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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A59027 The secret history of the reigns of K. Charles II and K. James II Phillips, John, 1631-1706. 1690 (1690) Wing S2347; ESTC R9835 90,619 226

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could not have begun the War without them and therefore at such a Conjuncture might probably have condescended to some Equality of Terms But the King of England well understood how careful the French King was to preserve and increase the Trade of his Subjects and that it was by the diminution of that Beam of his Glory that the Hollanders had raised his Indignation The King therefore the more to gratifie him made it his constant Maxim to burthen his English Merchants here with one Hand while the French in his own Territories loaded them no less with the other So that when the English Merchants in London had prepared a Petition to the King and Council to complain of the Oppression which their Factors and Agents lay under in France with a true State of their Case and a short account of their Grievances information thereof was given to the Court by which means the Perusal of the Papers being transmitted by the King ●o his Instruments all further Prosecution of the matter was stopp'd by his Conni●ance and Authority and the Merchants were put off with a Promise that the French Embassador should be acquainted with their Complaints and that they should be redress'd through his means Which proving ineffectual upon their farther Applications for redress they were Hector'd Brow-beaten Ridicul'd and might have met with fairer Audience from Monsieur Colbert Nor was it only in the matter of Commerce that the King of England had obliged the French Tyrant but even in the War it self For that except the irresistible Bounties o● so great a Prince to some particular English Instruments and a little Subsistance Money for the Fleet frugally parted with the King of England had put him to no Charges but the English Navy Royal had served him all along No Purchase No Pay He had ty'd the French King to no Terms had demanded no Partisson of Conquests had made no humane Condition but had sold him all for those two Pearls of high Value the True Roman Catholick Worship and the true French Government So soon as the Peace was concluded betwixt England and Holland by the Awe of the Parliament the French King as a mark of his Displeasure and to humble the English Nation let loose his Privateers among the English Merchants insomuch that there was no security of Commerce or Navigation notwithstanding the Publick Amity betwixt the two Crowns but at Sea they Murther'd Plunder'd made Prize and Confiscated all they met with Their Piccaroons lay before the Mouths of our Rivers hover'd all along the Coast took our Ships in the very Ports so that we were in a manner block'd up by Water and in this manner it continued from 1674. till the latter end of 1676. without Remedy And yet all this while that the French made these intolerable Depredations and Piracies upon the Kings Subjects they were more diligently than ever supply'd from England with Recruits and those that would go voluntarily into the French Service were encouraged others that would not press'd imprison'd and carried over by main force and constraint And by the King's connivance his own Magazines were daily emptied to furnish the French with all sorts of Ammunition of which the following Accompt affords but a small Parcel in comparison of what was daily conveyed away under colour of Cockets for Iersey Granado's without number shipped off under the pretence of unwrought Iron Lead Shot One and twenty Tuns Gunpouder Seven thousand one hundred thirty four Barrels Iron Shot Eighteen Tun Six hundred Weight Match Eighty eight Tun nineteen hundred Weight Iron Ordinance Four hundred forty one Quantity Two hundred ninety two Tuns nine hundred Weight Carriages Bandaliers Pikes c. the quantity uncertain All this and what more beside not then discovered was exported from London to France from Iune 1675. to Iune 1677. And thus was the French King gratified for undoing us by Sea by Contributing all the King could rap and rend of Men and Ammunition to make him more Potent and Formidable to us by Land Another great Instance of the King of England's extraordinary Kindness to the French King was this that while he storm'd at the Dutch for not promoting as he pretended the coming away of some Families that were unwilling to leave Surinam he found no fault with the French for keeping him above four years out of St. Christophers nor for destroying in the mean while that part of the Island which belonged to his own Subjects So great a piece of rudeness it was thought to press too hard upon the French King for performance of Articles on his side Nay the French Commanders in those Parts did not scruple to assert that there was a very good understanding in relalation to that Island between the English and French Court so great a kindness the King had for the French so little for his own Subjects Nor must we omit that when the Orders of the French Privy Council Commanding all their Sea Officers and Commanders in the Islands of America to secure to their Master the Soveraignity of those Seas were brought by a Person of Quality into the Cabinet Council at Whitehall they were at first declaimed against but soon buried in oblivion and put up amongst the useless Papers though the French in pursuance of those Commands proved afterwards so vexatious to the English that thethen Governor of Iamaica sent word that notwithstanding their old Quarrel with the Spaniards it was much easier to keep a good Correspondence with them than with our dear Allies the French Nor must it be forgot as an Eminent Mark of our Sovereign's Deference to the French Interest and manner of Government that in the year 1677 upon notice that a Great French Embassador was coming over into England he Adjourn'd his English Parliament that he might have the more Elbow room to entertain his better beloved Friends For all things at that time moved between France and England with that punctual Regularity that it was like the Harmony of the Sphears so that immediately after the Recess of the English Parliament over came the D. of Crequi the Archbishop of Rheimes M. Barillon with a Train of three or four hundred Persons of all Qualities you would have sworn they had been the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of France with a proportionable number of their Commons met the King at New-Market so that it look'd like another Parliament and that the English had been Adjourn'd for their better Reception Much of their business no doubt was conceal'd but so much came to light that they prest the King to continue his Subjects in the Service of France because the Parliament at that time most earnestly prest and was preparing a Bill for their being call'd home They also demanded an Abolition of all Claims and Demands from the Subjects of France upon account of all Prizes made of the English since the year 1674 till that day and for the future And the King on the other side required a
some Loss to the Dutch at length no Fleet was set out and the choicest of the Royal Navy either burnt or taken in Harbour to save Charges And tho' the French at length join'd themselves in assistance with the Dutch against us yet by the Credit he had with the Queen Mother he so far impos'd upon Charles the Second no less ready for his own private Conveniencies to be impos'd upon that upon assurance which no Man of Prudence and Foresight would have believ'd that the Dutch would have no Fleet at Sea that Year he forbore to make ready and so incurr'd that ignominious Disgrace at Chatham the like to which the English never suffer'd since they claim'd the Dominion of the Sea And which was more as he had been beholden to his great Friend the King of France for the Ignominy he had suffer'd so was he glad to receive the Peace from his Favour which was concluded at Breda And now we come to the best Act that ever he did in his Life had he had the Grace to pursue it which shew'd how happy a Prince he might have been had he been ever faithful to his own and the Interests of his People and that Religion which he outwardly profest For upon conclusion of that Peace having leisure to look about him and to observe how the French had in the Year 1667. taken their Opportunity and while we were embroyl'd and weakned by the late War had in violation of all the most Sacred and Solemn Oaths and Treaties invaded and taken a great part of the Spanish Netherlands which had always been consider'd as the Natural Frontier of England the King then prompted more by his own Fears then out of any kindness he had for the Nation judg'd it necessary to interpose before the Flames that consum'd his next Neighbour should throw their Sparkles over the Water Thereupon he sent Sir William Temple then his Resident at Brussels to propose a nearer Alliance with the Hollanders and to take joint Measures against the French Which Proposals of Sir William Temple's being entertain'd with all Compliance with the Dutch within Five days after Two several Treaties were concluded between the King and the States The one a Defensive and Stricter League than before between the Two Nations and the other a Joint and Reciprocal Engagement to oppose the Conquest of Flanders and to procure either by way of Mediation or by Force of Arms a speedy Peace between France and Spain upon the Terms therein mentioned And because Sweden came into the same Treaty within a very little while after from the Three Parties concern'd and engag'd it was call'd the Triple League In pursuance of which the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle was also forc'd upon the French and in some manner upon the Spaniards who were very unwilling to part with so great a Part of their Country by a Solemn Treaty But both the King and the Hollanders thought it a very great and good Work and judg'd it an extraordinary Happiness not only for Spain but for all Europe to come off with a broken Pate and to have at least for that while kept France from going farther Besides all this to tye the Knot the faster and take even the very thoughts from the French King of ever stirring or being troublesom to his Neighbour the King sent an Extraordinary Envoy to several Princes of Germany to invite them into the Triple League and his Minister to perswade them to it laid open with no less heat then plainness the danger all Europe was in urging the insensibility of most Princes and their carelesness the watchful Ambition of the French the Greatness of their Forces and the little Reason there was to trust him In fine omitting nothing that could Alarm all the World and procure a general Confederacy against the Common Oppressor More than this in regard the Spaniards were very much wanting to themselves by their backwardness in the Payment of the Subsidies promised to Sweden the King af England being not without some fears least the Swedes should fall off uless the Money agreed upon were paid them without farther delay he offer'd to advance part of it himself and had accordingly done it in case the Dutch would have advanced the rest The Kidg of France thus stopp'd in his Career by the Tripple League and by the Peace of Aix la Chapelle soon after concluded though for a while he dissembled his dissatisfaction yet resolved to untye the Tripple Knot whatever it cost him To which purpose the Dutchess of Orleans was sent over as one that would be a welcom Guest to her Brother and whose Charms ●nd Dexterity joyn'd with her other ad●antages would give her such an ascen●ent over him as could not fail of Success ●nd indeed she acquitted her self so well ●f her Commission that she quite supplanted all the King 's good Councils and by yielding to his Incestuous Embraces while the D. of B. held the Door so charmed his most Sacred Majesty and he quite and clean forgot his Tripple League and entred into a new and stricter Alliance with France than ever 'T is true the Peace was dear bought by the Zealous Lady in regard it cost her her Life upon her return into France For though she might seem to have atton'd for the Crime and to have merited forgiveness from her Husband by the advantageous League which she had pleasantly syren'd her Brother to make with the French Monarch yet jealous and incensed Orleance was not so much a lover of his Country as to remit the Indignity done to his Bed or such a Bigot as to pardon the Woman that had sacrificed his Honour to the Interest of Popery However the Articles being thus sealed at Dover by his Majesty the Marquis of Belfonds was immediately sent hither and a Person of great Honour sent thither and so the League it self being drawn into form was ratified on both sides This Treaty was for a long time a work of Darkness and lay long concealed til● the King of France to the end the King of England being truly set forth in hi● Colours out of a dis●air of ever being trusted or forgiven by his People hereafter might be push't to go on barefac'd and follow his steps in Government as well as Religion most treacherously and unking-like caused it to be Printed at Paris tho upon Complaint made at the French Court it was again stifled and the Author tho' he had his instructions from Colbert to humour the King committed to the Bastile for a short time and then let out again However the Book being Printed some few Copies lit into safe hands from whence take the Substance of that Mystery of Iniquity as follows After that M. de Croisy the French Embassador at London had laid before the Eyes of the King of England all the Grounds which his Majesty had of Complaint against Holland c. He told him that the time was come to revenge himself of a
Nation that had so little respect for Kings and that the occasion was never more favourable seeing many of the Princes of Germany were already entered into the League and that the King of France was powerful enough to be able to promise to his Allies in the Issue of that War satisfaction both as to their Honour and Interests whereby he prevailed with that Prince to enter into secret Alliance with France And for his greater Assurance and the more to confirm him Henrietta Dutchess of Orleans went for England and proposed to her Brother in the Name of the Most Christian King that he would assure him an Absolute Authority over his Parliament and full Power to establish the Catholick Religion in his Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland But withal she told him that to compass this before all things else it would be necessary to abate the Pride and Power of the Dutch and to reduce them to the sole Province of Holland and that by this means the King of England should have Zealand for a Retreat in case of necessity and that the rest of the Low-Countries should remain to the King of France if he could render himself Master of it This is the Sum of that famous League concluded at Dover fram'd and enter'd into on purpose for the Subjugation of these three Nations to Popery and Slavery However as at first this Treaty was kept so close that it was no way to be discover'd so before the Effects appear'd it was necessary that the Parliament after the old wont should be gull'd to the giving of Money for the carrying on this grand and deep Conspiracy The Parliament met Octob. 24. 1670. where the Lord Keeper Bridgeman guided more by his Instructions than by any knowledge he had of the devilish Design omitted nothing to make Both Houses sensible of the great Service done to England and in a manner to all Mankind by chaining up the devouring Lyon that was never satiated with Prey and the more to incite their Liberality he told them of several other Leagues which the King for the good of his People and the Advancement of the Trade of the Nation had made with other Princes as the D. of Savoy the King of Denmark and the King of Spain by which as his Lordship was pleased to say it was evident that all the Princes of Europe sought his Majesties Friendship as acknowledging they could not secure much less improve their present Condition without it concluding that for the Support of these Alliances the annual Charge of His Majesties Navy came to no less than Five hundred thousand Pounds nor could be maintain'd with less Upon the telling of which Story notwithstanding the immense Sums lavish'd to no purpose or rather to our Loss in the former War with Holland notwithstanding they had given the Additional Duty upon Wines for Eight years amounting to Five hundred and sixty thousand Pounds and confirmed the Sale of the Fee farm Rents no less their Gift being a part of the Publick Revenue to the value of one Million and Eight hundred thousand Pounds they could not hold but gave with both hands again a Subsidy of Twelve Pence in the Pound to the real value of all Lands and other Estates proportionably with several more beneficial Clauses in the Bargain to which they joyned the Additional Excise upon Beer Ale c. And lastly the Law Bill which being summ'd up together could not be estimated at less than two Millions and half So that for the Tripple League here was a Tripple Supply and the Subject had now all the reason to believe that this Alliance which had been fix'd at first by the Publick Interest Safety and Honour was by these three Grants as with three Golden Nails sufficiently clinched and rivetted But now therefore was the most proper Time and Occasion for the King and his chosen Ministers to give Demonstrations of their Fidelity to the French Monarch and for his Sacred Majesty by the Forfeiture of all these Obligations to his Subjects and the Princes abroad and at the Expence of all this Treasure given for quite contrary Uses to recommend himself the more meritoriously to his Patronage The Parliament therefore after they had given all this Money were presently Prorogued and sat no more till the latter end of February 1672. that there might be a competent time allowed for so great a work as was designed and that the Architects of our Ruine might be so long free from the busie and odious Inspection of the Parliament till the work were finish'd And now all Applications made by his Majesty of Great Britain to induce Foreign Princes into the Garranty of the Peace of Aix la Chapelle ceased while on the other side those who desired to be admitted into it were here rejected The Duke of Lorrain who had always been a true Friend to the King and for his Affection to the Tripple League had incurred the French King's Displeasure with the loss of his Country Seizd upon in the year 1669. against all the Laws not only of Peace but Hostility yet by vertue of the Dover Treaty was refused the favour to which others had been so earnestly invited and though his Envoy was sent back with Complements and many Expressions of Kindness yet he was told withal that the French Invasion was a torrent not to be stopp'd at that time which was as much as to say the Case was alter'd and the Tripple League must signifie nothing At the same time also the Emperour by a Letter invited himself into the same Garranty in conformity to one of the Articles of the said Treaty of Aix Upon receipt of which Letter the King assured the Spanish Embassador that he was glad his Imperial Majesty was so ready to come into the League and told him he would cause an Instrument to be prepared in order to his Admission But when the Resolution was taken and orders given for preparing the said Instrument it was moved that Mr. Secretary Trevor who was not initiated in their holy Mysteries might not have the drawing of it though it was his proper Province By which means the Popish Cabal having made themselves sole Masters of the thing at first a reasonable honest Draught was brought in but before it was perfected Monsieur Colbert being consulted the King was possessed with an opinion that the admitting the Emperor would be attended with dangerous Consequences and that in case he came into the League his Majesty would be engaged in all his Quarrels and bound to make his Forces March into the farthest parts of Germany as often as it should happen to be Invaded by the Great Turk which Secretary Trevor oppos'd as much as he was able and endeavoured to satisfie the King that the Garranty of the Tripple League as well as of the Treaty of Aix related only to Hostilities either from France or Spain yet the wary Men of the Cabal being on the King's side carry'd it and so the
English with the French like the Disasters that happen to Men by being in ill Company In the mean time the hopes of the Spanish and Smirna Fleet being vanished the slender Allowance from the French not sufficing to defray farther Charges and the ordinary Revenue of His Majesty with all the former Aids being in less than one years time exhausted the Parliament with the King 's most gracious leave was permitted to sit again at the time appointed At what time at the King 's and the Lord Keeper's usual daubing way the War was first communicated to them and the Causes the Necessity the Danger so well painted out that upon the King 's earnest Suit the Commons though in a War begun without their Advice readily Voted the Royal Mumper no less than One million two hundred and fifty thousand Pounds though they would not say it was for the War but for the King 's extraordinary Occasions Nevertheless it was but yet a Vote to Embryo and therefore now beginning in grow more sensible of the true Causes of the Quarrel they prepared an Act before they let the Money-Bill slip out of their Hands by which the Papists were obliged to pass through a new State Purgatory if they intended to be capable of any Publick Employment The Declaration also of Indulgence was questioned which tho His Majesty had out of his Princely and Gracious Inclinations to Popery and the Memory of some former Obligations granted for the sake of the Papists yet greedy after the Coin he was pleased to cancel at the humble request as he pretended of the Parliament and declared it should be no President for the future After which compelled by his want of a fresh Supply he passed the Bill concerning the Papists in exchange for the Money and then the Parliament growing uneasie they were again sent a Grazing for a good while The King hoping when he had the management of the Cash to frustrate the Effect of the Act which he had passed against his good Friends the Roman Catholicks And now the King having got the Money in his Hands a new Project was set on foot to set up an Army in England for the introducing of Slavery and Popery under pretence of Landing in Holland Which was raised with all the Expedition imaginable over which as Colonel Fitzgerald an Irish Papist was made Major General so were the greatest number of the Captains and other Officers of the same Stamp And because that pretence was soon blown over it was afterward still continued on foot under the more plausible Colour of a War with France But after all these cunning Contrivances to alter the Religion and Government of the Nation the King being disappointed in all his Projects and finding that the Parliament grown more sensible of his abstruse designs and alarum'd at his extraordinary new Militia both Burthensom and unnecessary for any other Employment but the support of Arbitrary Power would give him no more Money but began to call his Ministers in question was forc'd to make a Peace with the Dutch and disband the Army to his great regret However what he could not do at hope he resolved to do abroad and therefore the English Scotch and Irish Regiments that were already in the French Service were not only kept up in their full Complement but new numbers of Soldiers were daily transported thither to make up in all a constant Body of Ten thousand Men. Which was done on purpose that he might have an Army train'd up under the French Discipline and Principles ready seasoned to be call'd back into England for the Execution of any opportune Enterprize upon his Protestant Subjects Thus far we have seen the King's inveterate Malice to his Neighbours and Allies the Dutch meerly upon the account of their being Protestants and Protectors of the Protestant Religion and his pernicious Conjunction with the French King to their utter Destruction and Desolation A continued Series of Treachery and Faith-breaking which only that Romish Principle That there is no Faith to be kept with Hereticks could have infused into his Breast Now let us take a short view of his Carriage from the beginning of his Restoration to the French King the Mortal Enemy of his Subjects and the Religion which they profess It is well known in general how much the Extraordinary Kindness of Charles the Second to Lewis the Fourteenth has contributed to that vast increase of Shipping and Experience in the Art of Navigation to which they are now arrived which no Prince in the World that might have been so strong at Sea as his Majesty might have been with half the Expence which he squander'd away to ruin the nation had he been sensible in the least of his own Grandure the welfare of his ow Subjects and the danger of having so potent a Rival for the Dominion of the Sea which God and Nature seemed to have appropriated to himself We have been told of brisk Messenger sent to the French Kings so soon as they did but lay the Carkass of a pitiful Flyboat upon the Stocks But such was the Complaisance of our Supine Monarch that he not only connived at the industrious Preparations of the French King but lent him his helping Hand to make him Master of his own Rights When they had none of their own he sent Vice-Admirals and other considerable Sea-Officers to encourage and promote the setting out of their Fleets He pitied their want of Experience in Sea Affairs and out of Compassion and Brotherly Love lead their rare Sea-men by the Hand train'd them up in his Fleets and among the best of his Sea-men taught them the Skill which they had been forcod to toyl for by the Experience of many Ages and to crown all even to fight for them and to interpose between them and Danger with so good Success that the French Squadron as if the Engagement had been only designed for a Diversion and Entertainment to them came off as fresh and as whole as when they first sailed out of their own Ports was such an unparallell'd Kindness that nothing but the extraordinary hopes the King had placed in him of being his great Assistant for the compassing of his pernicious designs upon his own Subjects could have made him condescend to But to come to Particulars It was a strange Demonstration of the King of England's kindness to the French Interest though to the unspeakable Detriment of his own People that after all those Expressions in the Lord Keeper Bridgman's Speech of the Treaty between France and the King of England concerning Commerce wherein the King would have as he said such a singular regard to the Honour and Trade of this Nation notwithstanding the intolerable Oppression upon the English Traffick in France ever since the King's Restoration he had not in all that time made one step toward a Treaty of Commerce or Navigation with him no not even at that time when the English were so necessary to him that he
hands to prevent the Consequences of French and Popish Dictates they were mistaken in the Man and gave their wholsom Advice to him that was bound not to take it and was himself the Primum Mobile of all the Disorders which they besought of him to remedy During this Sessions of Parliament many foul things came to light For while the King had raised an Army and pressed the Parliament for Money to maintain them under pretence of making a War with France which was the earnest desire of all the Protestant part of the Kingdom the Parliament were fully informed that while the King boasted of the Alliances which he had made for the preservation of Flanders and the Protestant Religion both at home and abroad he was secretly entred into Treaties and Alliances at the same time with the French King and Mr. Garraway of the House of Commons had gotten a Copy of the Private Treaty between the King of England and the French King at the same instant that the Secretary and all the Court Pentioners cried out a War insomuch that such of the Conspirators as were in the House began to blush when they saw the Cheat so palpably discerned It was farther discovered that a great Favourite of the Duke 's had been sent over into France under a pretence of Expostulating and requiring satisfaction for the Injuries which the English had received from the French but in reality to carry the Project of Articles for the Peace and to settle and confirm all things fast about the Money that was to come from France and to agree the Methods for shamming the Confederates about their Expected Alliances They found themselves cheated of all the Pole Bill Money which they had given so little a while before upon the assurance of a War intended against France the greatest part of which they perceived was imediately though appropriated to the French Wur only converted to other uses as the paying of old Debts so that very little was left to pay for any Necessaries bought or to be bought toward the pretended War with France Nor were they ignorant of the real Design for which the King had raised his Army and what care the King and his Brother took that there should be no other Officers in that Army than what were fit for the Work in hand which was to introduce Popery and French Government by main force Four parts of Five being downright Papists or else such as resolved so to be upon the least intimation The Duke recommending all such as he knew fit for the Turn and no less than a Hundred Commissions being sign'd by Secretary W. to ●ish Papists to raise Forces notwithstanding the late Act by which means both the Land and Naval Forces were in safe hands And to compleat the Work hardly a Judge Justice of the Peace or any Officer in England but what was of the Duke's Promotion Nor were they ignorant of the private Negotiations carried on by the Duke with the Kings Connivance with the Pope and Cardinal Norfolk who had undertaken to raise Money from the Church sufficient to supply the King's Wants till the Work were done in case the Parliament should smoak their Design and refuse to give any more Nor was the Parliament ignorant what great Rejoycing there was in Rome it self to hear in what a posture his Majesty was and how well provided of an Army and Money to begin the Business The Parliament also understood while they were labouring the War with France and to resist the growth of Popery and Arbitrary Power that the King underhand assisted the French with Men and Ammunition of all sorts and soon after that a Cessation was concluded both at Nimeghen and Paris and that the King had got some money from France for that Jobb by which means the French King was now sure to hold all his Conquests abroad which had England been real to the Confederates might have been easily wrested again out of his Hands But it seems it was not so much Money as the King expected which made him angry so that he began to threaten that if the French King did not perform his Promise of 300000 l. Annuity for three Years he would undo all he had done against the next Parliament But the French King derided those vain Threats menacing in his turn that if the King of England would not be content with his Terms and do and say to the Parliament according to his directions he would discover both him and his Correspondents in betraying the Nation and discover all his secret Contrivances against the Kingdom as afterwards he Published the Dover Treaty at Paris which was the reason that after that His Majesty of England never durst disoblige the French Monsieur but became a perfect Slave to his Interest a Bondage he never needed to have undergone had he been but half as sincere to his English Parliament But to them he was never true with them he always broke his Faith and Royal Word insomuch that after they had given him Money to Disband his Army he employed the Money to another use and kept up his standing Forces to the great Terror of the People in all parts of the Kingdom So that now all things running on the Papistical side to their Hearts desire what with Popish Souldiers Popish Officers Popish Counsels Popish Priests and Jesuits swarming about the Town and Country and France at leisure to help them who had help'd him to be more a Conqueror by the Peace than he could have expected by a War the Duke of York was for the Kings pulling off his Vizard and for setting up Alamode of France according to what had been so often debated at White hall and St. Iames's But while the King and his Brother were thus riding Post to ruin the Laws and Religion of the Kingdom the Discovery of the Popish Plot by Dr. Oats broke all their Measures for a time by laying open the Secret Contrivances of our English Castor and Pollux for the introducing of Popery and Arbitrary Government This Plot was no sooner made known to the King but he imparts it to the Duke not the knowledge of the Plot for that they both knew before but the News of the Plots being discovered Upon which they set themselves with all the care they could to stop the farther Progress of the Discovery To which purpose the Duke gives notice of it to his Man Coleman and the Priests and Jesuits in the Savoy by which means what Papers and Persons were to be conceal'd and conveyed away was carefully looked after All this while by this ●easonable detection of the King and his Brother to the Priests Jesuits Oats himself narrowly escaped Massacred Oats finding himself thus betray'd and abandoned by the King applies himself to Sir Edmund Bury Godfry with a Scheme of the Plot fairly drawn up by that means to be introduced before the Council to have the Business there unfolded which with much ado was done and Oats
occasion from the privacy of the Nuptials to deny her being his Wife and to disavow all Contracts and Ceremonies of Marriage between them But the King detesting so much baseness as being himself a witness of the Marriage would not suffer the Lady to be so heinously abused but constrain'd him after great reluctancy to declare it publickly to all the World A happy Providence for England which by that Conjunction blest us with two Protestant Princesses matchless in Virtue and Piety and all those other Graces that adorn their Sex to the eldest of which we are beholden for our Deliverance from an Inundation of Slavery and Popery under the Auspicious Conduct of a Soveraign truly meriting the Noble and Ancient Titles of King of Men and Shepherd of the People and the yet more dignified Addition of Defender of the Faith And from the youngest of which we have already the earnest of a hopeful Issue to guard us from the like Invasions Such is the provision of Providence that many times it happens the most venomous Creatures carry about them the particular Antidote against their own Poysons Certain it is that the D. of York would never have pull'd off his Protestant Vizour nor have declar'd himself of the Roman Communion so soon had he not been thereto necessitated by a Stratagem of the King his Brother for the Papists having a long time waited for the Accomplishment of the King's Oaths and Promises for restoring their Religion and having annually contributed large Sums of Money towards the effecting of it at length grew impatiently sullen and would advance no more unless the King or the Duke would openly declare themselves for Popery Which the King thinking no way seasonable for him to do and not being able by all his Arguments and Importunities to prevail with his Brother to do it he at length bethought himself of this Project which was To get the Queen to write a Letter intimating her Intention to withdraw into a Monastry which Letter was to be left upon her Closet Table that her Priests as it was concerted before-hand might there seize it and seeing the Contents of it carry it forthwith to the Duke Upon which the Duke being jealous lest the King upon the Queen's relinquishing her Husband might be induced to marry again and thereby deprive him of the hopes of succeeding than which there was nothing which he thirsted after more upon obtaining a previous Assurance that in case he declared himself a Papist she should not withdraw immediately pull'd off his Mask and renounced Communion with the Church of England Being thus quit of his fears from the King his next work was to rid himself of all his Jealousies of the D. of Monmouth To which purpose he lay day and night at the King to require him to turn Roman Catholick Which the King out of his Tenderness to the Romish Cause as well as to gratifie his Brother undertook to do and accordingly sent him into France with an express Command to reconcile himself to the Church of Rome however the Duke of Monmouth out of an aversion to the Fopperies of that Religion fail'd in his performance Which so incens'd the D. of Y. that from that time forward he studied all the ways imaginable to bring him to Destruction In the mean time having by his publickly declaring himself a Papist engag'd all those of the same Religion to his Person and Interest he resolved to drive on Iehu-like and to promote the Catholick Cause with all the vigour and swiftness he was able and to make the utmost use of his Brothers good Intentions And such was his Bigottry to the Romish Church That according to the Principles of that Religion he stuck at nothing per fas nefas to bring about his Popish Designs I shall not here dilate upon his secret Negotiations at Rome his Correspondencies with Foreign Priests and Jesuites or his Private Intrigues with the French King which have been all sufficiently exposed already in Print as for that whatever has been already said of the King is also to be said of him in general while he was Duke in regard they both drew in the same Yoak for the Ruine of the Nation For this is as certain as the rest that he had a most eager desire to Rule and Rule Despotically which was the Reason he was frequently heard to say He had rather Reign one Month as the King of France than Twenty Years as his Brother the King of England did And besides it was as plain That he had a mortal Antipathy against the Protestant Religion and more particularly against the Professors of it in England but more especially the Dissenters upon the score of Revenging his Father's Death An Imbitter'd Hatred which he deriv'd from his Mother who mortally malic'd England upon the same Account and which he acknowledg'd in his Bedchamber at St. Iames's where he openly declar'd That he was resolv'd to be reveng'd upon the English Nation for his Father's Death Which if those unthinking People who are so eager to have him again would but consider they would not be so forward for his return For it is in vain for the Church of England-Men of what degree soever to think that their refusing to Swear Allegiance to King William and Queen Mary would excuse them from that universal Revenge which he would take upon the Nation were it ever again in his Power Only here was the Difference between the two Brothers That the King thought to Ruin his Enemy by main Force and the fair hand of Victory but the Duke hoping to kill two Birds with one Stone made it his Business at the same time to Ruin the Enemy by Force and his own Country by Treachery Thus when he had engag'd his Brother in the First Holy Dutch War of the Extirpation of Hereticks he permits the English at first to exercise all the Bravery of their Skill and Courage to a great Probability of Success but then falls asleep in the height of his Conduct to the end the Dutch for want of Orders might have an Opportunity to wrest the Victory out of the Hands of the English on purpose to keep the Ballance of Destruction on both sides even Thus he permitted himself to be surpris'd at Soul-Bay knowing there were enough to Maul the Enemy but not enough to preserve those that Fought on our side So that the Dutch may be said to be well Thrash'd and the English to be well Sacrific'd And as a farther Demonstration of his Perfidious Soul when he found the Contest would be too tedious between two Nations so well match'd it was the Duke's Contrivance to Suborn and Bribe two Indigent and Desperate Villains to go over and Fire the Dutch Ships as they lay in their Harbours and when he had done that it was the same Treachery that with a sham Story lull'd his Brother asleep and procur'd the Firing of our Ships at Chatham The Burning of London was such a
yet there was another quickly hatch'd of the same stamp and nature though carried on by other Instruments Nell Wall an Irish Papist and a Wench formerly employed only to empty Close-stools at White-Hall but afterwards for her Religion advanced to be one of the French Dutchesses Women and so to the King's Favour by which she became a great States-Woman as well as a common Whore To this Woman a great part of the Popish Secrets were discovered and by her means Fitz-Harris was first introduced to the Dutchess and then to the King where he was told That the Plot would undo them unless a way could be found to make a Counter-plot therefore he was bid to try all ways to effect it for that no Cost should be spared but such Rewards should be given as were fit for so great a Service Draw Painter here England's pious Protestant Monarch Counter-plotting with his Popish Concubine and her Close-stool Wench against his Parliament and Kingdom in favour of those that sought the destruction of both The business of this Irish Tool was to find out Seditious Lampoons and Pamphlets and carry them to White-Hall where he had Audience and private Conferences with Nell Wall the Dutchess and the King himself and where he had sometimes given for secret service a Hundred and Two Hundred Pound at a time and was no less slabber'd by his Gracious Soveraign than Dangerfield had been before So zealous were We for the Popish Cause that rather than miss of the Designs of enslaving the Nation by Arbitrary Government and Popery that We would have declar'd our selves even to have kiss'd the Tail as well as the Cheeks of the most Contemptible Creatures in the World Nor must it be omitted as an Argument of His Majesty's great Zeal for the Protestant Religion That when one Sergeant a Priest made a discovery of the Popish Plot from Holland which he caus'd to be transmitted to the Court with an intention to have discovered several others he was first brib'd off by Pillory-Carr then sent for into England slightly and slily examined had his Pardon given him and sent back with Five Pound a week to say no more And in this game that we may understand by whose Countenancing the thing was done Sir L. Ienkins shewed the utmost of his Parts and Fidelity being just enter'd Secretary in the room of another who did not care to venture so far as that both Fool as well as Knave did Among whose good Services to his Master we may reckon his endeavours as much as lay in his Power to conceal the Murther of the Priest at Abbeville in France upon intimation that he was coming into England to make a farther discovery of the Plot Which together with his fasting and other infallible tokens shewed him to be plainly what was well enough known before Father Goff's Creature as well as the King 's and Duke's Nor was it a thing less astonishing to the Nation to see the Parliament prorogued from time to time no less than seven times before permitted to sit on purpose to get time for the Popish Duke to settle the Protestant Religion in Scotland and to the end the Conspirators might get heart and footing again and retrieve their Losses in England and in this Interval it was that Messengers were sent to their Friends at Rome and others their Associates for Money to strike while the Iron was hot in regard that Scotland by this time was secur'd and all things in such a forwardness that now or never was the time but the Pope had such an ill opinion of our Soveraign's Fidelity that he slipt his neck out of the Collar and in imitation of him the rest excused themselves upon the score of their poverty Thus missing money from Rome and the rest of their Popish Associates and the King of France refusing to part with any more Cash there was no way but one at a forc'd-put which was to let the Parliament sit and to make them the more willing to give money to undo the Nation the King in a framed Speech told them of the wonderful Advantageous Alliances for the Kingdoms good he had made with Foreign Princes and particularly with H●lland and how necessary it was to preserv● Tangier which had already run him in Debt Upon which Considerations the Burden of his Song was More Money But the Parliament Incensed at the frequent Prorogations fell upon Considerations more profitable for the Kingdom such as were the bringing to Condign punishment the Obstructers of their Sitting the Impeaching of North for Drawing the Proclamation against Petitioning and three of the Judges for dismissing the Grand Jury before whom the Duke was Indicted of Recus●ncy before they could make their presentments the prosecution of the Popish-Plot and the Examination of the Meal-Tub-Sham all which they lookt upon to be of greater moment than the King's Arguments for his wants For it was well known that by His per●idious Dealings abroad he had so impaired his Credit with all the Foreign Princes to whom he sent that they slighted his Applications as one upon whose Word they could never Rely And as for the preservation of Tangier there was nothing less in his Thoughts A fine Credit for a Prince and an excellent Character to recommend him to Posterity that he had no other than his own Sinister ends upon the Grand Council of his Kingdom nor no other way to work them to ●hose ends unless by forging untruths to make them accessary to the betraying of the ●eople that had entrusted them The Parliament therefore bent all their Cares to secure the Kingdom from Popery ●oncluding that the Dukes Apost●tizing from ●is Religion was the sole Evil under which ●he N●●●ons in a more particular manner ●roaned and consequently that he was to 〈◊〉 Dismo●●ted But the King being re●●lved not to forsake his Brother whatever ●●came of the Kingdom out of a pro●ense ●alice to the Nation and ●oresight of the Miseries which his Brother's Government would bring upon the people rather than out of any natural Affection that he bore him took such a high Resentment against these honest and just proceedings of the Houses that after he had Sacrificed the Lord Stafford to his hopes of obtaining money upon the Dukes undertaking to furnish him he Dissolved this Parliament too with promise of another at Oxford to sweeten the bitter Pill which he had made the Nation to swallow In the mean time all the Care imaginable was taken to bring the Protestant-Plot to perfection preparative to which Judges were selected with Dispositions Thoughts and Minds as Scarlet as their Gowns And the Choice of Sheriffs was wrested by force from the people that they might pick out Juries without Conscience and Honesty A Plot contrived by Perfidiousness and Treachery beyond the parallel of History A Plot with Parisian Massacre in the Belly o● it designing no less an Innundation of Innocent Protestant Blood under the colour and forms of Justice and yet
been acquitted All which severities were palpable demonstrations of that Innocent Man's being determined to Destruction right or wrong on purpose to lay the foundation of farther Butcheries So that being fleshed by this Success the next attempt of the King's Justice was upon the Earl of Shaftsbury for the same pretended Treason for which Colledge had suffered And here posterity will make the same Observations and Conclusions in general as in Colledge's Case But more particularly will after Ages easily conclude from hence that it was not for any Contrivance of his Lordship but by a project of Court and Popish Revenge to destroy a person who by his Courage Wisdom and Good Intelligence had Opposed and Defeated so many of their Designs against the Religion and Welfare of the Nation For that this Plot upon his Lordship was so early Communicated to Rome and other Foreign parts That it was talked of at Paris and in Flanders some time before his Lordship was Imprisoned in England They will observe the Injustice done his Lordship in refusing to let him see or know the persons that deposed against him which was not denied either to Coleman or the Iesuites and which being so contrary to Law was a plain Demonstration that either the Witnesses were not thought of credit sufficient to support the Confinement of so great a Peer or else that it was not convenient to trust the general course of their Lives to be scrutinied too soon They will admire at the horrid Injustice done his Lordship in refusing to give an Oath to those that offered to have sworn two Indictments of Subornation against the False Testimonies produced against his Lordship The first president of such an Illegal Obstruction of Justice They will observe the Treachery that was used to have betrayed his Lordship into the Snare For what greater piece of Treachery could there be than after they had intercepted a Letter directed to his Lordship out of France from a Gentleman that had commanded a Regiment of Horse in the Service of C. the I. which Letter was only to desire his Lordship to befriend him with a Receipt of the Gout they added to it a Postscript wherein the Gentleman is made to tell his Lordship That he was able to furnish him with Forty Thousand Men from France to oppose the D. of York and so sent it back again into France to have been returned into England and intercepted a second time but that by a strange providence the Letter happened into the Gentleman's own hands who was not a little consternated at the alteration The Motives that induced the Court to begin with this Great and Eminent Peer will be easily discernible to succeeding Ages For to what man of Sense and Reason is it not apparent that it was the Policy of the Court That their Revenge against this Earl should not be adjourned till they had tried the Credit of their Witnesses upon other considerable Persons for fear lest by his Lordship's Industry and Abilities he should not only have detected and exposed the whole Intreague but have broken the Engine by which the two Brothers thought to have made themselves Absolute Lords of the Laws and Religion of the Kingdom For which reason it was thought best to assault him by way of surprise and to hurry him to prison upon a pretended Conspiracy which People would be astonished at but not have time to unravel For the King and his Brother were assured That the convicting of the E. of Shaf●sbury upon a Charge of Levying War and Conspiring to seize his Person would be a kind of moral proof against every other Person whom they had a mind to accuse of the same Crime Since people would be easily persuaded That a Person of his prudence and conduct would not easily embark himself in such a dangerous Enterprise without a proportionable number of persons who by their Power Quality and Interest might be supposed to be able to carry it on So that all the Noblemen and Gentlemen of England that ever had any Converse or Acquaintance with the Earl supposing them to be persons obnoxious to the Court were involved in his Ruine But it will remain an Eternal Monument of Reproach upon Royal Subornation That after all the Industry of the Court and their obsequious Instruments after all their laying their heads together to form cohering and probable Proofs of the charge intended to be laid against him after an Illegal Trick devised to have Tryed him within their own Jurisdiction of the Verge which was so contrary to Law that it was exploded by their own Bene placito Lambskin men that at length he was acquitted by a Grand Jury the most Substantial for Estates Integrity and Soundness of Judgment that had been returned for many years in the City to the never dying praise of the two Sheriffs Mr. Pilkington and Mr. Shute A Disappointment which so incensed the King and his Dear Brother That they resolved to make an Islington Village of the Chief Metropolis of the whole Nation and what they could not do by Fire to effect by wresting from them their Franchises and Privileges far more Ancient than the descent of those that wrested them for a time out of their hands For this Reason the Attorney General was ordered to bring a Quo Warranto against the City Charter under the pretence of their Petitioning for the Sitting of the Parliament a thing so far from being a Crime that it was the undoubted Right of the Nation And yet such was the awe which the Antiquity and Legality of the Charter had upon the Judges that the Fountain of Justice was forc●d to shift his Chief Justice till he could fix upon one that durst adventure to pronounce Sentence against it Which as it was the greatest Invasion that could be against the Ancient and Fundamental Constitutions of the Kingdom so it plainly laid open the King 's Pious intentions of Governing by Law which according to the new Interpretation of the Court was the downright Subverting all that was most Sacred and Valuable in the Nation For what was all this Bustle for But as Charters of all other Cities and Corporations were chopt and changed throughout the Nation to the end the King might have it in his power to violate the electing of a Parliament and nominate and obtrude upon all Persons of the Kingdom his own Slaves and Creatures Papists and Traytors to their Countrey so by reducing one of the most Ancient Corporations and levelling it with one of the meanest Villages in the Kingdom that he might command the Mayor and Sheriffs and by their means the Juries of the City on purpose to have the Lives of all his Protestant Subjects at his mercy And that this was his end was apparent by the Consequences for when once the King by the overthrow of the Charter had made sure of his own Sheriffs and Juries Heavens how were the Laws of God and the Kingdom wrested by misinterpretation how were
from those Inconveniences the King my Master sees no possible prospect of establishing the Roman Catholick Religion If this be not enough to discover his Inclinations and the whole drift of his Intrigueing Reign there can be nothing sharp enough to penetrate the stupid and besotted Bigotry of those that stand up in his Justification But notwithstanding the wilful Blindness of such People it is to be hoped that other Men less biassed and having the same just pretences to common Understanding have a greater value for their Reason than to forfeit it to Prejudice and an Interest now exploded by all the sober part of the World And having once disintangled their Judgments from the Incumbrances of Iure Divino Nonsence they will then find that the whole Course of his Reign was no more than what this Memorial discovers and that the frequent Breaches of his Word and Promises both to his Parliaments and People were but the Effects of the Religion he profess'd and own'd in his Ambassadors's Memorial one of the chief Principles of which it is Not to Keep Faith with Hereticks and by which he was obliged to be more faithful to the King of Poland than the King of Heaven Hence it was that notwithstanding his Declaration from Breda design'd and penn'd to obtrude a seeming appearance of Truth and specious Face of Integrity upon the Nation after he came to be Restor'd and Settl'd we found our selves deceived in all that we expected from the Faith and Credit of his Royal Word To which we may subjoyn that other famous Declaration upon shutting up of the Exchequer Wherein tho his Sacred Word and Royal Faith were in plain emphatical Terms laid to Pledge for Repayment yet the Events in the Ruin and Impoverishing of so many Families did no way consist with his graciuos and solemn Promises As for the Covenant whathever the Oath were it matters not here to dispute but they who were Witnesses of his taking it observed that if ever he seem'd Sincere in what he did it was in binding his Soul by that solemn Oath and yet he not only openly and avowedly broke it but caused it to be burnt in all the three Nations by the Hands of the Common Hangman Where can we find a more matchless piece of Dissimulation than in his Signing that Declaration in Scotland which he published under the Title of A Declaration of the King's Majesty to his Subjects of the Kingdoms of Scotland England and Ireland which because it has lain long dormant and was doubtless designed to have been buried in Oblivion may not now be unseasonable revived again to shew how much the World was deceived in him and how little reason his Admirers have to have so high an Opinion of him The whole is too long to be Inserted in these few Sheets but that which most conduces to our purpose is as follows HIS Majesty taking into Consideration the merciful Dispensation of Divine Providence by which he has been recover'd out of the Snare of Evil Counsel and having attain'd so full a Persuasion and Conscience of the Loyalty of his People of Scotland with whom he has too long stood at distance a●d of the Righteousness of their Cause as to join in one Covenant with them and to cast himself and his Interests wholly upon God and in all matters Civil to follow the Advice of his Parliament and such as shall be entrusted by them and in all matters Ecclesiastical the Advice of the General Assembly and their Commissioners and being sensible of his Duty to God and desirous to approve himself to the Consciences of all his good Subjects and to stop the Mouths of his and their Enemies and Traducers does in reference to his former Deportments and his Resolutions for the Future declares as follows Here is a Iove Principium the Motives that induced His Majesty to make this Declaration were no Considerations of State-Policy but in acknowledgment of the ill-merited Mercies of Divine Providence conferred upon him a Covenant between God the People and Himself like that of David in Hebron Now see what ensues Tho His Majesty as a dutiful Son be obliged to honour the Memory of his Royal Father and to have in Estimation the Person of his Mother yet doth he desire to be deeply humbled and afflicted in Spirit before God because of his Father's hearkning to and following Evil Counsels and his Opposition to the Work of Reformation and to the solemn League and Covenant by which so much of the Blood of the Lord's People has been shed in these Kingdoms And for the Idolatry of his Mother the Toleration whereof in the King's House as it was matter of great stumbling to all the Protestant Churches so could it not but be a high Provocation against him who is a Iealous God and visits the Sins of the Fathers upon the Children And altho His Majesty might Extenuate his former Carriages and Actions in following the Advice and walking in the way of those who are opposite to the Covenant and the Work of God and might excuse his delaying to give Satisfaction to the just and necessary Desires of the Church and Kingdom of Scotland from his Education and Age and from his Evil Counsel and Company yet knowing he hath to do with God he doth ingenuously acknowledg all his own Sins and all the Sins of his Father's House craving Pardon and hoping for Mercy and Reconciliation through the Blood of Iesus Christ. And his Majesty having upon full Persuasion of the Iustice and Equity of all the Heads and Articles thereof sworn and subscribed the National Covenant of the Kingdom of Scotland and the Solemn League and Covenant of the three Kingdoms of Scotland England and Ireland does declare That he has not sworn and subscribed these Covenants and entred into the Oath of God and his People upon any sinister Intention or crooked Design for obtainings his own Ends but as far as humane Weakness will permit in the Truth and Sincerity of hie Heart And that he is firmly resolved in thd strength of the Lord to adhere thereto ane to prosecute to the utmost of his Power all the Ends thereof in his Station and Calling really constantly and sincerely all the days of his Life After such a solemn Stipulation between Heaven and the Nation of Scotland no wonder that he had recourse to the Church of Rome for Absolution For seeing that he had such a Confidence of St. Peter's Power deriv'd to the Pope there is no other Argument to be urg'd in his behalf that either he thought there was any Faith to be kept with Man or that he believed in God And how far the Breach of this when we reflect how much he was abandoned to Misfortune and the Reproach of Infidelity both at Home and Abroad pursued him to his Grave is worthy the serious Consideration of his Brother and Lewis the 14 th But who could rationally hope that he should deal sincerely and above-board
a Person debilitated by the unfortunate Effects of the exasperated Revenge of an injured Bed and meeting with a Consort no less infirm by whom he never had before any Child but what dropt into the Grave as soon as Born not having any substantial Rafters for Life to build upon should so seasonably nick it to be both the Parents of a sound Off-spring for the preservation of Popery She who ought to have taken all advantages to have had publick and undeniable Testimonies of her Glory to be the Mother of a Prince so providentially sent from Heaven to Support and Establish the Roman Catholick Faith in a Revolted Kingdom would never have been so reserv'd and shy of exposing the Symptomes of her pregnance but only to a few that were privy to the Imposture Add to this the Flight of the Midwife in whom it never could be a Crime to bring a Queen to Bed But omitting the manifold Circumstances sufficiently already canvassed to detect the Pious Fraud and the Chyrum of Affidavits to cover the Cheat all brought upon the publick Stage by dire constraint on the one side and immodest Bigottry on the other the unhappy occasion of revealing the Arcana of Generation to every Turnspit and serving only to inflame the desires of wanton Youth Omitting I say these Circumstances there are others no less remarkable of another Nature as the sending Castlemain to Rome among other things to impart this Affair to his Holiness and to know whether the Apostolick See would stand by the pretended Prince in case the People should dispute his Title And this seems to be confirmed by the coming over of Count Dada in the Quality of the Pope's Nuntio just as the Farce was contriving and the Popes being afterwards Godfather to the Child In the next place about the time that the Conception was pretended Father Peters was taken into the Privy Council to give the Report all the Favour imaginable at the Board to prevent the being of it Contested or if it were to satisfie all manner of Doubts and so incite the Lords to make such Orders as the Case required which had no● been so proper for the King or the rest of the Popish Lords who knew not so well what to insist upon Another thing was that the Child was no sooner Born but it was translated to Richmond lest the pretended Mother should have been put to the Trouble of a forced Fondness which had the Child continued with her would have prov'd a part so irksome and so ●ll for her to act that notice would have been taken of it Nor was it less observable that at the same time the Bishops were lock'd up safe that they might be out of the way of being called for Witnesses whose Impartiality otherwise would have been desiring more satisfaction to their Consciences than the depth of the Mystery requir'd To which may be added That at first the King himself who had most Reason to know did not seem to give Credit to the thing or at least was very doubtful of it and therefore when the News was first brought him as one that rather wish'd it true than thought it to be real he made answer to the Messenger If it were so 't was very odd till finding that the Lady of Loretto would take Bribes and had espoused the blessed Design he was bound to believe that his Mother-in-Law's Prayers and the Diamond Bodkin had prevail'd and that his Royal Consort had been impregnated by an Apparition like the Mother of Damaratus King of Sparta However it was look'd upon all over Europe as a very low and mean Condescention of a Soveraign Prince Hedge-Sparrow like to hatch the Cuckoo's Egg and own the supposititious Issue of another Man which they who pretend to make the best Excuse for seem willing to believe proceeded more from Fear than Conscience in regard that being privy to the many Conspiracies of the Priests and Jesuits against his Brother's Life it possessed him with such a dread of their Popish Mercy that he yielded to whatever they desir'd for his own Preservation On the other side the Priests and Jesuits were so terribly afraid of a Revolution after his Death that by the Power of his imperious Queen and their own Importunities they hurried him on to all those Impolitick Exorbitances that hastened both their own and his Ruin For now the Nation no longer able to brook such a deluge of illegal Oppressions and the whole Body of the Nobility and Gentry of the Kingdom observing such a general Desolation impending upon their Religion Lives and Fortunes apply themselves to their Hignesses the Princess and Prince of Orange as the only Cherubims on Earth under whose Wings they could retire for Safety and Protection Who no sooner with a Generosity becoming a true Defender of the Protestant Faith appear'd in their Defence but Consternation seized King Iames and all his Raving Counsellors Upon the first News of the Heroic Prince's Preparations he takes off the Bishop of London's Suspension restores the City-Charter with all those other Franchises which had been so tempestuously ravish'd from other Corporations and returns the Ejected Gentlemen of both Universities to the Freeholds which he had wrested out of their hands But yet to shew how firm he was in his Resolutions to resume the same Despotic Power again had his Success once answer'd his Expectations after he had order'd the Bishop of Winchester to put in the Fellows of Maudlin College he no sooner heard of the Prince's being put back by storm with some small Loss which was heightned out of Policy in Holland but he recall'd his Orders to the Bishop sent for him to London and stopt the Re-admission of the Fellows till he heard the Prince was again Embark'd and prosperously bending his Course for England So soon as he heard the Prince was Landed he summons his Affidavit Lords and Ladies about him in hopes to have sworn his pretended Son into the Succession in case of any Miscarriage of his own Person which he never intended to indanger After that he flew to Salisbury believing the Terror of his Name would have gain'd him present Victory But not meeting the good Fortune he expected all he did there was to discourage his Soldiers with his Pusillanimous Fears and Frights upon every little Allarm of a Post-Boy So that altho he had good Counsel given him To Horse all his Foot and fall upon the Enemy while they were yet labouring under the inconveniencies of the Sea and before their Numbers increased he rejected it unless he might keep his Teagues about him and expose the English to the usual dangers of Road beaters Which together with their unwillingness to engage the Deliverers of their Country so alienated their hearts from him that they deserted him by Troops and Regiments Desponding at this and more terrified with a little bleeding at the Nose than he had been with all the Innocent Blood which he had caus'd to be spilt he returns back to London and having sent his Queen and her Babe before which was sufficient Warning for Dada Peters and the rest to provide for themselves he withdrew from the City but being taken rifled and seiz'd by the Country People near Feversham before they knew him he was brought back to Whitehall where having his Choice given him to stay in England or go beyond Sea he rather chose by a voluntary departure to abdicate the Realm To which he was advis'd by his Council that assur'd him The Distractions of the Kingdom would make way for his Return in a little time Which God forbid And thus to the surprize of all men came to pass a Revolution so Sudden so Great and Unexpected that History cannot parallel It seem'd a Labyrinth of Providence to which the Belov'd of Heaven WILLIAM HENRY only had the Clue while Prudence and Fortitude were the Ariadnes that gave him their Assistance to subdue the Minotaur that devoured our Religion and Liberties Two conspicuous Examples at once of Heaven's Indignation and the Almighty's Favour the one pursuing to his downfal an Apostate from God and an Oppressor of his People and exposing him among unbelieving Bog-trotters upon the lingring death-bed of his gasping Glory the fetter'd Vassal of his once fawning Confederate The other prospering with Miracles of Success the Generous Redeemer of the True Reformed Religion from the devouring Jaws of that double-headed Monster Popery and Slavery By whose Auspicious Conduct two late languishing Kingdoms groaning under the heavy weight of Misery and Tyranny enjoy a Jubilee of Peace and Tranquility and freed from the daily fears of Massacre and Destruction in the fair way to recover their Pristin Glory have now no more to do but to repay their Praises to Heaven and their due Acknowledgments to Them that have approv'd themselves the truly Indulging Father and Mother of their Country A Prince the Wonder of His Age a Princess the Miracle of Her Sex in whom all Virtues as in their proper Center meet rendring the Nation happy in Two in One as the whole World is blest in Three in One and upon whom next under Heaven depend the hopes of all that cordially desire the Welfare and Prosperity of Christendom FINIS