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A23587 In the yere of thyncarnacion of our lord Ih[es]u crist M.CCCC.lxxx. and in the xx. yere of the regne of kyng Edward the fourthe, atte requeste of dyuerce gentilmen I haue endeauourd me to enprinte the cronicles of Englond as in this booke shall by the suffraunce of god folowe ...; Chronicles of England. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1480 (1480) STC 9991; ESTC S106522 335,760 359

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shewed many fair miracles And this was in the yere of incarnacion of our lord ●hū crist M.lxv. yere And after he was translated put in to the shrine thurgh the noble martir seint Thomas of Caunterbury ¶ How Harolde that was Godewynes sone was made kyng and how he scaped fro the duke of Britayne Ca. C.xxxi WHen seint Edward was gone oute of this world was gone to god and worthely entered as it aꝑteyned to such a lord for to be the barōs of the lād wold haue had edward Helyngus sone to Edward the Outelawe that was Edmonde Irensides sone to be kyng for as moche as he was most kyndest kynges blode of the reame But haroldus sone thurgh the erle go dewyne aud the strength of his fadre gode wyne and thurgh othir grete lordes of the royame that were of his kyn and vn to hym sibbe seised all Engl●nd to his hande and anon● let croune hym kyng aft the ēteremēt of seint Edward ¶ This Harolde that was gode wynes sone the secōde yere after that seint Edward was dede welde haue gone in to Flaundres but he was driue thurgh tempest in to the contre of Pountyfe and there he was take and broght to the duke william And this harold went tho that Duke william wolde haue bene a venged vpon hym for encheson that the erle Gode wyne that was haroldus fadre had let quelle alured that was seint Edwardes brother and principaly for encheson that Alured was quene Emmes sone that was Richardus moder duke of normandie that was Aiell to the duke william ¶ And nothelees whenne the duke williā had harolde in prison and vnder his poer for as moche as this harolde was a noble knyght wyse and worthy of body and that his fadre and he were accorded with good kyng Edward therfor wolde not mysdone hym but all maner thynges that bitwene hem were spoken ordeyned harolde by his good wylle swore vpon a boke vpon holy saintes that he sholde spouse wedde duke williams doughter after the deth of seint Edward that he shold besily done his deuer for to kepe saue the royame of englond to the ꝓfite a vauntage of duke williā ¶ And when harold had thus made his othe vn to duke williā he let hym go yaf hym many riche yiftes And he tho went thennes come in to England and anone ded in this maner when seint Edward was dede and as a man falsely forswore he let croune hym kyng of England and falsely brak the couenantz that he had made before with duke williā Wherfor he was with hym wonder wroth and swore that he wolde vpon hym bene a venged what euer so hym be fell ¶ And anone duke williā let assemble a grete host come in to England to a venge hym vpon harold to conquere the land yf that he myght ¶ And in the same yere that harold was cronned harolde harestrenge kyng of denmark arrined in scotlād thouȝt to haue bene kyng of Englond he come in to englond queld robbed and destroied all that he myȝt till that he com● to yorke ther he quelled meny men of Armes a thousand and an C. prestes When this tydynge come to the kyng he assembled a strong poer went for to fight with harold of Denmark and with his owne honde hym queld the danois were discomfited tho that left alyue with moche sorwe fley to hir shippes And thus kyng harold of Englond queld kyng harold of denmark ¶ How william bastard duke of Normandie come in to Englōd and quelled kyng harold Ca. C. xxx●j ANd when this bataill was done harold bicome so proud wold no thyng part with his peple of thyng that he had goten but held it all to ward hym self wherfor the most ꝑtie of his peple were wroth and from hym deꝑted so that only with hym left no mo but his saudiour● And v●on a day as he sate at mete a messagier come to hym and said that william bastard duke of Normandie was arrined in Englond with a grete host and had taken all the lande aboute hastynge and also myned the castell Whenne the kyng had herd this tydynge he went thidder with a litell peple with all the hast that he myght for a litell peple was with hym left ¶ And when he was come thidder he ordeyned for to ye ve bataill to the duke william But the duke ax●d hym of these iij. thynges yf that he wolde haue his doughter to wyfe as he had made and swore his othe behight or that he wolde hold the lād of hym in truage or that he wolde detmyn̄ this thyng thurgh bataill● ¶ This harold was a proude man and a stoute and trusted wonder moche vpon his strength and faught with the duke and with his peple but harold and his men in this bataille were discomfited and hym self was ther slayne and this bataille was ended at Tonbrigge in the secōde yere of his regne vpon seint kalixtes day and he lith at waltham ¶ Of kyng william bastard and how he gouened hym well wysely and of the werre bitweue hym and the kyng of f●aunce Capitulo C.xxxiij WHen william bastard duke of Normandie hod conquered all the land vpon Cristesmasse day tho next Sueng he let ●roune hym kyng at westmynster was a worthy kyng and yaf to Englisshmen largely londes and to his knyghtes ¶ And afterward he went ouer the see and come in to Normandie ther duelled a whyl and in the seconde yere of his regne he come ayene in to Englond and broght with hym Mou●e his wyfe and let cron̄e hir quene of England on withsonday ¶ And tho anone after the kyng of Scotland that was called Mancolyn began to striue and werre with the duke william And he ordeyned hym tho to ward Scotland with his men bothe by land and by see for to destroie the kyng Mancolyn but they were accorded And the kyng of Scotland become his man and helde all his land of him And kyng william ress●yued of hym his homage and come ayene in to Englond And whan kyng william had be kyng xvij yere ●aude the Quene died on whom kyng william had begoten many fair children that is for to seyne Robert curthose williā●e Rous Richard also that deide Henry beauclerc and Maude also y● was the erles wife of Bleynes othir iiij doughtres after his wifes deth grete debate began bitwene hym the kyng of f●aunce Ph●lip but at the last they were accorded And tho duelled the kyng of Englond in Normandie and no man hym werred and he no mālonge tyme And the kyng of fraūce said vpon a day in scorne of kyng william that kyng william had longe tym leyne in child bed and longe tyme had rested hym ¶ And this worde come to the kyng of englond ther that he lay in normandie at Roen and for this word was tho ille paid and ek●
kyng of Englond the kyng of fraunce hir brother Ca. CC.ij THe kyng went tho vn to london ther thurgh coūceill of sir hugh the spencer the fadre of his sone of mastir robert Baldok a fals piled clerc his chaunceler let seise tho all the quenes londes in to his owne hande also all the landes that were sir Edwardis his sone were so put to hir wages ayenst all maner reson and that was thurgh the falsenesse of the spencers ¶ And when the kyng of fraūce that was quene Isabelles brother herd of this falnesse he was sore ānoied ayens the kyng of englond and his fals councelers wherfor he sent a letter vn to kyng Edward vnder his seal that he sholde come in to feaūce at a certeyn day for to done his homage ther to he somened hym and elles he sholde lese all gascoyne ¶ And so it was ordeyned in Englond thurgh the kyng his ●●●nceill that quene Isabell shold wende in to fraunce for to trete of ●ees bitwene hir lord hir brother And that Oliuer of yngham sholde wende in to Gascoyne haue with hym vij thousend men and moo of armes to bene seueshall and wardeyne of gascoine so it was ordeyned that quene Isabell wēt tho ouer see come in to fraunce with hir went sir Aymer of ●●launce erle of Penkroke that was ther mordred sodenly in ●ue vage but that was thurgh goddes vengeaunce for he was one of the ●ustices that consented to seint Thomas deth of lancastre wold neuer after repente hym of that wykked dede and at that tyme sir Oliuer of yngham went ouer in to Gascoyne did moch harme to the kyng of fraunce and tho gete ayene that kyng Edward had loste moch more ther to ¶ How kyng Edward sent sir Edward his sone the eldeste in to fraunce Ca. cc.iij THe quene Isabell nad but a quarter of a yere in fraunce duelled that sir Edward hir eldest sone ne axed leue for to wende in to fraunce for to speke with his modre ●sabell the quene the kyng his fadre graunted hym with a good wyll said to hym Go my faire sone in goddis blissyng myne thenke for to come ayen● as hastely as thou myght And he went ouer see come in to fraunce And the kyng of fraunce his vncle vnderfenge hym with mochel honour said vn to hym faire sone ye be welcom● and for cause that your fadre come not for to do his homage for the duchie of Gnyhenne as his Auncestres were wont for to do ●yeue yow that lordshipp to holde it of me in heritage as all maner Auncestres diden to for yow wherfor he was called duke of Gnyhenne ¶ How the kyng exiled his quene Isabell Edward his eldeste sone Ca. cc.iiij WHenne kyng Edward of englond herde telle how the kyng of fraunce had yeue the duchie of Gnyhenn● vn to sir Edward his sone withoute consent wyll of hym that his sone had vnderfonge the duchie he become wonder wroth sente to his sone by his lr̄e to his wife also that they shold come ayene in to englond in all the hast that they myght ¶ The Quene Isabell and sir Edward hir sone were wonder sore adrad of the kynges manace and of his wrathe principally the falsenesse of the spencers both of the fadre of the sone and at his cōmaundement they wold not come wherfor kyng Edward was full sore annoied let make a crie at london that yf Quene Isabell and Edward hir eldest sone come not in to Englond that they sholde bene hold as our enemies bothe to the Royame and to the croune of englond And for that they wold come in to Englond but bothe were exiled the modre and hir sone ¶ When the quene Isabell herd thees tydynges she was sore adrad to ben̄ shent thurgh the fals congettyng of the spencers And went with the kuyghtes that were exiled out of Englond for seint Thomas cause of lancastre that is to seyne sir Rogier of wigmore sir william Trussell sir Iohan of Cromwell many othir good knyghtes wherfor they toke hir counseill ordeyned amonges hem for to make a mariage bitwene the duke of Gnyhenne the kynges sone of Englond the Erles doughter of he naud that was a noble knyght of name a doughty in his tyme And yf that thyng myght be brought aboute than stode they trowyng with the helpe of god with his helpe to recouer hir heritage in Englond wher of they were put oute thurgh the fals congettynges of spencers ¶ How kyng Edward thurgh counceill of the spencers sent to the douzepers of fraunce that they shold helpe that the quene Isabell hir sone sir Edward weren exiled oute of fraunce Ca. CC.v. WHen kyng Edward the spencers herde how Quene Isabell and sir Edward hir sone had alied hem to the Erle of benaud and to them that were exiled oute of England for encheson of Thomas of Lancastre they were so sory that they nist what to done ¶ Wherfor Sir hugh spencer the sone said vn to Sir hugh his fadre in this maner wyse ¶ Fadre acursed be the tyme and the counceill that euer ye consented that Quene Isabell sholde gone vn to fraunce for to treten of accord bitwene the kyng of Englond and hir brother the kyng of fraunce for that was your coūceill For at that tyme forsoth your wit failled ¶ For I drede ●●e sore lest thurgh hir and hir sone we shull be shent but yf we take the better counceill Nowe faire sires vnderstondeth how mervaillous felonie and falshede the spencers ymagined and cast for priuely they let fylle v. bar●ll ferrors with siluer the some amounted v. thousend pounde and they sent tho barelles ouer see priuely by an alien that was called Arnold of spaigne that was a brocour of london that he sholde gone to the douzepers of fraunce that they sholde procuren and speke to the kyng of fraunce that Quene Isabell and hir sone Edward were driue and exiled oute of fraunce ¶ And amonge all othir thynges that they were brought to the deth as priuely as they myȝt But almyghty god wolde not so for when this Arnold was in the hie see he was take with selandres that met hym in the see and toke hym and lad hym to hir lord Erle of henauld moch ●oye was made for that takyng at the laste this Arnold ●uely stake away fro thens come to london And of this takyng of othir thynges the erle of henaude said to the Quene Isabell Dame maketh yow mery bene of good chere for ye be more richer than ye went haue bene take ye these v. barelles full of siluer that were sent to the douzepiers of Fraunce for to quelle yow and your sone Edward thenketh hastely for to wende in to englond and taketh ye with yow sir Iohan of henaude my brother and
to For a peple shall come oute of the northwest that shall make the goot sore adrad he shall venge him of his enemies thurgh counceill of two owles that first shall be in ꝑill for to bene vn done but the olde oule shall wende a certayne tyme and after he shall come ayene in to this land ¶ These two owles shullen do grete harme to many on and so they shall counceill the goot that he shall arere werre ayens the forsaid bere and at the last the goot the owles shall come at Burton vp Trent and shull wende ouer and for drede the bere shall flee and aswan with hym fro his companie to Burton toward the north ther they shull bene with an hard shour and than the swan shall be slayne with forwe and the bere taken and he heded alther next his nest that shall stonde vpon a broken brngge on whom the sonn̄ shall cast hir bemes and many shall hym seke for vertu that fro him shall come ¶ In the same shall die for sorwe and care a peple of his land so that many landes shull bene on hym the more bolder afterward and tho two owles shulle do moche harme to the forsaid flour of lyse and hir shull lede in distresse so that she shall passe o● in to fraunce for to make pees bitwene the goot and the flour delise and ther she shall duelle till a tyme that hir seed shall come seche hir they shullen be stille till a tyme that they shull hem cloth with grace and they shull seche the owles and shull put hem to despitou● deth ¶ And after shall this goot bene brought to disese and grete augnyssh and in sorwe he shall leue all his lyfe AFter this Goot shall come oute of wyndesore a bore that shall haue an hede of white a lyons herte and a pitous ●okyng his visage shall be reste to sike men his worde shall bene stanchyng of therst to hem that bene a therst his worde shall be gospell his beryng shall be meke as a lombe In the fyrst yere of his regne he shall haue grete payne to Iustifie hem that bene vntrewe And in his tyme shall his lande be multiplied with aliens ¶ And this bore thurgh fersenesse of herte that he shall haue shall make wolfes become lambes and he shall be called thurgh out the world boor of holynesse fersenesse of nobilesse and of mekenesse and he shall done mesurably all that he shall haue to done vn to burgh of Ihrlm̄ and he shall whett his teth vpon the yates of Paris and vpon iiij landes Spaigne shall tremble for drede Gastoyne shall swete In fraunce he shall put his wynge his gret taille shall rest in England softely Almayne shall quake for drede of hym This boor shall yeue mantels to ij tounes of Englond and shall make the Riuer renne with blood and with brayne he shall make many medewes reed and he shall gete as moche as his Auncestres diden and er that he be dede he shall bere iij. cron̄es and he shall put a land in to grete subiectione and after it shall be releued but not in his tyme ¶ This boor after he is dede for his doughtynesse shall be entered at Coloigne and his land shall be than fullfylled of all good AFter this Boor shall come a lambe that shall haue feet of leed an hede of bras an hert of a loppe a swynes skyn and an harde and in his tyme his lāde shall bene in pees the fyrst yere of his regne he shall do make a cite that all the world shall speke ther of ¶ This lambe shall leue in his tyme a grete part of his lande thurgh an hidons wolfe but he shall recouer it yeue a lordshipp to an Egle of and this Egle shall well gouerne it till the tyme that pride shall hym ouergone Allas the sorwe For he shall deye of his brothers suerd and after shall the lande fall to the forsaid lambe that shall gouerne the land in pees all his lyfes tyme and after he shall die and the land be full fylled of all maner good AFter this lambe shall come a molde warpe cursed of goddes mouthe a caytyfe a coward an hare he shall haue an Elderly skyne as a gote and vengeaūce shall fall vpon hym for synne In the fyrst yere of his regne he shall haue of all good grete pleute in his lande and toward hym also and in his lande he shall haue grete preisyng till the tyme that he shall suffre his peple lyue in to moche pride without chastisyuge wherfor god wull be wroth ¶ Than shall aryse vp a dragon of the north that shall bene full fers and shall me●● werre ayens the forsaid Molde warpe and shall yeue hym bataill vpon a stone ¶ This dragon shall gadre ayene in to his companye a wolfe that shall out come of west to begynne werre ayens the forsaid Molde werpe in his side and so shull the dragon and he bynde hir tailles to gedre ¶ Than shall come a lion oute of Irland that shall falle in companie with hem and than shall tremble the land that than shall be called Englond as an aspen leef And in that tyme shall castelles be felled a doune vpon thamyse and it shall seme that seuerne shall be drie for the bodies that shull falle dede therin The iiij chief flodes in Englond shull renne in bloode and grete dred shull be and angnyssh that shull arisen ¶ After the molde warpee shall flee and the dragon ¶ The lyon and the wolfe hem shull driue a way and the land shall be withoute hem And the Moldewarpe shall haue no maner power sauf only a shippe wher to he may wende And after that he shall gone to londe whan the see is withdrawe And after that he shall yeue the thridde part of his lande for to haue the fourth part in pees and rest and after he shall leue in sorwe all his lyfes tyme And in his tyme the hote bathes shullen becomen colde and after that shall the Molde warpe die auentoursly and sodenly Allas the sorwe for he shall be draynt in a flode of the see His seed shall become fadrelees in strange land for euermore And than shall the land be departed in iij. parties that is to sey to the wolfe to the dragon and to the lyon and so shall it be for euermore and than shall this land be called the land of conqueste And so shull the rightfull heires of Englond ende ¶ How Arthur ouercome Guyllomere that was kyng of Irland and how the scottes becomen his men Capitulo septuagesimosexto WHen Guillomer that was kyng of Irland had tydynge that kyng Arthur was entred at Glastenbury he ordeyned a grete power of Irisshmen come to the see with his Irissh peple so come in to Scotland ouer the see and arriued fast● by ther that kyng Arthur was with his hoost anone as he wyste ther of he wente towardes hym and