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A34097 A generall table of Europe, representing the present and future state thereof viz. the present governments, languages, religions, foundations, and revolutions both of governments and religions, the future mutations, revolutions, government, and religion of christendom and of the world &c. / from the prophecies of the three late German prophets, Kotterus, Christina, and Drabricius, &c., all collected out of the originals, for the common use and information of the English. Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670. 1670 (1670) Wing C5507A; ESTC R24277 200,382 315

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King had his Sphere of Glass in imitation of the Coelestial Orbs wherein he could sit and see all their Motions transparent and Archimedes also had his Sphere Ferdinand the Emperor had no less his of Silver which he sent to the Great Turk carried by twelve men and unframed and reframed in the Grand Segnior's presence by the Maker who likewise presented him with a Book of the mystery of using it Nor may we smother nor forget ingrately The Heaven of Silver that was sent but lately From Ferdinando as a famous Work Unto Bizantium to the greatest Turk Wherein a Spirit still moving to and fro Made all the Engine orderly to go And though th' one Sphear did alwayes slowly slide And contrary the other swiftly glide Yet still their Stars kept all the Courses even With the true Courses of the Stars of Heaven The Sun there shifting in the Zodiack His shining Houses never did forsake His pointed Path. There is a Month his Sister Fulfill'd her Course and changing of her Luster And Form of Face now larger lesser soon Follow'd the Changes of the other Moon Idem Stevinius had his Sayling Coaches in the Netherlands of incredible swiftness so that they have been seen to Sayl thirty Leagues in a day which Grotius affirms he would never have believed had he not seen with his own eyes Ships for the Sea first Typhis did invent Jove Sayling Chariots for the Firmament But for the Land Stevinius alone For neither Jove nor Typhis this will own Grotius We might instance in rare and wonderful Clocks Watches and Pendulums Wind-guns c. In our wonderful Telescopes Microscopes Thermometers Barometers Air-Pumps Pneumatick and Hydraulick i. e. Air and Water Engines Perpetuum Mobile's c. and infinite other Mathematick and Mechanick Musick Optick and Architectonick Instruments Engines Machines and Devices whereof the Antients had nothing like and all the other Arts and Sciences whether Mental or Manual if it were not beside the present business of these Tables in this place and wherein we have been too long and digressed too far already but that we could not well avoid it by reason of the many new appearances of things on the present Stage of Learning in our dayes We will onely hear the Poet once more on the curious contriv'd Clock and Dial at Stratsburgh in short thus But who would think that mortal hands could mould New Heavens new Stars whose rowling courses should With constant windings though contrary wayes Mark the true Monds of Years and Months and Dayes Yet 't is a story that hath oft been heard And by an hundred Witnesses aver'd Dubart The business of Experiments i. e. Their Study and Practice was never so far prosecuted and advanced by the Antients as in our dayes Nor did they ever conspire into such universal and comprehensive Societies and Assemblies of Men of all Qualities and Conditions for all possible advancement of Learning both in recovering the lost Arts perfecting the old and finding out of all manner of new which alone is that which above all things else lifts up Europe at this present above all the World and all preceding Ages Was it ever known before that Gentlemen Nobles Kings and Princes did combine into such Glorious Assemblies Or when did they ever turn Philosophers Experimenters and Operators and as I may say Mechanicks before The Academies of Italy those of France and Germany and above all the Royal Society of England are beyond all president of other times We might instance further in her Riches and Commerce her Shipping and Navigation and shew how she exceeds all the rest in these advantages insomuch that for one Egyptian or Persian that comes into Europe there passes into Egypt and Persia an hundred English an hundred French an hundred Spaniards an hundred Italians an hundred Germains and an hundred Dutch and an hundred times more for one American The Phoenicians and the Carthagintans the Tyrians and the Sidonians were renowned of old for great Navigators and Merchants yet they only Coasted it about the Inland and Midland Seas but durst never venture to cross the main Ocean Into what a narrow compass then was their Knowledge and Commerce confin'd The Antients ingrav'd Non ultra upon Hercules's Pillars at the Mouth of the Streights and a greater part than all the other three of the known World besides was wholly Terra Incognita to them They were beholden to the Lights of Heaven for a Guide in a dark night and to grope by Star-light were lost in a Mist and feign to ply it up and down the Shores only whereas now they are able to cross it from the North Pole to the South Pole from the Rising to the Setting of the Sun from Nova Zemblia to Magellanica and from India beyond Ganges to America and the Western Indies The prodigious advance of Shipping of our dayes is eminently seen in the Hollanders who are said to build a thousand Vessels every year fit for Navigation and Commerce whereof the least for matter and making besides Tackling stands them in no less than two thousand Crowns And many times as Pontanus affirm'd long since arrive at Amsterdam as many Ships in a day as there are dayes in the year The English and the French come not much behind and many other Nations in their proportion The Fleets that enter the Thames and the Texel the Guadelquivir at Sevil and the Tage at Lisbone the Seine and the Lloir in France are ample testimonies of her abundance and preheminence It must not be denied That Europe receives more from other parts of the World than she repales But in this very thing it is That her Commerce becomes glorious to her since she knows how to make it so to her advantage She parts with a little of her Brandies or Aqua Vitaes and Draperies or at best a little Coral and Amber But she has not Magazines enough to hold all her precious stores that come to her from the Indies and Persia from Barbary and Egypt from New France and New Spain from Brasil and Peru besides what is done within her self and her own bounds Hence come our Sugars from Canary Isles From Candy Currans Muscadels and Oyls From the Molucco's Spices Balsamum From Egypt Odours from Arabia com From India Gums rich Drugs and Ivory From Syria Mummy Black Red Ebony From Burning Chus From Peru Pearls and Gold From Russia Furrs to keep the Rich from Cold. From Florence Silks From Spain Fruit Saffron Sacks From Denmark Amber Cordage Firr and Flax. From France and Flanders Linnen Woad and Wine From Holland Hops Horse from the Banks of Rhine From England Wooll All Lands as God distributes To the Worlds Treasure pay their sundry Tributes Dubart It would trouble Arithmetick many times to find Numbers to answer the quantity of pounds of Sugar of Peppers of Cinamons of Cloves of Mace of Nutmegs and all other Riches from abroad To say nothing of Pearls and Precious Stones of Silks nor of
Monarchies nor leave their Kings so much elbow-room nor their Commands so absolute and Sovereign as the other There are moreover in Europe other lesser Kingdoms comprehended under these as those of Bohemia and Hungary under the Emperor That of Navarre under the Crown of France Those of Naples Sicily Sardinia and Maiorck under the King of Spain And those of Scotland and Ireland under the King of England The Seven Electors three Eccleasiastick four Saecular and of late a fifth are the Arch-Bishop of Mentz Dean of the Colledge of Electors Lord High-Chancellor of the Empire in Germany The Arch-Bishop of Colen Lord High-Chancellor of the Empire in Italy The Arch-Bishop of Trevers Lord High-Chancellor of the Empire in France The King of Bohemia at this time Emperor till the young King his Son come to be installed therein chief Cup-bearer of the Empire Count Palatine of the Rhine heretofore the fifth Elector chief Almoner of the Houshold now the eighth and Lord High-Treasurer since the Duke of Bavaria new-created was put in his place The Duke of Saxony Lord High-Marshal or Sword-Bearer and the Marquess of Brandenburgh Lord High-Chamberlain and who has the largest Territories next the Emperor himself These Electors are Sovereign in their Estates and though Members of the Empire yet can make Peace and War when they please whereof we have at this present a sad example between the Elector Palatine and the Elector of Mentz with the Lorrainers The Ecclesiastick Electors ever had the precedency of the other by reason of the height and Supremacy of the Pope in Temporals and the Saecular Power of the Bishops in former times The seven Grand Dutchies or Dukedoms which have each their particular Lords and Masters are the Dukedom of Moscovy the Prince whereof assumes the Title of Emperor and by some is reckoned among Empires As indeed to say the truth it is a Dukedom on which depends thirty other Dutchies and three Kingdoms which exceed Germany and Poland in extent and notwithstanding all their Cold are fill'd with Inhabitants And the Duke himself is absolute over his Subjects The Dutchy of Savoy at this day the first in Europe the Dutchy of Tuscany of Lorrain of Saxony and Bavaria whose Dukes are Electors and the Dutchy of Holstein As for the great Duke of Lithuania he is subject to the King of Poland and the Dutchy of Milan to the King of Spain And the other petty Dutchies of Germany and Italy are not of any force or reckoning with these seven We must crown all these Dutchies or Dukedoms with the one only Arch-Dukedom of Austria whereof the Emperor is Master and add that all these Estates have nothing mixt in the form of their Government and that they acquiess under the Authority of one alone The seven Common-Wealths are those of the Suisses of Venice of the United Provinces of Genoa of Lucca of Geneva and of Raguza For the petty Common-Wealth of St. Marine must not come into this Range As for the Hans-Towns and free Cities of Germany they acknowledge some subjection or other to the Empire c. The three grand Principalities are Transilvania Wallachia and Moldavia all three tributary to the Turk As for the Prince of Precopia or lesser Tartary called the Crim Tartar he is now made slave to the Turk and over him a Beglerbeg or Bassa to command in chief It will not perhaps distast the Reader to give a List here of the present Kings and Princes according to their different Ages together The King of Spain Swedeland the Prince of Orange the Land-grave of Hesse-Cassel the Duke of Mantua the Duke of Modena are yet in their Minority The King of France England Portugal the Elector of Bavaria the Duke of Saxony the Duke Regent of Holstein the Dukes of Lunenburgh the Landgrave of Hesse-darmstat the Duke of Mickleburgh the Prince of Mount-Belliard the Prince of East-Friezland the Marquess of Bada the grand Duke of Moscovy and the grand Segnior All these Princes are in the prime of their Age and like to reign long Those that have passed the middle of their dayes and begin to draw towards their evening are the Pope alwayes the King of Poland who has now lately resign'd his Crown and none other yet chose the King of Denmark the three Electors Ecclesiastick three of the Secular the Palatine the Elector of Saxony and of Brandenburgh the three Princes of Transilvania Walachia and Moldavia The Duke of Lorrain Wittenburgh Newburgh Brunswick Wolfen-Buttel the great Duke of Tuscany and the Duke of Parma The Ecclesiastick Government of Europe in general is either Papal owning the Pope as Supream or Episcopal owning the King as Supream in all causes and Arch-Bishops and Bishops under him call'd also Prelatical as in the Church of England or Super-intendent which is a kind of Episcopal among the Lutherans but yet owning no Head of the Church neither Pope nor King or Civil Magistrate to order the Affairs of the Church as such The Presbyterian or Synodical owning a Presbytery or Synod as Supream and Lay-Elders c. but no Bishops nor Super-intendents as in France Holland c. As for other forms of Government there are none established any where by publick Authority And this is the present face almost of Europe in General LANGUAGES The present Languages of Europe for we pass by those that are out of date as the Hebrew Greek and Latine which are rather Scholastical than National and onely us'd among the Learned may be reduced to three the Teutonick the Sclavonian and the derivatives of Latin and Greek corrupted By the way only take notice that the Arabick Tongue is the same in Asia that the Latin is in Europe and that by its help one may march from the Bosphorus in Europe to the furthermost Lands of the Indians We find not therefore in Europe more then two Mother Tongues at present which have each their several Dialects with some sprouts as it were of the two dead Languages Latin and Greek The two Mother Languages then are the Teutonick and the Sclavonian The Sclavonian is familiar at Constantinople and even at Grand Caire And has for its principal Dialects the Rheuthenick or Russian for the Moscovites the Dalmattan for the Transilvanians and Hungarians the Bohemian and the Polonian the Illyrian Jazigian c. with some others which have their course amongst the Walachians and the Moldavians and the lesser Tartary The Teutonick hath three principal Dialects the German the Saxon and the Danish And of these again issue forth other Idioms as the Flemish or Low-Dutch the English the Swedish the Cauchian of the East-Friezlanders amongst themselves only for they use Dutch to strangers the Language of Norway and of the Suissers The Greek Language Mort or dead but less corrupted than the Latin hath divers Reliques and shootings forth in divers Isles of the Archipelago in Achaia and Morea under the great Turk and is better preserv'd here in these named then in
present House of Bourbon and granted good terms to the Protestants but was afterwards stabb'd by Ravillac of the Romish and Jesuitical Faction The first occasion as was hinted of these Troubles was the Massacre at Merindal Anno 1545. but specially the great Massacre at Paris and thereupon presently throughout the whole kingdom an 1572. from which time the Holy League began Which was a Sacred Confederation of the Pope king of Spain and Duke of Guise for the Catholick Religion and to root out Hereticks And to that end to set up some more Catholick and zealously affected and engaged King and Interest either the King of Spain or Duke of Guise of the Family of Lorrain descended from Charles the great on whom the Pope pretends to have bestowed no less than the Roman Empire upon its ruine and the kingdom of France upon its alienation to Pepin his Father Lewis the 13 th his Son succeeded 1610 the most absolute King of France since Charles the Great For he reduc'd the Protestants to his obedience and all the Forts and Castles held by them to the number of three hundred diminishes the Liberty of Religion granted by Henry the fourth by Decree ordering that all the Protestants should be in all things equal with the Catholicks and enjoy the same Priviledges and Immunities In which War the Siege of Rochel was most famous where all the Art of War was shewn Anno 1628. taken and its Walls demolished Cardinal Richlieu was his chief Counsellor and Minister of State under whom he brings all France into one entire body and state yet Liberty of Religion by agreement continued to the Protestants And from that time bent all his Horce against Spain and House of Austria then encreasing So by the Conduct of Richlieu accomplish'd great things in Italy Germany Spain and Flanders as well as his own Kingdom So that by the peace at Munster between both Emperor and Spain all Alsatia was added to France and the strongest places on this side the Rhine and a good part of Flanders c. whereby France recovered the bounds as it were of ancient Gaul The Dukedom of Lorraine also during the German wars was put into the protection of France about the restoring of which there has been some difficulties of late or demurres An. 1642. Lewis the 14 th four years old succeeds in whose minority the Queen Mother managed affairs with Cardinal Mazarine a stranger which stirred the envy and hatred of the French against him 1650. The discontented Princes are imprisoned which causes intestine commotions the Prince of Conde chief 1651. They are freed Mazarin driven out of Paris and banished But the King entering his 14th year recalled Conde arms against the King 1652. At Mazarin's return now Civil Discords revive But the Cardinal outdoes them and becomes more potent and glorious Prince of Conde takes the Spaniards part in Flanders Afterwards Mazarine made Peace with England 1660. The Wars between France and Spain for twenty six years ended and Peace made The Kings marriage with Spains Infanta follows by Mazarin's and De Haro's means Which has since occasioned the late War in Flanders Conde reconcil'd to the King and restor'd Since which the Protestants never in lower condition nor more under the hatches and have lost more by this Peace then ever they did by their own Wares Aurange taken into the Kings protection and unwalled 1661. Duke of Orleans the Kings Brother Marries the Princesse of England The Duke of Lorraine sells his Provinces to the King of France his Nephew dissenting The rest since are flesh in memory Namely the Political and Civildeath as it were of the Protestants since the General Peace 1660 and since this last Peace also The Wars with England France confederating with Holland or rather poizing the lighter Ballance or weaker side The Comprehension of the Jansenists and the four Jansenian Bishops with the chief thereof Doctor Arnaud within the Bounds of the Romish Church Marshal Turein turn'd Catholick So that France is like to be one entire Body of Catholicks which no doubt is one main design on foot of the Pope and Jesuites who by strange and unobserved artifices sway Princes and their grand Ministers of State c. The Foundation and Revolutions of Spain and Portugal After the breaking of the Roman Empire there was a Kingdom founded over all Spain and Portugal by the West Goths coming out of Italy This Kingdom was destroyed afterwards by the Moors and Saracens The Goths began soon after to revive again and to erect several lesser Kingdoms by degrees as they could which in time were variously united and disunited again and perpetual Wars with one another The grand division at last was into the kingdom of the Moors and of the Christians or Goths The Moors Kingdom in the end fixed only in Andalusia or most Southern parts of Spain The Christians became divided also in time into four chief Kingdoms Castile Arragon Navarre and Portugal which could never unite till 1. Ferdinand the Great sirnamed the Catholick King of Arragon laid the Foundations of the last and greatest Monarchy of Spain by marriage with Isabel Queen of Castile c. towards the year 1480. in which Race continued ever since Whereupon mighty things ensued 1. Perpetual Union betwixt those two potent Kingdoms 2. The utter rooting out presently thereupon the Moors and Saracens from the kingdom of Andalusia who had held Spain more or less in subjection for seven hundred years Anno 1492. Upon which they presum'd to stile themselves King and Queen of Spain i. e. all Spain to the prejudice of Navarre and Portugal who were yet distinct Kingdoms 3. The seizing on the kingdom of Navarre whereto belonged Naples and Sicily c. 4. The discovery of the New World America the year 1492. After which they had the title of Catholick by the Pope to the prejudice of all other Kingdoms 5. The marrying of their only Daughter and Heir to Philip the Emperors Son Archduke of Austria Prince of the Netherlands thereby uniting those great Estates and laying the Foundation also for the present Austrian Greatness and Family continued ever since by so many intermarriages between the Spanish and Imperial branches of that potent Family And thus the Spaniards first became considerable in the World and a Terror to Neighbours and suddenly look'd like the beginners of a fifth or Universal Monarchy of the World at least the New-World Which they affected first in Title Getting 1. that of Catholick Kings after they had usurped that of Kings of Spain as designed by the Pope for Universal or Catholick Monarch to promote the Catholick Cause on Religion to root out Hereticks c. which has been alwayes their pretext and which they have been alwayes zealous and mighty sticklers for And 2 they have hereby claimed prerogative over all other Kings and by pretext of their Title have ever since look'd on themselves as the Greatest Monarchs of all the World as indeed they had
the greatest Dominions And this would have been a fair step to be the Head of Kingdoms as the Pope was of the Church And just such beginnings had the Pope himself over all other Bishops Secondly by Arms. For there remained two kingdoms in Spain Portugal and Navarre both which they seize on First that of Navarre and Naples c. Whence perpetuall Wars ever since with France in Catalonia c. For this Kingdom which still retains the Title and by Arms continually requires the possession And then of Portugal by Philip the 2 d about sixty years after viz. about the 1560. Thirdly by Shipping and Sea-Forces or Power at Sea specially afterwards with their Invincible Armado in 88 wherein were above thirty thousand Souldiers to joyn with as many out of the Netherlands And again afterwards with as great Preparation against the Hollanders but to as little purpose too in the year 1640 aiming at Superiority and Dominion of the Northern Seas and consequently of all the World But the Hollanders and English were grown by that time of the World too big to do any good on them 2. To Ferdinand the Catholick succeeds Philip Archduke of Austria c. before-mentioned Son to Maximilian the Emperor about 1504. 3. After whom comes Charles the 5 th An. 1516. king of Spain Archduke of Austria Duke of Milan Burgundy Brabant Earl of Catalonia Flanders Holland c. and Emperor of the Germans under whom the Monarchy of Spain grew towards its greatest height He added the Realms of Mexico and Peru the Dukedom of Milan and several Estates in the Netherlands Marched into Africa possesses Tunis and other parts thereby disposing Kingdoms there at his pleasure But was at last soon outed of the Empire as a foresaid leaving Spain and the Netherlands and other Spanish Territories too 4. His Son Philip the 2d An. 1558. under whom this Kingdom recieved its utmost increase by Portugal and the East Indies therewith and also its greatest decrease by the Netherlands For upon the death of Sebastian King of Portugal slain in Africa without Issue appeared six chief Competitors for the Crown Of all whom the Duke of Braganza had most right but the King of Spain notwithstanding all the help from France and England got it And so was the first of the West-Goths since the Moors that obtain'd the Universal Monarchy of all Spain and both the East and West-Indies besides the Belgick Provinces and other dominions in Europe in so much that they could brag that the Sun rose and set in their ground So that now the whole bulk of his swelling titles was compleated viz. King of Spain Castile Leon Arragon Navar Hierusalem Naples Sicily Sardinia Majorck and Minorck and of the Isles and Continent of the Indies and of the Main Ocean King Arch-Duke of Austria Duke of Burgundy Lorraine Brabant Lucenburg Gelderland and Milan Earl of Hapsburg Flanders Artois Henault Holland Zealand c. Marquess of the Sacred Empire Lord of Friezland Meckleburgh Ulricht c. Great Lord of Asia and of Africa 5. Which mighty Monarchy labouring with its own weight soon began to fall into peeces 1 through exhausting of its people and want of men by naval expeditions into both Indies by many and long Wars by ejecting the Moors and Jews before afterwards c. by the Spanish Inquisition and grievous Taxes and oppressions of the Countrymen and labourers 2 By wasting of its Riches and Wealth by Wars and imprudence 3 By loss of kingdoms and Provinces as well as great defeats of its Armies and Armado's As namely the loss of the Netherlands the Defeat in 88 the long Wars with the French who alwayes oppos'd this rising Monarchy on all sides which brought lastly the revolt of Portugal and Catalonia and so the loss of half their entire united Monarchy besides the new conquests in Flanders the last year by the French all which have made pretty wide gaps in those numerous swelling titles 6. But this great Kingdom was chiefly impair'd by the Revolt of the Netherlands and Portugal For this Philip in indeavouring to bring Tyrannick Government both Civil and Religious specially the last by the bloudy Inquisition and to reduce them back a gain by force to the Church of Rome from that Reformation of Religion which was now every where begun whereof he was a violent Enemy was by a great part of the Provinces confederate together rejected from being their Prince An. 1581. for seeing the Spaniards would bring in absolute domination both over Soul and Body they became desperate to the death declare him for a Tyrant and perpetual Enemy and by eighty years Wars brought the Spaniard to an open confession or conviction of his bad Politicks for Force of Religion and taught them and the World too if they will be taught this Rule That a free Nation must be governed freely For the Pride and Tyranny specially in Religion and the unmerciful Inquisition fill'd all Christian People with Hate and Terror of the Spaniards specially these most concern'd For by no more powerful argument did the Prince of Orange inflame the Netherlanders Spirits than saying That These burn men alive for Religion which set them all on fire So ill does Force upon either mens Civil or Religious Liberties conduce to establish Princes where Subjects are once sensible of them And that Religion had a chief hand in these Revolutions you must know that the main design then driven on by the Catholick Princes and Party was the defence and propagation of that Religion the Protector whereof the King of Spain vaunted to be and the extirpation of Hereticks and so to make the King of Spain Universal and absolute and truly and indeed Catholick at least by some c. In such sort that about 1560 Charles the 9 th king of France with the Queen-Mother Katherine of Medices a busie and Imperious Queen and Isabel this king of Spains Wife and the Duke of Alva make a league to joyne the Power and Policies of both Nations to root out the new increasing Hereticks The Hugonots out of France and the Protestants out of the Low-Countries and Germany and immediately ensued the Holy League in France wherein this King was a mighty stickler also and then those wars here So that he not only confederated with the Leaguists against the Hugonots but also about the year 1580 when the other would not do endeavours also upon the same account to hinder the Reformation growing in his own Dominions by bringing in the Inquisition and arbitrary Government amongst them whereby he was wholly driven out of those Provinces confederating together for their Liberty and Priviledges And indeed except mens Civil Liberties be first invaded their Religious can hardly be To recover which Countries they exhausted all their strength in vain for eighty years till they were at last forc'd to a shameful submission in the Treary of Munster 1648. therein renouncing for ever all Right c. and treat with them and
Religion too Who refuses the Government but sends relief by an Army under the Earl of Leicester with Cautionary Towns put into his Hands Hereupon growing prosperous But jealous of the Earl they resolve to govern and establish the Commonwealth among themselves so that the Hollanders chuse Prince Maurice and the Friezlanders Prince William Earls of Nassaw for Governours Captain Generals by whose conduct and conquests the seven Provinces were wholly vindicated from the Spaniard and reduced into one intire Body of Common-wealth An. 1594. And afterwards so prospered and succeeded that before they would hearken to any treaty or accommodation they forc'd the Spaniard to this conclusion to treat with them as a Free-State in the year 1609. and then made a twelve years truce only And 1621. renew the War again but not so hot as at first c. till the Treaty of Munster 1648. whereby the Spaniard renounces all pretensions for ever and acknowledges them for a Free-State only dependant on God A War so shamefully begun and after fourscore years so shamefully ended in a Glorious and Eternal Peace made with them for ever Liberty of Religion according to the Laws of their first Union at Utrecht 1579 was the foundation and has been and is the preservation of this Commonwealth The Reformed Religion Protestant or Calvins was publickly established The Anabaptists or Mennonites and others had their publick Temples or Congregations Only Papists and Socinians since for reason of State were forbid the publick exercise of Religion to this Day as disturbing the Peace Though the War was Civil and for their Civil rights directly as knowing well they could not violate and invade their Religious without violating and invading these first yet the end motive and occasion principally was Religion and upon that account and indirectly Religious on both sides Zeal for Religion on both sides moved both to contend for their pretended civil rights and claims And so 't was not a War for Religion but as they say a Defensive War only for their Civil Rights and Liberties though in order subserviency to Religion And yet there was at the same time more Papists then Protestants then called Lutherans at first in these Countries They indulge Liberty of Religion with which their State begins and stands But Trade and Riches has almost eaten out Pure Religion For other particulars the chief are hinted before under Spain c. and we must be short An. 1662. War between England and Holland 1653. a great Sea fight The Hollanders are beat Peace made 1654. An. 1652. The King of France and Holland make a strict League having made a new League also before with the King of England after his restoration But a breach soon arose c. Of the Republick of the Switzers These Countries lie bordering upon Germany Savoy c. Upon the fall of the Roman Empire after various Fortunes and Masters coming under the possession and power of the Austrian Family and Emperors thereof afterwards and overburdened by the Tyranny of the Austrian Governors and Lords sent amongst them and their incroachments upon their Liberties and so weary of them and finding an opportunity amidst the distractions of the Empire by the Pope c. The Swisse constitute a Confederate Republick i. e. contract an offensive and defensive League amongst themselves for desence of their Liberties Begun 1305 but not finished till 1511. For when they did endeavour by force to make them of a free Nation of the Empire the Austrian's own proper Subjects and to bring in Arbitrary Government by force also they opposed First three Rusticks or chief Country men made a League amongst themselves of expelling Tyrants whereof each brought his Town or Village into Society The rest came by degrees afterward successively til in the end after two hundred years from the first beginning of their League to the finishing them they amounted to the present number of thirteen Cantons or distinct Parts and Corporations Besides several other Towns States without the bounds of their Commonwealth also joyn'd and comparted together with them for common defence and safety And becoming Invincible in innumerable Battels and Victories at the first forreign Enemies durst never attempt them more But since frequent Civil Wars amongst themselves but never to break their first Confederacy but still friends again Their Confederacy and Liberty was confirmed and allowed afterwards by the Emperor Lewis the fourth of Bavaria for adhering to him against the faction of Austria for the Empire at the same time After their forementioned Victories and Valour shewn in those Battels Wars eminently becoming renowned for Souldiers the French King takes them into pension in his Wars who became likewise a member of their Corporation which being afterward denied they serve the Pope who stiled them Defenders of the Church An. 1510. The King of France thinks it best to take them again into pension 1522. upon very advantagious terms to themselves and as burdensome to him They became Mercenary also to other Princes Any might have them for their Mony Hence reproached for a Mercenary Nation trusted by none But the King of France bid highest for them And at this day they are in all Armies and Wars Since that agreement they obtained also sixteen hundred to be of the French Gaurd the King preferring them for their Fame and Renown At last upon the differences of Religion they became divided also in pension The Popish Cantons taking pension of the Pope and King of Spain the Protestants of France and the mixt of both and all of the Venetians There was not long since some difficulties about their Pension and Agreements c. They sent Embassadours to the present French King who magnificently received them and things composed c. An Army consisting of Swisse Foot and French Horse is accounted of all the most excellent About 1516. Zuinglius a Canon of the Church begins the Reformation of Religion here at Zurich as Luther had before with good success in Germany Whom followed those of Bern and Basil c. to the number of four in whole and two other Cantons in part which to this day remain mixt of both Those of Lucern and the rest to the number of seven remain wholly Papists Geneva also soon after followed those of the Reformed under Farel and Calvin So that now this Common-wealth became divided into two factions and thence broke out into cruel Wars between Zurich and the Romish Cantons The Protestants at the beginning are worsted Zuinglius himself Slain in the head of the Battel 1531 his heart remaining whole like Cranmers in the midst of the Fire untouched as is said after all the rest consumed to Ashes At last after various successes and defeats on both sides they agree the business upon this condition That every one should imbrace what Religion they liked and force be offer'd to none for Religion but that the ancient first League should be inviolably and religiously kept and observed
his submission granted to him and his heirs The title of the Kings of England As if they never had it since the Conquest of right before Hence it is observed sayes the Popish writers That all Kings of England must acknowledg the Pope for their Landlord And in like manner his predecessor Hadrian the 4 th about 1555. gave Ireland to the Kings of England for a penny to be paid yearly out of every house as much as a shilling now But As long as there 's a Goose or Gander We must remember Alexander If it were but for this verse sake which ends a coppy sent to him by a Monkish Rimer little better in the Latin About 1190. Celestine Crowns the Emperor with his foot and then spurns it off again with this saying By me Kings reign He set all Princes almost together by the ears that Rome might gain with siding with one part or the other and making them friends again And this was and is a constant practise with them and a principal matter whereby they stand For if one deserts them another still upholds them for their own interest which is mingled with the Papal over all the World About 1200. Innocent the third raised the Otho's against Philip the Emperor resolving that he would uncrown him or be uncrown'd by him because chose without his liking And as soon as Otho himself was made Emperor excommunicates him too as also King John of England Peter King of Aragon and Raimund Earl of Tholoss And decreed in a Council held at Rome from thence forth the Pope to have the correction of all Christian Princes and no Emperor to be acknowledged all he had sworn obedience to him In pursuance whereof deposes the said King John and gives away his Kingdom to the French King causes him to surrender his crown to his Legate interdicts him the Kingdom for six years together and makes him stand to his mercy to have it again and upon the restoring to make it Tributary fining it at the yearly rent of 8000. Marks to be held of the Pope in fee-farme And his usurpations were so great here in England That the Nobles writ in their Letters to their Bishops To such a Bishop or such a Chapter who had rather dye then he ruined by the Romish Task-Masters Likewise the said King of Aragon Naples and Sicily c. was forced also to subject his Kingdoms as feudatory to the Church of Rome and to be held of the Pope And now also was brought up that Idol of Transubstantiation and adoration of the Host to subject the people to a more divine Reverance and external devotion and deportment towards their Holy things and mysteries which is wonderful to behold even to this very day and to make their Religion and Priests more Venerable at least this has been the efect thereof What matter of Zeal Fury and Persecution this became afterwards all storyes and ages ring of as if it had been to deny God indeed and Christ and all Religion to deny this their Idol God they had and have to this day so possessed people with such a fond Imagination God also giving them up to believe lyes and to erre concerning the Faith mistaking the Letter for the Spirit Also that devise of Auricular confession was introduced about this time which aws the people exceedingly likewise Moreover about the same time arose those deadly seuds between the Papaline Guelphs and Imperial Gibelines or if you will Elfs and Goblins so called as is thought from their terrible doings c. which destracted all Italy and contiuned for many ages after which factions were stirred up by the Pope and his Agents means and practises c. It was about the year 200. likewise that Philip King of France was excommunicated and then it was said In the year of the Reign of Christ not of Philip. Also 1204. the Sea of Constantinople and the Greek Church and Emperor became subject to the Roman for above 30. years through their projects c. And about 1220. the East as well as Westren Emperor was crowned at Rome by the Pope no longer now as a Servant you may now well think but their Lord and Superior by what has been already rehearsed For in this Popes time some thought fitting to make this Embleme There are two great lights The Sun that is the Pope and the Moon that is the Emperor Nay the high Papalists would have none to be truly Monarch and Soveraign that is absolute and Independent on any other as Supreme but the Pope as before has been intimated About 1240. the twentieths of Ecclesiastick Revenues are obtained for the Pope It came afterwards to the tenths nay the fifths and fourths too in some Kingdoms c. About 1245. Innocent the fourth excommunicates the Emperor Frederick the fourth time having been three times before by former Popes though he had been his greatest friend and deposes him the King of France in vain interceeding and sets up Anti-Cesaers because his Highness forsooth would not stope low enough to his Holiness and in the end because he would not bring him enough under got him poyson'd The four orders of the begging Fryars viz. the Dominicans Franciscans Carmelits and Augustins began to swarm under him as their great Patron and by their voluntary humility and external devotion to uphold this their exalted and triumphant Church and Religion This Pope demanded also the payment of the Twentieths before granted and afterwards of the Tenths of all Revenues and Profits of the Church adding grievous threatnings if they were not paid and by his Legate in Poland one fifth of all Afterwards he perswaded the French King to make War against Henry the 3 d. of England and to make him either yeeld to all the Pope demanded or to drive him out of his Kingdom An. 1255. The King of Lithuania being converted to Christianity is crowned by the Pope and subjects his Kingdom to him For if they would be Christians they must all acknowledge Christs Vicar or else be Infidels still for all other Christianity now was almost fled the Earth An. 1260. The Pope translates the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily which the King of Aragon had made feudatory to the Church as before c. and which the former Pope also would have sould to Henry the 3 d. of France from the right owners and bestows it on the French most bountifully And now was the Pope come to the hight of power riches and authority and to have mighty interest in the World and now all the Nations worshiped the Beast The Princes generally began to make appeals to the Roman Court and the people were devoted to the Romish Laws Customs and Religion The Pope had now the creating of Electors of the Empire almost as he listed and consequently the Emperor in a manner at his beck About 1270. Rodolph of Napsburg or Ausburgh the first of the Austrian House was affraid to go to Rome to take his Crown or to
that is called God was the first Pope in Heaven and the Father of these his Sons on Earth About 1605. He excommunicated the Venetians for maintaining stoutly their Rights of state and withstanding his incroachings whereupon War insued Baronias exhorting the Pope thus Arise and Eate the Venetians as if it had been as easie as to eate his dinner But he found them a tough Morsel which he could not get down and so was held to hard meat But a Cardinal of France made up the business as well as he could but could not without enough dishonour to his Popeship He by briefs or writings sent to the Loyal Catholicks of England forbad the Oath of Allegiance to King James from his own Subjects He laid a great Tax also on the Clergy in Italy to uphold the good old Catholick cause in the Wars of Germany about 1618. and a new Order of Knighthood was erected at Vienna the Imperial Court for all Heroick Catholicks under the Patronage of the blessed Virgin St. Michael and St. Francis to root out the Hereticks But all would not do For they increased and multiplyed The Powder plot in England was also in the beginning of his Popedom set on foot by the Jesuits and their complices in England An. 1605. An. 1621. Gregory the 5 th elected by way of adoration instigates the French King against the Protestants Canonizes Ignatius the founder of a company of Incendiaries that is Jesuits for so they have proved ever since Baptized with not the Holy Ghost but with Fire answerable both to his Name and Motto and their Natures Quarrels with the Venetians for entertaining Greeks now they had no wars with Infidels the Turks To whom the Venetians wisely replyed That they held all Infidels that opposed their Commonwealth An. 1623. Twenty four of the Cardinals grew sick upon the quarrelsome and ambitions choise of Urban the 8 th whereof ten lost their lives with divers of others Father Paul a venerable Religious Monk who stood up high for his Venetians against the Jesuits who pragmatically stood up for their Pope for which they were deservedly banished by the State not till now smarts and is wounded for his crime of Loyalty to them and petty treason as it were against the Jesuits c. this Pope made War against the Duke of Parma and Florence for the Dukedom of Castro c. And no doubt he had an underhand or little finger at least in the bloudy Massacre of Ireland 1641. by the Catholicks Afterwards Innocent the 10 th pronounces void and goes about by his Legate to null the Peace of Germany made at Munster 1648 between the Protestant and the Papal princes where the Protestants both Calvinists as well as Lutherans were esserted into full and free liberty of their Religion as hurtful and dangerous to the Church forsooth But Germany no longer now fears their loud Bulls roarings and bellowings as formerly and do but laugh at such the vanity of his Omnipotent Impotency After 1654. Alexander the 7 th determines new Articles of Faith against the Jansenist's and condemnes them for Hereticks The Church of France begin to vindicate their Liberty against such new decrees and power of the Pope It grows to a great faction between them and the Jesuits The Pope and his Instruments make the King look upon them as a dangerous Sect and as it were a new kind of Calvinistical Papists that would both joyn against the true French Catholicks and endanger France both Church and State as much as formerly those Hugonots But they increased notwithstanding and several Bishops Clergy men and others adhered to them against the Novel Usurpations and determinations of the Pope who would feign have been accounted infallible in his Court and pack'd Consistory at Rome without a general Council And fowl work had like to have ensued but that the King and Pope together have lately within this year or two devised an expedient latitude for the dissenting Bishops and Leaders least the rent should be made greater willing to make use of any Salvo for such a Sore c. An. 1662. The Popes Guards by his Brothers design against the interest of France assaults the French Embassador which was connived at by the Pope and his Brother who set it on foot countenanced and due Justice evaded The King demands satisfaction prepars a great Army to enter Italy whereof some had in a manner begun to enter which made the Pope tremble and the French sing hartily Rome is ours already c. yea the grand Ball at Court since become a common Tune or Air too in England began thus Great King will you profane Your Rapier in vain Your young brave Conquering Blades ' Gainst Chaplains only with Beads c. But his Holiness wisely submits and drives on a Treaty for Satisfaction and Accommodation and thereby condescended to set up at Rome a Piller of Remembrance as it were for the Injury and Affront offered Upon which submission the King of France recieves his Embassadour through all his Kingdom with extraordinary Magnificence and ever since has been very kind to his Holy Father and lately out of complement granted the present Pope leave to take down this too lasting a Monument of their reproach but all no doubt for further ends to himself which he is driving on in the world c. And while the King was thus good to the Church The Pope takes that opportunity to see if he could get to be owned as infallible in France and supreme Judge and determiner of Controversies and differences of Opinions in Religion finding by woful experience they should never have that property of a Vice-God Omnipotency in the World before they had thisof Infallibility This was towards and in the year 1666. by Alexander the late Pope But that year has not proved so kind and lucky to their projects as they looked for Nor could they fool France into such a premunire This Pope has had little to do yet but patch up the Jansenian Breaches to avoid further mischief as but now hinted To mediate between France and Spain as much as he could and to invite Princes against a less worse Enemy to Christendom than himself the Turk who never did it half so much harm nor ever will Yet the Noble Venetians deserve Succour and the Pope destruction Yet so it is that the Kings Princes Clergy and People of the Earth have so drunk of and been intoxicated with the Cup of Romes Fornications that notwithstanding all the evill they have suffered by her Domineering and Tyrannizing over them their Kingdoms Subjects and People both Soul and Body as by the foregoing story may in part appear yet they love to commit folly and abomination with her still and her fine and goodly Religion so carnal so pleasing and sutable to flesh and bloud But in the end sure God will put it into their hearts when he shall once have opened their Eyes to see what miseries and mischiefs she has brought
Harbours and utterly destroyed the vast Empires of Mexico and the Ynca's Those grand Heroes of the first and second Monarchy and of the two last also so nois'd of in History never drove their Conquests so far as we And all the Exploits of a Cyrus in Asia of a Cambysus in Africa of a Darius and his Sons in Europe and not long since of a Tamberlane in all three no not of an Alexander and of a Caesar themselves come not near the bold courses and Enterprizes of our Western People who are seiz'd on all the Coasts of the Ocean and make all the Puissances of the two Continents to tremble And they may be parallel'd with a Charlemaign with a Great Henry of France with a Gustavus of Swede and a Prince of Orange c. The Graecian built his Glory and erected Triumphs of Victory and Trophies of Honour upon the delicacy of the Persian and nakedness of the Indian and the Roman for the most part upon the division or rudeness of the Nations and weakness of the poor barbarous and undisciplin'd people 'T was easier then to over-run a Kingdom than now to take a Town The Asians generally are sunk into laziness effeminacy and cowardize 'T is not many years since that under the Conduct of a Degesfield in Dalmatia ten Christians have beat an hundred Turks The Cavalry the Infantry the Fortifications the Engines the Instruments and Weapons of War offensive and defensive the Stratagems and Plots the Military Discipline and Skill the War-Ships or Men of War and Fire-Ships is beyond all former times or other parts of the World Candia and Venice alone at this day is a notorious instance of the particulars The Ships and Sea-Fights of England and Holland are not to be match'd by all Antiquity or other Parts of the World France is able to raise 200000 men and scarce miss them in her Cities or her Fields which the whole Ottoman Empire cannot do without laying it self waste And it goes in like manner with England Germany and many other Countreys And for Power Force by Sea all the other three parts of the World together cannot match three only Europaean Nations As for the Arts and Sciences Inventions and Improvements she still carries it higher from all the rest and they now have their Reign and Empire only in her Dominions and that more glorious than ever Asia from whence they first came must now call her Mistriss And haughty China her self submits now to be her Disciple Greece and Old Rome too where they were once confin'd must now abate their Pride and yeild to her the preheminence For though there was a time when the Greeks and Romans counted all besides Barbarians and rude yet they could not do so now should they appear with all their Bays and Laurels And though China has presum'd her self hitherto the Eye of the World yet she has of late been so dazled with the splendor of her Rays that she is not ashamed to confess her self blind in comparison The learned Jesuites made them first see the disparity for they were struck with such wonder and amazement at their appearance as if they had never seen the Sun before nor Learning ever arose in their Hemisphere and could not sufficiently admire at their Science We will produce here to this end their Story out of Kircher's China Illustrata which is but of yesterday and make it appear what Veneration they had for the Europaean Arts and Mysteries Riccius the first Propagator of the Christian Religion and Adams the last Instaurator and Finisher of the New China Calendar not without the general applause and congratulation of the whole Empire were had in such high esteem amongst them and received such Honours and Favours that hardly any History can parallel Riccius a learned Mathematician did so allure the mind of the Vice-Roy of Canton where he first landed with Curiosities of Art and Science that as neither He nor all China ever saw the like so he received them like Angels descended from Heaven rather than Inhabitants and Strangers of the Earth and all the Learned amongst them strove for his acquaintance and sent to him from all parts desirous to behold the wonderful things which he had brought with him and to be acquainted with his Arts And though nothing but what is common and obvious amongst us here yet they seem'd a kind of Miracles to them Amongst other Things was admired a Clock curiously contriv'd which shew'd various distinctions of hours with the course of Sun and Moon A Glass Trigon which some supposed an inestimable Gem others a piece of the Heavenly Sphears Geographick Maps they wondring to see Worlds and vast Empires and Kingdoms beyond their Walls Imagining that China was set in the midst of the Earth like a large Gem in a Ring and all the rest but as Gold to the Diamond and a little troubled to find their spacious Empire beyond which they thought there was none confin'd to such a remote corner of the East and Europe divided into so many glorious Monarchies and Kingdoms so far distant in the remote Recesses of the West and the whole Earth so surrounded by the main Ocean and severed into so many Continents Lands and Islands and as it were New Worlds In so much that Riccius seeing them a little displeased was fain to describe the World in a larger form into two Hemisphears so as China should stand in the midst And therein afterwards illustrated all Countries and Parts in the China Character and Language with which they were infinitely taken and flock'd in multitudes to see so that the House where it was could not contain them And therefore at the Vice-Roys charge it was cut and printed and Draughts thereof sent through all the Empire which made all the Learned and Curious admire him as another Atlas dropt down from the Stars and most famous Astrologer of the whole World And with these and the like Rarities and Curiosities of Art he became admirable throughout all the Empire Adams transcended him and by reason of his incomparable skill in the Mathematicks and their own Language became yet more famous And at last highly courted and carressed by the new Tartarian Emperor himself who made him one of his most intimate Familiars and Counsellors and Mandarine of the first Order and assigned him the highest place in the Astronomical Tribunal for emendation of the Calendar commanding all Astronomers throughout his Empire to observe his Orders He wondred at his infallible Prediction of Eclipses at his expertness in casting Ordinance and Counsel in State-Affairs He honoured him as his Father with highest love and affection thinking something more than humane in him And when few were admitted to his presence besides his Queens and Eunuchs yet he had leave wher-ever he found the King at home or abroad to approach unto him which was scarce granted to any else called Him in their language Venerable Father and four times in one year came
Civility and Policy for the Arts and the Arms and all that is Gallant and Polite or Handsome and deserves to be stil'd The Temple of Religion the Court of Policy and Government the Academy of Civility and good Manners the Mistress of Arts and of Arms of Shipping and Navigation and indeed the Paradice of all humane Felicities in comparison For so it is that all things have their Revolutions and Periods both in regard of Times and of Places from one place to another in one Age and then in another and that the people which now live between the Euxine Streights and the Atlantick Ocean eclipse all the Sparkling and Pomp of Ancient Persia her self In a word is not France at this day incomparably more flourishing than antient Gaule Great Britane has it not quite another countenance than when it bore the name of Albion Or had Caesar then found them in this Estate could he easily have made them Roman Provinces The Tartarians and Americans the Canibals and Man-eating Barbarians shall perhaps in some Ages after be civiliz'd like us Have not the good Letters and good Manners and all the high Marks of Distinction that difference Man-kind passed insensibly from Chaldee into Egypt from Egypt into Greece from Greece into Italy and from thence into the rest of Europe Greece is become a sad and darksome Cell Where nought reigns now but Ignorance and Hell Whence th'hideous Turk hath frighted all that 's fine Greece now 's but th' shadow of old Greece's Prime Muses no more go seek those pleasant Mountains Where Language that 's Divine was taught those Fountains Are now seal'd up sweet Hippocrene clean dry And Pene ' quite forsook of Company That charming Vale where th' Laurel us'd to grow Is now frequented by the croaking Crow The universe hath often chang'd its face Rome then receiv'd when Athens did you chase Your Altars now reach these remoter Climes Under thick darkness bid in elder Times Grudge no more then your Aganippe's sourse You may one day reign i' th Grand Atlantick Course The Banks of Tigre are no longer inhabited but by Tigres The Plains of Palestine are ill cultivated Grand Caire how vast soever it may be resents nothing of the glory of Memphis and has chang'd its fortune with its Name Peloponnesse and Achaia have no more the great Captains nor the famous Philosophers and are to be numbred with the Lands which the Volga and the Tanais water with their Streams the only portion of our Europe that hath nothing of Gallantry nor Polite All her other Regions which way soever one turn are absolute Mistresses of Arms Commerce Arts and Sciences and give Laws to all the Earth But we have been too long upon Comparisons which we should not have so much as once begun had not our Author first entred us and led the way And therefore passing by further we come to a plain-general-Table of Europe consider'd absolutely in her self And therein also wholly passing by her Natural Description of her Situation Extent Climate of her Parts Lakes Rivers Mountains Mines c. of her Quality natural Riches Commodities precious Things and Products of Nature which never vary but appear almost the same in every Map We shall only take notice of her in her Politick Capacity and things subject to change and under certain chief Heads of the most material things occurring draw very plain and distinct Tables both General and Particular of the present Face of Things For the use only and general Information both plain and brief as in Tables or Draughts of ordinary and the less knowing sort of People Table General The Second Part. Description Political of EUROPE CHAP. I. The ARGUMENT General brief Tables of the present Governments Languages Religions Revolutions c. of Europe The Governments Civil and Ecclesiastick in general Table Methodick of each Estate Sovereign A List of Sovereign Princes in their prime or declining Age. Numbering of the Languages of Europe Mother Tongues Dialects and Off-springs Universal Language Partition of the World according to the different Religions Parallel of Countries and Provinces Papist and Protestant The one spread as far by the English and Hollanders as the other by the Spaniards and Portugals Navigations Table of the Revolutions of this last Age. Wars and Treaties of Peace Pretensions and Interests of Europe in General EUrope as hath been enough seen being the most accomplished and considerable though the least part of the Earth and at this day more then ever heretofore deserves chiefly and in the first place to be taken notice of by us as she appears at present To which end we shall first draw a general Table of the whole and then particular Tables of each part In both delineating only bare and naked Draughts as it were of the present Governments Languages Religions Riches Forces and Commerce Revolutions Pretentions and Interest c. of Europe with other memorable observable Things and Occurrences as they fall in our way first in General and then in Particular in the distinct description of each Region and Country thereof GOVERNMENTS We begin therefore this second Part General with the General Governments of Europe intending onely General Heads of Things in this General Table Government is considered either as Civil or Ecclesiastick The Civil Government of Europe in general is either purely Monarchick of a single Sovereign or Aristocratick of the Nobles and Senators or after a sort Democratick and Popular of the People commonly call'd Common Wealth for there 's scarce any that is purely so except you will reckon some few among the Petty Cantons of the Suisses which make but a little member of that great Body or mixt of these But more particularly whether one or the other The Principal Crowns and States Sovereign of EUROPE for they are not all worthy of the high Title of Monarchies may be reduc'd to Empires Kingdoms Principalities Dutchies and Republicks or Common-Wealths together with the Papality and State of the Pope as a Temporal Prince in Italy and the County of Venaissy which makes a Sovereignty apart After which rate Europe has two Empires seven Kingdoms seven Electorships and of late years an eight seven grand Dutchies seven Republicks or Common-Wealths three grand Principalities which are now all tributary to the grand Segnior and a Papality The two Empires are the Empire of Germany half Monarchy half Common-Wealth the Emperor not being absolute but onely in the Lands whereof he is Lord and owner And the Empire of the Turks who are subject to one onely Monarch Some add the Empire of Russia for a third The seven Kingdoms are the Kingdom of France Spain Portugal England Denmark Sweedland and Poland The first the most perfect and descends only to the Heirs Male ever since the Salique Law The five next admit the Females and all are haereditary save the last which is Elective But though all these Estates be purely Monarchick yet the three latter besides Poland are not absolute
Melinda Mosambica Quiloa The Protestant some places of the same Africa upon the Western and Southern Coast as in the Kingdom of Congo Guiny and Cape Verd. The Roman Religion possesses in America Mexico and Peru the Isles of Porto Rico St. Domingo and Cuba also Brasil and Canada and some of the Antilles Islands The Protestant in like manner in the same America New England New Swede New Denmark New Holland and Virginia and now of late the Island of Jamaca and the two thirds of the Antilles Islands and heretofore the Northern part of Brasil c. By all which you may see how little reason of Geography the Religion Roman has to appropriate the Name Catholick The Jesuites as has been seen by the first part have also promoted their Religion even into China but 't is not yet become National or powerful It rests only to draw hence their Proportions thus The Proportions of Europe Asia Africa and America ought to be considered as 1 3 4 and 7. So that taking only the Inhabited part of the World the Christians possess about a sixth the Mahometans a fifth or something more and the Heathens two thirds or hardly quite so much So that dividing all the known Regions of the Earth into thirty equal parts The Christians part shall be as five the Mahometans as six and the Heathens as ninteeen which is very near two thirds of thirty As for the Christians that are found in Asia Africa and America their petty number is as it were swallowed up in this fearful multitude of Mahometans and Idolators and is elsewhere counterballanced by that of the Mahometans in Europe And if to the Lands discovered one joyn that great Southern Continent which comes near to the very Aequator and coasts as it were continually from East to West the two other Continents of Asia and Africa so that it seems to be as large as Europe Asia and Africa put together then the Heathen will surpass the Mahometans and the Christians in an excessive proportion for they will then have near as much more for 't is to be believed that that part of the World has no other for its Inhabitants than Idolaters seeing that they found no other at the point of good Hope and towards the streight of Magellan which are the most neighbouring Lands to this vast Continent of the South whose shores onely are known unto us These are the three grand Branches of the Christian Religion in Europe out of which arise onely three other that are become distinct and National viz. the Lutheran the Calvinist and the Episcoparian all of them Protestant and Reformed All of them deny the Popes Supremacy and Transubstantiation c. The Calvinists deny both Transubstantiation of the Papists Consubstantiation of the Lutherans and Episcopacy and the Discipline of the others And these again the Presbytery of the Calvinists Consubstantiation of the Lutherans and Transubstantiation Supremacy c. of the Papists only retaining Episcopacy which they contend to be Primitive and some Popish Ceremonies which they contend to be indifferent and lawful all of them at great variance and with much zeal and animosity each against the other There are indeed many other Sects and Parties and Opinions shooted out of these but none to be accounted General National or Powerful though such as have rais'd great Disputes and Contentions and overwarm Fewds and Zealousness and some to Separation from all the former And they are either such as are or may be common to all other such as are chiefly those about Doctrine as Arminianism and Antiarminianism Socinianism or Antisocinianism c. according as Reason and Faith directs each The Socinians are chiefly in Poland The Arminians are spread every where Or else such as separate from all others chiefly about Discipline as the Brownists Independants c. chiefly in England and New England the Anabaptists in Germany and England also c. and other places the Quakers the latest of all in England c. The Latitudinarians who submit to any Discipline and contend only for the Substantials of Religion Seekers or Spiritualists who submit to no Religion as whose Religion is to be not so much against as above all Religions or Forms of Religion All which are comprehensive of most others and are all generally Libertinarians more or less that is for liberty of Religion Amongst such a company of Religions in the World what other means possible can there be for Unity Peace and Love amongst Christians or mankind but Liberty rather than Uniformity For how is it possible there should be Uniformity long where there 's onely necessity not consent and harmony There are but few places where liberty of Religion is tolerated and those with difference Among the Turks in Poland Germany and Holland generally all more or less In France the Protestants only In New England all but errors judg'd fundamental The Jesuites in China and in Italy and Avignon the Jews But the World will then onely be happy when it shall once become Universal that is as large as the very Universe it self and mens minds like to Truth it self noble and free and not narrow but large spirited and diffusive like the infinite Creators who would have all men to be saved and that by perswasion and not force because impossible But we pass by this less pleasing particular As also the Commerce Commodities Riches and Forces of Europe of which it is enough to say in general that she commands by Sea all the Riches of the World and of which enough before till we come to more particulars which are best referred to each several Countrey REVOLUTIONS The late grand Revolutions of Europe have been either of States and Kingdoms whether for Dominion or Religion or of Religions themselves or of both mixtly We shall onely look so far back as to take a view or prospect of the present face of things and the Foundations of the present Governments and Religions before mentioned The Foundation of the present Germane Empire in the House of Austria which grand Revolution has made it as it were Haereditary and put a period to Liberty of Elections I. ABout the year 1250. the Empire being greatly distracted through the Popes means and practices who for above an hundred years had notoriously usurped authority over the Emperors and made a common practice of excommunicating them in a manner successively for so many years one after the other the Empire I say being distracted into many Factions each Faction chose a King of the Romans or Emperor insomuch that there were now at one time three Elected together and a fourth a year or two after bought it and presently left it again and then for several years without any The Empire fluctuating thus for about twenty years and after so long an Interregnum the Princes of Germany met at Quidlinburg and made a League of Defence together about the year 1270. Thereupon Pope Gregory the tenth sends order to them to chuse an
will give him a truer name from his Deeds Martin Marr-Pope who at first taxes only the abuse and observes the corruptions of the Church become too notorious for any honest heart but finding no amendment nor reformation but things worse and worse makes a general defection Anno. 1522. This was no sooner done but the Reformers make a new Schism and divide between Luther and Zwinglius 1524. which rose to two grand Factions afterwards by the name of Lutherans and Calvinists towards the year 1560. the cause of much woe to Germany and never reconciled neither by Princes nor Pastors till the treaty at Munster 1648. Thus Germany and almost all Europe became divided into two General Factions or Parts Papists and Protestants but Germany into three Papists Lutherans and Calvinists which has been the principal cause indeed of all Mutations and Revolutions in all the Kingdoms and States ever since almost Hence the Revolutions of the Low-Countries of France of England of Bohemia c. must be deriv'd as from their original Head and Spring The head of the Catholicks was the Emperor and Popish-Princes of the Lutherans the Duke of Saxony of the Calvinists or Reformed the Elector Palatine VII And these preceding occasion'd also other Religions and Wars for these at least defensive For at this time of contending for Liberty and Reformation arose other Sects also aiming or pretending higher Reformation in Religion So that in the year 1525 one Thomas Munzer occasions the Rustick War of the Countrymen In the year 1534 succeeded the Anabaptists at Munster In the year 1529 arose the name Protestant in the General Assembly at Worms when the Elector of Saxony the Landgrave of Hasse the City of Noremberg and others protested against the Decrees of Caesar and appeal'd to an Universal-Council In the year following 1530 the Confession of the Protestants call'd the Augustan Confession was published VIII Upon these Grounds chiefly and a little after the Troubles and Interruptions by the other Sects mentioned breaks forth the Civil War between Caesar and the Protestants called the Smalcaldick War Anno 1547 which they began at Smalcaldia in Hassia where Caesar prevails ruins their League made there the same year begun and ended Soon after the Protestants revive prevail and in the end force the Emperor out of Germany procure the Passavian Transaction or Peace made there An. 1552 where by a perpetual Edict is established Liberty of either Religion Roman-Catholick and Augustan Confession that is Protestant So the Protestants by agreement and compact obtain'd full liberty and exemption from the Papal yoke and Peace in Germany till 1618. IX When chiefly from the same hidden causes grounds and motives the Bohemian War began For about the year 1612 Germany was again divided into two parts the League and the Union The League contained the Papist Princes the Union the Protestant Thence about the year 1618 the Bohemians according to their priyiledge rejecting the Emperor as never formally nor legally chosen as they had formerly done Uladislaus the 3d. elect the Count Palatine King of Bohemia and crown him at Prague Whence the Bohemian-War arose and spread over all Germany chang'd first into the Saxon and then into the Swedish-War for the support of the German Liberty and lasted for thirty years till the Treaty at Munster X. The Duke of Bavaria overcoming the Bohemians and the Palatine expell'd demands and obtains the Electorship which for a hundred and fifty years before had been claimed and controverted but by the Golden-Bull decided to the Palatine notwithstanding the Duke of Saxony and Marquess of Brandenburgh gainsaying but not daring to resist about the year 1620 And so the Palatine was ejected out of the upper Palatinate and the first place among the Electoral Princes Secular as well as the Kingdom of Bohemia XI And thus we are divolved amidst the late German-Wars which we can but only hint at Anno 1625 the Duke of Saxony slain King of Swede enters Germany in behalf of the Protestants and Princes Liberty An. 1630 Next year the Swede and Saxon come and prevail Swede strikes League with France King of Swede kill'd after famous Victories and Conquests Tilly General of the Imperialists dies of his wounds after glorious Victories against Bohemia Palatinate Denmark and Saxony both the same year 1632. Swede confirms his League with Protestants the next year 1633. Confederates overcome Imperialists 1634. Anno 1635 Duke of Saxony transacts with the Emperor makes Peace whereby the Duke of Brandenburgh and other States accept the Conditions and pass with him over to the Emperors part The same year the King of France denounces War against the Empire Anno 1636. Duke of Saxony slain by the Swede The Imperialists driven out of Pomerania by the Swede 1638. But the Palatine Princes are overcome Saxon and Bohemia invaded 1639. Anno 1640 The Swede repell'd out of Bohemia The War still continues hot Several Sieges and Battels till the End as there had been from the Beginning thereof In 1647 The Swede making Truce with Bavaria moves into Bohemia Is expelled thence The Emperor prepares War again and prayes to the Virgin Anno 1648 General Wrangel with the French invades Bavaria Ejected again General Conigsmark seizes on the Tower of Prague and sets against the City Munster-Treaty ensues And so the Thirty years War begun ends also at Prague wherein 325000 perished Of such direful consequence is the want of Liberty of Religion For the Emperor a bloudy enemy of the Protestants occasions this long War c. XII The Peace at Munster chang'd the state of the Empire and reduced it to that form which it now appears in For the Swede carries clear away the Bishoprick of Breme and Verd and the French Alsatta The Palatine is restor'd to his Estate in part and made Eighth Elector with the title of L. High Treasurer of the Empire which had hitherto but Seven The Protestants lastly both Lutheran and Reformed are asserted into full Liberty of Religion whom the Papists never prevail'd against so much by Force as by Cunning and Plots in time of Peace And therefore had alwayes need to add the Wisdom of Serpents to the Innocency of Doves So Peace has ever since continued to our times which we are now come unto whereof the most remarkable passages in brief are Frankendale restored to the Palatine 1652. Leopaldus Ignatius the present Emperour chosen King of Hungaria and inaugurated Anno 1655. Crown'd King of Bohemia 1657. In which year the Emperor dies also Bishop of Munster besieges Munster the same year And the States assemble at Frank-fort to chuse Emperor Leopold K. of Hungaria and Bohemia elected King and Emperor of the Romans 1658. Munster again besieged by its Bishop the Citizens stoutly resist 1660. But forc'd the next year to receive his Souldiers and lie at his mercy and a Cittadel imposed over them to keep them in awe and so reduced to obedience The same year viz. 1661. the Turks who had been
went down and the Popedom up And then cozens the world with his year of Jubilee reduced to every fifth and the fine trick of Indulgences to please the people and drive a gainful trade to the Popes He gave away the Canaries also to King Lewis And fifty thousand persons had accesse to his presence in one day and dismissed again About 1352. The Emperor to gain Pope Innocent the 6 th's favour grants him in a manner all his Authority in Germany and three years after is crowned at Rome by the hand of the Popes Legate himself residing still at Avignon promising not to stay one day longer at Rome now the Pope was absent then after his Coronation About 1380. Clement the 7 th is set up anti-Pope by a company of French Cardinals against Urbane the 6 th for being against returning to Avignon The French and Spaniard side with Clement the Italians English Dutch c. with Urbane Rome is miserably plundered by Clement and his party One Popes Bulls roared against the others And all Christendom divided This schisme lasted neer fifty years An. 1404. Innocent the 7 th demands the Moyety of Ecclesiastick Revenues but is stoutly deny'd both in France and England About 1417. Upon the appearance of Wicklif Hus Jerom of Prague Savanarola c. in the world and their followers it is decreed in Council That a Council was above the Pope And 1431. The Council of Basil summon the Pope and put forth a bold Sanction called therefore the Pragmatical Sanction against him and depose him About 1464. Paul the 2 d. sells all for mony Reduces the Jubilee to every twentyfifth year to get the more to maintain Sumtuous and Pompous Habits for himself and Cardinals and Diamonds Saphirs Emeralds Jaspers Pearls and all precious Stones for his Mitre c. An. 1492. The Pope gives the East and West Indies to the Spaniard and the Portugal and divides the whole new world at least betwixt them as the first discovers and not long before gave the title of Catholick King to Spain for the conquest of the Infidel Moors in Spain An. 1503. Julius the 2 d. A Martial Pope passing over the Bridge of Tyber brandish'd his Sword and threw his Keys into the River saying That if Peters Keys would not serve his turn Pauls Sword should And yet they have done more in the world by the Keys then ever by the Sword He excommunicated the King of France who regarded it not but printed Money with this Inscription I will destroy Babylon He was in the end deposed likewise by a Council in France like as the Council of Basil had done before to one of his predecessors as was hinted An. 1512. Leo the 10 th an Atheist hug'd and bless'd himself as it were to think What great Riches that fable of Christ had got them And yet not enough for his turn and to supply his vile and enormous extravagancies Wherefore he goes about to raise summes of mony by common open and notorious sale of Indulgences and Pardons in Germany They were ous they are still By the fulness of power which he that raigns above hath given to me whom alone he hath set over all Nations and Kingdoms to pull up and pluck down to destroy c. The Devil began to rage now to see his Kingdom go down so We depose Elizabeth from the right of her Kingdoms and we absolve all her Subjects from all manner of Oaths of Allegience which they have sworn unto her He doth all he can likewise by Treasons Murthers and Poysons against her and all Princes inclinable or but favourable to the Reformation His instructions by his Legate to the Emperor was Neither Faith nor Oaths to be kept with Hereticks c. An. 1572. Gregory the 3 d. celebrated the horrible Massacre of Paris with publick Triumph at Rome and sung the Te Deum c. therefore For they had hopes to have quite rooted out the Protestants After 1580. Sixtus the 5 th excommunicates Henry the 3 d. of France for killing the Guises and making use of the Protestants on his side Commends the Murthering of him in a set speech amidst his Cardinals Blesses the Banner of Spain against England in the famous expedition in eighty eight to ill purpose For his Benediction proved a Curse Quarrelled afterwards with Spain for Naples c. About 1590. Gregory the 4 th exhausted the Treasury of the Church in the Wars of France against Henry the 4 th and the Hugonots Cursed that is Excommunicated that King for an Heretick and Apostate from the Church and sent his Nephew General to the French Wars against the Protestants An. 1592. Clement the 8 th never lets the said King to enjoy quietly his Kingdom 'till he brought him to turn Catholick again to be settled therein But yet lost his life notwithstanding by the Jesuits practises for not being good enough to them and too good to the Protestants still For because he was not turned such a zealous Papist as to be absolved from his excommunication by the Pope but that one of his own Bishops served his turn well enough therefore he must pass for a Tyrant and be stab'd And yet to absolve him after he was dead when be sure he could do no more harm nor ever turn again for turning Catholick in his life Two Embassadors must be sent to Rome to be whipt by the Pope in his stead who at the end of every verse of the eleventh Psalm gently strikes with his Rod the prostrated Suppliants He excommunicated-likewise the Duke of Ferrara and added his Dukedom to St. Peters Patrimony as a good parcel of Land And would not grant the title of King to the great Duke of Moscovy for inclining to the Greeke Church more then theirs And lastly endeavoured before hand to prevent King James succession to the Crown of England hoping to reduce it again to the Church as they had done before Queen Mary An. 1595. Leo the 11 th had this Luciferian Motto over his triumphal Pageant Worthy is the Lion his name by virtne of the Lamb to take the Book and open the Seals thereof They cannot leave their Pride and Blasphemy 'till they are quite whipt out of Gods Temple where they sit as Gods Nay yet more His successor Paul the 5 th had such inscriptions as these given him To Paul the 5 th Vice-God Most Invincible Monarch of the Christian Commonwealth and most Zealous Conservator of Papal Omnipotency And caused this Plate to be marked with this Inscription Cousecrated to the Eternity of the Burgesian Family But higher was that upon the Gates of Tolentum in Italy To Paul the third the most high and mighty God on Earth though one should have thought that the Reformation then begun in the World out of policy should have taught them more Modesty For the Devil when ill at ease a Monk would be c. Surely Lucifer that fell from Heaven asspiring to be above God as the Pope all