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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A51449 The most Christian Turk: or, a view of the life and bloody reign of Lewis XIV. present King of France Containing an account of his monstrous birth, the transactions that happened during his minority under Cardinal Mazarine; afterwards his own unjust enterprizes in war and peace, as breach of leagues, oaths, &c. the blasphemous titles given him, his love-intrigues, his confederacy with the Turk to invade Christendom, the cruel persecution of his Protestant subjects, his conniving with pirates, his unjustly invading the empire, &c. laying all waste before him with fire and sword, his quarrels with the Pope and Genoieze, his treachery against England, Scotland, and Ireland, the engagements of the confederate princes against him; with all the battles, sieges, and sea fights, that have happened of consequence to this time. 1690 (1690) Wing M2870A; ESTC R216384 73,891 189

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their God After a long Caressing of this Mistress by whom he had some Children and is said in a great Immergency to play the Man-Midwife to one of them himself and Entertaining her with all the Glory and Gallantry of his Kingdom he grew weary of those Beauties-himself had sullied and searched for those that were fresher Whereupon he cast his Eyes upon Madam Montespan who charmed his Affections a very considerable time which so vexed the former to see her self outed that she went into a Nunnery and there turned Penitent leaving the King to take his full swinge with Montespan who made her Advantage by preferring all her Kindred to places of Honour and Trust Her Brother who would otherways have never deserved it was made Duke and Peer General of the Galleys and a Mareschal of France These Qualifications rendered him of the greatest Quality for a Subject in the Kingdom which caused a pretty Retort when one was comparing this Vivone with Feillade viz. that the last was made Mareschal by the Sword and the first by the Scabbard Yet many were of Opinion that the Kings passion was not so great for Montespan as he pretended for if fame be true one Madam Du Lude a Nun of Lorrain came in with her for a share though privately to save the Credit of that Order which occasioned these following Verses La Valliere of common Race Montespan of Noble was And Du Lude a pious Nun All for Mistresses are Known If you 'd know the Reason why These three his Favourites he creates Our great Prince has a mind to try To Vnite the three Estates But his mind continued wavering for not long after Montespan was laid aside and Madamosel de Fontagne was taken into Favour but she lived not long afterward as being supposed to have received a Dose from her she had rivalled and the Prince of Marsilack who brought her to the King was for finding the Game so well made Chief Huntsman of France To her succeeded Madam de Maintenon who joining with Montespan as a Testimony of their Repentance built the Abby of St. Cry by some called the Seraglio to train up young Women Which occasioned this Epigram Two of fair Venus's Votaries Their Souls with holy Zeal inflam'd Have founded two new Nunneries With the Revenues by their Pleasure gain'd But without Miracle they seem To be in a pitious taking Since that that founded and supporteth them Is now in a continual shaking But to cut off this Digression if it may properly be so termed as to what is consistent to History of this Nature we find that Lewis XIV was not satisfied with having Dunkirk delivered to him but dreading the Growing Greatness of his Protestant Neighbours viz. England and the Vnited Provinces by some extraordinary Contrivance they were set together by the Ears and engaged in an Unhappy War occasioning much bloodshed on either Part whilst France was a looker on But when that Court perceived the Dutch inclined to a Peace as being wearied with an Expensive and hazardous War then and not till then the French put in to assist the States to keep the flame still blazing that so the two most powerful Nations at Sea under Heaven might weaken each other and thereby lay themselves more open and exposed to the Projects of France which has but too apparently been manifested For although in the Year 1666. the French Fleet was abroad yet it was only in a bravado for we could never learn from any hand That that Fleet though the Ships carried many terrible Names as Tempest Lightning Thunder c. effected any thing but rather stood as a looker on whilst the English and Dutch battered each other though at the same time they might have come up the Wind being favourable Nor were the English better served when they were on their part as will hereafter appear So that if there was not as let those believe who are very credulous if they please a design in it for the weakning the Protestant Interest at least we may conclude That this produced nothing as to the Reputation of making War for the Glory of the Arms of Lewis XIV However after several Fights and much Blood-shed though little or none of the French in these Actions upon more deliberate Considerations a Peace was concluded in 1668. Yet in this Interim there are other Remarks than what we have mentioned The French during this Naval War had not the Courage to make any descent upon England or any of the Three Kingdoms but upon our People in the West-Indias their Treachery appeared in a Crimson dye especially in the Island of St. Christophers where the French and English as planters of that Island had lived together in neighbourly Love as every one thought for many years reciprocally and with much satisfaction enjoying the Fruits of their Labour But upon Notice of this War and the iustigation of French Popish Cruelty they fell unawares upon the English and Massacred them without mercy or so much as giving them time to think of a future State seizing upon their Goods and Possessions to the eternal Infamy of the French Nation They likewise seized upon the Islands of Antigo Saint Eustach and Tobago Yet all this while the Court of France pretended they had no Quarrel against the English but what they did was in the defence of their Allies pretending a great Kindness for the Dutch who since have experienced it to their no small Detriment which however may in time be repay'd How the Port at Constantinople and the French Court have hitherto taken equal Measures never observing any Obligation longer than it tended to their Interest we leave the World to judge This was not all the design of Lewis XIV for by embroiling England and Holland he had leisure notwithstanding the Peace solemnly sworn to and concluded with the King of Spain to enter Flanders under Pretence of some Particulars not performed relating to the Contract of Marriage with the Infanta Nor could his Queen persuade him to reason but in May 1667. he entered Flanders with an Army of 30000. Horse and Foot upon which unexpected surprize many of the Garrisons drew off as Armantiers Labassee Conde Bergues S. Guilhain and Furves of which the Mareschal d' Aumont took Possession And the better to secure the Frontiers Lewis commanded Charleroy to be Rebuilt and Fortified Many other Towns of Note were taken being rather got by surprize than by true Valour on the part of the Franch For many of them in this security were unprovided of many things that might have contributed to a longer Defence or secured them from falling into the Hands of the Invader Lille was the only Place that made a resolute Defence for in this place was a Governour of great Repute under whose Command was a Garrison of 4000 Foot and 800 Horse Nor was it gained but by a bloody Siege when the Governour found all hopes of expecting Relief vain through the want of timely Notice
extreamly strengthened and fortified at the Expence of vast Treasure lying at the same time so Commodious for Trade and other Advantages The pretences the French King made were That there was an Agreement with Oliver Cromwell that upon the Payment of a certain Summ of Money it should be delivered to the French But no body as we can hear of was privy to this Contract but himself However contrary to all Mens Expectation his French Pistols gained that strong Town which all the Cannon and Forces of France had the King of England defended it could never have done But now we Experience the damage of that Oversight when too Late For Dunkirk was delivered for Money and Lewis had the unexpected Pleasure of entering into it in Triumph on the Second of December in the Year 1662. These Successes flushed his Ambition to greater Attempts nothing less now than the Dukedom of Lorrain will serve his turn and thereupon he sent his cunning Sophisters to wheedle the Duke out of it by Threats and Promises First That he had an Army ready to fall into it if it were refused Secondly That he would consign him Lands more secure in Lieu of it in another place And to make the old Duke more fond promised to declare him Heir to the Crown of France in Case the Family of Bourbon failed although there was a Dauphin born of the young Queen These and other inveiglings between Force and fair Means wrought so powerfully that the Agreement was made the Sixth of February 1662. and in March following confirmed in the Parliament of Paris to the apparent Wrong of Prince Charles the present Duke of Lorrain who though of years was no ways consenting to his Father's Act. And upon this Agreement the French Troops were immediately sent who seized upon all the Cities and Country of that fertil and spacious Dukedom except Marsal which being garisoned and influenced by the young Prince opposed their Progress This made Monsieur storm and immediately he ordered his Generals to be ready for an Expedition to make War as he term'd it for the Glory of his Arms and came on so terribly in the Head of his Forces that the old Duke though he repented of what he had done foreseeing the ruine that would insue to his People if he opposed and being altogether unfurnished by the surprize of his Towns to Encounter a great Army thought it his best way to submit to his Misfortune And thereupon in an humble manner he went to Metz in Lorrain to excuse himself to Lewis who received the venerable old Man after a haughty manner and would hear of nothing but the surrender of Marsal which not being able to hold out against such a powerful Army as he had brought into the Country it was put into French hands on the Third of September 1663. Much about this time Lewis fell a cavelling like an Unchristian Son with his Holy Father at Rome and the Manner was thus Monsieur de Crequi his Ambassador in that City bearing himself with too high a hand and putting Abuses even upon the Pope himself it so enraged some of the Pope's Guards that whether willingly or by chance remains doubtful a Harquibus was shot into his Coach which wounded some of his Servants This Affront made such a noise in the Court of France that Lewis instead of going in Devotion immediately prepared to make a Procession to Rome with his Dragoons which so frighted Pope Alexander II. that then held the Chair that he was forced to send and meet his Army with Protestation of his Trouble for what had happened and that he should have any satisfaction This stopped his Carier a little and Pisa was pitched upon as the City to examine the matter And on the Twelfth of March 1664. it was agreed between the French and Pope's Deputies a thing that the Pride of the Popes of Rome never submitted to for many Hundred years viz that Flavio Chigi the Pope's Nephew should come to the King and beg the Pope's Pardon so that it seems the Great Pardoner was forced to creep at this Time for a pardon from one of his Sons And farther That a Monument should be raised in the place where the Affront was done with an Inscription declaring the Cause of its being erected This was performed but it did not satisfie For whilst it was a doing the French fell into the Pope's County Palatine of Avignon drove out the Garrisons and without respect to St. Peter Mother-Church or Father Pope plundered his Patrimony for which the most Christian King highly applauded them But soon after the Queen-Mother of France died and now Lewis XIV began to take his pleasure without Regard to the young Queen Wherefore though it may be looked upon as a digression it may not be amiss to see a few of Lewis the Great 's Intrigues with his Little Mistresses for you must understand his Inclinations have been as well to Love as Glory Since Lewis XIV was Married to Maria Theresa of Austria daughter of Spain the first Mistress though the Queen was charming enough young brisk and lively that he publickly owned was Madam de la Valliere and that she might come up the better to his Humour he made her Duchess of Vaujour And although the Queen grew jealous and the Queen-Mother very much reproved his over-fondness of this Woman yet he little regarded their Reproaches Whereupon they used many devices to draw off his Affections but those not succeeding one Father Anat a Jesuit and at that time his Confessor was prevailed upon to reprove him So that he took upon him boldly to represent to him the Scandal and bad Effects such a loose way of Living occasioned by making an ill Impression upon the Minds of the People and that if he did not Reform he must enjoin him sharper Penance at his next Confession But the most Christian King little satisfied with this Discourse coldly replyed That he thanked him kindly for his good Advice and his past Service but that for the future he would make use of no other Confessor but the Parson of the Parish And so the old Fellow was turned out of Service for his Ill timed Preachment which made the Society of Jesuits curse him for being so scurvy a Politician on such an occasion which he might have Improved to their Advantage But however though this was Cashiered yet others of the Society more cunning and facetious made a shift to creep into the King's Bosome making their own Advantages by embroiling a great part of Europe And the more to flatter his Ambition contrary to the Rules of their Order they took away the Name of Jesus from off the Gates of one of their Colleges in Paris and placed the King's Name instead of it which occasioned this Distich Abstulit hinc Jesum posuitque Insignia Regis Impia Gens Alium non habet Illa Deum They Jesus name have ta'en from their Aboad And plac'd the King's he only is
the Works and Trenches with his Weapon in his Hand and beat out the Defendents gaining the Half-Moon a second time and delivered it Monsieur de la Feuvilade whom then shame more than true Valour compelled to secure it And indeed it is conjectured by many that this strong Place had put a stop to the French Arms had not the English who bore all the brunt of the Siege done things to a wonder so that at last it surrendered upon honourable Conditions on the Thirteenth of June But the French fury like a blazing Comet having by this time spent it self and the Confederate Armies gathering like a black Tempest around them Lewis found that this had been but a kind of a Frolick to make him more known For he was not capable of Garrisoning the Towns he had possessed and keep an Army in the Field which made him spue them up as fast as he had swallowed them withdrawing his Garrisons and Abandoning them to their true Owners which occasioned a Comical Portraicture of Lewis the Great Spewing and Sh ing Towns and Castles However upon leaving those places many of them were dismantled and the Inhabitants obliged to part with almost all they had for their Contribution or Ransom at the discretion of the Soldiers King Charles II. of England by this time grown weary of a War into which he had been unadvisedly drawn and the which without any advantage to England had cost a great deal of Blood and Treasure whilst the French reaped the Profit a Peace was concluded with the States for himself on very honourable Terms So that the English Fleet being laid up the French durst be little at Sea yet at Land the War continued where the French Gold did the greater Service as indeed it has all along had the Luck to do And in this State things continued till the beginning of May 1674. Lewis XIV finding he had ingaged himself too far and that his violent Proceedings had drawn a great many Princes upon him for they found it high time to Confederate against the Disturber of Christendom some Overtures of Peace were made and a Treaty set on Foot in the City of Cologne where divers were assembled in hopes of bringing it to Perfection But upon the Emperor's seizing of the Prince of Furstemburg who worked the French Interest tho' a Subject of the Empire and ought to have done the contrary it greatly disgusted the French King and proved a Remora to this Treaty So that Hostilities continued and the Prince of Conde seized on Navaigne which after a short Siege was delivered up and the King himself laid Siege to Dole which made a stout resistence and killed him a great many Men. But not being timely succoured it at last fell into their Hands These proceedings made the Confederate Armies draw together to oppose them so that on the Fifteenth of June the Duke of Lorrain and the Count of Caprara gave Turin Battel but wanting Foot as having but One Regiment of Foot to Seven thousand Horse and hourly Expecting the Duke of Bournonville who was coming towards them the French on the other hand being Twelve thousand strong notwithstanding a desperate Fight they were forced to retire over the Necker many brave Men being killed and divers taken Prisoners The loss of the slain are held to be equal and had not the Duke wanted Foot the French had been utterly routed For he Charged with such Fury and Resolution at the Head of his Troops as if he had been weary of his Life and expected a Dukedom in another World rather than this Whilst these things passed the Dutch scoured the Seas with their Fleet the French not daring to peep abroad for now they had nothing to fear on the Ocean having made a Peace with the English Whereupon they braved the French in their Harbours and made a Descent on Bell Isle but could make no Advantage on that strong Place But the Dutch Forces at Land took the Grime a very strong Place after a hard Siege And now Lewis XIV betook him to the French Policy of tampering abroad And finding by his Agents that the Inhabitants of Messina in Sicily grew weary of the Spanish Government he encouraged them to Rebel and sent them Succours under the Command of the Duke de Vivone seizing that City and taking an Oath of Fidelity of the Inhabitants But when he had brought them to this Revolt and kept a Garrison there a very considerable Time contrary to the Expection of all Men and out of what Caprice none perhaps but himself knows to this Day he suddenly recalled his Forces leaving so many of the Inhabitants as would not leave all they had to Ship themselves and fly into France where they could rely upon no Succour to the Mercy of the Inraged Spaniards whom they had highly offended by this Revolt Nor had they above four Hours Notice Yet as many as could crowded on Board and afterward lived in Exile not daring to return King Charles II. of England having made a Peace with the States of the Vnited Provinces issued out a Proclamation on the Nineteenth of May 1675. commanding all his Subjects in the French Service as Soldiers since the Treaty of Peace to quit forthwith that Service and return Home and prohibiting any English-men to engage themselves in the like for the future which proved a great Detriment to the Progress of the French Arms as soon after appeared For the Army as not only overthrown but Turin the most Experienced General of France was slain But because this Action was very Memorable we shall not think it amiss to give a brief Account of it On the Eighteenth of July 1675 the Mareschal de Turin commanded out the Regiments of Horse of Campaigne and Orleance with Nine Squadron of Horse under the Command of the Marquess de Rone Mareschal to pass the River Renchau by the Means of Two Bridges he had laid over And being informed That the Imperialists had laid an Ambuscade on the other side he went in person to see if he could discover it from a certain Height near the Bridge When the Imperialists having planted Two small Pieces in a Wood hard by fired one of them without any considerable Execution but the secoud being Charged with Iron or Cartridge-shot put a period to Turin's Life killing likewise the Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance and divers others of Quality about him though some Accounts say he was killed with a Cannon Shot However thus ended that great General who had been brought up in War as we may properly term it from his Infancy and seen many Rivers of Blood whose Death gave a great check to the French Affairs and the Army was so much discouraged that it immediately retired in some disorder when being pursued and hotly engaged by Montecuculi the Imperial General between Six and Seven thousand of them were slain and several Colours with some Cannon and Baggage taken the Count de Lorge who Commanded after the
much already declared in effect by France against England that it is not so properly an Act of Choice as an inevitable Necessity in our own Defence I shall only tell you That as I have ventured my Life and all that is dear to me to rescue this Nation from what it suffered I am still ready to do the same in order to preserve it from all its Enemies And as I do not doubt of such an Assistance from you as shall be suitable to your Advice to me to declare War against a Powerful Enemy so you may relie upon me that no part of that which you shall give for the carrying it on with Suucce●● shall be diverted by me to any other Use The Confederate Armies by this Time began to draw together which made Lewis XIV hasten his Troops and form Two Armies under the Commands of the Duke of Duras and Mareschal d' Humiers Whereupon the Governour-General of the Spanish Netherlands caused a Declaration of War to be published against France wherein after he had set forth the Cruelty and Injustice of the French King as the others had done he forbids all Commerce c. Upon which Lewis XIV caused his Declaration of War to be proclaimed against Spain at Marseilles viz on the 29th of April and proceeded to fill all the Towns of the Palatinate that were not reduced to Ashes with his Soldiers as foreseeing the Storm that threatned from so many Quarters of Europe and that such Protestants as were willing to avoid his cruel Usage and Extortions might have Encouragement to leave the Kingdom of France their Majesties of Great Britain put forth a Proclamation bearing Date the 25th of April for the Encouraging the French Protestants to Transport themselves into this Kingdom another Prohibiting the Importation of all Sorts of Manufactures and Commodities whatsoever of the Growth Production or Manufacture of France And on the 7th of May a Declaration of War was Signed and afterwards Published setting forth The perfidious Dealing of the French King as well in Europe as in Africa against the Subjects of England c. And whilst these things were doing News came from the Coast of Ireland that the English Admiral with a Squadron of the King of Britains Ships had engaged and worsted Forty four Sail of the French being double the number of the English as they were attempting to land Men and Arms in that Kingdom And to shew the French a farther Proof of our Naval Courage the None-Such a small Fourth Rate Frigat o● 36 Guns meeting off of Guernsey with two French Men of War one of 30 Guns and 120 Men the other of 16 Guns 6 Pettereroes and 120 Men who were bound with about Twenty small Merchant Ships under their Convoy to Newfoundland the English Man of War engaged them but in the beginning of the Fight the Captain was killed with the Master and Cook and the Carpenter wounded upon which there being no Lieutenant on Board the Boatswain took upon him the Command of the Ship and continued the Fight with that Bravery that after a sharp Engagement of three Hours he took both the French Men of War and brought them into Plymouth During these Transactions Rhinburgh that had been Garrisoned with French Troops by Cardinal Furstemburgh surrendered to the Confederates and Keyserwaert was blocked up The French continued to fortifie Mentz pulling dow● Streets of Building for their better convenienc● on that Occasion Yet so far either Passion o● Fear had wrought in Lewis XIV that he was taken on the 30th of May with an extraordinary Fi● of an Ague which held him for nine or ten Hours which made him fly to his old Refuge of taking the Jesuits Powder as well as their Counsels th● latter having ever been fatal to Christendom And as if the French King had wanted Torche● or Bonefires for Joy of his Recovery his Troops not satisfied with the Execrable Barbarities they had committed in the Palatinate and other Places proceeded in the later end of May to lay in Ashe● the famous Towns of Oppenheim Worms and Spire in the latter whereof the Imperial-Chamber had a long time been kept not leaving so much as a House standing But a party of the Garrison of Bonne attempting to do the like to the Village of Hauff the Country People took Arms and falling upon them killed about sixty of their Number putting the rest to flight and likewise several Parties of French Foragers and such as were sent to make Incursions into the Countries that neighboured on their Garrison were frequently defeated And now the Most Christian King finding himself hard beset sought to cajole the Algerine Pirates to make a Peace with him and fall upon the Confederates Merchants at Sea although they had a little before so sensibly affronted him as to shoot off his Consul c. and notwithstanding any Proposal they would not hearken to any Treaty unless he would redeem the French Captives to the Number of 800 which he had demanded without any Ransom And when his Agent perceived this would not take he proposed a Truce but that likewise was rejected by the Algerines On the Ninth of June the Marquess Choiseul passed the Rhine at Hunningen with 4000 French Horse and Dragoons and entered the Country of Durlach declaring That he came only to Forage promising not to molest any that should remain quiet in their Houses which the Country People relying on thought they had nothing to fear but they quickly found the little regard the French have to their Word For no sooner had they posted themselves in the Places they designed but the Country was given up to the Discretion of the Soldiers who committed the most outrageous Insolencies and Violencies that can be imagined So that many of the poor People being plundered of all they had and their persons abused were driven before the Soldiers like Sheep or Oxon towards Friburgh and Brisac A few indeed escaped to the Black Forrest where several of them perished for Want whilst the French were cutting up their Corn and destroying the whole Country During these Proceedings Lewis XIV caused his Declaration of War against England and Scotland to be published at Paris viz. on the 28th of June commanding his Fleet to put again to Sea proposing great things to his Advantage But as yet his Expections have been frustrated The Town of Keyserwaert being formally Besieged and closely pressed by the Brandenburgh Forces the Duke being before it in person on the 25th of June Monsieur Marcognet the Governour Capitulated upon Notice the German Soldiers in Garrison were inclined to make Conditions for themselves without him and a Parly being beat the Capitulation was Signed the next Morning by which it was agreed That one of the Gates should be immediately delivered up that the French Officers and Soldiers should march out the Day following with Arms and Baggage c. and be Conducted to Luxemburgh but that the Germans should be at Liberty to go