick Galloway Master James Carmichal Ministers were denounced Rebels and fled into England Master Andrew Hay compeered and nothing being qualified against him was upon suspition confined to the North the Ministers sent Master David Lindsay to the King with their supplication but Arran sent him prisoner to Blacknesse where he was detained forty seven weeks The Ministers of Edenborough hearing of this for sook their charge and fled into England so as Edenbrugh was left without any Preachers Master Robert Pont likewise flying was denounced Rebell The best Ministers were forced to leave the Kingdome The Duke of Lennox whose power with the King was greatest had lately come over from the Guisians in France though the man himself was of a very good and meeke nature yet he had his instructions and dependance from the Authors and instruments of the French Massacres he made it his worke to further the interest of France to the prejudice of England he corresponded with the French and Scots Traffiquers for Queene Maries deliverance out of prison yea for her returne to the throne of Scotland in an association with her Son k The Collection Sir Esme Stuart was sent by Queen Mother of France and the Guisians to seduce the young King to subvert Religion violate the amity between England and Scotland to procure an invasion for the delivery of the Queen of Scots then in captivity to make the King content to be associate with her in the government to alienate his heart from the Ministry he had his continuall intelligence and instructions from France These things which all the Writers of that time do record did so fill the hearts of all good people with feares for changes both of Religion and Lawes that neither English nor Scots did spare to expresse them in their ordinary discourses l Vide supra h. Unto this frightment of the people the Acts of Parliament procured by the
Divine Right with the allowance of King James and K. Charles in divers Parliaments Concerning the discharge of Church meetings not authorized by Law the Commissioners did shew the King that Church meetings were necessary to be kept being mm Animadversions we offer Vs to prove by good Warrants of the Word of God that it is lawfull to the Ecclesiastiall Estate to Convocate Assemblies and to hold the same and to appoint and order place and time for convening of the same to troat upon such matters as concerne the Kirk affaires which no wayes impaireth your Majesties civill and royall jurisdiction but rather fortifieth and decoreth the fame cōmanded of God and being such means without which the Churches and societies of the Saints could not subsist in their necessary purity and order in the time of the greatest persecutions Christians did meet in their Assemblies both for worship and discipline though the imperiall Lawes did discharge such conventions In France and Poland where the Princes are enemies to Religion yet the Protestants are permitted to keep their Assemblies for Discipline greater and smaller of all sorts as they have occasion no lesse then their meetings for the Word and Sacraments His Majesty in his reply does not deny the Commissioners allegeance onely he required a intermission of the named meetings for a short time till the whole plat-forme of Church government according to the Word of God might be finished hereby nn The Kings Declaration My meaning and Declaration is that they shall cease while a setled Policie and Jurisdiction be established according to the Commission and line of Gods Word yeelding that he beleeved the Church ought to have its owne government according to the prescription of the holy Scripture to which he purposed to submit and agree as indeed he did the yeer following agreeing to that course which the Assembly at Saint Andrewes tooke with Bishop Adamson without all contradiction and ever thereafter permitting the Ministers without any interruption to enjoy all their Ecclesiastick meetings in peace yea some few yeeres after as oft I have said he did establish by Act of Parliament the whole plat-forme of government according to their mind which abode untouched till the evill advice of the English Prelats moved him to make some breaches in that wall which thanks be to God are now fully repaired King Charles in person having lately ratified in Parliament the meeting of all our Assemblies from the lowest to the highest so fully as our hearts could wish Beside the divine right of our Church meetings for Discipline the Commishoners did demonstrate to the King the good humane right thereof in Scotland producing to him an Act of his owne first Parliament for the nationall Assembly and finall determination of all Ecclesiasticall appeales therein oo Anamadversions concerning the generall Assembly of the Kirke there is an Act the first year of your highnesse reigne ratifying the authority thereof and decerning appellations to be devolved thereto as to the last judgement of matters concerning the Kirk his Majesty likewise could not but well remember that the whole modell of Presbyteries and their proceedings had been oft in debate before him and the Counsell Table also that some few yeeres before he had sent to the generall Assembly at Clasgow his expresse order for the erection of Presbyteries in all the Shires of the Kingdome pp The Acts of the generall Assembly Instructions to our trusty and welbeloved William Cunningham of Caprinton directed by us with the advice of the Lords of our secret Counsell to the generall Assembly conveend at Gasgow April 20. 1581. followes the List of 50. Presbiteries 12. Parishes or thereabouts making up one Presbitry whence the Church came to be in a very peaceable possession of all her Assemblies nationall provincial classicall and congregationall without any controlment onely in that houre of darknesse as generally then it was called there was a short eclipse but that did quickly passe over neither did any interruption of these Church meetings come thereupon However The reprinters of this Declaration seem to be contemners of Oaths Lawes and al rights divine and humane we cannot but observe the disposition of those who with so great care and zeale set out in this paper to the world for imitation the example of a Prince although in the hour of tentation out of the which he was immediately delivered for pulling down and discharging of Presbyteries and Assemblies when established by Law and quietly possessed by a cleere Right both divine and humane We trust the honourable Houses of Parliament are farre from their mind else we should have but small comfort though we should see the Ghurch government here setled both by Law and possession for it seems that the publishers of this Writ would have us to despaire of any security to keep whatever now may be gotten Oaths Covenants Lawes Possessions must be no stronger then bonds of flax and ropes of straw which the fire of these mens wrath when ever it comes upon them will easily burne and burst asunder but it is well that Princes and Parliaments are not capable to be miscarried by the private passions of so unconstant and perfidious persons The reasons of the Act doe follow for the putting downe of the Classicall Presbytery a great misbehaviour is alledged The Presbytery of Edinburgh took upon them to diswade the Feasting of the French Embassadour and did enter in Processe with the Magistrates who at the Kings desire contrary to their advice did keepe that Feast a long and odious story of that matter is here deduced and borrowed from hence both by Spotswood in his History and Maxwell in his Issachars burthen but the truth is this A full account of the French Banquet as I finde it extracted out of the Records of the Church of Scotland by a very reverend and faithfull hand That time was one of the most sad and dangerous seasons that this Isse hath seene it was but a little after the Massacres of France and a little before the Spanish Armada about the very instant when the Catholicke League was hatched for the rooting out of Protestant Religion and all Protestant Princes especially Queene Elizabeth At this time it was when two or three French Embassadours one after another came over from France to Scotland with Instructions from the chief contrivers of that unholy League qq Vide supra Also Spotswoods history lib. 6. fo 180. year 1585. then came that holy League as they called it to be discovered which the Pope the Spanish King with the Guises and others had made to extirpate reformed Religion the Queene of England understanding her selfe to be principally aymed at c. Also the Collection Monsieur de la Motfenellon and Maningvill were sent from the King of France to strengthen the Kings faction to procure Lenox his returne to withdraw the King from the Lords The Court was then very corrupt exceeding tyrannous
Pope to take in his hand both the Swords nnn Animadversions To confound the Jurisdiction Civill and Ecclesiasticall is that thing wherein all men of good judgement have justly found fault with the Pope of Rome who claimeth to himselfe the power of both the swords which is as great a fault to a Civill Magistrate to claime or usurpe and especially to judge upon doctrine errours and heresies he not being placed in Ecclesiasticall function to interpret the Scriptures the warrant hereof out of the Word of God we are ready to bring forth his Majesty did put it under his own hand that these things were far from his thoughts that he was no Judge either of doctrine or heresie or of the interpretation of Scripture that neither he nor his Parliament did meddle w th Excommunication that they had pronoūced the excommunication of Mountgomery to be null not as Judges of the cause but as witnesses of the informality of the processe he confessed that Jesus Christ was the onely head and Law-giver of his Church and that if he should claime to himself or his heirs any thing meerly Ecclefiastick which the Word of God has put in the hands of Church officers that if he or any man should suspend or alter any thing which the Word of God did remit onely to them he avowed that these attempts in himselfe or any other would be nothing else but as he speaks the sinne of Idolatry and a transgression against all the three Persons of the Trinity against the Father in not trusting the words of his Son against the Son in not obeying him but taking his place over his head ooo Kings Declaration Never shall I nor ever ought my Posterity acclaime any power or Jurisdiction in a matter meerly Ecclesiasticall as to the Commissioners not Ecclesiasticall they are joyned to give their advices and not to interpose their authority while Christ sayes Dic Ecclefias and one onely man did steale that dint against the Bishop of Glasgow in a quiet holl the Act of Parliament reduceth the sentence for informality and nullity of processe not as Judges whether the excommunication was grounded on good and just causes or not but as witnesses that it was unformally proceeded and to end shortly this my Declaration I mind not to cut away any liberty granted by God to his Church I acclaime not to my selfe to be judge of doctrine or true interpretation of Scripture my intention is not to discharge any Jurisdiction in the Kirke that is conforme to Gods Word nor to discharge any Assembly but onely that these shall be holden by my License and Counsellours my intention is not to meddle with excommunication neither acclaime I to my selfe or my heirs power in any thing that is meere Ecclesiasticall and not adiaphoron nor with any thing that Gods Word hath simply devolved in the hands of his Ecclesiasticall Kirk and to conclude I confesse and acknowledge Christ Jesus to be head of his Church and Lawgiver to the same and whatsoever persons doe attribute to themselves as head of the Church and not as members to suspend or alter any thing that the Word of God hath onely remitted to them That man I say committeth manifest Idolatry and sinneth against the Father in not trusting the words of his Son against the Son in not obeying him and taking his place against the holy Ghost the said holy spirit bearing the contrary record to his conscience against the holy Ghost because against the Spirits Testimony in his own conscience I hope they who are so earnest to have King James heard in this cause though in a false and suppositious Writ will be content to hear him in his true Declaration under his own hand The third part of the Writ containes an enumeration of his Majesties intentions The pretended intentions were not the Kings but the Prelats concerning them we need adde little to what is said onely consider first that Adamson the Author of the Writ assures us that there is nothing or little here of the Kings intentions ppp Recantation I have enterprized of meere remorse of conscience to write against a Book called The Declaration of the Kings Majesties intentions albeit it containeth little or nothing of the Kings intentions but of my own in the time of the writing thereof and the corrupt intentions of such as for the time were about the King and abused his minority in the whole Book is nothing contained but assertions of lyes ascribing to the Kings Majesty that whereof he was not culpable I grant I was more busie with some Bishops in England in prejudice of the discipline of our Kirke partly when I was there and partly since by mutuall intelligence then became a good Christian much lesse a faithfull Pastor being that he did here set downe onely his owne intentions and these of the Courtiers and Prelates at that time of their highest pride and greatest oppression of the religious party Secondly The Reprinters of this Writ seeme to bee perjured men and either hypocrits or Apostates the errours and faults that appeare in these intentiōs are of two kinds Prelaticall and Erastian For the first not onely the Author did recant them but also as we have now often said King James with the States Assembled in Parliament did expresly condemne them and at this time they stand condemned in the whole Isle by King Charles in his Parliament of Scotland and by both the Houses of the Parliament of England who ever now wil tak the patrociny of the Prelaticall war doth set his face against the King and Parliaments of both Nations and if he be a member of Parlia in either Nation whoaccording to his place must needs have sworn the National Covenant for his endeavor to establish what by his Covenāt he was boūd to his power to have extirpated Let him be cast with ignominy out of these honourable Senates as a false and perjured hypocrite planting by deed what by Oath and Covenant he promised to eradicat or else an Apostate repenting and retracting while now he is set in Parliament what at his entry upon oath he promised that he might be permitted to sit downe such perjured whether hypocrisie or apostacy cannot but be abominable both to God and all ingenuous men As for the Erastianisme of these intentions Cesaro-Papisme is Antichristianisme worse then that of the Pope whereby the Bishops are made pleni-potentiaries in the Church by vertue of a Commission from the Magistrate we have shewed at length how farre King James disclaimed this errour as a grievous sinne against the Father Son and holy Ghost for the thing it selfe makes the Magistrate head of the Church and fountaine of all Ecclesiastick Jurisdiction This Cesaro-papisme is an Antichristianisme so much worse then that of the Pope as more uncontrolable and remedilesse the servants of God in their wrastlings against the Antichistianisme of the Pope and Prelats had often times great
evills with so great unkindnesse they were loadned with so many calumnious and contumelious aspersions the Reformation of Religion their greatest aime went so farre back before their eyes that their provocations were great to provide at last for themselves while something yet at home did remain to them to be preserved But beholding visibly in their retreat and provision for themselves the certain ruine of their unadvised friends they chused rather to put up with patience all their sufferings and quietly to wait on till the ruine of the Enemy and setling of their brethrens estate by their help might open the eyes of all and bring the most perverse to Repentance for their misbehaviour towards the instruments of their welfare especially when they did see the invincible fidelity of the Scots unbrangled with the greatest temptations Though in all their late unexpressible extremities they had received no assistance at all from England nor much importuned them for it though to their greatest griefe they did see the Gangren of Heresie and Schisme without the application of any true remedy overspreading all England so fast that the infection of Scotland with this Pestilence seemed unavoidable though the current of affaires did seem to run in that channell that the person and family of the King the authority of the Parliament the Liberties of the City and Kingdome might be cast ere long into no mall hazard our Army also and Nation for no other cause but their constant resolutions to keep to their first principles did seem to stand in a very neer possibility to be to ally destroyed yet for all this they were farre from any rash or unjust conclusion their eyes were towards the Lord they did wait for his deliverance and when by him an opportunity was put in their hands to right themselves with the disadvantage of others yet they did mannage that occasion with so much justice wisedome dexterity and successe that all the world they hope is satisfied with their honesty as of men who minded nothing more then the saving of the whole Isle from these calamities that visibly were imminent the re-establishing of the King in his throne the confirming of the Parliament City and Country in all their rights the setling of Religion and peace according to the word of God and the Lawes of the Land and their owne quick returne to their homes in very easie and equitable termes enriched with nothing so much a with a conscience of well deserving with the blessings of all England with the commendation of Neighbour nations and with the hopes of the Posterities favourable construction of their whole deportment in this great action That such a people as this should be traduced and defamed by contumelious Libels in England and that at London with the contentment or patience of any it would seeme a matter very strange if the most absurd and strange things were not here long agoe become common The third circumstance considerable The Independents and Erastians in printing and publishing this book are many waies faulty is the instruments and present publishers of this writ● That a Bishop at Oxford should have been countenanced in writing a Satyre against the Scots whom all the Malignants did hare as the chiefe and first Authors of the miscarriage of their great designe we doe not marvaile but that at London our sworn and covenanted Brethren should be avowed proclaimers of Scotlands disgrace it is a peece of singular and unexpected unkindnesse Our Brethren whether Independents or Erastians or both who have procured this Edition and with so much sedulity make it passe from hand to hand though they had been pleased to cast behind their backs all the good offices which this last century of yeares have past betwixt the Kingdomes though they had banished all gratitude towards the Scots for their late actions and sufferings though their conscience had permitted them to have trod under foot all the Oaths and Covenants whereby they stand expresly tyed to defend the Reformation of the Church of Scotland against the common Enemy Yet I would know of them how they are become thus unadvised to let their indignation against the Scottish Presbytery swell up so high as for their hatred thereunto to venture the destruction of the Parliament of England to declare all the Members of both Houses at Westminster damnable Traitors because dying in the act of Rebellion without Repentance but all who have perished on the Malignant side to be a kinde of Martyrs as being unjustly killed for their duty to God and the King to bring back Bishops to the house of Lords to put into their hands alone and that by Divine Right all the Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction of the whole Church of England And if they were resolute in their hatred of Presbytery thus far to miscarry I would further know if either the Erastians or Independents have any principles for the reduction of Poperty for the re-erection in England of Abbots Cardinals and Popes And if men against their owne principles must needs run thus mad yet that they should be permitted to act according to their madnes in the day-light under the eye and nose of so wise just and prudent a Parliament it is and will be long hereafter a matter of very great admiration especially to them who at the same time did behold some other writs for much smaller reflections purged with the hand of the Hangman by fire in many publique places and their publishers how well deserving soever otherwise both of Church and State stigmatized with notes of high infamy These three considerations are but proemicall the fourth concerning the particular matter of the Treatise is the principall If I should examine every thing it would be tedious yet shall I touch upon every passage that I conceive to be materiall This second Edition has a new Title Page The title Issachars burthen is a doltish reproach of this present Paliament and some additions in the Preface In the very inscription Issachars burthen there is a salt Gybe at the present Government that which the Proverbe wont to appropriate to the Peasants of France that they were strong Asses willing to beare all Burthens so they might live in peace in that fat soyle by this good Patriot is contumeliously applyed to England it now is the Asse crouching under two burthens if Presbyterie be the one the Parliament must be the other these be the two unsupportable burthens pointed at along all the Authors Writs the two light burthens which he every where cryes up are Monarchy scrued up to the highest pinne of Tyrannicall Prerogative and Episcopacy in all its Papall Priviledges both well fastned upon the Asses back by the cords of a Divine Right who ever for the love of peace in a plentifull Land will set their shoulders under this double burthen are Issachars Asses indeed but truly the Scots have not merited this commendation for their Land is not among the most plentifull nor have their
Treatise is but an extract of the most false and venemous parts of Spoiswoods story and an English rod or spurre for the sides of such a presumptuous Prophet we shall say no more to the Preface In the Treatise it selfe you draw your discourse to foure heads the Church Session or Congregationall Eldership the Classicall Presbytery Provinciall Synod and generall Assembly upon some of these foure you draw in what ever disgracefull Story you have either heard or read of any Churchmen of Scotland opposite to your way The great fountaine of all your bitter waters is that cistern which Spotswood of St Andrewes did endeavour all his life time to gather together in that Collection the Authors great intention was to heap up all things he conceived might make the Presbyteriall Government hatefull and the Episcopall lovely but being certain of great contradiction from many who knew as much in affairs as himselfe and were much more willing to speak truth without disguise he kept in this book while he lived that it might not see the light till after his death when he was not to be argued with for any of his lying and malicious Narrations This Manuscript falling in your hands you draw out of it what is most venemous and or that stuffe make up this present booke There are long agoe in Scotland prepared sufficient Antidotes against the poison of the whole story wherby any man may be furnished without difficulty towards the full confutation of your extracts but the grossenesse of your Lyes did cry so loud at this time for an answer that the patience of many good people admitted not of so long a delay as that I could be furnished from a far with any materials yet out of the small store of my knowledge and memory of the affaires you speake of and by some few helps which my present accomodations doe furnish I will venture to give you a sudden answer which I hope shall prove satisfactory enough to all ingenuous Readers who will not affect to cavill if there shall be found any materiall defect reply when you will you shall have a rejoynder Upon your first head of Church Sessions you spend your first three pages wherein you make us ascribe to our Congregationall Elderships much undue and tyrannick power Page 1. The Church of Scotland gives no more power to congregationall Elderships then both the Independents and Erastians doe allow To this I answer in generall First That we give no more power to congregationall Elderships then the Churches of France or Holland of new-New-England ascribe to them both in their doctrine and daily practise Secondly the power we ascribe to them cannot be challenged either by Independents or Erastians for the Independents great plea with us is about the defect that we give not power enough to that Court with our excesse herein they were never offended as for the Erastians they will not question with us about any power which the Parliament will be pleased to allow unto that Eldership now your selfe doth know that our Church Sessions practise not any power but that which the Acts of our Parliament do warrant our liberty there is not astricted to any certaine enumerate cases but I dare say that in many yeares we will not have occasion in our Congregationall Elderships to meddle in any case which even this Parliament hath not already allowed or will not as I conceive be willing upon the first Emergency to allow I grant you Prelates are here our opposites The ground of the Prelates quarrell is absurd but how justly let equitable men judge you tell us that congregationall Elderships ought to have no power at all because forsooth the whole power of all spirituall jurisdiction must reside in the Bishop alone It is your principle that in all the Preachers and in all the Congregations of the whole Diocesse yea of the whole Kingdome there is not so much power as to give to any man for what ever crime a publike admonition yet any Lay man in the Kingdom or out of the Kingdom whom the Bishop is pleased to make his Officiall or Chancellor may keep a Court in any part of the Diocesse and therein passe a sentence of Excommunication against the best Pastors and chiefe Members of any Congregation because the Scots since their first Reformation could never by any Art nor by any Force be gotten inslaved to such a Tiranny therefore it is that you your Colleagues and your Fathers have been offended with them and in your anger have invented these calumnies which here you are pleased to object The first particular crime which ye lay to our charge is The Prelates give much more Ecclesiasticall power to Laymen then we to ruling ●lders That we doe give some power of spirituall jurisdiction to ruling Elders and that by a Divine Right We grant the charge and thinke it easie to demonstrate the warrant of our Tenet both from Scripture and the practise of all the ancient and all the reformed Churches but it is needlesse here to digresse into that debate for this is not your maine quarrell with us that we give some power or jurisdiction to those you call Lay-Elders but that we ascribe any part of jurisdiction to any at all beside the Bishop for you know it is an Article of the Prelaticall Creed That a preaching Elder hath no more interest in jurisdiction then a lay Elder that for this kinde of power Priest and people are all alike That neither of them of themselves by vertue of their office have any dram thereof yet by vertue of a Commission from the Bishop either of them is capable of a pleni-potency and are able to doe the acts of the highest spirituall jurisdiction what the Iesuites were wont to ascribe unto the Pope in the Church universall That the Bishop takes to himself in his own Diocesse he and he alone by Divine right is the head the sun the fountaine the onely receptacle of all spirituall jurisdiction which he keeps to himselfe or communicates to be execute by others for the time the measure the persons according to his own good pleasure The Erastian principle is only different in this that they pull the Pope and the Bishop out of the chaire that there may be roome to set downe the Magistrate in their place What you speak of the Deacons it is a mistake We grant to Deacons no power of jurisdicton we wish there were Doctors in populous congregations page 2. In some few congregations Elders have a dispensation for a time for albeit they be present in the Eldership to receive their directions for the poore yet they doe not voice in any well governed Eldership nor do they claime any power in jurisdiction Concerning Doctors that populous Congregations wants them it comes not from any designe but for want either of meanes or of Idoneous and willing persons What you speake of the yearely election of Elders the matter is this There is
not in any Congregation of Scotland which I doe know a yearly election of Elders but in populous Cities where the Elders are many and diverse of them unable to attend that charge without the hurt of their estate the most of them being Merchants and Tradesmen who must travell for their livelyhood they have a liberty to be free from that service every two yeere if so they be content to attend upon a call every third yeere the Levites attended the service of the Temple but a few months in the yeare What is right or wrong in this custome of some few of our Congregations we are willing to debate it and as it shall be found just or unjust to keep or change that practise for in such things we love not to be contentious In your three last Sections yee do cast upon the Eldership in hand a rabble of incongruous practises Page 3. No Eldership inflicts any civill punishment although the Magistrate in the Eldership doth so sometimes what you bring of pecuniary mulcts imprisonments banishments jogges cutting of haire and such like it becomes neither you to charge nor us to be charged with any such matters No Church-assembly in Scotland assumes the least degree of power to inflict the smallest civill punishment upon any person the Generall Assembly it selfe bath no power to fine any creature so much as in one groat It is true the Lawes of the Land appoint ●ecuniary mulcts imprisonment joggs pillories and banishment for some odious crimes and the power of putting these Laws in execution is placed by the Parliament in the hands of the in●eriour Magistrates in Burroughs or Shires or of others to whom the Counsel Table gives a speciall Commission for that end ordinarily some of these civill persons are ruling Elders and sit with the Eldership So when the Eldership have cognosced upon the scandall alone of criminall persons and have used their spirituall censures only to bring the party to Repentance some of the Ruling Elders by vertue of their civill office or commission will impose a Mulct or send to Prison or stocks or banish out of the bounds of some little circuit according as the Acts of Parliament or counsell do appoint it But that the Eldership should imploy its Eccclesiastick and Spirituall power for any such end none of us doe defend That either in Scotland or any where else in the world the haire of any person is commanded to be cut by any Church judicatory for disgrace and punishment is as I take it but a foolish fable That any person truely penitent is threatned in Scotland with Church censures for non-payment of Monies is in the former Category of calumnies But suppose that all your alleagations were true Bishops confound miserably the spirituall and civill office yet how congruously does a challenge of this kind come from your mouth do you think that all civill imployments are incompatible with spirituall offices How many Ministers did you get to be Iustices of Peace you your selfe were a judge of Common-pleas your colleague S. Andrewes was Chancellor of the Kingdom you know the Treasurers white staffe was very neer to your hands and for the missing of it what stir you made Many of you were Lords of Councel and all of you Lords both of Parliament and temporall Lordships and Regalities where your Baylies kept Court in your names diverse of your Coat with your good liking have been Secretaries of State Keepers of the Privy Seale Leger Ambassadors with forraign Princes your brethren over Sea in France and Spaine Germany and Italy are Admirals of Royall Navies are Generals of Land forces are Princes of Temporall Estates according to these principles that I thinke you doe approve according to your Cannons in Scotland and your ordinary practise in England Great summes of mony were exacted in your spirituall Courts and pocketed up for private uses how many have been excommunicate there for non-payment of a shilling and refused absolution till their fine was payed with increase what do you speak to us of a pecuniary mulct of a very small and unconsiderable value taken up by the Magistrate and imployed only in pious uses Why doe you speak to us of cutting of Beards when your Prelates doe burne the cheeks how many gracious soules have been starved to death in your Episcopall dungeous how many thousands have you banished out of Bricaine out of Europe for no fault at all but their zeale to the truth of God how many hundred thousand hath your pride and obstinacy in error caused to be slaine within these seven yeares in the next age ignorant men may be pardoned to deny these things but it were great impudence this day to deny them when yet we do sticke in the Pit of these troubles wherein the madnesse of you Prelates hath cast us Your objection about the Baptisme of Bastards is vain We refuse Baptism to no insant where either of the Parents will undertake for Christian education for we refuse not that Sacrament to any of them if either of the Parents profesie Repentance and undertake for the Christian education of their child but the ground of your quarrelling in this Point is that we cannot follow your Popish Doctrine that we refute to professe the actuall regeneration of all baptized Infants and that we dare not put all unbaptized persons in the state of unregeneration and damnation Your next head concerns the Classicall Presbytery Page 4 5. No Prince pleads for any exemption from Ecclesiastick jurisdiction your first Objection against it which a little thereafter and oft elsewhere you do ingeminate is That the King and his family are subject to its Jurisdiction I would gladly know if among the rest of the Prelaticall absurd ties this were one That Christian Princes and Magistrates are fully exempted from all Ecclesiastick jurisdiction sometimes your party would seem to speake so as if every Magistrate at least every Prince were such a God upon earth that none might say to any of them Sir what are you doing though they were running to hell themselves and drawing at their heels all they were able This is so grosse a flattery that all advised Princes abhorre it and confesse themselves to be subject to Ecclesiasticall Discipline as well as others for they know if they should exempt themselves from this part of Christian religion they should presently be in hazard or loosing the benefit of all the rest for Christianity is a body of Articles so straitly joyned that either all must be received or none You your selfe though among the absurdest of all your faction do confesse so much as any Presbyterian in the world did ever thinke of you say that the Crowne and Scepter is subject not only to the directive power of the Church expound the Church as you will for a Congregationall Classicall or Nationall Eldership it is alike for the present Question but also to the authoritative power of the same whereby the