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A58387 Reflections upon the opinions of some modern divines conerning the nature of government in general, and that of England in particular with an appendix relating to this matter, containing I. the seventy fifth canon of the Council of Toledo II. the original articles in Latin, out of which the Magna charta of King John was framed III. the true Magna charta of King John in French ... / all three Englished. Allix, Pierre, 1641-1717.; Catholic Church. Council of Toledo (4th : 633). Canones. Number 75. English & Latin. 1689 (1689) Wing R733; ESTC R8280 117,111 184

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Reflections upon the Opinions OF Some Modern Divines CONCERNING The Nature of Government Licens'd June 29. 1689. J. FRASER THE CONTENTS CHAP. I. COncerning the Original of Sovereign Power Page 1 CHAP. II. The different Opinions of Philosophers and Divines concerning this matter Page 7 CHAP. III. That Sovereigns do not receive their Power immediately from God Page 10 CHAP. IV. An Examination of the Arguments which are alledged for the Proof of this Opinion Page 13 CHAP. V. Whether the Power of Sovereigns be absolute and unlimited Page 19 CHAP. V. Concerning the Extent of the Power of Sovereigns Page 24 CHAP. VI. Concerning Non-resistance Page 28 CHAP. VII That the Scripture doth not assert the point of Non-resistance Page 31 CHAP. VIII Whether the States can deprive Sovereigns of their Authority when they abuse it Page 34 CHAP. IX Concerning Regal Dignity and the Rights belonging to it among the Jews Page 38 CHAP. X. Concerning the Royal Law in favour of the Roman Emperors Page 50 CHAP. XI That the States of the West and of the North never knew this Royal Law Page 56 CHAP. XII That the Power of the Emperors of the West is a limited Power Page 63 CHAP. XIII That the Power of the Kings of Poland is limited Page 66 CHAP. XIV That the Monarchy of France is not an absolute Empire but a limited Royalty Page 68 CHAP. XV. That the Royalty of England never had any other form than the rest of the Northern and Western States Page 79 CHAP. XVI An Answer to some Difficulties moved against this Truth Page 85 CHAP. XVII An Answer to the last Objection Page 91 CHAP. XVIII A Reflection on some Remarks made out in this Treatise Page 97 APPENDIX CONCILII TOLETANI IV. Canon LXXV Pag. 103 The 75. Canon of the Fourth Council of Toledo ibid. Capitula super quibus facta est Magna Charta Regis Johannis ex MS. Arch. Cantuar. Fol. 14. Quae etiam authenticè cum Sigillo extant in manibus Episc Salisburiensis 113 Diploma Regium sive Ordinationes JOHANNIS Regis Angliae queis statuit quid Nobiles quid Plebeii observare debeant ad pacem tranquillitatem Regni stabiliendam 121 THE PREFACE 'T IS a strange and almost incomprehensible thing that at this time there should be found so many discontented Persons among us when but a little while since the whole Body of Protestants appeared so unanimous viz. at the beginning of the miraculous Revolution Though it hath already retrieved the State from Ruine and will without doubt prove its Happiness it might easily be guess'd that those who had contributed to the overthrow of the Laws apprehending the Reward they had so justly deserved would make up a Body of Malecontents and that their Numbers would be considerable 'T is notorious also that in all times those who think they are not considered or treated according to the Justice of their Merit are ready to murmur against the Government and the Ambition that possesses them renders them every where a Race of discontented Persons But whatever difference of Principles there might be among Protestants the fear of their common danger having reunited them and made their Interests the same with those of the State and Religion which they saw equally expos'd to inevitable Ruine there seem'd but small ground to apprehend that as soon as the Fright was over there should still be found a Generation of Men whom their old Animosities and habitual Prejudices would engage in disaffection and murmuring against the Government And yet it is but too true that scarce did the State and Religion begin to breath again but immediately there appeared a Party who made it appear by their snarling that what fill'd the generality of Men with Joy and made them give Thanks to God afforded them very small Satisfaction I pretend not to tax the whole Body of the English Church It is well enough known that as their Settlement was furiously struck at by Popery triumphant and observing no kind of measures her principal Members as well as the generality of those that resort under her have and still do witness their Zeal for the Government which God has been pleased to establish among us I speak only of some certain Members of this Church whom the Court has long employed in overthrowing by their Maxims the Foundations of the Publick Liberty in order to a sure Establishment of Popery Those Disciples of L'Estrange the Pensioner and Drudge of a Popish Court no sooner perceived that what was like to happen upon James the Second's Desertion would extremely expose them as Men that had betrayed the Interests of their Religion and the Government by Maxims which they had maintained with so much boldness every where began to publisb their discontent and still endeavour to inspire the same into the People as founded upon pure Tenderness of Conscience It cannot be denied but that hitherto the Government has shewed an extraordinary lenity in reducing them to Reason whom Danger seemed to have made wiser The method and careful management which has been made use of to obviate whatsoever might afford them the least Jealousie or give them the least trouble is an evident Mark hereof But in fine since they continue in their Mistakes notwithstanding all this care and tenderness and that nothing will satisfie them what can be more prudently undertaken than to prevent the pernicious Effects which their Example and the Maxims wherewith they are leavened might produce in the minds of the People We have thi● Satisfaction already that the Publick is well aware they know not themselves what they would be at for how free soever they may be to disperse their Murmurs and Disaffection yet probably there is scarce one among them that would have James II. recalled neither indeed would it be so difficult a thing for them to find him out in case their Consciences link'd them so closely to him as they would make us believe But we may have also another satisfaction in this Point which is That in examining their Maxims in good earnest we may make it appear That they know not themselves what they affirm and that the Opinions they have so long maintained concerning the Nature of Government in general and that of England in particular are properly and truly a Heresie in Matters of State. Let no Man wonder that I call this Opinion of some of the Clergy of England a Political or State-Heresie Their Opinions respect a Political Question truly such but these Gentlemen have been pleased to mould it into an Article of Faith forsooth of the Church of England and their aim was to make that pass for an Article of the Law which indeed was no better than a dangerous Error in Policy And truly all the Characters of Heresie so fitly suit these their Sentiments that it is a hard thing to resist the Temptation of giving them that Title These Assertions are a perfect Novelty in Policy as well as Divinity Some late
otherwise than by Patience when they are convinced in Conscience of the Injustice of the Laws and Commands enjoyned 'T is an easie matter to overthrow the First of these Suppositions First I would fain know who has given these Gentlemen the Power of determining as they do what is Essential to Sovereignty Do they derive these their Notions from Revelation or from Reason which is common to all Men If they say they derive the definition they give us of Sovereignty from Revelation they will do well to point us to the places of Scripture where this Notion is set down If they draw it from Reason then I cannot but wonder that so many Statesmen and Writers of Civil Matters have fail'd of stumbling on the same Notion and it seems to me an inextricable thing that so many Nations should agree to reject what they approve and to approve what they reject To say here That they draw this definition from the Idea of Sovereignty which loseth its nature when divested of these Characters shews they are willing either to abuse themselves or others by a pitiful Equivocation The word Sovereign imports a relation to Inferiors and as the relation has a certain foundation so it is likewise evident that it hath its bounds set proportionable to its foundation Where there is no Authority neither is there any foundation for Obedience Now there is no Authority but in proportion to the Laws which establish the Authority wherefore it incontestably follows There can be no Authority where the Law is so far from allowing any that it opposes it It will never cease to be true That the Authority is Sovereign though it be not so in all respects The Consuls of Rome were Sovereign Magistrates though the People had Power to oppose themselves against their Authority when they abused the Power they were intrusted with for the good of the Commonwealth In France they give their Parliaments the Name of Sovereign Courts though their Sentence be not always irrevocable The Second Supposition is only founded upon this Notion That Conquerors having invaded the Liberty and Privileges of the People were afterwards so kind to restore some part thereof to them again by their Concessions but that these Acts of Grace do not at all divest them of the Right of Acting whenever it shall please them as if their Power was altogether Unlimited and Arbitrary This Notion is much the same with that of the Partisans of the Court of Rome who maintain That the Liberties of the Gallican Church are only Acts of Grace and Favour granted to that Church whereas the French pretend That they are common Rights and Franchises which their Ancestors have constantly maintained according to what P. Pithou declares concerning them But indeed to speak truly this Supposition cannot be admitted with respect to conquered States at least for the most part Ordinarily a Conquest is made upon the Power that governs the State so that the State only changes its Master the fundamental Laws of the Land receiving no Alteration from this Change. Of this we have an Instance in England when King William conquered it who at his Coronation sware to keep the Laws of St. Edward and his Successors were fain to swear the same Now one of these Laws c. 15. T. 1. Spelm. p. 622. imports That a Prince that abuseth the Power he is intrusted with does lose the Title of King From whence it follows That his Subjects need not own or obey him and that consequently it is lawful to resist him To maintain That a King whose Power is limited by the fundamental Laws of a State and which he is invested with upon that condition when at his Coronation he swears to the People is indeed obliged to keep the said Oath for fear of God but that he is not at all engaged by this his Oath to the People is rather a piece of Raillery than Reasoning What Does not the Oath the People swear to the King oblige them in Allegiance to him and how can we then suppose that the reciprocal Oath of the King should not as well oblige him to his People Surely if we well weigh the case 't is impossible but we must discern a palpable falsity in this Opinion of Passive Obedience in the way these Gentlemen propose it First They grant a Right unto Sovereignty which is diametrically opposite to the end of Sovereignty according to the Divine Destination For the good of the Society and its Subsistence was God's End in insticuting of the Sovereign Power whereas by their Hypothesis the Sovereignty may become an instrument of the utter ruin of the Society whensoever it shall please the Sovereign his Subjects in the mean time having no means to attain the said End or being in any condition to hinder their being deprived of it Secondly They suppose That God in allowing a lawful Right to Sovereigns has subjected the People to a necessity of groaning under an Illegal Right and which God has never bestowed upon them and for the Usurpation of which he will condemn those who do arrogate the same to themselves which is much to the same purpose as if I should say That because God has established Judges he has thereby obliged the People to suffer Robbery when the Judges shall think fit to turn Robbers Thirdly They make the condition of a Civil Society more unhappy than was the condition of Families in the state of Nature before Societies were formed For the liberty of defending one's self is permitted to every one by Nature but after the Society is once formed it would follow That the whole Society would be obliged by a Principle of Conscience to suffer their Throats to be cut by a Prince of the humour of a Nero or a Caligula Fourthly They turn to meer Chymera's and Visions whatsoever the wisdom of Men have been able to find out to make States happy by securing them against Tyranny I speak of Laws and Oaths the Laws are the bands and cement of the Society and the foundation as well as the measure of the Obedience we owe to Princes The Oaths are the Seal of the Contract by which the Subjects are obliged to obey them upon condition that they govern according to Law. But all this is to no purpose and is of no use to the People as soon as the Tyrant thinks fit to overturn the Laws and to m●ke a Scoff at his Oaths Forasmuch as the Third Supposition viz. That the Scripture maintains Non-resistance with regard to Sovereigns whether they act according to or against Law is of greater importance it will be convenient to examine the same more heedfully and the rather because Men of Abilities and Learning have endeavoured strongly to assert it and to make it pass current with others and that with all their might CHAP. VII That the Scripture doth not assert the point of Non-resistance FOrasmuch as the Doctrine of Non-resistance directly thwarts a natural Principle to wit that of our
Truth We need only to lay open the nature and antient Power of the States General with the manner of their Behaviour towards those Kings who abused the Power committed to them to make it evident that the French Monarchy is limited in its Constitution Under the first and second Race of the Kings of France there was no mention of any Assembly of the States General but only of the Franks that is to say the Nobles and Prelats who were used to meet together on the first of May in the open Field where they deliberated with the King concerning matters of Peace and War and took Resolutions of what was to be done all the Year after After the breaking up of this Assembly the Court of the Royal Palace otherwise called the Court of France composed of the Prelats and Great Barons that is to say the immediate Vassals of the Crown met together five or six times a Year to take care of the Execution of what had been resolv'd upon in the General Assembly to deliberate about publick Affairs that offer'd themselves and to determine as Judges the most important matters of private Persons Under the declination of the 2d Race the Governours of Cities and Provinces having made themselves Hereditary Lords of the places of their respective Governments under the Title of Counties and Dutchies cut themselves large Portions out of the Soveraign's Lands by which means the Court of France was no more frequented by the Lords except only when they were obliged to do Hommage and take the Oath of Fidelity or when an Enemy invaded France for then they presented themselves before the King to advise about the present necessity This Disorder continued until the Reign of Philip Augustus who having conquer'd Normandy and the Counties of Tourain Anjou Maine from John without Land King of England and the Country of Vermandois from the Earl of Flanders restored in some manner the Royal Authority and forced the Barons to frequent his Court and to be present at the Assemblies he called for the Affairs and Necessities of State. Nevertheless those Assemblies consisted only of the Prelats and Barons and this till the Reign of King John some Authors say of St. Lewis who being taken at the Battle of Poictiers and carried to England they were forc'd to raise a great Sum of Money for his Ransom and to this End they appli'd themselves to the Merchants and other Inhabitants of Cities who were then the richest Men of the Kingdom who agreed to pay the King's Ransom upon condition that they might be received into the Charges and Offices as well of Peace as of War and be allowed to have a Place and deliberative Voice in the States-General which was accordingly granted to them The Power and Prerogative of the States-General was such that the Kings of France could not make any new Levies of Mony without them Which continued so till the Reign of Charles VII as is acknowledged by Philip de Commines Lib. 6 c. 7. Neither could they make any new Ordinances nor repeal or suppress the old without the consent of the said States as is owned by Davila lib. 2 de li Guerri Civili Under the First and second Race of the French Kings the Ordinances were likewise made in the Assembly of the Prelats and Barons which constituted the Soveraign Court of France 't was there the Treaties of Peace were made between the Kings of France and Foreign Princes and Nations the Portions of the Children of France were there regulated there they treated of their Marriages and generally of all that concern'd the Affairs of State of the King's Houshold and the Children of France The Ordinances that were made in the said Assemblies in the Name of the Kings of France were conceived in these Terms Nos de consilio consensu Procerum nostrorum statuimus c. We with the Advice and Consent of our Lords do ordain And from hence is derived the Custome observed at this Day of verifying the Royal Edicts in the Parliament of Paris which in some sort represents the Assembly of the Prelats and Barons who composed as we have said the Soveraign Court of France In the Treasury of the French Kings at Chartres are found several Treaties between King Philip Augustus and Richard and John without Land Kings of England at the bottom of which are the Seals of the Prelats and Barons by whose Consent and Approbation the said Treaties had been made And Pope Innocent VI having sent to entreat St. Lewis that he would be pleas'd to permit him to retire into France to secure himself from the attempts of Frederick II. the said King answered the Popes Nuncio that he would communicate the Matter to his Parliament without whose Consent the Kings of France could do nothing of Importance This is related by Matthew Paris in the Life of Henry the III. King of England ad Annum 1244. We find also the manner how the States determined all Affairs respecting the Crown and Succession as for Example the Process which was between Philip de Valois and King Edward In this Assembly of the States saith the Chancellor de l' Hospital was Tried and Debated the most Noble Cause that ever was viz. To whom the Crown of France did belong after the Death of Charles the Fair to Philip of Valois his Cousin or to Edward King of England King Philip not presiding in that Assembly because he was not yet King and besides was a Party It appears clearly from the Power of the States General That the Power of the King of France is bounded by Law indeed this is a Truth whereof we cannot make the least doubt forasmuch as we find it acknowledged by Lewis XI the most unbridled Monarch that ever was See what he writes in the Rosary of War composed by him a little before his Death for the use of Charles VIII his Son. When Kings or Princes saith he have no respect to the Law they take from the People what they ought to leave them possest of and do not give them what they ought to have and in so doing they make their People Slaves and thereby lose the name of a King. For no body can be called a King but he that rules and has Dominion over Free-men This thing was so notorious even to Strangers themselves that Machiavel maintained that the Stability of the Monarchy of France was owing to this because the Kings there were obliged to a great number of Laws which proved the Security and Safe-guard of all their Subjects Lib. 1 di Discorsi c. 16. Messire Claudius de Seissel in his Treatise of the French Monarchy part 2. chap. 12. dedicated to Francis I. maintains upon this account That the Monarchy of France does partake of Aristocrasy which makes it both more perfect and durable Yea he asserts that it was also in part Democratical and expresly maintains that an absolute Monarchy is no other than true Tyranny when it is made use of
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Kings or Emperors believing that the Name of Kings left them in some dependence upon the Empire of the East this obliged the Emperors of the West to take upon them the Title of Emperor to intimate their independency upon the Princes of the East Which Title the Emperors of the West having afterwards made use of as a pretence to raise themselves above the rest of the Princes of Europe the Western Kings did the same which the Emperors of the West had done before to assert their Independency For not only the Kings of England but some other Western Kings have taken upon them the Title of Emperors Alphonsus VI King of Spain took upon him this Title by a Concession from Pope Vrban II because he had suppressed the Mosorabick-Office Alphonsus VII and VIII assum'd the same Titles and Alphonsus VIII was Crowned in that quality by Raymond Arch-Bishop of Toledo in the Church of Lions with the consent of Pope Innocent II as is reported by Garibay lib. 8. hist cap. 4. We find that Peter de Clugny writes to this Alphonsus as Emperor of Spain Epist 8. And long time before these Princes it is certain that the Kings of the Goths since Richaredus had taken to themselves the Title of Flavians in imitation of the Roman Emperors as may be seen in the Councils of Toledo Yet Philip II having demanded this Title in 1564 of Pope Pius IV it was refused him The Kings of Lombardy had assum'd the Title of Flavians even since Autlaric according to the Account given us by Paul Diacon lib. 3. cap. 8 which they did to shew that they were Emperors in their own Lands and Territories and that they acknowledged no Soveraign or Superior And it seems that in Process of Time some Western Kings affected that Title for the same reason and were the rather perswaded so to do because some Canonists and Lawyers have impudently maintained That the Kings of Spain France and England were Subjects of the Emperors of the West Glossa in cap. Venerabil de Elect. in verbo transtulit in caput Venerabil qui filii sint legitimi Bartolus in caput hostes ff de captivis Alciat lib. 2 disjunct c. 22. Baldus in cap. 1 de Pace juramento fervando in usibus Feudorum Tho he contradict himself by asserting elsewhere That the King of France is not subject to the Emperor And thus much for the first Illusion some make use of to perswade us that the Kings of England possess the same Rights as the Emperors A second which seems to have some more Ground is this They say that as the Emperors that were after Vespasian had the Right to divide the Empire and to settle it by their Wills on their Heirs the Kings of England having done the like it appears thereby they were in Possession of the same Right the Emperors had to this purpose they alledge the last Will of William the Conqueror in favor of his Son William Rufus But nothing can be more vain than this Objection 1. We cannot deny but that the Election of Kings took Place during the Reign of the Saxons not that they did it with that Freeness as to prefer the Uncle before his Nephew that was under Age ' tho the Kings Son and the youngest Brother before the Eldest 2ly It is true that William the Conqueror did act in an extraordinary manner in disposing of his Kingdom in Favor of William Rufus in the same way as one disposeth of a Conquest and this in prejudice to Robert his Eldest Son as was also done by William Rufus But these two Princes dying without Heirs Henry who had Married the Daughter of King Alexander of Scotland who had the Rights of the Saxon Kings and who in Consideration of that Marriage renounced the Rights he might pretend to England as heir Presumptive of the Saxon Kings having obtain'd the Government by the Right of his Wife the Laws recovered their Strength and Things returned to their antient Channel as they were in the time of the Saxons So that it appears that it is Folly for any one to imagine that the Kings of England may alienate their Estates as a private Person can alienate his Inheritance This was evident in the case of King John who was opposed by the whole State for pretending to subject the Crown of England to Pope Innocent III. And indeed if we consider the Thing in it self and according to the unanimous Opinion of all Lawyers these last Wills can really be of no Force without the consent of the States to authorize them as we find that the same did intervene in both the fore-mentioned Cases The reason whereof is invincible forasmuch as all States do not consider their Kings as Proprietors of their Kingdoms but only as publick Ministers who are intrusted with a Jurisdiction and Administration for the Good of the publick And this is the Title by which even Conquerors themselves are at last obliged to hold their Authority They tell us in the 3d place that the Kings of England entitling themselves Kings by the Grace of God it appears that their Power being come from God cannot be limited by their Subjects over whom God has set them A wonderful way of arguing and never known till these our Times at least it is evident that he who has defended Nicholas de Lyra against Burgensis hath made a very different use of these words Dei Gratia by the Grace of God wherewith the Kings of the North prefac● their Titles from what some now a days make of it For he maintains that it is the Character of a limited and temper'd Government see how he expresseth himself upon the 8. ch of the 1 Book of Kings Titulus Imperatoris modo regendi vitiato that is to say illimitato as he expresses himself before contradicit nam titulus ejus est N. Dei gratia Romanorum Rex semper Augustus hoc est Reipublicae non privatae accommodus Ita aliorum Regum Protestationes sunt sub Dei gratia quae vitiatum Principatum non admittit The very Title of the Emperor saith he is a Contradiction to an Arbitrary and Unlimited kind of Government for his Title is N. by the Grace of God King of the Romans always Augustus that is enlarger of the Empire which implies that his Government is accommodate to the Common good and not his Private Interest So likewise we find that the Protestations of other Kings are under Dei Gratia the Grace of God which doth not admit of Arbitrary Government There remain but two difficulties more the first is this Several Members of the Church of England having perswaded the People that a necessity was laid upon them to suffer all from the Hands of their Kings The Kings of England have accordingly usurped those Rights and were actually in possession of them when the same began to oppose themselves to King James this is that they call a right of Prescription They consider the
shall be present or before Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury if he can be there and those that he shall call to him and if he cannot be present Matters shall proceed notwithstanding without him so always that if one or more of the said Five and twenty Barons be concern'd in any such Complaint they shall not give Judgement thereupon but others chosen and sworn shall be put in their room to act in their stead by the residue of the said Five and twenty Barons If we have disseiz'd or esloin'd any Welshmen of Land Franchises or of other things without lawful judgment of their Peers in England or in Wales they shall forthwith be restored unto them and if Suits arise thereupon right shall be done them in the Marches by the Judgment of their Peers of English Tenements according to the Law of England and of Tenements in Wales according to the Law of Wales and Tenements in the Marches according to the Law of the Marches And in like manner shall the Welsh do to us and our Subjects As for all such things whereof any Welshmen have been disseiz'd or esloyn'd without Lawful Judgment of their Peers by King Henry our Father or by King Richard our Brother which we have in our hands or which any others have to whom we are bound to warrant the same we will have respit till the common Term be expir'd of all that crost themselves for the Holy Land those things excepted whereupon Suits were Commenced or Enquests taken by our Order before we took upon us the Cross and when we shall return from our Pilgrimage or if peradventure we forbear going we will presently cause full Right to be done therein according to the Laws of Wales and before the said Parties We will forthwith restore the Son of Lewellyn and all the Hostages of Wales and the Deeds that have been delivered to us for security of the Peace We will deal with Alexander King of Scotland as to the restoring him his Suitors and his Hostages his Franchises and Rights as we do with our other Barons of England unless it ought to be otherwise by vertue of the Charters which we have of his Father William late King of Scotland and this to be by the Judgment of his Peers in our Court. All these Customs and Franchises aforesaid which we have granted to be kept in our Kingdom so far forth as we are concerned towards our Men all Persons of the Kingdom Clerks and Lay must observe for their Parts towards their Men. And whereas we have granted all these things for God's sake and for the amendment of our Government and for the better compremising the discord arisen betwixt us and our Barons We willing that the same be firmly held and established for ever do make and grant to our Barons the scurity underwritten to wit That the Barons shall chuse Five and twenty Barons of the Realm whom they List who shall to their utmost Power keep and hold and cause to be kept the Peace and the Liberties which we have Granted and Confirmed by this our present Charter insomuch that if we or our Justice or our Bayliff or any of our Ministers act contrary to the same in any thing against any Persons or offend against any Article of this Peace and Security and such our Miscarriage be shown to four Barons of the said Five and twenty those four Barons shall come to us or to our Justice if we be out of the Realm and show us our Miscarriage and require us to amend the same without delay and if we do not amend it or if we be out of the Realm our Justice do not amend it within Forty days after the same is shown to us or to our Justice if we be out of the Realm then the said Four Barons shall report the same to the residue of the said Five and twenty Barons and then those Five and twenty Barons with the Commonalty of all England may distress us by all the ways they can to wit by seizing on our Castles Lands and Possessions and by what other means they can till it be amended as they shall adjudge saving our own Person the Person of our Queen and the Persons of our children and when it is amended they shall be subject to us as before And whoever of the Realm will may swear that for the Performance of these things he will obey the Commands of the said Five and twenty Barons and that together with them he will distress us to his Power And we give Publick and free leave to swear to all that will swear and will never hinder any one And for all Persons of the Realm that of their own accord will swear to the said Five and twenty Barons to distress us we will issue our Precept Commanding them to swear as aforesaid And if any of the said Five and twenty Barons die or go out of the Realm or be any way hindred from acting as aforesaid the residue of the said Five and twenty Barons shall chuse another in his room according to their discretion who shall swear as the others do And as to all things which the said Five and twenty Barons are to do if peradventure they be not all present or cannot agree or in case any of those that are Summon'd cannot or will not come whatever shall be determined by the greater number of them that are present shall be good and valid as if all had been present And the said five and twenty Barons shall swear that they will faithfully observe all the matters aforesaid and cause them to be observed to their power And we will not obtain of any one for our selves or for any other any thing whereby any of these Concessions or of these Liberties may be revoked or annihilated and if any such thing be obtained it shall be null and void nor shall ever be made use of by our selves or any other And all ill will disdain and rancour which has been betwixt Us and our Subjects of the Clergy and Laity since the said discord began we do fully release and pardon to them all And moreover all Trespasses that have been committed by occasion of the said discord since Easter in the sixteenth year of our Reign to the restoring of the Peace we have fully released to all Clerks and Lay-men and so far as in us lies we have fully pardoned them And further we have caused Letters Patents to be made to them in testimony hereof witnessed by Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury Henry Archbishop of Dublin and by the aforesaid Bishops and by Mr. Pandulphus upon this Security and these Concessions Whereby we will and strictly Command that the Church of England be free and enjoy all the said Liberties and Rights and Grants well and in Peace freely and quietly fully and entirely to them and their Heirs in all things in all places and for ever as aforesaid And we and our Barons have sworn that all things above written shall be kept on our parts in good Faith without ill design The Witnesses are the Persons above-named and many others This Charter was given at the Meadow called Running-Mead betwixt Windsor and Stanes the 15th day of June in the Seventeenth Year of our Reign JOHN by the Grace of God King of England to the Sheriff of Hampshire and to the Twelve that are chosen in that County to enquire of and put away the evil customs of Sheriffs and of their Ministers of Forests and Foresters of Warrens and Warrenners of Rivers and of guarding them Greeting We command you that without delay you seize into our Hand the Lands and Tenements and the Goods of all those of the County of Southampton that will not swear to the said Five and twenty Barons according to the form exprest in our Charter of Liberties or to such as they shall have thereunto appointed and if they will not swear presently at the end of Fifteen days after their Lands and Tenements and Chattels are seized into our Hands that ye sell all their Goods and keep safely the Money that ye shall receive for the same to be employed for the Relief of the Holy Land of Jerusalem and that ye● keep their Lands and Tenements in our Hands till they have sworn or that Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury and the Barons of our Kingdom have given Judgment thereupon In witness whereof we direct unto you these our Letters Patents Witness our Self At Odibaam the Seven and twentieth Day of June in the Seventeenth Year of our Reign FINIS Books lately Printed for Richard Chiswell THE Case of Allegiance in our present Circumstances considered in a Letter from a Minister in the City to a Minister in the Country 4o. A Breviate of the State of Scotland in its Government Supreme Courts Officers of State Inferiour Officers Offices and Inferiour Courts Districts Jurisdictions Burroughs Royal and Free Corporations Fol. Some Considerations touching Succession and Allegiance 4o. Reflections upon the late Great Revolution Written by a Lay-hand in the Country for the satisfaction of some Neighbours The History of the Desertion or an Account of all the Publick Affairs in England from the beginning of September 1688. to the Twelfth of February following With an Answer to a Piece called The Desertion discussed in a Letter to a Country Gentleman By a Person of Quality K. William and K. Lewis wherein is set forth the inevitable necessity these Nations lie under of submitting wholly to one or other of these Kings And that the matter in Controversie is not now between K. William and K. James but between K. William and K. Lewis of France for the Government of these Nations An Examination of the Scruples of those who refuse to take the Oath of Allegiance by a Divine of the Church of England A Dialogue betwixt two Friends a Jacobite and a Williamite occasioned by the late Revolution of Affairs and the Oath of Allegiance The Case of Oaths stated 4o. A Letter from a French Lawyer to an English Gentleman upon the Present Revolution 4o. The Advantages of the Present Settlement and the great danger of a Relapse The Interest of England in the Preservation of Ireland
the same Limitations of the Regal Power in Denmark as Pontanus observes in his 8th Book and it was for endeavouring to break through these Bounds that Christiern the II. was deposed as may be seen in Petersen in Chron. Holsat Where he hath set down the Acts and Reasons of the State of Denmark about that Proceeding That the Power of the Kings of Hungary was a Power limited by the Fundamental Laws of the State is a Matter so notorious that Chalcondilas has made it his Observation in the second Book of his History where he compares the Royalty of Hungary in that respect to the Kingly Power in England And which may be farther made out by the Fundamental Laws of Hungary set down by Bonfinius Decad. 4. lib. 9. Where we also find the Oath taken by those Kings at their Coronation being the most expresly conditional that can be imagined Chalcondile saith the same Thing of the Kingdoms of Arragon and Navarre Lib. 5. where he observes that the Kings did not create the Magistrates that they could not make any Garrison without the Consent of the People and that they could not require any thing of them contrary to their Customs that is to say contrary to their Laws Accordingly we find that the Kings of Spain have no Power to lay any new Impositions upon their Subjects without their consent They are obliged to swear they will observe the Laws And in Arragon the People declare to the King at his Coronation that if they do not perform their Oath and Promise their Subjects are thereby set free from their Oath of Allegiance We find the same Thing in the History of the Kingdom of Portugal but especially in that part of it which gives an Account of the Reign of Alphonsus III. The Fundamental Laws of which Kingdom we find in the 17th Title of the Ordinances of Portugal Lib. 2. § 2 3. seq So true is it that all those Kingdoms never in the least supposed that their King had an Absolute Power over them And it is as certain that almost all those States have always maintained That the Power of their Soveraigns was so limited 1. That they could make no Laws without the States General of the Kingdom 2. That they could not levy any Mony on their Subjects without their Consents 3. That they could not break the Laws according to their Will and Pleasure 4. That in case of their violating the Fundamental Laws of the State they were liable to be deprived of a Power which they abused 5. That the States were free to chuse such a Form of Government and such a Person for to govern them as they thought most expedient for them This is that which I intend to prove more particularly by Examples taken from the Empire and the Kingdoms of Poland France Scotland and England to which I shall add some Remarks upon those Titles which deceive some who consider Things of this Nature with too little attention CHAP. XII That the Power of the Emperors of the West is a Limited Power THis is a Matter that may be easily gathered from these following Instances 1. Because Charles the Great who was the first that took upon him the Title of Roman Emperor reigned according to the Customs of the Princes of Germany of whose Opinion concerning an Absolute and Despotical Government Tacitus has given us some Account who represents them as having the greatest abhorrence for it 2. Because Lewis the Good did himself acknowledg that the Soveraign Power was shared between him and the chief Members of the Empire Capitular Lib. 2. Tit. 3. Sed quanquam summa hujus ministerii in nostra persona consistere videatur tamen Divinâ Authoritate humanâ ordinatione ita per partes divisum esse cognoscitur ut unusquisque vestrûm in suo loco ordine partem nostri Ministerii habere cognoscatur But though the whole of this Ministry seem to consist in our Person yet it is known to be so shared and divided as well by Divine Authority as Humane Ordination that every one of you in his respective Place and Order is known to partake of this Ministry Thus was he pleased to express himself in the Assembly of the States General whose Authority he owned to be as much of Divine Right as his own which made Charles du Moulin the most famous of all French Lawyers say Ergo solum Caput non omnia potest imo persona Principis non est Caput nisi Organicum sed verum Caput est Principatus ipse cum membris integrantibus eum Wherefore the Head alone cannot do all yea the Person of the Prince is only the Organical Head but the true Head is the Principality it self with its integral constituting Members Which are his express words in his Commentaries upon the Stile of Parliament dedicated to the first President of Paris and printed with Priviledg 3. Because though the Western Empire did seem to be so Hereditary that the Emperors had divided it amongst their Children yet in process of time it became Elective which began to take place in the Eleventh Century in the Person of Rudolphus 4. In that they always excluded Females from the Succession to the Empire though they had respect in their choice to the Imperial Blood. With respect to the Rights of Soveraignty we find that tho the Empire be a Monarchical Government yet we see it is mixed with Aristocracy for the Emperor cannot enjoy it but with the Consent of the States of the Empire without making himself liable to be contradicted and deposed also He has not the Right of making Laws without the Consent and Authority of the States of the Empire He has no right to declare War without the foregoing consent of the States He has no right of levying any Imposition on the States without the Consent of the Diets Whenever he begins to usurp the Rights that do not belong unto him and to infringe the Rules of Government he has sworn to observe the States have a Right to oppose his Enterprizes to repel Force with Force and finally to deprive him of the Empire in case he continue in the Design of changing the Form of Government For though there be no Laws which bound and regulate the Article of the Deposing of Emperors when they abuse their Power for the overturning of the State or for invading the Rights of the Princes of the Empire and Imperial Cities yet the Germans have always held and still do hold it for a certain Truth that it is a Right inherent in the Empire to deprive an Emperor of the Imperial Power and Dignity and to confer the same on another This is the common Opinion of the German Lawyers represented to us by Lampadius Arnizaeus Diderick Conringe and many others And indeed we may say that there is nothing more certain if we consider the Examples of Emperors that have been deposed since these 7 or 800 Years Examples that are neither rare