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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02375 The contre-Guyse vvherein is deciphered the pretended title of the Guyses, and the first entrie of the saide family into Fraunce, with their ambitious aspiring and pernitious practises for the obtaining of the French crowne. 1589 (1589) STC 12506; ESTC S120871 51,697 96

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the bodie or rather to slay and not to heale to vexe not to comfort by darkenesse to shewe light and by crueltie to teach courtesie If thou wilt not destroy thou must vse instruction to instruct thou must subuert to subuert thou must conuince and to conuince reason is necessarie Is it reason to passe to condemnation before proofe to commit the stewes to the reformation of harlots and the execution of sentence to the partie adiudged To the generall reasons of this discourse the king of Nau. and prince of Conde do adde particulat exceptions As that by decree of Charles the 6. published anno 1369. it was forbidden to excommunicate any towne communaltie bodie or colledge of this realme besides that by the priuiledges of the lilly the Pope can not excommunicate either the k● or his subiectes so that Clement the 5. by his bull made voide the interdiction of Boniface the 8. against Philip the faire declared this realme exēpt frō the Popes power so was accounted adiudged by Alexander the 4. Grogory the 8. 9. 10. 11. Clement the 4. Vrban the 5. Benedict the 12. Also in the yeare 1488. the kings proctor appealed as of abuse from the excommunication that the Pope had cast vpon the inhabitantes of Gaunt vassals to the crowne of France And the court of Parliament by a decree of the 27. of Iune 1526. and an other of the last of Ianuary 1552. declared the clause by the Apostolike authoritie inserted into the Popes rescriptes and sent into France to be voide and abusiue Againe when in March 1563. the Romish inquisition had cited the Queene of Nauarre personally to appeare before the Pope within 6. months vnder paine of confiscation of goods king Charles the 9. thinking that this adiournment touched his honor and the priuiledges of his realme tolde the Popes Nuntio that hee would chastise the authors of that enterprise As in the like case did Lewes the young 1143. deale with Tibault Earle of Champagne who had procured Raoul Earle of Vermandois to be censured Hereunto do I adde with Du Du Tillet cap. of the Peere Tillet bishop of Meaux that wee ought not to suffer a peere to be excommunicate because we are to be conuersant with him about the kinges counsels who in case hee had not whereof to liue ought to finde him Vpon such reasons examples and priuiledges do the king of Nauar prince of Conde depende and as true Frenchmen make a shield against the enimies of France who for preparing the way to their ambition with the price of the poore people do studie to corrupt those goodly priuiledges vsing the priest of Rome as the minister of their furie who being filled with rashnosse haue hatched The Guizians second pretence all the tragedies at this day played in France yea euen so farre as to seeke to make the king to nominate a successor to the Crowne In olde time the Dictator Fabius Buteo endeuouring to bring into order that which time and necessitie had disordered sayde that he would not depose out of the Senate anie of those whome the Censors C. Flaminius Liuius li. 3. dec 3. and L. Aemilius had established Who can then beleeue that the king woulde depriue from the right of the realme those that are called not by the Censors but by the lawe which is the ●●le of Censure I meane that grounded lawe of France by vertue whereof the successor is seised in a manner during his predecessors life and without other inuestiture is halfe possessioner wherof groweth this prouerbe In France the king neuer dieth Besides to corrupt those lawes whereby hee reigneth after his predecessors euen since the beginning of this Monarchie were as much as to hate himselfe for although we liue vnder a soueraigne whose handes can not be bound yet must we say with L. Valerius against the Oppian law There be lawes that Liuius li. 4. dec 4. be inuiolable in respect of the perpetuall profite of the common wealth and there be others necessarie for a time only those do neuer die but these are mortall according to the diuersitie of occurrences So that these thinges thus by nature distinguished we place first the laws Royall and such as concerne the state of the realm because they be annexed and vnited to the crowne as is this lawe of succession to the preiudice wherof the king can not elect any other successor then whom the same doth appoint him and in this case we may say that which Pacatius saide to the Emperour Theodosius That onely is lawfull for thee to doo Bartol in li. prohibere Plane f. quod fiant clam that the lawes do permit and no otherwise for diuerse considerations First that that is obserued in part must take place in all But the kings do holde it for a generall rule that the publike demaynes are by nature holy sacred and inalienable For that cause was the towne of Zikeleg that Achis gaue to Dauid neuer alienated And the kinges of Englande France Spaine and Polande do sweare neuer to dismember their demaynes yea the king of Englande in his treatie with the Pope and Potentates of Italy added this clause That they should giue no part of the demaynes of Fraunce for the deliuerie of king Frances The reason is because the demaines of the Crowne is a publike valuation in respect of the prosperitie thereof the profite whereof is made priuate and particular to the king that reigneth only so long as he liueth This caused the Emperour Pertinax to raze his name that was grauen in demainiall inheritances that Antonine the pitifull would not dwell but vpon his owne inheritance and that Lewes the 8. chose rather to sell his owne moueables iewels for the satisfying of his legacies then to touch the demains which considering the other rights of the common wealth can be tearmed but a part thereof so that if the king can not alienate much lesse may he passe away his kingdome and subiectes from one stocke to an other The second consideration shall be taken of the example of tutors who as witnesseth Aulus Gellius lib. 5. cap. 9. could not passe away their pupils into other mens power neither kinges their subiectes considering that they are onely tutors to the people to whose generall benefite their eyes ought to be more open then to their owne particular commodities and by the saying of an auncient man Euen as tutorshippe so the charge of Cicer. lib. 1 Offic. the common wealth hath more regarde to the profite of the Gouernors then of the gouerned So that if the king being ledde by euill counsell transferreth his realme the fittest to succeed may frustrate whatsoeuer hath beene done to his preiudice which was put in practise by Charles the 7. against Henry the 5 king of France and England who in respect of his marriage with Lady Katherin of France daughter to Charles the 6. was inuested in this realme as appeareth by the