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A67926 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 3,159,793 882

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leaue vndone any part 〈◊〉 parcel of the premisses or else in the execution and setting forth of the same do coldly and fainedly vse any maner sinister addition wrong interpretation or painted colour then we straightly charge commaund you that forthwith vpon any such default negligence or dissimulation of the said Bishop or any other ecclesiasticall person of his dioces contrary to the true tenour meaning and effecte of the saide charge by vs to him appointed aforesaid yee doe make indelaidly and with all speede and d●ligence declaration and aduertisement to vs and our Counsell of the saide defaulte and of the behauiour maner and fashion of the same And for as much as we vpon singular trust and assured confidence which we haue in you and for the speciall loue and zeale we suppose and thinke ye beare towards vs and the publicke and common wealth vnitie and tranquillitie of this our realme haue specially elected and chosen you among so many for this purpose and haue reputed you suche men as vnto whose wisedome discretion truth and fidelitie we might commit a matter of suche great waight moment and importance as whereupon the vnitie and tranquillity of our realme doth consist if ye shoulde contrary to our expectation and trust which we haue in you and agaynst your duety and allegeance towards vs neglect or omit to do with all your diligence and wisedome whatsoeuer shall be in your power for the due performance of our mind and pleasure to you before declared in this behalfe or h●lt or stomble at any part or specialitie of the same be yee assured that we like a Prince of iustice will so extremely punish you for the same that all the worlde besides shall take by you example and beware contrary to their allegeance to disobey the lawfull commaundement of theyr soueraigne Lord and Prince in such things as by the faithfull execution whereof ye shall not onely aduance the honor of Almightie God and set foorth the maiestie and Imperiall dignitie of youre soueraigne Lord but also bring an inestimable weale profite and commoditie vnitie and tranquillitie to all the common state of this our Realme whereunto both by the lawes of God nature and man ye be vtterly bound Geuen vnder our signet at our Pallace of Westminster the 9. day of Iune Furthermore that no man shall cauill or surmise thys fatall fall and ruine of the Pope to haue come rashly vpon the Kings owne partiall affection or by any sensuall temeritie of a few and not by the graue and aduised iudgement approbation and consent generally and publikely as well of the nobles and commons temporal as also vppon substantiall groundes and the very strength of truth by the discussion and consultation of the spiritual and most learned persons in this Realme it shall be requisite moreouer to these premisses to adioyne the words and testimonies also of the Byshops owne othes and profession made to the King yelding and rendering vnto him only the stile of supreme head next vnder Christ of the Church of England all other seruice subiection and obedience to be geuen to any other forreine Potentate which should be preiudiciall to the Kings highnes in this behalfe beeing excluded and that both frankely and freely of their own voluntary motion and also vppon the faith and fidelitie of their priesthode as by their owne words and handwriting may appeare in forme as heere vnder followeth The othe of Steuen Gardiner to the King EGo Stephanus Wintonien Episcopus pure sponte absolute in verbo pontificio profiteor ac spondeo Illustrissimae vestrae Regiae maiestati singulari ac summo Domino meo patrono Henrico Dei gratia Angliae Franciae Regi fidei defensori Domino Hiberniae atque in terris Ecclesiae Anglicanae supremo immediatè sub Christo capiti quod post hac nulli externo Imperatori Regi Principi aut Prelato nec Romano pontifici quem Papam vocant fidelitatem obedientiam c. In English I Steuen Byshop of Winchester do purely of mine owne voluntary accord and absolutely The othe of Steph. Gardiner to the king in y e word of a Bishop professe and promise to your princely maiestie my singular and chiefe Lord and Patrone Henry the 8. by the grace of Gdo King of England of France defendor of the fayth Lord of Ireland in earth of the Church of England supreme head immediately vnder Christ that from this day forward I shall sweare promise geue or cause to be geuē to no forreine Potētate Emperour King Prince or Prelate nor yet to the Byshop of Rome whō they call Pope any othe or feaultie directly or indirectly either by word or writyng but at all tymes and in euery case condition I shall obserue hold mainteyne to all effectes intentes the quarell cause of your royall Maiestie your successours and to the vttermost of my power shall defend the same agaynst all manner of persons whom soeuer I shall know or suspect to bee aduersaries to your Maiestie or to your successours shall geue my fayth truth obedience sincerely with my very hart onely to your royall Maiestie as to my supreme Prince I professe the Papacie of Rome not to be ordeined of God by holy Scripture but constantly do affirme and openly declare and shall declare it to be set vp onely by mā Stephen Gardiner aprenoun-renounceth the Pope and shall cause diligently other men likewise to publish the same Neither shall I enter any treatie with any person or persons either priuely or apertly or shall consent thereto that the Byshop of Rome shall haue or exercise here any authoritie or iurisdiction or is to be restored to any iurisdic●ion hereafter Furthermore that y e sayd Byshop of Rome now being or any that shall succeede him hereafter in the sayd Sea is not to be called Pope nor supreme Byshop or vniuersall Byshop nor most holy Lord but onely ought to be called Byshop of Rome and felow brother as the old maner of the most auncient Byshops hath bene this I shall to my power openly mainteyne and defend Also I shall firmely obserue cause to bee obserued of other to the vttermost of my cunnyng witte power all such lawes and Actes of this Realme how and what soeuer as haue bene enacted established for the extirpation and suppression of the Papacie and of the authoritie and iurisdiction of the sayd Byshop of Rome Neither shall I appeale hereafter to the sayd Bish. of Rome nor euer consent to any person that shall appeale to him neither shall I attempt prosecute or follow any sute in the Court of Rome for any cause of right or Iustice to be had or shall make aunswere to any plee or action nor shall take vpon me the person and office either of the plaintife or defendent in the sayd Court. And if the sayd Byshop by his messenger or by his letters shall make any meanes or
Christ of the strength of the law of the horrour of sinne of difference betwene the lawe and the Gospel of the true liberty of conscience c. no mētion or very litle was heard Wherefore in this so blinde time of darknes it was muche needefull and requisite that the Lord of his mercy shoulde looke vpon his churche send downe hys gratious reformation which also he did For shortly vpon the same thorowe the gratious excitation of God came Martine Luther of whome the order of story nowe requireth that we should and will intreat Christ willingly after the storie of Richard Hunne and a fewe other things premised for the better opening of the storie to folowe Mention was made sufficiently before of the doings of Pope Iulius Anno. 1510. and of hys warlike affaires for the whych he was condemned and not vniustly in the coūcell of Turone in Fraunce Pope Iulius plaieth the warrior Anno 1510. and yet all thys coulde not asswage the furious affection of this pope but the same yere he inuaded the Citie of Mutina and Mirandula in Italie Anno. 1512. and tooke them by force of warre Which Pope Iulius not long after The Pope ouercome in Battaile in the yeare of our Lorde 1512. refusing peace offered by Maximilian the Emperour was encountered by Lewes the French king about Rauenna vpon Easter day where he was vanquished and had of his army slaine to the number of xvj thousande Ex Chron. Carion And the yere next folowing Anno 1513. this Apostolical warriour Anno. 1513. which had resigned his keyes vnto the riuer of Tybris before made an end together both of fighting and liuing The death of Pope Iulius after he had raigned and fought x. yeeres Atter whome succeded next in the sea of Rome Pope Leo the 10. About the compasse of which time Pope Leo x great mutatiōs and stirres began to worke as well in states temporall as especially in the state of the Church Pope Leo 10. in Rome An. 1513. reigned 9. The state succession of Princes Charles 5. Emperour in Germanie An. 1519. reigned 39. Fraunces K. of France An. 1515. reigned 32. Henry 8. K. of England An. 1509. reigned 38. Iames 5. K. of Scotland An. 1514. reigned   In the time of which Pope Emperour and kinges of England and of France great alterations troubles and turnes of religion were wrought into the Churche by the mighty operation of Gods hand in Italy Fraunce Germanie Englande and all Europe suche as haue not bene seene although muche groned for many hundreth yeares before as in further discourse of this historie Christe willing more manifestly shall appeare But before wee come to these alterations taking the time as it lieth before vs wee will first speake of Richarde Hunne and certaine other godly minded persons heere in Englande afflicted for the woorde of Christes Gospell in great multitude as they be found and taken out of the Registers of Fitziames Bishop of London by the faithfull helpe and industry of R. Carket citizen of London The historie of diuers good men and women persecuted for religion in the Citie and Dioces of the Bishop of London briefly extracted out of the Registers of Richard Fitziames AMongest and besides the great number of the faithful martyrs and professours of Christe that constantly in the strength of the holy Ghost gaue their liues for the testimonie of his truthe Ex Registro Fitziames I finde recorded in the Register of London betwene the yeares of our Lorde 1509. and 1527. the names of diuers other persons both men and women who in the fulnes of that darke and mystie times of ignoraunce had also some portion of Gods good spirite whiche induced them to the knowledge of his trueth and Gospel and were diuersly troubled persecuted and imprisoned for the same notwithstanding by the proud cruell and bloudy rage of the Catholique seat and through the weaknes and frailtie of their owne nature not then fully strengthned in God it was againe in them for the time The professiō of the Protestantes no new doctrine suppressed and kept vnder as appeareth by their seueral abiuratiōs made before Richard Fitziames then bishop of London in hys time a most cruell persecutor of Christes church or els before his vicar general deputed for y e same And for asmuch as many of the aduersaries of Gods trueth haue of late dayes disdainefully and braggingly cried out and made demaunds in their publique assemblies and yet do asking where this our church and religion was wythin these 50. or 60. yeares I haue thought it not altogether vaine somewhat to stop such lying crakers both by mentioning theyr names and likewyse opening some of the chiefe and principal matters for which they wer so vnmercifully afflicted and molested thereby to geue to vnderstand as wel the continuaunce and consent of the true church of Christe in that age touching the chiefe poynts of our faith though not in like perfection of knowledge and cōstancie in all as also by the way something to touch what fond and friuolous matters the ignoraunt Prelates shamed not in that time of blindnesse to obiect against the poore simple people accounting them as heynous and great offences yea such as deserued death both of body and soule But least I shauld seeme too prolixe and tedious heerein I will nowe briefly proceede wyth the storie and first begin wyth theyr names whych are these Anno. 1510. Ioanne Baker William Pottyer Iohn Forge Thomas Goodred Thomas Walker alias Talbot Thomas Forge Alyce Forge Iohn Forge theyr son William Couper Lewes Iohn Ioanne Iohn Ihon Webbe alias Baker Anno. 1512. Iohn Houshold Robert Rascal Anno. 1517. Elizabeth Stanford George Browne Anno. 1518. Iohn Wykes Richard Butler Anno. 1511. Iohn Caluerton Anno. 1521 Iohn Woodrofe Richard Woolman Roger Hyllyar Anno. 1521. Alyce Couper Anno. 1523. Thomas Austye Ioanne Austye Thomas Graunt Iohn Garter Anno. 1526. Christofer Rauins Dionise Rauins Anno. 1527. Thomas Vincent Richard Butler Iohn Samme William Kyng Robert Durdant Henry Woolman Edmond Spilman Iohn Higges aliâs Noke aliâs Iohnsonne Henry Chambers Iohn Hynggyns Thomas Egleston Here foloweth the particular examination of all these heere aboue named To these were diuers and sundry particular Articles besides the common and generall sort accustomably vsed in such cases priuately obiected euen such as they were then accused of either by their curate or other their neighbours And because I thinke it somewhat superfluous to make any large recitall of all and euery part of their seuerall processe I minde therefore briefly only to touch so many of their articles as may be sufficient to induce the Christian Reader to iudge the sooner of the rest being I assure you of no greater importance then these that folow Except that sometime they were charged most slanderously with horrible and blasphemous lies against the maiestie and truth of God which as they vtterly
for the singulare promptnesse in the Italian toung wherein hee seemed nothing inferior neither to Peter Uanne here in Englande the kings Secretary for the Italian toung nor yet to any other which were the best in that toung in all Uenice For opinion fame of lerning he was so notoriously accepted not onely here in England w t Linacre Grecinus More other but also knowen reported abroad in such sort that in all the great heap of Erasmus Epistles he wrote almost to none so many as he wrote to thys Richard Pacie As the sayde Pacie was resident Ambassadour at Uenice the king hauing warre the same time Richard Pacie Ambassadour at Venice with Fraunces the French king as is afore rehersed through the conducting of the duke of Bourbon whom he then waged w t hys expenses sent commandement to Pacie to geue attēdance to the duke of Bourbon The Duke of Bourbon waged with the king of Englāds money concerning the receite of that money and other necessities exploits to that expedition appertaining In the meane while as the French king wyth his army and the Duke of Bourbon were approchyng in battel together neare about the citie of Pauia it so hapned some thinke through the craftie packing of the Cardinall that the kings money was not so ready The Duke of Bourbon disapointed of the kinges money as it was looked for By reason wherof y e duke of Bourbon perceiuing his soldiors about to shrinke from him to the French king for lacke of paiment called to him the Ambassador cōplaining vnto him how the king of England had deceiued him and broke promise with him to hys great dishonor vtter vndoing c. Pacie then being sure of the kings wil and suspecting the crafty fetch of the Cardinall desired y e duke not to take discomfort nor any diffidence of the Kings assured promise excusing the delay of y e money as wel as he could by intercipation or other causes by the way incident rather then for any lacke of fidelitie on the kings behalfe adding moreouer that if it would please him happely to proceede as he had couragiously begon Richard Pacie helpeth the Duke of Bourbō with money he should not stay for the kings mony so sure he was of the kings mind therin that he would supply the lacke of that paiment vppon hys owne credite amongest his frendes at Uenice and so did Wherupon the soldiors being sufficiētly satisfied with paiment of theyr wages proceeded foorth wyth the Duke vnto the battaile In the which battaile the foresayde French king the same time before the Citie of Pauie Richard Pacie was the meanes why the French king was taken was taken prisoner as is afore declared Which being eftsoones knowen to the king of Englande Pacie had bothe condigne thankes for his faithfull seruice and also his money repaid againe with the vttermost as he wel deserued But as the laude and the renowmed praise of men for theyr woorthy prowesses commonly in this world neuer go vnaccompanied without some priuie canker of enuie and disdaine following after so the singulare industrie of Pacie as it wan much commendation with many so it could not auoyd the secrete sting of some Serpents The Cardinall hated Pacie For the conceiued hatred of this Cardinal so kindled against him that he neuer ceased till first he brought hym out of the kings fauour and at last also out of his perfect wittes The occasion howe hee fell beside hymselfe was thys for that the Cardinall after the death of Pope Adrian hoping no lesse but that he should haue bene aduaunced vnto the Papacie and yet missing thereof hee supposed wyth him selfe the faulte chiefly to rest in Pacies negligence by whose great witte and learning and earnest meanes and sute he thought easily he might haue acheued and compassed the triple crowne Wherfore he seing it otherwise come to passe and inflamed against Pacie for the same wrought such wayes and meanes that by the space almoste of two yeares The Cardinall practiseth against Pacie Pacie continuing at Uenice had neither wrytinge from the king nor his counsaile what he shuld do nor yet any maner of allowaunce for his diet although he wrote and sent letters for the same to England very often for the Cardinall had altogether incensed the king against hym Whereupon the sayd Pacie tooke such an inward thoughte and conceite that his wittes began to faile hym he beynge notwithstanding in such fauour among the Senatours of Uenice Pacie in great credite with the Venetians that neyther for gold nor siluer he could there haue lacked By some it is reported that the Uenitian Legate heere in Englande comming to the Cardinall required if he would commaunde any thyng to the Englishe Ambassadour at Uenice The Cardinall falsely belyeth Pacie To whome he should aunswer agayne in high woordes sayinge Paceus decepit Regem Whyche wordes comming to Pacies eares so deepely pearced hys stomacke that he fel quite besides himself I hard it moreouer of an other thus testified who had a brother the same time dwelling wyth Pacie that the Cardinall aboute the returning of Pacie from Uenice sent him a letter so powdered wyth what spices I can not tell that at the reading therof Pacie then being in the fieldes fell sodenly in such a mighty running for the space of 2 miles that his seruants had much a do to take him and bring him home This pitious case of Pacie was not a litle lamented by the whole Senate and chiefe learned men in Uenice in so much that the king was not onely certified therof by Thomas Lupset who then was chiefe man about Pacie Pacie be straught of his wittes and his Secretarye for that Ambassage but also the sayde Senate of Uenice wrote in such sharpe vehement wise vnto their Ambassador then being in England that he should signifie to the king touching Pacies case that thereby the king knowing the trueth and the whole circumstaunce of the matter was not a litle sorowful therefore Whereupon Pacie was forthwith sent for home and when hee came to England he was commanded by the king to be specially well tended to lacke no keeping In so much that within a small processe of time he was pretely well come agayne to his wittes began to studie the Hebrew tongue wyth Wakefield Pacie pretely recouered so that the Cardinall then being absent suche waies was founde by his frendes that he was brought to the king lying then at Richmond where he and the kynge secretely communed together by the space of 2. houres and more Pacie brought to the kinges speech not wythout greate reioycing to the king as it was perceiued to see him so well amended returned to hymselfe againe geuing likewise strait charge and commaundement that he should lacke nothing The Cardinall being then not present when he heard of this fearing least he had disclosed somewhat to the king
borne Yet neuertheles his purpose was to prooue and feele what they both would say vnto it therefore sent Steuen Gardiner to Rome to way with Pope Clement To the Emperour was sent Syr Nicolas Heruy knight ambassador in the Court of Gaunt Firste Pope Clement not weying belike the full importaunce and sequele of the matter Campeius the Popes Legate sent Cardinal Campeius as is sayde into Englande ioyned with the Cardinal of Yorke At the comming of which Legates The kinges perswasion to the Legate the King first opening vnto them the griefe of hys conscience seemed wyth great reasons and persuasions sufficiently to haue drawne the good will of those two Legates to his side Who also of their owne accord pretended no lesse but to shew a willing inclination to further the kinges cause But yet the mouthes of the common people and in especial of women and such other as fauoured the Queene and talked their pleasure Euill language of the people about the kinges diuorce were not stopped Wherefore to satisfie the blinde surmises and foolishe communication of these also who seeing the comming of the Cardinalles cast out suche leaude wordes that the king woulde for his owne pleasure haue an other wife with like vnseeming talke he therefore willing that al men should know the truth of his procedings caused all his Nobilitie Iudges and Counsaillors wyth diuers other persons to resort to his Pallace of Bridewel the 8. day of Nouemb. An. 1529. where he openly speaking in his great chāber had these words in effect as followeth The kings Oration to his subiects OVr trustie welbeloued subiects both you of the nobility you of the meaner sort it is not vnknowē both how that we both by Gods prouision and true and lawfull inheritaunce haue raigned ouer this realme of England almost the terme of 20. yeares During whiche time we haue so ordered vs thanked be God that no outward enemy hath oppressed you nor taken anye thing from vs nor we haue inuaded no realme but we haue had victory honor so that we think that you nor none of your predecessors neuer liued more quietly more wealthely nor in more estimation vnder any of our noble progenitors But when we remēber our mortality and that we must die then we think that all our doings in our life time are clearely defaced worthy of no memory if we leaue you in trouble at the time of oure deathe for if our true heir be not known at the time of our death see what mischiefe and trouble shall succeede to you and to your children The experience thereof some of you haue seene after the death of our noble grandfather king Edward 4. and some haue heard what mischief and manslaughter continued in this realme betwene the houses of Yorke and Lancaster by the which dissention this realme was like to haue bene clearely destroyed And although it hath pleased almighty God to send vs a faire daughter of a noble woman and of me begotten to our greate comfort and ioy yet it hath bene tolde vs by diuers great Clearks that neither she is our lawfull daughter nor her mother our lawfull wife but that we liue together abhominably and detestably in open adulterie in somuch that when our Ambassade was last in France and motion was made that the Duke of Orleance should marry our sayde daughter one of the chiefe Counsailours to the French king sayd It were well done to know whether she be the king of Englands lawfull daughter or not for well knowen it is that he begot her on his brothers wife which is directly againste Gods law and his precept Thinke you my Lords that these words touch not my body and soule Thinke you that these doings doe not daily and hourely trouble my cōscience and vexe my spirits Yes we doubt not but and if it were your cause euery man wold seeke remedy when the pearil of your soule and the losse of your inheritance is openly laide to you For this onely cause I protest before God and in the word of a Prince I haue asked councell of the greatest Clearkes in Christendome and for this cause I haue sent for this Legate as a manne indifferent onely to knowe the truth and so to settle my conscience and for none other cause as God can iudge And as touching the Queene if it be adiudged by the law of God that she is my lawfull wife there was neuer thing more pleasant nor more acceptable to me in my life both for the discharge and clearing of my conscience and also for the good qualities and conditions the which I know to be in her For I assure you all that beside her noble parentage of the which shee is descended as you well know she is a woman of most gentlenesse of moste humilitie and buxumnesse yea and of all good qualities appertaining to nobilitie she is without comparison as I this 20. yeares almoste haue had the true experiment so that if I were to mary againe if the marriage might be good I would surely chose her aboue all other women But if it be determined by iudgement that our mariage was against Gods law and clearely voyde then I shall not onely sorowe the departing from so good a Ladie and louing companion but much more lamēt and bewaile my infortunate chance that I haue so long liued in adultery to Gods great displeasure and haue no true heire of my body to inherite thys Realme These be the sores that vexe my minde these be the pāgs that trouble my conscience and for these greeues I seeke a remedy Therefore I require of you all as our trust and confidence is in you to declare to our subiects our minde and entent according to our true meaning and desire them to pray with vs that the very truth may be knowen for the discharge of our conscience and sauing of our soule and for the declaration hereof I haue assembled you together and now you may depart Shortly after this Oration of the king wherewith he stirred the harts of a number then the two Legates being requested of the king for discharge of his conscience The legates talke with the Queene to iudge and determine vpon the cause went to the Queene lying then in the place of Bridewell and declared to her how they were deputed iudges indifferent betwene y e king and her to heare and determine whether the mariage betwene them stoode with Gods law nor not When she vnderstoode the cause of their comming being thereat some thing astonied at y e first after a litle pausing with her selfe Ex Edw. Hallo thus she began answering for her selfe ALas my Lorde said she is it nowe a question whether I be the kings lawfull wife or no when I haue bene maried to hym almost 20. yeres and in the meane season neuer question was made before Diuers Prelates yet being aliue and Lords also Queene Katherines aunswere to the Cardinalles
significatiō vnto me of any matter what soeuer it be I shall with all speede diligence make declaration aduertisement therof or cause that same to be signified either to your princely maiesty or to some of your secret coūsaile or to your successours or any of their priuy counsell Neither shall I send or cause to be send at any tyme any writing or messēger to the sayd Byshop or to his Court without the knowledge cōsent of your maiesty or your successours willyng me to send writing or messenger vnto him Neither shall I procure or geue coūsaile to any persō to procure bules brieues or rescriptes whatsoeuer either for me or for any other frō the sayd Bysh. of Rome or his court And if any such shall be procured agaynst my will knowledge either in generall or in speciall or els whosoeuer they shall be graunted vnto them I shall vtter disclose the same not consent thereunto nor vse them in any case shall cause them to be brought to your maiestie or your successours Furthermore for the confirmation hereof I geue my fayth truth by firme promise in the fayth of a Byshop that agaynst this my foresayd profession promise made I shall defēd my selfe by no dispēsation exception nor any remedy or cautel of law or exāple during this my natural life And if heretofore I haue done or made any protestatiō in preiudice of this my profession promise here made the same I do reuoke at this present for euer hereafter and here vtterly do renounce by these presents Whereunto I haue subscribed vnder written the name both of my selfe of my Byshopricke with my proper hand thereto also haue put to my seale in perpetual vndoubted testimony of the premisses Geuen the x. day of February an 1534. of our soueraigne Lord kyng Henry viij 26 Steph. Winton * The lyke othe of Iohn Stokesley Byshop of London I Iohn Byshop of London do purely of myne owne volūtary accord absolutely in the word of a Byshop professe and promise to your princely maiestie my singular The othe of Stokesley and chief Lord and patrone Henry 8 by the grace of God kyng of England and of Fraunce defender of the fayth Lord of Ireland and in earth of the same Church of Englād supreme head immediately vnder Christ. c. Like to the othe before Ioan. London ¶ The like othe and handwriting of Edward Lee Archbyshop of Yorke I Edward by the permission of God Archbyshop of Yorke doo purely of mine owne voluntary accord The othe of Lee Archb. of Yorke and absolutely in the word of a Byshop professe and promise to your royall Maiestie my singular and chiefe Lord and patrone c. In like forme to the othe before Edovardus Eborac The like othe and handwriting of Cuthbert Byshop of Duresme I Cuthbert by the permission of God Byshop of Duresme doo purely of mine owne voluntary accord The oth of Tōstal of Durisme and absolutely in the word of a Byshop professe and promise to your royall Maiestie my singular and chiefe Lord and patrone c. As before Per me Cutbertum Dulnelm And so likewise all the other Byshops after the same order and forme of othe were obliged and bound to the king as to their supreme head of the Church of England immediatly vnder Christ renouncyng and abiuryng vtterly and voluntarily the Popes too long vsurped iurisdiction in this Realme testifieng moreouer the same both with their owne hand and also with their seale Besides these cōfirmations testimonials of y e Bishops aforesayd ye shall heare yet moreouer the decree and publicke sentence of the vniuersitie of Cambridge written likewise and subscribed signed with the publike seale of their vniuersitie the tenor of which their letter heere followeth ¶ A letter of the Vniuersitie of Cambridge against the vsurped power of the Byshop of Rome VNiuersis Sanctae matris Ecclesiae filijs ad quos praesentes literae peruenturae sunt coetus omnis regentium non regentium Academiae Cantabrigiensis salutem in omnium saluatore Iesu Christo. Cum de Romani pontificis potestate c. In English TO all and singular children of the holy mother Church to whose hands these presents shall come the whole societie of Regentes and not Regētes of the Uniuersitie of Cābridge A letter of the vniuersitye of Cambridge sendeth greeting in our Sauiour Iesu Christ. Where as now of late it hath risen vp in question among vs concerning the power of the Bishop of Rome which he doth both claime to himselfe by the holy Scripture ouer all prouinces nations in Christendome and hath now of long time exercised in this realme of England and forasmuch as our censure concerning the cause is required to wit whether the Byshop of Rome hath any power or authoritie in this kingdome of England allotted to hym by God in the Scripture more then any other foreine Byshop or no we thought it therfore good reason our duty for the searching out of the veritie of the said question that we should employ therein our whole indeuour and study whereby we might render and publish to the world what our reason and censure is touching the premisses For therefore we suppose that Uniuersities were first prouided and instituted of Princes to the end that both y e people of Christ might in the lawe of God be instructed and also that false errours if any did rise might through the vigilant care and industry of learned Diuines be discussed extinguished and vtterly rooted out For the which cause we in our assemblies and conuocations after our accustomed maner resorting and conferring together vpon the question aforesayd and studiously debating and deliberating with our selues how and by what order we mighte best proceede for the finding out of the truth of the matter and at length choosing out certayne of the best learned Doctours and Bachelers of Diuinity and other maisters haue committed to them in charge studiously to ensearch and peruse the places of holy Scripture by the viewing and conferring of which places together they might certifie vs what is to be said to the question propounded For asmuch therefore as we hauing heard and well aduised The censure of the vniuersity of Cambridge against the Popes supremacye and throughly discussed in open disputations what may be sayd on both partes of the foresayd question those reasons and arguments do appeare to vs more probable stronger truer and more certaine sounding much more neare to the pure and natiue sense of Scripture which do deny the Byshop of Rome to haue any such power geuen him of God in the Scripture By reason force of whych arguments we being perswaded and conioining together in one opinon haue with our selues thus decreed to aunswere vnto the question aforesayde and in these writings thus resolutely do aunswere in the name of y e whole Uniuersitie
for a cōclusion vndoubted do affirme approue pronounce that y e Byshop of Rome hath no more state authoritie and iurisdiction geuen him of God in the scriptures ouer this Realme of Englād The byshop of Rome hath no more state in England then hath any other foreine byshop then any other externe Byshop hath And in testimony and credence of this our aunswere and affirmation we haue caused our common seale to be put to these our foresaid letters accordingly At Cambridge in our Regent house an Domi. 1534. ¶ Steph. Wint. De Vera Obedientia YOu haue heard before of Stephen Gardiner of Lee of Tonstal of Stokesley how of their voluntary mind they made their profession to the king euery one seuerally Steph. Wint. against the mariage of the king with his brothers wife in his booke De vera obedientia taking and accepting a corporall othe vtterly and for euer to renounce and reiect the vsurped superioritie of the Byshop of Rome Now for a further testimonie and declaration of their iudgementes and opinions whiche then they were of following the force both of truth and of time then present ye shall heare ouer and beside their othes what the foresayd Byshops in their owne Bookes Prologues and Sermons do write and publishe abroade in Printe touching the sayd cause of the Popes supremacie And first God willing to begin with Stephen Gardiners booke De vera Obedientia we will briefly note out a few of his owne words wherein with great Scriptures and good deliberation he not onely confuteth the Popes vsurped authority Steph. Wint. De vera obedientia but also proueth the Mariage betwene the King and Queene Katherine his brothers wife not to be good nor lawfull in these words Of the which morall preceptes in the old law to speake of some for to rehearse al it needeth not the Leuiticall precepts touching forbidden incestuous mariages Steph. Wint De vera obedientia as farre as they concerne chast and pure wedlocke wherin the Originall of mans increase cōsisteth are alwaies to be reputed of such sorte that although they were first giuen to the Iewes yet because they apperteine to the law of nature expound the same more plainely vnto vs therfore they belong as well to all maner of people of the whole world for euermore In which doubtles both the voyce of nature Gods Commaundement agreeing in one haue forbidden that which is contrary and diuers from the one and from the other And amongest these sith there is commaundement that a man shall not mary his brothers wife what could the Kings excellent Maiestie do otherwise then he did by the whole consent of the people and iudgemēt of his Churche that is to be diuorced from vnlawfull mariage Ste. Wint. against the kinges mariage with his brothers wife and vse lawful and permitted copulation and obeieng as meete it was conformably vnto the commandement cast off her whome neither law nor right permitted hym to retayne and take him to chaste and lawfull mariage wherein although the sentence of Gods worde whereunto all things ought to stoupe might haue suffised yet his Maiestie was content to haue the assisting consents of the most notable graue men and the censures of the most famous Uniuersities of the whole world and al to the entent that men shoulde see he did that both that he might doe and ought to do vprightly seeing the best learned and most worthy men haue subscribed vnto it shewing therein such obedience as Gods word requireth of euery good godly man so as it may be said that both he obeyed God and obeyed him truly Of which obedience forasmuch as I am purposed to speake I could not passe this thing ouer with silence whereof occasion so commodiously was offered me to speake ¶ Winchesters reasons against the Popes supremacie Moreouer Ste. Wint. a Lutherane in his booke De vera obedientia the sayde Gardiner in the forenamed booke De vera obedientia what constancy he pretendeth what arguments he inferreth how earnestly and pithely he dsputeth on the Kings side against the vsurped state of the Bishop of Romes authoritie by the wordes of his booke it may appeare whereof a breefe collection heere followeth IN the processe of his foresayd booke he alledging the old distinction of the Papistes The sword of the Church how farre it extendeth wherein they geue to the Prince the regiment of things temporall and to the church of things spiritual comparing the one to the greater light the other to the lesser light he confuteth and derideth the same distinction declaring the sword of the Church to extend no farther then to teaching and excommunication and referreth all preheminence to the sword of the Prince alleadging for this the Psal. 2. And now you Kings be wise Psal. 2. and be learned you that iudge the earth c. Also the example of Salomon who being a King 2. Par. 28. according to his fathers appointment ordeined the offices of the Priests in their ministeries Exo● ●2 1. R●● ●● 1. M●●h ●● Math. 16. and Leuites in their order that they mighte geue thankes and minister before the Priests after the order of euery day and porters in their diuisions gate by gate And speaking more of the sayd Salomon he saith For so commaunded the man of God neither did the Priestes nor Leuites omitte any thing of all that he had commaunded c. Beside this he alleageth also the example of King Ezechias 2. Paralip 28. He alledgeth moreouer the example and facte of Iustinian whiche made lawes touching the faith Byshops Clerkes heretickes and such other Aaron saith he obeyed Moses Salomon gaue sentence vpon Abiathar the high Priest Alexander the King in the first of Machabees writeth thus to Ionathas Now haue we made thee this day the high Priest of thy people c. So did Demetrius to Simon Then comming to the wordes of Christ spoken to Peter Math. 16. vpon which words the Pope pretendeth to builde all his authoritie to thys he aunswereth that if Christ by those wordes had limited vnto Peter any suche speciall state or preheminence aboue all princes then were it not true that is written Caepit Iesus docere facere for asmuch as the words of Christ should then be contrary to his owne factes and example who in all his life neuer vsurped either to himself any such domination aboue Princes shewing himselfe rather subiect vnto Princes nor yet did euer permit in his Apostles any such example of ambition to be seene but rather rebuked them for seeking any maner of maioritie amongst them And where he reasoneth of the Kings style and title being called the King of England and of Fraunce defendour of the faith The ●inges stile and title approued by St● Wint. Lord of Ireland supreme head in earth of the Church of Englande immediately vnder Christ c. thus he addeth his mind censure saieng
frō the king his letters of credence and withall to declare and extend the kinges most effectuous commendations with the harty good will and sincere affections whiche his hignes bare to the sayde Cardinall Chauncellour of Fraunce with no lesse desire also most gladly to do that thing which might be to his commoditie and benefite according as the manifold pleasures grauities and kindnes done on his part for the kinges highnes did worthily deserue Then after such words of mollification to enter into further communication with him in such sort as might best serue his honour And forasmuch as the Cardinall was thē noted much to be moued with the affections of vayn glory couetous therfore amongst other cōmunication The vaine glory and auarice of the Cardinall it was deuised to inferre mentiō of the Papalitie noting what wayes meanes might be vsed to attayne vnto that dignitie Wherein if the kinges hignes coulde stand him to anye steede as he thought the person of the sayd Chauncellour most meet for the same The fashyo● of Princes courtes to be noted so he would not fayle to moue and to procure it to the best furtheraunce of his aduauncement And finally to declare how desirous the kinges highnes was to retayne and make sure vnto him the amitie and friendship of the sayd Chauncellour and that hys hignes deuising by what meanes and wayes he might do the same albeit his grace knew wel that the fayth and sinceritie of the sayd Chauncellour towardes hys mayster was such as no gift pension or other offer could aduance or increase that good will which for hys maysters sake he would employ in the kinges highnes affayres thought that for declaration of hys hartye good will towardes the sayde Chauncellour it were conuenient to offer vnto hym some yearely remembraunce c. This was the summe and effect of the message of the king sent vnto the French king and to other of his counsayle by his ambassadour maister Edward Foxe whiche was especially to signifie and make manifest vnto the sayd French king the vniust dealinges and preiudiciall proceedinges of the pope in calling vp the king of Englande to appeare at Rome by Proxie which was derogatory to y e kinges dignitie and crowne and also preiudiciall both to generall Councels of the primitiue tyme and to the auncient lawes and statutes of this Realme as is afore declared and no lesse hurtfull for example to all other Princes and kinges likewise c. This message so done Steuen Gardiner Ambassadour to the Frēch king shortly after was sent to the said french king Stephen Gardinar bish of Winchester with the kings answere and message again on this maner y t for so much as the saying of the Frenche king to the ambassadors was this that notwithstanding all the kings Realm shuld agree and condescend neuer so muche to y e right title The French kings saying against the kinges succession which the succession procreated of this his lawfull matrimony hath in this hys realme yet when outward parties shall conceaue anye other or contrary opinion thereof great trouble and vexation might ensue Wherunto the K. made answere agayne declaring y t he could not but greatly marueyle y t the king his brother being so wise a Prince The kinges aunswere to the French king and there to well expert and learned in Chronicles and histories not onely of his owne realme but also of all others or any of his Counsayle being men of such experiēce as they were taken to be would thinke that the opinion consent of other outward Realms was so highly to be cōsidered and regarded of any prince or king in stablishing or in executing of thinges which mighte be lawfully done and which touched the preseruation of the rightes preeminences dignitie and state of his realme and did also notably conferre vnto the singular benefite and tranquillitie of the same so as the words both of the sayde king hys brother and of the great master did pretend Who furthermore were not ignoraunt them selues 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 realm 〈…〉 boūd t● the agrement of outwarde realmes that many thinges haue bene by hys noble progenitours kinges of Fraunce attempted and done as well in cases of matrimonie as otherwise which in some part in the opinion of y e Popes of Rome then being in some part in the opinion of diuers other outwarde princes states seigniories and common people haue bene thought not perfectly good nor yet much acceptable vnto them and yet that notwithstanding hys said progenitors knowing them selues the prosecuting of those causes to be beneficial to them and to the realm haue not therfore desisted from their said purposes but diligētly employing their owne strength and powers with the succours of their frends haue finally atchieued their sayd enterprises wythout requiring or greatly regarding the opinion or agreement therunto of outward princes Againe wheras the Chauncelour of France made thys ouerture to the ●ayde Bishop of Winchester whether the kyng woulde be content to haue indifferent Iudges to be appoynted by the authoritie of the Pope The ouerture of the Chauncellour 〈◊〉 Fraunce to the king to take indifferent iudges by the Popes authority The kinges aunswere to the ouerture to determine his cause wyth a commission decretall from y e same declaring Quid iuris c. The King by his ambassador therunto answearing declared that the Pope hauing done vnto hym so notable and euidēt iniuries as he had done it were hys office and duetie now to labor him selfe to ende this matter and to studie how to make due satisfaction to God and his iustice which hee hath tam indignis modis offended and violated and to deliuer himselfe out of the danger and the perpetual infamie of the world which he hath incurred by reason of these his most vngodly doings and not to looke that the King shoulde make any request or suite vnto hym therfore or recompence for the same c. Furthermore where as the Pope at the request of the French king had in open Consistorie proroged execution of his censures and excommunication against the king vnto the first day of Nouember and woorde thereof was sent to the king by his ambassadours from the great maister of Fraunce that the king mighte haue the sayde prorogation made autentikely in wryting if he woulde The kyng answearing thereunto thought it not vnprofitable that hys ambassadors resident in France should receiue vnto theyr hands the possession of the saide newe prorogation conceiued and wrytten in autentike forme and maner according to the order of the lawes After this againe came other letters to the King from France namely frō the great maister of France tending to this ende that if the king would do nothing for the pope meaning by the reuocation of such actes of parlament The king requested by the Frēch king to relent to the Pope as were made in the Realme of England to the Popes preiudice it were
the truth which he defended before in his booke De obedientia to papistry Steuen Gardiner reuolteth to Papistry ioining part and side with suche as were knowne papists so he seemeth likewyse to beare a like secret grudge against the Lord Cromwell and all such whomsoeuer he fauoured Thirdly as concerning the forenamed D. Edmund Boner the author of this declaration heere is to be seene and noted that he all this while appeared a good man and diligent friend to the truth and that he was fauoured of the Lord Cromwell for the same Fourthly that the said D. Boner was not onely fauoured of the Lord Cromwell but also by him was aduaunced first to the office of Legation D. Boners comming vp onely by the Gospell then to the Bishoprike of Hereford and lastly to the Bishoprike of London whome the said D. Boner in his letters agniseth and confesseth to be his only Patron and singular Mecaenas Which being so we haue in this said D. Boner greatly to meruayle what should be the cause that he seing all his setting vp making and preferring came only by the Gospell and by thē of the Gospels side he being then so hated of Steuen Gardiner and such as he was being also at that time such a furtherer and defender of the Gospell as appeared both by his Preface before Gardinars booke De obedientia and by his writings to the Lord Cromwell also by helping forward the printed Bibles at Paris could euer be a man so vngratefull vnkind afterward to ioyne part with the said Steuen Gardiner against the Gospell without y t which Gospel he had neuer come to be bishop neither of Hereford nor yet of London and now to abuse y e same bishopricke of London to persecute y t so vehemently which before so openly he defended Wherin y e same may well be said to him in this case y t he himselfe was reported once to say to the french King in the cause of Grancetor to witte that he had done therein against his honour against iustice against reason against honesty Boners owne wordes retorted against himselfe against frēdship against his own promise and his othe so often made against his owne doctrine and iudgement which then he professed against all truth against the treates and leagues betwene him and his setters vp and against all together and to conclude against the saluation of his owne soule But to referre this to the booke of his accomptes who shall iudge one day all things vprightly let vs proceede further in y e cōtinue of this D. Boners legation Who being now Ambassadour in the court of Fraunce as he haue heard had geuen in commission from the king to entreate with the French King for sondry pointes as for the printing of the new Testament in English Printing the newe testament in English and the Byble at Paris and the Bible at Paris also for slanderous preachers and malicious speakers against the King for goods of merchaunts taken and spoiled for the kings pension to be paid for the matters of the Duke of Suffolke for certaine prisoners in Fraunce Item for Grancetor the traitour and certain other rebels to be sent into England c. Touching all which affayres the sayd D. Boner did employ his diligence trauaile to the good satisfaction and contentment of the kings minde The diligēce trust of D. Boner in legatyon and discharge of his duetie in such sort as no default could be found in him saue only that the French King one time tooke displeasure with him for that the said Boner beyng now made bishop of Hereford and bearing himself somewhat more seriously and boldly before the king in the cause of Grancetor the traytour wherein he was willed by the aduertisement of the Kings pleasure The wordes of D. Boner 〈◊〉 to the French king to wade more deepely and instantly vsed these words to the French King as y e french king himself did afterward report them saieng that he had done in deliuerāce of that foresaid Grancetor being an Englishman The French king dis●lesed with ●ishop Boner Bish. Boner 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 to the king his m●●ster 3. thinges agaynst God agaynst his honor agaynst iustice agaynst reason agaynst honesty against friendship against all law against the treates leagues betwene him and his brother the King of England yea and against all together c. These words of Bishop Boner although he denieth to haue spoken them in that forme and qualitie yet howsoeuer they were spoken did stirre vp the stomack of the French King to conceiue high displeasure agaynst him in so much that he answering the Lord Ambassadour againe bad him write these three things vnto his maister First among other thinges that his Embassadour was a greate foole Secondarily that he caused to be done better iustice there in his Realme in one houre then they did in Englande in a whole yeare Thirdly that if it were not for the loue of his maister he should haue an hundreth strokes with an Haulbard c. And furthermore the sayde Frenche King beside thys sending a speciall messenger with his letters to the king of England willed him to reuoke and cal this Ambassadour home and to send him an other The cause why the french King tooke these wordes of Bishop Boner so to stomacke as the L. Chauncelour said was this for that the Kings of Fraunce standing chiefly and in maner only vpon theyr honour can suffer that in no case to be touched Otherwise in those wordes if they had bene well taken was not so much blame perchaunce as boldnes being spoken somwhat vehemently in his maisters behalfe Bishop cōmōly boldder in Princes matters then in the cause of Christ. But this one thing seemeth to me much blameworthy both in this Byshop and many other that they in earthly matters and to please terrene Kings will put forth themselues to such a boldnes and forwardnes and in Christes cause the King of all kings whose cause they should onely attend vppon and tender they are so remisse cold and cowardly To these letters of the French King the King of England sent aunswer againe by other letters in which he reuoked and called home againe bishop Boner geuing vnto him about the same time the Bishopricke of London and sente in supply of his place Sir Iohn Wallop a greate frend to Steuen Gardiner Whiche was in February about the beginning of the yeare of our Lord 1540. Heere now followeth the othe of Boner to the King when hee was made Byshop of London ¶ The othe of Doctor Edmund Boner when hee was made Byshop of London agaynst the Pope of Rome YE shall neuer consent nor agree that the Byshop of Rome shall practise D. Boners othe against the Pope exercise or haue any maner of authority iurisdiction or power within this Realme or any other the Kings dominion but that you shall resist the same at all times to the vttermost
In the yere of our Lord god 1536. and of the most noble reigne of our soueraine Lord Henry the eight king of England and of Fraunce Other Iniunctions defendour of the fayth Lord of Ireland and in earth supreme head of the Church of England the xxviij c. I Thomas Cromwell Knight Lorde Cromwell keeper of the priuie Seale of our sayd soueraigne Lorde the King and vicegerent to the same for and cōcerning all his iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall within this Realme to the glory of Almightie God to the Kings highnes honour the publike weale of this Realme and increase of vertue in the same haue appointed and assigned these Iniunctions ensuing to be kept and obserued of the Deane Persons Uicares Curates and Stipendaries resident or hauing cure of soules or anye other spirituall administration within this Deanry vnder the paynes heereafter limited and appointed The first is that the Deane Persons Uicares and other hauing cure of soule any where within this Deanrye shall faithfully keepe and obserue and as farre as in them may lye shall cause to be kept and obserued of all other all and singular lawes and statutes of this Realme Confirmat●on of the kings supremacye made for the abolishing and extirpatiō of the bishop of Romes pretensed and vsurped power and iurisdiction within thys Realme and for the stablishment and confirmation of the Kings authoritie and iurisdiction within the same as of the supreame head of the Church of Englande shall to the vttermost of their wit knowledge and learning purely sincerely and without any colour or dissimulation declare manifest and open by the space of one quarter of a yeare nowe nexte ensuing once euery Sonday and after at the leastwise twise euery quarter of a yeare in their Sermōs and other collations Agaynst the Popes primacye that the Byshop of Romes vsurped power and iurisdictiō hauing no establishmēt nor groūd by the lawe of God was of most iust causes taken away and abolished and that therefore they owe vnto him no maner of obedience or subiection and that the Kinges power is within his dominiō the highest potentate power vnder God to whome all men within the same dominion by Gods commaundement owe most loyaltie and obedience afore and aboue all other potentates in earth Item whereas certeine Articles were lately deuised and put forth by the Kings highnesse authoritie and condiscended vpō by the Prelates and clergy of this his Realme in conuocation whereof part were necessary to be holden and beleued for our saluation and y e other part do conserne and touch certeine laudable ceremonies rites and vsages of the Churche meete and conuenient to be kepte and vsed for a decent and politike order in the same the sayde Deane Parsons Uicares and other Curates shall so open and declare in their sermons and other collations the said Articles vnto them that be vnder their cure that they may plainely know and discerne which of thē be necessarie to be beleued and obserued for their saluation and whiche be not necessary but only do concerne the decent and politike order of the said Church according to suche cōmandement admonition as hath bene giuen vnto them heretofore by the authority of the kings highnes in that behalfe Moreouer that they shall declare vnto all such as be vnder their cure The kinges Articles to be 〈◊〉 to the people the Articles likewise deuised put forth and authorised of late for and concerning the abrogation of certayne superstitious holydaies according to the effecte and purport of the same Articles and persuade their parishioners to keepe and obserue the same inuiolably as things wholesome prouided decreed and established by common consent and publike authoritie for the weale cōmoditie and profite of all this Realme Besides this to the entent that all superstition and hypocrisie crept into diuers mens hartes may vanish away they shall not set forth nor extoll any images Images abolished reliques or miracles for any superstitiō or lucre nor allure the people by any intreatemēts to the pilgrimages of any Saints otherwise then is permitted in the Articles lately put foorth by the authority of the Kings Maiesty and condescended vpon by the Prelates and Clergy of this his Realme in Conuocation as though it were proper or peculiar to that Saint to geue this commoditie or that seing all goodnes health and grace ought to be both loked and asked for only of God as of the very author of the same and of none other for without him it can not be geuen but they shall exhort as well their parishioners as other pilgrimes that they do rather apply themselues to the keeping of Gods commandements Pilgrimages forbidden and fulfilling of his works of charitie perswading them that they shall please God more by the true exercising of their bodily labor trauaile or occupatiō and prouiding for their families then if they went aboute to the said pilgrimages and it shall profit more their soule health if they do bestow y t on the poore needy which they would haue bestowed vpon the sayd images or reliques Also in the same their Sermons and other collations the Parsons Uicares and other Curates aforesayd shall diligently admonish the fathers and mothers Prayers in the mother tongue maisters gouernours of youth being within their cure to teache or cause to be taught their children and seruaunts euen from their infancy the Pater noster the Articles of our faith and the ten commaundements in their mother tongue and the same so taught shall cause the sayd youth oft to repeate vnderstād And to the intent this may be the more easily done the said Curates shall in their sermons deliberately and plainely recite of the sayd Pater noster Articles or commaundements one clause or article one day and an other another day till the whole be taught and learned by little little and shall deliuer y e same in writing or shew where printed bookes conteining the same be to be solde to them that can read or will desire the same and therto that y e said fathers and mothers maisters gouernours doe bestowe their children and seruauntes euen from their childhoode either to learning or to some honest exercise occupation or husbandry exhorting counsayling and by all the waies and meanes they may as well in their saide sermons and collations as otherwaies the said fathers mothers maisters and other gouernours beeing vnder their cure and charge diligētly to prouide and foresee that the said youth be in no maner wise kept or brought vp in idlenes least at any time afterward For bringing vp of youth in some arte or occupatiō they be driuen for lacke of some misterie or occupation to liue by to fall to begging stealing or some other vnthriftines forasmuch as we may dayly see through slouth idlenes diuers valiant men fall some to begging and some to theft murder which after brought to calamitie misery impute a great
part thereof to their frends and gouernours whiche suffered thē to be brought vp so idlely in their youth where if they had bene educated and brought vp in some good litterature occupatiō or mistery they should being rulers of their owne familie haue profited as well themselues as diuers other persons to the great commodity and ornament of the commonweale Also that the said Parsons Uicars and other Curates shall diligently prouide that the Sacraments and Sacramentals be duely and reuerently ministred in their parishes And if at any time it happen them other in any of the cases expressed in the statutes of this realme or of speciall licence geuen by the Kings Maiestie to be absent frō their benefices they shall leaue their cure not to a rude and vnlearned person but to an honest well learned and expert Curate that may teach the rude vnlearned of their cure wholesome doctrine reduce them to the right way Placing of good vicars Curats that they do not erre and alwayes let thē see that neither they nor their Uicares doe seeke more their owne profite promotion or aduauntage then the profite of the soules that they haue vnder their cur● or the glory of God Item that euery person or proprietary of any Parish Church within this realme shall on this side y e feast of S. Peter ad vincula next cōming prouide a booke of the whole Bible both in Latin and also in English Euery parishe to prouide a Byble in Englishe and lay the same in the quire for euery mā that will to looke and read thereon shall discourage no mā from the readyng of any part of the Bible either in Latin or English but rather cōfort exhort admonish euery man to read the same as the very word of God the spirituall foode of mās soule whereby they may the better know their dueties to God to their soueraigne Lord the kyng their neighbour euer gentlely and charitably exhortyng them that vsing a sober and a modest behauiour in the readyng inquisition of the true sence of the same they do in no wise stifly or egerly contēd or striue one with another about the same but referre the declaration of those places that be in controuersie to the iudgement of them that be better learned Also the sayd Deane Persons Uicares Curates and other Priestes shall in no wise at any vnlawfull tyme nor for any cause then for their honest necessitie Priestes not to haūt Alehouses haunt or resort to any Tauernes or Alehouses and alter their dinner and supper they shall not geue themselues to drinking or riot spendyng their tyme idlely by day or by night at tables or cardes playing or any other vnlawfull game but at such tymes as they shall haue such leysure they shall read or heare somewhat of holy Scripture or shall occupy thēselues with some honest exercise y t they alwayes doe those thynges which appertaine to good congruence honesty w t profite of the cōmon weale hauyng alwayes in mynde that they ought to excell all other in puritie of life should be example to all other to lyue well and Christianly Furthermore because the goods of the Church are called the goodes of the poore and in these dayes nothyng is lesse seene then the poore to be susteyned with the same all Persons Uicares Prebendaries Parsons not resident to pay the 40. part to their paryshes and other beneficed mē within this Deanery not beyng resident vpon their benefices whiche may dispend yearely or aboue either within this Deanry or els where shall distribute hereafter yearely amongest their poore Parishioners or other inhabitauntes there in the presence of the Churchwardens or some other honest men of the Parishe the xl part of the fruites and reuenues of their sayd benefices least they bee worthely noted of ingratitude which reseruyng so many partes to thēselues cannot vouchsafe to impart the xl portion therof amongest the poore people of that Parish that is so fruitefull and profitable vnto them And to y e intent that learned men may hearafter spring the more for the executyng of the sayd premisses euery Parson Uicare Clarke Euery beneficed man worth a hundreth pounde to finde a scholer at the vniuersitye or beneficed man within this Deanry hauyng yearely to spēd in benefices or other promotions of the Church an C. poundes shall geue competent exhibition to one Scholer for as many more as he may dispēd to so many scholers more shall geue like exhibitiō in the vniuersitie of Oxford or Cābridge or some Grammer Schoole which after they haue profited in good learnyng may bee parteners of their patrones cure and charge as well in preaching or otherwise in the execution of their offices or may when neede shal be otherwise profite the common wealth with their coūsell and wisedome Also that all Parsons Uicares and Clarkes hauyng Churches Chappels or mansions within this Deanery shall bestow yearely hereafter vpon the same māsions or Chauncels of their Churches beyng in decay Beneficed men to mayntayne their mansions the fift part of those their benefices till they shal be fully repayred and the same so repayred they shall alwayes keepe and mainteine in good estate All which and singular Iniunctions shall be inuiolably obserued of the sayd Deane Parsons Uicares Curates Stipendaries other Clerkes and beneficed men vnder payne of suspension and sequestratiō of the fruites of their benefices vntill they haue done their dueties accordyng to these Iniunctions ¶ After these Iniunctions and Articles afore expressed which were geuen about the yeare of our Lord. 1536. and 1537. it was not aboue the space of a yeare but other Iniunctiōs also were published to the further instruction of the people in the proceedynges of religion whereby both y e Parsōs of Churches the Parishes together were enioyned to prouide in euery Church to be a Bible in English also for euery Parishoner to be taught by the Minister to vnderstand and say the Lords Prayer and Creede in their own vulgare tongue with other necessary most fruitefull Iniunctions the tenour whereof here foloweth ¶ Iniunctions exhibited ann 1538. IN the name of God Amen By the authority commission of the most excellent Prince Iniunctions by the king Henry by the grace of God King of England of France defendour of y e faith Lord of Ireland and in earth supreme head vnder Christ of the Church of England I Thomas Lorde Cromwell Lord priuie seale Uicegerent to the kings said highnes for all his iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall within this Realme do for the aduancement of the true honour of almighty God encrease of vertue discharge of the Kings maiestie giue and exhibite vnto you N. these Iniunctiōs folowing to be kept obserued fulfilled vpō the paine hereafter declared First that ye shall truely obserue and keepe all singular the Kings highnes Iniunctions geuē vnto you heretofore in my name
this fourme ignoraunce sayth the Lawe marke it well I beseeche you al is the mother of all errours Ignorance mother of errour Which ought to be eschewed especially of Priests that among the people of God haue taken vpon thē the office of preaching priests are commaunded to reade holy Scriptures as sayth Paul the Apostle to Timothe Giue heede to reading exhortation 1. Tim. 4. and teaching and continue alwayes in the same Let priests therefore knowe holy Scripture and let all their labour be in preaching and teaching and let them edifie all men both in knowledge of fayth and in discipline of good workes Dist. 38. These be the wordes of the lawe in the Decrees Dist. 38. Where you see howe the Lawe lamenteth ignorance in al persons for it is the original of al errours God send vs therfore the knowledge of his true gospel Priestes to geue thēselues rather to study thē to saying of mattens It biddeth that ignorance should be vtterly eschewed and principally of priestes whose labour and diligence shoulde be bestowed al in reading of scripture preaching the same bringing in for the same purpose the saying of the Apostle which willeth in like manner Moreouer it requireth that priests should giue al their study to edifie other in faith and vertuous liuing What priests ought to study Whereof I do gather both by the saying of the Prophet that willeth vs to be studyous in the Law of God day and night and by the saying of the Apostle whiche woulde haue Timothe to be occupied euer in reading and teaching and by the report of your owne Lawe which saith likewise that a priest ought to bestow al his labor in reading preaching So that a priest set thus truely to studye that hee may stablishe himselfe in the fayth of Christes doctrine intending after to helpe other with true preaching o● the same or doing other like deedes of charity assigned in the law of god shall not offend deadly if so spending his time he omitteth to say Mattens which is an ordinaunce of men Neuertheles concerning the huge multitude of such as be now made priestes by negligent admission of Bishops and their own presumption Negligence of Byshops in making priestes noted that labour to be made priests before they be any Clerkes and ere euer they knowe what is the very office of a priest do not feare to take vpon them if they may attayne therto to be a curate they recke not of how many so they may get a good lumpe of mony neuer minding after that the study of Scripture a●ter they are come to Dominus vobiscum for such I doe think long mattens to be needfull to restrayne them from other enormities that they should else runne in Of whiche you may be weary to see the experience thereof dayly arising Yea and if such woulde be content to admit it I woulde euery one mattens were as long to them as fiue except they could be stow theyr time better In the 26. where you doe aske whether I beleeue that the heades or rulers by necessity of saluation are bounde to geue vnto the people To the 26. article holy scripture in their mother language I say y t I think they are bound to see that the people may truely know holy Scripture I do not knowe how that may be done so well Scrypture in the vulgare tongue as by geuing it to them truly translated in the mother tongue that they may haue it by thē at al times to passe y e time godly when soeuer they haue leysure thereto like as they haue in Fraunce vnder y e French kings priuelege The French Byble translated into the French tongue with the kinges priu●ledge aboue 50. yeares before Lambertes time also with the priuiledge of the Emperour and so do I knowe that they haue had it these 50. yeres and 4. in Fraunce at the least and it was translated at the request of a king called I trowe Lewes as appeareth by the priueledge put in the beginning of the book In like manner haue they it in Flanders printed with y e priueledge of the Emperour In almayne also and Italy I suppose through all nations of Christendōe Likewise hath it bene in England The Psalter translated by the king of England into the Saxon tongue Reade before pag. 145. S. Guthlakes Psalter as you may finde in the Englishe story called Polychronicon There it is shewed how whē y e Saxons did inhabite the land the K. at that tyme which was a Saxon did himselfe translate the Psalter into the language that then was generally vsed Yea I haue seene a booke at Crowland Abbey whiche is kept there for a relique the booke is called S. Guthlakes Psalter and I ween verily it is a copy of the same that the king did translate for it is neither English Latine Greeke Hebrue nor Dutch but somewhat sounding to our English and as I haue perceiued sith the time I was last there being at Antwerpe the Saxon tongue doth sound likewise after ours and it is to ours partly agreable In the same story of Polychronicon is also shewed Bede translated the Gospell of S. Iohn into Englishe howe that S. Bede did translate the Gospell of Iohn into Englishe and the author of the same booke promised that he would translate into English all the Bible yea and perhaps hee did so but I wot not howe it commeth to passe all suche thinges be kept away They may not come to light for there are some walking priuily in darckenes that will not haue theyr doyngs knowen It is no lye that is spoken in the Gospel of Iohn Omnis qui male agit odit lucem All that doth noughtily Ioh. 3. hateth the light and will not haue theyr doynges knowne And therefore they keepe downe the light strongly for that opened and generally knowne The causes why the Scripture is not suffered to come to lighte all wrongfull conueyance should anone be disclosed and reprooued yea and all men shuld see anone whether those that hold agaynst vnrighteousnes being therfore sometime horribly infamed sclandered named heretickes and schismatickes were in deede as they be called or no. Yea moreouer I did once see a booke of the new Testament Diuers such testamentes are yet to be seene in diuers places of a longe continuance whiche was not vnwritten by my estimation thys C. yeares and in my minde right well translated after the example of that which is read in the church in Latine But he that shewed it me sayd he durst not be knowne to haue it by him for manye had bene punished aforetime for keeping of such and were conuict therefore of heresie Moreouer I was at Paules Crosse when the newe Testamēt imprinted of late beyond the sea Errours found in the translated testamēt where none was Malice neuer saith well was first forefended truely my hart lamented greatly to heare a
of the other Lordes what he had promised You shall commend me sayd he to the Kyng and tell hym By that he hath so well tryed and throughly prooued you as I haue done hee shall finde you as false a man as euer came about hym Syr Rafe Sadler the L. Crōwels trusty frend Besides this he wrote also a letter from the Tower to the kyng whereof when none durst take the cariage vpon him sir Rafe Sadler whom he also had preferred to the kyng before beyng euer trusty faythfull vnto hym went to the king to vnderstand his pleasure whether he would permit him to bring the letter or not Which when y e kyng had graunted the sayd M. Sadler as he was required presented the letter vnto the king which he commaunded thrise to be red vnto him in so much the kyng seemed to be mooued therewith Notwithstanding by reason of the Acte of parliament afore passed the worthy and noble Lorde Cromwell oppressed by his enemies and condemned in the Tower and not comming to his answer the 28. day of Iuly an 1541. was brought to the scaffold on Tower hill where he sayd these words followyng I am come hither to die and not to purge my selfe The L. Cromwel brought 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 as some thinke peraduenture that I will For if I should so do I were a very wretch and a miser I am by the law cōdemned to die and thanke my lord God that hath appointed me this death for myne offence For sithens the tyme y t I haue had yeares of discretion I haue lyued a sinner and offended my Lord God for the which I aske him hartelie forgiuenes And it is not vnknowne to many of you that I haue bene a great traueller in this world being but of a base degree was called to high estate and sithens the tyme I came thereunto I haue offended my Prince for the which I aske him hartily forgiuenes and beseech you all to pray to God with me that he will forgiue me And now I pray you that be here to beare me record I dye in the catholike fayth not doubting in any Article of my faith no nor doubting in any sacrament of the church Manye haue slaundered me and reported that I haue bene a bearer of such as haue mainteined euill opinions which is vntrue But I confesse that like as God by his holy spirit doth instruct vs in the truth so the deuill is ready to seduce vs I haue bene seduced A true Christian confession 〈◊〉 the L. Crom●wel at his death but beare me witnes that I die in the catholike faith of the holy church And I hartily desire you to pray for the kings grace that he may long lyue with you in health and prosperitie and that after him his sonne prince Edward that goodly impe may long raigne ouer you And once again I desire you to pray for me that so long as life remaineth in this flesh I wauer nothing in my faith And so making his prayer kneling on his knees he spake these words the effect whereof here followeth A prayer that the Lord Cromwell sayd at the houre of his death O Lord Iesu which art the onely health of all men liuing The prayer of the L. Cromwel at his death and the euerlasting life of them which die in thee I wretched sinner do submit my selfe wholy vnto thy most blessed will and being sure that the thing cannot perish which is committed vnto thy mercy willingly now I leaue this fraile and wicked fleshe in sure hope that thou wilt in better wise restore it to me agayne at the last day in the resurrection of the iust I beseech thee moste merciful lord Iesus Christ that thou wilt by thy grace make strōg my soule against all temptations and defend me with the buckler of thy mercy against all the assaults of the deuill I see and knowledge that there is in my selfe no hope of saluation but all my cōfidence hope and trust is in thy most mercifull goodnesse I haue no merites nor good works which I may alledge before thee Of sinnes and euill workes alas I see a great heape but yet thorough thy mercy I trust to be in the number of them to whome thou wilt not impute their sinnes but wilt take and accept me for righteous and iust and to be the inheritour of euerlasting lyfe Thou mercifull lord wast borne for my sake thou didst suffer both hunger and thirst for my sake thou didst teach pray and fast for my sake all thy holy actions and workes thou wroughtest for my sake thou suffredst most grieuous paines and tormentes for my sake finally thou gauest thy most precious body and thy bloud to be shed on the crosse for my sake Nowe most mercifull Sauior let al these things profit me that thou frely hast done for me which hast geuen thy selfe al so for me Let thy bloud cleanse and wash away the spots and foulenes of my sinnes Let thy righteousnes hide and couer my vnrighteousnes Let the merites of thy passion and bloudsheding be satisfaction for my sinnes Geue me Lord thy grace that the faith of my saluation in thy bloud wauer not in me but may euer be firme and constant That the hope of thy mercy and life euerlasting neuer decay in me that loue waxe not cold in me Finally that the weaknes of my fleshe be not ouercome with the feare of death Graunt me mercifull Sauiour that when death hath shut vp the eyes of my body yet the eyes of my soule may still behold and looke vpon thee and when death hath taken away the vse of my tongue yet my heart may cry and say vnto thee Lord into thy hands I commend my soule Lord Iesu receaue my spirit Amen And thus his prayer made after he had godly louingly exhorted them that were about him on the scaffold The death of the ● Cromwel he quietly committed his soule into the hands of God and so paciently suffred the stroke of the axe by a ragged and butcherly miser which very vngodly performed the office ¶ Of the Bible in English printed in the large volume and of Edmund Boner preferred to the Bishoprike of London by the meanes of the Lord Cromwell ABout the time and yere when Edmund Boner bishop of Hereford ambassadour resident in Fraunce begā first to be nominate preferred by the meanes of the lord Cromwel to the bishoprike of London The Bibles of the 〈…〉 Paris which was anno 1540. it happened that the said Thomas Lord Cromwell and Erle of Essex procured of y e king of england his gracious letters to the French king to permitte and licence a subiect of his to imprint the Bible in English within the vniuersitie of Paris because paper was there more meete and apt to be had for the doing therof then in the realme of England also that there were more store of good workmen for the readie dispatch of
Alane Cope and Abell amōgest other which dyed in kyng Hēries dayes in the like Popish quarell that is for the like treason agaynst their Prince beyng in all to the number of 24. extolleth thē not onely in wordes but with miracles also vp to the height of heauē amōg the crowned Martyrs Traytors made Martyrs Saints of God To the whiche Cope because in this hast of story I haue no laysure at this present to geue attendaūce I shall wayt attēdaūce the Lord willing an other tyme to ioyne in this issue with him more at laysure In the meane time it shall suffice at this present to recite the names onely of those 24. rebelles whom he of his Popish deuotiō so dignifieth with the pretensed title of Martyrs The names of which Monkish rebels be these here folowyng Iohn Houghton Robert Laurence Aug. Webster Reynald of Syon Iohn Hayle Iohn Rochester Iac. Wannere Iohn Stone 24. neither good martyrs to god nor good subiects to the king Iohn Trauerse William Horne Powell Fetherstone Abell Beside these were other ix Cartusian Monkes which dyed in the prison of Newgate To the whiche number if ye adde M. More and the Byshop of Rochester the summa totalis commeth to 24. whom the sayd Cope vniustly crowned for Martyrs But of these more shall be sayd the Lord willyng hereafter Thus hauyng discoursed the order of the vi Articles with other matter likewise folowyng in the next Parliament concernyng the condemnation of the Lord Cromwell of Doct. Barnes and his felowes c. Let vs now proceedyng further in this history cōsider what great disturbaunce and vexation ensued after the settyng forth of the sayd Articles through the whole Realme of Englād especially amongest the godly sorte Wherein first were to be mentioned the straite and seuere commissions sent forth by the kynges authoritie to the Byshops Chauncelors Officials to Iustices Maiors Bailiffes in euery shyre Great disturbāce in England after the 6. articl●● and other Commissioners by name in the same commissions expressed and amongest other especially to Edmund Boner Byshop of London to the Maior Shiriffes and Aldermen of the same to enquire diligently vpon all hereticall bookes and to burne them also to enquire vpon such persons whatsoeuer culpable or suspected of such felonies heresies contemptes or transgressions or speakyng any wordes contrary the foresayd Act set forth of the sixe Articles Read before pag. 1101. The tenour of whiche Commissions beyng sufficiently expressed in auncient Recordes and in the Bishoppes Registers and also partly touched before pag. 1101. therfore for tediousnesse I here omit onely shewyng forth the Commission directed to Edmūd Boner Byshop of London to take the othe of the Maior of London and of others for the execution of the Commission aforesayd The tenour wherof here foloweth ¶ The Commission for takyng the othe of the Maior of London and others for the execution of the Acte aforesayd HEnry the eight by the grace of God kyng of England and of Fraunce defender of the fayth Lord of Ireland and in earth supreme head of the Church of England vnto the Reuerend father in Christ Edmund Boner Byshop of London Commission directed to Edm. Boner bishop of London from the king and to his welbeloued the Byshops Chauncellour health Know ye that we haue geuen you ioyntly and seuerally power and authoritie to receaue the othes of William Roche Maior of London Iohn Allen Knight Raffe Warren Knight Rich. Gresham Knight Roger Chomley Knight Sergeant at Law Iohn Greshā Michael Dormer Archdeacon of London the Byshops Cōmissary and Officiall Robert Chidley Gwy Crayford Edward Hall Robert Broke and Iohn Morgā and euery of them our Cōmissioners for heresies and other offences done within our Citie of London and Dioces of the same accordyng to the tenour of a certaine schedule hereunto annexed And therfore we commaūde that you receiue the othes aforesayd and when you haue receaued them to certifie vs into our Chauncery vnder your Seales returnyng this our writ T. meipso at Westminster the 29 of Ianuary in the 32. yeare of our reigne What the othe was of these Commissioners whereunto they were bounde read before pag. 1101. * A note how Boner sat in the Guildhall in Commission for the vi Articles And of the condemnyng of Mekins VPon this commission geuen vnto Edmūd Boner he commyng to the Guildhall with other Cōmissioners The story of Rich. Mekins condemned by Boner to sit vpō the Statute of the vi Articles begā eftsoones to put in execution his authoritie after a rigorous sort as ye shall heare And first he charged certaine Iuries to take their oth vpon y e Statute aforesaid who being sworne had a day appointed to geue their Uerdicte At the which day they indited sundry persons which shortly after were apprehended brought to Ward who after a while remaynyng there were by the kyng his Counsaile discharged at the Starre chāber without any further punishment Not lōg after this Syr Wil. Roche being Maior Boner with other Cōmissioners sat at the Guildhall aforesayd before whom there were a certaine number of Citizens warned to appeare and after the Commission read the sayd parties were called to the booke and when v. or vi were sworne one of the sayd persōs beyng called to the booke Boner seemed to mislike and sayd Stay a while my Maisters quoth he I would ye should consider this matter well that we haue in hand whiche concerneth the glory of God the honor of the kyng and the wealth of the Realme and if there be any here amōg you that doth not consider the same it were better that he were hence then here Thē commoned the Commissioners with Boner about that man so that at length he was called to the booke and sworne not all together with his good will When the ij Iuries were sworne Boner taketh vpon him to geue the charge vnto the Iuries and began with a tale of Anacarsis by which example he admonished the Iuries to spare no persons Rich. Mekins presented by Boner of what degree soeuer they were And at the end of his charge he brought forth to the barre a boy whose name was Mekins declaryng how greuously he had offended by speaking of certaine wordes agaynst the state and of the death of Doct. Barnes produced into the sayd Court ij witnesses which were there sworne in the face of y e Court So a day was assigned vpō which the Iuries aforesayd should geue vp their Uerdict at which day both the Commissioners the sayd Iuries met at Guildhall aforesayd Then the Clarke of the peace called on the Iuries by their names when their appearaunce was taken W. Robins Iurer Boner bad them put in their presentmentes Thē sayd the foreman whose name was W. Robins of that Iury. My Lord with a low curtesy we haue found nothyng At which wordes he fared as one in an agony sayd Nothyng haue ye
purpose of this Bishop of suche like bloudy aduersaries practising thus against the Queene proceeding of gods gospel as ye haue heard putteth me in remembrāce of such an other like story of his wicked working in like manner a litle before but much more pernitious pestilent to the publick church of Iesus Christ then this was daungerous to the priuate estate of the Queene Whyche storie likewise I thought heere as in conuenient place to be adioyned notified to be knowen to all posteritie according as I haue it faithfully recorded and storied by hym which heard it of the Archbishop Cranmers own mouth declared in order and forme as foloweth * A discourse touching a certaine pollicie vsed by Steuen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester in staying king Henrie the 8. from redressing of certaine abuses of ceremonies in the church being Ambassadour beyonde the seas Also the communication of king Henrye the 8 had wyth the ambassador of France at Hampton Court concerning the reformation of religion as wel in France as in Englande Anno 1546. Mens August IT chanced in the time of K. Henrie the 8. when his highnes did lastly not many yeres before his death conclude a league betwene the Emperor the French king and himselfe that the B. of Winchester Steuē Gardiner by name was sent in Ambassage beyonde the seas for that purpose In whose absence the Archbishop of Cāterbury Thomas Cranmer attending vpon the kings Court sought occasion somwhat to further the reformation of the corrupt religion not yet fully restored vnto a perfection Steuē Gardiner Ambassadour For lyke as the sayd Archb. was alwaies diligent and forward to prefer and aduaunce the sincere doctrine of the Gospel so was that other byshop a contrary instrument cōtinually spurning against the same in whatsoeuer coast of the worlde he remained For euen now he being beyond y e seas in y e temporal affaires of y e realme forgate not but foūd the meanes as a most valiant champion of the B. of Rome to stop and hinder aswel the good diligence of the sayd Archbishop Winchester a great hind●rer of the course of the Gospell as the godly disposition of the kings Maiestie in that behalfe whych thus chaunced Whilest the sayde B. of Winchester was nowe remaining beyond the seas about the affaires aforsaide y e kings maiesty and the saide Archbishop hauing conference together for reformatiō of some superstitious enormities in the Church amongst other things the king determined forthwith to pull downe the Roodes in euery churche The kinges conference with D. Cranmer about reformation of the Ghurch Rood loftes Ringing on Alhallow night and to suppresse the accustomed ringing on Alhalow night wyth a few such like vaine ceremonies And therefore when the said Archb. taking his leaue of the king to go into Kent his dioces his highnes willed him to remember that he shuld cause 2. letters to be deuised for me quoth the King to be signed the one to be directed vnto you my Lorde and the other vnto the Archbishop of Yorke wherein I will commaund you both to send forth your precepts vnto all other Byshops wythin your prouinces Lettets of reformation to be sent by the king to see those enormities and Ceremonies reformed vndelaidly that we haue communed off So vppon this the kings pleasure knowen when the Archbishop of Canterburye was then come into Kent hee caused his Secretarye to conceiue and write these Letters according to the kings minde and being made in a readinesse sent them to the Courte to Syr Anthony Denie for hym to get them signed by the king when maister Denie had mooued the king thereunto the king made answere I am now otherwayes resolued for you shal send my Lorde of Canterburye worde that sithence I spake with hym about these matters I haue receiued letters from my Lord of Winchester nowe being on the other side of the Sea about the conclusion of a league betweene vs The kinges minde altered by Wint. the Emperor and the Frenche king he wryteth plainely vnto vs that the league wil not prosper nor go forward if we make any other innouation change or alteration either in Religion or ceremonies Reformation of Religion stopped by Steuen Gardiner then heretofore hath ben already commensed and done Wherefore my Lorde of Canterburye must take patience heerein and forbeare vntill we may espye a more apt and conuenient time for that purpose Which matter of reformation began to be reuiued again at what time the great Ambassador from the French king came to the kings Maiestie at Hampton Courte not long before his death Anno. 1546. Where then no Gentleman was permitted to waite vpon his Lord and maister This Ambassadour was admirall of Fraunce whose name was Mounsieur de Annebault he came to Hampton Court the 20. day of Aug. an 1546. The matter of reformation againe renued a little before the kinges death The kinges bancket for the French Ambassadour wythout a veluet coate and a chaine of golde And for that entertainment of the Ambassadour were builded in the parke there 3. very notable great and sumptuous banketting houses At the which it was purposed that the sayd Ambassadour should haue bene 3. sundry nightes very richly banketted But as it chaunced the French kings great affaires were then sodenly such that thys Ambassadoure was sent for home in post hast before he had receiued halfe the noble entertainement that was prepared for him so that he hadde but the fruition of the first banketting house Now what princelike order was there vsed in the furniture of y e banket as well in placing of the noble estates namely the kings Maiestie and the French Ambassadour w t the noble men both of England and Fraunce on the one parte and of the Queenes highnesse and the Ladye Anne of Cleeue with other noble women Ladyes of the other part as also touching the great sumptuous preparation of both costly and fine dishes there out of number spent it is not our purpose heere presently to entreate thereof but onely to consider the note of the conference and communication had the first night after the sayd bāket was finished Secrete communicatiō betwene the king the French Ambassadour and the Archb. of Cant. betweene the kings Maiestie the sayde Ambassadour and the Archbishop of Canterburye the kings highnesse standing openly in the banketting house in the open face of all the people and leaning one arme vpon the shoulder of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the other arme vppon the shoulder of the Ambassadour touching the establishing of godly religion betweene those two Princes in both theyr realmes As by the report of the sayd Arch. vnto hys secretarie vppon occasion of his seruice to be done in king Edwards visitation then being register in the same visitation The testimony and credite of the story relation was made on that behalfe in thys sorte When the sayd visitation was put
the 4. article c. Let them and euery of them be examined in virtue of theyr othe whether they know that these wordes folowing as Mattens Masses now sayd after that sort in this Realme were and be put in the Iniunction pretended to be ministred vnto me the sayd Bishop or no. interrogetur vt supra 13. Item if they or any of them do depose that I haue trangressed and offended touching the 5. Article let them and euery of them be examined in virtue of theyr othe Interrogatoryes concerning the 5. article whether the Iniūctions pretended in this behalfe were signed with the kinges vsuall signet or rather at all whether it was sealed with any seale whether it was subscribed by the L. Protectors grace or any of the priuye Counsell whether it was in full Counsell sitting deliuered vnto mee by the Lord protector whether it was deliuered to me the rest of the kinges Maiestyes priuye Counsell there then sittyng whether the sayd dayes as is conteined in the first Article by whom it was written when and where interrogetur vt supra 14. Item if they or any of them do depose that I do defēd the opinion of the rebels Interrogatoryes concerning the 6. article let them be examined euery of thē what rebels they be what is their opinion how the lawe of this Realme doth determine therein declaring by what wordes factes I the sayd Bishop did speake do and at what time and place and in whose presence suche wordes or act was spoken or done interrog vt supra Interrogatoryes concerning the 7. article 15. Item if they or any of them doe depose that I knowe or haue heard say crediblye that since the time of the sayde pretensed Iniunctions certayn persons within my dioces haue heard bene at or celebrate Masse or Euensong in the latine tongue and after the olde rite and maner other then according to the kinges maiestyes booke let them and euery of them be examined in virtue of his sayd othe how they know that I so know or haue heard say and of the name or names of the partye or partyes and of the tyme and place when and where it was and whether any denunciation or detection were according to the statutes and ordinaunces of this Realme made vnto me or no. interrog vt supra 16. Item if they or any of them doe say that I knowe or haue heard say Interrogatoryes concerning the 9. article of such notable adulterers offences mentioned in the 9. article let them and euery of them be examined in virtue of his and theyr othe that they do knowe that I do know or haue heard say and who be the persōs where they dwell who hath denounced or detected them and how I could and ought to haue cited them punished them in this behalfe interrog vt supra 17. Item if they or any of them doe say that I knowe certeinely nowe what Doctour Coxe declared in hys Sermon at Paules Crosse as is deduced in the 10. Article let them be inquired and euery of them in virtue of theyr oth how they can proue it by whom and after what sort interrog vt supra 18. Item if they or any of them do say that I do know or heare certaynely of the diuersity of the rites of the commō seruice of the church nowe set forth and of the ministers parsons transgressing therein let them and euery of them in virtue of theyr othe bee examined whether there hath bene any detection or denuntiation made to me therupon and how they know or can proue that I haue bene culpable and negligent herein interrog vt supra 19. Item whether they or any of them haue bene spoken vnto or solicited herein to testify and after what sorte● by whom when and where and what was theyr conference and communication therin interrog supra 20. Item that they and euery of them declare and shewe the true and sufficiēt cause of theyr testimony in all and singuler the premisses After this the Iudges delegate assigned the Bishop to appeare againe before them vpon Wednesday the next ensuing betwene the houres of 7. and 8. of the clocke before noone in the Hall of the Archbishops manor of Lambet● Boner ●●gayne 〈…〉 ●●gaynst 〈◊〉 witnes●● there to shew the cause why he should not be declared pro confesso vpon al the Articles wherunto he had not thē fully answered and to see farther processe done in the matter and so he still protesting of the nullity and inuadility of all theyr procedinges they did for that present depart In this meane while the Commissioners certified the kinges Maiesty and his Counsell of the Bishops demeanour towards them The C●●●missio● certyfi●● king of 〈…〉 and what obiections he had made agaynst theyr procedinges making doubtes and ambiguities whether by the tenor of his maiesties Commission the Commissioners might proceed not onely at the denuntiation but also of theyr meere office and also whether they mought aswell determine as heare the cause Whereupon his Maiesty by aduise aforesayd for the better vnderstanding therof did the 17. of September send vnto the Commissioners a full and perfect declaration and interpretatiō of his will and pleasure in the foresayd Commission geuing them hereby full authority to proceed at theyr owne discretions as appeareth more at large by the tenor therof ensuing ¶ A certayne declaration or interpretation of the king touching certayne poyntes and doubtes in his former Commission with licence geuen to the Commissioners as well to determine as to heare in the case of Boner EDward the 6. by the grace of God king of England Fraunce Leaue 〈◊〉 by the 〈◊〉 to the C●●●mission●● to dete●●mine a●gainst 〈◊〉 and Ireland defendor of the fayth and of the Church of England and also of Ireland in earth the supreme head to the moste reuerend father in God Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury Metropolitane and Primate of England the right reuerend Father i● God Nicholas Byshop of Rochester our trusty and right welbeloued Counsellours Syr William Peter and Syr Thomas Smyth Knightes or two principal Secretaries and William May Doctor of law Ciuill and Deane of Paules greeting Where we of late by the aduise of our most entyrely beloued Vncle Edward Duke of Somerset Gouernor of our Person and Protectour of our Re●lmes Dominions and subiects and the rest of our priuy Counse● haue addressed vnto you 5.4.3 of you our letters patentes of Cōmission bearing date at Westminster the 8. daye of September in the third yeare of our raign willing you by force therof to heare the matters and cause of contempt therein expressed and calling before you aswell the denouncers therof as also the right reuerend Father in God Edmund Bishop of London agaynst whom such denunciation is made as in our sayd letters of Commission more at large doth appeare we be now credibly informed that vpon the sayd Commission diuers
shew you your selues to be so sad heauy in mynde as appeareth to me by your outward gestures and countenaunces I would wish you and I require you to be as mery as I am laying therewith hys hand vpon hys brest for afore God I am not sad nor heauy but mery and of good comfort and am right glad ioyfull of this my trouble which is for gods cause and it greueth me nothyng at all But the great matter that grieueth me pierceth my hart is for that this Hooper and such other vile heretikes and beastes be suffered and licenced to preache at Paules crosse in other places within my Diocesse Cure most detestably preaching and railing at the blessed Sacrament of the aultar denying the veritie and presence of Christs true body and bloud to be there so infecteth and betrayeth my flocke But I say it is there in very deede in that opinion I will lyue and dye and am ready to suffer death for the same Wherfore ye being christen men I do require you and also charge and commaunde you in the name of God and on his behalfe as ye wyll aunswere hym for the contrary that ye goe to the Mayor of London and to hys brethren the Aldermen praying and also requiryng them earnestly in Gods name and myne and for myne owne discharge on that behalfe that from hencefoorth Here Boners 〈…〉 when any such detestable and abhominable preachers and especially those which hold opinion against the blessed Sacrament of the aultar do come to preach vnto them they forth with depart out of their presence and doe not heare them least that they taryeng with such Preachers should not onely hurt themselues in receiuyng theyr poysoned doctrine but also geue a visage to the incouragemēt of others which thereby mought take an occasion to thinke and beleeue that theyr erroneous and damnable doctrine is true and good and this eftsoones I require and commaunde you to doe And then turnyng hymselfe about and beholdyng two of the Archbishops Gentlemen which in the same place kept the Chamber dore where the Commissioners were in consultation and perceiuing that they had heard all his talke he spake vnto them also and sayd And Syrs Boners 〈…〉 to two of the Archb●●shops ge●●tlemen ye be my Lorde of Caunterburies Gentlemen I knowe ye very well and therefore I also require and charge you in Gods behalfe and in hys name that ye doe the lyke for your partes in places where ye shall chaunce to see and heare such corrupt and erroneous Preachers and also aduertise my Lord your maister of the same and of these my sayinges that I haue nowe spoken here before you as ye are Christian men and shall aunswere before God for the contrary With this the Commissioners called for the Bishop agayne Who did read vnto them an instrument conteining a prouocation to the king which he made in manner and forme here followyng The first appellation intimated by Edmund Boner Bishop of London IN the name of God Amen It shall appeare to all men by this publike instrument that the yeare of our Lord Boner appealeth to the king because he could not to the pop●● 1549. the xx day of September the third yeare of the raigne of our most high and renowmed Prince Edward the sixt by the grace of GOD King of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the fayth and in earth the supreme head of the Church of England and Ireland in a chamber within the Pallace of the sayde Bishop situated in London and in the presence of me the Notary publicke and of the witnesses hereafter named the foresayd Bishop did personally appeare and there did shew forth in writing a certaine Protestation and Appellation the tenor wherof ensueth In the name of God Amen I Edmund Byshop of London say alleadge and propound before you beyng a publike Notary and these credible witnesses here present that although I the foresayd Edmund haue attayned the Bishoprike aforesayd by the beneuolence of the famous Prince of memory King Henry the eight and was lawfully elected and translated to the same wyth his rites and appurtenaunces haue of long time possessed peaceably and quietly the same and presently doe possesse beyng taken as Bishop and lawfull possessour of the sayd bishopricke and am lawfully called taken and reputed notoriously and publikely and moreouer doe keepe residence and hospitalitie on the same accordyng to the order state person and dignitie and as the reuenewes of the same would permit and haue exercised and done all thynges appertainyng to my pastorall office as the lawes doe require as hereafter I trust by Gods grace to doe and obserue a man of good name and fame neyther suspended excommunicate nor interdicted neyther conuict of any notable crime or fact alwayes obeying readily the commaundement of the Church and other my superiours in all lawfull causes neuerthelesse fearing vpon certayne probable causes lykely coniectures threatnyngs and assertions of certayne iniurious men my enemies or at the least such as little fauour me that great dammage may come to me hereafter about the premisses or part of them and least any man by any authoritie commaundement denunciation inquisition office or at the request of any person or persons may attempt preiudice or hurt to me or my said dignitie either by my excommunication interdiction sequestration spoyling vexing and perturbyng by any maner of meanes doe appeale to the most hygh and mighty Prince our soueraigne Lord Edw. the 6. by the grace of God king of England France c. in these my writings do prouoke appeale to his regal maiesty I do also require the Apostles so much as in this case they are to be required the first secōd third tyme earnestly more earnestly and most earnestly of all that there may be geuen to me the protection tuition and defence of my foresayd most dreade soueraigne Lord for the safegard of me my dignitie title Apostles a terme o● Canon 〈◊〉 signifie as much 〈◊〉 letters reuerential● 〈◊〉 and possession in the premisses and to all that will cleaue to me in this behalfe I doe also protest that I will be contented to correct reforme and amend this my present protestation and to the same to adde to take away and to bryng the same into the best forme and state that may be deuised by the counsaile of learned men or as the case shall require and the same to intimate accordyng to tyme and place and the order of the law Anno 1559. and still shall require Vpon all the which premisses the foresayd Edmund B. of London did require the Notary publike here vnder written to make vnto hym and the witnesses hereafter named one two or more copies of this protestation These thynges were done the yeare day and tyme aboue-written there beyng present Gilbert Bourne Bacheler of Diuinitie Iohn Harpesfield and Robert Colen Maisters of Arte Iohn Wakelyng and Richard Rogers learned
of any tractable reason in hym determined that the Archbishop with their whole consent should at that pre●●nt there openly read and publish their finall 〈◊〉 or Sentence definitiue agaynst hym Which he did pronouncing hym thereby to be cleane depriued from the Bishopricke of London and further as in the same appeareth in tenou● as followeth ¶ Sententia depriuationis ●ata contra Edmundum London Episcopum The cōtēptuous talke of Boner IN Dei nomine Amen Nos Thomas miseratione diuina Cantuar Archiepiscopus totius Angliae Primas Metropolitanus Nicholaus eadem miseratione Roffensis Episcopus Thom. Smith Miles illustrissimi in Christo principis Domini nostri Domini Edwardi sexti Dei gratia Angliae Franciae Hyberniae Regis fidei defensoris in terris Ecclesiae Anglicanae supremi capitis Secretariorum principalium alter Wilhelmus May Iuris ciuilis Doctor Ecclesiae cathedralis diui Paul● Decanus dicti illustrissimi principis domini nostri Regis ad infra scripta vna cum eximio viro Domino Wilhelmo Petro Milite ●iuidem serenissimae Regiae maiestatis etiam Secretariorum principalium altero commissarij siue iudices delegati cum ista clausa videlicet Deputamus vos quinque quatuor vel tres vestrum c. Rectè legittimè deputati contra te Edmundum permissione diuina London episcopum in causa causis in literis commissionalibus dictae serenissimae Regiae maiestatis express specificat rirè legitimè procedentes iudicialiter in quirentes auditis que per nos intellectis ac primo examine debit mature discussis meritis circumstantijs causae causarum inquisitionis huiusmodi seruatisque vlterius per nos de iure in hac parte seruandis in praesentia tui Episcopi antedicti iudicialiter coram nobis constituti ac protestantis de coactione de caeteris prout in vltima protestatione hodie per te facta continetur ad definitionem causae causarum huiusmodi prolationemque sententiae nostrae siue nostri finalis decreti super eisdem ferend sic duximus procedendum procedimus in hunc qui sequitur modum Quia tam per acta inactitata deducta proposira exhibita allegata probata par●ter confessata in causa causis huiusmodi facta habita gest● quam per confessionem tuam propriam factique notorietatem alia legitima documenta euidentem inuenimus compertum habemus te praefatum Episcop● London inter caetera pro meliori officij tui pastoralis administratione in mandatis habuisse vt de his qui duas aut tres vxores vt maritos in vnū haberent aut qui externos non probatos Ecclessae ri●us in hoc regno sequerentur quibus rebus tua Diocesis Londinens praecipue erat infamatum inquireres teque ea facere omnino neglexisse Item expresse tibi per Regiam Maiestatem praescriptum fuisse vt ipse Episcopus adesses conc●o●●bus ad crucem Pauli habitis tam vt eas honestares tua praesentia quam vt possis ●as accusare si qui male ibidem concionarentur te tamen contra non solum abijsse sed etiam scriptis litteris Maiorem London Aldermannos vt inde recederent admonuisse exhortatum fuisse Item inter alia quoque per Regiam Maiestatem tibi iniuncta in mandatis tibi datum fuisse quod articulum quendam statum reipubl tunc perniciosissima rebellione proditorum contra illum articulum sentientium grauissime perturbatae precipue concernend propterea supremum necessarium specialiter tibi iniunctum videlicet Ye shall also set foorth in your Sermon that our autoritie of our Royall power is as of truth it is of no lesse authoritie and force in this our younger age then is and was of any of our predecessoures though the same were much elder as may appeare by example of Iosias and other young Kinges in Scripture And therefore all our Subiectes to bee no lesse bounde to the obedience of our preceptes lawes and statutes then if we were xxx or xl yeares of age Apud crucem siue suggestum Diui Pauli London certo die tibi in ea parte praefixo limitato in publica tua conc●one tunc ibidem populo recitares explicares teque modo forma premissa eundem articulum iuxta mandatum officij tui debitum recitare explicare minime curasse sed contumaciter inobedienter omisisse in maximum Regiae Maiestatis contemptum ac in eius regni praeiudicium non modicum necnon in subditorum suorum malum perniciosum exemplum contumatiamque inobedientiam multiplicem tam in hac nostra inquisitione quam alias perperrasse commisisse contra●isse I● ci●●o nos Thomas Cantuariens Archiepiscopus Primas ●etropolitanus indexque delegatus ante dictus Christi non 〈◊〉 primitus inuocato ac ipsum solum D●●●oculis nostris p●●ponentes de cum expresso consensu pariter assensu Collegarum nostrorum praedictorum vna nobiscum assidentium deque cum concilio Iurisperitorum cum quibus communicamus in hac parte Te Edmundum London Episcopum antedictum a tuo Episcopatu London vna cum suis iuribus pertin●ntibus commoditatibus ●eteris emolumentis quibuscunque deptiuandum prorsus amo●endum fore de iure debere pronunciamus decernimus declaramus pro vt per praesentes sic depriuamus amouemus per hanc nostram sententiam definiti●am siue hoc nostrum finale dec●erum qu●m siue quod ferimus promulgamus in his scriptis Which ended the B. immediately did therefrom appeale by word of mouth alledgyng that the same sentence there geuē against him was Lex nulla The tenor of whose words I thought hereto expresse accordyng as they were by him vttered in this wise as followeth I Edmund Byshop of London The wor● of Boner appealing from the Sentence definitiue brought in and kepte heere as a prisoner agaynst my consent and wyll doe vnder my former protestation heretofore made and to the intent it may also appeare that I haue not beyng so here in this place consented not agreed to any thyng done agaynst me and in my preiudice alledge and say that this sentence geuen here agaynst me is Lex nulla and so farre foorth as it shall appeare to be Aliqua I doe say it is Iniqua and Iniusta and that therefore I doe from it as Iniqua and Iniusta appeale to the most excellent and noble king Edward the sixt by the grace of God Kyng of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the fayth and of the Church of England and also of Ireland next and immediately vnder GOD here in earth supreme head and vnto hys Courte of Chancerie or Parliament as the lawes statutes and ordinaunces of this Realme wyll suffer and beare in this behalfe desiryng instauntly first Letters ●●●uerentiall demissori●● second and third accordyng to the lawes
et Zelo. Sorcerers and Coniurers with such a wrong fayth ioyned to dumme creatures may and do with lyke reason call vp deuils as holy-water may driue them away cum fide zelo after which sort if our holy water were vsed I doubt not but there be many Marcellus and many Elizeus and many at whose prayer God forgeueth sinne if such as will enioy y e prayer haue faith and zeale as Equitius and were as desirous to driue the deuil out of the temple of their body and soule as Equitius out of the temple of Iupiter So as if holy vse were coupled with holy water there should be more plentie of holynesse then there is but as men be prophane in their liuyng so they cannot bide to haue any thing effectually holy not so much as bread and water fearing lest they should take away sinne from vs which we loue so well Solus Christus peccata diluit who sprinckleth hys bloud by hys ministers as he hath taught hys spouse the Church in which those ministers be ordered wherein many wayes maketh not many sauiours as ignorants do iest whereof I neede not speake further vnto you no more I neded not in the rest in respect of you but me thought ye coniured all men in your sermon to say what they thought to you id quod hanc mihi expressit Epistolam quam boni consules Et Vale. Your louyng friend Ste. Winchester AS I haue set foorth here gentle Reader the cauillyng letter of Winchester agaynst M. Ridleys Sermon so am I right sory that I haue not likewyse the aunswer of the sayd Ridley agayne to ioyne withall For so I vnderstand that not onely M. Ridley but also M. Barlow B. of S. Dauids for Winchester wrote agaynst them both had written and sent immediately their aunsweres to the same refutyng the friuolous and vnsauory reasons of this popish prelate as may well appeare by a parcell additionall of a letter sent by the L. Protector to the sayd Byshop in these wordes And because we haue begun to write to you we are put in remembraunce of a certayne letter or booke which you wrote vnto vs agaynst the bishop of S. Dauids sermon and D. Ridleys to the whiche aunswer beyng immediately made was by negligence of vs forgottē to be sent Now we both send you that and also the aunswer which the B. of s. Dauids wrote to the same booke of yours ¶ Articles and positions ministred and obiected eche of them ioyntly and seuerally to the B. of Winchester as foloweth The 1. Article IN primis that the kings Maiesty iustly and rightfully is and by the lawes of God ought to be the supreme head in earth of the Church of England and also of Ireland Articles layd agaynst Winchester and so is by the Clergy of this realme in theyr conuocation and by acte of Parliament iustly and accordyng to the lawes of God recognised Winchester This first article the B. granteth Winchester graunteth to the kings supremacy The 2. Article Item that hys Maiestie as supreme hed of the sayd Churches hath full power and authoritie to make and set forth lawes Iniunctions and ordinances for and concerning religion orders in the sayd churches for the encrease of vertue and repressing of all errours heresies and other enormities and abuses Winchester grūnteth to the full authority of the king 〈◊〉 setting forth his lawes Winchester To this second article he answereth affirmatiuely The 3. Article Item that all and euery his graces subiects are bound by the lawe of God to obey all hys Maiesties sayd lawes Iniunctions procedings concerning religion and orders in the sayd church Winchester To the third article the laid B. answereth affirmatiuely and granteth it The 4. Article Item that you Steuen B. of Winchester haue sworne obedience to his maiestie as supreme head of this Church of England and also of Ireland Wynchester hath sworne obedience to the kinges supremacye Winchester To the fourth article the sayd B. aunswereth affirmatiuely and granteth it The 5. Article Item that all and euery his graces subiectes that disobey any his sayd maiesties lawes Iniunctions ordinaunces and proceedings already set forth and published or hereafter to be set forth and published ought worthily to be punished according to hys Ecclesiasticall law vsed within this his realme Winchester To this fift article the sayd B. answereth affirmatiuely and granteth it The 6. Article Item that you the sayd Bishop as well in the Kings Maiesties late visitation within your dioces Wynchester complayned of as at sondry tymes haue bene cōplained vpō sondry informatiōs made against you for your doyngs sayings and preachings agaynst sundry Iniunctions orders and other proceedings of hys maiesty set foorth for reformation of errors superstitions and other abuses of religion Winchester This article toucheth other mens actes who or how they are complayned or enformed I cannot throughly tel For at the tyme of the kings Maiesties visitation I was in the Fleete and the morrow after twelfe day I was deliuered at Hampton court my L. of Somerset and my L. of Caunterbury then being in counsaile with many other counsailors was deliuered by these words The kings maiesty hath granted a generall pardon and by the benefit thereof I was discharged Wherunto I answered that I was learned neuer to refuse the kings maiesties pardon Winchester released out of the Fleete by the kinges generall pardon The article of Iustification put to Winchester Winchester prisoner in his own house Winchester denyeth to subscribe to the article of Iustification M. Cicill sent to Winchester Winchester agayne set free and in strength as that was and I would did humbly thanke his maiesty therfore and then they began with me in an article of learnyng touching iustification whereunto they willed me to say my mynd adding therwith that because other learned men had agreed to a forme deliuered vnto me that I should not thinke I could alter it which I receiued of them and promised the Thursday after to repayre to my L. of Somersets house at Sheene with my mynd written which I did and that day seuennight followyng appearing before hym and other of the counsaile was committed to my house for prisoner because I refused to subscribe to the forme of words sentēces that other had agreed vnto as they said In which tyme of imprisonment in my house the Bish. of Rochester then being as sent to me and after M. Smith then M. Cecil to which M. Cecil when I had by learnyng resolued my mynde in the matter I deliuered it and he deliuering it to my lords Grace wrote me in hys name thanks for it and then it was within the tyme of Lent ere I was discharged of y e trouble and so went to Winchester as a man clearely out of all trauell of busines And within 14. daies after that or there abouts began other trauell with me vpon a request made by my Lord of
proceded he to the answering of the foresaid articles but in such crafty and obstinate maner as before he had ben accustomed and as at large to them that be desirous to vnderstand the processe thereof in the first booke of the Actes and monuments of the Church aforesayd may appeare But briefly to conclude such exceptions he vsed against the witnesses produced against him and he himself produced such a number of witnesses in hys defence and vsed so many delaies and cauillations that in the end the commissioners seeing his stubbernesse proceeded to the sentence definitiue against him as heere vnder followeth ¶ Sentence definitiue agaynst Stephen Gardiner B. of Winchester IN the name of God Amen By authority of a commission by the high and mighty prince our moste gracious soueraigne Lord Edward the 6. by the grace of God king of England France and Ireland defendour of the faith The finall sentence 〈◊〉 the depri●uation of the Bish●● of Winch●●ster and of the Church of England and also of Ireland in earth the supreme head the tenour whereof hereafter ensueth Edward the sixt c. Wee Thomas by the sufferaunce of God Archbishop of Canterburye primate of all Englande and Metropolitane wyth the right reuerende fathers in God Nicholas Bishop of London Thomas Byshop of Ely and Henry Byshop of Lincolne Syr William Peter Knight one of our said soueraigne Lordes two principall secretaries Sir Iames Hales knight one of our sayd soueraigne Lordes Iustices of his common plees Griffith Leison and Iohn Oliuer Doctors of the Ciuill lawe Richard Goodrike Iohn Gosnold Esquiers delegates and Iudges assigned appointed rightfully lawfully proceeding according to the forme tenor of y e said commission for the hearing examinatiō debating finall determination of y e causes and matters in the said commisson mentioned and conteined and vpon the contentes of the same and certeine articles obiected of office against you Steeuen Bishop of Winchester as more plainely and fully is mencioned and declared in the said commission and articles all which we repute take here for to be expressed after sondry iudiciall assemblies examinations debatings of the said cause matters with all incidents emergents circumstances to the same or any of them belonging and the same also beeing by vs ofte heard seene and well vnderstanded and with good and mature examination and deliberation debated cōsidered and fully wayed and pondred obseruing all such order and other things as by the lawes equitie and the said commission ought or needed heerein to be obserued in the presence of you Steeuen Bishop of Winchester do proceede to the geuing of our finall iudgement and sentence diffinitiue in this maner following For asmuch as by the actes inacted exhibites and allegations purposed deduced alleaged by sufficient proofes with your owne confession in the causes aforesaid had and made we do euidently finde and perceiue that you Steuen Bishop of Winchester haue not only transgressed the commaundements mencioned in the same Wynchester foūd to be a transgressor but also haue of lōg time notwithstanding many admonitions and commandements geuen vnto you to the contrary remained a person much grudging speaking and repugning against the godly reformations of abuses in religion set foorth by the kings highnes authoritie within this his realme and forasmuch as we do also finde you a notable open and contemptuous disobeyer of sondry godly and iust commandements geuen vnto you by our sayd soueraigne Lorde and by his authoritie in diuers great and weighty causes touching and cōcerning his princely office the state and common quietnes of this his Realme and for asmuch as you haue and yet do contemptuously refuse to recognise your notorious negligences misbehauiours contempts and disobediēces remaining still after a great number of seuerall admonitions alwaies more and more indurate incorrigible and without all hope of amendement cōtrary both to your oth sworne obedience promise and also your boūden duety of allegiance and for the great sclaunder and offence of the people arise in many partes of the Realme through your wilfull doings sayings and preachings contrary to the common order of the Realme and for sondry other great causes by the actes exhibites your owne confession and proofes of this processe more fully appearing considering withall that nothing effectually hath ben on your behalfe alleaged purposed and proued ne by any other meanes appeareth whiche doth or may empayre or take away the proofes made against you vpon the sayde matters and other the premisses Therefore we Thomas Archbyshop of Caunterbury Primate of all England and Metropolitane Iudge delegate aforesayd calling God before our eyes with expresse consent and assent of Nicholas B. of London Tho. bishop of Ely Henry B. of Lincolne sir Wil. Peter Knight Sir Iames Hales Knight Griffith Leison and Ioh. Oliuer doctors of the ciuill law Rich. Goodricke and Iohn Gosnold Esquires Iudges and Colleagues with vs in the matters aforesaid and with the counsaile of diuers learned men in the lawes with whome we haue conferred in and vpon the premisses Steuē Gardiner Bish. of Winchester depriue● of his Bishopricke do iudge and determine you Steeuen Bishop of Winchester to be depriued and remooued from the Bishopricke of Winchester and from all the rightes authoritie emoluments commodities and other apurtenaunces to the sayde Byshoprike in any wise belonging whatsoeuer they be and by these presentes we doe depriue and remoue you from your sayd Bishopricke and all rites other commodities aforesaide and further pronounce declare the sayd Byshopricke of Winchester to all effectes and purposes to be voyde by this our sentence definitiue which we geue pronounce and declare in these writings This sentence diffinitiue being geuen the sayd Byshop of Winchester vnder his former protestatiōs dissented frō the geuing and reading thereof and frō the same as vniust of no efficacy or effect in law and in that that the same conteineth excessiue punishmēt and for other causes expressed in his appellation aforesayd did then and there apud Acta immediately after the pronouncing of the sētence by word of mouth appeale to the kinges Royall maiestie first secondly and thirdly instantly more instantly Steuē Gardiner appealeth from the Sentence to the king most instantly asked apostles or letters dimissorials to be geuen and granted vnto him And also vnder protestation not to recede from the sayd appellation asked a copy of the sayd sētence the Iudges declaring that they would first knowe the kinges pleasure and his counsell therin vpon the reading and geuing of which sentence the promoters willed Will. Say and Thomas A●gall to make a publicke Instrument and the witnesses then and there present to beare testimony thereunto c. And thus haue ye the whole discourse and processe of Steuen Gardiner late bishop of Winchester vnto whome the Papisticall cleargy doth so much leane as to a mighty Atlas an vpholder of their ruinous Religion The end of
they could to make him reuolte they helped the hangman to beare him all broken and dismembred as hee was vnto the heape of wood where they tyed him to a chayne of yron which was let downe vppon the fagottes Romian seing himself to be alone lying vpon the wood began to pray to God Whereat y e fryers being moued ranne to him agayne to cause hym to say Aue Maria. Which when he would not do Crueltie of Friers they were so furious that they plucked tare hys beard In all these anguishes the meeke saynt of God had recourse still to God in hys prayers beseeching him to geue him paciēce Thē left they him lying as dead But so soone as they descended down from the wood he began to pray to God agayne in such sort as one would haue thought that he had felt no hurt Then an other greate Fryer supposing to doe more wyth hym then the rest came vp to the wood vnto hym to admonish him Romian thought at first that he had bene a faythfull Christian by his gentle speach but afterward when he vrged him to pray to the virgyn Mary he desred him to depart and let him alone in peace As soone as he was departed Romiane lifted vp hys head and hys eyes on hye praying God to assyste him in his great temptation Then a certayn father a Warden to bring the people in more hatred cryed out and sayd he blasphemeth A slaundering Fryer hee blasphemeth he speaketh agaynst the blessed virgin Mary Wherat Barbosi cryed stop hys mouth let hym be gagged The people cried to the fire let him be burned Then the hangman set fire to the straw Crucifice C●ucifige 〈◊〉 The cruell death and m●●tyrdome of blessed Romian and little stickes that were about which incontinent were set on fire Romian still remayned hanging in the ayre till he dyed and was burned all his nether partes well neare when he was seene to lift vp his head to heauen mouing his lips without any cry and so thys blessed saint rendred his spirite to God Of this assemble there were diuers iudgements sondry bruites Some sayde that if good men had bene about him it had gone better with him that those priests monks which were about him were whoremaisters infamous Other sayd that he had wrong and that an hundreth of that company there were which more deserued death then he especially among thē which condēned him Other went away marueling disputing of his death and doctrine And thus was the course finished of this valiaunt thrise blessed martyr and seruaunt of the Lord Iesus the sonne of God Ex Crisp. lib. 6 pag. 902. The Conuent of the Iacobin Friers at Dyion A Priest of Dyion Fraunces Ciuaux At Dyion Ann. 1558. Frances Ciuaux martyr Thys Fraunces Ciuaux was Secretarye to the Frenche Ambassadour here in England in Queene Maries time Who afterward beeing desirous to heare y e worde of God went to Geneua Also he was placed to be Secretary to the Senate or counsayle of Geneua wher he continued about the space of a yeare Hauing then certaine busines hee came to Dyion There was the same tyme a priest that preached at Dyion such doctrine where at the sayd Fraunces being worthely offended came friendly vnto the priest and reasoned with him touching his doctrine shewing by the Scriptures how and where he had erred The priest excused himselfe that he was not so well instructed to dispute but he would bring hym y e next day to a certayne learned man whom he knew there in the towne and desired the sayd Fraunces to go with him to breakfast where he would be glad to heare them two in conference together Whereunto when Fraunces had consented the priest incontinēt went to the Iacobine Friers where the matter was thus contriued A priuy Iudas that at the breakefast time Frances there vnawares should be apprehended When the next day came y e priest brought Fraūces according to his appoyntmēt to a Iacobine frier who pretending much fayre friendship vnto him as one glad desirous of his cōpany besought hym to take a breakefast with him the next morowe and there they woulde enter conference together Wyth this also Fraunces was content to prepare hymselfe the better to that conflict sat vp almost all the night writing with his fellow The next morow as Fraunces with his fellowe were preparing themselues toward the breakfast the Iacobin in y e meane time went to the Iustice of the towne to admonishe him to be ready at the time and place appoynted Thus as the Iacobin was standing at the Iustices doore the companion of Fraunces seeing the Fryer there stand began to mistrust with himselfe tolde Fraunces Frances admonished by hys dreame willing him to beware the Fryer Moreouer the same night Fraunces had in his dreame y t the sayde Fryer shoulde commit him to the Iustice. But hee either not caring for his dreames or els not much passing for the daunger committed hymselfe to the handes of God and went As they were together disputing in the Couent of the Iacobines Fraunces thus betrayed of the priest was apprehended by the Officers caried to Prison and within seuen dayes after being Saterday before the Natiuity of the Lord was brought to the place of execution where first he was strangled and then burned Ex scripto testimonio Senatus Geneuesis And as touching the felow companion of this Fraunces aboue mentioned he was also apprehended with hym and put in prison but because he was but a young nouice and yet not fully confirmed he recanted and was deliuered Priestes of Rochelle Manroy a priest The Lieuetenaunt of Rochelle The Cardinall of Lorraine Magistri S. Andre Peter Arondeau At Paris Ann. 1559. The town of Rochelle Peter Arondeau martyr as it is a place of great commoditie because of the Sea so was it not inferiour to other good Townes in Fraunce for nourishing and suporting the holy assembles of the Lorde Unto the whiche towne about the yeare of our Lorde 1559. resorted one Peter Arondeau a mā of base condition with a little packet of mercery ware there to sel who there being knowen to adioyne hymselfe to the church and congregatiō of y e faithfull was demaunded of certayne Ministers of Antichrist whether he would goe to heare Masse or no. The Masse He sayd that he had bene there to oste to hys great grief and that since the tyme that the Lorde had taken the vayle from hys eyes he knewe the Masse to be abhominable forged in the shop of the enemy of all mankinde They to whome hee thus aunswered were Priestes amongest whom was one named Monroy who taking the other there present for witnesses brought hym straight to the Lieuetenaunt The depositiō being taken and information made it was decreed incontinent y t his body shuld be attached And althogh by one of hys friendes hee was admonished to saue himself to
these so weightie matters entreating of Christes holy Martyrs to discourse much of Thomas Wolsey Cardinall of Yorke notwithstandyng forsomuch as there be many whiche being caryed awaye with a wrong opinion and estimation of that false glittering Church of Rome doe thinke that holynes to be in it which in deede is not to the entent therefore that the vayne pompe and pride of that ambitious Church so farre differing from all pure Christianitie and godlynes more notoriously may appeare to all men and partly also to refresh the Reader with some varietie of matter I thought compendiously to expresse the ridiculous and pompous qualities and demeaner of this foresayd Thomas Wolsey Cardinall and Legate of Rome in whome alone the Image and life of all other suche like followers and professors of the same Church may be seene and obserued For like as the Lacedemonians in times past were accustomed to shewe and demonstrate droncken men vnto theyr children Example of the Lacedemonians to behold and looke vpon that through the foulenes of that vice they might inflame them the more to the studie and desire of sobrietie euen so it shall not be hurtfull sometimes to set forth the examples which are not honest that others might thereby gather the instructions of better and more vpright dealing Wherefore thou shalt note heere good Reader in thys hystorie wyth all iudgement the great difference of lyfe and Christian conuersation betwene this Church and the other true humble Martyrs and seruants of God whome they haue and doe yet persecute And first to beginne with the first meeting and comming in of this Cardinall and his fellow Cardinall Campeius into England Campeius sent into England it was about the tyme when Pope Leo intending to make war agaynst the Turkes sente three Legates together from Rome whereof one went into Germanie an other into Fraunce Laurentius Campeius was appointed to come into England When he was come to Callis and that the Cardinall of Yorke had vnderstanding therof he sent certayne Byshops and Doctors with as much speede as he coulde to meete the Legate and to shewe hym that if hee would haue hys Ambassade take effect he should sende in poste to Rome to haue the sayd Cardinall of Yorke made Legate and to be ioyned wyth hym in commission Which thing he much affected misdoubtyng least hys authoritie thereby might perhaps be diminished through the comming of the Legate and therefore required to be ioyned with hym in like degree of the Ambassade Cardinall Wolsey seeketh to be ioyned in equall commyssiō with Campeius Campeius being a man light of beliefe and suspecting no such matter gaue credite vnto hys wordes and sent vnto Rome with suche speede that within xxx dayes after the Bull was brought to Callis wherein they were both equally ioined in Commission during whiche time the Cardinall of Yorke sent to the Legate at Callis red cloth to clothe hys seruants withall which at their comming to Callis Note the state and pride of the Popes Clergye were but meanely apparelled When all things were ready Campeius passed y e Seas landed at Douer and so kept forth his iourney towarde London At euery good towne as they passed he was receaued with procession accompanied with all the Lords Gentlemen of Kent And when he came to blacke Heath The receauing of the Popes Legate into England there met him the Duke of Northfolke with a great number of Prelates Knightes and Gentlemen all richly apparelled in y e way he was brought into a rich tent of cloth of gold where he shifted hymselfe into a Cardinals robe furred with Ermines and so tooke his Mule ryding toward Lōdō Now marke y e great humilitie in this Church of the Pope and cōpare the same with the other Church of the Martyrs and see which of them is more Gospell like Thys Campeius had eight Mules of hys owne laden with diuers farthelles and other preparation Ambition pompe in the Cardinall The Cardinal of Yorke thinking them not sufficient for his estate the night before he came to London sent him xij mules more with empty cofers couered with red to furnish his cariage withal The next day these xx mules were led through the Citie as though they had bene loden with treasures apparell and other necessaries to the great admiration of all men that they shoulde receiue a Legate as it were a God with such and so great treasure and riches For so the common people doth alwayes iudge and esteeme the maiestie of the Cleargie by no other thing then by theyr outwarde shewes and pompe but in the middest of thys great admiration there hapned a ridiculous spectacle to y e great derision of their pride ambition For as the Mules passed through Cheape side and y e people were pressing about them to behold and gaze as the maner is it hapned that one of the Mules breaking his coller that he was led in ranne vpon the other Mules whereby it hapned How God confoundeth the pride pompe of men that they so running together and their girthes being losed ouerthrew diuers of their burthens and so there appeared the Cardinals gay treasure not without great laughter and scorne of many and specially of boyes and gerles whereof some gathered vp peeces of meate The Cardinalles 20. great Mules loden with rosted eggs and rotten shoes and such other treasure othersome peeces of bread and rosted egges some found horse shoes and old bootes with such other baggage crieng out beholde heere is my Lord Cardinals treasure The Muliters being therewithall greatly ashamed gathered together their treasure agayne as well as they could and went forward About three of the clocke at after noone the xxix day of Iuly the Cardinall himselfe was brought through the Citie with great pompe and solemnity vnto Paules church whereas when he had blessed all men with the Byshops blessing as the maner is he was guided forth vnto y e Cardinall of Yorkes house where as he was receaued by the said Cardinal and by him on the next day being Sonday was conducted vnto the King to fulfill his Ambassade agaynst the Turke which might haue destroyed all Hungarie Ex Edouar Hallo in the meane time whiles they were studieng with what solemnitie to furnish out their Ambassade When the Cardinall of Yorke was thus a Legate hee set vp a Court and called it the Court of the Legate and proued testamentes and heard causes to the great hynderance of all the Byshops of the Realme He visited Byshops all the Clergy exempt and not exempt and vnder colour of reformatiō he got much treasure nothing was reformed but came to more mischiefe for by example of his pride Priests and all spirituall persons waxed so proude that they weare veluet and silke both in gownes iackets dublets and shoes kept open lechery so hyghly bare thē selues by reason of his authorities faculties that no mā durst once
ambassadors in Spaine there was again set at liberty When as the ambassador cōplained hereof to y e Cardinal he laid al the fault vpon Clarentius laying also that Clarentius had defied y e Emperor w tout the kings knowledge at the request of the Herald of Frāce wherfore at his returne The Cardin●● set Clarentius 〈◊〉 the Emperour and afterward would 〈…〉 death he should lose his head at Callis Wherof Clarentius being aduertised by the captaine of Bayon in hys returne tooke shipping at Bullen so priuely came into England and by meanes of certaine of his frends of y e kings priuy chamber hee was brought vnto the kings presence before the Cardinal knewe of it where as he shewed vnto y e king the Cardinals letters of Commission and declared the whole order and circumstance of theyr gentle intreaty When the king heard the whole circumstance thereof and had a while mused thereupon he sayde O Lord Iesus he that I trusted most told me all these things contrary Well Clarentius I wil no more be so light of credēce hereafter for now I ●ee wel that I haue bene made beleue the thing that was neuer done and from that time forwarde y e king neuer put any more confidence or trust in the Cardinall The cause why the Cardinal should beare the Emperor all this malice grudge after some wryters it appeareth to be thus At what time as Pope Clement was takē prisoner as is before sayd the Cardinal wrote vnto the Emperor that he shuld make him Pope But when he had receiued an answere that pleased him not he waxed furious madde The Cardi●●●s p●o●de 〈…〉 against the Emperour and sought al meanes to displease the Emperour wryting very sharpely vnto him many manacing letters that if he would not make him Pope he would make such a ruffling betwene christian Princes as was not this 100. yeares before to make the Emperor repent yea though it should cost the whole Realme of England Wherunto the Emperor made answer in a little booke Imprinted both in Spanish and Dutch answering vnto many manacings of the Cardinal and diuers of his Articles but specially to that his ruffling threate wherein he manaced him that if he wold not make him Pope he wold set such a ruffling betwixte Christian Princes as was not this 100. yeare though it should cost the whole Realme of England Wherunto the Emperor answering again biddeth him looke wel about him The Empe●ou●● aunswere vnto the Cardinalls threates lest through his doings and attempts he might bring the matter in that case y t it shuld cost him the Realme of England in deede You haue heard before howe that when Pope Clement was prisoner in the Emperors army the Cardinal required the king because he did beare the title of defendor of the faith y t he would rescue the Pope also what the kings answere was thereunto and what summes of money he had obtained of the king Nowe because you shall not also be ignorant by what meanes and vppon what occasion this title of the defender of the faith was geuen vnto the King The title of def●●dour of the faith we thinke it good somewhat to say in this place When as Martin Luther had vttered the abhomination of the Pope and his clergy diuers bookes were come into England our Cardinal here thinking to finde a remedy for that sent immediately vnto Rome for this title of defendour of the faith which afterward the vicare of Croydē preached that the kings grace would not lose it for al London 20. mile about it Neither is it maruel for it cost more then London 40. mile about it considering the great summes whyche you haue heard the Cardinal obtained of the King for the Popes relief beside the effusion of much innocent bloud When thys gloryous title was come from Rome the Cardinall brought it vnto the kings grace at Grenewich and though that the king had it already and had read it yet against the morning were all the Lords and Gentlemen that could in so shorte space be gathered sent for to come receaue it with honour In the morning the cardinall gate him through the backe side into the Frier obseruants and parte of the Gentlemen went round about and welcomed him from Rome parte met him halfe way and some at the Court gate The king himselfe mette hym in the hall and brought him vp into a great chamber The glorious ●●nitye 〈◊〉 the Cardinal laugh●● to 〈◊〉 whereas was a seat prepared on high for the king and the Cardinall to sit on whiles the Bull was read Which pompe all men of wisedome and vnderstanding laughed to scorne Thys done the kyng went to hys Chappell to heare Masse accompanied with many nobles of his realme and Ambassadours of sundry Princes The Cardinall being reuested to sing masse the earle of Essex brought the basen of water the Duke of Suffolke gaue the assay the Duke of Norfolke held the towel so he proceded to masse Whē masse was done the bull was againe published the trompets blew the shawmes and suckbuts played in honor of the kings newe stile Then the king went to dinner in the midst wherof the king of Herauldes and his company beganne the largesse crying The kinges stil● augmented Henricus Dei gratia Rex Angliae Franciae defensor fidei Dominus Hiberniae Thus was all things ended with great solemnitie Not much vnlyke to thys was the receyuing of the Cardinalles hatte which when a ruffian had brought vnto him to Westminster vnder his cloke he clothed the messenger in riche aray and sent him backe againe to Douer appoynting the Bishop of Canterbury to meete hym The thrasonicall receauing of the Cardinalls hatte and then an other companye of the Lordes and Gentlemen I wote not how often before it came to Westminster where it was set vpon a cupbourd and tapers rounde about it so y t the greatest Duke in the lande must make curtesie thereuunto and to his emptie seate he being away And for somuch as we are in hande with the actes and doings of Cardinall Wolsey among many other thyngs The cruell dealing of the Cardinall against Richard Pacie Richard Pacie Deane of Paules whych of purpose we ouerpasse this is not to be exempted out of memorie touching hys vncourtuous or rather currish handling of Richard Pacie Deane of Paules Thys Pacie being the kinges Secretarie for the Latine tounge was of such ripenes of wit of learning eloquence also in forein lāguages so expert that for the one he was thought most meete to succeede after Iohn Colet in the Deanery of Paules beside which he was also preferred to the Deanry of Excetour For the other he was sent in the kinges affayres Ambassadour to Uenice Which function there he so discharged that it is hard to say whether he procured more commendation or admiration amōg the Uenetians both for dexteritie of hys witte and especially
Cardinall Wolsey Nixe Byshoppe of Norwich Fryers of Ipswich Thomas Bilney Bacheler of both lawes Fryer Byrd Fryer Hogekins Doctour Stokes Sir Thom. Moore Fryer Brusyerd Fryer Iohn Huggen Prouinciall of the Dominikes Fryer Geffrey Iulles Fryer Iugworth M. William Iecket gentleman William Nelson Thomas Williams Thomas Bilney Arthure which abiured At Norwiche Ann. 1531. In the story aboue passed of Cardinall Wolsey Anno. 1531. mention was made of certayne Thomas Bilney Martyr whome the sayde Cardinal caused to abiure as Bilney Geffrey Lome Garret Barnes and such other of whome we haue nowe the Lorde directing vs specially to entreate This Thom. Bilney was brought vp in the Uniuersitie of Cambridge euen from a child profiting in al kind of liberal science euen vnto the profession of both lawes But at the last hauing gottē a better schoolemaister euen the holy spirit of Christ who enduing his hart by priuie inspiration with y e knowledge of better more wholesome things he came at the last vnto this point that forsaking y e knowledge of mās lawes he cōuerted his studye to those things which tended more vnto godlynes then gaynefulnes Finally as he hymselfe was greatly inflamed with the loue of true religion godlines euen so agayne was in hys hart an incredible desire to allure many vnto the same desiring nothing more then that hee might stir vp incourage any to the loue of Christ sincere Religion Neyther was his labors vayne for he conuerted many of hys felowes vnto the knowledge of the Gospell amōgst which number was Thomas Arthur and M. Hugh Latimer which Latimer at that time was crossekeeper at Cambridge bringing it forth vpon procession dayes At the last Maister Latimer Crossekeeper in the Vniuersitye of Cambridge Bilney forsaking the Uniuersitie went into many places teaching preaching being associate with Arthur whiche accompanied him from the Uniuersitie The authoritie of Thom. Wolsey Cardinall of Yorke of whome ye heard before at that time was great in England but his pompe pride much greater which did euidently declare vnto all wise men the manifest vanitie not only of his life but also of all the Byshops and Cleargie Whereupon Bilney Bilney against the pride of the Pope and of his Cardinalls with other good men maruelling at the incredible insolencie of the Cleargie which they could now no longer suffer or abide beganne to shake and reprooue this excessiue pompe of the Cleargie and also to plucke at the authoritie of the Byshop of Rome Then it was time for the Cardinall to awake and speedily to looke about hys busines Neyther lacked he in this poynt any craft or subtiltie of a serpent for he vnderstood well enough vpon how slender a foundation theyr ambitious dignitie was grounded neyther was he ignoraunt that theyr Luciferous and proude kingdome could not long cōtinue against the manifest word of God especially if the light of the Gospell should once open the eyes of men For otherwise he did not greatly feare the power and dipleasure of Kings and Princes Only thys he feared the voyce of Christ in his Gospell least it should disclose and detect their hypocrisie and deceites and force them to come into an order of godly discipline wherefore he thought good speedily in time to withstand these beginnings Whereupon he caused the sayd Bilney and Arthur to be apprehended and cast in prison as before yee haue heard After this the xxvij day of Nouember in the yeare of our Lord 1527. the sayde Cardinall accompanyed wyth a great number of Byshops Cardinall Wolsey with his complices agaynst Bilney and Arthur as the Archbyshop of Caunterbury Cuthbert of London Iohn of Rochester Nicholas of Ely Iohn of Exeter Iohn of Lincolne Iohn of Bathe and Welles Harry of Saint Asse with many other both Diuines and Lawyers came into the Chapterhouse of Westminster where the sayd Maister Thomas Bilney and Thomas Arthur were brought before them and the sayd Cardinall there enquired of M. Bilney whether he had priuately or publiquely preached or taught to the people the opinions of Luther or any other condemned by the Church contrary to the determination of the Church Whereunto Bilney answeared that wittingly he had not preached or taught any of Luthers opinions or any other contrary to the Catholique Churche Then the Cardinall asked him whether he had not once made an othe before that he should not preach rehearse or defende any of Luthers opiniōs but should impugne the same euerywhere He answered that he had made such an othe but not lawfully which interrogatories so ministred and answeares made the Cardinall caused hym to sweare to aunsweare playnely to the articles and errors preached and set foorth by him as well in the Citie and dioces of London as in the dioces of Norwich and other places and that he shuld do it without any craft qualifying or leauing out any part of the truth After he was thus sworne and examined the sayd Cardinal proceded to the examination of M. Thomas Arthur there present causing him to take the like othe Thomas Arthur examined that M. Bilney did Which done he asked of him whether he had not once told sir Tho. More knight y t in the Sacrament of the altar was not the very body of Christ Which interrogatory he denied Then the Cardinal gaue him time to deliberate til noone and to bring in his answeare in writing After noone the same daye what tyme the examination of the foresayde Thomas Arthur was ended the Cardinall and Byshops by theyr authoritie Ex officio did call in for witnesses before Mayster Bilney certayne men namely Iohn Huggen chiefe Prouinciall of the Friers preachers throughout all England Geffrey Iulles and Richard Iugworth professours of Diuinitie of the same order Also William Iecket Gentleman William Nelson and Thomas Williams which were sworne that all fauour hate loue or rewarde set aparte they shoulde without concealing of any falsehoode or omitting anye truth speake theyr myndes vpon the Articles layde agaynst them or preached by hym as well within the Dioces of London as the Dioces of Norwich and because he was otherwise occupyed aboute the affayres of the Realme he committed the hearing of the matter to the Byshop of London and to other Byshops there present or to three of them to proceede agaynst all men as well spirituall as temporall as also against schedules writings and bookes set forth and translated by Martin Luther lately condemned by Pope Leo the tenth and by all maner of probable meanes to enquire and roote out their errors and opinions and all such as were found culpable to compell them to abiuration according to the lawe or if the matter so required to deliuer them vnto the secular power and to geue them full power and authoritie to determine vpon them The xxvij of Nouember in the yeare aforesayde the Byshop of London B●●ney and A●t●ure b●●●ght bef●re ●ū●tall bi●hop of L●ndon with the Byshop of Ely and
Rich 〈…〉 and F●ythe This Bayfild mightely prospered in y e knowledge of God and was beneficiall to M. Tyndall and M. Frith for hee brought substaunce wyth him and was their owne hand and solde all their workes and the Germaynes workes both in Fraunce in England and at the last comming to London to M. Smithes house in Bucklers Bury there was he bewrayed dogged from that house to his Bookebynders in marke lane and there taken and caryed to Lollardes Tower from thence to the Colehouse by reason y t one person Patmore Parson of Much Haddam in Essex thē lying in Lollards Tower was in the doctrine and in the kingdom of Christ there confirmed by hym This Parson Patmore after lōg trouble was abiured and condemned by the Byshops to perpetuall prison and deliuered afterwarde by the kinges pardon Persō Patmore died in Lollards tower As more appeareth in the sequele of hys storye among abiurers c. He was taken because he maryed hys priest in those dayes He had alwayes corne plentye and when the markets were very deare he would send plenty of hys corne thither to plucke downe the prices thereof This Richard Bayfilde being in the Colehouse was woorser handled then hee was before in the Lollardes tower for there he was tyed both by the neck The cruell hādling of Richard Bayfilde in the Colehouse middle and legges standing vpright by y e walles diuers times manicled to accuse other y t had bought hys books but he accused none but stoode to his religion and confession of his fayth vnto the very end and was in the consistorye of Paules thrise put to his triall whether he would abiure or no. He sayd he would dispute for hys fayth so did to theyr great shame Stokesley then being his iudge with the assistance of Winchester and other Bishops whereof here followeth now the circumstance in order to be seene The articles layd to Richard Bayfield by the foresayd Bishops were these an 1531. Nouemb. x ¶ Articles layd to Richard Bayfield FIrst that hee had bene many yeares a Monke professed of the order of S. Benet Articles obiected agaynst Rich. Bayfilde of S. Edmundes Bury in the diocesse of Norwiche 2. That he was a priest and had ministred and continued in the same order the space of 9. or x. yeares 3. That sithens the feast of Easter last hee being beyonde the sea brought and procured to haue diuers and manye bookes and treatises of sundry sortes as well of Martyne Luthers owne workes as of diuers other of hys damnable sect and of Oecolampadius the great heretique and diuers other heretickes both in Latine and Englishe y e names of which bookes were contayned in a little bill written with hys owne hand 4. That in the yeare of our Lord. 1528. he was detected accused to Cutb. then B. of London A rancke heresie in the Popes church to geue al laude praise to God alone for affirming and holding certayne Articles contrary to the holy Churche and specially that all laud and prayse should be geuen to God alone and not to sayntes or creatures 5. That euery priest might preach the word of God by y e authoritie of the Gospell and not to runne to the Pope or Cardinals for licence as it appeared sayd they by his confession before the sayd Byshop 6. That he iudicially abiured the sayde articles before the sayd Bishop and dyd renounce and forsweare them and all other articles contrarye to the determination of holye Church promising that from thenceforth hee woulde not fall into any of them nor any other errors 7. That he made a solemne othe vpon a booke the holy Euangelistes to fulfill such penaunce as shoulde be enioyned hym by the sayd byshop 8. After hys abiuration it was enioyned to hym for penance that he should goe before the crosse in procession in the parish church of S. Buttolphes at Billings gate and to beare a fagot of woode vpon hys shoulder 9. It was enioyned hym in penaunce that he shuld prouide an habite requisite and meete for hys order and profession as shortly as he might and that he should come or go no where without such an habite the which he had not fulfilled 10. That it was likewise enioyned him in penaunce that sometyme before the feast of the ascention then next ensuing hys abiuration he should goe home vnto the Monastery of Bury and there remayne according to the vowe of hys profession which he had not fulfilled 11. That he was appoynted by the sayd bishop of Londō to appeare before the sayd byshop the 25. day of April next after hys abiuration to receiue the residue of his penance and after hys abiuration he fled beyond the sea and appeared not 11. That the 20. day of Iune next following hys abiuration he did appeare before the sayd Bysh. Tonstall in the Chappell of the Byshop of Norwiche hys place and there it was newly enioyned hym in part of penaunce that hee shuld prouide him an habite cōuenient for his order profession w tin 8. dayes then next following whiche hee had not done That it was there agayne enioyned him that he should depart from the city diocesse iurisdiction of London and no more to come within it without the speciall licēce of the bishop of London or his successor for the time being which he had not fulfilled ¶ The aunswer of Richard Bayfield to the Articles prefixed TO the first Article he confessed that hee was professed a Monke in the monastery aforesayd The aunswee of Rich. Bayfilde to the Articles in the yeare .1414 To the ij Article he answered that he was a priest and tooke orders An. 1518. To the third Article he confessed the bil and scedule to be written with his hand which is annexed thereunto and that he brought ouer the sayde bookes and workes a yeare and a half past a great number of euery sort Being further demaunded for what intent he brought them into the realme he aunswered to the intent y t the Gospel of Christ might be set forward and God the more gloryfied in thys realme amongst Christen people and that he had solde and dispersed many of those bookes before named to sūdry persons within thys Realme and to diuers of the diocesse of London Being further demaunded whether Martin Luther were cōdemned as an heretike by the Pope he answered that he heard say that Martin Luther with all his sect and adherents were and are condemned as heretikes by y e Pope And being demaūded whether Zwinglius was of Luthers sect he aunswered that he neuer spake with him Being asked whether Zwinglius was a Catholicke hee aunswered that he could not tell Being inquired whether the bookes contained in the scedules did cōtain any errors in thē he said he could not tell neither could he iudge Also he confessed that the common fame hath bene within these ij or iij. yeres that Oecolampadius Zwinglius be
Katherine his wife Quene Katherine carnally knowē by the kings brother it appeareth in a certaine booke of Recordes which we haue to shew touching this mariage that the same time when Prince Arthur was firste maryed with this Ladye Katherine daughter to Ferdinando certaine Ambassadours of Ferdinando his Counsaile were then sent hether into England for the sayde purpose to see and to testifie concerning the ful consummation of the said matrimoniall coniunction Which Counsaillers here resident being solemnely sworne not onely did affirm to both their parentes that the Matrimonie was consummate by that acte but also did send ouer into Spaine to her father such demonstrations of their mutuall coniunction as here I wil not name sparing the reuerēce of chast eares which demonstrations otherwise in those Records being named and testified do sufficiently put the matter out of all doute and question Besides that in the same recordes appeareth that both he and she not onely were of such yeares as were mete and able to explete the cōsummation hereof but also they were and did lie together both here and in Wales by the space of 3. quarters of a yeare Out of a written booke of Recordes containing certaine conferences betwixte the Cardinall and Queenes Katherines Amner about this matter remaining in our custodie to be seene Thus when the Diuines on her side were beaten from that ground Three reasons for Queene Katherine then they fell to perswasions of Natural reasons how this should not be vndone for three causes One was because if it shoulde be broken the onely childe of the king should be a Bastard which were a great mischiefe to the realme Secōdly the separation shuld be cause of great vnkindnes betwene her kinred and this Realme And the third cause was that the continuance of so long space had made the Mariage honest These perswasions with many other were set forth by the Queenes Counsaile and in especial by the Bishop of Rochester which stoode stiffe in her cause Fisher Bish. of Rochester a great doer for Queene Catherine But yet Gods precept was not aunswered wherefore they left that ground and fel to pleading that the court of Rome had dispenced with that Mariage To this some Lawyers sayde that no earthly person is able to dispence with the positiue law of God When the Legates hard the opinions of the Diuines and saw wherunto the end of this question would tend The searching of the kinges mari●ge brought moe thinges to lighte for asmuch as men began so to dispute of the authoritie of the Court of Rome especially because the Cardinal of York perceiued the king to cast fauour to the Lady Anne whom he knew to be a Lutheran they thought best to wind them selues out of that brake by time so Cardinall Campeius dissembling the matter conueyed himselfe home to Rome againe as is partly aboue touched pag. 187. The Kinge seeing himself thus to be differred and deluded by the Cardinals Cardinall Campeius s●ippeth frō the king tooke it to no litle griefe whereupon the fall of the Cardinall of Yorke folowed not long after This was in the yeare of our Lord 1530. Shortly after it happened the same yeare that the king by hys Ambassadours was aduertised that the Emperoure and the Pope were both together at Bononie Wherfore he directed Sir Tho. Bullein late created Earle of Wiltshire and Doctor Stokesley afterward Bishop of London and Doctor Lee afterward bishop of York with his message to the popes Court where also the Emperor was Pope Clement vnderstanding the kinges case and request The king ●endeth to the Emperour and the Pope and fearing what might follow after if learning and Scripture here should take place against the authority of their dispensations and moreouer doubting the Emperours displeasure bare him selfe strange of from the matter answearing the Ambassadors with this delay that he presently would not define in the case The Popes aunswere to the king but would heare the full matter disputed when he came to Rome and according to right he would do iustice Although the king ought no suche seruice to the Pope to stād to his arbitremēt either in this case or in any other hauing both the Scripture to lead him The king gaue more to the Pope then he needed and his law in his owne hands to warrant him yet for quietnes sake and for that he wold not rashly breake order which rather was a disorder in deede he bare so long as conueniētly he might At length after long delaies and much dissembling when he saw no hope of redresse he began somwhat to quicken to looke about him what was best both for his owne conscience and the stablishment of his realme to do No man here doubteth Gods prouidēce working meruelously in this matter but that al this was wrought not by mans deuise but by the secrete purpose of the Lord himselfe to bryng to passe further thinges as afterwarde followed whiche his diuine prouidence was disposed to work For els as touching the y e kings intent purpose he neuer meant nor mynded any such thing as to seek the ruine of the pope but rather sought all meanes cōtrary how both to stablish the Sea of Rome also to obteyne y e good will of the same Sea and Court of Rome if it might haue bene gotten And therefore intending to sue his diuorse frō Rome at the first beginning his deuise was by Stephen Gardiner his Ambassadour at Rome to exalt the Cardinall of York Vid. supr pag. 990. as is before shewed pag. 990. to be made pope and vniuersall Bishop to the end that he ruling that Apostolicke sea the matter of his vnlawfull maryage whiche so troubled his conscience might come to a quiet conclusion without anye further rumor of the world Which purpose of his if it had taken effect as he had deuised it and the englsh Cardinall had once bene made Pope no doubt but the authoritie of that sea had neuer bene exterminate out of England But God being more mercifull vnto vs tooke a better way then so For both without and contrarye to the kinges expectation he so brought to passe that neyther the Cardinall of Yorke was Pope which shuld haue bene an infinite cost to the king and yet neuertheles the king sped of his purpose too Man purposeth● but God disposeth and that much better then he looked for For he was ridde by lawfull diuorcement not onely from that vnlawfull mariage which clogged his consciēce but also from the miserable yoke of the popes vsurped dominion whiche clogged the whole realme and all at one time Thus Gods holy prouidence ruling the matter as I sayd when the king could get no faourable graunt of the Pope touching his cause being so good and honest he was enforced to take the redresse of his right into his own handes and seeing this * Gordi●m was a Citty in Asia where there was
that he seeth no cause in this title why any mā should be offended that the King is called head of y e Church of Englād rather then of y e Realme of England and addeth his reason therunto saieng If the Prince King of England be the head of hys kingdome that is of all English men that be his subiects is there any cause why the same English subiects shoulde not be subiect to the same head likewise in this respect because they are Christians that is to say for the title of godlynes as though that God which is the cause of all obedience should now be the cause of Rebellion At length thus he concludeth with an exclamation sayeng To say sayth he that a King is the head of the kingdome and not of the Church what an absurde and a foolish sayeng is this And farther adding for example the subiection of the seruaunt and wife The king is as well the head of the Church as of his kingdome If the seruaunt saith he be subiect to his maister or wife to her husbād being infidels doth their conuersion afterwarde or name of Christians make them lesse subiects then they were before As Religion therefore doth not alter the authoritie of the Maister ouer the seruaunt nor the husband ouer the wife no more sayeth he doth it betweene the Prince and subiects Paule making no exception nor distinction of subiection saue only of that which belongeth to God willeth all men to obey their Princes and what Princes Those Princes which beare the sworde And although wee bee bound by the Scripture to obey our Byshops and spirituall Pastours of the Church yet that obedience diminisheth nothing the chiefe and head authoritie that ought to be giuen to the Prince no more then the obedience of the seruant to his Maister or of the wife to her husband exempteth them from subiection due to their superiour powers And heerewithall he inferreth a principle of the Lawe Diuers Iurisdictions saith he proceeding from one person do not marre nor hinder themselues A rule of the lawe but rather do confirme and fortifie one another Wynchesters wyshe that ●he Pope ●ere Peters succes●or Argument The p●erogatiue was geuē to him which confessed Flesh bloud in Peter did not confesse Christ. Ergo the prerogatiue was not geuen to the flesh and bloud of Peter Againe where as the Bishop of Rome vnder the name of Peter doth appropriate to himselfe the highest place in the Church for that he is the successour of Peter thereunto he aunswereth in one word but in that one word he answereth enough and to the ful I would saith he he were for so in very deede he might well exceede passe all kings and princes if not in preheminēce of dignitie yet in admiration excellency of vertue In which kinde of superioritie the Lord Christ would his Apostles and Ministers to go before all Kings and Emperours in the whole world After this in prosecuting the argument of Peters confession he argueth thus and sayth That as flesh and bloud did not reuele to Peter that confession so neither was that prerogatiue giuen to the fleshe and bloud of Peter but to the better part that is to the spirit of Peter whiche is to meane in respect of the spirituall confession of Peter and not in respect of any carnall place or person c. Item if the scholer ought not to be aboue the mayster how then could either Peter take that vppon him which Christ his maister so constantly did refuse or how can the Byshop of Rome now clayme that by succession whereof no example is to be founde either in the head or his predecessor before him For so we read in Eusebius both of Peter Iames Iohn that they did arrogate no such primacie vnto them but were contēt that Iames surnamed Iustus should be the Byshop of the Apostles And as for the name and signification of the word Primatus i. primacie if it be taken for the first nomination Primatus or Primacie what it signifieth or the first place giuen so he graūteth that Peter had the preferment of the first name and place in the order of the Apostles But it foloweth not that with this primacie he had also a kyngdome giuen He sayeth confirme thy bretheren but not thy subiectes And though hee were byd of the Lord to confirme his brethren yet was he not byd to exercise an imperie vpon his brethren for so were they not his brethren but his subiectes Then Peter was Primus that is first or chief in the number of them which confessed Christ Primus Primatus 1. Primacie meaneth as much as the first standing in vocation and is the name of vertue not of power it is not to be denyed For first he confessed first he taught the Iewes first he stoode in defēce of the veritie and was the first and chief Prolocutor amongest them but yet that maketh not that he should therfore vendicate a generall primacie and rule ouer all other states and potestates of the world no more then Apelles because hee is noted the first and chief of all Paynters therfore he ought to beare rule ouer all Painters or because the Uniuersitie of Paris is nominate for the first and chief of other Uniuersities shall therefore the French kyng and all other Princes in their publicke administratiō wherein they are set of God become subiectes and vnderlynges to that Uniuersitie Thus after many other reasons and persuasions conteined in the sayd booke De obedientia for I do but superficially skimme ouer the toppe only of his probations and argumentes finally in the end of his peroration he cōcludeth the whole summe of his mynde in this effect first denying that the Bishop of Rome had euer any such externe iurisdictiō assigned to him absolutely from God to reigne ouer Kynges and Princes For the probation wherof he hath alledged sufficiently as hee sayth the examples and doynges of Christ him selfe whiche ought to be to vs all a sufficient document And as concernyng the terme of Primacie albeit it be vsed sometyme of the Fathers yet the matter beyng well considered and rightly expounded maketh nothing for the large dominion of the Byshop of Rome whiche now he doth vsurpe Also as for the prerogatiues graunted vnto Peter by the whiche prerogatiues our Sauiour would crowne his owne giftes giuen vnto him crownyng not the flesh and bloud of Peter but the marueilous testimony of his confession all this maketh nothyng for the Popes purpose Likewise as concernyng the locall succession of Peter y e Pope hath nothyng thereby to clayme Successiō of Peter If he will be successour of Peter he must succeede him in fayth doctrine conditions in so doyng he neither will neither yet shall neede to seeke for honour but shall be honored of all good men accordyng as a good man should be and that much more then he beyng a good man would require And
Phil. 3. for great is your reward in heauen For we suffer with him that wee may also be glorified with him who shall chaunge our vile body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body according to the working wherby he is able euen to subiect al things vnto him Dearely beloued be of good courage and comfort your soule with the hope of this hye reward and beare the image of Christ in your mortall body Boldnes of spirite that it may at his comming be made like to his immortall and followe the example of all youre other deare breethren which choose to suffer in hope of a better resurrection Keepe your conscience pure and vndefiled and say against that nothing Sticke at necessary things and remember the blasphemies of the enemies of Christ Wo●nde not Conscience Standing ●pon things necessarye saieng they finde none but that wil abiure rather then suffer the extremitie Moreouer the death of them that come againe after they haue once denied though it bee accepted wyth God and all that beleeue yet is it not glorious for the hypocrites say he must needes dye denyeng helpeth not But might it haue holpen they would haue denied fiue hundreth times Death after denying euil spoken of by the aduersaryes but seeing it would not helpe them therefore of pure pride and meere malice together they spake with their mouthes that their conscience knoweth false If you geue your selfe cast your selfe yeeld your selfe commit your selfe wholy and onely to your louing father then shall his power be in you and make you strōg and that so strong that you shall feele no payne which should be to another present death and his spirite shall speake in you and teach you what to aunswere Obedience to God according to his promise He shall set out his truth by you wonderfully and worke for you aboue all that your hart can imagine Yea and you are not yet dead though the hypocrites all To looke for no mans helpe bringeth Gods helpe Con●tancye in standing Patience in suffering with all they can make haue sworne your death Vna salus victis nullam sperare salutem To looke for no mans helpe bringeth the helpe of God to them that seeme to be ouercome in the eyes of the hypocrites Yea it shall make God to carry you through thicke and thinne for his truthes sake in spite of all the enemies of hys truth There falleth not an heare till his houre be come and when his houre is come necessitie carieth vs hence though we be not willing But if we be willing then haue we a reward and thanke Feare not threatening therefore neyther be ouercome of sweet words Bilney with which twayne the hypocrites shall assayle you Neyther let the persuasions of worldly wisedome beare rule in your hart Perseuerāce to the ende no though they be your friends that counsayle you Let Bilney be a warning to you Let not their visure beguile your eyes Let not your body faynt He that endureth to the end shall be saued If the payne be aboue your strength Math. 22. remember Whatsoeuer ye shall aske in my name I will geue it you And pray to youre father in that name and he shall cease your payne or shorten it The Lord of peace of hope and of fayth be with you Amen William Tyndall TWo haue suffred in Antwerpe In die sanctae Crucis vnto the great glory of the Gospell Two Martirs at Antwerpe Foure Martyrs in Flaūders one at S. Luke Persecution at Roane Fiue Doctors at Paris taken for the Gospel four at Rysels in Flanders and at Luke hath there one at the least suffered and all the same day At Roane in Fraunce they persecute And at Paris are fiue Doctors taken for the Gospell See you are not alone Be cheerefull and remember that among the hard harted in England there is a number reserued by grace for whose sakes if neede be you must be ready to suffer Sir if you may write how short soeuer it be forget it not that we may knowe howe it goeth with you for oure harts ease The Lord be yet againe with you with all his plenteousnes and fill you that you flowe ouer Amen If when you haue read this you may send it to Adrian do I pray you that he may knowe howe that our harte is with you George Ioy at Candlemas being at Barrow printed ij leaues of Genes in a great forme and sent one copy to the King and another to the new Quene with a letter to N. for to deliuer them and to purchase licence that he might so go through all the Bible Out of this is sprong the noise of the new Bible and out of that is the great seeking for English bookes at all printers and bookebinders in Antwerpe and for an English Priest that should print This chaunced the 9. day of May. Sir your wyfe is well content with the will of God and would not for her sake haue the glory of God hindred William Tyndall Another notable and woorthy letter of Maister William Tyndall sent to the sayd Iohn Frith vnder the name of Iacob ¶ The grace of our Sauiour Iesus his pacience meekenesse humblenesse circumspection and wisedome be with your hart Amen DErely beloued brother Iacob mine harts desire in our Sauiour Iesus is An other letter of W. Tindal that you arme your selfe with pacience and bee cold sober wyse and circumspect and that you keepe you alowe by the ground auoiding hie questions that passe the common capacitie But expound the law truly and open the vayle of Moses to condemne all flesh High questions to be auoyded proue all men sinners all deedes vnder the law before mercy haue taken away the cōdemnatiō therof to be sinne and damnable and then as a faythfull minister set abroche the mercy of our Lord Iesus All deedes before they be iustified by faith are sinne Preaching the lawe of God mercy of Christ. Sacraments without significations to be refused and let the wounded cōsciences drinke of the water of him And then shall your preaching be with power not as the doctrine of the hypocrites and the spirite of God shall worke with you and all cōsciēces shall beare record vnto you and feele that it is so And all doctrine that casteth a miste on those two to shadow and hide them I meane the law of God and mercy of Christ that resist you withall your power Sacramentes without signification refuse If they put significations to them receiue them if you see it may helpe though it be not necessary Of the presence of Christes body in the Sacrament meddle as little as you can M. Tindall here beareth with tyme. that there appeare no diuision among vs. Barnes will be whote agaynst you The Saxons be sore on the affirmatiue whether constant or obstinate I omitte it to God Phillip Melancthon is sayd to be with the
England by certaine merchants there was due to him the summe of 15000. ducates he so purposed with him self that if he could recouer that mony he would well content himself and no longer deale in the trade of merchants but quietly passe ouer the rest of his dayes All things prepared for his iourney he setting forward towards England at last arriued at London hauyng vtterly forgotten what curtesie long before hee had shewed to Cromwel which is the property alwayes of a good nature for a man to forget what benefites he hath shewed to other but to kepe in mind continually what he hath receiued of other Frescobald thus being now ariued at Lōdon and there trauelling earnestly about his businesse it chanced him by the way to meete with this noble man as he was riding toward the court Whome as soone as the sayd lord Cromwell had espied and had earnestly beheld he bethought with himselfe that he should be the man of Florence at whose hands in tymes past he had receyued so gentle entertainment and therupon sodenly alighting to the great admiration of those that were with him in hys armes he gently embraced the stranger and with a broken voyce scarce able to refraine teares he demanded if he wer not Frances Frescobald the Florētine Yea sir he answered and your humble seruant My seruant quoth Cromwell The wordes of the Lord Cromwell to the Italiā Marchaunt no as you haue not bene my seruant in times past so will I not now account you otherways then my great and especiall frend assuring you that I haue iust reason to be sory that you knowing what I am or at the least what I should be will not let me vnderstand of your arriuyng in this land which known vnto me truely I should haue payd part of that debte which I confesse to owe you but thanked be God I haue yet tyme. Well sir in conclusion you are hartilie welcome Old friendship remēbred But hauing now waightie affaires in my princes cause you must hold me excused that I can no longer tary with you Therfore at this tyme I take my leaue desiring you with the faithfull mynde of a friend that you forget not this day to come to my house to dinner and then in remounting on his horse he passed to the Court Frescobald greatly meruailing with himselfe who this Lord should be at last after some pause hys remembraunce better called home he knewe hym to be the same whome long before as you haue heard he had relieued in Florence and thereat not a little ioyed especially considering how that by his meanes he should the better recouer his duety The houre of dinner drawing neere he repayred to the house of this honourable Counsellour where walkyng a while in his base Court he attended his commyng The Lord shortly returned from the Court and no sooner dismounted but he agayne embraced this Gentleman with so frendly a countenance that both the Lord Admirall and all the other noble men of the Court beyng then in his cōpany did not a little maruell thereat Which thing when the Lord Cromwell perceyued he turnyng towardes them The curtesie of the Lord Cromwell in retayning his old host and holding Frescobald fast by the hand do ye not meruaile my Lordes quoth he that I seeme so glad of this man This is he by whose meanes I haue atchieued the degre of this my present calling and because ye shall not be ignoraunt of hys curtesie when I greatly neded I shall tell it you and so there declared vnto them euery thing in order accordyng as before hath bene recited vnto you His tale finished holdyng him still by the hand he entered his house and commyng into the Chamber where his dinner was prepared he sate hym downe to the Table placing his best welcomed guest next vnto him The dinner ended and the Lordes departed he would know what occasion had brought Frescobald to London Fraunces in few wordes opened his cause truely tellyng that from great wealth he was fallen into pouerty and that his only portion to maintayne the rest of his life was xv thousand Ducates which were owyng him in england and two thousand in Spaine Whereunto the lord Cromwell answeryng agayne sayd touching the things Maister Frescobald that be already past although it can not now be vndone by mans power nor by pollicye called agayne which hath happened vnto you by the vnstable cōdition and mutabilitie of this world altering too and fro yet is not your sorrow so peculiar to your selfe alone but that by the bond of mutuall loue I must also bewaile with you this your state and condition which state and condition of yours though it may worke in you matter of iust heauines yet notwithstanding to the intent you may receaue in this your heauy distresse some consolatiō for your old curtesie shewed to me in tymes past the lyke curtesie now requireth of me agayne that I likewise should repay some portion of that debt wherin I stand bound vnto you according as the part of a thankfull man byndeth me to do in requiting your benefites on my part heretofore receiued And this further I auouch in the word of a true frend that during this life and state of myne I will neuer fayle to do for you wherein my authoritie may preuaile to supply your lacke and necessitie And so let these fewe wordes suffice to giue you knowledge of my friendly meaning But let me delay the tyme no longer Then taking him by the hand he led him into his chamber whence Example of a faythful debter after that euery man by his commandement was departed he locked fast the dore Thē opening a coffer full heaped with treasure he first tooke out sixtene Ducates and deliueryng them to Frescobald he sayd loe here my friend is your mony which you lent me at my departure from Florence and here other tenne which you bestowed in my apparell with ten more that you disbursed for the horse I rid away on But cōsidering you are a merchant it seemeth to me not honest to returne your money without some consideration for the long detainyng of it Take you therefore these 4. bags The Lorde Cromwelles vsury and in euery of them is 400. ducates these you shall receiue and enioy from the hands of your assured friend Frescobald although from great welth he was brought to a lowe ebbe and almost an vtter decay yet expressyng the vertue of a modest mynde after gentle thankes geuen to the Lord Cromwell for his exceedyng kyndnesse shewed curteously would haue refused that which was offered had not the other enforced him agaynst his will to receiue it This done he caused Frescobald to geue him a note of the names of all his debters and the summe that from euery of them was owyng him Kindnes requited with kindnes This scedule he deliuered to one of his seruants vnto whom he gaue charge diligētly to search out such men whose names
great matter worthy to be known yet to this intent that the reader may see in these two brethren so ioyned in nature and so deuided in religiō y e word of the Lord verified truely saying brother shal be agaynst brother Math. 10. c. as by the contentes of these two letters folowing may appeare ¶ A letter of Iustice Saunders to his brother Laurence ● letter of 〈…〉 to ●●urence ●●unders 〈◊〉 b●other AFter my most harty commendations these bene to a certaine you that I haue spoken with M. Basset who hath shewed me that 4. pound all deductions being allowed is the whole that hath come to his handes of the profite of the Prebēdary at York the which you shall haue although as he thinketh it was not due vnto you by the reason of your depriuation before it was due As concerning your conscience in Religion I beseech God it maye be lightened by the holy Ghost and that you may also haue the grace of the holy Ghost to follow the counsell of Sainct Paule to Timothe 2. Recte tractare verbum veritatis That is To handle rightly the word of truth Wherein you ar dissenting from many holy and Catholicke men especielly in the Sacramēt maketh me in my conscience to condemne yours For althoughe I haue not hitherto fancied to read Peter Martir other such c. Iustice sayth Audi Alteram partem yet haue I had great desire to see Theophilact and diuers others of his sort and opinion both notable and holy Fathers if any credit be geuen to the writinges of our auncient fathers before vs and surely the sentences and iudgementes of two or three of them hath more confirmed my conscience then 300. of the Zuinglians or as many of the Lutherians can or should doe Thus in haste willing to reliefe you to the end you might conuert if you shall need towardes your finding if you shall require it of me you shall vnfaynedly finde my mony ready as knoweth our Lord who send vs al thinges good for vs. Scribled this Thursday by your brother and petitioner to God Ed. Saunders ¶ An other letter of Iustice Saunders to his brother wherein he seeketh to winne him to Popery AS nature and Brotherly loue with godly charity requireth Greeting with protestation I send you by these letters quantum licet most harty cōmendation being sory for your fault and your disobedient handlyng of your selfe towardes my Lord Chauncellour who I assure you mindeth your good and preseruation if you can so consider and take it I would be glad to know whether you haue not had with you of late some learned men to talk with you by my Lord Chaūcellours appoyntment and howe you can frame your selfe to reforme your errour in the opinion of the moste blessed and our most comfortable Sacrament of the aultar Wherein I assure you I was neuer in all my life more better affected then I am at thys present vsing to my great comforte hearing of Masse He meaneth peraduenture when the Sanctus is singing for then the Organs pipe merely and that may giue some Comfort The meditatiōs of S. Bernard sent by Iustice Saunders to his brother and somewhat before the sacring time the meditation of S. Barnard sette forth in the third leafe of this present booke The accustomable vsing whereof I am fullye professed vnto during my life and to geue more fayth vnto that confessiō of holy Barnarde thē to Luther c. or Latimer c. for that the antiquity the vniuersality of the open church and the consent of all holy Saynts and Doctors do confirme the same acertayning you that I haue bene earnestly moued in mine owne cōscience these ten or twelue daies past and also betweene God and my selfe to mooue you to the same most earnestly desiring you and as you tender my naturall godly or frendly loue towardes you that you would read ouer thys booke this holy time at my request although you haue alreadye seene it and let me know wherein you cannot satisfy your owne conscience Thus fare you well for this time By yours from Seriantes Inne Ed. Saunders ¶ The Life and Martyrdome of Mayster IOHN HOOPER Byshop of Worcester and Glocester burnt for the defence of the Gospell at Glocester Anno. 1555. February 9. IOHN HOOPER Student and graduate in the vniuersity of Oxford after the study of other sciēces The story life Martyrdome of M. Iohn Hooper Martyr wherin he had aboundantly profited and proceeded through Gods secret vocation was styrred with feruēt desire to the loue knowledge of the Scriptures In the reading seaching whereof as there lacked in him no diligence ioyned with earnest prayer so neyther wanted vnto him the grace of the holy Ghost to satisfy his desire and to opē vnto him the light of true Diuinity Thus Mayster Hooper growing more and more by Gods grace in ripenes of spirituall vnderstanding and shewing withall some sparckles of his feruent spirite being then about the beginning of the 6. Articles in the time of king Henry the 8. fell eftsoones into displeasure hatred of certaine Rabbines in Oxford who by and by began to styr coales agaynst him wherby and especially by the procurement of Doctour Smith he was compelled to voyde the Uniuersity and so remouing from thence was retayned in the house of Syr Thomas Arundell and there was his Steward till the time that Syr Thomas Arundell hauing intelligence of his opinions religion which he in no case did fauor and yet exceedingly fauouryng the person conditions of the man M. Hooper sent to the Bishop of Winchester found the meanes to send him in a message to the Bishop of Winchester writing his letter priuily to the bishop by conference of learning to do some good vpon him but in any case requiring him to send home his seruaunt to him agayne Winchester after long conference with M. Hooper 4. or 5. dayes together when he at length perceiued that neither he could do that good which he thought to him nor that he would take any good at his hand according to M. Arundels request he sent home his seruaunt agayne right well commending his learning and wit but yet bearing in his brest a grudging stomacke agaynst Mayster Hooper still It followed not long after this as malice is alwayes working mischiefe that intelligence was geuen to master Hooper to prouide for himselfe M. Hooper forced to auoyd the house of Syr Thomas Arundel M. Hooper flyeth agayne out of England for daunger that was working agaynst him Whereupon M. Hooper leauing M. Arundels house and borowing an horse of a certayne friend whose life he had saued a little before from the gallowes tooke his iourney to the Sea side to goe to Fraunce sending backe the horse agayne by one which in deede did not deliuer him to the owner M. Hoper being at Paris taried there not long but in short time returned into England agayne
paine and griefe to departe from goods and frends but yet not so muche as to departe from grace and heauen it selfe Wherefore there is neither felicitye nor aduersitye of this world that can appeare to be great if it be wayed with the ioyes or paines in the world to come I can do no more but pray for you do the same for me for Gods sake For my parte I thanke the heauenly Father I haue made mine accompts and appoynted my selfe vnto the wil of the heauenly father as he will so I will by hys grace For Gods sake as soone as ye can send my poore wife and children some letter from you and my letter also which I sent of late to D. As it was tolde me shee neuer had letter from me sithens the cōming of M.S. vnto her the more to blame the messengers for I haue wrytten diuers times The Lord comfort them and prouide for them for I am able to doe nothing in worldly things Shee is a godly and wise woman If my meaning had bene accomplished she should haue hadde necessary things but that I meant God can performe to whom I commend both he● and you all M. Hoope● care and commendation of his wife I am a precious Iewell nowe and daintely kept neuer so daintely for neither mine owne man nor any of the seruants of the house may come to me but my keper alone a simple rude mā God knoweth but I am nothing carefull thereof Fare yee well the 21. of Ian. 1555. Yours bounden Iohn Hooper Amongst many other memorable acts and notes worthy to be remembred in the hystorie of M. Hooper thys also is not to be forgotten which happened betwene hym and a bragging Frier a little after the beginning of his imprisonment the storie whereof heere followeth A Frier came from Fraunce to England wyth greate vaunt Talke betwene M. Hooper an● a Fryer in the prison asking who was the greatest hereticke in all England thinking belike to doe some great act vpon hym To whom aunswere was made that M. Hooper had then the greatest name to be the chiefest ringleader who was then in the Fleete The Frier comming to him asked whye hee was committed to prison He sayd for debt Nay sayde he it was for heresie Which when the other had denyed what sayst thou quoth he to hoc est corpus meum M. Hooper being partly mooued at the sodaine question desired that hee mighte aske of him againe an other question whyche was thys What remained after the consecration in the Sacrament any breade or no No breade at all sayeth hee And when yee breake it what doe yee breake If the mate●riall body of Christ be broken in the sacrament then i● the commaundem●t of Gods word broken either bread or the body sayde Maister Hooper No bread sayd the Frier but the body onely If you doe so sayd M. Hooper ye do great iniurie not onely to the body of Christe but also yee breake the Scriptures which saye Yee shall not breake of hym one bone c. Wyth y t the Frier hauing nothing be like to aunswere recoyled backe and with his circles and crosses began to vse exorcisme against M. Hooper as though c. Thys and more wrote master Hooper to mistres Wilkinson in a letter which letter was read vnto her by Iohn Kelke Comparison betwene M. Hooper and Polycarpus WHen I see and beholde y e great patience of these blessed Martyrs in our daies in their sufferings so quietly and cōstantly abiding the torments that are ministred vnto them of princes for Gods cause ● compari●●n be●weene M. ●ooper ●olycarpus mee thinkes I maye wel and worthely compare them vnto the olde Martyrs of the primatiue Churche In the number of whome if comparison be to be made betwixt Saint and Saint Martyr and Martyr with whom might I match this blessed martyr M. Iohn Hooper better throughe the whole catalogue of the olde Martyrs then with Polycarpus the aunciente Bishop of Smirna Euseb. lib. 4. cap. 15. of whome Eusebius maketh mention in the Ecclesiasticall storie For as both agreed together in one kinde of punishmēt being both put to the fire so which of them shewed more patience and constancie in the time of their suffering it is hard to be sayde And though Polycarpus being set in the flame as the storie saith was kepte by myracle from the tormente of the fire till hee was stricken downe with weapon and so dispatched yet Hooper by no lesse myracle armed with patience feruent spirit of Gods comfort so quietly despised the violence thereof as though he had felt litle more then did Polycarpus in y e fire flaming round about him Moreouer as it is wrytten of Polycarpus when hee should haue bene tied to the stake Of this Policarpus read before he required to stand vntied saying these woordes Sinite me qui namque ignem ferre posse dedit dabit etiam vt sine vestra clauorum cautione immotus in rogo permaneam That is Let me alone I pray you for he that gaue me strength to come to this fire will also geue mee patience to abide in the same without your tying So likewise Hooper with the like spirite when hee shoulde haue bene tied with thre chaines to the stake requiring them to haue no such mistrust of him was tied but with one who and if he had not bene tied at all yet no doubte woulde haue no lesse aunswered to that great patience of Polycarpus M. Hooper compared to Polycarpus in life And as the ende of them bothe was much agreeing so the life of them both was such as might seme not farre discrepant In teaching like diligent both in zeale feruent in life vnspotted in manners and conuersation inculpable Bishops also martyrs both Briefly in teaching so pithy and fruitful that as they both were ioyned together in one Spirite so mighte they be ioyned in one name together of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to wit much fruitful to which name also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is not much vnlike In thys the Martyrdome of M. Hooper may seeme in suffering to goe before though in time it followed the Martyrdome of Polycarpus for that he was bothe longer in prisone The cruell handling of M. Hooper and there also so cruellye handled by the malice of hys keepers as I thinke none of the olde martyrs euer suffered the like To thys also adde howe hee was disgraded by Boner wyth suche contumelies and reproches as I thinke in Polycarpus time was not vsed to any And as wee haue hitherto compared these two good Martyrs together The enemies of M. Hooper and of Polycarpus compared so nowe if we should compare the enemies and authours of their death one wyth the other wee should finde no inequalitie betwixt them both but that the aduersaries of M. Hooper semed to be more cruell and vnmerciful For they that put Polycarpus to
accusation as in that time it was called of heresy As touching the order maner of theyr examinations before the bishop as the articles ministred against them were much like so theyr aunsweres agayne vnto the same were not much discrepant in maner forme as out of the Bishops owne Registers here foloweth expressed ¶ Articles obiected agaynst Iohn Symson and Iohn Ardeley of the Parish of Wigborow the great in Essex husbandmen by Boner Bishop of London at Fulham 22. of May. 1555. Articles mi●●stred agaynst Iohn Simson and ●ohn Arde●ey 1. FIrst that thou Ioh. Symson or Ioh. Ardeley husbandman of the age of 34. yeres or thereabout wast and art of the parish of great Wigborow within the dioces of Londō and thou hast not beleued nor doest beleue that there is here in earth one Catholicke and vniuersal whole Church which doth hold and beleue all the fayth religiō of Christ and all the necessary articles and sacramentes of the same 2. Item that thou hast not beleued nor doest beleue that thou art necessarily bounden vnder the payne of damnation of thy soule to geue full fayth and credence unto the sayd Catholique and vniuersall Church and to the Religion of the same in all necessary poyntes of the sayd fayth and Religion without wauering or doubting in the sayde fayth and Religion or in any part therof 3. Item that thou hast not beleeued nor doest beleue that that fayth and Religion whiche both the Churche of Rome Italy Spayn England Fraunce Ireland The Church of Rome Italy Spayne an other forrayne countreys in Europe Scotland and all other Churches in Europe being true members and partes of the sayd Catholick vniuersall church do beleue and teach is both agreing with the sayd Catholicke and vniuersall Church and the fayth and Religion of Christ and also is the very true fayth Religion which all Christen people ought to beleue obserue folow keep but contrariwise thou hast beleued and doest beleue that that fayth and Religion which the sayd Church of Rome and all the other Churches aforesayd haue heretofore beleued and do nowe beleue is false erroneous and nought in no wise ought to be beleued obserued kept and followed of any Christian man 4. Item that albeit it bee true that in the Sacrament of the aultar there is in substance the very body and bloud of Christ vnder the formes of bread and wyne and albeit that it be so beleued taught preached vndoubtedly in the sayd Churche of Rome and all the other Churches aforesayd yet thou hast not so beleued nor doest so beleeue Substance of Christes body vnder formes of bread wyne but contrariwise thou hast doest beleue firmely stedfastly that there is not in the sayd sacrament of the aultar vnder the sayd formes of breade and wine the very substaunce of Christes body and bloud but that there is onely the substaunce of material and common bread and wine with the formes therof and that the sayd materiall commō bread and wine are onely the signes and tokens of Christs body and bloud and by fayth to be reciued onely for a remembraunce of Christes passion death without any such substaunce of Christes body and bloud at all 5. Item that thou hast beleued and taught and thou hast openly spoken and to thy power maynteined and defended and so doest beleue thinke maynteyn and defend that the very true receiuing and eating of Christes body bloud is onely to take materiall and commō bread Transubstantiation denyed and to breake it and to distribute it amongest the people remembring therby the passion and death of Christ onely 6. Item that thou hast likewise beleued taught and spoken that the Masse now vsed in this Realme of England and others the churches aforesayd The Masse abominable is abhominable naught and full of Idolatry and is of the ordinance of the Pope and not of the institution of Christ hath no goodnes in it sauing the gloria in excelsis and the Epistle and the Gospell that therefore thou hast not nor wilt not come and be present at the Masse nor receiue the Sacrament of the aultar or any other Sacrament of the Church as they are now vsed in this Realme of Englande and other the Churches aforesayd 7. Item that thou hast in tymes past beleued precisely and obstinately affirmed and sayd so doest now beleue thinke that auricular confession is not needfull to be made vnto the Prieste but it is a thing superfluous and vayne and ought onely to be made to God to none other persō and likewise thou hast condemned as superfluous vayne and vnprofitable all the ceremonies of the church and the seruice of the same hast sayd that no seruice in the church ought to be sayd but in the English tongue and if it be otherwise sayd it is vnlawfull and nought ¶ The aunsweres of Iohn Symson and also of Iohn Ardeley to the foresayd Articles TO the firste they beleue that here in earth there is one Catholicke and vniuersall holy Churche Their aunsweres to the articles which doeth hold and beleue as is conteined in the first article and that this Church is dispersed and scattered abroad throughout the whole world To the second they beleue that they be bound to geue fayth and credence vnto it as is conteyned in the second Article To the third as concerning the fayth and Religion of the Church of Rome of Italy Spaine Fraunce Ireland Scotland and other Churches in Europa they say they haue nothing to doe with that fayth and Religion but as concerning the fayth and Religion of England that if the sayde Churche of England be ruled and Gouerned by the word of life then the Church of England hath the fayth Religion of the Catholicke Church and not otherwise doe say also that if the Churche of England were ruled by the word of life it woulde not go about to condemne them and others of this heresy To the fourth they aunswere that in the Sacrament commonly called the Sacrament of the aultar there is very bread and very wine not altered nor chaunged in substaunce in anye wise Transubstantiation denyed and that hee that receiueth the sayde bread and wyne doth spiritually and by fayth only receiue the body and bloud of Christ Anno 1555. Iune but not the very naturall body and bloud of Christ in substaunce vnder the formes of bread and wine To the fift they say they haue aunswered aunswering to the sayde fourth article and yet neuerthelesse they saye that they haue beleued and doe beleue that in the sacramēt of the Aultar there is not the verye substaunce of Christes body and bloud but onely the substaunce of naturall bread and wine To the sixt they say that they beleue that the Masse is of the Pope The Masse detested and not of Christ and therefore it is not good nor hauing in it any goodnes
no reason neither shoulde it be possible for the Frenche king to induce the Pope to any gratuitie or pleasure for the king in his affaires Wherunto the king answearing againe sendeth worde to the French king The kinges aunswere to the French kinges request trusting and hoping wel of the perfect frendship of the French king his good brother that he will neuer suffer any suche perswasion to enter into hys breast whatsoeuer the great maister or any other shall say to the contrary thereof nor that he will require any thyng more of him to do for the Pope Chauncelour or other then hys Counsaile hath already deuised to be done in this behalfe especially considering the words of the sayd French kings promise made before as well to the Duke of Northfolke as to the other Ambassadours promising his frendship to to the King simply without requiring him to reuocate or infringe any suche acte or constitution made by the realme and Parlament to the contrary Perswading moreouer and laying before the eyes as well of the Pope as of the French king howe much it should redound to the Popes dishonou● and infamie to the sclaunder also of his cause if he should be seene so to pact and couenant wyth the king vpon such conditions for the administration of that thing which he in his owne conscience hath reputed and adiudged to be most rightfull agreeable to iustice and equitie and ought of his office and duetie to do in thys matter simpliciter gratis and wythout all worldly respectes eyther for the aduancement of his priuate lucre and commoditie The Pope seeketh not for iustice but his owne lucre and commodity or for the preseruation of hys pretensed power and authoritie For surely it is 〈◊〉 to be doubted but that the Pope being minded and determined to geue sentence for the inualiditie and nullitie of the kings first pretensed matrimonie hath conceiued and established in hys owne conscience a 〈◊〉 and certain opinion and perswasion that he ought of iustice and equitie so to do Then to see the Pope to haue thys opinion in deede and yet refuse this to doe for the King vnlesse hee shall be content for his benefite and pleasure The Pope ●elleth iustice ●edere iuri suo and to doe some things preiudiciall vnto his subiects contrary to hys honour it ●o easie to be foreseene what the world and the posteritie shall iudge de tam turpi nundinatione iustitiae illius tam foeda sordida lucri honoris ambitione And as fo● the kings part if he shal not attaine now iustice at the mediation of hys good brother knowing the Pope to be of this disposition and determination in his heart to satisfie all his desires being mooued thereunto by iustice The Pope doth agaynst his 〈◊〉 owne consciēce and that the ●et therof is no default of iustice in the cause but onely for that the king woulde not condescende to hys request it is to the king matter sufficient enough for discharge of hys conscience to God and to the worlde although hee neuer did execute in deede hys sayde determination For sith hys corrupt affection is the onely impediment thereof what neede either the king to require him any further to doe in the cause or els his subiectes to doubte any further in the iustnesse of the same Albeit if respects to benefites merites done towardes the Pope the See of Rome The Pope forgetteth his olde benefactors and frendes should be regarded in the attaining of iustice in a cause of so high consequencie as thys is reason would that if it would please the Pope to consider the former kindnesse of the King shewed vnto him in time past whereof hee is very loth to enter the rehearsall ne videatur velle exprobrare quae de alijs fecerit bene he should not nowe require of him any newe benefite or gratuitie to be shewed vnto him but rather studie to recompence hym for the olde graces merites pleasures and benefites before receiued For surely he thinketh that the Pope can not forget howe that for the conseruation of his person his estate and dignitie the king hath not heretofore spared for anye respecte The benefites of the king vpon the Pope when he was taken by the Duke of Burbon● in vsing the office of a moste perfecte and stedfaste frend to relinquish the long cōtinued good will established betweene him and the Emperor and to declare openly to all the world that for the Popes sake and in default of hys deliuerance he would become enemie to the sayde Emperour and to make against him actuall warre Besides thys the King hath not failed hym with right large and ample subuentions of money for the better supporting of his charges against the enterprises of the sayde Emperour combinding and knitting him selfe wyth the Frenche king to procure the aduauncement of the sayde Frenche kings armie into Italie to the charges whereof the king did beare little lesse then the one halfe Besides notable losses susteined as well in his customes subsidies and other dueties as also to the no little hinderaunce and dammage of his subiects and marchauntes occasioned by discontinuance of the traffike and entercourse heretofore vsed with the Emperours subiectes In doing of al which thinges the king hath not bene thus respectiue as the Pope nowe sheweth himselfe towardes him but lyke a perfect frend hath bene alwayes contented franckly liberally and openly to expone all his study labour trauayle treasure puisaunce Realme and diuers subiectes for the Popes ayd and y e mayntenance of the state and dignitie of the Church and See of Rome Which thinges although he doth not here rehearse animo exprobandi yet hee doubteth not but the same weighed in the ballaunce of anye indifferent mans iudgement All is lost tha● is done for a churle shal be thought to be of that weight valure as that he hath iustly deserued to haue some mutuall correspondencie of kindenes to be shewed vnto hym at y e popes handes especially in the ministration of iustice and in so reasonable iust cause as this is and not thus to haue his most rightfull petition reiected and denyed because he will not follow hys desire and appetite in reuocating of such actes as be here made passed for the weale commoditie of hys realme and subiectes ¶ Thus ye haue heard how instantly the king had laboured by the meanes of the french king to the pope being then in Fraunce for right and iustice to be done for the dissolution and nullitie of his first pretensed matrimonye with hys brothers wife Which when it could not be attayned at the popes handes vnles the king would recompēce and require the same by reuocating of such statutes as wer made and enacted here in the high Court of Parliament for the surety of succession and stablishment of the Realme what the king thereunto aunswered agayne ye heard declaring that